#asked me 'why do you dress like a man' in the most serious way ever and i cracked tf up 😭
pitchsidestories · 1 day
all's well that ends well II Lucy Bronze x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2010
a/n: hi, we hope you enjoy the full length oneshot to the snippet we posted last week. 🫶🏻
Your voice was high-pitched and cracked slightly at the end of the question.
You didn’t care.
There was no way, she was actually here. You had heard the rumours but hadn’t believed any of it. And now she was actually here, right in front of your eyes, on the Chelsea training grounds.
She actually did it.
You watched her through narrowed eyes, subconsciously clenching your jaw.
She smiled brightly at you: “Yes, me. Good morning to you too, pretty girl.“
There it was, that typical smug smile. Lucy Bronze, just like you wanted to forget her.
“Don’t call me that.“, you warned her.
Bad enough that she was here, you didn’t need her stupid remarks.
She remained unbothered, teasing you some more: “Oh, someone woke up in a bad mood.“
“No, only still stuck in a nightmare called Lucy Bronze.“, you replied, taking in the unfamiliar sight of her in the blue Chelsea training shirt.
From the look on her face she clearly interpreted it as you checking her out.
You cringed.
“A nightmare, huh?”, she repeated with a grin.
You wanted nothing more than to wipe that stupid self-assured smile off her face.
“Dressed in Chelsea colours. Why did you come back? And of all clubs you had to choose mine?!”
You half-expected her to crack another joke but instead, her face turned serious.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t come here for you. I came for what the club had to offer.“
“In other words, Barca didn’t want you anymore.“, you taunted her.
You watched, waiting to see her face fall but it never did. She just cocked her head and replied: “Cold. But essentially yes, they didn’t guarantee me a spot in the starting squad so I left.“
Before you could stop yourself, you released a humourless laugh.
Following Lucys confused look, you explained: “You always leave when it gets uncomfortable. See you on the pitch.“
You turned around and took exactly two steps towards the football pitch before you heard Lucy catching up to you.
“What’s that supposed to mean? If you really think that you don’t know me well enough.“, she asked, her voice finally conveying some anger.
“Oh, I do know you.“, you shrugged and left her standing on the sideline of the pitch, joining your teammates for the warm-up.
To your surprise, she jogged up next to you, clearly not done with the conversation yet. “Sure. Of course you know me better than I know myself. You’ve always been such a know-it-all.“
You huffed in offence but before you could protest, she increased her pace and left your side.
In her place, Sam Kerr appeared with a curious look on her face: “Wait, you and Bronzey got history?”
“Yes, it was a long time ago though and I don’t want to talk about it, okay.”, you revealed reluctantly.
“Aw man, I love a good break up story.”, the Australian forward replied pouting.
“I know you do Sammy, but you won’t hear that one.”, you told her.
“I’ll figure it out sooner or later.”, she declared confidently.
“Don’t you dare asking Lucy about us.”, you warned your teammate.
“I’m sure she’ll tell me.”, Sam responded winking.
Much to her actual surprise the English defender did open up towards her, once it was just the two of them in an empty room.
“Our story is quick to tell we were together for quite a while, I went to another club, so we tried to do long distance, yet it didn’t work out.”
“And she thinks it’s your fault?”, Sam questioned.
“Obviously and she’s talking about comfortable all she has ever known is English football.”, the older woman shrugged.
The forward took a moment to think about what she just said before humming. “Oh, this is going to be a very interesting season.”
“Admittedly, I did a few things wrong in the past and there isn’t much I regret but these I do.” Memories of the moment Lucy regretted the most passed behind her inner eye.
“That’s too much information. I didn’t come for a deep dive.”, Sam intervened chuckling.
“Come on girls, don’t dally.”, Millie who stood in the doorframe called for them.
“She thinks she has something to say around here now that she has an honours doctorate.”, the forward rolled her eyes playfully.
“We’re ready, Doctor Bright.”, the dark-haired defender reassured the blonde with a teasing grin on her lips.
“Good to hear, Doctor Bronze.”, Millie answered happily.
A few days had passed since your conversation with your ex-girlfriend. During and post training you tried your best to ignore her. You were about to leave the Chelsea grounds, but a familiar voice held you back.
“Can we talk?”
“Now?”, you wanted to know.
“Yes.”, Lucy nodded.
“Fine, but be quick, I don’t have much time.”, you stated in an icy tone crossing your arms impatiently.
“Then you’ve to make some time.”, she emphasized.
“What do you want to talk about?”, you asked short-temperedly.
“About us. This is getting ridiculous. How’re we supposed to play together when you ignore me all the time?”, the defender countered eagerly awaiting your response.
The late afternoon light enhanced her tan, and her green eyes were glowing. You couldn’t help to admire the woman in front of you, but when you remembered what happened between you two and acid formed in your mouth, so you spat out words as cruel as the taste of that. Sentences you knew would hurt her.
“You’re less quick and sharp nowadays. Also how am I supposed to trust you on and off the pitch?”
Lucy blinked at you. Her face frozen, not slightest slip. Shaking her head, she replied: “You really have a way of making someone feel welcome here.“
“I’m normally more welcoming to our new signings… making sure they settle well into London…“
You stopped yourself from continuing and bit your lip. Why did you now feel the need to prove to her that your were actually good person?
“But not to me, I got it.“, she said, almost reading your exact next thought. She should know that you didn’t welcome her here.
“You’re a whole different story.“, you said plainly.
Your eyes suddenly caught sight of her arms crossed in front of herself. The little hairs stood up, small bumps forming around them. She had goosebumps.
“You’ll need a jacket. The evenings can already get cold.“, you advised her, trying to let no empathy seep through.
At once, you felt glad that you remembered to wear a long-sleeved shirt to training. You absentmindedly pulled the sleeves over your hands.
Your ex just rolled her eyes: “You act like I’ve never been to England.“
“You’re freezing. I can see that from here.“
“Yeah, this is obviously not Barcelona. But I’m not new here.“, she replied with clear annoyance.
You refused to let her have the point. “True but you never played in London though.“
“No, I didn’t.“
It was petty but you won. You turned to walk away from her like you had done so many times in the past few days but again she wouldn’t let you. Her hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you back in one swift movement.
“Where are you going? We’re not done here.“
You sighed in frustration: “I won’t ignore you in training anymore. Happy?”
“There’s more?”, you frowned at her.
“Of course, it’s not done with that.“
Eyebrows raised, you waited for an explanation: “So?”
“We should talk about us too. And what happened.“, she suggested.
Your heart stopped for a second, your lungs felt deprived of air and you couldn’t do anything but stare at her for a second. There was no way you would bring that break up back again. You both knew how it had ended.
“Another time, okay?”
You forced yourself to a half-smile: “See you tomorrow.“
You found yourself in the starting line-up for the next friendly at Stamford Bridge. You would be playing on the right wing, in front of Lucy. And despite all your doubts, the game went well.
More than well, to be honest. It was like you had never been apart. Lucys typical runs forward gave you the opportunity to move towards the centre and position yourself in the penalty areas. One of her crosses was so precise that you only had to tilt your head to put the ball into the net.
“Amazing game, girls. The season is off to a great start.“, Millie cheered as she high-fived you way too hard.
“Yeah, thanks for the assist, Luce.“
“You’re welcome. I still know your movements on the pitch.”, Lucy waved it off while the look on her face was melancholic. There was a hint of fondness in her voice too.
“And I’m sorry for what I said about your playing style.”, you bit your lip guiltily.
“I know.”, the defender sounded almost amused.
“Good.”, you sighed relived.
“Don’t worry.”, the older woman added quickly.
“Bye Luce.”
“See you, y/n.”, Lucy watched you go with a sad smile.
“Lucy? You two are so weird.”, Millie tapped on the dark-haired defender’s shoulder.
Irritated she turned around to face her team’s captain. “What do you mean?”
“Why don’t you finally talk about it?”, the blonde asked frustrated.
“I try to, but she always runs away.”, the older player explained annoyed.
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out for you.”, Millie promised.
And the Chelsea captain stayed true to her words.
It was the next day when you found yourself locked in a room with your ex-girlfriend.
“Sam, Erin, that’s not funny, let us out!”, you commanded, hammering your hands against the door. You felt like a mouse stuck in a trap.
“Do you hear anything, Erin?”, you heard the Australian ask the Scottish midfielder. The reply wasn’t audible to your ears because Lucy had started to speak.
“They’ll open the door again once we talked about us.”
“That’s so childish of them. To talk about us? That’s history.”, you grumbled.
“Of course. It’s obviously not history for you if you keep pouting about it.”, the defender observed
“I’m not pouting, I’m so over you at this point.”, you corrected her.
“Sure. Keep telling yourself that.”, your former lover sounded unconvinced.
“You really broke my heart back then.”, you confessed quietly, your voice full of the sadness and hurt from days in the past when the breakup was still fresh like a open wound you thought would never heal.
“I didn’t do anything.”, she remarked calmly.  
“Yes, you did you left.”, you disagreed fiercely.
“I left because I had to. After you assured me, long distance would work.”, Lucy defended herself.
A grieving smirk appeared on your face, you remembered your old self, what a fool she has been. “I thought it would, but it didn’t that happens.”
“Yes, it happens. So, stop blaming me for leaving it was a mutual decision.”
“It wasn’t your fault- Cam we leave now?”, you directed the question towards the people who kept you in that room.
“Nope, you know what we want to hear.”, Sam declared grinning.
“Lucy, what does she want from us?”, you wanted to know.
“I’ve no idea., she admitted before continuing, we won’t get back together, Sam. That won’t work.”
“Exactly.”, you added quickly.
“That’s not what we want. Keep talking and you’ll see.”, the forward insisted.
“What if we begin again? Like we just met for the first time.”, Lucy suggested.
“Wait, what?”, you frowned.
“We can start over.”, she offered in a hopeful tone.
“You mean as in strangers who get to know each other?”
“Maybe.” , she nodded knowing fully well you’d never be a stranger to her.
“And we don’t know where this leads to?”, you felt your heart flutter against your chest, the door was open again and you both stepped into the unknowing. The past was the past the future was uncertain, all you could influence was the present.
All's well that ends well. Yet this was only the beginning and the closing of one chapter of your relationship.
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togenabi · 1 year
pick me up
roronoa zoro (opla) x reader
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♡—zoro never paid your jokes or pickup lines any mind. that is, until something happens that makes you stop.
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word count♡— 3.2k
genre♡— mild angst, fluff, straw hat!reader
content notes♡— opla zoro, fem!reader, reader wears a dress and tells very bad jokes, creepy dude oc, don't be creepy be cool yall, reader pulls off a heist with nami, zoro gets jealous, alcohol consumption, no use of y/n, barely proofread
also on♡— ao3
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author's note♡— this is a request from anon! I'm sorry if I tweaked a few things, I'm not the best at angst hhhh I hope you still like it!
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“Okay, okay. Wait. I got it this time.” You say, already trying to keep from laughing. 
“Why were the kids having trouble in pirate class?”
Zoro only side-eyes you with his arms crossed, vehemently unimpressed. 
“Because they were overbored!” 
Watching for his reaction intently, you keep your eyes focused on his face... Nothing changes. 
You tsk, but aren’t seriously discouraged. This is how he always reacts to your jokes, after all. “I’ll get you one of these days, Roronoa Zoro.”
The swordsman only sighs, leaning back into his seat to take a nap. “You do that.”
“Don’t listen to him, love.” Sanji says from the other side of the kitchen as he cleans the counter. “I thought that joke was good.”
“You’re lying, but I appreciate the sentiment, Sanji.” You grin at him. Focusing back on the book you were reading, you miss the amused, challenging look Sanji sends Zoro.
Everyone hears Luffy approaching the kitchen before he enters. “Guys!” He bellows. “We’ll be reaching land soon. Be ready to leave in fifteen minutes!”
The majority of the day is spent restocking supplies. You were all split up into pairs, but before you left, Luffy pointed to a restaurant with a flashy, illuminated sign on top that reads: ‘Bistro of Light’. How cringey of them.
“We should meet there for dinner! You don’t mind taking a break, right, Sanji?” Luffy asks eagerly, and you think that no one could say no to him when he’s so enthusiastic. Sanji nods, and you all go through the town until the sun starts to set.
The inside of the restaurant is just as ridiculous as the sign outside. Chandeliers of every color hang on the ceiling. Huge fish tanks and fountains lined with lights almost blind you. You laugh when looking at it all causes Zoro to wince. 
“Hey Zoro,” You call for him. “You know what’s faster than the speed of light?”
“My heartbeat when I think of you!” You wink at him, proud of the joke even when he only sighs and looks away.
Usopp walks up to a receptionist standing behind a desk. “Hey. Table for six, if you would be so kind.”
“I’m afraid we’re at full capacity at the moment.” They respond. “You’ll have to wait, is that alright?”
Everyone shares a look. Except for Luffy, who looks dead set on eating here, you all feel unsure about waiting.
“When’s the next table going to be available?” Usopp asks. “We’re actually a really big deal. It’s gonna be really embarrassing for you guys if you don’t let us in.” The person frowns, face screaming, ‘is this guy serious’?
But before they can reply, a booming voice enters the restaurant. A tall man, dressed in a pristine white suit and wearing jewels on every finger, pushes you out of the way to yell at the receptionist. You stumble, but thankfully Zoro is there to catch you.
“What on earth is going on here?! Why are there so many people crowding the entryway?!” He fumes, angrily gesturing to your group. 
“If they’re not going to eat, then I strongly suggest—” The rich man freezes suddenly, his eyes trained on you.
You keep your face as emotionless as possible, but you die laughing inside when Nami swipes a brooch from his jacket while he’s distracted with you.
“Ah,” The man says. His tone softening a considerable amount as he walks over to you. “I thought I had the best jewels in my treasury, but you're the most radiant gem I've ever laid my eyes on.” It takes everything in you to not back away. Zoro tenses beside you.
“Why haven’t these guests been guided to a table?” He asks, turning back to the receptionist.
“We’re at full capacity, Sir.” Oh. He must own the place. It makes sense that the owner is as gaudy as everything else in here.
“That won’t do.” He looks back to you, and you swear you could feel your skin crawl under his gaze. 
“I am Helios. Welcome to my establishment.” The man introduces himself with a flourish, bowing to you. His jewels and gold accessories glint in the light. “What might your name be?”
Reluctantly, you introduce yourself. Had this been a normal situation, you would have turned around and walked away from him the second he saw you. But, you could feel the crew going hungry, and you’re sure Nami will want to snag another ring or two—so you play nice.
Helios smiles, repeating your name. He was probably trying to sound romantic, but he’s not doing anything for you. Not when Zoro says your name much better.
You keep Zoro’s voice in mind, remembering how nice it sounds. It’s easier to smile at Helios that way. Time to lay on the charm, “I was really looking forward to having dinner here. I don’t suppose you could help us out?”
“Follow me, my dear. You deserve to dine upstairs. The view is simply spectacular at this hour.” Helios holds out his hand to you, but Luffy—bless his soul—grabs it to shake it zealously.
“Thanks so much for letting us eat here, Mr. Helios!” Luffy claps him on the back. Helios looks dumbfounded, and the crew does an impressive job keeping their composure. 
Helios tries to walk beside you as he guides you all upstairs, but Zoro is steadfast on your right, and Nami smartly positions herself on your left. Luffy and Usopp tug the restaurant owner along, chatting his ear off. You almost feel bad for him. 
Nami murmurs, her voice carefully silent so only you can hear. “Treasury, huh?”
You smile. “Of course you’d be curious about that.”
“Think you could get us to his mansion?” She dares you, eyes aglow at the promise of a good heist.
“I know I can.” You pause walking to check your reflection on an ornate, sun-shaped mirror. After fixing your hair, you grin at your friends. “I’m irresistible, after all.”
Maybe if you weren’t busy buttering up your host, you would have noticed that Zoro wasn’t eating properly. Normally, you would force him to eat. You would pile food on his plate, telling that joke about fake noodles being impasta that always cracks you up.
Zoro frowns at the meal in front of him. The fish seems to frown back. Sighing, he decides to just order another drink. But no matter what he consumes, a bitter taste always blooms in his mouth afterwards. 
The glass in his hand almost cracks when he hears your voice sucking up to Helios again. “So, you own this place? Do you live around here?”
Helios leans far too close towards you, but you grin and bear it. “Would you like a private tour, my gem?”
You place a hand on his arm, he may read it as affection, but you hold him so he keeps that distance. “That sounds wonderful.”
Zoro huffs under his breath. He needs another drink. 
Thankfully, Helios serves good booze at his manor. Zoro almost didn’t want to drink any of it, but he needs alcohol in his system if he has to watch you flirt with this idiot so Nami can rob him blind. Whatever she steals better be worth all this, or else he might punch something. Or someone. Preferably Helios.
You share a look with Nami and give her an imperceptible nod. With that signal, she passes by and pretends to lose her footing. Wine seeps into your clothes, staining the fabric and sticking it to your skin. Did she really have to pick red wine? You liked this shirt.
“Oh, my dear!” Helios gasps. “You should get cleaned up. I’ll have my servants draw you a bath and bring you fresh clothes.”
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve watched where I was going.” Nami loops her arm through yours. “Let me help you with that.” 
And so, with another fake smile sent Helios’ way, you rush with Nami to find the treasury.
“Be quick.” Nami says once you enter the luxurious bathroom prepared for you. 
As tempting as the bubble bath is, you only take a few wet towels to tidy up. You step into the curtained area, about to strip when Nami holds out a hand to stop you.
“Wait.” She says, her tone serious. A teddy bear holding a rose is propped up on a shelf behind you. Tapping its eyes, Nami scowls before throwing the bear into the trash bin.
“A camera?” She nods. “Seriously? What a creep.”
You and Nami inspect the room. It’s not clear if there are other hidden cameras, but she stands guard in front of the shower curtains just in case.
“Hey,” She starts. “Did you notice Zoro acting weird tonight?”
You frown as you change into the dress Helios prepared. “What do you mean?”
Nami hums in thought. “He’s just…” A dumbass, she wants to say, but doesn’t. “He seems extra grumpy.”
That causes you to laugh. “I guess I should prepare more jokes for him when we get back.”
She winces. “...I’m not that sure he likes those.”
“Hm… Maybe not, but,” You pause to think. He may not laugh loudly as Luffy does, but he never shot you down for being bubbly around him. “Zoro would have told me to shut up by now if he didn’t, right?”
“Huh.” Nami says. “You got a point.”
You push the curtains aside, grinning at her. “Come on, let’s break into that treasury.”
“Of course, my gem.”
“Oh my god, if that sticks I’m going to be so mad.”
The treasury was a vault full of everything from jewels to ornamental weapons. Nami playfully crowned you with a diamond tiara, and she put on dangling emerald earrings that looked stunning on her.
After filling your bags and pockets with the most you can carry, you and Nami head out to find the others. You run into Usopp on the way back to the lounge.
“I see you two cleaned up well.” He jokes. “Luffy and Sanji are in the kitchen. I was just on my way there.”
“Where’s Zoro?” You ask.
“With Helios. You know him, still drinking.”
“We should leave soon.” Nami insists. “We risk getting caught the longer we stay.”
“Right.” You hand Usopp your bag, his eyes widen comically when he feels how heavy it is. “I’ll just go say goodbye, I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Before you even enter the lounge, however, you hear Zoro speak your name. Are they talking about you? You press your back against the wall, straining to hear their conversation.
You almost wish you didn’t.
“She tells the worst jokes and doesn’t know when to quit it. Thinks she’s hilarious but she’s really not.” Zoro speaks in that deep voice that would usually be comforting to you—but his words now pierce through you painfully.
“What exactly is your relationship with her?” Helios asks, and Zoro is silent. It feels like your heart crumbles for every second he doesn’t answer.
You’re friends! You’ve been dreaming of more but, you’ve always been friends.
…Aren’t you? Doesn’t he think so?
“I don’t know.” Your heart fully shatters. What does he mean he doesn’t know? “She just sticks to me a lot. It can get annoying.”
“Well. That’s unfortunate, but it’s nothing to sob over.” Helios kisses his teeth. “I don’t care about her attitude. All that doesn’t matter as long as she has that pretty face.”
You wait for Zoro to say something. Anything. You want him to cut Helios where he stands.
But he doesn’t. The silence drags on. The air feels like it’s pushing you down, crushing your lungs. You have to get out of here.
You burst into the kitchen, trying your best not to cry. Nami immediately rushes to you, holding your shoulders to steady you. “What happened?”
Letting out a shuddered breath, you whisper, “You were right.” It’s impossible to think straight right now. “I want to leave.”
You look to Luffy, still shaken up. Your captain’s expression is serious as he nods. “Go ahead, we’ll get Zoro and catch up.” Not needing to be told twice, you head out the door.
Before she follows you, Nami hisses at Sanji, “Talk some sense into that dumbass, won’t you?”
The entire walk back to the Going Merry is silent. You’re grateful Nami doesn’t immediately press you for what happened, but you know that you should answer her questions. You finally get the words out in the safety of her cabin.
You sit cross-legged on the bed, and everything comes pouring out. “He called me annoying.” 
“Zoro?” She asked, offering you a box of tissues.
“Yeah.” You sniff, taking the box.
“I’m sorry. That was fucked up of him to say.”
Unsure how to properly comfort you, Nami gets up and retrieves extra pillows from a storage compartment.
“Why don’t we have a girl’s night?” Nami asks, offering you a smile. It pulls a smile out of you too, the first one you mustered since Zoro crushed your spirit. 
“I’d like that.” 
Zoro is confused to find that you and Nami had left before them. Luffy gave Helios some lame excuse that you weren’t feeling well, but Zoro knew better. If you were really sick, the whole crew would be panicking and rushing to get to you.
He stares at Sanji and Usopp, trying to piece together what really happened. They both turn away from him, refusing to say anything.
In the next second, a maid rushes out, panting and screaming, “Mr. Helios! The treasury has been robbed!”
Fine. Answers can come later. For now, they need to run.
Once they’re back on the ship, Sanji follows Zoro into his cabin. He stares at the chef blankly, “Get out.”
“Did you do something?” Sanji leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Get out.” Zoro repeats, about to push him out of the room when Sanji speaks your name.
“She was upset. Asked to leave as soon as possible.” Sanji’s gaze is almost menacing, and his frown deepens when Zoro’s face falls. So, that’s what happened. You had heard him.
“Fuck.” Zoro groans, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
“Everyone noticed you getting bitchy over Helios.” Sanji notes “Did you confront him or something?”
Scoffing, Zoro sits on his hammock, the fabric dips under his weight. “It was something, all right.”
Wanting Zoro to explain himself unpromptedly, Sanji just watches him and lets the silence hang in the air. After a solid, suffocating minute, the swordsman caves.
“I called her annoying.” Zoro breathes out deeply. “I said her jokes aren’t funny and that she sticks to me a lot.”
“Man, that’s screwed up.” Sanji gapes. “I thought you cared about her?”
“Of course I do, but I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” Zoro defends. “Luffy’s the only one who laughs at her jokes, and she’s always by my side.” 
Sighing, Zoro continues, “...but I never minded any of it. I learned to care for those parts of her a long time ago. I was only trying to get that shithead off her back.”
“You’re an idiot.” Sanji concludes. “You have the emotional depth of a sink, sometimes.”
Zoro, surprisingly, doesn’t insult the chef back. He stares at the wall, slouched and looking the most empty Sanji’s ever seen him.
“What should I do?” He asks. “How should I make it up to her?”
Sanji’s eyes light up, he beams and claps his hands together in excitement. Even if Zoro hasn’t heard it yet, he already dreads the chef’s suggestion. 
“I have an idea.”
When you woke up the next morning, you had every intention of avoiding Zoro like the plague. It was still really difficult to look at him, the hurt you felt still stings your heart. 
But unfortunately for you, he had other plans. 
You’re gazing out into the sea on the forecastle deck when you hear a familiar set of heavy footsteps. You sigh. “I don’t want to talk, Zoro.”
“I’m not here to talk.” You turn to him questioningly, but you really shouldn’t give him the time of day. Wasn’t he the one who complained about you clinging to him?
You don’t say anything. Only glaring at him and hoping he sees how disappointed you feel. Zoro stands here, appearing strangely vulnerable. If you weren’t so hurt, you would have hugged him by now. 
But you are. So he has to wallow in the awkwardness of the consequences of his words. He—wait. What’s that on his face?
“I…” Is he… blushing? “I’m sorry I wasn’t around in the past.” 
You make a face and blink at him. What is he up to?
“...Can I be part of your future?”
That knocks the wind right out of you, your jaw practically falls to the floor. Did Roronoa Zoro just use a pickup line? On you? You can’t help but glance at your surroundings to check if the sky is still blue.
