#asassins creed spoilers
waywardgothauthor · 2 years
Ok so I'm normally the person who likes the nice sweet guy that the Fandom calls boring. So tell me why in playing AC: Valhalla and I was almost immediately attracted to IVARR RAGNARSSON
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Shaun held on to Desmond's hoodie after the accident.
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mrsdanirojas · 2 years
Fun fact, the sole reason I even heard about Valhalla and decided to get it (along with the entire fucking console that I needed to play it??) is because someone on Twitter who I don't even know raved about how amazing it was that you could fuck someone's WIFE on a table
I was like "SOLD" take all my money
And I'm so glad I did get the game bc now Eivor is my literal wife sunshine light of my life??
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kirkshouseplant · 3 years
Real reason Ezio died of a heart attack is because he burned the damn thing out by sleeping with half the villa at 18.
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morinokunikara · 4 years
i am quite enjoying the assassins creed fandom’s collective decision to play as a woman and cuck our brother while hes out being brainwashed
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talizorah-archive · 6 years
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thanks ubisoft
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elephantsneedwater · 5 years
Lowkey think Kassandra and Hades would make an amazing crack!pairing.
I don’t even know why I think this but I can’t be the only one.
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scifibisexuals · 6 years
also i love the complicatedness with kassandra/aspasia, like that is some good shit. there was so many women to kiss and made my gay heart happy. My other favs are Daphne and Roxanna.
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jasontoddiefor · 6 years
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godblooded · 4 years
so i’m barreling through more assassin’s creed today but send meme and know i am still, in fact, doing holiday headcanons for everyone who liked that post!!!
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kajaono · 4 years
Short spoiler free review of the first two eps
The stories are promising but weak. Fact dropping instead of deduction. Actually nothing is deduced, ever evil character is ready to tell their whole life story once the main characters ask
Everyone seems to know everyone, which just results in the same question: How do you know my name?!” every five seconds
With Spike they copied Antman Luis
The soundtrack is horrible modern. Have they learned nothing from Asassin Creed?
Leo is aboslut useless. He is cute, he is the rich white boy people should relate to. And that people of color and poor people have for some weird reason take care of. End of his plot so far.
The Irregulars, the characters, the dynamic, are amazing nevertheless. And Royce plays Watson in a brilliant way. They just deserve a better plot. Better storytelling.
Please... I know the writer pitched his story for 15 years, but please kick him and get someone better for season 2
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princessknightt · 6 years
Assassin's Creed Odyssey Review so far
So I've played roughly 18 hours of gameplay already and I'll give a semi-review for people on the fence about getting the game.
It's fucking good yo. It legit feels like I'm playing The Witcher 3 but with Asassin's Creed mechanics but set in Greece. Which is a good thing since Witcher was fucking phenomenal. I'd even say the game mechanics are much better than The Witcher 3, especially since you can climb everything AND swim everywhere, which was something you couldn't do in The Witcher. The verticality adds soooo much to gameplay, and the multiple routes to assassinate and take care of an area is very good too. There's a fuckton of replayability because of that.
So gameplay is a 10/10. The combat itself is also very good, and I'd compare it to Bloodborne since I was just playing that before playing this game. There's a parry you can do that will stun the enemy for a second and a dodge that will slow down time if you time it right. There's all types of weapons you can use that will all have different movesets depending on what it is. I usually stick to the spear and sword since those are my preferred weapons. And there's a lock-on that you can use when you're fighting 1 vs 1 which you shouldn't really use in 1 vs many. There's also just a lot of things you can do that is done very well. There's naval combat, with your own ship, crew, and upgradable content alongside with recruiting people to become lieutenants. You can ram into other ships and shoot them with arrows or javelins if they're close enough. There's combat against wild animals and even LEGENDARY animals that spawn minions to help fight you that is part of a questline for The Daughters of Artemis. Which is scaled all the way till level 39 I think. There's arena battles which I haven't gotten to yet and just so much content that will take all your time. And then the big conquest battles that are definitely fun and will earn you epic gear and you can side with either faction. There's a lot of things that you do that lead up to the conquest battle, involving destroying war supplies, stealing national treasures, killing captains, and killing soldiers to reduce nation power. The funniest thing is you can choose to side with the side you literally fucked over LOL.
Now for the story. No spoilers but I'm very satisfied with it. It's definitely supposed to be like a Greek tragedy and there's a lot of things that happen that make you go, "well fuuuuck, your life fucking sucks Kassandra/Alexios." The main story so far has already revealed a huge conspiracy and something that made my jaw drop. Legit couldn't believe they did that but well, you'll see once you play the game. ;) The side quests themselves, there's good ones that are marked with exclamation points on your map, and are "character" quests. Those actually give story, but there's multiple types of quests you can do. There's the bounty quests that just have you hunt down bandits mostly, contracts where you hunt down bandits or mercenaries, world quests where it's something to do with the Spartan vs Athenian thing going on, naval quests that usually deal with sinking ships or killing sharks and of course, the Odyssey quests that are the main story. The bounty quests are really tedious and continually come up so like, don't do them unless you need money and xp. I'm overleveled right now so you definitely don't need to do them. Contract quests can sometimes lead to something interesting, so I'd recommend taking those. I'd take naval quests too but shark killing quests are a pain when you can't find any sharks. You can spot them using your eagle but like... It's tedious. Other than that, the quests are done well, especially the character and main quests.
There also aren't that many bugs, I've only encountered 1 where the animals walk into a wall and just keep walking into that wall. Other than that, I don't remember anything else happening.
