yuikomorihotline · 6 months
𝔖𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰
Pairing: Shuu and Yui (Not shipping them)
Trigger warnings: Waterboarding, eye pains, sinister implications (excluding rape and sexual assault), not lovey dovey by any means.
Notes: I'm not used to writing Diaboys, so forgive me if Shuu's character seems extremely off. There may be mistakes, so my apologies in advance.
Word count: 1,504
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Shuu disappeared somewhere and disappeared for the entire night and was no where to be found. Yui searched for him in his most frequented places, like his room, the couches, simply any nook he could fit his slender frame into.
At this point, she was worried that something had happened to him… Sure, she was very used to bumping into him at random points during the night, but she couldn't find him at all. Which was odd, because he'd simply demand blood, and be indifferent to her when she'd adjure him to cease his torments.
That kind of routine.
There was a quiet beach near the Sakamaki mansion, it was a little grim looking. But it had a small rockpool with dead crustaceans, still clinging to the edged rocks that would cause one a great discomfort if stepped on. There was a depressing lack of fauna, even seagulls never showed up.
Not even their cries could be heard.
Yui thought she'd check that beach, it was only a ten minute walk away, and since it wasn't necessarily running away or avoiding anyone, it should be fine… Right?
She'd deal with the consequences later, she just wanted to find Shuu.
It was the dead of night, and the tides at the beach were high. But the moon watching over the ink black waters was so calm and mysterious, the ice cold water looked thicker than blood and possessed a serene evil to it during this time.
Ice cold eyes and serenely cruel… That reminded her of Shuu.
Beautiful, large, and mysterious.
He was like the waves in a way, calm and low during the day, but seemingly on the hunt and significantly more active during the night.
"Shuu! Shuu, are you here?!"
Yui's voice was echoing off the cliffs and fluttering elsewhere, but she didn't think that was enough to wake up Shu, since she was convinced that he was sleeping.
The young lady went to walk into the darkness of the ocean… No specific reason, she just wanted to feel the soothing cold on her legs. Which were thankfully unwounded, otherwise the salt would've burned against the impurities.
She strolled with the ocean by her side, the salty water occasionally veiling her feet with the ink like substance. Yui's footprints were imprinted onto the rough sand, and she didn't look behind her to see if they vanished, because in a way, those footprints reminded her of how she (literally and figuratively) needed to watch her every step.
They'll simply fade at the movement of a tide.
Before she knew it, she stopped calling his name and was above knee deep in the black water, just walking across the long shore, basking in the windy night air and under the moon and stars' watchful light. She stood still, with the cold nipping and brushing against her sore neck pleasantly, staring at the horizon that seemed inexistent at night, the line between Heaven and Earth being perfectly welded together.
It was so beautiful.
Can't she just stay in the ocean forever and watch the Earth change its funeral veil to a wedding one? Night and day always seemed like that to Yui, like a bride turning into a widow. She didn't know herself why she made that analogy, but still, it seemed fitting.
The waves seemed angrier, like they didn't want an unworthy and meek human like herself to dirty it with her skin. They crashed against her slender legs, almost making her fall into the shallow waters, which would've made her laugh at her own ignorance.
She felt peaceful for the first time in years… If only she could turn into seafoam and simply be floated away by the furious tides. Melting into seafoam would be... Heavenly.
Oh right, she had to find Shuu.
"Shuu! Come on, this is no place to- Shuu?!"
She saw some bubbles ascending from the bottom of one of the shallow sectors of the shore, and widened her eyes.
"What are you doing in there?!", She gasped, and attempting to pull the very heavy male out, making her fall over many times.
She grunted and tried to drag him out of the ocean, despite him being nothing but uncooperative. Which obviously was very annoying for her. Shuu's depressingly dull eyes opened slightly, and he already looked unimpressed with her for dragging him out of what he wanted to be his 'watery grave'.
"Oh… it's you."
"Don't give me that, I was worried sick about you! You could've been hurt, or killed-"
Shuu just stared at her like she was the dumbest person in the entire stratosphere. The kind of look of judgement and disappointment that would make one question their self worth.
"Calm down...", Shuu huffed, while laying down on the wet sand and tucking his hands behind his head. "I hate this beach, I don't know why I even came here."
"Don't tell me that it's annoying for me to-"
"Exactly. You're not as dumb as you look."
Yui simply stared at Shuu in bewilderment.
He didn't even let me finish my sentences!
"You're always so predictable… Now go away and let me sleep."
Yui just stared at him blankly, completely annoyed with his lack of manners for her. Not even letting her finish her sentences, how churlish of him… She'd think that he'd be more of a gentleman, but she learned that she shouldn't even have expectations on manners when it comes to these guys. Reiji is polite but in his own Reiji way. Also known as being passive aggressive, almost like a salty old man.
Yui sighed and walked back into the ocean, she found Shuu so she really had little to worry about now. Yui could taste the salt of the ocean just by smelling it, the strong scent transferring from her nose to the back of her throat. It made her want to cough, but not badly.
I want to walk further…
She mindlessly walked further into the ocean, until she was up to her waist in ink.
It was so cold, and it made her teeth start to chatter because of the bad temperature drop. But it was fine, it was really nice, and Yui half expected to just turn into seafoam the second she turned her mind off.
It was hard to do that when she felt Shuu's piercing gaze on her. Honestly, she felt like a rabbit sometimes, an animal that has such an unpredictable existence. They either die horrifically or… She didn't want to think about it.
