#aster’s system coining
charismaofobedience · 7 months
Nu carnival is a great game because you have so many things being represented such as
Garu and Karu - System rep with a pretty good writing and a trauma behind their system forming. dumb puppyboy rep
Rei - Hypersexuality and the dehumanization of self to the point you view sex as nothing more than a coin for a certain time. brat power bottom who can't shut up
Olivine - Religious guilt and finding your own place in society without others expectations. huge tits (bottom version)
Yakumo - The struggles of controlling oneself to not hurt those who you love while also learning to accept others love. constant struggler disorder
Edmond - Repressed sexual desires and learning to embrace those and be yourself among those you trust. anime tsundere disorder
Aster - Being 'born' out of necessity and need to someone to eventually have them leave you with no reasonings or explanations with you having to solve things on your own, without someone you depended on. capitalist transmasc twink
Morvay - Same as Aster but also being constantly equated to just your sexual self and having others treating you as simply that or how dumb you are when you're so much more than that. slutty bimbo (male) (not a himbo) rep
Blade - Being deemed as defective due to the way you simply behaved when still young while noticing the nature of others during that time and being made to fit the others ideals of you so you weren't left aside. being just a silly goofy guy :3
Dante - Having to assume heavy responsibilities at a young age and how this affects one in their future while also having those who don't know you judge you for your harshness when you are simply trying your best. bad dick game
Quincy - Having others taking your help while at the same time being afraid of you and keeping you at distance due to this fear. huge tits (top version), sleepy disorder
Kuya - Feeling ostracized by those you know by your simple nature and who you are as a person, being left all alone by simply feeling like no one could understand you. knotting and mpreg kink
Eiden - Growing up in an orphanage. Being in a low-key shitty workplace. Suddenly being dragged to a new place you don't know anyone in and having to adapt yourself to it. Being put responsibilities and titles upon you that you simply weren't prepared for. having others hopes put upon you while at the same time others doubt your own aptitude to the job. Being compared to someone who came before you and how you are nothing when compared to them. and perhaps the most important thing the struggles of sluts in modern gay society and having to deal with your polycule where all the members are lowkey freaks
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frameacloud · 1 year
Masterpost about the meaning and origin of the word alterhuman
Folks have been getting confused about the meaning and purpose of the umbrella term and identity label "alterhuman." Often, people wrongly claim it doesn't include groups that it was originally created to let in. Another common wrong idea is that folks think they're personally being opted into it against their will (which is contrary to the word's design). I've even seen the word's coinage attributed to several surprised people who say they didn't invent it! This masterpost will stop this misinformation by linking to primary sources with dates and attribution. These links explain a lot about its meaning, so I recommend that you open and read each of them.
The word "alterhuman" was coined by Lio (it/its). At the time, it was writing under the name Malchior (username Phasmovore), which you'll still see on the original post. Lio is a member of the Crossroads System (XRDS or X-RDS). This is a link to the post where Lio originally coined the word on September 26, 2014, explaining about how the word does and doesn't relate to furries and plural systems. If you read no other link in this post, read that one!
Here are a couple more posts where the coiner of "alterhuman" explains the meaning of the word.
In this post from February 19, 2023, Lio explains about the intracommunity tensions that brought about the need to unite under this umbrella term.
In this post from May 27, 2023, Lio explains that the word does not equal nonhuman.
The group that popularized the word the most was Alt+H, an organization for alterhuman advocacy that was active from 2016 to 2023. Alt+H wrote this post on September 21, 2017, in which they explain about how "alterhuman" does not equal "nonhuman," and that it includes voluntary identities.
One of the former writers for Alt+H was Aster, the Flock of Changes. In this post from October 21, 2020, Aster explains that alterhuman is not simply another word for "otherkin," but instead is an umbrella term that includes many more sorts of identities and experiences than otherkin.
To make sure that we don't forget our history, so we quit getting confused about where the word came from, and so we have an occasion to celebrate being our authentic alterhuman selves in whatever creative ways we can, and solidarity with others who do too, I suggest that we start celebrating the date it was coined-- September 26, 2014-- as Alterhuman Day. This one coming up in 2023 will mark the ninth anniversary since Lio coined it. In 2024, the word will be a decade old!
