afterthegrey · 6 months
hello! I hope you're doing well<3 sorry for the sudden ask idk who else to talk to about this but i saw your old posts regarding utaite ashikubi when i was going through the tumblr tags to see what happened to him and why he isn't active anymore. I was an avid fan back in the day, i even used to listen to his nanahousous religiously..any idea what might have happened to him? 🥹 sorry for the weird question again!
Hi! Thanks, wish you well too =) I see. No sorry, I don't know. However, on his twitter account description, it says that he's working hard till restart. Hope that helps!
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asanjou · 3 months
Let's take some vocabulary quizzes (5 minutes later) I'm going to fail my fucking exam cuz I don't know the japanese word for ankle
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madamscream · 24 days
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
0:! Thank you Blithe! I will to so! Positivity IS cool! And I like songs!
Unsweetened Lemonade by Amalie Farren is my current obsession, though it hits me a little sharply.
Black and White is my current favourite from MASA WORKS DESIGN, who I would replace all of my senses with the music from if that became an option.
Marmalade is one of the lesser-known songs by System of a Down, my all time favourite band. I remember having an argument with the weird guy in high school I had a crush on about it because he insisted they didn't have a song called Marmalade.
Macaron, specifically the Meika cover, is one of my favourite vocaloid songs. I also like Ashikubi's but I recently found out he never wanted things posted off nikiniko, so I won't link to the one on youtube.
Uebok by Apashe is just really good, and the video is fun.
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ninelanguages · 4 months
Kanji for "way", "path", "road", "way of moral conduct"
道 = dou/ tou/ michi
歩道- hodou - a sidewalk - ほどう
帰り道に- kaerimichini - on one's way home (back) - かえりみちに
道に迷う- michinimayou - to lose one's way - みちにまよう
道具- dougu - a tool/ a utensil/ an instrument - どうぐ
柔道- juudou - Judo (Literally "gentle way")- じゅうどう
剣道- kendou - Kendo (Literally "way of the sword") - けんどう
水道- suidou - waterworks/ water service (supply) - すいどう
Kanji for "write", "writing", "book"
書- kaku / sho
教科書- kyoukasho - a textbook/ a schoolbook - きょうかしょ
辞書- jisho - a dictionary/ a lexicon/ a glossary/ a thesaurus - じしょ
名前を書- namae (w)o gaku - to write one's name - なまえ を がく
下書き- shitagaki - a (rough) draft - したがき
図書核- toshokaku - a library - としょがく
Kanji for "construction", "work", "artisan"
工 = kou/ ku
工芸品- kougeihin - a handicraft - こうげいひん
工場- koujou - a factory / a plant/ a workshop - こうじょう
工業- kougyou - (an) industry/ the manufacturing industry - こうぎょう
工事- kouji - contruction work - こうじ
大工- daiku - a carpenter - だいく
人工の- jinkouno - artificial/ manmade - じんこうの
Kanji for "sky", "air", "emptiness"
空 - kou/ sora/ a•ku/ a•keru/ kara
空手- karate - karate - からて
(Literally: empty hand)
空港- kuukou - an airport - くうこう
空く- aku - to become vacant (free)/ to be free - あく
空気- kuuki - air/ an atmosphere - くうき
空- sora - the sky/ the blue/ the heavens/ (the) weather - そら
空き缶- akikan - an empty can - あきかん
Kanji for "use", "employ", "messenger"
使 = shi/ tsuka•u
使う- tsukau - to use/ to handle/ to spend/ to employ - つかう
使い捨ての- tsukaisuteno - disposable/ throwaway/ single-use - つかいすての
天使- tenshi - an angel - てんし
使いこなす- tsukaikonasu - to use sth. effeciently/ to manage (people) - つかいこなす
使用- shiyou - use/ employment - しよう
使い方- tsukaikata - how to use (handle/ treat)/ management - つかいかた
Kanji for "direction", "way" "square", "side"
