#ask: Bitterbat
rockybloo · 3 months
I need an instance where BB was surprised that Sweetheart/Amara matched his freak
This is an oldie but--
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ramble-bloo · 1 year
Sweetheart didn't date or pursue anyone romantically during the time Bitterbat was gone. Same with Bitterbat.
It was 100% because he vowed he'd come back and also...I mean-they've known each other since they were 10 and they were very close. No one could come close to what either of them had.
But when people asked Sweetheart about her relationship status and why she was single, she obviously could say "Oh, I'm just waiting for my childhood friend/crush/boyfriend to come back"
However, she could definitely drop a "I'm just waiting for the right person"
Because it's very true. She's waiting for the right person since Bitterbat is the rightful owner of her heart and vice versa. But that also makes it sound like she waiting until she runs into someone she clicks with. Which works to fit her whole "Pure magical girl who has nothing but keeping people safe on the mind"
When Bitterbat makes his grand return, of course he's gonna ask about why she didn't date anyone. Four years is a long time and neither of them really knew how soon it'd be for them to see each other again. And she's a bit embarrassed so she winds up trying to pull the same fib she tells everyone else where she claims no one has caught her eye.
But since Bitterbat can read people's emotions like a book, he can tell she's lying and he smirks and purrs out "Are you sure you weren't just keeping my seat warm"
Eventually she confesses she was waiting for him. But only after he has her wrapped up in his arms and nuzzled it out of her.
As for what Bitterbat told everyone in Umbra during their separation...he basically said "I am trying to reunite with the one true queen of my heart. If you attempt to take her place, I will kill you."
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wolfgirlandfarmboy · 9 months
Sorry if this was asked before but I'm curious...what was their 1st time like? Were they nervous? (I'm pretty sure Jack was) Is there a comic or fic we can read about it (or maybe one in the works)? Also, are they gonna be that intimate in comic? (sorry for being so nosy😅)
You all underestimate how much I enjoy talking about Jack and Nana.
They do get intimate in comic, though not as explicitly as Sweetheart and Bitterbat since I wanna keep Beanstalked relatively chill...at least compared to Glitter and Guilt.
Their first time ALSO occurs in comic as well so there's no oneshot or fic...well their canon first time I mean. I have a lot of ideas of how I want things to go and I might recycle some into some stuff for them later-WE'LL SEE! BUT their canonical first time definitely occurs during comic.
As for how it was for them both, it was very sweet. It wasn't blow your mind amazing...well honestly it was but not in the same way having sex with someone who is experienced or a sex god might blow your mind. Both Jack and Nana had no prior relationship experience when they had their first time together so they both had to learn as they went along.
And they learned a lot about the other.
It was an enjoyable experience for them both after they got past the initial nervousness. Jack predictably was very nervous and constantly checking in to make sure he wasn't doing anything Nana didn't like. Nana was also very nervous. On one hand, their first time together was a big step in their relationship as it took them awhile to even reach the kissing-on-the-lips phase and her to get used to being more hands on with someone else in general.
On the other hand...Nana isn't entirely human. She's part Lupine. And she didn't want to hurt her farm boy by getting too carried away and forgetting her strength, regardless of if they both are technically immortal. Accidentally crushing your partner to death or causing them to bleed out because you dug your claws in too deep into their back is def a mood killer.
Of course, Jack helped tremendously in comforting her as they went along so she wouldn't worry about hurting him. And he smothered her in a dozen "I love yous" and kisses while sneaking in a mutter of a "I'd die happy if I went out like this" which she definitely heard thanks to her keen hearing.
Jack still has the scars on his back from the experience, which he looks very fondly on. And Nana will forever see Jack's slayer mode eyes in a very different light compared to literally every other person in existence.
SO YEAH they both very much enjoyed their first time together.
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bitter-bat · 7 years
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Hello Guys~♥
A couple people have been asking so I decided to open up some commission slots! Click below for more info!
At this time I am only opening commissions for chibis, the proportions in the “sketches” image above are what you will be getting, just to be clear. 
Rules/Wills and Wonts:
1.) If you follow me you are probably pretty aware I draw mostly cute girls, however, I can draw males or more “sexy” characters as well, they are just not as common in my art. Samples can be found in my gallery. 
2.) Blood and gore is perfectly okay-within reason! I personally am fine with some guro, however, if I do feel that your request is crossing that line between atheistic guro and something more serious, I will not accept the commission. 
3.) No fanart-if there is a character you *really* *really* love and want in my style, you can ask, but odds are likely I will say no. 
4.) I am new to furries, so they are fine, but just realize I am super new to it and have drawn it ONCE. That once example is probably what you will be getting (a recent post easily found on my page/archive.) 
5.) I’m fine with ecchi/pervy things. However I will not draw hentai with chibis...it just feels wrong to me. Likewise, if I get the feeling you are abusing my art style to request something pedophilic, you will 100% be declined. 
6.) For overly complicated designs(ott), pets, or anything I’d consider additional work than my examples, I may charge additionally. (+$5 or so depending).
7.) I will draw anything from your personal oc, to irl photos, to descriptions of characters you’d like designed. Pretty much anything is okay. Just be aware of my style. 
