#asdfghjkl chandler
ncutisgatwas · 6 months
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FRIENDS 6.13: “The One With Rachel's Sister"
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hanitje · 3 years
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“I’d like that...”
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 years
I would die for Gertrude Chandler Warner and her comments on the original Boxcar Children book: “[The book] raised a storm of protest from librarians who thought the children were having too good a time without any parental control! That is exactly why children like it!"
My woman really out here yelling KIDS RIGHTS at stuffy 1930s parents
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bloomingsalma · 3 years
I'm sorry for stalking your blog it's just such a nice and comforting place 💕 would you happen to have any good book recommendations? - your secret tumblr admirer
omg don't apologize -- I love seeing people stalk my account, as weird as that may sound out of context LMAO. I'm so glad you finding it a comforting place, I really wanted to create the sort of space I admired and felt in other accounts I loved. Okay. Um, so. I literally haven't read more than two books for pleasure per year since, like, middle school because I sorely lost the time management skills for it throughout high school. But I'm trying to read more now, but as of now, have very few recs due to having read very few books asdfghjkl I'm sorry 😭 I am currently reading Girls of Paper and Fire, though, and I am really loving it (tho please check the tw for it, as it's a very heavy book). I also know that @papenathys and @gaaandaaaalf have some amazing posts w book recs, and some booktubers I watch now are "withcindy" and "chandler ainsley", though my book tastes don't always align w theirs. Some books I really want to read are Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, The Jasmine Throne and The Miniaturist. Also want to find more books with essays on feminism and the LGBTQ+ community.
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reyescarlos · 2 years
Rewatching the scene of Tarlos telling the group about their engagement for like the millionth time and Mateo’s reaction has got to be my fave 🤣🤣🤣 he had a chandler from friends moment of I have no clue what’s going on but I’m excited 🤣🤣🤣
Omg seriously I’ve been thinking about and rewatching it far too many times. God bless Mateo and his excitable puppy energy asdfghjkl he’s so damn precious, I can’t even 😂😂 TOTALLY the same vibe. God that finale was 10/10, no notes
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Chapter 1 of my gay mlb text fic
Can be found on ao3 here
Here goes!
Chapter 1
LuckyCharms has created the chat Francois Dupont GSA Club
Wednesday, September 3rd 17:10
cats_meow has been added to the conversation
pocketwatch has been added to the conversation
jasontodd has been added to the conversation
ratgina_george has been added to the conversation
LuckyCharms: Hello. Welcome to the group I guess. Please state y'alls names, pronouns, sexualities, grade level, and anything else you might want to share.
cats_meow has changed chat name to be crime do gay
cats_meow: *le gasp*
cats_meow: a cereal goddess??
cats_meow: can anybody be more lucky???
LuckyCharms: Your names please.
pocketwatch: hand them over :)
pocketwatch: or elsa :))
jasontodd: lmao elsa
pocketwatch: shut
LuckyCharms: Okay. I'll start. My name is Marinette, she/her, and I am the biest bi to ever bi :) also I'm a junior
pocketwatch: hey hey hey thanks for checking in im ✨still a piece of garbage✨
pocketwatch: anyways, im alix, gender is a social construct, fuck romance and i have a fake spider named Gerald. hes 2 years old but im a sophomore
ratgina_george: loving how the only thing you capitalized was gerald
pocketwatch: :)
cats_meow: @LuckyCharms i was hoping for you to actually be a cereal goddess just so i could get a lifetime supply of that cookie cereal with a wolf mascot just to piss off my cousin who thinks that frosted flakes are the best brain fart god has ever had but they're nOT THEY ARE A FUCKING TRAVESTY TO ALL THINGS CEREAL THEYRE SO BLAND
jasontodd: excuse me sir but what the fuck-
cats_meow: *ahem*
cats_meow: excuseh mwah
cats_meow: my name is adrien agreste, my pronouns are he/him, im as gay as a fucking rainbow am poly, a junior, and the first person to go when we finally eat the rich will be my sperm donor, gabriel "asshole" agreste
ratgina_george: ima give that a solid amen
ratgina_george: my name is chloe, my pronouns are she/her, and to deliberately plagiarize off of one adrien agreste, im as gay as a fucking rainbow and a huge theater nerd, evidenced by the name
ratgina_george: also a junior :)
cats_meow: @jasontodd ??? youve been ghosting
cats_meow: also, @ratgina_george rude :(
jasontodd: lmao sorry I was eating
jasontodd: I'm Kim my pronouns are he/him, I'm the straightie here but I'm trans so ig that counts for being able to be here,,, and im a junior!!!
pocketwatch: ohmigod we have a token hetero!!!!
pocketwatch: also you're completely valid you dont need to be gay to be part of the club
pocketwatch: all you really need to do is not be a homophobe and you're eligible
cats_meow: @LuckyCharms see look mom we are already hitting such huge milestones!!!
cats_meow: our very own het!
