#at a christmas party at their shared friends flat
princemick-archive · 2 years
actually, what I need is a yukierre college au
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helen-with-an-a · 4 months
Something About Finals pt 1
Hiya, so this was originally supposed to be all 1 story, but then I wrote almost 10K words so I've decided to split it up so the next part/s will be out tomorrow etc. This is inspired by the Pokal final when Lena fell and shouted 'mein Knie'. I hope you enjoy
Lena Oberdorf x Reader
Part 1 : Part 2
Description: There's something about playing in a Final that R really hates
Word Count: 3.7k
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Moving to Wolfsburg might have been the best thing to ever happen to you. Was it a huge risk? Maybe. 18 years old – almost 19, as you kept reminding your parents – and wide-eyed, moving to country where you didn’t speak the language and you had no one to call a friend to help settle you in. It could have been the worst mistake of your young life. Except, it wasn’t. Yes, moving had been terrifying … packing up your belongings into suitcases and buying a one-way ticket was something you hadn’t anticipated doing at such a young age. But the offer from Wolfsburg was too enticing. You made your debut for your childhood club at just 16 years old and the national team came calling a year later. Offers came flying in when you expressed to your agent that you might consider leaving the club. You had expected it to still be in the WSL; one of the Manchesters perhaps, or Chelsea, or Arsenal. You hadn’t considered even the slightest possibility that an international league was looking at you. But you couldn’t not go; this was a chance to play with the greats, to play in another league, to gain even more experience.
Your flat was small, a shoebox with a too small kitchen and an even smaller living room and bedroom, but it was yours. All yours. It also helped that you weren’t the only newbie … and by some coincidence, you lived right across from each other. You officially first met at your media and signing days.
“Hallo,” she said merrily. “Ich bin Lena, aber alle nennen mich Obi.” She stuck out her tanned hand, a wide smile on her round face. You understood the first part, but the rest confused your somewhat.
“Ha-hallo. Ich bin Y/N.” Your German was very stilted, but you were trying. You had a Club appointed tutor every Tuesday and Thursday to help you get to grips with the language. You had a Duolingo streak going, you tried to watch as much TV in German as possible, but you still weren’t the best.
“Do you want me to speak in English?” She asked, smiling wider at your relieved sigh.
“I promise I am trying, I’m just not very good.” You explained, you didn’t want to come across like a stereotypical Brit, you really were putting in the effort to learn the new language.
“It’s not a problem, I’m sure you’ll pick it up in no time.”
And you did … although it helped that you spend basically every day with Lena who insisted on being your personal teacher. At first, it was on your way to training, since you lived opposite each other, you car shared. She would drive as you fiddled with the radio, slowly incorporating more and more German into your conversation. Then the car rides became after-training coffees where you would spend far too long chatting the afternoon away. Then the coffees became dinners and breakfasts, and before you knew it, Lena had cemented herself firmly in your life. She was your everything. Your best friend. Your person. And you wanted more. You wanted your post-match snuggles to be more than just two tactile best friends recharging after a hard game. You wanted your shared dinners to mean more than just two friends hanging out. You wanted your daily cuddles, your shared wardrobe, your stuff in her shower, your pictures on the wall to be more than just friendly interactions. You wanted to hold her hand, and place kisses on anywhere you could reach. You wanted to have to hold you and tell you how well you played and how proud she was of you. You wanted to look after her and for her to do the same. Looking back, it was easy to see how innocent you were.
It took the team’s Christmas party and an intervention for you to finally admit your feelings for each other. Too many of the girls had become too fed up with the strange push-and-pull dance you and Lena were doing to let you get away with it. Ingrid had marched straight towards you as you stared longingly at your best friend, oblivious to the looks you would receive back when your eyes darted away. Ingrid took you firmly by the wrist and dragged you into the bathroom, instructing you to stay put as she disappeared again. You were too shocked to do anything else until an equally confused Lena was shoved into the bathroom as well.
“Talk to each other, for crying out loud.” Frido had shouted through the door.
“You both are head over heels in love with each other.” Ewa clarified. The silence that followed was so, so awkward. You stared firmly at your feet as Lena leant against the sink.
“Is it true?” Lena asked first, breaking the quiet. You took a deep breath, this was it. You gulped, eyes never leaving the patch you had decided to stare at. “Look at me,” she demanded softly. You shook your head. You couldn’t watch your best friend, the person you considered the most important person in your life, reject you. “Bitte sieh mich an, liebling.” How could you refuse when she spoke so softly, so sweetly? You let your eyes drift up, taking in her outfit appreciatively before settling on her chocolate eyes. As your gazes met, your racing heart slowed slightly, your ragged breathing evened out, your nervousness melted away. She always could calm you down. “Is it true?” she asked again. “What Ewa said … that you … love … me? Is it true?” Your eyes danced nervously away, unable to hold her intense stare. “Please,” Lena surged forward, one hand coming to your waist as the other cupped your cheek, guiding you back to looking at her. “Is it true?” Her eyes scanned your face, taking in the festive makeup, the blush that she was fairly sure was due to her proximity rather than any product you put on or alcohol you had consumed. You bit your lip, nodding slightly.
“Yes,” you whispered so quietly it was barely audience. She sighed, relief flooding her system (although you didn’t know that) as she closed her eyes. You also squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting to look at Lena as she voiced her flattery, but she really didn’t feel the same way and that you would always be her best friend and nothing more.
“I feel the same.” Your eyes flew open. The shock must have been apparent on your face as she huffed out an amused snort, her thumb rubbing at your cheek. “I want … this … us, for however long you want me.”
“You … you do?”
“Ja, of course I do.” You let out a surprised laugh. Never in your wildest dreams would you have thought that Lena liked you back.
“Do you wanna go out for brunch tomorrow?” You asked hopefully, a crooked smirk appearing on your face. She chuckled lightly, a loving expression filling her face.
“Like on a date?” She asked, raising a questioning eyebrow. You nodded. “Yes, liebling. I do want to go out for a brunch date with you tomorrow.” An infectious grin graced your features, hers following similarly.
It took three dates for Lena to officially ask you to be her girlfriend. It took another one for you to take initiative and kiss her. It took 4 months for you to properly confess you loved each other. After a year, you officially moved in with her. She was your everything and you were her all.
It wasn’t until the Euros that you realised just how much she meant to you.
You had always known this was a possibility. You were drawn in different groups, and then different quarterfinals, and then semifinals. And then you were facing each other in the European championship finals. Your home Euros. A packed Wembley and the nation backing you from their homes. All you had to do was beat Germany … beat Lena. Your victory would mean her defeat. Despite reassurances from her that regardless of the result she would still love you, you couldn’t help the nerves from bubbling up. Yes, you knew that logically she would never hold your success over you in that way – just like her winning wouldn’t change your feelings for her – but you were a worrier. After your Sweden game, you had spent over an hour on the phone, giving and receiving reassurances of your love, your pride and your well wishes.
It was barely 10 minutes into the game when it all went wrong. Funnily enough, you were marking Lena, stepping towards her to crowd her out of possession. You had succeeded as well, tipping the ball away just enough for Keira to collect it and start the English attack. It was as you turned around, extricating yourself from Lena … no, not Lena, it was just a German player, just a part of the opposition and not your girlfriend at this point in time … that you felt it. You had planted your foot and twisted, pushing off the grass to run into the open space. It was a move you had done thousands, if not millions of times in your life, both on and off the pitch. Something pinged, and then popped and your knee felt strange. You gasped at the pain, a shocked intake of air that had Millie and Leah looking at you in concern. The shout you let out as you went to the floor had Sara and Marina slowing their defensive block. Eventually, the ref’s whistle went when it was clear that you were not about to get up and continue play.
“Kid, talk to us, what’s wrong?” Lucy asked, her hand coming to smooth over your back. All you could do was let out a whimper in response, still clutching tightly onto your left knee, trying to push back the agony that was radiating through your leg.
“Medics are on their way, honey. Just hang in there.” Millie scratched at your head tenderly. All Lena could do was look on in deep, deep concern. She was frozen in place, near enough to the huddle of England players to hear the worry in their voices but not close enough to see your face. It was Lauren Hemp who nudged her, nodding at you, and telling Lena that you needed her.
“Obi,” you called out weakly for your girlfriend. All you wanted was her to wrap you up in her warm, strong, soft arms and tell you everything would be fine. Lena jumped into action, lightly pushing through the England girls to crouch at your side.
“Hey, liebling,” she cooed as she grasped onto your hand. You clutched it so tightly that she thought you might have broken her bones. “Is it your knee?” She asked, praying that it wasn’t as severe as it looked. You moaned, nodding slightly. The girls in the huddle around you all made eye contact with each other. You had gone down off the ball … in a twisting motion … and now your knee was causing you enough pain that you couldn’t speak properly. “Ok, liebe. The medics are here.” The circle split away, most of the English players leaving to regroup slightly further away. Lena had gone to move to the side as well. She could see the German team looking on with worry etched on their faces. You were good friends with most, if not all of the players – knowing them either through Wolfsburg or having being introduced through Lena in the 18 months you had been together.
“Don’t go.” You whined as the medics rolled you onto your back, looking up at her with tears in your eyes.
“I’m not, liebling. I’m right here.” She squeezed your hand three times. Ultimately, though, you were separated. You were loaded onto the revolting orange stretcher and carried off the pitch to a loud round of applause as Lena went back to the German huddle.
At half-time, Lena had tried to look for you on the England benches or in the tunnel but had no luck in spotting you.
“She’s still getting tests and stuff.” Jill took pity on the younger player, walking down the tunnel side by side. Lena nodded, clearing her throat slightly.
“She’ll be ok,” she said, more to herself than anyone else, trying to keep the nerves and bad thoughts from creeping in.
“She’s a tough little cookie,” Jill agreed. “We’ll make sure someone tells one of you if there’s any updates.” Jill had always taken an embarrassing aunt type roll in your life, keeping a solid eye on you during national camps and was one of the first to be introduced to Lena, alongside Lucy and Millie.
“Tell Poppi, uh … Alex Popp, if there’s anything to know.” Lena said quickly. Alex was injured and definitely wouldn’t be playing this game; she would be able to get the information and make a judgement on whether to tell the squad. Jill smiled and nodded before turning to the English back rooms.
Mixed emotions flooded you when the final whistle went. You had just won the countries first piece of silverware since 1966. You were European Champions. But it was at the expense of your girlfriend. You watched from the sidelines, crutches keeping you upright and stable, as Lena sank to the ground, head in her hands. You slowly hopped onto the pitch. You were slowed even further by the other England girls, they swarmed you, pressing kisses to your foreheads and gently squeezing you as you told them the news. Eventually, you made your way to Lena. She was in Poppi’s arms, Alex whispering reassuring and comforting words in her ears as they both cried. You didn’t clear your throat or make any indication you were there and waiting for her. Instead, you busied yourself with looking around the stadium, taking in the crowd singing along to Sweet Caroline.
“Hey, mausi.” Alex smiled at you.
“Hi, Poppi.” She pointedly looked at your crutches and then raised an eyebrow, silently asking you to confirm what she already knew. You nodded, a sad smile forming. She closed her eyes for a second, nodding and letting go of Lena and moving away, giving you to privacy.
“Hey, bubba.” You stood awkwardly, grimacing as you met her watery eyes.
“Hi.” She said dejectedly. You crutched forward once before Lena snapped out of her daze, rushing to you, and pulling you into a hug. “I’m so, so proud of you.” She whispered, pressing a kiss to the shell of your ear.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out.
“No, no, liebling, don’t be sorry. You deserve this, more than anyone else. I’ve seen you put in the work for this-” she stepped back, hands on your shoulders and she looked in your eyes.
“But so have you. And-”
“No, I won’t hear any of that. You are not apologising.” You sighed but nodded, nonetheless. “My girlfriend is a European Champion.” She smiled at you as she shook you very gently, quietly cheering for you. You couldn’t help the wide grin that appeared. It wasn’t until Lena scanned your body that she seemed to fully clock the crutches.
“Your knee,” she gasped. You hated telling anyone any form of bad news, but this … this was a thousand times worse than anything you’ve done before.
“I’ve done it. It’s torn. I’m having surgery back in Germany in like a week or so.” You blinked rapidly, trying to stop the tears from falling. You couldn’t even say the words … you had torn your ACL in a European Championship final … it made it too real.
“Oh, liebe …” Lena pulled you very gently back into a hug. “It’s ok. You’ve got this, ja. I’m not going anywhere, you will not be doing this alone,” she reassured you emphatically. You nodded, breathing in her slightly sweaty scent. “Now,” she said as you pulled apart after a long minute, but not long enough in your opinion. “You are going to go and celebrate, but not too hard,” she teasingly warned. “I’ll text you, ok?” You nodded, closing your eyes as her hand cupped your cheek. “Ich liebe dich.”
“Ich liebe dich auch,” you responded, letting her press a long and gentle kiss to your forehead.
Lena was true to her word in very sense of it. She had managed to finagle her way onto the same flight as you back to Germany – pulling both suitcases through the terminals and holding your hand for the whole duration of the flight. She walked next to you, never complaining at the snail’s pace that you crutched along the busy streets of Wolfsburg. She was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes after the surgery, the familiar grip of her warm hand helping you reorientate yourself in the land of the living. When you went from two crutches down to one, she was there, intertwining your fingers with hers as you tottered the length of the gym. When you finally got rid of both crutches, she was the first thing you walked to. It had been a surprise for her as she entered the gym, coming to collect you from your rehab as she finished her regular training session. You were alone in the gym – something that was very unusual considering the session had just finished and medics and trainers should be writing up notes all around you – but she watched with nervous anticipation as you gave her a look she couldn’t quite decipher before you dropped your crutch and hobbled, very slowly, into her embrace. She had quietly cried into your shoulder as you pressed hundreds of kisses into her freshly washed hair. She was your personal cheerleader as she watched you run for the first time, laughing at Jule’s teasing comments from behind the camera as your progress was documented. When you finally ran on the grass, she had been like an excitable puppy – the unbridled delight she exhibited at your movements was infectious, lifting everyone’s spirits as the team watched on from further away.
Very tear you had shed; she had wiped away. Every harsh word and angry comment you threw her way; she had taken it in her stride. She had been your rock throughout the whole ordeal, and you don’t think you could ever repay her. You had surprised her with a fancy homecooked meal the day you told her about your return to full fitness. You had been given the all clear to rejoin team training that afternoon and you had been buzzing to tell her. It took everything in you not to spill as you arrived in the changing rooms. But instead, you had persuaded her, Jule and Sveindís to go spend the afternoon doing some light shopping, something that Lena had been missing out on recently due to your injury. You had rushed around the kitchen, cooking up a storm as you prepared all her favourite foods. You had just placed the finishing touches to the meal when she returned. You both had matching tears in your eyes when you told her the news. You were lucky, you where healing nicely and quicker than the average player. She had stood far too close to be considered work appropriate at training the next day, her arms wrapped around your waist, pulling your back into her chest as you listened to the pre-training huddle. She had snapped you up as her partner for every drill, ignoring Alex’s, Svenja’s, and Jill’s comments about sharing you with the rest of the team. You couldn’t hide your excitement from her when you were cleared to return to the match day squad. You had bounded out of the medical offices and straight into the gym, squealing in pure joy as you approached her. She set the weights down quickly as you barrelled into her. She had kissed you with as much passion as possible when the words tumbled from your lips, sticking a middle finger up at the jeers from the rest of the team.
It was a cold evening in early March when you stepped back on the field. It was poetic justice really that you offered Lena the most perfect cross into the box for her volley into the back of the net. Barely 4 minutes on the pitch and you were back. It was like you had never been away. Each time you were made as a substitution you had an almost instant impact, creating chances as soon as you stepped onto the pitch. Your first start back had been one of the best experiences you’d had at Wolfsburg. The players were humming with enthusiasm for you, Lena’s arm wrapped around your shoulder until you had to walk out. Despite being subbed off at 70 minutes, you were still hot and sweaty at the end of the match, but you didn’t care as you jumped onto Lena, laughing as she staggered under your unexpected weight.
“Sie ist zurück,” Lynn cheered as Lena span around in circles, you clinging to her as your joint laughter filled the pitch.
“Ich bin so zurück!” You stuck your tongue out at Lynn jokingly.
Lena had been with you when you received the email from Sarina. If she wasn’t, she would have thought you were dying with the loudness of your scream when the England team email popped up in your inbox. She had wrapped you up in her strong embrace as your tears spilled over. You spent the day on the couch, watching Disney movies and definitely breaking your diet, your weight fully on her as you snuggled, both of you drifting in and out of sleep. It had been a rough 7 and a half months for you, filled with many, many dark days. But Lena had been there to hold you through it all, to guide you out of the tough times with gentle words and soft kisses filled with love and hope. You didn’t know if you could ever, ever repay her for everything she had done for you.
And then you were off to the World Cup.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3<3
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aikaterini-drag · 4 months
Past And Present PART 3
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader
Summary: You think back to how you and Rafe first met and all the memories you’ve shared. You get emotional but Rafe’s always there for you.
Warnings: lots of fluff and sweet moments, soft Rafe, brother’s best friend, memories.
This belongs to the ‘Loving You Series’. Find it here.
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It was a lovely morning.
The sun streamed through the windows, warm shafts of light kissing your skin. Rafe had already left for work but since you were feeling a little nauseous you stayed home. You were in your 2nd pregnancy month, feeling lightheaded and nauseous all the time. Rafe made you a light breakfast and refused to go to his company. But you were fine and Rafe had a very important contract to negotiate that day. It took a hell of an effort to convince him to go. He insisted you take your prenatal medicine and lie in bed. You also promised to text him every fifteen minutes to reassure him.
Satisfied that you had the day to lie down and relax, you stretched lazily in bed, a small smile on your face. The nausea was fading and you lovingly rubbed your still-flat stomach. Your life felt good, precious, and joyful. You were about to marry your childhood sweetheart and were expecting your first child.
Rafe Cameron had been in your life since you were a child. He was your brother’s best friend, his presence constant in your family house.
You vividly remembered being 8 years old and Rafe being 10. You smiled at the memory. It had been a sunny afternoon and you were playing tea-time in the backyard with your dolls, completely absorbed in your own little world. Rafe was playing video games with your big brother inside, your parents were at the supermarket.
“What are you doing, little squirt?” Rafe had asked, pulling you from your game.
“Don’t call me that,” you said, narrowing your eyes. “Go away.”
Rafe laughed and walked over to you, crouching down to your level. “Having a tea party, huh? That’s for babies.”
Rafe inspected your tea set and your small pink chair and table. He chucked as he held up a tiny plastic teacup. Then he picked up one of your dolls, Miss Sparkles, a new Barbie with silky long hair and a pink dress. He held it up before you could stop him.
“Hey, do you think dolls can fly?” he asked in wonder.
You frowned. “No, dolls can’t fly.”
“Wanna bet?” he grinned, and before you could protest, he tossed the doll into the air. The poor Barbie soared in the sky before landing in a mud ditch with a soft splash.
You gasped. “No! Rafe, you’re the worst!”
You ran to the mud pile and gently grabbed your doll, now covered in mud and filth.
“Hate you, hate you, hate you!” you mumbled, ready to cry.
“Nah, don’t start crying now,” Rafe ran to you, his face tight. “I didn’t mean it!”
“Why do you always ruin my stuff?” You sniffled, tears in your eyes. “You are the worst!”
“Take it back!” he said. “I just thought it would be funny!”
“Miss Sparkles is covered in mud. How is that funny?!”
Rafe sighed. “I didn’t think she’d land in the mud.”
“Well, what’s done is done now. You ruined her.”
You turned to move away, but he stopped you with a hand on your shoulder. Eyes on you, he took your doll and rubbed it messily on his hoodie. Your eyes widened. That was his favorite hoodie, a Christmas gift from his dad. Without flinching, Rafe cleaned the face of your doll, ruining his perfectly white clothing.
“Whoa…” you muttered, your mouth going slack.
“There! Your doll’s ruined, my hoodie’s ruined too. Now stop crying.”
“You could just clean her with water, you fool,” you said, your tears stopping. “Not ruin your hoodie.”
“I had to do something! That’s what came to mind. An eye for an eye,” Rafe said, handing the doll back to you.
You dropped the doll to the ground. “Leave me alone.”
And with that, you ran into the house.
Later that day, you found your favorite Miss Sparkles outside your room, sparkling clean and in better condition than you’d ever seen her. Your doll was wet but no longer smudged, her hair untangled. A note was tucked at the bottom of the box, saying “I’m sorry”. You smiled and secretly thought that Rafe Cameron was not such a bad boy after all.
Ever since then, your interactions with Rafe grew less and less animated. When he came to visit, he was polite and discreet. He hung out with your bother a lot and you remembered the sleepovers and the late-night talks you’d overhear about the girls they liked. For some reason, you didn’t like it when Rafe talked about other girls.
Sometimes, Rafe would pick you up from school when your parent;s or brother couldn’t. You would walk together, barely talking. Rafe would buy you ice cream but you watched him warily, fearing he might prank you again. But he never did. He never pranked or teased you ever again.
And then you finally started trusting him again. You were friendly to him and you could swear his eyes lit up whenever he saw you.
It was 4 years ago when your relationship turned intimate, your feelings molding into something deep and intense.
Rafe had been 26, and he had started a small real estate company with the help of his father. And you, at 24, worked at a library and volunteered at a local history museum. The position wasn’t a large one like the prestigious museums you’d dreamed of, but you were patient.
On that sunny afternoon, you were busy setting up a new exhibit on local folklore. You’d been working non-stop and you seriously needed to take a break. As luck would have it, your phone buzzed. It was Rafe.
“Little squirt?” he teased, his voice deep and warm.
“Will you stop calling me that?” You laughed affectionately.
“It depends. What are you doing?”
“I’m at the museum.”
“Are you free for lunch?”
“Sure,” you replied, smiling. “I could use a break.”
“Wait for me. I’ll see you in twenty.”
Rafe arrived five minutes early, sauntering into the museum in his fine linen shirt and dark blue trousers. You stared at him, your heart skipping a beat or two. His blue eyes sparkled, and he looked even better than all the art around him. He’d grown into a handsome man, tall and fit, his once-boyish features now chiseled and mature.
“Rafe,” you said, a smile spreading across your face.
“Hey there, Miss curator,” he greeted, pulling you into a warm hug. You felt the firmness of his body against yours, goosebumps awakening on your while body.
“Hey yourself, Mr. CEO,” you teased back, inhaling his clean masculine scent. You wished he’d hug you more, but he stepped back.
“Let’s grab a bite, hm?”
You hummed in agreement.
You settled in your favorite Italian restaurant, sitting in a small table outside. The place was bustling. Rafe sat next to you, the seat and table a little too small for his long legs and tall frame. You secretly laughed as you watched him try to make himself comfortable but once you sat beside him, he went silent. Your thighs brushed gently as you moved. You tried not to be affected as you chatted about work and life while eating.
“How’s the new exhibit going?” Rafe asked, taking a sip of his wine.
“It’s great,” you replied. “I’m focusing on local folklore and I’m honestly amazed at how many stories and traditions are out there. I can’t wait to show it off to everyone.”
