#asura favoritism? where the hell have you been lmao
ratasum · 8 months
Someone tell me where this person on the forum is finding all this asura-centric storytelling and lore because I sure as hell can't find it.
Are the Asura Anet's favorite? It seems like as far back as I can remember we're being led by the nose by Asura characters and their technology and their techno-babble. Can we take a break from Asura culture, please? Just when I thought we were done with Taimi and Gorrick, you bring back Zojja. What is it with Asura favoritism? IBS was good for Norn and Charr, at least. But Sylvari seem to be totally forgotten, apart from the odd appearance from Caithe..
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asurayuuhaven · 6 years
Chapter 73 - Reaction & Analysis
(Spoiler for Seraph of the End / Owari no Seraph, chapter 73, that isn’t translated to English yet. Do not click the “read more” below if you want to avoid spoiler)
We haven’t had any great chapter for many months, and it’s finally here. Frankly this chapter is one of the best OnS chapter for the whole year. And that’s not an understatement. The action sequence is glorious. It’s like what you’ll see in the end of the season in the anime.
So you all fellas better go grab the seat belt...
Because this going to be one hell of a ride
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You know a chapter going to be hype when Asuramaru is on the cover, and he didn’t looks very happy there
Another Asuramaru focused chapter? Sign me tf up
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We start with Yuu being a happy little dork as always and-
I maybe get annoyed by Mika sometimes (actually, a lot) but I love it when Mika shows his positive, humanly side like this
That being said, I still hate his obsession over Yuu
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Yuu, Mika, Guren, Shinya and Kureto talk about something idk not like I could have understand the discussion, so let’s skip that lmao
Apparently, Yuu is strong enough to control his “seraph mode” at will, and the wings alone could tear apart the bound that restrict him
(Though considering that Seraph!Yuu can pretty much destroy the whole city easily, that’s not a big surprise)
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I got a bad feeling about this
I got a bad feeling about this
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These, guys, these....
These.... are what I called as.... “the hype page”
It’s when Kagami gives a freaking goosebump over what’s gonna be happen on this freaking chapter
....And ironically, it’s VERY similar to the scene where Asuramaru confront Yuu at the manga chapter where he fought against Mirai
(This one, here, below)
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I really don’t think so
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I can’t believe this
We’re living in a timeline where Shikama Doji, who’s pretty much the most powerful character on the series so far, and the “big bad villain” who control everything, who’s behind the whole fucking plot of the whole story, as the grand mastermind and the very first progenitor of all vampire....
....is confronting Ashera....
Who is, what we can consider, his favorite child
....Words cannot describe how hyped I am....
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*announcer voice*
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Also anyone realized how he pull the sword outta his own body?
Well, apparently, that’s one of many thing that he could do
We finally see Asuramaru showing his true combat capability
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Can we appreciate how badass he is there?
Hand down the most badass demon
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Whoa whoa wait a minute
Shikama Doji throw his scythe, Asuramaru dodged...
This guy is OP as heck, nerf pls
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Oh my god
Let’s get a better look at that
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(lol jk that’s not what I wanna discuss here)
Apparently, Asuramaru is fast enough to react against TWO attacks at once, from two different direction
....Even Krul Tepes couldn’t do that, as shown that when Ferid and Crowley attack her at the same time, she’s distracted
Not to mention how Asuramaru attacked FOUR times in a second, against freaking death scythe of doom flying at ballistic speed
My boy is strong af
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Also that special ability whoa
I can’t wait until Yuu can master that ability
So apparently, Asuramaru got more than one “special move” other than Asura Kannon to use.
Remember, Shinoa and Mitsuba said that “possession type” demon cannot use “special ability” and thus, the fact that Asuramaru (and Kiseki-o) can use special abilities, are exceptionally rare, nearly impossible.
Now we got to see that Asuramaru can do ANOTHER ability
...This is Shikama Doji that we talked about....
If you didn’t remember, Shikama Doji is someone who’s freaking goddamn powerful, not even Kureto with help of Raimeki AND Mirai’s Abaddon could even land a single scratch
And Asuramaru manage to hurt him 
Reminder that Asuramaru is strong as hell
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Oh no
Shi, please be nice
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Goddammit nooooo
My precious shota trap demon.. ;A;
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Apparently, being bitten by Shikama Doi makes Asuramaru remember his past, which makes sense because he used to be his master
(Either that, or it’s just an illustration)
But what is that.... box.... thing?
Is that some kind of prison?
