#at MOST i see her being a decade younger than satine just to rationalize how well she's aged but no younger than that
stairset · 2 years
I think it's funny how all these recent interviews about Bo-Katan are making her age an even bigger point of contention than it already was and so far Wookieepedia refuses to update her page, even they're like we ain't touching this shit with a 10 foot pole and I respect that.
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bellarkefanfiction · 7 years
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Submissions are closed and we’re excited for everyone to vote on this month’s flash fics!
We received 9 submissions, which means there will only be 1 round of voting. Choose your FAVORITE and help us pick a winner! Now, make sure to take your time and read through the submissions carefully. Otherwise our results won’t be accurate!
Opens now! (19:00 EST) Closes in 24 hours (19:00 EST, October 26th)
Prompt - ‘wedding’
1) Looking To You
“They seem a little nervous,” Bellamy remarked quietly, his arm draped around Clarke as they waited in the church lobby.
Clarke smiled and leaned her head against him as they continued to watch her mom fiddle with Marcus’ bow tie. “You think they’re worried? It’s not like this is going to change too much…all our lives have been pretty intertwined for the past decade.” She glanced up at Bellamy and saw the corner of his mouth twitch.
“It’s going to change a few things,” Bellamy chuckled, “but you’re right. The past decade has been pretty great, all things considered.”
“Mhmm,” Clarke agreed, running a hand along his back. “It sure has.”
At this moment, Murphy burst onto the scene, making far too much noise for the reverent nature of the setting. He rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh at the two of them. “Clarke, Bellamy, come on. We don’t have all day.”
“I believe we do,” chided Marcus good naturedly from across the lobby. He walked over to the younger couple, hand in hand with his wife. Murphy smirked and disappeared through the double doors back into the sanctuary.
“You kids ready?” Marcus asked.
Clarke grinned and hugged her stepfather, then embraced her mother. She couldn’t help but notice the tears in Abby’s eyes, so she pulled her a little closer. When she let go, it was to return to Bellamy and press one last kiss to his cheek before the ceremony.
“You ready to do this? We’re looking to you, princess,” Bellamy joked, tenderly fixing one of her curls that had fallen from place.
“I’m ready.” Clarke squeezed his hand, then Bellamy proceeded first with his best man into the church, shortly followed by Clarke on Abby’s arm to rejoin him at the altar.
2) untitled
Bellamy removes himself from the group with a half-assed excuse – the laughing and joking is too much for him.  Some days he tries to laugh along but his heart isn’t in it – not anymore, not since he left Clarke behind.
Some nights - like tonight - when Bellamy misses Clarke more than he wants to breathe, he thinks about an alternate life they could have led.  It started off as a way to make it through the difficult days when he could barely even talk without crying, when he couldn’t even look out the window and face looking at the Earth where Clarke’s body was.  Now it was some warped coping mechanism that he relied on too much to be healthy.
The wedding is a quiet one, held outside the dropship, with just their closest friends and Abby and Marcus.  Marcus walks her down the aisle towards him and his breath catches at the sight of her.  She’s beautiful in her simple grounder wedding dress that she traded a week’s rations for and her hair has been expertly braided by Octavia.  He catches her hands as she meets him.
The vows are simple ones that all Arkaians take, they feel special though.  He promises to care for her and protect her, like he always has.  A lump forms in his throat as he says the final line:
“Until death do us part.”
Clarke repeats the same vows, happy tears flowing down her cheeks.  The rings are exchanged and he caresses her face before kissing her.  They grin at each other and he doesn’t think he’s ever been be happier than in this moment.
The door opens. Then,
“Oh, Bellamy.”
“I just miss her so much, Raven.”  He lets out strangled cry.  She rushes to hold him as he sobs.
3) Getting Ahead of Themselves
“That was…” Clarke pauses, trying to find the words. Any words. Words are hard, especially when the world is spinning. She thought laying down would help, but with her head on Bellamy’s stomach, his every word, every laugh, every breath jostles her.
It’s nice.
(She might be drunker than she thought.)
“…memorable,” Bellamy finishes, stumbling over the mmm’s.
“Very them.”
It was the most slipshod, informal wedding Clarke had ever been to, and Murphy and Emori had reveled in every second. They’re married and they’re happy, so Clarke is happy for them.
Even happier since she and Bellamy stumbled away from the debauchery for some fresh air.
“Who would’ve guessed Murphy would be the first?” Bellamy wonders. He keeps twisting strands of her hair around his fingers so absently Clarke doubts he knows he’s doing it.