Rafe smiled, his arm casually draping over the back of your chair. “You are incredible. You’ve always been.”
“Thanks,” you said, feeling the warmth spread across your cheeks. “And how’s the real estate business going?”
“Pretty good so far,” he said. “We’re closing on a big deal next week. It’s been a lot of work, but it’s worth it.”
You grinned. “Remember when we were kids, and you used to tease me without end?”
Rafe chuckled. “Don’t remind me.”
“You are all mature now but back then, you were such a troublemaker.” You smiled. “Yet you always made it right. Like the time you ruined your favorite hoodie to clean my Barbie doll.”
Rafe looked at you, his expression softening. He didn’t reply and you both fell into an emotionally charged silence, watching each other. His blue eyes held yours, occasionally shifting to your mouth.
His hand, the one resting on the back of your chair, moved to cup your neck. Your breathing picked up, your heart rate increasing.
“What have you done to me?” he drawled, his voice dark and silky.
“Rafe?” you trailed off, your voice barely above a whisper. You’d done nothing.
“Want to kiss you,” he said, his eyes caressing your lips.
You swallowed hard, a little explosion going off in your head.
Rafe wanted to kiss you.
Rafe wanted to kiss you.
Rafe wanted to kiss you.
Damn… your heart was somersaulting.
You came out of your high when he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, his eyes dilated.
Before you could think rationally, you did the unexpected. You cupped his face and pressed his lips to yours. He froze for exactly one second, then moaned and responded, his moist, firm mouth claiming yours. His lips were warm and tasted faintly of the wine he’d been drinking.
The kiss started slow and thoughtful but soon turned deep, with him crushing you to his chest, the calm shattered with his tongue. You could feel his heartbeat against yours, fast and strong. He possessed your mouth, his tongue tracing the soft fullness of your lips before slipping inside. Shivers of desire raced through you as you gave yourself freely to him.
When you finally pulled away, you were both breathless. Rafe’s lips were rosy with your lipgloss, deliciously kiss-swollen. You wanted to kiss him again. Your own lips felt mumb from the heady sensation of his lips.
“Wow,” you whispered, wetting your lips.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” he drawled, his eyes sparkling.
“Hmm…” His lips brushed against yours as he added, “You’ve ruined me.”
“Likewise,” you muttered in between slow kissed. “I’ve been wanting this… wasn’t sure if… if…”
His mouth covered yours hungrily.
“You’re mine.” He gazed into your eyes.
Your heart warmed. You nodded. “Only if you’ll be mine.”
“Baby, you squeezed my heart the day you cried after I ruined your doll. I thought I was just pitying you, but as I got older, it fucked me, turned into so much more.”
“So you fell first, Rafe Cameron,” you said smugly.
“Hmm… I fell hard for you, little squirt,” he said, kissing the pulsing hollow at the base of your throat.
“My brother’s going to kill you,” you said and felt his smile on your skin.
“I’ll take it. For you, I’d take anything, baby.”
And he kissed you again.
From that day on, everything changed.
He was no longer just Rafe, your brother’s best friend. He was Rafe, the man who shared your passions and dreams.
*Back to the Present*
The sound of your name being called out anxiously brought you back to the present. Wiggling on the bed, you sat up against the headboard and muttered a clear and loud, “I’m here.” Rafe dashed inside and knelt beside the bed, taking your small hands in his big ones. He was completely overwrought; his tie was askew, and he was panting, his face pale with worry.
“Hey, baby,” he said, his eyes searching yours. “I was a fool to leave you alone. I can’t focus with you being unwell. How are you, love?”
“Rafe,” tears gathered in your eyes. You struggled to hold them back but the memories of the past and seeing him now, so worried and loving, made you emotional all over again.
“Damn, damn it all,” he said, his expression going even more concerned. “I am an ass. Shouldn’t have left you.” He cupped your face and kissed you softly. “I’m here baby. What’s wrong? Should I call the doctor? We can go right n—”
“I’m fine.” You sniffled, hands clutching the lapels of his shirt. “Just emotional.”
“Hmm… I was thinking of how you teased me when we were little. And then of our first kiss at that Italian restaurant.”
“But you’re crying,” he said stubbornly. “I can’t take it, can’t take seeing you like this.”
You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. “I know. It’s just… I was thinking of how good you are to me and the memories just came flooding. The tears, too.”
“Truly?” he asked tensely, a big palm spreading protectively over your stomach. “You are not unwell? The baby?”
“We are both alright. I promise. Hold me, please?”
“I’ll hold you all day and night, baby.”
Relief washing over his features, he crawls into the bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against his chest. He kissed away your tears and you greedily enjoyed his body’s warmth, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat soothing your frayed nerves.
“I’m here. Always will be,” he murmured into your hair seconds before you fell into a deep, pleasurable sleep.
Reblogs, follows and any other kind of support are greatly appreciated. Sending hugs!
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writers-potion · 5 months
I don't know how to make the two love interest meet. I don't know if you understand without it actually being awkward or flat
Meet-Cute Ideas
Before I dive into meet-cute examples, let's look at some general tips for meet-cutes:
Four Different Kinds of Meet-Cutes
Pull/Pull Meet-Cutes where the two characters are instantly drawn toward one another. 
Push/Push Meet-Cutes where they are opposites that push away from each other at first. 
Push/Pull Meet-Cutes where one character falls for someone with no reciprocal interest (at first).  
Neutral/Nervous Meet-Cutes where neutrality and nervousness create a cute scenario for characters destined to fall in love. 
How to Avoid Cliche Meet-Cutes!
Subvert audience expectations by making them believe a cliche meet-cute is coming, and then adding a creative twist to make yours stand apart. 
Place meet-cutes in unique locations. 
Put characters in different scenarios and situations. 
Meet Cute Ideas
A is in the waiting room of a hospital while their grandmother goes through a routine procedure. B walks in and sits across from A, head in hands, obviously distraught — “I lost the baby,” B whispers.
You accidentally sprayed them with yogurt when you opened the lid the wrong way.
Studying at the same table in the library, you see they are pulling the same study resources as you.
They mistook your bowling ball for theirs in the shared ball return.
They caught you when you slipped on ice and nearly fell over.
Accidentally stepping on their heel in a crowded room.
You both do the side-to-side dance when you try to pass them in the grocery store aisle.
Humming a song and having them begin to hum with you without thinking.
Tripping while getting into your seat in the theater and spilling your popcorn on them.
You matched with them in an online chat roulette room.
Both of you wore the same ugly Christmas sweater to a party.
A likes to visit the local humane society to say hello to the animals. On this particularly normal day, something especially abnormal happens — one of the dogs speaks. “Help me get out of here, will ya?”
A finds a book of magic in their grandparents attic. A takes it to a Wiccan shop and hesitantly asks B, the shopkeeper, to take a look at it. B takes one look at it and in hushed tones asks, “Where did you get this?”
They cover the small amount of change you are short on for a purchase.
You both go to the counter, having the same type of coffee called for pick-up.
A is walking down the street and notices B, who is staring at a large graffiti mural, tears streaming silently down their face. The mural reads, “you are alive.”
They pull you out of the way from the busy bike path.
They see your ice cream drop to the ground and buy you a new one.
You see your favorite book on their desk during class and ask them about it afterwards.
You walk out of a dressing room asking if the outfit suits you, but it's not your friend waiting outside the room like you thought.
Almost spilling a drink because you met their eyes and got distracted thinking how cute they are.
Getting paired up in a line dance.
Happening to sit next to each other on a park bench, reading the same book.
Being paired up at a beginners ballroom dancing class.
Sharing an umbrella at a bus stop as it snows.
They get your attention and return your phone that fell out of your pocket.
You help catch their dog when the leash slips from their hand.
They ask you to pretend to be their date at a bar to prevent an ex from talking to them.
You help pull a loose thread off the back of their shirt.
Meeting their gaze after throwing a coin in a wishing fountain.
Sitting next to each other at a very boring meeting and bonding over your shared lack of attention.
You wear matching masks at a masquerade party.
Holding the elevator for them and getting off on the same floor.
Bumping into each other while trying to pass through a doorway.
They jump into your car breathless and tell you to keep driving.
You throw a snowball at a friend but miss and hit them instead.
The two of you wear costumes from the same fandom at a costume party.
You help a lost child find their parent together.
Walking into the incorrect bathroom and meeting eyes with them before quickly realizing the mistake.
You help catch their hat as it flies away in the wind.
The person sitting next to you on the train is wearing clothes that match your lucky colors from your fortune that morning in the paper.
They knock on your apartment door instead of your neighbor's.
You both reach for the last umbrella in the store on a rainy day.
You fix your hair in the reflection of a window to see them smiling at you through it.
You get scared by them in a corn maze and lash out and hit them, quickly followed by apologizes.
A spots B writhing on the ground in pain and rushes over to help them — but it turns out that B was actually just filming for a prank video. A gets so mad and upset that B is forced to calm them down as a crowd is beginning to form around them.
Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
A stops at the pub near their house to pick up some food on the way home (they make the best fries in the neighbourhood) when A receives a phone call – and some terrible news. A starts crying and B, the bartender, asks A what’s wrong. As A opens up to them, B gives A a drink on the house, and helps talk them through it.
You both reach for the final donut in the case at a bakery.
Getting paired up on an amusement park that requires even numbered riders.
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wrenwreads · 1 year
a glass... or two!
sick of seeing his little brother and their best-friend just simply ogle at each other, peter decides to take matters into his own hands.
request for @edmundpevensielover : EDMUND PEVENSIE X READER
pairing/s: edmund pevensie x fem!reader
warning/s: mentions of alcohol and reader being drunk a bit tipsy
genre: fluff, friends-to-lovers (or is it?)
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this has been in my requests for god knows how long, i do apologise for only getting to it now. i did change it up a bit from what anon originally requested, hope that's okay!
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How do you make two obviously in love individuals realise their feelings for each other when the said two individuals are also too oblivious for their own good?
That was the same question Peter had going on in his head.
It has been too long.
Way too long since his little brother — Edmund, admitted he has feelings for Y/N — someone he has grown close to over the years, who also happens to be Edmund’s best friend since forever. Also including the fact that same Y/N did the exact same thing Edmund did, only a week later.
Some would say that Peter is in a huff. Jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed as he walks down the halls of the castle towards the library. A bit too niche of a topic for him to be in a huff about — but he's only human after all, and only wants happiness for the two. Gratefully, as a king, he can hide the reason behind his frustration by blaming his duties — claiming they were starting to get too much. People seem to buy it, except for two. 
“Peter, are you alright? You’ve been sighing like a mad man since you sat down.”
Lucy’s question only had the young king sighing again, not missing the way Lucy and Susan shared a glance before him.
“It’s those two,” he answers, nodding towards the two figures who had seemed to tuck themselves against each other under one of the castle’s big library shelves.
Both Lucy and Susan follow Peter’s gaze, faux fatigue lacing their shoulders as they watch Y/N and Edmund share fond looks to each other as they immerse into a novel. Y/N was holding the book, conveniently keeping it up between the two of them to read. Edmund had himself stood as support for the young girl who had relaxingly rested upon his chest, his arm behind her — flat against the surface to keep his weight on, allowing both of them to stay upright.
It would be a moment for couples — only if they were one.
“Who do you think will confess first?” Lucy loudly wondered. Although, not too loud to pop the bubble Edmund and Y/N had themselves in. Peter hummed, suddenly alert as if he wasn’t just huffing a few minutes ago. His sisters looked at him, eyes waiting for him to say something.
“What? Isn’t it obvious? I’m sure Y/N will say something first.”
Susan silently scoffs, mouth opening as if someone had just offended her. “Don’t think so lowly of Edmund, would you? I know it’s going to be him.”
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“Ed, do you know what colours Peter’s planning for this year?” the young woman asks as she welcomes herself into Edmund’s bedroom. Upon hearing no answer and only the sounds of water running, she assumes he’s still busy giving himself a wash. Thinking he’ll be taking a while, she sits on the four-poster — fussing herself around as she gets comfortable, crossing her legs underneath herself. Relaxing in her seat, she opens the book she had on her hold — continuing where she had left off.
Getting herself lost in the plot, she fails to realise the sound of water stopping nor the fact that Edmund had come out of the washroom and had asked a question himself. It was only when the mattress beneath her dipped did she look up from her page, seeing Edmund looking fresh — wet hair dripping all over his sheets. “You’re not laying down with wet hair, are you?” Y/N asks, eyes narrowing at the sly smile growing on Edmund’s face. “No.” he simply answered, further provoking her as he slowly ascends on to his pillows.
Y/N only sighs, rolling her eyes as she stands up from her position to grab the stray towel the boy had half-mindedly discarded. “Come on,” she says, tapping his thigh lightly, “this way you won’t be waking up tomorrow, complaining about a mind-blowing head ache you have.”
Edmund scoffs at her dramatics, swinging his legs off to the edge of the bed. Y/N settles herself between his thighs, hands under the towel as she carefully dries Edmund’s hair.
He sighs, eyes closing and his hands making its way to her waist. He keeps them there, finding himself getting drowsy at the feeling of Y/N’s fingers through his hair and the soft humming she emits. “I like it when you dry my hair for me,” he whispers, eyes still closed. Y/N laughs softly, giving his hair once last swipe before putting the towel aside. Combing the strands lightly, she finishes her routine with a soft kiss to his head. “I know you do.”
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“You’ve really outdone yourself this year, Pete! The party’s amazing!”
Peter laughs, amused at the unnecessary volume Y/N spoke. “I can hear you perfectly you know. No need to shout,” he teases, laughing again at the pout forming on her lips. “Do you know where Edmund went?! I’ve been looking for him all night, I have something to say to him!”
His eyes widen at the girl’s question. Could this finally be it?
As if on cue, Edmund presents himself — although a bit tipsy himself, not as much as Y/N is though. “What’s going on?”
“Ed!” she squeals, wrapping her arms around Edmund’s torso. The boy manages to catch himself from falling, giggling to himself as he too reciprocates the hug. “Oh dear, how many have you had?”
Y/N removed herself from Edmund, hands on her hips as she appears to be deep in thought. Edmund looks at his brother for an answer, only that Peter remains silent. Raising his arms halfway up in the air feigning innocence. She suddenly gasps in her place, quickly spinning around to face Peter. “You gave me two! And then… I think I grabbed another two. And maybe… Idunnoanymore, Ithink…” her words began slurring into each other, earning a chuckle from both brothers. Edmund feels himself slowly sobering up at her antics, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her. “It’s bed time, don’t you think?”
“No… nonono, notyet—”
Peter remains silent from where he had stood himself, not before moving a little further away from where the pair were standing. He watches as Edmund remains calm, a dopy smile on his face as he dotes on you and your blabbing. He mentally pats himself on the back, triumph enveloping him as he hopes his initial plan of getting you together (finally) happens.
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“Come on, my love, just a few more steps…” Edmund encourages, guiding his very drunk girlfriend back to his bedroom in one piece.
One day he’ll get Peter’s head for this.
As soon as the door opens — Y/N escapes Edmund’s grasp, almost catapulting herself onto the bed. She relaxes herself, taking a few deep breaths in before sitting back up. “Do you think… they know?” she hiccups, eyes barely open to look at Edmund.
Edmund feels his heart swell at the sight, his eyes giving nothing but love as he slowly helps Y/N get ready for bed. “I don’t think so,” he begins, wiping a damp wash cloth over her face – a hand gingerly placed under her chin to keep her from swaying. “But I do think Peter wants us to quicken up a bit, be together officially. Maybe that’s why he gave you too many to drink.”
She lets out a small huff, a pout on her lips. “But we already are together, Ed. It’s not our fault they remain oblivious.”
“I know, my love. What about we tell them tomorrow? How does that sound? Surprise them during breakfast, hm?”
Y/N laughs, a sound never failing to sound like music to Edmund’s ears. “That’s… good…” yawns break her words apart. Edmund slowly guides her to lay down, ensuring his actions are not too sudden for her to suddenly feel nauseous. “Let’s go to bed then, now, shall we?”
Not even finished with his sentence and Y/N’s were already closed, hands tugging onto the blankets to snuggle herself in further. Edmund smiles, standing up from where he perched onto the edge of the bed to now get himself ready. Right as he enters the washroom, a question is suddenly asked.
 “Ed, are you even drunk?”
He just laughs, not having the heart yet to tell you that he had caught on to Peter’s game very early on to the night. Not that he can for your soft snores had followed your question aright after.
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thank you so much for reading until the end! as always, leave your thoughts/comments - i love reading them. constructive criticism is appreciated! •.˚⚘ ⋆.*.ゞ
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Hoseok Fic Recommendations
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a - angst f - fluff s - smut
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One Shots
Make Me (s) by @violetsiren90 ⊹₊⋆ You've been friends with Hobi for years, and he's your comfort zone - but when he gets wind of a dark secret you drunkenly let slip, things between you take a sudden extreme change.
Constellations Of You (f s) by @persphonesorchid ⊹₊⋆ A new chapter of Him and You begins. He’s waited a long time for this, for the mornings where he could wake next to you in a house you’d both made a home of.
Bound (s) by @explicit-tae ⊹₊⋆ Jimin has tried everything in his power for you - one of his closest friends - to get laid. He realizes that your kinks don't match with just any man besides one; another friend of his - Jung Hoseok. You've met Hoseok many times and don't think your masochism can be satiated by someone as bright and sunny as him.
cry to my room (a s f) by @kithtaehyung ⊹₊⋆ when your best friend offered to help out and move in with you, you accepted and hoped that your friendship remained intact. and it did. until six weeks ago.
Keynote (s) by @missgeniality ⊹₊⋆ Sleep was all you had desired, after dealing with an agitating boss, an incompetent coworker and an unsurmountable workload. Right up until your hotel room was flooded with an array of noises from the room next door. Shouting, screaming, begging, moaning. Sleep was all you had desired, but after this night, your desires have grown.
Touchless (s) by @missgeniality ⊹₊⋆ Characteristic to your dynamic, temptations take control of this night at the party - but not without a divide.
ho ho horrible (f s) by @ugh-yoongi ⊹₊⋆ or, the one where your neighbor is a relentless christmas caroler and refuses to take a hint, but at least he's really hot.
Flatmates (f a s) by @taleasnewastime ⊹₊⋆ You need to find a spare room after deciding to move out of your flat that you share with your best friend and her boyfriend. Stumbling upon an advert for a room that seems almost too good to be true, you decide for once to not over think and go for it. But who is the mystery flatmate you are now living with that you hardly see?
Starting again (f) by @taleasnewastime ⊹₊⋆ Two years out of studying to have a baby, only your first few weeks back and it’s already not going as easily as you thought. A babysitter you can barely afford dropping out last minute, you have to take your little girl into the lecture with you. What follows isn’t smooth, but it’s the start of you getting closer to your professor, a man you’ve always admired from your seat, but you learn to get to know up close.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
"Marry me" || Chapter 2
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PAIRING || Fiancé!Tony Stark x Fiancée!Nurse!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY ||For the past few weeks, you and Tony have been enjoying the excitement of his proposal without anyone knowing. But now it's time to make it public. First, you're going to announce it to your closest friends and family with a party. After that, it's time to share the news about your future with the world.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Canon divergence. Everybody lives AU. Age gap. Nurse!Reader.
WARNINGS || Explicit sexual content. Implied/referenced insecurities. Use of Y/N. Tony is described as being tattooed.
SMUT || Teasing. Dirty talk. Praise. Nipple play. Hair pulling. Back scratching. Oral (F receiving). Fingering. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!). Cream pie. Multiple orgasms. Cockwarming. Aftercare.
A/N || I want to thank you all for all the love and support you gave me on part 1, as it has led to my excitement to get part 2 ready for you all, too! After this, there will be more stories before their love story comes to an end for us all, and I’m also looking forward to sharing those. I want to give extra special thanks to @ccbsrmsf1 because you have helped me get this story to where it is now. I love you, bestie, and I feel fortunate to know someone as amazing as you! 🤍
EVENTS @anyfandomfluffbingo || Engagement party @fandom-free-bingo Book Night || 'Look at the stars' @fandom-free-bingo Maritime May || Christmas Day @fandom-free-bingo Pride || Both? Both.
@fandom-free-bingo Pride || 'Lead me out of the dark' + "Soft hearts make the universe worth living in." @fandom-free-bingo Wild || 'I was the white knight in your movies' @kinky-things-happen || Oral @sweetspicybingo Winter || Stocking stuffer
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GIF: @ccbsrmsf1 || All other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark Masterlist || Series Masterlist
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It's been nearly two weeks since Tony officially asked you to marry him, and today is the day you'll finally be telling the Avengers about the good news. Now, you're curled up in bed against your fiancé after he pulled you against his body with a soft groan, placing soft kisses all over your neck.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look wearing only my shirt?" Tony asks with his deep, gravelly morning voice, and you can't help but chuckle at his words as a flurry of butterflies goes wild in your stomach, right where his hand is softly digging into your flesh.
"Hmm, maybe once or twice," you tell him, feeling his smile against your skin as you do.
"There's one thing I know for sure, Gorgeous, and that is that the shirt looks even better when it's on the floor," he whispers as his hand trails to the hem of it and slides under, leaving goosebumps where his fingers trail softly over your now exposed skin.
"How about I give you a little show when I take it off?" you ask, and Tony has never refused an offer like that. He lets you go before turning to lie on his back, and you move to straddle his lap, his long, throbbing cock nudging against your clit as you do.
"Fuck-" you say as a jolt of electricity crawls up your spine, and Tony's fingers dig gently into the plush flesh of your thighs. Your hands glide over his exposed abdomen before caressing the tattoo of your name that's proudly displayed over his heart. A small smile forms on your lips as you trace every letter before placing your hand flat against his chest, feeling his heartbeat under the palm of your hand.
"You feel that, Gorgeous? It's beating only for you," he whispers, and you can feel tears forming at the corners of your eyes. He notices and reaches to wipe them away before they get a chance to glide down your cheeks, and you take the opportunity to nuzzle into the palm of his hand as his thumb carefully caresses your cheek.
"I love you, Beautiful," you whisper almost inaudibly, making Tony smile. As you look at him, you admire how the little wrinkles in the corners of his eyes appear and how his smile shapes his face with nothing but pure happiness. The sparkle in his eyes as he looks at you finishes it off - as if he's looking at the center of the universe - his universe.
"I love you too, Gorgeous, more than I can ever express to you," he tells you before you take his hand, placing small kisses on his knuckles. The butterflies in your fiancé's stomach are fluttering wildly, and he has never been happier than he is now.
Once Tony's hands have found their way to your thighs, you move to grab the hem of the shirt covering your otherwise bare body, and you lift it ever so slowly, revealing the fact that you're wearing absolutely nothing underneath.
The moment your breasts spill free, Tony gasps softly as he revels in the jiggling motions, his lip pulled between his teeth as you feel his cock throbbing underneath you again, the mischievous smirk on your face only intensifying by the second.
"Do you like what you see, Daddy?" the nickname slips off your tongue with a teasing edge, and Tony's reaction is instant. Without a second thought, his hips buck up, making you moan involuntarily as the feeling of his clothed, hard cock rubs over your sensitive clit. Your eyebrows are knitted together as you squeeze his thighs to ground yourself, your pleasure rapidly growing.