- This masterpost is by Orion Scribner on September 3, 2023.
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saturniasxenos · 28 days
Eternaunivian & Cosmos ID/NPT Pack
Ee - Tur - Nuh - Yoo - Nuh - Vee - Ihn
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Eternaunivian is ETERIN and a subterm of the Eternalgender System. Those who identify as eternaunivian may feel as if their gender, or even their whole identity, has a deep, never-ending connection to the universe and anything apart of it (including but not limited to: Dark Matter, Stars, Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes). This can be used as an umbrella term for any space-related eternic genders. You could be a star and eternal, an eternal quasar, an eternalized planet, an eternal that likes the cosmos, a constellation eternal, and similar.
This gender may be constantly fluctuating and fluid between any space-related and eternic genders. This gender would be considered under the agender umbrella, but can be used by anyone regardless of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality.
Created and Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
Keep reading for Etymology & Cosmos ID Pack (Titles, Names, & Pronoun suggestions)
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Etymology: Eternal, Universe, -ian (suffix),
Pronoun Suggestions:
Title Suggestions :
(X) Who Watches The Stars
The Guardian of The Quasar
Emperor of The Moon
(X) Who Dances Amongst The Galaxy
The Child of Andromeda
(X) Who is Made of Stardust
The Lover of The Cosmos
The Will of Luna
The Eternalized Constellation
Song of Neptune
Melody of Jupiter
Love of Venus
The Flame of The Sun
(X) Who is Infinite
The Eternal Galaxy
(X) Who Was Born From Black Matter
Name Suggestions:
Some names may not be fem or masc, I just organized what I thought sounded the most masc, neu, or fem!! Many names originate from named stars in the galaxy! See this site for more named stars.
Fem: Ankaa, Aniara, Alasia, Aurora, Ayla, Astrid, Astra, Astraia, Ariel, Andromeda, Arista, Bellatrix, Danica, Dawn, Calypso, Celeste, Celestia, Cordelia, Cressida, Electra, Eris, Estrella, Gaia, Helene, Irena, Itonda, Luna, Lunar, Lyra, Maia, Merope, Mimosa, Mira, Nova, Nervia, Pleione, Phoenicia, Phoebe, Pandora, Seren, Selene, Stella, Starla, Solana, Star, Sunniva, Shaula, Thea, Umbriel, Venus, Vega, Veritas,
Masc: Alpheratz Archer, Apollo, Aries, Atlas, Ash, Altair, Altais, Antares, Arcturus, Taurus, Cyrus, Cosmo, Castor, Cepheus, Celestio, Draco, Eros, Fafnir, Felis, Galileo, Hunter, Jericho, Kiran, Kepler, Leo, Luca, Mars, Nox, Neptune, Oberon, Phoenix, Perseus, Pollux, Sterling, Sirius, Sol, Stellan, Titan, Theo, Zenith, Veritate,
Neu: Ancha, Aiolos, Artemis, Aster, Acrab, Algieba, Acrux, Atria, Achrid, Axólotl, Borea, Borealis, Cetus, Chertan, Comet, Cassiopeia, Crescent, Eden, Europa, Eclipse, Fulu, Funi, Galaxy, Graffias, Haedus, Io, Libra, Lynx, Lesath, Libertas, Moriah, Musica, Orbit, Orion, Polaris, Polis, Pisces, Phobos, Regulus, Rasalas, Denebola, Saturn, Solstice, Seraph, Scorpius, Scorpii, Soleil, Sargas, Spica, Sceptrum, Solaris, Tevel, Virgo, Vesper, Zephyr, Zosma
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thed3lt4d14m0ndgang · 2 years
[ Divider credits at the end of the post ]
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Hello and welcome! Here you can see some information about us:
• Main account: @acxtips
• Host's account: @astrix-j4s0n
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• System name: The Delta-Diamond Gang
• System tag: Δ-💎
• Collective name: Astrix (old collective name: Jason/Jayceon or Delta/Dante)
• Bodily 19 years old.
