#at all to rlly understand (they haven’t they just told u that u we’re doing shit wrong)
jrwiyuri · 8 months
That gorgug scene is so depressing to me… it’s so.. sigh
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nanayuz · 2 years
i kinda love jn102 .
jn102 is the episode where goh does one of his many trial missions, specifically where he and other project mew challengers have a raid battle against articuno.
the appearance of articuno completes the list which means all legendary birds have shown up in journeys, and we get to see gary and tokio again. i will not be calling him horace, u can’t make me. i’ve said his dub name enough times today.
but, tbh, i hated this ep when i first watched it.
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the battle seemed rushed in a way, and i didn’t really understand what was going on. i loved to see the return of tokio and ash finally getting to meet him, and i absolutely love gary, but this episode didn’t do it for me.
so, i rewatched it. like, 5 times. and my god, did it get better.
so much stuff happened in the battle, and it was truly interesting to watch when my attention span actually decided to last over 4 seconds long. but, that wasn’t even the best part of the episode, the battle.
after the battle is over, and everybody is leaving the island, tokio tells goh that he did just fine, even though he got less tokens than both him and gary. in the battle, goh seemed to take over a lot, and make uncalculated decisions, but tokio reassured him, and told him he’d have more chances and did amazing in this chance as well.
but gary turns around, instantly disagreeing. and honestly, it’s the best part of the ep. (dub ver, cuz i was listening to it while writing this.)
GA - "sometimes, kindness is what holds someone back. you forgive their mistakes and encourage their impossible dreams, while raising their hopes, you bring the worst possible outcome." 
GO - "what does that mean?" 
GA - "i joined you, because this time, the mission was a raid battle. but since we're still challengers, you're not my friend." 
AS - "come on, what's the matter with a couple of friends helping each other?"
GA - "you're as clueless as ever." 
AS - "huh?" 
GA - “i think quillon's attitude is the right one. the truth is, you'll never find mew without discipline. you're starting to think the same thing, right, goh? aren't you?" 
GO - ". . that's the first time you've talked to me like an equal." 
GA - "hm." 
GO - "take on a challenge, and then learn from it. yeah, gary, i see the way you think." 
GA - "and that's the first time you've talked to me like that. i look forward to seeing you again, later."
i didn’t think much of this scene when i first watch this episode, but god, did i think of it every other time. it’s the first time shigegou talk to each other as equals and not rivals, and rlly prepares for what eventually happens 11 episodes later, the first time they work as a team.
cause since jn068 when goh met gary, he was absolutely annoyed at everything he ever did, and wouldn't listen to him just for the sake of not listening to him. even earlier in this episode, that showed. he didn’t listen when he needed to, because he didn’t want gary to be right.
but now that they finished the raid battle, and goh matured quite a bit and learned a lot abt teamwork, he sees why gary acts the way he does, especially towards him. he wants goh to improve, just like he wanted ash to improve back in os.
i haven't watched most of os but ik there's a clip from ep270, where gary gives ash his half of the poké ball he got so long ago, and talks abt how their league battle went and how his way of mind changed. and how back in their fishing battle when they ‘tied’, gary took it as a loss. but now he’s matured, he knows that in this battle ash won fair and square. 
but, even if it wasn't showed in that clip, gary helped ash improve a lot, and it showed that gary wanted ash to improve even if he didn't always say what he meant. 
this then happened in jn068 again, when gary was teasing goh the entire episode. but gary's clearly grown mentally even more since his last appearance, and thats why he seems to clearly want goh to improve. but instead, he tends to use his wisdom and the lessons he's learned, even if he still seems like some rude brat sometimes.
every time gary’s appeared in journeys, up to this point, he seems to have annoyed goh by just being there. at the end of jn068, goh learns that gary just acts like he does, never meaning what he shows on the outside.
but instead of just taking it, like he’s seen to do, it feels like he just . . couldn’t trust him. not enough, not yet. of course he couldn’t, they barely talked and their first meeting was absolutely awful for him. but in jn102, he seems to have finally earned goh’s trust, and they now accept each other as equals.
yeah, that’s it. i’ll be rewatching this episode for the rest of time, tyvm. i love shigegou.
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I’d be rlly interested in seeing take on infinity war!steve and peggy. You’re writing is great, but most importantly, keep doing what makes u happy & healthy 😊
Like IW Steve like FROM IW or IW looking Steve? Either way, this is what i came up with. I am so unsure if its what you wanted. Also thank you so much, you are amazing and I”m glad you love my writing <3 I also haven’t seen IW so bear with me.
“I don’t understand,” Peggy found herself saying for the unkempt time that evening. She stared down at her hands, not able to bring herself to look up at him. 
This isn’t real. This couldn’t be real. This was some dream, some illusion her brain has cocked up from long, overworking hours in a hot and stuffy building because someone had painted the windows shut yet again.
And yet, her mind subtle, it has to be. 
Because she does not remember ever seeing Steve with a full beard nor with hair this long, nor with this look in his eyes that has told her he’s lost everything. He’s nearly as afraid of her as she is of him.
She’s seen him with stubble, weeks of over shaving have caused his beard to come in slower than the rest. She’s seen him with longer hair than what the military rules regulate, but in times of war, rules are bent and forgotten. She’s seen him with a lost look in his eyes when it involved saving innocence from camps and even when it came to losing Barnes, but this? This is something so much worst.
He’s pacing in front of her, still having yet to remove his uniform. It’s grimy, covered in God knows what. He’s bleeding still from a busted lip, a cut above his eyebrow. He’s worst for wear with neglect and from what she can make terms of it, a war had happened. A battle had been fought, people lost to weapons beyond her understanding and stones taking people’s lives and turning them to dust.
He stops to look at her, hearing her words, taking in her appearance. She looks straight from his memory, wearing a cream blouse and red skirt. A heel is broken and the hem of the skirt is covered in dirt and there’s a smudge of it on the tip of her nose, but she’s real. She’s breathing. Every scan done to her proves she’s real. 
Turning back to a man named Bruce, Steve waved his hand again in her direction, something that was getting annoying. “Explain.”
The man gave an exhausted sigh, rubbing a hand over his face. He took his glasses off and massaged his temples. “Steve, I’ve explained it - the-the fact is I can’t understand this!” His fist hit the computer, making them all jump. “The only people who can are -”
“Don’t,” Steve breathed in a tone she had so rarely heard before. Begging. Don’t admit the words that are true. That he knows to be true. 
“The fact is-”
“You don’t know that!” 
He’d taken a step towards the doctor, his shoulders squared and jawline clenched. She’s seen that look before - how many times had he given that look in the face of battle? How many times had he looked this determined when arguing his point during tactics of war?
Except he wasn’t arguing to save damage done to their men - he was begging for his own salvation.
The voice came from a woman Peggy hadn’t seen walked in, a woman with short, cropped blonde hair. The way she held herself told her that she understood the argument between the two, that she was on edge herself, worried for her friend. 
The Captain let out a shuttering breath, fists clenched as he turned to look at her. For a second, he looked like he was about to swing and hit her before his shoulders slacked.
“Go take a breather. Bruce, you too.”
When the men cleared out of the room, Peggy let her shoulders drop and ran a hand over her face. She felt a few flakes of dirt fall from her hair. How had she’d gotten so dirty?
“This is not the reunion I imagined,” she attempted to joke, looking up at the woman.
The blonde’s lips twitched slightly as she got on her level, squatting down to look at her. “I don’t think this is what he imagined either. Steve is…”
“I know,” she sighed, shaking her head. “You don’t have to tell me, I know.”
“Then you know he’ll come around to you once…” She swallowed and looked up at the holograms, watching the faces change. Her eyes reflected the hurt. “Let’s get you cleaned up, hm?”
Peggy still couldn’t make heads or tails of what the hell had happened. She was sitting behind her desk, late at night when a flash of bright light had taken her. She had no time to react, to shout, to even grab her gun, before she was tumbling head-first and into a pile of mud. She wasn’t alone when she came to her senses, moments later. The woman with blonde hair - known as Natasha - and a man with the clearest blue eyes she’s only remembered in her dreams stared at her.
It had been the first name out of her lips and Steve’s face twisted in pain and horror as he dropped to his knees beside her. His hand ghost over hers, just barely touching her. He wouldn’t look at her, past her, to the woman, trying to determine if this was real or not. She had touched him and he flinched, causing her hand to jerk back.
“You’re real.”
Those should not have been their reunion sentence, the first words out of his lips but they were. They were the most heartbreaking thing she had ever heard and the sound played in a record in her head. 
It’s what brought the first sob from her lips, the water pouring from the showerhead washing away her tears. She was thankful for a hot shower, scrubbing perhaps too hard at her skin to wash away any trace of dirt. She wasn’t sure why she was crying. 
Maybe it was the fact of everything - the horror Steve had been through, the situation she fell in on. Or the overwhelming sense that he’d been alive this whole time. Or just everything. All she knew when she came out of the shower, hair done into an un-elegant knot on the top of her head, she felt no better.
Natasha had left clothes for her to wear. A simple pair of jeans and a blouse, a pair of pajamas were left behind on a bed. She wasn’t even sure where she was staying or whose room this was. Just that she was both exhausted and hungry and wanted to find Steve to give him the comfort he needed, but not wanting to force her place.
A knock at the door distracted her from getting dressed, tying the soft, plush robe tighter around her frame as she went to answer the door. “Oh, Natasha, I’m…” The words stopped on her tongue as she found Steve standing in her doorway.
He’s showered too, given the damp hair hanging in his face. The cuts and bruises looked almost better by a small margin. He had pulled on a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, his hands full of take out that reminded Peggy just how hungry he was.
“Hi,” he breathed, underneath the beard she could see a flush forming. “I...I brought...dinner. Figured you were hungry. Interdimensional travel, I hear makes you starved.”
“Hi.” He looked so nervous, it reminded her of the little boy from Brooklyn decades ago. “Where did you hear that one?” Peggy quipped, hand closing around the frame of the door. 
Slowly stepping aside, she waved him in and Steve seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as she closed the door behind them. “I’ll have to meet this Thor, then, if he’s an expert at these travels.”
“You’d like him, he’s...he’s great…” She could see his shoulders sagging as he placed the steaming bag onto the table, gripping the chair hard enough that she could hear the sound of the wood splintering.
There was a little hesitation in her motives, but she forced herself through to take his hands. He turned to her and she wasn’t surprised to find tears in his eyes. She was surprised when he hugged her tightly, face buried in her hair. 
She couldn’t deny herself this. Her arms tightened around him, pulling his frame closer to hers. His shoulders shook with a gasping sob, Peggy’s arms only tightening to give him the solace he deserved. 
She wasn’t sure how long they stayed in that position or who cried more, but she was reluctant to pull away. His hand held her cheek, gently wiping the tears away.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured, always sounding in awe when he spoke of her looks. “You-you always were - I mean you have… you just…”
Despite the sniffling and tears on both of their faces, Peggy stood on her toes to press a kiss to his lips, arms moving to wrap around his neck. He picked her up off of her feet to kiss her in return. 
The kiss was not what she imagined, how their reunion should’ve gone, but it was theirs. He gave a weak laugh as he sat her back on her feet, still holding her face in between both his hands now.
“I’m a mess,” she retorted, lips now were swollen from kissing. 