LuckyCharms: :,) my brain child,,,
LuckyCharms: so proud :,^)
ratgina_george: ew what is that nose-
be crime do gay
Friday, Sept. 5th 7:01
ratgina_george: yall
ratgina_george: asdfghjkl
ratgina_george: AAAAHHHH
cats_meow: !!!!!!!!
cats_meow: thats great!!!!!
LuckyCharms: I'm assuming you're auditioning?
ratgina_george: ofc!!!!
ratgina_george: who do you think I am!!?
ratgina_george: a peasant!?!?!?!
pocketwatch: heather chandler? 
ratgina_george: yes
ratgina_george: it's like
ratgina_george: Mean Girl Solidarity™
jasontodd: makes sense
pocketwatch: im auditioning for jd!!!
pocketwatch: me and nath are doing it together!!!!
pocketwatch: because if the teachers wont go for an enby whos biologically female
pocketwatch: then theyll have to go for another enby who's biologically male
pocketwatch: bc fuck gender stereotypes!!!!!
LuckyCharms: praise 🙏
be crime do gay
Wednesday, Sept. 10th 15:15
mimekinnie has been added to the conversation
pocketwatch: bro @mimekinnie
mimekinnie: bro!!!!!
LuckyCharms: @mimekinnie Please state your name, pronouns, sexuality, grade level, and anything else you want to share
mimekinnie: ok ig
mimekinnie: my name is Nath, I'm a sophomore. I go by he/they, I'm poly and bi and my boyf changed my name to this because I drew myself as a mime one time and always wear berets
cats_meow: oh so youre the hot french guy!!!
cats_meow: ive been wanting to meet you
jasontodd: um sir that's kinda gay,,,
ratgina_george: you get out of here dc superfan
ratgina_george: marvel all the way
jasontodd: *gasp*
jasontodd: you take that back
pocketwatch: things are getting heated in the superhero fandom
cats_meow: lmao yall over here with the justice league and avengers
cats_meow: the only bitches i respect in this house are kid cosmic and the local heros
jasontodd: ok thats fair
mimekinnie > redhoodie
mimekinnie: asdfghjkl
redhoodie: lmao wassup
mimekinnie: yk that guy who always wears really fucking tight leather pants??
mimekinnie: and who has the greenest eyes anyone has ever seen???
redhoodie: oh yeah the kid who always makes cat puns
redhoodie: what about him
mimekinnie: he called me
mimekinnie: and I quote
mimekinnie: "the hot french guy"
mimekinnie: like
mimekinnie: tf am I supposed to do with that????
mimekinnie: is he flirting??
mimekinnie: is he just being nice???
redhoodie: omg dude calm down
redhoodie: if he is flirting
redhoodie: and let me assure you, he def is,
redhoodie: do you at least have a chance with him?
mimekinnie: yeah he said hes gay and poly
mimekinnie: so ig you have a chance too
redhoodie: flirt with him back
redhoodie: ill come to the next meeting
redhoodie: lets woo us a catboy
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xiaojaan · 4 years
you must be an absolute sweetheart and I think you like to joke a lot, but also there's this seriousness in you and you also have bad days too but you try to be positive. I think this is you in a really short and rough version! And you love listening to music soooo much it became a part of your life!!! (well this became long sorry asdfghjkl)
Yes Im Chandler irl and I use jokes and sarcasm as a coping mechanism lol and idk about the sweetheart part but you really did get it right my music is as important as oxygen to me a part of my life😌😌 sksks who are you how do you know me im scared jk 
judging by my tumblr, post in my ask box what you think i’d be like in real life
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Draco Malfoy, Magnus Bane and Joseph Chandler? 😆
Asdfghjkl first off, I totally didn’t realise you followed me on here too so THANK YOU FOR THAT 😁💙
Secondly, oooh interesting mix!