"Does that answer you, Kitten?" Tony asks, using the nickname he only reserves for moments of complete domination over you. As he does, you want to squeeze your thighs together for relief, which is impossible as you're still straddling him.
"Hmm, cats got your tongue, Gorgeous?" Tony asks teasingly, which sends a warmth through your cheeks that you've rarely felt before. He doesn't give you the chance to answer, though. Instead, he rolls you over so that you're lying on your back, and he's now on top of you.
"Allow me to take care of you this morning, Gorgeous," Tony whispers as he nuzzles your neck, placing soft kisses on your shoulder and collarbone as your nails softly drag over his bare skin. As soon as you nod to give him your approval, he trails his kisses downward, where he stops for a moment to pay some special attention to your pebbled nipples.
"I can't wait until these are swollen with milk because I'm definitely having a taste or two of your sweet milk once you're carrying my baby," he tells you, arousal laced thickly in his voice. The idea of Tony doing that has you moaning and arching into his touch, your hands tugging on his soft locks as you pull him impossibly closer.
He doesn't stay long there, though, because as soon as both nipples have had their fair share of love, he continues his trail until he's settled comfortably between your thighs - he can spend hours there if you give him a chance. Even though every last freckle and mole, every inch of your body is engraved in Tony's memory at this point, he will gladly take his time between your legs, whether it's by teasing you or eating you out like a starved man. It's his happy place, and he's going there at every opportunity.
The first time he licks a stripe through your folds catches you off-guard, as you were solely focused on the way his breath and kisses felt across your skin, but Tony's reveling in every sound he's pulling from you. Every moan, whimper, and groan goes straight to his cock, which is throbbing under his stomach as he takes the time to taste you - to devour you.
Your pleasure builds like a hot coil inside you, the edge nearing with every movement of your body and every little sound that escapes from you. It's when Tony adds two of his long, thick fingers into the mix that you find your undoing with a scream of his name, your thighs trembling as his broad shoulders are spreading them, and your hips bucking up against your fiancé's face. It's too much and not enough, but most of all, you never want him to stop.
"T-Tony, don't s-stop-" you pant as he pulls his mouth from your dripping folds, but he just smirks as he keeps working his magic with his fingers, still stimulating you from the inside out as he carefully brings you down from your high.
"I wouldn't dream of stopping when you're this fucking beautiful for me. You're like a goddess when you cum for me, Gorgeous," he whispers against your stomach, his fingers now slowly pulling out as well as you're panting - a light layer of sweat adorning your body to make you look like you're glowing with the rays of golden sun shining down on you.
"Open up," he orders gently, and you do as he asks so you can clean his fingers for him, humming at your taste on his digits. Your eyes slip shut as you savor the musky taste of your arousal on his fingers, and he can't stop smiling at the sight in front of him.
"Good girl."
Tony takes his time to kiss you all over your body as you're basking in the afterglow of your orgasm, and his lips all over make you feel like you're floating. At the same time, Tony feels like he's on top of the world as he explores your soft curves, his hands wandering everywhere his lips can't reach until he's happily settled with his hips between your legs, only thinking about what it'll be like to sink into your heat again.
"Take a deep breath for me, sweet girl," he whispers in your ear as he lines up his veiny, thick cock, his warm breath leaving goosebumps on your neck as you do what he asks. A smirk plays on his lips as he breaches your entrance with his leaking tip, a soft groan escaping as he feels your wet heat encompassing him again.
"I love you, Gorgeous, so fucking much," Tony mutters as he drives his cock deeper and deeper, your bodies melding together into one. With each drag of his length inside you, it feels like you're starting to float again, and Tony's right there alongside you.
He takes his time as he looks at you through lidded eyes, drinking in your features as they're taken over by pleasure. He revels in the way your mouth slightly opens each time he hits your sweet spot or the way your face contorts as your orgasm washes over you - he has it all memorized, but simultaneously, he never wants to stop seeing it either.
"You're doing so good for me, hot mama; you feel phenomenal on my cock," he says through gritted teeth, making you clench around him as he does. You feel the familiar pressure of your orgasm building inside you with every motion, your back arching to give yourself just the right amount of friction and movement to let you tip over the edge.
With a loud and uncontrollable moan of Tony's name, you clench down on his length, your orgasm crashing violently through your body as you scratch his back to ground yourself - earning a deep groan from him in return as he spills every last drop of his warm seed inside you.
As you both come down from your highs, Tony peppers kisses on every inch of your skin he can reach, all while you're still trembling underneath him. Your mind has gone completely blank for a moment, and Tony's starting to worry when you look up at the ceiling with a blank stare. However, you smile wide as soon as you return to your body.
"That. Was. Amazing." you tell him before grabbing his face and kissing him passionately, which he happily reciprocates as he's still buried deep inside you. He could spend the rest of his life like this if it were up to him, as he can never get enough of your touches, your voice, the way your body molds together with his so effortlessly, but unfortunately, all good things must end eventually.
"Shall we shower before I take you out for a nice breakfast today, Gorgeous?" Tony asks you after he's pulled out, your body still feeling like cooked noodles as he cleans you up with some of the wipes he has lying on his nightstand. All you can manage now is a nod, as your sudden burst earlier has cost you more energy than you thought, and you're starting to get a little sleepy again.
"Alright, I'll go warm up the shower while you get some more sleep," he says before gently kissing your forehead, making you smile as his facial hair tickles you. Before you know it, you feel Tony moving off the bed, and you doze off when he's getting everything ready. Once it's ready, he comes to get you, and you both share a sweet, loving shower with lots of small kisses, whispered sweet words and many 'I love you's before getting ready to go on a breakfast date together.
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"Are you ready, Gorgeous?" Tony asks as he's standing in the kitchen; you're just finishing getting ready for breakfast this morning and picking out a dress for your engagement party later. The mornings tend to be chilly, so you're opting for a comfortable outfit with one of Tony's oversized shirts, and when you walk into the large kitchen, Tony can't help but wolf whistle.
"Damn, I'm the luckiest man in Manhattan today, that's for sure! Being seen with you looking like this by my side is a privilege I'll happily enjoy," he compliments you as you twirl a few times, a giant smile on your face as he showers you with compliments.
"Careful there, Tony, you don't want to become dehydrated, now do you?" you tease him with a wink after you’ve steadied yourself, and you walk past him, a little extra sway in your hips on your way to the elevator that'll bring you to the grand entrance of Avengers Tower. After a short, muttered protest, he follows you, and as soon as the doors of the elevator open, he pulls you inside. However, before the doors even get a chance to close, he gently pushes you against the wall of the elevator, his face mere inches from yours.
"It's impossible not to drool over you, Gorgeous, especially when you wear my clothing," he tells you as he reaches his hand up to fix the collar, the dark brown of his eyes almost completely taken over by his pupils as lust threatens to take over his body again. A soft whimper leaves your lips as he presses his large, muscular body against yours, leaving not a single inch of space between you both as he kisses you deeply and passionately.
Your hands slip into his hair, pulling on it and making it messy as his fingers dig into your waist and ass to draw you impossibly closer to his body, your tongues fighting for dominance as the elevator makes the trip from the penthouse to the grand entrance. The two of you are so deep into your make-out session that you don't notice you've arrived at the ground floor, and it's only when someone clears their throat that Tony pulls away to look at who would even dare to interrupt you both.
"Sorry, lovebirds, but I'm afraid I'm going to kick you out of the elevator because I need to use it to get to my meeting," Natasha says with a sly smirk. It takes you a moment to catch on to what’s going on right now, as your mind is still focused on what was just happening, but Tony’s face has turned dark red at the sight of her standing there with her arms folded and a smirk. When your mind finally catches up with what’s happening, you feel embarrassment spreading through your body and a burning sensation on your cheeks.
“Don’t worry, Detka. I understand being unable to stay away from your man,” she says as she makes way for you both to leave the elevator. However, before you can go too far, she stops you by touching your shoulder, bringing her fiery red lips to your ear, and whispering, “Congratulations on your engagement.”
Her words only intensify the blush on your cheeks, and it feels like your entire body is on fire. As the elevator doors close, you see Natasha standing with a satisfied smile, and you can’t help but laugh at everything that just happened. One moment, you were in a heavy make-out session with the man you love, and the next, you realized your friend had figured out you were engaged, even though neither of you had mentioned it to anyone.
“What’s going on, Gorgeous?” Tony asks, pulling you out of your thoughts. He pulls you close, his hands resting on your hips while yours are on his chest. You sigh almost inaudibly as you smile at the situation, and Tony’s waiting patiently for your answer. While Tony’s not particularly known as the most patient man you’ve met, he seems to have endless patience for you, and it’s something you’ll always be grateful for.
“She knows. I don’t know how she found out, but I’m also not surprised, seeing how she’s a former spy and unbelievably observant,” you tell your fiancé, who chuckles in response. It’s not a chuckle that makes you feel like what you say is wrong, but rather one that lets you know he agrees.
“I guess we weren’t as subtle as we thought, but I’m okay with her knowing about us,” Tony whispers before kissing your forehead, which calms your thoughts down tremendously. For a moment, you thought he may be mad at her knowing, but he has shown you the complete opposite. Once the moment’s intensity has passed, you peck his lips before grabbing his hand and interlacing your fingers, ready to go for breakfast.
Tony is taking you to the diner a few blocks from Avengers Tower, as it is the place you tend to visit often - especially after you have had a long, tiring night shift. On those mornings, Tony will always treat you to your favorite breakfast there as you two talk about everything that happened, and when you go back home, he takes a shower with you before tucking you into bed.
Now, you’re greeted by one of your favorite waitresses - Carol - before she seats both of you in a booth by the window. This’ll forever be one of your preferred seats, as it gives you a chance to look at the people passing the diner while you’re enjoying breakfast, giving them backstories with Tony that have you both laughing so hard your stomachs hurt from the laughter.
Your eyes scan the menu as your stomach starts to tell both of you that it's demanding to be fed. Tony chuckles at the rumbling sound, making you smile as the butterflies in your stomach go a mile a minute. A warmth spreads through your cheeks as you look up at him through your lashes, only to find him looking at you with pure adoration.
"Y'know, sometimes I still can't quite believe you said yes to marrying me, Gorgeous," Tony says as he carefully grabs your hand, his thumb gently caressing the skin where your engagement ring will be proudly displayed after today; when you don't have to hide it anymore.
"Tony, there is not a single thing I want more than to marry you. I don't have to sign a piece of paper to declare my undying love to you, but I will do it to feel even more connected. By saying yes, I will say yes to loving you for the rest of our lives and yes to being there for you through everything. We've already been through a lot together, but I know that with you, I can get through so much more than I could by myself."
A lump forms in Tony's throat as he hears the words that flow out of your mouth, and tears are starting to prick at the corners of his eyes. Out of the two of you, he's always been the one who struggles with words, but he also knows he feels the same about you. He wants to grow old with you and protect you in every way possible. But most of all, he wants to love you until his heart stops beating, as it beats for no one other than you.
"I love you," he whispers, and you nod with a smile lighting up your features. You know he isn't good with words, but it doesn't matter. Every ounce of emotion is poured into those three words, and you can't stop hearing them from him. Each time they tumble from his lips, your soul glows, and your heart feels like it's being healed just a bit every time you hear them.
"I love you too, Tony, but I'm also starving after our morning gymnastics," you say with a smirk and a quirked brow, and he can't help but let out a boisterous laugh at your words. You both take a moment to look at the menu, and Tony can't help but notice how you look as your eyes scan the menu. It's a facial expression he's seen countless times before and always finds endearing.
"What're you trying to decide between?"
"Well, I'm thinking of getting the luxury cream cheese bagel with salmon or the fried eggs with toast and bacon." You tap your finger against your chin as you weigh your options, a habit you picked up years ago that Tony finds cute each time he sees you do it.
"How about both?" Your eyes snap up to meet Tony's.
"Both?" "Both." His answer is almost matter-of-fact, and you nod as you think more about it.
"I'm okay with ordering one of those dishes and then sharing it with you, Gorgeous. Even though I had my heart set on those delicious pancakes they serve-" Tony says with a fake pained look on his face, "- I'm more than happy to share half of it so you can have a bit of both."
The solution seems so simple, yet it makes you feel nothing but love, as he always seems to know you better than you know yourself. As you look at your future husband, you feel the butterflies going wild again as you remember you will marry him in a few short months and officially become Mrs. Stark.
"I can't wait to marry you, Beautiful," you tell Tony after ordering your breakfast, and you're holding his large hands in your significantly smaller ones, your thumbs rubbing over the back of his hands as you tell him what's on your mind.
"I'm looking forward to having a simple, small ceremony with our closest friends and family, and we will all go out to dinner to celebrate before partying like never before. But most importantly, I'm looking forward to our wedding night. Our first time as husband and wife," you admit to him as your voice trails off near the end, shyness creeping in.
"Yeah? Is that what you've been thinking about?" Tony asks confidently, his brow raised as his smirk lightens his features. You nod as you look at your connected hands, and he gives them a reassuring squeeze as he admits to his thoughts.
"So have I, Gorgeous. It's the only thing I can think about - what it'll be like to make love to my wife," he says softly, and you smile at his confession. Every time with Tony is fantastic, but you'll only get so many first times - your first as husband and wife is the one you've been looking forward to most.
Before you can answer him again, your breakfast is served, and you're both diving in, seeing how you both need a good breakfast after the morning you had so far. Having sex the way you two did always makes you both ravenous, and the delicious food at the diner hits the spot just right as you take a bite out of the bagel you've been craving.
"I have a surprise for you, Gorgeous," Tony says after he pays for your breakfast, and his words immediately pique your interest.
"I have rented out a special boutique this morning so you can have a private shopping experience to pick out a perfect outfit for our engagement party tonight. You can pick out a dress, shoes, a sexy set of lingerie-" he says with a wiggle of his eyebrows, "- everything your heart desires, without worrying about other people shopping. It's a special occasion, so I'm pulling out all the stops for you today."
And that's how you find yourself in one of the most high-end boutiques in all of Manhattan, trying on a set of baby blue lingerie that accentuates all your curves perfectly. Tony's seated by the dressing rooms, and as soon as you open up the curtains to show him the set, his mouth goes slack from pure amazement.
"Wow." That is all he manages to whisper, as he's otherwise speechless. He takes in the light blue lace that compliments your skin perfectly - it's like it has been made just for you. It's simple, but it makes you feel very sexy as you walk over to your fiancé, an extra sway in your hips as his eyes rake over your body, making your insides feel like they're on fire with pure lust and sexiness.
"What do you think?" you ask Tony as you place your index finger under his chin, lifting his face to meet your gaze. He reluctantly pulls his line of sight off your soft curves, his hands now trailing gently over the skin of your thighs.
"Perfect," he says with a soft smile, and you nod in agreement. Tony always makes you feel sexy and seen, no matter what you're wearing - or not wearing -but after seeing his reaction, you know it's something you'll put on more often.
"I also have a few dress options for you," the boutique owner tells you as she rolls in a large rack with a few dresses, all varying in color and style. Your line of sight is immediately pulled to a deep red velvet dress with a deep neckline. It's a color you've worn previously and know Tony will go crazy for, so it's the first one you'll try.
The dress is tight on top before it flows beautifully over your hips and legs, the split on the side still allowing you to show off some more skin. Your arms are covered by tight, long sleeves that reach your wrists, and the neckline is deep enough to make it a bit spicier but not so deep that it'll show everything. As you look at yourself in the mirror, a smile lights up your features as you know you've found the one.
"What do you think of the dress, Gorgeous?" Tony asks, and he's gobsmacked when you walk out of the dressing room again. It's only the first one you've tried on, but it fits you perfectly, highlighting all your best features as you twirl in front of him. When Tony gets up and grabs your hand, he pulls you close before placing both hands on your hips.
He leads you as you sway back and forth, your gazes locked on one another as you dance to the soft music playing in the store. He can't stop smiling as he looks at you with pure, unabashed love and knows he has fallen in love with you all over again. He's going to marry you, and tonight, he gets to share your love with everyone as you announce your engagement to the Avengers. Tonight will be the first step of the rest of your lives, and neither of you can wait any longer to share the amazing news.
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"We have one more stop to make before we go back to the Tower, Gorgeous," Tony says, his voice tinged with a hint of mystery, after paying for your entire outfit. You look at him, a mix of surprise and curiosity on your face. You were fully prepared to go back and get ready for the party, but now, you're intrigued about what else he has planned for you both.
"Oh? Where are we going?" you ask, your curiosity piqued, and Tony's smile warms your heart.
"Well, I think I will keep it a secret for a little longer because I want to see your reaction when we get there," he says before pecking your lips, and you nod in agreement. After a last thank you, you and Tony walk out the door before turning to the right and walking down the street to a shelter where he has arranged for you to pick a cat to adopt.
Tony has arranged for all the necessary things to arrive while you were out for breakfast and shopping for the outfit, so everything from a large cat tree to multiple cat beds, feeders, and water fountains, and of course, plenty of toys will be waiting for you once you get back to the penthouse, so your new addition to your family can settle in nicely from the moment they arrive.
Once you two get closer to the shelter, Tony keeps glancing over at you to see your reaction, and you smile back at him once you notice he keeps doing it.
"Is everything okay?" you ask with a raised brow, and Tony laughs heartily at your question.
"Everything's perfect, Gorgeous, but I'm just curious to see your reaction when you realize where we're going," he explains, and your curiosity has now shot through the roof. You look around to see if anything stands out, and when you see the large sign for the animal shelter, you let out an excited squeal.
"Are we going to the shelter to cuddle with cats today?! Oh, I cannot even tell you how badly I need that!" you exclaim, unable to contain your excitement, before letting go of his hand and running towards the shelter, where a few cats are playing in a large pen by the window. You can't stop smiling as you look at them, and Tony's enjoying every second of what's happening. He can't wait to see your reaction when he tells you you can take one home today.
"Look at them, Tony, aren't they adorable? Oh, I can't wait to go in and cuddle with all of them," you tell him excitedly, and he can't stop smiling as his heart feels like it's overflowing with nothing but love for you.
"They're very adorable, Gorgeous, but I think it's time we head in; otherwise, we won't have enough time to cuddle with all of them before we have to leave for the party tonight," he says, and you nod before getting up. You grab Tony's hand before pulling him into the shelter door, where you're greeted by a kind lady who's happy to let you handle all the cats there.
"Why don't you go ahead and cuddle with them? I'll use the bathroom and join you after, okay?" Tony asks, and you nod before pecking his lips and walking into the large room with all the cats. Your heart will burst out of your chest as you hear all the chirps and meows.
While Tony goes over the last things he needs to know before the adoption process, you find a comfortable spot on a large cushion as you let yourself be covered in cats of all shapes, sizes, breeds, and colors. However, one cat in particular seems to grab your attention. An older tuxedo cat walks over to you before getting comfortable in your lap, and you're immediately melting at the sight.
"Hi, sweet baby!" you coo as you pet the cat over her head and back. She lies happily in your lap, purring away at all the attention she's getting while you also try to divide your attention to some of the others there.
"Ah, there you are, Gorgeous! I almost couldn't see you between all the cats here," Tony jokes as he walks into the room, and your face immediately lights up when you hear his voice. As much as you love being between all the cats, you love spending time with your husband-to-be even more.
"Can I tell you a little secret, Gorgeous?" Tony whispers in your ear after he gets comfortable beside you, and the cat seated in your lap first has now moved into Tony's arms, where she's comfortable. You turn your head to meet Tony's gaze, and curiosity again enters your mind.
"I have arranged for you to pick a cat today, which we can adopt. I have arranged everything needed, so you can pick the one you like the most. I know we've talked about getting a cat before, so this will be my engagement present to you," Tony tells you as he sees the tears forming in the corners of your eyes at his confession.
"Please tell me you're serious, Tony. Can I pick out a cat to adopt today?" you ask in a small voice, and he nods with a broad smile before you capture his lips with yours in pure excitement. Your hands immediately grab his face to pull him closer as you kiss him excitedly, the happiness inside you threatening to spill over in the form of happy tears.
"It's an easy choice, actually," you tell Tony, as you already know who you want to take home today.
"The one who's comfortable in your arms immediately crawled into my lap when I sat down, and seeing how happy they are in your arms makes me want to take them home," you tell Tony, your voice filled with a mix of joy and tenderness. Tony nods in agreement, and you spend about another hour cuddling and playing with the other cats and kittens before signing the paperwork and taking home your cat, your heart full of love and gratitude.
"We have found the perfect cat to take home today," Tony tells the lady as you two head towards the front again. The lady's excitement is evident as she sees who's being adopted today. Domino has fallen asleep in Tony's arms as the three of you talk a little more about her, and you can't stop smiling at the fact that he did this for you.
"You have made a wonderful choice by adopting Domino! She's such a loving, cuddly cat who's amazing with other animals and children. She's been in the shelter for almost two years now, and I'm glad to see she has found her forever home with you two," she says, and you're glowing as you find out her name.
"Are you excited to go home with us, Domino? I can't wait to introduce you to Alpine as well; she will be thrilled to have a friend to play with," you whisper as Tony hands her to you, ready to sign the paperwork. Once that's done, it's finally time for all three of you to head to the Avengers Tower. You came in as a family of two, and you'll be leaving the shelter as a family of three, making today perfect.
"Thank you so much for everything today, Beautiful; this is the best present I could have ever wished to have gotten from you." As Tony kisses you, Domino meows from inside her carrier, letting both of you know she agrees with your statement. As the three of you walk home, you can't stop talking about what it'll be like to have a cat now and how happy everyone will be to meet her.
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The moment you have waited for is finally here, as you and Tony will officially announce your engagement to some of your closest friends and the Avengers. A few weeks ago, Tony asked Pepper to prepare a small engagement party without giving too many details, and it is safe to say she has truly outdone herself once again during the party planning.
While Tony's still on an important conference call, he has asked you to do a last walk-through with Pepper before it's officially time to greet the guests. You're dressed in a Stark Industries tracksuit combined with a pair of worn-out sneakers; your hair is in rollers, and your face is bare in preparation for the make-over you'll receive once you're done here.
As you walk into the room, you gasp softly. It has an ethereal look, and your eyes glide over all the little details. The color combination of silver and white is a beautiful contrast against the room's darkness, and it fits perfectly with tonight's theme. From the outfits the servers and bartenders are wearing to the flower arrangements that brighten the room in all the corners, it's all considered to make it a party no one will ever forget.
"Pepper, it is beautiful!" you say as you turn to her, standing in the middle of the dancefloor. The DJ is sound-checking with some soft music.
"Well, I just did my job-" she starts, but you cut her off in the middle of her sentence.
"You went above and beyond for us and exceeded our expectations for tonight. You deserve to hear that you did an amazing job, and you don't need to be modest about it," you reassure her, and she smiles shyly at your words. Though Tony often praises her for all her hard work, she still gets a little caught off-guard by the compliments you give her.
"Well, thank you, Ms. Y/L/N," she whispers, her cheeks turning pink as she accepts the compliments.
"You should go and get changed for the party, too. It would be a shame if you couldn't enjoy your work tonight," you tell her, and she smiles politely before nodding and looking over her list to see if a few last-minute arrangements are to be made. After a few more instructions, you both go your separate ways to get ready, and nerves settle in your stomach.
