#astrology courses in arizona
patgtuning11 · 4 months
Astrology Readings Arizona - Personalized Insights for Your Life
Learn the esoteric lessons found in Astrology Readings Arizona. These personalised readings offer you insightful astrological direction that is intended to clear your path and improve your day-to-day experiences. Our knowledgeable astrologers can provide guidance and clarity depending on your particular zodiac sign, regardless of your level of experience with astrology or level of familiarity with the cosmos.
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sicknessbysalem · 4 months
tw emeto, chronic illness, implications of shitty parents, emeto (again)
if you have any questions, comments, concerns, requests, please hit up my ask box!!
Meadow would never say she was the nosy type. But she did like knowing things. Or, at least, knowing things about her loved ones.
Arizona loved working on the Dixon ranch. She wasn’t much of a showgirl, but she loved her horse deeply. She loved the hands on hard work that came from working on a farm. Arizona loved the taste of fresh eggs and loved herbal tea.
Allie only liked saying she was a cowgirl to say she was one. Any hard work was not her forte. She loved going into the city, going to the mall, doing the typical popular girl things.
Houston didn’t have a preference on what job he liked more. He loved the creativity that came with being a tattoo artist, he wanted to get into piercing. He loved the social aspect of the tavern. His favorite thing was sour treats. He taught himself how to play guitar. He’d been writing music since he was thirteen.
And then there was River. Meadow loved River, deeply. Meadow knew River’s favorite color was purple. River’s favorite thing to do was collect pins for the old vest they wore almost every show. They liked salty treats, but didn’t eat much. They read tarot easily and would sooner tell a pearl-gripping church grandmother her astrology chart and how it made her the way she was than River would ever go within inches of a holy text of any kind.
Meadow knew a lot about River. Meadow knew River’s parents partially kicked River out when they were sixteen. Relocated River to the run down shed tucked way behind the property. River’s parents told them that if they could come up with the funds to fix it up, they could live there. For a fee of course, like rent. River was very handy, River knew a lot of handy people. The borderline shed was flipped into a sustainable tiny home in weeks. That’s where River lived. That’s where Meadow would spend the night.
Meadow also knows that River is a world class insomniac. River doesn’t sleep much, or rather, their sleep is very fragmented.
So when it’s a random Thursday night in July and Meadow wakes up to an absence of River lying down next to her, Meadow isn’t worried. In fact, Meadow is more concerned why she woke up anyway. Meadow rarely woke up in the middle of the night.
Meadow sat up. River wasn’t in the bean bag on the floor. Meadow wondered if maybe River woke up after falling asleep, couldn’t get back to sleep, and decided to go out to the living room to not bother Meadow.
Meadow poked her head out of River’s bedroom door. She slipped out, quietly. Only a few steps outside the bedroom door, Meadow saw light coming out from under the bathroom door.
Meadow isn’t worried. She has no reason to be, she’s sure. River had probably woken up, went to the living room, maybe made some tea or something, and just had to use the bathroom.
Meadow shrugs to herself, going back into River’s room. She grabs her phone from the nightstand, looks at the time. It’s just after one.
Meadow really isn’t worried. And now, knowing River didn’t just go out in the middle of the night as they sometimes did for walks and such to calm down, she’s calm again. She sets her phone down, lays down. She’ll go back to sleep and River will come back when they are ready. They always do.
River’s sleep patterns had always been a disaster. River themself would call it a ‘fucking trainwreck’.
They’d played a show with the band, something small and somewhat local. It was maybe half an hours drive away from their home. Or, whatever this was.
Meadow was spending the night. River loved when Meadow spent the night. It made their place much less lonely. River was an introvert, yes. But a lonely introvert.
Tonight they fell asleep rather easily. Almost too easily. Whether it was the way Meadow played with their hair as they cuddles, or hearing Meadow’s adorable Applachian voice on the phone with Houston while River was dozing off, something made River fall asleep far easier than normal.
But despite the easy falling asleep, River’s eyes fluttered open to the all-too-familiar pitch of wakefulness. The dim glow of the moonlight seeped through the window, casting a pale shimmer over the cluttered room, but it was the gnawing discomfort in their stomach that fully pulled them from sleep’s tenuous grasp.
Sighing, River sat up, trying to gather their scattered thoughts. The room felt stuffy, oppressive. They had meant to go to the living room and lay on the couch, away from Meadow. They didn’t want to bother her. Especially not if they were just feeling shitty from waking up.
River pushed back the blankets and slid off the bed, but by time they’re in the hall, River can feel genuine nausea starting to poke at their stomach. They detoured against their will, each step towards the bathroom feeling heavier as the nausea began to churn more insistently.
This wasn’t a new feeling of course—these bouts of nausea had become unwelcome but well-known visitors in their life. They always hit at night too, which made it worse. Still, familiarity didn’t soften the edge of discomfort.
Once in the bathroom, River closed the door softly and flipped on the light, squinting against the sudden brightness.
The white tiles and sterile fixtures had a starkness that made them feel even more sick. They moved mechanically. This was normal. Normal for River. They had a routine by now when this happened. Open the medicine cabinet, retrieve the anti-nausea medication they got prescribed against their parent’s will, and swallow it with a sip of water.
The nausea, however, had its own timeline. River slid down to sit on the cool bathroom floor, their back resting against the tub. The chill of the tiles seeped through their thin shirt, a small relief against the waves of heat rolling through their body.
They closed their eyes, focusing on their breathing—slow, measured inhales and exhales to combat the rising tide of sickness. The familiar ritual of mindfulness and controlled breathing had been their anchor many times before. The last thing River wanted was to actually end up vomiting.
River’s thoughts drifted as they waited for the medication to kick in. Anything they could to distract themselves from this until they could go lay back down.
Minutes stretched into what felt like hours. The nausea was a stubborn adversary, refusing to relent easily. River opened their eyes, glancing around the small bathroom. They hated this, deeply. And they especially hated it was happening while Meadow was here.
They leaned forward, resting their forehead on their knees, drawing comfort from the closed, grounded posture.
Slowly, they started to level out. River took a deeper breath, feeling the tight knot in their stomach loosen slightly. They lifted their head, leaning back against the tub again, letting their body relax incrementally. They couldn’t relax all at once. No, not unless they really wanted to override their medicine and end up sick.
In time, the worst passed. River stood up slowly, splashed water on their face.
The cool water on River’s face was a stark contrast to the lingering warmth of their skin, a small mercy that helped ground them in the moment.
They cupped their hands under the faucet again, letting the water flow over their fingers before bringing it up to splash their cheeks. Each splash was a deliberate, careful act, as if trying to wash away the remnants of the nausea that had plagued them.
As they looked up into the mirror, their reflection stared back, pale and tired. River's eyes were ringed with shadows, a testament to the sleepless nights and restless days that had become their norm.
With a deep breath, they reached for a towel, patting their face dry, feeling a cautious optimism that the worst had finally passed.
Just as they turned to leave the bathroom, a sudden wave of nausea crashed over them, more forceful than before. River clutched the edge of the sink, their knuckles turning white as they fought to stay upright. The room spun around them, and a cold sweat broke out across their forehead. That wasn’t good. That was never good.
River barely made it to the toilet before they were sick, the sound harsh and jarring in the quiet of the night. They braced themselves, muscles tensing. River could feel their stomach pull in, could feel the gags pull their throat. The moments felt endless.
They ate today, too. Well, they ate every day, but what sucked was River had actually been more hungry than usual today, meaning they had plenty to bring up, and their body was hellbent on getting it up.
When it finally subsided, River leaned against the bathroom wall, panting softly. It took longer than they wanted to pull themselves back together, but they did. They rinsed their mouth and washed their hands, moving through the motions with a mechanical precision born of how much this happened.
Miraculously, Meadow slept through it all. River was grateful; the last thing they wanted was to disturb her. They took a few more moments to compose themselves, splashing their face one last time to chase away the lingering queasiness. Their legs felt shaky as they stood, but the nausea had retreated to a manageable dull throb.
Quietly, River crept back to the bedroom. Meadow’s peaceful form was a soothing sight in the dim light. River hesitated at the doorway, watching her for a moment, the rise and fall of her breathing a gentle rhythm that coaxed River forward.