Draco Malfoy: just okay
Magnus Bane: only know their name
Joseph Chandler: badass / my baby / hot
Ask me a fictional character
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judeharoldvich · 8 years
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eversall · 7 years
Idk if you've ever watched Friends, but Jimon + the gang finding out about their relationship in the style of Monica and Chandler
i have watched friends and asdfghjkl i love monica and chandler and this is one of the best episodes ever so this prompt is extra amazing. obviously, all credit goes to friends for the plot. also, i want to point out that this fic by jess ( @softjimon) has more friends!jimon and reading her thing is 100% the inspiration i had to finish this one so quickly. 
fool around like we’re sixteen and secret || jace/simon, 3k+, secret relationship + fluff || (ao3 link coming soon!)
In March, Simon goes away for a weekend to Vermont. Songwriting boot camp, he claims, he and his writers are sequestering themselves away for a few days to work on his upcoming album. Jace happens to be out of town that weekend too, because - as he tells Alec and Izzy - he was called to consult on a case involving an adoption scam.
“Since I have experience,” he explains, “they want me to be there for their initial analysis.”
Alec believes him. Why would Alec not believe his brother, his FBI case partner, his roommate, his best friend? 
He doesn’t even think about it until the next Monday, when Jace gets back on a red-eye flight, grinning about apparently seeing Raj and Duncan together in an elevator in the hotel he was staying at, and they’re running around trying to get ready for work.
“I’m out of shaving cream,” Alec calls from the restroom desperately, “I can’t show up to work looking like I haven’t slept in seventy-two hours!”
“In my carry-on, use my bottle, I haven’t unpacked yet!” Jace yells from his bedroom. So Alec rushes out to the living room, digging through the duffel bag on the sofa, and comes up with not one but two bottles of shaving cream. One’s sleek and black, and the other is…Batman themed.
“What is this?” Alec asks as he smirks, waving the bottle at Jace, who’s walking out of the bedroom. “Discovering your inner child, are you? Your puberty-driven, cartoon-character supported shaving?”
Jace freezes, and his eyes go comically large. “Uh…I found it?” He offers. Alec raises an eyebrow, and decides that he’s not judging. He just doesn’t have the energy right now.
“If you want to re-live those hormone fueled years, be my guest.” He laughs as he tosses the Batman bottle at Jace, and then goes into the restroom to shave.
It’s not a big deal. It shouldn’t be a big deal.
But then, later that night, he and Jace go across the hall to Clary and Simon’s place so they can is wait for the other two to get ready for dinner - which, God, both of them are so high-maintenance - the only person allowed to be that high maintenance is Magnus, and Alec isn’t biased, shut up Jace -
But as he and Jace lounge on their (much nicer, antique) sofa, and Clary is trying to get her earrings untangled from her hair, Simon makes several trips back and forth from his bedroom to the bathroom, frowning and muttering to himself.
“Si,” Clary finally asks, amused, “are you…alright?”
“I lost my Batman themed bottle of shaving cream.” Simon says, frazzled. “I guess I left it somewhere in Vermont while I was away -”
“Oh?” Alec asks, frowning. That’s weird, certainly, that this is the second time that he’s encountering this Batman-themed bottle, but that’s fine. Coincidences happen. “How was Vermont?” He asks politely.
“It was great,” Simon’s suddenly smiles, his eyes going dreamy, before his expression smooths out into a smirk. “I saw Raj and Duncan making out in an elevator -”
Alec’s eyes widen and he bolts upright, just as the door opens and Magnus and Izzy waltz in.
“You what - “ He hollers as Izzy yells “Clary!” and Magnus says, loudly, “I think the barista down there hates me”, and at the same time Jace jumps off the couch, his face pale as a sheet, and tackles Alec to the ground. In the ensuing chaos and noise, Jace bodily drags Alec into Simon’s bedroom, and Alec splutters as Simon follows behind and shuts the door.
“You!” He says dumbly, pointing at Simon. “And - you?” His finger swings wildly to point at Jace, who rolls his eyes.
“Yeah.” He says. “Don’t make a big deal out of it.”
“So, to clarify.” Alec asks. “This isn’t some huge coincidence, you both went to Vermont for the weekend to…?”
“Romantic getaway.” Jace says, at the same time that Simon says “To have uninterrupted sex.”
“Uninterrupted - “ Alec starts spluttering again.
“Babe, don’t break him.” Jace says, amused. Simon grins as he grabs his hair gel off his dresser and starts styling his hair.
“Why did you both lie?” Alec crosses his arms and regards the two of them. “There were so many ways I could have found out, and discovering that the two of you fucked for three straight days isn’t the way I prefer.”