Then again, rabbits leave their burrows for their survival, so she wasn't completely perturbed by the concept.
"You're a pain, you know what?", Shu murmured, then pulling her by the back of her shirt, and dragging her back to shore while she's on her back, the grains from the sand and rocks stabbing into her.
"W-What do you think you're doing?!", She spluttered, her head was going under water occasionally and making it hard for her to breathe properly. Yui was gasping for air, and Shuu was choosing to move slower so he could teach her a lesson.
Yui could see the blur of the stars and moon through the water that seemed like it wanted to kill her and to assist Shuu with her suffering. Despite her eyes burning from a combination of salt and residue sand from movement, she still wanted to see the sky.
She felt such betrayal from something she found so beautiful.
A powerful aspect of the Earth whose Lord was the moon. Something completely out of the reach of the ocean, perhaps the high tides at night were the oceans trying to reach out to the moon. Perhaps its lost love. The celestial beauty of the stars, moon, and ocean should be out of Yui's reach because she'll end up wanting them more and more…
He smirked at her suffering, and was willing to take advantage of her inability to swim if he had to. Just in case if she didn't learn her lesson and in Shuu's mind, she was stupid so she could never learn from her undeserved punishments.
Shuu tossed her onto the sand, making her produce guttural coughs, and wiping her eyes from the burning of salt in eyes, making her sclera bloodshot and red.
"Why did you drag me out? You're really awful for denying me peace.", Shuu sighed, while smirking as if he had the devil's intentions.
Which he did, by the way.
He could've done anything to her, the most vile of atrocities, but he simply didn't feel like it. He was in a decent mood, and decent moods were what were in a way would decide whether she was to live or die.
Yui looked to her side, and saw that her footprints from earlier were no longer there on the sand.
How unfortunate.
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canesenzafissadimora · 3 months
Così per la lor via vanno le stelle,
incomprese, immutabili!
Tu, mentre noi ci dibattiamo in vincoli,
di luce in luce ascendi.
Tu, la cui vita è tutta di splendore!
E se dalle mie tenebre
devo tendere a te braccia nostalgiche
sorridi e non m’intendi.
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Hermann Hesse
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beamstalker · 14 days
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
Chapter 11: Don't Do Drugs, Kids
Season One | Season Two | Season Three
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[Raining Hellfire Season 3]
Word Count: 1889 words
Warnings: swearing, drugged, mentions of death, wounds, blood
[A/N: They were drugged and tortured yet it was hilarious, are we okay?]
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Don't Do Drugs, Kids
Dustin and Erica had managed to find transportation while workshopping a rescue. Luckily for you, they had found a tuk-tuk which meant all of you could fit.
Unluckily for you, Dustin was the driver.
“Jesus, slow down!” Steve yelled as he crashed into the side of the metal box.
“Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?” Robin also yelled, steadying herself.
“It’s the Indy 300.” Steve corrected.
You shake your head, too concerned for how Steve’s face was swelling to be amused at how out of it they both were. Judging by how bruise-less Robin looked, Steve had taken all of the punches.
“No, dingus, it’s 500!”
“It’s 300!”
“Let’s just say a million.”
They both share a look before bursting out in laughter.
You move closer to the front, dodging Robin’s leg as she kicks out over a bump.
“What is wrong with them?” Erica asks as you lean against the front of the tuk-tuk.
“I don’t know.” Dustin shakes his head.
“They’ve been drugged.” You sigh and Dustin turns to look at you with wide eyes.
“DUSTIN, WATCH OUT!” You and Erica both scream.
In the time it takes him to realise the obstacle, he crashes into a pile of steel drums, causing the vehicle to come to a harsh stop. The crash sent you flying backwards and you fell further into the back of the truck, your landing slightly padded as Steve let out a strained ‘oof’.
“Sorry.” You apologise, slowly sitting up.
You had ended up crashing into him and were now almost led on top of him as he slumped against the wall. You look up to see Steve staring at you, blinking slowly. From this close, you could observe how badly his left eye was bruising, blood spotted around his face. It physically hurt you to see him look so beaten up.
“You are sending some real mixed signals, lady.” He commented before reaching out and touching your nose, “Boop.”
“Come on!” Dustin runs around, Erica by his side as she points back down the hallway.
You crane your neck to see Russian guards catching up to you.
“Shit, yeah. We gotta go!” You try to pull Steve up but he completely relaxes his body, making it harder for you to hold on to him. “Steve!”
He starts giggling, starting Robin off.
You angrily stand, looking at them both. “Get out of this fucking vehicle. Now.”
You didn’t shout the words but you made sure to put on your best authoritative voice. One you’ve had to use many times from babysitting duties.
They immediately shut their mouths and Robin looked like she was about to cry.
“Jeez, okay mom.” She muttered and soon enough, she starts rolling out of the tuk-tuk. Literally.
Steve mimics her movements and soon they’re laughing again.
You roll your eyes, jumping down and thrusting the keycard into Dustin’s hand.
“Open the door, we need to get out, fast.” You instruct and he runs to a wall panel, hastily swiping the card and allowing Erica to step into the elevator before aiding you in dragging Steve and Robin into the space.
“Push the button!” You yell, the Russian guards already too close for your liking.
Dustin was currently struggling with Steve so Erica ran over and slammed her hand down on the button, using the key card. The elevator doors shut just in time to stop a guard reaching you and you all breathed out sighs of relief.
Steve lets go of Dustin and climbs onto a handcart, holding his arms out.
“Surfs up!” He laughs and Robin leans on the handle of the cart, giggling.
