#asmo x GN reader
princessasmosprincess · 8 months
I saw your asks were open and I ran right here! Could you write something about Asmodeus finding out that adult!mc is inexperienced in love and still hasn’t had their first kiss yet?
I’m not very experienced in the romance department myself, so this is something I’ve thought about quite a bit since Asmo is my fav. It would be so intimidating to be with Asmo, just because he is so experienced and he’s probably done EVERYTHING. At the same time it might be nice to let him take the lead? I think he'd be very gentle and reassuring as your “first,” whether that means kisses or something more intimate. I also don’t think he’d be judgmental, he’s been with all different types of people so nothing would surprise him.
I don't know what spirit possessed me, Anon, but I saw your ask and the words just kept coming. I do hope you like it ^ ♡ ^
Genre: A little fluff, a little angst.
Warnings: Nonsexual nudity, not really suggestive but it does dance around the topic of sex, MC is a virgin and has never been kissed and feels embarrassed about it.
“...And can you believe, no one had ever told Marchosias that he was a bad kisser! Now, I don't mind if it’s a little rough but I’d prefer any hickies to be lower than jaw level, do you know how hard it is to cover them up even with magic? I swear, it was like making out with a suckerfish.”
Asmo slipped off his robe before folding it and setting it at the edge of the tub, smiling when you laughed at his description of the kiss. He did love an audience, and you hadn't heard most of his stories yet.
You were already in the tub, basking in the warmth and the light floral scent that wafted up with the steam.
Every once in a while Asmo would invite you for an evening bath to relax and gossip. Before you knew him well, you’d been wary of his intentions, but eventually you figured out his motives were relatively pure. He never once crossed your boundaries or made you feel uncomfortable. By now, you barely even acknowledged each other's nudity.
Asmo stepped into the tub, sinking into the cloud-like froth of bubbles, “I know he’s got that whole innocent 'I only give true answers to all questions’ thing going, so you don't want to hurt his feelings, but someone had to tell him.”
“Poor guy.” You laughed.
Asmo was usually the one who did most of the talking, but you didn't mind as long as you were able to get in a word from time to time. He always had a lot to say, so unless something particularly interesting happened to you at RAD, you’d let him go on for as long as he wanted.
“Oh, don't worry, I was gentle with him. I even gave him a private lesson, if you know what I mean.” He smirked, “But we never really talked again after that.”
“Yeah… I'm pretty sure he was just trying to use me to get to the Celestial Realm anyway, as if I wasn't disgraced and cast down. Like, Solomon probably has more sway with my Father than I do at this point.” Asmo sighed and stretched, leaning back against the tub. “But that's enough about me and all of that… What about you?”
“Yeah,” Asmo's amber eyes brightened, “I wanna hear about your romantic escapades, so spill.”
You hadn’t quite gotten to revealing many of the intimate details of your past to him or any of the brothers.
Your cheeks warmed, “I don't think any of my stories will be as interesting as yours.”
Asmo laughed, “Well of course not, dear, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear about them.”
“I don't know, Asmo, I don’t really-”
“I won’t ask you to share anything too personal, if that's what you’re worried about,” He lifted a handful of bubbles to his face and blew them in your direction, “Ooh, what about your first kiss, you could at least tell me about that!”
You broke eye contact with him, chewing your bottom lip as you tried to come up with the right words to say, and when they did, they caught in your throat, “I- I can’t.”
A sly grin stole across his lips, “Darling, don’t be silly. Is it that embarrassing of a story? You can tell me, I promise I won’t share it with a soul.”
“That’s not it, Asmo.”
“Hmm?” He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t understand.”
Your voice came out barely above a whisper, “I haven't had my first kiss yet.”
Asmo blinked a few times, the air felt heavy around you, though he didn't seem to notice. He was more surprised than anything.
You’d never had your first kiss?
“Does that mean you're also a-”
You turned your head, willing away the tears pricking at your eyes. It was stupid, you knew. There were lots of people like you. But you felt so ashamed. So unloved.
You knew the question was bound to come up sooner or later, but you still felt unprepared.
“Oh.” Asmo’s gaze softened, not that you could see it. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed-”
This was you, after all, adored by the future Demon King and the Avatars of Sin alike. He didn't think it was possible you could have lived for this long without so much as a kiss.
“It’s ok, Asmo, you didn't know.” You sighed, tilting your head back against the edge of the tub and closing your eyes. You needed a moment.
Asmo sank lower in the water, so his head sat just above the bubbles, his eyes never leaving you.