Apparently, Shikama Doji try to cut off his communication with Yuu, because we immediately switch to the scene where Yuu appeared
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Annnnnd there you go
Some more Yuunoa moment for those who shipped them
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So uhh... I couldn’t understand the dialogue (of course) but it seems that Yuu is in dire condition since he shouted at Shinoa before, probably asking about what the heck is happening
And Yuu seemingly tried to try to contact Asuramaru, but he couldn’t, which makes him went panic as he realized that something terribly wrong is happening right now
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Asuramaru is suffering and Shikama Doji give us the “come get me” face
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Oh my god
My heart cannot take this
Look at them
I just.... cannot....
But ironically, VERY IRONICALLY, this is 90% similar to my headcanon on where Shikama Doji will visit Yuu and Asuramaru at certain chapter in the future. And at that time, Shikama Doji will awaken the forgotten memory of Ashera. Then, Yuu will try to save Ashera... in a pretty much NEARLY IDENTICAL visualization that depicted here on the canon
So apparently, Kagami and I think similarly
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Oh god this makes me so happy
I mean, Asuramaru and Yuu working together to fight against Shikama Doji is pretty much the BIGGEST EVER PLOT DEVELOPTMENT IN THE WHOLE FUCKING STORY SO FAR
Like, hell.... this is a big jump on the plot
It’s like they’re gonna face the final boss
(Also wait.....)
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We got a canon height comparison of Yuu and Asuramaru, at last!
My precious smol demon is so smol hahaha
But in all seriousness, let me appreciate this panel. Look at how they stand together, side by side,
Yuu, with Asuramaru... someone who used to be just a normal rookie in the army with his sword, is going far enough to get here.
The two are indeed friend, perhaps almost like a family, but I never imagine for them to stand by side like a comrade in battle, fighting against the big bad villain together like this
Honestly.... it’s an amazing development
God bless this chapter
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According to a rough translation that I seen somewhere before, Shikama Doji said that seeing Yuu and Ashera being together makes him felt nostalgic.
Will we able to finally see the truth behind Yuu and Asuramaru? Will the next chapter going to be the chapter that finally reveal their backstory when they’re still together thousands years ago?
So yeah, this chapter is amazing and it’s been a long year since we can finally some freaking big plot development (not just character development) with the great plus side of a really epic badass battle scene
Great chapter  10/10
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haneuly-blog1 · 7 years
ons x fe: fates crossover
japan/ons world as nohr and hoshido - the vamps are nohr, the jida is hoshido, and the possessed/demons are valla - shinoa takes to hoshido (birthright), and mika takes to nohr (conquest), hoshido (birthright) or goes alone (revelations) so he is overpowered okay because i like mikayuu also bc technically this is what happens canonically in the anime-manga soooo Mikaela Shindo-Tepes-Hyakuya or whatever/Shinoa Hiiragi (technically, their last names would be Bathory, but last names don't exist in fe so ha i freaking beat the system) as M!Corrin and F!Corrin respectively - yes they can still shapeshift into a dragon - yes they can still use swords/whatever they use - yes they still start out as a nohrian/nohrian noble - no they are not the same as each other - since corrin is a flexible character and ultimately shows no individual personality whatsoever, corrin in whatever gender will be modified to shinoa and mika's personalities - mika can use swords, lances, and axes - shinoa can use swords, lances, and tomes - in their upgraded forms that is; before they use a master seal, they can only use their dragon stone and sword - mika can only be paired with yuu (nyehehehehe it's cause i'm the creator suckeR) but shinoa can be paired with either mitsuba or yuu (because mitsushin is goals hell yeah) yuu as azura - manlier (than azura, but still pretty feminine - more feminine that in the anime/manga) - still sings (ie azura sings on the battlefield to give the units one more turn) - is paired with shinoa/mika (f!corrin vs m!corrin) - child isn't specified? - ^might have to include @califlair 's (tumblr) michirou, aka mikayuu love child - idk what shinoa's child would be, but p michirou still (even though he's mika's lmao) - ^maybe just redesign a child for yuunoa - dunno if i should even have a child for mikayuu - ^think abt it - yuu is a mix of azura/shigure - usually uses a naginata more than anything else, but could use katanas (or even the Nohrian lances) - has tried tomes before, and REALLY REALLY hates them - still as ditsy as his anime/manga counterpart, but smarter and more serious - ^actually pretty bad at conveying