No—hold on. He can’t win you over just like that. He needs to explain why he said what he did. 
“You said my jokes are the worst.” You grumble.
“They are.” Zoro looks straight into your eyes as he speaks. “But you’re one of the best things to ever happen to me.”
“You said I always stick to your side.”
He doesn’t miss a beat and answers earnestly, “You do. And I wouldn’t want you to be anywhere else.”
“…You said you didn’t know what our relationship is.”
That causes Zoro to pause, searching your eyes as if he’ll find the answer in them. “…I don’t.”
Oh, this impossible sword-brain of a man. Your lips quiver, and you realize you can’t fight back your smile anymore. “I love you, Zoro.”
His expression shifts from anxiousness to shock, relief, and a bit of something else... 
“I love you, too.” Ah, of course. Love, that too.
Slowly, tentatively, he raises his arms, inviting you to an embrace. He’s adorable, looking a teensy bit nervous that you wouldn’t want to hold him. Giggling, you rush to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he envelops your shoulders. 
“I bet Sanji taught you to apologize with that line.” You murmur into his chest. “If you tell me another one…” Zoro cringes, his frame tensing. 
“...I’ll give you a kiss.” His expression lifts, seriously considering it.
After a minute, Zoro clears his throat. You almost squeal in excitement.
“Roses are red, violets are blue…” A classic. This is going to be good.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel awkward, I just want to have dinner with you.” You gasp, squeezing him tighter. 
“Yes! That was perfect.” Laughing, you reach up and hold his face to keep your promise. 
You plant a sweet, short kiss on his lips. When you pull away, he’s looking at you like he would fight anyone for you. He probably would, if you’re being honest.
“You’re perfect.” He breathes, mouth against yours and then he’s kissing you again.
Hiding behind a pile of crates, the rest of the crew whoop and cheer. (Silently.)
“That was such a good line!” Luffy whispers.
“I still think he should have used the ‘I don’t speak angel’ one.” Usopp whispers back.
“What are you talking about?!” Sanji angrily, quietly mutters. “That was perfect because he apologized and delivered the line.”
“Shut it, you guys. I was right, he didn’t last a day with her mad at him.” Nami holds out her palm. “Pay up.” The others groan, handing her some berry. All’s well that ends well.
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rachalixie · 6 months
can’t get you off my mind
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all good love stories start with a drunk stranger, don’t they?
warnings: mentions of alcohol, fem!reader
genre: fluff, comfort
word count: 4k
it starts at a bar. 
or really, it starts with a man at a bar. one that you’ve seen before in passing, a familiar face in a sea of more familiar faces. someone who you’ll later learn is one third of your best friend changbin’s production team, someone who you should have met years ago probably, someone who you would find is the perfect puzzle piece that fits into your jagged edges.
but right now, he is just a man at a bar with a beer in hand and a ridiculously dopey smile on his face. 
“marry me, please,” he says, absolutely serious but it’s a bit diluted from the way his words were slurred around the edges. “or i’ll have to kidnap you.”
“excuse me?” you raise a brow at him, his image swimming a bit as you turn your head to fully take him in. you’re not drunk, but youre a couple glasses of wine deep and you’re not known for being fully articulate whilst sober anyways. 
“i swear i’m going to marry you,” he says, eyes wide as he looks at you. “you might be the most perfect person i’ve ever seen.”
you’re not overly fond of men you haven’t met hitting on you, but this one seems a bit harmless. if you ignored the part where he said he would kidnap you. at least he wasn’t grabbing onto you or trying to touch you - that would have sent your fist flying towards his face and probably a swift exit from the bar. it was a little weird that you didn’t find him weird, but in retrospect you must have known, even then. 
“okay, listen,” you put your hands on your hips, giving him an unimpressed look. “if you find me when you’re sober, ask me again and maybe i’ll reconsider.”
“okay,” he nods, hair moving along with his movement like a puppy’s ears. “i can do that. i’ll find you, i promise. i’m gonna marry you, did you know?”
“so i’ve heard,” you roll your eyes, already feeling a bit fond about him. you didn’t think you’d meet him again, but you were sure that you’d look at this night with a fond smile later. 
he sends you the brightest smile you think you’ve ever seen on a person and scampers off, and you stand rooted to that one sticky spot in the bar for longer than you want to admit.
he’s in the back of your mind when you wake up the next morning, in a better mood than most - you never liked waking up early, it always took you a good hour and some coffee to be able to stand without grimacing. this morning though, you float around your apartment as you get dressed with a small smile on your face. 
a cute stranger who kept his boundaries and called you perfect? that wasn’t something that happened often, at least not to you. 
the floatiness followed you all the way through your morning routine until you found your feet stopping outside the coffee shop that you and changbin all but owned. you had no stock in it, but you’re sure that you supply them at least half of their revenue, you probably sit on their rickety chairs more often than your actual couch at home. this place has nursed you through every college class and job interview preparations and beyond, and if it ever closed you might lose time off of your life span. 
your movements from the door to the counter to your usual seat were robotic, muscle memory taking over while your head did somersaults through the clouds. it’s only when you take the first sip of coffee, the bitterness and heat hitting your tongue in a delightful dance, that you notice it. 
another man is sitting next to changbin. a man that looks awfully familiar, and it takes you a moment to realize why. it’s the man from the bar. 
“changbin?” you keep your eyes on the other man as you direct your question at changbin, trying hard to keep your face neutral. “explain?”
“i’m chan,” the man interjects before changbin can answer, reaching his hand across the table for you to shake. it’s warm, his grip somewhere perfectly in the middle of too hard and too soft, and he lets go after an appropriate amount of seconds. despite the neutral passivity of the gesture, you feel something ignite within you, and it threatens to sputter out when you catch no spark of recognition in his eyes. was he that drunk last night that he doesn’t remember you? do his sober eyes not find you as perfect?
“he crashed at my place last night,” changbin’s voice filters through your turmoil, and you finally break away from chan’s gaze to level him with a look. “and he needed coffee, so i brought him along. chan, this is y/n, my best friend.”
the conversation that followed flowed more freely than the coffee dripping from the machines behind the counter, and you almost hate how much you like it. chan is a little goofy, the man from the previous night shining through moments of seriousness and rapt attention. 
by the time you had to leave to go to work you felt like you knew him. you learned where he lived (close to you!), that he worked with changbin (he’s a producer!), and that he loved all animals but he adored dogs (he has one named berry!). just an hour of casual conversation had led to you needing more of him in every aspect of your life, but still in the back of your head lived the thought of him not remembering you from the night before.
changbin leaves first, citing some meeting he had to run to in the middle of a yawn, and when you were left with chan the embarrassment began to set in. 
“i’m going to marry you,” he blurts out, startling you so much you almost jump out of your seat. 
“what?” you ask, a mixture of surprise and disbelief combining into a confusing vortex within your head - was he going to go through this again? you didn’t know if your heart could take it. 
“i mean, i remember you,” he says before you could awkwardly excuse yourself and commit to getting to work early for the first time in a year just to escape being in a room alone with him for much longer. “i’m sorry, i was just embarrassed. i didn’t want to make a fool out of myself in front of changbin.”
“oh,” your breath leaves you all at once and you slump into your chair, understanding hitting you like a train. “that makes sense? i think?”
“i’m going to marry you,” he repeats, a mischievous glint in his eyes, the boy from last night shining through. “one day. i’m going to do it.”
“take me on a date first,” you tease back, a genuine smile stretching across your lips when he laughs, a full bodied thing that drew in eyes from the patrons across the room. for once, you didn’t seem to care that others’ eyes were on you. he made you feel comfortable. 
“what are you doing tomorrow?” his mouth turns upwards into a beautiful smile that you can’t help but return. 
“eager, are we?” you open your phone, sliding it across the table with the new contact page open on it. “i’m free.”
“you’re the most perfect person i’ve ever laid eyes on,” he says, as serious and genuine as the way he had proposed to you last night as he taps his number into your phone. “sorry if i’m a bit desperate.”
“don’t apologize,” you take your phone back, making a mental note to text him later. “i like it, for some unearthly reason. you’re cute, chan.”
the sound of his delighted laugh follows your footsteps all the way to work. 
he picks you up for your first date at noon, right on the dot. he wasn’t a minute late, a polite knock sounding through your apartment just as the hour turned, as if he had been waiting and watching the time outside the door. 
god, is everything about this man endearing? 
he’s wearing shorts and a light sweater, looking like something out of a posh magazine. his hair is curly and swept off his forehead and he’s wearing a smile with the most adorable dimples shining through. 
he leads you to his car and you have to hold back an impressed whistle. you knew changbin and his team did well for themselves, the name 3racha all over the credits of songs on the radio, but this car was nice. you were going to have a talk with changbin about why he still drove the same beat up sedan he’s had since college but that was a thought for later. right now all you wanted to think about was the man who held the door open for you to slide into the passenger seat and was now holding your hand over the middle console. 
“do i get to know where we’re going?” you ask, peering at the map open on his phone but it tells you nothing more than that your destination was 15 minutes away and that he had to make a right turn in one mile. 
“it’s a surprise,” he says, voice a little nervous but it was masked with excitement. wherever he was taking you, you would be happy to be there if he was this happy the whole time. 
four songs on the radio later, one of which you teased him for when he revealed that he wrote it, he was pulling into a parking lot illuminated by flashing colorful lights. he had brought you to the fair. 
“i’ve never been to the fair!” you bounced a little in your seat, wriggling in excitement. “i’ve always wanted to go, how did you know?”
“lucky guess?” he shrugs, avoiding your gaze as he cuts the engine and unbuckles his seatbelt. 
“changbin told you, didn’t he,” you smile at the thought of chan asking his friend about what you’d like. it was cute, a word that you were probably exhausting when thinking about him even after a day of knowing him. 
“yes, but,” he flushes, the tips of his ears burning red. “i asked him after i had decided to come here, just to make sure it was a good idea. i didn’t steal it from him.”
“hey, it’s okay,” you squeeze his hand in yours that he had yet to let go of in what you hoped was a comforting gesture. you didn’t know what brought him calmness yet, but you wanted to learn. you wanted to learn everything about him. “now, take me to the fair, bang chan. i was promised a date.”
he finally meets your eyes again and he’s grinning so happily that you feel like you had just won a prize. who needed a fair when you had your very own carnival game right here? 
it turns out, you did. by the time the sun was beginning to set, your arms were full of various plushies that chan had won for you, each one earning him a hug and a kiss to his cheek. you treasured every single one, the fluttering in your chest when he stepped up to the booths to throw and shoot various things never ceasing. 
“let’s go to the ferris wheel,” you tug at him with your free hand, thanking the skies when you see no queue there. “i bet the sunset looks beautiful from the top.”
he’s quiet when he follows you there and into the carriage, his thigh pressing against yours as he slides in next to you, but you don’t notice in your excitement. it isn’t until the wheel ticks to the top and stops that he grabs your hand again, trembling a little. 
“chan? are you okay?” you ask, concern warping your voice as you turn towards him. your movement rocks the carriage a bit and he turns pale, ducking his head into your neck to hide. 
“yeah, ‘m okay,” he murmurs, his eyelashes ticking your skin when he blinks his eyes shut. “just don’t like heights very much.”
“oh my god, why didn’t you tell me?” you cry out, jumping a bit and regretting it when you rock the carriage again. “nevermind that, what can i do? it’ll go down soon, you’ll be alright.”
“just keep holding my hand?” he squeezes your fingers lightly and your heart melts. you may have made a joke that he was just trying to trick you into holding his hand any other time, but the fear in his shaking body was real and you’d never tease him for that. 
“of course,” you press a kiss to his hair, moving your other hand slowly to wrap around your intertwined fingers. the wheel begins to turn again, swaying the carriage as it descends. you keep your grip on his hand tight the entire time, all the way until you’re on your feet again on steady ground. 
“i’m so sorry,” you begin to say, the horror of subjecting him to his fear creeping up now that the crisis has passed. 
“i’m going to marry you,” he says, cutting off your apology and lifting your hands to his mouth so he could press a kiss to the back of yours. “no one’s ever been able to keep me that calm. thank you.”
you were left speechless after that and all you could do was smile at him, the ghost of it not leaving your face for the rest of the night. 
your thirty first date with chan ends with you crying into changbin’s arms, utterly confused and the feeling of despair creeping up your veins. you had met him your cafe as you had done several times since the fair, but when you arrived he wasn’t there. he came late, dark storms in his eyes and a hard set to his jaw and you didn’t understand what had made him like that. the usual smile and twinkle in his eyes were missing, and when you and asked him about what was wrong he had snapped at you in a way you hadn’t been talked to in years. 
you had left after that, brushing him off when his eyes had widened and he reached for you while calling out your name. you know that you should have given him a chance to explain, but at the time you were too hurt to consider it. 
you made your way to changbin’s apartment without thinking, your feet taking you to safety before your head could catch up. changbin had taken one look at your face before wrapping you up in his arm, walking you to his couch so he could cuddle you properly while words spilled out of you like a leaky faucet. you felt like you were back in college, crying and blubbering over a boy who had rejected you at a party, and you hated it. 
you didn’t notice changbin sending an angry text to chan, but the sound of changbin’s door opening with a bang startled you out of your tears. chan bursts in like a whirlwind, his hair sticking up at weird angles and a look of panic on his face as he takes you in. he reaches the couch in a few strides and falls to his knees in front of you, holding a crumpled bag from the cafe in his hand and taking your cheek gently into his other. his thumb wipes at the tear tracks there and you could practically taste the guilt emanating off of him. 
“love, i am so sorry,” he starts, ignoring changbin when he scoffs at the apology. “i shouldn’t have snapped at you, i had no right to do that. i got some bad news this morning and i wasn’t feeling my best, and i should have been honest with you. i’ll never do anything like that again, please forgive me? i’ll do anything.”
it was more his voice than his words that did it - he sounded so desperate, like he was trying to hold
onto a ledge that was crumbling, threatening to hurl his body into eternal nothingness. you knew him, you knew he was sorry, and against your first instinct you trusted him when he said he wouldn’t do it again. 
“is that an almond croissant?” you eye the bag in his hand. 
“it’s two almond croissants,” he nods fervently, his hair swishing back and forth with the movement. you sit up, sliding out of changbin’s arms and onto the floor in front of chan. chan���s arms replace changbin’s easily when you lean into him, and it feels like coming home. 
“it’s not like i have a nice couch you could be sitting on,” changbin mutters as he leaves, shaking his head fondly at the two of you before making himself scarce. 
chan kisses you, cradling your head gently into his hands, and they’re so warm. he slides his lips against yours, slowly like he’s taking his time memorizing the planes of your mouth to commit to memory. even after kissing him dozens of times you still find new things to learn about each other. 
“i swear,” he says, pulling away to meet your eyes. “i’m going to marry you, someday.”
“keep getting me croissants as apologies and we’ll see,” you say, sniffling into his neck. 
your eighty seventh date was spent in your bed, your head spinning like both hands on a clock simultaneously and your body exuding more sweat than you ever have. 
chan is wringing out a cool cloth to place on your forehead and it feels so nice that you moan. 
“i’m sorry,” you mutter, and chan has lost count of the amount of times you’ve said it at this point. “we had a date and i ruined it.”
“we were going to see a movie,” he says, running a hand up and down your spine. “and we will. we don’t need a movie theater when we have a screen right here, hmm?” 
“but the popcorn,” you complain, closing your eyes in bliss when he runs a hand through your hair, scratching gently at your scalp. an apology for being so sweaty was at the tip of your tongue but you hold it back in favor of enjoying the feeling of his touch. 
“i’ll make you all the popcorn you want when you’re feeling better,” he promises, dropping a kiss to the side of your head. “for now, how does soup sound?” 
“popcorn soup?“ you ask, a wave of dizziness taking over your body; if you weren’t lying down already, you’re sure that too would be falling over. 
“yeah, baby,” and even in your delirium the fondness in his voice was prominent. he couldn’t hide it even if he tried. “i’ll make you some popcorn soup. get some rest okay?”
you’re asleep before he leaves the room, and you only wake up when he shakes your shoulder a bit and helps you into an upright position. he feeds you bites of what is definitely not popcorn soup after putting a movie on your laptop, the screen sitting at the foot of your bed. the both of you fall asleep before the movie finishes, but you don’t mind. 
he stays with you for days, making you soup and tea and toast and feeding you medicine and being an all-around angel as he nurses you back to health. by the time you’re better you think you’ve fallen back in love with him several times. 
as you had expected and warned him about, he catches your sickness the next week, and now it’s your turn to be his nurse. you try and do the same job he did, but his delirium seems worse. the silver lining is that his fever isn’t as bad, so you’re babysitting a babbling boyfriend more than a sick one. 
the night before his fever breaks is the worst, since he doesn’t even recognize you. you shake your head at his silliness when he asks who you are and calls you pretty. you smile when he takes your hand in his and asks you to come closer. 
you tear up when he tells you that he has a girlfriend that he loves very much and so even though you’re pretty he can’t do anything else because his girlfriend is the prettiest one in the whole world. you let a tear slip when he tells you that he can’t wait to propose to his girlfriend and that he’s going to marry her someday. 
you tell him that you have a boyfriend that you're going to marry someday, trusting that he wouldn’t remember it in the morning. 
your hundredth and fifth date was not unlike your fifth, or your tenth, or your ninetieth. two and a half years later, you were just as endeared by him and he was just as obsessed with you - even more so, if it were possible. 
he takes the time to tell you how gorgeous you look when he picks you up just like he does on every date, and you hide your disgustingly fond smile for him behind his back like you do every time you see him. 
he parks and runs around the car to let you out like he does every time you habit this restaurant, a little fancier than your usual best but it was a favorite of the both of yours - across the street from the bar the two of you had met at. 
you start walking before he does, letting him jog to meet you and complain about how you left him, just like you do every time. before him. you might have thought the monotony would have gotten tiring, but he had a fantastical ability to make every moment feel like the first despite their practiced nature. 
he calls your name from behind you right on schedule and you hum in acknowledgement, turning towards him absentmindedly. the second you lay eyes on him you’re completely alert, though; he isn’t jogging after you, but rather he’s kneeling on the sidewalk, a small box in his hands as he smiles up at you. 
“i’ve told you that i’m going to marry you more times than i can count,” he starts, eyes shining like the stars twinkling in the night sky above you. “but this time i’m asking you.”
“chan,” you choke out, hands coming up to cover your mouth as it quivers. tears spring to your eyes and you silently curse yourself - you always thought you’d be level headed when you got proposed to, but nothing could have prepared you for this, not even the thousands of declarations he had made to you prior. 
“i love you. you’re the only one in the entire universe that i need more than blood or breath, you’re the song that runs through my heart and the fire that leads my path when i’m lost,” his voice is thick, like he’s trying to hold back his emotions long enough to get his words out. “i never thought that i would feel so strongly for someone, i never thought that i deserved a love like this until i met you.”
he pauses as you walk closer to him, letting you approach him before he continues. 
“my love, my eternal light,” he’s tearing up now, blinking fast to keep the salty water at bay. “will you marry me?”
“chan,” you start, kneeling down next to him and taking his wrists in your hands. “i never told you this, but ever since that first day i knew. i knew that the drunk idiot that was hitting on me would be my husband.”
he chuckles, smiling delightedly as the tears finally spring from both of your eyes in unison.
“so?” he trails off, searching your face with his eyes, waiting. 
“oh!” you tighten your grip on him in an apology. “of course i’ll marry you, gosh i love you so much.”
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mrpenguinpants · 2 years
Please go out with me for tax benefits!
— When you randomly pointed to a handsome man and declared him to be your boyfriend, you didn't think it would get this out of hand. You just wanted a couples discount!
— Alhaitham, Ayato, and Kazuha
-> Part 2: Overdue Bills [Masterlist]
This was originally written for my upcoming "Help me break my engagement by marrying me instead." fic but I got carried away and it became too plot-heavy. So I made a new one. Most of these have nothing to do with money, I just thought the title was funny.
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You blame Kaveh for this. This is entirely his fault and you will not be convinced otherwise. If he hadn't opened his big mouth to Alhaitham about the fact you've been spouting that he was your boyfriend, then you wouldn't be in this mess. It wasn't even that serious, it's not like you were actually emotionally invested with the man and this was all a delusional dream. You barely knew the guy aside from the multiple rumors about him in the first place. You just needed to access some limited-edition books for your thesis and his name happened to be the easiest way to get ahold of them. Sure, you may be lying to authority for the better half of a year about your relationship with the scribe, but it's not your fault they didn't ask questions. If you happened to threaten to tell your very scary and very influential "boyfriend" about this "mistreatment", that's just a byproduct if anything. But now you have a very irritated silver-haired man crowding into your personal space asking why the hell you're announcing to the world that you're both in a relationship. It's creepy. He called you creepy. Is this where you roll over and die in shame?
You swear you didn't think it would get this out of hand. You just happened to spot him in the background while the librarian was giving you a hard time and your dumb brain-to-mouth filter was taking a break that day. So you just blurted that you were Alhaitham's partner and that he would be very upset to hear that you were being treated this way. It's not completely far-fetched, Alhaitham seems like a very, very, private person and on the off chance you were telling the truth? Well, the poor librarian didn't want to lose her job. Besides, it's not like you were planning on doing anything illegal and you don't think you're the absolute worst person to be fake-dating.
By some stroke of luck, or maybe he felt too much pity for you, Alhaitham decides to cut you a deal rather than get you kicked out of the Akademiya. He gets multiple love letters, confessions, and heart-eyed individuals trailing after him all the time. Frankly, he's getting tired of it and since you've already taken the liberty, he won't say anything if you don't say anything. Though he makes it clear that if you ever do anything embarrassing, you're taking the fall and he's going to pretend he doesn't know you. A bit harsh but that's only a safety net. Plus it's not like you actually want to date him so he wouldn't have any commitments. The added bonus is that since he's well-known for having a...rough personality, you don't need to act affectionately with the man or go the extra mile. As long as you have each other's backing, you'll get to check out any textbook you want for free and he gets to be left alone. So for both your benefits, to the rest of the Akademiya you and him are a couple.
You should have known this deal was way too good to be true. As soon as people hear that Alhaitham acknowledges that you're his partner, they're on you like rabid fungi. In comparison to the scribe, you're far easier to prod and poke for any gossip and your quiet day-to-day life is suddenly thrown into the wind. Multiple people a day come to bother you about what it's like to date the moody man. It gets to a point where you have to actually dress incognito just to go and get some coffee. Seriously, didn't people have deadlines and exams to prepare for then to hound you down to talk about your fake love life? Alhaitham is no help either, only shrugging off your complaints and telling you that this is what you agreed to.
He's a horrible partner, fake or not. This isn't your storybook romance where he suddenly falls in love with you, he straight up ignores you sometimes! If anything, this entire situation has stopped you from feeling intimidated by him. Before you wouldn't dare approach him, his appearance and body were enough for you to shy away. You're impulsive, not blind. Alhaitham is drop-dead gorgeous but now that you've reached such an absurd situation it stops intimidating you. You begin to regularly pester the man because you know that even though you're both not actually dating, it would look really bad if he shunned you constantly.
He actually doesn't mind you. Unlike Kaveh or anyone else who interacts with him, you know how to be quiet and independent. Most of the time you both sit in silence, the only noise between the two of you being the flipping of pages and the scratching of ink against paper. If you ever do speak, it's always with a purpose. It's just a bonus that while everyone stares at your table, no one ever approaches. If they need to speak with him, they see your body right next to him and they decide to come back at a later time when he's alone.
Over time, he finds himself seeking you out instead of the other way around. He's come to find your presence comforting and it's the only time when he can actually sit down and read. Being an observant person, he starts to notice your little habits. For one, touch seems to be how you interact with others. You always bump elbows whenever you greet him, pinching his half coat whenever you want to drag him to see whatever captured your attention, and nudging his arm with your hand whenever you need him to bend down so you can whisper something into his ear. He's honestly surprised and concerned that he doesn't push you away with your skinship. If it were anyone else, he would have sent them a sharp glare and pushed him off but he doesn't for you.
All things must come to an end eventually and you've finally finished writing the last sentences for your thesis. Your pat on the back is the firm shut of a book as a deep sigh escapes your lips. Tired but relieved. The goodbye is uneventful, you simply tell him that you don't need him to pretend to be your boyfriend and he's free to live out the single life. He just nods and with that, you're gone.
No one says anything when they notice that Alhaithem sits at a table alone for the nth time that week. There are a few whispers back and forth about how you either got fed up with this attitude or he realized that he was way out of your league. Either way, everyone assumes you and Alhaithem are no longer together and his routine before you arrived settles back in. Yet, he feels off. He refuses to call it longing, you both were hardly affectionate in the first place, but he feels a bit lonely without your presence beside him. it's been plaguing his mind ever since you packed your things and left. He's hardly been able to concentrate on his book, rereading the same sentence for the fourth time before snapping it shut. Letting out a deep sigh, he runs a hand through his hair before setting it against his closed eyes. What's gotten into him?