“Love makes people… unexpected.”
They’re quiet, pondering this, and then Bellamy snorts.
“That’s deep.”
Clarke swats at him, humming when he catches her hand.
“Shut up.”
“Hey–” He traces her bare fourth finger, where a ring would go. “What do you think our wedding will be like?”
“Our wedding?” She’s been working up the courage to tell him how she feels– he’s her best friend, the best period, and she’s absolutely crazy about him– but hasn’t actually told him yet. Maybe she is too drunk. Maybe she’s dreaming.. “We’re getting married?”
“Duh.” His voice is lethargic. “Who else would I marry?”
She thinks this over.
“Yeah, you’re definitely not allowed to marry anyone else,” she says at last. “I call dibs.”
But when she turns toward him, his eyes are shut, his breathing steady, holding tight to her hand.
She smiles and turns back over to stare up at the canopy above them, the stars beyond that. Soon, she thinks.
She’ll tell him soon.
4) Home
She holds his hands as she speaks up, her voice is trembling after hearing his awfully perfect vows and she feels like she’s gonna fuck up. Again. On their wedding day of all days. “Bellamy,-” he smiles and her heart warms “After my father died and I got locked up, I used to draw the Earth on the walls around me. I wasn’t sure what I meant with it then, why was I so captivated by this dream I was never going to reach. When we actually did and I came down here, facing the most stubborn hotheaded idiot within thirty seconds of landing, it felt like my imagination had over exaggerated things.” he chuckles through tears “And then…after we began leading together and built our camp, I realized that I was drawing the Earth because I was desperately looking for a home.” he grips her hands even tighter “But home was not a constant thing, not down here. And I soon lost it…it was there, but I couldn’t come back to it. It was not the same. After that, I lost and found my home many times until one day, I opened up my eyes and found myself in your arms…and then I realized my home has been with me all along. My home has never left me from the moment I found it thirty seconds after landing. I had left it, but it had never ever left me.” he’s trying to brush the tears away “So on this day, I would like to thank you, Bellamy, thank you for letting me in, thank you for keeping me safe, thank you for supporting me, holding me up when I couldn’t stand and pushing me forward when I could. Thank you for being my home today, tomorrow, forever.”
5) One Step Closer
The dress is white, of course - a monstrosity of satin and thread billowing out behind her as she sprints. Taking a moment to stop and catch her breath, Clarke kicks off her shoes.
“Remind me why I agreed to this,” she pants, stealing a glance at the man beside her.
Ditching her own wedding 20 minutes before it started was going to come back to bite her in the ass.
Bellamy loosens his tie, a grin tugging at his lips. “Since when are we church-goers, princess?” He reaches a hand out, entwining his fingers with hers.
“I think city hall’s in the other direction,” Clarke says in reply. He pulls her closer, pressing his mouth to hers. “You ready to get married?”
6) A Father’s Blessing
It’s Clarke.
It’s not the words that scare Bellamy, it’s the look on Raven’s face that make his nerves about screwing up his vows seem trivial.
They walk out of his room and down the hallway the girls are all huddled up outside of Clarke’s room. They’re all ready to go but something tells him his bride isn’t.
“We thought you might like some privacy.” Harper says. When he walks into the room he expects to see his girl in a white dress, but only finds empty cups of coffee, bottles of hairspray, makeup and robes lying around.
He hears sniffles coming from the bathroom and presses his palm against the door. “Clarke?”
“Bellamy? W-What are you doing here?” Clarke asks from the other side. “You can’t-“
“I know, I can’t see you yet.” He rests his forehead against the door. “What’s wrong, baby?”
She doesn’t want to marry him anymore.
“It’s my dad.” She croaked. “I’m sorry.”
“Clarke,” He hums with a frown. “It’s okay. He’ll be watching.” He reminds her. He’s unsure about some of his beliefs but he’s sure heaven exists, and that Jake Griffin’s got a front row seat to the ceremony next to Aurora Blake.
“H-He won’t get to walk me down the aisle.”
“I’m sorry. What can I do?”
“Will you walk with me?”
“Are you sure? Your mom-” The bathroom door unlocks. Clarke steps out and he’s pretty sure he loses his breath for a second.
“She gave me this.” She looks down at the watch in her hands. “It was his’. Will you wear it?”
He’s already fixing up his sleeve and she slides it on his wrist.
Bellamy smiles her and looks down at his father-in-law’s watch. “Something old, something borrowed.”