emotion, like canon azura - when he sings, his eyes turn blue(?) - he knows abt valla - although he's (sorta) bad at maneuvering in it when he first got there (ie after guren as arete got married, he moved to Nohr to marry the king (Ferid ew) and miraculously had yuu because vallans(?) are magical and the women and men can have children - his color scheme matches azura's, although has some shigure elements in it -  A++ at singing and dancing, although he takes up the title 'songstress'(? what is the male version omg) - ^ if paired with either shinoa or mika, he will teach them to dance the vampires (led by Ferid Bathory) as Nohr - the vamps hire mercenaries and then turn them into vampires - they are, as the canon nohr is, cold, dark, and overall oppressive - Ferid's history with Valla is the same as king Garon's in game - ^ie he marries the ons arete, aka guren, and has our favorite yuu-chan - he kills kureto/krul(?)/whoever will be in place of hoshido (ie jida, so maybe not krul...oH SHINYA YEAHHHH) and takes mika or shinoa and drags he or she off to Nohr - mika is okay with ferid but thinks he's annoying, and shinoa outright loves/hates him - crowley is xander, krul is camilla, urd geales is leo, and lest karr is elise - jakob is lucal whesker, felicia is lacus and flora is renee - the nohrians have few retainers: saito (krul), ky luc (urd), gabel parthe (lest), fuola honte (ferid - as iago), noin teta (krul) (, chess belle, horn skuld (1 retainer per person besides crowley and krul - including ferid) - as well as in game, ferid has absolute no trust in you but usually follows his own advice instead of fuola's and thinks of his advisor as a nuisance - the retainers are modified according to their characters in game (ie not much is known about noin, so i can modify her all i want besides the fact that she hates the jida; ie chess and horn are romantically attracted to crowley, so that will stay) - ferid, ulike garon. is not possessed in any way but is just how is, ie evil, sarcastic, sadistic, and petty as well as a perv (lol) - unlike how garon is,he actually really loved guren (and also unlike the game guren didn't like him back - he deSPISED him) -  ^ the way ferid is in the present happened because of guren's 'death' (more in the valla section) - crowley is like super bloodthirsty after shinoa/mika chooses hoshido sooooo yeah - lest literally tries to stop crowley in his own weird lest way but, like elise when she tries to persuade xander, is killed in a kamikaze mission, although he doesn't necessarily jump in front of mika/shinoa like elise does to corrin - by the time shinoa/mika reaches ferid, he's literally just bawling his eyes out (since apparently he has time to do that during war) and fuola is not present; ferid cries over a picture of guren (who had previously been thought dead before mika/shinoa went to hoshido but was then found out (lol) and bc of that ferid just hates the hoshidans more so tht does literally nothing but make him a depressed idiot (he's pretty difficult to save though even while depressed so)  the JIDA (led by Shinya Hiiragi) as Hoshido - woO MAMA SHINYA ISN'T SO MAMA ANYMORE - ^ jk he still kinda is, but not as much as the fandom makes him out to be and he def not as motherly as mikoto - he's more fatherly lmao - he is in a relationship with guren atm (ur like 'woah he's alive??? wut') - the jida are still in fact called hoshido lmao - they aren't as sunny as the hoshidans because of mahiru... who is currently gonna be anankos for now thanks - Shinya knows where, what, and how to get to valla via guren, because they are a happy couple - please let them be happy - psyche THAT IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN - ANYWAY... as shinya finds mika/shinoa/omg wth, he is noT- I SAY, NOT- KILLED but is saved by guren, who is present at the moment - and this is where the feels train starts - guren, sadly, dies, yes, dies, like, the dying that means your life blood is sucked out of your veins and slowly drains you of your soul, body, and mind because yoU ARE DYING GOD JFC - anyway, about that- shinya gets super pissed lol like absolutely agent cheeto 2017 election pissed (@guren lol)  but doesn't kick mika/shinoa's butte since he knows it's not his/her fault (kinda like ryouma in game) - as guren starts to die, shinya just takes him back to the castle to a 'special room' – no it's not for the x rated stuff it is a practical vallan regeneration chamber - jesus you have a dirty mind - anyway, of course shinya's (adopted) kids start to hate shinoa/mika cause they're like 'omg you just killed my mom' since they aren't let in on the vallan secret >>>>>>:00000 - sayuri is ryouma, narumi is hinoka, kimizuki is taKUMI YEAHHH, yoichi is sakura because heck yeah – ps there will be yuuyoi/yoiyuu interaction - the retainers (they have so many more than nohr lmao) are: norito goshi (yoichi), mito jujo (sayuri), aoi sangu (guren+shinya's advisor), shigure yukimi (sayuri), aiko aihara (kimizuki), shusaku iwasaki (narumi), and mitsuba sangu (who was technically hired to be shinoa/mika's retainer as a child, but since corrin in game