heymacareyna · 2 years
Guess who is rereading Holly's leyna fics? *sighhhh* me, longing for simpler times when i would just binge while playing Mona Lisa (When the World Falls Down) on repeat cause that is to this day my Leyna song
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I'm glad you're still enjoying my fics!! It's been so long, but I still think fondly of them.
I'm actually thinking about doing a Leyna smut fic once I'm finished with my current manuscript...
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argoii-official · 4 months
inbox and drafts cleared! and with that, we commence the ask the romans event!
Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Octavian Constantine
Dakota Rhys
Lavinia Asimov
And any other camper I do not remember!
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padfoot-lupin77 · 1 year
We need to stop drawing Thalia and Reyna in sport bras, I’m already way gayer than I thought, we can’t afford the situation escalating.
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hazellvsq · 11 months
please do share your thoughts about hazel's first week at camp jupiter + her relationship with jason i am v intrigued
thank you for this excuse to rant about them! this is a lot of speculation and headcanon on my part or at the very least stretching canon but here we go. hazel makes it clear in canon that she does not feel welcome at camp jupiter and felt intimidated when she joined. given that, i like analyzing her relationship with both jason and reyna because i think she likes them both but also has some internalized resentment towards them.
my evidence for this is mostly what hazel said to jason during their fight in mark of athena. her anger was justified but leo was the one to start that fight and she pretty much forgot him to rip into jason the second he opened his mouth. which leads me to think that, whether she realized it or not, she was waiting for jason to let her down in some way. she does not accept his apology later and holds a grudge into the next book. add that to the fact that the nicest thing she has to say about reyna in son of neptune is “she’s not so bad” (as opposed to her long dissertation on how hot and awesome hylla is) and i think hazel has a praetor problem! and it was mutual with reyna (reyna tells percy that she doesn’t trust hazel during their private talk). i have another post about this in the drafts but hazel's has some justified resentment towards authority, and jason and reyna both had tangible power over her at camp.
also i think that the period where jason and hazel met was during a formative moment for both of them: jason JUST fought a war and became praetor, hazel JUST came back from the dead. neither of them really want to be where they are or feel like they belong but both have to pretend they do. they both tend towards inertia towards their own detriment. both of them are getting a lot of attention, but jason's is because he's the new boy-king and hazel's is because she's so weird and out of place. neither of them are really doing well. this isn't the fresh start that they wanted. also worth noting is that hazel lies frequently but is bad at it whereas jason lies much less but is frequently assumed to be hiding something. i think both of them were kind of onto each other due to their similarities, and also a little suspicious of each other, thinking that there would be a catch.
that all being said, they did like each other! hazel might have been devastated when he vanished! he remembered her! so something happened in those couple weeks to form a real attachment. jason may well have been the only bright spot in hazel's first month there, because whatever he privately thought about her we know he would have treated her with kindness. but they've both changed too much during jason's disappearance and then nico is captured and they never reform whatever bond they had. the friendship that they had was unsustainable for pretty much all of the above reasons, and even when they met the wheels were already moving and it was already too late for both of them.
and on that note, while jason is hera's first move and the lynchpin, hazel is the prophecy harbinger, because she raised the first giant and because her resurrection is a sign that the giants have made their move and seized thanatos and the doors. her existence is owed to the second war starting. before her resurrection the prophecy of seven is impossible because there's only six living. she's the first omen of the new war and the final piece needed before hera can send jason away and kickstart the prophecy, so i think its neat that hazel and jason essentially brushed by each other right before things really got going.
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months
i think a lot about how in Blood of Olympus, Nico was supposed to be sentenced to death as a traitor by the Romans alongside Reyna, and how he was just 100% ready to throw down with Michael Kahale (who is like, twice his height and weight) if Reyna gave him the word. By the end of their quest Nico was really just ready to start biting people if Reyna asked him to and gave absolutely zero shits about potentially dying.
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Jason who served 13 years at 15 years old.
Who sat upon the Argo II and knew he was going to die.
And wanted his friends taken care of.
He wrote letters.
He had few material possessions and knew them by heart.
All of his coin was to be given to Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano.
His architecture text books to Annabeth Chase.
Along with his favourite dagger.
He counted his weapons in his head, his armour and donated them to the camps armoury.
The coin in his hand he would leave to Frank Zhang.
If not for use than... As a token for good luck.
The pelt he'd been given from Lupa, he gifted to Thalia Grace.
Maybe it would comfort her own lonely nights like it always had him.
He left her his journal too, at least one of them would get to know the other.
He wrote recommendation letters.
For Hazel Levesque.
For Frank Zhang.
They could enter any cohort they wished.
He heard talks about the future.
And wrote to New Rome University, for Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.
Give them the peace they deserve.
He wrote to Piper, that he loved her so but knows it isn't returned. That he hopes she finds her happily ever after with another.
He leaves her his mother's ring. The last thing he has of her.
He formally declares Frank Zhang Praetor. Rewriting and filling in the documentation by heart.
He leaves him his Praetor sash, that he will knows Frank will continue to make him proud.
He left his sketchbooks to Leo Valdez. He left him a letter, that Leo was the best friend he could ever ask for.
Abolishing him of any crime.
He leaves him a pencil, asking Leo if he could make him a picture of the places he's seen when he travels the world.
He knows Reyna won't need it but he writes her one too, a recommendation for wherever she wishes to go. And that whatever she chooses he hopes she's happy.
And when he meets Nico, he writes to him too.
Officially naming him as an ambassador of Pluto, free to cross between Greek and Roman as he wishes. He names him as a trusted friend.
And hopes Nico knows how much he is loved.
He wrote details, he wrote well into the night and his hand hurt but he kept writing.
He made his own seal out of wax and sighed them all.
He made copies and hid them in everyone's rooms and his own.
It's fitting no one finds them until he's declared dead.
Leo finds them, in his own ship.
He finds them all, and crumbles to his knees when he realises he wasn't the only one prepared to die.
Except Jason never made any plans to survive.
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crownofgildedlilies · 5 months
knowin' that it probably isn't true -> cool about it [4]
in which: a son of jupiter can't remember the life he lost to time and circumstance. or the daughter of mercury he lost, too.
pairing: jason grace x daughter of mercury!roman!reader
warnings: cursing, angst, slight panic attack?
word count: 5.3k
a/n: how can this possibly be the final part. like what? also, it's been forever since I've read the ending go heroes of Olympus so I cannot for the life of me remember how canon accurate this is.
one two three [four]
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There was one rule Jason was always willing to break.
For you, he had murmured into the side of your head, just above your ear, as he pulled you close the first night it had happened. You hadn't been able to help the roll of your watery, red-rimmed eyes. Or the skip of your heart.
Big declaration, Jase, you had fired back, pretending your voice wasn't shaking, that you hadn't made a much bigger declaration by seeking him out after curfew.
Leave it to the daughter of thieves to break and enter into the praetor's private room.
The first night it happened, you had gotten a rather stiff and formal letter from your mother, explaining why it was simply the better choice for you to stay at camp over the holidays. In front of everyone, you had kept it together.
Alone in your bunk, you broke down.
It was an easy decision, then, to go find Jason. A natural instinct, practically, was leading you through the bunkhouse on silent, swift feet despite the tears staining your face. When you had slipped into Jason's room, he had bolted awake.
You were prepared for a lecture. Instead, he just opened his arms.
So there was one rule that Jason Grace was willing to break.
You were careful not abuse your privilege, only searching him out when needed.
And right now, he was needed.
Your feet carried you soundlessly through the corridors, your heart hammering in your chest and bottom lip caught between your teeth, almost bloody with worry. The dream had been fast, uncontrollable, terrifying.
Not once had you ever bothered knocking on his door, and you didn't start now, twisting the knob and careful to only open it as much as you needed to slip through, because if you went any wider the hinges would squeak and Reyna could only overlook so much.
The sight of him, asleep in bed, hair tousled and face almost peaceful, was nearly enough to settle you. But then flashes of your dream came back, and you knew you needed more.
Easing the door shut, you made sure the latch clicked in place as silently as you could manage. The absolute last thing you needed was some nosy Lar floating by seeing you breaking the rules alongside Jason.
The teasing would never end.
Despite praetor's getting the privilege of having their own rooms, they remained in standard issue sized bunks. Which meant that you couldn't help but press against him as you climbed under the covers, body already half-hanging over the far edge. The movement of the mattress jostled him awake, like always, and he slowly blinked his tired eyes open.
You remained silent as he got his bearings, bottom lip caught between your teeth to keep from spilling out the gory details of your desperation to see him before he even realized what was happening.
He twisted, copying your position of laying on his side, one arm curled underneath his head to prop it up just slightly.
"Hey, you," Jason mumbled, voice still thick with sleep. He stretched slightly, using the movement to reach out and brush his thumb across your cheek, as if he was checking for tears he couldn't see in the dim room. "Couldn't sleep?"
"Sleeping was the problem," You shook your head, kicking your leg forwards under the blanket to knock against his, just the barest excuse to touch him and confirm he was real and alive and laying before you.
"Nightmare?" Like he ever needed to ask. So few things got you worked up enough to risk getting caught sneaking into his room.
"Mhm," You hummed, anyway, eyes tracing the barest outline of his face visible to you in the dark of the room. The moon provide some light through the window, but you had Jason's features memorized from the time you were fourteen.
