#ask leaf the shiny mewtwo
askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
Character ref part 6
Name: Misty Ketchum
Age: 30
Species: Human
Nature: Rash
Accessories: Wears a wedding ring
Personality: Tough, strong, kind, motherly, caring, supportive, is a bit of a hot-head.
Occupation: Is the former gym leader of the Cerulean gym and is now part of the elite 4 who replaces Agatha after she passed on.
Location: Pallet Town, and Cerulean City.
Family: (Ash Ketchum) Husband, (The Ketchum siblings) children, (The Mewtwo siblings) close friends.
Is currently unavailable for asks.
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years
Fav pomemon?
I'm sorry if expect you expect a one-word answer, but I don't seem to be capable of those. I'm ashamed of how long it is, as I realised I had a lot I really liked, and I don't know if I feel strongly enough about any of them specifically to warrant promotion to favourite.
Prepare yourself:
Such a question to ask, and so many to choose!
Being wholly indecisive, I have several answers to give:
1. It'll seem strange but I don't remember ever having a favourite Pokémon. It was the people that interested me the most, their quirks and personalities. There being Pokémon was a means to an end.
2. At the same time, I had a soft spot for Pokémon that, once evolved, just looked like fatter versions of their previous selves:
• Pikachu and Raichu
• Clefairy and Clefable
• Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff
• Chansey and Blissey
• Marill and Azumarill
3. Out of love for the anime, all the Pokémon Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie and James had from Kanto to Johto, but especially Pikachu, Meowth, Butterfree, Psyduck, Vulpix, Togepi, Lickitung, Victreebel, Horsea, Lapras and Snorlax.
4. My mom's favourite's still remain Vulpix, Ninetales, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Ponyta, Rapidash, Horsea, Seadra, Staryu, Starmie, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, so them too.
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5. Vileplume, not only it belongs to my main girl Jessibelle, and is capable of holding a cup of tea at last, but because it sounds like a Cockney flower girl, like Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady.
6. My favourite film is The Power of One, so Lugia, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. I always preferred Pokémon Silver to get Lugia at the earliest.
7. Mewtwo and Mew for giving us the only film based on the games' plot.
8. I'm still stuck on Johto being 'new', because no following generation has ever made me that excited. These days fans expect another generation every three or four years, but then it was genuinely surprising for there to be a sequel.
What, you mean there are more of them?!
All of that set. Particularly Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos, Wooper and Quagsire. Never once played a game without them on my team.
9. Groudon. Can't remember why. I just know I played Ruby a lot more than Sapphire.
10. I quite like Xerneas's delicacy, but they gave it a female voice in the Diancie film.
It's a stag!
11. Shaymin when a hedgehog, and not the mouthy film one that slags off Ash.
12. Eeveelutions, although it still niggles there wasn't a Grass type in the First Generation that needed a Leaf Stone.
13. Houndoom, the dog of Satan!
We have a lot of folklore about demonic, fire-breathing dogs in England, so it makes me feel at home.
14. Sabrina is my favourite Gym Leader as she has a backstory, so Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam.
Everyone had Alakazam! He laid waste to enemies!
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15. Jigglypuff! There ain't no party without Jigglypuff. I never knew why the posters had her dark pink with green eyes whereas the anime version was light pink with blue eyes, but I preferred that.
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16. Snubbull for being adorably gruff and grumpy looking yet still being a girl in the series. I liked the set up of Jessie and James having a cat and a dog. Her owner looked just like my nan too.
That's where she went!
17. The sort of bizarre freaks there were in the First Generation that you don't get anymore, where you'd just stare at them in disbelief.
Mr. Mime, the slave of Dame Ketchum.
A mime artist!
There are female ones!
It was called 'Marcel' in Red and Blue, after Marcel Marceau, so was probably a Frenchman.
Jynx, the slave and possible wife of Santa.
An opera singer!
It's got armour-plated bosoms!
It's from The Ring Cycle!
To this day I wonder where that man in Cerulean City got his.
If from Johto, why is it a Kanto Pokémon?
18. Slowpoke and Slowbro, for their Psyduck-esque bossed-out expression.
19. Litwick, Lampent and Chandelure. Interesting idea.
20. Bulbasaur was my first ever Pokémon, so it will always be special, even more so because it was erased by an Xploder cheat cartridge! As was the Mew I had, and you had to attend the download then!
Rest in peace.
21. Babies, so Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff and Azurill, but not Mime Jr. or Smoochum.
I can't believe they try and make Mime Jr. 'cute'.
It's a clown! It's evil!
Smoochum is alright, but it's a duck.
Isn't it?
A duck with the haircut of a mediæval page.
22. Gible. Not just Ash's, which brightened up the series and always came across as far more knowing than it let on, but the one Lyra and that fella she was with had, because it honked when it fell over!
23. Cofagrigus for being Tutankhamun's sarcophagus. It's surprising James didn't have one. Every time it came out, it could've stuffed him inside, but I suppose that doesn't fit with such a humourless era.
