#astrology readings arizona
patgtuning11 · 4 months
Exploring Birth Chart Astrology at Magical Moon Garden
One of the most compelling aspects of birth chart astrology is its ability to offer clarity and guidance during pivotal moments in life. Whether you're at a crossroads in your career, navigating relationships, or seeking spiritual enlightenment, your birth chart holds invaluable wisdom waiting to be unearthed. With Magical Moon
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Astrology Palm Readings Arizona
Unlock the secrets of your destiny with my Astrology Palm Readings in Arizona! I, Mary Katherine as a skilled palm reader delve into the lines of your hands, unveiling insights into your past, present, and future. Discover the cosmic influences shaping your life and gain clarity on relationships, career paths, and personal growth. Book your session now and embark on a journey of self-discovery with the ancient wisdom of astrology. Embrace the mystical and let the stars guide you to a deeper understanding of your unique path.
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Discover Sense & Understanding: Skilled Spiritual Counselor in Arizona
With the help of a renowned psychic in Arizona, Kuberan, ventures into the exceptional. Psychic Kuberan is renowned for its extraordinary intuitive abilities and deep links to the mysterious forces that mold our fates. Their reputation precedes them.
Discover the mysteries of your past, present, and future as psychic Kuberan takes you on a life-changing journey. With a deep understanding of the energies all around us, psychic Kuberan has emerged as a wise mentor who helps others on their spiritual journeys. Contact Us:6892436585
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taratarotgreene · 1 year
Many zero turning points,Mercury,Mars, the Nodes, Athena
Hilma af Klint, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons All writing is copyright of Tara Greene any reposting must have my name only as author and a live link back to this website and to http://www.taratarot.com Mercury entered Leo July 10 at 9:12 pm PDT/ July 11 at 12:11 am EDT. The Messenger In the sign of roaring pride and strength until July 28- I’ll write a separate article about…
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sicknessbysalem · 4 months
tw emeto, chronic illness, implications of shitty parents, emeto (again)
if you have any questions, comments, concerns, requests, please hit up my ask box!!
Meadow would never say she was the nosy type. But she did like knowing things. Or, at least, knowing things about her loved ones.
Arizona loved working on the Dixon ranch. She wasn’t much of a showgirl, but she loved her horse deeply. She loved the hands on hard work that came from working on a farm. Arizona loved the taste of fresh eggs and loved herbal tea.
Allie only liked saying she was a cowgirl to say she was one. Any hard work was not her forte. She loved going into the city, going to the mall, doing the typical popular girl things.
Houston didn’t have a preference on what job he liked more. He loved the creativity that came with being a tattoo artist, he wanted to get into piercing. He loved the social aspect of the tavern. His favorite thing was sour treats. He taught himself how to play guitar. He’d been writing music since he was thirteen.
And then there was River. Meadow loved River, deeply. Meadow knew River’s favorite color was purple. River’s favorite thing to do was collect pins for the old vest they wore almost every show. They liked salty treats, but didn’t eat much. They read tarot easily and would sooner tell a pearl-gripping church grandmother her astrology chart and how it made her the way she was than River would ever go within inches of a holy text of any kind.
Meadow knew a lot about River. Meadow knew River’s parents partially kicked River out when they were sixteen. Relocated River to the run down shed tucked way behind the property. River’s parents told them that if they could come up with the funds to fix it up, they could live there. For a fee of course, like rent. River was very handy, River knew a lot of handy people. The borderline shed was flipped into a sustainable tiny home in weeks. That’s where River lived. That’s where Meadow would spend the night.
Meadow also knows that River is a world class insomniac. River doesn’t sleep much, or rather, their sleep is very fragmented.
So when it’s a random Thursday night in July and Meadow wakes up to an absence of River lying down next to her, Meadow isn’t worried. In fact, Meadow is more concerned why she woke up anyway. Meadow rarely woke up in the middle of the night.
Meadow sat up. River wasn’t in the bean bag on the floor. Meadow wondered if maybe River woke up after falling asleep, couldn’t get back to sleep, and decided to go out to the living room to not bother Meadow.
Meadow poked her head out of River’s bedroom door. She slipped out, quietly. Only a few steps outside the bedroom door, Meadow saw light coming out from under the bathroom door.
Meadow isn’t worried. She has no reason to be, she’s sure. River had probably woken up, went to the living room, maybe made some tea or something, and just had to use the bathroom.
Meadow shrugs to herself, going back into River’s room. She grabs her phone from the nightstand, looks at the time. It’s just after one.
Meadow really isn’t worried. And now, knowing River didn’t just go out in the middle of the night as they sometimes did for walks and such to calm down, she’s calm again. She sets her phone down, lays down. She’ll go back to sleep and River will come back when they are ready. They always do.
River’s sleep patterns had always been a disaster. River themself would call it a ‘fucking trainwreck’.
They’d played a show with the band, something small and somewhat local. It was maybe half an hours drive away from their home. Or, whatever this was.
Meadow was spending the night. River loved when Meadow spent the night. It made their place much less lonely. River was an introvert, yes. But a lonely introvert.
