#asd dx’ed
astralsys · 11 months
Intro post?
I made this account for fun maybe? fun as in I just wanted to fuck around and vent a little into the void under an account that's not much connected to my other ones idrk. dont have much of an online presence really wanted to see how this will play / work out. even tho I already have an account on here that I use personally to gush about things cause I can't help it probs not gonna use this that much.... probably cause I'll forget this exists, anyways comma!
collective info about me:
💫 ✨ | Astral System | ✨💫
Either call me Astral or K!
They / Them ( NO plural prns / &!!! /srs I hate it fuck off people who use that )
Trans Non-binary Aroace Bodily Adult
Masc / Neutral, System, Alter, Human / Person
Proff Dx’ed w/ D.I.D. ( adult dx'es ) in recovery since 2018, dx’ed also w/ MDD, ASD & ADHD ( childhood dx'es ) [ not recovered ]
( I'm only saying this cause one of my parts may leak that info out by accident, dont know better dont have a consensus with privacy atm, and I would rather just say it now instead of worrying about it being outed later idrc if you think I'm faking or not I've been dx’ed for over 6 years now idc what rando’s on the internet think about me tbh )
❌ ❌ Other Info Never Disclosed ❌ ❌
DNI: Minors, NSFW shit, Queerphobes, Racists, Ableist, Pedo’s / Zoo’s, Proship / Anti’s discourse
Mspec “Lesbians” / “Gays”, Male “Lesbians” Queer ID’s based off people, Rad Inclusive, Transmed, BaB ( + all other queer exclus )
Any "System’s" ( No Matter What "Type", I dont want to see you fuckers fuck off with your “plural community” all of you are fucking bullshit ), “Endogenic System’s”, / “Mixed Origins System” / Tulpa, Pro “Endogenic” / Pro Non Traumagenic “Systems” Whatever Fucking “System Origin” You Fuckers Keep Coming Up w/
“Medically Recognized System” / “Dx”, Self Dx’ers, Pro Self Dx, “M.U.D.” / “M.U.I.”, ( Medically Unrecognized Disorders / Illnesses )
Anything on Pluralpedia! Any Discourse!
I dont wanna see it or you I will block you on sight. I dont care, i am not your friend I don’t want to be your friend leave me alone and out of this shit.
specific info about me:
K or Astral ( not giving you my full name )
They / Them, Fey / Fem, Ae / Aer ( + other neo’s )
Trans Non-binary Otherkin / Alterhuman Agender Aroace
Host of Few ( also not giving you their names who fucking does that? ) I'm an adult ( id w/ body age not getting closer than that )
interests / dislikes / triggers private fuck off idc I'm not trying to make friends here
I hyperfixate on a lot of things due to both having asd and adhd and it effects my life way too much it’s annoying af I actually fucking hate it… having both is a fucking mess istfg, also chronic depression that’s so cool who doesnt love that? been dealing with that one for years and it sucks it really sucks I dont wanna keep feeling this awful my entire life, but its not gonna stop for me i think atp.
having D.I.D. isnt something I am ever gonna get into specifically, cause why the fuck would I? why do people have the need to tell others about their extensive personal med hx "oh you have to know all about my / our "system" and everyone apart of it! and every single disorder I / we self dx'es myself / ourselves with too!" ( just had to put the plural pronouns cause that's how these people talk ik I've had personal experience with these kinda people ). do these people not understand anything about internet safety omfg do you not listen to yourself at all? you’re not going to know anything regarding my med hx that I havent already given you cause to be honest I dont trust any one of you with me and my fragmented self and you don't really need to know. my alter’s are not something I talk to anyone about online or irl really. my trauma also isnt something I am ever gonna talk about honestly me even typing all of this out is insane to me what is wrong with me….
credit: banner @/Suyasuyabi427 pfp @/muku_69.0
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thelonelyrainbowguy · 7 years
ASD testing!
Today is my (3-hour ugh) autism and IQ testing appointment! I’m super nervous but excited to finally be getting this over with. The downside is I slept 5 broken hours and I have to work tonight and there will be next to no time for a nap in between. >_< Wish me luck, y’all (and by luck I mean an official diagnosis... and the ability to drive on the interstate and through crowded city streets without causing accidents or running people over).
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years
Different anon here: It’s honestly strange to hear this argument of a “neurotypical autistic person” as a parallel to a non-disorded system.
I’m someone who was coercively dx’ed with ASD and who has tags & words around this filtered on multiple platforms because I have to be in a certain headspace before engaging with discussion around autism (if I want to do that). I view autism as an inherently clinical term just from my experiences around it and randomly seeing people be positive about them being autistic can sometimes feel extremely unsafe - which I’ve seen is apparently somewhat similar to how some OSDD & DID systems feel towards non-disordered systems.
I know there’s also more to the parallel being drawn by the original anon than just that (like a common thing I’ve heard is feeling like is something isn’t disordered, folks won’t take you seriously anymore - but that’s the fault of society & the medical system, not random ppl around you - among other things), but managing your (general you) social interactions online so you feel safe is up to you. There’s a difference between blocking/filtering/muting things because you’re uncomfortable with it or don’t want to see it and going out of your way to harass people about how you feel. But there’s also nuance to that in itself on a public platform like tumblr because I know a fair amount of people realistically won’t do that, and you have a fair amount people treating the blogs of others like their own and/or assuming that all posts are directed at them personally, and I don’t know of a good solution for that (with syscourse, I’ve seen both anti-endogenic folks and pro-endogenic folks randomly give unsolicited advice to blogs about how they could effectively ‘better represent their community,’ and it feels like a violation of boundaries).
Maybe none of this is relevant, idk, but I felt like sending this.