24. The Pikachu character, though I went right off Emolga when it was caught by Iris.
Togedemaru is the anarchic one, does what it wants and doesn't care.
25. Cats, especially Espurr because of the noise it makes, and being all alone in that old woman's house.
26. I like Empoleon's design. It looks to be wearing a doily for a waistcoat, but Barry is a dickhead!
27. Hoppip, Skiploom and Jumpluff. Useless in battle, but they're so sweet!
28. Shinx, Luxio and Luxray: thunder cats!
29. Raikou, Entei and Suicune, but especially Raikou for it's colours. I still remember the first time I ran into one in the grass of Johto, and being frightened as to what it was coming at me.
30. Magmar for the classic volcano war with Charizard, though slightly spoiled by speculating that it too is a duck.
31. Tough Pokémon like Gyarados, Dragonite and Tyranitar that are difficult to obtain, worth it, and have to be given double weakness to make it fair for everyone else.
Why is Gyarados a Flying type?
32. I do like Type:Null and Silvally as they remind me of Final Fantasy foes, but 'Type:Null' is one of the worst names there's ever been.
33. Zeraora, even if it does looks more like a Digimon having gone through Golden Armour Energise.
34. Cubone wears the skull of its dead mother! Marowak is her avenger!
Brings out the emo in me.
35. I realise how strange this is, but Tangela. I think because the only one you see in the Indigo League is Erika's, so it had mystery. Not to mention not being able to see its face.
It wears shiny red shoes!
Another Grass Pokémon who can't have a cup of tea with no arms!
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Thoughts on Let’s Go
So as someone who has beat the main game of Let’s Go Eevee (like I’ve said before I’ve played through Kanto so many times now. I can do it pretty much blindfolded.) I have thoughts both good and bad on it. There will be SPOILERS here so I advise you to scroll past if you’re new to Kanto especially but also if you’ve played through the region before but not here yet because there are some new things/changed details. ANYWAY: 
I really love how expressive both your Partner Pokemon and following Pokemon are. Interacting with them is such a delight and makes me even more attached to my Pokemon.
Kanto is beautiful. Whilst I wish they’d kept more of the Savannah/grassland feel it had in past generations (because it made Kanto unique vs temperate Johto it shares its landmass with), the region feels so full, vibrant and alive.
I really love the gym re-designs, even if some are only subtle. I also love seeing the Gym Leaders and E4 with defined personalities. I was ESPECIALLY happy to be able to see Sabrina’s telekinesis in action thanks to the graphics we have now. 
Pokemon distribution across Kanto is so much better than in past games and makes forming a balanced, structured team so much less of a nightmare. Same goes for the altered movesets. 
Pokemon Tower. Oh God, the cutscene was so short, sweet and subtle but made me cry. It gave us the emotional attachment the older Kanto games missed out on. 
I really appreciated the changes to important locations game-lore wise that made them more fitting. Pokemon Mansion for example made me super uncomfortable thanks to the additions of the cloning/testing equipment in the basement and the confirmation from Jessie & James that sweet old Mr Fuji is the same Dr Fuji that created Mewtwo. 
It gets its own section because Cerulean Cave is BREATHTAKING design-wise and a lifesaver with the valuable respawning items hidden in the crystal dust on the floor. 
I love the rival. He is an absolute sweetheart and I just want to hold and protect him. 
Player! Character! Is! Expressive! No more thousand-yard stare in cutscenes. 
Can Ultra Balls be this cheap in the regular games please? 
Leaf/Green finally, canonically exists other than when chosen as the player in FRLG and my heart is filled with joy by this y’all don’t even know. 
NPC Pokemon with nicknames show up with that nickname when spoken to, not with their species name and idk it’s such a small thing but makes me happy. 
I really love how self-aware this game is in terms of how Pokemon plots go by talking about the E4 and people asking/speculating that they’ll come deal with the threat. Y’know given how in past games they’ve largely been suspiciously absent and left everything to a child.
The cutscenes in general are pleasant to look at/watch and don’t run in forever and are less frequent. They hit a good balance here I think. 
Speaking of which, the ones that play before taking on the Legendary Birds/Mewtwo are INTENSE.
Pokemon Box in your bag is super convenient, I just wish it wasn’t just one big, huge box so I could organise better. 
Getting to dress up my Partner Pokemon is precious. 
Riding on Pokemon is great and there are some rideable choices that were a nice surprise. 
The replacements for HMs are so silly and I love them. 
I’m a shiny hunter so I think the new shiny hunting method is super fun and relatively easy depending on the Pokemon you’re hunting. Streaks are easy enough to build and avoid breaking and seeing the Pokemon with its shiny colouration in the overworld adds the little bit more of excitement to me. 
Cinnabar finally has an obvious volcano on the map even if you can’t actually access it in game. (it’s not like you haven’t let us roam around active volcanoes before, Game Freak.)
I really like the torches in Victory Road? Lmao it’s such a minor thing but it makes it feel more... idk.. magnificent, I guess? Like it’s a manmade cavern. The final test. It feels more like it now with those and the changes to the puzzles. 