Once you're in the elevator leading you to Tony's penthouse, you let out a trembling sigh, the nerves threatening to get the best of you. Usually, you're the one who's keeping a level head when everyone else is stressing, and you're the one who holds it together when everyone else loses their mind. But today, everything is different. As you look at the floor numbers rising, your heartbeat increases, and a slight panic settles in your body. However, this all melts away when you see Tony in the penthouse; his arms spread as he waits for you to be held in them.
"I missed you, Gorgeous," Tony whispers as he pulls you tight against his body. You stay silent as you take in your fiancé's comforting scent and feel his warmth. You listen to the soft hum of Tony's arc reactor as your cheek is pressed against his shoulder, calming your nerves slowly.
"Are you okay?" he asks when you pull away, and you smile reassuringly.
"I am now, thank you. I suddenly got hit by a bunch of nerves, but being in your arms has calmed me a lot," you tell him, and he nods in understanding.
"It's okay; you don't always have to be strong - even the best nurses can get nervous sometimes," he whispers against your forehead, and the words make you tear up. You know he's right, but it's not in your nature to show emotions like this. It's something you started to work on after getting together with Tony - it's okay to be vulnerable, and it's okay to show your vulnerability.
"Thank you, Tony. Thank you for being there for me when no one else was and believing in me when no one else did. Thank you for giving me a chance, and thank you for loving me." As you tell him this, you can see tears gathering in his eyes, too, and you cup his cheeks as you look up at him. You've never felt more sure about anything than when he asked you to marry him, and this moment cements it for you.
"I love you, Beautiful. More than I've ever thought I could love someone, and I can't wait to get married to you," you tell him as the corners of your mouth curl into a smile.
"I love you too." With those words, Tony's lips descend on yours in a soft but passionate kiss, your tongues dancing together as you bask in the moment's beauty. However, before you two get too lost in one another, it's time to get ready for the party, as there's still a lot of preparation to do for you before you're officially party-ready.
It takes you nearly two hours to get completely ready for your party. The make-up artist and hairdresser are finally finished, so it's time for you to put on your dress and heels. As you're about to ask one of the assistants to zip up your dress, Tony walks into the room and kisses your exposed skin before zipping it for you.
"You look even more beautiful than I could have imagined, Gorgeous," Tony says as his hands lie on your hips. Your soft blue lingerie is still engraved in his memory as his gaze wanders over your outfit. From how the dress's neckline shows off your breasts beautifully to the necklace that matches the dress to the split of the dress and your heels, he's rarely seen you look more beautiful.
"Something is missing," he suddenly says before letting you go, and he fishes something out of his pocket before taking your hand. He flips open the box containing your engagement ring and gently slides it onto your ring finger, where it'll be proudly displayed, finishing your look.
"That's better, Gorgeous. Now you're officially the most beautiful woman in the United States," he tells you as he interlaces his fingers with yours. You take this moment to admire his suit as well, as it's tailored to perfection, the fabric spanning beautifully over his body. Your gaze lingers for a few seconds when you see his bulge, dirty thoughts already swirling through your mind at the thought of what you want to do to him once you're home tonight.
Tony lifts your chin using his index finger and smirks as he knows exactly what's going on in your head, but he shakes his head to let you know there's no time to do anything before leaving. Instead, he leans in to capture your lips in a gentle kiss that has your eyes fluttering shut and your heart beating faster.
When you hear little footsteps and a soft meow coming into the room, you pull away from the kiss with a smile and crouch down to greet Domino as she walks over to you both. She meows louder before plopping down in front of you, and Tony also crouches down to give her some love. She has been settling nicely and exploring the penthouse to her heart's content.
"I'm so happy you allowed me to bring her home, Beautiful. She's so sweet, and now I will have even more love to take in when I'm coming home from my shifts every time," you tell him, and he laughs heartily.
"You're right, Gorgeous. She's perfect," he says as Domino purrs loudly. She's not bothered by the elevator doors opening, and Pepper walks into the large penthouse dressed in a long, silver dress that shows off her figure beautifully. Her hair is loose around her shoulders instead of in her signature ponytail, which softens her facial features immensely, and you're smiling as you look up at her.
"Are you two lovebirds ready to go? It's party time," she says proudly, and you nod before saying goodbye to Domino. Once you're standing up straight, you lace your fingers together in a way that hides your engagement ring from her, and she heads towards the elevator, which she's sharing with you both on the way to the party. As you're standing in the elevator, you let out a small sigh, and Tony squeezes your hand reassuringly while looking at you with pure adoration.
"How're you feeling, Gorgeous?" Tony asks before walking into the party, and you take a moment to consider it.
"A bit nervous; I've never been known to enjoy being the center of attention, but I'm overall okay. As long as you're there with me, I'll be fine tonight, Beautiful," you tell him as you let your hand glide softly over his cheek. His facial hair tickles under your fingertips, and you get lost in the kiss he gives you, giving you all the support you need to walk into the room together.
The moment the large doors open, you're both greeted by your closest friends and family, as well as the Avengers, as they're all dressed in elegant outfits, and you're both greeted by everyone while making small talk with most people as well, all while still hiding the ring around your finger. As you're trying to make your way to the bar, you suddenly run into Natasha and Yelena, who are dressed in long, black evening gowns that enhance their figures perfectly.
"Yelena, I didn't know you'd be joining us tonight! It's so good to see you outside the medbay, too," you tell her with a broad smile, and she can't help but laugh as she pulls you in for a hug.
"As soon as Nat told me about the party, I knew I wouldn't miss it for the world - I even came back early from a mission. We have so much to catch up on!" she says excitedly, pulling you away from Tony and towards the bar. You waved at him before returning to Yelena and Natasha, now discussing that Yelena had shortened her mission.
"What?! It's not like you wouldn't have done the same," Yelena says with her thick Russian accent, making you laugh as you order a glass of champagne, and they do the same. You listen to their chatter while your eyes scan the room, and you flash a smile at Tony once your eyes cross paths again. When you're about to say something to Natasha and Yelena, you feel a hand on your shoulder that has you turning around, curious as to who could be asking for your attention.
"Thor! Loki! I'm so glad to see you both here on this wonderful night," you say as they both envelop you in a hug. The brothers have always managed to intrigue you to no end, especially regarding their lives on Asgard and their being Gods.
"We were delighted to be invited to such an extraordinary party, Ms. Y/L/N. You have always taken such good care of my brother after getting injured that I wouldn't even think of declining an offer to celebrate you and Tony. It's the least I can do to repay you for that," Loki says, making you blush at his words.
"There's no need to exaggerate, Brother," Thor tells Loki with his Australian accent, which is a funny contrast to Loki's British one, only amplifying that one of them is adopted. As they banter for a little longer, you see Tony walking over to you, and your features light up as your gazes cross. After snaking his arms around your waist and pecking your lips, Tony asks how you're doing, and you're practically glowing now that you're reunited.
"I was doing wonderful, but now I'm even better because you're by my side," you tell him, making him show his fantastic smile. It's very contagious, as you're immediately smiling alongside him, which everyone notices. The second he approached you, your demeanor changed as you visibly relaxed.
"If it's okay with everyone here, I will steal you momentarily and take you to the dancefloor. I have prepared a speech to thank everyone for coming. I would love for you to be by my side when I do it," Tony says, looking at you for reassurance. You nod before saying thank you again to everyone who's come tonight, and you allow your fiancé to lead the way to the middle of the dancefloor.
On the way there, you both grab a glass of champagne, and you then take a seat on the large stool that has been placed there for your comfort - standing in your heels for a long time is not something you particularly enjoy, so you'll gladly sit down as Tony ensures you're comfortable. Once the DJ has handed him a microphone, all eyes are on you both, and your heartbeat starts to rise as you know what will happen.
"Can I have everyone's attention for a moment?" Tony asks, and shortly after, everyone is silent and focused on the two of you.
"First off, I want to thank you all for coming tonight. Having you here to celebrate a wondrous occasion means a lot to Y/N and myself. Most of you have wondered why I would throw a party, but I only invite those closest to us. We have a special reason for that. About two weeks ago, I asked the strong, amazing, and gorgeous woman next to me to marry me, and much to everyone's surprise, she said yes!"
For a few moments, there's a roar of laughter, applause, and congratulations throughout the room as Tony kisses your temple, and you're both smiling the entire time. They now know about your secret, and you no longer have to hide. When you find Natasha in the crowd, she winks at you to let you know she is right, and you give a slight nod in return.
"I want to take this moment with you all to look back on the moment she asked me on a date, as it will forever be one of my most cherished memories with my future wife," Tony says before reliving that faithful day in detail.
You have been a nurse at SHIELD for a little over a year, and ever since you started working for them, you've been one of the nurses who would provide care to the Avengers - but mainly Tony Stark. Your first encounter with him was during a mission where he sustained a severe injury, and you were the one who nursed him back to health. Since then, you've been his go-to nurse, and a bond has formed between you. More often than not, you find yourself looking forward to seeing him again - even though it's usually in less-than-ideal circumstances.
It's Christmas Day, and there's a thick layer of snow outside, glistening under the soft glow of the streetlights as you treat Tony after another extended mission. This time, there's nothing life-threatening going on, much to your relief. However, you've been more silent than usual as you're working up the courage to ask him something that has been on your mind for a long time.
"A penny for your thoughts, Gorgeous?" Tony asks, and your cheeks heat up at the nickname he has lovingly awarded you. The first time you were invited to one of his parties, you attended while wearing a red and gold dress, which earned you the nickname. Since then, he has been calling you that, a name that fills you with warmth and affection.
"I- uhm… Sorry, it's nothing-" you say, but Tony has never been known to take no for an answer.
"I'm sure it's not 'nothing,' Gorgeous. Your hands are trembling today, so I'm pretty sure something on your mind wants to come out," he says gently, and you feel a knot in your stomach loosen at his understanding. You sigh before nodding - Tony's right.
"You're right, but- I want you to know it's okay if you say no," you tell him shyly, meeting his dark brown eyes this time. "I was wondering if you want to celebrate Christmas together tonight. I'm all alone, and I was hoping we could spend it together if you'd have the time." As the words leave your lips, you can't help but feel a mix of hope and fear, unsure of how he will respond.
As Tony lets it sink in, you try to read his face, but there's no luck. No matter how hard you try, you cannot tell anything from his face.
"I would love nothing more than to spend Christmas with you, Gorgeous. Is it okay if we have dinner at my penthouse? I will ask Pepper if she knows a chef willing to spoil us with the most delicious meals on this beautiful night, and after, we can drink hot chocolate in front of the fireplace as we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas," Tony says. Your face instantly lights up at the mention of your favorite movie.
"You remembered!" you exclaim excitedly, and he nods with a broad smile.
"Of course! I remember your favorite Christmas movie and that you love your hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and a sprinkle of cinnamon, too," he says, filling you with joy and surprise. You never expected him to remember these things you've told him as throwaway comments, and the butterflies in your stomach go wild.
"That was the first night of many we would spend together, and I'm glad I said yes. That night was the first moment she helped to lead me out of the dark, even though she didn't know it then. Before Y/N, I didn't care if I lived or died, but now I have someone to live and fight for. Someone who's there for me no matter what and who will show me the bright side of everything, no matter how minimal it may be," Tony tells everyone, and you nod in agreement. If it weren't for you asking him out, you wouldn't be where you are today.
"If you had asked me at the beginning of our relationship, I might have told everyone that I was the white knight in your movies, but over time, I have learned that nothing could be further from the truth because Y/N has always been the one in mine. She saved me in ways I could have never foreseen, which is something I will forever be grateful for. I love you, Gorgeous, and I can't wait to call you my wife in a few months."
Tony leans in to kiss you as everyone applauds loudly for you, and he hands back the microphone before helping you back to your feet. It feels like your entire body is on fire the whole time, and your heart threatens to spill over from all the love. You're fortunate to share this beautiful moment with those closest to you, and tonight is only the beginning of the rest of your lives.
"Thank you for caring for me and showing me what it's like to be loved. Thank you for being you."
With those words, Tony pulls you into a deep, loving kiss, his hands cupping your cheeks while yours are around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. You have given yourself completely over to him, your body feeling like it's completely on fire. Tony's hands dip lower until they're digging into the soft curves of your hips as you're getting lost in the moment - completely forgetting about everything and everyone for a moment.
"Fuck, I love you so much," Tony whispers breathlessly after pulling away, and neither of you can stop smiling. The rest of the evening is spent dancing, always touching in one way or another, and countless kisses are shared between you two. Now that you don't have to hide your engagement anymore, you can't get enough of the kisses, but no one seems to mind. Tonight is all about you and your love, after all.
As the night progresses, you decide to go outside and get some fresh air on one of the balconies that look out over the Manhattan skyline, which will forever be your favorite sight. While New York isn't where you were born and raised, you will always call it your home, as there's never been a place where you felt as free as you feel.
"What're you doing out here alone?" you hear a voice behind you. Looking back, you see your fiancé walking towards you, holding out his jacket to drape over your shoulders. You accept it with a small 'thank you' and a small peck on his lips.
"I needed some fresh air, so I thought I'd come here and look at the stars. The sky is clear, so we have a nice view of them," you tell Tony, who nods in agreement. You let your thumb glide over your ring as you look up at them, and a smile lights up your features. Tony can't stop looking at you as you do, making the love inside you grow even more significant.
"One of the good things about growing up in a small town is that you learn to enjoy the simpler things in life, such as the brightness and beauty of the stars and the way the sun rises every morning without fail," you tell Tony, who's now standing next to you, leaning on the railing of the balcony.
"Can I tell you something I learned from you over the years?" Tony asks, and you look up at him with a questioning look.
"You have taught me that soft hearts make the universe worth living in. Without you, God knows where I would be right now; I'd probably be so deep in stress and anxiety that I'd practically be ripping my hair out every day. But you taught me to enjoy the little things in life, which makes our lives beautiful and gives our lives meaning, too," Tony says as he turns to you, his fingers carefully caressing the curve of your jaw.
He leans in for a kiss, and you place your hand on his chest, right over his heart and tattoo, as his lips capture yours. The kiss is unrushed, soft, passionate, and powerful - perfectly combines all the feelings battling throughout your body. As you pull away, Tony looks at you with a soft, adoring look, and you stand on your tiptoes to peck his lips again.
"I brought a small surprise for you, Gorgeous," Tony says as he reaches for his jacket pocket. He plucks a small, felt star from his pocket that instantly has your features lighting up. To anyone else, it's just an unassuming star, but to you and Tony, it signifies the start of something beautiful: the beginning of the rest of your lives.
"I can't believe you brought it!" you tell Tony excited. Inside his hand is a handmade star you quickly put together before spending your first Christmas with your future husband. Even though neither of you had a stocking back then, you still told him it represented a little stocking stuffer, after which he joked about 'him happily stuffing your stocking.' It was that moment you knew he was the one for you, and you have never looked back since.
"Of course, I kept it because it has an indescribable meaning, Gorgeous. I always bring it with me when I need extra encouragement because it means I have a piece of you with me, and it has never let me down. When I'm with you, I know I can do anything, so I take this with me to give me the encouragement I need at that moment," he confesses shyly, and your heart melts at his words.
"I- I love you so much, Anthony Stark, and I can't wait to be able to call you my husband," you tell him as your fingers glide over his hand holding the star. Nothing can describe what you're feeling right now other than feeling fortunate. When meeting Tony, you have won the jackpot, and his asking to marry him only amplifies that feeling for you.
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The night of the party has brought you and Tony many precious and happy memories, but you were also delighted to finally fall asleep as you were curled up against your fiancé, and your cat, Domino, was curled up by your feet. Now, you're sitting with your back against the large headboard, Tony by your side, and Domino lying on his lap as you pick the perfect photo for the public announcement.
Tony has prepared a large breakfast spread for you both to enjoy in bed while you took the chance to sleep in. You're now enjoying the food while looking through the seemingly endless pictures. Tony pops a raspberry in your mouth, quickly following it with a kiss that has you smiling like crazy, and you're enjoying every second you two spend together.
"What do you think of this one?" you ask Tony, and he hums approvingly as he's just eaten the toast he made. Your ring is shown beautifully in the photo, and it's your favorite photo of the two of you.
"I think it's perfect, Gorgeous, just like you," he says before popping a juicy strawberry in your mouth, making you moan at the taste of it. Your eyes slip shut as the taste invades your mouth, and it's time to work on a caption to accompany the photo.
It doesn't take long for the two of you to think of the perfect caption, and the reactions to the post are almost instant. Countless congratulations are coming in, and many people are reposting it with the announcement that you're both officially off the market and getting married.
"I love you, Beautiful, and I can't wait to live up to the photo's caption," you say, and he can't help but smile at your words. He also wants it to come true, and you two look it over one more time before you put the phone away and pay all your attention to your husband-to-be and your cat, who's happily purring on his lap. And the caption? It's rather simple:
Here's to growing old together 🤍
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mrsriddlenott · 10 months
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The First Day Of SmutMas
[smutmas masterlist] [main masterlist]
~ First Christmas ~
bf!James Potter x fem!Reader
Summary: You and James have your first Christmas in your new flat together. You two have fun buying new decorations and deciding where they’ll go while getting distracted in every room you put them in.
- no voldy, no war, no Jilly(i love them tho), mention of reader having a mother, this one’s probably gonna be longer than the others since it’s the first, & ik they can just magic all this up but🤷‍♀️-
Warnings: 18+ Content!!!! Sickly sweet fluff, language, nicknames(Baby, Princess, Good Girl, etc), reader is shorter than James, alludes to Smut, degrading(kinda?), aggressive make out, f!receiving fingering, m!receiving oral. Me being obsessed with James being a dominant softie.
You and James had been together since your 5th year of Hogwarts and by the time your 7th came to an end you knew you were meant to be together forever. Once you had successfully started University and James solidified his Pro-Quidditch career close to a year later, he was desperately begging you to join him in the two bedroom flat he leased for you both, and how could you say no?
You moved in during the Spring and by the time July rolled around you were able to hold a housewarming party with all your friends, and by the start of your next school semester in September, you could really call it home. Which brings you to now, where you sit in your cozy living room under a large blanket texting your Mother as James heats up dinner for you both.
“Jamie!! Oh my Gods!!!” You shouted, jolting up in your love seat and tossing your blanket off as you held your phone in both hands looking at it. James came running into the living room from the connected kitchen as soon as he heard your distress, skidding around the breakfast island as though he was on the Quidditch pitch.
“What?! What’s wrong are you okay??” His eyes darted around your face and body before scanning the room as though looking for danger. “No!! We don’t have Christmas decorations Jamie, my parents have our tree up already look!” You got up, shoving your phone in your boyfriends face as you pouted up to him, showing the sparkling Christmas tree in the photo your Mother sent you.
“I completely forgot I didn’t have my own,” you sighed, looking back to the photo of your decorated childhood living room, “Christmas felt so far away when I moved in so I figured we’d just buy one before we needed one and now it’s gonna be Christmas soon-” your rambling dies down when James’ warm hands cup your face as he shushes your worries, pulling your chin up so you have to look him in the eyes.
“Don’t worry Love, we have close to a month to get this place all festive, we can go to the store first thing in the morning okay?” You shake his hands from your face with scrunched brows before pushing past him entirely, “No, let’s go now, we can set this place up tonight it’s too far into December to wait any longer.”
James stands still in the middle of your shared living room as you rush around, grabbing your coat and keys and straightening your hair in the mirror by your front door, “Love?” James spoke in an overly cautious voice, “It’s only December 5th, we have plenty of time,” His little giggle that usually would have you basically kicking your feet and blushing makes you glare at him through the mirror.
“Right, okay fair enough I’ll get my coat,” He states with a nod of his head and snap of his fingers as he spins on his feet, leaving you to put on your shoes with a triumphant smile. You rushed him out the door as soon as his feet were in his boots before you were speeding out of your car garage as fast as you could, blasting your Christmas playlist louder than needed the entire ride to the store.
James smiled to himself as he watched you sing over every lyric of Feliz Navidad while you wiggled in the drivers seat dancing in what space you had, “Jesus Baby, I knew you loved Christmas but I didn’t know it was this much,” He chuckled to himself with his chin in his hand leant over the middle console. You reached to turn down your music so you could speak properly, keeping your fingers on the nob and making it clear it wouldn’t be for long, “It’s our first Christmas living together James,” you shrugged, flashing him a quick smile before continuing, “I don’t know this one’s just different”
James swore he’d never spent longer shopping, even when you moved in together, but he didn’t complain. The shimmer in your eyes every time you saw something Christmas related had him holding out longer every time he thought to ask when you two would be done. James gladly showed off his strength picking up the box for the 6 foot Christmas tree you said was “just perfect for the flat” and picked out a few boxes of variously shaped lights, but mainly let you run the show as he pushed the items around on the comically too small cart. Until he saw something you must have missed, laughing to himself behind you and quickly grabbing the plastic mistletoe with a bright red ribbon around it, slipping it under the stockings you picked out so it could be a surprise.
Almost as soon as you were back home and parked, you were jumping out to start gathering bags from your trunk, “Baby let me, there‘s like twenty bags in there,” James laughed out while joining you at the back of the car, however you were desperate to get to decorating, insisting it would get done faster if you helped, as well as keep him from needing to do multiple trips up the stairs. Which he couldn’t argue with, so after a few minutes he caved and let you take significantly less bags than you planned, before making your way upstairs.
It didn’t take long to get into the groove of decorating as you turned on your music and began imagining the perfect places for all your decorations. Starting in the living room, you began handing James tinsel to hang off various surfaces as you started unboxing the lights and thinking of where they’re needed most. Tugging at the opening of the box, you watched as James reluctantly taped over the ends of the fake greenery attempting, and failing, to get it to hang evenly over the entrance to your hallway. The obvious pieces of tape and ripped bits hanging uneven and way too low made you cringe as you stepped forward, “er….Jamie Sweetie, do you wanna open these instead and I can take over that”
Staying in your groove however, proved difficult. Since James thought he didn’t seem to have the artistic vision you were looking for in your decoration process, he opted for “patiently”waiting for you to tell him what to do as you worked throughout the flat with James following behind your heels like a lost puppy. In reality though, there was nothing patient about James Potter and at this point he had honestly grown rather bored of decorating, becoming desperate for your attention. He couldn’t stop himself from grabbing your hand every 10 to 20 minutes just to twirl you around to Christmas music, as you both laughed and enjoyed the other’s company he watched your eyes shine up at him like he wanted to all evening. When you inevitably caught on to his attempts to distract you however, you began turning down his dances leading him to pout behind your busy figure when you asked him if he could set up the tree for you to decorate instead.
After eyeing the blank canvas of the new tree and the various boxes of different shaped ornaments, you quickly grew entranced by the millions of ways you could think to arrange the shining pieces of glass and plastic, leaving James to grumble to himself while rummaging through the remaining bags to see if you missed any of the fragile orbs. Once he got to a bag holding only two stockings he smirked to himself, grabbing it quickly and yanking out the artificial mistletoe before facing your back as you gently set the hook of a red ornament on the wire branch of the tree. James approached you quickly, standing directly behind you and holding the little decoration above both your heads in one of his large hands.