• Headcount: ♾️ (infinite) [= Our system has many members (around 100 or more). We just like to say it's infinite because we don't know the exact number of the members. ]
• Collective pronouns: h3/h1m, xe/xim, ey/em, ve/vim, ze/zim, he/him, th3y/th3m, they/them, ... (More in: linktree → pronouns.page)
• About our self pronouns: We sometimes use "we/us", "fox/foxs" , etc. but we mostly use "I/me" , "I&/me&" , "X/X's" , "X&/X&'s" , "&/&s" , etc. (you can use "you" or "you&" and anything like that or our pronouns).
• collective host: Jayceon
• collectively a traumaendo, genicpunk, polyplural, hybrid/chimera system
• Main system: multigenic, multiple system ; host: Jayceon → 3 members (Jayceon, Ethan and Gabriel) ; 3 subsystems:
1.] The Rubik's Cube Group: fleirgenic, hybrid system ; host: Ethan → 2 subsystem:
I.) The Collectors: quoigenic, mediple system ; host: Cosmos → 4 members
II.) Wonderland: fleirgenic, polyplural system ; host: Eliot → many members, many subsystems, many layers, etc.
2.] The MultiFaceted Group: fleirgenic, mixedflux & mediple system ; host Jayceon → 2 subsystems:
I.) The All-in-one Group: quoigenic, mixedflux (between median and multiple but closer to median) system ; host: Jax → many members
II.) The Alpha Problematic Group: traumaendo, mediple system ; host: Xavier / X → 10 members
3.] Heaven's Gate: pariotraumagenic, multiple system ; host: Gabriel → 2 subsystems
I.) The Fictives Group: pariotraumagenic (fictives and soulbonds), multiple system → many members
II.) The Souls Place: pariogenic (walk-ins), multiple system → ???
[ + amnesiafluid, misaconscious ; alloy structured ; ähmane system & växer system ; plurplex ; ... ]
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[ Userboxes are from @aster-coins (original post here) ]
[1st image ID: A userbox with a dark purple text and lighter purple background. The text says: "This user is a mixedflux system". End ID]
[2nd image ID: The same styled userbox but with a different text. It says: "This user is a mediple system". End ID]
• We found out we are a system around December 25, 2021 (to be honest, we started to think about it before Dec. 25 but we started to pay more attention to the signs, etc. and seriously think about us being a system on December 25. Before that, we were just like "There's no way we're a system".) EDIT (2022.12.25.): YAY! 1 year anniversary of system discovery!!! 🎉
Our old description / bio :
[ J4YC3ON0X_J4S0N | h3/xe/ey/ve/fox/... | multigenic (mixed-origin) plural system ; we're mixedflux & mediple ; we're trying to figure out what type of consciousness we have ; our identity and plurality is fluid and very confusing + complex / complicated so that's why we don't know many stuff abt it but also we do ⟹ #paradox - complex - plural | BPDer & AuDHDer | POSIC ; we're delusional (sometimes) | bodily 19 | white | ⚥︎ ⚣︎ ⚢︎ ⚤︎ | θΔ ∞︎︎ & | intersex | alterhuman = humanthing + humanish nonhuman → polymorph- / shapeshifterkin , voidkin , eldritchkin , ...| LIOM / MOGAI | inclusive ]
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Other informations about us:
• We identify as parafag (we're anti-contact para).
• We're an LGBTQ+, non-binary and/or masc, alterhuman/non-human heavy system
• We're hypersexual, fluidflux (genderfluid + genderflux), abrosexual, aspec, mesque, velaurian (/gaybian) & attrafluid, etc. (More in pronouns.page)
[ The definitions are in linktree → identity explanation carrd. ]
• We're alterhuman (shapeshifter / polymorph) = humanish demihuman, non-human humanthing + fluidkin.
• We're AFAB intersex and some may identify as transmasc but also as transfem (at the same time or separately, it depends on the alter).
• Some alters identify with only one term (non-binary/genderqueer/agender/trans/woman/man/genderfluid/...) ; some with multiple terms.
• Some headmates are POSIC (acronym for Perception of Object Sapience, Individuality, Consciousnes).
• We're neurodivegent: AuDHD , BPD , OCD , schizo-spec , maladaptive daydreaming , ...
• We have many headmates who are polyamorous ; we're ambiamorous (monoamorous and polyamorous).
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• We're an inclusive system (we accept any good faith lgbtq+ identity, system origin, etc.)