"What was it about, this time?" He asked, and you wished you could hate him for the way he sounded genuinely concerned and like he wanted to know. The pounding in your heart as he knocked his leg forwards against yours, a mimic of your own actions seconds earlier, would be easier to deal with.
"You." Without cracking, you managed to force the word out at a volume barely audible in the otherwise silent room. Your stare was focused on his chin, because you couldn't meet his eyes as you confessed, and his nose was too close to his eyes, and looking at his lips made you want to do something incredibly stupid.
His chin was neutral territory, even if you wanted to kiss there, too.
"Me?" He sounded like he didn't understand, which you gave him grace for. Yes, your nightmare was about him, but not because of anything he did, so much as what happened to him. Not the first of its kind, but after the fight with Krios, it stung a little deeper.
"You went on a quest, without me, again." Your murmured, gaze still fixed on his chin. He stayed silent, knowing you better than you knew yourself, knowing that you needed him to wait for you to find the right words. "And... and you didn't come back to me, Jase, you had promised, but you didn't—"
Your shudder took you by surprise, eyes squeezed shut tight to try and fight the stinging quickly growing there, your lungs burning with the effort to contain your sobs. You tried all your usual tricks to keep from crying. Counting silently, deep breaths through your nose, hands squeezing into fists so tight your nails cut crescent shaped marks into the heel of your palms leaking the slightest bit of blood.
It didn't work. The image of a broken, ruined Jason returned to you at the edge of camp burned into your memory. You knew it had been a dream, that he hadn't actually died, but the thought—
"This is stupid." You huffed, voice watery and tight and so incredibly pathetic you half expected Jason to strip you of your title of centurion. It was all so very un-Roman of you. "I'm too old to be crying over bad dreams."
"Hey," Jason murmured, voice gentle, and it worked in combination with his warm hands wrapping over yours to calm the tempest that was raging in your mind enough for you to open your eyes. His handsome face was twisted in concern, in understanding, and the tears welled up in your eyes all the bit faster. "I'd be a wreck, too, if I dreamt that I lost you."
Why can't he just say the words, you lamented bitterly in your mind. Why can't I say them, either?
"I hate crying." You managed to force out after a few beats of silence, broken only by your pitiful sniffles trying to keep the tears from finally falling down your cheeks and staining the pillow you shared with Jason.
"I know," His voice was soothing, gentle, and you let him manipulate your hand until he had your open palm splayed, pressed against his chest, his own covering the back of yours to keep you from pulling away. Not that you ever did anything but crawl impossibly closer to him each day.
You were Jason's and Jason was yours, but never in so many words.
"Feel that?" His quiet question startled you from your mind, the terrible sleep-created images replaying on a loop. Reyna apologizing for not protecting him, the weight of his golden coin pressing heavily into the center of your palm.
You're the only one he would have wanted to have that, Reyna had said in your dream when she handed off the magic weapon. And if something ever really did happen to him, you couldn't help but morbidly think that he really would want you to have it—
"Don't leave me here, now." Jason, real Jason, the one living and breathing and holding your hand against his chest—right over his heart, you realized with the sudden jolt. The beat was steady under the tips of your fingers, and you closed your eyes to focus on the rhythm, to try and match your shallow breaths to his deep and even ones. "There. Welcome back, solider."
"We can't be soldiers right now." You shook your head, eyes still shut but voice almost back to normal. And though you knew Jason didn't understand it, he didn't question.
You couldn't be solders. You couldn't be only little heroes destined to fight and bleed and die at the whim of others, of gods with self-imposed rules keeping them from helping their own children. Being soldiers had been what had ruined your dream, that had sent you racing through the dark to find him. Soldiers weren't lovers. Soldiers didn't hold each other.
Jason was trained to be a soldier. But maybe, with you, he could learn to be other things.
"Thank you," You murmured, voice almost silent as you peaked open your eyes. You had known Jason had moved closer to you, had heard his cheek brushing against the pillow you shared and felt the heat from his skin warm yours, but you hadn't anticipated the blow to your chest you received when you opened your eyes and found him close enough to taste, if you had been born into a braver body.
"After my little stunt on the War Games field with Damien last week? I figured I owed you." He teased, and the absurdity of Jason Grace finding it in himself to make such a casual joke after you had climbed into his bed mid-panic attack had a lopsided grin work its way onto your face.
"Shut up." You wanted to lean forward and press your lips against his skin, but you held back. You always held back, but only when it came to Jason. Most of your bunkmates had vocalized that they wished you had the capacity to control yourself more. "How many times have you kept me out of the brig?"
"Fair point," He chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest and reminding you that your palm was still pressed against the cotton of his sleep shirt.
As much as it pained you, you slipped your hand out of his, but something took control of you and changed direction. Originally, you had planned on tucking your fist underneath your own chin, cocooning yourself in your own arms and trying to justify staying a little bit longer.
What ended up happening was your hand falling to rest on Jason's cheek, thumb brushing over the pearly white line of his scar. The tips of your fingers tingled, might have even shook, as they touched his lips.
All the humor was sucked from the room with your gentle declaration of such intimacy. Sure, you and Jason had long since passed through each other's barriers of personal space. Neither one of you exactly had nurturing childhoods and found relentless comfort in the other.
Touch starved, someone had once explained it as. Two people making up for lost time and a need to feel loved and held. Jason was the only one you let into your space, and as far as you knew you were the only one Jason wrapped himself around. The thought of him locking pinkies with someone besides you made you queasy and tossed you back into the moment, your palm on his cheek and his eyes on yours.
It was almost too much. You hoped he couldn't hear your heart hammering in your chest, feeling as if it was about to burst with how much you loved him.
You loved everything about him. From his smiles to his dedication and his innocent charm. To the way he fought like the weight of the world rested on his shoulders, because it did, and how he let you break the rules in his bed because he knew you better than you could ever hope to know yourself, sometimes.
"I bet it was a wolf bite." You murmured into the quiet, words tumbling past your lips before you could even think of what you were saying.
"Hm?" He must not have expected your words, because he hummed questioningly, sounding half-distracted but your touch lingering on his skin. The idea of distracting Jason Grace made you smile. It felt like an achievement.
"Your scar," You clarified, still tracing it with the pad of your thumb. his skin was warm and soft and it helped ease your remaining nerves to hold him so gently after the gruesome horror show of your nightmare. "I bet it was a wolf bite."
Jason grinned, then. Wide and bright and if you hadn't seen him call down lightning personally, you would have thought Phoebus Apollo was his father from how much blinding sunshine radiated from him, even in the middle of the night, half-asleep.
"If Lupa bit me, I don't think the scar would be so small." He teased, knocking his forehead into yours gently. You snorted, closing your eyes as you leaned closer to him, trying to remain casual as his nose brushed against yours.
"Still, it's a good story." You hummed, shrugged slightly. Jason huffed a laugh, and you felt his breath on your skin, on your lips.
"Yeah, it's a good story." He agreed quietly, his own hand reaching up to hold your face, mimicking your position with a gentleness that made you question if you should ruin the only gentle thing to ever embrace you by slotting your mouth over his, over every inch of his face.
Instead, you moved your hand from his cheek to the back of his head, holding him as close as you could without being greedy.
You knew you'd have to leave soon, or else risk getting caught, and you couldn't do that to Jason.
But you let yourself have a few minutes. You never knew how many you'd ever have with him.
It was peaceful, if only for a moment.
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It had only been war, for hours.
Your voice was shredded raw from shouting orders, rallying troops, keeping Romans from turning on Greeks like Octavian had wanted.
It was the final battle, you knew. The air tasted of it, of that heavy weight that came with saving the world. You had felt it when you had gone into battle against Krios to keep the Titans from rising, and you were sick with it, now.
This time, you didn't have Jason by your side, covering your weaknesses while you watched his. You didn't even have Reyna, anymore.
I need you to stay here, Reyna had ordered you when you had argued your case for joining her on her quest to the Ancient Lands after Jason and the others. Your desperation to accompany her went beyond a bone-deep ache to see Jason again; you were going absolutely crazy sitting around at the Roman encampments surrounding the Greek demigod camp, waiting for a battle you were certain shouldn't be taking place.
If I stay here, I'm going to kill Octavian. Or he'll get someone to kill me, you countered, and two weeks earlier you could have played it off as a joke. But Octavian had become drunk on power, had appointed himself to a rank higher than praetor, and was absolutely gunning for a reason to get rid of you, one way or another.
Don't let him, Reyna had said, as if it was ever that simple. I need someone here that I can trust. Jason needs you here, too.
Your frown had deepened, no matter how impossible it had seemed.
That was a low blow, you mumbled, pissed off and exhausted, only getting more pissed off and exhausted by your own shitty attitude.
Reyna had grimaced, but did you the favor of not pointing out that it had worked. You had stayed behind, had remained with your soldiers and dodged Octavian as much as you could, knowing how very weak the leash you held your anger on was. He was looking for any excuse to put you on trial. You couldn't give him one.
But that didn't mean you didn't do everything in your power to undermine Octavian's control.
The fighting that soon followed was inevitable.
You had known from the start that it was either going to be against the Greeks or the monsters, depending on how successful Jason and his new group of friends were. If they got back in time to unify the camps like Annabeth had promised Reyna they would, then the monsters would be feasible to take on.
But Octavian started the war early. Started against the Greeks, then was forced to split forces when the monsters began their assault, too.