“Look up,” he chuckled and took your hip in his free hand, spinning you around as you observed the adorable little thing above you with a smile. In less than a second he had tossed the green plastic aside and was gripping the back of your head in his now freed hand, tugging your lips into his as soon as your eyes met. He sighed into you, licking along your bottom lip and begging for entrance as you whined below him, the kiss was passionate and full of unspoken desires as your hands found their designated spot in his messy curls.
James groaned as you tugged on his locks, gripping you tightly before slamming you into the closest wall with a protective hand on your head. Your gasp forced your lips to separate, James staring down at the swollen, red flesh before trailing his lips down your neck to mark there as well, “You drive me crazy you know? You look absolutely breath taking doing the simplest of things,” His voice was low and drenched in arousal as his hands began trailing up and down your body possessively.
The combination of his hot breath and his delicate lips slowly turning aggressive had you shivering and clenching your legs together, your lips unable to keep in your song of pleasure. James’ cocky smile grew in the crook of your neck at the sound, urging him to slip his hand under your shirt to tease the top of your pants and tug you closer by the free belt loop. James brought his lips to the shell of your ear where he softly whispered sounding almost like pleading, “Lemme make you feel good Baby, then we can get back to work.”
His lips immediately returned to their assault of your neck as you tried to will your brain into forming a sentence, “We- hmph….we need to get it done Jamie- fuck.” His teeth dug into the flesh of the side of your neck with a groan and his fingers struggled their way past the waistband of your jeans to drag his fingertips over the hem of your underwear before his mouth was returning to your ear. “I won’t take long then…..I know you want to. I can feel your heat already, you know all you have to do is ask and it’s yours.”
You could hear his smirk in his voice as you whimpered, whining a feeble please that allowed him to rush his hand away only for a second as he unbuttoned your jeans, before quickly snaking his way down the front of your pants and underwear. You both sighed out a moan as the pad of his rough finger slid it’s way through your slick folds, locating your clit immediately and adding a finger as he drew quick circles that took your breath away. “Y’like that Princess?” James chuckled as he spoke, “I know you do, you’re fucking dripping in my hand,”
James’ voice was dark as his deep, blown out eyes met yours, his wide smile only grew as he quickly shoved both his fingers forward and inside of your desperate cunt, forcing your eyes to shut and your mouth to fall open in a moan. “Oh fuck. Fucking hell Jamie,” James wasted no time in picking up the most brutal pace your tight jeans would allow, the feel of the seam scratching against the back of his hand only increasing his need for you. Each time his fingers hit the deepest parts of you he’d swirl his fingertips against the warm, spongey spot and each time your moans would fall into whimpers as you clenched around his digits. Your mind was going hazy as the tension in your lower stomach grew, your moans turning into pants and whines of pleasure as you cling to James’s arms, nails digging into him and surely marking his flesh.
His teeth nip at the bruising skin of your neck pushing you closer to your breaking point, your legs shook under you and his free arm moved to support your back. His fingers worked faster as you tried to support yourself on his chest that vibrated with laughter, his mocking tone surrounding you, “Gods Princess, can’t even fucking stay standing,” his teeth harshly pulled at the abused flesh of your neck just to hear your whines before continuing, “Pathetic really, bet you won’t even wanna finish the tree once I’m finished….isn’t that right?”
“Fu-fuck James….don’t b-be mean,” James snickered into your neck, feeling the clench of your walls and knowing full well you were enjoying every word, “Oh shut the fuck up and be grateful.” He punctuated his words with a harsh move of his fingers against your g-spot, snapping the tension that he’d built up and pushing you over the edge. Your head fell backward into the wall loudly, eyes screwed shut and your mouth open in a silent moan as your whole body shook around James’ fingers that slowly calmed and retreated to his mouth to be sucked clean. He pecked your sweaty cheek and helped to steady you against the wall, laughing at his handy work as you huffed, attempting to catch your breath. “Okay, now back to work Love.”
Your eyes lazily opened to meet his gaze, his authoritative voice making you question what he was planning. “I thought you sai-“ James laughed aloud, kissing your forehead and buttoning your pants as your brows scrunched together, watching him retreat to grab a random ornament before making a show of finding the best spot for it to take.
Over an hour later you found yourself leant below the tree adding the last few ornaments where they looked best. “Hey! Would ya look at that!!” James suddenly stated dramatically as he stood behind you, watching intently as you bent forward on your knees toward the tree. You turned to find him much closer than you expected with a hand above his head, once again dangling the mistletoe above you both. “Gotta give me another kiss now Love,” James almost whispered with a bright smile, “How bout you be all festive and follow the rules yeah?”
When you went to stand James’ rough hand met your shoulder, lightly shoving you back onto your knees and tsking down at you softly. He pocketed his mistletoe, caressing your cheek with his knuckle sending a shiver directly down your spine, “You kissed me on the lips last time Princess, shouldn’t I get a different kiss this time?” His voice was laced in a condescending tone as his bottom lip stuck out in a mocking pout, watching your eyes dart between his darkening gaze and his growing bulge that was almost level with your eyes.
You smiled up at him, maintaining eye contact as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his clothed crotch and immediately letting your tongue slip past your lips to leave a trail of spit up the outline of his shaft to his tip, eliciting a groan from the back of James’ throat. “Fucking ‘ell, take them off first” he growled above you, making you giggle as you tugged his pants and boxers halfway down his muscular thighs, letting his fully hard dick bounce up against his abdomen. Your eyes and lips gravitated to it as though they were magnets, mouth watering as you planted soft kisses on the base of his shaft before trailing higher while James’ breath picked up. His strong fingers weaved into your hair, a telltale sign he was getting impatient, just how you liked him.
Almost as soon as your delicate lips met his leaking red tip you were opening them to trace up and down his slit with the tip of your tongue, before padding your teeth with your lips and hollowing your cheeks to abruptly and without warning slip his throbbing dick down your throat in one go. The obscene, shaky moan James released was like music to your ears as his fingers aggressively clenched in your hair. “Fuck y/n, bloody amazing you are!” You bobbed your head up and down, immediately setting a quick pace you knew he thoroughly enjoyed.
His hips lightly thrusted forward to meet your tongue each time you backed away, forcing you to gag around him as his tip hit the back of your throat repeatedly. The weight of his heavy dick and the taste of his precum sending a wave of pleasure to your core, drenching your already damp underwear once again. You balanced yourself with a hand on his large thigh, moaning as you dug your nails into the flesh, pulling a strangled moan from James and making him jolt harder into your mouth accidentally.
“Fuck Princess I’m sorry, just feels so- oh fuck,” you didn’t let up at his words, even as his hips mindlessly pushed him further and harder into you. Your eyes watered as your throat started to hurt, his grip in your hair moving to grip onto the back of your neck hard. “I’m gonna cum and you’re gonna fucking swallow it okay?” Your teary eyes met his as you nodded the best you could around him, “Good girl, always so good for me.” You moan around him at his praises, hearing him hiss above you as you absentmindedly buck your hips against nothing but the seam of your jeans. His dick twitched against your tongue when James pulled back before he was shoving back in harder, using your neck to push you further onto him as he spilled his cum into the back of your throat, forcing a gag from your desperate attempts to swallow every last drop he gifted you.
James gently removed himself from your mouth, trailing his hand to your cheek in a comforting manner as he tugged his pants up over himself. He trailed his thumb over your swollen lip, smiling down to you with a hazed look on his face, “My little gift under the tree.” His voice was soft and inviting as you giggled up to him before standing to turn and observe your beautiful Christmas tree.
“Baby, you missed an ornament,” James stated as he pointed out a snowflake remaining in the box now filled mostly with empty protective wrapping, “I was wondering, why didn’t you want to get a real Christmas tree? Y’know, be all traditional for the first Christmas in the flat?” James asked as he grabbed the forgotten ornament gently and handed it to you.
“Because this way it‘ll last a while, as long as we keep it safe anyway. We can take it with us when we move into a house together and one day it’ll be our kids’ first Christmas tree. Maybe even some of our grandkids’ if it lasts that long.” You spoke so nonchalantly as though you knew for a fact you wanted to spend every Christmas as a family and James swore his chest shrunk, his heart suddenly feeling the need to break out of his body as his eyes scrunched with the smile on his face. His slightly teary eyes scanned the room that only seconds ago he saw as a bit gaudy, now seeing the bows, the flashing lights of different colors, and that green plastic mocking vegetation on any flat edge it would fit on….as absolutely beautiful, each one a new memory to be shared.
When you turned to look to him you saw he was already watching you hang the glittering snowflake with tears in his eyes. Wasting no time in throwing himself forward, gripping your cheeks in his warm hands and melding his lips into yours, only barely separating to breath with his forehead against yours. “If you keep talking like that then this tree will only be a few months older than James Jr” You burst out laughing together as you fall into his arms in a warm hug.
“I am most definitely not naming our son James Jr,” you laughed, stepping around him with a pat on his shoulder, “James can be his middle name though Sweetie, we can think of a first name when we actually start trying.” You giggled, rearranging a piece of tinsel that was out of place, not seeing the look of pure love and adoration James was giving you.
“Well then what the bloody ‘ell are we waitin’ for” James loudly stated, pulling your attention to him before he was hauling you up by your thighs, tossing you over his shoulder, and smacking your ass with a laugh while walking toward your shared bedroom.
-Taglist- (lmk if u want on or off)
@timmytime17 @talia-scar123 @spencer-reids-wife @ttsbaby01 @animorose @whydoireadanymore @thievin-stealing @spiderman-stilinski @evycloudberry @shady-the-simp @ashisabitgay @porterport @callsignwidow @cicicicicisstuff @mattheoriddleswifee @junebugin-july @moonlightreader649 @devotedlyshadowytheorist @rubyliquor @perverteddsdreams @mildly-delulu @fairydimples07 @shadowmoonlight0604 @80scinemvasworld @nevillescomslut @annaisabookworm @abaker74 @athenalikethegoddess @limeren @h-------n @kezibear @mattheoriddlemarcuslopez @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @curiousshifter101 @tobyr68 @spididerman @hedwigprewett12 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @kiwi475
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silentsneezes · 1 month
HC that Remus is allergic to peppermint (smelling it makes him sneeze all day and eating it gives him hives) and super embarrassed about it bc he doesn't want to be seen as “weak” but Sirius didn't know and made their shared flat smell like peppermint for the Christmas holiday
thank you for the prompt anon! i’ll (hopefully) write another fic eventually that’s more specific to your request, but for now i hope you enjoy 2.1k of a very sneezy R/emus L/upin at the P/otter’s Christmas party
The Potter’s have always been known to throw extraordinary parties. Between James’s charisma as a host and Lily’s beautifully charmed decorations, every ‘Potter Party’- as Sirius calls them- is extravagant. Their Christmas party this year is no different, despite the ongoing wizarding war.
Their house is filled with enchanted garlands that drift through the air, shifting colors through a spectrum of festive hues. A few paintings have been charmed to sing carols when people pass by, whereas others wish people ‘A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.’ There are candles suspended mid-air, casting a warm, flickering glow in every room. The candle’s soft, elegant glow is accompanied with the scent of peppermint. A sweet, sharp aroma with a hint of menthol.
The guests- who are mostly members of the Order- have forgotten about the chaos existing outside of the Potter’s household. Tonight is a night for celebration, nothing else. They’ve all lost so much to the war, and refused to lose Christmas to it too.
Which is why Remus Lupin is walking hand in hand with his boyfriend Sirius, approaching the Potter’s home with an expensive bottle of wine. He’d thought about bringing a different gift, but he and Sirius had both been too busy with missions to get something in time. So he supposes a bottle of Chardonnay will suffice.
Remus lets Sirius knock, watching his boyfriend’s excitement with a little grin. He isn’t necessarily looking forward to spending the night at a party only a few days after the full moon, but he rarely gets to see his friends anymore. Besides, seeing Sirius so happy is reason enough.
As soon as James opens the door, Sirius pulls him into a hug, smiling ear to ear, “Prongs! It’s been too long.”
Remus can’t help but grin, especially when James drunkenly exclaims, “Pads! Moony! My old friends, oh I’m so glad you could make it,” keeping an arm slung around Sirius’s neck.
“Well, I guess you won’t be needing this,” Remus jokes, holding up the bottle of white. James guffaws at the joke, proving Remus’s point as he hiccups after laughing.
Remus steps into the bustling home, smiling as he looks around. It’s relieving, seeing all his friends celebrating and happy; he’d become accustomed to only seeing people at meetings for the Order of the Phoenix, and those were downright depressing.
Tonight, however, is quite the opposite. James pulls Sirius away to get a drink, leaving Remus by the entryway. Remus walks to the kitchen, setting the bottle of wine on the countertop and admiring the decorations.
As a candle floats by, Remus is greeted with an overwhelming scent of peppermint, mingling with the warmth of the festive atmosphere. His eyes immediately start to water, and he can’t help but cough lightly, a telltale tickle forming in his throat.
“Remus! It’s good to see you,” Lily exclaims as she makes her way through the crowded room, “How’ve you been?”
Remus smiles, his discomfort temporarily forgotten as he sees Lily. He accepts her hug, replying, “I’ve been well, all things considered. How are you?”
“I’ve been good, honestly,” Lily says with a smile, a hand placed habitually on her stomach, “We’ve almost finished the nursery, and…”
Remus tries his best to listen as Lily keeps talking, but his body has other ideas. He ducks against his shoulder slightly as he stifles two quick sneezes, “ngt! ngk!”
“Oh, bless you!” Lily says before continuing on, “It really is lovely seeing everyone again.”
Unfortunately, the stifles did nothing to relieve the itch in his nose- an irritating, persistent buzzing. Still, Remus tries to reply, “It is, it’s not often we- hh.. hHngk! ngxt! Excuse me. It’s not often we get together anymore.”
“Bless you Remus,” Lily says with a hint of concern. Sure, Remus sneezing isn’t uncommon, but Lily’s well aware of the full moon cycle and how frequently he falls ill after his transformations, “You’re not sick, are you?”
Remus offers Lily a wry smile, “No, not sick. Just a little sensitive after the full moon, I suppose.”
Lily nods, seemingly buying Remus’s quick dismissal. “So, what’ve-,” she starts, but then Marlene McKinnon spots Lily and shrieks happily.
“Lils!” Marlene exclaims, and a moment later Lily is frisked away into an embrace.
Remus doesn’t mind. In fact, he’s rather grateful for the opportunity to slip away into an unoccupied hallway. His nose has already started twitching again, and he can feel the sharp scent of the peppermint coating his throat.
Remus pinches his nose between his thumb and forefinger, his head bobbing towards his chest as he stifles a series of sneezes in quick succession, “hhnGxt! hd’gsh! ngxk!”
He waits a moment, releasing his nose and taking an experimental breath. Wrong choice.
“hgXxt! hngt! nkXT! hh…. hhGDsxh!”
Remus lets out a little sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose before searching through his pockets for a handkerchief. He almost always carries one, especially leading up to or following the full moon, when his nose is particularly sensitive.
“Hey love. You hiding out over here?” Sirius teases with a smirk, “Or is this just an especially interesting hallway?”
Remus turns around to see Sirius leaning against the wall, a drink in hand. He looks undeniably beautiful, his hair pulled back in a bun and his shirt partially unbuttoned.
Remus rolls his eyes, “Why, are you trying to escape the spotlight Pads?”
Sirius grins, about to quip back when Remus cups a hand over his nose, his shoulders shuddering as he stifles another little fit of sneezes, “hhNGxt! hnxt! hhN’gxt!”
“Bless you, bless you, bless you baby,” Sirius says in a slightly sing-song tone.
“Thanks,” Remus mumbles, but he’s more preoccupied with holding back. His nose is twitching, and he turns away from Sirius slightly as his breath hitches.
Sirius’s smile fades a little, replaced with concern, “You alright Moons?”
“Yeah just- hngt! j-heh-hgt! hxkch! Snf, just a little itch,” he dismisses. Admittedly, it’s much more than that. There’s a constant tickle in his nose and throat, his eyes are itchy and watery, and he can’t keep his nose from twitching.
Sirius raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend, his expression making it evident that he doesn’t believe Remus’s dismissal, “C’mon love, what’s up?”
Sirius moves closer, resting a gentle hand on Remus’s back, “You feeling okay?” He murmurs.
Remus bites his tongue for a moment, debating between admitting his allergy and potentially ruining Sirius’s Christmas, or powering through. Unfortunately for him, his nose chooses something else entirely.
“tschHh!-kKTSch! hh-hNgxt! hhN’Kgtsch!”
“Bless you,” Sirius murmurs as he rubs Remus’s back, “Something setting you off?” He asks, knowing Remus well enough to recognize an allergic reaction.
Remus just nods, knowing he won’t be able to deny it. He keeps a finger curled under his nose, hoping to dissuade the itch.
“How bad is it?” Sirius asks, his worry evident.
“I’m okay, just… c’mon, not agaihhhnGXt! nnG’DSch!”
“Bless you, bless you,” Sirius blesses each stifle as he wraps an arm around Remus’s waist, guiding him towards the backyard to get some fresh air.
Unfortunately for Remus, they pass by not one but two of the floating candles on their way out, and the finger curled under his nose becomes useless in preventing another fit.
“hh- hDtsch! hn’Gxt! hhHGDsch!”
Remus stifles against his finger, letting out a little cough after the triple. On top of the persistent itch in his nose and throat, his eyes are starting to become increasingly irritated and watery. He resists the urge to rub them, knowing it’ll only worsen his discomfort.
“Bless you love,” Sirius says as he opens the back door, keeping his other hand on the small of Remus’s back.
Remus feels a little relief as he steps into the brisk air, a flurry of snowflakes drifting downwards, but he knows the damage has already been done. He’s had a few encounters with peppermint in the past, and he has no doubt he’ll be sneezing all night.
“Better?” Sirius hums, wrapping an arm around Remus’s waist. The werewolf nods, pressing his handkerchief to the base of his nose and sniffling.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s setting you off?” Sirius asks, smirking at his boyfriend, “or are we going to have to play Guess That Allergen.”
Remus rolls his eyes, but he can’t help but grin a little, “You’re an ass.”
“Now now, Moony, we were talking about your sneezy predicament, not my ass,” Sirius teases, “So, what’s-”
“n’Gck! hngXt! hhHDTsch!”
“Bless you, bless you, bless you. What’s setting you off?” Sirius asks, not minding the interruption.
Remus hesitates before letting out a little sigh, realizing there’s no use in trying to dismiss the reaction or imagine an excuse, “The peppermint,” he answers simply. His nose twitches, as if his body is even sensitive to him saying the word, “hhHGXt! hNG’tsch!”
“Bless,” Sirius says with a little frown, suddenly remembering Remus’s last run in with the scent of peppermint at a potions store- it’s safe to say Remus doesn’t go to that store anymore, “Baby why didn’t you say something when we got here? You must’ve realized right away you were allergic.”
Remus lets out a defeated sigh, shrugging and answering, “It’s Christmas, and you’ve been looking forwards to seeing everyone for ages. I figured I… hh… could dhhdeal with-hhGNSxch! hhHtschew! ktsChh! with a little allergic reaction.” Remus lets the last two sneezes out unstifled now that he’s only in Sirius’s company, catching them in the folds of his handkerchief.
“Bless you love,” Sirius murmurs, gently rubbing circles on his boyfriend’s back, “You do realize this is more than a little allergic reaction, right? You look downright miserable.”
Remus doesn’t have the energy to argue with that, and he’d only be lying. The effects of being in the peppermint filled house have already set in, despite him only being inside for eight minutes.
“Let me guess: itchy eyes, itchy throat, and incessant sneezing?” Sirius asks, grinning at the way Remus’s eyes narrow in annoyance, “I’ll take that as a yes. Any rashes?”
Remus shakes his head, holding the handkerchief over his nose again as he feels the itch return with a vengeance, “Not y- hhKTsch! hhtxchew-tscCHh-kkDSch!” The last triple comes too rapidly for him to draw a breath between each of the sneezes, leaving him slightly breathless, “Not yet,” he finishes lamely.
“Bless you,” Sirius says as he presses a kiss to Remus’s cheek, “Why don’t you wait here, I’ll let Lily know we’re heading home,” he suggests gently.
Remus frowns, looking at his boyfriend with a guilty expression, “You don’t have to, I’ll just stay out here for a while. Go enjoy yourself.” He insists, gesturing to the festivities inside.
Sirius grins, rolling his eyes playfully, “Remus Lupin, if you think I’m going to leave you sneezing outside in the cold on Christmas, then you’re poorly mistaken.”
When Remus’s guilty expression doesn’t change, Sirius softens a little, “C’mon, we’ll pick up some food on the way home and we can watch a movie. I’ll even let you pick which one.”
“Sirius-” Remus starts to protest, but Sirius is already opening the door to go back inside, “Don’t move. I’ll be back in a few minutes and then we can head home.”
As guilty as Remus feels, it’s hard to ignore the flush of affection he feels towards his boyfriend. He knows Sirius has been looking forward to this party for ages, but here he is, ready to leave in an instant all because of Remus’s discomfort. Sure, it’s not an ideal situation, but to be loved so unconditionally is something Remus can’t help but cherish.
Before Remus can even reply, Sirius slips back into the bustling house, on a mission to find the hostess. The door remains open for a moment, and Remus is hit with a waft of the intense, biting scent of peppermint. To anyone else, it might be perfectly sweet, but to Remus, it means a night of incessant fits.
“hhTSxchew!-ktsxch! tsxg’t! Ktsch-etschiew!”
Remus’s shoulders shudder as he lets out a series of rapid sneezes into the handkerchief, grateful he’d remembered to bring one with him. Each sneeze is itchy and desperate, tumbling out after one another with no hesitation.
Remus spends the next few minutes caught in a cycle of hitching breaths and little fits, his nose becoming increasingly pinker as he waits for them to subside- though he knows they won’t, not yet, at least.
Luckily for him, Sirius returns before long, leading Remus around to the front of the house and apparating the two of them home.
They spend the rest of the evening curled on the old sofa in their living room, watching Christmas classics and sharing a bottle of wine- Sirius insists that it wasn’t really Christmas if he doesn’t at least get tipsy. Remus keeps a handkerchief in hand the entire time, sneezing every few minutes in quick, rapid fits until they finally start to die down. Sirius, of course, blesses him each time.
All in all, it’s not a terrible Christmas for the couple. After all, they have each other.
The End
i hope someone enjoys this, sorry for the rushed ending and any grammatical/spelling errors!
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bloodyknucklesforme · 2 years
New Year's | Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Agent!F reader
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You technically had plans for New Year's but a little skull emoji popping up on your phone next to the message "Taking you away for New Year's. Be packed by Friday evening. I’ll pick you up at 5." had you changing everything.
CW: Smut, filthy smut, anal, cock warming, light degradation, dom!Simon, soft!Simon, creampie, idk, filth
WC: 4k
You were half asleep, sleeping off the Christmas hangover on Boxing day when the text came through. He never texted. He barely called. The little skull emoji showing up on your screen pulled you and shot through you like lightning.
'Taking you away for New Years. Be packed by Friday evening. I’ll pick you up at 5.'