was taken away, she became a strategist and the back-and-forth retainer of kimizuki and yoichi, the bros who usually work in a team (when mika/shinoa come back, she's overjoyed and doesn't mind the nohrian attack on guren) (:0000 jk it's cause she obv remembers mika/shinoa and wants to be his/her retainer ) - the retainers know about guren's 'ability' and were appointed to their retainer to reveal the ability to the noble children (sometime in the very very very very very far future) - kimizuki, like takumi in conquest, does indeed do become possessed by a vallan 9APPARENTLY ITS 'VALLITE') (ie a demon) but only for a short while when he is fighting against mika/shinoa with yoichi in like chapter 28 or something lol - hoWEVER HE DOESN'T DIE LIKE TAKUMI DID OKAY he just like gets calmed by yoichi because unlike takumi, who was fighting solo, kimizuki is with yoichi/sakura so is calmed and coaxed out of pairing with the vallite demon and jUMPING OFF A FREAKING CLIFF Demons/People able to harbor Demons as Valla - okay, this is probably the most complicated out of all of them - Guren, Yuu, AND Shinya are from Valla (as well as the actual demons like kiseki-o and asuramaru and mahiru... sort of) - Kiseki-o and Asura are buddies in Valla (Asura is like.... the hoshidan lilith because of yuu and kiseki-o is the nohrian one; yes i know lilith is not a vallite shut up) – kiseki-o is an evil son of a biatch and is the one who possesses kimizuki/takumi under ferid's request – despite this asura is still chill with him bc they're of the same kind so - Guren is the queen... king of valla and yuu is the princess lmaooooo - contrary to the game, i'm being a rebel and having azura and corrin not be cousins (ie hence why shinya and guren are a couple and not siblings because i don't support incest) - also, i'm also thinkig that guren had yuu before he remarried to ferid, and ferid trying to try his best to impress the son and ultimately failing, only to be happy because oh yuu felt bad and tried his hardest to like ferid - eventually he hated him because he thought that ferid had killed guren after his disappearance, and marched on out to the hoshidan/nohr borders at the bottomless canyon to jump back to valla only to be captured by the hoshians he despised (then found out they weren't so bad) and found his mom again - he still hated ferid – suCK IT FERID - okay, so since vallites are the demons in ons, they can regenerate - slowly but surely (takes like a couple of years, unless ur a nobLE) - after the process of regenerating, their timeline is reset so that they look young, but they age and die just like a regular person would (only they would just look young while dying so) – if that's too hard to grasp, here's an easier summary of it: when a vallite dies at a certain age, they will be able to regenerate if his/her body is preserved well enough. once they regenerate, they will look the same as when they died but will also resume the appropriate amount of years that passed when they were dead – so basically they look young but are actually old - and, again, unlike the game, i am having shinya be vallite, only he is a mixed blood vallite (ie half human half vallite) so his regeneration periods trigger less often than a full vallite would - so he looks older than guren but they're the same age lol (which is probably like 30-40 or something, not around 20 like in ons) - guren's regeneration period takes less time since he is a noble of valla, so it would only take him like 2/4 to 3/4 of a year to regenerate - shinya and guren decided not to tell the royal hoshidan children that they were vallite because that would just blur the lines between what is hoshidan and what is vallite - mahiru ties into this because i will have anankos, yes the evil eye dragon thing, be vallite - my history between mahiru and guren confusing bc wow, shinya is also a dragon but can't activaye his powers because mahiru's the one that got the whole dragon blood blah blah, it took her over and she ended up lethally wounding guren, destroying valla (pretty much), and ultimately ruining her relationship with yuu - the hiiragis and the itchynoses had a long history of continuously switching between love and hate, and in guren's gen, he was mahiru's fiancee and had yuu with her, so yeah yuu's also part dragon like azura is in game – good job memu aka me, myself and i for staying somewhat close to the actual fe: fates storyline - anywhoo, as you know, the bottomless canyon (the first actual battle in fe: fates) is a gateway from valla to the real world so ofc guren went that way when he escaped valla (because the way from like bodies of water was blocked off since mahiru literally destroyed everything) so he had to take that way - he tried to take shinya with him, but shinya insisted it would be important for the noble queen (lol) to go escape to safety first, so, after much persuading, guren went without shinya - then he was captured by nohrians after literally not knowing where he was (since he didn't know about the bottomless canyon and just escaped using instinct) and was taken to ferid, who freaking experienced