#asatru kin
hapalopus · 2 years
So are you going to address the fact that the current otherkin community lifts elements from the DID community for their own use, i.e kin "shifting", or the fact most sources seem to agree it spawned from 90's internet subcultures and has no real grounds as an actual occult practice? You can't harp on normal-horoscopes if you're gonna ignore the fact otherkin has had it's own issues with racism and ableism.
You picked the wrong person to send this ask to jshkdjk One of my special interests is literally otherkind history.
To start off, 'shifting,' the way it's used in the otherkind community today, actually doesn't stem from the "otherkin community" (and nor is it lifted from the plural community) – instead it has roots in the therian community.
Let me explain: There have always been folks out there who felt nonhuman or other-than-human, there have just never been that many of us. It's been hard for us to create a community because we're just so few and far between. The earliest nonhuman community we have records of is the Elf Queen's Daughters, a group of Tolkienesque elves who found each other in the 60s and officially created mailing lists (with snail mail! can you believe?? :D) in the 70s. The EQD and their offshoots never discussed shifting as far as I'm aware. Some of them probably experienced fluctuations in their species identity and the intensity of it, but they didn't discuss it as a shapeshifting phenomenon. Shapeshifting just wasn't part of the elven culture.
The only other nonhuman community I'm aware of from those early days is the starseed community which has... issues... but it's nonetheless a real community with real beliefs and it's nowhere near as horrible as people on tumblr have made it out to be in the past few years.
But then the internet was invented and it became unfathomably easy for nonhumans to find each other. Several communities sprung up independently of each other and with little to no overlap: Alfandra for the dragons, Always Believe for the unicorns, The Elfinkind Digest for various kinds of nonhumans, and Alt.Horror.Werewolves for the animals. It was on AHWw that the idea of shapeshifting first took off, probably because people visiting the newsgroup already had werewolves on their mind.
Where the elven communities had had a more spiritual approach to nonhumanity, the therian community (as it became known; 'therian' being a shortened form of 'therianthrope') on AHWw had a more analytic approach. Which is not to say that spirituality and analysis can't go hand in hand, they usually do, but what I'm getting at is just that the two communities had very different mindsets and ideas right from the get-go. The therians quickly realized that there were different kinds of shapeshifting that they could experience. Mental shifting is one of the most common forms, and probably the one you're thinking of, though it's origins can be found in werewolf media, and not plurality, like you assumed. You know in werewolf movies when the full moon approaches and the werewolf starts acting more like a wolf before they've even started transforming physically? That's what mental shifting is like. Taking on the mindset of your theriotype (or kintype, when the different communities later started melding together). Other types of shift include (but are not limited to) phantom shift, sensory shift, shadow shift, dream shift, bilocation shift, astral shift, berserker shift, envisage shift, and aura shift. Check out this glossary for more info :D
Also, I'm curious what you think counts as a "real" practice. Like, I'm Asatru, and proudly so. But Norse Paganism, as it's known today, is no older than the otherkind community. The only sources we have on the original Norse beliefs (which no doubt included many 'denominations' and disparate factions) were written down by Christians way after the Norse beliefs had begun dying out. Norse Paganism is an experiment at best. Would you claim, then, that seiðr "has no real grounds as an actual occult practice"? Of course not, that's ridiculous! No religious scholar would claim that. Age does not affect validity.
Try reading The Otherkin Timeline, A Field Guide to Otherkin, or perhaps even Werewolf Magick beforehand the next time you wanna tout misinformation about my community :)
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
Then if you get into the more convoluted/deeper world of heathen cosmology:
Due to Tolkien the Svartalfar/Dwarves, Dragons, Trolls, and the like make it sound like 'fantasy novel but real.' It's......a lot more complicated than that. The Jotnar, for example, are not universally nor close to it welcome among Asatru or Vanatru. They are the bane and the foe of the Gods, after all, even if as with Skadi, Lady of Winter, They can be among Their number.
