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studioboner · 1 day
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The Piece I did For @flyinghigh-tailszine can finally be Shared!!
Thank you everyone who helped us get over 1.300 for charity! The zine is now free to download :]
It is Tails inside a planes gear bay :D
Gouache and ink on watercolor paper
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bromantically · 2 days
im so fucking infuriated at the state of the world. is there no compassion left in anyones hearts. marcellus was murdered by the court for a crime he provably did not commit. so many people called in that they cut off the number, so many people signed, called in, faxed in, sent emails, and no one in this fucked up system even cared. im so angry and distraught. what a miserable fucking world.
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lazydayslivin · 13 hours
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heart of an angel
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aphidclan-clangen · 2 days
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Moon 21 Part 2
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twistedtoms · 3 days
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sweatermuppet · 3 days
terf in my comments telling a trans woman that people don't normally feel any eroticism towards their natal sex......
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 day
im sorry but you absolutely do deserve death threats for writing incest you sick bitch im worried for the people youre related to youre a future serial rapist and thats if you havent assaulted anyone already get help you porn addicted dumb cunt
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spamsandsuch · 1 day
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drawing to calm down
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froganni · 3 days
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Frogger inspired fit for Pearl! :D
I'll jump at any chance to draw frogs. 🐸
Tumblr resolution did me dirty, so click for better quality!! As always Reblogs super appreciated!
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gottastim · 3 days
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eveemax on ig
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I do not. have the mental capacity. HOW IS ME WANTING PPL TO BE. Y’KNOW, NOT CREEPY TOWARDS ME BEING RELEVANT TO MY SHIP LIST ON MY GITHUB?? Also what is that first part. Help. Help. Help. why do they have to be gross
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The figure opens its mouth...
And speaks in your own voice.
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🕷️: Didn't expect to see yourself here, in her place?
🕷️: Don't worry. No one did.
You struggle to breathe. You don't know why.
🕷️: You heard her say it, didn't you? About how she gave you that blessing only because you were the one closest to the exit? To buy herself time?
🕷️: She gave you her all, and you just used her. Stole her blessing and claimed it as yours.
🕷️: Housemaiden Mirabelle Chevalier, blessed by the Change God themselves. Everyone's hero.
You shakily step back.
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Mimétisme steps forward.
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🕷️: How ironic. The one meant to save Vaugarde, rotting in stagnation.
🕷️: Maybe that's why you just can't seem to get out. Because you can never Change.
🕷️: You always wanted to be just like her. Perfect. In control of her destiny.
The light has gone from warm to painfully hot. You shut your eyes, and yet...
You still see it all.
🕷️: Euphrasie wouldn't have gotten trapped.
🕷️: Euphrasie wouldn't have been such a coward.
🕷️: Euphrasie wouldn't have let them die.
You can remember it vividly. The lifeless look in their eyes, each and every single time it happened. Every time you allowed them to get hurt.
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🕷️: You're a murderer, Mirabelle.
You did this to them. You know you did. You forced them into this, and now...
🕷️: They're stuck dying for you. Over, and over, and over, and over...
It steps over the corpses of your family, drawing your rapier.
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🕷️: You don't deserve any of this. These second chances you wasted, these happy moments with them...
🕷️: Is that really how you treat people who love you?
Mimétisme grabs you by the necklace, pulling you closer.
It points the rapier.
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🕷️: You're just one big mistake.
🕷️: So you should just
🔷️: ...Mirabelle?
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🪨: Mira!
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thinking about these interactions in the 1988 film:
Lydia: I wanna be dead too. Barbara: NO!
Lydia: I wanna get in [to the Netherworld]. Betelgeuse: …why?
and then in the musical you’ve got ‘Say My Name,’ where a third of the song is Betelgeuse talking (singing) Lydia out of jumping, and ‘What I Know Now’ is Miss Argentina and the entire Netherworld ensemble telling her to go home and live her life to the fullest.
the fact that this film / show about death has SUCH an emphasis on keeping this depressed teenager alive is so meaningful. and yes, Betelgeuse’s contributions here are quite likely selfish. but from a Doylist perspective, the fact that even HIS immediate reaction to Lydia’s suicidal thoughts is negative makes it mean even more. there is intention here. this is a story about living life.
plus, when we get to ‘Jump in the Line,’ she’s so HAPPY! in both versions! it all makes me really glad they didn’t go with that earlier version where she did die.
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bugsnakes · 10 hours
for @sunnelliot. This is ur food king❤️
(almost) all of my sprunki art . Almost!
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Scary yaoi Below Cut. (tunner x jevin)
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mohavegecko · 2 days
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hey can we talk about how after angel accidentally kills her mother with a turret jack. continues to make her kill things. because. uhm.