“Beautiful,” he corrected, making her snort and roll her eyes. His lips twitched into a small, sad smile, kissing her temple.
They stayed in silence, time ticking by slowly and too fast for Peggy’s liking. It wasn’t until his watch chimed, making them both jumps did they slowly pull away from one another. Suddenly remembering there was food there, her stomach growled loudly and he gave her a look. 
“You’re starving, you should’ve said something. Come here.”
Dishing out fried rice and orange chicken, Steve sat beside her, using a pair of chopsticks to slowly eat his rice. It wasn’t the reunion dinner she imagined, but it was theirs.
“Did Natasha send you?” She asked after a long minute.
“She talked me into my senses. She-she’s right… we don’t know what the hell is going on, how the hell you came here to be or-or if this will even last…” His voice faltered on that one, her heart clenching. “But I-I should grab it while it lasts.”
“I’m not leaving,” Peggy found herself whispering, Steve smirking at the determination in her tone.
Steve snorted into his bite of rice, choking when she gently hit his chest. “What? Are you going to fight Thanos yourself?”
“Maybe. And get you to shave that damn beard while we’re at it.”
Behind it, she can see the puppy dog pout that he was trying to get her attention with. She ignored it in favor of a bite of her food.
“I like my beard.”
“Mhm, darling.”
“You-I…” Steve found himself suddenly staring down at the rice, poking it around with the chopsticks. “You called me darling.”
Damnit, if he didn’t know how to make her heart flutter. She set her utensils down and turned to look at him, laying a hand on his thigh. “I did because you are my darling. The beard...suits you, it’s just...I am not used to it. The last I saw…”
“I was a scrumpy man in a too-tight uniform, becoming a human ice sculpture at the bottom of the ocean. Got it.” He grunted when she hit his chest again. “It was a joke, Pegs. A lot changed...too much has changed.”
 The wariness in his voice spoke all, it tugged on her heart again. Peggy’s eyes softened as she climbed into his lap and cupped his face between both of her hands. His beard was softer than she imagined and this close, she could tell he put an effort to put aftershave on. 
“Then I guess we can only do the right thing and change with it - it’s not like we can go back in time and change things.”
He nuzzled into her touch, leaned so their foreheads touch. A ghost of a smile was on his lips as they kissed. 
“I’ve missed you, Pegs. So much.”
“And I, you, darling.”
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btxtreads · 4 years
country boy - kth
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader Word Count: 9.4k Genre: fluff, smut, Cowboy!Taehyung Rating: +18 Trigger Warnings: oral (m-receiving), fingering, denied orgasm, penetrative sex, delayed orgasm, unprotected sex (pls wrap it b4 u tap it), just rlly cringey smut im sorry Banner Credits: Thank you so much for @kimtaehyunq​ of the Bangtan Headquarters Editing Team for this banner! It’s so pretty??? ajshjsahjsa
*some scenes inspired by the Hannah Montana movie and Girl Meets Texas because I have no country knowledge. I just felt the cowboy Taehyung spirit*
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The tranquil plains and farmlands was nothing like the tall, concrete buildings and noisy traffic-filled roads that Y/N was used to.
Her eyes almost rolled back in exasperation as the car rolled onto a driveway leading up to a decently-sized wooden house complete with horses and a small cabbage patch at the side.
The perfect image that describes country.
Y/N’s father turned and faced her with a grin.
“We’re home, pumpkin,” he said.
“Right,” Y/N tried to smile—she really did, but she couldn’t. How could she?
Her father told her that he was going to England for three months for his job—which Y/N was totally fine with. What she didn’t understand was why she couldn’t go with, or at the very least stay in her house alone with her dad.
Why did she have to stay back with her grandmother?
Y/N stepped out of the car, a pained smile on her face as she watched her father unload her suitcases from his car.
“Alright, I’ll see you in about—ten weeks?” her father asked as he handed off the suitcases to Y/N who only sighed.
“Dad, I really don’t get why I have to stay here.” Y/N said, her eyes darting around the area. “I could’ve stayed with mom.”
Y/N’s father’s eyes turned sad.
“Honey, your mother’s busy—“
“Ah, yes. Too busy fucking her boyfriend to house her daughter for three months. I forgot.”
“Y/N!” Her father chastised to which Y/N only rolled her eyes.
“Why can’t I just stay alone at home? Or go with you?” Y/N sighed. “Why here?”
The two’s heads turned as the door to the house opened, revealing Y/N’s grandparents with a wide smile.
“Because you haven’t been back here since the divorce three years ago. Grandpa and Grandpa really miss you.” Her father explained softly.
Y/N only sighed, looking up at the sky in frustration.
“Whatever, let’s just get this over with,”
She now has to spend three months in the country. No friends, shitty wifi, no way out.
Except maybe an unruly horse.
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Y/N sat in the living room, her father long gone as he drove back to the city for his flight the following morning.
Her grandmother came carrying a small platter of freshly baked cookies.
“Still hot!” She said as Y/N smiled softly.
No matter how much she despised the country now, she would never tell her grandparents.
Her grandparents were her only anchor during her parents’ divorce—her grandmother a total sweetheart who bakes cookies and cakes for all her cravings and her grandfather being a tad enthusiastic in learning the ins-and-outs for all her passions and interests.
No, this was the least she could do—pretend she was having at least a decent time.
Y/N gulped and took a cookie.
“Thanks, grandma.”
“Oh, and I invited some of your friends over, by the way.” Her grandfather said, appearing at the doorway to the kitchen. “Thought you’d want to catch up with them, kid.”
“I have friends?” Y/N asked, raising her eyebrow. “Who?”
“Oh dear, Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon and Chaeri, remember?” Her grandmother asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Ah, them.” Y/N nodded.
She supposed the three of them were her friends—in a way.
Friends she hasn’t spoken to since she was ten.
There was a series of knocks at the door which made Y/N flinch.
“Ah, reckon that’s them. You should get the door, honey.” Her grandmother said, moving towards the kitchen. “I’ll leave you children be to chatter.”
“Okay, thanks.” Y/N shrugged, standing up to get the door.
She was greeted with a tall boy with slicked back hair, a plaid polo, and a heart-shaped smile.
“Hello, Hoseok.” Y/N smiled softly backing away and waving him in as she peeked at his companions. “Seokjin, Namjoon, Chaeri. Come in!”
“Oh, it’s Hobi, Jin, Joon and Chae,” Hoseok said, waving nonchalantly as he took a seat on the couch. “We’re friends!”
“Sure,” Y/N shrugged, closing the door as she took a seat on the armchair opposite Hoseok. “We haven’t talked in like—what, fifteen years? Felt awkward to call you that.”
“Once friends, always friends,” Namjoon smiled as Jin nodded along.
“So, how have you been, how’s the city treating you?” Chaeri asked, leaning over. “Any cute city boys you wanna tell me about?”
As Y/N chuckled, Jin scoffed at the Chaeri.
“Please, I’m the most handsome person you’d ever meet. Y/N probably hasn’t found anyone handsome since me.” Jin commented.
“Ah, yes. Worldwide handsome, I think i remember.” Y/N nodded.
Jin grinned, pointing finger guns at the girl.
“Well, the city’s been great. I got a lot of great friends, and met a lot of cute guys, Chaeri—but no one as handsome as you, Jin.”
“See?” Jin boasted, grinning at his friends.
“I’ve seen handsomer,” Chaeri commented.
“I’m your boyfriend!” Jin gasped, appalled. “I should be the most handsome creature in the entire planet for you!”
“You guys are dating?” Y/N smiled, tilting her head.
“Yeah, and they’re disgusting.” Hoseok stuck his tongue out at the couple.
“They’ve been dating since two years ago—they’re pretty clingy.” Namjoon commented, to which Chaeri tutted.
“Yeah, no. Jin is clingy—I’m not.” Chaeri shook her head and pushed a whining Jin away.
“Anyways, how have you guys been here?” Y/N asked, changing the topic.
“Ah, good enough,” Hoseok shrugged.
“The old plains we used to hang around in became a pub. Oh, and Hansul’s sister went to the city to train to be a famous idol.” Namjoon recalled.
“Is she?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah, also our grade school teacher—remember her?—got remarried for the fourth time after you left,” Hoseok shared.
“Yes! The guy had a son, about our age—Taehyung. They moved here weeks after the marriage.” Chaeri gossiped. “Took the town by storm,”
“Took the town’s girls by storm,” Jin huffed.
“Ah, let me guess. A fuck-boy?” Y/N asked.
“Not really, he doesn’t really mind them much. Never really saw him flirt back to any of them—spare a girl or two.” Namjoon shrugged, leaning back.
“Ah, a heart-throb, then?”
“Sure,” Hoseok said. “You could call him that,”
“Hm,” Y/N said, shaking her head before shooting the group a  mischievous smile—changing the topic. “So, tell me something—Does Namjoon know how to saddle a horse now?”
“Maybe if he didn’t keep breaking saddles every day.”
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It was hours after Jin and Chaeri they had to go for a date night, which prompted Hoseok and Namjoon to leave as well.
Y/N then decided to go out on her own to familiarize and acclimatize to her childhood home—after all, she’ll be here for three whole months.
It’s been two hours of aimless wandering when she reached the field she used to play with her friends when she was younger.
Her eyes landed on the big wooden-building with the big signboard that said “Big Billy Restaurant and Pub.”
“Oh, so, this is the new pub,” Y/N said to herself.
Moments later, a boy—about her age—stumbles out of the pub wobbly and red-faced, with a bottle of whiskey still in hand.
It was a look Y/N knew from her time in the city—he was shit-faced drunk.
Y/N chuckled, gazing at the boy who seemed to have had more alcohol than he could handle.
As soon as she turned around to leave, she could hear him clearly scream “you!” from the top of his lungs.
Y/N jumped in her spot and turned, raising an eyebrow. “Me?”
“Yes, you,” The boy said, clutching the beer in his hands. “youuuuuuuuu.”
“Meeeeeee… what?”
The boy collapsed on his knees and sobbed. “You broke my heart!”
“I did what now?” Y/N dead-panned as the boy wailed in front of her. “Dude, get up. What the fuck?”
“Ji-eun! Why?” The boy wailed, pounding on his chest with his fist. “I-I did everything for you! I loved you so much!”
He sniffled as he took another swig of his whiskey.
“My name is Y/N—“
“What did I do wrong th-that made you replace me?” The boy slurred sadly, waving his arms. “Whe-Where did I go wrong?”
“What?” Y/N groaned, running her fingers through her hair as she crouched down and shook the boy’s shoulders. “Buddy, I’m not Ji-eun. I’m gonna go.”
As soon as she finished her words, the boy let out a loud sob and jumped on her, clutching pathetically at her torso.
“Dude, let go of me.” Y/N hissed as the boy sobbed in her chest.
“Ji-eun, please! Be with me again! I don’t care if you want me to be your second man, I’ll be okay with that.”
“That’s so pathetic—“
“Ya, Yoongi-hyung, that’s enough.” A deep voice chastised from a few feet away.
Y/N’s head shot up, her eyes landing on a tall raven-haired boy frowning a few feet away.
He was, in simple words, majestic—godly—etheral.
His eyes were the prettiest shade of dark brown she’s ever seen, black hair slightly gelled and parted in the middle—showing a little forehead, his denim jacket snug on his body.
He grinned a little as he studied the sight.