Tonight they fell asleep rather easily. Almost too easily. Whether it was the way Meadow played with their hair as they cuddles, or hearing Meadow’s adorable Applachian voice on the phone with Houston while River was dozing off, something made River fall asleep far easier than normal.
But despite the easy falling asleep, River’s eyes fluttered open to the all-too-familiar pitch of wakefulness. The dim glow of the moonlight seeped through the window, casting a pale shimmer over the cluttered room, but it was the gnawing discomfort in their stomach that fully pulled them from sleep’s tenuous grasp.
Sighing, River sat up, trying to gather their scattered thoughts. The room felt stuffy, oppressive. They had meant to go to the living room and lay on the couch, away from Meadow. They didn’t want to bother her. Especially not if they were just feeling shitty from waking up.
River pushed back the blankets and slid off the bed, but by time they’re in the hall, River can feel genuine nausea starting to poke at their stomach. They detoured against their will, each step towards the bathroom feeling heavier as the nausea began to churn more insistently.
This wasn’t a new feeling of course—these bouts of nausea had become unwelcome but well-known visitors in their life. They always hit at night too, which made it worse. Still, familiarity didn’t soften the edge of discomfort.
Once in the bathroom, River closed the door softly and flipped on the light, squinting against the sudden brightness.
The white tiles and sterile fixtures had a starkness that made them feel even more sick. They moved mechanically. This was normal. Normal for River. They had a routine by now when this happened. Open the medicine cabinet, retrieve the anti-nausea medication they got prescribed against their parent’s will, and swallow it with a sip of water.
The nausea, however, had its own timeline. River slid down to sit on the cool bathroom floor, their back resting against the tub. The chill of the tiles seeped through their thin shirt, a small relief against the waves of heat rolling through their body.
They closed their eyes, focusing on their breathing—slow, measured inhales and exhales to combat the rising tide of sickness. The familiar ritual of mindfulness and controlled breathing had been their anchor many times before. The last thing River wanted was to actually end up vomiting.
River’s thoughts drifted as they waited for the medication to kick in. Anything they could to distract themselves from this until they could go lay back down.
Minutes stretched into what felt like hours. The nausea was a stubborn adversary, refusing to relent easily. River opened their eyes, glancing around the small bathroom. They hated this, deeply. And they especially hated it was happening while Meadow was here.
They leaned forward, resting their forehead on their knees, drawing comfort from the closed, grounded posture.
Slowly, they started to level out. River took a deeper breath, feeling the tight knot in their stomach loosen slightly. They lifted their head, leaning back against the tub again, letting their body relax incrementally. They couldn’t relax all at once. No, not unless they really wanted to override their medicine and end up sick.
In time, the worst passed. River stood up slowly, splashed water on their face.
The cool water on River’s face was a stark contrast to the lingering warmth of their skin, a small mercy that helped ground them in the moment.
They cupped their hands under the faucet again, letting the water flow over their fingers before bringing it up to splash their cheeks. Each splash was a deliberate, careful act, as if trying to wash away the remnants of the nausea that had plagued them.
As they looked up into the mirror, their reflection stared back, pale and tired. River's eyes were ringed with shadows, a testament to the sleepless nights and restless days that had become their norm.
With a deep breath, they reached for a towel, patting their face dry, feeling a cautious optimism that the worst had finally passed.
Just as they turned to leave the bathroom, a sudden wave of nausea crashed over them, more forceful than before. River clutched the edge of the sink, their knuckles turning white as they fought to stay upright. The room spun around them, and a cold sweat broke out across their forehead. That wasn’t good. That was never good.
River barely made it to the toilet before they were sick, the sound harsh and jarring in the quiet of the night. They braced themselves, muscles tensing. River could feel their stomach pull in, could feel the gags pull their throat. The moments felt endless.
They ate today, too. Well, they ate every day, but what sucked was River had actually been more hungry than usual today, meaning they had plenty to bring up, and their body was hellbent on getting it up.
When it finally subsided, River leaned against the bathroom wall, panting softly. It took longer than they wanted to pull themselves back together, but they did. They rinsed their mouth and washed their hands, moving through the motions with a mechanical precision born of how much this happened.
Miraculously, Meadow slept through it all. River was grateful; the last thing they wanted was to disturb her. They took a few more moments to compose themselves, splashing their face one last time to chase away the lingering queasiness. Their legs felt shaky as they stood, but the nausea had retreated to a manageable dull throb.
Quietly, River crept back to the bedroom. Meadow’s peaceful form was a soothing sight in the dim light. River hesitated at the doorway, watching her for a moment, the rise and fall of her breathing a gentle rhythm that coaxed River forward.
River’s stomach gurgled, they swallowed thick. They’d end up sick again, they were sure. But it didn’t feel immediate enough to warrant going back to the bathroom.
So, instead, River pulled the trash can closer to the bed. River hoped they would have enough warning to go back to the bathroom, but sometimes that didn’t happen. Better safe than sorry.
They slipped back under the covers, careful not to jostle the bed too much.
But Meadow stirred, her eyes fluttering open.
“River?” she murmured, her voice thick with sleep. “Are you okay?”