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[Image ID: A picture of the galaxy, beside it a text, with white background, that says: "This user is aninclusivesystem (= supports any good faith identity, system origin, etc.)". End ID]
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[ 1st and last (5th) divider by @unowakot (original post here) ]
[ 2nd, 3rd, 4th divider by @firefly-graphics (original post here) ]
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mind if I join you, buddy?
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A bit about our system —
🎼 -> So, hi there. We are a 'gentleman bros' (i mean yeah this is the most fcking amazing name for system, ikr) system!
any pronouns, but pref thon/thons, ix/ixs or [REDACTED]/[REDACTED]s
pan-omni velaurian aromantic multigender demibigender genderfluid xenogender lesboy
autism, hypersexuality, madd, dpdr, npd, gad
signature on posts: -📚🗝
she/him, but doesn't mind any pronouns
aro butch lesbian + questioning gender
signature on posts: -D
aro cupiosexual polyamorous cistrans bi
signature on posts: -J
aroace xenogender agender genderfluidflux boyflux pan gaybian/velaurian
signature on posts: -🍒
romantic repulsed aro agender diamoric achillean
signature on posts: -📼
🎼 -> : basic DNI (racists, queerphobes, ableists etc); anti-endo/sysmed; TERFs/SWERFs/Radfems in general; "gender critical"; transmeds/transcums; pro/comshippers; MAP/NOMAP; pro-contact non-consensual/harmful para; exclusionists (aspec exclusionists, anti-mspec lesbian/gay, anti-lesboy/turigirl, anti-gaybian/velaurian/lesgay/sapphillean, pan/omni/ply exclusionists, anti-xenogender or any other good-faith identity); radqueers; transrace/transabled supporters; anti self-diagnosis; Autism Speaks supporters; demonize cluster b disorders/believe in "narc abuse"; xenoidentities users/supporters.
About my neurodivergencies/disabilities —
🎼 -> : I'm autistic, hypersexual, also I have maladaptive daydreaming, generalized anxiety disorder and I experience chronic headaches.
What is this blog about? —
🎼 -> : This is a mogai labels and flags coining blog!
So, what will I coin? —
🎼 -> : Gender, orientation, pronouns etc flags and terms. Maybe also otherkin and aldernic identities!
CW/TW: It's possible that some identities and their descriptions may contain unpleasant things, such as gore and maybe slight nsfw. I will put CW on these posts (in hashtags and at the beginning of the post), but be careful if it triggers you!
What won't I coin? —
🎼 -> : Transid/transable/transrace and other related stuff. I also won't do overly detailed gore/nsfw identities, but if it's not detailed, than it's fine.
What about requests? —
🎼 -> : I'm not taking requests now, but I will in the future! Now I want to focus on creating flags that I planned to make myself.
Other —
my pronouns page
So, have fun and enjoy your time with total queer disaster aka me!
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Hai! We're the Starmoon Galaxy System. We tend to go by Techie collectively (cute nickname referring to our prowess with the Minecraft mod known as ComputerCraft or it's descendant, CC: Tweaked) and we use they/them pronouns.
My name is Aster. I'm the main Host. I'm about 17-19 years old. I'm non-binary and asexual and use they/them pronouns. Typically, most posts/comments will have my "tag" or signature on them. This will appear as "~Aster" or "~⍟".
Heya folks! Name's Raven. I'm about 13-16 years old! I'm a cis girl, bi-curious and I use she/her pronouns. My "tag" is typically "~Raven", "~Rave", or "~𓄿".
Greetings. My sound-call is "Rogue Syn". I'm unsure about my age and my gender. I currently use she/her and they/them tags and have no procreation drive/intent/desire. My "tags" are "~Rogue Syn", "~Rogue", and "~ʚɞ".
[Text ID: "Greetings. My sound-call is "Rogue Syn". I'm unsure about my age and my gender. I currently use she/her and they/them tags and have no procreation drive/intent/desire. My "tags" are "~Rogue Syn", "~Rogue" and "~ʚɞ".]
Erm, hi? I guess? My name is Silver. I'm roughly 16-18 years old. I'm not sure what label I'd use for my gender, but I know I'm definitely masc, so use he/him when referring to me please. My tag is typically "~Silver", "~S", "~Silv" or "~📖".