He was a man of few words and fewer questions. You could decline and he wouldn’t hold it against you. You did technically have plans but a party at a coworker's flat wasn’t the most exciting thing. You did buy a cute dress though. You could wear it for him now. 
You weighed the options. Party with work friends who weren’t really friends or a weekend getting fucked stupid. 
You replied to him with a simple ‘okay’. 
You were giddy. You were like a teenage girl whose crush finally texted back. Butterflies floated up from your stomach and out your mouth as giggles. 
Big scary Ghost was taking you away for a weekend. You had to let all the excitement out over the next five days before he picked you up. You had a reputation to maintain. 
Acquaintances with benefits was the aptest description of your relationship. You shared the same field. He did all the dirty work while you sat in London looking over satellite images and decrypting communications. 
He did all the dirty work in your relationship as well. He was a dominating presence that knew you just wanted to forget about everything else when he was inside you. 
Maybe you let him do it cause he saved your life. Maybe because he was the one to check on you after you woke up. He was the one that drove you home from the base. Left his number on the notepad on your desk.
‘Call me if you need me’
Maybe it was because when you told him he could come back whenever he wanted after the first time in your flat, he did. He came back over and over and over. 
As sure as the wind blows, Ghost would show up at your door. Normally between 9 and 10 pm. He wouldn’t text or announce himself. You’d hear the click of the front lock (you gave him a key after he came in after midnight once and forced you out of bed) and hear his boots against the floor. 
The air in your flat always felt colder when he was there. It made you clingy and begging. He always locked the bedroom door behind him. You couldn’t lock it yourself now. You’d never tell him but the sound made you horny. Pavlovian response to a click that made your thighs slick for him. 
You reached under the bed and pulled out your vibrator. Letting your mind wander to all the places you thought he might take you this weekend.
It was five o’one and he was already outside waiting. He was never late, that's for sure. You’d never actually seen his car before. He always walked up to your building. It was an older Land Rover, black, mid-90s. 
He got out and took your bag. Wordlessly gesturing for you to get in the car. As you said, a man of few words.
He shut the door behind you. Before he started the car you pulled a bottle of bourbon from your bag, a gold ribbon tied around the neck.
“Trying to loosen me up?” He asked, taking the bottle. 
“You are always tight in the shoulders. Might be good for you.” 
He chuckled and put the bottle in the backseat. He tossed a paper bag in your lap as he started down the road. 
It was a simple brown paper with white handles. In it was a book.
“The SAS Survival Handbook?… fuck you.” You said, flipping through the pages. It wasn’t useless but it was filled with stuff you already knew for work. How to staunch bleeding, how to hit someone the right way, how to start a fire. It was annotated. Little scribbles and doodles. Approval and disproval. 
“Need to make sure you’re okay when you go back in the field. Won’t be able to keep my eyes on you all the time.” This was his idea of a joke. “Where would I put my cock if you died?”
“Oh.. fuck you, Simon.” You hit him in the arm with the book. You weren’t actually angry. It was funny. You pulled out the name to be cheeky. He grabbed your thigh and squeezed tightly. 
“Watch it or I might put that mouth to work sooner rather than later.” 
“Where are we going?” You asked finally. 
“Somewhere private. Was tired of hearing about your neighbours' complaints.” 
You could be loud, very loud. The sound of a broomstick hitting the floor couldn’t even be heard over the sound of him splitting you in two. 
“You have plans then?”
“That would make the devil himself blush.”
He took you out of the city, past the suburbs. Almost two hours. Past Oxford to some small town with a B name you forgot as soon as you passed the sign. 
You were eager, grinding your thighs together. He’d never planned anything as far as you knew. Your relationship was mostly spontaneous. The first time he’d ever tied your hands was because he said he liked the scarf he found on the floor. Any use of toys was because you’d already had them out. He always took you as you were. 
It was dark as he pulled up the gravel drive. It was an older house. One story made of red brick and a dark-colored roof. There was already a light on inside. 
He carried your bags in and kicked the door shut behind the two of you. He dropped the bags and pushed you up against the wall, his chest against your back crushing your breasts against the wall. 
His warm mouth was against your neck, sucking a heavy mark. He gripped an ass cheek in one hand, squeezing till you whimpered.
“You ever been fucked here?” He hummed, a finger pressing between your cheeks to rub your hole through the fabric. You shook your head. “Do you want me to fuck your ass, agent?” 
“Yes.” Spontaneity. It wasn’t something you’d ever really considered before. He’d mentioned it, once before, a cum drenched finger grazing your hole and a promise to return one day. That day was now you guessed. 
“Yes…?”He slapped your ass, hard.
“Yes, Sir.” 
“Good girl. Always such a good slut for me.” He reached around to unzip your jeans. “Did my good girl bring anything special to wear for me?”
You had. A split-second choice to bring your one nice lingerie set. He’d never seen it. He’d ripped too many panties off for you to dare, even if he did replace them. 
“I did, Sir.”
His hardening cock was pressed against the small of your back. He hummed in approval as he pulled your jeans down. 
It was a black mesh set you got last year on sale. Didn’t leave much to the imagination but lifted your ass and breasts up nicely. Lots of straps with matching garter and stockings. You’d felt a little dumb putting jeans and a sweater over top at least until you heard him exhale behind you. 
He’d knelt down behind you. The rough polyester of his mask rubbed against the small of your back as he kiss your ass. Another quick slap.
“Spread your legs, agent.” You did as you were told, as wide as you could with your jeans still wrapped around your ankles. He pressed his face against your covered cunt. He sucked on the damp fabric. You whimpered. He pressed his hands against the walls on either side of you, keeping you in place. 
“Use your words, agent.”
“Please, Sir. Take them off.”
He obliged, taking the back edge between his teeth and pulling down slowly to your knees. He pressed his face back against you, licking your folds slowly. He groaned at how slick you were. He brought that out in you. 
He could fuck you like no one else. Hold you like no one else. It felt like a deal with the devil sometimes. You could have the perfect hookup, someone whose body felt made for yours but you could never talk not in any way that mattered. You couldn’t even use each other’s names. 
His tongue fucked you. He treated your cunt like an oasis in the desert. There was always the lingering smell of desperation when he fucked you. He might walk out your door and never come back. You thought about it a lot. You’d use your clearance on occasion to check in on him when he was gone for too long. You’d never tell him that. You were too busy moaning at the moment. 
His hands left the wall to spread your cheeks apart. You shuddered as the cold air brushed against your hole. 
“You look beautiful, love. Almost makes me feel bad about what I’m going to do to you.” You almost jumped out of your skin when his spit hit your hole. He licked it up and ran his tongue over your hole. 
He left you panting as he fell back on his haunches. He slapped your thigh.
“Go to the bedroom and lie down on your stomach. I’ll be there soon.” He placed a chaste kiss on your reddened thigh. He was gone before you could say anything. 
You stepped out of your jeans and panties, leaving them on the floor. Your legs were shaky as you made your way down to the bedroom. 
It felt too quaint. Pink florals on a light mint background covered the walls. The bedding was white with frills. It felt like a grandma’s house. Something out of red riding hood.  It wasn’t suited for what he had planned. 
You looked yourself over in the mirror across from the bed. Fixed your hair, making sure it fell the way you liked. You wore minimal makeup but chose the cheap mascara you knew run a lot. He liked it when it ran down your face. 
You were confident but not when staring too long. You got nick picky. Too caught up with stray hairs sticking out weirdly or a new little bump on your cheek or forehead. 
You were pretty, you had been told it enough but being the object of desire was different. It stripped you to your messiest and most swollen. ‘Fucking gorgeous, love’ he’d murmur after finishing while he looked over the damage he did. 
It wasn’t a matter of confidence just you never felt appreciated enough. Sometimes you questioned the purely physical nature of your relationship with the lieutenant. Did hookups take weekend trips on holidays? Couples did but couples also used each other's real names and not titles or code names. 
You climbed onto the bed, facing away from the door, spread your legs, and waited for the wolf. 
“You ready for me?” He knocked softly on the door frame. You looked over your shoulder to look at him.
“Ready.” You didn’t mean for your voice to shake like it did. You weren’t scared but he brought out a certain timidness in you. It didn’t help when he walked in with his hand around his cock. You always forgot how big he actually was.
He threw a black bag onto the bed as he walked over. 
He kissed the back of your thighs, rubbing your ass with a free hand. His mouth moved up your legs to your ass and to your back. He stopped at the nape of your neck. 
“Can I blindfold you?” He murmured. It was his way of saying he wanted to take the mask off. This was a special occasion. 
“Yes.” You closed your eyes and tilted your head back. He chuckled at your obedience, your eagerness. He unzipped the bag and cool leather pressed against your face. He moved your hair out of the way and tied it around your head. He placed his face by your face. “If you need something to hold on to.”
He climbed on top of you, kissing his way back down till he straddled your thighs. He rubbed your cheeks, massaging his fingers deep into the muscle. 
“Relax, love. We have all the time we need. I’m not going to rush this.”
“How long have you been wanting to do this?” You asked, stretching out underneath his touch. 
“Since I first bent you over that crate in Germany.” 
“And I’m the slut?” Munich, a distant reminder of your first time, was still your safe word. 
“You bring it out in me.” He laughed softly. You liked his laugh on the rare occasion you could tug it out. 
He moved and you heard him unzip the black bag, dumping its contents out onto the bed. He placed something hard and rubbery in your hand. It was a small plug, a little longer than your thumb. 
“Hold on to it for a moment.” He said. There was a snap of plastic. You yelped as cold lube hit your skin and pooled around your hole. You gripped the toy. He ran a finger through your folds, gathering up the wetness. 
He dragged it around the edge of your muscle, pressing lightly. You grabbed the mask laying by your face with your free hand. He chuckled. 
“Breathe…relax..if it’s too much let me know.” He pushed his finger inside you. You held still, getting used to the feeling. It was a stretch but a good stretch. You lifted your hips up to him, offering him more, begging him for more. He was slow as he pumped his finger in and out of you. Cooing out words of praise, rubbing your lower back. “You’re going to take me so well. I know you will.”
He pushed himself in to the last knuckle. You moaned softly.  His hand skated over yours till you released the toy. He took it and laid it on your back. The snap of plastic again and his finger was gone. More lube dripping into your stretched hole. You reached blindly for a pillow and pulled the first one you touched underneath your head. 
“If you need anything, ask me.” He said, rubbing your hip. 
“I need you to keep going.” You whined. He spread your cheeks again with one hand with he teased the toy at your entrance. He pushed it in, taking less time but the same level of care. One hand fucking you while the other rubbed your skin, making sure you were okay. 
He adjusted his hips and you felt the hard tip of his cock against your thigh. You were getting antsy. A puddle forming underneath you on the bed. You moved your leg to rub against him. He exhaled hard. 
“Careful, agent.” He warned. “I’m doing this for you.”
The words hanging off the edge of your tongue were dangerous. 
“I want you inside me.”
“We’re not even halfway there. I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“Not my ass.” He pauses. His knuckles brushing against your hole as the toy is pushed fully inside you. “Let me keep you warm.”
He pulls the toy out and drops it on your back. His hands are on your hips and he’s pulling you up against him. You love when you cna get him to lose control. Break his sharp edges, shatter his resolve into pieces. 
He lines himself up with your cunt. He rocks into you with one fluid motion. He rocks the air from your lungs. You grin wickedly as he fills you. 
“I’m glad you suggested it.” He’s by your ear, covering your body under his. “Watching you squirm was getting difficult.”
He checks the tie on your blindfold and grabs you another pillow to rest your head against. 
“Don’t get cheeky.” He warned before leaning back. He picked the plug back up and pushed it back inside you. He kept a hand on your hip, making sure he was as deep as he could be. 
“Ready for the next one?” He asked, slowing down his pace with the plug.
“Yes, sir.” You moan.
“Good girl.” He replaces the plug with a larger one. You squirm on his cock as he slides it in. You hate how gentle he can be sometimes. How delicate he is. He could be rough and was rough often. Never like that first time.
You suspect it’s because of how you almost died. He had to hold your stomach together on the helo back. Twelve hours earlier he had you bent over that crate. He’d seen your mortality too soon. You resented it sometimes. He was the one who saw you at your weakest. He held your life in his hands. 
You got taken out of the field, put on desk duty. He was out there, while you stared at a screen. He was so much larger and so much more real than you. You could fade into something else so easily. You didn’t have many friends, maybe because you never gave anyone a chance. Maybe because instead of being at a party you were here in this cottage with his cock inside you while he fucked your ass with a silicone plug. 
You didn’t realize how close you were till he gave his hips a roll. 
“Fuck….me.” You moaned. 
“You’re getting tighter. Is this all it takes now? You used to be a challenge.” You pushed back against him, forcing the tip of his cock against your womb. He picked up his pace with the plug. “Fuck yourself against me. Make yourself come on my cock.”
He could get you to do anything. You rocked your hips back and forth, trying to angle him against that sweet spot. He refused to help, letting you use him like a toy. You whined and cried as you fucked yourself with him. The heat pooling in your stomach. You arched back, throwing yourself into him. 
“When you cum, I’ll fuck your ass.” He hissed. You found the mask and buried your nose in it, taking in the smell of him. How full of him you were. How pathetic he made you. How much you wanted him, more of him, all of him. 
You thought about how you would wake up tomorrow morning with him next to you. That was all it took. You spasmed, clenching around his cock. He groaned loudly. 
Your thighs were wet and shaking. You whimpered as he pulled out of you. You could have cried when he pulled the plug out.
“Look at you. You’re always so fucking greedy for me.” He pushed your hips down. He dragged the head of his cock around your hole. “Always so wet for me. Both of your holes clenching around nothing.” 
His hand rested on your hip, holding you firmly in place. 
“What’s our word?” He asked. You could barely think. You tried to push back against him, use him again, let him slip inside of you. He tutted and dug his fingers into you. “I need the word before I continue.”
He was always bigger than you remember. You bit down on the polyester mask as he pushed inside of you. Your eyes rolling back into your head. 
He hunched over you, his breath was heavy against the nape of your neck.
“So tight, love. So fucking tight for me.” He pressed his lips in an open mouth kiss against the nape of your neck. Every thrust driving him deeper inside you. 
He’d reduced you over his heat. You were nothing but a squirming, moaning wet mess. Too tired to even raise your hands up to touch him. Cock drunk and begging like you were in heat. 
“Might never fuck your cunt again.” He chuckled at your sad whimper. “Don’t worry, I’d miss it too much.”
He took a moment as he bottomed out, his balls slapping against your core. He kissed under your ear. 
“Can I come inside you?” He rubbed circles on your hips. He was twitching inside of you. You could feel the drum of his heart against your back. His question dripped with need. You weren’t without protection but it wasn’t something you’d ever discussed before. He wouldn’t ask if he wasn’t clean. He wouldn’t ask if he didn’t want it that badly. You wanted it badly too.
You awoke something in him. An arm came to wrap around your neck, tucking your chin against his forearm. You felt so small. Drool poured from your mouth around the mask. 
“You’re mine,” he growled. “You’re fucking mine.”
You were close again. His words edging you closer. 
“If some other cunt touched you, I’d kill him.” 
Six months of no emotion, no attachments, just him fucking you till your legs cramped. Now here he was, buried deep inside you, touching a part of you no one else ever had and claiming you as his. 
You reached behind you, nails digging into his own ass. Your weak attempt to hold him. Blood was rushing in your ears, sloshing your brain around in a lustful storm. You could only hear the sound of his hips smacking against your ass and your teeth grating against fabric. He was talking, you could feel the breath against your cheek. 
You forgot how to talk and listen. You were an animal. An animal begging for him to cum inside you. 
“Simon, please. I want you. Please.” You came, legs shaking hard. He had a habit of making you cum so hard you forgot to breathe. 
“Breath, love. Don’t pass out on me.” He blew cold air against your neck. You gasped, the world crashing around you.
He came, pressing his full body weight against you. He shuddered, moaning your name loudly. You could feel his cum inside you, spilling out as he pulled his cock out. 
“Don’t move.” He ordered. He rolled over. You waited, legs too weak to defy him. You felt the gentle push of a new plug against you. “Good girl. You took me so well.”
He laid gentle kisses against your thighs and ass while he pushed the plug in, trapping his cum inside you. 
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against his chest. 
“You got my mask wet,” he laughed. “Can’t wear it now.”
“I’ll keep the blindfold on.” You murmured. You wanted to sleep, just the two of you together in bed. You could close your eyes and pretend you were something more. 
“You have high enough clearance.” You flinched as he undid the satin ties of the blindfold. You kept your eyes closed as he tossed it to the side. “I’ve seen your insides, you can see my face.”
You were slow to open them. Blinking in the dim light of the bedroom. His nose was crooked and scars crisscrossed over his face. He was dirty blonde with soft curls. He had deep circles under his eyes. He looked a little older than you expected, years of war, cigarettes, and stress. 
Six months. It took six months to see his face. You loved it. 
“Not scaring you off, am I?”
You kissed him softly, his knuckles grazed your cheek. 
“Never.” You buried your face in the crook of his neck.
“You can take a short nap but then I’m bathing you. You already ruined the duvet cover, I’m not paying for the sheets as well.” He stroked the back of your head. 
“Just wake me up in time for New Years.” You mumbled. “I want my kiss.”
“You’ll get your kiss, love.” He kissed your forehead. “Get some rest. You earned it.”
Maybe things were changing. They could be different. You could wake up tomorrow next to him and the day after that and the day after that and maybe even the day after that. 
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atruththatyoudeny · 9 months
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Happy 28th! I wish I had more time to read this month, especially because I haven't read any of the advent fics yet but let me steer you to this wonderful post by @allwaswell16. It contains links to all the advent fics. Here are the fics I did read - and loved this month:
I'll Be Home For Christmas | lovelarry10 | [63k] Harry's life seems to be going well. He has a great job working at Festive Furnishings, he has an amazing three year old son called Danny, and his favourite time of the year is approaching. Just as Harry thinks everything is finally going to plan, he finds out that he is going to be losing his home just before Christmas. Louis Tomlinson is happy enough with his lot. He's the CEO of a company he started years ago, Festive Furnishings, he has great colleagues, especially his assistant Harry, and he has the best nephew in the world. But the thing is, Louis is lonely. He has a beautiful house but it's too quiet, especially at this time of year. Not that he'd admit that to anyone. While struggling to find somewhere warm and safe for himself and Danny to stay, Harry makes a decision that might just change the course of everything... and bring himself and Louis closer together as well...
And Now I Date Cate's Brother | sunflouwerhabit | [46k] “But what if you had a real relationship! What if you entered your Victorius era and wrote a banger about banging your best friend’s brother!” Louis blinked. Either his mind was working at half-speed or Niall was being especially stupid tonight. “I never banged my best friend’s brother.” “I know that and you know that. But we don’t always have to tell the truth when we write songs.” “You want me to write fanfiction about me and my high school crush?” Louis asked. The words were slow to form. “Like… actually?” “Why not?” Why not? Why not?!?! Because the idea was ridiculous, Louis wanted to say. Because he hadn’t seen Harry Styles in person in four years. Because Harry Styles was a stupid childhood crush- a popular, kind, stunning boy secretly adored by a quiet musician who felt every emotion so intensely he had to write them all down or they would suffocate him- and the two never shared much more beyond a game of cup pong and drunken conversations at a Halloween party a million years ago. Because… ~~~ A drunken writing session ends with a song detailing the fictitious summer romance between Louis and his former friend’s twin brother. It accidentally goes viral.
Bend the Rules | youreyesonlarry | [17k] Prompt 588: Lous hires a ‘ghost cooking’ service because his family is worried he’s not eating well and he wants to impress them by showing them what an amazing cook he’s become. The service includes sending a discreet cook to your house and have them get everything ready so that you only serve and take the credit. Problem is, his sisters (can be OCs if that’s more comfortable) get to his flat earlier than planned and the actual cook has to hide in the master bathroom for hours. Louis is mortified. The cook is amused and helps him to clean and well. Gives him a thorough service. Feel free to pick your fave as the cook.
Lucky (In Love) | Neondiamond | [3k] When Louis first volunteered to drop off his nephew Lucky at nursery to help out his nervous sister, he was not expecting the owner to be the most gorgeous man in all of London. He makes sure he’ll get to see him again.
silver dress feels like a cure | finelinegynandromorph | [10k] louis is a boudoir photographer and harry needs a little bit of a push to feel himself a little more. turns out they used to be rivals at a ballet company ten years ago. mutual thirsting ensues!
Hello, my name is Louis | tedtokat | [10k] Louis hurried to hang up the phone and take off his headset, throwing it away as if it was burning hot. He hugged himself by the shoulders and hid his face in his knees, sitting in his desk chair like a swimmer ready to dip into a pool, a pool of embarrassment. Not many people got past "Hello, my name is… " and even fewer engaged in a full conversation with him. And if they did, it usually went better than this. Prompt 148: Louis is a scam caller. Now this isn’t exactly the job of his dreams, but it pays well enough for him to continue doing it. Louis is a very anxious person, making it hard for him to talk, so he’s very shy when he inevitably scam calls Harry. Harry ignores the scamming, but after a certain number of calls, he’s had enough. Here ensues mean Harry at the beginning, sensitive Louis who doesn’t know what is going on half of the time, and if the author is up for it, autism-coded Louis too!
Two Night Stand | j_klmnop | [18] After an extremely regrettable one night stand, two strangers wake up to find themselves snowed in after sleeping through a blizzard that puts their entire city on ice. They're now trapped together in a tiny apartment, forced to get to know each other way more than any one night stand should.
Touch Me (Like Nobody Else Does) | goldensweetmemory | [11k] Prompt: A/B/O - strangers snowed in for an extended period of time and the omega starts to get touch-deprivation xx The alpha’s grin returned tenfold, deep dimples popping into his cheeks. Holy shit, he has dimples. “No, I don’t mind at all. I know where to find you when I need it back,” he said with a chuckle before leaning back into his seat. Louis let out a small giggle before nodding. “I’ll be sure it gets returned to you…?” He trailed off, one eyebrow raised at the other man. “Harry,” he replied, amusement still shining in his eyes. “And you are?” “Louis,” the omega responded before leaning back into his seat averting his eyes once again. “Thank you, really, for the charger. You’re a lifesaver. I’m not sure how I would’ve made it through without my Netflix.”
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cuffmeinblack · 10 months
You Need Only Ask
Garreth Weasley x Ominis Gaunt
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Christmas Special
Tags: fluff | slice of life | past trauma | light angst 5.3k words
Summary: Garreth is determined to make Christmas extra special for Ominis and Sebastian, with a bit of Weasley hospitality.
ao3 link
A/n: Technically chapter eight, yet could be read as a standalone because it's just slice of life stuff. Ominis and Garreth are very much in love and share a flat with Sebastian, that's the plot. This is the second fic I've written this year with a Weasley family Christmas, albeit a different generation. What can I say, it's comforting.