love at first sight – ferid u bich u don't deserve true love - guren didn't feel the same way but thought he was a nice guy so he married the dude – what a freaking nice guy amirite - going back to shinya, there was one lake in the middle of valla (there really isn't one ingame so) and he escaped using that, since it was a portal that all travelers going to valla went through without passing in through the gates (sincethere was a border gate with guards there) and it led to a lake that was around the perimeter of hoshido, which had tenri hiiragi and kureto hiiragi as king and prince in line (this is the time when ferid is like a teen and hoshido and nohr don't hate each other yet) and shinya was put in place as next prince (since hoshidan was first started by vallites ie the hiiragi line, who was more idealistic and hated the fact that valla was a 'dreamlike' place that you could never talk about (since the rainbow sage (aka a really powerful sorcerer who was literally on no side but did what he thought was right) placed a curse on valla) and preferred the real world to valla – short version of what the hell i just said: the true hoshidans were vallites that hated valla and wanted a more realistic place to live that you could actually talk about without dying - shinya missed guren as kureto died early after tenri's rule and he was placed the king and was appalled to see the guy he missed with disgusting lovesickness in the middle show up after a couple years (ie like two decades yeesh) and at this time, ( i lied guren didn't disappear he was done without consent then was 'killed' by nohrian soldiers (and then regenerated since they didn't really kil him but just made him unconcious) and decided to leave nohr - he thought yuu was happy in nohr (he was - he didn't even mind the cold, dark space until he went to hoshido) so guren left him there - shinya then made preparations for guren after he arrived and after like two years they married (and not just to carry on the hiiragi-ichinose name that was planned) and they adopted children (since vallites can only have one child) - vallite men and women can reproduce - it's kinda like omegaverse, a/b/o, but without the ranks - really only the royals, nobles, and a select few people of the male gender can reproduce  - it goes like that for women that can give the men the reproduction system too okay, so now that i've come up with the basic stuff i can get on to the more relationship-building unnecessary things lol support conversations of course, just like what is customary of the fire emblem series, support conversations would probably be present in this crossover the support conversations would have the standard format: C, B, A, S or A+ *A+ os for very good friends - it acts like an S support without actually binding the two people in marriage the supports would go something like this: Mika; in revelations (himself), birthright (hoshido), or conquest (nohr): Yuu (C,B,A, and S), Mitsuba (C,B,A,A+), Lacus (C,B,A,A+), and Renee (C,B,A) are the mains bc they will go with any path (since mitsuba, as mika/shinoa's retainer will be required to follow him/her) in conquest: Ferid (C,B,A), Crowley (C,B,A), Krul (C,B,A,A+), Urd (C,B,A), Lest (C,B,A), Kiseki-O (C,B,A) and all of the nohrian retainers in hoshido: Shinya (C,B,A), Guren (C,B,A), Sayuri (C,B,A), Narumi (C,B,A), Kimizuki (C,B,A,A+), Yoichi (C,B,A,A+), Asuramaru (C,B,A) and all of the hoshidan retainers Shinoa; prettt much whatever mika's supports are for revelations/hoshido and hoshido except her convos with Mitsuba are C,B,A,S Yuu; in revelations/conquest/birthright: Mika (C,B,A,S), Shinoa (C,B,A,S), Guren (C,B,A,A+), Shinya (C,B,A,A+), Asuramaru (C,B,A,S) bc yes yuu can marry his demon lol, Kiseki-O (C,B,A), Sayuri (C,B,A), Narumi (C,B,A,A+), Kimizuki (C,B,A,S), Yoichi (C,B,A,S), Mitsuba (C,B,A,A+), Ferid (C,B,A,S) for those feriyuu shippers lmao, and the nohrian/hoshidan retainers for conquest/birthright respectively Guren; Shinya (C,B,A,S) because technically their supports should already be filled out since they're married but they're not bc fe is odd, Yuu, Mika/Shinoa, Mitsuba (C,B,A), Sayuri (C,B,A), Narumi (C,B,A), Kimizuki (C,B,A), Yoichi (C,B,A), Ferid (C,B,A,A+) for those who really ship guren and ferid you arE WELCOME, Asuramaru (C,B,A), Kiseki-O (C,B,A) and the nohrian retainers Shinya; p much the same as Guren's without any Ferid Ferid; Guren, Yuu, Mika, Krul (C,B,A,A+), Crowley (C,B,A,A+), Urd (C,B,A), Lest (C,B,A) and the nohrian retainers i really don't want to keep listing out the supports lol but i think it's pretty explanatory since the nohrians keep to the nohrian side and the hoshidans keep to the hoshidan side and there are some stragglers who go in between both of those and yeet for those who really like pairings, these are the main ones: mikayuu yuunoa feriguren shingure/gureshin mitsunoa kimiyuu yuuyoi/yoiyuu there's probably more but i'm too lazy to go back and read the whole entire thing from start to beginning again so yeah ^ if you have more headcanons for this then feel free to inbox me lol
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