You walk to the panel, shouts of protest from the other side.
“Which button is it?!” You scream, contemplating your choices.
“Just push any damn button!” Erica yells and you obey, slamming your hand down on the green.
Nothing happens.
Dustin shrugs, coming closer. He taps the button again. “Maybe it doesn’t-”
Suddenly, the elevator snaps into action, ascending at such a rapid speed that you and Dustin are thrown to the floor with him landing on top of you.
Erica grabs onto a box to steady herself. “This is gonna cost extra!”
“Dustin!” Your protest was muffled by his hat and he rolls off of you, panting.
“Don’t tell Suzie.” He pleads and you roll your eyes, sitting up to check on Robin and Steve. Who, to your amusement, were enjoying the fast ride a little too much.
“Hey! You look like you’re surfing!” Robin laughs as Steve stays balanced on the handcart.
“Surfing! Yeah!” The cart moves back and forth with Robin’s help and you can’t help but stare.
“They seem drunk.” Erica comments, raising a brow.
“Why would they be drunk?” Dustin shakes his head and you frown with worry.
“I’m a natural!” Steve suddenly shouts before pointing at you, “Check it out, Y/n!”
Robin smiles mischievously before yanking the cart away from under Steve, sending him flying to the floor.
“Wipeout!” Robin laughs hysterically as you and Dustin run to Steve.
“He’s burning up.” Dustin says, checking Steve’s forehead.
“You’re burning up.” Steve retorts, batting his hand away.
“And his pupils are super dilated.”
“Yeah, did you miss the part when I said they drugged them?!” You couldn’t tear your eyes away from Steve’s.
It felt like your fault. Maybe if you hadn’t distracted them by coming down here in the first place, they would have made it out unharmed.
“Boop!” Steve touches Dustin’s nose and the boy responds with a frown.
“Steve, are you drugged?” Dustin asks him.
“How many times, Dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.” Steve whines, reaching out to touch your nose this time instead. “Boop.”
“I am highly offended that you mistook me for your dad.” You deadpan and Steve boops your nose again. “I might kill him.”
Dustin sent you an exasperated look. “This isn’t funny, okay? He could actually die on us if we don’t know what exactly they gave him!”
“We all die, my strange little child friend.” Robin comments with a serious face, “It’s just a matter of how… and when.”
You all stare at her before you let out a breath.
“That was morbidly poetic.” You say, looking back to Steve, “Just stay with us, okay?”
“They’re gonna be looking for us when we get to the surface,” Dustin shakes his head, turning to you, “Do you have your car with you?”
You nod.
“Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?” Steve asks, sitting up.
“I would kill for a hot dog on a stick.” Robin smiles.
“I need to get a hold of the party.” You say, ignoring your high friends.
“Why? You think they can help?” Dustin frowns as Erica groans at the mention of her brother.
“You don’t know?” You frown.
“I’ve been off the grid for a day now.” He shakes his head in confusion.
“Uh-oh.” Steve suddenly says and you both whip your heads to him.
“What?” Dustin
“The car’s off the board.”
You frown. “Why?”
“They took the keys. I saw the keys on the table, like, forever ago.” Steve says and your eyes widen as you quickly pat your pockets. He was right. “Oops.”
Robin laughs with him. Dustin stares at you, panicked. You purse your lips.
“So… we’re gonna need another plan.”
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You stand by the phone, impatiently tapping the base with your finger as the line rang. No answer.
You sigh in frustration, slamming the phone back down. You turn to look at the film projector currently rolling Back to The Future. Damn; you wanted to see that movie.
Erica and Dustin had been instructed to sit in the cinema and watch Steve and Robin. There was no way you could go out into the mall without one of the Russians catching you. You needed to blend in, and you needed a plan.
“I have a plan!” Dustin yells behind you, making you jump.
“Jesus, Dustin.” You sigh before looking down at the radio in his hands. “Yes.”
After a hot second, someone finally replies to the code red.
“Dustin?” Mike’s voice blared out and you and Dustin did a happy dance before focusing back on the walkie.
“Mike!” Dustin replies, “Oh, my God, you have to listen. I know I’ve been MIA, and I’m sorry, it’s not because I’m mad. I mean, I was actually mad-”
“Dustin!” You remind him and he nods rapidly.
“But- But it’s also because I was trapped in a secret Russian base with Steve and Y/n and-”
There’s some static and you frown while Dustin continues his ramble.
“I know that sounds insane, but the Russians have infiltrated Hawkins! The god damn Russians! They have a giant laser they’ve been building underground and now they’re using the damn thing to open the gate. And now they’re after us and we don’t have a way out of here, so I need you to come and get us. Can Nancy drive?”
There’s nothing but static.
“Dust-- are-- there?--”
“Mike, do you copy?”
Dustin suddenly flips the walkie, staring at the red blinking light.
“Shit! Not now. Please, not now. Mike!” Dustin tries before everything goes silent. The radio ran out of batteries.
“What- No!” You yell, grabbing it, “How the hell did that happen?”
Dustin grimaces. “I may have tried contacting people when we were stuck in the elevator.”
“The one deep underground?” You deadpan before pursing your lips, hissing when it tears open your bottom lip.
“You okay?” The boy frowns, noticing the slight cut.
“Other than a bruised face and a hole in my leg?” You sigh, “I’m fucking fantastic.”
“Oh my god, your leg!” He widens his eyes as he finally notices the bandage.
“Yeah, been there, done that.” You stand up, pacing. “What the hell do we do now?”