“We just wanted to keep this to ourselves for a little while longer.” Simon says, his fingers working through his curls as he glances at Jace through the mirror and smiles softly. “It’s nice to just be in our own world.”
Jace smiles back, and it’s embarrassingly besotted. Alec wants to bang his head against a wall somewhere, but also -
“I’m happy for you guys.” Alec says gruffly, and Jace and Simon both beam at him. “Stop smiling like an idiot, Jace. Batman themed shaving cream, honestly.”
“Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.” Simon says, snapping his fingers. Jace snorts, and kisses him. And the way Jace leans into it, the way Simon’s shoulders relax, the way they both look at each other - Alec supposes it isn’t the worst secret in the world to keep.
Clary finding out is entirely by chance. She’s just passing through the living room when she hears the buzz of a vibrating phone from the sofa cushions, and she pauses and sets her bowl of popcorn down, tossing pillows aside to find Simon’s phone getting a flurry of incoming texts.
[jace]: u free babe?
[jace]: alec’s left to bother magnus or something, idk
[jace]: come over, we can do that thing you’ve been asking for since i can be as loud as i want now ;)
[jace]: tell clary ur gonna do laundry when really ur gonna do me
Clary shrieks and tosses the phone back onto the sofa, scrambling backwards and grabbing her popcorn. Mouth agape, she cradles her food to her chest and spends a horrified few seconds thinking oh God, is this karma for when Simon walked in on me making out with that girl in eleventh grade? Is this my punishment?
Then another thought hits her, and she straightens up and smiles, munching on a few kernels of popcorn thoughtfully. Laundry, hmm, is that the excuse Simon’s going to use?
She can’t say she’s not happy for them. It’s clearly been a long time coming, and they both would do anything for each other. It’s sweet. She’s a little hurt that Simon didn’t tell her, but she gets it. It’s their thing, and if they want to keep it a secret, it’s fine.
That doesn’t mean she’s not going to have a little fun with it, though.
Half an hour later, Simon finally appears in the apartment, after a long day at the recording studio. He groans, and heads straight for the couch as Clary watches, with no small amount of glee, from her position at the kitchen table.
“I can’t believe I left my phone.” He says morosely. “Clary, why am I like this?”
“Beats me.” She says cheerfully. “I like that you’re like this. It makes me seem like such a high-functioning adult.” She throws a few pieces of popcorn at him, and he distractedly grabs at one of them and pops it into his mouth as he scrolls through his phone. He flushes a deep red, slowly grinning, and he locks his phone and tucks it into his pocket.
“Got a lot to do this evening.” He starts saying loudly, heading into his room as he continues to talk. “Gotta clean my room, write some emails, do some laundry - “ He appears in the living room again, toting his laundry basket, which Clary suspects is full of clean clothes. “I’m just, ah, going to go do that laundry. Maybe I’ll answer the emails from my phone while I wait - “
“Oh, you’re doing laundry?” Clary asks, making a big show of looking surprised. “You wouldn’t mind doing a few pairs of jeans for me, right? I really need them before I head to the studio tomorrow.”
“Your…jeans.” Simon stops and looks baffled, and then, bizarrely, he looks around the room, like that’ll help him figure out what to do, and he sighs and smiles at her. Clary almost feels a little guilty when he says, sweetly, “Of course I can. Give me whatever you need!”
Izzy finds out in what she later claims is a worse way than Clary. She’s looking at an apartment in the building over, and all things considered, it’s going pretty well, until she goes to the window.
“Oh my God,” She says, laughing, “look, Clary, it’s Jace and Simon. We can see your apartment from here.” She turns, but Clary’s gone - presumably to the bathroom, she can hear the sink running. She turns back, and -
Simon has Jace pinned against the wall next to the window, holding his wrists loosely over his head with one hand and grabbing his ass with the other. They’re kissing like their life depends on it, with Jace shamelessly rolling his hips and chasing after Simon’s lips every time Simon pulls back.
Izzy is scarred for life.  
“What are they - oh my God! No! Why are they - don’t do - oh my God!” She yells, skidding backwards with her hands clapped over her mouth. Clary comes tearing out of the restroom, hollering “What, what?!”, and then she skids to a stop when she sees what Izzy’s looking at. To Izzy’s surprise, she just makes a face and mutters a curse under her breath before throwing the curtains closed.
“God, yeah.” She mutters, turning to roll her eyes. “They’re a thing.”