Then there are the weirdos who apply the path of Rokkatru and focus on the most malevolent entities in the cosmology like the Fenris Wolf, the Niddhogg, and the Thursir and view Them as evil and get surprised when this proves a bad idea. Basic rule of thumb: Tread carefully, and do so even more if these people really *do* have some idea what they're doing.
My own path involves some elements of Muspelheim and its volcanic forces of creation and destruction. Muspelheim is often mislabeled 'the realm of fire' and true, it is a realm of fire and heat. The proper translation of Muspelheim is 'World-Destroyer Home.' The sons and daughters of Muspell *earned* the name. They too are not to be invoked lightly for what They can and will unleash carries devastation and regrowth in its wake like a volcanic eruption.
Beyond Them, however, are the children of Bergelmir, the entities that are most often named Jotnar, the Devourers. They are kin to the Gods and Goddesses, but They are primordial annihilating forces as often as not. They are Nature, red in tooth and claw.
The Aesir and the Vanir are to be treated with the greatest of respect, for They are stern and They can be unkind given a piece of a chance, as with all the Gods and Goddesses of pagan paths.
Jotnar don't even need the piece of a chance, They will make the chance and break anything in Their path to do so. They too deserve respect for They are powers that are divine in Their own way, but They are not the friends of humanity and They never remotely intended to be, nor do They desire to be.
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religiousmusings · 3 years
"Those already there often cannot tell a new person's kin. You will never find someone without faults, or one completely evil and has no use."
-Havamal, Stanza 132, TAC edition
In the last month or so, the inclusive Heathen community had to exile one of its own after a series of racist messages sent by Ivy Mulligan were made public. I will start by saying racists have no business in our community and Ivy's removal from affiliated groups was completely justified. Her actions and words were cruel and unbefitting of a gythia (for those who don't know that word, a gythia is an Asatruar priestess, gothi being the masculine form of the word). With that said, I dont speak for The Asatru Community since I don't have the authority to do so, but chose The Asatru Community's edition of the Havamal specifically for this post because Ivy Mulligan helped get this version published with TAC for active duty and retired veterans of the armed forces that are Asatruar or curious about the faith. For those that don't know, TAC is the most inclusive and largest Asatru collective both online and offline. Ivy's actions that led to her expulsion were wrong on a fundamental level, but she still contributed to something good. Somewhere she lost her way, and I pray Odin and Freya lead her to a better path. This was a blow not just to the inclusive Pagan community, but to me personally. I admired Ivy for years, and hoped to learn from her in my studies someday. I guess in a way she taught me to remember the above stanza.
Ivy, if you somehow find this post, I'm challenging you to be better.
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aestherians · 5 years
about that spiritual 'kin thing. what if someone has memories of a past life kintype though? Like, legit memories. How is believing it's spiritual because of that a choice then because as someone whose most kintypes are spiritual and some are past lifes I definately didn't choose to remember stuff and it being spiritual. (I'm not here to hate/bash you for your opinion, I'm just honestly curious.) :3
I probably should’ve worded that unpopular opinion better ^^’
It’s completely fine to believe in something without scientific evidence (I’m asatru, so anything else would be hypocrisy from my side!). What I really mean is that all of those beliefs, whether they’re based on spirituality or psychology or what-have-you, should be a choice. Even if you’re raised in a certain faith and want to continue in that faith, it should still be your own active choice to do so.
The brain is a fickle thing sometimes. It’s easy to subconsciously create your own memories and have them feel real. I have loads of ‘memories’ from my gnoll life, even though I believe it’s a psychological kintype, and all of them are as real to me as my human memories. Believing in a psychological explanation for your nonhuman memories doesn’t make said memories any less valid or real.