“Without a radio, I haven’t got a clue.” He sighs, shaking his head solemnly.
An idea finally strikes your mind.
“The radio!” You say, shaking a pointed finger at him. He blinks at you.
“It’s still, still, very much dead.”
“No. My radio! I- I left it in Scoops before I came to find you guys.”
“We could use it!” Dustin catches on, jumping up before stopping. “But how do we get there without running in to one of our Commie friends?”
“You don’t.”
“Look, I need you to take care of the others, okay? At least until Robin and Steve sober up.”
“But I want to-”
“I’m sorry.” You say, hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry for saying all those things at Scoops. I was really scared and angry and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. So, let me make it up to you.”
He pulls you into a tight hug, face hidden in your jumper. “Don’t die.”
“Before I meet Suzie?” You laugh, a little sadly, “No way. Now go enjoy the movie.”
You push him towards the cinema entrance and he looks back at you one last time before disappearing down the stairs.
Quickly, you walk over to the back exit, one that leads you to the delivery hallways behind the shops. It was the fastest route for you, not to mention hidden. You just prayed that the Russians hadn’t had the same thought.
Chapter 12: Uncle Jack ->
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taglist: @gnnnne / @beepisbeep / @paintballkid711/ @eddiesbirdie/ @livasaurasrex/ @darktimelegends / @jackierose902109 / @mvrylee / @chervbs/ @eternallyvenus / @nervouscatsuit / @f1nn-wolfhard / @hereiamhereigo / @ladybug0095 / @fangirling-4-ever
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erme-aeterna-arts · 2 months
it's mainly a comment on my now finished astarion origin run where i ascended him and romanced minthara, but. i decided to ascend him that time in part because of meeting minthara (and therefore their mutual reinforcing of each other's fears and how to deal with them) and also because i failed to convince raphael about giving us info about the ritual, so astarion was discovering this information and fighting cazador on the same day, which was extremely overwhelming for him and minthara said go for it.
but they also didn't become the absolute, and i really liked what minthara says that now we can achieve our ambitions without having to rely on external powers and gods (or worms) and use our own strengths instead. like ascended astarion equates his safety and well-being with ascendy superpowers, and there're limitions to any power, and he would also be aware that he technically gained these powers by accident, and he's also reinforcing his worldview of everyone being a hidden threat by taking this route, and all that would make him paranoid. (and this logic is comparable to minthara and her ambition to take over the brain.) but i think in this scenario, since astarion still rejected the opportunity to gain even more power and didn't take over the faerun, it was a learning experience for him as well, not just minty.
and since post-game they're busying themselves with schemes and gaining control over baldur's gate, i think that's how both minthara and ascended astarion can actually grow more comfortable with trust and their own skills and abilites (minthara's building a new home/founding a new house or her being surrounded by friends at the withers party where she admits not to know how to feel in this situation or astarion now getting to learn to plan ahead rather than fight his way through various obstacles (see all the scheming).
so yeah, that was a satisfying ending. they are not good people, but they get to have the opportunity for character growth in a way that makes sense for their stories and matters to them.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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The young King James VI made his first official visit to Edinburgh on September 30th 1579.
James VI had spent his childhood at Stirling Castle. Now he came to Edinburgh to begin his adult rule. aged 13.
Born in 1566, he was the product of Mary’s ill-fated marriage to Henry, Lord Darnley. Darnley’s assassination in early 1567, and Mary’s subsequent over-hasty marriage to one of its perpetrators, Lord Bothwell, triggered events that led to Mary’s downfall.
James VI became king of Scotland in 1567 when Mary was forced to abdicate.
According to the writings of David Moysie, James VI left Stirling on 29 September 1579 despite a storm. He had lunch at Dunipace and dinner at Linlithgow Palace where he stayed the night, and came to Holyroodhouse the next evening. The town lined the road with men in armour and a salute was fired from Edinburgh Castle. The streets were cleared of beggars, executed criminals were removed down (from their pikes on the tolbooth) and the streets thoroughly cleaned.
His entry to the town was marked by a ceremonial Royal entry. James arrived from Dalkeith Palace. The processional route went from the West Port, to the Overbow, to the Tolbooth, to St Giles Kirk, the Mercat Cross, the Salt Tron, the Nether Bow, Canongate Cross, and Holyrood Palace
The gates of the town, the tollbooths of Edinburgh and the Canongate, and other buildings were painted white with limewash, called "calk". Householders along the route were asked to hang the external stairs with tapestry and "Arras works".
At the West Port the king was met by 32 burgesses of Edinburgh, whose names are recorded, who carried a canopy made of purple velvet. John Shairp gave a speech in Latin. There was a tableau vivant of the Judgement of Solomon. At the Overbow Cupid gave James the keys to the town. Cupid was played by a boy who descended in a globe. At the Tolbooth four maidens (probably played by boys) represented Peace, Justice, Plenty and Policy, a scene relating to the four Cardinal Virtues. At St Giles Dame Religion invited the king to hear a sermon on the duty of kings and Psalm 21 was sung. . Afterwards, at the Mercat Cross Bacchus shared out wine. At the Salt Tron the genealogy of the Scottish monarchy was presented, perhaps using portraits. The king's horoscope was presented an actor playing Ptolemy at the Netherbow Port. At the Canongate Cross a scene represented the abolition of the Pope's authority in Scotland.
