quaddmgd · 8 days
hi heather!!! is hollowbody good? it's so pretty to look at and i might try playing it! i love my survival horrors <3
hi! while there are some bugs that need to be fixed and the combat is a little rough around the edges, i'd say get it!
especially if you like silent hill, because the game really feels like silent hill. it's oozing with atmosphere and i really enjoyed its story
it is short though. it can be completed in 5 hours on your first run. but there are 3 endings to get, a few well hidden secrets and some cool new game+ unlocks, that can easily extend your playtime.
i wrote a bit more about it here!
overall i really liked it, i'm still thinking about it and i'll definitely play it again!
thanks for the ask :3
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quaddmgd · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Hi, Bunny <3 Thank you so much for the ask!
I've always loved my car-oriented photo shoots. They definitely helped me start using vanilla poses more creatively + I love fast cars (and women, of course)!
This one is my favorite and it kinda gives off PS1/PS2 Namco racing game promo vibes! Games like Ridge Racer or R:Racing Evolution, for example. It's one of the sets I revisit most frequently and I hope to take more pics in similar vibe soon! Maybe even take EV for one or two!
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Inspirations below!
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quaddmgd · 1 year
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
For any and all of them <3
Hi, Wash! Thanks for the ask <3
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5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
Crystal - in games as immersive as Cyberpunk 2077, my default choice for identity is fem lesbian, as that's who I am myself. Oh, and even before playing I was aware of Judy ...existing, so it felt natural to make Crystal lesbian.
Thalia - after creating her 2076 nomad self and thinking more about her personality, it just kinda felt right to make her aro/ace. I've been wanting to explore the concept of platonic love for some time now, which might have influenced my decision too. I want to show the deep connection she has with Crystal and that's my no. 1 focus right now!
Evie - I made her so she and my partner's OC could be Red Dead girlfriends together, but most of her significant backstory focused on her coming of age, learning to be self-sufficient and taking care of her aging father figure. To emphasize her growing up I came up with a kind boy from nearby Strawberry she fell in love with. That's how she ended up being bisexual. She remembers him fondly and she wears his old jacket on daily basis.
EV - Well, EV is supposed to be the Cyberpunk 2077 version of my Red Dead Evie. However, after thinking a lot about what she would be like in 2077, I decided on her having a completely different personality. I don't have a lot on her, so I can't explain it well, but she just doesn't strike me as someone thinking about sex or gender at all. She's attracted to people she feels a strong connection with. That's why I decided to make her pansexual.
Gwen - so in the original Saints Row you can only play as a male character. Saints Row 2 finally lets you create a girl, so that's what I did, because there are too few crime games with female protagonists. Turns out, there's a running joke where characters constantly ask the protagonist whether they did something with their hair, to account for potential changes in appearance between games. At this point it was settled for me - I'm not retconning my SR1 character, she's canonically a proud punk trans girl. As for her sexual orientation, I didn't think about it a lot so I just made her lesbian when I was writing my current pinned post.
Crimson - Metal Gear Survive character creator and animations are based off MGSV ones, where you could only create a masculine character. No matter the choice of body type, bone structure remains masculine. That gave me a great idea to make Crimson trans and make it an important part of her story. She got drafted during the Vietnam War and, long story short, after spending some time there, she joined MSF as a mercenary, where all that mattered were her combat skills - not her origin nor identity. The leader - Snake - helped her embrace her true self and transition. Her gratitude to him is a big part of her personality. Also her being a sniper rifle-wielding trans woman in the 1970s makes her so badass. She's aro/ace, because she's dedicated to her mission - fighting for peace and creating a place for other soldiers forgotten/exploited by their nations - that reason might sound dumb, but it fits Metal Gear.
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quaddmgd · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
This Half-Life: Decay set is the one I'm proud of the most. The difference in their walking styles, their choice and handling of weapons, their chemistry, the composition. I love everything about it, however, it's the map author who deserves the most praise. If I remember correctly, I didn't add any light sources - all of lighting is baked by them!
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quaddmgd · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Hi, Na! Thanks for the ask ^^
I keep coming back to my CyberHanami23 Day 6 post. I was still suffering from textures issues, but the posing is so natural and dynamic - I just can't help but love it! These are some of my favorite screenshots I've ever made and the lighting is all natural too!
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I was still learning AMM and PMU, mind you! I was (and I still am) so happy with how it turned out <3 I think I'm gonna reshoot it soon, probably - this time with no texture issues!
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quaddmgd · 1 year
🥢- Jackie!!!
Thank you so much for the ask, Bunny <3
🥢 - Jackie Welles
It's a great pick, because I never mentioned Jackie, so you hear it here first! <3
They're good chooms (!!!) in similar fashion to V and him in the main story. They met through Misty, back when she was helping Crystal find a job and a place to live after coming to Night City. Her first gig was with him and then they had some afterwards. He kinda helped her get used to the life as a merc! Now, they mostly meet to grab a bite/beer from time to time (and gossip)!
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quaddmgd · 2 years
what's your favorite ship u have 10 seconds!!!!!
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quaddmgd · 10 months
56, 8, 72, 31 for spotify wrapped!!
8 - Black Cat by Ladytron
31 - Goth (Slowed + Reverb) by Sidewalks and Skeletons
56 - Playgirl by Ladytron
72 - ArentYouASightForSoreEyes by BONES
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quaddmgd · 1 year
9, 15, 21, 31 pls!
Thank you so much for the ask *-* and sorry for taking so long. Lots of extra work lately!
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Please, have some screenshots as a compensation!
9. which of the nine alignments are they? (lawful good etc)
I had a lot of trouble with that one, but in a good way! After thinking about it for the better part of the week, I'd say she's a chaotic neutral.
