#asks‚ 707.
ofhope · 3 months
Chae presses a kiss to Saeyoung's cheek. "Handsome Saeyoung."
“A kiss... from an angel?!”
Hand flying to his cheek, Saeyoung paused - gasped - paused again! A flit here, a flit there, were there still feathers drifting from her quick descent, faster ascent?!
“Handsome Saeyoung... I heard the bells chime! What is this feeling, have I aged a thousand years a minute...? No, I've deaged! I'm baby Saeyoung again, like - like western angels! An angel made me an angel...?”
An angel, the angel, sprung into his line of sight (had she always been there?! oh how glorious her presence!) — and like a man dying of thirst, Saeyoung lunged for his salvation with grasping arms! Before the angel could wiggle free, he pressed her tight to his chest, an embrace of their new ascension! One spin, two spin, three, and they could almost take flight once more! One kiss, two kiss, three, and her same blessing was bestowed onto her!
“Beautiful Chae! Lovely Chae! Angelic Chae ~ mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah...!!!”
Stories were etched regarding their existence, though most importantly: how those mwah!'s went far into the night, and continued for days on end.
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undercover707 · 3 months
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askingthe-rfa · 2 months
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“So much work to do…”
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rfaromance · 1 year
kissing Saeyoung's hands!!!
"It doesn't even hurt!"
"Please don't fuss over this!"
"I'm telling you, honey butter, I'm fine!"
Saeyoung's protests fell on deaf ears as you dragged him to the bathroom, where the lighting was better. You didn't care what he had to say; the cut on his hand looked nasty, and you weren't going to risk letting anything happen to your lover.
"Look, it's not even bleeding anymore!"
You snorted as you pushed him against the countertop. "Sit," you ordered, and with a grumble Saeyoung obediently plopped himself on the counter. "It is still bleeding!" you wailed in dismay, as you held his hand up to the light.
"So you can hear me."
"Saeyoung Choi!"
Hastily you dug out first aid supplies from the cabinet. As you searched for bandages and ointments, you could spot a dark hoodie shuffling out of the corner of your eye. "Don't even think about leaving," you snapped. "You are getting patched up here and now!"
The shuffling stopped.
Heaving a huge sigh, you returned to Saeyoung with supplies in tow. Carefully you reached past him to turn on the faucet, soaking and soaping a washcloth. You then turned back to Saeyoung and gently grabbed his injured hand. He didn't resist you this time, but rather tutted dramatically as you began to dab at the wound.
"Saeyoung... how in the world did you manage this?"
"One of my babies is in her rebellious teen phase."
"You mean there could be OIL in here, and you weren't going to let me clean it?" The horror and exasperation in your voice were powerful enough to make him wince.
"It's really not a big deal," he began, but you firmly squeezed his hand to shut him up.
After you'd wiped off the dry blood, you were able to see his injury clearly for the first time. A gash on the side of his hand, running from the bottom of his pinky finger to the top of his wrist. "This is the length of your palm," you fretted.
"Couldn't even tell."
His tone was different, somehow. He'd stopped arguing but also was acting less blasé. Now he just sounded... tired. Resigned. Hollow.
"It really doesn't hurt?" you asked softly. Carefully you put the washcloth in the sink, and you reached out to get the antibiotic ointment. "It didn't even sting when I washed it?"
"Not even a tickle."
You didn't want to believe him, but as you spread the ointment over his injury, he didn't flinch once. You gave his palm an experimental squeeze, wondering if he'd react. "Shoot!"
The pressure had opened the cut once again.
"I felt that," Saeyoung commented as you grabbed the washcloth again to dab at the edges of the wound. "It just... felt no different than picking up a shoe or opening a doorknob."
You reapplied the antibiotic that you had wiped off, furrowing your brow as thoughts raced around in circles in your head. Had his fingers always been this calloused? Had his knuckles always been covered with this many old, faded scars? Had his fingers, thin as they are, always been this muscular? Your own hands suddenly felt so feeble, so flimsy, as you began winding gauze around his hand, over and over.
"I can't afford to feel too much pain," was all he offered in explanation. "Not the way I've lived.
"Hands like mine don't deserve tender care from someone like you."
Having just put on the last stretch of bandages, you looked up at him with sorrow in your eyes. Much to your dismay, he was looking up at the ceiling, perhaps unable to meet your gaze.
You didn't know the full extent of the things that he had done to keep himself and Saeran alive; you didn't particularly care. All that mattered was that you knew he undertook those actions and made those choices in the name of love. He was a good person.
He had stopped trying to push you away, so why did he have to talk as if he was still damning himself? Did he plan to live the remainder of his life joyfully, but then spend his afterlife in flames? You didn't quite know or understand his feelings on that matter.
But you did know you loved him, and that he deserved every reminder you could give him.
