#astrea inspo
a-cloud-for-dreams · 4 months
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Rainbow x Kaiza's Wardrobe
Credits to @ratanslily for the idea!! I fear I need to buy more of her wardrobe and redo this imo but she has some of my favorite outfits
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doodleshrimps · 2 years
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ehy tumblr have I ever shown you my concept of Tumble Town’s religion?  She’s the Grand Goddess of Justice,Goddess of the Law,Justice and Retribuition (based on Themis, Dike/Lady Justice and Nemesis)  She’s the one who choses the Sheriff to serve as her “vessel”, or prophet The star on her chest  is the symbol of the religion! both the sheriff badge and stars in general bc another thing i took inspo from Dike was her epither, Astrea, so she's associated with the sky Edit: for the people in the tags who have asked if Jimmy  is in his toy height or normal one, it’s the normal one
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notaethyras · 7 years
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robinastrea · 2 years
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Name: Robin Astrea Nicknames: Bin, Binnie, Rob, Robert, Bobert, Robitussin, Bob, Bobby, Bobin Gender: cis male Pronouns: he/him Birthday: July 1, 1998
Faceclaim: Cha Eunwoo Height: 6’0” Build: (e.g. slim, athletic, sturdy) Athletic, slightly muscular. Hair Color: Black Hairstyle: Longer, to his ears, wavy and with bangs.   Eye Color: Right eye is brown, Left eye is violet purple Scars/Markings/Tattoos: A few small scars on his arms and legs from being young and being allowed to wield knives, and from several missions he was allowed to accompany his mother on. Fashion Sense: Very classic style, a lot of neutrals/blacks, but with occasionally a pop of color from his shirts or an accessory.  A little bit 70s inspired sometimes.  Very sleek, ironed meticulously.  Here, have some inspo: 1 2 3 4
Hometown:  Rungung, Maeyr, Gaison, Kraysha Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Gay/Homosexual Relationship Status: Taken--dating a hot erkuss named Theo Occupation: First Mate Hobbies: calligraphy, journaling, collecting, video games
Strengths: Organized, loyal, caring, empathetic.  Smuggling, sneaking, and combat including hand-to-hand and knife/shortsword.  Great handwriting, pretty good at impressions. Weaknesses:  Communication, seeing things right in front of him, singing, cooking. Temperament: (e.g. calm, quick-tempered, capricious) Friendly, but can be cold, or hot-headed. Neutral Traits: meticulous, clean, stubborn, emotional Dominant Hand: Right-handed
Life Philosophy: Work towards the future. Values: His family, friends (and friends that have become family), his career Ambitions: Making his mother proud. Religion Affiliation/spirituality: None Favorite Time of Day: Nighttime. Pet Peeves: Condescension, when the ‘after’ photo is on the left side instead of the right side Quirks: Hates when he sweats, he’s not very good at reading people’s emotions, has a very heavy collection of drawings, journals, and small objects that he’s collected over the years, that he’s labeled and made shelves and drawers for.
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ofsahars · 6 years
@aastrea / inspo: how to be a heartbreaker by marina and the diamonds !
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“astrea !” sahar cheered out with glee. she knew her science buddy wasn’t in the best of moods... to say the least. that’s why she decided she’d take her out for a night of festivities. “so, i hope you don’t totally hate me for this, but i picked out an outfit of mine for you to wear just ‘cause you’re gonna look absolutely bangin’.” she clasps her hands together.
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Astrea Romper-http://www.revolve.com/blue-life-astrea-romper/dp/BLUE-WR106/?d=Womens&page=1&lc=17&itrownum=6&itcurrpage=1&itview=01 @revolve #romper #bohochic 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 #bohemianstyle 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 #chokertrend #inspo #stylegram #styletip #datenight #newpost #instamood #cinnamoncouture (at San Diego, California)
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
8 Days: How does Ryder feel about aliens? Are they uncomfortable, wary, intrigued, curious, intimidated, not bothered, etc? In the Milky Way, where did they stand on humanity’s place in galactic society - Earth first, Terra Firma, human superiority, peaceful cooperation, pro-galactic integration & unity, etc? How will they feel upon discovering that there are sentient alien races in Andromeda?