Thank you for the random NPCs that will heal your Pokemon when you’re far from a city/town. 
The spy NPC was great. I love her. 
Rare spawns are a neat little mechanic. Area unknown in the Pokedex? LOL GUESS AGAIN. 
The big one: Only Kanto Pokemon. It’s a huge sticking point for me because it’s quite limiting and just... a tad annoying. I get this game was an experiment and with its success will likely come more Let’s Go side games but... it was still disappointing. Even if they couldn’t add all Pokemon from later gens, they could’ve at least added the prevolutions/evolutions of Kanto Pokemon that came later to give the region an expanded Pokedex and just added more diversity to the game. Lance having a Seadra really brought that point home for me when it literally has a DRAGON TYPE evolution he could’ve used. 
Whilst the capture mechanic is fine I miss wild battles. If you need to grind especially it’s annoying because you have to burn through Pokeballs to get EXP. It would be nice to just be able to faint wild Pokemon. 
The rideable flying Pokemon. I’d hoped for something more like the Soaring mechanic from ORAS but nope. You also have to go into the party menu to return the Pokemon to its ball to be able to move between gate/map areas. It would have been so much better if you could just press one of the buttons to do that so you didn’t have to go about constantly opening/closing menus.
Super sad Trainer Customisation is so limited. I’m pleased they kept the option for skintone choice but I wish we could at least change the eye/hair colour of the player character. What outfits we get to mix/match are cute I just wish there was more. 
The lack of Abilities pains me. They added depth to the game both in and out of battle and I sorely missed them. (Hello yes, why is your Pokemon not getting paralysed after coming into contact with my Raichu? Oh right, Static isn’t a thing here.) 
Getting Meltan itself isn’t hard even if you just briefly download Pokemon Go to get it. Getting Melmetal however? Good luck if you just play casually or not at all really with how the crate feature works. 
I like that the Go Park exists but I’m sad it replaced the Safari Zone and that it doesn’t work in a similar fashion to Pal Park. Wasting Pokeballs on Pokemon I have already wasted them on to catch one already is kind of annoying. 
You can’t ride the Legendary Birds and that is just straight up NONSENSE to me. 
I wish we could play with/feed our other Pokemon, not just our partner. Pokemon Amie/Refresh is one of my favourite mechanics in the main games so I’m sad it’s limited to only our starter here. 
Not specific to Let’s Go but given a huge part of Pokemon has always been playing with friends, having to pay for an online subscription to access trading/battling really rubs me the wrong way and I still think it’s a bad move on Nintendo’s part as a whole. When Gen VIII comes along and if Pokemon Bank gets ported to the Switch (or a similar thing) am I going to have to pay for both? That kind of sucks for kids who play if their parents aren’t willing to pay for it or for people who can’t afford it in general. 
Big Mad that outside of completing all the research in Go (Again, not something everyone can do, I have severe anxiety/agoraphobia and therefore cannot leave my house much.) the only way to get Mew is to pay the ridiculous price for the Pokeball Plus. An event Pokemon that has always been given out for free shouldn’t be behind a massive paywall. 
Grinding to be able to take on all the Master Trainers is hellish to be honest. And not a good feature in lieu of an actual post-game. 
RIP Sevii Islands, it would've been nice to at least visit the first three (since they only have Kanto Pokemon living on them in FRLG). But no. 
So overall... I liked it more than I thought I would. There are things in the game I really, really loved and hope to see more of (PLEASE let following Pokemon return in the main series, I’m begging you Game Freak). But I still have my hang-ups and things that I think removing/keeping out took away from the Pokemon experience as a whole. 
As side games I’d like to see more of them with hopefully some improvements. But I definitely have a preference for main game, regular mechanics as a whole. The games definitely won’t be for everyone and YES, they are incredibly easy even for a Pokemon game - which was the point - so for some people that might be a problem/make them boring given the lack of challenge but I’d still recommend giving them a go if you’re a die-hard fan of the franchise. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.
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crossroadsdimension · 7 years
World Collision -- Chapter 17
Hidden Fortree
The hidden base that Red led them to was an interconnecting system of tree houses spread around a large clearing in the center of the expansive forest – or so Blue said, and at this point Myra wasn’t sure whether they really were in the center of the forest or not.
“This used to be Fortree,” Gold explained as they stepped into the clearing. Heads poked out of the tree houses arranged on the edge of the clearing, and shouts went up shortly afterward.
“They’re back!”
“Guys! I think I can see Crystal!”
“Crystal’s back!”
Crystal’s eyes lit up at the cries, a wide grin quickly spreading across her face. “Xavier! Al! Kyle! It’s good to see you’re all okay!” She immediately bolted for one of the trees, Yellow, Samuel, and Mike right behind her as three figures scrambled down from the trees to meet her.
“Nice set-up you got,” Static commented with a nod. “I bet I’ve seen better, though.”
“We’ve been better,” Blue replied shortly. “With those monsters out there corralling the Pokémon and making them act against their Trainers, we’ve been put in a tight spot.”