"Your hands can't feel anything anymore?" you murmured, the lilt in your voice clearly prompting him for an answer.
"If only."
The detached, distant expression on Saeyoung's face immediately melted away, replaced by one of awe, caution, fear, and wonder, as your lips began to peck at each and every one of his knuckles. Then his fingertips. Then his (bandaged) palm. You even nudged the injured side of his hand with your nose, gently so as not to aggravate the wound. "Nothing at all?"
His tearful golden eyes met yours directly as he whispered, "Maybe there's something after all."
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natasha-in-space · 1 month
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Movie nights in the Choi household often don't go according to plan... Saeran has to deal with being the living pillow of the family
He still doesn't wake anyone up though
Gift for a friend <3
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rosekasa · 4 months
seeing mysme on your blog woke me up from a slumber I didn’t know I was taking
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
i'd love to hear your interpretation of the day 8 call ("You don't give up do you?") on Saeyoung's route! that has to be my favorite call, especially the end lolol
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I mean, if anything, this is a representation that goes against the idea that Saeyoung "suddenly becomes a big meanie in his route and he's not playing games with me anymore, he's such a jerk! The time we've spent with him in the apartment is awful because he isn't the silly guy on the game previews!"
I really don't care for people who talk about him that way. If you only value him because he's silly, then you don't actually value him at all as a person. That's why you drive right into the bad ending, figuratively and literally. If you don't value his emotions and allow him to come to terms with what just happened to him, then you don't like Saeyoung.
Saeyoung just realized he sold his life away for NOTHING. Rika and V promised him that Saeran would be safe, and now he's just learned it was a lie. It was all a lie. His brother isn't safe, he's suffering in horrible ways that Saeyoung can't even begin to imagine because every time he closes his eyes, he wants throw up at the thought of Saeran being forced to learn how to hack and hurt others.
He traded his autonomy away to give his brother a chance at a free life, and not even a perfectly free life, a life that could be as free as he could have been given the circumstances. Saeyoung did it because thought the sacrifice would be worth it and threw away everything for nothing. It was for nothing because his brother has no nothing but misery. 
Can you imagine what it must feel like to sacrifice everything and realize it was for nothing? Do you think anybody in his position will be silly and goofy? No. That's not even the entirety of his being. He is not just some guy who likes to play pranks on people. The RFA is his family, and he’s accepted they’ll be the only family he’ll ever have because he can’t be with Saeran. So, he looks over them and does all kinds of things to lift their spirits. 
He got Yoosung into LOLOL. 
He runs Twitter bots for Zen. 
He hangs out with Jaehee and lets her vent about work. 
He’s aware that Elizabeth’s collar has SENSITIVE INFORMATION on it, and is constantly pressing Jumin to up his security. 
Sure, he plays around and pokes fun at everybody, and yes, that’s a part of who he is. But, if you only believe he's a silly prankster, then you have spent no time reflecting on why he's wearing a mask and settling it in the first place.
Saeyoung Choi is a multifaceted person and he isn’t just a joke. He's a compassionate man who will do anything and everything to take care of the people he loves, he loves going out for drives, he loves working on robotics, he can make up a story on the spot about the stars, he loves cosplay and cross-dressing, he loves so many things and he could spend three hours explaining his love of language and linguistics to you if you ASKED.
He is serious and if he's trying to piece together a plan, he's going to have a contingency ready for his contingency. He's ready for anything you throw at him. He can hold a conversation at length about any subject you throw at him and he will enjoy it far more than you think he will. 
He's stubborn to a fault. He can be clingy and paranoid at his worst. Sometimes his anger gets the better of him and he says things without thinking. But, that's what makes him human, with all his faults, flaws, and aspirations. There is so much more to him than being a jokester and if you don't understand that, you're not paying attention to what's happening during your time in the apartment. 
All of this is to say that it's not okay that he's mean to you in the apartment, but a lot of people tend to blow what he's doing out of proportion. If you are actively calling him throughout the day and listening to what he says, it is so obvious that he is lying through his teeth. He may be the best liar in the world when it comes to his work in the agency, but when it comes to you, he is the worst liar I have ever seen in my entire life.
He cannot hide how much he cares about you. When he thinks you're not eating he goes out of his way to make sure he orders every kind of sandwich imaginable just in case you have a picky palette. When you leave the apartment to get something for him, he gets upset with you, not because he's angry with you, but because he hates that you're not thinking of your safety when his brother could have really hurt you even if it hurts him to admit that. 
And, you know what happens in this phone call? He sees you crying and he immediately folds. It doesn't matter how frustrated he is with the fact that his life is built on a lie, he still wants to comfort you because you make him happy no matter how afraid he is to admit that.
When it comes down to it, he's just afraid of letting you into his life because the last time he had somebody close to him that he would do anything for, they suffered. He just watched what happened to his brother all because he cared about him and thought he could trust his brother with people who didn't give him a reason not to trust them. 