River’s stomach gurgled, they swallowed thick. They’d end up sick again, they were sure. But it didn’t feel immediate enough to warrant going back to the bathroom.
So, instead, River pulled the trash can closer to the bed. River hoped they would have enough warning to go back to the bathroom, but sometimes that didn’t happen. Better safe than sorry.
They slipped back under the covers, careful not to jostle the bed too much.
But Meadow stirred, her eyes fluttering open.
“River?” she murmured, her voice thick with sleep. “Are you okay?”
River’s heart clenched at the concern in her voice. They forced a smile, though it felt thin and fragile.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” they lied gently, not wanting to burden her with the truth. “Couldn’t fall back asleep yet. Just had to use the bathroom.”
Meadow’s eyes searched River’s face, but she was too drowsy to notice the lingering pallor or the faint sheen of sweat on their brow. She nodded, accepting the answer, and closed her eyes again, her hand finding River’s under the covers.
River lay down beside her, feeling the familiar comfort of Meadow’s presence. They closed their eyes, hoping the worst was indeed over, and willed their body to relax into the embrace of sleep once more.
In the dim early hours of the morning, Meadow instinctively moved closer to River, her arm draping lightly across their midsection. Even in her sleep, she sought the comfort of their presence. River, in their fitful slumber, barely registered the gentle pressure around their stomach, their body too exhausted to fully wake.
As the minutes ticked by, Meadow’s subconscious awareness began to sharpen. She felt the subtle tension in River’s body, the way their breathing was slightly ragged and uneven. Her own sleep began to slip away as she became more attuned to River’s discomfort.
Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the faint light filtering through the curtains. Meadow’s hand still rested on River’s stomach, and she could feel the tight, uneasy knots beneath her fingertips. A frown creased her brow as she fully woke, the realization of River’s distress hitting her like a cold splash of water.
“River?” she whispered softly, her voice thick with concern.
River’s eyes were closed, their face pinched in discomfort. They hadn’t yet woken fully, but their body was already reacting to the growing nausea. Meadow’s heart ached as she watched them, knowing the signs all too well. She shifted slightly, giving River more room, but kept her hand on their stomach, hoping to offer some small comfort.
Just as she feared, it didn’t take long for the nausea to surge with a force that River could no longer ignore. Meadow felt their stomach grumble in a very sick way, something that told Meadow what was about to happen.
Their eyes snapped open, a pained gasp escaping their lips as they instinctively reached for the trash can they had placed near the bed earlier, always prepared.
“Meadow, please let—“ River began, their voice strained. They started to untangle themselves from Meadow, the urgency in their movements making it clear that the sickness was imminent. Meadow was hardly touching them, they knew that. But any pressure on their stomach was only making this worse.
Meadow quickly sat up, her heart racing. “It’s okay, I’ve got you,” she said, her voice soothing despite the alarm she felt. She helped River pull the trash can closer, her hands steady even as worry churned in her stomach.
River barely managed to lift the trash can to their lap before the nausea hit full force. Meadow’s hand rubbed soothing circles on their back as River was sick, the sound harsh and jarring in the quiet room.
Meadow’s heart ached with every retch, wishing she could do more to ease their pain. She stroked her hand over River’s messy hair, brushing back the black and red locks. Keeping them away from getting messy.
When the worst had passed, River leaned back, panting softly, the trash can still clutched in their hands. They looked exhausted, eyes glazed with tears from the effort. Meadow reached out, brushing a damp lock of hair from River’s forehead, her touch gentle and loving.
Meadow was going to ask. Meadow was going to ask a stupid question, she was sure. She wanted to ask how River felt now. Now that they’d thrown up.
But River’s stomach let out a loud, sick noise. A sound between a sickly burp and a whine came out of River’s mouth, and River tensed tightly.
“Let’s get you to the bathroom,” Meadow suggested softly. “We don’t want you to stay like this here.”
River nodded weakly, their strength sapped from the ordeal. With Meadow’s help, they managed to stand, holding the trash can close as they made their way to the bathroom. They felt like they’d start vomiting at any second now.
Meadow’s arm was a steady support around their shoulders, guiding them with a quiet strength.
Once in the bathroom, River sank to the floor, kneeling in front of the toilet and setting the trash can aside as they leaned against the cool tiles. They rested their elbow on the toilet seat and leaned their head against their fist. Meadow knelt beside them, her presence a comforting anchor in the storm of their sickness.
“I’m sorry,” River murmured, their voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t want to wake you.”
Meadow shook her head, her eyes soft with understanding. “You don’t have to apologize,” she said gently. “I’m here for you, always.”
River nodded. Another small sound. A gag, a burp, a whine. River burped up a mouthful of sick. And then another, and a another.
Finally, a guttural gag sent up a stream of sick though thick and abundant that River could swear they were choking. It made them cough, and with coughs came even more vomiting. River felt it in their nose. They were crying. Probably from the effort, but their stomach was hurting.
Then as suddenly as the abundant wave came up, River’s body wasn’t sending anything up. But River was still heaving, little streams of bile coming up, small implications there was more.
Meadow could sense it, maybe. Maybe she was just trying to help. But, River felt a hand on their stomach, not their own, rubbing patterns into their torso.
Occasionally, Meadow would press harder with the heel of her hand. That made all the difference.
River gagged, harder. But, Meadow kept rubbing River’s stomach, pressing hard to make her poor partner sick, anything to make them feel better.
“God, your stomach feels so upset,” Meadow sighed, “Let’s try and fix that.”
The rubbing progressed to squeezing. Each squeeze sent up another mouthful of vomit until there was nothing left but spit.
“How’s that feelin’ darlin’?” Meadow asked softly.
“I feel like shit babe,” River said.
Meadow sighed, petting River’s hair again.
“I know sugar,” Meadow said, “Want me to call April? She’ll help in an instant. We can take you there?”
“No,” River said, “I’m fine. Just nauseous… really nauseous but not like I’m going to throw up anymore. Not yet.”
River closed their eyes, leaning into the touch of Meadow’s hand over their hair. Despite the nausea, despite the exhaustion, there was a deep sense of relief in knowing they weren’t alone.
As the minutes passed, River’s breathing began to steady, the worst of the nausea ebbing away. Meadow stayed by their side, her presence a constant reminder that they were loved and cared for, no matter what.
“I’ll call momma in the morning,” Meadow said, “If you’re still feelin’ bad, alright lovebug?”
River nodded, laying their head on Meadow’s shoulder. Meadow wrapped an arm around ound them.
“I got you, lovebug,” Meadow said, “Just try and breathe. We’ll try everything else later.”
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literaticat · 6 months
Hi! I was reading your answers about an author using their own photo even if publishing under a pseudonym, and it occurred to me - what about the author bio? Is the same true here, does the author use their own bio details or a version of them - or can they get really wild here and make stuff up? E.g. Real Name was born in Phoenix, studied Astronomy, and has 4 kids and 59 pets. Is some/all of this true of Fake Name too or can Fake Name be born in Montreal, studied Astrology, and has 1,000 pets?!
I think you'd probably keep it simple and hew pretty close to the truth -- it would be a pain in the ass to sort out what you had said about yourself where later, and I think general practice is to not LIE about things blatantly. Of course, you don't need to divulge personal intel about yourself if you don't want to, and you can pick-and-choose what to put in a bio and what to leave out, so...
For your real name nonfiction book about constellations: Real Name was born in Arizona and spent a childhood staring at the night sky of the open desert trying to find pictures in the stars. That led to a degree in Astronomy and a passion for sharing the secrets of the sky to others, including her brood of kids and pets, some of whom are more interested than others.
For your pseudonymous novel about sexy vampires: Fake Name found her interest in vampiric lore as a teenager reading Twilight fanfiction. After a stint living in a drafty shack in Forks, Washington, she realized that maybe creating vampires of her own was a better bet than searching for fictional ones. She now lives in a probably-haunted house with a wonderful but non-sparkly husband, some kids, too many pets, and -- so far -- no werewolves.