River’s heart clenched at the concern in her voice. They forced a smile, though it felt thin and fragile.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” they lied gently, not wanting to burden her with the truth. “Couldn’t fall back asleep yet. Just had to use the bathroom.”
Meadow’s eyes searched River’s face, but she was too drowsy to notice the lingering pallor or the faint sheen of sweat on their brow. She nodded, accepting the answer, and closed her eyes again, her hand finding River’s under the covers.
River lay down beside her, feeling the familiar comfort of Meadow’s presence. They closed their eyes, hoping the worst was indeed over, and willed their body to relax into the embrace of sleep once more.
In the dim early hours of the morning, Meadow instinctively moved closer to River, her arm draping lightly across their midsection. Even in her sleep, she sought the comfort of their presence. River, in their fitful slumber, barely registered the gentle pressure around their stomach, their body too exhausted to fully wake.
As the minutes ticked by, Meadow’s subconscious awareness began to sharpen. She felt the subtle tension in River’s body, the way their breathing was slightly ragged and uneven. Her own sleep began to slip away as she became more attuned to River’s discomfort.
Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the faint light filtering through the curtains. Meadow’s hand still rested on River’s stomach, and she could feel the tight, uneasy knots beneath her fingertips. A frown creased her brow as she fully woke, the realization of River’s distress hitting her like a cold splash of water.
“River?” she whispered softly, her voice thick with concern.
River’s eyes were closed, their face pinched in discomfort. They hadn’t yet woken fully, but their body was already reacting to the growing nausea. Meadow’s heart ached as she watched them, knowing the signs all too well. She shifted slightly, giving River more room, but kept her hand on their stomach, hoping to offer some small comfort.
Just as she feared, it didn’t take long for the nausea to surge with a force that River could no longer ignore. Meadow felt their stomach grumble in a very sick way, something that told Meadow what was about to happen.
Their eyes snapped open, a pained gasp escaping their lips as they instinctively reached for the trash can they had placed near the bed earlier, always prepared.
“Meadow, please let—“ River began, their voice strained. They started to untangle themselves from Meadow, the urgency in their movements making it clear that the sickness was imminent. Meadow was hardly touching them, they knew that. But any pressure on their stomach was only making this worse.
Meadow quickly sat up, her heart racing. “It’s okay, I’ve got you,” she said, her voice soothing despite the alarm she felt. She helped River pull the trash can closer, her hands steady even as worry churned in her stomach.
River barely managed to lift the trash can to their lap before the nausea hit full force. Meadow’s hand rubbed soothing circles on their back as River was sick, the sound harsh and jarring in the quiet room.
Meadow’s heart ached with every retch, wishing she could do more to ease their pain. She stroked her hand over River’s messy hair, brushing back the black and red locks. Keeping them away from getting messy.
When the worst had passed, River leaned back, panting softly, the trash can still clutched in their hands. They looked exhausted, eyes glazed with tears from the effort. Meadow reached out, brushing a damp lock of hair from River’s forehead, her touch gentle and loving.
Meadow was going to ask. Meadow was going to ask a stupid question, she was sure. She wanted to ask how River felt now. Now that they’d thrown up.
But River’s stomach let out a loud, sick noise. A sound between a sickly burp and a whine came out of River’s mouth, and River tensed tightly.
“Let’s get you to the bathroom,” Meadow suggested softly. “We don’t want you to stay like this here.”
River nodded weakly, their strength sapped from the ordeal. With Meadow’s help, they managed to stand, holding the trash can close as they made their way to the bathroom. They felt like they’d start vomiting at any second now.
Meadow’s arm was a steady support around their shoulders, guiding them with a quiet strength.
Once in the bathroom, River sank to the floor, kneeling in front of the toilet and setting the trash can aside as they leaned against the cool tiles. They rested their elbow on the toilet seat and leaned their head against their fist. Meadow knelt beside them, her presence a comforting anchor in the storm of their sickness.
“I’m sorry,” River murmured, their voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t want to wake you.”
Meadow shook her head, her eyes soft with understanding. “You don’t have to apologize,” she said gently. “I’m here for you, always.”
River nodded. Another small sound. A gag, a burp, a whine. River burped up a mouthful of sick. And then another, and a another.
Finally, a guttural gag sent up a stream of sick though thick and abundant that River could swear they were choking. It made them cough, and with coughs came even more vomiting. River felt it in their nose. They were crying. Probably from the effort, but their stomach was hurting.
Then as suddenly as the abundant wave came up, River’s body wasn’t sending anything up. But River was still heaving, little streams of bile coming up, small implications there was more.
Meadow could sense it, maybe. Maybe she was just trying to help. But, River felt a hand on their stomach, not their own, rubbing patterns into their torso.
Occasionally, Meadow would press harder with the heel of her hand. That made all the difference.
River gagged, harder. But, Meadow kept rubbing River’s stomach, pressing hard to make her poor partner sick, anything to make them feel better.
“God, your stomach feels so upset,” Meadow sighed, “Let’s try and fix that.”
The rubbing progressed to squeezing. Each squeeze sent up another mouthful of vomit until there was nothing left but spit.
“How’s that feelin’ darlin’?” Meadow asked softly.
