#asap rocky after party
disarmluna · 4 days
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alxyax2 · 7 months
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Old pfw takes #bloody Osiris
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chuusheartattck · 3 months
Chapter 5- Party O’ Clock ☕️
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As you, Hu Tao, and Ayaka were done getting ready, you all piled up in the Kamisato family car. Which happens to be a Rolls Royce. These damn rich people and their fancy cars.
Ayato, Ayaka’s brother, was designated driver. Ayaka has yet to acquire her license.
“Damn girl!” Hu Tao looked around the car with amazement, “If you would’ve told me you had one of these I would have been coming over every day.”
Ayaka only giggled. You felt like an actual celebrity in this car. Not like you aren’t one, it just never hit you till now. You’re going to one of the biggest parties in the entertainment industry that was kept on the low from the public.
It all felt so surreal. As you were having this realization, Ayaka handed her phone to you to play some music. You stared at her phone trying to come up with something to play.
A moment passes and still being indecisive, you handed the phone to Hu Tao. You can be aux in someone’s car another day.
Hu Tao was always good at aux. She selected Sundress by Asap Rocky first. Hu Tao then queued up a few more songs before handing the phone back to Ayaka.
The car ride was mostly filled with Ayaka and Hu Tao talking. You or Ayato would sometimes chime in. Usually you’re a yapper, however, you had this sense of dread in you.
You didn’t know what it was. Was it because it was your first time going to one of these things? Or was it because you knew you were going to have to encounter the one person you wish you wouldn’t have to see after high school.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the car had stopped. It was only when Hu Tao tapped your shoulder that you realized you had arrived.
You stepped out of the car and got a good look at the place. A giant manor appeared in front of you. A beautiful fountain made out of marble centered in the middle. Greenery hugged the perimeter. How was THIS kept from the public? Furina must’ve used your Espresso money to pay for all this.
Honesty, it felt like you didn’t belong here.
Hu Tao grabbed your hand and led you inside. A lot of high end celebrities were here. Some of them you were a big fan of. Nonetheless, this wasn’t the place to be asking them for pictures. In the corner you spotted Lyney, Lynette, and Mona who were all at the bar.
“There you guys are!” Mona exclaimed.
She hugged you, Hu Tao, and Ayaka.
“Can we take some shots already??” Hu Tao questioned.
She was very eager to get wasted. Ironic because she was telling you not to a few days ago.
The bartender poured everyone a shot of Soju.
Then another.
One more.
Now you, Hu Tao, Lyney, and Mona were all four shots deep. Lynette doesn’t drink and Ayaka only had one since she’s a lightweight. You could handle a few more but you didn’t want to get blackout hammered. Hu Tao’s warning was still in the back of your mind. You only picked up a White Claw to be drinking throughout the night.
You left your friends at the bar and decided to explore on your own. That was, until you noticed a familiar orange hair in the distance.
It seemed to notice you to.
“Holy shit! Is that Y/n?” It was Childe. Who appeared to be very drunk already.
“Holy shit! Is that my prom mosh pit buddy?” You responded. He couldn’t help but laugh.
During your senior prom you spent the entire time in the dance circle/mosh pit with Childe. It was fun but very unexpected.
You and Childe exchanged a reunion hug. He smelled of alcohol and sweat.
“Dude how many shots have you taken?” You begin to ask. It was a bit concerning he was already fucked up this early.
“Uhh only like 7??” Childe chuckled. His speech slurring a bit.
“What the fuck?” It impressed you.
“How have you been though? We barely spoke at the grad party. Your new song is honestly really good.” Childe commented on. He was always nice to you. Never had any malicious intent, which was surprising considering who his friends are.
You hesitated before responding, “I’ve been good. I barely saw you at the party that was my bad! I liked your movie with Lumine. Anyone but You right?”
“Thank you! I had a fun time filming it. I didn’t know you watched my movies.” Childe simply responded. He always had a flirty tone whenever he talked to people.
Childe then pulled out a geek bar and took a hit. The smell of candy filled the air. He then offered it to you.
You stared at it for a moment. Fuck it. You took a hit of the blowpop flavored vape. Of course you inhaled wrong and began coughing up a storm. Childe started laughing his ass off.
“This is why I hate nic. Fucking fein.” You barely formed the sentence. Hacking and coughing up your lungs. You took a sip of your White Claw to bring back moisture to your throat.
“Y/n, you good?” Childe asked while continuing to laugh.
Before you could even respond, he was whisked away by Venti. You both said your goodbyes and you were on your own once again.
Sipping your White Claw you began to feel a little tipsy, so you decide to sit down somewhere. You always underestimate alcohol. As soon as you sat down, it felt like the whole world was spinning. You felt dizzy but in a good way. It felt good to be drunk.
It took you a minute to notice someone was next to you, until you smelled a joint being sparked up. Obviously you turned to the source of the smell.
It was none other than Xiao and the singer Albedo from Mondstadt Entertainment. How did they know each other? Who knows. Albedo was the first one to notice you though.
“Hello. Aren’t you Y/n?” He questioned.
You got a little shy. It was weird to have one of your favorite artists know your existence. Damn. No more parasocial relationships for you.
Xiao responded for you, “They’re the one who has a twitter feud with Scaramouche.”
“You didn’t have to tell him all that.” You responded with embarrassment. It was true though, currently you’re trending for fighting with the most popular person under Inazuma Entertainment.
“Shits funny though. We always laugh about it in the group chat.” Xiao mentioned as he took a hit from the joint.
They talk about you in the Inazuma group chat?