At Holyrood Palace a new lodging was prepared for the king's favourite Esmé Stewart next to the royal apartment. A course or tournament ground made of sand for "running at the ring" was laid at Holyroodhouse. Celebrations continued at Dalkeith Palace, hosted by the former Regent Morton.
Similar pageantry was used in September 1561 when Mary, Queen of Scots had made an Entry, and in May 1590 at the Entry and Coronation of Anne of Denmark.
A short account of the events occurs in the chronicle, The historie and life of King James the Sext, written in Scots;
At the Wast Port of Edinburgh, he was ressavit be the Magistrats of the toun under a pompous payle of purple velvet. That port presentit unto him the wisdome of Solomon, as it is written in the thrid chapter of the first buik of the Kings : That is to say King Solomon was representit with the tua wemen that contendit for the young chylde. This done, they presented unto the King, the sworde for the one hand, and the scepter for the uther.
And as he maid forder progres within the toun, in the streat that ascendis to the castell, thair is an ancient port, at the whilk hang a curious globe, that opnit artificiallie as the King came by, wharin was a young boy that discendit craftelie, presenting the keyis of the toun to his Majestie, that war all maid of fyne massie sylver; and thais war presentlie ressavit be ane of his honorable counsall at his awin command. During this space, Dame Music and hir scollars exercesit hir art with great melodic. Then in his discence, as he came foment the hous of Justice, thair shew thayme selfis unto him, foure gallant vertewous ladeyis; to wit, Peax, Justice, Plentie, and Policie; and ather of thayme had an oraison to his Majestic.
Tharefter, as he came towart the chief collegiall kirk, thare Dame Religion shew hirself, desyring his presence, whilk he then obeyit be entring the kirk; whare the cheif preacher for that tyme maid a notable exhortation unto him, for the embracing of Religion and all hir cardinall vertewis, and of all uther morall vertewis. Tharefter, he came furth and maid progres to the Mercat Croce, whare he beheld Bacchus with his magnifik liberalitie and plentie, distributing of his liquor to all passingers and behalders, in sik apperance as was pleasant to see. A litill beneth is a mercat place of salt, wharupon was payntit the genealogie of the Kings of Scotland, and a nomber of trumpets sounding melodioslie, and crying with loud voyce, "Wealfayre to the King".
At the east port was erectit the conjunctioun of the planets, as thay war in thair degreis and places the tyme of his Majesteis happie nativitie, and the same vivelie representit be the assistance of King Ptolome : And withall, the haill streits war spred with flowres; and the forehowsis of the streits, be the whilks the King passit, war all hung with magnifik tapestrie, with payntit historeis, and with the effegeis of noble men and wemen : And thus he past owt of the toun of Edinburgh to his palice of Halyruidhous
Note the last words on the description, “ his palice of Halyruidhous “ A couple of years ago someone question my use of the wording “Holyroodhouse” saying she had never heard the Palace being called that before, well this confirms that over 300 years ago that this was being used, rather than Holyrood Palace, as is often used.
The king was given a cupboard of silver gilt plate made by the Edinburgh goldsmiths Edward Hart, Thomas Annand, George Heriot, Adam Craig and William Cokky. It was valued at 1000 English marks. This included a basin and a laver, two flasks, six cups and covers, four candle holders, a salt, a silver salver, and dozen silver plates. William Fairlie was asked to oversee the gilding of the silver on 8th October and assist Henry Nesbit make an account of the expenses. The wealthy merchant and "Customar" of Edinburgh Robert Gourlay, a supporter of Regent Morton, complained to the Privy Council of Scotland when he was asked to contribute £30.
An account for repairs and building work at Holyrood in August and September 1579 survives. The works were supervised by William MacDowall, the royal Master of Work. Mention is made of slating the roof of a "Dancing House", carpenters who made a great chest for the king's pantry, glazing the chamber for "Lord Lennox", and a pavement in the chapel. New rooms were made for William Murray, and for Jerome Bowie, Master of the Wine Cellar. George Wallace or Vallance and his workman plastered the old hall, the chapel and the gallery, and painted the council house with chalk distemper paint. Women worked cleaning chambers in the tower, the old hall, the forework, and the gallery, and the inner close or courtyard. Their wages were two shillings a day.
The visit by James was a huge success. Everyone was delighted to see their king and with the excitement of once again having a royal court in Edinburgh.
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rainworld-enot · 1 year
Since you replied, I'll elaborate (jk, I was gonna do that anyways) enot's funky little trait is spawning those singularity eggs every cycle, so if enot was engineered by an iterator, it's obviously meant to be ascendy. but the egg doesn't actually permakill or ascend anyone, so it's a failure. But it does succeed in a different way. It warps reality! this is best showed in the dating sim thing, as every time the egg is used, or cracked, it causes some pretty weird reality-bending (in one case, just making a whole new universe) in the standard game it just acts like a regular singularity bomb, but you could also interpret that the weirdness of the Enot campaign is due to the egg's influence. Enot on their own is (mostly) like a regular slugcat. It's when they bring along the egg that things get all funky and, of course, the dating sim setting itself! you unlock it by ascending as Enot, which implies that rather than truly ascending, they ended up resetting the cycles in a new alternate universe or timeline, and the routes where they end up using the egg causes further weirdness... and most notably, Saint knows about this and has tried to break the cycles using it! it's implied it just resets the cycle instead, though. So, thanks to enot your au could technically be cannon! (Thx to bluenightold for putting this in my brain. And sorry that this is excessively long :( )
You're good with having it really long- I like reading people's rambles as a whole!