The only reason he tries to push you away is because he's afraid of you getting hurt like his brother. He can't stomach what happened to his brother as it is, but the thought of watching another person he loves suffering isn't something he can stand. If you work with him and give him the space he needs, then he'll apologize to you and realize that he can't live his life this way forever.
He can't deny himself happiness for the rest of his life just because he's afraid to make a leap. This call shows he can't lie about anything when it comes to you no matter how hard he tries. He could lie to the rest of the world but he could never lie to you. 
My favorite part is the way his voice trembles near the end of the phone call and he asks you if it's okay to Hold Your Hand despite everything. 
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hakeism · 3 months
I started ywam a year ago (maybe a year earlier?) and I immediately loved it! It was so unusual but in a good way! The comedy and BL aspect hooked me in and stayed for the plot!
I stopped for a little bit (idk what happened there) and I just came back to it recently and I became invested again and this time I became more attached to the characters.
I just finished it today to pass the time till I have somewhere to be but now I’m not sure if that was a good idea cause now I can’t stop thinking about it 😭 I ended up loving this story way more than I thought and I'm sad it ended. But nonetheless it was great story thank you for bringing it to life! If you ever release physical copies I'm running to get them IMMEDIATELY 🏃🏻‍♀️
ANYWAYS sorry for the extensive Yapping, but there is a question I have as well! : I'm not sure if you have responded already, but if Abbadon was still alive, would he have been a better dad to Shealtiel? Or at least a bit better than Mettatron?
Thank you for coming along the ride! If Abaddon was alive Shealtiel wouldn't have been born to begin with, because he wouldn't have agreed to making him.
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akookminsupporter · 1 month
How is he real?
But you know the craziest part? that photo is from 2018, aka SIX years old, and the guy still looks the same. I actually think he looks even younger now. It’s wild.
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ofhope · 1 year
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Tomato headass. :3-looking mf.
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undercover707 · 4 months
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allyheart707 · 9 months
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
pretty sure you said that doki doki literature club was an inspo for you at one point, so what do you think would happen if redacted met monika?
✦゜ANSWERED: Yeah!! I really liked the general vibe of how creepy-cute DDLC felt and wanted something similar for 14DWY... Aaaaand because I'm into the gurokawa art style >:3c
But canonically, [REDACTED] probably wouldn't even acknowledge Monika's existence if I'm being honest ^^; She's just another insignificant roadblock to him, and he wouldn't care whether or not they have gamebreaking abilities or yandere tendencies.
But in saying all of that, I don't really feel comfortable with others comparing 14DWY with other games/characters unless I bring it up first. It's purely out of respect for both creators (imagine building a passion project only for everyone to talk about something bigger/better/unrelated) — and also because it usually gives people the wrong idea about my characters ;v; (I can't tell you the amount of times people have asked me about Hannah being in a cult; all because they thought Ren was similar to 707 T_T)
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rfaromance · 9 months
late night drives to see all the christmas lights in the neighborhood + seven
This might have been the first and last time in MC's life that they were willing to wear crocs.
Saeyoung was calling their name and waving them down towards him, urging them to pick up their pace, all the way through the bunker and until he reached the garage. Even after he hopped into one of his cars--a hot red convertible baby--he continued with his sense of urgency.
"Don't you dare honk!" MC tried to sound annoyed, but they could barely suppress their giggles as they flung open the passenger door and hopped into the car seat. "You know Saeran is asleep already!"
That managed to stop Saeyoung in his tracks, his hand hovering in midair just above the steering wheel. "My baby brother needs his rest," he murmured solemnly. "Especially since I programmed a special alarm for Meowy for tomorrow morning."
Although MC was curious to see what kind of "special alarm" that Saeyoung had programmed for Christmas morning, they couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the unsuspecting Saeran.
"Is your seat belt on? I may be in a hurry, but safety first!" Saeyoung hummed.
MC sighed as they clicked the seat belt into place. "So you admit you're in a h-- Jesus Christ, Saeyoung!"
They hadn't managed to finish their sentence before Saeyoung revved up the engine and began barreling towards the open garage door. As soon as he had verified his lover's safety, he had continued with his previous breakneck, almost frantic, pace to leave the bunker.
MC was naturally suspicious of this sudden, dramatic change in Saeyoung's demeanor. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?" they prompted as casually as possible.
Saeyoung only replied with a cheeky grin. "Nope!" the redhead purred. "But I must say, you do look amazing in my crocs."
If not for the fact that Saeyoung was driving at a somewhat frightening speed, MC would have smacked him. "I didn't want to go out in pajamas and crocs!" they protested. "You didn't give me any time to change! This is a one time thing, and don't you forget it!"