7) Maid of Honor Meets Best Man (Again)
They always met at their friends’ weddings, and that would be okay, if not for the fact that they were always chosen best man and maid of honor. It was getting ridiculous -really-, the amount of times those two had already walked down the aisle together. But it just kept happening.
The first time, it was at Monty and Miller’s wedding. At the time, Clarke and Bellamy couldn’t exactly see eye to eye; in fact, they loathed every second in which they had to breathe the same air as the other. It all went back to their first year of college and some heated argument that tended to repeat itself at every moment they were left alone. But Clarke was Monty’s best friend, and Bellamy was Miller’s, and before they knew it, they had been tricked into a whole day spent in each other’s company, compelled to behave and swallow down any sarcastic remark for the time being.
The event went smoothly -they had even danced a little bit closer than necessary-, and it worked so well for everyone else, that they were chosen maid of honor and best man at the following three weddings. The rest of their friends had seen the opportunity and potential that Miller and Monty had pioneered, in being able to reunite both Bellamy and Clarke in peaceful terms, and exploited it. It was just ridiculous.
And that’s how -one wedding at a time-, they went from:
“I’m gonna need a lot of alcohol if we’re doing this.”
“Way ahead of you. As always.”
“Look, don’t take this too personally, but you look great in that dress.”
“You look alright, I guess."
"I’ve been thinking about it, and they can’t make us best man or maid of honor if we’re the ones getting married.”
“Tell me more about that.”
“I do.”
8) Wedding (Before the) Date
Clarke heads towards Madi’s room to see how she’s doing and can hear the cat meowing in protest from the hall.
“I don’t think Ophelia wants to play,” an amused if slightly worried voice tells her daughter.
“But we need a bride!” Madi insists just as Clarke appears in the doorway. “Mommy!“
Now sufficiently distracted, the cat jumps from her daughter’s arms and runs for safety out of the room, leaving behind the tulle covered headband Madi was trying to force on her.
“What’s going on?” Clarke asks, glancing at Bellamy. He had offered to come over and watch Madi while she got some much needed quiet time in her studio to paint.
He was wearing a black suit jacket over his shirt that Clarke had given to Madi for dress up. It had belonged to Clarke’s father and completely dwarfed the 5 year old. On Bellamy? It looked good, if a little worn. The look was kind of ruined by the child’s sized top hat on his head.
“We’re playing ‘Wedding’ and apparently Ophelia has commitment issues,” Bellamy answers with a smile.
“But now mom can be the bride,” Madi jumps up and tugs at Clarke’s hand in excitement to get her to sit next to Bellamy.
“Uh-huh,” Clarke says as she takes the headband Bellamy is holding out to her. “And what are you going to do?”
“I’m going to be the one who marries you!” she exclaims matter-of-factly.
Clarke turns to look at Bellamy who’s trying hard not to laugh.
“What do you say, Princess? Want to get married?”
She wills herself not to blush but it’s a near thing. “How about we try dating first?”
They’re smiling at each other as Madi tells them to hush and Clarke thinks marrying Bellamy might not be so bad.
9) Whenever You’re Ready
Bellamy stood on the balcony overlooking the gardens. A little ways down the gravel path he could see the staff working on weaving garlands of flowers through the lattice work of the archway. It was times like this where he really wishes he had a cigarette. His mind racing and his gut twisting.
He ran a hand through his hair, no doubt messing up the curls before he started fidgeting with his bow tie.
“There you are.”
He didn’t turn as he heard Clarke approach him, just kept his eyes trained on the white chairs and the stupid flower covered archway. She didn’t say anything else as she leaned against the railing next to him but he could tell she was glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.
“I can’t believe she’s getting married,” he finally said.
“To a really great guy,” Clarke put her arm on his shoulder and rubbed it, trying to sooth the tension.
“It’s not Lincoln, fuck, Lincoln is a great guy,” he ran his hand through his hair again, “But she’s my baby sister.”
“And she always will be.”
Clarke leaned her head against his shoulder as they watched the staff continue to set up, his arm automatically coming around her shoulders. They were quiet for a while.
“Do you wish you were getting married first?” She asked softly and his hand that had unconsciously been moving up and down her arm stilled.
He had asked her to marry him a year ago, unbeknownst to their friends, but she had turned him down. It led to a pretty big fight but one they got through and were stronger for. She was overcoming her issues when it came to love and happiness.
“Whenever you’re ready,” he said, kissing her hair. He could wait.
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