“We got Samuel and Mike back.” Myra motioned to the Breloom and the dog – which she’d learned was called Mighteyna – circling around Crystal and her friends quite happily as others started coming out of the tree houses. “I-I bet we can do the same thing for whatever other Pokémon –“
“Cornering Pokémon like Mighteyna and Ariados are one thing, but Legendary and Mythical Pokémon like Mewtwo and Mew are something else entirely.” Blue looked at Myra. “We’re lucky they didn’t get Arceus and that he’s off who-knows-where with Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina to keep them out of this mess.”
“I’m…guessing that’s a bad thing?”
“Bad doesn’t cover it.” Gold had an equally grim look on his face. “They’re considered the trio that created our world as we know it, so if they’d been caught by those dark horned things….”
“They’re called Dark Arms.” Myra frowned. “Or…do you guys not know that?”
Red, Blue, and Gold exchanged looks.
“I was wondering the same thing, actually,” Static commented. “They’re the guys I’ve been running from ever since they got a buddy of mine. I just hope they didn’t get my partner.”
“Your partner?” Myra looked at Static confusion.
“Yeah, he—“
A green blur suddenly slammed into Static from behind, knocking him off-balance.
“I thought you’d been snatched for sure, man!” Gear grinned at Static as the other stared at him with a look of blank shock.
“Richie?” Static asked in confusion. “Where the – when did – I thought you were dead, man! Why didn’t M-“
Gear slammed a hand over Static’s mouth cutting him off. “Don’t finish that! We’re calling her Flare-Up to keep them from hunting us down.”
Static pulled his head back. “Since when does her name get them to hunt us down?”
“Since they found a way to make it a magic homing device.”
Myra turned as Static stiffened and Seeker came out of the woods, followed by James and Captain America.
“Matt?” Static asked in confusion. A grin crossed his face. “Man, everyone’s coming out of the woodwork today. What next – is Luthor gonna—“
“Curse these stupid trees and these stupid mazes!” Luthor stumbled out of the trees, followed by Brainiac, who looked just as annoyed as Luthor sounded.
Static stared. “O…kay what about Flare-Up?”
Seeker grinned. “She’s not with us right now, but she’s gonna be joining up with us soon. She’s broken free and is helping X and Zero get their Zone back.”
“Who?” Red frowned.
Seeker looked over at him and blinked. “Whoa. Okay, when Crystal mentioned you were part Charizard, I wasn’t sure whether she was joking.” He refocused. “X and Zero are robotic beings that can think and feel like humans, but were created artificially. Flare-Up – my sister – was turned into one when she nearly died at one point, so she’s giving them as much help as she can while sending the rest of us ahead to help you guys.”
Red raised an eyebrow as more people started gathering into the clearing, Leaf and her Mighteyna among them. “How are you going to help? Our entire world has been shrunk into a giant forest filled with mazes and wild Pokémon, not to mention people who have been taken over. What exactly can you do that might be of help?”
“Well, I was born with the powers of a Lucario, so that should be of some use.” Seeker’s eyes sparked a brighter blue. “And there are some among us who can use some pretty interesting abilities, too. Take Myra for example.”
Red looked over at Myra, who took that as a signal to summon a purple fireball onto her palm.
“Her powers are similar to Flare-Up’s, but they’re more Psychic than actual Fire,” Seeker added. “If Flare-Up catches up with us before we reach the Cyber Zone, you’ll be able to see what I mean.”
“Yeah!” Static agreed instantly. “You should’ve seen what happened to Brainiac when he tried to do his thing! She practically melted him!”
Brainiac looked over at that, looking somewhat miffed – if the robot could look miffed.
Blue’s eyebrows shot up at that. “So, if you’ve got the powers of a Lucario, what Pokémon would Flare-Up be?”
“Either an overpowered Vulpix or a Ninetales,” Seeker replied without missing a beat. “She was turned into a Vulpix at one point and led her own exploration guild for a while, but she chose not to evolve.”
“…you’re not joking.” Blue looked surprised.
“I’d like to meet her,” Red said, a grin starting to cross his face.
“She has to catch up with us first, and in the meantime we can help you out here,” Seeker replied. “Who is it that you need to keep an eye out for and rescue?”
Red, Blue, and Gold exchanged looks at that as the rest of the group who had come with Seeker started to move towards the tree houses.
“If you know what Vulpix and Lucario are, I’m guessing you know about Mew and Mewtwo, too.” Gold looked at Seeker.
Seeker nodded. “Yeah. Are you looking for them?”
“Crystal’s brothers and sister have been missing ever since the start of this whole mess.” Blue nodded over to where Crystal was being slowly surrounded by the denizens of the clearing. “We thought she might’ve been nabbed too.”
“I’m guessing they’ve got names in this dimension?”
“Mewtwo is Mythos and the two Mew that we know of are Rosa and Catzin.” Red paused. “Catzin’s blue, not pink. It’s the only way we can tell them apart.”
“A shiny?” Seeker’s eyes widened. “No way!”
