#asma tag
year2000electronics · 24 days
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chanafehs · 26 days
I have no issue with solavellans but I think some people need to stop looking at lavellan art and going “must be a solas romancer” because people keep tagging my art as solavellan and I don’t know how to make it stop
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dawntoduskandback · 2 months
monday, august 5th
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featuring photos of my dear mr butters<3
- was able to do my daily hygiene and took a shower !
- studied spanish conjugation for a while
- took a big nap
- my prayers weren’t great but i got them done
all in all, 6/10. i’m glad i gave myself a break of sorts while also doing something productive !
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bahoreal · 1 year
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ssiegfriedsystem · 10 months
letters to milena are so good AGHHHHH AAHH im crazy
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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The Snaktooth Island Disappearances: Chapter 5
Warnings: Horror, major character death, non-explicit character death
AO3 Version
“The following documents are classified.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] writing for [\£?%], reporting on the disappearances on Snaktooth Island. While making efforts to get into the home of Wambus Troubleham and Triffany Lottablog, an investigator found something that the rest of the team had not noticed by that point. Stuck on a root on the river bank, the investigator found a journal bound with thick leather, and removed it from the water. It had some water damage, but a professional was able to recover most of the pages and decipher the entries. The author’s handwriting is a match for Snorpington Fizzlebean’s, however every spot where there’d be a signature was thickly written over. We note that Mr. Fizzlebean has a history of paranoia and psychosis, and we take these entries as lighter and less valuable than others.
The entries will be copied and documented now.”
Year #3, month #10 day #15
Floofty has returned to Snaxburg today. While it is annoying that I now have to deal with them around town, I suppose I shall value the security of having everyone here.
I have noticed something strange happening. I spend very little of my time outside, however I have noticed that the sun has started setting earlier. I do not know when it has been rising, as my sleep schedule has not changed, but I know the sun does not set at seven. I am aware that winter is coming soon, but I do not remember the daylight cycle changing this drastically. I will continue to monitor this.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #16
A cruel prank was played on me today! Beffica disguised herself as [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] while I was in a time of weakness and used it to try and get my secrets out of me- and she did! If she tells Chandlo, I don’t know what I will do! I’m hoping Scarla is preventing her from doing such.
On the lighter list of happenings, Eggabell has returned, unfortunately without Lizbert. Having her here will be useful, I can’t trust most of these grumps not to get into trouble without a doctor around. But I still wonder what happened to the other one.
I have no doubts that the daylight cycle is getting shorter. It has set before 8pm yet again, and I believe it is getting later to rise. However, it is not severe enough to be cause for concern yet. I will continue to keep note of it.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #17
The sun rose at noon and set at 6pm. I knew something was wrong and only today was it severe enough that all of town had noticed it! Because our schedules cannot simply be cut down to fit a six hour day, [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] and I have set up lanterns around town in order to provide light during the early and later hours.
What on earth is causing this to happen?! Winter alone could not cause such a major shift in daylight, and it is not even winter yet! Is the grumpinati attempting to snuff out the sun? What do they expect to cause other than complete economic and ecological collapse?
I’ve shared my concerns with [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] about his morning jogs. He said he’ll try to switch his times to afternoon runs if it stops me from worrying about it, and I hate to change his schedule, but I AM worried about it.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #18
Today was the same as yesterday. Filbo assisted [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] and I in lighting all of the lanterns, which I appreciate, and I feel it is now time for me to bunker down.
I have noticed that, during times of darkness, I cannot see outside of Snaxburg. Not stars, not the volcano, nothing. As though it is not only attempting to snuff out the sun, but all light around here.
I don’t like it a bit. I feel as though this might be bigger than the Grumpinati, or perhaps just their biggest scheme yet. But why wrap EVERYONE on the island into it?
Unless… It is bigger than just the island?
Is Maple okay?
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“The name “Maple” here is in reference to the eldest Fizzlebean sibling, Mapleline Fizzlebean, known more publicly by her actress name, Mapleline Hollyleaf. She is yet to be informed of her younger siblings’ disappearances and presumed deaths.”
Year #3, month #10 day #19
The grumpinati’s plan has reached its worst yet. The sun did not rise today.