Void in general causes reality warping properties, we can see this in general with echos, singularity bombs, and karma flowers which all have void fluid in them from what we can see of the effects.
Even Rubicon has this odd effect of changing properties of things, and is probably closer to the void freaking the fuck out from Saint... Saint-ness. We can see the creatures with void in them as a whole tend to have a lot more energy and movement. given the destruction too it's likely that void has a stupid amount of energy but also highly corrosive by all means.
It's very interesting as a whole, given the fact this means there's an unnatural vs natural power sources issue within the game and likely has been in affect in the past given that the emergency power batteries (known as Rarefaction cells)! which act nearly exactly like singularity cells if destroyed via a leviathan if not a bit worse. probably a bit more of the aftershock (best word to use I suppose) is affected and twisted much worse to the point where artificer can not survive the aftershocks... but given it's literally warping everything with the amount of energy produced, it's like a much worse version of breaking the wind barrier in a way. Probably a very painful death given everything.
Saint is definitely fucked up! and I love it. it's very fun to imagine the relationship of em in my own hc and aus of these lil guys :)!!
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malacarneineterno · 1 year
Tu, causa del mio male e gloria del mio bene, motivo del mio orgoglio e origine della mia distruzione, torna novella sirena nei meandri dell'oceano o ascendi nei cieli più immensi Ma portami con te
- @malacarneineterno
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kaduz4o · 1 year
A casa estava escura e silenciosa, o vento corria entre as árvores naquela noite, não estava frio, mas estava fresco o bastante para fazer com que a sensação de arrepio fosse constante enquanto eu arrodeava o local. Eu não estava com medo. Pelo menos era o que eu tentava me convencer. Ouvi um barulho dentro da casa, alguém havia levantado no meio da noite para tomar água, provavelmente a filha mais velha. A garota tinha um cabelo curto, que particularmente eu sentia bastante atração, ela usava uma camiseta larga, que obviamente não era dela, a cor opaca da roupa, ficava em contraste com a paleta de cores da cozinha coberta pelo escuro. A garota encheu o copo muito fino de água, o som sofisticado do vidro batendo levemente sobre o mármore me fez pensar em como a vida era injusta, não porque eu desejava o que aquela família tinha, mas Deus havia me feito com um bom gosto inegável, e eu não usufruía de nada físico que condizia com minhas habilidades, de que me adiantava essa porra de percepção sensorial extra sensível se eram os rudes de coração, os grosseiros, os mais animalescos e sem conteúdo que usufruiriam do mundo tangível e de sua plenitude?
“Eles trabalham” disse uma voz cheia de artimanhas e com senso de razão na minha cabeça.
Como se eu não trabalhasse feito um burro de cargas, já havia passado por todo tipo de trabalho constrangedor para o meu nível intelectual, óbvio eu havia tido pais irresponsáveis e não tão pobres assim que decidiram, por causa de sua mentalidade ignorante (burra mesmo) e egoísta, não investir na educação de seus filhos. O meu coração enchia-se de ódio, ao pensar nisso. Caso você nunca tenha experimentado e não saiba o gosto, permita-me descrevê-lo para você amigo sortudo. É algo negro, quase tangível e permeia toda a parte esquerda do seu peito ( e se você for um racional chato, sei onde está localizado o coração, mas não vou passar a narrativa inteira bancando seu jogo racional minucioso, escrutinando cada expressão para que você, seu filho da puta de merda não me leve a mal, continuando…), devorando tudo, com ânsia por consumir tudo, como um fogo jovem sedento por encostar em algo seco, como uma represa escura que, ao mesmo tempo, é água e granito, que se recusa por seu senso de verdade praticar esse mal que tanto deseja, mas sabe que se tivesse a chance arrebentaria seus muros e levaria tudo consigo, com a pressão de suas águas negras. Por amor à verdade, a racionalidade e ao BEM que existe em mim, naquela noite resolvi fazer algo.
Minha família dormia quando penetrei na escuridão silenciosa da noite atravessando a janela e fechando-a logo atrás de mim sem nenhum baque. Dei passos cautelosos em direção ao armário da cozinha, logo ali, onde a garota bebera água pouco tempo atrás, a garota cuja minha mão direita já homenageara várias e várias vezes, mesmo minha parte civilizada fazendo questão de me lembrar que ela era minha irmã.
Abri a gaveta com uma satisfação palpável, meus olhos se contraíram, e retirei de lá todas as velas possíveis. Fui até a bancada da cozinha e rapidamente sem fazer barulho as acendi, organizei-as em uma linha horizontal sem muitos centímetros de distância uma da outra. Depois de todas devidamente acesas, fui até o outro armário, que era mais alto que o primeiro, fiquei na ponta dos pés e estiquei a mão até o topo, não havia nada em formato de vela ali, voltei totalmente ao chão e caminhei em direção a sala. Na gaveta do rack em que ficavam os jogos de tabuleiro e alguns DVDs velhos, encontrei mais quatro velas, droga, eram só três. Peguei-as com violência e fui direto até a cozinha, as ascendi sobre a mesa como tinha feito com as anteriores, levantei a alavanca do botijão de gás e acendi todas às cinco bocas. Precipitei-me em direção a janela, fechei-a atrás de mim, um leve tremor percorreu o meu corpo, corri, corri muito. Um cachorro latiu ao longe agourando o silêncio perpétuo da noite, o vento agora fresco tocava suavemente as maçãs de meu rosto, meu coração estava apertado, eu não queria ter que fazer aquilo. Mas era preciso fazer justiça, eu queria a ‘minha’ justiça, não a justiça cheia de misericórdia de Deus, não aguentava mais me sentir tolerante para com aqueles vermes de mente medíocre. Muito, muito distante dali deitei na grama cansado, fazia algum tempo que-
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-eu não corria. Não me sobressaltei. Eu queria ouvir gritos, eu sabia que aquilo não era o bastante para matá-los, mas saber que eu os havia prejudicado (mesmo que só em relação à compra de uma nova mobília e o susto de acordar no meio da noite com o ambiente em caos, longe da tão doce e despreocupada, ilusória paz que eles gozavam) me satisfazia. Eu ria, ria e ria.