“Ah, hyung. What am I going to do with you?”
The boy, Yoongi, only sniffled as he pulled back from Y/N.
“Taehyung, Ji-eun—“
Y/N’s eyes wandered back over to Taehyung with an open mouth. So this is the teacher’s step-son Taehyung who moved here.
“That’s not Ji-eun.” Taehyung chuckled, walking over to help Yoongi up. “Now, how about we stop bothering the little lady and apologize.”
“I’ll help you talk to Ji-eun tomorrow, Yoongi-hyung,” Taehyung shook his head, shooting Y/N a small grin as Joon-hyuk pouted. “Now, come on,”
“S-Sorry,” Yoongi hiccuped, his lower lip shaking in a sad pout.
“Uh, that’s fine,” Y/N shook her head, amused.
“Can you wait for me out here?” Taehyun asked to which Y/N only raised an eyebrow to.
“Uh, sure?”
“Thanks, I’ll be right out.”
“Sure,” Y/N shrugged. “Goodluck with Ji-eun, Yoongi.”
Yoongi burst into tears as Taehyung snorted, leading him back into the pub.
Three minutes later, he sauntered out of the building with a smile.
“I’m back,” Taehyung said. “I’ll take you home now,”
“Thanks, but no need,” Y/N shook her head. “I can do just fine on my own,”
“I don’t mind, it was the least I could do after that whole scene with Yoongi-hyung.” Taehyung smiled, waving her hand. “Lead the way.”
Y/N bit her lip as Taehyung’s smile widened.
“Come on, I insist.”
“If you’re sure.” Y/N shrugged, starting to walk as Taehyung matched her pace beside her—hands in his pockets as he hummed. “Is your friend okay?”
“Oh, drunk beyond belief but nothing new with him,” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “He gets drunk a lot—it’s sort of a natural state to him,”
“He’s alright, then?”
“Yeah, I called his brother to come take him home,” Taehyung shrugged before smiling again. “That’s nice of you, Taehyung.” Y/N mused.
At this, Taehyung raised his eyebrows.
“Your friend, Yoongi, called you Taehyung earlier,” Y/N explained before widening her eyes. “Oh, unless he got your name wrong too. In which case, I’m so s—“
“It’s fine,” He laughed, waving his hand. “No, it’s Taehyung, yeah.”
“Oh, goodie.” Y/N smiled as Taehyung tilted his head.
“What brings you here, L/N?”
It was Y/N’s turn to raise her eyebrows this time.
“Small town, news gets around.” Taehyung laughed. “You were a face I couldn’t recognize, and you did say you were Y/N earlier too.”
“Ah,” Y/N nods slowly, before stopping. “Wait—you were there? Why didn’t you come sooner?”
At this, Taehyung burst into laughter at Y/N’s wide eyes.
“It was really funny to see you struggle.”
“Nice to know you enjoy my pain,” Y/N mutters under her breath.
Taehyung smirked over at her. “Hm, yeah, I do,”
Y/N bit her lip, her mind threatening to cloud over with inappropriate images that should absolutely not pop up in a conversation with someone you just met.
Y/N cleared her throat, her cheeks brushing a furious shade of red as she looked up at the night sky.
“But—uh, listen. I don’t plan to take Yoong-hyung to Ji-eun tomorrow if he doesn’t remember so just—can you keep that part a secret?” Taehyung said, rubbing his hand behind his neck. “He’s just a real sweetheart with Ji-eun,”
“By sweetheart—“
“By sweetheart, I meant a real pain in in the ass.”
Y/N laughed loudly, making Taehyung grin.
“Yeah, if I understood correctly, I don’t think Ji-eun needs to have a chance to be forgiven,” she shrugged.
“Yeah, she screwed him up real nice.” Taehuyng snorted. “Yoongi-hyung’s all tough and edgy but when he falls in love—I don’t know. Ji-eun's really done it.”
“Hm, I hope he gets over it soon,”
“Yeah, me too.” Taehyung hummed in agreement.
Y/N smiled. Attractive, funny, and a gentleman who cares for his friends—how much more beautiful can this guy get?
Upon surveying her surroundings, Y/N cleared her throat once more.
“Well, we’re here,” Y/N said, pointing at her grandparents’ house behind her. “I should—uh,”
“Head inside,” Taehyung nodded,  waving as Y/N slowly walked up the drive-way.
Y/N took another glance at Taehyung, which only made him chuckle.
“Good night, ma’am,” he smiled, tipping an imaginary hat.
“Good night, sir,” Y/N giggled, tipping her imaginary hat back at the boy.
Taehyung laughed out loud one last time before turning around and making his way back to the direction he came from.
Y/N shut the door behind her and leaned back on it with a sigh.
Who the fuck was that boy and why was he the hottest person she’s ever met her whole entire life?
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“It’s so nice that you volunteered to give us an extra set of hands at the ranch, kiddo.” Her grandfather gushed happily as he led her over to their barn. “We could really use the help,”
“Yep, real nice,” Y/N said, teeth clenched in frustration.
It was the next morning when she woke up to a new day of what her grandmother called an “honest day’s work.”
Y/N thought it was just a country saying—how wrong she was.
After breakfast, she was immediately ushered to prepare to go help at the barn because, apparently, her father said she whole-heartedly volunteered to do ranch-work.
This was something she never said she’d do.
Her grandparents, however, were ecstatic that she wanted to “immerse in the country-side”, so what choice did she have?
Her grandfather opened the doors to the barn, and she was immediately greeted with the sight of hay—so much hay—and a boy sitting next to a large table by the corner.
There, Taehyung sat with a phone in his hand.
“Taehyung is here today, he helps us from time-to-time,” Y/N’s grandfather said, leading Y/N over to the boy.
At the sound of his name, Taehyung snapped his head up and shot the two with a smile.
Taehyung looked absolutely sinful with his messy hair, high-waisted pants and brown leather belt.
His white shirt has the sleeves rolled up, perfectly showcasing the muscles in his upper arms when he raised his hand in a wave.
“Hello, grandpa,” Taehyung grinned before winking at Y/N, tipping an invisible hat in her direction just like he did the night before. “Ma’am,”
“Taehyung,” Y/N said smiling slightly.
“Our boy Tae here will be giving a bath to old Sally and Pumpkin today to prepare them for the big horse race tomorrow,” Y/N’s grandfather explained, handing the girl over to Taehyung with a pat on his back. “Now, you help him do that, maybe take the girls for a spin while you’re at it,”
At this, Y/N’s grandfather bid the two a quick farewell and left.
Y/N gulped at Taehyung’s smirk.
“So, how’s your day, Y/N?”
“Ah, pretty great so far, I guess?” Y/N smiled nervously as Taehyung raked his eyes on her from head-to-toe.
“You look beautiful today,”
“Thank you,”
“So beautiful, that it’s a shame that you have to get out of those clothes,” Taehyung quipped happily.
Y/N’s eyes widened, her mind short-circuiting as she processed his words.
Taehyung let out a guffaw when he saw her wide eyes, shooting a quick wink.
“Mind out of the gutter,” He smirked, turning around to rummage around a small cabinet nearby. “Your clothes look expensive—not to mention it’s white. Don’t want to dirty that.”
Y/N glanced down at her current outfit—a white shirt she bought from Gucci and denim shorts.
He was right.
“W-Well, you’re wearing a white shirt, too!” Y/N defended weakly to white Taehyung laughed, standing up with a plaid top in his hands.
“Yeah, well, this white shirt is worth $4 for three pieces,” Taehyung joked. “I think I can afford to ruin it a little bit,”
Y/N smiled, taking the top Taehyung was offering.
“And this shirt?”
“Spare clothes I could bear to get ruined just for you,”
Somehow, the only words Y/N’s brain processed were I could ruin you.
Trying to maintain her composure, Y/N licked her chapped lips—an action noticed by Taehyung.
Taehyung’s eyes locked onto her lips, making him lick his own as well before clearing his throat.
“Well, suit up. This is going to be fun!”
Y/N grinned.
Yeah, this was going to be fun.
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It was absolutely not fun.
It was one whole week of torture, for both Taehyung and Y/N.
One whole week of “you’re doing it wrong,” “stop whining it’s not hard,” “maybe if you actually listen,” and the likes and Y/N had enough.
It was one whole day of horse-riding—apparently, it was a good exercise for the horses—and Y/N was officially done with the whole country thing.
She marched into the barn and collapsed on the chair, leaning her head on the table.
Within a few seconds, a livid Taehyung marched inside the room—his pretty brown eyes wide in anger.
Y/N raised her head up and sighed in irritation. “Leave me alone, Kim,”
“The fuck do you want?”
“You fucking screwer up, Y/N—again. For the millionth time this week.” Taehyung seethed. “The horse was going too fucking fast—I told you not to go that fast, but did you listen? No,”
Y/N clenched her teeth as Taehyung continued his rant.
“I told you to pull the rope to slow the horse down. Did you listen? No,” Taehuyng continued. “You said you put the saddle on perfectly, but you didn’t—“
“Taehyung, for the love of god—Shut the fuck up.” Y/N groaned running a hand on her face.
“Time and time again, you screw up, Y/N. What if you fell, huh? Hit your head, get a concussion? What am I supposed to tell your grandparents, huh?”
“That I fell,” Y/N hissed, glaring at Taehyung. “That fucking simple,”
“No!” Taehyung said once again, raising his hands in anger. “Are you that stupid not to follow such simple instructions—“
Y/N scoffed standing up and turning around to leave.
Immediately, Taehyung was at her heel, still continuing his rant.
“If you just did it the way that I told you to, then—“
“I’m doing my fucking best, okay?” Y/N screamed, turning to face Taehyung in anger. “You know I know nothing, I’m doing whatever the fuck I can—you can’t blame me for failing when I’m doing the best that I fucking can,”
“Yeah, that the best you can do?” Taehyung scoffed, crossing his arms. “Then you’re pure absolute shit at this—why did you even volunteer to help?”
“Because my father told me to!” Y/N argued back. “I didn’t even want to, but even then I tried all that I can to help you—“
“Well, you were absolutely no help.”
“You think I don’t know?” Y/N screeched.
“Tone it down,” Taehyung hissed. “You need to learn how to shut you’re fucking mouth,”
Y/N raised her eyebrow in disbelief in irritation.
“Oh, do I, now?” Y/N scoffed, leaning forwards with an angry glare in her eyes. “Fucking make me, country boy,”
With a scoff, Taehyung leaned down and crashed his lips on Y/N’s.
His soft lips were enough to shut her up until the next decade—only if he kept kissing her until then.
Y/N gasped, eyes wide as Taehyung harshly gripped her waist and pulled away.
“Shut you up real nice, didn’t I?”
“Fuck you,” Y/N hissed, leaning back up to reconnect their lips—hands and fingers immediately darting up to wrap around his neck and play with his hair.
Taehyung growled as he roamed her body with his hands, pushing her towards the table.
As soon as her back hit the piece of furniture, Taehyung pushed her up to sit.
He disconnected his lips with hers and immediately moved to her neck.
Y/N moaned as Taehyung quickly located her pulse point and lightly sucked.
“You’re such an asshole,” Y/N said through her moans, tilting her head to provide him more access.
“Yeah, you’re making out with this asshole,” Taehyung growled out as he returned to kissing her lips, a faint purple mark blooming on her neck.