8.) If you want a couple or group, that’s fine, but please be aware I will charge the same price per character. (ex. 2 people = 20x2=$40 total) This is because I will give equal detail and attention to all in the image. 
9.) I reserve the right to reject any commission offers. 
7.) I know these guidelines are not crystal clear (sorry lol) but feel free to ask. Asking will never hurt! ♥
How to Order: 
Send me a private message (not an ask- a chat bubble) letting me know: 
Name: [tumblr name, to keep track of things] What I want: [sketch or chibi? Any thing extra as outlined in #6? Any specific poses?] References: [Links to images or a description with any reference images] Anything else?: [Comments, if its a gift, any text you want, specific color palate, etc.]
Thank you for being interested in commissioning me! ♥ 
xoxo BitterBat
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rockybloo · 4 months
Does Lovely have access to the other unused love types? Could she have given someone Mania?
Lovely has a limit on how much magic she can lend without ceasing to exist herself as mascots are nothing but balls of magic. The original Beloved team had a total 6 members which is as much as she can handle right now.
The only remaining love type (at least of interest to me) is Mania which is what Bitterbat is meant to be a stand in for because...welp look at him
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Ain't nobody else doin' it like him.
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rockybloo · 2 months
I might have a song recommendation that might fit Licorice. When I listen to & read the lyrics of Brandy's song "Come a Little Closer" (one of my favorite songs of hers), it makes me think of Sweetheart & Bitterbat as teens right before they had to say goodbye & how sad they were (that one pic you drew of them a while back also comes to mind). What do you think?
I am a simple Rocky
I see Brandy mention, my faith in the song being accurate to some OCs I got increases ten fold.
THAT BEING SAID - Yeah it def fits.
Brandy is one of my fave artists when it comes to me handing music to my OCs because there's those little 90s and 2000s RnB sounds in her songs that really tickles my brain the right way.
They especially fit for Glitter and Guilt since I typically imagine the sound track for that story, as well as Sweetheart and Bitterbat's relationship, being really early 2000s songs.
ALSO FOR REF ON THE PIC (since some might be out of the loop)
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rockybloo · 8 months
I need to know Bitterbat’s reactions to the dresses 👀
I know you said dresses plural but realistically that man ain't makin' it past reacting to the first without doing something
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rockybloo · 23 days
Provided someone has a good relationship with Sweetheart, doesnt have romantic feelings for her and Isnt pushy, would Bitterbat at the very least be polite to them?
He's nice and polite to the rest of the Beloveds and some of Sweetheart's heroic coworkers so he isn't a completely mindless and obsessive yandere where he doesn't want ANYONE around her. Truth be told, those are my least favorite flavors of yanderes - sucks the fun out of all future interactions for me.
Bitterbat lives by the philosophy "Any friend of Sweetheart is a friend of mine"
It sits right beside the philosophy of "Any enemy of Sweetheart is a future kill" on his brain shelf.
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rockybloo · 10 months
You’ve drawn BB twice without Sweetheart and said he was wondering where she is, so I gotta #RightTheWrongs: (this may be a lil too far future but) what’s Sweetheart’s eventual Soul Suite look like? I know it’s a heart but yknow!
(If that’s too far future) How about a BB Zoomies reaction or HER fave pizza toppings?
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rockybloo · 2 months
Since BB is the Monstrum King and he has marked Sweetheart with his soul suit, can Monstrums sense that she’s their queen and if so would they feel compelled to follow her orders?
Being Monstrum royalty isn't some instinct trigger for Monstrums. It's basically how we humans respond to people in power where it's more of an acknowledgement.
Some may respect royalty while others don't.
It's just that Bitterbat is an Alpha Monstrum (Monstrum with high levels of magic and the only ones that can enter a giant Kaiju monster state) and many can sense THAT so they all know he has the ability to murder someone in cold blood if they disrespect his queen. So even the more rebellious Monstrum would listen to Sweetheart if she asked for something.
But Sweetheart isn't the type to give demands, even though she is a team leader, so she rarely ever really pushes anyone in Umbra.
Whenever she visits she mainly focuses on learning more about their culture and how to help them rebuild after Lord Vile.
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rockybloo · 7 months
*reads the latest G&G pages* OUR BELOVED MONSTRUM KING HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!!🎉 Also, the cute way he was gushing about his Queen!🥹 Poor Sweetheart during the news interview, although I laughed when she said "not that trifling ass hero chart!"🤣. I'll be sad to see both comics go on hiatus, but it'll be good that you'll be getting some rest after all your hard work. Hope you enjoy your break, Rocky! You deserve it!❤
Thank you!
And it was SO DAMN hard for me to keep myself tight-lipped and not share ANYTHING about Bitterbat showing up in this chapter because I wanted it to be a surprise
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I also loved being able to sneak in a Shannon. But I loved being able to slip in a peek of Sweetheart when she ain't feelin' as sweet even more.
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She's a hero but she's got her limits esp with how the hero world is in Decking City (and everywhere else).
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rockybloo · 8 months
I saw the Sweetheart in the heart outfits and I got two things to say!