“This is - wow.” Izzy’s almost stunned by the revelation, but not quite. Jace and Simon have always had a certain tension, and it’s undeniable that the two are romantics at heart; they’re good for each other. What’s stunning is that they’ve managed to keep it a secret. “Wait, how did you find out?”
“I saw some of Jace’s texts to Simon.” She shudders. “Every time Simon says he’s doing laundry? He’s going over to Jace’s and they’re…” She trails off, waggling her eyebrows suggestively, and Izzy laughs.
“Sex.” She says, enunciating the word, and Clary shudders theatrically. “Really, laundry is their code word? That’s so…sickeningly domestic.”
“Oh, not anymore.” Clary grins, perching on the arm of the sofa. “Now I ask him to actually do my laundry.”
“Oh you are horrible.” Izzy rolls her eyes, but she’s still smiling. “They don’t know you know?”
“No. I’ve been having fun with it.”
Izzy thinks about that, and then a slow smirk spreads across her face.
“Not enough fun, I think.”
Alec walks into the room, sees Clary and Izzy whispering, and immediately backs out.
“Nope, I’m going back to my apartment.” He decides, but they look up and immediately fix him in place with their stares.
“Alec,” Izzy says very seriously, “we need your help.”
“For what?” Alec asks warily. Izzy gets up and approaches him, crossing her arms.
“We know something,” She says slowly, “and if we tell you it needs to be a secret - “
“Oh, no.” Alec says immediately. “Absolutely not, I’m not doing this secrets thing again, have fun - “
“No, come on - “ Izzy drags him to sit at the kitchen table. “It’s for a good cause.”
“What’s the good cause?”
Clary comes over and braces her hands on the table. “Jace and Simon.” She says, and Alec squints at her suspiciously.
“What about them?” He asks slowly. Clary and Izzy share a look, in that weirdly synchronous silent language they have - when are they going to start dating? - and nod.
“There’s something you should, um, find out for yourself.” Clary says. “Why don’t you go to your apartment and knock on Jace’s door?”
Alec immediately freezes up. One of the most unhelpful things about knowing his brother secret is that he and Simon are now taking it as permission to go at it in their room while Alec is still in the apartment. They’re quiet, sure, but the walls are paper thin, and Alec just really wants less of a sex-dazed Simon walking around. He’s terrible at chess when he’s like that, and Simon’s pretty much the only person that’ll play chess with him.
“Simon’s doing laundry with Jace.” Alec says slowly. “That’s what they said.”
“Go check.” Izzy insists. “Humour me.”
Alec blanches at the thought of what he could walk into, and immediately responds with a horrified “No.” Izzy’s eyes widen at his reaction.
“Do you know what I think you know?” She hisses. Alec groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t know what you think I know.” He says.
“I know you know something, but I’m wondering if what I know and what you know are - “
“Jace and Simon are sleeping together!” Clary blurts out, and then she slaps a hand over her mouth and looks shocked at her own admission.
“They’re not sleeping together, they’re dating - oh hell.” Alec says, when he realizes what he’s walked into. Izzy slams her hand down on the table triumphantly.
“I knew you knew!” She crows delightedly. “Now, you can help us freak them out!”
“Or we could all stop.” Alec bemoans. “Stop with the secrets.” Nobody listens to him. Nobody ever does, because all the people he hangs out with are idiots. (Except Magnus. Though, truth be told, this is probably why Magnus lives a safe distance away from all of them.)
Jace is baffled, to say the least, when Simon bursts into his apartment and screeches, with wide eyes, “You sister just grabbed my ass! She flirted with me!”
“She what?” Jace asks from where he’s perches on a bar stool. “Are you sure?”
“Am I sure her hand touched my ass in a sexual manner - yeah I’m sure!” He says. “What’s happening?”
Jace never gets to respond, because Simon’s phone rings. “Oh my God, it’s her.” Simon wails, before he answers and puts it on speakerphone. “Hey, Iz!” He says as cheerfully as he can, while his face goes through a series of alarmed expressions. Jace frowns and hops off the stool to sling an arm around his boyfriend, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.
“Hey, handsome.” Izzy’s voice sounds from over the speaker, and Jace blanches because her voice is low and definitely dipping into seductive territory. “I was just thinking about you.”
“And I, uh, was just thinking that I have to go! I have something I need to pick up, bye!” Simon says, ending the call and throwing his phone down on the counter. “Am I going crazy? Am I suddenly attractive?”