Y/N whimpered as Taehyung’s hands reached up and grasped one of her breasts, groaning lowly as he bit her lower lip.
“Tae, please,”
“Please, what?” Taehyung muttered against her lips.
“Touch me,” Y/N moaned out.
“Fuck,” He hissed, feeling Y/N’s hands travel up his shirt.
Y/N pulled away and reached for his leather belt, slightly panting before—
Immediately, the two sprung away from each other fixing their messy hair and clothes.
As Y/N fixed her hair, the barn door open to reveal her grandmother with a smile.
“We’ll talk about this later,” Y/N muttered to Taehyung, who only smirked at the girl as he wiped the corner of his lips.
Y/N cleared her throat, slowly releasing her breath.
Kim Taehyung made her want to bite off so much more than she could chew.
“Honey, you have visitors,” Y/N’s grandmother called as she got close enough.
“I do?” Y/N raised an eyebrow.
Her eyes panned over to the entrance of the barn where a tall boy with a delicate bunny smile poked his head through.
“Hello!” Jimin cheered as he appeared behind Jungkook.
“Guys!” Y/N gasped, peeling away from Taehyung. “Jungkook!”
Taehyung blinked in confusion as Y/N darted forward and met Jungkook in a fierce embrace, being lifted up in the air and twirled as Jimin laughed behind them.
“Holy fucking shit, I missed you!” Y/N said, cradling Jungkook’s face in her hands.
“I have so much I need to tell you about,” Jungkook gossiped as Jimin reached the pair.
“So does she,” Jimin chortled.
He grabbed a few strands of Y/N’s hair and set it aside, chuckling as a dark purple bruise revealed itself on her neck.
Immediately, Y/N slapped his hands away and backed up as Jungkook chuckled lightly.
“They’re going to be staying here until the summer festa,” Her grandmother shared, making Y/N gape.
“Wow,” Y/N gasped, leaning against Jungkook who wrapped his arm around Y/N. “a whole week with me?”
“Two weeks, actually—You and me,” Jungkook giggled, squeezing Y/N at his side.
“And me, you turds.” Jimin scoffed as Jungkook slammed his palm on Jimin’s face.
“Kook, fuck off,” Jimin scoffed before pulling Y/N’s hand. “Anyway, show us around!”
“Of course—“
Taehyung let out a small cough, making Y/N snap back into reality as she turned to Taehyung.
His eyes danced between her and Jungkook, with an eyebrow raised.
“Oh, uh, in a while, Jiminie,” Y/N said as Taehyung glowered at Jungkook.
Jungkook was either impassive or downright oblivious.
Judging by how he only grinned at Y/N as he rocked back and forth on his feet.
“I have to talk to Taehyung in a quick whi—“
“Actually, I think I have something to talk about with your grandmother.” Taehyung declared, voice low and firm. “Don’t want to take you away from something important,”
“Mrs. L/N, I wanted to talk to you about horse-racing,”
Y/N’s brows furrowed as Taehyung swiftly turned on his heel and marched out the back-door of the barn to the stables.
Y/N’s grandmother raised her eyebrows in confusion, facing Y/N. “Honey?”
“Touchy,” Jimin whistled as Jungkook snorted. “What was that all about?”
“Ah, that’s um,” Y/N glanced back at the back-door Taehyung exited from, almost expecting him to burst back in.
But he didn’t.
“Nothing, guys,” Y/N cleared her throat. “Just him being an asshole,”
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Y/N hasn’t seen Taehyung in over a week.
Yeah, Kim Taehyung was indeed a grade-a asshole for basically sucking her face in the barn and then leaving her for dead for about a week.
Well, it’s not exactly just his fault.
But Jungkook and Jimin were here—she’s gotta spend time with her visiting friends!
Jungkook and Jimin burst through her doorway, screaming at her.
“Are you ready yet?” Jungkook screamed at her ear, tugging at her white dress.
“Jungkook, scram,” Y/N said irritably as Jimin collapsed on her bed.
“Y/N, you’re taking too long. I want to party,” Jimin whined, which Jungkook promptly followed.
“Yeah, stop trying to look pretty. You still look ugly anyways.” Jungkook commented, which earned him a slap at the back of the head from Y/N.
“What he means is the guy you made out with probably won’t be there.” Jimin shrugged, giggling as Y/N promptly turned around to shoot him a nasty glare.
“Who?” Jungkook said, oblivious doe eyes wide in surprise.
“That cute Taeyong guy from the barn when we got here,” Jimin huffed. “Remember she had a hickey?”
“Oh, yeah!” Jungkook gasped.
“It was just in the moment,” Y/N said, pursing her lips as she turned back to her vanity to apply the last few strokes of mascara. “at least for him, I think.”
“You see how he glared at me?” Jungkook snorted as he sat next to Jimin. “That’s not in the heat of the moment. He was, like, about to throw me against the wall for even hugging you,”
“That’s hot,” Jimin hummed.
Jungkook furiously turned a bright shade of red as he floundered around.
Y/N rolled her eyes.
At least her two friends were having a good… relationship, fling, whatever it was.
She picked up her lip gloss—cherry bomb.
As she applied it to her own lips, her mind wandered.
She distinctly remembers the same shade being transferred from her lips to Taehyung’s that day in the barn.
She can almost see his smirk as he wiped it away from his face.
“Y/N, are you dooooone?”
She gulped, snapping back as she slipped the gloss into her bag.
“Yeah, yeah. Come on,”
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It was a big celebration at the pub.
Of course it was—it was the summer festa.
It was a big celebration all over the town.
There were food booths and picnics at every open park, rodeos and races at the open house, and a big discount on alcohol at the big party held at the pub.
There, Y/N sat by the bar with a beer in hand as Jungkook and Jimin did a surprisingly good rendition of Hannah Montana’s hoedown throwdown at the stage.
“It’d be fucking stupid to pass out on not popping, locking and polka dotting when I’m in the fucking country, Y/N,” she remembers Jimin chastising before dragging a pliant Jungkook to the stage.
Tuning out Jungkook and Jimin aggressively screaming “do the hoe-down throwdown!” through the excessively loud speakers, Y/N turned to the bar and peeked at the group beside her.
“Oh, Hobi!”
Hoseok turned around with a smile, two tequila shots in his hands.
“Y/N, didn’t know you’d be here,”
“Where else would I be?” Y/N snorted, taking the tequila shot glass Hobi offered.
“With your family, or at the rodeo?” Hobi shrugged, clinking his own shot glass with Y/N before drinking.
Y/N hissed at the alcohol’s burn as another voice sounded out.
“Someone can handle her alcohol,” Jin said teasingly, ruffling Y/N’s hair as he and Namjoon arrived.
“I did this practically everyday in the city,” Y/N huffed, batting her hands as Namjoon snorted.
“I pity your liver,” Namjoon said sympathetically.
“Where’s Chaeri?” Y/N asked to which Jin only shrugged.
“She’s at home, helping her mom cook for the big celebration. She’ll meet us here in about an hour or so,” Jin replied.
Before he could continue, a familiar voice called his name.
Jin turned around, smiling as Yoongi came into view.
“Ah, Yoongi great timing,” Jin smiled, slinging an arm around the boy.
“Stop touching me,” Yoongi whined, although he made no move to push Jin away.
“This is Y/N, our friend when we were kids,” Hobi introduced, pointing to Y/N who waved.
Immediately, Yoongi’s face burned red. “Ah, yeah. We’ve met.”
Y/N’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh, you remember?”
“I’m really sorry for last week,” Yoongi apologized, shyly giving Y/N his gummy smile. “I was in a, uh, really bad place,”
“That Ji-eun girl was a bitch for doing that to you, by the way,” Y/N snorted. “Did you talk to her the next morning?”
“Ah, no. I figured she didn’t deserve a chance to explain,” Yoongi shrugged as Namjoon gaped.
“What exactly happened?”
“Ah, he was, uh—pretty drunk,”
“An understatement. I sobbed on her and thought she was Ji-eun,” Yoongi winced, making the rest of their company laugh. “If it wasn’t for Taehyung, I probably would have sobbed on her all night.”
At the mention of the forbidden name, Y/N tensed.
Immediately, a feeling of sadness and longing passed through her—one whole week without something she got so used to.
“Oh, yeah, which reminds me,” Hobi piped up. “I would’ve thought you’d be with Taehyung now. You guys have been working together for the past weeks right?”
Yoongi nodded along, hands grabbing at the beer bottles appearing at the bar behind Y/N.
“He only ever talked about you, actually.” Jin snorted. “It got pretty annoying,”
Jungkook and Jimin suddenly appeared, presenting Y/N with a topic change.
She cleared her throat and smiled, gesturing at the two.
“These are my friends from the city, by the way. Jungkook and Jimin, these are Jin, Hobi, Yoongi and Namjoon.”
After a brief introduction, the group immediately dabbled into different topics before settling on the festa itself.
“So, what other things happens during the summer festa aside from parties where everyone gets wasted?” Jimin asked, supporting on a red-faced Jungkook who was coerced by Jin to take three consecutive shots.
“Well,” Hobi trailed off, trying to recall the events.
“There’s a horse racing track in two hours, Yoongi’s going to join,” Namjoon recalled.
“Oh, you’ve been drinking, though?” Jungkook slurred, pointing at Yoongi.
“Will you be okay?”
Yoongi only snorted, waving nonchalantly.
“That means he’ll be okay.” Jin translated, to which Yoongi replied with a two thumbs-ups.
“Oh, and bull-riding on old Hellraiser happening in like 30-minutes at the rodeo house.” Hobi supplied, turning to Y/N. “Did you wish Tae a good luck today?”
Y/N tilted her head, mind practically floating at the mention of talking to Taehyung again.
“Ah, I haven’t exactly had the time to talk to him recently,” Y/N shook her head.
“Well, you should,” Yoongi snorted, taking another swig from the bottle in his hands. “He’ll need all the luck he can get.”
Namjoon, Jin, Hobi and Yoongi exchanged confused looks before Hobi furrowed his eyebrows at Y/N.
“You don’t know?”
“Don’t know what?”
“Hellraiser is the bull. It’s an annual festa thing for men brave enough to try riding her,” Namjoon said.
“Then it’s probably fun,” Jimin supplied to which Jin shook his head.
“Not really. Hellraiser is named that because she’s too tough to ride. She’s sent a lot of riders to  the hospital, that bull,” Yoongi shook his head.
“The longest anyone ever rode her was…” Hobi trailed off, looking at Namjoon.
“3.8 seconds.” Namjoon supplied. “That was Mr. Han—three years ago. He was sent to the hospital, he couldn’t move until about six weeks in. Took a week knocked out and multiple critical injuries—it was painful to watch,”
“Scary,” Jungkook commented.
Y/N shushed the tipsy boy before furrowing her eyebrows, heart racing a mile a minute.
“So, Hellraiser is a murder bull in-the-making,” Y/N said. “What’s that got to do with Taehyung?”
Everyone was silent before Yoongi raised his hand.
“No, yeah, I’ll tell her.” Yoongi shook his head, muttering about ‘cowards.’ “Taehyung’s having a go at Hellraiser in about thirty minutes.”
At this, Y/N froze.
This bull—Hellraiser—sent a grown-ass man to the hospital in a one-week coma and multiple critical injuries that took five more weeks for him to be able to move again.