“Oh so am I like a household name there?” You joked. You were always intimidated by him. Xiao always looks so mad. However, the alcohol is making your fears go away.
“Yeah kinda. By the way, do you smoke?” Xiao asked nonchalantly, his body shifted to look at you. It felt like his eyes were piercing through your soul.
This caught you off guard, “I sometimes do when I have stuff.”
Xiao then handed you the joint and you took a long hit. You didn’t cough this time. If you were being honest, you preferred weed over nicotine, It doesn’t smell as great but it also doesn’t make you feel sick.
You passed it to Albedo, who took a long inhale. This could be seen as a dream blunt rotation or a nightmare blunt rotation. However, it wasn’t until the end where you felt the weed hit. Mix with the alcohol, you began to feel crossed. You began to feel so giggly and everything moved so slow.
You turned to the both of them, “What the hell was in this?”
“Don’t worry it’s not laced. It’s just weed imported from Snezhnaya. My plug is from there.” Albedo reassured you.
“You have a plug?” Your question came out more of a surprise than you have intended.
“Yes. He’s the best. Here let me give you my number so we can smoke again. Xiao give them yours too.” Albedo grabbed your phone from you to type in his number. Xiao then grabbed the phone from Albedo and typed in his number as well.
You felt proud of yourself for scoring two hot guy’s numbers. Were you actually going to text them? Who knows!
The more you sat down, the more you realized how stuffy and hot the place was becoming. You excused yourself and went out onto the balcony to get some fresh air.
The cold air stung as you had exited the warm party. It quickly felt nice though. As you hung your head over the balcony, you heard footsteps approaching behind you.
Turning around, you saw the person you wanted to avoid the most tonight. Scara fucking mouche.
As you guys made eye contact he scoffed and looked away. He looked the same as ever. Fortunately, still good looking. Unfortunately, still short.
There was a bit of awkward silence before you began to spoke.
“Can’t you see I was here first?” Alcohol makes you appear more bolder.
“How fucking drunk are you?” Scara asked in a harsh tone. “And are you high too? You smell like weed.”
“That’s none of your business.” You retorted.
He rolled his eyes, “You don’t change do you?”
He walked next to you on the balcony. There was still a decent amount of space between you guys. You glanced over to him. Scara’s hair looks grown out but still healthy, despite often dying it purple. His violet eyes were looking out into the outside portion of the party. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he’d be someone who’s the opposite of what he actually is.
Scara then took out a pack of cigarettes and began lighting one. You stared at it hoping he’d offer it to you. You love smoking cigs when drunk. For someone who sings, you sure do smoke a lot.
“You’re not sharing this with me.” Scara said plainly. Not even glancing at you.
“Wasn’t planning on it.” You looked away from him. The cool air felt pleasant against your skin. You could hear the music blaring from the inside and the people mingling down below. It was better than any other party you had attended.
There was another long silence between you guys. It didn’t feel awkward anymore. It was more nostalgic and comforting than anything. So you began to talk once again.
“Do you still talk to Aether or Kazuha?” The question always lingered in your mind. Those were some of the mutual friends you guys had shared. You haven’t spoken to either of them since graduation.
“Yes, sometimes” Scara responded in a monotone voice. He didn’t seem interested to talk to you. You didn’t care though.
There was yet again another long silence. This time, he stuck out his hand to you. Offering the cigarette.
“Take it before I change my mind.” He mumbled.
You took the cigarette from his hand, now sharing it with him. You were too out of it to notice the bitter taste. Perhaps, it was the liquor masking the true taste of the cigarette. Perhaps, it was the liquor that was the real reason you were feeling more bold to ask this certain question. One that has been lingering in your mind the longest. The question you were worried about the answer the most.
“Did you ever like talking to me?”
The question shifted the tension in the air.
Scara was calculating his response. The longer he took to respond, the more anxious you felt.
“You were a nice friend to talk to.” He finally answered.
The answer disappointed you.
Just a friend? Seriously? After all those nights on facetime, him listening to you rant, him getting upset when you took too long to respond, him sending you over 20 tiktoks a day, him recommending you songs or movies, and him getting jealous over random guys. That was just him being a friend?
“Are you fucking serious right now?” You snapped at him. You turned your body to face his.
“What??” Scara retorted, barely glancing in your direction.
“If I was just a friend then why were you so ashamed of me? Why did you never tell anyone we would talk on the daily?” You began to press into him.
“You never told anyone either! You barely even told Hu Tao.” Scara argued back, finally facing you.
“And you only told Childe! I didn’t know what we were. You always seemed embarrassed to talk to me at school. We rarely hung out outside of school. And you let your friends harass me.” Your feelings from the past year gushed out of you. You weren’t holding back.
“Yeah you’re right. I was embarrassed of you. Everyone at school made fun of you because you were a trainee. Your personality made it unbearable and that’s why you only had a few friends. Anyone associated with you was questioned and also made fun of. I at least wanted to keep my connections.” Scara’s words felt like a knife to the heart.
Deep down, you knew that most people around you felt like you were a burden for pursuing your idol dreams. Everytime you would apologize for flaking because you were practicing, how you would talk about what happened at practice, and how hard you tried to fit in. It never seemed good enough for people. You tried your best being friendly but people often thought you were fake. It just hurt coming from someone you thought cared about you.
“You seriously considered how people felt? I thought you didn’t care what people thought about you. I thought you were different.” Your voice cracked as you tried to hold back tears.
“It’s different when it came to you. You were the joke of the grade. You may have had some friends but did you ever wonder what people thought of them? For being associated with you?” His questions grilled into you like an interrogation.