(If it is one of those things where it's an "open secret" that you have a fake name and you are totally not hiding it, you are just doing it for branding/non-confusing-the-audience purposes, you could also just SAY it, something like"Fake Name spends her days writing NYT Bestselling nonfiction for grownups under another name, and her nights watching Real Housewives, drinking chablis, and making questionable online purchases. This is her first romance novel." OR WHATEVER.)
All of this can be true of the same person - we contain multitudes!
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spicykaraage · 11 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Kiyosumi Sengoku
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Birthday: November 25th (Sagittarius)
Blood Type: O
Relatives: Mother, Father, Older Sister, Squirrel Monkey [23.5]
Father’s Occupation: Accountant
Elementary School: Yamabuki First Elementary School
Middle School: Yamabuki Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | Class 3-3 | Seat 14
Club: Tennis Club (Regular)
Committee: None
Strong Subjects: Japanese, Engineering, Math
Weak Subjects: History (especially the years)
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Cafeteria
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives
Favorite Motto: “Fortune is fickle and blind.”
Daily Routines: Checking the morning horoscopes on TV, eyebrow grooming
Hobbies: Fortune-telling, looking for cute girls
Favorite Color: Any lucky colors
Favorite Music: Female pop songs
Favorite Movie: Charlie’s Angels
Favorite Book: 367 Days of Fortune-Telling ➜ Astrology books [23.5]
Favorite Food: Okonomiyaki, monjayaki (especially with pork and green onions [23.5])
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Favorite Anniversary: Every day is a special day
Preferred Type: “All the girls in the world!” ➜ A girl who could be even cuter [23.5]
Ideal Date Spot: Riding a ferris wheel ➜ Uluru, Australia [23.5]
His Gift for a Special Person: “Of course, I’ll give you ‘happiness.’”
Where He Wants to Travel: Sedona, Arizona
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: Nadi Astrology leaves ➜ Healing crystals, a cute girl’s contact info [23.5]
Dislikes: Being tickled (he’s fine with it now except his sides [23.5])
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Skills Outside of Tennis: Simple magic tricks, lacrosse
Spends Allowance On: Fortune-telling magazines
Routine During the World Cup: Posting nonstop on social media, sending Line Stickers repeatedly
Height: 170cm ➜ 172cm [23.5]
Weight: 59kg ➜ 60kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 27.5cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 1.5 Left & Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
Signature Moves: Tiger Shot
Number of Girls He Approaches: Seven a day on average
Favorite Brands:
Racquet: MIZUNO Wenew 900Ti
Shoes: HEAD C.Tech 6000 MID
Overall Rating: Speed: 2 / Power: 3 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 5 / Technique: 4 / Total: 17
Kurobe Memo: “When I see his luck in action, it makes me think that there’s more to it than just superstition. Perhaps he’s on the verge of being mind controlled. It may be hard for him to improve even with the sleek way he plays.” [RB]
What’s in His Bag:
PuriKura album // He likes to use regional-themed frames
A pen
Cell phone // He takes pictures with everyone before and after his matches
Game Boy Advance
Lapis Lazuli // A stone that represents his Zodiac
Tarot Reading book // A book written by Fuji’s sister Yumiko, who is also a fortune-teller.
Oil absorbing sheets
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movienation · 9 months
Movie Review: Trippy, indulgent nonsense should make this filmmaker "Reflect" on everywhere she went wrong
“Reflect” is a “find yourself” odyssey about five 30ish Angelinas who travel to Sedona, Arizona, for a spiritual/self-actualizing “obstacle course” weekend in a place the Tarot-card-reades/Astrology-believer/crystal-consultants of Flakey America consider a spiritual vortex. Writer-director-star Dana Kippel might be exploring the psychic scars of the mother-daughter bond (she herself is adopted)…
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kaisa4kn · 2 years
Dear future pilot,
Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that the Galaxy Garrison, Space Exploration and Research Centre, has accepted your training application. You will soon be attending your first classes, where you will be learning what there is to know in order to become a professional pilot and/or researchist in the technological fields of astro sciences.
About the Garrison
Galaxy Garrison, Space Exploration and Research Centre, is a military base and academy located in the deserts of Arizona focusing on training and recruiting young, aspiring pilots and scientists.
“Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite astro explorers.”
– Commander Iverson, expanding on the school’s purpose.
There is a list of rules the students have to follow that maintain order in the community, so it is extremely important that they are followed strictly and precisely as written. There are also multiple programs and option courses, as well as after hour programs that the trainees can attend, they will be listed underneath the rules.
- Cadets are permitted to roam freely in the centre, as long as they are within their restrictions. It is still a military academy, and limits shall be respected.
- They are given a 9 pm curfew, so every student must be in their dormitories by that said time.
- There are multiple passwords hidden in the rules, ones like: astro
- Students shall wear their cadet uniforms at all times during school hours and when they are required, except on weekends when casual wear is permitted.
- Must be at the very least semi-literate.
- Students shall be respectful of the equipment of the school and others.
- Another word that shall be said upon entering the chat, as it is a second password, and it is ‘jupiter’.
- Cadets shall not bully, ooc that is.
- Of course it also isn’t in the school’s rules to bully, but we all love some good angst so story-wise it is permitted.
- please use brackets or some other form of indication that you are speaking ooc when you are.
- Nothing 18+ please. If anything like that were to happen it has to stay in the dms.
- No forcing ships, it could ruin the experience of another roleplayer.
- Students are not permitted to dance to the music playing from the speakers on monday mornings, we are trying to fix the rickroll incident and would appreciate if students didn’t encourage such bad behaviours (yes I’m looking at you Matt).
- One more thing—password: apollo
➪ Compulsory:
• English—Mr. Harris.
• Mathematics—Professor Montgomery
• Astrological and Geological Sciences—Adam W.
• History of Space Discoveries—Adam W.
• Health, Fitness and Survival Training—Takashi Shirogane, K. Ryu
• Fundamentals of Robotics and Equipment Operations—Samuel Holt
• Fundamentals of Space Flight—Hedrick T.
➪ Option Courses:
• Advanced Robotics—Samuel Holt
• Engineering and Technology—Professor Montgomery
• Flight Training—T. Hedrick
• Medical Training—J. Dos Santos
• Defence Against Alien Attack—K. Ryu
• Skill and Strength Development—Takashi Shirogane
After Hour Programs:
• Paintball—Takashi Shirogane, K. Ryu
• After Hours Arts Program—Mr. Harris
• After Hours Choir—Adam W.
• Will add more if requested.
➪ 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔼𝕩𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕤:
• Satellite Communications
• Simulator Rooms
• Classrooms
• Dormitories
• Instructor’s Lounge
• Indoor Pool
• Rooftop Tennis
• Will add more if requested.
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travis-and-jodi · 3 years
Texts & Passages
Travis & Chaitanya ~~~~~ Every guy at least dreams
It took all of three days after Mimi had the friend talk with Travis, for Travis to be in bed with yet another woman; Chaitanya Lay.
The dark-haired beauty, Chaitanya, was a friend of both Jodi’s and Travis’. She was a 24 year old single mom, living in Cottonwood, Arizona, about 2 hours north of Phoenix.
Chaitanya and Travis had been flirting for months. Travis, in all his resourcefulness had been questioning Chaitanya about her interest in a threesome. Who was the other lucky lady going to be? Well, of course… Jodi Arias.
(VANITY: Jodi Arias by Lisa Wilson & Nick van der Leek)
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February 28, 2008
08:23:31 TRAVIS to CHAITANYA: You and Jodi would get along. She is way into astrology and she thinks your hot. She is sexually attracted to you.
08:38:38 TRAVIS: Be honest if you knew she’s say yes would you hook up with her, for curiosities sake.
08:43:14 CHAITANYA: I would have to know her better. I don’t think I could do it without knowing her at least a little
08:43:20 TRAVIS: Yes or no
08:43:20 TRAVIS: Hmmm did somebody say menage?
08:45:06 CHAITANYA: So if she were to ask me now, would I say yes or no? I’d have to say no L It would just be way too uncomfortable.
08:47:22 TRAVIS: I don’t think you’d do a menage. I think your too chicken…
08:52:26 CHAITANYA: Are u challenging me?!