“Doesn’t make him any easier to find,” Blue muttered.
“You make it sound like these guys are really powerful,” Myra spoke up. “Just…how bad is it?”
The three Zone natives looked at Myra.
“Pretty bad,” Gold said. “They can use almost every single move that exists. Crystal’s pretty much the only one who can stand up against them – they trained her, she knows what they can do and how to counter it.”
“But then they know how to counter her, too, right?”
“They only trained her in the beginning; Crystal’d be able to handle them.” Gold sounded confident, but there was a look in his eyes that suggested something else.
“I’m guessing you guys aren’t the only ones who are part Pokémon, either,” Seeker commented. “I’m guessing Charizard and Blastoise for you two, at least.” He nodded to Red and Blue, then looked over at Gold.
Gold pulled off his hat, revealing a white stripe in his hair. “Zebstrika, now.”
Seeker nodded. “We don’t have anyone like that on the world of Pokémon that Flare-Up and I can travel to, so this is definitely going to make things more interesting. Is there anyone who’s been caught that we need to worry about?”
“Black and Lauraina.” Gold’s expression darkened as he put his hat back on. “They’re the only ones who are missing, and they’re Dark and Poison.”
“So, they’re the ones who sent the Ariados and Mighteyna after us?” Myra guessed.
“You catch on quick.” Blue nodded. “Yeah, they’re the main source of that problem. We have to get through to them somehow, but the problem is finding them. In these woods, it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack.”
“I bet I could find them.”
They looked over at Seeker, who had his head inclined somewhat in thought.
“Aura is aura, and not even Dark-Types can hide that sort of thing,” Seeker continued. “Let me put together a group and head out sometime to look for them.”
“You really think you can take them on?” Blue raised an eyebrow.
Seeker snorted. “I’ve fought giant metal beings and won against them before, and I know how Pokémon Types work. I may not be experienced when it comes to giant Mystery Dungeons, but I can learn fast. It helps that my sister’s been through more than she’s been able to count, and told me a lot about how the physics of these places works. I may not have the Stair Sensor technique like she does, but I bet I could pick it up pretty quickly.” He grinned.
Red and Blue stared at him while Myra blinked in confusion.
“Count me in!” Static jumped into the conversation, Gear next to him and with the biggest grin on his face that Myra had ever seen. “I want to get back at those guys for stickin’ me in that spider’s web in the first place!”
Seeker gave him a thumbs-up. “Considering yourself on my team. Now we need two more at most, preferably someone who knows this forest and has abilities that our opponents are weak against.”
“Don’t go rushing into things,” Gold warned. “Take a breather and take stock of who you have first. Then you can rush out there and do something about Lauraina and Black. You’re going to need items, too. Time and space are really wonky over here.”
“More wonky than they’re supposed to be, you mean,” Seeker corrected. “They’re always strange in a Mystery Dungeon. Show me what you’ve got and I’ll see if I can get some help to bolster what defenses you have. Gear and Forge can probably throw something together for you guys.” He looked over at Myra. “Go ahead and rest up, maybe have a look around.”
Myra nodded as Seeker walked off with Red, Gold, and Blue. Gear pulled Static off in another direction, grinning as they started to make their way around the tree houses to have a closer look at them.
As soon as she was sure she wasn’t going to be bugged, Myra let out a sigh of relief and let all the tension relax from her shoulders. They were in another safe place – for now, at least. Hopefully, she’d be able to sit and take a nap somewhere.
So she made her way over to one of the tree houses and sat down with her back against the trunk, near the ladder that climbed up into the tree house above.
“Just a couple minutes,” Myra murmured to herself as she closed her eyes.
Time Break
Myra was woken rather abruptly by someone shaking her left shoulder.
“Hey, Myra!”
Myra opened an eye blearily and saw Crystal standing over her, grinning.
“Since we’ve got some time now, I figured it’d be a good idea to work on training with you for a bit,” Crystal said. “You up for it?”
Myra blinked, then shrugged and pushed herself up to her feet. “I don’t see why not, I guess. It would help to keep me on my toes, just in case something tries to sneak up on us.”
“That, and you need to get stronger,” Crystal added. “That shockwave of mental energy you released back there against the Ariados shows that you are getting stronger, but I want to see if you can use your Mental Shock without falling over too quickly.”
“What’s the plan, then?”
Crystal grinned. “We have to push you to your limits so that your body can grow stronger, so there’s more energy for you to use later. You ready?”
Myra smirked, then nodded as she brought up her fists. Purple flames quickly covered them. “I could use a spar. Let’s do this.”
Crystal laughed and hopped back, hovering as Myra lunged towards her and swung a fist, intending to punch the Mew girl but missing.
“I’m really going to have to learn to do that,” Myra commented with a scowl.
“Well, learn more about attacking first and maybe then I’ll teach you how to levitate.” Crystal landed, then lunged forward herself, throwing her own fists forward.
Myra brought her arms up on instinct, the fire on her fists quickly expanding into a shield that Crystal’s fists slammed against instead of reaching Myra and hitting her in the face.