Your friends always comforted you. Not once did they ever mention their image getting tarnished. Sure they would sometimes get teased for even speaking to you, but they never seemed to care. Right?
“Then what about Childe?” You finally argued back, “He was always nice to me. I don’t recall anyone teasing him for texting or speaking to me.”
“That’s because he’s respected enough. No one dared to bully him or even say anything to him about his friends.” Scara replied nonchalantly.
It was irritating to see him not care about how his words would affect you. You had enough.
“Whatever. Fuck you and fuck your friend group. You never deserved me or everything I did for you, you little ungrateful cunt. You’re dead to me.“ Those were your final words to him before storming off. All the emotions began to pour out of you as you began to walk away.
As Scara saw you walk off, he turned back to face the night sky. “What a dramatic bitch.” He muttered before finally finishing the cigarette you two had shared. As he threw it on the ground, he felt a sort of guilt. Did he really need to tell you all that?
You deserved to know.
Scara looked around at the people in attendance. He then noticed something in the corner of his eye. Someone was throwing up in a bush. Someone familiar….for fucks sake it’s Venti. Kokomi at his side comforting him. Scara groaned not believing what he is seeing. He walked back into the party so he could help his somewhat friend.
Meanwhile, you were trying your best to find your friends. You wanted to leave this party asap. You dialed Ayaka’s number and luckily she picked up. They were by the snack table. You hurriedly met up with them.
When you got there, Lyney, Mona, and Hu Tao were wasted out of their minds. It was an amusing sight.
What wasn’t an amusing sight, was you visibly shaken up. Naturally, it didn’t take long before they noticed.
“Hey Y/n are you alright?” Lynette asked. She always had a keen eye for people’s body language.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I ran into Scaramouche and we had this giant argument.” You hesitated in answering. Nervous on how the others might react.
“YOU WHAT? NAH where is he?! Lemme go beat his ass!” Hu Tao tried standing up but she fell on top of Lyney.
“Get your fat ass off of me!” Lyney slurred.
“Y/n do you want to leave? We were about to head out right now and text you.” Ayaka mentioned.
You nodded. This party was fun until you had a run in with him.
“Lynette, do you and the others want to sleepover at my place with us?” Ayaka offered.
Lynette glanced over at Lyney and Mona, who were fighting over the last cookie. She then looked at Ayaka and nodded.
Lynette, Lyney, and Mona got into Lynette’s car meanwhile you, Hu Tao, Ayaka, and Ayato got into the car you arrived in. The car ride was silent. You were still drunk and angry at what had happened earlier so you whipped out your phone to send a few texts.
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You closed your eyes for the remainder of the car ride. When you opened them, had finally arrived to the Kamisato Estate. It’s as big inside as it is outside.
Ayaka showed you all to your rooms and you all began to unwind for the night. You immediately collapsed onto the bed. The world still spinning around you and memories from the party flood your brain. You tried your best to repress those thoughts and fall asleep.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: Chapter 5 done!! This is my first written chapter so I apologize if it’s really long. I was too lazy to split it up into two parts. (That’s pretty much why I lowk rushed the ending) I know this chapter was a bit dramatic but I lowk had a fun time writing it. This isn’t even all the lore between Scara and Y/n 🤫 Also let’s pretend the Kamisato Estate is close to where the party is being held 💔 I’m bad at geography.
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @veekoko @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @skyvella @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3
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ldrfanatic · 22 days
Okay first of all.
I am so proud of you girl <333 Like literally you deserve it so much and the event is just 🛐
So I will go with a milk - Slytherin boys
My info:
I am quiet tall 5’8.5 but it’s good cause i am the biggest fashion lover. And my height let me rock fits. I am obsessed with shoes especially sneakers. I love streetwear and high fashion.
When it comes to my appearance i have dark blond/light brown wavy long hair and icy blue eyes. My friends are always making fun of me cause i got huge lips naturally and they call me either bitch face or bristlenose.
Nevertheless, I am the biggest sweetheart ever. I am always life and soul of the party and i just love people. It sometimes sucks as my friends need to protect me as I am bit too naive and trusting.
+ I love flirting. Like making boys lose their heads is my full time job. I don’t like hurting people feelings so when things can get serious i ran away as i am kinda scared of love after my father being a cheater.
When it comes to hobbies as i said Fashion is my whole life and plan for future. But i also dance i am ex hip hop now ballet dancer. And i wear headphones 24/7 listening to ASAP rocky, Plaboy Carti or Travis.
That’s all :)))))
Sending kisses to you shanty 😫 and i am so so so excited for it‼️
Thank You So Much Anon!!!
1000 follower celebration my bookcase
I pair you with…. Mattheo Riddle! Hear me out:
So, Mattheo is not that much taller than you because he’s only about 6’0 but it’s perfect. He’s the perfect amount of taller than you to still be hot but not so much taller that either of you has to work too hard when you want a kiss (and kisses are very important to Mattheo)
He loves your style. Mattheo is a big fan of ass and there’s nothing that he loves more than a good paid of jeans. and with your long legs too? yeah he’s passed out.
Mattheo likes to joke but he will seriously lay out anyone that genuinely hurts your feelings or pokes fun at you for your lips. He’s dead serious. And completely unapologetic. Your eyes were definitely the first thing that he noticed about you and he’s not ashamed to admit it.
He is 100% down for protecting you and keeping you innocent and like untouched in a way. Before you started dating a lot of people warned you about Mattheo but then you realized how much of a teddy bear he is inside and that most people just only got either scary Mattheo or super flirty Mattheo.