Saeyoung's disappointed whine almost made MC want to give in and consider wearing the cursed shoes again.
After a few moments of near silence, with the only sound being the rumble of the engine as Saeyoung drove through the night, MC ventured to raise the question that had been nagging at the back of their head the entire time. "Hey, honey. Can I ask you a weird question?"
Saeyoung chuckled softly in response. "I'm pretty sure that what's 'weird' for you, isn't very 'weird' to me."
MC snorted. "Pfft, I suppose that's true," they conceded. However, even Saeyoung's light-hearted reply was not enough to ease their nerves. "If you don't mind, then..." they began hesitantly, inhaling sharply as they tried to figure out the most tactful way to word their question. But MC and Saeyoung had promised to be honest with each other going forward, and maybe tact and beating around the bush was not the best approach after all.
"You normally dread leaving the bunker. Why were you in such a hurry to go out tonight?"
Hopefully that was not too blunt.
The pair drove in silence for another moment, except this time MC could not even appreciate the quiet because their heart was pounding violently in their chest and blood was pumping in their ears. Was their partner upset with such a harsh question after all?
A slow, low breath whistled out of Saeyoung's lips. MC braced themselves for a stinging reply, but all Saeyoung said was, "We're almost there."
Finally the car--which was definitely breaking the speed limit for the vast majority of their trip--began to come to a slow roll, easing merrily along the back road that the pair was traveling along.
"You're right," Saeyoung murmured at last. MC turned their head to him curiously, trying to suppress the anxiety rising in their throat as they waited for him to continue. "I hate leaving the bunker. It's not that I don't want to see the world," he explained, "but I know that this world is not safe for someone like me. I have more enemies than I have friends." A harsh laugh. "The count isn't even close."
The car drifted to a standstill, and Saeyoung shifted the gears into "park" before he turned his head to look directly at MC. "But you... you deserve the world. Every inch, every breath, every color, every sound. You deserve to live life to the fullest." His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, and his knuckles began to turn white. The car was stopped, so... was he just trying to hide how intensely his hands were shaking? "You are my world. I'm happy as long as I have you and Saeran. But... I can't let my fears and my dangers keep you from being happy. And so..."
He gently pressed the gas pedal and the car began rolling forward at a leisurely pace.
"So when you mentioned Christmas lights, I knew I had to take you to see them."
Christmas lights? MC ransacked their brain trying to figure out when they last mentioned them. Of course, they wouldn't deny that they loved Christmas lights; they looked forward to the dazzling displays at homes and around towns all season. But they had only brought them up off-handedly when talking to Saeran one afternoon. They hadn't complained or demanded to see lights; MC had resigned themselves to a year without them, knowing that the twins had to worry about their safety and that Saeran's health was still a big concern.
"You were listening?" MC asked at last, not sure of what else to say.
"606... I'm always keeping my eye on you, like your own personal Santa Claus."
With the tap of a button (a cleverly hidden button in the pocket of Saeyoung's hoodie), the dark path before them burst into color and light. Luminous trees reached into the sky, where crystal-colored snowflakes hung overhead. Presents made of lights in red, pink, and purple were scattered around the sides of the road, and glittering penguins slid down hills made of white LEDs.
"I must say, making a Christmas light show is almost as fun as hacking into foreign government databases! Almost." His warm golden eyes, glowing with love, turned to the awestruck face beside him. "Would you care for a tour of the North Pole of Seoul?" He extended his hand with a dramatic flourish, grinning from ear to ear.
"Have I really been nice enough this year for such a treat, Saeyoung Claus?" MC turned to him with a sheepish smile, trying to joke along but unable to disguise the admiration, humility, and adoration in their voice.
"If you don't make the nice list, then nobody else in the world has a chance."
Hand in hand, the pair set forth to view their own little slice of Christmas magic.
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Every Saeyoung MC has one collective braincell and it only knows to look at his arms. I can't blame y'all. His arms were made to hold and keep you safe.
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spacexseven · 2 years
So about 707... What kind of yandere do you think he'd be?
cw: yandere themes, stalking
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definitely the type to literally worship his darling. like, he has a whole shrine for them, and that's even before they actually meet.
he totally starts off as a stalker, feeling like they would never actually want to be w him or like him, but eventually, he feels a little less inadequate. he'd use his work as an excuse as to why darling has to be careful about making friends and tries to convince them to become friends w someone like vanderwood, who he trusts. definitely suggests just running away and going off-grid together w darling, is really like 'all i need it you'. believes darling is too good for him (and everyone else) which is why he's fixated on isolating them so much. if they happen to be around the same area, he's definitely disguising himself to try and approach them, or he starts texting them online as 707, far too nervous to let them meet the real him just yet. speaking off, i think he'd purposely place a phone/download an app into your phone so you can talk to him (and its easier for him to spy on you) ^^
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