This bull was going to hold Taehyung’s fate in half an hour.
She wasn’t exactly sure if she was ready to see Taehyung in the hospital. She can’t.
They said they we going to talk about what happened at the barn. She had to ask him why he didn’t even talk to her this week or why he left her that day, or—
“Y/N,” Hobi sighed.
Y/N flinched in her chair, gulping as she turned to Hobi who sighed as he held her shoulders.
“I can see you’re nervous about this. Go to him before he goes on,” Hobi reassured.
“I have to go,” Y/N agreed with a nod, her eyes quickly sweeping over her peers.
She shot out of her seat, barely registering Jungkook and Jimin bid swift farewells to their table-mates before following her trail.
She didn’t care—her gaze was directly set on one location and one location only: The Rodeo House.
Suddenly, the subtle red poster on the doors with the big black bull and the words “Hellraiser” on the front wasn’t so subtle anymore.
Y/N burst through the doors in anger, taking a sharp corner into the door labelled Challenger’s Lounge.
The inside was wide.
All around her were white walls, buffet tables, large televisions showing the arena outside and people wandering about as they waiting for their own respective challenges with their friends and family.
But none of this mattered to Y/N—No.
All she could see was the tall raven-haired male all decked out in denim by the television, crossing his arms and tapping his foot as he looked up at the live broadcast from outside.
This was a sight she could remember perfectly—it was what he wore when she first met him outside the pub.
Exactly in the same position.
She noticed his unruly hair that normally would’ve inserted some pretty sinful thoughts in her brain, and how we bit his lips and nipped at his nails in nervousness—a habit he usually did when Y/N went too fast while horse-riding, or how he raised his eyebrow slightly at every interesting thing he could see in the television.
Normally, Y/N would stop and Kim Taehyung in all his glory and she almost did—but her anger won in the end.
“Kim Taehyung!”
The said boy flinched, turning around with his mouth wide-open in surprise as he saw her.
Y/N looked so out of place around the plaids, leather and denim people sported all around her—she was decked in a flowy white dress and her hair was pinned back.
She looked so innocent, so delicate and gentle, but the anger in her face told Taehyung otherwise.
“What the actual fuck?”
“What?” Taehyung asked, ignoring the curious gazes casted on them
He grew even more confused as the girl marched towards her.
“A murderous bull? You’re going to ride a murderous bull?” Y/N seethed. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”
“Technically, Hellraiser hasn’t murdered anyone yet,” Taehyung supplied. “Just critically injured. You know, maiming.”
“Is that supposed to be better?” Y/N hissed.
Taehyung shrugged, crossing his arms with a frown.
“Well, no, but I gotta.” Taehyung supplied.
“I just gotta,” Taehyung said, crossing his arms again. “If I could actually get to ride that bull for more than 3.8 seconds, It’d be really big for me,”
“How—“ Y/N started, but shook her head in exasperation. “You know what?”
“If you do this, I’ll never speak to you again,” Y/N said, her voice firm. “Taehyung, please. Don’t get on that bull.”
Taehyung uncroseed his arms, his eyes turning soft.
“Y/N—“ He gently whispered, reaching out to her.
His eyes flitted over to the door as it opened once more to reveal Jungkook.
“Oh, Y/N! I finally found you,” Jungkook said, walking forward. “Been looking all over for you. Jimin, she’s here!”
Taehyung’s gaze immediately hardened, confusing Y/N.
He cleared his throat before stuffing his hands inside his pockets.
He turned and trailed his gaze back to the televisions, his voice low as he spoke.
“I’ve lived 24 years without you, I think I’ll be fine.”
Hurt danced in Y/N’s eyes as she slowly backed away.
“I’ll never speak to you again,” she nodded solemnly.
Taehyung could only look at her as she took Jungkook and Jimin with her and walked out of the lounge.
“Taehyung, it’s time,”
He had more things to worry about.
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It was a few hours later when Y/N sat alone on a log in front of a campfire.
Jimin and Jungkook were long gone, talking about the time and how it’s late.
But she didn’t want to go home—not yet.
So here she was, a few feet from her barn alone and staring at a campfire without her friends.
A few footsteps told her there was someone coming.
She couldn’t really find it in her to care.
The figure took a seat beside her and cleared his throat.
It was Taehyung.
Silly, denim-wearing, tall as fuck, messy-haired Kim Taehyung.
“I, uh, stayed on the bull for 5 seconds,” Taehyung shared, biting his lip as he also stared into the fire. “I fell, but nothing bad happened. A little sore,”
Y/N only hummed, still gazing into the hot flame.
After a few minutes of silence, Taehyung huffed and stood up.
“Alright, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” Y/N replied blankly, her eyes still trained on the fire.
-“I don’t understand,” Taehyung angrily said, his eyes glaring onto Y/N from his position. “Why are you ignoring me?”
Y/N only stayed silent.
“Why didn’t you want me to ride that bull?”
Y/N clenched her teeth, her eyes firm on its spot as she gazed at the burning fire.
“Because I like you!” Y/N exploded, her eyes wide in anger as she turned to Taehyung. “Because I don’t want to see you get hurt,”
“Should there be any reason why?” Y/N replied as Taehyung gaped at her, silent in her spot.
Y/N squirmed in her chair, sighing in exasperation as she shook her head.
“Let’s just watch this fire.”
There was a few minutes of silence between the two.
Taehyung turned his head to look at Y/N, who looked back at him. “Stop,”
He sighed and gazed back at the fire, slowly turning his head to stare back at her.
“I said stop.” Y/N hissed. “Just stop, I want you to stop,”
Taehyung sighed angrily and stomped off, leaving Y/N in her lonesome.
It was expected. She expected that.
She wanted to sit there and think, but she never got the chance to.
Just as quick as he left, Taehyung marched back to the campfire—his sleeves rolled up and arms bulging in strain as he carried two buckets full of water in his arms.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes wide in alarm as he approached.
“Taehyung, what are you—“
Not replying, Taehyung stopped next to her and dumped both buckets of water on the campfire.
Y/N could only look at him in shock as he panted in frustration, turning back at the girl.
“Will you talk to me now?”
“What the fuck do you want from me, Taehyung?” Y/N screeched, slamming a hand on his chest.
“I want you to talk to me.”
“You want me to talk to you? Fine. Let’s talk.” Y/N hissed, slamming a hand once more on his chest. “Why did you leave me that day, huh? Why did you leave me for a fucking week blank?”
“You tell me,” Taehyung glared back at Y/N, who only smiled angrily.
“No, I’m asking the questions. You wanted to talk—now, give me an answer.” Y/N sighed, sitting back on the log. “You’re a good guy, Tae. I believe you’re a good guy. I believe you won’t just turn back and leave me for dead,”
“Because if you weren’t you wouldn’t be here trying to ask me to talk to you.”
Taehyung sighed, sitting down next to her.
Silently, Y/N shook her head. “I like you. You’re a good guy, you’re a good friend.”
Just when it was all good, it spiraled back into a huge ball of disaster.
“Just a friend?” Taehyung scoffed. “Right. I should have known.”
He stood up with angrily, muttering the same sentence all over again. “I should have known,”
“See, this is what’s wrong with you!” Y/N angrily said, standing back up as she screamed at Taehyung’s back. “You’re making me so confused! Just a friend—this is bullshit.”
“You’re the one who said it,” Taehyung argued, but his words fell on deaf ears.
“Why did you kiss me that day, huh? What, you just wanted a good fuck that day? Were you angry you never got to do it, huh?” Y/N hissed.
Taehung raised his eyebrows, scoffing in disbelief.
“You’re one to talk. Who’s been dangling her city friend all around the fucking town, huh?” Taehyung replied.
“Dangling?” Y/N angrily laughed. “You’re the one who hasn’t talked to me in a week, you fucking asshole. You don’t get the right to talk about my friend like that.”
“Wow, you’re really up his ass, huh.” Taehyung shook his head. “Is his dick really that good, huh?”
At this, Y/N stopped.
His what now?
Taehyung might have been clever and charming—but his ass was definitely oblivious.
If he just thought for a second, he’d realize that Jungkook was as straight as a bendy straw.
Still, she couldn’t stop the word that spilled out her mouth.
“Fuck yeah. Fucking Jungkook is so fucking good, I couldn’t fucking walk for a week straight,” Y/N hissed, enjoying the way Taehyung’s expression progressively got angrier and angrier. “Fucking him would probably be a million fucking times better than your sorry ass.”
“Yeah?” Taehyung angrily growled.
“Yeah,” Y/N replied.
“We’ll see about that,” Taehyung gruffed, stepping forward and crashing his lips on hers.
Y/N’s response was immediate.
Her lips meshed with his so perfectly as she melted against his body, her arms wrapped around his neck.
Taehyung pressed closer deepening the kiss before Y/N pulled away.
“You know what? Fuck you, Taehyung,” She hissed before falling down on her knees.
“Oh, I will,” Taehyung smirked as watched Y/N reach for his leather belt.
As the girl cussed at him, she pulled the belt away and agressively pulled his pants down.
He was well-endowed. He wasn’t too thick, just the right size for Y/N’s hand, but he was long.
He wasn’t hard yet, but he was getting there.
Y/N almost hesitated and wondered if he would fit in her mouth as she placed a tentative lick on the tip.
Taehyung drew in a breath, his hands reaching to tangle in her hair.
Fuck it, Y/N thought before enclosing the tip with her mouth and sucking.
“Just like a fucking lollipop,” Taehyung guided as Y/N made her way down on him.
He was too long. What she couldn’t reach, she used her mouth.
“Fuck,” Taehyung hissed, groaning as he threw his head back.
Y/N pulled away and licked the underside of his shaft, sighing as she regained her breath.
Taehyung shuddered as Y/N’s thumb brushed over his bulbous head.
“You’re so fucking big,” Y/N moaned as she pumped him.
Taehyung could only look down at her with a smirk.
“Bigger than Jungkook?” Taehyung asked with a smirk making the girl roll her eyes.
Trying not to feed into his ego, Y/N descended back on him—going as deep as she can go.
Her hand reached up to fondle his balls, grunting in effort as she shifted back and forth on him.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking good at this,” Taehung groaned, his hands tightening in her hair.
He gave tiny thrusts that only increased his pleasure ten-fold.
“Feels so fucking good,” Taehyung hissed out, throwing his head back. “I can’t wait to feel you, shit. I’m going to fuck you so hard,”
Taehyung could swear, as he looked back down to the girl on her knees with him in her mouth, that this was probably the most beautiful sight he’d ever see.
Y/N whined in her spot, feeling her panties grow damp at Taehyung’s words.
She reached down and lightly rubbed at her crotch—aiming for a small sense of relief.
“Holy shit,” Taehyung hissed, looking down and catching Y/N palming herself.
Y/N moaned lightly, and Taehyung can feel it as Y/N shoved him deeper down her throat.
“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!” Taehyung groaned out. “I’m almost there, I’m cumming.”
At his words, Y/N swallowed around his dick.
This was his last straw. Taehyung threw his head back as he released his load on her.
Y/N opened her mouth, letting him fill her mouth with his essence.
When Taehyung climbed down from his high, he looked down to see Y/N pull herself away from him and swallowing.
Somehow, this got him going more than the actual blowjob.
“Taehyung,” Y/N started, staring up at him from her position.