After the two of you start dating, you guys become the center of pretty much every major happening at hogwarts. not only because you’re both super social, but also because Mattheo now focuses all of his efforts on you and can and will get distracted by your existence no matter what setting it is. (Mattheo, it’s the middle of a quidditch match, get back on your broom dawg).
He does understand that with your past and his reputation, why you might be scared. For the first few months you guys take it kind of slow. He doesn’t put any labels on anything until you’re ready but he lets you and everyone else know that he’s yours.
He loves watching you dance and will sometimes sneak into the room if he sees you dancing just to watch for a little while. He will be whatever you need him to be when you’re designing whether it’s someone to give a second opinion, hold your supplies, or just test out fabrics to tell you which ones are too scratchy.
You guys have incredibly similar tastes in Music due to the fact that Mattheo will listen to pretty much anything that he thinks has a good beat. He loves Travis and listens to a decent amount of both Jack Harlow and Rod Wave. Don’t ask him about a favorite song tho. He can’t choose.
mattheo’s nicknames for you:
- goddess (most frequent use)
- honey bunches (mostly in the beginning said it to annoy you but now it’s caught on and he can’t stop)
- will call you a siren or a temptress if you’re in a really killer dress for any kind of event or date.
TYSM for this ask. I tried to get it as detailed as possible! :)
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thisismeracing · 10 months
komh thots
sir lewis carl davidson hamilton would officiate the union of his dear little sister and his co worker
they announce they're engaged and lewis is signing up to be an ordained minister, they cant stop him
in a similar vein, gina is making herself maid of honor and seb is making himself best man
one of my og thots was estie being best man but then i remembered the 5'9" 4x wdc german man and how he is one of mick's closest friends
i can see george william russell worming his way into being in the wedding party as a groomsman and him dragging carmen into the wedding party as well
and then we can have roscoe as ring bearer and angie as flower girl
half of the wedding party invited themselves in, but mickyn wouldnt have it any other way
because these are the people they love and they are happy that they are so adament on being part of their special day
OMG OMG LARA JACK ROSCOE AND ANGIE 😭😭😭😭 the quartet we stan!
Lewis would def sign to be the official
Seb to best man, totally!!! Especially because he 1) helped lewis get the license to officiate the wedding and 2) helped mick with the proposal. He’s mick’s and lewis’ bestie and they def hang out whenever they can.
I have to add that I think mickyn would get married in secret though 👀 like, a small trip with just direct family, their parents, and siblings. It would be a small ceremony, maybe they rented a private beach because Yn always wanted to get married at the beach but she also wanted to do the whole church thing and you know how mick would do anything for her right? So he rented a portion of a beach Yn always talked about, and they spent a week there. It’s small, and intimate, everything party-related was either handmade by them or brought from locals. her dress was handmade by locals artisans too (corinna got everything ready and just surprised yn with it) and baby blue, it matched mick’s eyes and the water and sky behind them in the pictures. their families would spend a day after the ceremony and then fly back home leaving the two to enjoy a small honeymoon. once they get back home everyone is a bit sus because the whole hamilton and schumacher family went mia for a week, and then mick and yn show up all giddy (more than ever), and it's not hard to find, but only because they decide to tell their friends, and set an official date for the big party. It will take six months or so, they’ll get married in a church, following the rites, yn wearing a white dress, mick a tux, seb best man, jack, and laura bearing the rings, roscoe and angie with the flowers, charles will play the piano, he’ll probably gift them with a special composition, danny will have his camera around his neck all smiley and wavey registering some moments, and lando will play dj at the party. It will be HUGE as you can imagine, the whole grid, and people that work with them on a regular basis, even rihanna and asap rocky attended bc reader loves them and of course they wouldnt pass an invitation from the hamiltons (now a schumacher-hamilton)
I guess I got carried away 🤭 but yeah now you got me thinking about mickyn wedding and I- 😩😵‍💫🥹
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samkerrworshipper · 10 months
ANYTHING except death mental punk rock
okokok so this is the biggest mixture but some of my all time favs lol compiled into one long list
headlines - drake
what once was - hers
the 30th - billie eilish
say yes to heaven - lana del ray
good days - SZA
sundress - asap rocky
stargirl interlude - the weeknd
burn, burn, burn - zach bryan
self control - frank ocean
hallucinogenics - matt maeson
california dreamin’ - the mamas & the papas
black friday - tom odell
thinkin bout you - frank ocean
i know - tom odell
you & me - disclosure
making the bed - olivia rodrigo
if u think i’m pretty - artemas
hoax - taylor swift
at last - etta james
confidence - ocean alley
you should probably leave - chris stapleton
lacy - olivia rodrigo
pain, sweet, pain - zach bryan
rough - g-flip
sad girl - lana del ray
mamas boy - dominic fike
thrills - spacey jane
the party & the after party - the weeknd
nothing matters - the last dinner party
tourniquet - zach bryan
take me to church - hozier
reminder - the weeknd
trust - brent faiyaz
broken halos - chris stapleton
the spins - mac miller
kill bill - SZA
homecoming - kanye west
good for you - spacey jane
seasons (waiting on you) - future islands
to be so lonely - harry styles
yellow mellow - ocean alley
i say a little prayer - aretha franklin
i’m not alone 2019 edit - calvin harris
cinnamon girl - lana del ray
the last great american dynasty - taylor swift
bad idea! - girl in red
for emma - bon iver
united in grief - kendrick lamar
woman - harry styles
body paint - the cornerstone
sunny - boney m
gilded lily - the cults
all these things i’ve done - the killers
booster seat - spacey jane
labour - paris paloma
eat your young - hozier
amber - 311
norman fucking rockwell - lana del ray
the love club - lorde
clair de lune - flight facilities
cloudbusting - kate bush
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
who speaks like that? "Just met married couple..."