08:52:50 TRAVIS: Yes
08:58:53 TRAVIS: Every guy at least dreams about it very few do it and hardly anyone does it with two super hot chicks. I know Jodi would love to get you in the sack.
09:03:55 CHAITANYA: So then why hasn’t she ever tried to make out with me in the halls?
09:04:34 TRAVIS: She told me she thought you were too shy.
09:07:38 CHAITANYA: I’m just curiou as to how any why the conversation came up between u two???
09:08:27 TRAVIS: I lead the conversation that direction to see if she dug you. I thought she would.
As far as we know, this ménage never happened, but the flirting between Travis and Chaitanya continues. Not only does it continue it gets hotter and more suggestive.
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March 7, 2008
07:05:10 TRAVIS: Just long as your naked at some point :-)
07:33:38 CHAITANYA: What do u think of massage?
07:34:08 TRAVIS: I think its great
07:36:04 CHAITANYA: Would u let me put my hands all over u? I promise I’ll make u feel good
07:36:39 TRAVIS: Well since you promise :-) Hooray for feeling good
Remember at the beginning of March Travis is knee deep in trying to land Mimi as a wife. He has also just broken up with Lisa, a girl that he loved, and was supposedly heart-broken, and in agony, over the whole situation.
All this seems more than enough drama for one person to handle, but not for Travis. He seemed to be avoiding all of his issues, going from vice to vice, looking for an escape. Having sex with Jodi is also no longer enough to quench his thirst. His new conquest is Chaitanya Lay and he is hell bent on getting her into bed.
Travis always had that weakness of womanising inside of him but in 2008 he seems to be going off the rails. Was it Jodi making him crazy? Or was it something else, and Jodi was simply a temporary fix? This guy seems addicted to sex. He seems to be using it to feel better about himself, but somehow ends up feeling worse: lonely, conflicted and guilty. Around the end of April, Travis seems to be growing impatient. He asks Chaitanya directly if she’s ready to get it on.
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April 30 2008
08:57:45 TRAVIS to CHAITANYA: Comfortable is easy. Happy is relative. Are we ever gonna get romantic at all? Just making sure we were on the same page to some extent. I think you look delish. I want to tempt you.
Travis gets his wish just a few weeks later and but snooping Jodi finds out about it too. In 2013, when she wrote a 12 page letter to the court requesting that Kirk Nurmi be removed from her case, she revealed in that letter that Travis had cheated with Chaitanya Lay. Here’s the proof of the pudding:
May 19, 2008
04:25:30 TRAVIS to CHAITANYA: Well I was worn out from sending you to nirvana.
04:29:06 CHAITANYA: :-) you did a good job!
04:31:21 TRAVIS: Haha yeah you seemed to like it. But then you felt guilty… Does guilty mean you wouldn’t let it happen again?
04:32:50 CHAITANYA: under different circumstances I may!
04:33:23 TRAVIS: What different cirumstances?
04:45:00 CHAITANYA: A longer time frame and having the appropriate relationship!
04:47:15 TRAVIS: :-) you’re cute. Such a lady. Were you surprised with how forward I with how forward I was or how uninhibited I was. Or just think I was a slut??? :-)
04:50:58 CHAITANYA: Definitely surprised at how uninhibited you were! Wasn’t thinking you were a slut though
04:53:27 TRAVIS: You must have thought I was all talk before. Until you found my head between your legs :-)
04:54:21 CHAITANYA: Yes, I will admit I did, lol. Sorry!
04:56:54 TRAVIS: I guess I showed you. Its probably best you felt that way. Maybe a more unique experience for you. I had played that out in my mind a number of times however.
05:02:22 CHAITANYA: Had you??? Well…
05:02:52 TRAVIS: Is there something wrong with that?
05:04:14 CHAITANYA: Ummm, no :-)
05:04:50 TRAVIS: Good. I wish you were here. I’m lonely. L
I’ve always had a feeling that Jodi’s plan of revenge was something that bubbled and brewed over a long period of time. Just as Sky had warned, Travis recklessness with Jodi’s heart was about to come to his home to roost. If Travis serial dalliances were one unbearable let down after another for Jodi, the whole month of May was a shitstorm of disappointment bar none for her. There were seething arguments and betrayal galore. Seeing text messages confirming a sexual liaison with one of her friends, must have cut Jodi deep. After being burned again and again, something starts to change in Jodi. Out of the ashes of her lovelorn hopes for Travis, out of the wreckage and ruin of all that broken heartedness, a bitter hatred begs to germinate. It takes root in fertile soils and soon becomes a gigantic twisted tree dripping with poisonous fruit.
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Eventually the tree is breaking through the roof of her small little girl’s bedroom in Yreka. Her grandfather’s house can no longer hold her, nothing than hold her. As her darkness consumes her, she begins to have different fantasies about Travis.
Hurt him like he hurt me.
These dark fantasies begin to make her feel better. Soon it’s all she can think about, getting the better of him. And as the clock ticks by in her grandfather’s house she feels an unexpected force compelling her. The dark tree growing inside her blossoms with small pockets, small schemes, and small explosions of dark energy. YES! And so, just as Jodi has lived out Travis’ sexual fantasies again and again and again, now she’s prepared to take on board one of her own. This one’s a doozy; Jodi is going to take Travis’s sadism to a whole new level. And it feels so good!
Travis, in her mind, was a dirty, dirty boy. He was scamming everyone, including Mimi, and he was getting away with it. This above all made Jodi seethe, but then it takes one to know one, right?
By May 2008 Jodi’s Knight in Shining Armour has completely lost his shine. All Travis’ silver surfaces have become blemished and blackened. He’s already dead to her. He’s no longer the man who can give her a future. He’s a monster that’s stolen her life from her, after all she did for him, after giving him his every whim and now it’s time for bloody payback. If it’s going to end it will be on her terms, not his. Travis is a nasty scoundrel who has to be taken off this earth and she’s going to do it! He’s not going to get any more kicks at her expense! Cancun? Mimi? No NO NO!
But if Jodi thought Travis’ serial seductions were about to be over permanently, or that it would end with Chaitanya or Mimi, guess again. Ever heard of Maria Avila?
(VANITY: Jodi Arias by Lisa Wilson & Nick van der Leek)
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whathebash · 4 years
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⌠ BOOBOO STEWART, TWENTY-THREE, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, SEBASTIAN “BASH” STEWART! according to their records, they’re a SECOND year, specializing in KNIFE FIGHTING SKILLS, SWORD TRAINING, PRECISION SHOOTING, FIREARMS & SWAT TRAINING + MEDICAL TRAINING; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (messy manbun, lips pressed together tightly, head stuck in a thick book). when it’s the (cancer)’s birthday on 6/30/1997, they always request their VEGAN CHEESESTEAK from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
NAME: James Belikov Sebastian Stewart
BIRTHDATE:  June 30, 1997
ASTROLOGY:  Cancer sun / Taurus moon / Aquarius rising
HOMETOWN: Fredonia, AZ
RESIDENCE: Roseville, VA  ( Gallagher Academy )
GENDER:  Cis male  ( he/him )
HEIGHT:  5'8"
HAIR COLOR:  Dark brown
EYE COLOR:  Dark brown
TATTOOS:  coordinates of Munich  ( where his parents had been killed ) on the inside of his right arm,  a paw print on the bottom of his arm/shoulder, a Japanese quote on his side, an eagle on his back between his shoulder blades, a band around his left arm
KNOWN LANGUAGES:  English, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, & some German, French, Italian
Vladislav Belikov:  Father, Blackthorne alum and former Brotherhood member turned spy for hire, deceased
Rosemarie Belikov:  Mother, spy for hire, deceased  
Aurora Belikov Spencer Stewart:  Younger sister, second year at Gallagher Academy  
Clarissa Belikov Summer Stewart:  Younger cousin sister, second year at Gallagher Academy
Sebastian Stewart was born James Belikov, the eldest son of two spies whose world-renowned families had been in the business for generations. Him and his sister Aurora lived fairly sheltered on their Arizona ranch for the first few years of their life, cut off from civilization, with only their parent's visiting friends as rare guests. From a young age they both were groomed by their parents to be the absolute best, and nothing less. Jay Belikov grew up with a gun in his hand before he learned how to ride a bike, and instead of receiving a car for his sixteenth birthday, his parents let him and his sister join them on professional missions.