方 = hou/ kata
方法- houhou - a way (of doing)/ a method/ a system/ a means - ほうほう
この方- konokata - this gentleman/ this lady - このかた
方言- hougen - a dialect - ほうげん
両方- ryouhou - both sides - りょうほう
片方- katahou - one side/ the other side - かたほう
読み方- yomikata - pronounciation/ a way of reading/ how to read - よみかた
Kanji for "foot", "leg", "suffice", "be enough"
足 = soku/ ashi/ ta•riru/ ta•ru/ta•su
足- tasu - to add (to) / to make up (for)/ to supply - たす
足首- ashikubi - an ankle - あしくび
満足- manzoku - satisfaction/ contentment/ gratification - まんぞく
足りる- tariru - to be enough (sufficient) - たりる
足が痛い- ashigaitai - have a pain in one's leg (foot) - あしがいたい
不足- fusoku - shortage/ insufficiency - ふそく
Kanji for "origin", "beginning", "element"
元 = gen/ gan / moto
元 - genki - spirits/ energy/ vigor/ pep - げんき
元気のない- genki no nai - depressed/ low-spirited/ cheerless - げんき の ない
足元に- ashimotoni - at one's feet - あしもとに
元首相- motoshushou - the former Prime Minister - もとしゅしょう
元々- motomoto - originally/ from the outset/ all along/ by nature - もともと
元日- ganjitsu - New Year's Day - がんじつ
Kanji for "taste", "flavour"
味 = mi/ aji/ aji•wau
味わう- ajiwau - to taste/ to relish/ to savor/ to appreciate - あじわう
味をつける- aji (w)o tsukeru - to season (food)/ to flavor (food) - あじをつける
興味- kyoumi - (an) interest (in something) - きょうみ
味見する- ajimisuru - to taste/ to try (have) a taste of/ to sample - あじみする
趣味- shumi - an interest/ a hobby - しゅみ
意味- imi - (a) meaning/ a sense - いみ
Kanji for "outside", "without", "foreign"
外 = soto/ hoka/ hazu•su/ hazu•reru/gai/ge
外側- sotogawa - the outside/ outer side/ exterior - そとがわ
家の外- ie no soto - outside the home - いえ の そと
外食する- gaishokusuru - to eat out/ to dine out - がいしょくする
郊外- kougai - (in) the suburbs (of)/ suburbia - こうがい
外す- hazusu - to take off/ to remove/ to unfasten /to miss - はずす
外科- geka - (the science of) surgery / the surgical department - げか
Kanji for "weak"
弱 = jaku/ yowa•i/ yowa•ru/ yowa•maru/ yowa•meru
数字に弱い- suujiniyowai - have no (a poor) head for numbers - すうじによわい
弱点- jakuten - a weakness/ a weak point/ a shortcoming - じゃくてん
気が弱い- kigayowai - do not have the courage (guts/nerve) to do - きがよわい
体が弱い- karada ga yowai - to have a weak constitution - からだ が よわい
弱る- yowaru - to grow weak/ to weaken - よわる
弱まる- yowamaru - to weaken/ to abate - よわまる
Kanji for "heavy", "weight", "pile up", "duplicate", "repeat"
重 = shou/ chou/ e/ omo•i/ kasa•ne/ kasa•naru
二重の- nijuuno - double/ twofold/ dual - にじゅうの
重ねる- kasaneru - to pile up - かさねる
重要な- juuyouna - important/ essential/ principal - じゅうような
三重県- mieken - Mie prefecture (of Kinki region) -みえけん
重い- omoi - heavy/ weighty/ clumsy/ slow/ grave/ serious - おもい
重大な- juudaina - serious/ important/ grave - じゅうだいな
Kanji for "top", "up", "upper part", "rise", "go up", "climb up"
上 = jou/ shou/ ue/ uwa/ kami/ a•geru/ a•garu/ nobo•ru
差し上げる- sashiageru - to lift (up) / to raise/ to give/ to present - さしあげる
申し上げる- moushiageru - to tell/ to say/ to state/ to mention/ to relate - もうしあげる
上手な- jouzuna - skillful/ skilled/ dexterous/ proficient/ clever - じょうずな
上着- uwagi - a coat/ a jacket/ outerwear - うわぎ
机の上- tsukue no ue - on a desk - つくえ の うえ
上がる- agaru - to go up/ to rise/ to be promoted - あがる
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kanjis-yajan · 7 days
Kanji #360 足
Significado: pie / ser suficiente #radical cretino - Significa tanto pie como "ser suficiente". . . ¿Khé? Además, el jukugo de 足 tiende a ser KUNKUNA, en lugar de ON-ON.
Explicación: Es un kanji compuesto por el Kanji #9 口 y la variante 龰 del Kanji #354 止
Nemotecnia: Deberías parar (止), solo estas llevándote el pie (足) a la boca (口) con cada cosa que dices.