Claire Ryder was born into a society where aliens were already an everyday thing, it wasn’t surprising to see an Asari vendor or a Salarian doctor. Yes things are still new and relations aren’t 100% peaceful but Claire doesn’t feel any different around them than she does human beings. She sees humanities interest aligning with other aliens and that life should be protected as a whole, not one species over another. When it comes to sentient life in Andromeda Claire is actually really worried about them, not because they’re new or strange. But because they definitely won’t be expecting a slew of unknown people flying in declaring they wanna live here too. She’s worried they’d be inviting themselves and making these native people uncomfortable.
Jericho Ryder is accustom to aliens but deep down he is about humanity first. Not in the Cerberus sort of way, he’ll always aid alien forces and has good relations with that of other species. But if it were between the destruction of Earth and Tuchanka, you know who he’d save. However without such a fatalistic ultimatum he’s more than happy to stand side by side with anyone human or not. That being said Jericho is wary of Andromeda’s inhabitants because he sees it like it is, new races inviting themselves to their planets. He hopes that there is an open planet free for the taking where no confrontations must take place.
Astrea Ryder loves aliens, their culture, their appearances. She grew up among them and due to their age finds them more soothing to be around.Talking to Asari older than her great grandparents, or a Drell explaining how their memory works in rapid detail. Their alliances are one and the same however Astrea knows how trigger happy humans can be, so more often she will sympathize with the alien. In Andromeda Astrea is terrified that the Initiative is going to bully the natives out of their home and is soooo here to shut that down.
Siren Ryder probably has more Krogan friends than human. She’s all for equality between humans and aliens between each other but she’s rather self aware how child like her people must seem. Hell she feels like a child next to these century aged species. Siren wants as much unity as possible between races and that extends to Andromeda. She isn’t here to step on anyone’s toes for damn sure.
Maxson Ryder as I mention before had a Salarian friend growing up, he isn’t a stranger to befriending aliens. But he understands that when things get tough every species is going to back their own kind, that humans won’t be the only ones protecting their own interests. That being said Maxson is for unity, hates Cerberus, but wouldn’t take offense if everyone defended their own borders. He’s anxious about who may live in Andromeda because it looks bad, all of them coming in like that. It isn’t refugees it’s explorers.
Rey Ryder is pro-human to the bone. Her kind is seen as petulant children as it kinda pisses her off. She isn’t into the Cerberus scene but she doesn’t want to be looked down upon and stands as a human supporter one, because she is human. And two because she wants them to be taken just as seriously as the others. As for what may wait in Andromeda Rey is vastly aware that toes will be stepped on, she just hopes they are welcoming.
Remy Ryder only broke up with his Drell boyfriend as a teen because of the strange side effects of being intimate with him (wink wink hallucinations). He’s the sort to ‘not see race/species’. He’s aware of them and their differences but he won’t treat you any different unless a custom calls for it. He’s very ‘unified hopeful’. Remy hopes Andromeda inhabitants will welcome them but doesn’t expect them to at all.
Lexa Ryder is pro human, because you gotta look out for your own interests. It isn’t that she hates the other species its just she feels looked down upon by them as a human being. They don’t even have a seat in the Citadel. If war were to break out she wouldn’t be trying to peace keep that is for sure, the Turians shot first and few remember that fact. Once in Andromeda the Milky Way travelers are stuck and if she has to fight for a home she damn well will.
Gage Ryder loves aliens, she loves humans, everyone should shut up and get along. But now that they’re headed for Andromeda there isn’t much she can do but hope that back home things are going well, everyone has finally shook hands and made peace. In Andromeda she wants the same, Gage would really like it if somehow they landed and these peaceful aliens were happy to embrace them. Or at least they weren’t the first races to travel and join the community.