"Is this seat taken?"
His eyes shoot open, turning around to see you with an armful of books looking expectantly at him. You look nervous and he can't lie to himself that he doesn't find that just the slightest bit endearing. He can tell that you're struggling to carry all of them from the slight shake in your hands.
"I thought our deal was over?" he says this but he gets up anyways to take the books out of your hands and places them on the table. You just roll your eyes at him because of course that's what he would say first and push forward. You're probably the only one who would act so brazenly in front of him besides Kaveh but he doesn't find it irritating when you do it.
"What? So I need to be in a relationship with you just to sit at a table? I know your ego is big but not thattt big," you stretch your words as you settle comfortably into your seat.
He wonders when he started thinking of that specific chair as yours.
"No. I suppose not," he says with an exasperated smile as he sits back down. You beam back at him as you shuffle your chair closer to him as you open your textbook, your fingertips gave that familiar tug for him to lean in closer.
"Good, because I need some help with this section. I have no idea what the hell "bloom" is."
Although Valentine's day was mostly celebrated in Mondstadt and Sumeru, Inazuma still liked to dabble in the festivities during the day of love. Various couples' discounts on tricolored Dango or limited edition books from the Yae Publishing House. There was one popular series in particular that was having a huge discount to celebrate the holiday and even though you weren't in the market for a partner, you weren't going to pass up on such a steal. Only for your excitement to fall flat when the lady informed you that the discount was for couples only.
You can't believe this. You just stood in line for hours only for them to tell you this now? What kind of shady place was this? Of course, they didn't advertise the specifics of this sale, they knew this book was popular. People waiting in line wouldn't just walk away once they found out and they would end up paying full price! Well, two can play this game. You randomly gesture off to the side, saying that your boyfriend was just standing off to the side because he wanted to grab some refreshments. You aren't really looking where you're pointing, too busy digging through your pouch and counting your coins of mora before a sharp gasp stops you. The lady quickly bows and beams at you with a mega-watt customer service smile. She hands the book to you free of charge while profusely thanking you for your patronage. You look off to the side but you don't see anyone, but you weren't going to say no, so you shrug and take it. A free book is a free book.
To be fair, you were making it really easy for the Archons to mess with you. You hear whispers around you that you can't make out, anytime you glance at passing people, they quickly bow and shuffle along. You have a horrible sinking feeling forming in the pit of your stomach and you quickly rush home so you can avoid whatever the hell you just caused. Unfortunately, word travels fast in Inazuma, and every shop you pass by you're being confronted left and right with sales pitches and gifts of appreciation for your partner's hard work. All of which you decline, half of it because you're not actually in a relationship and the other half because you have no interest in their gifts. But you've already dug yourself this far in your grave so you just give a hasty no thank you as you try and dodge everyone who looks at you with that glimmer in their eyes. Who did you point at to receive this much praise?
Ayato is greatly confused when people approach him to congratulate him on his engagement. He wasn't planning on getting married any time soon, his duties as the Yashiro Commissioner taking up most of this time. Did the elders set someone up for him without informing him first? He's curious about who his mystery person is but everyone he asks doesn't seem to know where they went. Apparently, his fiancee is shy but humble, declining gifts from various shopkeepers no matter how expensive they are.
That's until one of the children points in your direction and his eyes slide over to you who looks just as confused as him. He's never seen you in his life and you don't look like anyone from a significant clan. He gets clued in that you boldly announced your relationship with him when you were checking out a specific book meant for couples only. Ah, he's starting to understand now. He offers a piece of candy for the helpful information as he makes his way over to you. His mysterious fiancee.
As soon as the man in front of you says Lord Kamisato's name, the uneasy weight in your stomach drops. You quickly spin on your heel to see the pale blue hair and amused light purple eyes. Oh. Oh, Archon's above, please, out of everyone you could have pointed to, please don't make it be the Yashiro Commissioner. You're about to burn this book into ashes and do a ceremony to banish whatever youkai were stored within the pages if you manage to make it out of this alive.
If Ayato was upset about this situation he's found himself in, it would be immediately wiped away because you look like you're about to collapse. He's trying his best to not laugh at your torment right in front of you, but the mix of emotions that's so openly displayed on your face is making it hard. It's obvious that you didn't mean for this to happen, you've just tripped and fallen into a web of misunderstandings. Too entangled to explain yourself without making a fool out of yourself.
If looks could kill, this storekeeper would be dead on the floor twice over. This man calls out to the Yashiro Commissioner, and just to add salt to the wound, proudly congratulates him on his engagement with you. You said nothing about an engagement, you're far too young to be thinking about that thank you very much. But Ayato just nods along with that ever-pleasant smile without bothering to correct the situation. You're not sure if you should be thankful or not. He might be planning your murder in his mind so you stay silent as well.
When Ayato's gaze shifts to you, you do what any creature does when they're in danger and there's nowhere to run. You hide. You automatically raise your book to cover your face so you don't need to look at the source of your embarrassment. Although it does nothing to hide just how red your face is, you don't see him and that's good enough for you. But this also means you don't see the questioning glance the storekeeper shoots Ayato about your behavior, to which Ayato gives a pleasant smile and waves a hand to dismiss the situation.
"Please excuse my fiancee, we didn't mean to announce our engagement so early," Ayato muses, and the storekeeper nods in understanding while you bring your book down low enough to peer over the edges of the pages. Is...is he covering for you? He looks down expectantly at you but when you don't move, he awkwardly coughs into his fist and tilts his head toward the shopkeeper.
"A-Ah yes, that's right! It was a slip of the tongue and I hadn't realized I said it out loud. Please excuse my behavior," you bow and you can hear Ayato turning his head to snort into his hand. This is awful. You think you would prefer if he just outted you so you didn't need to show the world how awful your acting skills are. This is why you read plays, not star in them. But the shopkeeper nods in understanding, apologizing for saying your engagement so loud for others to hear before you're leaving with Ayato's arm wrapped around your waist.
"I'm deeply sorry. There was a discount for couples only and I just pointed in a random direction and it just happened to land on you. I swear I didn't mean to start any of this," you quickly rush out as you bow before Ayato as soon as you're out of sight from the public eye. He still has that annoying look in his eyes but you're completely at his mercy right now. The smug bastard definitely knows that.
"It's no trouble at all. I found the situation quite entertaining," he chuckles before looking you up and down. Okay...a tiny bit weird but you suppose your actions are worse. There's a long silence between the two of you as if he's pondering something and you've had enough of today's events.
"Um...well if that's everything I'll be getting out of your hair. Please enjoy the rest of your day Lord Kamisato," you mumble as you turn to leave but his hand hooks onto the back of your kimono and drags you right back.
"Ah, ah. It would make a bad impression if my fiancee suddenly left me on Valentine's Day. Oh and please, call me Ayato," he smiles that same polite smile but his eyes tell a different story entirely. His smile even widens at how hard you're biting your lip as you match his with a strained one. For Archon's sake, you just wanted to buy a book, how did you get into this mess?!
As soon as Inazuma's borders reopened, you were jumping on the fastest ship back to Liyue. You even got extra lucky that your good friend Beidou happened to be on the pier and offered you a well-deserved ride back to your home free of charge. You've been so homesick but unable to leave due to the regulation the Electro Archon placed, so to say that you were excited to finally go back was an understatement. Although the Crux Fleet was mainly an armed carrier delivering goods between places separated by sea, it did occasionally transport passengers if they paid enough. It only made sense that others would be like you and wish to return home as soon as possible. It's too bad that one of them happened to take one look at you and decide that you were born to be his.
It's an incredibly awkward affair. This wealthy businessman doesn't appear to mean any harm but he's incredibly dense with no sense of social awareness. Although you've politely declined his advances, he doesn't seem to stop. Even when Beidou herself threatens to throw the man overboard, he just keeps his distance and makes heart eyes at you. Unfortunately for you, Beidou can't actually throw him into the cruel watery depths no matter how much you plead with her. The man seems to be an important figure from Snezhnaya so she can't exactly treat him badly. Thus you spend most of your time ducking away and running away from your creepy admirer.
You're usually not so bold but the mix of overwhelming homesickness and just wanting to get this journey over and done with, all of it compels you to act rashly. If your new admirer can't take a simple no then you'll find a different way and show him you're off limits. You've seen the man who sits on the crow's nest, you believe Beidou said his name was Kazuha, whose been a part of her crew for a while now. You've only made passing small talk with each other and he seems like a nice person, at least you hope so. Because as soon as his feet touch the ship's deck, you're throwing yourself at him. You have to give him credit, he has lightning-fast reflexes and is a lot stronger than his demeanor expresses since he manages to catch you and stop you both from sprawling across the floor.
You make a show of throwing your arms around him and whining about how he doesn't spend enough time with poor dear you. You can tell he's infinitely confused so you lean in and whisper into his ear about your creepy stalker who can't take a no. Your eyes desperately plead with him to play along with you, just until the ship reaches Liyue Harbour. It only takes Kazuha to look over your shoulder and lock gazes with said "stalker" before he's turning to you with the most tender smile on his lips and a soft apology for being neglectful. A promise to spend more quality time to make up for his behavior. You swear that should have been an omen because you feel your heart stop for a second right then and there.
It's not completely out there. As the lookout, he would have to stay up in the crow's nest most of the day, and given how soft spoken Kazuha normally is, he doesn't look like the confrontational type. But he does make good on his fake promise and you find yourself spending most of your time in the crow's nest with Kazuha rather than ducking into the shadows of the lower deck. Kazuha is a relaxing presence and you can understand why he stays up here rather than with the rest of the crew. The gentle sea breeze brushes through your hair and it's so peaceful all the way up in the sky. You're almost jealous that he has an anemo vision because you think you'd love to stay in the winds forever.
He's also a gentleman through and through. You're not entirely sure if he's just pretending alongside you or if that's just how he normally acts. You think both options are equally plausible and endearing. At some point, you forget that you're supposed to be doing this for show to keep a creepy man away from you and you genuinely start to seek him out. It's during one night when you watch Kazuha whistle a tune through a leaf that you realize just how deep you're in. Now your position is reversed and you start to feel like the creepy heart-eyed stalker. It's something that you must absolutely not let happen, not on your watch.
Your sudden distance from Kazuha leaves him a bit hurt. He knows that this originally started as an act but he felt that you and him were getting close to each other without any ulterior motives. That all your talks of your dreams and aspiration were real and meaningful. But now that you've suddenly pulled back, he question's if everything was made up in his head. It's not like you owe him anything, he decided to help you out from of his own volition. Beidou can only look at this scene painfully at her two idiotic friends pushing themselves away from each other because they can't sit down and talk it out.
She drags the two of you into a private room, her only warning to fix your emotional angst or she really will throw you both overboard. You both know she's entirely serious so you both obediently nod as she slams the door closed.
Beidou leans against the wooden crates with her head propped up with her arm. She should probably stop watching, she's being far too nosy with her friend's love life, but what kind of friend would she be if she wasn't? She hopes you both managed to talk it out and realize that you're both crushing hard on each other. She had been far too busy with Liyue fastly approaching to check in on your progress but from the looks of things, she thinks everything went well. With the red cheeks and your fingertips linked together, it's so cute that she wants to gag on her wine. Don't get her wrong, she's happy for you and Kazuha, but any more of this puppy love is going to send her into an early grave.
"You're not going to stay in Liyue?" she overhears you say. Huh? She honestly thought that Kazuha might pitch a tent and finally settle down with you but the small shake of his head and your fallen expression says otherwise. Damn, talk about a heartbreaker. But he gives you a soft expression, something really vulnerable, and his hand comes up to caress your cheek- and that's her cue to turn away. That's something that even she knows she shouldn't be watching. She instead takes another swig of her cup.
She looks up to see Kazuha standing beside her, the air of nature and sea breeze clinging to him wherever he goes. She politely doesn't bring up the charm clutched tightly in his hands.
"You sure about this kid?" Beidou asks, her eyes still trained on her empty cup of booze. She doesn't need to look to know that he's watching your back disappear into the crowd longingly.
"If I try to force something I know I'm not ready to finish, it would only lead to disaster. Right now isn't the right time. But I'm sure in the future, our paths will cross again," Kazuha nods to himself solemnly. This time Beidou does look at him before she shows a fond smile herself before she brings her arm back and slaps it against Kazuha's back. It's loud and hard enough to jolt him out of his temporary sadness.
"If you ever need a ride back to Liyue, just let me know. We'll get you there in no time lover boy," Beidou grins cheekily as Kazuha flushes a bright red. How cute, he can't even be honest with himself huh?
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nisuna · 8 months
Requesting Toji fucking a single mom. That’s it. Ily hope you’re doing good ❤️
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Hi Helloooo (Ily toooo), finally some goofy bickering and mindless smut 🥳 enough serious talk for now
Hope you enjoy! (read part 2 here!!)
TW: Pure smut, a lot of bickering, just a one night stand, right? or is it.., oraf (f. receiving), overstimulation, protected sex, a lot of positions, brat taming in a way, manhandling, tit sucking, Toji x single mom!reader, this turned out longer than I expected, 2.5k words
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---------------strictly 18+ MDNI-----------------
It was the first time you went out in months and you definitely weren't looking for a hook up. You just wanted to go out and have some fun, now that your kids were staying at their grandparents' for the weekend. So you definitely didn't expect to get hit on by the biggest man you've ever seen. His eyes were almost eating you alive. He even had his hand on your hip, while his thumb was gently swiping over the area. You were definitely enjoying yourself until he finally spoke up.
"First time here, doll?", he asked, full of confidence.
"Huh, doll?", you sounded confused. "Do people really use these nicknames nowadays?", you thought and felt your smile fade as you backed up a bit.
"What's wrong?", he felt his confidence crumble a bit. Usually, girls were eating the nickname right up. You definitely were a handful, but nothing he couldn't handle. Challenge accepted.
"Nothing really, I just haven't been flirted with in a long time and definitely not like that."
"I'll help you ease back into it, no problem.", surely, that had to convince you. However, you weren't playing along at all. You backed up even more.
He was starting to get impatient. Now he had to have you no matter what. "Why are you so difficult? I can show you a real good time. You'll be missin' out big time."
"You know what?", you approached him, "I'm not one of your dumb little girls that swoon at your every action you know", you answered while poking your finger right between his tits (were they bigger than yours?). You'd be lying if you said you weren't taken aback by his sheer mass, but you couldn't give in so easily.
"I know, I know, I haven't had a mature woman in a long time. Why don't you remind me what it's like?", he put his arm around your waist and pulled you flush against his hard chest.
"You yap a lot, you know that."
"Why are you holdin' back so much? I know you want me just as bad, hm?", he took a long whiff against your neck. You had to have nerves of steel not to whimper on the spot. "Pleasee", he fucking pouted at you.
"Shit, fine. But not here.", you finally gave in and he shot you the biggest grin you've ever seen a grown man do while he pulled you to one of the bathrooms.
"H-hold on. What are you, a horny teenager?", you panicked as soon as he picked you up and sat you down on one of the sinks.
"I might as well be. I'll do anything to get a taste of that delicious body of yours.", he stared you down and poked his tongue out. Shitty smooth talker.
As soon as he slottet himself between your legs, he began pulling at your dress. One of his hands went down between your legs and started rubbing at the already damp fabric while he licked a thick stripe up your neck.
"Shit", you tried to hold back your moans. He, however, showed no mercy as he began to suck on your neck, working down to your cleavage. As if to test the waters, he grabbed a handfull of your tit only to halt all movements.
"They're real, right?", he asked, almost too excited.
"Yeah, why? Did most of your other dolls have them done?", you fake mocked him before letting out a moan as he pulled his hand from between your legs and onto your chest.
"Yeah, not that I really care. Tits are tits. But yours definitely feel better than the last few I've had."
"Last few? How much does this man fuck?", you couldn't dwell on the thought for long though, because he was already pulling down your dress and latching his hungry mouth onto one of your nipples.
"Slow down ah- what if someone comes in?"
"Don't mind. They're probably too drunk to notice anyway." Thouché.
He was really taking his sweet time playing with your tits, but he must be getting restless as well, because he kept rubbing his hard cock against your, at this point, soaked panties.
"Are we gonna fuck, or are you just gonna dry hump me until you cum in your pants?"
"Better, I'll eat you out."
"Really? You don't seem like the type to just eat a girl out."
"Yeah, I usually just get my dick sucked. But I'm feelin' adventurous today because of you, mama."
"Mama, huh? I guess that's better than doll." You hummed and saw him get on his knees in front of you. Having such a huge man kneel between your legs definitely gave you an ego boost. So you were quick to put your legs over his shoulders and grab a handfull of his dark hair. He, however, didn't make a move and was just looking. Pulling on his hair and squishing his face between your thighs finally made him look up at you.
"Then you better get to work, I won't cum fron you just oogling me."
As soon as the words left your mouth, your panties were pulled to the side and your breath hitched as you felt his hot mouth on you.
"Just you wait", he mumbled between licks, "I told you, I'm gonna make it worth your while."
For having said that he doesn't do this often, he did have good technique. He mostly focused his tongue on your clit, alternating between flattening it and using just the tip. From time to time he even slipped a finger or two in to curl them exactly into your sweet spot. However, it was embarrassing how often he stopped just to breathe in your scent.
He even kept mumbling, "best pussy I ever had" between slurps. Your cheeks were getting hot and your hips started to move against his face. And with your teamwork it didn't take long for you to slap a hand over your mouth to muffle your lewd moans as you came on his tongue. Even after you've calmed down he kept his mouth on you making your legs tremble and toes curl in overstimulation. You had to yank on his hair to finally get him off of you.
When you looked at him, his eyes were blown wide and his chin was glistening with your juices. You didn't look any better, your hair was a mess and your skin was shining with sweat.
After he got back up and pressed himself against you, he asked, "Round two at your place?" Not that you'd ever admit it, but he had you hooked. So, of course, you gave him a nod and he gave you a satisfied grin in return.
As soon as both of you arrived home, he didn't waste any more time and clothes were flying off faster than you had anticipated.
He's never impatient with hookups. Afterall, they're usually the ones that beg him to finally fuck them. But you were far too composed, even squeezing in some snarky remarks here and there. He knew you'd be trouble after your first interaction at the club. You weren't easy and his ego told him that he had to have you no matter what. But he didn't expect you to stay so calm. You had him practically begging to finally get inside of you. Finally a worth opponent, huh? He didn't even argue when you told him he had to wear a condom.
When he finally had you where he had wanted you all night, naked and in bed, he smirked and ripped the condom wrapper with his teeth.
"I gotta be the biggest one you've ever had.", he boasted while rolling the condom on.
"Don't flatter yourself", you lied. Any virgin would be shaking in her boots at this sight. You haven't had any action in a long time, but you are definitely no virgin. Surely you could take it, right?
"I'll make sure you'll never forget my dick. You'll want to come back for more. Not that you can have it again, anyway. No offence, commitment just isn't my thing. One night stands is where I shine. So, don't catch feelings alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, you yap way too much. Just shut up and give it to me.", was the last thing you said before pulling him into the first kiss of the night.
He was a little taken aback by your sudden boldness. He's not a big kisser, but this feels quite nice. So it didn't take long for him to compose himself and slowly press into you.
You overestimated yourself a bit, as the first stretch felt like you were about to rip in half, especially once he bottomed out the first time. But mama didn't raise no quitter, so you took it like a champ and dug your nails into his back instead of whining about it. However, some tears did manage to make their way into your eyes and you fully expected a snarky comment to come your way, but to your surprise, he leaned down to kiss them away.
You could cut the tension with a knife as you both just looked at each other. To lighten the mood you playfully hit his chest and chuckled. "Wow, didn't know you could be such a gentleman. But enough now", you put your arms around his neck and pulled him close. "Fuck me till I pass out", you purred into his ear.
After that, he finally snapped out of his trance and went to pound town. The first few thrusts almost knocked the wind out of your lungs, but once you got used to them, you felt extra daring.
"That all you got?", you challenged.
He didn't react at first, but he was determined to shut you up. He looked strong, but you were still taken aback when he pulled you up with him as he knelt down on the bed. One arm was behind him supporting his weight and the other was grabbing a handfull of your ass. He smirked at your shocked expression and you couldn't contain your voice when he started to pound into you from below.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned down, pressing your lips against his. You were trying your hardest to muffle the embarassing moans that just kept spilling out of your mouth at his every move. He felt his ego rejuvenate at your obedience, which is why he started to kiss you back with much more enthusiasm than before.
"Feels good, right? Nobody's ever fucked you this good, huh?", he mumbled against your lips. You frantically shook your head, going right back to kissing him. It felt overwhealming at first, but you found your composure soon enough. He was trying his hardest to tame you, increasing his speed and spanking your ass between thrusts. But even that didn't shut you up so he finally snapped.
"You've been running that mouth of yours the whole night. Don't you think it's about time you finally shut up and take it. Just lay there and look pretty."
You cracked a smile and whispered, "make me."
Now he's had it with you. Before you could react, he pulled out of you and turned you on your tummy.
And before you could make another snarky remark, he pushed back into you and pulled your back flush against his chest. He's holding you up with one arm while sticking his thick fingers in your mouth. You felt drool drip out of your mouth and your eyes roll back at the new angle.
For the first time tonight, you were truly speechless and his ego grew incredibly more as he started to pound into you.
"Good girl, fucking finally."
You instinctively started sucking on his fingers at the praise. Is this what they call brat taming? It's actually quite nice being manhandled like that.
After a while he pulled his fingers out of your mouth and went straight between your legs. You let out the most obscene mewl, throwing your head back on his shoulder as soon as his fingers started to rub tight circles in your throbbing clit.
"Cumming on my cock will feel much better. I can promise you that."
And god, he didn't lie because the orgasm in the bathroom doesn't compare to what you're feeling right now. He had your back arching in his tight hold and you felt yourself go limp as he just used you. It didn't take long for him to reach his limit as well and he came with a low groan and bite to your shoulder.
He barely caught you after he let go and you almost fell face first on your bed from exhaustion. This fuck has definitely been worth your while.
You two didn't speak much after that as you went to clean up in the bathroom. This was it, right? It's kind of a shame that you were never going to see him again. It was nice having some company, but oh well.
"See yourself out once you've finished alright?", was the last thing you said before lying down.
Usually, that would be it, right? That's his thing, just a quick fuck and then dip. But oddly enough today, that just didn't feel right. It's been a long time since a woman made him sweat so much. Girls in their early twenties truly didn't compare to you. So when he saw you just laying there so peacefully he felt an urge to stay longer.
"I'll just leave as soon as I wake up. One night won't hurt."
You were already fast asleep when he snuggled up to your side. So much for not catching feelings, huh?
When you woke up, it was with his heavy arm draped over your waist. You rubbed your eyes and tried to sit up, but no chance with the tight grip he had on you. So you opted for shaking him.
"What are you still doing here? I thought you said you only do one night stands.", you questioned. With a groan he finally gave you room to turn around and face him.
"Answer me now.", you poked and pulled on his cheek.
"Just leave me be. Your bed's way comfier than mine and it smells nice, too." In his sleep drunken state, he nuzzled his face against yours. He was nothing like the man you got to know yesterday. He was kind of cute, actually. So you just sighed and didn't resist his hugs.
"Want to stay till breakfast?" Nod. You didn't expect this outcome, but oddly enough, it wasn't an unwelcome one. You missed sharing a bed with someone anyway, so where's the harm in trying it out with him. You're gonna enjoy this for as long as it lasts. Who knows what'll happen.
Tell me what you think!! xoxo
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yikes-aemond · 1 month
I love you. It's ruining my life. (Part IV)
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pairing: Benjicot Blackwood x Bracken!fem!reader (no descriptions of reader except that she wears dresses and has long hair)
warnings: canon typical violence, cursing, death 
summary: You and Benjicot Blackwood plan for the future. Things don’t quite go as planned. 
word count: 5.1k 
author note: Thank you all so much for your patience! I will not lie—this part was a struggle to write. I think I rewrote it at least three times, and I am still not sure if I’m absolutely satisfied. Fair warning, I’m putting our lovebirds through the ringer, but do not worry—I’m a girl who loves a happily ever after. Also, no smut in this part, but stick around for part five. Happy reading!
part i can be found here, part ii here, and part iii here.
“Have you lost your mind?” 
You could not have heard him correctly. Surely Benjicot Blackwood had not just asked you to marry him, while you were half naked. 
