loominggaia · 9 days
kid-az I’d be surprised if anyone actually picked Damijana or Evengeline… As for me, I pick Mogdir, since magic is cool and I love nature. I’ll just make sure to keep out of the eastern portions given they do not take kindly to Commoners much. Sure… my safety IS guaranteed, but that doesn’t mean the people HAVE to be nice to me.
Yeah, they're certainly not my top picks, that's for sure...
I think these kingdoms do have their own appeal though. Damijana has the tallest buildings on Looming Gaia and really remarkable architecture overall. As long as you stay out of the Shadow and Gutter sectors, the streets are pristine, crime is very low, there are tons of shopping centers and entertainment options to explore (That entertainment is stuffed with propaganda, but still...)
If you're into outdoorsy activities, Damijana is the worst place you can go. Between the acid rain, barren soil, and smoggy sky, there's not much to see and do out there. But if you like malls, movies, arcades, museums, and concerts, Damijana has the most options crammed into the smallest amount of space.
Evangeline is basically the opposite. It has some bigger metro areas where you can find stage plays, primitive arcades, museums, and things like that. But this kingdom's best feature is undoubtedly its geography. Enjoy vast, sprawling fields, hectares of virgin forests, unpolluted soil and fresh skies, where the nymphs are always friendly because they know they're protected by both the Nymph Pact and Lindist doctrine.
There are few places on Looming Gaia that are better suited for hiking, camping, fishing, gardening, boating, horseback riding, or hunting. The best places in this kingdom are in the rural outskirts, away from the people...most of which suck. Not gonna lie.
Mogdir is one of the top choices for a vacation destination, in my opinion! But like you said, tourists would want to stay out of the eastern half. Whether their safety was guaranteed or not, they're going to get hooted at and verbally harassed a lot. Not to mention the eastside is rather poor, civil services are lacking, and I'd say it's overall a swampy, soggy, hillbilly hellhole...
Meanwhile the westside sits at a higher elevation near the mountains, and this region is shaded by a thick canopy of humungous, magical trees that shield it from the rain quite a bit. Sure, you won't see the sun much, but the forest is naturally lit by bioluminescent plants, giving it a starry, magical aesthetic.
Personally, I would never pass up a chance to hang out in a place like that! I'm going on vacay with you! ;)
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loominggaia · 10 months
what kind of experiments did zareen do on boaningwad elves?
I talked about this subject more in this post. I recommend giving that a read if you haven't already.
The Boanningwad elves were enslaved by many different entities in Zareen Empire, such as corporations, the military, tech and healthcare sectors, and even private citizens.
Corporations tested new products on their Boanningwad slaves, such as chemicals, medicines, makeup, food additives, and so on.
The military used them for weapons testing.
The tech and healthcare industries performed a wide range of physical and psychological experiments on them.
All this testing led to huge advancements in Zareen's technological capabilities. However, it was also cruel, inhumane, and led to so many deaths that many call it this period of history an " elven genocide".
The full extent of these experiments were hidden from the public, and to this day, many documents are still classified by the Zareenite government. Damijani spies are always obtaining and leaking these files, trying to expose the dark history that Zareen would prefer to sweep under the rug.
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loominggaia · 10 months
razzek Not gonna lie, I love this concept! Would make for an amazing "back in the day" like the Solveig and Mr. Ocean story. I'm weak for friends or lovers from warring nations stories, what can I say. Serafine's illegitimate kid being an Aquarian sympathizer in modern times would be pretty funny/rad. 
RAZZ YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE GENIUS, I LOVE THIS <333 I have so many ideas already! Thank you so much!
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loominggaia · 9 months
What do those red dots on Serafeen's face mean?
These tattoos are an ancient Boanningwad tradition, one of the very few traditions that survived as the Zareenites deliberately wiped out all trace of their culture.
Legend says that the Boanningwad marked their leaders by tattooing 4 dots on their face: 1 under each eye and 1 upon each eyelid. Only chiefs and chieftesses were allowed to have tattoos like this. This incentivized leaders to remain righteous and uncorrupted, because if their people overthrew them, they would lose their leadership title. Which, of course, means those tattoos gotta go...
The tattoos could only be removed by burning or scraping them off, which would take the leader's eyes in the process.