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novella-november · 1 day
Fantasy Discrimination, and The Implications
A post on my dash reminded me to share some more writing advice, so here is a very good article by @mythcreantsblog , about how to make sure you're not dehumanizing a species or culture in your writing, which is a good guide on how to avoid accidentally writing racist or ableist tropes:
In particular, I want to talk about the ever-present racist trope in a lot of fantasy and scifi fiction, and that is the decision a lot of creators make where the villains are not just a single person, a faction, or a kingdom -- *its an entire species* who is not only the villain, but are outright, inherently *evil*.
To start out, here's a political cartoon by Tom Gauld you've probably seen all around tumblr with the name cropped out:
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[ID: a political cartoon by Tom Gauld, showing two identical cities and boats mirrored on a river, each with a purple or yellow flag; one side is labled "Our Blessed Homeland, Our Glorious Leader, Our Great Religion, Our Noble Populace, Our Heroic Adventuerers", The other side is labled "Their Barbarous Wastes, Their Wicked Despot, Their Primitive Superstition, Their Backwards Savages, Their Brutish Invaders. End ID]
This political cartoon is a very good tool for testing your writing for the trope of demonizing/glorifying your fantasy/scifi species.
Let's use a classic example: your fantasy setting is made up of the following species: Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs.
Your Elves are a long-lived, ethereal people who live in secluded, perfect cities, all of them tall, blonde, and blue-eyed, who are extremely wise and making plans that can stretch out over dozens of human generations, and they're the deciders of 90% of politics in your world. Your Dwarves are a short, squat, species who spend their lives working in forges, mines, and laboratories, tirelessly toiling (because they enjoy the hard work, of course!) and selling their products to the Elves who are their largest and wealthiest customer base; Dwarves work hard and studiously for decades at a a time to complete a piece of work in order to fufill the intricate orders from their Elven customers, which is how the majority of them provide for their families, working 16 hour shifts each day for decades per order. Your Humans are far more seperated, and often live on the fringes of what their longer-lived compatriots consider "Civilized Society", often living as Subsistence farmers and hunters, not out of choice, but often due to poor land and lack of resources; the wealthiest of Human cities are usually the capitals where the royals reside and may live in luxury with rich markets and high-quality products and running water, but the vast majority of Humans live in small, poor villages that must rely on traveling merchants to sell what produce and livestock they can spare from their farms in order to buy the supplies they need to live out another year. Your Orcs.... well, they don't really live anywhere, do they? Orcs strongholds can only maintain their grip in hellish wastelands where living is nigh impossible, with all food and water only obtained from outside sources; occasionally, Orcs will attempt to establish base camps in more fertile land, invading neighboring Human, Dwarf, and Elven territory to do so, who quickly unite to expel these vile, dark, brutish invaders lest they steal their daughters, destroy and taint all of the natural resources and steal the few jobs available to the Humans in Dwarven and Elven cities as manual labour and servants.
And Now, take a step back from this world, and take a long, hard look at these species (outside of humans who are just kinda there in the middle and the only ones capable of change because Humans Are Always Special) and societies and what ideas are being reinforced here, especially when the above descriptions are framed as Hard Facts which are both Just and True?
(archived read-more Here)
Elves are morally superior and are always Perfect and Correct,
Dwarves are happy to spend their entire lives toiling in the forges and mines to please their Elven patrons,
and Orcs are Evil Monsters who will rob, murder, and rape any hapless victim who comes their way, so it's better to slaughter them all on sight and kick them out of your cities and towns, and this is the 100% correct morally right choice every single time and the narrative and characters themselves support this?
Did you spot them already, or does the above just seem like a cool, fun fantasy world where Elves are the cool wise good guys and Orcs are the devil's army and can be used as canon fodder any time your main character needs to mow down some enemies for a Badass Scene?
Let's retrace our steps a bit, shall we, and examine this "perfect" world through a critical lens?
When your elves are all portrayed as Perfect Ethereally Beautiful Blonde and Blue-Eyed wise leaders of the civilized world, what idea is being reinforced here? Who does it harm, and what real world ideas is this mirroring and enforcing? Who is going to have their own biases reinforced by this narrative?
When only the longest-lived people are allowed to decide politics, what group biases are being enforced? Is portraying "young people" as "being incapable of making political decisions" as a correct, logical choice in your story something you wish to enforce? Are there any real world issues this trope mirrors?
When your Dwarves are all Happy Workers and Slaves, bound to and reliant on the superior Elves to live, spending the majority of their life purely in service to these Superior Beings while happy to do it, what idea is being reinforced here? Who might see themselves in the plight of the Dwarves and feel alienated and insulted by the Dwarves happily slaving away in the dark? Who might have biased ideas reinforced by seeing the Dwarves treated in such a way?