Asmo’s whole world for the longest time had revolved around himself and sex and carnal desire. That was just what it meant to be the Avatar of Lust. But in the grand scheme of things, experience in those areas didn't matter much at all. Passion was more important, whether it lasted a moment or centuries.
His heart ached for you. From your reaction, this was clearly beyond you simply not having an interest in intimacy. Asmo didn't understand how the opportunity hadn't come about for you. It infuriated him that other humans hadn't seen what he saw in you. How could anyone not love you?
Asmo hardly remembered his first, a face faded from millennia past, a kiss that hadn't made much of an impression after millions more, new and exciting feelings that had overwhelmed his senses at one point but would feel so tame to him now. But he did know that doing something new was always scary at first.
He could offer to help you take that step. To be your first. Of anyone in the entire universe, wouldn't the Avatar of Lust be the best possible first kiss? Wouldn't your first time with an expert make future opportunities feel less intimidating?
And if he was your first kiss, maybe he could be your first in other ways…
His gaze flickered to your lips.
But it didn't seem like the right time. Asmo had made a mess of things as it was. He knew he shouldn't have pressed you, but he had been too curious. Your feelings were already hurt.
He would talk to you about it some other time. Asmo didn't want you to think he pitied you and he didn't want to pressure you either. There was nothing shameful about your situation, whether you felt that way or not. It would do you no good to rush things when you were feeling so vulnerable.
No, he would wait for the right moment, and if you chose someone else as your first he would gracefully accept your decision.
Until then, he would show you how precious you truly were.
Cross-posted on AO3
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followmybones · 2 years
Thinking about Asmodeus being excited about having found a matching costume idea that you had agreed to wear with him. How absolutely excited Asmodeus is as he straddles your lap to fix the horns he had made for your costume. Teasing Asmo about how he got the costume ideas from a human movie, and the way he absolutely adored the “sexy angel” idea. Humoring Asmo as he begs you to let him take some photos in your matching devil and angel costume. His coy smile as he sits in your lap, arms wrapped around your neck as he feigns an innocent look to try and sell the "angel" part for his picture.
male reader intended
Based on the type of dynamic/relationship Asmo and I think we would have, Asmo is wearing a full costume & mc is in like… casual black & red clothes with devil horns, and maybe a tail. I'd humor asmo with a tail, but not a full costume.
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temis-de-leon · 2 months
Who's their emergency contact
Lucifer: Mammon, his favourite brother and the one he turns to when things get serious. For the sake of his peace and sanity, there are things he'd rather keep secret from Diavolo and just for this reason he can't trust Barbatos either; telling something to the butler would only result in the prince knowing.
Mammon: you, whether you like it or not. Depending on the situation, Lucifer may leave him longer than necessary in the hospital (or wherever he's retained) and his younger brothers tend to make fun of him most of the time. If he has to face someone's wrath, please let it be yours.
Levi: Lucifer, the default option. As much as he loves and trusts you, he needs to be realistic: there are some things you cannot handle. Besides that, of course, his eldest brother is responsible when making decisions, especially if his family is involved.
Satan: Lucifer and he hates it. It used to be Asmo until he had an accident with a spell and ended up in serious trouble. When Asmo arrived he cried so hard out of worry that they had to call Lucifer, so he reluctantly changed it to save some time in the future.
Asmo: you. If something happens to him, the first person he wants to see when he wakes up is you and, if it were really serious anyway, you wouldn't go alone to get him. Plus, he'd also die of happiness under your care since he'd be receiving all your attention!
Beel: Lucifer, who he trusts the most in stressful situations. He loves Belphie with all his heart, yes, but he can't trust his twin to be awake at random times; emergencies can happen at any hour, after all.
Belphie: Beel. Does he have to explain? Besides you, there's no one in the family he trusts more than him, so it just makes sense.
You: Lucifer. Mammon tried to negotiate. He tried.
Main Masterlist
This is so damn stupid. I promise I'm writing my normal posts, but I was watching Grey's Anatomy and it just happened. If it looks wonky, it's because I'm sleepy
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010  @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion
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koolades-world · 1 year
Exclusive Mc Privileges
Getting to wear his big coats and gloves when you’re cold or whenever you feel like it
Interrupting him working with no consequences no matter how silly the reason
Waking him up first thing in the morning like a kid on Christmas
Telling him how attractive he is when he’s mad
Helping him grooms his wings
Taking as many silly pictures together as they want as long as they don’t share them with anyone
Borrowing his pens
Helping yourself to his record collection
Staying out late
Comforting him in the middle of the night when he wakes up with a nightmare
Being his passenger princess
Treating him like a princess whenever he feels inadequate
Borrowing his sunglasses at any time
Keeping him company when Lucifer hangs him upside down
Taking the blame for anything bad you did even if it means losing money
Driving his car
Using his money
Calling him you first and cutest demon
Dressing in matching outfits even if they are bright pink
Joining him to any and all conventions
Making cosplays with him
Borrowing anything from his manga collection
Touching or seeing his tail in a domestic setting since he’s insecure about
Polishing his scales for him before parties!