“I feel like shit babe,” River said.
Meadow sighed, petting River’s hair again.
“I know sugar,” Meadow said, “Want me to call April? She’ll help in an instant. We can take you there?”
“No,” River said, “I’m fine. Just nauseous… really nauseous but not like I’m going to throw up anymore. Not yet.”
River closed their eyes, leaning into the touch of Meadow’s hand over their hair. Despite the nausea, despite the exhaustion, there was a deep sense of relief in knowing they weren’t alone.
As the minutes passed, River’s breathing began to steady, the worst of the nausea ebbing away. Meadow stayed by their side, her presence a constant reminder that they were loved and cared for, no matter what.
“I’ll call momma in the morning,” Meadow said, “If you’re still feelin’ bad, alright lovebug?”
River nodded, laying their head on Meadow’s shoulder. Meadow wrapped an arm around ound them.
“I got you, lovebug,” Meadow said, “Just try and breathe. We’ll try everything else later.”
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Preview: The Edge of Dawn ch2
Donald Pierce x Brandi
Fic info
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Words: 3,878
Warnings: western adjacent stuff, kidnapping, killing
This is a preview * read in full on A03
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The night sky moves in, replacing the vibrant colors of sunset. Midnight blue and dense greys hang overhead as celestial objects come into view. The moon is in the last quarter phase and both Venus and Mars are visible in the sky.
In her old life, Brandi kept up with this kind of thing. It wasn't by profession, but tracking the astrological bodies was something she enjoyed since childhood. As an adult, she supplemented her income by doing readings and helping others understand their stars.
She wonders, what would the cosmic alignment be for all this? An unlucky square? Some Neptunian interference that caused her, usually a light sleeper, to crash so hard she didn't hear Donald approaching that morning?
Whatever it could be, didn't matter now. Now, she's stuck with them for the time being. The one bonus? She figures they're deep in Arizona now and this isn't far from her destination. If she could escape soon, she'd still make it.
“We need to find a place to camp for the night.” Donald said as he scanned the landscape.
His jacket is off now, and she can see his right arm, from the elbow down is robotic, not just his hand. On top of that, it's a damn good one, top shelf. Over the years, she’s seen some sketchy ones but this - he must have turned in some high rewards to get an arm like this.
Her eyes drift from his arm to the large tattoo on his neck, a black skull with bones.
Donald catches her looking at him and grins, showing teeth this time, “hello to you too.”
She pulls her eyes away from him and picks something in the distance to stare at.
Donald grins, his eyes still on her, then pokes her in the side with his pistol.
Brandi jerks away from him with a frustrated sigh. “Why the hell you lookin’ for bounties up North anyway?” she asks.
Donald raises his brow and shrugs,
“I like the way I live, cashin' in high rewards makes that easy.” he pauses for dramatic effect, “someone's always runnin’ from something darlin’ and if you can catch ‘em - “ he makes a gesture with his fingers, like he’s rubbing money.
“That how you got that tattoo and gold tooth? Bold of you walking around with that so visible.”
“This old thing,” he tugged on the gold chain, “anyone who tries to take it from me will end up in the ground. Trust me,” he leans in close, fully in her personal space, “many have tried.”
Brandi ripped her eyes away from his.
Even with his dubious nature, Donald is nice to look at. Her mind is working overtime, but her body is still reacting to him in a way she does not need right now. Traveling alone for so long, it's been a while since -
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literaticat · 6 months
Hi! I was reading your answers about an author using their own photo even if publishing under a pseudonym, and it occurred to me - what about the author bio? Is the same true here, does the author use their own bio details or a version of them - or can they get really wild here and make stuff up? E.g. Real Name was born in Phoenix, studied Astronomy, and has 4 kids and 59 pets. Is some/all of this true of Fake Name too or can Fake Name be born in Montreal, studied Astrology, and has 1,000 pets?!
I think you'd probably keep it simple and hew pretty close to the truth -- it would be a pain in the ass to sort out what you had said about yourself where later, and I think general practice is to not LIE about things blatantly. Of course, you don't need to divulge personal intel about yourself if you don't want to, and you can pick-and-choose what to put in a bio and what to leave out, so...
For your real name nonfiction book about constellations: Real Name was born in Arizona and spent a childhood staring at the night sky of the open desert trying to find pictures in the stars. That led to a degree in Astronomy and a passion for sharing the secrets of the sky to others, including her brood of kids and pets, some of whom are more interested than others.
For your pseudonymous novel about sexy vampires: Fake Name found her interest in vampiric lore as a teenager reading Twilight fanfiction. After a stint living in a drafty shack in Forks, Washington, she realized that maybe creating vampires of her own was a better bet than searching for fictional ones. She now lives in a probably-haunted house with a wonderful but non-sparkly husband, some kids, too many pets, and -- so far -- no werewolves.
(If it is one of those things where it's an "open secret" that you have a fake name and you are totally not hiding it, you are just doing it for branding/non-confusing-the-audience purposes, you could also just SAY it, something like"Fake Name spends her days writing NYT Bestselling nonfiction for grownups under another name, and her nights watching Real Housewives, drinking chablis, and making questionable online purchases. This is her first romance novel." OR WHATEVER.)