Boy, it sure is a good thing that Serafeen is a perfect leader who can do Absolutely No Wrong Ever(tm)! :) :) :)
Anyway, this practice might have contributed to the authoritarian direction the empire went in later...
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loominggaia · 9 months
Now I'm curious what does Damijana think of people who were disabled from birth? Like how can they really blame them...
If you think Damijana's politicians are above blaming disabled babies for their misfortune, well you'd be wrong...These people are soulless, money-grubbing ghouls.
Actually they tend to place blame on the parents before anything else. Let's say you're a Damijani woman who has just given birth in the hospital. Your baby was born with significant disabilities. This has been confirmed and recorded by the doctors on staff, and now it is in your family's government records. These records can (and will) be accessed by government agents tasked with monitoring citizen behavior.
So, an agent is flipping through new records and sees that another baby was born with serious health problems. Uh-oh, this might make the empire look bad! This might draw attention to the toxic substances the government allows in the food and water supply, or the terrible pollution in the environment, or some other corrupt aspect of Damijani culture.
That agent begins monitoring the family of this child. They may contact the family and begin asking seemingly innocuous questions, but what they're really doing is gauging if this family is going to be a problem or not. Will they start investigating their child's illness? Will they uncover the truth about Damijana's pollution problem? Will they start insinuating that these things are connected? If so, the child disappears and the parents go to Good Citizen Camp(tm).
You suspect that pollution exposure is what caused your child's disabilities, but you dare not tell this to anyone. You know that if you do, you'll be told that YOU are actually the cause. YOU must have taken illicit drugs or harmed yourself somehow during pregnancy, and that is why your child is like this. It's not the empire's fault, it couldn't be! This is a utopia, after all! So the fault must be yours, and if there is suspicion that you're taking drugs, harming yourself, or otherwise acting erratic, then agents will begin harassing you and threatening to take your child away.
You could enroll your child in a special school, take them to doctors to try and improve their symptoms, and so on...but is it really worth the risk? These schools and doctors will just record more and more information, and more information on your family's record just means more opportunities for agents to harass you.
You decide the less time this child spends out in public, the better. You choose to homeschool them. You neglect medical visits. You forbid them from getting a job when they're older, and instead you support them until you die. All the while you keep them hidden away from the public as much as you can, because every moment they're outside is an opportunity for the agents to snoop on your family and possibly take unwanted actions against them.
Your child is an "undesirable" in the eyes of the empire. Their poor health makes the Eyes of Damijana (the agents) squirm in discomfort, because deep down, they know the fault is not really yours. This child is living proof that there is something seriously wrong with the way this empire is being governed.
So, you better hide that child's problems or the government will hide them for you. That is the reality disabled children face in this empire. They just get swept under the rug with all the other things the leadership is ashamed of, like its poor people, its drug addicts, its mentally ill, and its critics. Damijana would sooner execute every one of these people than admit they are the result of its own failure to run a functional society.
Damijana's leadership has tried very hard to create a utopian paradise for all red elvenkind, but somewhere along the line they lost sight of their cause, and their dream was corrupted into a dystopian nightmare.
You can see glimpses of this scenario in "The Shadow Sector" and "Call Me Jeimos". A red elf named Tarajeen is an Eye of Damijana herself, so she knows how scary they can be. She fears the scrutiny of other agents, so she strictly controls her child's behavior and doesn't let them express any discomfort with themselves or criticism of the empire. This shows that even the agents can't escape their empire's iron grip, because they have to police eachother as well.
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loominggaia · 9 months
You said disabled people are treated bad in Damijana, how exactly?
Hoooo boy, the Empire of Damijana is a dystopian mess in this regard. Strap in, it gets ugly...
First I have to mention that this empire likes to present itself as a perfect utopia. No one's really buying this crap, but the Damijani government still pushes the propaganda as hard as possible, especially to its own citizens. The message is clear:
"This is the best empire on Gaia! Life here couldn't be better! So if you think otherwise, you just need to be re-educated until you realize how good you really have it! ;)"
So here's the thing...the Damijani way of life is simply unsustainable. It's extremely capitalistic, wasteful, pollutive to Gaia, and unhealthy for its citizens (and everyone else).