How does someone make the sun disappear entirely-!? It does not make any sense! Not Triffany nor Floofty have scientific explanations, and I cannot even fathom how the grumpinati could do this!
Not to mention, it is unnaturally and extremely cold wherever there is no light. I have lanterns and candles in the mill, but if I leave for more than a second, there is such a terrible chill.
[-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] is helping Filbo keep the fire going and keep everyone together. I cannot be seen outside of the mill during this, but I have the stockpile of candles and lanterns, so I assume I will have to share them if this darkness does not heal itself.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10, day #20
It is the second day of all natural light being completely gone. The mill feels unnaturally large when I am alone in it, and I’m starting to wish we did not sleep on opposite sides of it. I wish we slept together. It’d be warmer that way.
I was called to the fire at noon to give lanterns and candles to those in need of them. While it depleted my supply, I know it would be selfish of me to refuse.
I am worried about what the grumpinati might be planning to do with this darkness. Are they going to send something to get us? Are they attempting to make us go mad? If I were not a hypersomniac, I feel as though I’d be struggling terribly to sleep. I cannot imagine what Gramble is experiencing.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“The entries for day 21 and 22 are missing.”
Year #3, month #10 day #23
I’ve slept away most of my days lately. I cannot shake off a terrible chill, and while I would like to go to the fire, I cannot put myself out there.
The mill is especially lonely now. [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] comes to check on me, but I believe I’ve been asleep during several of these times. I wish that he would wake me.
I only noticed Scarla’s absence today. How long have they been away for? And what are they doing?
Worse so, I am beginning to get hunger pangs.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“The lower half of this page was covered in unintelligible scribbles.”
Year #3, month #10 day #24
Sauce was rationed out today. [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] brought me several bottles of chocolate to sustain myself, and he spent more time with me than previous days. Likely because he caught me when I was not half asleep.
As it would turn out, yes, Scarla has left to get bugsnax. But they left two days ago and have not returned. Filbo said he wanted to go after them, but is that really a good idea?
Floofty and Triffany have supposedly been trying to find an answer, but I don’t believe this situation has one that is considered “reasonable.”
I noticed him shaking more than usual. Is he. Scared?
Perhaps that is why he stayed inside today.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“There was a page between the previous entry and the following one that was covered entirely in scrawls and scribbles that were too waterlogged to decipher.”
Year #3, month #10 day #25
Nobody was outside at the fire today, and when I looked outside, I realized there was no fire to be at.
Did Filbo go after Scarla? Is he out there, right now, looking for them?
I can tell [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] is uneasy, but he’s not showing me that he is. He’s never liked staying stuck inside, and he’s been staring out of the windows a lot. But he’s not staring in the way of someone who wants to be outside. He’s more. petrified.
I’ve found myself trembling because of the cold. I’ve never truly been scared of the dark, moreso of what could be in it, but I know that I am safely inside, so why am I so scared as well? I’m not alone anymore.
We had a long conversation today. Only slightly about this situation, and more about anything else. I don’t think he wants to talk about it. I don’t either.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“From here forward, the handwriting becomes noticeably lower quality.”
Year #3, month #10 day #26
The fire has been out for two days now, and I've only been doing more and more sleeping. [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] can’t sleep as easy as I can, I can hear him pacing all the time. I don’t like seeing him so troubled.
He came to me and held my paw for a little bit. I thought the touch of another grumpus would be warmer than this horrible cold, but he was shaking so much. Or was I the one shaking? I could not tell. Maybe we both were.
The grumpinati best let up this horrid scheme soon. I can’t stand the dark corners of this building, and even I am starting to find being indoors damning.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #27
I woke up to see [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] staring outside of the window again, but today, at something very specific. We can see most of the rest of town from here, Floofty and Gramble being exceptions, so I couldn’t dream of what he was staring at until. I saw it for myself.
Shelda’s gazebo is no longer lit. I can’t even see the silhouette of it anymore, much less of her.
When I’d joined his side and noticed, he started crying. He’s spent today very quietly, and it isn’t like him, but I can’t tell him anything better. Shelda was like his mother.
I have to wonder about Floofty, and, if this darkness is bigger than the island, about Maple. Is MY family safe?