She was a mess—his mess, he thought.
She was still on her knees, her hand still holding him as she looked up at him with the biggest puppy eyes. Her lip gloss smudged around her mouth and her hair was totally mussed around.
“Taehyung,” she repeated. “I-I need you.”
His eyes shifted towards her family’s barn a few feet away, smirking.
Seems like he’ll get to fuck her there after all.
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The moment they entered the barn, Taehyung shoved Y/N against the closed door and immediately went for her neck.
Y/N could only groan loudly as his hand shot up to fondle her breasts over her dress.
“Taehyung,” Y/N groaned, making Taehyung close his eyes with a groan.
Right there and then, he could die happily hearing her gentle voice say his name in the dirtiest manner.
Taehyung pulled away after he satisfied himself with a couple marks on her neck, moving to nip at her jaw and place another rough kiss on her lips.
“All mine, all mine,”
Y/N only whimpered, her head hitting the wooden door as she tilted it back.
Taehyung’s fingers made quick work of the zipper behind her dress, harshly pulling it off of her and somewhere on the barn.
As soon as Y/N heard the soft thud of her dress, she straightened her head up and furrowed her eyebrows.
“Tae, that’s Gucci—“
“Shut the fuck up,” Taehyung growled, pulling down the cups of her bra and attaching his lips onto her right nipple.
“Oh my god,” Y/N can only moan, closing her eyes as she heaved.
With a nibble, Taehyung pulled away. “All of this is fucking mine, make sure your city friends know that.”
“They will, they do,” Y/N breathed out in a whine as Taehyung returned to fondling and sucking on her breasts.
Y/N gasped as she felt him hard on her again, hips pressing roughly on hers.
“Take it off,” Y/N breathed, her hands underneath his denim jacket and tugging on his white shirt.
Taehyung made quick movements.
He barely registered his jacket and his shirt hitting the ground behind him as he felt Y/N’s hand fondle him.
“Y/N,” he breathed out, making the girl whine.
“Tae, please,”
Taehyung hissed, dragging her body away from the floor and harshly bending her over the fence of an empty stable.
His hand landed a sharp smack on her ass, making her grip the metal railings she leaned on.
“Taehyung, please,” Y/N whined, her head lolling forward.
“You’re so wet,” Taehyung said, rubbing his finger over the damp patch on her panties. “Who did this?”
“You did,”
“I didn’t hear it,” Taehyung quipped, landing another harsh smack on her ass. “Who did?”
“You did,” Y/N moaned louder, whining as Taehyung delivered another sharp smack. “You did, you did,”
Satisfied, Taehyung smirked and gripped her thin panties—ripping the delicate lace apart.
Y/N was so lost in a haze of lust that she didn’t even notice.
After a brief moment of anticipation, Taehyung placed his thumb of her hooded clit.
He took pleasure in the way Y/N inhaled a sharp breath, lowering her head down and releasing a high-pitched whine.
He played with her, rubbing her clit at a torturously slow pace and fingers itching closer to her slit but never dipping in.
“Taehyung, touch me please,” Y/N whimpered.
“What do you want?” Taehyung asked, eyes light with mischief.
“Stick your fingers in me,” Y/N whined.
“Whatever you want, princess,”
With two fingers, Taehyung eased his fingers inside her warmth.
He didn’t start slow, no. He set a fast, rhythmic pace that had Y/N quaking.
He let his thumb continue its assault on her clit, his other hand securely gripping her waist.
Y/N shuddered on her spot, eyes closed as she thrusted her hips on his hands.
At that moment, he could swear that she looked like a goddess.
As Y/N clenched on him, he abruptly pulled away.
Y/N let out a high-pitched whine turning her head to see a smirking Taehyung.
“What the fuck?”
“I said I was going to fuck you real good, Y/N,” Taehyung said, turning her around. “I intend to stick to it.”
Y/N shuddered once more, readjusting her grip on the fence as Taehyung massaged her waist.
“I’d love to taste you, but next time,” Taehyung sighed, positioning himself in her entrance before stopping. “I, uh, just realized I don’t have a condom,”
“Taehyung, I’m on the pill,”
“Good,” Taehyung sighed in relief. “I don’t think I can wait any longer,”
Before Y/N could let out a retort, Taehyung thrusted in.
Y/N released out a loud moan, her head falling down limply as Taehyung thrusted in and out on a rough pace.
“Holy shit, you feel so amazing,” Taehyung muttered as he smoothed his hands on her back. “You feel so perfect,”
“Tae, Tae,” Y/N only whimpered as Taehyung thrusted harder.
Y/n’s body shook everytime their hips met, her moans getting louder and louder.
“Scream for me,” Taehyung huffed, “Let everyone know who’s making you feel this good,”
“Tae, please, harder!” Y/N almost cried.
Y/N whimpered, her hands reaching back to lay on Taehyung. “Please, please. I’m gonna cum.”
At her words, Taehyung slipped out of her and picked her up.
“Taehyung, wha—“
He set her down on her back, gazing at her as she lied on the table.
He pulled her closer, prying her legs open as he hissed.
“You’re so fucking hot,” He muttered before plunging back in on a different angle.
Y/N could almost scream, throwing her head back in pleasure.
Taehyung’s tanned skin was covered in sweat by this point as he grunted and panted with every thrust.
The barn was filled with nothing but moans groans, and the sound of their hips slapping against each other at every single thrust.
After one particularly hard thrust, Taehyung fixed his grip on Y/N’s leg—hitting a particularly deep angle.
His hand reached down to press over Y/N’s lower stomach, smirking as a bulge appeared at every thrust.
Y/N whined, a whole new plethora of pleasure clouding her brain.
“Are you going to cum?” Taehyung asked mischievously as he thrusted harder and faster.
“Yes, yes. God, yes.”
“Hold it,”
Taehyung groaned in effort, each rough thrust losing rhythm.
“Please, please, please,” Y/N whimpered, her hand reaching down to grasp over Taehyung’s please.
“With me,” Taehyung said through gritted teeth. “Now,”
As soon as she felt Taehyung explode inside of her, Y/N allowed herself to indulge in pure euphoria—his name falling off of her lips in a loud prayer-like chant.
All she could see was white. All she could feel was his shallow thrusts inside of her as he filled her up.
Taehyung kept thrusting as both of them, letting out silent moans and groans as he rode down their highs.
Y/N breathed out, completely spent as she climbed down from her orgasm, turning slightly to Taehyung with a smile.
“Hi,” she muttered, to which the boy only replied with a grin.
“Hi,” Taehyung replied, still hovering above her and tucked a lock of hair beneath her ear.
He leaned his forehead on hers as she giggled, raking a hand through his hair.
“What… exactly is this, Taehyung?” Y/N asked.
Taehyung hummed.
“Is this just for like one night? A spur of the moment thing or—“
Taehyung smiled.
“If it isn’t obvious yet, I really like you too,” Taehyung said. “Fuck you were so cute that day, when I saw you when Yoongi was crying on you,”
Y/N chuckled as Taehyung laid his head on her chest. “And those weeks at the barn, I was really nervous to spend so much time with you,”
“Is that why you were so mean to me?”
“Aren’t city boys mean to the girls they like?” Taehyung asked, hands roaming her sides in a loving caress. “I thought I was too late because of Jungkook,”
“You-You do know Jungkook doesn’t like me, right?” Y/N giggled as Taehyung buried his head in her neck again, laying little nibbles here and there. “He likes Jimin,”
Taehyung froze and raised his head.
“Wait, what?”
Y/N laughed at his stupefied gaze, throwing her head back in amusement.
“But… all those things you said about fucking him was—“
“Not true,” Y/N shook her head. “He’s gay, Taehyung. He’s always liked Jimin. I think Jimin likes him, too.”
Taehyung frowned, his hands caressing Y/N’s waist.
“So, you don’t like him?”
“Of course, not. Not like that,” Y/N shook her head, reaching up and laughing. “The way you got so riled up when I told you I fucked him, though. You were so—“
Taehyung leaned forward, crashing his lips on hers once more.
Y/N inhaled sharply, her hand climbing up to lightly rake on his back as she arched hers.
She could feel him harden against her hips once more.
“You need to learn how to shut your fucking mouth, baby.” Taehung mumbled lowly against her lips.
Y/N smirked, tilted her head as she felt Taehyung adjust himself to her entrance once more.
“Make me, country boy,”
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
Even more facts about 🐾 anon:
- Idk why but positive words hurt me the most, like when someone says I’m their favorite person in the world only to not mean what they said actually makes me cry a little, but what makes me the most sad is knowing when someone is there for me that I can tell everything in the world too. Just them hugging me makes me feel that.
- I got into anime bc one of my past fav youtubers was into it and so I watched it. I basically started w the YouTube starter pack but actually started w magical girl animes (like Tokyo mew mew (the one she watched) and glitter force) then I drifted to miss kobayashi’s dragon maid to shonen animes
- No thoughts, head empty
- My music taste is probably the average anime tiktoker, like I listen to everything but reverbed and slowed Or in Lo-fi like, Lemon Boy and Me and My Husband but my favorite song to listen to in reverb is Daisy
- I kin music, like it might be weird idc but I do like the beats that are happy but also unsettling? I kin those. Like Not Allowed by tv girl? The part that goes “ALL BY YOURSELF, SITTING ALONE. I HOPE WE’RE STILL FRIENDS YEAH I HOPE YOU DONT MIND” and just loops is the best part to me. “Kaiwa ga tsuzukanai na? Naze da dou shite da? Aho ka?” From to prob the rest of the song of Pretty cvnt by sewerslvt idk I haven’t listened to the full song lmao but the actual meaning of the lyrics don’t matter tho so just know I probably don’t rlly care to look up w that means so it doesn’t ruin it for me ;-;
- I’m a extrovert (:OOO OMG THOSE EXIST) yeah I exist 😩 it’s real easy for me to walk up to someone and start talking since I’m really open about myself and don’t bother to hide things... (except the stuff like y’know... reading fanfics cuz no sane person is gonna go to a random person like “I LIKE READING FANFICTION!” Like I’d probably scared of u now if I was a normie.
- I don’t like being told I’m wrong if I know for a fact I’m right. Like if I say the sky is green and you say the sky is blue I’ll be perfectly fine with that but if you question my intelligence in levels other than that like for a fact from an anime I really like and call me out for being dumb bc I said one thing wrong for example I say “kuroos fav food is grilled salted-mackerel pike” or “itadori’s type are girls like jennifer Lawrence and I find that funny” and you say “no thats stupid” I’m going to call you and scream at you or fight you on sight next time I see you there are no other options. Jk I’ll only threaten you w those and never do it bc I prob love u too much and just give you facts from a easy google search
- Bruh people need to love themselves more like how will you ever love other people if you don’t know how to love yourself? You should always love yourself first before learning to love others because why would you wanna spend your life hating yourself? You’re gonna be with yourself for the rest of your life, even when you’re dead when you really think about it.