All of this can be true of the same person - we contain multitudes!
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spicykaraage · 11 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Kiyosumi Sengoku
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Birthday: November 25th (Sagittarius)
Blood Type: O
Relatives: Mother, Father, Older Sister, Squirrel Monkey [23.5]
Father’s Occupation: Accountant
Elementary School: Yamabuki First Elementary School
Middle School: Yamabuki Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | Class 3-3 | Seat 14
Club: Tennis Club (Regular)
Committee: None
Strong Subjects: Japanese, Engineering, Math
Weak Subjects: History (especially the years)
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Cafeteria
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives
Favorite Motto: “Fortune is fickle and blind.”
Daily Routines: Checking the morning horoscopes on TV, eyebrow grooming
Hobbies: Fortune-telling, looking for cute girls
Favorite Color: Any lucky colors
Favorite Music: Female pop songs
Favorite Movie: Charlie’s Angels
Favorite Book: 367 Days of Fortune-Telling ➜ Astrology books [23.5]
Favorite Food: Okonomiyaki, monjayaki (especially with pork and green onions [23.5])
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Favorite Anniversary: Every day is a special day
Preferred Type: “All the girls in the world!” ➜ A girl who could be even cuter [23.5]
Ideal Date Spot: Riding a ferris wheel ➜ Uluru, Australia [23.5]
His Gift for a Special Person: “Of course, I’ll give you ‘happiness.’”
Where He Wants to Travel: Sedona, Arizona
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: Nadi Astrology leaves ➜ Healing crystals, a cute girl’s contact info [23.5]
Dislikes: Being tickled (he’s fine with it now except his sides [23.5])
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Skills Outside of Tennis: Simple magic tricks, lacrosse
Spends Allowance On: Fortune-telling magazines
Routine During the World Cup: Posting nonstop on social media, sending Line Stickers repeatedly
Height: 170cm ➜ 172cm [23.5]
Weight: 59kg ➜ 60kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 27.5cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: 1.5 Left & Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
Signature Moves: Tiger Shot
Number of Girls He Approaches: Seven a day on average
Favorite Brands:
Racquet: MIZUNO Wenew 900Ti
Shoes: HEAD C.Tech 6000 MID
Overall Rating: Speed: 2 / Power: 3 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 5 / Technique: 4 / Total: 17
Kurobe Memo: “When I see his luck in action, it makes me think that there’s more to it than just superstition. Perhaps he’s on the verge of being mind controlled. It may be hard for him to improve even with the sleek way he plays.” [RB]
What’s in His Bag:
PuriKura album // He likes to use regional-themed frames
A pen
Cell phone // He takes pictures with everyone before and after his matches
Game Boy Advance
Lapis Lazuli // A stone that represents his Zodiac
Tarot Reading book // A book written by Fuji’s sister Yumiko, who is also a fortune-teller.
Oil absorbing sheets
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alwaysa-winner · 2 years
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{⋅-: ✧ :-⋅}  task 25:
                         elise francesca mcqueen
elise is the second-oldest member of the mcqueen clan. she is the life of the party and often labeled as the wild child. she isn’t very good at giving advice but she’ll give it to you anyways. she adores her siblings and has a very close bond to each and everyone of them. sure, she might be settled down now, but that hasn’t stopped her from trying to save the world or making sure her fathers fridge is kept empty. 
                           {⋅-: ✧ pinterest - musing - spotify - bio :-⋅}
inspired by :kaori miyazono (your lie in apirl ),  haruhi suzuniya  (melancholy of haruchi suzumiya), minako anio - sailor venus (sailor moon), clover ewing (totally spiecs), donna sheridan (mama mia ), grace hart (miss congeniality), west coast - lana del ray  ( song ), etc.
{⋅. GENERAL .⋅}
birth name:  elise francesca mcqueen nicknames: lise          date of birth:   oct 31    age: 29     gender: female      pronouns: she/her  powers: mentifery  species: human / mortal.                sexuality: bisexual  place of birth: radiator springs, arizona    current residence: elias, california    occupation: marine biologist / environmentalist
zodiac sign: scorpio mbti: ESFP temperament: sanguine  hogwarts house: gryffindor  moral alignment: lawful good
height: 5′6. hair colour/style:  dark brown and wavy, kept long with layers.  eye colour: brown piercings: ears, bellybutton. tattoos: matching tattoo with his siblings. notable markings: scar on her left ankle  glasses/contacts? no. faceclaim: alexxis lemire
{⋅. HEALTH .⋅}
physical ailments: none. allergies: seasonal. sleeping habits: will sleep as much as her kids will let her.  dominant hand: right hand.  drugs / smoke / alcohol? no, no, socially
( + ) traits: curious, energetic, spontaneous, creative.  ( -  ) traits: disorganized, overthinks, struggles following rules, easily stressed.  usual mood: optimistic likes:  the ocean, sun, sand, road trips, parties, sweets, making jewelry,  female empowerment, the smell of salt water, making flower crowns, dyi with the kiddos, inde music, volunteering, helping others, national parks, raves, massages, piercings, fishes, seashells, pilates, camping, scuba diving, hamilton, open meadows, trampolines, rock climbing, astrology, tarot readings, heights, kitting, vintage 60 and 70 clothing.  dislikes:  the cold, feeling disappointed, popcorn walls, being sedentary, leaving the water running, the sound of knuckles cracking, rude people, line cutters, people who don’t recycle.  bad habits: invading others personal space.