“Protect? Nice!” Crystal drew back as Myra looked up in surprise. “That’s going to come in handy!”
“Huh.” Myra blinked as the purple flames dissipated into the air. “That’s pretty cool.”
“Stings a little too, actually.” Crystal shook out her hands. “It’s acting more like a Spiky Shield than anything else, which is really useful when facing against physical attackers. You might want to keep that in mind next time you go up against someone.”
Myra nodded. “Yeah; sure.”
“Now, come on! The day’s still young and I’m sure you’ve got a lot more energy to burn!” Crystal backed up, then lunged at Myra again, forcing the other girl to dodge as they started to circle.
Figures started to gather on the edge of the clearing, watching as Crystal and Myra started exchanging blows but never quite hit each other, firing blasts of Psychic energy – or Psychic fire – at each other and forcing the other to dodge.
Myra and Crystal probably would have kept going were it not for the fact that something suddenly flew into the clearing from the open sky and landed on the ground between them, forcing them both to skid back a short distance.
Myra didn’t take much time in taking a closer look at the creature: purple skin of various shades, three-fingered paws, a long purple tail, and glazed over, dark purple eyes that looked between her and Crystal.
“Oh no,” Crystal said, faintly.
“What is it?” Myra glanced over at Crystal quickly before looking back at the creature.
“Mythos.” Crystal gulped. “My brother’s found us.”
Myra blinked, then looked over at Crystal. “What? That’s your brother?”
Crystal nodded a little as the people standing on the outside of the clearing started moving back and scrambling up the trees as quickly and quietly as possible.
“It looks like he had Hypnosis cast on him…we’re going to have to take him out.” Crystal gulped.
The creature – no, Mythos, Myra reminded herself – started to shift his position into an attack stance.
“Stay behind me!” Crystal put an arm in front of Myra and pushed her back while she sharply raised the other one, creating a barrier of thick glass between the two girls and Mythos right before a sphere of blue energy slammed into the wall. The Barrier trembled, but held as the sphere dissipated.
Mythos’ form flickered, then moved in a blur, trying to get behind the two girls, but Crystal whirled and threw a sphere of dark purple energy that somehow felt wrong.
The sphere hit Mythos in the chest and caused him to stumble back, wincing.
Myra stepped back as Crystal’s hair started to rise, sparking with electricity. A blast of lightning followed, making the clearing rock with a sonic boom as the electricity slammed into Mythos and sent him skidding back even further.
Sparks flew from Mythos’ arms as he started to move, muscles starting and stopping in random spasms.
Crystal let out a sigh of relief. “Okay. He’s paralyzed for now.”
Something started smoking on Mythos’ back.
“That MindTech is going to blow!” Seeker yelled. “Everyone – get down!”
Mythos stared moving erratically, arms and tail spazzing out in different directions as he shut his eyes in pain.
Crystal pushed Myra to the ground, then leapt forward, hands glowing bright blue and pink.
The flash of bright orange and explosion of noise that followed was bright enough that Myra was forced to shut her own eyes and throw her arms up over her head in order to keep herself from being blinded. Even as it was, her ears were still caught in the crossfire and pounded with the noise.
Myra stayed down on the ground for what felt like half a minute before she felt something press down on top of her head, and a pulse of something spread out from it.
Her ears popped.
“—we go. Myra, can you hear me?”
Myra opened her eyes in surprise, then lowered her arms from her face and looked up at Crystal as she pulled her hand back. “What did you just do?”
“Heal Pulse.” Crystal smiled sympathetically. “Sorry about that; I wasn’t expecting the MindTech to explode like that. You’re probably going to have minor ear damage after this.”
“Well, at least I didn’t lose it.” Myra started to rise to her feet, then paused when she saw Mythos collapsed on the ground, smoke rising from the remains of something at the back of his head. “Is he…”
“Just knocked out,” Crystal replied. “He’ll be awake in a little bit.”
The figures standing at the edge of the clearing and peering out of their tree houses started to hesitantly come down and approach the collapsed Pokémon.
Seeker came over at a confident jog ahead of the rest. “I find it hard to believe you managed to take out a Mewtwo that fast.”
“I know Mythos’ tells; I can figure out at least some of his moves.” Crystal paused. “That, and he looked somewhat off. Like he wasn’t quite who he was supposed to be.”
Myra frowned. “Not quite who he was supposed to be? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means he was fighting back against those morons.”
Myra, Crystal, and Seeker looked over as Static strode over, Gear right behind him.
“What do you mean?” Crystal blinked.
“Those guys tried the same thing with me that they pulled on Cap.” Static motioned to the back of his neck. “They had me for half a day before my electromagnetism completely burned them out. I’ve been on the run ever since.”
“Since Mythos and Crystal are siblings and Mythos probably has psychic abilities like Crystal does, maybe he was fighting back mentally,” Gear suggested. “Is…something like that possible?” He looked over at Crystal curiously.