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
3 Days: Do you plan on romancing anyone with Ryder? If so, who? Why? What qualities would Ryder find attractive in a partner (if applicable)?
Claire Ryder is going to romance Jaal. For the longest time I was trying to save him for a different Ryder (Astrea) but I think she and Jaal would make a good match. Ryder loves honesty and being made to feel special and loved. She loves people who show their emotions and wear their heart on their sleeve.
Jericho Ryder will romance Cora. He’s only really attracted to human women and appreciates people who know what they want.
Astrea Ryder was going to romance Jaal but now with that slot taken by Claire I’m going to have to run around and find her someone else.
Siren Ryder will romance Vetra. They’re absolutely a match. She prefers women softer than herself with more compassion, some to temper her.
Maxson Ryder is still out, so I’m not wholly sure.
Rey Ryder is going to romance Peebee, she likes spontaneous intelligent asari women.
Remy Ryder will likely romance Gil unless this ‘other gay romance’ is more appealing, which I doubt.
Lexa Ryder is going to romance Liam, she’s into humans with a good attitude.
Gage Ryder is gonna kiss Suvi so good.
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
10 Days: Will Ryder ever miss the Milky Way? What things and places will they miss most?
Claire Ryder will miss it all. It was her home, her everything. She’ll miss the people and the sights and most of all Earth. Knowing she will never see it again is hard but Claire knows she took the best parts of home with her.
Jericho Ryder is going to miss home however he is ready for a change. I think for the most part he will miss the familiar territory until Andromeda becomes his home. 
Astrea Ryder was more than happy to have joined and left. There will be a few things she misses about home but really she was first in line to go.
Siren Ryder is going to miss the Earth and the Alliance and just...everything. No part of her was ready to leave.
Maxson Ryder will miss the races that didn’t get to come along to Andromeda like the Hanar, Drell and so on. Familiar races he will never see again.
Rey Ryder is going to miss home. The shops close to home, the people she saw every day but never knew their names. The little things.
Remy Ryder is going to miss his friends, he made so many and throughout his life and said goodbye to them all.
Lexa Ryder will miss little if anything. She wasn’t keen to leave but Andromeda offers something new.
Gage Ryder will miss her life knowing it is going to change drastically now.
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
12 Days: How will Ryder feel upon waking up from cryo? Relieved, excited, scared, impatient to get going, lost, etc. 
Claire Ryder is gonna be out of sorts. Going under was one thing but actually waking up far from everything she knows in unknown territory? That exciting, and scary, and hard to wrap your head around. Her first instinct will be to find her father and brother, but of course she’ll need to be examined. Won’t make the jitters any better though.
Jericho Ryder will need a little defrosting (pun intended) but then straight to work. Get sister up, reconvene with Alec and figure out what comes next. He figures he’s had enough sleep.
Astrea Ryder would just pole vault herself up and want to look out the Ark windows at the new galaxy. She’s the most excited about this journey and will want to be filled in. And while most Ryders will be alarmed by the scourge she’s already working to figure out what exactly it is.
Siren Ryder is going to be agitated. She doesn’t want to be here and yet there is no going back. There will be a sense of feeling lost, singled out and alone.
Maxson Ryder will be both excited and nostalgic. He’s happy to be here but now that he is awake he knows just about everyone he knew back home is dead or old. There’s a heavy sense of lost time there.
Rey Ryder would be extremely curious and would want to start moving as soon as possible. Simple as that, new galaxy new happenings.
Remy Ryder is certainly feeling strained, literally. Cryo has left him feeling weak and his body unused. But emotionally he is quite intimidated by Andromeda now that he is here. And nothing spectacular has even happened yet.
Lexa Ryder won’t want to go through the ritual of getting tested and evaluated. She isn’t really excited to be here and just wants to get things going, find a home and hope she can be at peace.
