пов твой бро оказался сильнее круга абьюза в котором был двести лет и теперь его можно вусмерть зачмокать от счастья и ДАЖЕ НЕ СЖЕЧЬ
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amischiefofmice · 13 days
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making the blorbos color match
she looks so good in blue and white!!!
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danse--macabre · 5 months
enlightened and wise fans know that astarion/karlach should be, at its core, a princess4princess dynamic.
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raayide · 3 months
the cure for the world is saltwater
"Mm," Karlach says, grabbing a whetstone as she sits beside him. "I think we should get married." Astarion chokes. Chokes again. Sets his glass down and continues choking. "Excuse me?" "We should get married," Karlach repeats, like he simply hadn't heard her. "Pass the wine, will ya?"
The snow will melt in Baldur's Gate.
healing! happiness! weddings! extremely extremely extremely non-linear storytelling! this one's got it all!
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simaraknows · 3 months
Play as Astarion, they said. It will be fun, they said.
It's not fun. It's really fucking sad because now Astarion started dating Karlach and I can't stop thinking about a) how hurt she'd be if she'd knew that rn Astarion is only telling her what she wants to hear so she'll protect him, and b) the fact that Karlach is such a jackpot for Astarion because she's big and strong and desperate for connection and to sweeten the deal she refuses to touch him due to burn risk.
Protection and loyalty and all it cost was a peck on the lips and some dirty talk? That's almost too good to be true.
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Astarion: Was forced to touch others and be touched against his will for so long without having any choice while being used by a cruel powerful force he could not escape
Karlach: had her ability to touch others ripped from her to suffer for a decade in hell and loneliness while being used by a cruel powerful force she could not escape
Astarion trying to use his body out of instinct and not being able to. Karlach wanting to touch him but having to slow him down.
Karlach finally being able to touch him right when he's processed enough of his trauma to be on equal footing, or to begin to approach her without his whiplash need to seduce for safety.
The only best-ending for both characters without changing the Epiolgues: Avernus has no sun, and Astarion is free there. Karlach never has to be alone again, and with Astarion at her side, they can take on Zariel.
Yeah, Wyll can follow Karlach, so can Tav... But Avernus is the only place Spawn Astarion gets true freedom without a cure. It's the only place Karlach gets to live without a cure
And they get to go there together, the untouchable woman and the over-touched man, now no longer untouchable, now no longer touched-against-his-will, together as equals. Partners.
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thepunchingbag · 11 months
For my Astarion playthrough in early Act 1, I 100% was a murderous dick. Honestly was planning on burning down the Grove and just giving in to all his worst impulses.
Didn't plan on romancing Karlach at all, in fact was planning on doing a full evil run and knew she'd leave if the Grove was destroyed. Lae'zel and Astarion are each others toxic enablers for most of Act 1, roleplayed that Astarion sees her as his best option to find out more information on the mindflayers/tadpoles so he flirts/sleeps with Lae'zel to gain an advantage. The sex is very transactional.
Didn't recruit Wyll even though Karlach wanted to (Astarion would have actually killed Wyll if Karlach hadn't basically told everyone to Calm The Fuck Down), because Wyll is a monster hunter and at that point Astarion hadn't revealed that he was a vampire. Waaaaaay too much of a risk for him.
Karlach honestly disapproved a lot during the beginning but then, at the goblin camp, Karlach finally told him something that REALLY got under his skin.
Karlach told Astarion, "So, did that make you feel big? Did it make you feel strong? You're pathetic..."
The voice acting was great because she sounded DISGUSTED with Astarion's sniveling little ass.
And then when Astarion kills the Gur in a fit of rage/panic (headcanon that Astarion freaks out since the Gur just says his name in front of everyone and now the jig is up), Karlach actually has a long, stern conversation with him and she actually empathizes. She tells him that they're in this "together-together" so long as he doesn't keep secrets.
And uh, he didn't see that coming. But her response actually got through to him.
So yeah, guess it was a full-on enemies to friends to lovers arc.