Hewo!!! My name is Kia!!! I is onwee abouts... 5-10 years old!!! If I talk at alls on heres, it'll be using da tags "~Kia" or "~🍭". Hehe byeeeeessss!!!
DID, full name Dissociative Identity Disorder, (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder or Split Personality Disorder) is a disorder where you have multiple "personas" within your mind. This "personas" are called "alters" or "headmates" (headmates is more community-coined, while alters is more medically-coined). Each alter has their own past, character traits, likes and dislikes.
You can have as little as 2 alters within a single system or you can have more than 2,000 alters within a system. Different alters will "front" (become the main personality) during different times. Some alters may be triggered to front if the threat of abuse arises, or they may front to help get a specific task done.
Majority of DID systems will experience some form of amnesia. There are 6 types of amnesia: localised, selective, continuous, systematised, generalised, and dissociative fugue.
Localised amnesia is best described as forgetting a specific event or series of events. This could be anything from a single traumatic event to a time period in which abuse occured.
Selective amnesia is best described as forgetting parts of a specific event or series of events. This could be anything from specific details being forgotten or general details being forgotten while the specifics stay intact.
Continuous amnesia is best described as forgetting constantly. There can be a trigger for this type of amnesia, but there isn't always a trigger.
Systematised amnesia is best described as forgetting memories of a particular category or person. For example, a system may forget all memories of a specific person or concerning a specific subject.
Generalised amnesia is best described as an individual forgetting themselves entirely. Well established skills can be lost, as well as smaller memories (what you ate for lunch, who you talked to 5 minutes ago, etc). This form of amnesia is considered rare.
Dissociative fugue is extremely rare, only affecting 0.2% of the population. During an episode of dissociative fugue, the victim may wander around confused and bewildered. They may experience memory loss and an inability to recognise people they know. This type of amnesiac episode can last a few hours or even months. During the episode, the victim will act relatively normal, but once it recedes, they may be left in a confusing situation (perhaps they got a new job or a new home and now the victim has no idea what is going on).
The believed cause of DID is severe, prolonged exposure to abuse in childhood. This could be a specific abuse type or general abuse.
The most common treatment for DID is psychotherapy (talk therapy). Some systems may attempt integration or fusion. Integration is basically "combining" two or more alters. This means the personality, trauma, quirks and everything else that makes the alters integrated becomes a part of a "new" alter, one that is a combination of the alters. Fusion, on the other hand, is when alters come so close together that they act as one person, with thoughts intermingling and seemingly coming from one personality. This is not always the best thing for a system. Sometimes functional multiplicity is a better goal.
Functional Multiplicity is when a system works towards being able to work together more effectively. This means working on reducing arguments and bad blood between alters, enhancing internal communication, positive bonds between alters and the alters helping each other.
Seek out a medical diagnosis. Only a medical professional can correctly diagnose you. Yes, you can take note of symptoms and bring them up with your doctor, but only they know the criteria needed to get a diagnosis.
DISCLAIMER: This Tumblr is not ran by a medical professional. Any information concerning DID or any other medical condition is a collection of what the Starmoon Galaxy system has both researched and experienced personally. Please, do not take our word as law here. We are merely detailing our own personal journey and what we as a system have experienced. EVERY DID system is different. There is no normal for DID. There is only common.
SOURCES Center Stone article Cleveland Clinic article AAMFT article Power To The Plurals article Blog post about fusion Kinhost article
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bimbo-bah · 2 months
Can we request a headmate of Azul from twisted wonderland?
Of course~! Fae hope you like him~!