mother: sally carrera / francesco bernoulli  lightning (monty) mcqueen father: lightning (monty) mcqueen siblings: dante, caspian, nina, athena, stefan, seraphina.  children: elias aster mcqueen, eloise alia lemos,  eliette alexander lemos (not born yet)   birth order: 2nd eldest significant others: leonardo lemos - teague closest friends: asher pendragon, jose axion and you!
languages spoken: english, spanish, italian  drive? yes.  jump start a car? yes. change a flat tire? yes.  ride a bicycle? yes.  swim? yes.  play an instrument? can sing  play chess? no.  braid hair? yes tie a tie? yes.  pick a lock? yes.          sew? yes.
compassion.          10/10.
empathy.          10/10.
creativity.          7/10.
mental flexibility.          5/10.
passion.          10/10.
luck.         10/10.
motivation.  7/10.
education.          8/10.
intelligence.          6/10.
charisma.          7/10.
reflexes.          5/10.
willpower.          7/10.
stamina.          8/10.
physical strength.          3/10.
battle skill.          0/10.
initiative.         7/10.
restraint.          5/10.
strategy.         6/10.
team work.         8/10.
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bucklikethedollar · 2 years
i love a tag game i love talking about myself i love @knightrelic for tagging me in this
1. nickname: bucky actually is my nickname! my last name is buck, so bucky was kind of a natural next step lol. even my dad used to be called bucky when he was younger
2. sign: pisces sun, libra moon, gemini rising. i do not believe in astrology and the only one of those i knew off the top of my head was my sun sign lol
3. height: 5’11, but that bumps up to 6’ if i wear my docs
4. last thing you googled: “did chadwick boseman do his own singing in get on up”. my dad and i watched it last night and i was curious lol. for those interested: it was mostly recordings of james brown, but but boseman did do some singing in select parts (he was great btw) and all of his own dancing!
5. song stuck in your head: father and son by cat stevens. i have a playlist called “most beautiful songs ever written” and that’s on it
6. amount of sleep: i went to sleep at around 3, and technically woke up at like 10:15, even though i stayed in bed and chilled for like 45 minutes before getting up, so that’s ~7 hours
7. dream job: tattoo artist! saving up for my third tattoo rn, and i wanna see if there are any shops looking to take on apprentices or receptionists or something as soon as i have the time
8. wearing: cassette tape socks, green pants with a chain for a belt, plain black sweatshirt, red & blue flannel, and earrings that look like i have screws stuck through my ears
9. books/movies that define you: not 100% sure if i understand this one, but i’ll just ramble a little i guess lol. movies: my own private idaho, bill and ted’s excellent adventure, monty python’s meaning of life, the muppet movie, walk hard, the silence of the lambs, the wall. books: house of leaves (mark danielewski), johnny got his gun (dalton trumbo), the raw shark texts (steven hall), the martian (andy weir), the time machine (hg wells), eunoia (christian bök) , frankenstein (mary shelley), the great gatsby (f scott fitzgerald). that is… more than i intended to list for either category lol
10. favorite song: in general it’s the re-recorded version of bloodstains by agent orange, but i’ve been listening to a lot of showtunes recently so hosanna fro jesus christ superstar and try me from she loves me are up there too
11. instrument: i’m mainly a singer & guitarist, but i also play ukulele and harmonica (i’m a bit better on ukulele but it’s been a looong time since i’ve practiced lol). i’m working on learning poems, prayers, & promises by john denver on guitar rn and man is it a doozy. guy fucking loved his altered travis patterns huh
12. aesthetic: i have,, no idea. sometimes (usually when it’s warmer) i lean a little towards grungy, but nowadays i look a little more like a cool librarian just cause it’s cold, but then i tend to look kinda preppy when i have to dress up for something, and i also have “sexiest person at this grocery store” disease so it’s… kind of all over the place. i like fun socks? i wear a lot of jewel tones??
13. favorite author: there are very few authors of whose works i have read more than one, but my all-time favorite book (house of leaves) was written by mark danielewski, so i’ll go with him. that being said, madeline miller writes gorgeous prose, james joyce has fantastic control of the english language (even if ulysses murdered me), and andy weir is fucking hilarious
14. fun fact: ooo lemme think. my belly button is off-center. i can wiggle my ears. my mom owns a car that used to belong to billy joe armstrong and i got to drive it to my senior prom. i can tap dance. i have a small but growing collection of funny mugs i find at thrift stores. i don’t know how to dive. i once drank worcestershire sauce on a dare from my sister. i’ve lived in arizona my whole life but i’ve never seen the grand canyon.
i guess im supposed to tag 14 people for 14 questions but like bracken said i don’t know 14 peoples so i’ll just tag @commander-vas-normandy @mattmurdockspainkink and @localmvthman along with anyone else who wants to do it! :•)
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patgtuning11 · 4 months
Astrology Readings Arizona - Personalized Insights for Your Life
Learn the esoteric lessons found in Astrology Readings Arizona. These personalised readings offer you insightful astrological direction that is intended to clear your path and improve your day-to-day experiences. Our knowledgeable astrologers can provide guidance and clarity depending on your particular zodiac sign, regardless of your level of experience with astrology or level of familiarity with the cosmos.