Christmas was a joyous occasion, or so Ominis had been told. He supposed the festivities could be fun in a place like Hogwarts, and the food rather marvellous, but for the most part he despised the holiday and all its associations. His hatred set him apart from the rest of his colleagues, who decorated their office with gaudy garlands and an offensively large fir tree that always seemed to snag on his clothes. This was but another trait to thank his wonderful family for. As wizards and muggles alike had settled into their cosy traditions, Tiberius Gaunt had much more sinister motivations. He used the celebrations as an opportunity to lure unsuspecting Muggles, inebriated and distracted, to their manor with promises of extravagance for the festive season. Homeless men and women were offered shelter, food, and drink, all in the name of good will.
These were Ominis' victims.
His source of deepest shame, and the screams he heard in his worst nightmares.
For months he'd been dreading the invitation he knew would be coming, and on the first of December no less it arrived. Not by owl, but by Garreth bounding into their flat and announcing it to Ominis and Sebastian, to be met only with silence. The pair had been quietly reading in the living room, an armchair each and heads buried in their own books, only to be startled out of their concentration by the exuberant redhead. Garreth stammered at their lack of response, but ever the optimist and always keen for a party, he decided to try to change their minds. 
“Oh, come on! Do you really want to hang around here for Christmas on our own?”
“Actually, yes,” Ominis said.
“There’ll be loads of food, mum makes the best mince pies. Wait until you’ve tried the pudding! I’ll bet she’d make roast beef for you too, Ominis…”
“I wouldn't mind…”
“There, Sebastian’s already on board!”
Ominis calmly tucked a bookmark between the pages and stowed his wand, placing the hardback next to him as he gathered his thoughts. Of course Sebastian knew exactly why Ominis was so hesitant. He’d told his best friend many years ago, though only once and never again. After that, Sebastian had insisted that Ominis spend his Christmas holidays with him in Feldcroft. This was Ominis’ first festive season with Garreth, and there were still things he’d not yet revealed about his family; whether through shame or because the right opportunity hadn’t presented itself, he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have, yet there was no hiding from it now.
“Sebastian, can we have some privacy?” Ominis asked quietly.
He didn't hear his friend reply, met only the shuffle of paper, the shift of weight off the creaking armchair and footsteps receding into silence.
“What’s wrong?” Garreth asked as soon as the door shut behind Sebastian.
He sounded worried, and Ominis felt a surge of guilt for having dampened his spirits so quickly and thoroughly. 
“Sit next to me?”
He was soon enveloped by Garreth’s warmth, large hands wrapping his and the press of a firm thigh as he squeezed himself into the chair. Ominis rearranged himself to be practically on Garreth’s lap, not minding the closeness as he barely managed to whisper his explanation.
“I haven’t celebrated Christmas for…well, for as long as I can remember. As a child, my family only used it as an excuse for their sick little games. What celebration could be complete without Muggle torture, after all?”
Ominis exhaled deeply and let out a shaky sigh, recalling the very worst of those memories whilst Garreth waited patiently. His hands were sweaty.
“I remember the Christmas before I went to Hogwarts most vividly. Perhaps my family knew that it would be my last in their company. I never…participated as willingly as my brother. They made sure that I did that year. Christmas Eve, the very last time I cast the cruciatus curse.”
Ominis' shudder seemed to shake the furniture and Garreth gripped him tighter, almost suffocating him with his concern. Ominis thought he might just throw up after confessing such a thing, expecting Garreth to sprint out of the door of their shared home, to never return. Sometimes he thought that it was what he deserved; no matter how much he atoned for his sins, some things could never be forgiven. Garreth had a pure heart, and it was a testament to just how good he was that he didn't hesitate to turn Ominis' face to meet him, their foreheads pressing together as if he were trying to wordlessly absorb Ominis' pain.
“I’m so sorry, my love. That's…disgusting. And you were just a child...”
“You see why my association with Christmas isn't quite normal.”
“I do, but I want to change that.”
“Christmas is about family, and being with the people you love. You're…you're my family now, and I want to spend it with you, as it should be. You deserve so much more than what your family gave you…”
Ominis’ heart swelled in his chest, the love he had for Garreth threatening to overflow and smother his niggling doubt and trepidation. It meant so much to Garreth, ever the family man—how could Ominis keep him from them, or worse, make him choose?
“I can't promise I'll be entirely present.”
“I understand. If you want to leave, we can. I know my mum wants to see you, and Sebastian…she's been banging on about it in her owls for weeks now.”
Ominis smiled despite himself. Feeling wanted was a rather new experience, one which he didn't plan to snub.
“I'll come, Garreth.”
Ominis was promptly wrapped up in Garreth's arms, his face nestled amongst wild curls laced with his familiarly spicy scent.  He was right, of course—this strange little trio was Ominis' family now, and the Weasleys had all but adopted him into their clan. If anyone could convince him that Christmas was worth celebrating, it was them.
Garreth has started counting the days to Christmas as soon as Ominis had accepted his mum's invitation. He had work to do now, to make Garreth's favourite time of year Ominis' too. Whilst he had grand plans for new brews (and rent to pay besides), he dedicated every spare minute doing all the things he associated with the festive season. Having heard Ominis' frequent grumblings about ‘that damned tree’ at work, he'd decided a little work was in order for that particular tradition. 
“What in Merlin's name is that?”
Ah, Sebastian was home, then.
The tired auror-in-training limped into the living room as Garreth was finishing the final touches to his masterpiece and the mince pies he'd baked cooled on the windowsill. They were slightly burnt, but only because he'd been so distracted by what stood in front of him.
“What's wrong with you?” Garreth asked, noticing the way Sebastian was walking. “You look terrible.”
“Thanks. It stinks in here, what did you burn?”
Sebastian flopped into an armchair, loosening his waistcoat and ruffling his hair whilst trying to mask the grimace as his leg bent at an awkward angle.
“Nothing, probably a sprain. I haven't had a chance to do anything about it until now,” he replied, pulling out his wand. “Anyway, you've not answered me—what is that?”
“What does it look like?”
“It looks like a bloody great tree in the middle of our living room. I thought Ominis said no tree.”
“Yes but this one has a cushioning and repellant charm around it so it won't snag on his clothes! I've also enchanted it to stay fresh without water.”
Garreth sniffed the air and sighed. “That fresh fir smell…”
Sebastian was busy muttering a healing charm over his ankle, paying no attention to Garreth's ramblings. Clearly he had his work cut out for him when it came to getting his flatmates into the Christmas spirit.
“I don't know why you've gone to so much trouble,” he finally said.
“Because, it's exciting. Doing all this…it's not just for me. Did you not celebrate when you were younger?”
“When I was much younger, when my parents were still alive…”
Sebastian stared at the floor, deep in thought, and Garreth waited as he clearly had more to say. He placed his wand in his pocket and perched next to his plate of mince pies, staving off the desire to nibble on the pastry.
“Christmas was always so magical as a kid, with Anne…it hasn't been the same since I lost my family. Me and Ominis, we just try to forget.”
“I can take this all down if you want…”
“No, leave it. It's actually nice. Doesn't feel quite as weird as putting them up in Feldcroft.”
Garreth nodded, fighting back the urge to hug Sebastian—that would have been a step too far even for their growing friendship. Instead, he picked up the plate next to him and walked over to where Sebastian was now slumped, looking just about done with the day despite the early hour.
“Mince pie?” Garreth offered with a warm smile.
Sebastian took one and without even a second to inspect it, took a large bite out of the pie, pastry flaking onto his smart black suit. There was a time when he'd refuse anything Garreth offered him for fear of being spiked with some experimental potion. Sebastian's trust meant a lot to Garreth, and not only because it meant a lot to Ominis.
“Mm-…this is really good.”
“Always the tone of surprise,” Garreth chuckled.
On Christmas Day, unexpectedly, Ominis woke first. He drifted into consciousness still clinging to a dream that faded with every groggy second; something comforting and sweet that had his chest fluttering. It took him a few seconds to remember today's occasion, laying silently and listening to the pigeons cooing and Garreth's gentle snores. With a groan, he tried to drift off again, burying his head into his boyfriend's hair, yet his mind had finally cleared from its sleep state, rushing and turbulent in its thoughts. He patted the bedside table, over his wand, until he reached a small clock. His fingers drifted over the hands, discerning that it was just past six o’clock.
Well, time for a cup of tea, then.
“Garreth,” he whispered.
“Hmm? Ominis?”
“Good morning. And Merry Christmas.”
“Mm…oh! Christmas!”
Garreth sat bolt upright, almost knocking Ominis out of bed, for which he apologised profusely whilst attacking him with kisses like a lovesick puppy.
“Right, sorry. Breakfast? What's the time? Six?!”
“I know, I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. I wondered if you wanted a cup of tea in bed.”
“May as well get up now, we can open our presents,” Garreth said, the smile on his face obvious by the tone of his voice.
Ominis allowed himself a few more seconds pressing kisses into Garreth's heated skin before dragging himself out of bed, immediately missing the warmth of their duvet. The flat was cold, the fireplaces empty overnight, so Ominis wrapped himself in a dressing gown, donned his slippers and set to work warming the place with his magic. He could hear Garreth hopping about on the floorboards as he struggled to dress,far too excited for what to Ominis was yet another day. Yet he knew to Garreth, it was one of the highlights of his year, as with millions of others; witches, wizards and muggles alike. 
A cup of tea did him wonders, clearing the cobwebs from his brain whilst Garreth started cooking breakfast. Ominis wasn't hungry, but he could eat, and the smell really was delicious. Bacon, sausages and eggs were sizzling away and filling the flat with an aroma that tempted his saliva glands into action. It didn't take long for all of Garreth's clattering about to rouse Sebastian, the first sound from his mouth a loud groan as he shuffled into the kitchen.
“Merry Christmas, Sebastian!” Garreth called over the scraping and clinking of food being plated up.
“Yeah, Happy Christmas…why are we awake? What's the point in having a day off work if we're going to wake up in the dark?”
“Let Garreth have his day, Sebastian. Don't be such a Scrooge,” Ominis chided, hiding a smirk behind his teacup.
“You read that book, then?”
“Dickens? Yes, I did.”
“And did it get you into the Christmas spirit?” Sebastian asked, sitting next to him at the kitchen table.
“Well, here's some more Christmas spirit,” Garreth said, with yet more accompanying noise.
Breakfast was served, along with another pot of tea and some sort of sickly sweet cream liqueur with cinnamon, that Garreth insisted they all try to ‘start the day off right’.
“What exactly is it?” Sebastian asked.
Ominis took a sip of the drink, raising his eyebrows in pleasant surprise as the liquid warmed his insides with just the right amount of spice and a little something that seemed to give him a burst of energy.
“You know I can't tell you my recipes. Suffice it to say, it's next on my list to find a distributor.”
“It's delicious…right, I'm going to get showered and dressed and then we can open our presents,” Ominis announced, his chair scraping along the floor as he stood up hastily.
His brain was running a mile a minute, muscles twitching for something to do. Even his speech had sped up. Without waiting for an answer, he was off, getting ready for the day in record time. He dressed in smart trousers, a crisp shirt and his new waistcoat which Garreth insisted was tastefully festive—as long as it wasn't embroidered with Christmas trees, Ominis didn't mind. The effects of the drink didn't wear off until he'd made it back to the living room, where Garreth and Sebastian were using their boost of energy to argue.
“...just for a few hours, stop making a big deal out of nothing, Weasley.”
The only time Sebastian used Garreth's last name these days was when they argued, which thankfully grew less and less often as time went by. Ominis settled down by the fire and waited for the pair to finish their tiff, reading through the Daily Prophet, scanning the headlines with his wand.
“It’s Christmas day! And you know how much I want to make it special for Ominis. Despite you being an insufferable git sometimes, you are his best friend.”
“Don't drag Ominis into this. I doubt I'll even have to go, so just leave it.”
The mention of his name did, in fact, drag Ominis into the conversation, with a sigh and albeit reluctantly.
“What are you two fussing about now?”
“Sebastian has decided that work is more important than celebrating Christmas with his friends.”
“I've said I'll be on call if anything were to happen. You know, even criminals and dark wizards celebrate Christmas, so I'm not expecting much action today,” Sebastian drawled.
“It's fine, Garreth. You are right about him being an insufferable git sometimes though, I will give you that,” Ominis said.
“Oh, charming. Just because Weasley spends his time cooking for a living, doesn't mean some of us don't have real jobs.”
Ominis knew he'd crossed a line and he stood up to find Garreth's side before things could escalate further. The last thing he needed was to mediate some ridiculous shouting match on a day he was already slightly dreading. 
“Stop it, both of you. For me.”
Garreth huffed and let Ominis pull him to the sofa whilst Sebastian threw himself into an armchair in silence. Neither would willingly apologise, but Ominis would take the cessation of hostilities for now. There were presents to open and spirits to maintain until the Weasley family party later that morning. Garreth was thankfully quick to forget any tensions as soon as he was passed a gift, wrapped by Ominis' own hand, it likely looked a mess; but no matter, the paper was swiftly ripped apart anyway.
“Brilliant! Wait, Ominis, these must have cost far too much…”
Ominis had bundled together his favourite sweets; treacle fudge, chocolate frogs and honeycomb; along with something a little more extravagant he knew would be appreciated. The Chudley Cannons tickets were hard to come by, but a colleague thankfully had contacts in the Ministry's Department of Magical Games and Sports—Ominis had been told the seats were excellent, and judging by Garreth's cheering, it hadn't been a lie.
“Enjoy it. If I can't spend my hard earned money on the man I love then what is the point in enduring my colleague’s gossipping?” Ominis said.
“You're incredible, you know,” Garreth replied, wrapping him up in a tight embrace.
“My thanks is not having to attend with you.”
Garreth chuckled and squeezed his hand.
“Maybe I'll ask Oscar…he'll owe me forever.”
“How am I meant to follow that?” Sebastian sighed.
Of course all three of them were grateful for every gift exchanged, even if the thanks between Garreth and Sebastian were still a little frosty. Sebastian received books, charmed gloves, a handsome tie pin and a bottle of fine firewhiskey; Garreth yet more sweets, a selection of potioneer’s tools and a cashmere jumper that would likely end up singed within the week; Ominis a selection of music, sugar quills and smart new brogues. Garreth had saved Ominis' final present for the end, handing him a small box tied with ribbon.
“It's a bit experimental, I hope it's okay…”
“Another drink?” Ominis asked, pulling a tiny glass bottle out of the box.
The bottle’s glass was ornately cut and the stopper wasn't suitable for a drink. As soon as Ominis pulled it off, he understood. The earthy, leathery scent hit him, along with a hint of patchouli if he wasn't mistaken.
“Did you make this?” 
“Yes…I've never tried perfume before but I thought well, how hard could it be? Erm…is it okay?”
Ominis dabbed the concoction on his neck, inhaling deeply. 
“It's delightful,” Ominis sighed. “You can add perfumer to your list of talents.”
Sebastian made himself scarce as soon as Ominis decided to show Garreth just how much he appreciated his gift, kissing him fervently until the newfound privacy prompted a yet more heated exchange. Ominis almost dragged him back to bed with his cock throbbing needily inside his tailored trousers, not returning until after he'd buried himself inside his boyfriend and heard his addictive moans. All in all, his Christmas was shaping up to be far better than any he'd previously experienced.
Despite waking so early, they were now running rather late. The impromptu trip to the bedroom hadn’t really helped matters, though Garreth certainly wasn’t complaining about that. He'd given up trying to tame his curls, running a little pomade through the fringe in some attempt at tidiness and called it a job well done. Sebastian and Ominis were waiting for him by the fireplace, holding yet more presents and sporting the gifts they'd received earlier that morning; new shoes, new tie pin, new jumper. Today would involve a whole host of newness—whilst the Weasley family home was now familiar to them all, the idea of a big Christmas celebration was not. With a slight churn of his stomach that signalled nerves, he took the lead in guiding his flatmates into the floo.
He was greeted not by his mum, but by his brother Oscar, who appeared to be on guest welcoming duty. He slapped Garreth on the back and directed them to the back of the house, where his family had been hard at work transforming the overflowing kitchen and conservatory into an impressive party space, all encased in warming charms and candlelight. The pièce de résistance in Garreth's view was the Christmas tree—cut from the local forest, it had been decorated with handmade baubles and sprigs of holly, just as it had been when he was a child. 
“Hey, Os…want to see the Cannons with me?”
“Hm, what do you mean?” His brother asked whilst nibbling on a mince pie (completely unburned, unlike his own).
“Ominis got me tickets to their match against the Wasps!”
“Are you serious? Of course I want to come! Nice one, Ominis!”
Oscar pulled an unsuspecting Ominis into a hug, his green eyes sparkling with excitement. His older brother was an even bigger Quidditch enthusiast than himself; he'd even entertained the idea of playing professionally once. When he'd relinquished his grip on a chuckling Ominis, Oscar leaned over to Garreth as he walked past, his mouth close to his ear.
“Marry that one, brother.”
And with that, Oscar was gone, only to be replaced with his mum, bedecked in Christmas decorations of her own.
“Mum…,” Garreth grumbled, looking her up and down.
“Looking good, Mrs Weasley,” Sebastian commented, turning her cheeks pink.
Garreth rolled his eyes. He was used to a festive jumper or sprig of berries in her hair, but she'd really gone all out this year. The flower crown of festive foliage atop her head appeared to be sparkling, or rather sparking with tiny red lights, and her handmade dress was embroidered with gold stars from top to toe.
“Sebastian, Ominis, lovely to see you both,” Harriet said. “Get yourself a drink, we've plenty.”
“I've more here, Mrs Weasley. A little something for you and Mr Weasley, though perhaps you might like to keep it for yourselves,” Ominis said, handing over his present.
The bottle of vintage cognac had cost a pretty knut, but Ominis had insisted. Harriet clutched the bottle tightly whilst quite speechless, not used to such extravagance. Garreth had thought she might be embarrassed by the gesture, but instead she was elated, calling Griffith over to open it right away, eager to share it amongst their friends and family. As the trio wove their way through the room, they greeted the rest of Garreth's siblings and relatives with Charlotte staying close by to Ominis and Sebastian. They indulged her endless barrage of questions as if she'd been deprived of their company for years rather than a couple of months.
The party began to fill the house, slowly but steadily until lunch was served; a traditional roast goose with stuffing and all the trimmings, and there was even a small side of roast beef that he knew as for Ominis’ benefit. Griffith thanked everyone for joining them with a toast as the extended table groaned under the weight of food. Of course, every dish was delicious. Glazed carrots, four different types of potatoes and lashings of gravy were passed from one end of the table to the other until everyone's plates were full. Sebastian seemed to be enjoying the company of Garreth's cousin next to him and paying the rest of them no mind, but Ominis stayed close to Garreth with their hands clasped under the table whilst he made small talk with another Weasley that Garreth couldn't quite place.
The sun was setting by the time dessert came, and the sky an inky black as the last mouthful of Christmas pudding was finished. Stuffed with food and drink, Garreth slumped against the back of his chair and let Ominis' head rest against his shoulder. Presents still hadn't been opened, yet Garreth always preferred the food, company and games at Christmas. At one point, he'd have been running around with Oscar and wreaking havoc, but now that crown had passed to his sister and younger cousins who were just as eager to disrupt the adults’ conversations with demands for gifts and practical jokes. 
“A word, Garreth?”
The question came from his aunt Matilda who had appeared out of nowhere, jolting Garreth out of his stupor.
“Oh, hello auntie…yes, okay.”
Muttering an apology to Ominis, Garreth followed her out into the living room. She'd adopted her ‘professor persona’, clasping her hands in front of her and peering at him with a calmly professional smile. Garreth almost flinched away, reminded of the countless times he'd looked into those eyes and subsequently been told off for something-or-other.
“We're having a career day at Hogwarts in the new term, you remember those?”
“Well, would you like to come back to Hogwarts and talk to the O.W.L students about your entrepreneurial venture? I'm sure they'd appreciate hearing from you amongst the healers and aurors and teachers.”
Garreth was almost stunned into silence. Almost. If there was any time to punch the air and brag, it would have been now. Instead, he smiled widely and tried his best to contain his excitement.
“Of course. Maybe I can even bring along my new brew for students to try? Well, maybe not that one…unless they're allowed a little swig of alcohol…no? No…”
His aunt was now looking at him with raised eyebrows, likely wondering what had possessed her to approach her nephew for this important role.
“I'm sure you'll think of something more suitable, Garreth. Now, back to the party, I have a delicious-looking Christmas cake to tuck in to.”
Buzzing with pride, Garreth returned to where he'd left Ominis, finding only his little sister in a flood of tears. Charlotte's curls bounced as she sobbed and Garreth pushed them out of her face as he crouched to meet her eye line.
“Charlotte, calm down…what's wrong?”
His sister didn't seem willing or able to reply. It wasn't long before he was joined by their mother, fussing and shoving Garreth out of the way.
“What's wrong, sweetheart? Tell mummy!”
“I just asked her that, she won't…”
“I was…was talking to Omi…and…,” Charlotte sniffled, wiping her eyes on her frock. “...he got really upset. I didn't mean…I wasn't mean!”
Garreth's mind blanked for a second and then kicked into a frenzy. He spun around, looking for his boyfriend amongst the sea of red, only spotting Sebastian's chestnut mane as he chatted animatedly to Garreth's cousin. With Charlotte in the care of his mum, Garreth fled, winding through the crowd to get to Sebastian. He felt awful, more than awful. Clearly Ominis hadn't been ready, he'd pushed too hard. His hand landed on a shoulder and earned him an irritated scowl; clearly Sebastian had been turning on his charm judging by the way his cousin was grinning and twirling her hair.
“Have you seen Ominis?”
“No…no, why?”
“I think he's run away, I don't know.”
“What? Run away where?”
“Just bloody help me look, will you?”
They both muttered their apologies and started their search. Garreth kept his eyes peeled for blond hair, easily recognisable amongst his family. He wasn't in the living room, the hallways, the kitchen. They stood in the conservatory, looking out into the night and Garreth wondered if he'd simply gone home. The thought filled him with sadness. Sebastian suggested searching upstairs, but then Garreth saw him; or rather the flash of his brand new brogue poking out from behind the Christmas tree. 
Ominis was leaning against the glass, deep in thought and arms crossed defensively. Though his head tilted downwards, Garreth could see the slight redness around his eyes and prayed to Merlin he hadn't been crying.
“Are you okay, Ominis?” Sebastian asked.
“Yes, I'm fine.”
Sebastian gave Garreth a look of concern, but stepped back. No matter how close the friends were, he devolved to Garreth this time. He knew that Garreth had Ominis' best interests at heart, and saw first hand how much he loved his best friend.
“Tell me what happened, Ominis.”
“It’s nothing. Charlotte was asking me questions about my family Christmases and…I panicked. I had no idea what to say, so I left. I must apologise to her…,” he said, making to leave.
But Ominis hesitated after taking only a step. He seemed apprehensive to leave his hiding place in the conservatory, as if the idea of rejoining the crowds was suddenly overwhelming. 
“We could stay, if you want? Or go for a walk?”
“Isn’t it snowing?”
Garreth looked out across the garden, blanketed in a thick layer of snow yet the sky was peacefully clear. Not even the trees in the nearby woodland swayed, the air so still that barely a leaf rustled.
“Not anymore.”