“You’ve always been attractive.” Jace mutters, pressing his lips to Simon’s temple. “Relax, breathe.”
“Izzy is trying to date me, there’s nothing relaxing about this.” Simon moans, but he eases into Jace’s hold, leaning back and letting Jace rake his fingers through Simon’s hair.
Alec snorts from where he’s sitting in his armchair, and both Simon and Jace startle, looking at him. Jace had kind of forgotten he was there, but Alec is being suspiciously silent, and his gaze keeps flicking to Simon’s phone. An absurd little thought begins to form in Jace’s mind.
“Alec,” He asks slowly, “does Izzy know about us?” Then he remembers all the fucking laundry he and Simon have been doing the past week. “Does Clary?”
“No.” Alec says immediately, looking down at his book. “Of course not. How would I know if they knew? I don’t know.”
“Alec.” Jace warns, narrowing his gaze. Alec flushes, but he dutifully keeps his eyes glued to his book. “Look at me, Alec.”
There’s silence for a few seconds as Jace crosses the room, striding closer to Alec, when Alec finally cracks and throws his hands up. “Yes, they know, can we be done with this whole secret thing now?”
“I knew it!” Jace crows. Simon leans against the kitchen counter and shakes his head.
“I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad an attractive woman turned out not to really be flirting with me.” He remarks, and Jace points at him.
“Watch it, you’re still dating me.” He says. “More importantly, how are we going to retaliate?”
“Retaliate?” Simon asks, laughing. Jace crosses his arms impatiently, dead serious.
“Yeah. Oh, it’s on. Two can play at this game, and we’re going to fucking win.” He hisses. Alec springs out of his chair, looking at Jace in horror.
“Not more of this.” He says, aghast. “When will this nightmare end? And I expect you want me to keep this a secret too?”
Jace looks at him, and Alec flips him off as he stomps to his bedroom.
Which is what leads to the current ridiculous tableau that Jace finds himself in, peeking through a tiny crack in the bathroom - where he’s hiding out - and watching Izzy and Simon play a game of chicken as they try to seduce each other in the living room. He’s pretty sure Clary and Alec are on the other side of the front door and watching just like he is as Izzy and Simon play out the weirdest scene Jace has ever seen.
“You have such…impressive biceps.” Izzy purrs, dragging her finger down Simon’s chest - which is nowhere near his biceps! Jace grits his teeth and reminds himself that Simon is dating him, and that they’re just doing this so they can win.
“You’re quite impressive yourself.” Simon says, his voice low, and he moves in closer to place his hand on Izzy’s neck, hesitantly. Izzy visibly startles when he does, and looks momentarily flabbergasted before she soldiers on.
“You should kiss me.” She says, thrusting her chest forward. Simon gulps.
“Okay, yeah.” He says. “I wanna do that too.”
“So do it.”
“I will.” Simon woodenly places his other arm around Izzy’s waist, and Jace momentarily resists the urge to throw something at the two of them and separate them. Izzy and Clary can’t get the better of him and Simon.
“Okay.” Izzy licks her lips, her movements jerky as she leans forward. Simon does so too, inching forward, and the seconds tick by agonizingly as their lips get closer and closer, the space between them shrinking, and then they’re touching and kissing -
“AGH, NO, YOU WIN, I CAN’T KISS YOU!” Simon yells, jumping backwards and tripping wildly over his own feet. Izzy shrieks and points accusingly at him.
“I knew it! And why can’t you kiss me?” She gloats gleefully. Simon’s still breathing hard when he yells “Because I’m in love with Jace!”
Jace’s heart stops and he finds himself moving without thinking, shoving the door open and stumbling out to a stop in front of his boyfriend, whispering a shocked, soft, “What?” At the same time, Clary and Alec spill through the front door, gasping in unison and yelling “Oh my God”, as Izzy throws a hand out and accidentally knocks over a chair. In the ensuing chaos, Magnus appears as well, almost out of thin air, surveying the scene in front of him - Jace and Simon breathing raggedly, staring at each other intensely, Izzy trying to haphazardly pick up chairs as she watches everyone else at the same time, and Clary digging her nails into Alec’s arm as she bounces on the balls of her feet, with Alec alternating between scowling and trying to pry her fingers off, staring proudly at Jace, and smiling at Magnus.
Magnus arches an eyebrow. “Clearly, I’m missing something.” He murmurs, moving to Alec’s side.