When your Orcs are portrayed as evil, dark skinned, brutish savages who will kidnap and rape poor helpless women from the "pure" species, when Orcs are incapable of creating anything of their own and can only steal, what racist messages are being enforced and upheld? Who are the real people and cultures being demonized when you perpetuate this? What real world peoples and cultures have faced *decades of propaganda framing them as such*?
If you spotted these harmful messages in the initial indented description, good job!
But if you didn't, it's time to find and read critical reviews and essays written by marginalized communities of works that include these damaging tropes, because if it your Evil Species are Weird Aliens, because when you characterize and describe your Evil Species, you are undoubtedly going to be drawing heavily on your own internal biases of what makes people Other and Wrong.
Are your Evil Species all dark-skinned, physically-strong and animalistic? Congrats, you have just regurgitated centuries-old racism that justifies slavery, segregation, and discrimination *to this day*
Are your Evil Species all nomadic ~cannibals~ who are incapable of creating anything of their own and have to loot and steal from others to have anything of value? Congrats, you are once again regurgitating racist propoganda that has been used against countless cultures and minorities for centuries.
Are your Evil Species reknowned for kidnapping and raping the women of your Good Guys in order to create Evil Twisted Halfbreed Offspring for ....uh, reasons? Congrats, once again, this is literally just racist propaganda being reinforced by your writing.
Anything you come up with to make your Species Inherently Evil is going to most likely be something that is weaponized against real world minorities that you are now reinforcing with your writing, from racism to ableism to queerphobia and all the ways they intersect.
How do you fix this?
It's incredibly simple!
Don't make an entire Species be Inherently Evil.
They need to be just as varied as real living people.
Your Species should not be a Monolith, let alone of *Evil*.
Your Species should not have their only "decent/civilized/kind people" examples come from ""crossbreeds"" [and this term itself should be used only by bigots as a deragatory term] or random orphans who were raised by one of the Good Species(tm)-- this is how your story starts advocating for *eugenics*, which is not something you want to do!
So, instead of having an entire Species be "Inherently biologically" Evil, consider instead:
Making your villain group diverse instead of all one Species.
if your villain group is a Species Supremacist, they're probably still going to have underlings and lower castes who do their dirty work, or have been taken in by the cult ideology.
Making the villains of this Species be a small fraction of a larger whole, who are part of a violent cult, ideology, or political party that not only puts them in conflict with your main characters, but also with the rest of their Species.
Having your main character or their friends be the same Species as your villain group, and they represents the vast majority of the Species, instead of hailing them as "the Paragon of Goodness who emerged somehow pure from of a species forged in hell" or anything similar.
You should also sit down and not only think about the harmful, racist tropes that would come from writing Inherently Evil Species, but also consider:
Why do you want to include an entire species of people who are inherently evil in your novel?
Is your novel gaining anything for including these tropes uncritically?
Does it make it a better, more interesting story to include these tropes uncritically?
What message are you trying to send with your story?
Does including these tropes uncritically in your story *undermine* your intended message?
Another trope in the opposite direction, is talking about "Oppression" and "Fantasy Racism" from the perspective of a character who is part of the oppressed minority, only to spend the entire novel talking about how your Opressed Class are Literally and Factually threats to the population that "discriminate" against them, usually by being rightfully wary in their prescence.
if the Oppressed Minorities in your story in anyway resemble the Orcs in Bright, the Predators in Zootopia, or the Khajiit in the Elderscrolls, where the Racism these peoples face in based on hard proven facts that these people have been and still are threats to most of the population..
... you're less writing a story about how "Racism Against Vulnerable Minorities is Bad"
and sound more like you're saying
"It's bad to be "mean" (afraid of) Nazis who literally want you dead and who can kill you with impunity and no consequences."
If you are writing a story about Fantasy Discrimination, and the basis of your Fantasy Discrimination is based on *cold hard facts that your narrative supports and upholds*, instead of actually basing it on and talking about what leads to discrimination in the real world
(xenophobia and the fear+hatred of The Other, economic gain, mainly),
then you are not making the progressive stance that you think you are, and instead are enforcing the ancient propoganda that racism is based on fact, that racism is "for a good reason", and you need to take care that you are not upholding this idea in your works.
Instead of making an entire Species of people a trope of Wise Good Guys or Evil Incarnate, consider using *Factions not Races* for your groups, and think long and hard about the implications of your world's politics and how it mirrors our own world, especially in ways *you may not intend it to.* If your story is meant to be progressive and inclusive, but your villains are an entire race of black orcs who slave and rape the good guys species, you need to go back to the drawing board.
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