Ominis nodded his approval, hastening to leave the glass enclosure like a trapped mouse. Once outside, he calmed, the remaining din from the party silenced by the thick stone walls of the cottage. They walked, not knowing where to—the destination wasn’t important, merely that they were together, alone at last. Ominis kept them warm with a charm that melted the snow beneath their feet forming puddles that froze as soon as they passed. A winding trail of ice to mark their meandering. Garreth held his hand tightly, letting Ominis unwind in the silence. To not talk was a challenge for him, truth be told, but he employed every shred of patience and self-restraint he had until Ominis finally spoke.
“I’m sorry I worried you, Garreth.”
“Don’t be sorry, please. I’m sorry for pushing you to come. I can’t exactly blame Charlotte, she’s just curious...”
“No, I don’t blame either of you. There’s none to lay. I really have had a wonderful time. Perhaps…it’s time for me to talk about my family more, so moments like this don’t catch me unawares.”
“Only if you want to.”
“I think I do. At least, I want to share it with you—all of it. There are horrors in my past and skeletons in my closet that frankly I’ve been terrified to speak of, in case they scared you off.”
“Ominis, you could tell me you’re the devil himself and I’d still love you.”
Ominis smiled serenely, the curve of his lips lit only by the soft moonlight and smattering of stars. Garreth meant every word. There may have been a time he’d have been horrified to hear what he had, yet now he knew Ominis; knew unequivocally that he was good, kind, and nothing at all like his father and brother.
“Shall we head back inside? I imagine your family misses you.”
“Not likely. Do you want to stay out here a little while? I can conjure us a couple of chairs and we can enjoy the silence before the storm.”
“By storm you mean your sister?”
“Of course,” Garreth grinned.
“I’d love to,” Ominis said in barely a whisper, squeezing Garreth’s hand and pulling him to a stop.
They were quite a way from the house now; the illuminated windows mere pinpricks in the distance. The cottage was inviting, sure enough, yet with magic they could create all the cosiness they could want. Hidden by a large box hedge, Garreth set to conjuring a couple of basic chairs, blankets and bluebell flames encased in jars which he levitated to head-height. The flames didn’t give off much heat, but Ominis worked on warming charms to envelop the pair as they settled next to each other, their fingers still tightly laced.
“I could get used to this, you know,” Ominis sighed. “The idea of Christmas, I mean. The memories are still there, but they're not as potent when I'm with you and your family.”
“It will get easier, I promise,” Garreth said, turning his attention from the clear night sky to the person he loved most.
“I'd like to talk about my aunt, if that's okay.”
“I'd love to hear about her.”
Ominis told Garreth all about the woman who had influenced him growing up, her kindness helping to shield him from his family's influence and moulding him into the man he was today. Garreth felt eternally grateful, despite never having met her. He wished he had. In many ways, she sounded like his own mother—strong, fiercely protective and always willing to do what was right, despite the repercussions. Garreth held Ominis close as he told him the stories. It must have been painful, as well as cathartic and bittersweet to share, but by the end of the night, Ominis was smiling, and that's all Garreth had wished for this Christmas.
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hlficlibrary · 1 year
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AO3: haztobegood
Tumblr: @haztobegood
✤ Number of fics: 66
✤ Posting Since: 2018
1️⃣ Nailed By Louis (E, 6k)
It had started as a joke, just two months earlier. Louis had tried to make recipe from HarrySizzles Instagram account. It looked doable: no strange ingredients, no scary kitchen machinery. Just a simple layered lettuce salad. The result had been catastrophic. His friends had laughed so hard at the disgusting appearance of his salad, and after a few drinks, Louis had been convinced to start his own Instagram to track his food failures.
2️⃣ Not Another Lonely Christmas (E, 8k)
Harry should be more nervous that he’s bringing a literal stranger to meet his extended family, but he figures it can’t be much more awkward than Aunt Sharon’s Christmas parties usually are. Instead, he’s looking forward to having an extra person to buffer the conversation.
A knock comes one minute after eleven. He lets out the breath and opens the door. “Hi there— Louis?!”
Or, the one where the friend Niall sets up as Harry's fake boyfriend turns out to be Gemma's best friend Louis
3️⃣ All That You Need (E, 2k)
Pre-heat was always one of Harry’s favorite times to spend with Louis. It was a time to rest up and indulge in extra cuddles, like basking in a ray of sunshine before having to dive off the deep end. Louis lavishes him with tender touches and soft kisses. Harry wants to savor this time as long as possible. The unquenchable need will come later, but for now, his desires are simple. He just needed to be closer to his alpha. As close as possible.
4️⃣ The Prince and The YouTuber (E, 12k)
The Annual Rosendal Spring Gala hosted by the Royal Family is the most prestigious fundraiser in the country. When a problem with the honorary foundation arises, Crown Prince Louis Tomlinson must pick a new worthy foundation on short notice. He discovers the perfect replacement in an unlikely place, while watching his favorite YouTuber, Harrysparkles.
5️⃣ Take on Me (E, 60k)
Actor Harry Styles is preparing for his next leading role as Antonius the Gladiator with the help of Louis Tomlinson, Hollywood’s top stunt coordinator. When the demands of Harry’s career get in the way of their training, the pair head to a secluded cabin to complete their training. Then, Louis begins to share senses with Harry. What is causing this mysterious connection and can Louis and Harry figure out how to stop it before they leave the cabin?
💎 Stole My Heart (NR, 2k)
“Oh my god, Niall.” The door slams shut as Harry rushes into the flat. He’s still panting from his rush to get away from the scene of his crime. “You won’t believe what just happened!”
Niall is sitting on the couch in their tiny living room. He looks up from his laptop. “What happened?”
“The worst thing. I’ll never recover. I just reached into a box of free samples outside that new chicken restaurant. Only it wasn’t free samples. It was a man. Holding a box of chicken nuggets. His chicken nuggets. I stole this man’s food, Niall!”
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plan3tstarr · 9 months
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Christmas Party
A/N: so so so so so sorry for not posting, school is just eating me up and my creative smut juices haven't been flowing but i decided since it's the holidays, i should give back to one of my favorite fandoms!!! hope y'all like it, and also sorry it's a few days after christmas. sorry for any errors as well!! hope you like it:)
Summary: My present to the JJK fandom and Gojo girlies, you're hosting a christmas party with some friends and things take a little turn
Warnings: Sex Toys, Creampie, Throatfucking, Handcuffs, Spanking, Roleplay, Hair-pulling, Teasing
WC(word count): 2,441
AO3 Link
It was Christmas day and it was a week since you last sex. You were horny like a beast but since you and your boyfriend Gojo decided to have a party, you had to keep your cool. But at least the party was fun. You and some friends decided it would be funny to try the new sex chocolate that has been going around and you shared a bit with Gojo. Drinking was also involved because what's a party with our alcohol? Then things started to escalate. The chocolate were starting to kick in and because you were so horny because it was ovulation week, that just made it worse.
You were dancing and laughing around with your friends until you felt a tight grip on one of your hands that pulled you away from your friends. You realized it was your boyfriend who had a serious look on his face. He brought you upstairs into your guy's room. You were confused but a bit turned on even more by this. He threw you onto the bed.
"Babe, what's wrong? This is so completely random and I don't understand what's going on right now." You said.
He closed the door behind him and started to undo his pants. You could the print through his pants. You knew he was drinking too. You said him drinking while you was dancing and you guys were all taking shots before.
"You know how I feel when I seeing you dancing." He replied. He took his belt off and started pulling his pants down.
To make matters even more fun, you guys decided to dress up as Mrs. and Mr. Santa Claus. You were wearing a short Mrs. Claus dress that hugged your figure with fishnets as leggings with some black boots. So he was already turned on from the start. You knew the chocolate was starting to kick in for him as well. You laid down flat on the bed, ready and excited for what was coming. He got on top of you, kissing you deeply. Your tongues were twirling with one another. He placed one hand on your mid-back and raised your upper half closer towards him. With his other hand, he went slowly down your left side and handed his hand on your thigh, insanely close to your pussy. You felt a shiver down there and whimpered a little bit.
He broke the kiss.
"What's wrong?" He whispered in low tone.
"I hate all this teasing, I've been waiting a whole week for this and when we finally get around to doing it, you're teasing me. I don't wanna get teased. I wanna get fucked. Fucked hard and rough until where I can't take it."
"Shhh. Don't be such a brat, you'll get what you want until I say so."
He got up from up from off of you and walked over to the nightstand. He opened the bottom drawer and got 2 pairs of handcuffs. He cuffed one end to the right end pf the bed and went over and did the same to the left. He turned and looked at you with lust in his eyes. He crawled back on the bed and came over to you.
"I promise I'll give you the best orgasm in the world tonight." He whispered in your ear.
That whisper sent shivers all in the right places. He took on off your hands and cuffed your hands to the left handcuffed and did the same to your right hand. You were very vulnerable. He got up and made sure the door was locked. He stand on the end of the bed and took his Santa outfit off and went over to the same nightstand and grabbed a vibrator. He knew just what to do with it. He turned it on and started to tease your hard nipples that made a print through your Mrs. Claus dress. You shifted your body in pleasure. You missed being touched. But this was the closest thing to it. He rubbed the vibrator around your right nipple which caused you to moan a little. He chuckled in response and moved towards the left nipple doing the same thing as before. You let out a soft little moan in response. It was feeling so good but you wanted more. You needed more. He started to slowly bring the vibrator towards your body. The vibrations going lower and lower on your body caused you to shift around on the bed. The vibrator hit the top of your pussy lips and then it stopped.
"I don't think I should keep going, maybe I should just leave you alone. Let you get back to dancing." He said in a deep tone.
"No!" You pleased. "I want this, badly. I fucking need this right now."
Your body was already teased from the nipple play and the chocolate from earlier. You were just ready to cum.
He gave you a smile. "Alright." He said.
He turned the vibrator off and put it back in the nightstand. He walks over to the end of the bed again and you look at him confused. What would be his next move? He crawled on top of you and spread your legs wide open. Your eyes were making contact with one another and it just made the situation worse. He had that sex look in his eyes.
"Let's see how horny you really are." He sticked 2 fingers inside of his mouth and licked them, then gently placing them inside of your vagina.
"Damn, you're really wet, huh?" He said as his finger went inside of your wet pussy.
A moan left your lips as his finger went deeper. This is exactly what you been needing. You move around a little due to the sensation of his finger pumping in and out of you. You felt an orgasm building up and fast. Your whole body started to warm up and your vision was getting blurry. It wasn't much but it felt like a whole lot of something. You could feel his eyes staring at you with that same smile from earlier. You felt your body ready to cum.
"I'm gonna cum." You said in a soft voice. You felt his fingers leave your body and his dick shoved inside of your hole. You started moaning loudly, cum started flowing out of your body, covering his penis as it pumped in and out of your pussy hard. You clenched your fists as he started fucking you rough. It felt so good. His dick vigorously rubbing your g-spot over and over as it went in and out ever so roughly.  It felt so fucking good you could feel another orgasm forming once again.
"Fuck baby, you feel so good inside of me."
He placed on one of your breast and started playing with it. Teasing it, rubbing your hard nipple, and squeezing it. All the works. It all felt so good, you completely forgot about the party downstairs that was still happening. You wondered if the chocolate was kicking in for your friends as well. But that didn't matter for right now. You could feel a finger on your clit started to slowly rub it. The burning sensation was only growing now. The orgasm was coming faster and faster and you didn't want it to stop any time soon. The finger started to go faster and faster as his hard dick fucked you good.
"Fuck, Im gonna cum soon baby." He whimpered.
You felt his strokes getting sloppier and slower as he moaned while one hand squeezed your breast and the other holding on tight to your waist. He pulled his dick out as his cum started covering your lower stomach. You came your own self, making a little mess on your bed sheets once again.
"Fuck." He whispered.
He came on top of you once again and started kissing you passionately again. Your tongues making a twirl storm inside of each other's mouth. He broke the kiss once again and you saw that same smile from before. He leaned over to the left and started to undo the handcuff that was connected to the top of the bed frame. He did the same to the right but kept the handcuff cuffed to your right hand.
"What's up your sleeve now?" You asked.
"You'll see."
He placed the other handcuff on top of the nightstand and placed his left hand on your back.
"Can you bend that ass over for me?" He whispered in your ear.
You slowly rose up from the bed and turned your body over to where you was lying on your back. You started to arch your back for him and you felt his still hard dick against your ass. You shivered a little at what he was gonna do next. He took the other end of the handcuff and cuffed to your left hand.
"Looks like you where on the naughty list. Seems like Santa's gonna have to punish you." He whispered in your ear.
You felt a hard smack on your ass and your body moved a little. Seems like your punishment was spanking. He spanked you again but harder which caused you to moan loudly. Just before he was about to do it again, you heard knock on the door.
"Y/N, are you guys ok?" It was one of your friends. "We head a couple of nosies from above and we kinda got worse because y'all just left unexpectedly. We're just checking up on-"
"Everything is just fine, Y/N for sick so I'm caring for Y/N right now." He shouted.
"Oh, Ok!" You heard footsteps leaving and another smack on your ass and you could just tell a mark was just there.
"I hope Mrs. Claus learns her lesson soon." He said laying another smack on your ass just on the other cheek. You whimpered and moaned which each incoming spank.
You felt his tip rubbing against your pussy, teasing you ever so good. You tried to push his dick back inside of you but he caught you in the act and smack your ass once again.
"So needy." He said.
He teased your clit by rubbing his tip around it causing you to shiver and moan. You couldn't take the sensation, you just wanted another orgasm and fast.
"Baby please. I promise I'll be good." You moaned softly.
"If you say so."
He shoved his dick hard inside of you which caused you to moan into the sheets. He pushed your head down and propped your ass up to him. He pounded harder that before this time inside of you. His dick roughly going in and out of you as you moaned into the sheets of your bed. You could hear the wetness of your pussy and the cum that dripping from his cock making a wet sound as he pounded into you. Your ass was making a clapping sound against his lower stomach as he fucked your abused pussy.
"Fuck baby, you feel so fucking good on me." He moaned. 
You moaned but it was muffled due to the face he pushed your head into the bed. Your body was hot, your eyes were starting to water, your vision was blurry, and you were getting fucked brain dead. No thought was in your mind, it was just your ass clapping back on his dick and a couple spanks here and there. It all felt so good. So right. Like an reward for something. 
"I think I'm gonna nut soon." He said. 
You've always had the idea of your pussy being filled up with cum but you knew the consequences to such actions but in this moment. It didn't matter. You wanted it all no matter what the result might be. 
"Cum inside of me." You said muffled. 
He wrapped your hair with one of his hands and pulled your head towards him. Tears of pleasure rolled down your cheeks as he looked in your eyes.
"What you said baby?" 
"I said cum inside of me."
"I have no problem with that." He let go of your hair and pushed you back into the sheets of bed. His strokes began coming in faster and faster and harder and harder each time. Your pussy was filled to the brim with nothing but hard cock and your g-spot was getting roughly rubbed along with it. You could feel he was getting closer to his climax because the strokes were getting sloppier and slower. 
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum baby." He moaned as he filled your pussy up with nothing but pure cum as you came for your 3rd time. Your lower body plopped down onto the bed. You didn't know if your body could take it anymore. Soon, you felt the handcuffs that had your hands cuffed began to come undone. You heard the fall onto the nightstand they were once on. You wonder what was his next move and if you could truly handle it. He wrapped your hair back onto his hand and pulled you closer towards him on the right-middle end of the bed. 
"Since you wanna be filled with cum like a cumslut."
He flipped your body back over so you're now laying on your back once again. 
"Say "Aaa" for me princess.
"Aaa-" He shoved his hard dick inside of the back of your throat. You gagged on the surprise. He started moving back and forth inside of your mouth. Pre-cum and cum from earlier was dripping from his dick and some falling onto your face. He thrusted slowly into you, slowly picking up the pace. Soon your mouth with filled with dick thrusting roughly and hardly in you. You didn't know if you could take it. The tip was reached the back of your throat, making you gag a bit. Your eyes were watering even more due to the pleasure of the sensation. 
"Shit! You're gonna make me cum again."
He went harder and rougher with thrust and you started to lose air for a bit. Soon you were gagging and choking on his dick until he bust a fat load in your mouth. It started dripping onto your cheeks and nose.
"Damn baby, you made me cum a lot tonight." 
He said as he fell onto the bed on side of you. He let out a sigh and so did you. 
"You should sallow my cum like a good girl." 
You did as you were told and sallow the cum down your throat. 
"I'm all fucked out for the night babe." You said. 
"I can tell."
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thebibutterflyao3 · 8 months
Day 13 - Prompt: Beauty @pandalilymicrofics
February Daily Series - 788 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
Pandora wasn’t particularly interested in rejoining the group, but she reluctantly followed Lily back through the festival crowd. She also hadn’t realised how far she’d walked away from the food trucks. In her frustrated state, she’d power-walked to the opposite end of the path to where it forked. It wouldn’t have taken her long to get lost in this maze.
“How long will you be in town?” Lily asked.
“Just a few days. I needed to escape my family for a bit.”
“I can relate. You mentioned a brother, right?”
Pandora nodded, then grinned. “Evan. He was pretty annoyed with me for leaving him at home. I can’t say that I feel that bad about it though.”
“Are you close?” Lily slowed her pace as they worked their way past a group of giggling children. They were watching a dramatic retelling of a fairy tale that Pandora didn’t recognise.
“Yes, but mostly because Evan refuses to leave me be.”
Lily laughed and shook her head. “That sounds about right. I have a sister, but she’s exhausting to be around.”
“Older or younger?”
“Older. Her name is Petunia.”
Pandora arched an eyebrow. “Do your parents have a thing for flowers?”
“Mm-hmm, my mum is a florist. She has a shop in town,” Lily said, waving dismissively. “What about you? Sirius mentioned that Regulus lives in London, so is that where you’re from too?”
“Yes. Reg and I live together, actually. We share a flat near Leicester Garden.”
Lily stopped mid-stride and grabbed Pandora’s arm. “Leicester sounds familiar. Oh! Is that the one with a William Shakespeare statue?”
“That’s the one! I dragged Regulus to the Christmas Market in the square before we left. It’s beautiful,” Pandora said, thrilled that Lily was as charmed by the place as she was. “We share with our friend Dorcas from uni.”
“I’m going to move to London someday.”
Pandora’s heart pounded in her chest as she listened to Lily explain her grand plan to save up for a flat and hire on with a florist or garden until she could find work in her field. A sound plan, except her dream job was a little niche for London. There wasn’t a great need for horticulturists in the city.
“I know it’s a long-shot, but I figured that if I could hire on somewhere plant-adjacent, that would be a start. Don’t you think?” Lily said.
“It could work.”
Pandora didn’t want to dash her hopes, especially if it meant that there was a chance for this to go somewhere a little further than this holiday. She hadn’t really expected more from it than a bit of fun, but now that she’d met Lily, that changed. If Lily moved to London, they could date properly.
“Remus thinks I’m ridiculous for wanting to live in London, but I think it’s exciting.”
“Have you ever been?”
Lily linked her fingers together and nodded. “Once when I was younger. I loved the energy of SoHo.”
Pandora was on the cusp of an idea when Regulus burst through the crowd and rushed to her side. He glanced between them, then cleared his throat.
“James said there’s a party at the end. Are you staying?”
“Yes, are you?”
Regulus nodded as a slow grin slid over his face. “James wants to dance. Who am I to deny him a good time?”
“James dances?” Lily asked. “Why didn’t he join in at the club?”
James appeared behind Regulus and hugged him from behind. “Because Regulus won’t dance with me. He doesn’t want everyone staring at him. I tried to tell him that they wouldn’t be, but he doesn’t believe me.”
“If Sirius is dancing? You don’t have to worry about anything. That man is mesmerising to watch and even better to dance with,” Lily said, shimmying her shoulders.
Pandora lost track of the conversation for a moment while she admired the woman in front of her. Lily’s little shimmy was adorable, but the bouncing afterwards…merde.
“You’re drooling, Panda,” Regulus whispered.
She wiped at her chin, then glared at him. “I was not.”
“Well, you were definitely staring.”
“How can I not? Look at her! I’m only human, Reg.”
James chuckled as he rested his chin on Regulus’s head. “You’re both terrible at whispering. I think she heard you.”
Pandora looked up to find Lily’s cheeks flushed a lovely shade of pink. A mortified laugh bubbled in her chest, but came out in an awkward giggle. Regulus lost it, shaking with silent laughter as he hid his face in his hands.
That was it. It was all over. Once Regulus started laughing, Pandora couldn’t fight it anymore. Soon, they were all lost to the absurdity of the moment and cackled like hyenas.
Next Part>>>
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sideblogfornothing · 10 months
yesterday I talked to someone I didn't know online. They said that they were against Hamas and against the Israeli government but didn't believe innocent people (Israelis and Palestinians) should die.
When they eventually realized I was Israeli they told me that as long as I believed what israel was doing was wrong, they were cool with me.
So fair enough I thought, so I proceeded to tell them that yes, what Israel was currently doing was wrong. Innocent people don't deserve to die because of a shitty government, both Hamas and the Israeli government.
They then told me that it was strange that a lot of Israelis were pro israel and against Palestine. So I explained to them that these people have lost several close family members, and continue to lose friends and family the longer this war goes on.
I told them that every day there seemed to be a new funeral, people barely had time to grieve. (I was literally at a funeral a couple of hours before) so it would make sense if people hated the ones that did this to them.
They proceeded to react by saying that they "hope I get bombed by Palestine" I proceeded to tell them that that very much is a possibility, even before this war.
They then told me that they know history before instantly disproving that statement by saying that Jews just showed up out of no where and took over Israel. Which is not true, we have historical proof in the literal dirt.
I proceeded to tell them that that isn't actually the case and there is in fact a such thing as Palestine Jews, and that I am in fact a Palestinian jew.
They got all confused by the term asked how that can be, they asked if I was mixed. I told them no and explained to them what a Palestinian Jew is. They didn't seem to understand a word of it.
I told them to look it up, they said that google didn't know me specifically, I told them to just look up "what is a Palestinian jew" and that there was a Wikipedia article about it, they said they weren't reading all of that, and I said to only read the first few sentences. They got even more confused and I hade to re explain Palestinian Jews to them before they (maybe) got it.
When I explained to them how Israel actually became a country and that it used to be called 'Palestine' they got even more confused. I ended up re explaining and they seemed to understand. They concluded that it was all the whites fault.
Then they got all mad at white people's existence, and said that white people always steel everything, and that they stole Christianity from the Asians. I asked them what they were talking about, and they said that Jesus was and Arab.
I told them that Jesus was in fact a Jewish mamzer. They said, no he was an Arab and I asked them where they heard that because I'd love to research it. They ignored that question and insisted that he was Arab. I told them I'd look it up on Google, so I did and I told them that google said he was Jewish not Arab.
they told me I was wrong. I told them to look it up themselves. They didn't.
They said I should get bombed by Palestinians. I told them to drop dead.
They told me not to take things so seriously, and to not be so sensitive.
I told them they were an ignorant asshole. Then I left.
Random story I felt like sharing! I'm sorry for being a downer on Hanukkah, I just thought it was interesting how people don't do research then claim they know things (especially about Jews) then say flat out misinformation.
I encourage everyone one to do research on information they hear!
"misinformation is the easiest way to control the masses"– Science Sans, Christmas party au
happy Hanukkah!
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