1. ADORABLE, HOT, SLAY (I love that you added body hair)
2. If you don't mind, what about Bitterbat in those heart outfits?
Thank you!
And, since adult Monstrums need to have their belly button exposed or else they explode, I drew Bitterbat in just one of the outfits.
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rockybloo · 6 days
You joked yesterday about the Bitterbat/Sweetheart romance having "chaotically problematic" aspects, and I was curious if you could expand on that. TBH so far, they don't really seem especially unhealthy towards one another and as far as I can tell, it's not like Amara is letting Bitterbat kill/hurt innocents.
The chaotically problematic aspects come from how they are just a romanticization of stalking and obsession.
Bitterbat is a yandere. He'd never hurt Sweetheart - that is the biggest rule of writing him. Even when they do their mock battles, he may scratch her up some but that's only because she explicitly told him to beforehand.
Bitterbat is madly in love with Sweetheart. He thinks about her every hour of the day. He wears her clothes, occasionally swipes her underwear, watches her sleep, follows her damn near everywhere she goes, and knows whenever she is thinking of him. And god forbid he ever discovers someone has done her wrong. He'd show them there are worse fates than death.
And Sweetheart finds this behavior absolutely adorable. She gets butterflies in her stomach knowing Bitterbat does this typa stuff. She absolutely fangirls and squeals.
Her reaction isn't the result of delusion, just like Bitterbat's obsession with her isn't the result of him not being in his right mind.
BOTH are self aware and know their behavior goes against the norm. BOTH do not care. They used to, but then they realized that life isn't as fun when they hold back. So they just dropped the restraints. This is their love language - if the world doesn't like it - it can fuck off. One of them is keeping it safe, and one of them is showing it mercy.
Sweetheart sees some clothes go missing, she immediately knows Bitterbat swiped them and asks him if he could return some specific ones by (insert date) because she has an event she has to go to and she had an outfit she was planning on wearing.
She notices him following her while she is on her college campus and she orders two frozen yogurt cups so he can sneak on over while he is his itty bitty self and enjoy a treat with her before she goes to class. HELL, sometimes she just notices him following her and beckons him over so she can scoop him up while he is itty bitty and slip him right into her bra so he can ride along with her throughout the day.
And whenever she feels his eyes on her whenever she's resting, she sleeps a little more soundly since she knows he won't let anything bad happen to her both in the outside world and her dreams (since Bitterbat can enter dreams - he only does such with Sweetheart's tho)
There's more examples but basically, I have absolutely no interest in writing a "yandere creeps out their crush" story. We have so many of those and, while it makes sense a lot of people enjoy that type of story, I find more fun in flipping it on its head.
The concept of a female character who is decked out in the most lovecore fit, designated as a defender of love, deemed to be a role model and the ideal heroine, being down bad and matching the freak of her obsessive villainous boyfriend who causes deaths so gruesome, it'd make a slasher flinch, just scrubs my brain right.
It fills in the gaps I always feel when I see any series and spot a villain crushing on a heroine who ain't into them.
Glitter and Guilt is basically just a "What if the heroine WAS into it tho?" story.
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rockybloo · 9 months
Along with most people, Bitterboobies live rent free in my head 😙🤌🏾😌
What's funny is that Bitterboobies were lowkey an accident.
I didn't initially design that man to have a rack but one day I thought "Haha but what if I fed myself" and here he is with a bra size.
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I feel like this OLD AF comic was when I decided to floor it and just go all the way with them since before his main charm was just wearing a skintight top.
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rockybloo · 21 days
Even before reuniting with Bitterbat, has Sweetheart ever though about becoming a mom in the future?
Yes but only because she knew Bitterbat when they were kids.
When it comes to having kids, Sweetheart wants it to be an act of pure love and not because society expects women to. When she was a younger, before Bitterbat entered the picture, the concept never really appealed much to her - even baby dolls didn't seem like much fun compared to stuffed animals.
But, once she got older and around the more "self aware" age of being a teen, she'd see how happy and in love some moms and dads were and the concept of having another person to raise a family made her realize she wouldn't mind having kids.
But only if she had that special person by her side when it happened.
And with Bitterbat eventually becoming that special person, Sweetheart eventually decided "I'm willing to be a mom if he's the dad."
For Bitterbat, he never really had time to think about having kids due to Lord Vile's presence. Lord Vile 100% would have pressured him to have an heir for the same reasons he had him: to be a living weapon. And Bitterbat hates being regarded as such so he'd always stay away from the concept.
It wasn't until he met Sweetheart and got more and more attached to her that he began to think about having kids out of love and not out of power.
I WILL say that the idea for the two to have kids was brought up by Sweetheart first and ever since, Bitterbat has took it and ran with it.
SO EVEN IF HE IS THE MOST VOCAL ONE WHEN IT COMES TO WANTING BABIES - just know that Sweetheart wanted them first.
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rockybloo · 8 months
Bitterbat's influence is definitely strong, because I was not *nearly* as feral over the "lipstick marks all over partner" thing until your art of him and Sweetheart holy crap
I have recruited anotha over to the Lipstick Mark team
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There is barely ANY art of male characters leaving the marks on gals so I have been filling my quota.
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