Jace ignores all of them. He stares at Simon, who’s finally looking up at him through his absurdly pretty eyelashes, his eyes warm and a little fearful.
“Say it again.” he demands hoarsely. Simon stares at him, and takes a slow step forward, the corners of his lips turning up helplessly in a smile.
“I love you, Jace.” He says, and it seems to Jace like the world comes to an abrupt standstill the second Simon says the words, his vision narrowing down to the man of his dreams in front of him. This is happening, he thinks dizzily, this is real. He gets to have this, have someone who cherishes him and holds him close and makes him laugh, who genuinely loves him.
Jace breaks out into a smile, his veins thrumming with adrenaline as he says “I love you too”, and then they’re surging forward to kiss each other desperately, Simon crushing Jace to his chest as Jace loops his arms around Simon’s neck. It’s way, way too indecent for the audience they have, but this is the first time they’ve said those words to each other and Jace needs to feel Simon, as close as possible, needs to nip at his bottom lip and swallow down the rough groan that works its way out of Simon’s throat.
It feels like hours later when they pull apart to Clary’s loud coughing, and then Simon ducks his head, blushing bright red, and Jace rests their forehead together.
“This is so much more amazing than I thought it was going to be.” Clary says, and Jace finally turns to see her beaming at them. “I’m so happy for you guys!”
“Thank you.” Jace says, smirking. “I’m happy for me too.”
“Alec, dude, thanks.” Simon says fervently. “For keeping everyone’s secrets.”
“Don’t ever make me do this again.” Alec says flatly, and then his face softens. “Also, don’t break each other’s hearts. I’ll be out a brother and a friend, then.”
“Well, it’s good to see that you two are finally telling everyone.” Magnus says, smiling fondly at them. “You don’t have to sneak around anymore.”
“I’m gonna kind of miss going to do ‘laundry’, to be honest.” Simon says, pinching Jace’s side, and Jace laughs, shying away from the touch as the rest of them grin. There’s a beat of silence, and then Clary frowns.
“How did you find out, Magnus?” She asks. Magnus looks at them, puzzled.
“I figured it out the night after they first slept together, after London.” He says, while they all gape at him, Jace and Simon included. “Wasn’t it quite obvious?” When everyone continues to look at him with various degrees of astonishment, he frowns. “How did all of you find out, then?”
They groan, loudly.
“Don’t ask.” Alec advises. “It’s a long story.”
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tiddyanderson · 8 years
I was tagged by @estrangedcharliescully​ thank you! <3
Name: Elizabeth
Nickname: Everyone calls me Lizzie and Britt calls me babycakes
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Cancer
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pokémon Team: Mystic
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Animals: Literally every animal ever
Average Hours of Sleep: There are no averages it ranges from about 7-14 hours.
Cat or Dog Person? Cat
Favourite Fictional Characters: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Michael Scott, Gene Belcher, Chandler Bing, and tons of others I’m not thinking of at the moment.
Number of Blankets I sleep with: 1
Favourite Singer / Band: This is a really bad question for me. My favourite singer is probably either David Bowie, Stevie Nicks, or Ariana Grande and my favourite band is probably either Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, ABBA, or The Lumineers.
Dream Trip: idk
Dream Job: idk
When was this Blog created? I think in either April or May of 2016. Possibly even March I’m not really sure.
Current Number of Followers: 383 but several of those are porn bots I need to block. I just haven’t gotten around to it yet asdfghjkl
When did your Blog reach its Peak? I don’t really think it has.
What made you decide to make a Tumblr? I was staying over at my friend’s house and she had an account and was scrolling through her dash and I thought the website looked cool so I asked her what it was and long story short, I made an account.
Relationship Status: Single af
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick Last Song I listened to: Lady Stardust by David Bowie
Last Movie I watched: The Bee Movie (thanks Leah)
Top 3 Shows: The X-Files, American Horror Story, The Simpsons
Top 3 Characters: Fox Mulder, Sister Jude, Bart Simpson
Top 3 Ships: MSR, McLennon, Gillovny
I’ll tag @carpepoopem​ @hellyeahtatertots​ @katherinebodine​ @novellaqueen​ @gillianandersunflower​ @httpdelonge​ @urflirtytoday2012​ @goyz​ and @scullyismyspiritanimal​
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space-caramella · 4 years
whats your top 5 ocs?