The groundwork you had laid against Octavian was almost unnecessary as he doomed the Romans to fight an exhausting and expensive battle they could never win. It had been almost too easy for you to take control, to knock Octavian out with a single punch and order Roman troops to fight alongside the Greeks, to use them as another weapon against the monsters.
Defend their camp as if it is our own!, you had shouted through the roar of battle, perched on the highest point you could find—an upturned chariot. The fighting had paused at your words, Greeks and Romans alike trying to see which way the attacking army would sway.
One girl on the Greek side of the fight gave orders to her soldiers not to attack your Romans, just as the daughter of Ares had promised on the few nights you had snuck into her camp to discuss that very moment.
Clarisse La Rue had been all too willing to talk war with you, double agent against Octavian, you were.
Reyna and Nico arriving with the Athena Parthenos had only sealed the deal, but even with Greek and Roman forces combined the never-ending monster army was a force to be reckoned with. Gaea herself was even pulling you in, feet sucked into the earth to tire you out faster with each step.
By the time the flying trireme arrived, your exhaustion was bone deep and felt like the only substantial thing in your life.
It was a blur, from then on. Fighting still raged. Screams still tore through the air. Battle continued and stole and ached.
Then came the explosion.
One minute you were fighting for your life, prepared to enter into the next one, and then suddenly the world had stilled around you. Whatever monsters weren't falling under the swords and arrows of demigod heroes had turned and ran, and it was almost jarring how silent the battlefield got.
Or maybe you were just too tired to process any sound. You thought you could see Reyna's mouth moving, a few dozen feet in front of you, but all you heard was a low buzzing, the thrumming of your heart, as you searched the carnage.
You weren't sure if the Romans stopped to gawk at you because you were stumbling through the mess or because you were, against all odds, still standing. You had been on the front lines from the start, had led wave after wave of assault.
By all accounts, you should have been lost to the fight. But you never gave up all that easily.
You knew there still were a million and six things that remained to do before darkness fell. First and most important to you was organizing your legion, taking count of who had survived the battle. Mourning walked hand in hand with victory, and you were well acquainted with the pair.
Except, you only made it ten steps before you saw him.
Jason Grace had completely forgotten you. Despite his promises, his sweet words and even sweeter touches, he had forgotten you and all that you meant to him. He didn't know how he used to pinch your arm to keep you awake in your more boring classes. He didn't know that he used to swap plates with you at least once a week because you regretted what the Mess Hall sprites had brought you.
He didn't know how he brushed his hands through your hair when you got worked up, and he didn't remember what the touch of your skin on his felt like.
But he was heading straight towards you, as if the destruction around him could wait and all that mattered was you.
It was enough to root you to your spot. With shaking, brutalized fingers you took off your helmet. You meant to hold it under your arm against your hip, but suddenly Jason was within five feet of you with the most determined stare, and you barely registered it dropping to the ground.
You had counted the days since you had last seen him in Charleston. It had been too long and not long enough, because no matter how much you loved Jason with every inch of your being, it also hurt too great to have him in front of you and know he didn't remember how gently he had once used his thumbs to smooth the worry lines from between your knitted brows.
"Soldier—" You started, desperate to take control of the conversation, but he was speaking over you before you even finished the second syllable.
"It's not a wolf bite." His words were firm, almost pleading. But they were also so unexpected, so out of place, you jolted back half a step. He quickly made up for the space you tried putting between you both, halting only a few scant inches from the exhausted lines of your body.
"What?" You managed to gape, chin tilted to look up at him, face twisted in grief and confusion and hope so dangerous you contemplated the blow to your reputation if you turned and ran.
"The scar. Not a wolf bite." He clarified, and it took nearly everything in you to tear your stare from his to drag down his face and find the beloved mark on the corner of his lips, right where it had been since the moment you had met him. You had felt that bit of raised skin underneath the pad of your thumb more times than what could have been considered as just friendly, had made up stories for its existence just to distract yourself. "When I was two, I tried to eat a stapler."
"Jason," The sound that left your lips could almost have been mistaken for a laugh, if someone only plugged their ears and closed their eyes. It was a haunted, aching, desperate sound, mixed with a short exhale that had Jason leaning even closer to you, somehow.
"I just thought you'd want to know." He murmured, and you weren't sure if the warmth burning your skin was from the exertion of battle, the rays of sun beating against your cheek, or the intensity of Jason's stare on you.
Familiar. He looked... familiar. Maybe a little Greek, but he was still Roman. Still an unwavering force, one that had defeated a Titan and still had enough power to tear down his seat of power in search for your battered body, almost lost to the rubble.
He looked like he knew you.
"You… you remember?" Fingers curled into fists at your side, almost buzzing with emotions you could barely even begin to decipher. Everything was a knot inside of you; thoughts, feelings, strength. You'd given everything on the battlefield, but you had been running on fumes from the moment Jason had been stolen from you. It was nothing short of a miracle that you were still standing.
"I do, now." His nod sent a shuddering gasp through you, but still you couldn't get yourself to lift a hand out and reach him. You had already had this dream—this nightmare—so many times. What happened next would likely be his dismissing you. Or worse—you would wake up.
But Jason moved first, one hand you knew like your own raising to wipe a spot of grime off you cheek before cradling your head gently. It was all the permission you needed before your own hands notched under the sides of his armor, a familiar movement always used to tug him closer to you. Metal clanged together as his chest plate hit against yours, and though you suddenly loathed the equipment that had saved your life more times than you felt you deserved, you couldn't let go of Jason long enough to free yourself from it. That part would have to wait.
"Got hit on the head a few times, talked to a couple of gods. It all helped the pieces fall back together." He explained, and you pressed your knuckles into his sides as a silent reprimand for making fun of himself getting hurt. Tears welled in your eyes, blurring your vision of Jason, and you bit the inside of your cheek so hard you tasted blood. A reprimand for yourself, too. "I'm so sorry."
"It wasn't your fault, Jase." You would have shaken your head, but you didn't want to move out of his hold for a second, and instead pressed your cheek tighter against his palm still holding the side of your jaw.
He looked ready to argue, but you flashed him a glare so fierce he thought better of it. You had been living in anger and fear for months. Having Jason back already helped, but it would take more than a few minutes for you to right yourself.
And you still stood on the battlefield.
"I remember that last argument we had." He knocked you back to reality in the gentle way only he ever knew how to do with you. Out of shame, you ducked your gaze to the ground, but he didn't let you hide. With the hand that wasn't on your jaw, thumb brushing reassuring strokes over your cheek, he held your nearly quivering chin between his index and his thumb. The way he tilted your head up to meet his stare was tender, but that had never been a question when it came to him. "Where I said there was nothing for us to do but be soldiers."
"Yeah," You were pretty sure you were speaking, but you couldn't focus on anything over the sound of your heartbeat roaring in your ears or the beautiful burn of his skin against yours.
"I was wrong." He admitted, but you knew what those words meant just the same as he knew that you would understand. "I remembered fragments of you. The sound of your laugh. How your hair shone in the summer sun."
"Sounds like you might be in love, or something." You tried for teasing but sounded like you had just been hit by a bus. Jason had only been back for a few scarce minutes and already was bulldozing you with his sweet words. If he hadn't just disappeared on you for upwards of seven months and came back to save the world, you would have threatened to kick his ass for disorientating you so much so quickly.
"Oh, I am." He grinned a little nervously, a little lopsided, and you couldn't wait any longer.
You moved first, hands darting from the sides of his armor to the sides of his face, palms flat against his skin as you tugged his head down you meet you while you pushed yourself up on your tip-toes to meet him halfway.
Kissing Jason was as inevitable as it was all-consuming. You had played dumb with Dakota whenever he brought it up, but deep down you had always belonged to Jason Grace, and he to you, from the moment he broke the rules to sit with you in that small, restricted stretch of grass when you were ten years old.
Your fingers knotted into the hair on the back of his head, grown out just enough during his time with the Greeks. You thought it suited him, and it was soft under your touch, and you mentally made a note to plead with him later to leave it alone. From the way he was kissing you like he would starve if he didn't, you had a feeling he'd agree easily.
He was warm and sweet and tasted like mint. He was everything you had imagined, everything you had never once dared to hope for. Strong hands and gentle touches, unyielding intelligence and unwavering kindness.
He was everything. Your everything.
Despite the weight of Jason's mouth on yours, you still were dimly aware of where you stood. The smell of smoke still lingered in the air, and no matter how close you pressed against Jason, you couldn't hide from the fact that you were a centurion and your legion needed you.
You had been left by almost everyone in your life, but never had letting someone go been as painful as it was to step back from Jason long enough to catch your breath and clear the fog from your mind that was a direct reaction to his touch.
"I've got to—" You shuddered, voice catching, but Jason nodded, knowing what you meant. Knowing you, knowing your mind, always. You almost shivered again at the reminder that he remembered. He knew what you were going to say, but you forced yourself to finish your thought so you could convince yourself it was real. "I've got to find my legion. Count survivors. Take stock of injuries. We've been—we've been fighting for hours."
You didn't want to leave him. You never had wanted to before, but after he had been stolen from you for so long? Now that he had confessed his love and kissed you like his life depended on it?
Now you were worried that the next time he left your side, he'd disappear again, no matter how unwillingly he went.
"Okay," Jason smoothed his thumbs across your cheeks, face ducked low towards yours as your hands fell to wrap loosely around his wrists, desperate to hold him in anyway you could. "Okay. We can do that."