The empire does not like to acknowledge this fact. It does not like to acknowledge that the culture is has fostered is actively eating itself. It does not like to acknowledge that its way of life is harming its own citizens with cancers and mental health problems. The Shadow Council wants to keep pushing its little worker drones (citizens) to their absolute limit to squeeze as much money out of them as possible, for as long as possible. Any disruption in this status quo will NOT be tolerated.
Let's say you're an average Damijani citizen. You work your ass off in a toxic shipyard every day for a pittance, you've been eating toxic prepackaged garbage for years, and now it's all come to a head: your health fails you. You are now disabled.
In another kingdom, you'd probably just take yourself to the doctor and get treatment for your illness. But this is Damijana, son...if you go to the doctor here, you might get diagnosed with something. And if you have a diagnosis, you might suddenly get government agents monitoring you. You know, just making sure you're not spreading "rumors" that the crappy food you've been eating caused your cancer, or that the brutally long hours at your job caused your mental health issue. Such "misinformation" makes life in the empire look bad, and we can't have that!
If you rack up too many infractions, you might find yourself suddenly getting whisked away to Good Citizen Camp(tm), where you can learn how to behave like a proper Damijan. You will leave when they say you can leave. (You may never leave...you might just spend the rest of your life mining for pyre crystals on Slegelse Island, or be used as a living battery for Project Starlight, or who knows what else...)
So knowing all this, you decide that you're not going to the doctor after all. You're not sick! It's fine! Everything's fiiiiiine! You'll hide your illness like a good little worker bee until it completely cripples you, and then you will hide yourself from society until it kills you. If you're lucky, your family will give you a safe place to hide and take care of you, because the empire sure won't.
Remember, this is a perfect utopia! Nobody is disabled in Damijana. :) And if they are, it's their own fault. And if it's not their fault, yes it is. Why should we give welfare to freeloaders who crippled themselves? Now stop asking questions and get back to work.
Or else.
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loominggaia · 10 months
How did the idea and history of the red elves/baonnineward come about?
I wanted to have some elves in my world which could survive in an environment where you wouldn't expect them, like a high-tech polluted city. I thought it would be an interesting concept, but first I had to figure out what would cause these elves to live in such a place, and what allows them to survive there.
I thought that some elves could evolve iron resistance over time, but since the peoples in my world are only a few thousand years old, this is not enough time for them to evolve naturally. So, what if their evolution wasn't natural? What if they evolved because something was tampering with their DNA? Zareen Empire came to mind because this civilization is all about toxic chemicals, exploitation of nature, and so on. The rest of the concept just naturally fell into place from there.
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loominggaia · 11 months
what exactly about damijana appeals to rusties? i'll admit that i respect the empire's fashion sense but i assume its a known fact its straight up like 1984 in there
Good question! The short answer is: they fell victim to propaganda.
The long answer is: 99% of rusties have never actually been to Damijana, and very few have even met anyone who actually lives/lived there. It is, after all, extremely difficult for people to get in or out of this empire's walls. But you know what escapes Damijana very easily? Media.
Rusties only know about this place from the media (movies, books, etc.) they consume. The thing about Damijani media is that it is heavily overseen by the Damijani government, which means it's filled to the brim with heavy-handed propaganda. This media must always portray Damijani culture in a positive light and never expose its dark sides.
So rusties dive head-first into this media, and after a while their perception towards Damijana becomes very biased. They're convinced it's some utopian paradise, and that the refugees must be lying traitors or enemy plants trying to make the empire look bad.
Rusties are just about everywhere, but most of them happen to be Zareenite. More specifically, lower-class Zareenites, who are suffering under the crushing weight of late stage capitalism among other things. They are not happy with their lives, they are not very educated, and they blame their own culture for their dreadful lives. They get exposed to a foreign culture that seems ideal by comparison, and they become obsessed with the idea of it.
The Empire of Damijana is very strict about what media enters its territory. At the same time they aggressively export their own media all over the globe in hopes to change peoples' perceptions of them. Rusties are living proof that this tactic works, and it works best in poor, uneducated areas...Zareen Empire has a lot of areas like that. Hence, this subculture spread like wildfire.
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loominggaia · 1 year
Damijana gets the technology to mass-produce robots that can fuel/heal themselves with blood, as well as the tech to produce coins that allow them to ricochet spells and bullets at enemies. How powerful does Damijana become?