We dont always talk about how "married " a couple is or talk about their relationship title . Especially if there's proof and conformation of that couple being a couple 😉........( we know that there's no certificate with these 2)
Throughout the entire of this relationship........they are never naturally out doing things regular couples do.......They have to be all dressed up at a CAA or UTA or Award after parties photographed by Chefs and paparazzi . Totally normal 😶🤔
Usually peaple say I just met "so and so"
"i just met boyfriend and girlfriend " or "just met married couple"
Eg: "I just Rihanna and Asap Rocky" Or "Just ran into Tom and Zandeya at......"
Again weird but not shocking with these 2...🤔
hope I make sense.���
Don't worry, An🫶n. You make complete sense 😁
Seriously, with those two. Nothing is natural. Not their pap walks, not their pictures (seriously who's neck bends like that?!😅), and certainly not their relationship.
Guy sounded as unnatural as anything. And it's the wording of the whole post... It's like a kid who's writing in their diary for the first time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Especially the "They both cheers-d me after!"
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judesbelligoal · 13 days
Didn’t Rih fuck a man (Hassan the Saudi) that her “friend” used to date? A man she allegedly met through said friend? I’m confused as to how Twitter made Naomi the villain. If this was any other woman, they’d be dragged for being a disloyal hoe but since it’s everyone’s favorite ran-through… it’s okay to mock the friend who was betrayed.
Funny how Rih kept talking about marriage while with Hassan but he never actually wanted her for the long run. He only started talking about marriage AFTER they broke up. Imagine losing a friend over that. 😬
I’ll never forget how she went back to frolicking with BBL Drizzy briefly after the breakup; that went to hell too. Then she took Rocky out of a ten-year friendzone as her “final” destination (mind you, he slept with Drake’s baby mama around same time as Drake did, so there was confusion about Adonis’ paternity. Both them niggas took tests). There’s a whole picture of Chris Brown, Drake and A$AP Rocky together at some party back in like 2019. Never mind, Travis Scott. Rocky even follows Chris on IG (mind you, Chris doesn’t follow back). Homie-hopping is crazy. 😭
There’s no need for slut shaming but i think she did indeed take naomi’s men. Im not exactly sure of the details but i think thats where their problems started
Asap so weird for following chris like ew. Rihanna forgave him but still?
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playlistjunkie · 11 months
The 99 Best Halloween Songs Your Party Playlist Needs ASAP
Cosmopolitan - 8/3/23
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Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga
I Want Candy - Bow Wow Wow
Superstition - Stevie Wonder
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
Halloween - Misfits
Highway to Hell - AC/DC
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) - David Bowie
The Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden
Dracula's Wedding - Outkast
Is It Scary - Michael Jackson
Cemetery Drive - My Chemical Romance
Dracula - Gorillaz
Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeah
Unholy - Sam Smith ft. Kim Petras
Goo Goo Muck - The Cramps
Haunted - Taylor Swift
I Love the Dead - Alice Cooper
There Will Be Blood - Kim Petras
Nightmare - Halsey
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites - Skrillex
Monster - Lady Gaga
Take What You Want - Post Malone
Disturbia - Rihanna
Feed My Frankenstein - Alice Cooper
Everyday Is Halloween - Ministry
She Wolf - Shakira
Bury a Friend - Billie Eilish
Dracula’s Wedding - Outkast feat. Kelis
Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.
Monster - Kanye West feat. Jay Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, and Bon Iver
Spellbound - Siouxsie and the Banshees
Season of the Witch - Donovan
All Around Me - Flyleaf
Tombstone, Baby - Peaches
Somebody’s Watching Me - Rockwell
Monsta’ Mack - Sir Mix-a-Lot
Witchy Woman - Eagles
Enter Sandman - Metallica
Love Potion No. 9 - The Clovers
Black Magic Woman - Santana
Suspiria - Goblin
I Was a Teenage Werewolf - The Cramps
Debaser - Pixies
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
Time Warp - from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Release the Bats - The Birthday Party
X Files - Génération TV
Dead Man’s Party - Oingo Boingo
Howlin’ for You - The Black Keys
Shadows of the Night - Pat Benatar
Cold - The Cure
Ghost Ride It - Mistah F.A.B.