- My sleep schedule is chaotic
- I view myself as a good person, but on a chart of chaotic good to lawful evil, I’m probably the most neutral person you’ll ever meet. And I’m genuinely like that. I abide by my own laws. The government doesn’t tell me what’s wrong but neither am I truly against it. I don’t do things like steal but I’ll run in the halls to get to where I need to go or be on my phone during class (most likely with permission because I’m always reading on my phone) that’s why I’m my hero academia and shows the have good and evil bro wtf? Imma be in the middle. I truly think myself as someone you can trust to keep a secret and help when needed but I won’t spy for you on the other group and rat you out. First person that asks I’ll prob help if it’s not hurting someone (most likely bc I’m prob naive and the way you word something like let’s say you asked me to go to a bank to make a deposit or something and now all a sudden come out with money bags like HUHHHHHHHHH? I THOUGHT YOU WERE MAKING A DEPOSIT NOT MAKING AN ILLEGAL WITHDRAWERY WITH ALL THEIR MONEYYYY? (Like my friends and I literally joke about this.) Now all a sudden I’m a getaway driver cause god knows I can’t trust the police with my life😩😩 tfw someone makes you rob a back w/o you knowing✊😔)
- Ayo idc what you do with your life I’ll keep doing what I’m doing, like people trying to peer pressure me into idk let’s say smoking, LIKE BRO I HAVE ASTHMA, IDC HOW GOOD IT MAKE YOU FEEL, ILL LITERALLY DIE IF I DO THAT WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO TRICK ME INTO IT
- I’ve tasted alcohol (REALLY IT WAS ON ACCIDENT I WAS AT CHURCH AND ACCIDENTALLY CHOSE THE WINE INSTEAD OF GRAPE JUICE) before and I will now say I’ll never drink it because that’s the nastiest drink I’ve ever drunken in life
- One of my favorite songs are Love Taste by Moe Shop
- My favorite Pokémon game is prob ultra sun and moon
- don’t ask why I decided to watch every Pokémon movie and play every Pokémon game from X and Y and up (I found a friend that has platinum and am playing it but it’s also the first time ive really lost a Pokémon battle and idk that just started something like how dare you win over ME? THE MAIN CHARACTER? YOU NPC, I HAVE THE AUDACITY TO E N D YOU RIGHT NOW)
- first things first, u seem such like a fun person to be around! 
- i get that, kind words definitely hits :’ you’re very lucky to have people like that in your life, and that person is very very lucky to have you in their life! 
- ohhh okay okay i’m assuming you fell into the anime hole too :D 
- me too, me too. no thoughts, just staying in bed with suna by ur side 
- ur music taste!! ✨
- i’m listening to “not allowed” right now and now i feel like skateboarding...you’re right, it’s very happy but also unsettling :) 
- an extrovert, okay okayy while i don’t understand extroverts, i’m very thankful for extroverts’ existence :)) 
omg i remember people talking about how they “used” to read fanfiction and i was sitting there like 👀 yeah i still do ...and now not only do i read, but also write- 
- ahhhh being told ur wrong when u know ur right is such an awkward place to be 😭i’m glad u stand up for urself though! usually, i just nod like okay, ig 
- i- it’s a lot harder said than done to love ourselves :’) especially when there are so many reasons we believe not to. but self love is the MOST IMPORTANT LOVE! 
- not to sound like a parent lmao but try to maintain a good sleeping schedule! it’ll benefit u in many many factors, especially in the future! <3 
- okay okayy u seem like a really interesting person,  i was very amused while reading that paragraph  :))
- i- yes, health > everything else 
- make sure to choose grape juice next time :’) !! 
- i’m listening to it right now hehe 
- pokemon!!! my childhood was full of pokemon ahhh 
- u definitely know a lot more about pokemon than i do, okay okay, the main character always wins ;) 
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vocachaos · 4 years
CanonxCanon Ship HCs
On our discord server we have a roleplay bot and have been doing vocaloid ship Rps for a while now. I wanted to turn these into HCs sooooo 👀
A/N: in this version the vocaloids (plus a few utauloids) all live together in a mansion, because of their fame.
Kaito x Meiko: KaiMei
Mom and dad of The Gang
Kaito will be on his “Man-period” and Meiko will be forced to buy him icecream
Share the master bedroom
Everyone thinks they’re married but they’re not (super surprising)
Kaito will say stupid things like “you’re more tasty than icecream” or some shit 💀
Meiko will just laugh at him
Strict mom in front of the entire group
But when alone with just 1-3 or Kaito she’s so soft 🥺
They listen to their kids problems
Kaito even shares his icecream if they’re mega sad
Therapists ✨
Very cute together ❤️ they totally would get married but only after the kids are totally okay with it (which they’ve always been)
They used to have steamy moments until Meiko started being a mother ✨
Surprisingly her drinking doesn’t really bother anyone
She doesn’t get drunk much because of her built-up alcohol tolerance
Rin x Miku x VFlower: Rinkower
Power girls 🤩
When they’re asleep they all just impulsively huddle together
Rin and Miku are mega wholesome and then Flowers just the only one down to earth most of the time 🥺
Miku promised to give Flower 10,000 flowers as a sign of eternal love🌹
And she promised to give Rin 1,000 paper cranes so she could wish for them to be together forever ❤️
s u p e r. c u t e.
Miku often freaks out about her periods and the only people who can make her feel better are Rin, Flower and Mommy Meiko
Rin lives for Flower’s piggyback rides
Cuddles all the time 👌🏻
Love each other sm
They’re all each other’s firsts at everything, even though it was just Miku and Rin before they fell in love with Flower
Nobody is ever neglected or excluded ❤️
a few naughty moments
Mostly because Miku doesn’t understand Fukase and the others when they say “getting laid” or “69” and other inappropriate jokes.
IA x Teto x Yukari
Similarly to Miku and Rin, IA and Teto started dating before they fell in love with Yukari
IA was hungover (pls don’t underage drink!! And drink responsibly!!) and texted Teto and was like “hey r u up”
“Yeah what’s up?”
“Idk about you but im tryna see your Teto territory 👀”
Teto took the time to scream into her pillow and IA was just like 💔 I blew it
But she didn’t
And boy was she surprised when she talked to Teto the next morning
They started dating ❤️
Yukari comes in, being the cutie she is and steals their hearts immediately
The couple think they’ll have to break up but when both of them meet up and scream “I like Yukari-San!” They’re both 👁 o 👁
Then they both confess together
Delicious trio
Not as big on PDA as Rinkower can be but
Teto is clingy 🥖 ❤️
IA is chill
And Yukari is mega sweet
They all just fit like puzzle pieces 🧩 ❤️
Teto just wishes she could be a vocaloid :(
A few 🥵 moments?? But like after they’ve been dating for a LOOONG time.
IA may not look like she cares
But she rlly wants to make sure they’re ready
Gakupo x Luka: Gakuka
Luka really doesn’t like Gakupo much at first
But she is slowly drawn to him
d̶u̶e̶ t̶o̶ h̶i̶s̶ e̶p̶i̶c̶ s̶w̶o̶r̶d̶ s̶k̶i̶l̶l̶s̶
Probably like the Aunt/Uncle of the mansion
Not quite as trusted as KaiMei but they’re the New Jersey aunt and uncle duo
“Yeah sure, you should enjoy your childhood.”
Gets in trouble with KaiMei almost as much as Yukie
Luka drinks strong drinks but not often
Usually sticks with Gakupo’s tea
They’re not super affectionate but she gives random waist hugs to him
He will also carry her around on his back when she’s tired
Not many secksee moments but they’re ok with that
Mikuo x Gumi: Gumikuo
Mikuo is always holding hands with her
Gumi leans on his shoulder when they sit down 10/10
They get the most privacy out of the mansion
Fukase usually forgets about them and that’s the only reason
The entire mansion is going to Olive Garden?
They’re at the steakhouse.
Definitely a bunch of steamy moments with them 🥵
Delicious couple ❤️
Idk how to make theirs longer sorry
They haven’t really been developed in Rp still brainstorming some
Neru x Len: Leneru
Neru has liked len for a long time and finally asks for his Snapchat, saying:
“Hey len give me your snap or bald”
“Ok bet”
She joked around saying send nudes and dumb shit
Ofc he asked “what are nudes”
She told him to google it 🙄
Then she said “oops wrong person” even tho it was a total lie
Repeated this several times
Then after a few days
Yes, only a few days,
She texts him and is like “len r u up Ik it’s like 3am but”
“Yeah what’s up”
“I don’t like my last name”
“I think you should change it to yours”
“Ok we’re planning the wedding tomorrow”
her heart said UWU
N e ways
Decent amount of secksee moments
It is len we’re talking about after all
“Gigantic OTN me”
“Otw now”
I love them
Now my favorite,
Fukase x Piko: Pikase
The OG
This entire shipping plot came from this pair ✨ 🧚‍♂️
Fukase was fucking around and was like “len give me head or you’re gæ”
“Says the gæ one”
Fukases like “wdym”
“Piko likes you”
And piko was shuffling uncomfortably 👉👈 but still tried to defend himself
Did not work
A few minutes later Fukase’s dragging him into his bedroom
Everyone’s just like 👀
Some,,,,,,, things ,,,,,,, can be heard from outside
They bought soundproof padding after a few times of this
And fukase has a higher sex drive than len #exposed
Piko has a love hate relationship with the stamina of this guy
Literally can never walk after one “session” and has to be carried for the week.
“You broke my ass Fukase”
“I can kiss it better 😘”
“Please do not,,, 😞”
Wowowowow! Finished!
I love them all sm 🥺
But pikase is superior
Make sure to support us!!
Thanks for reading 💖💘💝💕💗💓💞
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localrobosexual · 5 years
hewwo my fwiends it's currently real Loving Seaside Hours™ again as spurred by talking to a blessed pal of mine earlier today about our comfort characters, so as I'm tryina ride out this thunderstorm going on outside so I can actually go to sleep I'm just gonna take a moment and gush about this robot and how and why he means so much to me, that alright w y'all lmao
putting a breaker on this bc I already know it's gonna get long and ramble-y lmao. Not gonna mind if u skip this over and don't bother reading it, I just wanna kinda shout into the void about my ocs a bit, don't mind me!
ok but. For real now, besides my initial screams that I had to get out hksjdks. Y'all wanna hear some insight into what all went into making him and why he means so much to me and all. Strap in bc it's gonna get Real
let's start with something pretty well known. Maybe not coming from me but a well known fact regardless lmao. Truth be told I wrote out from the paragraph below this one to the bottom without writing an introduction first and I'm too tired to try to come up with anything good now so uh. Hopefully this isn't too jarring hkshdksk my bad y'all my bad.
Anyways. Mental health! Fucked mental health! that's so much fun right!!
Haha yeah. Nah. We all know this. Being depressed is rlly wack y'all. It fuckin messes up ur head big time. I still don't know if I have downright depression, because I still haven't been properly diagnosed, and I never rlly associated my symptoms and the way I was feeling with depression bc it didn't line up with the stereotypical symptoms of depression, so I was (and still am) just calling it my "existential crisis". That was rlly the only word I could use to describe it. And it was dark and it was lonely and crushing and so, so awful. Despite the fact that I had an extremely loving and supportive friend group, I was always, ALWAYS afraid of speaking up about it. Despite them and all, I still felt super SUPER alone in the way I was feeling about life, my future, and my general purpose. This was all just reinforced by my parents and other adults in my life who I tried to come to in the past who would brush me off by saying I was overreacting, or that I'll "figure it out, because everybody does", or just generally not really understanding or showing any empathy at all. It took my entire life up until SENIOR YEAR ENGLISH CLASS when I went to my teacher about how I was feeling about a certain project that was triggering my symptoms, and that was the first time in my life when any adult had actually shown any sort of understanding or sympathy towards me and my feelings. That was the first time in my life where my mental struggles were validated by someone I respected and held to high regard.