Damijana actually does employ advanced robots called "bucketheels". There used to be combat model bucketheels which were magic-resistant and could repair themselves to some extent, but their AI sort of went rogue and they were all recalled a long time ago...
Combat robots are not (legally) used in any Great Kingdom today. It is now outlawed by World Law. However, the Damijani military has other advanced technologies that make this empire arguably the most powerful one on Looming Gaia.
Power armor, elemental laser cannons, combat air ships, tanks, WMDs...Damijana has all of these things and more. They could probably take over Gaia if they wanted to, or at least make a valiant effort.
The problem is, world domination wouldn't happen overnight. It would be a grueling, centuries-long struggle even with the best technologies at their disposal, including these robots you mentioned.
Between Gaia's nymphs and all the other Great Kingdoms, Damijana would never have enough resources to take over the world by brute force, even with an army of powerful robots at their disposal. They would achieve world domination by creative use of magic, hardcore psy ops, strategic diplomacy, and aggressive resource control.
But Damijana has no interest in being the most powerful nation on Gaia anyway. They're currently putting all their resources into space travel so they can colonize the moon and rule with no competition at all!
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loominggaia · 1 year
Could you do a quick little doodle of zareenite and damanjani computers?
I'm sorry to say these designs are still in early development, so I don't have anything to show yet! But I do plan on devoting a whole page to computer technology in the future. I'll include the final art and any concepts there.
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loominggaia · 2 years
The Caeclian cult that’s working with Damijana sounds interesting! Anymore info on them? What do they actually do for the Empire?
This idea is still in its infancy and needs a lot more development. It actually stems from a proto-Looming Gaia fantasy story I was putting together over a decade ago, about a planet covered entirely by water and populated by aquatic peoples. Cecaelia were the dominant species on this planet.
That world got scrapped, but some of its concepts got carried forward into Looming Gaia. This cecaelian cult is a bit of a callback to that world.
This cult believes that there is a cecealia-ruled planet out there in the universe, and this planet is where all cecaelia on Looming Gaia come from. They think long ago, a spaceship crashed in Gaia's seas containing a cecaelian crew. The crew survived and couldn't get back home, so they reproduced and made Gaia their new home. However, the cult sees Gaia as a temporary home and wishes to get back to their home planet.
It's a pretty wacky idea that started with a handful of nutjobs, but once the Damijani government caught wind of it, they helped astroturf the seas with propaganda to promote it. Now the cult is quite elaborate and works closely with Damijana on their space program.
Why exactly did Damijana promote this ideology? Well, simply put, because it inspired many cecaelia to jump on board with Project Starlight. The cecaelian cultists aren't concerned about the Damijani colonizing the moon, because their business isn't with the moon. They just want the capability to go to space so they can locate and return to their home planet. No civilization is closer to achieving space travel than the Empire of Damijana is, so that's their best bet to latch onto.
Cecaelia are a long-lived and intelligent species. Their capacity for intelligence and magic is very valuable to the Damijani, not to mention these cultists make good spies and soldiers to keep the Aquarian Alliance off their backs. So, Damijana promises the cultists positions in their space program and gives them false evidence that their home planet is out there to keep them loyal.
As of now, Damijana's government is pulling the strings behind this cult. But this is not new for them. After all, they are quite experienced with designing and promoting cults to control people. It's what they do best!
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loominggaia · 1 year
Do zareenites have cars? And why don't zareenites have smartphones and computers if their tech allows them to?
I talked about cars in this older post. And videogames/computers in this post.
Here's some additional info: Vehicles and computers exist in Zareen Empire and the Empire of Damijana. However, they are not something the average person can afford.
In these kingdoms, people go to arcades to play videogames. As for vehicles, nobody can really afford these either because the governments tax the hell out of them. Most Zareenites and Damijani get around via bikes and public transit. Sometimes middle-class families use motorbikes, as the taxes aren't as heavy on these, but the gasoline is still very expensive.
In Damijana's case, the infrastructure can't support a lot of cars. It's an extremely dense city-state that is taller than it is wide, so high-speed elevators and monorail are the most popular forms of transit (although some people ride motorbikes too, which uses the existing bicycle infrastructure).