I Put a Spell on You - Screamin’ Jay Hawkins
Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran
Halloween Theme - John Carpenter
Monster Mash - Bobby “Boris” Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers
Bela Lugosi’s Dead - Bauhaus
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex
Night - Zola Jesus
The Haunted Man - Bat for Lashes
Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Never Land - Sisters of Mercy
Tainted Love -Soft Cell
The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Primus
Psycho Killer - Talking Heads
Werewolf Bar Mitzvah - Tracy Morgan and Donald Glover
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult
Turn Off the Light - Kim Petras feat. Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Ghost Town - The Specials
(Ghost) Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash
Are You Ready for Freddy - The Fat Boys
Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie
Devil in Me - Halsey
Zombie - The Pretty Reckless
Seven Devils - Florence and the Machine
Black Magic - Little Mix
Kill V. Maim - Grimes
Brujas - Princess Nokia
Mothercreep - FKA Twigs
Hang Me - Tancred
Haunted - Beyoncé
Bring Me to Life - Evanescence
Stranger Than Earth - Purity Ring
Bitch - Allie X
Roses - ABRA
Chimera - HANA
Gemini Feed - BANKS
Baby You're a Haunted House - Gerard Way
Zombie - The Cranberries
Spooky Scary Skeletons (Dma Illan Remix) - Andrew Gold
The Monster - Eminem feat. Rihanna
This Is Halloween - from The Nightmare Before Christmas
A Nightmare On My Street - DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince
Antichrist - The 1975
I'd Rather Be Burned As a Witch - Eartha Kitt
I Was All Over Her - Salvia Palth
Baby One More Time - The Marías
Thriller - Michael Jackson
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labelleperfumery · 1 year
A$AP Rocky & Rihanna Party at Met Gala After-Party 'Til Crack Of Dawn
Rihanna and A$AP Rocky were 2 hours late to the Met Gala but apparently wanted to squeeze the life out of their Met Gala after-party experience … leaving the Remedy Diner in the wee hours of Tuesday morning!!! The couple hazily greeted cameras… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2023/05/02/asap-rocky-rihanna-after-party-met-gala-dinner-nyc/
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playlistarchiver · 2 years
12/02/22 - music log
flishing lights - kanye west
no more party's in la - kanye west
forfiveseconds - kanye west, rihanna
amarican boy - kanye west
slow jamz - kanye west 
hurricane - kanye west
father stretch my hands pt.1 - kanye west 
power - kanye west
lavender haze - taylor swift
bound 2 - kanye west
black skinhead - kanye west 
praise God - kanye west
true love - kanye west
mixed personalities - kanye west, ynw melly
erase me - kid cudi, kanye west
n**as in pairs - kanye west, jay-z
touch the sky - kanye west, lupe fiasco
power - kanye west
go2damoon (feat. kanye west) - playboi carti, kanye west
heartless - kanye west
e.t - kanye west, katey perry
no church in the wind - kanye west, jay-z, frank ocean
dark fantasy - kanye west
all falls down - kanye west
all of the lights - kanye west
through the wire - kanye west
stronger - kanye west
ultralight beam - kanye west
all mine - kanye west
dreaming of the past (feat. kanye west) - kanye west pusha t
gorgeous - kanye west kid cudi, raekwon
everybody loves someone - dean martin
violent crimes - kanye west
dancing in the moonlight - king harvest
santa baby - la zarra
back home Christmas - high valley
please come back for Christmas - ryland james
single on the 25th - lauren spencer smith
sleigh ride - tim & the glory boys
winter wonderland - preston pablo
pennies from heaven - louis primes, sam butlers & the witnesses
mistletoe - justin bieber
let it snow - 10th anniversary - michele buble
psycho killer - 2005 remaster - talking heads 
all mine - kanye west
kissing you goodbye - the used
broken windows - the used
thank you for the venom - my chemical romance
sold my soul - the used
violence - blink-182
blood on my hands - the used
i never told you what i do for a living - my chemical romance
slit your own throat - the used
cubicles - my chemical romance
all the angles - live demo - my chemical romance
vertigo cave - the used
demolition lovers - my chemical romance
basket case - green day
hello my old heart - the oh hellos
this year - the mountain goats
story of an artist - daniel johnston
miss wanna die music box - saccharinne
straberry milk - saccharinne
happy girl - english version - saccharinne
my r music box - saccharinne
one soft boi - saccharinne
after spring ends - saccharinne
happy girl - instrumental - saccharinne
every day - bo en
happy girl - saccharinne
しかばねの踊り - kikuo
i deserve to bleed - sushi soucy
the court jester - thquib, fukase
smile - ukuletea
rat - penelope scott
internet friends - saccharinne
homecoming - kanye west, chris martin
moon - kanye west
follow god - kanye west
jukebox joints (feat. joe fox & kanye west) - asap rocky, joe fox, kanye west
jesus walks - kanye west
forever - drake, kanye west, lil wayne, eminem
gotta have it - jay-z, kanye west
otis - kanye west, jay-z, otis redding
who knew - the correspondents
its not a fashion statement, its a deathwish - my chemical romance
(one of those) crazy girls - paramore
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did asap cheat on rihanna with megan mod menu T8U#
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Rihanna Recently Unfollowed Megan Thee Stallion, And According To Reports, The Reason Is That ASAP Rocky Was Cheating On Her With Megan. Rihanna has unfollowed Megan Thee Stallion on Instagram amid cheating allegations saying ASAP Rocky cheated on Rihanna with Megan. A$AP Rocky has been accused of cheating on Rihanna with whom he is expecting his first child. They split up when she discovered out he was having an affair with. “Rihanna broke up with him after she caught him cheating with shoe designer Amina Muaddi,” he asserted. “ASAP & Amina is not new though as she. Days after her stunning Vogue cover was released, social media exploded with buzz that A$AP Rocky had cheated on his very pregnant girlfriend. They split up when she discovered out he was having an affair. The Umbrella hitmaker was said to have tricked her lover after she discovered him cheating with luxury shoe designer Amina Muaddi on Thursday. During a recent interview Asap Rocky whose real is name Rakim Athelaston Mayers and Rihanna have been in the news in the past few months for a variety of reasons. The couple who are expecting a baby this year have reportedly called quits on their relationship. This article details all the latest reports and headlines about the star couple. This sparked a lot of discussion about what the cause of that exchange was. Many outlets allege that Asap Rocky cheated on Rihanna although no official words have been issued by any of the parties involved. Early last month reports emerged that the relationship between the two was not the most cordial because Asap Rocky cheated on Rihanna with Megan Thee Stallion. However, the claim remains unverified now. This time another name being thrown in the mix is Amina Muaddi, a Paris-based shoe designer who is said to be the one involved with the thirty-three-year-old rapper. But nope! Not so much! And I certainly took a while to get over how much I know him and how much he knows me, because we also know how much trouble we can land each other in. I still have it too. I love the simple things but also the grand adventures. I just feel like I can do any part of life by his side. Mehera Bonner is a celebrity and entertainment news writer who enjoys Bravo and Antiques Roadshow with equal enthusiasm, She was previously entertainment editor at Marie Claire and has covered pop culture for over a decade. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. Mohammed Guys, does anyone know the answer? Do you want to see answer or more? Yes No. Mohammed 6 month ago. Guys, does anyone know the answer? Send Answer. Last Posts. In case of dissatisfaction, let us know so that we can delete the article you want. Click For Answer.