You hurried to adjust your dress and cover yourself in a desperate attempt to establish some sense of dignity and propriety in this moment. Had you not been overwhelmed by the day, had you not been so taken off guard, you might have responded a little more kindly to a proposal from your beloved.
Benjicot laughed as he watched you try to gather your wits about you. He followed your direction, adjusting his breaches so that everything was tucked back into its proper place.
Once you were both decent, Benjicot reiterated, “I am quite serious. We should marry this evening.”
You shook your head, mind racing as you tried to comprehend what he was saying, what he was asking. For years, you had watched Benjicot from afar. Watched the way he grew into a man, into someone that people feared and respected in equal measure. Being with Benjicot was always your dream. The one you had tucked away in your heart for years, never to see the light of day should you dare to do the most dangerous thing in all of Westeros—hope. 
And now he was asking you to marry him. You felt unbalanced, unsteady. Your head and your heart were at war. 
You managed to get off the bed. Needing a moment to collect yourself, you put some distance between you and Benjicot and moved back across the room to the fireplace. 
When you turned back to Benjicot, you saw that he had not moved. His eyes were fixed on you, that predatory gaze locked onto your form, waiting for your response. 
That look in his eyes never failed to make you squirm. The weight of that stare made you think he could hear every thought in your head, all your secrets and dreams. 
You sighed, breaking eye contact and said, “You know that our families will never allow it.”
Benjicot stood then, and slowly stalked toward you. With each step, you felt your heartbeat pound louder against your chest. You had thought that the longer you spent in his presence, the more you would become used to him. But you could not deny the effect Benjicot had on you, on your body. 
Benjicot took your hands in his, and pulled you against him. Placing your hands on his chest, he rubbed his thumbs over the scrapes you had gotten earlier in the woods. Had that only been this morning? Time seemed to hold no meaning in this room. A prison that now felt like a sanctuary. 
“That is why we must marry tonight.” Benjicot smiled, and then placed a kiss on your brow. “By the time they find out, it will be too late.” 
You pulled back, just enough so that you could look at his face. “And do your really expect your father and Black Aly to welcome me into the family with open arms?” 
Benjicot was still smiling, still so sure of his plan. “They will once they see how happy we are. How much we love each other.” He shrugged before continuing, “And we would not be the first Blackwoods and Brackens to marry. Others have done it in the name of peace.”
“But our families do not seek peace now!” You practically shouted, frustration coloring your tone. “We are on the brink of war, and our families stand on opposite sides.”
You tried pulling away, but Benjicot tightened his arms around you, stilling your struggle. Whatever good humor Benjicot had was slowly leaching from his features. “You know as well as I do that Queen Rhaenyra is the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.”
You closed your eyes and took a steadying breath.“Of course I agree with you, but that does not change the fact that my father will disown me if we do this. I will never be able to return home.”
Benjicot pressed another kiss to your temple and whispered against your skin,“Would that be such an awful thing?”
You felt your heart jerk at his question. The idea of never seeing your family again, of never being welcomed home, of never eating your cook’s fruit pies or riding through the moorlands outside of Stone Hedge on a misty morning, or gods never visiting your mother’s gravestone, was enough to send a wave of nausea through you. 
You hid your face against his chest. “My father was not always the most loving, but he is my father. For all the faults you may find with him, he has never been cruel to me.” 
Benjicot felt the shift in your mood, could practically feel the sadness and desperation radiate from the points where you touched. He knew the sacrifice he was asking you to make was no small thing. He rubbed his hands up and down your arms, trying to comfort the turmoil within you. 
You could not stop the tears even if you wanted to. You did not wail, did not scream at the unfairness of your situation, did not rail against the old gods and the new for cursing your families and subjecting them to an endless blood feud. For what else could this ancient, hateful grudge between the Blackwoods and Brackens be except for a curse? 
Even if you could convince your father to bless a marriage between you and Benjicot, any children between you would be enlisted to the war. Generations of prejudice had proven that. It was no matter that the Bracken or Blackwood on the other side would be a cousin. No matter that no one could remember how the hatred between your two families even began. No matter how senseless the bloodshed would be. 
This was your and Benjicot’s world. You could not run from the truth of your situation, could not hide from your fates. Not if you wanted your love to withstand.
And even though the thought of never going back to Stone Hedge was devastating, the thought of never seeing Benjicot again was unthinkable. Never hearing his voice or his laugh. Never seeing his smiles. Never having him hold you in his arms. You could not bear the separation, not after having a taste of what your life could be like together. 
Your tears slowed and your breathing evened out. Whatever doubts that had plagued your mind were banished. Resolution steeled your spine. You took a fortifying breath and lifted your head from Benjicot’s chest. With a watery smile on your face, you said, “I accept your proposal, Benjicot Blackwood.”
Benjicot’s joy was infectious. Smiling wide and bright, he lifted you into his arms and kissed you with such a reverence that left your breathless. Gods, you loved this man. Wanted him again and could not imagine ever being parted from him. The very thought of being separated was enough to send a panic through you. 
You wrapped your arms around Benjicot’s neck and tangled your hands in his hair, your tongue in his mouth. You felt his joy in that kiss. And you let that joy into your heart. Let it fill and warm you. In this moment, you allowed yourself to be happy. 
The impossible dream was becoming a reality. 
When Benjicot had proposed, he did not have an actual plan. He did not have any rings or a marriage cloak. As a Blackwood, he preferred to have a ceremony before the old gods in front of the ancient, colossal weirwood tree in the godswood. 
Because there were no clergy associated with the old gods, the current Lord Blackwood usually performed marriage ceremonies at Raventree Hall. But seeing as his father would likely oppose the marriage, that left Benjicot with few options. With a little convincing, or in Benjicot’s case, a little threat of bodily harm, the maester finally agreed to perform the ceremony. 
You could not stop smiling as Benjicot snuck you out of your rooms. With each passing hallway and corridor, you felt your excitement grow. You could barely contain your glee as you clung to each other, arms linked and hands intertwined, as you made your way into the godswood.  
The maester stood before the weirwood tree, with only the moonlight and a few lanterns to light the way. Hundreds of ravens were to be your witnesses. On any other night, feeling the weight of all those eyes watching you might have felt unsettling. But nothing could spoil this moment, nothing could come between you and Benjicot— 
“What in the Seven Hells do you think you’re doing?” 
Every muscle in your body tensed. Panic settled in your chest, and you felt your stomach drop. 
Black Aly stood at the edge of the godswood, her bow and arrow knocked and poised to strike.  
You felt the world shift. One moment you were standing beside Benjicot, and the next, Benjicot stood in between you and Aly, putting himself in the way of the arrow that had been aimed at your chest. 
“Lower the bow, Aly.” Benjicot’s voice was hard and low. You watched as he moved his hand to the hilt of his dagger, ready to draw the blade at any moment. 
Even from a distance, you could see Aly roll her eyes at Benjicot’s actions, but she did not lower her bow. “Do not overwork yourself, nephew.” 
You grabbed the back of Benjicot’s cloak, pulling slightly as if to hold him back. You glanced wearily back and forth between the Blackwoods. Two warriors preparing to battle. The last thing you wanted was for there to be violence. For surely a duel between Bloody Ben and Black Aly would be a fight for the ages. 
Benjicot’s body was tense as yours. He did not truly believe that Aly would hurt you. Aly was tough but fair, and underneath her brash attitude and hostility, she had a gentle heart. But he would not risk you. Would not allow anyone to threaten or harm you. Not when he had the ability to protect you. 
Benjicot pulled out his dagger. “Put the bow away, Aly. I will not ask again.”
You wanted to step in between them like you had done in the fight with Aeron. But this situation was different. This was two Blackwood who were taking the measure of each other, testing how far the other was willing to go. You could not intervene, even if the sight of an arrow pointed at Benjicot was enough to send your blood running cold. 
After what felt like hours, Aly lowered her bow. Sighing, she returned the arrow to her quiver. Only then did Benjicot sheath his dagger. 
“You sure have a flare for the dramatics, nephew.”
Now it was Benjicot’s turn to roll his eyes. “Says the woman who had an arrow aimed at my betrothed.”
Your heart fluttered at the word. 
Aly huffed out a laugh. “Is that what she is to you? Your betrothed? I do not recall your father agreeing to any such arrangement.” 
Benjicot remained in front of you, a barrier between you and Aly. “I asked for her hand, and she accepted.”
Aly stood with her hands on her hips, eyes directed toward the heavens. She looked as if she were searching for patience amongst the stars. When she cut her gaze back to Benjicot, you could not miss the look of pity that flashed across her face. 
“Benji, you know that you cannot marry her.” 
You reached for Benjicot’s hand, needing his touch and warmth to ground you in this moment. Whatever happiness you had felt, whatever joy that you had shared, was now slowly falling through your grasp. 
Black Aly would never allow you two to marry. Not like this. 
But Benjicot’s stubbornness was no light thing. “I love her, Aly. I will marry her, and you cannot stop me.”
Just as Aly was about to respond, you saw her face pale and expression grow uneasy. And when you heard the voice behind you, you understood why. 
“You would be wise to reconsider that position, son.” 
If you had thought you felt panic before, that was nothing to the sickening feeling that plagued you now. 
Because standing on the opposite side of the godswood, directly across from Aly, was Lord Samwell Blackwood. Benjicot’s father, and your own father’s sworn enemy. And with him stood a dozen Blackwood guards, each looking between you and Benjicot with expressions that ranged from disbelief to disgust. 
You had never been formally introduced to Lord Blackwood. He was a rather tall man, with hair as black as a raven’s wing. His close-cropped beard was the same. Like Benjicot, his gaze was enough to send a lesser man cowering. And right now that gaze was cold and enraged and fixed on you and Benjicot. 
If Benjicot had not been holding your hand, you would have been trembling. The two of you were trapped. 
“Are you so eager to start a war, Benjicot?” Lord Blackwood asked, his tone was like ice. “For some Bracken wench?” 
You felt Benjicot’s hand tighten around yours, almost to the point of pain. One glance at Benjicot told you that he was furious. His glare held that feral edge, and he was close to snarling. Bloody Ben was backed into a corner, and he looked itching for a fight. Even if that fight was against his own father.
“You will mind how you speak about my lady, father.” Had you not been so fearful for your life and his, you would have thought that declaration rather romantic. 
Lord Blackwood did not look impressed. “Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you and your lady have brought to our door, Benjicot?” 
“We wish to marry, father.” Benjicot glanced at you as he said, “We love each other.” 
A long suffering sigh escaped from Lord Blackwood as he motioned for his men to stand down. “That does not change the fact that she is a Bracken. You cannot simply marry her without expecting there to be consequences.”
“I am prepared to accept any consequence if it means we can be together.” The surety in Benjicot’s tone was enough to ease the fear that had gripped you since you had been discovered. You could help but give him a small smile. 
A smile that Lord Blackwood did not miss. “And you, Lady Bracken?” Lord Blackwood sneered. “Are you prepared to face the consequences of this marriage? Your father will seek retribution for this little act of rebellion. Are you prepared to have blood on your hands?” 
Now you were the one who squeezed Benjicot’s hand. Lord Blackwood terrified you, and so did his words. You did not wish to be the cause of another fight between the Blackwoods and the Brackens, did not want to send anyone to their death because you fell in love with someone who was never meant to be yours. 
Benjicot nudged his shoulder against yours, offering you what strength he could. With him standing at your side, you found the courage to meet Lord Blackwood’s gaze. “Whatever trials and tribulations may come our way, Lord Blackwood, I am prepared to meet them with Benjicot as my lord husband.” 
Even without looking at him, you could feel Benjicot’s eyes on you as you held your own against his father. Could feel how proud he was of you for defending your future together. 
Taking another breathe, you could not help but add, “You speak of my hands becoming bloody,  but I could not think of anything more fitting for a woman betrothed to Bloody Ben Blackwood.” 
The silence in the godswood was deafening. 
Every person and creature seemed to be holding their breath for Lord Blackwood’s response. You did not dare break eye contact with him, determined to hold your ground and prove yourself worthy of being Benjicot’s wife. 
Lord Blackwood finally moved his gaze from you and back to Benjicot. “We will treat with Lord Bracken tomorrow. Offer him a parley. You will ask his permission to marry his daughter. You will accept his decision, no matter what he says.” 
“Father! You know he will not—”
But Lord Blackwood had heard enough. Holding up his hand, he demanded silence. “Those are my terms, Benjicot. Be grateful I am allowing this much.” 
A weariness had settled over Lord Blackwood’s features. Although he was still a man in his prime, in that moment, he looked aged and tired. As he turned to leave the godswood, he said, “We stand on the brink of war. The Targaryens are at each other’s throats since King Viserys passed. Soon House Blackwood will be asked to choose a side, and you have allowed your foolish heart to guide your choices.” 
You could tell Benjicot wanted to protest, wanted to push back on his father’s orders. He knew as well as you did that convincing your father to allow the two of you to marry was going to take an act of the gods. 
And even though Benjicot knew when to pick his battles, knew when he had lost a fight, he could not help but have the last word. “There are worse things to be guided by than one’s heart, father.” 
Benjicot’s words gave Lord Blackwood pause. For a moment, you thought he might respond, might reprimand Benjicot for his lack of respect. Only when Lord Blackwood continued walking out of the godswood did you feel like you could breathe again. 
The Blackwood guards followed their ledge lord, leaving you, Benjicot, and Aly in the presence of the ravens. You could have collapsed from exhaustion. You felt wrung out from the day. Too much had happened in such a short period of time, and your body was protesting. 
Aly approached and stopped just short of you and Benjicot. “Well, that did not quite go as I expected.”
Benjicot rounded on Aly, and with animosity in his voice, he asked, “Why did you stop us?”
Aly stared at Benjicot like he had grown a second head. “We’re trying to prevent a war, Benji. Had the two of you married, Bracken would have shown up here with a thousand men seeking your head. You might love each other, but is that love really worth the lives of hundreds? Thousands?” 
“You are overreacting—”
Aly shoved at Benjicot’s chest. “And you are being an idiot! Use your head, Benji. If you had married in secret, the Brackens would have stopped at nothing to avenge that insult. You know that, even if you are too blind to see it.” 
With a softer tone, Aly continued, “Be grateful your father is supporting you in this. He could have just as easily returned her to Stone Hedge. You have a chance.”
Benjicot scoffed. “A chance? Do you really believe—”
“Enough.” You cut Benjicot off before he could say another word. You took his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. “My father may hate Blackwoods, but he is not unreasonable. We will convince him.” 
You could tell that Benjicot was struggling to control his temper. He was still running hot from the confrontation with Aly and his father. Bloody Ben was lingering too close to the surface. You pulled his face toward yours and pressed a kiss to his lips. Nothing more than a gentle peck, but enough to distract him. 
When you pulled back, you could see that some of the edge had worn off. Benjicot’s face was calmer, less hostile. “I love you, Benjicot Blackwood. I do not plan to give you up without a fight.” 
Benjicot smiled at your words, the soft smile he reserved just for you. He wrapped his arms around you, tucking you under his chin. “My brave girl. I pity any man who would dare cross you.”
You held each other for a moment before Aly cleared her throat. “If you two are finished, I’m going to escort little Bracken back to her rooms.” 
With a quick kiss to your head, Benjicot released you and said, “Sleep well, my lady.” 
You did not want to leave Benjicot, but you knew there was no way Aly was going to let you stay with each other. As you followed her out of the godswood, you could not help but take one last look at Benjicot. 
You nearly stumbled when you saw him. Beneath the ancient weirwood tree, bathed in moonlight and surrounded by ravens, stood Benjicot. His head bowed as if in prayer. 
You did not have to guess what he was praying about. You only hoped that the old gods were listening. 
The only neutral territory acceptable to both the Blackwoods and the Brackens were the boundary stones near the old windmill. The day was overcast and cold, with the wind tearing through the cloak Aly had lent you.
Aly had not left your side since collecting you from your rooms that morning. You and Benjicot had been kept separated for the entire journey. You had asked for him, begged Aly to allow you two a moment alone, but she had refused. Lord Blackwood was keeping both she and Benjicot on a tight leash until this matter was settled. 
To say you were nervous was an understatement. You had tossed and turned the entire night, too anxious to close your eyes for fear of what your dreams may hold. You might have been confident with Benjicot the night before, but in truth, you had no idea how to convince your father to allow you to marry. 
The Brackens had arrived first. 
A host of about fifty men had gathered on their side of the boundary stones. A sea of red and gold with a few horses scattered in the mix. You did not miss how all the men were armed with swords at the ready. 
And in the front, seated atop his favorite war horse and adorned in battle leathers, was Amos Bracken. Your father.  
Amos Bracken was not as tall or built as Samwell Blackwood, but you knew your father to be a proficient swordsmen and respected fighter in his own right. You had no doubt that should this come to blows, he would hold his own. 
Aeron stood beside him. A united front against their perceived enemies. And while your father’s face was blank of all emotions, calm and controlled, Aeron’s disdain for the Blackwoods was clear for all to see. 
The Blackwood host equalled that of the Brackens’. You had ridden to the neutral ground on the back of Aly’s horse. You had tried to spot Benjicot all morning, but there were too many men, too much chaos. The closer you got to the boundary stones, the more you felt Aly tense in front of you. 
When you finally stopped, Aly directed you to the front of the vanguard. She had drawn her bow the moment your feet hit the ground. 
Your first sight of Benjicot sent your heart thumping. His dark hair was mussed, as if he had run his hand through it multiple times. But that was the only sign that Benjicot felt uneasy. His posture was relaxed, and his mouth was fixed in a smirk, like this meeting was an every day occurrence. He showed no fear. 
Aly stopped you slightly behind and to the right of Benjicot. You saw the moment when your father and Aeron spotted you. Your father’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Aeron’s face twisted into a mix of shock and disbelief. 
You swallowed down the fear and anxiety. Swallowed down the nausea that threatened to upend your breakfast. Swallowed down any uncertainty you felt. You had to present a strong front to your father and his men. Otherwise, they would pounce on any hesitation and demand that you be returned home. 
Lord Blackwood broke the silence first. “Amos. A pleasure as always.”
“Cut the shit, Blackwood,” Lord Bracken snarled, “and return my daughter to me.” 
The words were not unexpected. You tensed as Aeron shifted his hand to the sword at his side, stomach twisting as he gripped the hilt. 
You exhaled a long breath and fixed your gaze on your father. “I am well, father. The Blackwoods have treated me kindly.”
Lord Bracken’s face darkened, and you instantly regretted speaking. “I do not want to hear a single word from you.”
Your cheeks flamed at the dismissal, but you refused to lower your eyes. Refused to cower before your family. “Then I am sorry to disappoint you, father.”
“You insubordinate, ungrateful—”
“Lord Bracken,” Benjicot interjected, stopping your father from insulting you further. “I am here to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.”
You did not so much as breathe as you waited for your father to respond. 
And waited. 
And waited. 
The longer you waited, the more panic seeped into your veins. But when your father finally responded, you wished that he had not. 
With a sneer on his face, your father glared at Benjicot when he said, “I would sooner feed my daughter to one of those Targaryen dragons before marrying her to some Blackwood cunt.” 
You had felt like someone had knocked the air from your lungs. You had never seen such hatred on your father’s face. Had never heard his voice sound so cold and cruel. You knew that he hated the Blackwoods, but to sentence you to death rather than let you marry? 
You looked at your father like he was a stranger. 
You heard angry shouts and curses behind you from the Blackwood host. Felt that the bloodlust in the air had upped a notch. 
Lord Blackwood held up a hand to silence his men. “Careful, Bracken.” 
“My daughter was taken by your son. Subjected to gods knows what. I will not be careful, Blackwood.” 
“That’s not true, father!” You shouted, launching yourself to stand before your father. You had to find some way to convince him, some way to get him to listen. “Benjicot and I are in love. Please, just listen to us.” 
Your father scoffed. “Love? Between a Bracken and a Blackwood? Do not make me laugh.” 
The Bracken host jeered at your father’s word, laughing and snickering at the very idea of you and Benjicot being together. You even heard a man call out, “Blackwood whore!” 
You did not see Benjicot move. Did not see him reach for the dagger at his hip. Did not see him launch the blade into the air. 
But you could not miss the dagger embedding itself into the man’s throat. Could not miss the splattering of blood or the final wheeze of breath the man took before falling to the ground. Dead in the blink of an eye. 
A scream tore from your throat. You whipped around to look at Benjicot and found Bloody Ben instead. His eyes held that crazed, feral look, but there was no smirk.
Every Blackwood and Bracken standing in that field un-sheathed their weapons. 
“You may insult me all you wish, Bracken!” Benjicot called out, moving forward. “Call me a cunt. Call me craven. I do not care.” He stopped next to you and took your hand. "But I will cut down any man who dares to say such vile insults to my lady. Of that, I promise you.”
Your father did not look pleased by that declaration. If anything, he looked more enraged than before. “You violate the terms of this parley, Blackwood. You have spilled Bracken blood. I have the right to demand your head. But I will settle for the return of my daughter. Now.” 
You were close to tears. Nothing you or Benjicot said moved your father. He was determined to hold onto his hatred, to see the Blackwoods in the worst possible light. But you could not give up—you had to try. 
“Father, please,” your voice broke at the words, “I know that the feud between our families has lasted for a millennium. I know that the thought of a Blackwood and Bracken being together, of loving one another, is inconceivable to you. I know that this is not the life you wished for me. But I have lovedBenjicot since I was a girl.” You took a quick glance at Benjicot to give you strength. “And he loves me. I humbly ask you to grant our union.” 
Your father refused to look at you. Refused to acknowledge your words or pleas. You clutched Benjicot’s hand tighter. For you knew what was coming. Knew that your father was about to crush whatever hope you still held onto. 
Ignoring you and Benjicot as if you were insignificant, he directed his words to Lord Blackwood, “I do not give my blessing to this marriage. Return my daughter to me or we will have war.” 
Your vision swam and your ears began ringing. Somewhere in the distance you heard Lord Blackwood sigh and give the command. Your hand was ripped from Benjicot’s, by whom you did not know. You felt as if the entire world had spun off its axis. How had everything gone so wrong? 
One moment, you were standing next to Benjicot, his warm hand against yours, and then in the blink of an eye, you were on the other side of the boundary stones, with Aeron leading you away.
You felt as if you were disconnected from your body. Aeron’s arms were around you, guiding you. You were vaguely aware that he was trying to say something, speak to you about what had happened. But you felt nothing. Heard nothing. A numbness had settled over you. 
Only when you heard Benjicot call out your name did you snap. 
You shoved against Aeron, tried to run back across the boundary stones to Blackwood land, back to your love, but Aeron held firm. You struggled against him, screaming and hitting and kicking, but your strength was no match for his. 
You looked across the field to see Benjicot being held back by three men. He was snarling and raging, but the men held firm and forced him to his knees. You watched as Aly tried to speak to him, tried to calm him down. 
But there was no calming Bloody Ben. Not now. Not when his lady had been taken from him. 
When Benjicot saw that you were watching him, saw that you were struggling against your own constraints, he stopped. His eyes were wild and fierce and held the promise of retribution. With laboring breaths Benjicot shouted across the field, “I will come you for you, my lady!” He vowed. “I will always come for you!” 
You sobbed at his words. Sobbed for the happiness and hope that you had felt only hours before. Sobbed for the future you might have shared together.
For the second time, you were forced to leave Benjicot behind in this accursed field. Only this time, the heartbreak was so much worse. You had gotten a taste of the impossible dream, gotten so close to getting everything you wanted.
Your dream had become a nightmare. 
final author note: I know! I know! We have to suffer before things get better. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Love you babes xx
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vickiee-mcmuffin · 2 months
Word count: 3k
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader
Trope: Explicit smut, Age gap (18+ Warning, Minors DNI)
Summary: You see Stephen's jealous side come out after he sees some guy talking to you at an event.
A/N: I don't even remember this being one of my older fics... but I found it buried deep in my Google Docs last night. I think this was one of my first-ever fics, but I honestly don't remember.
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You and Stephen didn’t have a conventional relationship. Not in a romantic way, at least. You were his student. You trained together. Talked. Got along most of the time. And you also slept with him... A lot. You were fucking each other on the regular and not a single person back at Kamar Taj knew about it – which worked out well for the both of you. You both had fun together with no strings attached. You didn’t have to talk about your past, about your days – sometimes you didn’t even ask how he was feeling. But that’s how it was between you two. You just had sex. That was it.
Which was why you and Stephen didn’t walk hand in hand to the event you were both invited to. You weren’t his girlfriend. So why would you be his date? Especially when he hardly ever showed up to events. But he was at this one – looking as handsome as ever in his Armani suit. And you were feeling wildly confident in your red dress and high heels and perfectly applied makeup. You had arrived at the same time, the both of you pushing your way through the crowd as you made your way to the entrance.