Even before they were old enough to assist on missions, the Belikovs often let their son and daughter travel along with them to wherever the mission was, only staying back in Arizona when the stakes were too high. They had never known spy prep schools or universities like Gallagher or Blackthorne existed until their family friends began enrolling, and the news trickled down to them.  Their parents had always been very adamant that the schools were useless, and the best training they could receive was by their sides, where they were treated like professionals. It was a position most budding spies would kill for.  
From a young age, he had always hated the spy life. Part of it stemmed from the fact that he was never given a choice in what he wanted to do with life;  his parents were world-renowned spies, like their parents, and their children would be the same.  Him and his sister had grown up where failure was not an option, nor was arguing.  His parents, though both kind and caring in their own way, made it clear that if they wanted out of the spy life, that meant losing them for good. And while he didn't always agree with them, family was EVERYTHING to him. So he learned to push down his own feelings and keep on trekking, for the sake of his family.  
In May, his parents had been on a mission when he and his sister were given word that they had been killed on the job, and were immediately sent into witness protection.  It wasn't until being contained that they learned a little more :   their deaths hadn't had anything to do with their most recent job, but likely due to a previous one that James, Clarissa and Rory potentially participated in.  Being placed in witness protection was for their safety,  and with it came new identities. Sebastian -- who insisted on going by Bash -- was devastated and in shock, but he had hoped that maybe this would mean a reason to be pushed into the normal world, one where he could leave the spy world for good. Instead, him, Aurora  ( now Spencer )  and Clarissa  ( now Summer )  were detained at a facility for six months, where they were unable to see any friends or family, have contact with the outside world, or do anything that could be considered a security breach before being sent to Gallagher Academy. 
Bash and his sisters joined Gallagher Academy halfway through the fall semester, thrown into majors they didn't pick and classes that had already finished midterms. For a boy who had never been to an organized school before, to say it had been culture shock would be an understatement.  However, it turned out that school was actually… something he liked ?   Not the classrooms and curriculum themselves, but being in a place with other people his age, all with similar backgrounds as him, and -- even better -- ones with different backgrounds.  Though he's met quite a few spy families through his parents, seeing them had always been few and far between, making it a very alienating lifestyle.  It was nice to be around people his own age, and though shy, Bash had been able to make friends and start a life for himself.
At the beginning of the new year, Bash had been able to change one of his majors from combat to medical training, an area that's always interested him from a young age   ( unfortunately, he was probably the only boy in America who had parents who didn't want him to be a doctor ) .  He also entered a relationship -- his first ever -- with a girl he had been penpals with when he was younger.  Of course, he couldn't tell her that he was her old friend Jay, though the truth always finds a way of coming out.  She learned the truth on the night of the Valentine's Day party, causing a rift between them right in time for the three day school-wide lockdown and murder of his very own roommate. Eventually they reconciled and he told her the whole truth, and she became one of two people outside him and Spencer who knew the truth about his identity.   
That wasn't the only twist in the semester, unfortunately.  A few months later, an email blast was sent around with names of previous members of the Brotherhood, a terrorist organization that had targeted Gallagher once before, and had now returned.  Bash's father had been on that list.  This was all news to him, who had never thought his father had anything to do with spy schools, based on how he had been raised.  With his Uncle Jack  ( not related, just a close family friend )   at Gallagher as one of the alumni mentors, he had been able to learn the truth :   his father had actually attended Blackthorne Institute. Once that bubble had been popped, Bash slowly began to see his parents in a new light.
After a particularly challenging semester, Bash had been happy to get invited to Berlin for a summer internship -- not because of the experience, but because he and Spencer still had no home to return to while school was out.  They've officially been in witness protection for a year, and as far as they were aware, no strides had been made in their parent's case, so they decided to take matters into their own hands.  Bash asks his encryption major girlfriend to look into the deaths of his parents, and from hacking into the German Intelligence's system, she was able to find that they had been killed in Munich, at the hands of an assassin -- and Bash's roommate's father. 
So the hunt to learn more about their deaths and the potential danger he and Spencer are in continues, all while Bash is beginning to get blackmailed by an anonymous source that knows about him and his sister's past... and threaten to expose it.  He hasn't told anybody about it, not wanting to worry them, but with so many moving parts going on in his life -- as well as an unknown future -- Bash is beginning to lose control.
Bash is a quiet kid, not one to say much. After being homeschooled his entire life and being surrounded by nobody but his family, he’s pretty socially awkward around strangers and new people. His way of getting around it is keeping his head down and trying not to make waves, which is exactly what he does at Gallagher, though he has since found himself with more friends than he ever thought possible.
He had been raised not as an individual, but as one cog in the machine, and he always considered himself as such. His own individuality and thoughts and feelings had never really been something Bash had to take into consideration, so he's still really trying to figure out who he wants to be. Above all, he wants to get out of the spy world, but even with his parents being gone, he's afraid of ruining their legacy and losing his sister in the process. Now that his parents are gone, he wants more than ever than to make them proud. 
Bash is very non-confrontational and passive, a textbook people pleaser. You could pour soup into his lap and he'd apologize. He's a great friend, and an amazing listener  ( the type to actually remember when you tell him things ) ,  but as a conversationalist ?  He could be better.
He's fluent in Russian because it's his father's native language, and knows Japanese because of his mother.
Bash is fiercely protective of his little sister Spencer, even though he knows she can take care of herself. 
Of all the different lessons and skills his parents had taught him, Bash has always been best at hand-to-hand combat, excelling above most men his age.  There's rarely a fight that he'll lose -- it's one of the reason he switched out of combat major to something different, because he didn't love the attention that came with it. He rarely fights or works on his combat skills, though he's always willing to help a friend out who needs it.  He's a great tutor.
What he's not good at is anything that involves cracking a textbook. Bash is an undiagnosed dyslexic, so reading and writing has never been his strong suit.  Luckily, when you're homeschooled by crazy spy parents, it's not really a skill that's needed.
For his most recent birthday, his Uncle Jack had gifted him a fishing boat that he had previously owned, named after James himself. Don't ask me where it is right now because I have no idea.
He's been a vegan since he was sixteen. His mother had been a vegan for as long as he could remember, so even before he fully made the change, it was often all he ate. Bash was a total mama's boy, as if that's any surprise.
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asilentfrenzy · 4 years
hi! i'm here to do one of the tagged posts that i take fkn forever to do!! i was tagged by @schnoogles 💕💕 to post 10 songs i have been listening to a lot lately!
(in no particular order lmfao)
apologize - grandson
roses - saint jhn
high up - arizona zervas
seven devils - florence + the machine
sunburn - thutmose, nombe
rnp - ybn cordae, anderson .paak
play with fire - sam tinnesz, yacht money
heartbroken - blackbear
detention - melanie martinez
no time to die - billie eilish (and every billie song every lmfao)
aaaand then ya tag 10 ppl - @6madfae, @just-astrology-stuff, @starsauroras, @abbadbitch, @brietheberetta, @nemoricultrixxx, @dumbbitch888, @luhvley, @julemmaes, @aspidenchantress, @anne-harlowe (and of course anyone else 💕💕)
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patgtuning11 · 4 months
Today Astrology Horoscope Arizona - Accurate Predictions for You
Today Astrology Horoscope Arizona, find out what the day has in store for you. Your daily astrological horoscope is called "You Horoscope." We provide the first-ever, personalised, and accurate daily astrology of your zodiac sign since your horoscope is all about you. By approaching each day with the stars in mind, you can avoid being upset because you have clutter throughout your home to take care of.
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under-sengoku-skies · 5 years
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Not-so-long-long-ago in a discord server not-so-far-away I witnessed a question.
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As a space nerd and aspiring anthropologist I just couldn't ignore the question of constellations around the world. Guys, gals, and non-binary pals this is a special episode of the otome history notebook where we cover a more scientific/cultural/history note as opposed to straight up history, so buckle your seatbelts and get ready to read about a most interesting topic: how people view the stars above.