Feeding him while he’s gaming
Letting you play any game you want on game nights together
Doing his makeup whenever you feel like it
Caring for Henry
Organizing his books
Sharing his tea collection with him
Baking cookies together from his favorite book series
Going to exclusive events as his partner
Using his influence to get you whatever you want
Spending late night reading time with him
Going on morning walks with him
Scrubbing his hair in the shower <3
Borrowing his notes from class if you were sick or just forgot to take some that day
Sharing his morning routine with him since he wants you to look fabulous too
Getting lots of gifts from him since everything he sees reminds him of you
Borrowing anything you want in his closet
Using his Devilgram
Matching jewelry!
Making jewelry together to have it matching which is better than buying it
Attending meet and greet events with him as moral and emotional support
Him cooking cute recipes he found online for you
Being his personal model for new looks
Cooking for and with him
Stopping him from eating the ingredients while cooking
Picking out his change of clothes after the gym
Going on dates to new restaurants
Stealing his shirts to fashion into outfits or lounging around in
Piggy back rides!
Flexing his arms for you so you can touch them
Admiring his wings
Teaching you everything he knows about various Devildom dishes
Sleepy kisses :)
Hiding in the attic to get away for a while and nap
Pillow shopping together
Going camping in the middle of nowhere to admire the stars and each others company
Sneaking off together at parties
Karaoke together since he knows how much you love his voice
Attempting to wake each other up but falling back asleep together each time
Surprising you at RAD with random gifts of flowers
Making cupcakes together and ending in a flour war
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MC meets their male version
Story list
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MC: summon 'em here!
MMC: no.
Lucifer: no.
MC: please!! I wanna see 'em.
Mammon: me too , I also wanna see how I'd look as a female.
Asmo: hmm~ I also wanna see my pretty female version, I'm sure I'm still the most gorgeous.
MMC: no.
MC: why!?! so you get to see their male version but I cannot see the female version!!???
MMC: .....no.
MC: imagine the interaction between them , so many hot people together....
M!MC: .....now that's tempting...
Lucifer: mc no .
MMC, MC: Mc yes!
*MMC continues to summon the sisters*
F!Lucifer: M!MC where were youu we searched everywher-
F!Lucifer: *sees female MC* .....oh? .....oh~
MC: .....ummmmm
MMC: shut up you asked for thi-
MC: ...and I'm not complaining.
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[A/N]: one word , mothers.
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zephyrchama · 10 days
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You're in your room in the House of Lamentation, held down by the Avatar of Lust. He's got you secured in place just the way he wants you - back against the bed, face up towards the ceiling, eyes closed for the moment. He sits on your stomach with a brush in hand. Two heavy pouches are on your chest containing everything from basic moisturizer to specialized lip oils in a rainbow of colors.
"Just going to blend this a bit here," Asmodeus murmurs to himself. He adds another layer of eye shadow while returning to his story, recounting the time he watched a Little D try to rob a pastry shop. Absolutely hilarious, it was like a comedy sketch. You feel the gentle yet purposeful dab of the brush tugging at your skin and wonder if Asmodeus can see you blushing under the foundation he applied.
Every couple of minutes, he rakes his nails over your head as if moving hair aside. Powder is sprinkled on your face, making your nose tickle. You twitch and sniffle.
"Ah-ah! Patience!" he chides. The weight on your stomach shifts and the offending dust is blown off by a warm gust of Asmodeus' breath. It smells like berries. The sensation lingers on your mind more than the setting powder.
"Just leave everything to me. Your eyes are done now, so... Part your lips a little?"
His thumb is already on your lower lip, the rest of his fingers cupping your chin. You hear the clinking of glass as he roots around for something in the makeup bag. His pinky finger taps against your neck to the unmistakable rhythm of his favorite song. "That's my dear. Juuust like that."
His story now done, Asmodeus moves on to talking about his plans for the rest of the week. He's expecting a package from a new brand deal that's already been delayed twice and the company refuses to apologize. "Can you believe that?"