“The place is pretty packed,” he mumbled into your ear.
You nodded. “It’s so busy.”
You kept silent as you made your way inside, doing your best to avoid the large crowd of people. Your sharp heels clicked on the ground as you moved up the stairs, finally getting inside the venue. Music was blasting and people were talking and you could barely focus on your thoughts. But Stephen dragged you over to a secluded corner where you could both get settled.
“Would you like a drink?” you asked Stephen.
He took a seat and smiled at you. “Yeah. Please.”
You spun on your heels, searching for the bar. The second you left, you saw a rather large group of people surrounding Stephen. You shrugged at the scene and kept walking to the bar where you grabbed Stephen and yourself a drink. But then you heard someone clear their throat behind you. When you turned back around you were greeted by a man with a glint in his eyes. He looked to be around your age.
“Hi,” he smiled at you.”
“Um, hey,” you returned, still not sure who he was.
“Do you mind if I buy those drinks for you?” he nodded at the counter.
“Oh, no. That’s fine. Thanks though.”
“Please. Let me. I insist,” he placed his hand on his chest.
Well, if you wanted to fork over his own money, you weren’t about to fight him. “Alright. Thanks. You can buy ‘em.”
The stranger paid for your drinks quietly, with you standing with your arms crossed. You wondered for a second where he had come from and why he had approached you.
“Thanks so much,” you smiled when he was done.
“You’re welcome.”
“My name’s Y/N, by the way,” you held your hand out.
He shook your hand quickly, his eyes running up and down your body. He wasn’t being subtle. “Nice to meet you. My name’s Ben.”
You smiled at him, letting out a little laugh. “Thank you again.”
“My pleasure,” he nodded. “Are… Are you here with anyone?”
“Oh, yeah, I am.” You looked over your shoulder to where Stephen was, spotting him now standing in the area where you'd left him. He stared at you. Intensely. And then he moved, eyes stuck on you, as he marched on over. He walked with intent. With a purpose. He didn’t look calm or relaxed at all, as he had done a few minutes ago. No. There was something on his mind and you had a feeling you were about to find out what it was in a second.
“Who’s this?” Stephen asked when he stood next to you. He looked so serious, his head tilted slightly as he eyed the new man.
“Hey. We were just talking, ya know?” Ben said sheepishly.
“Well, Y/N doesn’t want to talk to you,” Stephen said lowly. He grabbed at your hand, holding it tight.
He pulled you away from Ben, not even looking behind him. You had left your drinks there on the counter since Stephen didn’t even give you a chance to grab them. You both pushed through the crowd with Stephen leading the way. You weren’t quite sure why Stephen was acting so oddly. He was usually fairly calm and collected, but the man before you seemed worried and panicked. Had you done something wrong?
When you were in an empty hallway, Stephen skilfully opened up a portal, taking you right back to the comfort of the sanctum. The event – and your drinks, and Ben – were far, far away. He shut the portal before turning to look at you with dark eyes. What on earth was going on with him?
“Why were you talking to that random guy?” he hissed, his eyes dark.
You raised an eyebrow. Why was he so pissed about a silly, little conversation you had been having?
“Relax,” you held your hands up. Why didn’t Stephen like Ben? “It’s not a big deal.”
“Yes, it is a big deal. You didn’t see it, that Ben guy was trying to get close to you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. Stephen was usually reserved. Calm. Had his head on straight. But the Stephen standing before you was… Insecure. And… Jealous? You couldn’t help but smirk at his reaction. Interesting, you thought. You didn’t get to see Stephen get all jealous often. At least, he had never shown you his jealous side before. But you had to admit that you kind of liked it.
“You know,” you said lowly. “I might just go back to the event and go home with that Ben guy.”
Stephen let out a deep breath and shook his head at you. His fists were curled. His eyes were still dark. The jealousy was clear as day on his face.
“What did you just say?” he asked, voice low.
You gave him a rather sweet but calculating smile. It was fun to get under his skin, especially since he got worked up so easily. “I said… I might go back to the event and go home with that Ben guy.”
He somehow looked even more jealous. There was a fire in his eyes as he grabbed at your waist, pulling your body right up against his. He kissed you, shoving his tongue into your mouth. You were shocked. But you kissed him back, loving the feeling of his body up against yours as your lips moved together.
“No one else gets to touch you,” he muttered when he pulled away from your lips. “And no one else gets to make you feel good except for me.”
“It’s bold of you to assume that you make me feel good,” you smirked. “You know, Ben might be better…”
“Is this a test?”
You just smiled at his question.
Then he picked you up, holding you tight as he carried you to his bedroom – a place you had been to on many occasions. He placed you down on the bed before crawling on the mattress, resting his body on top of yours. You kissed again, tongues dancing together before his lips were on your neck. He sucked at the skin there, forcing a little whine out of you.
“I’m going to make you feel so good,” he whispered into your ear, his voice laced with lust. “So good that you’ll forget all about that Ben guy.”
He yanked off your dress and underwear, leaving your body all bare for him. He was still above you as he ran a skilled finger up and down your wet pussy lips, teasing you a little. You bit into your bottom lip, needing more than just his gentle touch. But he carried on. Kept running his finger up and down your slit slowly and softly.
You were literally on the verge of begging him to fuck you when he finally pushed two scarred fingers into you. You gasped, head rolling back at the sensation. Then he pumped his fingers in and out of you, fucking you with them. You moaned, getting lost in the pleasure. His thumb was on your clit a second later, rubbing at the sensitive bud. You cried out, the sound of Stephen’s fingers filling you up hitting your ears.
With a moan on his lips, he kissed you, and you eagerly kissed him back. Then he focused on your pussy again, playing with you with his talented fingers. It felt so good, but you needed more. Needed him to fuck you.
“Please fuck me,” you whimpered with big eyes.
“I don’t think you’ve earned that.” He pulled his fingers away from you.
“Please, please, please fuck me,” you pouted.
“Hm. You don’t deserve it after what you said to me about you and your little boyfriend Ben.”
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I promise. Please. Just please fuck me. Need it so bad.”         
Your pleading words must have triggered something inside of Stephen, because he lifted himself off the bed and pulled off his own clothes. You sighed happily at the sight of his hard cock. You spread your legs for him, so ready and so willing. He kneeled between your spread legs, pumping his cock up and down before he aimed the tip at your dripping entrance. He ran his swollen tip up and down your pussy, teasing you yet again, before he finally pushed the tip of his cock into you. But then he stopped. He didn’t move at all, and you had no choice but to let out a desperate whine.
“Please fuck me,” you begged. “Please.”
All he did was smirk at you. He enjoyed teasing you far too much.
But you needed him. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him into you. His cock slowly filled you up to the hilt and you let out a thankful moan as Stephen grunted. Finally, you had his cock inside of you. You had him so deep in you, your pussy lips wrapped around him nice and tight.
“Fuck,” Stephen hissed out.
He didn’t move. He just stayed put, buried deep inside of you, your hole filled to the absolute brim. He stayed like that for a long moment, your little pussy getting his cock all wet before he pulled out and pushed back into you. A thankful hum left your lips as Stephen started to thrust in and out of you, your hands circling around his large form. You dragged your nails across his skin as pleasure began to overwhelm you. He was pumping into you slowly. All easy and steady, but you needed so much more than that.
“Please move faster,” you begged with a whine. “Please, Stephen.”
He did just that. He pulled back out, your pussy feeling empty for the longest second of your life before he filled you back up with his cock. He moved faster. Harder. His cock stretched you out just the way you needed it. He pounded into you, eyes never leaving yours as he took you. Stephen always fucked you so well. Always left you feeling satisfied. But tonight? Tonight was something else? He was fucking you like he had a point to prove, and you weren’t about to fight him on it.
“Oh, Stephen!” you let out, voice laced with total pleasure. Your toes were curling as he took you hard and fast, your head spinning a little.
Stephen kept fucking in and out of you, his thrusts deep and hard and oh so perfectly angled. You felt yourself gushing around his cock, creating a sticky mess between your thighs as he filled you up with his length.
“Who do you belong to?” Stephen asked, letting out a heavy pant. “Huh?”
You didn’t answer. You were too busy focusing on how damn good it felt to be filled up with him. You just whimpered in response.
Stephen pumped into you with a rough thrust. “I said: who do you belong to?”
He sounded so serious the second time. You knew you couldn’t ignore him at that point.
“I belong to you,” you managed to let out, your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“Good,” he muttered, his voice laced with confidence. He kissed you hard and fast, tongues dancing together as he carried on fucking you. He moved in and out of you all rough and eager, his cock throbbing between your swollen lips.
He was so skilled. So good at making you his. You kept letting out long moans of pleasure, wanting him to know just how good he was making you feel.
“No one else gets to hear you scream out their name,” he hissed into your ear. “Only I get to hear you scream my name.”
You very much agreed. “Yes,” you whimpered out. That was the only word you could get out. The pleasure you were feeling had completely taken over.
Stephen fucked you more. And he gave you one wonderfully angled thrust, one thrust so deep that it hit that sweet spot deep inside of you. Your eyes widened when the tip of his cock met that sensitive spot within you. You needed to feel that again. You could feel your pussy growing wetter and wetter just from his cock alone.
“Oh, please don’t stop,” you pleaded with him. “Please, please, please don’t stop.”
“Fuck, I won’t,” he grunted out.
He kept his promise. He thrusted into you harder and faster, his tip making contact with that spot again and again. You couldn’t hang on for much longer. It just felt too good. You could feel your orgasm getting closer and you needed Stephen to know, needed him to know that your peak was just seconds away.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whispered. “Oh, Stephen. So close. Gonna cum for you.”
He seemed to pick up the pace at that, because a second later, he was pumping his cock in and out of you wildly. The sound of skin hitting skin filled the room as he took you and fucked you hard and deep. Your pussy felt so warm, so wet. You were dripping all over his cock, his length coated in your juices as he fucked you.
“Mm, you feel so good!” you cried out.
Then he pumped into you hard. He did it once. Twice. And then one more time – filling you right up to the hilt. And that was when your orgasm hit you. You felt the heat. You saw stars. Your ears rang as your pussy gushed around him and came. You were amazed that every single thrust managed to feel so good. Stephen was skilled. That much was for certain. And he was taking you in a way that you had never felt before thanks to his jealous side coming out. You had never felt anything so good as he pounded into you, his lust-filled eyes never leaving your face.
“Stephen!” you squealed, your pussy squeezing at him tight - especially since he kept fucking you, his thrusts relentless. He filled you up so deep, fucking you right through your toe-curling orgasm.
“Fuck,” he grunted deeply, still giving you his cock. He wouldn’t stop. Wouldn’t stop pumping you full of his thick, throbbing length. “Fuck, Y/N. I’m gonna fucking cum. So fucking close.”
“Please cum inside me,” you pouted up at him. “Please cum inside me. Please.”
He thrusted in and out of you, giving you every inch of his cock. His eyes were dark and focused on you before he muttered out your name and a deep, drawn-out “fuck”. His eyes shut and his lips parted as he let out a rough moan, your tight pussy wrapped right around his cock.
You felt his cock twitch inside of you, your tight pussy clenching around him. Then he hissed and shot out load after load of cum deep into your pussy, filling you right up with the sticky liquid. Your eyes shut as you got lost in the sensation of him emptying himself inside of you. He moved in and out of you, his pace slowing down, before he finally pulled himself out of your pussy. 
He laid down next to you, panting heavily – just as you were. That had been intense. You were both gasping hard, the two of you trying to get your breath back. It took a minute or two but you finally moved over to lay down on his chest. He felt so warm. So welcoming. He circled a strong arm around your shoulders, pulling you tighter against him.
The two of you didn’t say anything for a little while. And you were happy to lay there, enjoying his warm hands on you. His touch was gentle. Comforting. But then Stephen broke the silence.
“So, do you still think that Ben guy could do better than me?” he asked you lowly.
You stared up at him, blinking a few times. Then you gave him a warm smile. “No. I don’t think anyone could beat you.”
Stephen chuckled. He seemed happy with your answer. That jealousy that had once been in his eyes was all gone. Instead, he seemed more than happy to be right there by your side. The two of you went quiet again. There wasn’t anything else to say at that point. You just knew you could feel yourself growing more and more tired as the seconds passed. The day had already been long. And after what you and Stephen had just done, you were beyond exhausted.
So you laid there. Happily. There was so much comfort as you rested on Stephen’s chest, your eyes slowly fluttering shut. Soon you were met with sleep and darkness, but you knew one thing for sure: there really was no way that anyone could take you better than Stephen could.
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prettyfastcars · 9 months
cry, little girl | Lewis x Reader
Summary: You never got along with Lewis. Your mom and his dad were dating but you never considered him to be family. He was always just… too much. Too famous, too powerful, too perfect. You simply couldn’t compare. Even now as your blended family vacationed together, you tried your hardest to avoid him. But despite your best efforts, you could never ignore that burning, sizzling tension between you and your ‘stepbrother’. 
Themes: stepbrother!lewis, smut, jealous!lewis, slight gaslighting, degrading kink,, possessive!lewis, 
a/n: you don’t have to, but you may read part 1 here ;)
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“What the fuck are you wearing?” 
Your eyes widened in surprise. You almost messed up your perfect red lip at the sound of his sudden, annoying voice. Your mother’s boyfriend’s perfect son. Lewis. 
You caught his deep, freshly melted chocolate brown eyes through the mirror above the sink. He walked into your space like he owned it. Well, technically this was his house. 
You were in your bathroom, getting ready for a night out with a couple of people you had befriended since coming here recently. And he had the nerve to interrupt you. 
You closed the lipstick and slammed it down on the counter before turning around to face him. Utterly annoyed. “I understand that this is your place and what not, but just because a door isn’t locked doesn’t mean you can walk right in whenever you feel like it.” 
Lewis took a step forward, stopping at the wooden door frame. His voice lowered, deep, and serious, “I asked what the hell do you think you’re wearing?” 
You gave him your best dirty glare. Fuck him for being hot. Braids tied into a little bun. Just the right amount of facial hair. Even dressed in comfy sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt he looked more put together than most people. Another reason why you hated him. The man just never looked bad. Ever. He always looked like he was on set for a photoshoot, even when he was just lounging indoors. 
Ignoring his question, you said, “You can’t talk to me like that.” Then you turned around and grabbed the lipstick once more. “Watch your tone.” 
“Yes I can,” He persisted, ignoring the rest of what you said. “Are you going out with someone?” 
You didn’t miss the way he looked you up and down. You tried to ignore the way you felt warm under his stare. 
“Maybe.” You said, purposely sounding like a brat to piss him off. “It’s none of your business, so get out of my room.” 
He took another step forward, stepping into your little bathroom now. “It is my business if my little sis decides to go out wearing that.” 
You frowned, turning around again to face him, “I’m not your little–,” 
He cut you off, shamelessly staring at your exposed skin. “Go change. You’re not going out wearing that.” 
You stared at him, surprised at this audacity. “Excuse me?” 
“You heard me.” He said. “Go change. You’re practically naked.” 
“Naked?” You sighed in disbelief. 
Of course you weren’t naked. You turned to look at yourself in the mirror. Sure, it was quite a revealing dress. Mid thigh length, open back, thin straps, deep low cut, a risqué slit at the front. Okay… a little scandalous perhaps. But it was your favourite little black dress, perfect for a night out with new friends. Plus, you were a grown woman. 
“Come on, it’s not–,” You stopped talking the moment you looked up and met his eyes through the mirror. 
Lewis was closer now. So close you could feel his warm breaths fanning your exposed shoulder. But he wasn’t touching you yet. Still, your body instantly remembered all those times when you and him blurred the lines of what’s appropriate and what’s not. 
“You’re going out with a guy?” He asked, looking all smug and confident, with enough distaste and bitterness to make you shiver despite the inches of distance between your bodies. 
Under a spell by the look in his pretty eyes, you answered without putting up a fight, “No. I mean, not just one guy. A couple of people actually. I met them at the diner the other day.” You explained even though he didn’t ask. “We’re just gonna go get drinks at a bar, and then dinner.” 
His tattooed hand felt like a fiery brand against your skin when he placed it at your hip. His metal rings were cold against your skin. A couple of his fingers brushing mindlessly against your skin, exposed by the slit at the front of your dress. 
Oh fuck. It was such a simple touch but… fuck. 
“Oh?” He leaned forward just enough so the fabric of his t-shirt brushed against your exposed back. You held back a whimper, and he smirked when he noticed. “So you’re going out with strangers dressed like this?” He accused. “Showing off your body like that?” His voice lowered enough that it felt like his chest rumbled with each word. “You need attention from men that badly, little sis?” 
You gasped when he lowered his hand down your hip, touching more of your skin. His touch was warm, burning. You wanted more. Your head was already foggy, heartbeats echoing in your ears at the proximity. Like he was some psychoactive drug. 
“That’s not…” You tried to argue. “I’m not… doing it for attention.” You said with a little frown, still watching him through the mirror. 
He smirked. “Then why are you dressed like a little slut?” He asked, casually. His voice mean and commanding. “Hmm? Because I can tell you right now that every man who looks at you in that dress is only going to be thinking about how you’ll look with his cock inside you.” He brought his mouth closer to your ear, whispering dangerously. “Is that what you want, baby? You want every man to look at you and fantasise about fucking you the whole night?” 
His hand wrapped around your neck faster than you could process it. You let out a gasp when he squeezed it just a little, making your heart race and your body tingle like it sensed danger. 
“Is that what you want?” He asked again, “Because that’s what dirty little sluts want.” He whispered into your ear, tightening his grip around your throat a little more, “Are you a dirty little slut, baby?” 
You whimpered quietly, “Lewis, please…” 
His other hand drifted down until it slid past the slit of your dress. You moaned while Lewis hissed when he found out that you were wearing nothing but an excuse of a thong. “What’s this?” He taunted, fingers and cold rings pressing against your wetness through the flimsy material of the thong. “So you wanted random men to feel you up at the bar, huh? And you wanted them to find this?” There was that accusatory tone again. 
His fingers tore the undergarment off of you in less than a second. Sometimes you forgot that he was a trained fighter and incredibly strong. You whimpered helplessly when he threw the torn material carelessly on the floor of your bathroom. 
“It’s mine.” He growled into your ear, cupping you down there in between your legs. “If anyone’s gonna touch, taste, or fuck this pussy, it’ll be me. You understand, little sis?” 
You nodded. Or at least tried to but failed given he was still holding you by the throat. 
He smiled and rubbed a tattooed finger over your lips until you parted them. He slid a finger into your mouth, slowly moving it in and out, stroking your tongue and lips. “That’s a good girl.” He cooed. “And you know what else good girls do?” He stared into your eyes through the mirror, occasionally looking down to where his finger basically slow fucked your mouth. “They don’t go out dressed like little sluts and let strange men look at them.” He whispered. 
You could only whine as his finger in your mouth moved in sync with his fingers in between your legs as they circled your clit, spreading your wetness around. You moaned around his finger as it stroked your tongue sinfully. 
He couldn’t take it anymore. “Bend over the counter. Now.” He ordered. He removed his hands from you, nothing of his touched you and you trembled due to the absence of his touch. 
The fog in your brain diminished just a little so you could think. Your mom and his dad weren’t home at the moment, and they wouldn’t be for some more hours. And you were beyond the point of no return now. Yet again. So, fuck it. 
You lifted your dress up, revealing your legs, hips and thighs as you bent over the counter. You looked at him through the mirror. Watched how he looked at you with wild hunger in his eyes. Your eyes were teary, smearing your eye makeup around. Your red lip was, well, a smudged mess. 
“Look at you.” Lewis whispered, his hands on each side of your waist, rubbing up and down along your hips, thighs, touching you however, wherever he pleased. “You’re gonna be an even bigger mess when I’m done with you.” 
He leaned closer and your ass pressed against the front of his pants. You whimpered at the feeling of his thick, hard cock beneath the fabric, rubbing, grinding against your bare, soft, wet folds. Your warm gasps of pleasure fogged up the mirror like the sight of him standing behind your bent body fogged up your brain again. 
His touch made you feel floaty. Like nothing else mattered in the world. 
Lewis finally trailed his fingers down in between your legs and lazily traced along your slit. “So wet.” He chuckled, then his smirk disappeared. “Were you going to let another man do this to you? Hmm?” His tone was calm, but something about it was dark. “Would you let him touch what’s mine?” 
“No,” You spoke softly, trying to grind your hips against his hand. “I… wouldn’t.” 
He hummed, sliding a finger inside you and fucking your slowly with it. Like he did your mouth earlier. 
You whined as he touched sensitive spots inside you, “Please Lewis…” You sounded just as desperate as you were. 
“Please what?” He acted oblivious, looking at your reflection like he wasn’t being mean. 
“Make me come,” You whispered, begging. “Please.” 
He slid another finger inside you, stroking you so perfectly you were on the verge of tears again. “Do you deserve it?” He asked, “Talking back all the time, dressing up like a little whore, going out with strange men,” He listed all the sins he was going to punish you for, “Do you deserve it? Huh?” 
You cried out when his fingers brought you right to the edge before sliding out of you. 
“Fuck!” You whined. “Yes, yes! I’ll… I’ll be good,” You begged. “I won’t talk back, I won’t go out with people, I… I’ll be so, so good Lewis, please.” 
He chuckled. “Aww, baby.” 
Your heart raced when you watched him take his shirt off. The metal chains around his neck. The tattoos. The muscular chest, the huge fucking arms that looked like they could crush you. You watched those muscles move as he lowered his pants. You watched all that ink on his perfect skin… fuck, he was gorgeous. 
You got impatient. You whimpered as you pushed your ass against him even more. Lewis smirked, grabbed you on either side of your hips before pressing the tip of his cock against your entrance, rubbing it up and down and around your hole but not pushing in yet. 
You were burning with desire and lust. So much that you didn’t realise you had tears streaming down your face until he pointed it out. Dark tears, due to the eyeliner and dark eye makeup. 
“Aww,” He cooed mercilessly, “Are you crying, little sis?” He couldn’t help the cocky smile on his face. “Is big brother messing with you? Hmm? Is he making you work for it?” 
You whined in desperation. “Please...” 
He scoffed, “My desperate little slut,” he murmured under his breath as he pushed himself slowly inside of you, feeling your walls tighten around him. 
You whimpered as he filled you up, stretching you out as he went. He pulled out and thrust deep back into you, making you moan and gasp under him. You looked at him through the mirror and almost came just looking at the look on his handsome face. 
Lewis reached out and grabbed your wrists, pulling them off of the counter and pinning them down at your lower back as he started rocking into you. Hard and fast, making your front bump against the cool counter each time. 
“Only I get to touch you like this, you hear me?” His voice was raspy. “You only spread these legs for me, do you understand?” 
“Yes...” You whimpered as he pounded into you. 
He tightened his grip on your wrists as he fucked you harder, feeling your walls clenching tighter around him. He slammed his cock harder into you, making your eyes water even more. He thrust so deep into you that it felt like you would simply split in half. 
You gasped for air, fogging up the mirror even more. Lewis’ groans and moans echoed around the room, making you whimper at the sound of them. He sounded so good. So in control. Just so good. 
Then he grabbed you by the back of your neck and pulled you up. Your bound wrists were the only thing between your bare back and his chest. “Give me that mouth,” He whispered before turning your face to the side and kissing you hungrily. 
Lips, teeth, tongue – all of it. He messed up your red lip even more but you didn’t care. You feared you might come too early with a kiss that hot. 
“Fucking little tease,” He whispered against your wet, open mouth. You still gasped in pleasure as he kept fucking into you. “It’s all you’re good for, isn’t it? To be fucked like this. Like you’re my little slut.” 
Then he let go of your wrists and neck, pushed you down, bending you even more over the counter as he grabbed your thighs and parted them further so he could fuck you deeper. 
“Lewis…” You gasped, “I’m so close…” You whimpered as you watched him fucking you from behind. The sight of him so focused, looking down to see his cock disappear into your body each time, that look of authority on his face… gods. 
“You feel so good,” He murmured, looking down at you. “So fucking good… I’m gonna lose my mind if I ever see another man touching you, you hear me?” He spoke, pounding into you relentlessly while his fingers teased your clit. “This is mine, you’re mine.”
“Yes…” You whined as you felt yourself getting so close to the edge again as he pounded into you hard and fast. You watched your reflection and another hot tear slip out of the corner of your eye as you felt the pressure in between your legs getting too much. 
Lewis felt it too, as your walls clenched violently around him. “Fuck,” He growled into your ear, “Come for me, my little slut. Come all over this cock…” 
You didn’t hear the rest of what he said because you came with a loud cry. Lewis followed shortly after, coming undone while buried deep inside you, gripping your hips to keep you in place. You could already feel the bruises his touch would leave behind but you didn’t care. 