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baldurs-gape · 10 months
There was one thing Astarion knew he was good at without fail; seduction. If he needed something, anything, sex was almost always the route to it. And if it didn't work, a small murder was perhaps a little more fun. Either way, Astarion always got what he set his mind to. In the current situation he needed safety and protection. While he could very well keep himself out of trouble, it was nice to have other people do the heavy lifting for a change. They wouldn't go unrepaid though. While Astarion didn't have anything other than a rag of a blanket to call his own, his body could very well be offered in payment. Little did he know that, over time, the others learned to see through him, to understand him.
When he went to Wyll's tent, his rather blatant offers and flirting were turned into soft conversation and the odd dancing lesson hidden from view of the camp. Astarion had 200 years of dancing knowledge while Wyll had the enthusiasm if not the twinkletoes of a natural dancer.
Another night, another tent. Karlach was down for anything on offer but had a knack for turning things on their heads. Where Astarion expected to be used like a doll then tossed aside, he was instead treated to the most mindblowing sex of his rather long life. Emerging from the remains of Karlach's tent in the morning, he couldn't help but feel satisfied at the aches and pains left behind along with the tingling pleasure of a night very well spent.
If he ever approached Shadowheart, they got far too drunk to do much other than laugh at the silliness of existence. The closest they got was fingers brushing as they passed yet another bottle between them. Perhaps the highlight of such nights was laughing so hard that wine shot out of his nose which made Shadowheart laugh even more.
With Lae'zel it was a mixed bag. Some nights it was all about letting off some steam with some rather spectacular orgasms. Even though Astarion's body was simply a tool for that, he never felt used or taken advantage of. The nights where neither of them felt any real urge to get off, they went hunting. Lae'zel was one of the few people that Astarion could truly let go around, stop pretending to be anything other than what he was. It felt good to hunt alongside someone as competent and fearless as Lae'zel. Around her he had no need to hold back.
Halsin was one that Astarion almost dreaded for all the strangest of reasons. It was too nice, too kind, too thoughful. Most nights Halsin would take his bear form and Astarion could choose how lazy he was feeling. If he chose to, they'd lumber out into the wilderness side by side. However, he could also let Halsin do all the work and settle across a broad, warm back. They had their favourite clearings, far enough from camp that it was truly just the two of them. If the mood struck, Halsin would shift back to his elf form and they'd lie back, staring at the stars and tell each other stories of the constellations. Other nights Halsin would remain a bear and curl protectively around Astarion, keeping him warm and comfortable in the peaceful silence of the night.
Last but not least was Gale. He was the one who stumped Astarion the most. At first it was the point blank refusal to even touch him. Something about wanting a connection on an emotional level first. So they talked over drinks, over a meal, while holding hands then between shy kisses. By the time Astarion was on his back, having a firsthand experience of just how talented Gale's tongue was, he was at an utter loss as to what was happening. It was only when, so many more shared nights later, Gale whispered three little words in his ear that it finally made sense. And somehow Astarion was all too okay with saying them back, knowing that he actually meant them too for the first time.
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Wip Wednesday
completely forgot I wanted to start doing this and I am about to go to bed, but here's some Karlachastarion I've been chipping away at for a while!