Your lips are wet and sticky from a fresh coat of... something artificially sweet. You don't respond, but his question was rhetorical anyway. On a whim, you flutter your eyes open. Asmodeus is leaning over you like a master craftsman lost in the trance of work. He's so close that the ceiling is totally obscured and you can almost make out your reflection in his pupils. It takes until he finishes swabbing something on your philtrum to notice that you're focused his way.
The instant he meets your gaze is obvious. He cracks a stunning smile, his face softens. He sets his tools aside, lining them up next to you. You feel his legs tighten around your ribs and he chokes back a giggle.
"Aah! I can't take this. You're so kissable, but that'd ruin all the work I just did! You're a sinful human, you know that?"
Asmodeus seems to be mulling over something in his head, but the way you smirk in response sends him over the edge. His lips are meeting yours. His palm hoists up the back of your head so he can make more skin contact without smearing your cheeks. The bags in his way prevent him from going overboard, but there's pressure on your chest as he pushes down to see just how far he can go.
With a final "mmph," he pulls away so you can breathe again, taking pleasure in the way your body moves to gasp down air. You wonder exactly what he's painting on your face, as his lips are a bright pink reminiscent of his sin color.
"There! Now we match."
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l3viat8an · 4 months
Asmo walking in on MC masturbating whatever will he do 🥴 -💖 
Imo- Asmo’s going to have some fun ‘n play with you for as long as he can~
Asmo already knows exactly what you’re doing when he walked in. The lust rolling off you in waves feels sooo good already. His eyes slowly taking in your body, stopping between your legs and watching the way you quickly try to cover yourself and giggling, “Don’t stop now, sweetie~” I mean- he’s here to join you ofc!!- But first he wants to watch you cum on your own fingers. So just relax and go back to what you were doing.
It won’t matter what you do. No matter how much you whine ‘n beg for him to just fuck you because this is embarrassing, not even the adorable pout on your face can convince him. Asmo’s self control is honestly so impressive when he’s playing with you~
He grabs the chair from by your desk and puts it by the foot-end of your bed, making sure you can see him and he can see all of you~
Slipping his pants down just enough to pull his cock free, he sits there lazily pumping his hand up and down, rubbing his thumb over the tip and smearing his pre-cum, all slow teasing touches even on himself.
As your moans get louder Asmo smiles at you and says, “sweetheart~ I need to see you come first, before I can touch you. But I promise you, you’ll feel amazing~” the last word trails off in a soft moan as he watches your fingers work at your clit.
This is like a game for him, a simple one to see who can last longer and he knows it’ll be him. He knows you’re going to break down even more, turning into a whimpering mess. it’s obvious because you’re already making those adorable little noise for him. Soft gasps of his name, begging for him, for whatever he’ll give you and he hasn’t even touched you yet-
It’s all going straight to his cock, and yet he’s still confident he’s going to outlast you. After all it always feels even better when he gets to fuck you after a couple of orgasms, although, usually he would have helped you with those-
He thinks he’ll go slow this time, he wants to have you rutting against him with the same desperation you’re grinding against your own hand with….you just have to make yourself cum. Simple <3
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demonvibez · 4 months
explicit (mdni) · gn reader, outer/intercourse, unprotected sex
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Asmodeus is no stranger to a party - especially when he is the guest of honor. Which is why it shocks you when he elects for a private night in with you for his birthday - but you're the best gift he could ever ask for!  What starts as a typical spa night, quickly turns into something a lot more sensual. Surrounded by rose petals and scented bubbles, the two of you lather each other up while relaxing in Asmo's luxury bathtub. After rinsing each other off, Asmo can't help but to notice just how gorgeous you look right now, with the way the chandelier's light illuminates the glitter on your skin. You look simply ethereal, and he cannot stop himself from stealing a passionate kiss. 
The kiss quickly escalates. You wrap your arms around his neck as he reaches down to lightly massage your sex, his tongue slipping into your mouth for more. You grind against him, lust pouring off of you like a waterfall, and he's already more aroused than he's ever been in his entire life - he's sure of it. Reaching down to grab his cock, you line it up with yourself after sliding up and down on his sensitive member. Finally sinking yourself down onto him, Asmo breaks the kiss, throwing his head back to let out an unrestrained moan. The feeling of sliding into your tight little hole is almost enough to send him over the edge immediately, but he's able to hold himself back - he's the Avatar of Lust, after all. His hands slide down your back and grab onto your ass, his pink-and-teal nails lightly digging into your cheeks as he begins to bounce you on his cock. 