"We?" You questioned, then immediately felt stupid for doing so. Of course, he meant we. It had always been the two of you against the world, and he had just gotten his memories of you back. There was no way he would let you out of his sight so soon.
"You told me the day we met that there was no getting rid of you." Jason reminded you, as if you could ever forget meeting him, as if the gods themselves had been able to keep him from remembering you. "I'm holding you to that promise."
Words failed you, but the way you surged forward to press your mouth to his in a quick, urgent kiss that you had dreamed about sharing with him for years, didn't.
"Just for the record, I love you too." You offered an exhausted imitation of a smile as you pulled away, finally dropping your touch from him. Because maybe you had Jason back, but you still weren't sure how many of your soldiers had been lost. Mourning and victory, always a solemn pair.
He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but someone called out your name, and the edge of desperation and worry in their voice cut through you like a knife. And Jason remembered you, knew you, and saw everything written on your face.
"We'll figure out this mess together." He swiped his thumb over your bottom lip before nudging your shoulder in the direction the voice had come from. "Lead the way, Centurion."
Your stomach was still in knots, so you pressed your lips into a firm line. But Jason was a warm strength at your back, and he kept his promise of together, and followed you dutifully.
War took and took, but sometimes it gave.
Jason, your Jason, was back. And maybe there were still a million questions to answer, boundaries to fix and homes to rebuild, but you knew Jason would be by your side through it all.
An unwavering force behind your relentless dedication.
War took and took, but things would be okay.
Things would be okay.
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a/n: im allergic to sad endings (jk I just can't write them they always feel unfinished when I try) also this took me forever bc I was so incredibly worried that the finale would flop but I kinda love this so im just gonna full send
tag, you're it! @aezuria @tayswiftlovebot @bonnie-tz @folklorefantasies14 @sunshine-of-ur-life @irwinchester @bellamysnatblida @saph-nic @auroraofthesun1 @helloimamistake @maybxlle @p-rspective @lauptimist @dontstopxx @apollosfavkiddo @ebony-reine-vibes @poppysrin @valromanoff @jesuschrist2006 @pariahsparadise @killaari @marshmummy @sofiacblair
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
“Will. Hey.” He reaches out when the medic doesn’t react, forcibly stilling his hands. Even then, he can feel the minute twitches, the fighting he’s doing with himself to keep still. “It can wait until tomorrow.”
“They leave tomorrow,” Will stresses, finally pulling his hands free. “The Romans are early risers, Nico, you know better than anyone, I need this done before they —”
He cuts himself off, too invested in the sprawl of paperwork completely covering the nurse’s station. Under his eyes is almost completely bruised black, not unlike the war paint he wore so long ago, and there’s a grey dullness to him. If he stays in one place too long, he sways on his feet.
“I’m fine,” he says, suddenly, as if remembering Nico is there. He pauses briefly to shoot him a small, strained smile, then returns to his frantic sorting. A red thumbprint bleeds onto the corner of the page of one of the files. He doesn’t seem to notice.
Without straying too far, Nico gathers the supplies he needs. He pulls out a tray to grab some antiseptic, swipes a Pac-Man bandaid off a box on the counter. Arms laden with his spoils, he nudges the half-door open with his hip, setting the supplies down when he’s inside the round desk-station.
“Will,” he says quietly, wrapping his hand around his elbow. He jumps.
“I’m — fine.”
“You’re bleeding.”
He blinks, staring down at his hands; brows furrowing as he notices the several scattered paper cuts crossing almost every finger. Many of them are clotted, scabbed over; dried blood streaking between his freckles and swirling around stark white scars.
“Come here.”
Without protest, for once, he does. He sets down the pen clenched in his left thumb and turns to face Nico fully. In the minimal space between them, his hands shake.
“I didn’t notice,” he murmurs, flinching as Nico soaks a cotton pad and presses it to a cut on the inside of his thumb. Nico can’t quite read the expression on his face, although there’s a choked quality to his voice. “I need to — before they —”
“Not everything is your responsibility,” Nico interrupts. He meets Will’s gaze head on, his own gaze steady, heart breaking at the fragility in his ice blue eyes. “Not everything is your responsibility, Will,” he repeats, firmer this time.
Will’s face crumples. “I haven’t slept in five days.”
Nico closes his eyes. “Gods, Will.”
“I’m sorry.”
In moments like these, Nico hates working for his father.
He had left to relative chaos. Relative, meaning in comparison to what the rest of the eight billion people on the planet would consider calm, camp wasn’t it, but by demigod standards it wasn’t too bad. Several Romans, including Reyna and Hazel, were due to arrive the day after he was summoned by his father, which was a bummer, but he had assurance from both of them that they’d stay long enough to see him. And reassurance from his father that the errand wouldn’t be too perilous. And, lastly, a threat (warning out of love, he would say, but Nico knows a threat when he sees one) from Will to take it easy.
He got back to debris and blood and a flurry of stress — a weapons development disaster, he’d been quickly informed. No deaths, at least not yet, but several in critical condition that were quickly approaching it.
And Kayla and Austin, back at school, and Will in the infirmary by himself.
“Will,” he repeats for the third time, a little more urgently this time. He places a gently finger under his chin. “Look at me a second.”
He regrets asking, almost, when Will meets his eyes, although he immediately feels guilty for the thought. The son of Apollo is so rarely vulnerable, stubbornly intent on carrying the burdens he’s stuck with without half a hand of help. It wears on him, and the proof of the weariness hurts Nico somewhere, deep in his soul; he hates bearing witness to it.
Worse, though, is the knowledge that Will is struggling with it himself.
“Everybody critical has been stabilized,” he says firmly. When Will opens his mouth in protest, he adds, “I can feel it, Sunshine, do you trust me?”
“Yes,” he says, immediately. He snaps his jaw shut. “Yes.”
Nico’s own shoulders slump when Will exhales, long and exhausted. “Good. This —” he gestures to the paperwork — “this is secondary, Solace. I don’t care if they want to leave tomorrow. You need rest, and, hell, if they’re that pressed about it, I’ll make them do the fucking paperwork.”
“Please, don’t,” Will says, laughing feebly. He swiped quickly under his eyes, pulling away, and Nico lets him, if only because his small smile seems genuine, if not exhausted. “The idea of that actually makes me want to puke. I hate paperwork, but I hate anyone else doing it more.”
“Right, right.” Nico nudges his shoulder, something like teasing showing in his eyes. “Heaven forbid someone dot their i’s incorrectly.”
“Exactly.” Will looks so serious that Nico stills, trying to figure out just how anal, exactly, his friend is, before his face breaks out into a wide, genuine grin. Nico’s stomach flips. “I’m only teasing, Death Breath. I don’t actually care if people dot their i’s incorrectly. And I would appreciate the help.”
“I feel like it hurt you to say that,” Nico says, once he recovers from the staggering force of one million megawatts of smile power.
“It did.”
“Also, you implied that there genuinely is a wrong way to dot your i’s.”
“…Of course there is.” Will looks at him strangely. “Maybe I’m not the one who’s sleep deprived,” he muses, reminding Nico that oh yeah, dumbass, Will is actually genuinely sick with how little sleep he’s gotten, maybe fix that.
“Will you sleep, now?”
Will hesitates. “There was a girl with a — skull injury.”
Nico understands immediately. (He saw the mangled mess of Lee’s shroud.)
“Come sleep in my cabin,” he suggests, squeezing his wrist. “I’ll keep watch, and you’ll have some privacy.”
“Okay,” he says quietly. He allows himself to be tugged out of the infirmary, only looking back a couple times. “Thank you, Nico.”
“Anything for you,” Nico responds, just as quiet, and his heart races when Will beams.
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witchhazelevesque · 4 months
Wait… I get that Venus’s warning to Reyna about how “no demigod shall heal your heart” hit her hard because it meant she and Jason wouldn’t be together, but it also didn’t completely rule out A LOT of her people because like… so many of them weren’t demigods, they were legacies.
And okay, yeah, maybe that could be explained but, no not really because in BoO, when Reyna tells Piper about it, Piper says: “There is someone out there for you, maybe it’s not a demigod. Maybe it’s a mortal or… or I don’t know. But when it’s meant to happen, it will.” (492)
Like… the narrative literally forgets that legacies as a concept existed??
And no, it’s not that Piper isn’t aware of that or was distracted by Leo’s death because: “Piper kept busy helping Reyna and Annabeth coordinate between the Greeks and Romans. To Piper's surprise, the other two girls valued her skills as a go-between to smooth over any conflicts.” (489)
Now, Piper gets the short end of the stick when it comes to being written with nuance (hello one off lines about her best friendship with Hazel with talking, crying and sword fighting in HoH), but we’re meant to assume that she’s doing more than is actually written, and she’d have to be aware of these dynamics between demigods and legacies, that SHOULD have been a significant element here since all of Camp Half-Blood are demigods while a large, if unknown, portion of Camp Jupiter are legacies.
But no, the conflicts are like: “Piper did manage to return some Roman helmets that mysteriously made their way into the camp store. She also kept a fight from breaking out between the children of Mars and the children of Ares over the best way to kill a hydra.” (489)
The narrative itself goes out of its way to make a one to one comparison between the camps in terms of how directly descended from the gods the camper are. With the same god’s two aspects and everything! Ignoring the other descendants of Mars!