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eusousato · 1 year
Me segurando para não sentir algo novo
Você me deixou sonhando
Decifrando cada palavra
Já te encarava com uma lágrima
Você se lembra daquilo que eu te contei?
Você se lembra quando soltou a minha mão?
Eu nunca desviei
Mesmo você me jogando contra mão
Sussurrando em seu ouvido
Dedicando um anel de papel
Um passar de mão atrevido
Lutando sozinho num coliseu
Um beijo não foi suficiente
Maio ficou perdido na memória
Fui sua ponte aérea 
Ascendi as luzes do meu coração
Caso você tentasse voltar
Passagem de ida
E eu ainda te espero voltar
Uma ligação perdida
Uma viagem cancelada
Passou como se eu fosse de celofane
Me atravessou como sinal vermelho
Guardei sua foto como presente
Maio se foi como uma garrafa de vinho
Me preencheu vagamente
Perdeu uma peça do meu quebra cabeça
E você nunca foi meu para perder
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trinitydigest · 17 hours
Hypoparathyroidism Pipeline Drugs Analysis Report, 2024: FDA Approvals, Clinical Trials, Therapies, MOA, ROA by DelveInsight | Ascendis Pharma, Bridgebio/Calcilytix Therapeutics, Amolyt Pharma, MBX
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columbianewsupdates · 18 hours
Hypoparathyroidism Pipeline Drugs Analysis Report, 2024: FDA Approvals, Clinical Trials, Therapies, MOA, ROA by DelveInsight | Ascendis Pharma, Bridgebio/Calcilytix Therapeutics, Amolyt Pharma, MBX
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beamstalker · 20 days
The Original Six - Origin Lore
It all started long ago when the three planes were in strife.
The high Beings of Soluxis sought a more efficient way to protect their realm. After metting after meeting and research of the best traits that could be created, these high beings took their most effective means of protection and combined them. The means including Holy Light, hand-crafted armor, blades forged of special metal that never dulls, and Their loyal steeds of a now-extinct species that was once faster than the wind. Together these traits forged the First Squadron.
These six were given names and the power to forge new beamstalkers to suit their needs and goals towards protecting Solaris.
The first two created were named Solis and Lumos, for their light shined brighter than the Sun itself. Those created by them aim to shine as if they were light itself to ward off dark beings.
The next was named Ascendi, as she'd risen from the magic forming her in such a way that commanded respect. Her first vow to her realm was to rise above her siblings as the best protector. Those who were created in her sector never back down from a threat.
Crimson was The fourth, she valued power over all and faced any foe with terrifying ferocity. Those she created were fierce and often worked alone to cover more ground.
Noctus was The fifth, They took to learning from records and history of the realm and those of other realms as well, never sleeping, even when the realm was dimmed for sleep. Those created to serve in the sector took to knowledge quickly. Strategy and learning about weaknesses.
The sixth was lost to time, with no preserved records. Many believe the sixth fell alongside Crimson during The great war, but Crimson herself could not be persuaded to tell of the sixth's existence even on the day her light burned out.
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conversationpoint · 18 hours
Hypoparathyroidism Pipeline Drugs Analysis Report, 2024: FDA Approvals, Clinical Trials, Therapies, MOA, ROA by DelveInsight | Ascendis Pharma, Bridgebio/Calcilytix Therapeutics, Amolyt Pharma, MBX
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newsheadlinesnow · 18 hours
Hypoparathyroidism Pipeline Drugs Analysis Report, 2024: FDA Approvals, Clinical Trials, Therapies, MOA, ROA by DelveInsight | Ascendis Pharma, Bridgebio/Calcilytix Therapeutics, Amolyt Pharma, MBX
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scotianostra · 2 years
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The young King James VI made his first official visit to Edinburgh on September 30th 1579.
James VI had spent his childhood at Stirling Castle. Now he came to Edinburgh to begin his adult rule. aged 13.
Born in 1566, he was the product of Mary’s ill-fated marriage to Henry, Lord Darnley. Darnley’s assassination in early 1567, and Mary’s subsequent over-hasty marriage to one of its perpetrators, Lord Bothwell, triggered events that led to Mary’s downfall.
James VI became king of Scotland in 1567 when Mary was forced to abdicate. 
According to the writings of David Moysie, James VI left Stirling on 29 September 1579 despite a storm. He had lunch at Dunipace and dinner at Linlithgow Palace where he stayed the night, and came to Holyroodhouse the next evening. The town lined the road with men in armour and a salute was fired from Edinburgh Castle.  The streets were cleared of beggars, executed criminals were removed down (from their pikes on the tolbooth) and the streets thoroughly cleaned.