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did asap rocky cheat on rihanna with meg working AA6?
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hours after gossip spread on Twitter that A$AP Rocky cheated on his pregnant girlfriend Rihanna with shoe designer Amina Muaddi during last. On Thursday (April 14), Instagram fashion influencer Louis Pisano alleged in a tweet that Rihanna dumped ASAP after the rapper cheated on his. The rumor has it that Rocky cheated the legendary singer with Fenty footwear designer, Amina Muaddi. The source of this rumor has not been. Early last month reports emerged that the relationship between the two was not the most cordial because Asap Rocky cheated on Rihanna with Megan. Did A$AP Rocky cheat on Rihanna? The answer to this is simply no. One eyewitness who happened to dine at Craig's in Los Angeles at the same. They split up when she discovered out he was having an affair. The Umbrella hitmaker was said to have tricked her lover after she discovered him cheating with luxury shoe designer Amina Muaddi on Thursday. During a recent interview Asap Rocky whose real is name Rakim Athelaston Mayers and Rihanna have been in the news in the past few months for a variety of reasons. The couple who are expecting a baby this year have reportedly called quits on their relationship. This article details all the latest reports and headlines about the star couple. This sparked a lot of discussion about what the cause of that exchange was. Many outlets allege that Asap Rocky cheated on Rihanna although no official words have been issued by any of the parties involved. Early last month reports emerged that the relationship between the two was not the most cordial because Asap Rocky cheated on Rihanna with Megan Thee Stallion. However, the claim remains unverified now. This time another name being thrown in the mix is Amina Muaddi, a Paris-based shoe designer who is said to be the one involved with the thirty-three-year-old rapper. But nope! Not so much! And I certainly took a while to get over how much I know him and how much he knows me, because we also know how much trouble we can land each other in. I still have it too. I love the simple things but also the grand adventures. I just feel like I can do any part of life by his side. Mehera Bonner is a celebrity and entertainment news writer who enjoys Bravo and Antiques Roadshow with equal enthusiasm, She was previously entertainment editor at Marie Claire and has covered pop culture for over a decade. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. Mohammed Guys, does anyone know the answer? Do you want to see answer or more? Yes No. Mohammed 6 month ago. Guys, does anyone know the answer? Send Answer. Last Posts. In case of dissatisfaction, let us know so that we can delete the article you want. Click For Answer.
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did asap rocky cheat on rihanna with meg mod menu 33ZX+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hours after gossip spread on Twitter that A$AP Rocky cheated on his pregnant girlfriend Rihanna with shoe designer Amina Muaddi during last. On Thursday (April 14), Instagram fashion influencer Louis Pisano alleged in a tweet that Rihanna dumped ASAP after the rapper cheated on his. The rumor has it that Rocky cheated the legendary singer with Fenty footwear designer, Amina Muaddi. The source of this rumor has not been. Early last month reports emerged that the relationship between the two was not the most cordial because Asap Rocky cheated on Rihanna with Megan. Did A$AP Rocky cheat on Rihanna? The answer to this is simply no. One eyewitness who happened to dine at Craig's in Los Angeles at the same. Asap Rocky whose real is name Rakim Athelaston Mayers and Rihanna have been in the news in the past few months for a variety of reasons. The couple who are expecting a baby this year have reportedly called quits on their relationship. This article details all the latest reports and headlines about the star couple. This sparked a lot of discussion about what the cause of that exchange was. Many outlets allege that Asap Rocky cheated on Rihanna although no official words have been issued by any of the parties involved. Early last month reports emerged that the relationship between the two was not the most cordial because Asap Rocky cheated on Rihanna with Megan Thee Stallion. However, the claim remains unverified now. This time another name being thrown in the mix is Amina Muaddi, a Paris-based shoe designer who is said to be the one involved with the thirty-three-year-old rapper. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Source : Vimbuzz.