{An Azul Ashengrotto Fictive~!}
𓆩♡𓆪 Alter Type: Fictive
𓆩♡𓆪 Source: Twisted Wonderland
𓆩♡𓆪 System Role(s): System Manager, Persecutor
𓆩♡𓆪 Name(s): Azul, Aster, Maverique, Everest
𓆩♡𓆪 Species: Octopus Merperson (TransHuman)
𓆩♡𓆪 Gender: Auramaric deepoceanic Gendercollector Egogender Oceanbodiment Seabomination
𓆩♡𓆪 Pronouns: He/Mer/Swim/Jewel/Shell/Coin/Tako/Octo/Blue/🐙
𓆩♡𓆪 Sexuality: Asexual Frayhomoromantic
𓆩♡𓆪 Age: 17
𓆩♡𓆪 CisIDs: CisOctopus, CisMerperson, CisInsecure, CisBullied, CisIsolated, CisHouseWarden, CisGlasses, CisNPD, CisAvPD, CisOCD, CisSpellUser, CisCoinCollector. CisGreedy
𓆩♡𓆪 TransIDs: TransFamous, TransDictator, TransBully, TransNullAvPD, TransMuteflux, Aracial, TransHuman, TransOverpowered, TransIntersex, Transitioning TransAndrogynous, TransTorturer, TransBetrayer
𓆩♡𓆪 Paras: Humanophile, Cutlophile, Sadomasochist
𓆩♡𓆪 Personality: Introvert. Azul had been bullied and ostracized by most of his peers in his childhood, causing him to usually keep to himself and work on his magic. He's not exactly afraid of putting himself first or above others, and while he isn't too easy to befriend, he can be rather protective of those he cares about.
𓆩♡𓆪 Likes: Coin Collecting, Magic, Making money, bossing people around
𓆩♡𓆪 Dislikes: Leaving things to luck, Healthy Foods, His octopus form
𓆩♡𓆪 Aesthetic(s): Oceancore
𓆩♡𓆪 Typing Quirk(s): N/A
𓆩♡𓆪 Face Claim:
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pluralpedia · 1 year
Noun; applies to systems
Coined by Wyatt Ro'Meave | Green Mesa
An asterplex is a term for any collection of asters or larger units of astrons and asters, regardless of size. Asterplexes may make up larger groups called asterspaces, which are less unified but may share a common (exo-)history or narrative.
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aster-coins · 3 years
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|✩| Creature Carer
A system role pertaining to taking care of and co-fronting with non-human headmates that aren’t able to take care of themselves when fronting
This role is a subset of “caretaker”, and primarily coined for us as many of us like labels that say specifically what we do
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m-grouped · 3 years
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Backspace | Backsystem/Aster | Asterflux
" a headspace that is distant from the front, or any fronts that may exist in the system, and may be tangentially connected at most. These spaces may be seen stereotypically in a given system as aloof, irrelevant, or generally just unexplored, but they don't have to be. They are defined by existing distant from the front, and generally managing their own affairs, without influencing or being influenced by the body, even if people from there may front. " ~Pluralpedia
" An aster, or backsystem is a term for any sisasystem that exists primarily or fully in backspace, or as backspaces/astrons. Asters, while generally part of a given system, do not have an intrinsic or direct connection to that system's front, or any major fronts that may exist inside the system. They function independently of these fronts, whether they are independent of the body or depend on subconscious processes, and generally may be or be seen as aloof to bodily affairs. " ~Pluralpedia
" a descriptor label for sisasystems or headspaces that change from being asters/backspaces to not being such, and may change frequently or cyclically, but do not have to " ~Pluralpedia
All coined by the O'khasis Civilization Asterplex. Asterflux coined with help from me. All flags by me
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thefiresystem · 2 years
DOES ANYONE MAKE ICONS? I NEED ONE PLEASE!!!!!!!! IMMA TAG PEOPLE TELL ME IF YOU WANT UNTAGGED @everypronoun @ethereal-nighttmare @enkelikitty-mogai @endermogai @ryanyflags @remithelitteralrat @royallaesthetics @the-soul-shard-system @the-fruitysystem @the-arson-system-01 @the-corvidae-collective @yellowfellowmogai @orxngecrxsh @plural-terms @playing-card-coining @pinkfruitgender @aster-coins @auroras-kiss @d0llycoric @frizzy-frizz-frizz @genderqueer-dream @g3nderhoard @kenochoric @looking-glass-sys @caffinated-bugboy @blurgender @bun-gender @bored-coiner @nox-is-out-stargazing @noxwithoutstars @nonysystemcoining @mogai-described @mogaimood
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solarwindsempire · 2 years
@solarwindsempire - main blog, most reblogs go here, no particular purpose
@solarwinds-backup - backup sideblog on our friends's account
@solarwindsintroductions - introductions of members
@solarwinds-hoard - gender and label hoarding
@aster-coins - gender and system coining. As well as icons, name/pronoun suggestions, and userboxes
@solarwindsrps - WIP roleplay sideblog
@the-asteroid-archives - where we post our writing/fanfics, also our TSS fandom thoughts
@syskids-solarsystem - sideblog for our littles, regressors, and middles
@kitten-cub-solar - pet regression
@shifting-with-aster - reality shifting sideblog
@fun-dy - Fundy's sideblog
@dreaming-of-streaming - Clay's sideblog [cw for the "dream" smile]
@thiskindergartencrush - Callisto's sideblog
@mcdonaldsisdead - Nico's sideblog
@midoriyatalks - "Rebound"!Midoriya's sideblog
@daisukeghosts - Daisuke's sideblog
@dumbassery-dudebros - Elio and Issac's sideblog
@sero-coins-things - Sero's sideblog
@dadza-minecraft-sws - Philza's sideblog [Mumza uses it too]
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
Hello aster 420technoblazeit im thinking of starting to play cookie run but i have a very addictive personality and am afraid that ill just. Not be able to stop playing. Ive never played it but people say its really fun but also addicting. Youre the only person i follow/know that plays CR and i can ask for an opinion so. Do you think its like safe if i be careful or should i just avoid it altogether?