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If you were to stand on the North Pole exactly and look up at the stars, you'd see a portion of the sky rotating around a point directly above you. You'd never see the sky someone standing on exactly the South Pole would, although the sky you would see would also be rotating around a point on the pole.
The parts of the sky we can see change as you move down Earth's longitudes, so although there'd be some overlap in say, the sky you'd see in Chile vs the sky you'd see in Arizona, they would certainly be different. Along latitudes, however, you'd be able to see the same sky as someone else along that latitude would see at a different point in Earth's rotation (which is to say, a different time of the year).
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Although there are differences along longitudes in what part of the sky we view, there's overlap. And of course, along longitudes people see the same part of the sky at different times of year. This should mean that a lot of different places can see the same constellations as you do, right? Wrong.
Different cultures have been able to look at the same star for millions of years, yet through storytelling connect that star to those around it in such different ways. Take Betelgeuse for example; in my home country of Canada the settlers brought stories of Orion, but the Inuit and Ojibwe peoples saw something entirely different when looking at that same general clump of stars. So did the Egyptians, so did the Chinese, and the Tupi.
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If you take a closer look at this diagram you'll see a little bubble labeled "Japanese moon stations". Hold up, does Japan have different constellations? Well, not in the modern day. Western constellations have become pretty standard worldwide, but in pre-Meiji era Japan there were indeed different constellations.
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Before the Meiji era, astronomical observations were mainly for astrological purposes. These "astrological purposes" are the 28 lunar stations/lodges/mansions Japan derived from Chinese astrology. To be fair, China derived it's 28 lunar stations from Middle Eastern and Hindu astrology where they are Also A Thing. It just kinda became a big domino line across all of Asia that said "You know what we should do? Base our astrological divinations off of the lunar cycle".
The lunar mansions are divided up into four clusters, each made up of seven constellations. They're divided into four clusters because of the four cardinal directions. In China the four cardinal directions are associated with the Chinese emblems. The Chinese embelems are the tortoise for the north, the white tiger for the west, the phoenix for the south, and the dragon for the east.
However in Japanese astrology they're replaced with Four Heavenly Kings of Buddhism (or Shitenno, 四天王) that also guard the four cardinal directions.
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The 28 lodges themselves, are often represented in the astral mandalas of the Big Dipper Mandala (Hokuto Mandara, 北斗曼荼羅) and the Star Mandala (Hoshi Mandara, 星曼荼羅). These mandalas are associated with Japan's Esoteric Buddhist sect. When Chinese astrological lore was first introduced in Japan the Shingon and Tendai schools of the Esoteric sect were the most receptive.
Here you can see the constellations themselves drawn alongside the 28 celestial maidens.
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I can hear the echo of Shingen's pickup lines from here.
I won't go into the Japanese names of the constellations, because apparently they can differ and I can't find a source that definitively matches names to the actual constellations as a visual at the moment. Maybe I'll make a follow-up post? Who knows.
In the meantime, you can rest easy knowing that this was how the people of the Sengoku era told their stories of the stars.🌠
Join the Otome History Notes discord server!
Disclaimer: I am not a historian, and I don't have access to like actual archives or anything. Pls correct me if anything I said here was wrong.
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225088 Gonggong
225088 Gonggong  (Gonggong is Back! ~ 21 Feb 2020, Philip Sedgwick)
Recently the Minor Planet Center restored Gonggong to its listing of Scattered Disk Objects in the Kuiper Belt. Evidently whatever was the reason for its removal has been sorted. Now we have back in astrological consideration, a relatively large object that will no doubt be classified a dwarf planet, back in rank and file with Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea and Quaoar.
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Cool! A planet restored. It’s Mercury retrograde in Pisces so let’s spare the trauma of trying to locate the previous Skyscraping post about Gonggong.
According to Chinese lore, Gonggong has a copper human head, an iron forehead, topped off with red hair, attached to the body of a serpent. Alternatively his form is described to consist of a human head and torso with the tail of a serpent. He is notoriously destructive and defined as the fault of a wide array of global and cosmic catastrophes. Common to all tales, Gonggong meets his demise following a battle with another major deity, for instance, the fire god Zhurong or he suffers exile and banishment upon his defeat.
Zhurong? Doesn’t that conjure recollection of Zhulong, another Scattered Disk Object recently receiving his Chinese name? And isn’t he a snake or something? Yes. Zhulong is an enormous red solar dragon with a human face on a snake body.
Kind of Mercury retrograde in Pisces confusing with all the names and snakes and such, right? Wait, there’s even more!
As of the time this post promulgates Zhulong weighs in at 3 Scorpio 13 and Gonggong trines from 4 Pisces 03, a point transited three times during this current Mercury in Pisces cycle.
Two Chinese snakes, hmm. A theory for the rapidly spreading (a characteristic of the ease of trines) Corona virus is that it could have originated from contaminated snakes summoned back to port have become quarantine centers (any institution of containment, or hospital can be deemed a Pisces thing). And those with compromised immune systems are dying (an undisputed Scorpio thing).
Okay, so you’re not traveling anywhere in Asia or to quarantined locations, how does this trine affect you? Consider President Trump. He’s embattled about the movie (Pisces) PARASITE (could be Pisces, could be Scorpio), stating that this Korean film which won an Oscar for Best Foreign Film should not have also received the Oscar for Best Picture. Don’t care about Oscars?
What about a den of snakes? Creepy right? What about snakes in the grass? King snakes and garter snakes are awesome in the yard. Cobras and rattlesnakes, not so much. How do you spot a snake in the grass? By movement? It’s common for snakes to go still when confronting peril. Well, all snakes that are alive seem to shimmer, like their aura is potent. Of course, not all things that shimmer should be picked up and held as a shiny object. In Arizona, the majority of rattlesnake bites occur on the hands and forearms... yeah, and the majority of these instances involve alcohol (Pisces) and the majority of those bitten have tattoos (go figure). Fine, you live in the city and don’t need to think about snakes either. So what does this do for me?
The perihelion for both Gonggong and Zhulong falls in Libra. Both these bodies, currently trining, state that relationships are a top priority, in fact all alliances are urgently damn important. The node of Gonggong is Pisces (he is approaching his own node) requests that vibes are felt and impressions trusted. Zhulong’s node stands in Aquarius. Who’s on my side? Who’s with me? Are you with me, or one of those other people?
Currently Zhulong, which does not figure to weigh in as a large object (maybe 125 - 150 km in diameter) however, he now transits the Shapley Attractor in Scorpio a super massive cluster. The Shapley Attractor, from a gravitational point of view, is in the top five of known massive objects in the realm of Super Clusters. It is virtually irresistible. It is unlimited in its drawing power. Intriguing, fascinating, compelling... none of those labels are strong enough.
Now given this, the shimmer and allure of Zhulong is beyond captivating. Once you pause to look, you’re drawn in. Possibly the tractor beam engages even before the realization that there is something curious to notice. Is this good? Well, it is if according to Zhulong’s node in Aquarius an amazing and alluring ally stands on your path.
Bearing in mind that both Gonggong and Zhulong call our relationships for top billing, boundary assessment and engagement that is win-win for all parties, how do you know if attraction is in fact a good thing? After all, in all those Vampire movies, the creature possesses unlimited enigmatic magnetism.
This is where Gonggong comes in. He currently transits Pisces and now approaches his node, a potent and noteworthy orbital dynamic. Gonggong’s theme in any and all circumstances insists that all sentient beings locate their most trustworthy psychic barometer within. Once located, tune into it. Frequently. Like with every new person encountered, those persons with whom interactions have wandered into wonky weeds, and at every fork in the road.
Tune in. Check it out. What is the distinction between butterflies in the stomach and nausea? How do you know if the desire and passion stirred as Zhulong navigates the Shapley Attractor suit your soul’s highest agenda? Tune into your soulful agenda for this incarnation. Take a clear look at the driving force behind that situation, opportunity or symbolic shimmering snake on your path and trust your most trusted and proved reliable psychic sensor.
This year ends with a Jupiter to Saturn conjunction. Opportunities truly do lie ahead. Throughout this year Eris repeatedly interacts with the cosmic combo of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Feeling left out arouses the desire for inclusion that could bear liability. No one wants to be a person left behind. But before engaging any such feeling, work beyond the knee jerk reaction and offer a trifle of self interrogation. Is this what I want? Is this what I need? Will this interaction, whether with a person, place, thing or doctrine, support a perfect fit of my soul in my body and does it ease my personal slithering forward?