Please let this be over soon.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
Year #3, month #10 day #28
We had a long talk about things that were meaningful to us today. I don’t know how, but [-.-. .... .- -. -.. .-.. —] had a spark in him today. Some kind of motivation, and he wanted to have a good conversation with me. He’s been pacing around while talking, and even if he isn’t smiling, he seems very determined to do something. I couldn’t dream of what, I don’t know what could be done about this, but he seems happy about it.
It’s been forever since I’ve left my bed, but I got up to talk to him today. Paced a little as well.
The darkness cannot hurt us if we do not let it. I might be scared, but we are together.
[... -. --- .-. .--. -.--]
“The start of the following entry is in a different handwriting. It matches up with Chandlo Funkbun’s.”
I know you don’t like me touching your stuff but I know you’re gonna be more upset if I don’t write this down
It’s like, 6am, and I can see a light on in her hut, so I’m gonna go try to see her and get her to come here to us. I think it’d be better if there were more of us, y’know?
Cause maybe what happened to Shelda happened because she was alone.
I should be back before you’re awake, but I’m writing this just in case I’m still talking to her. If not when you’re up, I should be back by ten.
Love you, Snorpy.
“It returns to Mr. Fizzlebean’s handwriting at the bottom of the page, though messy.”
DAY #30
DAY #31
DAY #32
“The entries end here.
We do not know why this journal was discarded into the river, and unfortunately, it has not yielded anything more useful than previous findings.
The investigators will continue to do their best to find what they think will be useful. The disappearances on Snaktooth Island remain unsolved, but we hope to close the case soon.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] signing off.”
As the typewriter finished clicking, the writer removed her paws from it, taking a heavy sigh. She rubbed her eyes with one paw as she picked the piece of paper out and put it on a pile with the rest, ready to be bound and put into the case folder.
“I cannot believe this case has gone on for so long-“ She groaned, “Thirteen grumpuses do not just go disappearing without a trace, there must be something that we are missing.”
A knock behind her caught her attention.
“Is this Mia-Asma’s office?” She heard a voice call out.
“That’d be me, come in.” Putting her paws together, the dark gray grumpus waited for the other person to enter.
Inside stepped a pudgy yellow grumpus with very round glasses. “Heeey, Mia! How’s docking the case going?” They asked.
“Ungodly frustrating.” She crossed her arms. “You’ve seen it too, Maaz. This case makes no sense.”
Maaz chuckled, looking away. “Yeah, this one uh… it’s a doozy.” They picked at the camera that hung around their neck. “I haven’t had a single thing to take pictures of for this case.” Mia-asma and Maaz worked for the same team of investigators, with Mia being the one putting together documents, and Maaz being a crime scene photographer. That case was increasingly frustrating for one, and incredibly devoid for the other.
“I’m hoping that this last house they're pursuing ends up bearing fruit.” The gray grump walked away, getting back to her desk.
“Oh, yesterday when I was at the scene, they managed to get in.” Maaz said, looking up. “But, they didn’t find anything downstairs, and apparently the upstairs is locked up tight.”
“Are you joking?” Mia looked over her shoulder. “We have hit a thousand walls with this case.”
“I know! And I don’t like it either, but we can’t do anything-“
Mia-asma jumped at the yelling of her last name, looking past Maaz into the hallway. Suddenly, a small, white grumpus burst into the room, rushing up to her. “Mia, copy these entries down, immediately!” He thrust a book into her hands.
“Huh-?” She took it and looked down at it. It was a thick, leather bound journal. “What is-“
“Mia, we solved the case. Or, this woman did.” He put his hand on the book, staring into her eyes. “It’s Mrs. Lottablog’s. She had the answer.”
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shehzadi · 1 year
tagged by @cordiformity (like two months ago sorry and thank u jess ❣️❣️) to post the top 5 songs from my on repeat playlist
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can you tell it’s ramzan 😭
tagging @cairenes @taohun @iloveeverybodybecauseiloveyou @filmkamera @arthurianmotifs @terrorizzm @fennecshandgf @knivesgf @farhanqureshi @souvlakigf @raqhaelia hiiiii
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cockworkangels · 10 days
Help Asmaa and her family!