Those slim eyebrows of his levered up as his grin sweetened with mischievous inquiry. “Oh?” The bare tips of his fingers kissed the sharp expanse of her shoulder blades, before trailing down to settle in the crook of her elbow. “Young, callow Karlach was kissing brothel-girls on her parents’ back porch?” “I was doing a lot more than kissing, soldier,” she said with a grin and a purr in her voice.  Astarion made a thrilling noise there, some sort of delighted trill in the back of his throat that made her frankly giddy and half-distracted with thoughts of how to get him to make it again, but then she was kissing him, and she liked the sounds he was making even more.  A swipe of his tongue over the back of her fangs had her pressing him against the garish nest of goose down pillows as he slid his gloriously cold palm up her arm to sit right behind the shell of her ear and tug her even closer. “I brought her flowers,” she said in a butterfly’s beat against his lips, and took the opportunity of his amused inhale to close her fangs over his bottom lip and press her tongue against his quick one. “I cooked her dinner and ate the burnt bits.” Astarion laughed, soft, at that, and she felt the faint heat of it on her lips before she pressed them back against his. His leg hooked the back of her knee to push her further forward, and she complied by kissing him harder, his lips warm with her secondhand heat. “Took her to a roadside show with gods-awful actors.” He hummed, amused, against her lips and took another swipe with his tongue as she gasped for breath. “Took her out to dance.”  When she let him up for air, he laughed, hooking his unemployed hand around her back before kissing her so soft it could’ve been called chaste, if it was anyone but Astarion. He smiled against her lips. “How salacious of you! Did they make you send her away to protect from unexpected bastard-children?” She laughed- barked, sharp, in her throat, and then she’d gotten him properly on his back, throwing a leg to either side of him to kiss him true.  His hands moved down to her hips, long fingers pressing into love handles as he slipped his fingers beneath her leather trappings with the same finesse he picked locks with, and the surety of the movements quite frankly made her chest heave. As he thumbed at the clasps at her back, his breath fanned hot on her neck. “The leather must be just chafing, darling,” he purred, and she could practically taste that wicked grin of his. “Shall we make you more comfortable?” “Hells. Yes. Gods yes.” And Astarion, the bastard that he was, laughed.
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overobsessivewhumper · 10 months
Whumpcember 2023: Day 5: Impaled
Content warning: Blood, Impalement
Read on Ao3
Astarion is badly injured, but with Karlachs still out of control heart, she can do nothing but watch as he suffers.
Work Text:
Karlach felt like she was going to be sick. How could she have let something like this happen?
It had only took one moment for them to get separated from Shadowheart and Lae'zel. She obviously hadn't minded being alone with Astarion, even if it was in the middle of the barren wastes of the Shadow cursed lands. She had briefly spared a worried taught to the fact that the other two might actually kill each other, but she had quickly dismissed it.
Together with Astarion, they had quickly planned a route back to the Last Light Inn and had set off on it. She doesn't remember what they had been talking about now, only that she greatly enjoyed the conversation.
Maybe that's why neither of them noticed the ambush.
Karlach is sure one of the others had told her the name of the plant monsters twisted by the Shadow-Curse, probably Halsin or Gale, but she could not give less of a fuck to try and remember what they're called.
Not now, not when Astarion is half sitting, half laying at her feet, bleeding, piece of wood so thick she guesses she could only about wrap her hand around it sticking out of his stomach.
And she can do nothing to help him. Not without burning him.
That's why they set out into the Shadow-Cursed-Lands that morning in the first place, to find Infernal Iron to hopefully cool down her out of control heart.
Crouching down next to Astarion, ignoring the way her own body aches, Karlach cringes as she gets a better look at the state Astarion is in.
The jagged piece of wood sticking out of his left side tore right through his armour, leaving an equally jagged hole in the leather, and surely his skin too. His armour is dark, of drow making, but she could see the blood running across it from the wound all too clearly from the way the liquid glints in the unnatural pale blue light of the Shadow-Cursed-Lands. His jaw is clenched, eyebrows furrowed, but somehow, he's still trying to throw her a alluring smile.
Normally a look like that would make Karlach feel a whole host of ways.
Now, pained as it was, it just made her feel sad.
“Please, please tell me you have health potions on you.” Karlach says, trying to let the rising panic spill into her words.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing, darling.” Karlach had feared he'd say something like that. Astarion shifts to sit up better, a pained hiss leaves his mouth despite the way he clenches his teeth, eyes pressed shut tightly, brows drawn together.
There were many times Karlach had wanted desperately to touch Astarion.
When he'd propositioned her at the tiefling party, every time she wanted to kiss that smug grin he had after battle or cracking a lock off his face, when they sat around the fire at camp close enough for her to have simply reached over and wrapped her arm around him. Hells, every single night she wished she could spend it with him pressed tightly to her chest.