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starzpsychics · 19 days
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Why is Shattuckite ‘The Stone of Truth’ such a Powerful Psychic Crystal
The ‘stone of truth’ stimulates both mental and intuitive abilities. Powerful psychic crystal Shattuckite is a very helpful tool for those who study astrology, tarot, or runes. There are of cause many healing crystals like Shattuckite out there, that are great when you want to enhance your inner strength and general well-being.
So, lets dig into Why is Shattuckite ‘The Stone of Truth’ such a Powerful Psychic Crystal
Shattuckite got its name from the Shattuck mine of Bisbee, Arizona where it was first discovered in 1915.
Shattuckite is quite often mistaken for other copper-based minerals like Azurite or Chrysocolla. This healing crystal has a mesmerizing blue-green hue, ranging from pale turquoise to deep azure.
This powerful psychic crystal is a copper silicate mineral and therefore falls into the category of secondary copper minerals.
The spiritual crystal Shattuckite is less common than other healing crystals, and is available in many forms, such as polished spheres, tumbled stones, and raw specimens.
Shattuckite has a unique blue-green color which gives off a calming energy that encourages communication, intuition, and spiritual growth.
Read More: https://starzpsychics.com/blog/why-is-shattuckite-the-stone-of-truth-such-a-powerful-psychic-crystal-6271
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Find Clarity & Insight: Experienced Spiritual Advisor in Arizona
Step into the realm of the extraordinary with psychic kuberan, famous psychic in Arizona. With a reputation that precedes them, psychic kuberan is celebrated for its unparalleled intuitive gifts and profound connections to the mystical forces that shape our destinies.
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Astrology Palm Readings Arizona
Unlock the secrets of your destiny with my Astrology Palm Readings in Arizona! I, Mary Katherine as a skilled palm reader delve into the lines of your hands, unveiling insights into your past, present, and future. Discover the cosmic influences shaping your life and gain clarity on relationships, career paths, and personal growth. Book your session now and embark on a journey of self-discovery with the ancient wisdom of astrology. Embrace the mystical and let the stars guide you to a deeper understanding of your unique path.
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movienation · 9 months
Movie Review: Trippy, indulgent nonsense should make this filmmaker "Reflect" on everywhere she went wrong
“Reflect” is a “find yourself” odyssey about five 30ish Angelinas who travel to Sedona, Arizona, for a spiritual/self-actualizing “obstacle course” weekend in a place the Tarot-card-reades/Astrology-believer/crystal-consultants of Flakey America consider a spiritual vortex. Writer-director-star Dana Kippel might be exploring the psychic scars of the mother-daughter bond (she herself is adopted)…
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Alien Sightings 101: A History of Unexplained Encounters
Embark on an otherworldly journey as you explore the captivating history of unexplained encounters with extraterrestrial beings in "Alien Sightings: A History of Unexplained Encounters." From the enigma of Area 51 to the mysterious phenomenon of crop circles, this article delves into the depths of our fascination with the unexplained. With evidence ranging from eyewitness testimony to declassified government files, you'll uncover the secrets of unidentified spacecraft, interstellar communication, and possible alien infiltration. Brace yourself for an expedition into the unknown as we unravel the truth behind these extraordinary encounters. Alien Sightings: A History of Unexplained Encounters Discover the App That's Got Everyone Talking Pre-Modern Era Throughout history, there have been numerous accounts of encounters with beings from outer space. These encounters and sightings can be traced back to ancient texts and mythology. In these texts, there are mentions of celestial beings and otherworldly creatures, sparking curiosity and fascination among believers and skeptics alike. In the Medieval period, there were also accounts of strange occurrences and encounters with unidentified flying objects. These accounts often blended with religious and supernatural beliefs, making them a subject of mystery and speculation. The Modern UFO Era The modern era of UFO sightings can be considered to have begun with the infamous Roswell Incident in 1947. In this incident, an unidentified craft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, sparking widespread interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Despite the official explanation being a weather balloon, many eyewitnesses and conspiracy theorists maintain that it was an alien spacecraft. Following Roswell, there were a series of sightings reported by civilians and military personnel, including the Kenneth Arnold sightings. Arnold, a pilot, claimed to have witnessed a formation of nine crescent-shaped objects flying over Mount Rainier in 1947. This sighting, along with many others, fueled the growing interest in UFOs and led to the establishment of Project Blue Book by the United States Air Force in 1952. This image is property of pixabay.com. See Why The Biorhythm is Better Than Your Average Astrology Guide Notable Encounters Among the many alien encounters reported, there are a few that stand out due to their extraordinary circumstances and the credibility of the witnesses. One such encounter is the Barney and Betty Hill abduction in 1961. The Hills claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings while driving through New Hampshire. Their detailed accounts of the abduction and the subsequent hypnosis sessions have made this case one of the most famous in UFO history. Another notable incident is the Phoenix Lights incident in 1997. Thousands of witnesses reported seeing a formation of lights in a V-shape moving across the night sky in Phoenix, Arizona. The lights were described as massive and silent, captivating the attention of both believers and skeptics. In 1980, the Rendlesham Forest incident took place in Suffolk, England. This incident involved multiple military personnel who