Asmaa @asmaamajed2 is a 19-year-old computer engineering student. She is full of passion and driven to pursue her dream of making a difference through technology. Please help evacuate Asmaa and her family to safety and help Asmaa continue her education and passion!
The people of Gaza have had to endure the horrific conditions of constant bombing, hunger and forced displacement caused by Israel’s genocidal war for almost a year. Asmaa and her family lost their home and their source of income. They have been forcibly displaced and have been living in a tent enduring extremely difficult conditions. Now due to heavy rain their tent and their property has been damaged. Winter is approaching and they urgently need to replace the damaged tent. 
Asmaa has been fundraising since June and has only been able to reach only 20% of her goal despite having fundraised for months.
Their campaign is currently at 9 849/50 000$ of the goal. Please share and donate to help Asmaa and her family survive!
Asmaa’s campaign has been shared by @/90-ghost here. 
tagging for reach:
@schoolhater @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @determinate-negation @a-shade-of-blue @neptunerings @transmutationisms @buttercuparry
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jzq · 14 days
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i couldnt help but notice posts for campaigns get more notes when a drawing is attached, so hopefully this helps. this post lists all the people who have asked for help from me, this is probably the most important post i'll ever make so please reblog it (and donate)
trust at your own discretion and check notes (almost all of these are donation protected)
link @hanyfamily link @ahmadgaza1 link @asma-family link @emanfamily3 link @aboodfamily link @lina-gaza link @eyad-alanqar255 link @gaza-love100 link @anqarfamily link @abeerashraf91 link @mones1998gaza link @hanangazaa link @aseelo680 link @nabila6 link @maria-gaza1 link @falestine-yousef link @save-amal-family link @mohammedswierh2 (check notes) link @save-ahmed-family1 link @ayameq0 link @shaimaasblog link @wafaaresh6 link @fidaa-family2 link @ahmadresh link @sameer-gaza1 link @abuadam86 link @farahh2003 link @najahmeq link @dodoomar12345 link @rehabsh98 link @anasalshrofa link @safaa18mero link @khalid-sisters link @yousefjehad3 link @jody-family link @saveyouseffamily link @ayoosh-gaza link @hani-family link @husseinshamia link @abood-gaza3 link @em-omer link @mahmoud3hilles link @ameenayasser link @hilles-abed link @yazan-joud2
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(the drawings sole purpose is to catch attention) (idk who to tag to get this to spread) (pinning this post)
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ymustutortureme · 4 months
I've had a many people reach out to me personally asking for help to spread their campaigns in order to receive donations as their funds are extremely low. Please consider donating if you can. 🇵🇸❤️
These are their accounts/fundraisers. Their fundraisers are also pinned at the top of their blogs. Check the comments for more tagged accounts that I can't add in the post.
@familydeea @moamenmajed99 @lailashaqoura @tameraldeeb @danashehab @nadasaftawi @samerpal @shahednhall @ahmed79ss @saharshehab52 @helpkhalaffamily @rhq2744 @mahmoud-ziad @ayaalanqarsblog @briefthingtastemaker @karamrafeek @mohammedshehabnew1 @dina179 @siiraj2024 @islamgazaaccount2 @ahmed-ziad @alaakh9 @supportgaza @yasminalbalawiigaza @musababd @aya2mohammed @rehamyasirr @bilalassadabedrou @girlquee @save-hijazi-family @omarhilles2022 @anqer @aseel225 @drahmedhamad2 @dodoomar147 @heno-mo @falestine-yousef @monashamali @burningnightgiver @asmaayyad @shymaafamily @m430235341 @ranensblog @mahmoud66262 @adham-89 @heba-baker @nedataya @salem-baker @ahmed4palestine @ahmeadhilles
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year2000electronics · 24 days
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(the peacock is asma)
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chanafehs · 2 months
Six-Song Soundtrack Tag Game
Thank you @shivunin for creating the game!! I got tagged by @elfroot-and-laurels
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End credits song
I'll be doing it for Asma Lavellan under the read more, though a few of them are just ambient - feel free to deduce your own meaning:
1. An event that defines your character's past
My meadowlark, sing to me Hummingbird, just let me die Inside the broken ovals of your olive eyes I do believe you gave it your best try My hummingbird, sing to me
2. How your character sees themselves
3. How others view them
4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic)
*the* cullsma song of all time
Wordlessly watching He waits by the window And wonders At the empty place inside Heartlessly helping himself to her bad dreams He worries Did he hear a good-bye? Or even hello? They are one person They are two alone They are three together They are for-or each other
5. A major fight scene
6. End credits song
 She told me, she can break your heart And put you in misery Since I met this little woman I believe it's happened to me Let me tell you … It's too late to turn back now I believe, I believe, I believe I'm falling in love It's too late to turn back now I believe, I believe, I believe I'm falling in love
Tagging (you are free to ignore if you've already done it or this is not something you're into doing): @ysali @hungee-boy @exhausted-archivist @lyana-chan @jumpingbellara
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Gaza Campaign Log
I’ve been getting a lot of requests to share donation campaigns, so I figured it would make sense to keep a list! I am not qualified to verify these campaigns, I'm simply going by what has been vetted by other blogs and has "donation protected" on GoFundMe.