He can't get enough of how the two of you look in his full-length mirror - the messy hair, the way your eyes roll back, the way the water ripples against your skin, the way you both look like you were painted by the gods themselves. He almost wishes he had his phone with him so he could snap a quick pic, but he knows this moment will be forever etched in his memory. Reaching down to massage your sex once again, he wants to completely fill your senses with nothing but himself. He teases you at first, the sounds of your whimpers music to his ears, until he starts stroking circles into your sensitivity. He is eager to make you completely lose yourself with him in pure bliss. 
His other hand grabs your chin, his cherry lips crashing into yours as he edges you closer and closer to your release. Moving in sync with each other's bodies, he finally sends you to your climax, an electric euphoria washing over you as the tension finally snaps. The feeling of your warmth squeezing him so tightly sends him over the edge with you, filling you with his cream as the two of you ride the high back down. You sit in his lap for a moment, your head resting on his shoulder as you both try to catch your breath. 
Don't get too comfortable though, for the party is only just getting started. The Avatar of Lust has quite a few more surprises in store for you before the night ends~♡
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· demonvibez ♡ 2024 · do not copy, repost or modify · · comments, reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! ♡ ·
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MC: frustrated Solomon, you seriously need to stop using me as your cooking guinea pig!
Solomon: You’re just overreacting. My last dish wasn’t that bad.
MC: It tried to eat me!
Solomon: It was an experimental side effect... Happens to the best of us.
MC: glares You know what? Maybe you should make a pact with Mammon and have him teach you how to cook instant noodles without burning down the kitchen.
Solomon: gasps I will not be taking culinary advice from Mammon!
MC: At least he doesn’t make food come alive and attack people!
Solomon: scoffs My food wasn't trying to attack you! It was an accident plus that’s nothing. I could make a pact with Lucifer and still not hear the end of it.
MC: gasps You wouldn’t DARE.
Solomon: mockingly Oh, I absolutely would. Better than taking tips from Mammon, who can’t even make toast without burning it.
MC: Oh really? I’ll just call Lucifer right now and let him know you’re interested in a pact—
Solomon: horrified WAIT, NO, don’t do that!! He’ll lecture me for a week!
Beel: munching This is getting good.
Asmo: dramatically sipping tea MC sweetie, don’t back down. Solomon deserves to be humbled.
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
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luxthestrange · 11 months
Incorrect quotes#916 DAD!?-
Married life with Asmo,Asmo as a dad...with Teenager Luke
Teen!Luke: Daaad, I'm going on my date
Asmo: No
Teen!Luke: What?
Asmo: Chores before whores~
Asmo: Dishes before bitches~
Asmo: Cutting grass before getting ass~
Teen!Luke: DAD!?!
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ci3n · 1 month
grocery shopping with them
note. some hc’s cause i'm vv bored rn, enjoy!
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he's a list-maker. has a super long list he will stick to no matter what. doesn’t let anyone get anything that isn’t on the list. only makes an exception for you sometimes. “do you have to get that, y/n? i know for a fact you won’t like it” “but it looks good” cue the pout lucifer can never say no to “fine, but don’t tell the other's i let you get that, okay?”  
will get anything and everything in sight. doesn’t matter if he likes it or not; if it looks good, he’s getting it. you know those kids who fill up the cart with stuff they want when their mom isn’t looking. yeah that’s mammon. “mammon, where did this come from?” you ask, holding a box you don’t remember putting in the cart. “eh, no idea” “i’ll go put it back-” “wait don’t do that! i mean, it was in the cart so we might as well get it” 
doesn’t really go that often, but will go with you every time if you ask. gets snacks for himself, but he takes so long to pick stuff that you sometimes get bored and wander off. “i’m gonna get this—oh, and this too—lucifer would never let me get this, he’s so annoy- wait y'n, where did you go?!” almost starts crying until he finds you in the next aisle. “why did you leave me?!” “levi, i was right here, and you were taking ages to pick” doesn’t let go of you for the rest of the trip. 
goes in only to get treats for the cats he feeds. doesn’t really care about anything else except, of course, when you go with him, he’ll get your things too. does get a bit lost in the pet food aisle because he’s kinda picky with the treats he gets. only the best for his lil fur babies.
probably the worst brother to go with. you wanna go shopping for clothes? jewellery?  makeup?  he’s your guy, but groceries? really y/n, that’s so boring. but he loves you and can’t say no to you so he’ll go anyway. don’t let him anywhere near the cart; he will obliterate your ankles. “oh i’m so sorry, darling! are you okay? does that hurt? i think we should go to the hospital.” “i’m okay asmo, as long as you just stay away from the cart, yeah?” 