ON: ソク / SOKU
Kun: あし, た- / ashi, ta- た*りる = 足りる = bastar, ser suficiente. Su forma negativa se usa a menudo. XXXが足りない! ★★★☆☆ あし = 足 = significa pie y pierna. Ups. No tienen una palabra separada. ★★★★★
Ranking de uso: ★★★★★
不足 -  fusoku - 不 (negativo; in-, des-, no-) + 足 (pie / ser suficiente) = insuficiencia, escasez. No tener suficiente de una cosa física (dinero, tiempo, enfermeras, maestros.) También implica que hay una cantidad específica que se requiere, por ejemplo: 犬不足 (escasez de perros). No se necesitan partículas ni verbos. ★★★★☆ #palabra de anuncio
満足 - manzoku - 満 (completo, lleno) + 足 (pie / ser suficiente) = satisfacción, estar totalmente satisfecho. ★★★★☆
足首 - ashikubi - 足 (pie / ser suficiente) + 首 (cuello/principio) = tobillo ★★☆☆☆
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who is the one who is loved? who are you who is sad? who is the one who was killed? who is the one who is rotting away?
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koyukiuzumaki · 6 years
end tree(by 足首)
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skullumio · 4 years
Tumblr media
by Tadanobu Asano (his twitter)
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phrase-phaseone · 7 years
Tumblr media
I never really understood the appeal of photo cards but now that I have them I can see why people love them so much.
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susiron · 3 years
One thing I’m rlly liking about learning Japanese is that learning one new word usually helps you learn others-- both in terms of kanji and readings
Like I just learned the word for neck (kubi) and that teaches me the words for wrist and ankle (tekubi and ashikubi) cause it’s just the words for hand and foot + the new word.  And then learning the kanji for neck 首 helps me learn the kanji for path/road 道 (michi)
I like how it feeds into itself >:O
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aliprojectarchive · 4 years
Dali: Dari no Housekiten
Lyrics from Lyric Wikia
Ali Project
Track 4: ダリの宝石店-> Dari no Housekiten- Dali's Jewelry Store
Romanji- English
RUBII wa tokage no nimaijita
Otoko o damasu ni mottekoi
Makka na RUUJU o soroemasu
The rubies are lizards' forked tongues
In order to trick him,
He readies them in deep rouge
Shinju wa ningyo no aegi koe
BEDDO no fune de kajiwotoru
Anata no ashikubi kazaru tame
The pearls are the gasping voices of mermaids,
Harvested on the rudder of his bed-ship
In order to decorate your ankles
Ohitotsu ikaga? to sasayaku petenshi
“How about one?” whispers the swindler
Binzume ni shita koi no namida o
DAIYA ni kaete goran ni demashou
Koko wa DARI no suteki na housekiten
Some tears of love have been bottled
And are turning to diamonds – shall we go take a look?
This is Dali's wondrous Jewelry Store
Samayou hitomi wa EMERARUDO
Kingin seiya ni hamekaete
Owari no nai chizu o sagashimasu
Your wandering eyes are emeralds
Inlayed in the gold and silver starry sky
I am looking for a map that has no end.
Kitto anata wa otozureru
SAFAIYA toori no kono mise e
RUUPE de HAATO nozokarete
Surely you will come and visit
This shop on Sapphire Street
He's peeping at your heart with a magnifying glass
Konban ohima? to gigan majutsushi
“Are you free tonight?” says the glass-eyed magician
Mekki no ai de mo nai yori mashi nara
Gouka ni shitatete RIBON de kukurimashou
Koko wa DARI no fushigi na housekiten
If this is a request that is free of pretentious love
Then he'll fasten it with a glamorously-tailored ribbon
This is Dali's mysterious Jewelry Store
Saigo ni anata wa kokoro mo karada mo
Urisabaku made deguchi wa akanai
Koko wa DARI no suteki na housekiten
In the end, until your heart and your body
Are sold out, the exit won't open
This is Dali's wondrous Jewelry Store
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aggressionbread · 7 years
possibly accidentally fell in love with Shoose’s voice...
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kimonobeat · 5 years
AKB48 Lyrics: 11 Gatsu no Anklet (11月のアンクレット; November Anklet)
English translation and romanization below the cut.
It’s the weekend, and you smile as you comb up the bangs of your mid-length bob What made you want to see me out of the blue, for the first time in a while?
The beach house is surprisingly packed On our off-season date The pancakes we used to love aren't coming
Did you show me your ring finger on purpose Because you wanted to tell me You have a new boyfriend now?
OK! You win!
I still haven’t taken off My November anklet The one you gave me, a little secret between us that day Sorry Goodbye, and hello If you’ve met somebody Nicer than me Then I’ll just give up And say there’s nothing else I can do
My loss!
That’s great news, but I can’t find anything to say I got the sense you were blaming me, telling me not to let you go
Closed-up tents on the open terrace On the other side of the windowpane It looks like the color’s drained from both the sky and the beach
Miss you! Who wins here?