Gage Ryder feels...strange. Her human friends in the Milky Way are dead, others who are alien are likely so or extremely old. And here she is at over 600 alive much longer than she’s supposed to. Gage feels as though she cheated time, and it doesn’t sit well.
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Meme
19 Days: Where would Ryder fall in the classic Paragon/Renegade morality system? What would their D&D alignment be? If you know their personality type in any personality typing systems (such as MBTI and Enneagram - you can find various type descriptions and tests using Google), feel free to add and discuss them here.
Claire Ryder is Paragon, Neutral Good, ENTP and The Peacemaker
Jericho Ryder is Paragade, Lawful Neutral, ESTJ and The Challenger
Astrea Ryder is Paragon, True Neutral, ISTP and The Reformer
Siren Ryder is Renegon, Chaotic Good, ENFJ and The Challenger
Maxson Ryder is Paragon, Lawful Neutral, ISTJ and The Investigator
Rey Ryder is Paragade, True Neutral, ISTP and The Enthusiast
Remy Ryder is Paragon, Neutral Good, ENFP and The Loyalist
Lexa Ryder is Paragade, True Neutral, ENFJ and The Individualist
Gage Ryder is Renegade, Chaotic Good, ENFJ and The Helper
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
24 Days: Which squadmates do you think will best compliment Ryder’s combat style? Alternatively, who do you plan to take out most in the field?
Claire Ryder is going to be sticking with Drack and Jaal most of the game. I’m a sucker for Krogan and purple cat men.
Jericho Ryder is taking Cora and Drack, since one is his LI and the other seems to be battle ready like Jer.
Astrea Ryder will take Jaal and Cora. Jaal being her LI and Cora the person I see her being most compatible with friend wise.
Siren Ryder will take Vetra and Drack. One is, I hope, her LI and the other is a Krogan who she’d love to battle alongside.
Maxson Ryder is going to take Vetra and Peebee. They’re all so very different so I’m curious how they’d mesh.
Rey Ryder is partnering up with Peebee and Vetra. Rey is hooking up with Peebee and Vetra is the tol bff she always wanted.
Remy Ryder will take Jaal and Liam. Bros, you feel me?
Lexa Ryder is bringing Liam and Peebee. Liam will most likely be her LI and Peebee will just be too fun not to take along.
Gage Ryder will take Vetra and Jaal.
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
7 Days: Ryder’s father gave the twins informal N7 training in the past. How did Ryder feel about this (pressured, resentful, grateful, motivated, overworked, excited, etc)? What are their feelings on “N7” as a symbol? How do they relate to it, if at all?
Claire Ryder absolutely appreciates everything her father has taught her and done for her. Alec giving her and her twin N7 training was a privileged because it gave her the skills she needed both in and out of combat to survive. Claire may have been doing research work with Protheans but the things Alec taught her came in handy when the geth showed up. Claire sees the N7 program as an elite ranking that she’d hoped to achieve one day, because of Alec and Shepard, but fate had different plans for her.
Jericho Ryder is also extremely appreciative of the training Alec gave him. None of his peers have such intense training and it gives him an edge. Although Jericho hasn’t seen as much action as he’d like to. He wanted to earn his own N7 armor at some point but things didn’t go that way. Regardless Jericho is grateful for what Alec did for him.
Astrea Ryder wasn’t exactly excited at first do go through Alec’s military hard ass training. She was just fine working with researchers doing peaceful work. But in hindsight it was the right choice. Astrea would have been no use when the Geth arrived had her father not trained her to survive and defend herself. It allows Astrea to now enter dangerous places for her research without fear of being killed. The N7 symbol holds a lot of merit but it just isn’t something she ever strived to be.
Siren Ryder is actually really bittersweet about the training. She was happy to have it, all the training has done is better her in every skill needed during combat. But the training also meant spending long hours with her father as he continuously commanded and pressured her to do better. Due to their already strained relationship Siren tries to think of it as an enlightening experience. She greatly respects the N7 program and wondered if she would ever wear that armor had she stayed in the Milky Way.