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princessasmosprincess · 11 months
That Bubbly Feeling
Summary: “You know, they say tea can be a powerful tool of divination...”
Pairing: Asmo x GN Reader/MC
Genre: Drabble, fluff.
Warnings: None.
Asmo leaned over your shoulder as he poured tea into the delicate china teacup in front of you. He watched the amber liquid swirl, a flurry of tiny bubbles collecting on its shimmering surface. He gave a satisfied smile.
“You know, they say tea can be a powerful tool of divination,” Asmo sat down to pour his own cup.
“Really?” You asked.
“Mhmm, each one of those little bubbles on the edge of your cup is a kiss in your future.” He blew you a kiss, winking, “That’s one.”
You peered into your cup at the bubbles floating on your tea, your cheeks warming. There were so many!
“Nah, that ain't what I heard,” said Mammon as he swiped a scone from the serving tray, “I heard each bubble represents a Grimm that's comin’ your way, and it's only the ones in the center of the cup.”
Satan didn't look up from his book, “Bubbles on the surface of tea are the result of hot water coming in contact with the proteins in the tea leaves, an easily explained chemical reaction,” He turned a page, “Besides, everyone knows the most accurate form of tasseography is tea leaf reading.”
“Yeah, well what about…”
“Ugh, how unromantic,” Asmo sniffed, scooting his chair closer to you. “Don’t listen to them, MC.”
As you watched on, amused as the second and fourth brothers’ argument unfolded, Asmo carefully counted the bubbles in your teacup.
He would be sure to make your future come true later. One kiss for every single bubble.
Cross-posted on AO3
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
can I request a gn mc asking the brothers (and maybe dateables too if you want) to play with their wings/tail? I’ve always had the urge to just mess with Mammons wings and Levi’s tail especially
it’s okay if you don’t want to do it tho! Thank you :) 💙
touching the brothers' tails/horns/etc.
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list | pt 2
a/n: wow i almost want to explore lucifer's a lot further </3 anyway i hope you enjoy and ty for requesting! my inbox is open to chat, leave feedback, or req so come stop by!!
reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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➳ lucifer stiffens as he feels your hands gently running through the feathers of his wings. you slow, but when he reminds silent, pick up the action again, every movement intentional and soft. it feels so good. lucifer cannot remember the last time someone other than himself had touched his wings. after he became a devil, they were something he was ashamed of for a long time and his brothers quickly learned they were no longer to touch them, and by the time he’d be okay with it, it was too late. but your touch feels like heaven, and lucifer’s afraid to look at your face out of fear of revulsion, he can’t find himself to pull away either.
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➳ mammon yelps when he feels a touch on his wings, turning quickly. you yank your hand back, apologetic. “you’re good to touch them,” he says, “i was just surprised.” taking his invitation, you stroke the bones, following them from the bottom up, moving to the skin on his back. he shivers as you trace your way across his veins, feeling oddly exposed. but it also feels kind of nice, like you’re scratching an itch he hadn’t realized he had.
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➳ levi flushes when his tail lashes, bumping against your leg. “sorry, it has a mind of its own,” he says, and you laugh. without asking, you run a hand down the scales, scratching your fingernails carefully over the smooth surface. “that feels good,” levi whispers, and you smile, continuing to run your hand up and down and up and down. honestly, the touch is more soothing that he’d have thought, and before he knows it, he’s half asleep, leaning against your side.
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➳ satan wakes up with his head in your lap. he must have fallen asleep reading. as he gets his thoughts in order, he realizes he’s in his demon form, and you’re gently scratching his head, running your hands across his horns in a slow, repetitive motion. nobody’s ever touched his horns like that before. with his brothers, they were merely a place to grab onto when they scuffled, and he himself had never paid much attention to them, simply accepting them as part of his appearance, but your touch is making him reevaluate everything. content to stay where and as he is, he lets his eyes slip shut once more but doesn't sleep, simply reveling in your touch.
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➳ asmo giggles as he feels you stroke his wing. “that tickles!” you chuckle, smearing lotion across the course skin, making sure to get every wrinkle and fold. asmo’d never been able to reach all of his wings himself, and only was able to convince one of his brothers to help once in a blue moon, so hanging out around to help him groom and moisturize was truly amazing. especially since you were so gentle and careful, your attention to detail showing in every movement. your hands felt nothing like his brothers’, and for that, asmo was immensely grateful.