I'm not really sure what else to give my thoughts on besides the gay romance I suppose. It's been fun, the romances are fucking hilarious tbh and you can make terrible decisions that are just hilarious. For instance you can have sex with someone and immediately just invite them to your crew afterwards, which is Y I K E S if it was real life, but funny as fuck in a game. The romances are also not like, super fleshed out so far, but I haven't encountered Kyra yet so we'll see if my opinions change. You can flirt with a lot of people though, and I've even had sex with an older lady because she had a voracious sexual appetite and her husband literally paid me to have 24 hours sex with her. He sat outside the house and waited as Kassandra went to town for literally 24 hours. And then he thanked me and gave me money. Like damn that was so fucking funny I almost died laughing. There's also the Daughters of Artemis that you can uhhh, have promises for something interesting in the future once you complete Artemis's challenges. So there's no shortages of romance, except it's more of a "this is war so romance will involve you liking their face as opposed to meaningful reasons for a romantic relationship" kinda deal. Though I do think there's supposed to be an epic romance with Kyra so we'll see there. Overall though, I'm pretty satisfied since you can make Kassandra or Alexios as gay or straight or bi as you want. Though I will say that I personally don't flirt with any men in the game cause there has been an option for this one healer dude who seemed nice enough but I just ain't into that. It was also an interesting questline that connected to Kassandra's past.
As for the character you play as, you can make Kassandra or Alexios into whatever you want, though there's a certain tone and flavor that they'll always keep. I didn't play as Alexios so I can't speak on that, but Kassandra is kinda snarky and exasperated with the idiots she has to deal with. She's also very much "I don't take shit from people" and a very strong character overall. She's confident and you can go the route of "I'm God's gift to mankind" if you want so even MORE confidence. She also can give very insightful nuggets of information on certain subjects like the morality of doing something. I was pleasantly surprised by those options so the dialogue choices are actually quite good. And Kassandra's voice acting is actually well done, some spots are iffy and you can tell the voice actress wasn't aware of the context of what she's voicing so it's out of tone but most of the time, it's pretty good.
Oh yeah, one last thing before I give it an overall score. Your actions have consequences in this. I literally restarted the game because I got some Bad News about something I decided to do that seemed like the right thing at the time but well, I wasn't thinking too hard about the repercussions. So I felt really bad and restarted. And I heard there's 8 endings or something, probably something having to do with the overall state of Greece, whether you sided with Athens or Sparta, decisions you make in the main story, and however much character side quests you completed. Which is really good since that means it really is your own Odyssey, exactly like the game advertises. It's also fucking long like the Odyssey.
So yeah, I'd say overall I'd give it a 9.5/10.
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magnificofiore · 8 years
Mun: Hi, my name is Dani, I’m 21+, born in 1996. nsfw is totally alright on this blog, just obviously not with minors. This blog is:
Para based
Historical based
Will roleplay with any of the following:
Asassin’s Creed
Da Vinci’s Demons
The Borgias
Historical figures
Game of Thrones (see verses for details)
Any fandom that is centered around the same time period
Other fandoms using a modern verse or a verse of a different time period (see verses for details)
General rules
No hate. That one soooo many other rpers have on their rules because it’s an important one.
Like stated in my ‘about’ page, I will roleplay with almost any fandom as long as I have the correct verse for it. My main verse takes place during the Italian Renaissance and centered around a sort of combination?? of Da Vinci’s Demons and Assassin’s Creed, although I also roleplay these verses separately as well. If you are from a fandom that doesn’t fit with this, that’s okay, we’ll just need to plot something and find the appropriate verse and we can totally roleplay.
I do formatting, gifs, and icons. I need more Clarice icons but that’s okay, it’s a work in progress. I will usually not format if you don’t, and if you’re using icons I’ll use icons and if you’re using gifs, I’ll use gifs. While I do formatting, I don’t do anything too fancy. I only use the most basic form of formatting and I’m probably not going to do anything more, so if you do, that’s fine, I just hope it’s fine if I don’t and we can still roleplay in harmony. I will also often try matching a formatting style’s text breaks and things~
If you want to talk to me OOC, message me using the inbox or tumblr’s new instant messaging thingy~ I know that Clarice is very sharp and stony, and I will still play her as that, but as a mun, I’m the complete opposite. I don’t bite and I’m a total dork. Talk to meee~
Which brings up another point, I play Clarice’s characterization from Da Vinci’s Demons + added historical facts and findings. She is very sharp and politically minded with composed emotions, except when her family is in danger, as she’s very protective and will go to extraordinary lengths to ensure that they’re safe. She would sacrifice her own life to protect her children. She would sacrifice innocent lives to protect her children. While that’s extreme, she does truly want what’s best for the people of Florence and for the city in general. She’s very confident about herself, considering herself to be very superior and strong. Also, she can be rather offensive at times. The absolute most important things to her are her children, her husband, Florence, and it’s alliances. Most of those things often come before herself. If someone doesn’t fit into one of these categories, Clarice will still be polite, but she is also more likely to say something that might be offensive. Basically, the point of this rule is saying that I’m not going to change her characterization from what I believe her to be like in the Da Vinci’s Demons canon, and I won’t water her down as a character. She is who she is, with all her superiority complexes and sharp tongue and a less than soft nature. (i mean she threatened to take away someone’s testicles if he didn’t go back outside to find her husband and then in season 3….SPOILERS.. the knife… chopped off fingers.. yeah.)
Which aaalllso brings up the point that even though I play her, I’m nothing like her. If Clarice hates your character, I don’t hate you. If she offends your character, I don’t mean to offend you at all. I just hope that when we roleplay you can separate IC from OOC, because I’ve had problems in the past with people who didn’t. Seriously though, as a mun, I am a soft teddy bear who is a totally dorky fangirl. Clarice is not, but I am harmless~
I am semi-active currently, being on simply whenever I can, I try being online at least once a day but if I get busy, I’ll go days without being online, but no worries, I will be back~! Please just be patient with me.
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