the way cookie run works is u have supplies you can use to make items that you trade in for coins. that system is set up so that it's more rewarding to check it often so i'd say just be careful of that. otherwise the runs are done with stamina points that are collected overtime so that aspect should be fine. i totally get it though, use your own discretion with it wish u the best <3
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emsleyanbluejay · 3 years
Recent posts have gotten me thinking about the nature of Me as a system.
So I’m the host, I guess? I’m Blue, I’m the body’s primary caretaker and its “default setting”. Since I’ve been me, I’ve had a distinction between Public Me and Private Me, to the point that those aspects using the same name is uncomfortable and wrong.
Public Me is Aster. He uses he/him exclusively, is productive, levelheaded, able to get anxiety-inducing tasks done without panicking, has no issues with authority, and masks all brainweirds in the presence of people. To be Aster, I have to “get into character” somewhere quiet away from people. My voice raises in pitch, and my expression is naturally more open. I stand a little different, a little straighter, and I’m more aware of where my weight is balanced. To stop being Aster, I have to spend at least 10-20min decompressing before I feel like Blue again.
Aster is not his own person, not like Adri and JT Thirteen are. Aster is Me, but he’s not Blue. I made him, kind of, I designed his personality to fit the situations Blue can’t handle. It’s not two sides to a coin, exactly.
I don’t know if that’s something like a facet, but I’m becoming less and less convinced that it’s a non-plural related thing.
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neon-vocalist · 3 years
13, 14, 15 for system asks and for whoever wants to answer :)
13- favorite person in the system?
Seven: that's a hard one,,, i like yuri and aster lot! but all the fictives and really all the headmates are very dear to me <3 there's the obvious answer of my partner (shoutout to emery i love you so) but that's boring
Kayla: Ooh, hmm, I like Starri because she's an icon and annoys the shit out of Seven all the time.
14- favorite person outside the system? lmao this should be interesting~
Seven: that one's definitely my partners. asla and nex my beloveds <3 i do like dwell a lot though :0
Aster: maddox, though we don't get to talk to him much anymore :(
Cady: I'm not out much, but I really like Dwell as well as Seven's dad. They're pretty cool.
15- what's a thing you consider yourself very good at?
Seven: this is gonna sound like i'm bragging. i think i'm good at label coining! i love etymology and words. writing is alright too.
Cady: I'm pretty good at diffusing situations and helping people! Damian calls me the comic relief of the system, which isn't entirely wrong. I'm also good at math because source things heya
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mogaispice · 4 years
The mods and what we do!
Hello! We’re the mods at Mogai Spice and this is our little pinned post! We’re parts of a system, so please be patient with us!