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eswynn · 5 years
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Got myself a little something special at the Celtic Faire this past weekend. To me, this is more than just a Mjölnir (Thor hammer) and more than just a statement about who I am and what I believe. This piece was made in Sweden by an artist working in an ancient, traditional style, replicating the kind of triangle-marked pendants that were worn extensively by my ancestors over a thousand years ago. To me, this piece connects me to my kin, my people, and to the deep well of unique cultural knowledge so many of us are working so hard to preserve in our own ways. Digging into the mythologies and studying the reports and archaeological findings related to my ancestors is thrilling for me. I love learning about the people of my deep past, and I love sharing what I've learned so that others can also be amazed and astounded by it (and feel connected to the past because of it.) I love how our evolution as a society has made more information accessible to us over time, and old assumptions about how the past "really was" are changing all the time because of it. The things we are learning about ourselves and our roots all over the world right now have created a broadening of understanding and acceptance that while we are all unique and all come from uniquely beautiful cultures, we're not all so very different, whether the tribes that bore us were separated by a river or by a dozen rivers. Keep learning, keep digging and keep searching, always. Hail ancestors, one and all! . #pagan #heathen #asatru #viking #mjolnir #heathenry #thor #ancestorwork #oldeurope #pagansofinstagram #norse #norsegods #norsemythology #vikings #vikingstyle #vikingsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B9h8_5CHSJp/?igshid=lvesp9ji0r2x
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mjollnirtor · 5 years
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Author @skogen__arts 🔥 . Did this freehand rune cast today. I love being able to talk with my kin from other states about things we are so passionate about. If you share a similar interest in pagan/Asatru values feel free to hit me up. I’d love to create more casts like this one. Sköll 🍻! . . . . . . . . . . . #norse #norsepagan #pagan #asatru #futhark #runes #spirituality #art #artwork #artlife #tattoos #tattooart #freehand #runes #runecast #neotrad #neotraditionaltattoo #neotradtattoos #neotraditional #blackandgrey #blackandgreyink #tattoos #tattooart #bodyart #mjollnirtor https://www.instagram.com/p/B00JngWKuus/?igshid=jwsb92o0cq23
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schwarzertod · 5 years
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With a simple pine tree, spiced cider, Marzipanstollen, and a (leather-scented) candle, my Jól blót this year is minimalist, but special – it’s my first Jól with a boyfriend in his own home. May the growing strength of Sunna’s light conquer the darkness in your life. May Þórr’s Mjölnir protect you and your kin from injustice, and may Óðinn breathe new spirit into your dreams. Hail! 🎄🌞❄️ #heathen #heathenry #asatru #yule #ritual #blót #odin #thor #sunna #jól #heathensagainsthate #pagan #witch #witchcraft #neopagan https://www.instagram.com/p/B6XV3eKBrVQB5Q1VNPcX5zNBz28aO9gPwk4IEM0/?igshid=10qwogwwxlbf2
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Just saw a post of someone telling someone else to be careful with the Valknut because Odin is the God of madness? Ok, ok ok ok .... fuck you. Just... fuck you. He’s a crazy fucker yes, the original trickster yes (who do you think taught me? LOL) but to warn people about getting too attached? FUCK YOU. OH HELL May as well..... careful kids, don’t get too close to Odin, he’s crazy! Don’t get too close to Thor he’s got a temper! Don’t get too close to Tyr he’s the God of war and shit. Don’t get too close to Frigg she’ll hide shit from you. Don’t get too close to Heimdallr he’ll watch you while you sleep. Don’t get too close to Freija she’ll kiss you to death. Don’t get too close to Loki he evil and mean! Don’t get too close to FUCK YOU...... These new fucking racist stupid heathen wanna-be’s piss me the fuck off... DON’T FUCKING INSULT MY FAMILY YOU IDIOTS, YOU DON’T EVEN BELIEVE IN US AS REAL BEINGS ANYWAY! This is why I stay the hell away from the modern Asatru community... They want to find reasons to insult my kin? Fuck them. They think I’m “bad” and don’t want me? I don’t fucking want them, either. They can fuck right off. *throws shit and walks out* e_e
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FEHU -Wealth is a source of discord amongst kin  and fire of the sea  and path of the serpent- . Which is the Rune that calls you louder in this period? The one you dream at night, the one you see, the one on which you are working on? 🍁🍂🍃🍁🍂🍃 ___ Rune pendants are available, and could be customized on request. Ask me in dm __ ______________________ #gjallarhorn #viking #vikinglife #vikings #norse #heathen #pagan #asatru #norsereligion #vikingart #norseart #runes #folk #vikingwoman #pagansofinstagram #metal #handmade #womancraft #paganart #oldways #vikingstyle #midgard #festival #drinkinghorn #norsependant https://www.instagram.com/p/BorUD9hAy73/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16z4t41d095vq
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“Nine Noble Virtues” - “Living Asatru” by Greg (Dux) Shetler
Posted will be partial or whole quotes from the book, with words in (parenthesis) being my annotations. Some of the content pulled from the book is abbreviated down to what I found most relevant. More stuff below the “read more”.