I think I might take off the anklet From that summer right this second The one that swung at my bare feet while I ran down the seashore I LOVE YOU! A memory on my ankle The ripples on the water inch ever closer Beneath the brilliant sunshine Even the ocean spray Breaks my heart now
Someday, somewhere I plan on tidying up all the memories I’ll send them to his house
Anklet Anklet A single regret On my left ankle
I still haven’t taken off My November anklet The one you gave me, a little secret between us that day Sorry Goodbye, and hello If you’ve met somebody Nicer than me Then I’ll just give up And say there’s nothing else I can do
semi bobu no maegami kakiage kimi ga hohoemu wi-kuendo totsuzen hisashiburi ni aitai nante dou shita ‘n da?
igai ni konde’ru bi-chi hausu kisetsu hazure no machiawase boku-tachi ga suki datta panke-ki ga konai
hidari te wo tatete kusuriyubi wo wazato miseta no wa atarashii kareshi ga dekita tte koto iitakatta no ka?
OK! kimi no kachi!
juuichi-gatsu no ankuretto ima demo hazusenai kimi ni moratta ano hi no futari no shi-kuretto gomen ne sayonara ni konnichiwa boku yori yasashii hito to deaeta no nara shouganai tte akiramerareru kana
boku no make!
juuichi-gatsu no ankuretto ima demo hazusenai kimi ni moratta ano hi no futari no shi-kuretto gomen ne sayonara ni konnichiwa boku yori yasashii hito to deaeta no nara shouganai tte akiramerareru kana
shiawase na nyu-su no hazu nanoni sukunai kuchikazu hikitomete yo nante semerarete’ru you na ki ga shita
tento wo tatanda o-pun terasu garasu mado no mukougawa kono sora to nagisa kara iro ga kieta mitai
Miss you! dare no kachi?
ano natsu no ankuretto ima sugu ni hazusou ka namiuchi-giwa wo hashitta suashi ni yurete ita I LOVE YOU! ashikubi no omoide yo mabushii hizashi no shita de yoseru sazanami mizushibuki made setsunaku natte kita
omoide wa itsuka dokoka de katazukeru tsumori kare no ie made kono mama okutte’ku yo
ankuretto ankuretto hidari no ashikubi ni riguretto
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b-e-n-k-y-o-u · 5 years
Japanese Pain/Symptom Vocabulary
来院の目的は何ですか?raiin no mokuteki wa nan desu ka? what is your purpose of visiting the hospital?
一番困っていることは ichiban komatteiru koto wa what is troubling you the most?
どこが部位・痛い?doko ga bui/itai which body part/where does it hurt?
頭 atama head
首筋 kubisuji back of the neck
鼻 hana nose
喉 nodo throat
腰 koshi lower back
腹 hara abdomen
足 ashi leg
腕 ude arm
足首 ashikubi ankle
どんなふうに?donna fuu ni in what way does it hurt/feel
痛い itai pain(激しい hageshi intense・鈍い nibui dull) 
はれた hareta swollen  
苦しい kurushii constant pain 
出血する shuuketsusuru to bleed
かゆい kayui itchy 
いらいらする irairasuru irritated 
抑えられる感じ osaerareru kanji to feel pressure
こった感じ kotta kanji stiff feeling
だるい darui to feel sluggish 
動かない ugokanai will not move (eg. 足が動かない感じ - It feels like I can’t move my legs)
ヒリヒリする hirihirisuru a prickly/stinging sensation (eg. a sunburn)
苦い nigai bitter (eg. you have a bitter taste in your mouth)
ほかの言葉 hoka no kotoba other useful phrases/vocab
熱がある感じ?netsu ga aru kanji? do you feel like you have a fever?
熱っぽい netsuppoi feverish
食欲 shokuyoku appetite
便通 bentsuu bowel movements
便秘 benpi constipation
下痢 geri diarrhea
下痢と便秘が交互にある geri to benpi ga kougo ni aru to have repeat diarrhea/constipation
睡眠 suimin sleep (habits)
不眠がちである fumin gachi de aru a tendency to be unable to sleep
よく眠れる yoku nemureru to sleep often
吐き気 hakige nausea
体が弱っている karada ga yowatteiru to feel weak
倒れそう taoresou to be on the brink of collapse
目がくらむ me ga kuramu to feel dizzy
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feltto · 5 years
【刀剣乱舞Touken Ranbu】白鶴ノ刃 by it's a me from: https://ift.tt/2TDJrNv
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koyukiuzumaki · 6 years
end tree(by 足首)
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