She'd never wanted to be able to touch him more then now. If she could only pick him up, they'd be back at the inn in no time. It's now like he's heavy. But no, she couldn't even hold his hand without making things so much worse. Astarion starts moving again, clearly trying to stand up. And I can do nothing but watch, Karlach thinks.
“Shit fangs, you're loosing so much blood.”Karlach swallows thickly as she watches a fresh rivulet of it run out of the wounds and across Astarions thigh. Astarion laughs, and action he clearly regrets immediately as he stops and clutches the wound in his stomach by wrapping his hand around the piece of wood.
“I'm a vampire, Karlach. Bleeding out won't kill me.”
“You can still die from an injury that bad!” Karlach says, barely quieter than yelling. She hates the way her voice cracks. Loosing her cool now is not an option. Astarion makes it to his feet, immediately stumbling and having to lean against a tree. He's breathing heavily and doubled over. Karlach thinks he might be sick.
“Fuck, are you okay?” Karlach hurries to get up too and stands next to him, hand hovering just shy of touching his shoulder. He nods. Karlach isn't sure she believes him.
After what feels like ages, Astarion starts walking, and Karlach feels a bit sick herself.
He sways with every step he takes. Going by the limp he's got going, there's also something very clearly wrong with his leg. It hurts Karlachs heart watching him like this. But the worst of it is without a doubt the noises he makes.
It's the kind of thing Astarion is good at, something Karlach had already sworn she'd make Cazador pay for. Despite Astarions clear skill in the territory, the dead silence of the Shadow-Cursed-Lands is near continuously pierced by hisses and groans. Occasionally he even makes noises that are just barely not screams. Those chill Karlach to the bone.
When Astarion almost stumbles every other step, Karlach almost grabs him every time. She can't even steady him for fear fear of hurting him worse.
Karlach has to force herself to look away from Astarion to make sure they're still going the right way. Thankfully, the dome encasing the Last Light inn is already in sight, and slowly but steadily growing closer.
“Look Astarion! I can see the inn from here.” He doesn't look, too focused on watching the floor in front of him. Karlach hadn't expected him to look, but his lack of answer beside a weak nod unnerve her. Astarion is nothing if not talkative, him not speaking sat wrong with Karlach.
A few steps later, Astarion falls to his knees.
“Shit.” Karlach mutters to herself, dropping down next to him as well, bruised knees be damned. His eyes are half closed as he looks in her direction. They're unfocused and his expression looks distant. Karlach can't be sure Astarion can see her at all.
“Astarion!” Karlach exclaims, snapping her fingers in front of his face. “Please get back up. You have to get up Astarion!” Desperation and panic lace her every word.
This seems to snap Astarion out of it, and he struggles to get back to his feet. He's fatigued, it's painfully obvious from the way he moves.
“If I do pass out, you'll have to carry me back.” His vice is breathy and tight. It's clear he has to force himself to speak at all.
“I can't carry you back, I'll burn you!” Karlach says, sounding angrier than intended.
“Well I'd rather you burn me than leave me out here!” Astarion hisses back. Karlachs stomach drops. Does he really think she'd do that?
“I'd never leave you behind Astarion, especially not when you're like this.” Karlach tries her best to keep her voice calm and level. Astarion nods.
They're only around a 150 meters away from the dome when Astarion makes good on what he said and finally passes out. He does so so fast Karlach doesn't even have the time to want to try and steady him out of instinct. At least he has to good foresight to not fall forwards, instead landing on his uninjured side.
Fear grips Karlachs heart as Astarion refuses to wake back up again no matter how loud she gets. Nobody at the Inn could hear her calling for help from here, she's sure of it. And there's no way she'd leaving Astarion alone.
That really only leaves her with one option: Touching him.
Sure, she could find a way to drag him without touching him if she had the time, but she doesn't. And dragging him across such uneven ground in this state sounds dangerous.