Generally, this is considered to refer both to physical and moral courage. An Asatruar (individual) should face up to those things that scare him or her, and do the right thing in spite of their fear...
(Standing up for self, accepting consequences in favor of truth.)
Lying is the path of (the) coward. It takes courage to stand up and tell the truth, especially when that may result in unpleasant consequences. Lying is such an easy “way out” - at least it appears so at first...
(Crucial to building personal Integrity, building interpersonal trust, owning your actions.)
Honor may be defined in many ways. The simplest, it seems to me, is to say that honor is living up to your obligations and fulfilling your duty...
(Fulfillment of anything from chores to thoroughly doing tasks at work, ties into truth with being Proud to own your actions.)
Supporting one’s kin, even if you don’t agree with them, could  be said to be an honor-obligation. However, fidelity is more than that. Fidelity also requires the Asatruar (one) to consider the impact of his actions on the welfare and security of his kin and his community. Following one’s own interests to the detriment of those of your kin, even if you are adhering to all oaths and obligations, is betrayal, and thus shameful. It is not enough simply to live according to the rules and to fulfill your oaths - you must also act with the interest of those to whom you owe fidelity in mind.
(Loyalty to those who are rightfully loyal to you, looking out for each other.)
Asatru is not an easy path to follow. It is not enough to be “mostly honorable” or “usually loyal”. The concepts simply don’t make sense, really. The Asatruar (individual) must hold himself accountable for all his actions, just as the gods do. He must school himself to maintain discipline in his personal life, as well as his public life, or he is nothing more than a hypocrite. Of course, we are human, so we don’t always live up (to) the principles to which we try to adhere. Discipline includes the idea that when we fail, we recognize it and, when appropriate, make some kind of atonement. We don’t just shrug and forgive the lapse as human frailty - forgiving failure like that just encourages further failure.
(Owning your actions, following through with goals/obligations.)
... Hospitality is the mark of the generous host. It builds bridges and encourages a sense of community - a cooperative spirit. The mean-spirited host who will not give freely of what he has to his guests does not inspire trust, does no credit to his honor, and shows himself to be a coward afraid of giving up any of what he has. Generous hospitality, on the other hand, tends to beget generous hospitality, and demonstrates strength of character that doesn’t depend on clutching at material goods for self-esteem.
(Sharing is caring, but do not give so much that it destroys you, both with physical needs and mental health.)
Hard work is its own reward. It helps maintain and build discipline, brings wealth that can be hospitably shared, builds trust and demonstrates honor and fidelity. Those who are accustomed to working hard can overcome the adversity that stops the weak-willed in their tracks. Those who are unwilling to work hard are little more than parasites, leaching the life from their kin and their community. Industriousness is the best guarantee that future generations of kin will have what they need to survive and grow. 
(Be thorough, be creative and inventive with problem-solving, making something you can be proud of through the hard work. (Note to Self: Part of this quote is written harshly, but with good intentions. Aim to keep that in mind.))