The current Mercury in Pisces retrograde is actually quite the blessing. It’s time to sense things out and locate all clogged pipes. You know what a plumber would do right? Before trying to get too much of your money in the interest of supporting Scorpios “other people’s money” scenario, that is. They would “snake” out those clogged pipes, relieve blockages, and restore the flow.
Make a note. Mercury will transit this trine on or about 28 February through March 2, retrograde, and make the third pass, prograde, to this important pattern on or about 20 - 24 March. Maybe replace the copper top (Gonggong) batteries in the emergency back up sensor system so if the circuits get overwhelmed by the emotional surges and breakers trip, there’s something absolutely reliable in place for a second psychic opinion.
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aarcanefool · 5 years
Get to Know Me!
Tagged by @apprenticeofcups and  @i-am-arcana-trash
thought I did something like this recently but I couldn’t find it, so here’s a new one
Rules: tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know and wrangle them into answering the questions below
Nickname: None really? Sometimes get called otter (from other blog/discord name lol)
Gender: Trans male
Astrological Sign: Cancer sun, Cancer moon (reasonably sure)…. And idk anything else?
Sexuality: Bi!
Hogwarts House: No idea sorry, been way too long since I knew what HP stuff means
Favorite Animal: Dogs lol, animals are great but dogs win. Have a soft spot for cats and any rodents <3
Number of Blankets: I have three, but I don’t always use all of them at the same time.
Where From?: Arizona
Dream Trip: honestly, I just want to drive to a beach and look at the ocean for a few hours.
When I started this account: April 2019
Why I started this account: Needed a place to obsess over this game after I came back to it without it taking over my other blog which it would’ve, also to ramble about the oc that’s taken over my brain.
 Tagging: @izzycle @asrakins @angsty-bisexual-doctor @doc-mcleeches and @prettyboywrecked and anyone else of course <3
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This is where I am going to talk. If I sound pretentious that’s not my intention. I can almost guarantee that any of you is smarter than me, I am not on my high horse here. 
It’s nice to meet you all even if we never will meet face to face. I hope it is possible for us to form friendships despite the screens that simultaneously separate and connect us. I don’t really like talking about myself but I will for the introductions post.
Here are ten facts about me. 1. I want to study veterinary medicine after high school.
2. I want a bearded dragon really badly. I really want to travel to the desert with him while we wear matching hats. His would be small, of course. As he is small.
3. I dye and cut my hair impulsively, which I can’t tell if that’s a healthy coping mechanism or not.
4. I often wear a little ring on my left middle finger with a small eye on it. I believe it’s lucky. I am superstitious to a moderate extent. I really like astrology even if there is no scientific truth behind it. My beliefs aren’t hurting anybody so I embrace them.
5. One time when I was younger around halloween, my family and I went shopping for pumpkins. I (of course) thought that a little red gourd was cuter. So while my brother wielded a giant orange pumpkin, I held a small little red gourd and we were all happy. The end.
6. My backup plan if I do not get into vet school is to go off the grid and become a vigilante, picking up odd jobs somewhere in Arizona.
7. Right now my favorite song is Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkel. I love Simon and Garfunkel. 
8. Lemonade Mouth is was (and still is) my favorite Disney Channel Original movie. Despite my complete detest in lemonade. And lemons. And everything citrus. Except this movie.
9.l I didn't like my second grade teacher. One time I accidentally interrupted her and she yelled at me. I still hold that with me. 
10. I frequently wake up really early in the morning, randomly. Usually when that happens I spend my time planning my future. Applying for a job, planning my apartment, or just thinking about what it is going to look like. For instance,  I recently applied to three random colleges at four AM. 
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tounit-amerities · 2 years
Top 10 resorts in Tucson , Arizona
Top 10 resorts in Tucson , Arizona Resorts in Tucson Arizona offer different experiences for tourists to suit all tastes, but all of them are worth a try if you prefer fitness, cowboy time at a dude ranch, enlightenment, various golf games, relax in a spa or enjoy the pool all your interests are offered by the resorts in Tucson Arizona. Some resorts are all-inclusive, others charge a daily fee for the product, and prices vary according to the season, and you often get the best offers in the summer. Most of the resorts in Tucson Arizona are located on the northeastern edge of the city, towards the Oro Valley, and are located under the Catalina Mountains. We offer you a list that you can choose the Top 10 resorts in Tucson , Arizona
1. Canyon Ranch Tucson , Arizona
Canyon Ranch is one of the most popular resorts in Tucson, Arizona, a resort that delves into topics that might change your life. It is a luxury resort in the desert. Canyon Ranch is a world famous resort and is known as a place for health and wellness. Canyon Ranch offers many events that suit a large group of people, as it includes many celebrities, speakers and wellness experts Canyon Ranch offers many programs such as exercise, meditation, yoga, astrology, cooking shows and classes, metaphysics, genealogy, and countless other experiences. The resort has many programs and countless experiences from many programs that we cannot list here. You can relax by the swimming pool or walk in the desert. The resort offers advisors to help tourists get the most out of a resort stay where you can rejuvenate and reinvent The resort is located on Canyon Ranch, 12 miles northeast of downtown Tucson.
2. Miraval Arizona Resort & Spa Tucson , Arizona
Miraval Arizona Resort & Spa Tucson , Arizona Miraval Arizona Tourist Resort is a luxury spa for self-discovery, rejuvenation and relaxation With so many resorts in Tucson, Arizona, the Miraval Arizona Resort offers many options tailored for you with your personalized experience planner. Life in Balance Spa has a wide range of services for relaxation and recovery. The resort has renovated all the rooms, and the accommodations include elegantly designed suites and villas, more living space in the "resort", and rooms featuring the finest bathroom amenities and linens. The rooms have outdoor showers and private balconies.
3. Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Tucson , Arizona
Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Tucson , Arizona Looking from your poolside chair in the Catalina Mountains, it's easy to forget that you're in the second largest city in Arizona. Featuring stunning architecture by John Hill and two PGA golf courses created by Tom Fazio, this resort has a special feel. Loews Ventana Canyon are especially known for their swimming pools. Loews Ventana Canyon Resort features architecture by John Hill and owns two PGA golf courses built by Tom Fazio. Loews Ventana Canyon is known for its swimming pools. When you look at the Catalina Mountains from the pool, you may forget that you are in the second largest state within the city of Arizona. Loews Ventana Canyon is one of the most luxurious resorts in Tucson, Arizona The resort offers several swimming pools and is located in a desert setting and features adults-only areas and a pool concierge service. You will enjoy sitting by the pool with the latest DJs playing the most amazing tunes. If seclusion is desired, the resort has its own nature trail and a free shuttle is available to nearby Sabino Canyon as well as Tucson, Seven Falls and is one of the most popular outings. The luxurious rooms have large bathtubs, as well as many panoramic views when viewed from the balconies. 4. JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort and Spa has great views of Tucson and is famous for adding luxury to its guests and has many activities that you may not find in most resorts in Tucson, Arizona. The resort has 3 golf courses and a swimming pool and Hashani Spa will make you feel alive, de-stress and refresh you. A family-friendly resort where children can enjoy the lazy river and the rooms have amenities and luxury linens and you can watch the sunset from your terrace or balcony. You can enjoy hiking and mountain biking trails as the resort is located near the Saguaro National Park. 5. Hacienda Del Sol Guest Ranch Resort Tucson, Arizona Del Sol Guest Ranch Resort is located at the top of the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains, where it is characterized by the charm of romance, it is ideal for couples and honeymoons, and what distinguishes this resort is that it is registered in the National Register of Historic Places. Hacienda Del Sol Guest Ranch is one of the oldest resorts in Tucson, Arizona. The history of the resort dates back to the 1940s and has received many famous guests including Clark Gable and John Wayne. The resort has tastefully decorated rooms with southwestern decor, beautiful gardens, smooth wooden floors and wooden ceilings. You can relax on the pool area, which is hillside with great views of the countryside. The dining options there at Terraza Garden Patio are informal and elegant, and you can visit The Grill for more upscale options. 6. White Stallion Ranch Tucson, Arizona Red Agave Adventure Resort Southeast Tucson and on this luxurious ranch you can discover the cowboy in you, you can ride horses, enjoy the sun, learn rock climbing, and young cowboys can enjoy the petting zoo The resort is one of the most famous resorts in Tucson, Arizona designed on the Western Taz, on an area of ​​3000 acres, but it is still small because it has only 41 rooms and a farm with 4 bedrooms. What distinguishes the rooms is the southwestern decor, exposed beams and wooden ceilings. In the sky you can sit around a bonfire with s'mores and talk about your adventures with other tourists, the meals are rich and available in large quantities and are included in the hotel rates. 7. Lodge at Ventana Canyon Tucson, Arizona Top 15 resorts in Phoenix , Arizona The Lodge at Ventana is the best choice among the resorts at resorts in Tucson, Arizon if you prefer a full-service resort and are a golf enthusiast, as the resort consists of only 50 suites, all equipped with seating areas, kitchens and dining areas And private balconies with city or mountain views. The resort has two wonderful swimming pools, one of them is an eight-lane junior Olympic version, which is the best choice for professional swimmers, and the other is a resort-style pool with cabanas. The resort is built around two courses and was designed by Tom Fazio It is aptly named Canyon and Mountain. The dining room enjoys mountain views and serves meals. the resort is pet-friendly for an additional fee 8. El Conquistador Tucson, Arizona El Conquistador Tucson Resort is located in the high foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains and is built on an area of ​​80 acres. The resort will provide you with a charming southern atmosphere, and the rooms are spacious, as most of them have views of the desert or the mountain. The resort owns stables and horses for guests to use, as well as a small western-themed village. You can go to the Linda Vista Trail trail, which is close to the resort. 9. The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa . The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa is a family-friendly resort with multiple pools, tennis courts, waterslides, and a 27-hole Jack Nicklaus golf course set in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains. The huge resort has a swimming pool for adults only for the parents to enjoy without worrying about the children. The Westin Family Kids Club is available to take care of children aged 4 to 12 years The resort also includes a salon and spa for pampering and they offer a range of wonderful services for relaxation to the fullest degree. They have many restaurants and plenty of dining options either indoors or outdoors. 10. Tanque Verde Ranch The Tanque Verde Ranch is a family-friendly Tucson vacation spot. The resort is located 20 miles east of Tucson and this gives you plenty of room for a picnic. You can enjoy exploring the wilderness on long hiking trails, mountain bikes or on horseback. There are many sports activities such as basketball, tennis and the shooting range, which are available in multiple playgrounds scattered throughout the resort, and you can enjoy yoga and meditation. You can learn new information about plants and animals through nature talks led by local experts Accommodations on the farm consist of hotel rooms called Salas and Casitas, which are self-contained units, and some of them have fireplaces. The prices in the hotel are inclusive of all activities and meals, and if you want to add other plans, they will be added to the account separately. read more: Top 9 resorts in Sedona, Arizona - Top 10 tourist areas in Phoenix, Arizona r Read the full article
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phynxrizng · 6 years
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Hekate’s Nine Keys Ritual
JUNE 23, 2018
The powerful symbolism of Hekate as the Keeper of the Keys offers many magical uses. One way that I incorporate her keys is by infusing keys with my intentions and seeking her blessing over each one. Another way is to honor Hekate’s multitude of roles by using different keys to represent them.  I offer a ritual using nine keys that can be used as an evocation, a general working expressing gratitude to Hekate or adapted into a spell petitioning her.
One of my favorite ways to cast a spell is to create a magical object and then activate it using an incantation. I have several basic texts that I adapt to different workings. I wrote the petition to Hekate at the end of this article as part of a very personal spell seeking Hekate’s blessing over me and my two sons. The spell continues to work well, so I thought I would share it with all of you. Adapt as you feel led or even do a family blessing spell. 
Hekate’s Nine Keys Ritual
For the witches’ ladder spell blessing my family, I used knot magick for my intentions for myself and my two sons. I had three different symbols representing each of us – our astrological sun signs, our favorite things, and three celestial symbols. I often use the moon (oldest son), sun (youngest son) and star (me) as symbols in spells because they map well onto our family dynamic and our individual energies. While it may be more traditional to use actual beloved objects in a spell, I think making these little charms can be just as powerful.
Hekate is honored in the spell through the nine keys. Calling upon Hekate for her help while honoring her is referred to as petitioning. I used three black keys for her Under World aspects, with each one representing a different energy. The three red keys are for her middle world characteristics and the three white are symbols of upper world Hekate.
The exaltations are a way to evoke Hekate into your space. Start this working as you typically do, with purification and circle casting. After the exaltations, move onto your specific intentions/incantations for your spell. I haven’t included mine since they are personal.
I did this spell on the full moon although I didn’t draw down Hekate’s Moon in any overt way.
As I tied each key onto the frame using three knots, I recited the appropriate epithet and exaltation:
Underworld Exaltations: Hail Hekate Chthonia, The Earth, You are the ground on which we walk. Hail Hekate Nykhia, The Night Walker, You are our protector as we walk through the night. Hail Hekate Skotia, The Darkness, And You are the night, itself. Protect us, Mighty Queen. Middle World Exaltations: Hail Hekate Enodia, The Way, You are the path on which we walk. Hail Hekate Empylios, The Gate Keeper, You guard the entrances to the worlds, Hail Hekate Hegemonen, My Guide, And You guide us along our path. Guide us Mighty Queen.
Upper World Exaltations: Hail Hekate Adolos, The Brightness, You are the light in all things. Hail Hekate Pammetor, Mother of All, You are the creatrix of all things, Hail Hekate Soteira, The Savior. And You light our way. Light our way, Mighty Queen.
  When I finished with the keys, I tied on our personal symbols using three knots while chanting my intentions for us as a family and as individuals.
I hope that my witches’ ladder will inspire you to get creative with your own displays of devotion, rituals, and spells. The magickal things we make from scratch are the most meaningful and powerful!
More creative ways to do Hekate’s Witchcraft can be found in my ever-growing article here. You can start this spell by evoking Hekate. Read my all-purpose evocation here. More ways to connect with Hekate can be found here. Drawing down Hekate’s Moon guidelines can be found here. 
Come celebrate Hekate with me at Keeping Her Keys. Join The Witches’ Realm where we celebrate Hekate every day in a thousand ways, including circles, events, discussions and exclusive bonus content.
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ABOUT CYNDI Cyndi Brannen is a witch and spiritual teacher living the coastal life in rural Nova Scotia. She is a trained energetic healer, psychic and herbalist. Merging together her training in shamanism, Tarot, past life work, meditation and psychology, she teaches and writes about better living through witchcraft. She founded Open Circle Wellness about a decade ago which now offers online courses, including, The Sacred Seven: A Course in Applied Modern Witchcraft (currently available at keepingherkeys.com). She has written the forthcoming Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft. She is currently writing two books, one on The Sacred Seven and the second in her Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft series, this one about Under World energy, which includes Medea. Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft: The First Key is a year-and-a-day course that will start November 1. You can read more about the author here. PREVIOUS POST
JUNE 21, 2018 Hekate, Guardian of the Children: Ritual of Blessing, Protection and Rescue NEXT POST
JUNE 25, 2018 Drawing Down Hekate's Moon RECENT COMMENTS 0 COMMENTS "I have a close personal relationship with the elements as well." CYNDI BRANNEN THE FIRST HARVEST (LAMMAS): SUGGESTIONS FOR ..." "You've described what I've felt for so long. "However, witchcraft writ large does not in ..." JUDITHANN L YOU CALL YOURSELF A WITCH? THEN ..." "merry meet again, Cyndi!...i like to think i'm on a "first name basis" with the ..." DAN SCHWENDINGER THE FIRST HARVEST (LAMMAS): SUGGESTIONS FOR ..." "Thanks Mary!" CYNDI BRANNEN THE FIRST HARVEST (LAMMAS): SUGGESTIONS FOR ..." BROWSE OUR ARCHIVES
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