You fell forward onto the counter, catching your breath and preparing yourself to look at your reflection which would surely be a mess. Your makeup and plans for tonight now ruined. 
Lewis caught his breath too, his hand lazily rubbing up and down your back. “Come on,” He said, sighing in bliss and relief while he fixed his hair, “I’ll run you a bath.” He smacked your ass, making you yelp in surprise before he turned around and walked towards the large tub. “Can’t have you limping in front of our parents tomorrow morning.” 
part 3
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kyuwaimo · 2 months
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。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ lost in between us when we touch . ꪆৎ ˚⋅
zayne x y/n, fem!reader
tags. mdni! smut, unprotected s/ex, reader is downbad (aren’t we all), doing it on the pool table (yw girlies), zayne’s in control (trust frfr), for the zayne lovers (yes u) enjoy hehe notes.2.3k words, first fic i've released so pls bare w my writing <3
synopsis. in where a private room of a game of pool evidently doesn’t become a game anymore. zayne has you laid before him just how you been aching for.
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it was late in the evening and you were bit hesitant on wanting to play a game of pool with the man you’ve been so strung up on. he’s everything you could have ever asked for, a beautiful heart that only wanted to care for you. as to why you’re nervous well that stems from how he’s dressed today.
his toned body underneath that black collared shirt with only a tight tie wrapped around the collar. the way his black pants hug around his bottom and down to his legs. you were too busy checking him out. how does he look so good in everything it amazes you really.
“you’re gonna give it a go y/n?” his soft husk voice snapped you back into reality.
“a ye yes.” with a blush forming on your cheeks you nervously make your way to the table.
a small chuckle was heard behind you wondering what he was amused by you turn around to question.
“i unfortunately can’t find another cue stick, would you like to use mine?”
the most dirty thoughts begin to flood your mind and there you are again cheeks getting flushed red. looking down fiddling with your hands and then back up at him. god why do you have to be thinking about things like that on a day of an innocent game of pool.
“yeah.. i don’t mind” you really don’t. honestly when it was touched by him and used by his slender fingers it won’t ever be a problem.
“very well here you go” he hands it to you and with a breath you took, now begins your turn against him.
placing the cue stick between your fingers and aligning it towards the ball, but for some reason you’re too nervous to even take the shot. fearing you might’ve clouded the dirty thoughts in your mind a bit too much about zayne, it took a min for him to speak up.
“y/n would you like some help, i don’t mind this isn’t serious of a match so i can help guide you.”
guide me? you think. that’s-
“yes” not even thinking twice you answer him. damn it’s really dawning on you that you’re too much in love with him to even think half the time. although how can you really? he’s a tall dark haired beautiful man who took interest in you surprisingly enough.
“okay i’ll show you” he spoke again. handing him the cue stick and turning around back against him. your hands on the pool table nervously tapping down on it. awaiting for him to start his teaching.
as anticipated you felt zayne’s presence behind you. only for the air to feel menacingly as in something is up.
he chuckles a very deep but rich laugh and you couldn’t help but gulp down a swallow. the things he can do just by a simple laugh. hell that isn’t simple it’s etching in your ears sending shivers down your spine and eating you out alive. just what is this man up to.
scared but also curious you turn around to see him looking right at you, a smirk plastered on his handsome face.
you wonder what is he thinking what is going to happen in this very given moment.
reaching his hand upwards to your chin and pinching it softly. he raises up your head to look at him directly, and so both of your eyes are locked into each other. him staring down the depths of the soul that’s been tainted by him. in a good way of course.
“when i asked if you wanted to play some pool today i was a bit surprised you’d take the offer up.”
staring blankly at him he then continues
“only because you’ve never even played before, that i know very well of. i’ve known you for years darling what was that mind thinking when you agreed to come down here, huh were you wanting to see me that much?”
nothing will ever make you deny the fact that this man has such a tight grip on your sanity (if there even is any left) and how much he can get you to feel numb. nervously swallowing but finally getting to answer him back with a simple sentence.
“y-yes i have.” you wouldn’t be able to deny that. of course you’ve missed your man, the one who always checks up on you. the one with no interest towards others but all the attention for you. zayne is your comfort and he is all you want for anything and everything.
“haha i’ve noticed my pretty girl, you’ve been uttering yes only. why is that? is it because-“
with a pause he tilts his head to side of your neck. his warm breath on your exposed skin. placing his lips onto it and bringing himself up to the bottom of your chin.
“you’ve been wanting me have you, wanting me to touch you like this. to have me come this close to your sensitive skin and lavish it all up hm?”
not answering he looks into your eyes once again and slightly smiles. now with even that alone it had your stomach knotting up.
it amazes you how much zayne can get to you even when being gentle with his touch and manners.
as you were in a dazed state zayne then moves his mouth to your ears. his hot breathe once again sending shivers in you.
“say it one more time darling and i’m all yours.”
with not a second thought you answer him back.
“yes” not realizing you’d subconsciously answered him but not caring about what will happen because this is indeed what you’ve been wanting all week.
“good girl.” he mutters before sinking his lips onto yours with a slight aggression towards them. you’d start to think he’d probably wanted you just as much as the need for him about you.
tongue intertwining with your own the slick of the saliva mixed between them, it was so lewd it makes you blush harder.
lifting you up so your bottom is on the edge of the pool table and his hands are leaned down your sides. zayne’s broad chest hovering over the small frame you had.
zayne was a tall man so him leaning down on you just to reach your mouth was silly but in a way hot.
“y/n if you feel discomfort do tell and i’ll do my best to fix it.” you nod as it’s the only thing you can respond with.
he starts to un lose his tie and then alter to your dress, trying to untie the bow that was tied to cover up your breast window. to him that was an obstacle in a way of what he wanted to eat up so bad.
starting to feel your dress top fall down your shoulders and the exposed window he’s been getting at. he begins to fondle one of your breasts while the other is behind your neck.
your head sprung up to the ceiling as his warm hands caress what he’s holding in it. getting aroused with just that he suddenly moves his mouth towards the other.
kissing and sucking on them. it made you feel so good and so delirious. wanting nothing more than for him to be more aggressive.
as if he read your mind he started to pinch the other and slightly bite on the one his mouth is sucking on. oh did it make you feel so good so good you just want him to speed up already and have you here and now.
as he’s continuing on with what he is doing he starts taking of his shirt. wanting him to be in you already you take it upon yourself to un buckle his pants. him moving his mouth away to look at you with such hungry eyes.
“i know what you want darling, and you will have me.”
once you finished unbuckling his pants and they were moved down to his thighs. all was left was his boxers covering his length. he then leaned his body onto yours making you lay down on the surprisingly not so uncomfortable table.
he started to kiss away at your mouth deepening his body onto you more. and already feeling feel his harden length press down on your clothed area.
his mouth made way down your neck to your chest and that’s where he decided he’s had enough of your dress being in the way for too long. he pulls it down off you with a bit of rush, zayne seems to be wanting you so badly with each passing second.
now with just a bra and pantie he then un clips your top and slides your bottom undergarment off. laid there before him was your exposed skin underneath his big body.
“sculpted by the gods with skin so soft it melts with my touch. quite the opposite of what my evol can do darling.”
continuing on he speaks again “i too have wanted you y/n all week every damn day i can’t stop thinking about you. can’t stop fantasizing you underneath me just like you are now.”
starting to pull his pants off and expose his length, the size he was amazed you every time but it turned you on in every way imaginable. with such length and thickness you just wanted him to sink himself in you already.
“then p please..” was what you had mustered up to say.
“please what?” you know what he wants you to say and with no means to not obey you respond with his awaited answer.
“p-please i want you inside me.. zayne”
just as you finished your words he presses his length to your already wet core. he didn’t even need to prep you that and well you’re both very much eager to have each other.
zayne starts to push his shaft into your core slowly, it made you make noises that he loves to hear. looking up at your face the face that he loves to see as he can get you to make them and him indulge in the way he effects your body.
“so damn beautiful, you’re so beautiful.” his words alone make your heart flutter and it only makes you fall in love with him even more. you’re absolutely thankful he sees you as this precious gem that he cannot have crushed or touched by anyone but him only him.
he starts slowly with his pace as he’s sliding in and out of you making you make those beautiful noises he so loves to listen to. gripping at his back as his hands hold your waist to keep you in place. with the way he’s getting at you it makes you arch your back up from the table and your head against it.
every small sound that comes out of your mouth turns him on even more. practically begging for him to go even faster even deeper and so the man does. picking up the pace as your bodies lock together he starts to pound into your core. him starting to moan into your mouth and the grip youve had on his back deepening.
scratching his back, your legs wrapped around his waist barley enough to keep yourself in place.
but zayne had other plans he wants to be even deeper. with that decision in mind he begins to place his hands underneath your legs having them over his shoulder to get a better angle just how he wanted you.
“tell me if i hurt you darling” you doubt he will and if it did that’s not something you’d be bothered by. simply you just wanted him to fuck you endlessly however he likes.
with a dazed out mind you nod to him and so he enters you once again this time reaching so deeply it sent your eyes rolling back as he pounded into your core. making you moan his name just what he loves to hear.
“z zayne!”
“so d deep ha agh”
“fuck.. y/n.. hah.”
hearing him lose himself within you made the all more moment feel so good. his moans drowning in your mouth. his lips purse into you deeply eloping his tongue with yours.
ramming you so deeply and at a fast pace you’re still surprised he has this much stamina. but then again he does work out a lot not as much as you know but enough to work up enough to keep at it.
with your walls starting to tighten around him zayne already knows you’re getting there, so is he and he wants to release at the same time.
“ssso tight fuck”
“y/n let’s do it together hm, thatss ngh.. that’s something you can do yes?” not being able to answer but understanding what he means you agree by sinking your nails into his back.
with a final thrust you both come undone together. filling himself up in you and your juices flowing down his length. feeling the heat of the air around you and his hot breath on your neck, all you can do is try and catch your own.
he begins to pull out of your wet enough core and looks at your fucked out face.
“let’s fix you up a bit and then get home shall we, i’ll clean you up my pretty girl” he moves his hand under your head and gives you one last soft kiss and lifts you up.
with you in his arms carrying you out.
“let’s get you home” zayne gives you a small smirk he couldn’t help it. the way he had you underneath him and make all the noises he loved because in fact he too was in love with your every being.
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@bitchynightmarepost early bday present for u~
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sorchathered · 6 months
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Strip that down
Pairing- Club Owner!Jake Seresin x Dancer!Reader (Nightclub AU)
Warnings- mentions of stripping, language, light smut
Summary-I’m gonna be so serious y’all I blacked out writing this, might make it a series of drabbles in the future bc I went feral for the concept.
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“I swear you have got to be the most pig headed, arrogant son of a bitch I’ve ever met” you say as you storm down the hall, a very disgruntled Jake Seresin hot on your heels. He hadn’t intended to start a fight but goddamnit it seemed like no matter what he said lately caused an argument.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? It’s not like I was asking for that girl’s number or anything, she was all over me! What did you want me to do? hit her? Come on Cherry just stop and look at me please?” He said as he jogged in front of you to stall you. You two weren’t even dating, you’d been very adamant that this was just hooking up, so why were you so pissed? Unless…
“Cherry look at me. I can’t keep fighting with you like this, it’s driving me insane. If you want to break things off we can, I can’t say I won’t miss you but I’ll get it. We work together and it’s hard to be professional when shit like this happens. But…if you want more, all you have to do is ask baby girl, you know good and damn well you’ve got me totally wrapped.”
He had you crowded up against the sticky nightclub wall, bass thrumming through the room straight into your chest as he skimmed his hands up and down your sides. You’d been in the middle of your set when you watched some fresh faced new hire throw her arms around his neck and get way too close for your liking, but of course you had to be professional and continue on, trying to school your features as you danced on stage. The second you’d finished and gotten your tips you’d slammed his portion on the bar, stomping off to the dressing rooms, the fire in your eyes enough to burn the whole room down. He wasn’t yours, he was your boss and you should’ve known better than to let him get under your skin like this.
You were trying to get your bearings but your head was spinning, had he really just said he wanted more? You opened your mouth but promptly shut it, how were you supposed to respond to that? Of course that’s what you wanted but you never would’ve suggested it, you’d been in love with him since the two of you had started this whole arrangement, how could you not be? He was charming and charismatic, and don’t even ask about his looks; the man knew he looked good. He was making it harder and harder to focus now, those damn hands of his couldn’t seem to stop grazing over whatever exposed flesh he could get to and it was making you dizzy.
He cocked his head and smirked that smart ass smile at you, leaning in to whisper against your lips, “Gotta use your words baby, you want us to keep going like we are? Or do you want me to make you mine? You say the word and I’ll make sure every girl in a 100 mile radius knows you own me, but I need to hear you say it.”
“You know I do, I love you, you’re such an asshole but fuck I do, I love you Jake.”
He groaned as he pressed himself to you, kissing you hard as he continued to run his hands all over your body. “Goddamnit Cherry, you can’t just drop a bomb like that on me, making me fucking crazy, I ought to take you right here where everyone can see.” His words sent fire through your veins, you cried out and bucked into him at the thought of him fucking you right outside of the main stage, anyone could walk by and you weren’t sure you’d even care. He chuckled against the shell of your ear as he continued to press his palm against your core, he could feel you soaking through the thin fabric of your costume, again he briefly considered following through with his taunting and fucking you right here, but thought better of it because after all you were still at work. He kissed you again and removed his hand from your shorts, watching your pretty doe eyes blink at him in shock, you really had thought he’d do it.
“Oh come on now don’t look at me like that, go change and grab your stuff, first I’m gonna take you out for dinner and then you can be my dessert, whadd’ya say Cherry Pie?” You rolled your eyes but let him scoot you down the hall, and when you walked out with his hand on your ass you made sure the new waitress caught a glimpse of your tongue down his throat. Jake could definitely get used to this side of you, and the private dances just for him every night didn’t hurt either.
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🏷️ Tagging- @mamamaystbr @mamachasesmayhem @sailor-aviator @attapullman @bobgasm @sebsxphia @goldenseresinretriever @bradshawssugarbaby @roosterforme @mynameismckenziemae @sarahsmi13s @hangmansgbaby
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cxlbybrock · 11 months
Colby Brock x Reader
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Hey guys, this is my first story on Tumblr, I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave any requests in the comments!
Colby broke up with you a couple years ago, you moved away and moved on. Now, two years after the break up, you return to LA with a new love and a new feisty attitude. Your best friend (let's call her Ash for the sake of simplicity) invites you to a party to welcome you back, she invites Sam but is it only Sam who shows up?
CW: cussing, cheating(?), no smut but a lot of talking about sex and sexual references, teasing, jealousy, 18+ only please
Unpacking was an obvious bore, you had some help from Theo, your boyfriend of one year and your best friend. Now, after a couple years you're returning to LA, a place with too many memories. Both good and bad. You're an influencer, popular for fashion and modelling content, LA is a big centre for pretty much everything. Why would you leave? We'll get into that later.
Ash's phone buzzes on the table, bringing you out from your trance.
"Make sure you get your best outfits out for tonight, Y/N." Ash teases. You roll your eyes, a sarcastic sigh escaping your lips.
"What did you do now?" You raise your eyebrow mockingly, hands on your hips.
"Just make sure you're fucking ready!" Ash's excited voice almost makes it hard for you to keep up with this annoyed facade.
"whose ready for what?" You feel hands snake around your waist and breath ghosts your neck. Ordinarily, it'd send goosebumps up your spine, make your heart race or even your cheeks flush. Not today. You put it off as the stress of moving into a new apartment but lying to yourself is still lying.
"You guys are going to be ready, dress nice later and meet me at my house around 9 o'clock." Ash smirks devilishly. Her demeanor is troublesome and worrying you, if you know your best friend you know she's planning something. Ash's plans are always stupidly insane.
Pulling out your phone, your eyes widen.
"it's already 7:30! Be at your house for 9?! I will not have enough time to get ready!" You scramble away from Theo, he pecks your cheek and you go with Ash to get ready at her place instead. She insisted in fact that Theo show up later and you guys have some 'girl time'.
Plonking yourself down on her bed, her personality switches. Serious; an emotion that she rarely displays.
"Right, I'm not overstepping here or anything but Theo... Do you actually like him?" She asks, if anything your best friend is honest but at this moment you're wishing she wasn't so observant.
"yes, of course." You scoff, lying. Although, is it a lie if you don't currently realise that it isn't true? Either way, she isn't accepting this answer.
"girl, he's literally the most vanilla boring man I have ever seen. He's blonde, wears the same clothes every day and likes boring shit. If he was a spice, he'd be flour. He's so different—"
"—different than what?" You bite back, interrupting Ash. She's unfazed, she's never cared about sharing her opinion and the sad thing is, she isn't wrong.
"than your other boyfriends. I mean, is the sex even exciting? When you were dating Colby, you used to call me everyday and rave about him so much that I even liked him. But Theo... I couldn't tell you one fact about Theo, he's more bland than rice." Honesty, but the sort you'd take the wrong way if it wasn't so true.
Once again, you knew deep down that she was right. You're dating a pretty boy, sure. But he was more like a shell, he wasn't necessarily strong willed and to be honest you didn't even know if he had any long term goals. The conversation continued and before you knew it, the time rolled around and Ash was giving you a blindfold as she led you along.
You decided on a low cut shirt, a pleated skirt and some fishnets (among other accessories). The tips of your black hair tickled your lower back as you walked downstairs.
"why are you wearing all black?" A voice asks, as you remove your blindfold you realise it's Theo.
"I thought it'd look sexy." You shrug, unbothered.
"you look like a weird goth." Theo says pointedly, this bothered you and you could tell you would make a scene but you bit your tongue and pressed on but you were still pissed off.
Many influencers and friends show up to the party, it's incredible and everyone's having a good time and it's nice to have the opportunity to introduce your friends to your boyfriend.
"Hey, Sam's here!" Ash yells over the music, you and Theo step away from the party to greet Sam, a very good old friend of yours. As you approach the front door, there's not one but two people. Sam ... And he brought Colby. Fuck.
You see Colby's eyes scan over your outfit, your curves, his eyes linger on your thighs and your cleavage and it makes your whole body hot. You bite your lip, it's a nervous tic but you can tell Colby thinks it's intentional.
Then, his eyes fall on your boyfriend and he smirks. He barely glances his way before his eyes pierce yours again.
"Y/N! Hey! Welcome back to LA, it's so good to see you again!" Sam smiles warmly and pulls you into a hug, you hug him back and smile brightly in return.
"hey Sam, I missed you so much." You reply before stepping away. "Sam, this is my boyfriend, Theo." You introduce your boyfriend and step aside so he can talk to Sam but he just gives him a weird look and mutters "hi."
"Theo..." You hear Colby whisper, snickering. Stepping forward, he gives you a look that could make any woman fold like a deck chair. "Hey, it's good to see you. You look sexy by the way." He smirks, he knows what he's doing and he's trying to get your boyfriend fired up.
You hit his arm and give him a futile warning look. Much to your dismay though, your boyfriend is unfazed by Colby. As toxic as it sounds, a reaction would've been nice, a little jealousy is hot sometimes.
"Wow... Is your boyfriend a cardboard cutout or something? Did you forget the voice box when you found him on the side of the road?" Colby teases you further and you glare at your ex.
"Colby..." You warn him again and he holds his hands up defensively. However, your boyfriend still doesn't care and it's really bothering you now. He has no spice to him, just like Ash said and the more you look, the more you see it.
Sam diffuses the situation although Colby is really making it his mission to get under Theo's skin.
The night continues without much drama, you're thankful but of course you couldn't have an easy ride. You veer off to grab yourself a drink, leaving Theo behind because honestly even you're getting bored of him now. He won't even dance with you, it's like he doesn't care about you at all.
You flick the bottle cap off the Smirnoff, you consider pouring it into a glass but you decide to just drink it straight out the bottle, it might make the night more bearable.
"woah, steady. I know your man has no personality but it's not like the alcohol is gonna give him any." You turn to the voice, Colby. Only now, can you really take in his appearance. All black, of course. But his rings, his chains, his tattoos... Fuck he looks so sexy— no, no he looks utterly repulsive... What is your brain doing? Your body is going against you and you're so frustrated.
"My man has plenty, thank you." You bite back, irritated. His proximity wasn't something you thought about until one step pinned you to the counter, his hands on either side of you.
"come on, he probably doesn't even last five seconds... No wait, I bet you guys haven't even gotten there yet." Colby reads your expressions and a sinister smirk spreads across his lips "wait he hasn't fucked you yet? Damn it's worse than I thought." His finger traces the hem of your shirt down to your cleavage, it makes your heart race as you try your best to pay as little attention to Colby or how your body responds to him.
"colby, move. You broke up with me, remember?" You glare at him, although let's be real that isn't what you want to do and honestly if you were still single it'd be a different story.
His fingers tug at your fishnets and you feel the cold metal of his rings touch your thighs. You intake a shaky breath and it's hard to keep your composure. "Oh, come on. You don't want me to go away, this is probably the most revved up you've felt in a year..." Colby smirks and leans into your ear, he tucks your hair behind it and you feel his breath ghosting your ear. "I mean... When you touch yourself, I bet you're still thinking about the way I used to do it to you."
Your heart races, goosebumps cover your body. If you don't admit it, it doesn't mean it isn't really happening and right now every fibre in your body wants Colby to bend you over that countertop and give you something you've been missing for the last two years but you keep up your walls.
"don't flatter yourself. It's been years, I've moved on." You bite but every time you bite, he bites harder.
Blue eyes bore into yours as he slides his hand up your thigh towards your skirt, your breath hitches. "Colby I'm in a relationship now, we can't." You want to sound strong but your voice falters, you don't want him to stop and he knows it.
"but you want to." He says pointedly. "Break up with him, I don't understand why you're with him." Colby speaks his mind but with his hands caressing your thighs, honestly it's hard to form a real sentence.
"He's nice." You say, feeling bad that the only thing you could think of was a basic, boring ass word.
"nice... You know why nice guys always finish last?" Colby asks, you shake your head and he smirks like a Cheshire cat "it's because their girlfriends never finish at all." His hands find your ass and he plays with the fishnets around it. "But don't worry..." He squeezes your ass and your fingers grip onto the countertop, you're almost under his spell "... I can always finish you off..." He whispers into your ear, his hands crawl up your body and it sends shivers up your spine.
Before anything in you can respond, the door to the kitchen flies open and your eyes widen.
Let me know if you guys want part two!
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calaisreno · 10 months
Yes and No
“Do you love her?”
It had taken them less than thirty minutes to go from the Rizla game to just asking each other random questions. The only celebrities that Sherlock knew were nineteenth-century chemists and twentieth-century criminals, which had more or less spoiled the game, and Sherlock had declared it pointless.
Then he suggested Yes or No, which at least required some deductive reasoning, and John agreed. But Sherlock was very good at this game, having deduced nearly everything about John in the first days of their acquaintance. Without asking any question, he deduced that John would choose violin, a human liver, Mrs Hudson’s nephew, and Sherlock’s old mouse-coloured dressing gown.
John gives up. “Fine. What don’t you know about me?”
Do you love her is a real question, he gathers— from the look on Sherlock’s face, which is serious and a bit sad.
The answer, which should be yes, of course I love her, instead comes out, “I’m marrying her.”
“People marry for reasons other than—“ Sherlock stops, appearing to realise he is going in a direction that can only lead to bad feelings. “Sorry, not a fair question. Better: When did you know that you loved her?”
He remembers grief. The intense pain of the days after he saw Sherlock die on the sidewalk in front of Barts. There are few details he can recall after that moment. It was as if the pain had receded just enough to let him breathe, and a kind of grey fog had descended. Pain, then sorrow.
Somewhere during the sorrow part, Mary had appeared. She may have been there sooner, but he hadn’t noticed. At some point he became aware of her bringing him coffee, talking to him, urging him to come out for lunch. Always there, cheerfully bullying him back into life. Eventually he noticed that he wasn’t quite as sad, and that she was rather pretty.
But the pain was still there, a tender spot in his memory, and most days he still felt defeated. Mary helped, though, and he thought that if she stayed, everything would be easier. He didn’t need to explain; she understood. He could keep the memories at bay when she was around.
By then he was having sex with her. He didn’t remember exactly how that had begun. Maybe it was a pity fuck one night when he’d had too much to drink. He woke up in her bed hungover, waiting for the darkness to descend like a weight on his chest, and she was there, making him a cup of tea, urging him to have some toast, sweetly solicitous and not accepting any excuses.
Does he love her?
Sherlock is still looking at him, the question in his eyes.
“She was there when I needed someone,” he says. “I just knew.”
He’d known that morning that he needed to move on, to leave what had happened in the past and live his life. And there she was.