This extends the concept introduced in Industriousness. Self-reliant people choose their paths to be sure that they don’t need help to accomplish their goals. They make sure that their needs don’t take precedence over the needs of the community or their kin. Those who always need help are, in a sense, being greedy - they are asking from their community more than their fair share of work. While it is a good thing to help out others, it is incumbent on Asatruar (individuals) to plan to never need that help. That doesn’t mean that all Asatruar must therefore be farmers, hunters, shepherds, spinners, weavers, brewers, carpenters, leatherworkers, mechanics, electronics techs, weaponsmiths, etc. It does mean that Asatruar should seek to make their own way, earning enough money to purchase that which they cannot provide for themselves, without needing ever to beg for money or assistance. Needing help, and asking for it, is not some kind of “sin” for Asatruar, though. Rather, Asatruar seek it to minimize how much and how often they need help, and try to repay any help they get.
(Try to solve problems by yourself before asking for help, do research/ask for help if ignorant to any new problems, always aim to fulfill “gift for a gift” policy, “help for help” as a modification to the policy.)
The ability to overcome adversity is the hallmark of the survivor. The ethics of Asatru, as the astute reader should have recognized by now, are about providing for the survival of one’s self, one’s kind, and one’s community. That means that as an adjunct of Discipline and Industriousness, the Asatruar must school himself in persevering in the face of obstacles. Tasks or goals that can be identified as impossible or too costly should be dropped or modified - perseverance does not mean mindlessly slogging on no matter what. It does mean that when a project suddenly takes on new difficulties, or the full scope of effort required to accomplish a project is finally determined, the Asatruar should press on and accomplish what he has set out to do, if it is still possible to do so. (Following through while keeping integrity intact, asking for help when necessary, most honorable path to attain goals.) Note that this includes setbacks in living up to the Nine Noble Virtues. When an Asatruar slips a little in adhering to the Nine Noble Virtues, he does not suddenly become some sort of “sinner”, failure or pariah. As long as he perseveres in trying to live up to these ideals, he is still living Tru (true). When setbacks occur, the Asatruar simply reevaluates his situation, corrects his course, and sails on. (When the going gets rough and you fall, commit to introspection to figure out what went wrong, determine if it was your fault, adjust yourself/factors accordingly, and keep trying again until you succeed. All while being and acting honestly, intelligently and loyally.)
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kalyxhistory · 7 years
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Thrym the Giant once stole Mjölnir and demanded the goddess Freya in return. But as you can imagine she wasn't having it and denied being delivered to said giant. Who knows what he would have done with her! So Thor and Loki put on some cute dresses and acted as bride and bridesmaid, trying to get back the mighty hammer. Thrym thought he was being confronted with Freya and was kind of perplex when he saw Thor in disguise eat and drink like a starvig bear 😂 But the disguise held up until Thor was given his hammer as a wedding gift. The moment he held it in his hands he jumped up, killed Thrym and his kin and he and Loki finally went back to Asgard. Ps: This pendant will be listed in my shop tomorrow! #heathen #asatru #paganism #asatro #heathenry #norsegods #mjölnir #mjolnir #thorshammer #vikings #vikingsofinstagram #wikinger #vikinger #bronze #vikingbling #thor #loki #pagansofinstagram #medieval #mythology #norsemythology #norsepaganism #norse #witchythings #vikingstyle #vikinglife #medievalmarket #mittelaltermarkt #vikingbling #edda
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freyjas-fire · 4 years
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When the rooster crows in the dead of winter, causing folks to chill and shiver; the living and the dead alike, will hear the death knell as it strikes. For Ragnarok of foretold myth, will turn kin against their kith; A battle of the Gods begins, causes the world to meet its’ end. -M.L Kiser #ragnarök #ragnarok #thor #thorgodofthunder #donar #ᚦᚢᚱ #thorragnarok #þórr #seiðrkona #seiðr #seidr #norsemythology #heathensofinstagram #heathen #heathenry #asatruar #asatru #ásatrú #vikings #viking #heyoka #heyokalife https://www.instagram.com/p/CEN2_35ni8t/?igshid=wfp3nkynikb8
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religiousmusings · 4 years
The 3 Cornerstone Beliefs
It's said there are 3 principal beliefs universal to Pagan faiths, and these are;
Reverence of ancestors
Sacred regard for natural forces
The divine in ourselves
Pondering on these 3 beliefs, we may find a deeper meaning to these. We revere our ancestors for their wisdom and experience, because of them we know things like which plants are edible. We have our faith remembered and preserved, and we have our family legacies and stories we can look to for guidance.