But actually!! No, in the same book they do bring up legacies! Nico asks Reyna: “So… is your whole family descended from Bellona? I thought you and Hylla were her daughters, not legacies.” (284)
So why? Is it so inconsistent? (This is a rhetorical question, I know why but feel free to add more)
And all he had to do was change the word ‘demigod’ to ‘hero’. At least for Reyna’s situation.
TLDR: Legacies? Wasted potential. Reyna? Victim of inconsistent writing, vol 132.
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nofingjustaninchident · 6 months
i saw ur requests are open and i got excited 😵
would u be willing to write a jason grace x apollo!reader one shot? specifically one that’s kinda angsty but has a happy ending?? maybe the reader gets really hurt on a quest with Jason and he’s genuinely scared but she ends up being okay in the end? i’m not sure what other details but i’d love to see what you do with this (if you want!!!)
we’ll be a fine line, we’ll be alright.
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content: jason grace x apollo!reader
warning: bad BAD writing, angst but then it’s fluff, blood, almost dying experience, octavian’s still alive, cursing, post Blood of Olympus
a/n: hello! this is my first request and i wanted to post it before the other stuff i’m working on (especially cause i can’t finish any of the shit i’m working on). this is kind of fast paced but don’t blame me, it’s 12am in brazil right now so.. yea. also, i kinda diverted from the whole hurt in quest thing, i’m sorry! i didn’t have enough ideas for a whole quest. but i hope you enjoy! oh and this is placed after the first book of TOA
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Sure, a heartbreak did hurt. But have you been stabbed by Imperial Gold? Dude. Brotha.
Sure, it was a normal thing for you to argue with Octavian. Hell, it was. normal thing for everyone who’s sane to do. This scrawny boy was just… a piece of shit. Yeah. And the worst part? You’re related. He’s one of the “legacies”, whatever that is. That stupid roman dipshit.
And today was no different. You two were arguing about some trivial shit, as always, but things escalated quickly. Soon you two were sparring (how was a mystery, since you didn’t even know that thing knew how to hold a sword) and it was quite fun.
You see, you got to camp Half-Blood when you were just seven. Since then you’ve been trained all year, since you didn’t have any other family - besides the godly side of it, duh - and Octavian was… well, Octavian. You were much better than him.
The whole problem is that Octavian likes to play dirty. So eventually he makes you trip and fall and he leaves gashes around your arms and legs. But with imperial gold it was sort of painful.
Till one of those times came again, but this time he didn’t leave a gash or a scratch. He stabbed you right in your stomach.
“Oh, gods!” He said, with fake concern. “I’m so sorry, cousin! My bad. I should go looking for your boyfriend, right? But… i didn’t see nothing. Bye!” The blond said with a devilish grin and left.
You knew you needed help. You were applying pressure to the wound, trying to use your healing powers to at least slow down the bleeding.
You tried to get up to look for help, but it was almost impossible. Even with that, you had to. ‘Oh, come on,’ you thought, ‘i’ve faced Kronos, Gaea and Annabeth mad at me. I’m not gonna die for a stupid legacy.’
And that’s exactly what made you move your body towards the via principalis, where you knew someone was gonna help you.
When you got there, the first person you saw was - thanks the gods -, Reyna. When the praetor looked at you, her face was horrified.
“y/n? What-“ She began, but you cut her off.
“I-i’ll explain later. Just… medical cabin. Please.” You begged, your words barely above a whisper.
Reyna nodded and helped you lean on her for support, as she walked you towards the medical cabin. You didn’t know the name of the boy who was currently there, but he looked as horrified as Reyna.
“Oh gods. Oh, my gods.” The boy said and you smiled, trying to fight back the urge to pass out.
“Ha, thanks. I thought it was bad.” You half joked as Reyna and the unkown boy put you on a vacant stretcher. When you were laid down, you looked up at Reyna with pleading eyes. “Bring Jason here, please?”
“Of course. I’ll go find him. The brunette said and left the medical cabin.
“Ok. uh… care to tell what happened with you?” The boy asked and you turned your gaze back to him.
“Got stabbed by imperial gold. What’s your name?” She asked, but the look in the boy’s face didn’t seemed to register the question.
“My gods… i’ll do my best to help you.” He said and grabbed a bottle of nectar, pouring it to your mouth. “Ok, i need to-“
Before he could finish, a certain blonde boy barges past the doors, looking around the medical cabin, desperately trying to find you.
When his gaze fell into you, he rushed to your side, grabbing your hand. His eyes were glossy behind his glasses and she knew he already wanted to cry.
“Y/n, what…? What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?” He asked, and she tried to laugh, but the pain was becoming unbearable. You couldn’t even talk anymore, as the only thing that came out of your mouth was a whiny breath. “It’s okay, i’m here with you, hm? I won’t leave.”
He kissed your forehead and you squeezed his hand softly just before you felt a tear fall in your cheek. That was the last thing you heard or saw before passing out.
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Jason is desperate. He’s beyond worried about you.
He knows what imperial gold does to someone. Gods, he was stabbed by imperial gold before. And if she wasn’t treated in the right way… he didn’t even want to think about it.
But other than that, he needed to know who did this. He was going to kill this person with his bare hands.
It had been two days since you blacked out and you hadn’t woken up yet. He was starting to get even more worried, but he hadn’t left your side for one second. You couldn’t even go back to Camp Half-Blood (obvi), so your closest friends and family came to visit.
Will had cried his eyes out when he saw her there. Nico had to comfort him as his pupils leaked salty water. Lester/Apollo was back from his quest with Meg, and he also came to visit his daughter. The man was very… emotional, let’s say that.
But on the third day you were finally beginning to wake up. Of course, Jason was there.
“Hey, honey… you’re back, hm?” He asked, caressing you hair as you smiled, trying to reassure him. It still hurt as hell, but it could be worse. You could be dead.
“Hey…” She mumbled, her voice a little smudgy. “How long was it out?”
“A few days. But you’re back now, that’s what matters the most.” He said as he gave you a soft kiss on the lips. It was no tongue, just affection. He was showing you he was there for you.
“I feel fine. Like, not fine, but definitely better.” She said, as she pulled away from him.
“Yeah, i imagined. But, baby, i need you to tell me something.” Jason said, still holding your hand softly.
You nodded, waiting for him to elaborate.
“Who did this to you?” He asked, and you felt him squeezing your hand tighter. His voice was also harsher, as if he was restraining himself from killing someone.
“It was… it was Octavian.” She said, in a whisper-like tone. His face hardened immediately as he got up and went to the boy that was standing at the door.
“I need you to call Reyna and Frank. Tell them it’s an emergency.” He said and the boy quickly left.
Jason rushed back to your side. “I swear i’m gonna kill that son of a bitch.” He muttered.
When you were about to answer, Reyna and Frank rushed past the door, both looking worried. Behind Frank, there were a few other people - Will, Nico, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Leo and Percy -, all looking worried.
“You’re alive!” Will shouted and rushed to your side, tears welling up his eyes again.
“What, you thought that a little stab was going to kill me? Please.” She scoffed and Will laughed.
“So, who did this?” Reyna asked, also going to your side and stroking your shoulder softly.
“The most stupid, idiotic, son of a bitch augur that we ever had.” Jason said through gritted teeth.
“Octavian did that? I knew he was annoying, but at this level?” Percy asked, his face contorted in a mix of anger and disbelief.
“Mhm. We were sparring but… he likes to play dirty, i guess.”
“I’m gonna murder him.” Will groaned.
“Get in line.” Jason, Percy and Nico said at the same time.
You chuckled a bit, even if it hurt. Cause you knew, with that family right there, everything was gonna be fine.
a/n pt2: so… i like it but i don’t but i do. u get that? yea. i don’t know, i think i could do better, but i kinda liked it. I was going to make octavian’s trial and all but it would be too fucking long, so i gave up. that’s it for today, sorry that it took so long!
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a-french-coconut · 3 months
Jason Grace
Birthdays are, for Jason, a day like another.
It's a normal day.
Nothing out of the ordinary comes from completing another year of living.
When came the day of his third birthday, Lupa gave him a little more food than the other cups.
As for Camp Jupiter...
Well, Jason never bothered telling his fellow comrades his birthday date.
Every time someone asked him "When's your birthday ?", he would always shrug it off and divert the attention somewhere else.
That was until Reyna came along and baked him cakes every single day of the year.
"If you won't tell me, I'll assume it's always today." She would tell him, presenting him a burnt cake with wax dripping from the ignited candles.
He should have know waging war against the daughter of Bellona would mean defeat.
And so, in their first year of friendship, Reyna learns that Jason Grace's birthday is July 1st, in honour of Juno, his patron goddess.
But to his insistence, they don't celebrate it.
"Why ?" She asked him one night, the both of them watching the city from above, in Bacchus' gardens.
"I already have enough attention as it is." He lies, because the truth is that he wants to preserve his birthday like he knows it.
A blurred image of a blue-eyed girl, swinging him around and singing him "Happy Birthday !". He fears that if he celebrated his birthdays, that memory would fade.
"My full name is Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano." Reyna said out of the blue.
"That's a mouthful." He smiled before trying to pronounce it. "Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, it's-"
"Don't say it again." Reyna cuts him, her hands clutching her t-shirt, "Never."
"Okay." He replies and he understands why she said it to him.
A treaty, a deal between them.
Two things only they know of each other, a proof of trust.
That night, Reyna became the person Jason trusted more than anyone.