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➳ beel shivers as your fingers follow the striped birthmarks that go down his neck and collarbone. your fingers are slightly cold, especially considering he runs warm, and the touch feels almost ghostly with how light your touch is. it’s amazing, really, as you make every part of him feel special, including the parts he'd never cared about before, like his markings. your hands dips lower for a brief moment, to his chest, and he inhales slightly, but it doesn’t linger, moving back up before he knows it. his heart pounds behind his ribs and he’s sure that if your fingers were to explore the area over it, you’d be able to tell.
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➳ belphie flinches as you touch his tail. “i know it looks soft but there are thorns in there,” he says, striving for casualness. “so don’t complain if you get pricked.” your hands slow down slightly, but you don’t pull away, combing out the hair at the end of it. it’s frightfully tangled but you’re patient and belphie knows that when you finish it will be fully untangled and neat. your administrations feel kind of nice, actually, but he wouldn’t dare admit it. (something in him tells him you know that already anyway, so what’s the point?)
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temis-de-leon · 4 months
Simple signs of affection
Lucifer: putting his hair back in place right before caressing his cheekbone, reminding him to rest his eyes and offering your company while he's working.
Mammon: putting his sunglasses on him when his hands are occupied while driving, offering him treats and changing the music to both of your likings.
Levi: charging his controllers and his DDD while he's sleeping to have them ready for the next day, standing behind his chair while he's playing and massaging his shoulders.
Satan: knowing how he likes his coffee and making it before he wakes up, hugging him out of nowhere and staying like that for long minutes.
Asmo: taking candids of him while he's distracted because you love him the most when he's himself, putting the back of his collar back in place before classes.
Beel: each of you buying a 2x1 offer from his favourite restaurant and giving him your extra portion, asking him to bend down so you can kiss him.
Belphie: softly brushing the matted fur of his tail while he's asleep, caressing his frown away when he's irritated.
Diavolo: teasing him, saying you'll fight him for the last fry or denying a favor while doing what he asked, exchanging foods because his had pickles and yours not.
Barbatos: preparing and measuring the ingredients before he gets to the kitchen, cleaning the utensils while he's cooking, making his duties a little bit easier.
Solomon: having inside jokes with him about the human world, asking him to tell you a story, telling him a story of yours.
Simeon: being in comfortable silence with him, visiting him because you missed him and because you knew he'd accidentally hung up the phone if you called him.
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koolades-world · 2 years
Demons and Humans not understanding each other
Inspired by several other posts I read about this same thing <3 honestly even if the brothers insisted it was safe, I would consult Satan, Lucifer or Barbatos
this is mostly mammon freaking out
Humans think the deadliest things are like, adorable, like Cerberus. Mammon especially does not understand why Mc wants to run towards the very dangerous, very mad three headed dog. A few times he has had to throw Mc over his shoulder to keep them from staying behind
“But he’s so cute! He just needs a snuggle buddy”
Humans can also be very stubborn if they’re too hot or cold but refuse to admit it. It’s fine with Lucifer does it because he’s one of the most powerful and therefore resilient demons in Hell, but not so much when Mc does it. Beel and Mammon love playing in the Devildom snow, but given that it’s the Devildom, it’s definitely a lot colder than it is in the human realm. Even after ten layers, Mc is still freezing but refuses to admit it.
“Mc, are ya shivering? I thought ya would be too warm under all that”
“I’m sweating with this one jacket”
“I’ll live! Let’s go back to the snowman”
“no I don’t think you will”
On the same note, sometimes demons forget humans can’t withstand crazy temperatures. Asmo will invite Mc to a popular bathhouse, sauna or hot springs, forgetting that the temperature would literally boil Mc alive
“Hey Asmo this is the place you wanted to go, right?”
“Yes! Isn’t is cute?”
“Everything except the part where I boil alive”
Some foods can kill humans just by being near them so imagine how the brother would feel when they learned this, it’s giving that lunatic pudding incident with Diavolo from that one card
“Mc! You’ll love this. Open wide!”
“Asmo I feel funny”
In retrospect, humans probably sleep a lot compared to demons. Some demons probably don’t sleep at all, except Sloth demons. Setting aside about eight to nine hours of the day just to sit idly might not make sense to them until they learn they will shut down without it
“How are you feeling about the exam we just took? Exam week is finally over.”