Crystal frowned. “Maybe…I haven’t been in a situation like that before, though, so I wouldn’t know.”
Mythos groaned, and the group stepped back a few paces. They looked at each other nervously as the Pokémon started to get to his feet, shaking his head as the remains of the MindTech fell into a smoking heap on the grass. Bleary purple eyes looked around, then focused on Crystal as she took a nervous step back.
“Crystal?” Mythos blinked slowly, then turned in place, first slowly, then more quickly. “Where—“
“You’re okay!” Crystal grabbed Mythos in a hug as Myra registered with a jolt that Crystal and Mythos were both using telepathy. “The dark monsters that were chasing the both of us got to you, but they didn’t get me. You’re yourself now, though.”
Mythos blinked a couple times as that sank in, and his eyes widened slightly.
“There’s a lot that’s happened since the Dark Arms first showed up,” Seeker spoke up, causing Mythos to look over at him. “We’ll catch you up, but the short version is this: a number of worlds have been merged together because of the Dark Arms and they’ve been trying to take over every single one ever since. We’re the only thing that’s standing between them and completely taking over.”
Mythos looked at Seeker for a moment, then nodded. “If these being seek to control what should not be controlled, then they should be stopped before they do anything else. Consider me one of your number here.”
Seeker nodded. “My name is Seeker. My sister is Flare-Up, the World Jumper who was running around with the Dark Arms before she broke loose. I don’t know if they can pick up telepathy or not, but please keep from saying her actual name if you know it. It’ll attract their attention.”
Mythos nodded.
“We probably aren’t going to stay here too long – those of us who aren’t a part of your world, that is. Our plan is to at least help rescue Black and Lauraina from the Dark Arms’ control, then move on to the next World Zone. The plan is to give you more of a fighting chance if the Dark Arms try to send more forces in, and I’m not planning on just leaving this world completely defenseless.”
Static frowned. “But what about the Dark Arms, man? How are we gonna kick them out? They’re using my home as their base!”
“Not just our dimension’s mixed up in that Dark City mess, V,” Gear spoke up. “Cap’s is, too, and probably others.”
“I know that! What I wanna know is how we’re gonna kick them out of here and fix everything!”
“I’ve been thinking about that,” Seeker replied patiently, “but I’d have to go over the plan with Flare-Up, and she’s helping X and Zero right now. When we meet up in the Cyber Zone, I’ll see what she thinks of the plan and whether or not we should follow through.”
Static frowned and folded his arms across his chest. After a moment of frowning at Seeker, he nodded. “All right. If you say so.”
“If you are searching for the Poison-Type and Dark-Type humans, it is going to be difficult to find them.” Mythos frowned. “Especially considering that one of them is capable of shielding his mind from me.”
Seeker’s eyes flashed a brighter blue. “I can see aura; Black shouldn’t be all that much of a problem to find.”
Mythos’ eyes widened sharply.
“And his sister is a Vulpix in human form!” Crystal added, eyes bright. “They know their way around Mystery Dungeons – I bet Seeker will be able to find them without a problem.”
“If that’s the case, then you’d better get moving.”
The group looked over as Red and Blue stepped forward, serious looks on both their faces and a yellow rodent-looking creature perched on Red’s shoulder.
“Those two have been having their Pokémon run rampant all over the forest, and it’s only gotten worse since you kids got here!” The creature shot Crystal and Myra a pointed look.
“Is that mouse—“
“His name’s Riley,” Crystal told Myra as the girl’s jaw dropped. “He’s one of the few Pokémon that can speak like a human.” She looked at Red, Riley, and Blue. “So, what’s the plan then? Is there anyone who’s already here who wants to help?”
“Pearl said he wanted to get in there and show Black a thing or two, but I don’t think that we want a hothead like him running in there.” Seeker paused. “I actually thought he would have been a Monferno or Infernape in this universe, not a Meditite.” He shook his head. “Diamond is much more level-headed, and while I can handle Black on my own, we’re going to need someone who knows these woods well now that it’s been turned into a Mystery Dungeon.”
“Leaf could guide you, but she’s scared of them both, and for good reason.” Red’s eyes narrowed slightly.
“I’ve fought them both before,” Crystal spoke up. “If I go out there, they’re going to want to look for me – at least, Lauraina will. She’s going to want revenge for what happened.”
“She shouldn’t have just been put in an asylum, she should have been locked in solitary confinement,” Blue muttered, causing Myra’s eyes to widen sharply. “Are you sure you want to do that, Crystal? You’re going to be walking into enemy territory.”
“I’ve been in it already and I’m fine,” Crystal replied. “I can handle myself, and having a World Jumper’s brother with me isn’t going to do any harm.” She nodded to Seeker, who gained a sheepish expression when Red and Blue looked at him sharply.
“He’s not just a World Jumper’s brother,” Static spoke up. “Matt’s a World Jumper, too.”
Myra turned sharply to stare at Seeker as Crystal’s jaw dropped.