Gasoline and electricity usage are the main obstacles that prevent averages Joes from owning their own electronics and vehicles. The taxes are high on these things because Gaia's gasoline reserves pretty much ran dry a long time ago. There isn't much left for the average consumer, so Zareen Empire has been stuck in an energy crisis for quite some time now. (Damijana doesn't really have this problem because they use machine-magic for power, while Zareen uses dirty fuel like coal and gas. Zareen can't use machine-magic because their polluted, iron-rich environment prevents magic from working properly.)
The gas scarcity is so bad that rogue gas-powered bucketheels often kill people and destroy property to get it. Many tribes and refugees still rely on gasoline in the Ruins of Burmek, and the region remains in a state of chaos as these peoples fight eachother for it.
If every Zareenite citizen was powering energy-hogging electronics in their homes, the crisis would quickly become worse. Instead, Zareen's infrastructure forces people out of their homes to watch TV or play videogames together, which conserves energy. Zareenite gizmos are impressive but they're still not very energy-efficient. Most Zareenites have electricity in their homes, but it's only used for lights, telephone, refrigeration, maybe a small radio, and sometimes heating/cooling.
Technically the Damijani could have personal electronics, but their government doesn't want to give citizens that much power. So, it imposes ridiculous taxes on these things to discourage all but the wealthiest from having them. Upper class Damijani citizens own television and radios, but all of the programming is produced domestically, while most foreign media is banned. This means you get a lot of channels, but all of it is just different flavors of pro-Damijana propaganda.
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loominggaia · 1 year
How does red elf iron resistance work?
The red elves' iron resistance is poorly understood because it was not natural, nor was it deliberate. It was a random side effect of the red elves' slavery to the Zareenites.
Red elves evolved from a race of elves called the Boanningwad. However, there was nothing natural about this evolutionary process. It was a rapid process, happening over the course of just a few centuries. Only a small population of Boanningwad evolved; the majority simply died off.
During their enslavement, the Boanningwad were forced to do hazardous jobs for their Zareenite masters--jobs that Zareenite citizens were not even allowed to do because of safety regulations. They worked with toxic materials, were exposed to poisonous chemicals and extreme heat for prolonged periods of time. Even worse, the Zareenite government also used the Boanningwad as test subjects for everything from cosmetics to secret bioweapons.
Under these conditions, the Boanningwad quickly began to change. Each generation became more iron-resistant and heat-resistant than the last. They started losing their natural ability to understand animals. Their hair turned red, their eyes orange, their skin golden.
There were many, many factors at play here, so researchers aren't sure which factors led to these evolutionary changes. Like I said, not all Boanningwad evolved, and those ones just died off because they could not survive the toxic conditions of their enslavement. They became sick and sterile, producing less offspring with each generation until they died out.
The Boanningwad who gained iron and heat resistance are the ones who passed on their genes and became the red elves we know today. Researchers theorize that these populations were exposed to some cocktail of chemicals that altered their DNA, causing a rapid evolution that just happened to be beneficial in some ways.
However, not all of these changes were beneficial. Red elves have a very high predisposition to cancer compared to other elves, meaning they are 10x more likely to develop cancer at some point in their lives. They also suffer other genetic problems like weak stomachs, higher rates of mental illness, skin conditions, and eye problems. Likewise, the red elves' natural lifespans are about 30 years shorter than other elves.
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loominggaia · 1 year
What are some popular TV shows on looming gaia?
Zareen Empire and The Empire of Damijana are the only Great Kingdoms with broadcasting technology, so they are the only ones with television shows in syndication.
In Zareen Empire, you get a big mix of different stuff like serial dramas, game shows, "reality" shows, sports, cartoons, news, documentaries, and sitcoms. There's a little something for everyone, and of course a generous helping of commercials advertising all kinds of products.
You get all of this stuff on Damijana's airwaves too, but...well, everything on Damijani TV has heavy-handed propaganda sprinkled over it. Every Damijani television program is produced by the same studio, which is staffed by federal employees. This means the quality is not great and every show is kind of the same. You get the same handful of actors and actresses playing roles across many different shows. There are also commercials, but instead of advertising products, they play public service announcements praising the empire and teaching citizens how to behave.