Years passed and nobody bothered to ask him about his birthday.
War is looming on the horizon, a storm ready to fall upon them.
They need to see him as a general, a fearsome warrior ready to lead them to victory.
He is the son of Jupiter and wether he is fourteen or fifteen matters not.
It's not until his sixteenth birthday that Jason understands why birthdays are a special date.
A day to commemorate your life, to celebrate living another year.
When Piper hands him a cupcake, with poorly made frosting, Jason eats it, savouring every bite.
That memory goes lock itself next to Thalia's.
When the war is over, Jason thinks that celebrating his seventeenth birthday with all his friends wouldn't be that bad.
(In canon, Jason never makes it to seventeen. Here, we throw canon out of the window because birthday boy deserves some happiness.)
Jason plops down on his bed, sighing.
What a long year it had been.
His sixteenth year of living began with a fight on the Acropolis, where he basically told his father he was a idiot for punishing Apollo.
Only for said god to barge into his dormitory months later, very mortal looking.
Then, his home is attacked by a zombie army lead by a dead roman king.
And how could he forget Piper breaking up with him.
Overall, that year wasn't the best of years Jason lived.
Except for all the friends he met and the sense of peace it brought him.
Not fully Roman, not entirely Greek, Jason is a children of both.
He has every right to feel at home in Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood, where his father's statue is looking at him right now.
Jason lays in his bed, head purposesly facing the wall, and lets Morpheus greets him in his oneiric realm.
As Artemis leads her moon chariot in the night, June 31st morphs into July 1st.
A lousy voice startles Jason out of sleep and he jolts awake.
"What ?" He asks disoriented and tangled in his sheets.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERMAN !" The same voice screams and it comes from a flying table making circles in his cabin.
"Buford ?" Jason yawns, "what are you doing here ?"
"Right, right, thank you. Can you tone it down a little ?"
"Yeah, I get it. But please, it's-" He checks the clock, "it's seven am."
"What ? I gotta say his name ?"
"Okay," Jason laughs softly, "thank you Leo for wishing me a happy birthday."
"YOU'RE WELCOME BLONDIE ! NOW GET DRESSED AND COME OUTSIDE !" Buford zooms out of the cabin by the open roof.
Jason shakes his head and quickly puts on a Camp t-shirt and a pair of jeans. When he opens the door, there's no one.
"I know you guys are hiding !" He screams as he scans his surroundings. "Buford told me-" He huffs as a weight settles of his back and arms snake around his neck.
"Happy birthday Jason !" Leo screams in his ear, "Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy-"
"birthday, thanks." Jason completes, holding Leo on his back.
"Amigo, you are going to live the best day of your life !" Leo claps his shoulders, excited.
"Did you plan it all ?"
"With some help but yes, it was me." Leo shrugs, "Now, it's time for breakfast."
"To the Pavillon we go."
Camp's grounds are empty as they walk towards the eating Pavillon.
"Nobody was woken up by Buford ?" Jason asks, surprised, "he made quite the noise."
"Don't worry about that." Leo flicks his head, surely grinning like a madman.
"Fine, but I don't want to bother anyone-" He falters as they enter the Pavillon.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON !" The whole camp scream, whistle, whoop.
He feels his face going hot, "Thanks you guys ! It's very nice of you to-"
At the Apollo Cabin, Will takes a mic and begins to sing.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Jason Grace, happy birthday to you !" He finishes amidst his siblings' applauses.
"Woah, thank you Will." Jason says, his face probably the colour of a tomato.
Will bows and sits back, himself a little red but pleased with himself.
Leo jumps down from him, "Camp rules still apply so I gotta leave you here. But don't worry, I've got other surprises planned out for you." Leo winks and goes join his siblings.
Jason makes his way towards his table, murmuring "thank you", "really appreciated it", "you're the best." to all the campers he crosses.
When he finally sits down, another little surprise awaits him.
Blue brownies with a note.
"Sorry I'm not here buy you know, studies. Still, Annabeth and I wish you a happy birthday and you'll get our gifts later ! Enjoy your day, I'm still better than you because I win Kansas- ouch Annabeth ! Yes, I'm writing it because Jason will be my witness of your attitude. Appreciate the letter bro because it took me a while with dyslexia.
Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
PS : I made the brownies (as if it wasn't obvious.), shut up Annabeth. Wait, can I still say shut up if you're writing ? (End the letter.), right, okay, ending the letter now."
Jason chuckles fondly, munching on a delicious brownie while he reads the note.
Most of his friends are at Camp Jupiter, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Percy.
He knows they would be here with him if they could, but the praetors are too busy to leave and Percy and Annabeth had exams coming up.
He tucks the note into his jeans and finishes the brownies, sacrificing a conjured apple to his father.
Hello, Father. Thank you for, hum, conceiving me ?
Yeah, that'll do.
He almost faceplates when Leo jumps on his back again.
"You're like a leech." He huffs, readjusting him so they are both comfortable.
"Don't know what that is but I'll assume it's something good." Leo replies, poking his neck. "Head towards the arena please, you have sword fighting class."
"No I don't."
"Yes, you do." Leo chirps, "now go."
"Leech." Jason groans.
Another surprise awaits him at the arena.
"Nico !"
The son of Hades gives him a small wave, "Hi Jason. Happy birthday."
"You came all the way from the Underworld ?" Jason asks with a big smile on his face, "for me ?"
"Don't flatter yourself that much Jason." Nico replies drily, "Will is the main reason I'm here."
"Of course," Jason grins, "how presumptuous of me to assume otherwise."
"I hope I'm not interrupting-" Leo pipes in.
"You are."
"Hush Di Angelo, I got best friend's privileges." Leo continues, "Give him your gift."
"You got me a gift ?"
"Yes." Nico mumbles, glaring at Leo, "I am here for your birthday after all. And Will of course." He adds, taking out a small box from his jacket and handing it to him.
He shrugs Leo off his back and takes the box.
It's pin, with "best cousin awards" written in big golden letters on it.
"It's-" Jason smiles, "it's just to piss Percy off when he sees it, isn't it ?"
"No." Nico says with a straight face. Jason looks at him. "Maybe a little," he concedes, "but I do believe you are not a bad cousin to have."
"Thanks Nico." Jason says earnestly, "I would hug you but..."
Nico smiles, "I can make an exception." and opens his arms.
Jason hugs him briefly and as soon as he's done, Leo climbs again.
"Right ! Now Nico, go find your boyfriend and Jason, direction the Big House !"
This little game lasts the whole day, Leo taking him to different places and people greeting him, wishing him happy birthday.
Malcolm gives him sets of models and black glasses.
"From Annabeth and Percy." He said.
"I understand Annabeth's gifts but did Percy explained ?"
"Yeah." Malcolm suppressed a grin, "It's to help you disguise yourself, like Clark Kent."
Jason rolled his eyes but hanged the glasses on his t-shirt's hem.
Drew gifted him contact lenses.
Connor offered him a book on geometry and architectural design.
"Annabeth might have helped a little." The son of Hermes confessed "And I promise I bought them fair and square."
Katie, Nyssa, Pollux all give him gifts.
It warms his heart that they care so much.
"You did help save our camp." Katie smiled, "It's the kind of thing that makes us appreciate you."
He now has a beautiful plant, a new set of armour and a ticket to an arcade room in New York.
The sun sets and it's time for dinner.
"Leo," Jason calls him as his friend join his table, "thank you for this day, it was the best birthday gift ever."
His friend's eyes glint, "Ah but Jace, the day's not over yet !" and he leaves cackling.
What could have he planned ? Jason thinks as he eats his fries.
Two hands suddenly obscure his vision.
He waits for the person to speak but she doesn't, "I have to guess ?"
He takes the silence for a yes.
"Hum," Jason thinks, who could it be ? One of his friends from Camp Jupiter ? Or... maybe... "Thalia ?" He call out hesitantly.
"Great guess little brother." Thalia laughs as her face appears next to him, "great guess."
He hugs her instantly, "You-"
"Came especially for your birthday, yeah." Thalia finishes, "how could I not ? My little brother is seventeen !" She ruffles his hair, arm on his shoulder.
"For me," Jason repeats, "you came for me."
"Yeah," Thalia says, "I'll always come for you Jason, always." She smiles before adding, "happy birthday."
"You were my only memory for a while you know." He gulps, feeling tears pooling in his eyes. "I'm sorry- I don't know why I'm crying, it's a happy moment, I'm happy-" He takes a big breath, Thalia's circular hugs on his back soothing him.
"You always loved this." Thalia says wistfully, "It always succeeded to calm your tantrums."
"Still works." He sniffles, leaning into Thalia's touch.
"Fate is a cruel thing," she whispers, "I never thought I would see you again after mom left you in those woods. And I've missed all your life, all your birthday parties-"
"You didn't, I never celebrated my birthday until last year." Jason whispers back, "I wanted to keep how I remembered it, with you swinging me around in the house."
Thalia chortles, "You already loved being in the air as a baby, you would always sit next to me and ask to be carried."
"I'm too big now."
"Hey," she nudges him, "no matter how taller you get, you will always be my little brother."
"I'm older though."
"Tough, you're still younger in my eyes." She snarks back, her head resting on his shoulder. "Leo's the one that invited me. I would have come nonetheless but I'm glad you found him, he's a good friend."
"Yeah," he agrees, "he is."
"I didn't come alone." Thalia adds, "there's another hunter with me."