“Mc? Mc, Satan is talking to you. Why are you on the floor”
“No, I think they’re just asleep idiot”
“oh. wait, THEYRE ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALL lucifer is gonna kill me”
I’d say both demons and humans are social creatures, but humans will go insane without social interaction. Yeah a demon would probably be upset if they didn’t talk to someone for thousands of years but I don’t think a human could last more than ten without losing grip on reality. Humans tend to copy each other, which is probably bizarre to demons. Humans don’t even understand yawning so demons definitely won’t
Going back to the food thing, demons can probably go ages without eating, besides Gluttony demons. Humans need to eat so frequently compared to them
“So you’re tellin’ me that if Mc doesn’t eat for a whole week, their insides start to eat themselves?!”
“Yes. But, Mc ate a few hours ago.”
(Mammon was already gone when Satan turned back around)
Demons probably also play game that would definitely kill humans. My brother and I used to play crazy games when we were little (our favorite game didn’t have a name but we would put Barbies in the toy train tracks and see what would happen when different Thomas and friends character would hit her. The train tracks would glow in the dark! I did not let him put my favorite doll in the train track and he had to listen since I was the older one, she was not a barbie and had bendy feet? that’s not for now) but we never seriously got at each other throats. I cannot imagine what games demons and demon children must play. Satan was born fully grown but imagine if he was born little and the brothers had to play his favorite games with him. I feel like they would find the Barbie game I played a little weird too. Like, they would probably tell me that I should’ve done it in real life since that would be better experience or something batshit like that
“Aww, Satan, do you remember all the times we played “Five minute eye stab” with Lucifer? You were so cute. Sometimes I think Luci let you win.”
“Do not talk to me Asmodeus.”
“I’m sorry, you played what?”
“One time we gave him an actual knife by accident and since he was good, he ended up stabbing Lucifer’s eye.”
“You’ll be next if you don’t shut up and let me read”
“Oh he’s fine now, clearly. Only took him a few hundred years to regain normal eye functions”
“Can we not talk about this anymore?”
Babe it is a miracle Mc is still alive
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coriannawrites · 3 months
Lots and lots of nightbringer liberties taken here, and this is not a happy imagine:
The one time MC participates in the “denying your partner a kiss trend”, they get sent back in time to a world where they haven’t started dating their partner.
It’s karma, when they reach a hand out for comfort and their demon looks at them in confusion and abject disgust.
MC is so, so very sorry. They wish they’d gotten one more kiss because it looks like they won’t be getting anything for a long time.
Lucifer doesn’t let them get close enough to try and it stings. The Lucifer MC knows would’ve leaned into their touch with a soft sigh and a kiss. This Lucifer is frazzled — more than usual— and wrangling not only the demon he created but the guilt that weighs him d own.
Mammon isn’t around long enough for them to try, always off chasing another high. And MC had loved his thrill-seeking nature, but not when they couldn’t join Mammon on their escapades.
Levi’s room is locked. MC saw him once and then never again. They went to open the door once, but a haggard looking Lucifer had turned the corner and warned them not to. They could always open the door, if they didn’t mind the high risk of death.
Kissing Satan? The Satan that’s an uncontrollable beast who wants to maim everything in his path, that Lucifer is struggling to contain? MC is foolish, but not foolish enough to go into uncharted territory. Even if they miss their Satan, a lot.
It’s easy to kiss Asmo. To touch him, to feel him, to hug him. But it’s not the same. The feelings MC pours into those hugs and kisses aren’t reciprocated, and it ends up hurting more than it heals. Their Asmodeus would kiss them like they were the most precious thing in the Devildom. This Asmo accepts their affection to feed the gaping maw of desire and insecurity in his soul. This is not their Asmo.
There’s always something in Beel’s mouth. If MC isn’t lucky, it could be them next. Beel is depressed post losing one of his loved ones, and sad people eat. As the avatar of gluttony, he’s famished, more than usual and he can barely control his urges. There’s no chance in hell MC will get what they want from him.
Belphegor is in a state where he’d probably kill MC if they tried. One— they’re not dating in this universe. Two— his sister died. He’s not exactly looking for a partner or lover right now, he probably thinks you’re a sick and twisted person for trying to. Mostly too lazy to fight MC off, but physical touch with him does not feel good.
Diavolo? Good luck. To get close enough to do so would mean you’re in close enough range for Barbatos to wring your neck like a dish towel. And he will, with no hesitation. Who does MC think they are, approaching the future demon king and begging for affection they’re not owed?
Barbatos is a bit distant. MC had expected this— Barbatos must’ve seen it, the timelines where MC tries (and fails) to get affection and comfort from him. He for one, does not want to provide it. Bugger off.
When things feel terrible (which they mostly are), Solomon is waiting with open arms.
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