Maxson Ryder felt a little forced into being a soldier, he would have been happy working alongside his sister in researching Protheans. But Alec wasn’t having that. Maxson respects the N7 program and his father but in truth the Alliance Military was never his passion. Even so the training has come in handy so he can’t exactly condemn the experience.
Rey Ryder only went through the rigorous N7 training because she knew she’d need it. It was tough and there were days she wished she could just said screw it all, but in this vast universe knowing how to fight and survive is necessary. While she never intended to try for the N7 program she’s glad she knows what they do.  
Remy Ryder asked for the training, hell he was excited for it. Up at down and in bed at night sore, tired but feeling fulfilled. Alec was really proud of Remy for being a heck of a trooper whereas his sister hated every second of it. Remy would have gone on to try and earn N7 status had they not left the galaxy.
Lexa Ryder hated every second of her father’s training. She felt like she was capable on her own and didn’t need outside training from her father of all people. It was an uncomfortable experience because her brother was trying to be competitive and became moody when she out shined him. Lexa was comfortable in her abilities as a part of the Alliance and doesn’t think it added much to what she already knew.
Gage Ryder has a strained relationship with Alec however their time training brought her closer to him than she thought possible. He was hard on her but Gage came out stronger for it and he made a point to tell her that. That she’d made him proud. She’d never really thought about joining N7 and always equated it to being her father or Shepard, not herself.
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notaethyras · 8 years
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Made Jericho yesterday. Not wholly impressed with the male side of ME:A CC but it could be due to my sucking at making a decent guy. That and the blondes look dyed in. But I like him, minus the wrinkles he gets around his eyes but I got headcanon for that.
Also made Astrea for later. Used the same preset 9 face and tried to make it look different from Claire, hopefully it will show in later cutscenes. But regardless I don’t have a lot to work with so my white girls are gonna look similar.
Again, very proud of them. My children are beautiful.
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
1 Day: Which song/songs would be “theme songs” for Ryder? Are there any symbols you associate with Ryder? If you’ve created a moodboard for them, share it here. If not, what sorts of things would be on their moodboard? Describe their aesthetic. What Hogwarts house would they be sorted into? If you’ve written fanfic involving Ryder already, share it here. [you don’t need to do all of these, they’re merely intended as creative exercises]
Claire Ryder would be gryffindor and here is her moodboard
Jericho Ryder would be gryffindor and here is his moodboard
Astrea Ryder would be ravenclaw and here is her moodboard
Siren Ryder would be gryffindor and here is her moodboard
Maxson Ryder is a hufflepuff and here is his moodboard
Rey Ryder is a ravenclaw and here is her moodboard
Remy Ryder would be a hufflepuff and here is his moodboard
Lexa Ryder is a slytherin and here is her moodboard
Gage Ryder is a slytherin and here is her moodboard
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
2 Days: Provide a “famous quote” from Ryder that sums them up as a character (like the ones for the squadmates in their official character profiles).
Claire Ryder : “I’m not going to give up. If I do then we fail and all of this was for nothing.”
Jericho Ryder : “Some days I feel like tossing my gun out the airlock and letting someone else do this job. Then I remember who I am.”
Astrea Ryder : “Don’t mistake my silence for fear. I’m quiet yes, quietly plotting that is.”
Siren Ryder : “Everybody wants something. Money, notoriety, revenge. What do I want? A little peace and quiet.”
Maxson Ryder : “I’m sorry I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at the situation. And you.”
Rey Ryder : “If I regret coming here then it makes the last 600 years of my life meaningless. And that’s a lot of time to have wasted.”
Remy Ryder : “My job is to find us a home, and if that means appeasing the locals I’m down. This was their home before us.”
Lexa Ryder : “As long as I get a nice lengthy vacation after this I will happily shoot that guy in the face.”
Gage Ryder : “New galaxy, same shit. I’m not even remotely surprised.”
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