"Hello Jason." A new voice says from behind.
"Reyna," Jason replies, "you're a huntress now."
She nods, "It's what is best for me."
"I'm going to leave you two alone," Thalia says, standing up, "I'll sleep in Zeus cabin tonight so see you later."
After she leaves, Reyna makes no move to go seat with him.
She's as Jason remembered, exuding an air of royalty and undeniable leadership.
She's the leader everyone see when they look at her, the woman who lead New Rome by herself, the demigod that killed a giant.
But Jason can see the small scar on her right wrist, the one she got for teasing Aurum too much with his food.
Or how she's nibbling her lip, indicating she's hungry and the way her hands are clasped behind her back, so that Jason doesn't see them trembling.
She's vainly trying to put a facade Jason can see right through.
"I'm sorry." He says, because it's all he can say.
"What for ?" She tilts her head, "you didn't ask Juno to capture you."
"But you loved me." He adds, because they need to address it, "you loved me and I came back with another girl."
She stiffens and Jason knows that her hands are tightly clasped, Reyna willing herself to stay composed.
"It wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have assumed you liked me back." Reyna clears her throat, "You had every right to date Piper."
"But-" He protests because he expected her to be angry, to be cold. She shouldn't be understanding, "I-"
She laughs bitterly, cutting him off, "You and Thalia share it, you know ? That unshaken belief that you are the cause of everything, that you have a hand in each matter evolving around you. I suppose it is divine heritage." she muses.
She scans the tables, her face lingering on Cabin 10.
"Venus' children ?" She asks and he nods, "Do you remember Charleston ?"
"Hum yes, we went to retrieve imperial gold-"
"I met Venus that day, and she told me that no demigod would ever heal my heart and that I will never find love where I hoped or wished to find." Reyna tells him, still looking at the Aphrodite Cabin, "I never told anyone that" she turns her obsidian eyes on him, "except you."
An olive branch.
An echo to the start of their friendship.
"I'm sorry for leading you on, for never making clear that I considered you a good friend." Jason apologises, feeling angry towards the goddess for ruining his best friend's life, "I hope the hunters of Artemis bring you the family you deserve Reyna."
He leans towards her, "I'm a little jealous of you to be honest," he smiles, a grin devoid of mirth, "I never had such a family before, and I don't think I ever will."
A secret for a secret.
That's how started their first friendship and that is how begins their new one, Reyna quietly seating next to him and directly stealing his fries.
"We'll come visit," she assures him, "every time we are near your location."
She eats quietly for another moment, her eyes fixed on Leo making laugh Harley over some joke.
"I think you're wrong."
"About what ?" He asks.
"About having a family, I think there's someone who would very much like spending his life with you."
"His ?" Jason picks up, "who is it ?"
"Leo Valdez could also make with some family," Reyna muses, "don't you think ?"
"Yeah..." He says slowly, "yeah, I suppose he can."
Next to him, Reyna grins slightly. "I'm sure he would be delighted if you were to sit next to him at your campfire, I'll tell Thalia not to wait for you."
"Maybe I want to sit with Thalia."
She raises her eyebrow, "She'll be here for the next two days, you'll have time to see her."
"Okay, okay" he relents, "I'll ask him when dinner ends."
They spend the rest of dinner chatting about the shrines Jason has to build, the relief of not being predator anymore, Aurum and Argentum, Reyna's new lifestyle.
"Leo !" He calls the son of Hephaestus who looks surprised to see him, "Wanna sit with me at campfire ?" He asks nervously.
"You're not going with Thalia ?"
For a reason unknown to Jason, Nyssa sighs loudly behind them and pinching her nose.
"She's staying a few days, I'll see her later. Right now, I want to go with you."
He gestures his back and Leo laughs but obliges, his head resting on his shoulder.
"Lead the way, Superman."
After two hours of singing, roasting s'mores, laughing until it hurts, Jason lays in his bed in Cabin 1, with a smile as Thalia's light snores fill the room.
Birthdays, Jason has come to find, are extraordinary days that he cherishes a lot for they bring all his friends together.
He cannot wait for his eighteenth birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON GRACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I'm a little late but it's because it ended up being way longer than I thought it would 😅
Sweet, fluffy, comforting story because he deserves it 💖
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argoii-official · 3 months
Octavian we know you used to get along with Jason, but what about Reyna ?
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audreyscribes · 2 months
Author’s Note: Alright, when I was writing the Greek demigods h/cs, I did keep in mind some of them and their Roman counterparts (i.e. Hera demigod), so when that one anon asked about doing Roman demigods, I got curious and this is my attempt. I do understand why there isn’t a lot but I gave it a shot. It’s not going to be the same for the Greek version and it’s not going to be very detailed since Camp Jupiter and New Rome is more limited than the Greeks, and there are some overlaps between the two, so that’s why. Hope you like it and enjoy! ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
You’re going to be held in high regard since your godly father is Jupiter Jove himself. The King of the gods, chief deity of the Roman state, Central member of the Archaic Triad, Capitoline Triad; guardian of the state with Juno and Minerva, and the Dii Consentes. You’re respected based on the premise that Jupiter is basically head honcho of the Roman state. However, this brings a lot of pressure as people expect you to be a leader and be just like Jupiter, and be the embodiment of Roman values. 
You’re probably either more composed or learn how to be more composed with your emotions and actions; not only reflecting how the Roman gods are more strict, disciplined, responsible, and calm; but because of your environment. You’re the child of Jupiter so they automatically look to you as a figure of leadership which means they’re always watching you.
In terms of power, between Greek and Roman demigods, I have this idea that Greek demigods have more broad and abstract range while Roman demigods have a more limited yet technical use with more accuracy. So compared to a child of Zeus whose powers have lightning and thunder which means general electrokinesis; as a child of Jupiter your powers are more refined, so you can pull off more tricks and technical control. Hey, that means you can fly more in a barrel roll, breaking the sound barrier while the children of Zeus can just generally fly. 
Another power as a child of Jupiter may have is light based powers; based on one of Jupiter’s epithet as Jupiter Lucetius (Of the Light) where he was esteemed as purveyor of the universe. It makes sense if you consider lightning having the word ‘light’ and lightning does produce ‘light’, so unlike a child of Apollo, your light is more lightning in nature then the rays of the sun.
On a more not so serious note, you find yourself saying “By Jove!” more often than not; not only as a sign of exclamation of surprise or emphasis, but also because Jupiter is also called Jove, so you’re basically required to say something like “my god! or “good god”.  Then again, everyone else says that, aside from “by gods” or some variation of it, so you’re constantly on edge or wincing because they’re basically yelling “Your Dad!”
I have a feeling that the people of Rome see the Gods more as figures while the Greek see the gods as representation of their domains. So you’re going to be seen as either Jupiter himself or the representation of Roman values and rites; which makes you being pushed into the head of politics, management, and the such.
Following above, it feels like a very high school drama; where you’re the Prom Monarchy, the popular kid. I mention about the pressure but it also extends to your social life; there’s going to be unspoken and spoken words of who you should be hanging out with, who not to associate with and whatnot. In terms of your love life, like Jason and Reyna being expected to be together romantically, you also have the same treatment. Either it’s someone of your station or above it, in terms of respect to your parentage, and so forth.
In terms of demigods or legacies, you’re often pushed together with a child of Venus, due to Venus being the ancestor of the Roman people through her son Aeneas who survived the fall of Troy and fled to what is now Italy, and Julius Caesar as well. And when there’s news of a child of Hera/Juno? Oh Jove.
If it’s a child of Hera, all of the senate immediately begins to plan a political debate on how you and the child of Hera get together, or should they send a word of decree or plan a war to seize them. If it’s a child of Juno, I’m so sorry but you’re definitely forced to be with them because the two of you are the living representation and figures for the people of Rome, and the two of you existence together is a sign from the gods.
Despite this all, what Cohort you get into will depend on the reference letters and your honours. Just because you’re a child of Jupiter, doesn’t mean you’re exempt from placement. Much like Jason Grace, if you’re not put into the 1st cohort, expect a ton of criticism. Unlike being a child of Zeus, you have less freedom of existing with every aspect of Jupiter and his associations being placed upon you.
If you’re a legacy of Jupiter, which is more likely then not, you’re not that entirely unexempt from the same problems nor benefits then a direct blood of Jupiter. Maybe less so or not, but the pressure is still there. Of course, with being a legacy, your powers and aspects you have with Jupiter become more individualistic and specific, but nonetheless, the powers that you do have are very strong.  
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
i know a lot of people talk about the Cupid Scene as not being great as Nico's coming out story (which i think is a complex matter but that's a rant for another day), but I personally find it way more compelling if it's just not Nico's coming out story at all - it's the beginning of Jason's.
Because it doesn't really work or make sense to be Nico's, right? It's not Nico's pov. Nico doesn't have a POV at all in this book. And in House of Hades, the Cupid Scene is one of the first major things Nico gets to do right out of the box jar. Why introduce a character, have him be outed as gay, lead the crew around, and then leave to go travel with someone else all in one book where he's not even a POV? It's also contrary to the way Nico generally functions as a character - he's either exposition, dues ex machina, or damsel in distress. He's kind of a damsel here, but ultimately he doesn't need anyone else to save him - or even be there. He handles it on his own. Jason is mostly just a witness.