“Your turn,” Sherlock says.
John thinks of all the things he’s ever wanted to know about Sherlock, but has never asked because it has never seemed a good time. Sherlock has a way of warding off questions with just a look. An armour that does not allow anyone in, not even John. He’s wondered about a lot of things, but asking has never been an option. Sherlock never has to ask; he simply deduces. John is terrible at deductions, as Sherlock often reminds him.
“Have you ever been in love?”
Sherlock doesn’t hesitate. “Yes. Twice.”
“That was a yes-no question, so I get follow-up. So, the first. Who was he?”
Sherlock smiles. “You’re assuming it was a man.”
“Wasn’t it? I thought… you’re… erm…”
“Gay? Yes, I am.”
“You loved a man,” John says. Obviously.
“Well, a boy. I was twelve. I suppose it wasn’t love so much as infatuation and hormones. His name was Victor. I never told him until I met him again at uni.” He gives John one of those looks that makes him feel like he is being x-rayed. “Have you ever kissed a man?”
“I’m not gay,” he says at once. “I mean, why would I kiss a man if I knew I wasn’t gay?”
“Follow-up question, then. When did you know you were not gay?”
John’s mouth may have been open for a bit. It’s an odd question. Everybody knows they’re straight until something happens and they know they’re not. Isn’t that the way it works? “I just knew. When did you know you were gay?”
“When I was twelve. I was at a stupid birthday party my mother made me attend, and we were playing Forfeit. I was asked a question I didn’t like to answer and took the forfeit. Up until then the penalties were stupid things like singing a song or doing a dance, but this time it was kissing a girl. The girl was willing, and I was curious, so I agreed. That was when I realised girls weren’t my cup of tea, so to speak. I wanted to kiss Victor.”
John says nothing, though it’s his turn. He remembers a similar party, a boy who wanted to kiss him, and feeling terrified that his parents would find out if he did. Harry had just come out, and he was trying very hard to make up for all of her shortcomings.
Sherlock asks, “How do you know you’re not gay if you’ve never kissed a man?”
“I’ve kissed lots of women,” he replies. “I don’t need to kiss a man to know I’m not gay.”
Sherlock shrugs. “I assumed that I was like everyone else, that some day I would meet the right girl, get married, and have children. That was how it was supposed to work, and I thought there was something wrong with me because I didn’t like girls that way. All my fantasies were about boys, but I thought I would eventually be attracted to girls as I got older. That kiss told me I would never love a woman.”
“You think I should kiss a man just to see if I’m a bit gay?” He laughs.
“It’s your forfeit, for not having an answer.”
“I’m not going to kiss some random bloke just because you—“
“Not a random bloke. Me. Kiss me.”
This is dangerous ground. Somewhere in his libido lies something that he’s thought about. Maybe he’s even fantasised about kissing a man. Having sex with a man. Just a lark, maybe. Don’t lots of men go through that? It doesn’t mean anything.
But, Sherlock. He lived with him for a year and a half, and they’d been friends. And he grieved when Sherlock died. Not grieved like a friend. He’d lost friends before, and this was nothing like those losses. Pain, darkness, unending regret. Even after Mary, some of that darkness remained. Moments when he remembered something Sherlock had said or done, a stab of pain. If it hadn’t been for Mary—
And it came to him. Mary was balm for his wounds. She brought him back from the edge. He is grateful to her. But gratitude isn’t love. Being in such pain for so long, and then a bit of light— that isn’t love, it’s relief. He’s seen patients in physical pain become almost giddy when given a dose of something that takes their agony away, not even enough to make them high. Relief feels like intoxication when pain has gone on so long.
If it hadn’t been for Mary, he would have understood what he’d only begun to see. She helped him, saved him even. But she was a distraction from the pain, not a cure.
He glances at Sherlock, who is pulling back, looking like he wishes he hadn’t just asked for a kiss. Maybe he’ll make a joke about their game, move them towards goodnight, goodbye, see you at the wedding.
“Yes,” he says. It’s an answer to everything— regret, grief, sorrow, love. It’s an apology for not seeing sooner, for the night at the Landmark, for his anger and cruel rejection of the man he has loved for years. “Kiss me.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Sherlock is right. The kiss tells John things he’s tried hard to forget. It tells him that has loved men before, but called it friendship, that he has wanted to touch men and kiss them, and called it lust, or fantasy, or a phase that all men go through. Women attract him too, and he grabbed onto heterosexuality like a life-raft because he was afraid of the alternative. His sister and his father, yelling. Harry thrown out of the house. His father, looking at him, saying not you too. Never you, my boy.
The kiss tells him that has already met the love of his life.
“I need to call Mary,” he says when they break away.
Sherlock looks sad. He nods. “Of course.”
“One more question,” John says. “Who was the second person you loved?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” he says. “I’m about to call my fiancee and break our engagement just days before the wedding because I’m in love with my best friend. So please, answer the question.”
Sherlock’s face does something John has never seen. It crumples and tears fill his eyes, and then he’s laughing and crying and not able to speak.
John kisses him again.
Author note: This is an old ficlet, from Trifles, posted here.
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askew-d · 4 months
Hello again....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from MDZS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the novel? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
sure! its no trouble at all. sorry i am embarassingly late and thank you for the question, i loved making this list :)
1. wei wuxian, our selfless yiling laozu
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alright, you can call me cliché, everyone loves him, right? but kendrick lamar said it’s all about love and hate in the game so let me tell you, i love this man. i love the way that he walks, the way that he kills, the way that he dresses, the way that he mocks others, the way that he protect those he loves, the way he’s unbearably and so utterly good to the core (no irony or pun intended), regardless of everything he’s been through. because let’s come clean: other characters, such as xue yang and meng yao, did have their reasons to be evil, i comprehend them! i validate their motives to be who they are, but it does not, for the love of god, excuses their actions.
and that’s the thing! because wei wuxian has been though hell and back, way worse than them, yet he chose to continue doing good things. it’s just who he is (unbelievable, right?). he is, essentialy, someone who pursues justice. he sought revenge for what he suffered, that he rightly did, but he didn’t lash out on innocent cultivators who had nothing to do with his injuries. and the amount of strength, resilience, kindness and sheer wisdom that resides in this makes my admiration for him grow as deep as the ocean. he’s the ultimate main character of every fictional world. no one’s doing tragedy, revenge, inteligence, selflessness, love and being a troublemaker like him, ok. he’s one for the history books. and with that we go to:
2. lan wangji, our beloved hanguang-jun
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i said this before, but i will say it again: i feel like wei wuxian might kill me every time i go around saying ‘lan zhan’ or even start worshipping him too much. however, who wouldn’t worship him? he’s a god among humans; a superhero in a novel about cultivators. if wei wuxian’s considered by some an antihero, he’s the true, righteous captain america right here. and it’s not just the looks, he’s a whole package: a terrific father, a dedicated brother and nephew, an esteemed cultivator, a marvellous husband and a fair human being.
most of all, i dearly love him for the fact that he’s been loving wei wuxian since the beginning and never let that go. this man fought for his love like no one else did. he remembered wei wuxian when no one else did. he tried and tried, for him. he waited thirteen years, for him. in fact, if wei wuxian had never returned, he’d just have been waiting and waiting, living his life in grief, watching the moonlight alone…… but that’s a thought for another moment.
the amount of love this man carries is unbearable, really. it’s who he is too. and i also adore the fact that he has a lot of personas: he’s a serious senior for the disciples, a feral animal in bed, silly in some moments and painfully romantic in others. he’s just unreal!
3. lan jingyi, the most atypical lan that has ever lanned
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if this boy was in the modern times, im sure i would make friends with him. hes everyones spirit inside this story. he is one of hell of a representation: he can judge, yell, put some sense into other peoples minds, act even more senseless and tell truths without caring for the consequences (and then crying when faced with the punishment of headstands). and the best part of all: he is, oddly, a lan! i love him! best boy ever (alright, perhaps after lan sizhui, but i relate to jingyi harder).
put him in a modern school. can you disagree with me that he would be the one student lurking in the far away desks acting all angelic when the teacher comes close only to act like a little devil, screaming, laughing loudly and hiding food in his backpack during activities? can you disagree with me that he would be the one to run and jump like a maniac when its time for p.e class and sleep out of boredom when the teacher starts explaining serious stuff? can you disagree with me he would pretend to enact the rules only to receive bad grades and pull the most stupid facades to hide it from his parents?
in some ways, he does have similarities with wei wuxian. but wei wuxian is a genius who wouldnt even go to class when he didnt want to, sleep instead of play-pretend and even so receive the best grades ever, annoying everyone. theres this difference. but lan jingyi isnt a genius, he is just one of us. and i love him for it.
4. wen qing, my beautiful doctor
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wen qing, my beloved, you didnt deserve that backlash.... this woman deserved to have a happy family, alright. she deserved a little bit of happiness! she deserved to have her brother with her! she deserved to be well and to not have suffered so badly just because of her surname. if there is one thing i agree with (and i dont remember exactly who said it, but it was from twitter), is that the girls from mdzs are underrated, underappreciated and deserved tons more love. but anyway, let us mention wen qing!
this woman protected wei wuxian and jiang cheng, did a procedure to give jiang cheng a golden core, never killed anyone, ran from fighting in the war against innocent people because she does not share these wicked principles, and still ended up watching her family get tortured, his brother dead and was burned alive. the sheer cruelty of what they put her (and them) through is unbelievable. i wanted her to have a lovely family and to continue being a great friend to wei wuxian, seriously, they were such a great duo. i cannot get tired of aus in which they are rommates or something! she is usually sarcastic, fierce, bossy and so responsible. how could someone not like her?
5. a-qing, the girl who went to her limits and beyond
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this girl went over the limits of heaven and hell, in fact. i love her determination and how clever she is! look at how long she managed to trick xue yang! who else who could that? i believe not even wei wuxian could have topped it. she deserved to continue living within that world with xiao xingchen. i also cannot avoid to point out that she was not a cultivator. she was a simple girl, left to struggle in the streets, who still achieved what she achieved. she lived with an esteemed rogue cultivator, manipulated one of the most essential antagonists, returned as a ghost to protect people from this specific antagonist, used a lot of her spiritual strenght to show wei wuxian the truth, continued to give wei wuxian and hanguang-jun directions to find xue yang, and received many support, compliments and faith from the main group of our story.
personally, i cannot think of another female character in the story who did more than her. wen qing did a lot, sure, but she came from a big sect. jiang yanli too. mianmian was a cultivator too. a-qing was not, and nonetheless, this girl rocks! unbelievable. if i went through what she did, i would have lost all will to persist long ago. that is another thing mdzs brought me: the perspective that, even when you are kind and did nothing wrong, you might still have tragedies happen to you. people will die anyway. including you. kindness is important, and sometimes it may save you, but sometimes it may also cause you harm. are you strong enough to have all the kindness and all that tragedy and still endure?
because a-qing, wei wuxian and so many of them did.
well, now onto my favorite parts from the novel! i will try and make this quicker. haha, lets go.
when wei wuxian and lan wangji were stuck (stuck? not actually, i believe, wei wuxian caused it) in that farm and our main character just simply laid on top of lan wangji. and he still dared... to call himself.... not a cut-sleeve. yeah, sure, bro, no homo and all that. and thats definitely not a boner beneath your clothes, huh.
when wei wuxian starts falling real hard and he wonders if he will ever be able to sleep in a bed without lan wangji again, and later on after they have sex, he f i n a l l y realizes that there is no wei wuxian without lan wangji. in a dramatic mood, even. like, seriously, dude?? what a way to pine, but ok. go get your man or something, we all waiting for it.
every extra. i just... love every bit from the extra.
in the scene where lan wangji is drunk and they start playing hide-and-seek. and lan wangji just hides himself behind smth. and shows only a bit of his face. he nods, pouts, begs with his face to continue. i died right there.
the confession. the confession. the tear. the confession. the shock from everyone else. the 'hug me tighter!' after. the confession. the hug. THE CONFESSION.
hahaha i admit it, for me everything is about them. is it not about them? you cannot tell me otherwise. i love wangxian with all my heart. also, your asks are all lovely, i love them, feel free to always send whatever you want :) hope you have a great day and week ahead of you.
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soggyriceee · 1 year
Gosh that would be so good what you think?
red handed pt 2 | Yandere!Konig
summary: what the request says above :P
warnings: murder, mentions of blood, Yandere!konig and f!reader, unprotected p in v, oral, fingering(f receiving)
about 6 months had passed since Konig's killing. you both moved out of state, yet to hear of anything regarding a dead body. it was still nerve wracking of course, but you and Konig were so fucking obsessed with each other you hadn't had time to realize it. Konig was still as crazy as he was before. he hadn't gone as far as to kill someone just yet, but you'd happily watch him beat the shit out of the drunk guys who tried to take you home. sometimes, you'd end up flirting with a guy on purpose just to watch Konig fuck him up.
"why do you d-do this to me mommy" he would whine into your neck as he fucked into you faster, pressing you further against the wall of the club you were both in. the guy he just beat up twitching beneath you both, watching him fuck into you. he'd always done that. drag the guy out into the alley way right beside the club, fuck him up and then make him watch you get absolutely fucked by him.
when you both moved you had a serious conversation with Konig about freedom. and he agreed, wanting you to ultimately be happy. but under the condition he'd be everywhere you are, no matter what. you needed to use the bathroom in public? he'd make sure it was a one person bathroom. you wanted to try a dress on? he was in there with you. he would be glued to your hip, never letting you go so far as a foot in front of him.
so if confused and hurt you when you saw him from the living room, talking to another girl outside your home. in her hand was a big basket of cookies. you couldn't hear the conversation all that much, but you knew it must have been something amusing considering the large smile on her face. and for the first time ever, in the years you both have been together, you felt genuine anger ; jealousy even. and that feeling only grew when she handed him two cookies in a stupid little ziplock bag.
when he walked into the house, your eyes remained glued to the girl as she made her way back down the street. " mommy some girl gave me cookies. would you like to try one?" he asked, hopping over to sit next to you on the couch. but you simply got up, tears of anger burning your eyes. you walked quickly into your shared room, slamming the door and locking it. Konig was not too far behind, asking you what was wrong, what did he do?
you didnt like feeling this way. it was an emotion you've never had to experience before in your life. you weren't ignorant to the fact your boyfriend was attractive. I mean, what woman doesn't love a 6'10 man, who looks like he can kill someone with one punch? it scared you a bit, the weight on your chest growing as you tried to figure out how you felt. why jealousy and anger felt so bad, mentally and physically.
"mommy p-please talk to me." you heard Konig cry from outside. but you couldnt bring yourself to talk to him right now. why did he take the cookie? why was he even talking to her? was she pretty to him? so many thoughts were running through your head, it made your chest feel even more heavy, but your head light. you laid onto the bed, letting the sobs come out into the pillow. and Konig was quick to hear them.
"why are you crying? what happened? did I do something, was it me?" he asked, banging on the door. and for some reason that angered you more. how could he not know what he did wrong? was it only okay for him to talk to girls, while you couldnt even look at a guy before hes put to the ground in a bloody puddle?
you were so in your head, you hadn't realized how heavy Konig's attack on the door had become. you jumped up when the door snapped in half in an uneven horizontal line. I mean, what wooden door had even the slightest chance against Konig? you wipd you eyes as you watched him kick open the door more, allowing himself in. " k-konig our fucking security deposit is-" "I dont care about that. your locking yourself in a room crying, thinking I won't fucking break in?" he cut you off, striding over to you. his own eyes were red, wet with tears. "why are you shutting me out.. what is going on?" he asked as he sat next to you.
you sniffled and wiped your eyes, looking into his chest. " the girl.. why do you have to talk to her?" you mumbled, feeling the anger crawl right back up into you, thinking about her smiling up at him. with those big brown eyes. she had her makeup done and everything, something Konig had asked for you to do only on special occasions. " oh mommy.." he whispered, scooting closer to you. he pulled you into his lap, your thighs on either side of his. he smiled up at you, wiping the last few tears that dropped from your eyes. " she was asking me around the neighborhood. thats all I swear." "then why was she smiling so hard." you counter attacked, looking into his eyes now. " because I told her the streets can be a bit confusing. which they are, aren't they? we get lost all the time coming back from our dates." he replied calmly, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to each knuckle.
you watched as he continued to press kisses onto your hand, flipping it over and placing one on your palm. you sighed and smiled at him, the anger you felt completely gone. "Ill throw the cookies away. they dont even look that good anyways mommy." he finally said after a few moments of silence. you smiled down at him and nodded, giving him a quiet 'thank you'.
the week got no better though. in fact, it got even worse.
" hi Konig~" you'd hear her say from the front door. you were in the kitchen, making you and Konig dinner. but when he answered the door, your eyes immediately shot up. and your grip on the knife grew stronger when you heard her stupid voice.
" I just wanted to invite you to my party. my 21st.." she said. from the kitchen you were able to see her hand him an envelope. "oh th-thank you but uhm.. I dont really do parties." he said, looking at the envelope in her hand. but she was persistent. she took his wrist, placing the card in his hands. she kept her hand on his wrist for a while, too long for comfort. " well it will be fun. and plus.." she was now in the doorway, pressed against his chest. of course, Konig had backed away slowly, but that didnt stop her from entering in more.
it was amazing how the knife in your hand wasn't already lodged into her throat. " you never know what type of fun you could have." she said, letting his wrist go. Konig's eyes moved up to your quickly, watching how you stared her down. and she didn't follow his gaze too long after. " oh, hi! are you his.. sister?" she asked, giving you a small wave. but you didnt say a word. you were too focused on not cutting her throat open. she looked awkwardly away, mumbling an 'okay' before turning back to Konig. " well I hope to see you there." she said, grazing his hand as she walked out the house.
you watched the door absentmindedly, the skin on your knuckles feeling like it could rip open. " mommy im not go-" you turned away from him talking, clenching your jaw to try and stop the tears from falling out. he quickly made his way over to you, the card being tossed right into the trash. he turned you around, grabbing your face to look up at him. " im not going. im sorry she said that to you I should've said something. please dont shut me out again." he said, his eyes darting across your face.
but your chest felt heavy all over, the hot tears stinging your eyes. you pulled out of his grasp, walking away from him. he followed after you, telling you to stop and listen to him. but you couldnt shake the sight of her being so close to him, calling you his sister. it formed a whole new feeling of rage, worse that last time.
just as you got to the bathroom he gripped your arm, pulling you into his chest. " I dont wanna talk to you get away from me." you said, shoving him back. well, trying to. but he stayed put, looking down at you try and push him away. "just stop for a minuet." he finally said, pushing you against the sink counter. you yelped in pain, your back instantly hurting from the force. he barricaded you between him, his arms on either side of you. " why are you acting like this to me mommy? I-i told you I dont like her.. I won't go to the party." he said, his tone softer than it was a few seconds ago.
but you couldnt give him a response. cause you didnt even know why yourself. it confused you, made you feel like you were crazy. or maybe you were crazy, just as crazy as Konig. he lifted your chin, looking down at you with teary eyes. " cant you see this is hurting me? when you shut me out like this?" he said softly. "please mommy just.." his eyes again went to darting around your face before her backed up, grabbing your hand. he led you to the room, shoving you onto the bed. he laid beside you, pulling you into his chest. "im never ever going to leave you. ever. I promise. so please, stop shutting me out when this happens.. please mommy." he said softly, wrapping you in his arms stronger.
you felt bad, crying over some girl you knew he'd never leave you for. he killed a man for you for crying out loud. what says I love you more than that? you nodded your head, giving him a meek 'okay'. but that didnt stop the urge to want to hurt her. hurt her for touching him, coming in your house. but you kept that to yourself.
~~ Konig had fallen asleep with you in his arms, snoring softly in your ear. and as much as you wanted to stay here with him, you couldnt shake the image of her in your house. it had been hours since it happened, you laying in his chest. and he had thought you'd fallen asleep. but you've been waiting for him to fall asleep instead, mentally preparing for what you were about to do. you knew it was wrong. and you scared yourself just thinking about it. but there was something in the back of your head that told you this was the right thing to do.
prying his arms off of you, you scooted off the bed. the clock read 11:42 PM in bright red letters. people were asleep by this time, right? you made your way to the kitchen, reaching into the trash where Konig threw the invitation. you took the mental note of the mini herts around her name, Jasmine. opening it, you scanned the card for her address.
" got it." you mumbled to yourself. throwing the card back into the trash, you made your way deeper into your kitchen. at first you just wanted to give more of a warning to just ease off of him. but in case that didnt work, you had a second plan. you weren't even worried about breaking into this woman's house, murdering her in her bed. and that is what kinda scared you the most. the lack of care or worry you had. you simply just wanted to get any potential threat to your relationship gone. plus, Konig did this for you. maybe he'd find it just as hot as you did.
you scanned the kitchen, searching for anything that would do enough damage, but was small enough to hide. you also began to think about how you'd go about this. you couldnt hide her body in her own home, that would be you asking to get caught. cant hide her in your own house. you then remembered the lake that was about a 15 minuet drive from your house. you smiled to yourself as you decided thats where you'd hide her body.
in that same moment, you found a pair of metal scissors, large round circles at the top to act as handles. perfect. sharp and long enough to stab her deep. shoving them into your pockets, you made your way to the front door, putting on your shoes. you needed to be quick, you knew. but the bigger issue was getting the car over to her house without waking up Konig.
you grabbed his keys from the mail desk and quietly made you way out the door, sure to keep Konig from waking up. when you were outside you quickly made it into his car and drove off, heading right for this Jasmine girls house.
~~ the windows were surprisingly open, a bit of an idiot move on her end. but you were assuming it was because of the heat outside. you made your way to the side of the house, finding a window open enough for you to slide in. you peeked inside, looking around to see if she was around. when you determined she wasn't, you squeezed your way through the window, landing flat on her rug.
almost like it was scripted, she walked out into the living room, jumping and screaming when she saw you. but you shook your hands, trying your best to shush her. " oh my GOD what are you doing in here?" she yelled, picking up a tiny vase that was on her table. "its your neighbor. I just needed-" she cut you off with a "yea I know who you are.", looking up and down at you. you bit the inside of your cheek. " if you needed something the door was right there for you to knock on you creep." she said, gripping the vase move.
the word 'creep' made you almost giggle. how were you a creep? you were simply protecting what was yours. " I just came to tell you to back off of Konig. he doesn't like you, and we've been together for a few years now. woman to woman, you need to respect that." you said, eyeing her down with the most serious gaze you can make. " oh please, im visibly younger than you, hotter too. Konig would be blessed to have me in his bed at night than you." she smirked, pushing her hair behind her ear.
she was right, about her being younger. but more attractive was what stuck with you. Konig always called you beautiful, sexy, pretty. every adjective to describe a good looking person. so it wasn't that you took offense to what she said. it was more so her stupidity and ignorance that got to you. " konig wouldn't spend 10 minuets with you alone Jasmine. so im asking you kindly to back off." you said, trying your hardest to keep your composure. cause its not like you want to kill her, but if your message went unreceived then..
"listen here lady, I dont have time to deal with your insecurities. if I want him ill 100% get him. now get out my house before I call the police." she said, her tone changing into a more angry one. for a moment you almost charged at her, but you had a different idea in mind.
"fine." you said, walking towards her front door. she eyes you down the whole time, watching to see if you made any sudden movements. and when you got to be right in front of her, you stopped. " im giving you one last chance.. keep away from him." she smirked, tilting her head to the side. " or.. what?" she asked.
your hands practically moved themselves now, smashing the vase in her hands to the ground, pushing her onto the floor. you placed one hand over her mouth, trying hard to not have her screams wake the whole neighborhood, the other digging in your pocket for the scissors. you sat your body on her legs to stop her kicking, her arms reaching up trying to push you off.
"just stay fucking still" you mumbled, your hand coming from your pocket to land a punch onto her face. she stopped, holding her now bruised cheek. " your f-fucking crazy" she cried, looking up at you. you ignored her comment, grabbing the scissors from your pocket. her face went pale, watching you smile at the shiny, silver weapon in your hand.