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silkdrita · 2 years
When should you announce your pregnancy
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With that, you might feel more up for socializing now…and more ready to get out and tell the world about your baby on the way. This is an exciting milestone, and feels like a big accomplishment, whether this is your first or fifth baby! Many pregnant folks feel an energy boost in the second trimester, and a lessening in the severity and frequency of morning sickness and other icky symptoms. Happily, after the 12-week mark, you are also entering your second trimester. The risk of miscarriage drops dramatically by 12 weeks for all age groups of expectant parents, meaning many moms- and dads-to-be feel more confident they have a viable pregnancy to announce once they cross this threshold. This unofficial benchmark is a sweet spot on the timeline for sharing pregnancy news. So many parents prefer to wait until after 12 weeks. Pregnancy is long, and in those final months it might get annoying if the people who’ve known about it since day, like, 40, are asking if you’re “still pregnant.” Of course, you might want to consider the protection of your privacy in case the unthinkable-a loss-occurs. Of course, there are some downsides to sharing the news too early. Plus, it gives everyone plenty of time to pitch in and help you prepare for Baby’s arrival. If this was a long-tried-for baby, perhaps, or is a first pregnancy on either side of the family, a right-away pregnancy announcement could be an amazing way to fill your loved ones’ hearts of hope and joy. Some expectant parents can’t wait to let the cat out of the bag… or the ultrasound out of the envelope, as it were. Announcing a Pregnancy Right Away (Around Five Weeks) Read on to help determine when to announce a pregnancy. Here are some common benchmarks at which many expectant parents like to share their baby news. However, there are several factors to consider about right time for you. Spreading the word about your bundle-to-be is such a personal choice and there’s no one right answer about the right time to announce a pregnancy. However, there are times when these parties don’t go exactly as planned.Pregnant? Congratulations!! If this is the first time you’ve read those words about this amazing journey, chances are you haven’t quite figured out how (and when!) to share your big news. Many Black mothers plan elaborate reveal parties to share the good news with family and friends. In the Black community, pregnancy announcements are cause for a celebration. Pregnancy announcements are a way for expectant mothers to introduce loved ones to the family’s newest addition. Their announcements often spark a wave of copycat reveals from fans who model their own pregnancy announcements after them. You can always count on celebrities to announce their pregnancies in shocking and unique ways. In the photos, fans can see Rihanna walking through Harlem wearing an unzipped, bright pink jacket and colorful body chain to frame her growing belly as ASAP Rocky proudly kissed her forehead.
The superstar billionaire showed off her baby bump in a series of photographs taken by celebrity photographer Miles Diggs. The internet nearly shut down when Rihanna made the announcement of her first child with rapper A$AP Rocky.
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polarisstop · 2 years
Tash sultana new album flow state download torrent
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Mura Masa’s signature steel drum-infused electronic pop is guaranteed to have you daydreaming of sunset parties on the beach. “1 Night” has all the charm and light-heartedness of his previous singles, and it’s a star turn from Charli on the heels of her fantastic mixtape, Number 1 Angel. Mura Masa-the British producer who recently made waves with the ASAP Rocky-assisted “Love$ick”-just announced that his debut album was finished and, today, dropped his latest star collaboration, this time with Charli XCX. Lorde pulls the curtain on the so-called “loveless generation” that relies on mind games and deception to prove to the outside world they’re doing okay post-breakup. At the four minute mark, the track shifts into a more upbeat, tongue-in-cheek outro. The production is a joint effort from Lorde, Frank Dukes, and Jack Antonoff snaps, drums and a cacophony of metallic-sounding electronic effects simmer to a boil upon reaching the chorus and are the perfect punctuation to the singer’s wiser-than-her-years lyricism. “Hard Feelings/Loveless” explores the less than romantic side of a relationship that has passed its expiration date, and dealing with the painful reminders everyday occurrences bring up. On Melodrama, Lorde pours all her experiences and emotions of the past four years since her debut into a perfectly wrapped gift box for fans to unravel and enjoy. The fallout from a breakup-especially your first love-can be an earth-shattering experience. Dot pops off as per usual, and the booming bass holding it all together is mesmerizing. In true, sardonic Staples style, he calls out the destructive lifestyles of current hip hop culture while K. Flume’s influence is hard to miss, but unlike their “Smoke and Retribution” joint for the electronic artist’s project, “Yeah Right” is a little more down and dirty it’s Sophie’s stripped-down, metallic monotony that really brings the track its energy. This track is a first time collaboration with Kendrick Lamar-whom Staples himself labeled “greatest rapper alive”-and features joint production from electronic leaders-of-the-pack Sophie and Flume. “Yeah Right” is an early standout, bringing out some new tricks. Shortly after its release, social media lit up with high praise for the project from both fans and critics. Vince Staples "Yeah Right" f/ Kendrick Lamarīig Fish Theory has arrived and, once again, vaulted Vince Staples back into the limelight. These are The Top New Songs You Should Listen to Right Now​. Let us stare at the Internet while you reap the rewards. So get up from your computers, and go do something productive. But sometimes a song takes a while to percolate before it pops off, which is why we will occasionally break our own rule. Mosts of the songs added on here will be those released within the last month or two. This is a chronologically ordered list, newest to oldest, based on release date, that will be updated weekly with all of the top songs of the moment, the ones that have already staged global takeovers and the others that have next. What follows are the top new songs in hip-hop, pop, EDM, and more. We spend hours every day watching for and listening to hordes of new music, and we've decided to put our best finds all in one place. All Rights Reserved.Hundreds of songs come out every month, and if you blink while looking at Apple Music, Spotify, SoundCloud, Twitter, or wherever else you hear about new music, you are bound to miss something. Tash is selling out theaters and clubs around the world, played major festivals including Coachella, Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo, ACL and more, and amassed hundred's of millions of streams globally on her Notion EP.© DirectToU LLC. The virtuosic playing of over 18 instruments, vocals that shine with a magical quality and the natural gift for melody that Tash possesses needs to be seen to be believed. Since Tash s grandfather gifted a guitar at the age of three, the self-taught artist quickly developed a unique style that has people lining up to see. A true virtuoso, Tash was soon selling out massive theaters globally and playing at the world s biggest festivals - no mean feat for an artist who just a year before was recording songs on a go pro in a bedroom. OutroTash Sultana is a dynamic young artist who has commanded world attention since homemade videos of Tash jamming went viral. Tash Sultana - Flow State Digital DownloadArtist: Tash SultanaTitle: Flow StateCondition: Format: CDRelease Date: 2018Label: Mom & Pop MusicUPC: 858275049220Genre: RockAlbum Tracks1. Item: 142926240862 Tash Sultana - Flow State Digital Download.
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