The most popular shows in Zareen Empire are: The Real Housewives of Driza, Arcadian Minefield Truckers, Bucketheel Battle, Spin that Gear!, Millionaire Shopping Spree, and ZNN Tonight (Zareenite News Network).
If you think that all sounds like unwatchable trash, you'd be right. But the Zareenite people love it!
I imagine Damijani TV just has their own versions of all these shows, changing various things to make them more palatable to the governm--er, I mean the Damijani people...yeah, the people. They loooove this stuff. They're totally not buying bootleg reels off the black market to watch foreign Forbidden Content(tm) or anything. That never happens because their domestically-produced content is just sooo good, dude. The best ever. Damijani entertainment is #1.
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[Image Description: cartoon of a man being interviewed. A giant gun labeled "Damijani Government" is pointed at his head. End description.]
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loominggaia · 2 years
Here’s a what if? What if sarafeen got empathy? Let’s say a situation happens during project starlight similar to what happened to Jeimos’s mother. An accident happens that scrambles her brain, however instead of her developing magic induced schizophrenia, she has her personality reversed. Becoming very empathic and compassionate. What happens to her and damajani after this and would she even want to stay a great leader afterwards?
This is a very interesting question to think about. If Serafeen had any kind of empathy, she would shut down Project Starlight immediately. This project was built on exploitation, and no part of it can function without screwing over innocent people.
However, The Damijani Council has already invested billions into this project, so they wouldn't take kindly to this. They invested this money because they believed it would make them even more money in the future. If Serafeen pulls the plug, they're screwed.
The Council has power over Serafeen. She may be the face of Damijana, but The Council is the body. They would probably blackmail her into continuing the project at any cost, and doing so would hurt Serafeen's heart. I think anyone with a even shred of empathy would struggle to commit such atrocities in the name of greed.
It's quite possible that the only way out would be suicide. That, or somehow fleeing Damijana and starting a new life elsewhere similar to what Jeimos did, except Serafeen is such a high-profile person, this would be a lot harder for her to pull off. She'd have to disguise herself with cosmetic surgery or magic. I think she'd have to live out in the deepest, most remote wilderness on Gaia to truly escape, because bounty hunters would be scouring the globe for her.
If she succeeded, The Council would have to scramble to find another project director to take her place. Most likely they would have to kidnap one of the top astrophysicists at the World Athenaeum or something, because there are few people on Gaia who understand the kind of ultra-bigbrain shit Serafeen was doing. She's a prodigy among prodigies, replacing her wouldn't be easy.
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loominggaia · 2 years
What kind of things do hot jellys come with?
Hot jellies are cinnamon-flavored candies that come with a piece of Damijani propaganda in every package. The company that makes them is subsidized by the Damijani government itself, and while this candy is most popular in its home empire, it can commonly be found in Zareen Empire and on the global black market as well.
So, what does this propaganda look like? It can take many forms, but all of them are made to appeal to children. Gotta start brainwashing them future drones early!
Each package comes with a toy and a piece of literature. The toys include stickers or pins depicting pro-Damijana slogans and symbols, collectable figurines that look like Damijani monuments, miniature Damijani flags, tiny replicas of Damijani vehicles and police gear, things like that. The literature is a scroll that might contain a history lesson, a joke, or a short story themed around...you guessed it: The Empire of Damijana.
Of course kids don't understand that they're being blasted with harmful propaganda, they're just excited to get a prize. Many will see through the bullshit as they grow older, but others will forever associate pro-government symbols and rhetoric with that feeling of excitement they got as children. It's pretty insidious.
Hot jellies come in plastic packages and are made using questionable chemicals. These things are banned in most other Great Kingdoms, so it's rare to find them outside of Damijana unless you're shopping on the black market, where they're very common. They're also quite common in Zareen Empire, just because of its close proximity to Damijana and the amount of Damijani immigrants there.
Children aren't the only ones who get excited about this candy. The toys and literature are refreshed with a new, unique set every year, and there are a lot of adult collectors out there who have been hoarding these things for centuries. Some of the prizes are special edition and can become quite valuable.
This is why hot jellies are such a popular item on the black market...Some people get seriously addicted to the "gacha" aspect. It's the closest thing to gambling that's legal in Damijana.
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