Asdfghjkl aaaaa okay i’m gonna feel so bad because although I still love all of my oc’s to bits, I have been having so much fun with my D&D oc’s lately that at least atm, most of them will be at the top of this list. Forgive me if some faves don’t make it but.. here goes! 5: Andromeda. If there’s one non-D&D character of mine that deserves to at least still in this list, it’s her. I know many still love her and she’s still just.. so iconic. Like I wouldn’t have come this far with character creation without her. 4: Faith Chandler. At this point, I don’t know if I should really start to count them as a D&D character because although I haven’t revamped them to be in a campaign yet, I definitely want them to be a warlock at some point. They’re just fun. I love to rp them and get them into trouble, wether that ends well for them or not. Their snarky attitude, yet also soft and blushy moments just make them a keeper in my book. 3: Lidewei Malvolia. Finally, finally, FINALLY I managed to create an actual villain. I love her, I really do. I’m so happy with both her appearance and personality. She’s nothing like what I created before, given that I usually go for soft beans. She can still be kind but.. most of what she does is for her own benefit. When I play her, I want to keep people guessing, and so far, playing a villain has been fun~ 2: Meadow. This one surprised even me, all things considered. I developed her so much, she’s turned from a simple little gremlin into a complex and three dimensional little gremlin, being both fun to play and fun to draw for me. Her design, her attitude, her overly sad backstory.. im happy with everything I gave her. Even if she’s not everyone else’s favorite, she’s definitely very close for me. 1: Isa Perkins. A joy to play, a blessing to draw, and such a positive and important influence whenever she’s brought up in stuff. Even if she’s not quite as complex as some others, i am really, really proud of this character, and what she’s able to bring within all the campaigns and stories she’s in. To me right now, she is as iconic as Andro.. She’s just one of those characters I want my blog to be known for. And there it is! Hope you guys see where I'm coming from. All of my characters are special nd important to me, but these ones are the ones I think about the most~
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mochattele · 7 years
tell me about your boku no heathers please
Momo is Veronica Sawyer (they have the same number of syllables in their full names like oh dang?? and also, momo is a Strong Babe™ who don’t need no man) and Todoroki is J.D. (daddy issues, moms were the Light of Their Lives™, contrasting personalities)
the Heathers, i had a really hard time picking, but Toga as Chandler, Tooru as Duke, and Mina as McNamara (trust me, i was struggling with Duke, but i theorize Tooru as The Traitor™ so there we go ((thats a whole ‘nother story)))
Bakugou and Kirishima are painfully Ram and Kurt in that order, which I kind of wiSHED NOT BUT THERE WERE NO BETTER MALE DUO IN CLASS 1-A??
Ochako is Martha bc 1. good good girl i love them both 2. they both probably had a childhood crush, you cant tell me ochako didn’t have a crush on Danny Phantom for at least two weeks and
shes chubby and big ok the anime didn’t give her any chub or thicc and im Salty™
ok uh who else is there, mrs. fleming is probably Midnight or Mt. Lady, i haven’t chosen but MOST LIKELY!! Midnight bc 1. shes actually a teacher and 2. she probably ended her affair with ‘Steve’ ($10, Steve is her Lesbian Ex Uwabami™)
i cant imagine Principal Nedzu being the actual Principal so I think I put him as uhhh Blood King?? Sekijirou?? i havent worked on this au for a while o boy thats all i have
this entire thing was done based off Freeze Your Brain for Todoroki, forgive me, it fit too well, i love Freeze Your Brain too much and haven’t done any development on this AU in a while
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strandedontatooine · 8 years
Asdfghjkl I forgot you did friends could you do 40 with Rachel 😬
40. Meddling Friends/ Family Trope
“Monicaaaaa!” Rachel knocked on the door, “Come on, will you let us out already! We talked about it! We both like each other and we’re going to go on a date later!” She couldn’t stop the small smile that approached her lips, but she continued, lucky you couldn’t quite see her content expression in the dark of the closet, “Let us out!”
You could hear chatter on the other side of the door, three men and two women, one presumably the aforementioned Monica. But, you couldn’t make out any of their words and neither could the rapidly more-exasperated Rachel either. Far away, on the opposite side of the apartment, a door opened and closed as somebody ran away, hoping to avoid Rachel’s rage
“Um, Rachel?” A sheepish male voice spoke out, his face most likely pressed to the door, “It seems that Monica may have lost the key…”
“CHANDLER!” Rachel screeched at her friend, more nervous chattering sounded on the other side of the dark closet where you remained trapped, “Get us out of here!”
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