It's a bit weird to me too for similar reasons. Unlike being plural or being a system, Autism is an actual diagnosis. I can completely see where you're coming from.
Unfortunately, there's no word for having autistic traits while being just outside the threshold for diagnosis.
I'm in a strange place as far as viewing my autism as a positive goes. Overall, it's a disorder that has had a serious negative impact on my life. However, if given a chance to change things and be born neurotypical, I wouldn't take it.
For all the bad that's come with this, every aspect of how I think is influenced by it in some way. It allowed me a unique perspective that I wouldn't have as a neurotypical person. Not to mention that I can't imagine Soph existing in a world where I wasn't who I am today... and I couldn't accept that.
I'm not proud, per se. But I am who I am and wouldn't want to change that.
I guess I'm in a spot where I can see why people would feel positive about being autistic even if I don't feel that way myself.
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asdcats · 6 years
I just got diagnosed with ASD on the 27th! I’m 19 & I self-dx’ed years ago but now it’s official & it feels good to be validated. Is there a way to find offline communities/meetups that aren’t affiliated with @$ or ABA? Can you suggest any online communities that aren’t affiliated with @$ or ABA? Thank you!
I don't know about many offline communities online other than tumblr. There is Autistico on Facebook (which is a closed group) and there's probably at least 1 discord group though I can't think of any I know of.As for off line all I can really suggest is you just look around. If they are associated with as it should say. Though also look out for person first language, the colour blue, puzzle pieces, mentions of a cure or anything referring to autism as an illness or an epidemic.
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autistic-google · 8 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could help me with self-diagnosis a little bit... Basically, I meet most of the requirements for autism, and my autistic friends accept me as a Fellow Autistic and like to point out when I do Autistic Things, but I'm not sure if I might be misdiagnosing... I have difficulty with conversation things like knowing when it's my turn and all that, but I have no problem with metaphors, and actually I tend to latch onto metaphors and extend them out as far as I can, (1/?)
even when other people would expect them to break down. I also definitely did pretend play when I was little, often. It wasn't even one-off sort of stuff; I had huge expansive worlds that I would imagine. And my imagination is still really strong, such that I can imagine things into the real world for myself. I'm pretty sure getting metaphors and pretend play (which I still sort of do aaa) are polar opposite to autism? but other than that I fit the criteria perfectly -- stimming a lot (2/?)
and really enjoying stimming; having trouble understanding other people's emotions and social conventions, going nonverbal; I don't really meltdown usually but it has happened, all that stuff. Other "weird" things about me, if it helps at all: I constantly have music playing in my head and often it will mix and layer; it never ever stops; if I start the day with a bad song it will pretty much ruin my mood and NTs sometimes think it's funny to play my "bad mood" songs to see my reaction (3 or 4?)
(sorry I lost count back there let's call this 5) although thankfully they don't do that often. Also I think I have mild synesthesia because sometimes I can visually stim to a song if that makes sense? I was able to read when I was really little and I've always been good at it, but I think I did learn to talk first and talked at a normal time (another mark against autism). I'm kind of rambling now... Sorry this dragged on and on, I'm just not sure where to start with this. Some days I (5/6 of ?)
Some days I will be super confident like "yes, I am autistic, I can understand myself better now" but other days I'll be like "I'm faking it, look at these contradictions" and aaa I've never been good at reading myself. I know this string of anons was really confusing but if you can please help me out? ;-; 
I have a lot to say about this, so I’m going to bullet point it:
-I can’t really tell you if you’re autistic or have synesthesia or whatever. Neither can your autistic friends, tbh. You know your brain best, so in the absence of a professional diagnosis you should go with what you think.
-Not all autistic people have speech delays (that was why, originally, Aspergers was a diagnosis-- to describe those without speech delays). In fact, many professionals think speech delays aren’t a symptom, but instead a comorbid disorder
-The pretend play thing is common in autistic people but not universal; maladaptive daydreaming is also an autistic thing and it kind of sounds like what you’re describing
-Some autistic people have trouble with metaphors, but not all. In particular, many autistic people understand and can use metaphors but find it difficult to detect when someone else is using one. It’s also common for autistic people to understand metaphors because they’ve memorized specific, common ones, but they still won’t understand one if they’ve never heard it before.
-Reading very early is a sign of hyperlexia, also an autism thing.
-If you think you’re misdiagnosing, look at similar/comorbid disorders. Consider if any of them better explain your experiences.
-If you think autism describes your experiences and you benefit from the community, you do have a place in the neurodivergent/autistic community. Even if it turns out you’re misdiagnosing, as long as you aren’t hurting autistic people or intentionally lying about being autistic it’s not a huge problem.
-I run a kik chat for people who are in the process of self-dx’ing, are self-dx’ed or have comorbid disorders, specifically because these kinds of feelings are really common. You can message me @chronicleofhumanity if that’s a thing you’d be interested in that.
-Standard list of diagnostic resources:
-In general, focus less on specific symptoms and more on the actual dsm diagnostic criteria, which is way more broad. Do you have communication problems? Do you stim/have special interests? Do you really like routine and rules and such? Do these things make it hard to function? Congrats, you’re probably autistic. Keep in mind, you don’t need to have *every* symptom to be autistic.
-mod Ari
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astralsys · 4 months
I'm kinda just not been feeling that great my episode just keeps getting worse and worse and idk what to do to make myself feel better. feels like no one really likes me as a person just feeling really bad and lonely…. I have a vacation coming up hopefully things will get better. also memory’s still been getting worse not a good sign.
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astralsys · 1 year
I hate when I get a new hyperfixation / interest and its such a new or niche thing that there isnt a lot of stuff for me to fixate on… its agony waiting for new food :c
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