" I wouldn't say im crazy.. just possessive over whats mine." you said, trailing the scissors down her body, starting at her chin. her lip trembled, tears threatening to fall. " o-okay ill back off." she shuddered, her body tensed up. a small smile spread to your lips, your eyes meeting her scared ones. " oh but I gave you that chance a while ago.. " you said, eying her body trying to determine where to lodge the scissors into first. "I-i know but im serious I will just please.. please" she cried, her arms trying to cover her body.
you looked at her and for a moment, you felt sympathy. but the memory of her walking into your home, touching Konig, calling you his sister. it all made the anger come right back into you and you couldnt stop the scissors from lodging into her throat. blood shot out immediately, your hand grasping firmly around the scissors. her mouth fell open, a silent scream escaping her. and you just watched her, watched as the dark red blood poured out from her neck, her mouth too. it was satisfying to see a potential threat to your relationship gone.
you pulled the scissors out again, her blood flooding out faster now, squirting onto your face and neck. her hand reached over to cover it as best she could, her gaze still on yours. you watched as she struggled, choking on her own blood. so much so, you hadn't heard Konig's voice outside her window.
your body jerked up from the slowly dying body below you, looking out the same window you came from. outside, Konig stood, his eyes wide. and a part of you didnt feel scared. or worried. you felt proud sticking up for what was yours. you crawled off her body, placing the scissors down as you walked to the window. "mommy.. what did you do?" he asked, looking at you.
"I uhm.. I" you didnt have much to say, despite the lack of care you felt for the girl. but he didnt look angry, or scared. he just looked shocked. " can you let me inside?" he asked, nodding to the front door. as you walked past Jasmine, you realize she had completely stopped moving now, her hand laid flat on her side. blood still gushed out the side of her neck, the living room filling with the smell of blood.
opening the door, you looked into Konig's eyes. " I-im sorry.. I got jealous and- no. im not sorry" you were just talking at this point, rambling on about how you felt like what you did was right, and she deserved it. and Konig simply listened, leaning against the door frame, looking down at you with the softest smile you've seen from him yet. " a..are you not mad?" you whispered, looking to his chest.
and for a moment it was quiet. until his hands griped your waist, lifting you into his arms. before you could say much else, his lips pressed onto yours, his teeth clashing against your own. his tongue slid right into your mouth, his thumbs rubbing circles on your hips. Your arms flung around his neck, scissors still in hand.
kicking the door closed, he made his way to the living room, placing you on the couch. " did that for me mommy?" he mumbled, moving from your lips to your jaw. you nodded quickly, watching him move down your body. " so cute mommy.. just like me huh?" he keened, his fingers slipping under the waistband of your pants. his fingers wrapped right around your underwear, pulling them from your sticky, wet cunt. he flicked it back, sighing at the sound of your slick combining with your wet panties. " so wet mommy.. my goodness." he whispered.
he slid his hand from your pants, pulling them down right after. he moaned at the sight of your soaked panties, his fingers tracing over the spot. bucking your hips up, you let out a whimper, needing more than just his light touch. and he knew it, thats the whole reason he was doing this. " mommy you just killed someone.. think you deserve a reward now?" he cooed, looking up at you from between your legs. you nodded your head, the scissors in your hands dropping. "please.. please" you whimpered, pleading with him. he chuckled, licking his lips.
" want your baby boy to fuck you next to her huh? wanna get fucked next to the girl you just killed for me?" he asked, spreading your legs in butterfly position. he blew gently on your wet panties, earning a soft hum from above. " y-yes please.. " you ask breathlessly, looking down at him. he giggled and pressed a soft kiss on your inner thigh, licking a long stripe up to your clothed cunt. bucking your hips up to meet his lips. he shook his head, pressing another kiss to your thigh. " patience mommy.." he muttered, looking up at you.
you cursed under your breath, closing your eyes. you waited for him to touch you, do anything. and finally his fingers slipped under your panties to your throbbing cunt, the sound of your slick filling the once silent room. he gasped, loving how soaked his fingers already were. " so wet for me mommy.. you like killing for your baby boy huh?" he whispered, moving his middle and ring finger up and down your cunt, collecting every drop of slick that comes from you. " y-yes i.. want to prot-tect whats mine" you groaned, waiting for him to go for your clit.
a small whimper came from below you, his fingers slipping over your hole. you clenched around air, your leg shaking in impatience. " Konig please s-stop teasing just.. fuck me." you begged, pushing your hips down to look for his fingers. he smiled below you, sucking his fingers into his mouth. he hummed before sliding them into your cunt, both of you gasping at the feeling. " so slippery mommy.." he cooed, sliding his fingers all the way out before pushing them back in. your head pressed onto the couch, mouth formed in an 'O' shape. "
he curled his fingers up, finding your spongey G spot soon after. " is that the spot mommy? that the spot you need me at?" he whispered, watching how his fingers slide out your cunt, covered in your slick. "y-yes Konig k..keep going" you whined, your hips bucking up.
he was knuckle deep now, slowly finessing in a third finger that made your back arch up. you felt how your cunt expanded around his fingers, prepping you for his dick. your cunt made squelching noises, your slick bubbling out of you. it was embarrassing how wet you were, especially when you just took someones life. but maybe thats why you were so wet. because you were getting fucked for protecting what was yours. " wanna fuck you mommy.. need my dick in you." he whimpered, blowing onto your clit, his fingers picking up pace.
the knot in the pit of your stomach came quick, his fingers thrusting against your g spot, desperately trying to get you to cum. " come on mommy cum on me, I need it.. need it so bad." he begged, watching how his fingers slowly painted white. his begging added to that knot's desperation of letting go, and it only got stronger when you felt his tongue on your clit. you gasped, your hands finding his hair and gripping onto it desperately. " f-fuck Konig~ s'good" you cried, thighs pressing to the side of his head.
he growled at that, gripping the sides of your thighs and pushing them harder against his head. " come on mommy cum for me, please fucking cum for me" he begged, sucking your clit into his mouth. and that was all it took before your hips began to buck against his face, your face twitching in pleasure as his tongue lapped up your cum, his fingers still moving in and out your cunt. your hands gripped onto his shoulders firmly, your thighs still squeezing his head. " thats it mommy.. just like that" he whispered, slowly licking up your cunt, collecting the rest of whatever came from your cunt as it spasmed around his fingers.
he sat up, licking his lips as he looked over to the lifeless body. " come here mommy.. want you to show me just how much I am yours" he asked, sitting back on the couch. he watched you slowly sit up, your body still shaking from the orgasm that just took over your body. as he watched you, he pulled his dick out, watching it hit his lower abdomen.
Konig liked this new side of you. a lot. it made him feel like he wasn't alone in being crazy. he liked to feel like he was wanted as much as he wanted you. it made him fall for you all over again, if that was even possible.
crawling onto his lap, you looked down at him, hazy eyes and wet lips. your cheeks were flushed red, just the way he loved to see you. he smiled, cupping your cheek with his hand. pulling you down for a kiss, he took his other hand, grabbing the base of his dick. " come on mommy.. show me who's dick this is" he whispered against your lips, tugging your bottom lip gently.
pulling away from him, you looked down to his lap. you watched as his tip disappeared into your cunt, only to watch more disappear right in front of you. "f-fuck" you whimpered, feeling him stretch you out whole. " come on just.. a bit.. more" he groaned, pushing you fully down after the 'more'. you let out a silent gasp, looking into his eyes. his eyes were hooded, head slowly falling forward with his bottom lip sucked between his teeth. " s-so warm" he whined, hugging your waist.
you caught your breath, slowly beginning to bounce onto his dick. your hands found his shoulders, gripping them for supports while your chest pressed against his. " come on you can do better than that mommy" he whispered, his arms falling to allow his hands to grip your hips, moving him up and down faster. he leaned back against the couch, watching you from above. " come on mommy.. tell me im yours. f-fuck me like.. like im yours" he moaned, watching himself disappear into your cunt and reappear all over.
you leaned down to his ear, gripping the side of his neck. " y-your all mine Konig.. nobody c-can ride you like this huh? nobody can make you c..cum like I can" you moaned, picking up the pace and finding your own rhythm. your other hand remained on his shoulder, your head lodged into his neck. " no m-mommy... only - fuck - only you" he whined, his hips bucking up just slightly.
leaning back, you gripped his face, forcing him to look at you. your hips stopped as well, his full length inside your sloppy cunt. " d-did I say you can move your hips? take what I give you." you told him, gripping his face harder with the last few words. he whimpered a 'sorry mommy' looking in your eyes with his shiny, big ones. you smiled, resuming your rhythm and slow pace.
it was agonizing for him. having to feel every inch of his dick slowly get the attention he desperately needs. his eyes still looked up at you, pleading with your own to pick up the pace. but you were, in a way, teaching him a lesson. he'd always been rough with you in bed, despite the title he gives you. now it was your turn to act upon that title accordingly. and you wanted nothing less than a whimpering, blubbery mess below you.
" gonna teach you to not talk to another g-girl every again" you mumbled, slowly sliding up and off of him before slamming down on his length, clenching around him. his head fell back against the couch, his mouth ajar. " m-mommy please g..go faster. I need it I c-cant stand this pace" he whined, his arms letting go of you and instead, his hands gripping your waist. he was lucky you were letting him touch you, you wanted to make sure he didnt forget it was a privilege right now.
taking his hands from your waist, you pinned them on either side of his head. he opened his eyes, looking back at you with pleading ones. " no pl-please mommy let me touch you. I fucking need to touch you" he begged, shaking his head. but you only watched him, a smile across your lips as your hips rose and slammed back down onto his lap.
his skin was shiny, a win bulging out the side of his neck. try as he might, he couldnt stop his hips from bucking up. " c-cant take it mommy.. need more" he whined, his hips picking up the pace.
you knew you were weak compared to Konig, but you weren't expecting him to completely over power you. his hands broke free of your grasp, clutching onto your hips and slamming up into you. your head fell back, hands going to grip his shoulders. " thats it mommy take it.. oh fuck take it" he groaned, his head falling into your neck. his lips sucked hickies right onto the most noticeable parts of your skin, pulling and biting at the skin.
" s-so good Konig.. all mine~" you cooed, bouncing your hips to meet his pace. his tip hit the deepest part of your cunt, making you feel so full around his cock. " s'good mommy.. you feel so fucking good" he choked out, gripping onto your hips stronger. " wanted to fucking tease me didn't you? make me beg for your pussy.." he whispered, one of his hands slipping between your thighs to rub your clit. " knowing I can take t-this pussy however I want" he groaned, moving your hips faster.
he looked up into your eyes, blood from your neck coating his lips. " look so good beneath me.." you whispered, clenching around his dick. he whimpered, the image of blood and pleasure covering your face making his dick pulse inside you. his thumbs pressed into your hips, his breathing growing fast and strong. " mommy im so close.. fuck im g-gonna cum" he whined, his head falling back. his Adams apple bounced up and down, his lips parted.
your hand found the back of his head, yanking his head to look at you. " look at me when you cum" you told him, looking into his doe eyes. his mouth was still open, drool coming from his plump lips. " m'sorry m-mommy" he whimpered, looking into your eyes. your clenched around him, loving how submissive he was for you. " its okay baby.. come on cum inside me. fill me up" you cooed to him, giving him a small smile.
his whimpers picked up in consistency, his breathing growing rapid as well. " g-gonna - fuck , o-oh fuck " he cried, bucking his hips up into you. his arms clung to your waist, soft cries coming from him. " f..fuck" he breathed out, slightly loosening his grip on you. but of course you weren't done.
your hips continued to bounce up and down on him, his teeth sinking into your collar bone. " m-mommy wait i.. I cant- cant take it" he cried out, his grip returning on your waist. but you weren't listening to him. your hips instead picked up in pace, chasing after your own high. his cum ran down his dick, adding to his stimulation. " w-well take it" you muttered, hand still holding the back of his head. you pulled his hair so he was looking at you. his eyes were watery, shiny. drool slid down his chin, the blood from your body coating his lower face as well.
with each slam of your hips, Konig gave you a pathetic whimper, his eyes begging you to slow down and give him a break. but you couldnt do it. you felt too good to stop now. his hand that was once on your clit was replaced by your own, adding to the pleasure. " oh g-god" you moaned, head falling back. your boobs bounced in his face, adding to the orgasm that was forming all over for him. " mommy p-please" he cried, trying to hold you down. but you kept going, watching as the tears fell from his eyes.
and for some reason that only added to your stimulation. " awe baby dont.. dont cry" you cooed, letting go of the back of his head. his legs were shaking beneath you, his dick twitching inside you. and you felt close yourself, the way his dick hit your cervix so painfully well, grazing over your spongey g spot. it was perfect.
" mommy I-its too much.. please" he begged, feeling his dick yet again twitch inside you. your fingers rubbed faster onto your clit, watching his body spasm beneath you. " I-im gonna cum again mommy i.. I can't" he cried, another load of his cum shooting inside you. he clung onto you, crying into your chest. his whole body spasmed, still cumming inside you. " good boy s-such a - oh my god~" your body stiffened on top of him, head falling back and mouth ajar. your cum coated his sticky, wet dick, adding to the squelching noises coming from your pussy.
sweat and blood poured down your body, staining your clothes and his. small whimpers left his lips, his hips bucking up into you every now and then. " I l..love it when you use me like that mommy." he breathed out, pressing a kiss to your chest. your smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. " wanna help me dunk her in the lake?" you asked, slipping off him. he whimpered at the loss of touch, your cum and his completely glazed over him, dripping down to his balls. it was such a hot scene in front of you.
so much so, you couldnt help yourself from getting on your knees, taking his cock in your mouth. gasping, he tried to pull away, shaking his head quickly. " p-please I cant take it. I c-cant I cant" he cried, his nails digging into the couch. but you for some reason felt like you had to continue showing, or proving to yourself and him, that he was just yours. and will forever be yours. even if it means milking his cock till hes a sobbing mess.
his hips bucked backwards, trying to leave your warm your mouth. but your hollowed your cheeks, swllowing him back inside every time he slid out your mouth. " m-mommy please" he cried, trying to shove your head back. popping his dick out your mouth, you looked up to him, jerking him off to replace your lips. " tell me your mine. only mine" you said, looking up into his watery eyes, tears flowing down his face. " im yours. im all yours I s-swear, I swear" he cried, the sound of saliva and cum against his dick and your hand adding to the pleasure he felt.
smiling, you popped him back in your mouth, taking as much of you could of him down your throat. his head fell back, his chest rising and falling rapidly. it was sobs, sobs and pretty whimpers leaving his lips. his dick pulsed in your mouth, his third orgasm coming up quick. " m-mommy please I cant.. fuck it hurts" he cried, shaking his head, wiping his eyes. but he couldnt stop the cum from shooting into your mouth, his legs raising into the air slightly as he came, his body leaning forward. silent moans left his lips, his mouth still ajar.
humming, you swallowed around him again, earning another cry from him. pulling back, his cum and your saliva ran down your chin, a slutty scene to look at. " p..please mommy I cant anymore" he cried, his body leaning side to side, his eyes hazy and wet with tears. but you smiled up at him, kissing his knee. " I just had to make sure you knew you are mine. just as much as I am yours." you whispered, standing up.
you knew he'd have a hard time carrying the body right now, so you both stayed on the couch, cuddling with each other. " I love you mommy.. more than words can even describe." he said, laying in your chest. you smiled, running your hands over his face, wiping the tears that still brimmed his eyes. his dick was still pulsing, the shock of his orgasms still making their presence known. " I love you more Konig." you whispered, watching as his eyes opened and closed slowly.
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stcrgazings · 2 years
like a tattoo ➳ (c.l)
part two is up and you can read it here
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note: sooooo I literally wrote this out of nowhere, but i like how it turned out, it’s nothing like the song really buttt it has some of its lyrics so it only seemed fitting to name it that. thx to my girly @hey-kae who was my beta reader, and convinced me to post this, love ya. happy reading and don’t be a ghost reader!
pairing: charles leclerc x female reader
summary: in which you’re having a very hard time trying not to think about your ex-boyfriend charles, and with his dnf in the first race of the season, everything seems to remind you of him.
warnings: use of alcohol, lots of swearing (mostly fuck), a very heartbroken reader, mentions of a dick-ish charles, smoking ¿?? kinda
word count: 1,5K (it’s a shortie but I promise is soooo good)
“and it’s a Ferrari slowing down guys, and it looks like it’s Leclerc” the commentator in the tv says and your heart immediately drops.
Yes, you hate him, and don’t even wanna look at his face ever again but your heart still aches for him and the way his team is failing him yet again in what is barely the first race of the season.
Your model friend turns to look at you as the stylist sips you up over the black tube dress and fixes your hair in the tight ponytail that adorned you head.
“That’s karma” says the girl besides you, as you inevitably roll your eyes.
“That’s one way to call it” you say and everyone in the room that was starting at you bursts out in laughter.
You wanted to hate him, you really did, but you couldn’t help but wanting to text him after that awful race for him.
But fuck him, right?
He had a championship to win, at least that what he said when he broke up with you cold blooded, so yeah, fuck him and his stupid unreliable little red car.
you look at yourself in the mirror and smile at the reflection, you’re pretty, the most wanted model of every single luxury brand, and you eventually will get over him.
So you say your goodbyes as you exit the Prada building after signing yet another contract to add to your portfolio, your girl best friend hooked in your arm as you both giggled softly about where you both will be partying that nigth.
“But in Monaco right?” She asks as you both enter the limousine waiting for you at the front.
“Yeah I guess” is all you answer as you manager turns to look at you both.
Your hand lingers through your phone and eventually Charles contact, you wanted to text him, but at the end you decide against it, but something in the back of your mind tells you to unblock him and so you do.
Maybe some vodka will give you the courage to text him, or at least to hook up with someone else to forget about those haunting green eyes.
“We’re going to a club” you answer, finally lifting your eyes from the device your managers face quickly going pale.
“You really think that’s a good idea?” He asks serious, you roll your eyes.
“Why?” You play dumb as your friend besides you giggles.
“Bella don’t support her!” He complains.
“I’m actually curious why not?” The model asks again, also playing dumb, the man in front of you squeezing his fists as the both of you gang up on him.
“You going out partying and getting hammered when your ex just got his ass kicked at the race, how do you think the media would react to that?”
you meant this with absolutely every bone of your tiny body, when you say this;
“Do you really think I care what the media thinks? Fuck them for all I care” You spit and Bella besides you claps and cheers and picks a fight with your manager who is clearly unhappy with your plans of the night, he lists all of the cons and the reasons you should stay at home tonight.
“It’s a Sunday y/n, for gods sake!” He says but you didn’t listen and truly did not care a bit.
This is what you’ve been doing for the pasts weeks to try and cope with what he had done to you, and you hated yourself for not just getting over him.
Because it’s not like he was boyfriend of the year when you two were together, in the last months of your relationship he barely even acknowledge you, and he had dump you over call after what it was the biggest fight of your relationship.
Because you had exploded out frustration from his constant indifference, and dick ass attitude, and then ditched the apartment you both shared together.
So naturally when when he called you hours later you thought it was maybe to fix the things between the both of you.
But boy were you wrong.
Somewhere along the lines of “you’re just a model you don’t understand anyway” and “text me when you come get your things” the person you had love the most for the longest time broke your heart and didn’t looked back.
And so you went into self defense and destructive mode and if he didn’t looked back neither did you, blocking him in every social media known to men.
And like that you were strangers with who one was your favorite person in the entire earth.
And so if you wanted to go and get completely hammered after he lost a stupid race you would.
The Weeknd was playing as you downed another shot with people surrounding you as they cheered you on.
you were pretty wasted, but you still couldn’t get the Ferrari driver out of your mind.
All that you could think about was him, how much you missed him, and how much you wanted him right now.
As you danced with strangers hand all over your body you couldn’t help but remember his.
You remembered his hands, the way you would squirm under his touch, how he would show you how the stars looked like with just his fingers, the way his hands fit practically like they were meant to be holding yours, how good it feel when they were wrap around your neck, and how he would woke you up with them as he tickle you in to his arms, the way he held you at night as you both talk about your days and how much you missed each other.
Suddenly it all feels like too much, you pushed the stranger away from you, his grab in you becoming overwhelming and you need air, a single tear running trough your cheek and you can’t breath and it’s so unfair.
It’s unfair because you’ve had the worse months of your life and he had just moved on, with who used to be one of your best friends.
(Or at least that’s what every single media outlet said)
And you probably shouldn’t believe it but you still remembered the bile coming up your throat as you stared at the pictures of them at the Paris Fashion Week.
So you sit with your head thrown back in on of the sofas of the private booths at the club, and as the air conditioner hit your face, you remembered his hands and the way the mountains looked when you took that trip to the French Alps last Christmas, and you wanted to sob because of how awful it all felt and how much your body ache for him, you close your eyes and take some deep breath, and you can almost feel his lips against yours, you can almost see the life shooting diamonds from his eyes, his beautiful eyes.
The ones that would haunt you at night when you couldn’t sleep because all you did was think of him, how he was doing, if he missed you as much as you did him.
“You want a cig? Looks like you need it” a stranger asks in front of you, you mumble a no as you can, being so lost in your own head.
For the longest time Charles was by far, in your books at least the best person in the world, always so happy and perky, his smile lighting up your days, and nights, always so hungry for life, wanting for you to know the world the same way he did, always so passionate about the things he loved, always so passionate and loving of you.
You can’t help but wonder when it all went wrong, maybe somewhere between France and Abu Dhabi, the last being the last time you remembered being genuinely happy beside Charles, because yes he had come second in the championship but you remembered the way he held you up and kissed you in the hotel room and for a moment you thought you both will be fine.
But when you reach the top, it comes the fall.
And it was all fighting and misunderstandings and misery because you just wanted to be with him but he just wouldn’t let you.
Now you were there, still falling, wanting to forget about those times when you were happy with him.
He moved on, why couldn’t you?
Sitting there you beg for the universe to help you, to give you a sign, anything really, that eventually things would change, that you would stop feeling this way, that the hole inside your chest would disappear and finally the air would feel the way it’s supposed to and breathing and waking up in the morning wouldn’t be as hard as it had been lately and happiness would return your way and things would get better.
Obviously the least that you expect is your phone screen lighting up.
Especially with the name of the one that hadn’t been able to leave your mind in the entire night.
Suddenly an “I miss you” text from Charles hits you out of nowhere like a brick in the face.
Maybe you’ll take that cigarette now.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM THE PARENT TRAP *  assorted dialogue taken from the script, adjust as necessary
we've got a big, big day ahead of us.
now the question is, how do i get it out?
you must be new.
i would say you need some serious help.
now that's my kind of woman.
we traveled six thousand miles for... this?
it's rather picturesque, wouldn't you say?
i'll be fine. see you in eight weeks.
i'm positive i'd remember you.
sorry, wish i could, but i'm allergic.
sure. i'll take a whack at it.
why's everyone staring?
want me to deck her for you?
i'm so tired. i'm crawling back into bed and sleeping until lunch.
save yourself the aggravation. it's really disgusting.
you'll thank us for this. you'll see.
i feel so bad for you.
any of your pictures ruined?
i love oreos. at home, i eat them with peanut butter.
most people find that totally disgusting.
it's scary the way nobody stays together anymore.
will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this?
oh man, this is beyond coincidence. this is beyond imagination.
this is so freaky.
if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
that's the way true love works. history's filled with stories of lovers parted by some silly misunderstanding.
i have a brilliant, beyond brilliant idea.
oh, right. sorry, i'm just a little nervous.
you sure you know what you're doing?
oh god, i hope she likes me. please like me.
you look fantastic. what did you do to your hair?
i just love how everyone drives on the wrong side here.
now you're even talking like an american.
i'm making a memory.
i can't believe it's you.
i'm sorry, it's just... i've missed you so much.
can you believe it? it seems like it's been forever.
i didn't realize you were so beautiful.
i found a stowaway in your suitcase.
can't you manage without me?
you don't think it's too over-the-top?
come on, let's see what all the fuss is about...
i like things exactly the way they are, thank you.
now let's see what disaster awaits us.
you can't avoid the subject forever.
we kind of hit it off immediately.
i knew you were going to ask me all these questions one day.
it just didn't work out.
get into these arms, you little punk.
what happened to you? something's changed. did you get taller?
now you sound like your old self.
i made cornbread and chili.
i'm just so happy to be home.
i can't put my finger on it, but something about you has definitely changed.
when you're done, come on down. there's someone i want you to meet.
sorry, did i get you wet?
somebody grab that, please.
we've got a major problem.
are you nuts?
this is an emergency.
you've got to get back here to help me.
there's something really important i want to talk to you about.
you do an absolutely marvelous british accent.
i'm trying to tell you something!
why's everybody acting so nutty around here?
i'm afraid you're kind of missing the point.
let's discuss this calmly and rationally...
you are unbelievably out of line.
this is fantastic wine, by the way.
are you okay? would you like me to come with you?
why didn't you tell me it was you all along?
i've never been so happy in my entire life.
i'm in such major trouble here.
you're perfect for each other.
may your life be far less complicated than mine.
i can't believe it. you haven't changed at all.
i think i have to get dressed for dinner.
sometime, if we're ever really alone, maybe we could talk about... what happened between us.
you didn't come after me.
it's the wine we drank at our wedding. i now have every bottle ever made.
can we open one?
you're the only one i'd drink it with.
you don't always have to be so brave, you know.
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