“I'm so sorry Astarion.” Karlach says and scoops him up, one arm in the crook of his knees, the other across his back. She takes care to try and hold him as far away from his chest as she can. Karlach as fast as she safely can towards the bridge leading to the inn. For a moment, a traitorous little part of her almost feels joy at finally, finally getting to hold Astarion, at the way his unnaturally cool skin feels against hers.
It is almost immediately squashed an replaced by guilt as the smell of burning flesh hits her.
As soon as she crosses the threshold of the dome, Karlach puts Astarion down, apologizing once more as she does so, and begins yelling for Shadowheart or Halsin or anyone that can help.
Thankfully, Halsin appears fast, and Shadowheart follows shortly after. Karlach is predominantly focused on Astarion, but she does notice that Shadowheart looks rather beat up herself. Karlach tries to explain what happened, but it doesn't come out very coherent.
The two healers move quickly. They move Astarion into the inn, where it's cleaner. Karlach follows closely behind. They end up having to pull the piece of wood out before removing Astarions armour. Luckily, healing magic doesn't rely on them seeing what the injury looks like.
When the armour and shirt come off and Karlach catches sight of the ugly burn across Astarions back, she has to leave the room. Gods she hates how even when trying to help she causes damage.
The next time she sees Astarion is when he's been moved back to the camp and into his own tent. What Shadowheart and Halsin couldn't heal has been bandaged. Astarion looks almost peaceful now.
Karlach sits next to where he rests, making sure not to set anything on fire, and keeps watch of him. It's all she can do without hurting Astarion, so she's dedicated to at least do that well.
When he wakes up, Karlach apologizes a third time. Astarion waves it off.
“Once I get this engine of mine fixed, I'm hugging you so tightly. That's a threat and a promise.” Karlach states. Astarion laughs quietly, but says nothing. It's obvious he's still hurting but trying to hide it.
Karlach gets it. After all, they both come from places where showing weakness was not an option. Karlach sighs.
When Astarion settles to trance, Karlach doesn't even try to sleep. She'll keep watch just a little while longer, just to make sure. Just to make sure Astarion can rest easy.
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evillittlebirdie · 11 months
Whumptober is finished, and I am so tired
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But I am a completionist.
Check out my Baldur's Gate Whumptober 2023 series. Featuring whump, love, angst, hurt/comfort, darkness, fluff, and misunderstanding abound.
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amischiefofmice · 1 month
new 1shot fanfic!
What if Balthazar could to zap away Astarion’s energy reserves and thus he instantly felt as if he had not eaten for months? What then? How do you quickly feed a vampire who is so ravenous that even the vampire is saying it's not safe to let him bite? Well, Astarion instantly pretty much assumes he's about to be staked as he has to be more trouble than he's worth now, right? Don't worry, Mama K is here! and these other guys too. Time to figure it out!
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anaid-queen · 8 months
"I will rip your face off, fancy boy."
"And I'll eat your heart, fire girl."
they are soooooo 🔥🩸🔥🩸🔥🩸🔥🩸
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raayide · 4 months
on the dust of the running dogs
Disciple Z'rell doesn't look at him. She doesn't have to. These people are heroes, her tadpole hisses, though her face stays blank and apathetic. They do not serve. But you? I could believe it. Astarion swallows. The shrieking animal in his chest flinches back. You could? I could. Z'rell drags her gaze over the assembled party, over five perfect, star-wrought heroes. If you prove it.
Astarion kills Karlach.
Things do not get better from there.
part one of three, wherein Astarion's no good very bad day is only slightly outdone by Karlach
but come here for copious amounts of unreliable narrator, astarion fucking it up big style, and a romance that definitely gets off on the right foot
also the entire work is finished! just got some minor edits for the other two parts
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n0ahsferatu · 2 months
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scooby-doo ass gang fr
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I'm not horny for them, I'm *gets choked up, clutches heart, wishes them long life and happiness* about them 😭😭😭
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