“What? You’re one too?!” Crystal looked between Static and Seeker. “B-but I thought that there was only supposed to be one World Jumper in an area at a time! Why—“
“My whole family is made up of World Jumpers,” Seeker replied. “A couple neighbors, too – Khrista may as well be a cousin at this point.”
Crystal stared.
“Um…” Myra ducked her head as they turned their attention to her. “Flare-Up thinks I could be a World Jumper too, since my world isn’t here.”
Crystal turned her wide-eyed gaze to Myra. “You what?” She looked at Seeker. “Did you know about that?”
“Myra told me when we were going through the Maverick Zone,” Seeker replied. “And it makes sense; the memories she’s gotten back have referenced a world that our sister and parents went to at some point. Considering that Flare-Up and I can both confirm that it isn’t here, then Myra probably came to one of the worlds that was involved in the World Collision before they collided together.” Seeker looked over at Myra and Static. “It’d be a good idea if we kept this knowledge from the Dark Arms as much as possible; they could use us to keep doing what they had Flare-Up doing.”
“And that was?” Static responded.
“Where do you think they got the power to merge these worlds together in the first place?”
The silence that came over the clearing made Myra’s shoulders sink down with the weight of what Seeker had just told them.
“Then why would they want to—“
“They wanted me dead because of something World Jumpers can do.” Seeker cut Static off as Myra’s eyes widened sharply. “Now that my sister isn’t under their control, that means they’re going to be actively looking for us, either to get rid of us or to use us to bring more worlds in. I’m not about to stick around long enough to let that happen.” Seeker looked over at Crystal and Static. “You two and Diamond are going to be coming with me, then. I remember you said you wanted to come along, Static.”
Static nodded. “Yeah.”
“Myra, you stay here and keep an eye out for anyone who might be coming in that could have MindTech on them. Fortree’s going to need someone who knows how to take them out quickly and easily.”
“I’ll do my best.” Myra nodded.
Seeker nodded in reply. “Good. Let’s move out and get Black and this Lauraina before they do who knows what to the woods.”
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askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
Hello Shamrock, dear. If you don’t mind my asking, what happened to your eye?
Shamrock: "Hmm... Well, what happened to my eye is that... Long ago I got into a serious fight with a trainer's Hydreigon which cost me losing my eye. As to who this trainer is... I'm not yet ready to answer it, but thank you for asking me."
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askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
Character ref part 5
Name: Shiny Mew/Shew
Age: 19, 990,000
Species: Mew
Level: 100
Nature: Jolly
Accessories: None
Personality: Super friendly, Jolly, sometimes naive, smart, cleverful, is a flirt, carefree. (Neglectful)
Location: Unknown, Somewhere in the Pokemon World
Family members: (Leaf and Shamrock) They are his children that his DNA was used for create them. Has met many female Pokemon that he had flirted, and made lots of children with who are always shiny, but doesn't take the responsible in raising them and immediately disappears in order to not settle down and start a family.
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Shew is not available for asks.
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askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
Characters ref part 1
Name: Leaf Ketchum
Age: 38
Species: Mewtwo
Level 70
Nature: Timid
Accessories: Has a leaf hairclip on her head with no other use than just to appeal Leaf's liking
Personality: Kind, Quiet, Shy, and Timid.
Location: Pallet Town, currently lives with the Ketchums.
Family: (Shamrock) biological twin brother, (Ash Ketchum) close friend, (Misty Ketchum) close friend, (Ashley Ketchum) adopted Niece, (Red Ketchum) adopted Nephew.
Leaf is now available for asks.
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askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
Presenting Leaf's brother Shamrock ✨ I don't want to give too much detail of his past but, all you need to know is he's a relaxed nature and he doesn't hate/fear humans.
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askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
Announcement. I have decided to reboot my askblog as I deleted all the previous asks and currently don't have a story set for Leaf yet. But I'm willing to interact and answer questions. All you need to know is that Leaf's a shiny Mewtwo who has a troubled and traumatic past. She currently lives with another Mewtwo, and has trouble trusting on new people.
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askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
Modern Jenny approaches Ashley. Her mew floating around above her.
"Hello, I'm Jenny. I'm new here. Uh where is the pokemon center?"
Ashley: "GASPS! Is that a Mew? I've never seen one before! It's so cute! Also, we unfortunately don't have a Pokemon center around here Miss. But if you walk across route 1, you will arrive at Viridian City where there's a Pokemon Center!"
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askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
Hey guys, would you mind asking and giving questions to my characters? I'm ready to answer all of them! Thank you.
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askleafthemewtwo · 2 years
1. No NSFW or inappropriate questions
2. You can can give anon gifts or magic to the characters. But you can only do it to the Mewtwo twins not the Ketchum siblings.
3. Not everything will be canon in the future as there'll be lots of retconning in this askblog, I haven't thought about the story yet.
4. This is a 13+ askblog where people can sometimes swear (Except for this Ketchum siblings) and there might be subjects such as abuse, or any dark themes in the future.
5. This is a Pokemon Roleplaying askblog. You can RP and talk to the characters of this universe whatever you want.
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