As a nomad, she always tried to make things right, while doing everything for her family. Since leaving, she started to focus on herself and what's best for her. She realized that she won't fix this world and trying doing so is a waste of time. She would do anything for a true loving friend, but she won't risk her life to help a stranger or an "artificial" group, like her ex-family. Now it's time for her to take care of herself <3
15. what is their preferred vehicle or transportation of choice?
She's a car girl and drives a red Shion Targa MZT! She got it during a gig!
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21. do they have any favorite spots around NC?
In the city, her favorite place is El Coyote Cojo - that's where she goes to unwind after a tough day. It's the no. 1 meeting spot for her crew after hours.
Whenever she needs a break from the city life, she likes to visit the Badlands Dam, where she can take a look at NC from the outside and just breathe. If she's lucky, she'll even have a friendly conversation with El Capitán!
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31. who are their closest chooms in NC?
Misty - she helped her find a place to live and selflessly cares for her to this day. She's a treasure for Crystal and she feels indebted to her. Anything happens - C will be there for her.
Claire - lent an ear during Crystal's first visit to Afterlife and they're good friends ever since! From time to time, Crystal drops in for a gossip, but they prefer to meet in Claire's autoshop - they both love working on cars, so she frequently comes by to help.
Saul - C frequently works with Aldecaldos and has become a friend of the gang over time. She and Saul have both realized, they have a lot in common personality-wise and started talking frequently. I believe that, thanks to her experience as a nomad, Crystal managed to help convince Saul to stop dealing with Biotechnica - takes a stubborn woman to make a stubborn man change his ways. I know I'm cheating since he's technically not in NC, but he means a lot to her.
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quaddmgd · 1 year
Pride ask game time!! 11 for Gwen, 6 for Crimson and Evie, 8 for Thalia please :3
Thank you so much for asking, Halcyon <3
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6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Crimson - she really cares about being called a woman and treated like her cis female colleagues. It's empowering to her. At the same time she doesn't hide the journey she had to go through and is very proud of it. It serves her as a reminder, that she's in the right place and that anything is possible with the right people by your side.
Evie - well, she didn't know she's bisexual before meeting M.M. but as someone who doesn't like spending time around strangers, she doesn't care about what other people say and she doesn't feel the need to identify herself. Only moments that matter are when she's alone or with M.M anyway.
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
Thalia - hmm I don't think she had any struggles related to someone not accepting her being aro/ace - I would hope that by 2077 no identity would be an issue. That being said, sometimes she's being hit on and she finds it very tiresome. Fortunately, Crystal learned about her sexuality before making any moves lmao.
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
Gwen - she's very proud of being a trans girl and she's not hiding it whenever someone asks her about it, no matter if a friend or foe (though for the latter, such remark usually serves as their last words :P). Regarding her orientation, she's VERY open about it lmao. I mean she constantly hits on women and compliments them, to the point of being obnoxious.
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quaddmgd · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Omg hello Kleff *-* Thank you so much for the ask!!!
Always loved this one! I needed a cinematic portrait shot of Crystal being badass, but couldn't find a pic that would fit a desired aspect ratio. I needed a new one, so I jumped into the game and went to the first street full of neons I could think of - the alley where Esoterica is! I gave her some basic blue and pink lighting and a custom gun pose.
I love how it came out! And look at the background colors - they are opposite to the ones on her face! I spent so little time on it compared to my other PC sets but it's one of my favorites! Looking back on it, it kinda reminds me of one specific Sleeping Dogs concept render - it's very possible that this was the image that subconsciously inspired this shot!
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Inspo? Maybe???
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quaddmgd · 1 year
Mahogany - let's go on a late night drive together and listen to one of your playlists. Red - i am so in love with you. first it was ironic, now it's unironic. so in love. Ruby - you are such a gem, you deserve so much better <3 Jade - honestly you have some of the best takes on this hellsite.
Kleff, I'm speechless <3 Thank you so much! I could send you all of these back tbh! You always make my day ^^
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quaddmgd · 1 year
❔ - Claire!! And maybe also hmm.. Mr. Hands?
Thank you for the ask (and being patient), Halcyon <3<3<3
❔- Claire Russell
Oh they love spending time together. She's the first friendly person Crystal met in NC, after looking for a place to drink her worries away. She lent an ear when C needed it the most and they're very good friends ever since. They even share a hobby - working on cars! Claire loves to have Crystal around in her workshop, help her with work and talk about anything.
❔- Mr. Hands
Well, I can't say they get along well, since it's a fixer-merc relationship, but Crystal is one of the most trusted solos to him. They share some goals and C provides quality services, through which she gradually earns his trust. I can't say more just yet, but one day he'll need her help and it'll be a task he wouldn't entrust to anyone but her...
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quaddmgd · 1 year
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Love your VP and one day I will check out Signalis bc of you!! 😍
Awww thank you, Wash! You are a treasure, you know that? 💕 And I always love to see Val!
I'm happy that I got you interested in Signalis! You're in for a ride 🥰
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quaddmgd · 2 years
🖊 Crystal pls!!
I like to imagine that Crystal somehow got ahold of Yorinobu's Kongou pistol. For example, after obtaining it during The Heist, V could've sold it to Wilson from 2nd Amendment in Megabuilding H10. Then Crystal visited his store on her way from a gig she had in the neighborhood. Noticing her knowledge and proficiency with firearms, he decided to sell it to her at a discount.
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I simply love photographing her with this gun. It looks like it was made specifically for her!
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quaddmgd · 1 year
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! 💗
Awww thank you! Means a lot to me 💕 you are wonderful yourself 🥰💞
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