His entry to the town was marked by a ceremonial Royal entry. James arrived from Dalkeith Palace. The processional route went from the West Port, to the Overbow, to the Tolbooth, to St Giles Kirk, the Mercat Cross, the Salt Tron, the Nether Bow, Canongate Cross, and Holyrood Palace
The gates of the town, the tollbooths of Edinburgh and the Canongate, and other buildings were painted white with limewash, called "calk".   Householders along the route were asked to hang the external stairs with tapestry and "Arras works".
At the West Port the king was met by 32 burgesses of Edinburgh, whose names are recorded, who carried a canopy made of purple velvet. John Shairp gave a speech in Latin. There was a tableau vivant of the Judgement of Solomon. At the Overbow Cupid gave James the keys to the town. Cupid was played by a boy who descended in a globe. At the Tolbooth four maidens (probably played by boys) represented Peace, Justice, Plenty and Policy, a scene relating to the four Cardinal Virtues. At St Giles Dame Religion invited the king to hear a sermon on the duty of kings and Psalm 21 was sung.  . Afterwards, at the Mercat Cross Bacchus shared out wine. At the Salt Tron the genealogy of the Scottish monarchy was presented, perhaps using portraits. The king's horoscope was presented an actor playing Ptolemy at the Netherbow Port. At the Canongate Cross a scene represented the abolition of the Pope's authority in Scotland.
At Holyrood Palace a new lodging was prepared for the king's favourite Esmé Stewart next to the royal apartment. A course or tournament ground made of sand for "running at the ring" was laid at Holyroodhouse. Celebrations continued at Dalkeith Palace, hosted by the former Regent Morton.
Similar pageantry was used in September 1561 when Mary, Queen of Scots had made an Entry, and in May 1590 at the Entry and Coronation of Anne of Denmark.
A short account of the events occurs in the chronicle, The historie and life of King James the Sext, written in Scots;
At the Wast Port of Edinburgh, he was ressavit be the Magistrats of the toun under a pompous payle of purple velvet. That port presentit unto him the wisdome of Solomon, as it is written in the thrid chapter of the first buik of the Kings : That is to say King Solomon was representit with the tua wemen that contendit for the young chylde. This done, they presented unto the King, the sworde for the one hand, and the scepter for the uther.
And as he maid forder progres within the toun, in the streat that ascendis to the castell, thair is an ancient port, at the whilk hang a curious globe, that opnit artificiallie as the King came by, wharin was a young boy that discendit craftelie, presenting the keyis of the toun to his Majestie, that war all maid of fyne massie sylver; and thais war presentlie ressavit be ane of his honorable counsall at his awin command. During this space, Dame Music and hir scollars exercesit hir art with great melodic. Then in his discence, as he came foment the hous of Justice, thair shew thayme selfis unto him, foure gallant vertewous ladeyis; to wit, Peax, Justice, Plentie, and Policie; and ather of thayme had an oraison to his Majestic. Tharefter, as he came towart the chief collegiall kirk, thare Dame Religion shew hirself, desyring his presence, whilk he then obeyit be entring the kirk; whare the cheif preacher for that tyme maid a notable exhortation unto him, for the embracing of Religion and all hir cardinall vertewis, and of all uther morall vertewis. Tharefter, he came furth and maid progres to the Mercat Croce, whare he beheld Bacchus with his magnifik liberalitie and plentie, distributing of his liquor to all passingers and behalders, in sik apperance as was pleasant to see. A litill beneth is a mercat place of salt, wharupon was payntit the genealogie of the Kings of Scotland, and a nomber of trumpets sounding melodioslie, and crying with loud voyce, "Wealfayre to the King".
At the east port was erectit the conjunctioun of the planets, as thay war in thair degreis and places the tyme of his Majesteis happie nativitie, and the same vivelie representit be the assistance of King Ptolome : And withall, the haill streits war spred with flowres; and the forehowsis of the streits, be the whilks the King passit, war all hung with magnifik tapestrie, with payntit historeis, and with the effegeis of noble men and wemen : And thus he past owt of the toun of Edinburgh to his palice of Halyruidhous
Note the last words on the description, “ his palice of Halyruidhous “  A couple of years ago someone question my use of the wording “Holyroodhouse”  saying she had never heard the Palace being called that before, well this confirms that over 300 years ago that this was being used, rather than Holyrood Palace, as is often used.
The king was given a cupboard of silver gilt plate made by the Edinburgh goldsmiths Edward Hart, Thomas Annand, George Heriot, Adam Craig and William Cokky. It was valued at 1000 English marks. This included a basin and a laver, two flasks, six cups and covers, four candle holders, a salt, a silver salver, and dozen silver plates. William Fairlie was asked to oversee the gilding of the silver on 8th October and assist Henry Nesbit make an account of the expenses. The wealthy merchant and "Customar" of Edinburgh Robert Gourlay, a supporter of Regent Morton, complained to the Privy Council of Scotland when he was asked to contribute £30.
An account for repairs and building work at Holyrood  in August and September 1579 survives. The works were supervised by William MacDowall, the royal Master of Work. Mention is made of slating the roof of a "Dancing House", carpenters who made a great chest for the king's pantry, glazing the chamber for "Lord Lennox", and a pavement in the chapel. New rooms were made for William Murray, and for Jerome Bowie, Master of the Wine Cellar. George Wallace or Vallance and his workman plastered the old hall, the chapel and the gallery, and painted the council house with chalk distemper paint. Women worked cleaning chambers in the tower, the old hall, the forework, and the gallery, and the inner close or courtyard. Their wages were two shillings a day.
The visit by James was a huge success. Everyone was delighted to see their king and with the excitement of once again having a royal court in Edinburgh.
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