The mods: -Moony (pronoun sets, name/pronoun validation) -Gordon (gender/sexuality/romanticity/name finding, name/pronoun validation) -Ben (gender/sexuality/romanticity coining, flag designing) -Benny (gender coining) -Jet (flag designing, name/pronoun finding) -Barney (name/pronoun validation and finding)
Gordon: NAMES:Gordon GENDERS: Masc-aligned nonbinary with some cosmoic alignments thrown in. (Stellar-aligned, Supernova-aligned) SEXUALITY/ROMANTICITY: Bi PRONOUNS: he/him, they/them, ey/em, pog/pogs (pog/pog/pogs/poggers/pogself)
Ben: NAMES: Benrey, Benbey GENDERS: - Horrorcosmium - Aliengender - Eldristellargender - Eldrigender - Agender - Masculine SEXUALITY/ROMANTICITY: Demisexual, demiromantic, gay PRONOUNS: - he/him/his/his/himself - they/them/their/theirs/themself - xey/xem/xeir/xeirs/xerself - xe/xen/xeno/xenos/xenoself
Benny: NAMES: Benny, Frog, Frogge GENDERS: froggender, quantum-aligned, void-aligned, nebula-aligned nonbinary (cosmoic alignments) SEXUALITY/ROMANTICITY:  PRONOUNS: he/they/it/frog
Jet: NAMES: Jet, Jet Fuel, Prince GENDERS: Transmasc demiboy turifemgender, princegender, princecoric, boycute, roseusboy, gendercute, mascqueer, laetium, hathosboy, princian, magicuic, prigothic, regalisgender, privillainic, royalteaic, prichandellic, priforetic, priroseic, pricandyic, priflirtic, prigameric, prialienic, pridecorakei, prikawaii, priharajuku, syllmelan, gendermoxie, cozyfemasc SEXUALITY/ROMANTICITY: Gay (femme) PRONOUNS: he/him/his/his/himself they/them/their/theirs/themself pri/prin/prins/prins/princeself 💫/💫/💫s/💫s/💫self 👑/👑/👑s/👑s/👑self
Moony: NAMES: Mooncake, Hollow, Nihil, Virus GENDERS: Nebula- and Lunar-aligned nonbinary (transmasc) SEXUALITY/ROMANTICITY: Pan PRONOUNS: he him his his himself they them their theirs themself exe exe exes exes exeself txt txt txts txts txtself ai ai ais ais aiself ai ain aier aiers aiself bit bit bits bits bitself pi pix pixes pixel pixelself bot bot bots bots botself er err errs errs errorself mid midi midis midis midiself ip ip ips ips ipself wi fi wifi wifis wifiself nov nova nova novas novaself sta star stars stars starself gal gala galax galaxy galaxyself lu lun luna lunas lunarself cae caer caers caers caerself ast aster astro astrum astroself x x xs xs xself ix ix ixs ixs ixself am ai amai amai amaiself sweet sweet sweets sweets sweetself nu null nulls nulls nullself cin cinna cinnas cinnas cinnaself cinn cinn cinns cinns cinnself vi vir virus virus viruself ni nihil nihils nihils nihilself vo voi voids voids voidself el stel stellar stellars stellarself astro astro astros astros astroself co code codes codes codeself gli glitch glitches glitches glitchself xi xim xis xis ximself ix ixen ixens ixens ixenself ano anom anoms anoms anomself 🥮 🥮 🥮s 🥮s 🥮self 🍡 🍡 🍡s 🍡s 🍡self 🩹 🩹 🩹s  🩹s  🩹self ☄️ ☄️ ☄️s  ☄️s ☄️self 💊 💊 💊s 💊s 💊self 💉 💉 💉s 💉s 💉self 🧠 🧠 🧠s 🧠s 🧠self 👾 👾 👾s 👾s 👾self 🥥 🥥 🥥s 🥥s 🥥self 🍒 🍒 🍒s 🍒s 🍒self 🍓 🍓 🍓s 🍓s 🍓self 🍑 🍑 🍑s 🍑s 🍑self 🍛 🍛 🍛s 🍛s 🍛self 🍣 🍣 🍣s 🍣s 🍣self 💿 💿 💿s 💿s 💿self 🍭 🍭 🍭s 🍭s 🍭self 🍫 🍫 🍫s 🍫s 🍫self 👽 👽 👽s 👽s 👽self 🤖 🤖 🤖s 🤖s 🤖self 🪐 🪐 🪐s 🪐s 🪐self 🌱 🌱 🌱s 🌱s 🌱self
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