We regard natural forces as sacred for many reasons, and each one has a spiritual aspect. Sol (sun) runs across the sky in her chariot, bringing light to the Earth. Thor brings the storms that nourish it, which is why he is known as the God of agriculture. Even the Earth (Jord) has a spiritual aspect. Nature is where we come from so we are born of sacred forces, which brings fourth the divine within ourselves. Along with nature, people also have aspects of spirituality and the divine.
In us, there is a chaotic mix of emotion, wisdom, compassion, rage, joy, sadness, and a desire for justice. The Gods themselves have this same chaotic mix in themselves, which is how we are similar. This is the divine in us. In Asatru, we walk with our Gods as kin, some believe the gods were once mortal and gained total divinity through their achievements. Others believe the Gods have always been sacred spiritual aspects of nature and man, that they are personifications of this chaotic mix of joy and rage and wisdom. In either case, the Gods are with those that are with them.
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littlewolfmama · 7 years
Feast of Vali!!!!
Friends today in Asatru it is the feast of Vali....do some research on him if u want....he is kinda like Cupid but it is a day not only to celebrate lovers but a day to celebrate love for ur kin.....family or friends so I hope everyone had a good Valentine's day (hubs got me a giant stuffed unicorn I now use to annoy him) and I hope everyone has a good Valisblot!!!!!
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mjolnirismydildo · 4 years
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I pull runes relatively often for myself to check in with my guidance and make sure I’m on the right path in accordance with my higher self, while keeping my ancestors and various vaettir that I work with in close confidence. I’m posting this both as a record of my own path, but also in case someone out there can garner any wisdom from this reading. Lately, I’ve been called to action on a larger scale, and have been setting the foundations for a larger spiritual circle and tribe. Kith, kin, wisdom-sharers and those seeking wisdom alike. This reading was a sort of progress report, and I feel very confident about the steps I’ve taken and are currently taking toward my destiny (for lack of another term.) Mannaz reminds us that we have the power to overcome large obstacles with sheer willpower and determination. Mankind is a tenacious species, and we can accomplish great things when we set our minds to it. (And even more so when we practice huor mot and wyrd-consciousness.) Manifest your success. Raidho reminds us that life is a journey that we all experience, and it is best to take the reigns and ride through with confidence. Don’t let circumstances take the reigns. Keep your nose to the grindstone and do your work, the details will come later. You are the master of your own fate. Kennaz assures us that there is clarity in wisdom. Just as the Allfather seeks wisdom from every source, no matter how unassuming, it’s in our best interest to seek the council of others who may be more experienced than us, and participate in an exchange of wisdom. Communication is the torch that illuminates opportunity. Thank you for sharing my path, even if just for a while. #runes #futhark #elderfuthark #nordicrunes #seidr #volva #divination #magic #magick #heathen #pagan #asatru #vanatru #odin https://www.instagram.com/p/CD7LOUIBmHo/?igshid=el3s22dkfh1m
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vertigoblu2302 · 5 years
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#Repost @norse_community • • • • • VERY IMPORTANT! Always honor the gods, love your women, defend your kin. #viking #vikings #ragnar #norse #norsemythology #nordic #nordictattoo #scandinavia #thor #odin #loki #freya #tyr #historyvikings #gameofthrones #midgard #grimfrost #norsepagan #asatru #modernviking #asgard #strength #powerlifting #ragnarlothbrok #ragnarok #axe #axethrowing #tattoo (presso Valhalla) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwL-KzOnFdN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fjv8nizwwgo4
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