witnessed the landing of a craft in the forest. The encounter was accompanied by strange lights and radiation readings, leaving witnesses puzzled and drawing international attention. Government Involvement Government involvement and secrecy have always been a subject of debate when it comes to UFO sightings and encounters. One of the most notorious places associated with extraterrestrial activity is Area 51 in Nevada. This highly classified military base has long been the center of conspiracy theories and speculation regarding the existence and testing of advanced alien technology. Over the years, declassified documents have shed some light on the government's interest and investigation into UFO sightings. In 2017, the United States government released previously classified documents related to the investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena. These documents provided a glimpse into the government's efforts to determine the nature and origin of these sightings. However, the release of documents and government involvement has also been met with accusations of cover-ups and censorship, further fueling the belief in a larger conspiracy to conceal the truth about extraterrestrial encounters. This image is property of pixabay.com. How This App is Changing The Way We Predict The Future Scientific Perspectives Scientists have long been intrigued by the possibility of extraterrestrial life. The Drake Equation, proposed by Dr. Frank Drake in 1961, attempts to estimate the number of technologically advanced civilizations in the galaxy. By considering factors such as the rate of star formation and the likelihood of planets capable of supporting life, the equation indicates that there may indeed be a significant number of alien civilizations in the universe. However, the Fermi Paradox poses a thought-provoking question: if there are so many possible extraterrestrial civilizations, why have we not detected or made contact with any of them? This paradox highlights the gap between the potential existence of alien life and the absence of conclusive evidence. UFO Hoaxes and Misinterpretations While many sightings and encounters have genuine and unexplained origins, there have also been instances of hoaxes and misinterpretations. Crop circles, for example, have often been attributed to extraterrestrial activity. However, extensive research and investigations have revealed that many crop circles are man-made, created as elaborate pranks or artistic expressions. During World War II, pilots reported seeing unusual phenomena called "foo fighters." These glowing balls of light were initially thought to be enemy aircraft or secret weapons. However, further investigation revealed that they were likely misidentified natural phenomena such as ball lightning or St. Elmo's fire. This image is property of pixabay.com. Extraterrestrial Life and Communication The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been actively scanning the skies for signals that may indicate the presence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. This scientific endeavor utilizes advanced technology, including radio telescopes, in the hopes of detecting radio signals from alien civilizations. Various theories exist on how aliens might communicate with us if they were attempting to make contact. One theory suggests that they may use a form of communication we have yet to decipher, such as advanced mathematics or other non-verbal means. Telepathy and the exchange of information through energy or consciousness are also proposed as potential methods of communication. Alien Abduction Phenomenon The phenomenon of alien abductions has captured the imagination of believers and skeptics alike. Famous cases such as the Barney and Betty Hill abduction have fueled speculation about the motives and methods of extraterrestrial beings. Theories range from scientific explanations involving sleep paralysis and false memories to more supernatural interpretations involving hybridization programs and interdimensional beings. Contemporary Sightings and Evidence With the widespread use of smartphones and the advancements in technology, there has been a surge in photographic and video evidence claiming to capture UFO sightings. While skeptics argue that most of this evidence can be easily explained as misidentified aircraft or natural phenomena, believers argue that the sheer quantity of sightings cannot be dismissed entirely. Eyewitness testimonies also continue to play a significant role in the study of UFOs. These personal accounts, often accompanied by detailed descriptions and emotional experiences, add a human element to the phenomenon and highlight the impact of these encounters on individuals. Furthermore, there have been various initiatives calling for government disclosure of classified information related to UFOs. Believers hope that such initiatives will lead to a greater understanding of the phenomenon and potentially confirm the existence of extraterrestrial visitations. The Future of Alien Sightings As technology and research continue to advance, there is hope that we may witness groundbreaking discoveries and revelations in the field of alien sightings. Advancements in telescopes and space exploration may provide us with unprecedented opportunities to study and understand the universe. Possible discoveries could include the detection of microbial life on other planets or the identification of intelligent signals from distant star systems. These discoveries would not only expand our knowledge of the cosmos but also have profound implications for our understanding of life's origins and our place in the universe. In conclusion, the history of alien sightings is a fascinating and complex subject that encompasses a wide range of encounters, beliefs, and scientific inquiry. While skeptics raise valid questions and criticisms, the sheer number of unexplained sightings and experiences continues to captivate the imagination and fuel the search for answers about our place in the cosmos. Whether aliens are truly visiting our planet or not, the allure of the unknown and the possibility of otherworldly beings will continue to captivate and intrigue us for generations to come. Why The FBI Investigated This Groundbreaking Prediction Tool Read the full article
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