@tahseenkhazen - Tahseen Alkazendar
@helpfamily - Mahmoud Baalou
@abedallhferwanagaza - Abedallh and Ola Ferwana
@save-ahmed-family1 - Ahmed Atila
@mohamed-mikki - Mohamed Mikki (this is a paypal link, but given how thorough Mohamed is with listing expenses, I'm pretty sure it's legitimate)
@ehabayyad23 - Ahab Ayyad
@ahmeadhilles - Ahmed Helles
@azaxa - Lina Abusamra (Campaign monitored by Ayah to bring cousin Amer, wife Lina, and their family over)
@abdelmutei - Abdelmutei Alhabil
@musababed - Musab Abedraboo (Campaign monitored by Sohaib Asfour)
@save-hijazi-family2 - Mohammed Hijazi (Campaign monitored by Ahmed Awad)
@bshaeromars-blog - Intisar Abushammaleh (Campaign monitored by Reem Shaheen)
@children-gaza - Ahmed Balousha
@aya2mohammed - Mohammed Alhabil
@janeursural - Janeursal (Paypal under Samson Munchari, but verified by @hudansyfiger)
@monashamali - Munna Tashmali (Campaign monitored by Asma Zubairi)
If you are willing and able to donate to any of these lovely people, please do so! There are also larger distribution efforts such as Gaza Funds if you want to help a broader number of people.
Below are a list of tags for other blogs to potentially share these links as well, reinstate verification, and hopefully get these lovelies on the masterlink spreadsheet if they aren't already on there! First group are Palestinian blogs/organizations, second group are blogs I've reblogged aid signals from in the past, and likely have a much larger platform than I do!
@90-ghost @nabulsi @northgazaupdates2 @el-shab-hussein @hudansyfiger @helpgazachildren
@bichilchuck @eruhamster @fairuzfan @c-razy-ca-z @neptunerings @retvolution @bunnie-the-idiot @okaysign @farcillesbian
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dawntoduskandback · 2 months
urgent: help Youssef and his family evacuate Gaza
intro below the cut!
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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hi, you can call me asma, and im happy to meet you!
this is my studyblr blog where i’ll be posting my goals, stuff i’m studying , reading, etc !
some things about me :]
- i love making bracelets
- english is my best subject but history has my heart 😭🫶
- i study spanish for school, i study arabic for my religion and i study russian for funsies
im looking for mutuals 💕
my tags:
#asmas posts - my posts teehee
#reblog - self explanatory
#islam - stuff about my religion!
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insomniac-jay · 2 months
I am grateful for your support and thank you very much❤️🍉
But a simple donation from you saves the body from death 💔🇵🇸
Can you donate for me and my family?🙏
Unfortunately I cannot donate. However, I know there are people out there who can. Asmaa's campaign is only at €3,682/45,000. Please donate to her fundraiser to ensure her and her family's survival.
Tagging for reach
@nogender-onlystars @punkeropercyjackson @floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @sanrio-butch @butchmagicalboi @ribbonspice @dead111111111111
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