But, if you view the Cupid Scene as being about Jason, it narratively fits a lot more; Jason at this point is dating Piper, and they're three books deep into their relationship. TLH they start dating and are relatively happy with it and where they are. SoN is a skip but we know they're happily dating during that time, and then Mark of Athena we get a slight shift. Jason and Piper see Percy and Annabeth and go "Oh! They're perfect. Their relationship is perfect. We could be happier if we were more like them." Piper and Jason are also both characters who go through an identity turmoil in general - particularly about how both of them want to be perceived by others and who they are as people. The things they identify with - their parents, their heritages, etc etc. Their orientations. Piper's get more focus earlier in HoO, and Jason gets more later.
The Cupid Scene is from Jason's POV, in a book where he is beginning to struggle with his identity and what people expect from him - particularly him not feeling like he perfectly fits with "either camp." He's too "Greek" to be "Roman" but too "Roman" to be "Greek." He's not quite one or the other. He doesn't meet the expectations either has for him. (This is bi-coding, if you couldn't tell. Just replace "Greek" and "Roman" with "Straight" and "Gay.") It starts with Cupid addressing Jason first, before Nico, very directly - asking him if he's so sure he's happy in his relationship? Does he really think it's perfect? Even Favonius very pointedly asks him if he really forget that guys can date guys? Do you have some internalized bias around that, Jason? Hm? Heck, they're both specifically in their Roman forms, not Greek. Why would they appear in their Roman forms if they're there for a Greek demigod? And very notably, they have this exchange:
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(remember what I said about the bi-coding with Jason's Greek/Roman identity crisis? I don't think it's coincidence that this so pointedly comes up during the Cupid scene.)
Favonius' introduction to the Cupid scene sets up Nico's portion of it, but Cupid almost exclusively speaks to Jason for the first half of it. Then Nico steps in. He diverts the conversation away from Jason and focuses the attention onto him. Nico's the one Cupid wants, he insists, not Jason. He's the target, not Jason. This is very in line with Nico's character - practically one of his core character traits is he trusts and starts caring about people very quickly, probably quicker than he should or even wants to, and will put himself in harm's way to prevent others from being hurt. The Cupid Scene isn't the start of Nico's coming out story - Nico already knows he's gay. He has no internal doubts about that. He's known it for awhile. He's just in the closet. And he starts coming out of his own free will in the next book, first to Reyna and Coach. The Cupid Scene is Nico recognizing that Favonius and Cupid are pushing Jason for something he's not ready for and hasn't figured out yet, but something Nico has and just hasn't said out loud yet. The Cupid Scene is Nico taking the proverbial bullet/literal arrow for Jason (Jason consistently describes the arrows as whizzing by him before striking near Nico, interestingly) and being outed so Jason isn't. And that presents Jason with the path to begin questioning his identity further. (Jason also then directly compares Cupid to Aphrodite, specifically her Greek form, which also ties into Jason's greek/roman stuff.)
And I don't think it's coincidence that Jason and Nico mirror each other so much, and that their arcs in HoH are so intertwined. The Cupid Scene functionally, on a meta level, establishes an explicitly queer character to parallel Jason and for him to bounce off of during his own arc. (And, also on a meta level, establishes to the audience to be sympathetic to queer struggles, with Jason's arc then proceeding to be a queer-coded struggle.) Jason is presented as having this strange level of isolation from how others perceive him in a positive way/the expectations people have of him that wraps around to something akin to Nico's ostracization as being an outsider and atypical demigod in general. Nico is a rouge - he explicitly expresses how he feels like he doesn't fit in at either camp (something he expresses explicitly during the Cupid Scene, mirroring Jason's simultaneous questioning his own place at Camp Jupiter) and a core part of his character is that he does function outside the rules and expectations of both camps. He operates on an entirely different realm to them. If the camps are an expectation of normative concepts of acceptable relationships, Nico is outside of that. And he recognizes that he operates outside of that and will never fully fit into the mold either expect of him, and he recognizes he doesn't need to fit in, even if he theoretically could force himself to fit that mold. Jason, meanwhile, is still locked within those boundaries, and grappling with this idea of how he can exist between them.
Nico hands Jason a goblet of poison and says "how much do you trust me?" and it's Nico challenging Jason to take his own advice about trusting others about their identities, and almost immediately after that Jason gives up his praetor title to Frank. Jason's Greek/Roman arc is directly tied to Nico and the Cupid scene. BoO ends with Jason asking Nico to stay at CHB so they can hang out that summer. By TOA, we learn that Nico has started dating and is staying at CHB (is exploring the niche of expected and socially accepted relationships) while Jason has broken up with Piper and is living away from both camps (rejecting hetero/allonormative expectations), still struggling with his own identity. They functionally swap places. And that's fascinating.
Anyways i think about Jason's bi-coding a lot.
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Heroes of Olympus but when Jason returns to Camp Jupiter, he's pissed.
He doesn't cower at the sight of his camp but stands taller. A steelness in his eyes no one at Camp Half Blood has ever seen before.
But one those in Camp Jupiter know all to well.
"Twelth Leigion Fulminata, stand at attention."
He doesn't even need to raise his voice as every single Roman demigod stops what their doing to look at him.
The only thing on their faces is fear.
"Oh would you look at that, you do know how to follow orders." Says Jason, strolling forward and.
Two centurions scramble to get a seat for him, Jason sits down nodding in thanks and dismissing them.
"Does anyone care to explain, just what the fuck has been going on here in my absence?"
Octavian raises a hand and Jason snorts.
"Augur, why am I not suprised? The floor is yours."
Octavian nods, a grin on his face and began to explain what had occurred.
All the while Jason listens, his expression giving nothing away. When Octavian finished, Jason sighed loudly and ran a hand through his hair.
"If there's one thing I can't tell you idiots off its for making my life boring. Your dismissed...actually one last thing Augur?"
Octavian paused, turning back around to face Jason. "Yes, sir?" Jason frowned "wipe that smug look off your face before I do it for you."
Octavian went pale, all traces off amusement gone from his face.
"Thank you. Your dismissed, get out of my sight." Octavian left without a second word.
"Praetor Ramirez-Arellano"
Reyna winced, and she wasn't the only one. Jason never called her by her title unless they were in the Senate.
He was hurt.
"Do tell me, has Augur Octavian missed anything in his explanation?" Reyna shook her head, for as pretentious as he was Octavian had spoken the truth.
Jason rose to his feet.
"Oh but he did, he neglected to mention that there were 3 Praetors standing before us. Now, unless the rules have changed their are only supposed to be 2."
Jason looked past Reyna, his gaze resting on Percy who waved awkwardly. "State your name."
Percy, feeling very much like he was intruding in on something answered him. "Percy Jackson."
Recognition flashed in Jason's gaze, and he softened momentarily. "Percy Jackson, son of Posideon? Formerly apart of this Camp?" He asked, gesturing to his orange Camp Half Blood top.
Jason nodded "apologises, Jackson. Your friends and I traveled here, you may wait in the Senate. I will release them to you momentarily." Percy grinned "thanks, erm... Sorry about all of this I really didn't know."
Jason held up a hand "that's quite alright, you are not at fault for this." Percy left and Jason's smile vanished.
"Tell me, when did the Senate allow for a new Praetor to be reinstated? And why someone so new? I'd get if it was due to an it emergency field promotion, but that wasn't the case."
He couldn't even look at her and it hurt.
"I thought you were dead, Jason.
Jason laughed, but there was no humour in it. It sent chills down everyone's spines.
"Really? Than please, show me the search parties, point me to the evidence you collected that bought you too such a conclusion. For that matter, where's my funeral pyre?"
Jason shook his head, anger and sadness in his eyes. "Don't bullshit me. You didn't think I was dead, you didn't even look. And frankly I don't think you cared too."
He looked Reyna in the eye. "You replaced me, with a Greek. I get shit for being named after a Greek hero, but none of you had a problem with this. You wanted to replace me, Reyna. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you."
He shook his head, turning his back on her.
"Jason, wait I-"
"We have several guests at our gate that we need to welcome. I've already had their weapons checked but you've proven how little you trust my authority so you might want to hurry up on that."
And with that he left to the Senate.
Jason swapped his outfit with Percy who apologised once again.
"Really man, I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault. My Leigion had been trying to get rid of me since the day I showed up. Unfortunately for them, I'm more valuable alive than dead." Explains Jason, Percy frowned.
"Well, fuck em." He grinned when Jason laughed in suprise. "You are definitely something else, Jackson." Percy grinned wider "see you're learning fast. I think we'll be good friends you and I."
Jason raised an eyebrow "you sure? Most of my friends stab me in the back." Percy nodded, a sincerity in his eyes that made Jason almost believe he wouldn't.
It felt too good to be true.
"Well, I'll just have to prove you wrong." Percy put a hand out "Percy Jackson, son of Posideon and former Praetor." Jason shook his hand. "Jason Grace, son of Jupiter and current Praetor."
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 5 months
Jason tied his entire identity to the legion and now spirals whenever someone asks him’whats your favourite colour and you can’t say Roman purple’ (Thalia did that)
absolutely. if it can't be roman purple, it's the color of the skies when it rains, because that ties him to jupiter, if it can't be that, it's chb orange because they took him in, he doesn't have his own identity.
he asks what thalia's favorite color is, and takes that. thinks about reyna's favorite color, and says that's his. he's a mirror, a reflection. he's skin deep because thats how he was made to be.
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