But I still felt so very very alone, with no one to really talk to or who I knew was going through the same thing as me. So I ended up just,, , making someone who did.
Fun fact, before I really went ham on his development, Seaside was just gonna be a one-off oc with a happy go-lucky attitude and not much else about him. It was only until I heard the song What We Will Never Know (which later ended up becoming one of his theme songs bc of this) for the first time that I decided "WAIT,,. ,, BUT,, , WHAT IF,,. , ,,, , I MADE HIM SAD TOO" pretty much hkHKDJDJSK and that's what kick started his development!!
here I was, this sad, depressed, deeply lonely bitch with a love for making characters who played on extensions of myself, finally able to make something to cope with how awful I was feeling all the time. And that's what Seaside kinda was to me at first, he was my coping mechanism for working through hard bouts of my existenial crisis. I crafted his backstory to fit EXACTLY what I was going through at the time. He was content but never truly happy with how his life had been for as long as he could remember, then something exciting and new happens and he's suddenly thrust into a brand new world with so many new possibilities, but as he starts to settle in he realizes just how lost and alone he truly is in this new environment and he doesn't know where to go or what to do with himself. This is literally, EXACTLY a point-to-point retelling of my experience going through high school, graduating, and trying to figure out what to do with my life all with my mental health rapidly deteriorating around me. And having someone like that in my life, even fictional, even one I literally made up myself, made me feel better. I'd daydream scenarios of of us going on little adventures at the beach at night where no one else would see him in robot mode (gotta keep up the disguise aspect and all), but mostly it was just us hanging out, usually cuddled up to each other bc it gets cold on the beach at night, looking up at the stars, chillin and talking and just taking comfort in each other's presences and knowing that we weren't alone in our struggles. And I KNOW that sounds super stupid and cringey and dumb but like, that's genuinely what made, and still does, make me happy and it's what I used to help me hold on just a little longer to get through some of the really rough periods of my existenial crisis. When it got super bad, when I still even couldn't tell my closest friends about how low I was feeling, I still at least had Seaside with me to help me cope.
it wasn't until it got to the point where I was pretty much (lovingly) forced to wake up to the reality that I was rapidly becoming genuinely suicidal that things finally started to change, even just a little bit. I only very recently finally started to get my mind right, I finally told my parents the whole truth about how I was feeling, I got put on some meds that are honestly doing WONDERS for me rn, and I'm definitely in a much better place mentally then I was just a few months ago. I certainly still have a long way to go, but for now I'm just trying to enjoy the ride and just soak up and relish in the fact that I'm, for the first time in years, genuinely going about my days just happy to be out here living life without constantly being weighed down by the soul crushingly empty sorrow that hung over me 24/7. (and to said close group of friends, if you're indeed reading this, this may be the first time you're hearing about what I've been going through all the time, and if that's the case, I'm gonna have to kindly ask that you not come to me about it. I'll know when I'm ready to talk about this openly, but now I don't think I am. I'm really sorry to have kept it from y'all for so long, it really was just eating me up inside, but I think I explained myself well enough)
so now that I'm doing much better mentally, Seaside's outlook has kinda changed, but at the same time, not really?? he's still my comfort character for sure, always will be, but now he's not so much a coping mechanism as he is just a solid source of happiness and peace to turn to every now and again. This one little transformers oc just genuinely makes me really really happy, and I love to just soak it all in and feel every little thing!! We still share the not knowing what we're doing with our lives aspect of ourselves, but now it's a little less completely lost and anguished and hopeless and a little more hopeful and reassuring. Things are gonna be ok. We'll figure this out at our own pace. And we'll still have each other to turn to at every step of the way.
there's a lot of different kinds of comfort energies that many different kinds of comfort characters give off, and different ones resonate more with different people. The most common one I'll see at least is a kind of is parental comfort, someone you can come to for guidance in life because they have the experience to advise you on what to do and can be almost a better pseudo-parental figure. Mom friend types, loving dad energy, that kind of thing. Someone to protect you and give you big strong hugs and stuff. Seaside gives off a similar yet very different kind of comfort energy to me. It's not parental in any way because he's far too young (relatively, even in Cybertronian standards. He'd be like, mid to late 20s in human years) and inexperienced, and, frankly, still a little too naive and unknowing about a lot of things to really be someone to turn to for guidance or just generally be a pseudo-parental figure, but instead, he's just a good friend. He's a perfect kind of friend that'd stand by your side and will always be there for you through the ups and downs of life, someone who knows how to cheer you up when you're sad, someone you can share a solidarity in where you know you're experiencing the exact same struggles. He's just a good shoulder to lean on and a constant reminder that I'm never alone. And I couldn't ask for anything better tbh
so yeah. There's my ramble I guess lmao. To sum it up rlly I just love this big dumb robot w all my heart and soul and I'm so so glad I made him 💕💕💕
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lunebinnie · 6 years
(1/14)I am so sorry for taking so long! (I also had to spend a lot of time studying this week bc I had my first exam for my Anatomy Lab on Wednesday... And then we had our first exam for *Lecture* Thursday (which also was the day I had a bunch of powerpoints due for my very intimidating adviser...) and then I had to substitute teach all day Friday (and then I meant to respond sooner but I got so busy 😭) so yeah I completely understand about school getting in the way no worries abt it!)
And also sleeping in on a day off when you’ve been busy studying lately is completely valid hon 👌 I hope that your midterms go well and that you’re able to stay healthy and take care of yourself in the midst of preparing! (not that you wouldn’t, I just have a bad habit of neglecting things like healthy sleeping and eating habits when I get caught up studying, so hopefully you’re not like me in that way) And yeah me too! I mean on the one hand I understand *why* they have that limit
3)If u could just send as many as u want there would be so much more spam and ppl would definitely abuse that. But also?? Um? I have a chronic condition called ‘Can'tShuttheFuckUp-itis’? 🤷 This policy is so discriminatory towards people like me who suffer from this crippling condition! I feel oppressed honestly 🙄 tumblr rlly has something against ppl just trying to get to know each other huh? Lol, but at least now we know why it eats them I’ll be sure to try to prevent that in the future
4)And oh my gosh that’s so cool! I’m super jealous!! 😮 lol. I wish they hosted kpop nights at my local bar! 😭😭 But no, I’m here at my little state college in a little 2 mi2 town just under pop 5500 (and idek if that’s before or after counting college students) in the middle of the 'farm zone’ of my state. All we get is country night @Riley’s 😩 RIP. But ya I wish I had more ppl around me who were into kpop! So far I’ve only met 3 ppl who listen to it. One was that roommate I told you about
5)One is just a casual listener who isn’t really into 3rd gen groups and mostly just listens to Girl’s Generation but that’s valid, and one isn’t even rlly a fan of any groups in particular, she just puts the kpop station on when she studies bc she says she needs music but if it’s in English she gets distracted, lol And omg that is insane! $500?? And 5 copies of the same album? 😲 (Says the girl who’s been a Monbebe for a hot 2 months and has already bought three (3??) Monsta X T-shirts… 😂
6)in my defense tho one of them was only $10 bc it was Black Friday? And u can’t blame me, Hot Topic is my krypotonite lmao) but yeah I already feel guilty about spending 30+ dollars on one copy of an album (thx international shipping) That’s so wild. And yeah I don’t get why ppl feel the need go out of their way just to insult other ppl’s music taste. I’m also pretty self conscious abt sharing my music taste and obviously the way everyone around me talks abt kpop has made me even moreso now 🙃
7) I haven’t gotten into too many groups yet bc I’m trying to go slowly and focus on getting into one group at a time but I do have a long list of groups I plan on getting into eventually! NU'EST is one that I’ve heard some of their songs on my Spotify based on my listening history and they’re on the list haha 😂 And omg I feel really similarly about Got7! I tried to get into them after I got into Monsta X and right before I got into Astro and although I did really like some of their songs
8)I haven’t really been able to get into their music as much as MX and Astro’s yet. I do think they seem like a really fun group in terms of personality though. As for the comeback I know right?? I mean I know a lot of ppl were freaking out abt the comeback being a 'sexy’ and how it wasn’t gonna be the same cute Astro we all love anymore. But they filled the MV with flowers and glitter and still managed to make it sexy as fuck! This album has a very different vibe but it still felt like them
9) They managed to pull off a more mature and sexy concept while still staying true to themselves and I’m so here for it! I don’t know if I could really pick a favorite era because I love them all! I mean Spring Up was an excellent era and every era since then has been great. They really don’t know how to have any bad concepts or make any bad songs huh? Lol. Since I’m still pretty new I really love the title tracks since I’ve heard them the most. (I have listened to their full discography
10)But I haven’t listened to their Bsides enough to pick out my favorites from those) I also really love Again though! The first time I saw the dance practice I was super into it and then I looked up the lyrics and was like 'this is supposed to be sad/regretful song it has no reason to be this much of a BOP?!’ 😂 I have such a hard time picking favorites though. Since All Light is new though I actually have listened to it enough times to pick some 'non-title song favorites’ from there haha
11) Other than All Night (which is great, obvi) I also really like Starry Sky, Moonwalk and Role Play 😂 and Bloom is so pretty oh my god! 😭😭 the album is great and has no bad songs but those are the ones I particularly like. I feel u about the dances honestly. I think that’s actually what drew me to kpop initially. I mean I like listening to the songs ofc but it wasn’t until after I actually watched an MV/saw the choreography that I actually was like… Oh shit I’m gonna have to be a fan now
12) It was the visual aspect that really made me want to be a kpop fan bc I haven’t really seen that level of performance with any western music. Which isn’t to say I think all western music is bad but I think it��s really impressive to watch kpop groups singing and also doing really impressive choreography and performing at the same time. Plus that’s the part I can show my family and say 'even if you don’t like the music because of the language barrier you have to admit they’re talented dancers’
13)And yes! With Astro especially I think the dance practices rlly succinctly capture the reason why I love them so much. They are *super* talented but they also have such great chemistry and u can rlly tell that they just love each other and have so much fun together! I love a family of six hardworking dorks! 🤧💗 lol. And yeah it’s too bad that neither of are able to see them this cb ☹️ (I also did the 'hypothetically…’ research but it wouldn’t have worked out 😒) I hope you’re right though!
14)Hopefully the success of this comeback is the catalyst to Astro getting more of the attention they deserve and there will be many more opportunities to see them in the future! (Although it is too bad we won’t be able to see live performances from this cb, since it’s so pretty 😭 tho with their track record I’m sure future cb’s will be just as good lol) But what about you? Do you have any favorite songs from this cb in particular? Talk again soon! (I’ll try 2 b better @ responding 😭) -AHA
FUCKKK okay so after like a million years of midterms + 2 days straight of sleeping ya girl is BACK to answer these asks after getting through the hurdle of copying and pasting and italicizing 14 asks onto one response on my phone. Did I perhaps fail at least 3 of my midterms? Quite probably. Do I have the energy to care atm? No. Did I need to get away from everything and fly to Boston to visit my friend for reading week? Yes.
How did all your exams go? That sounds crazy though! I hope you got through everything ok!
Tbh I have the same unhealthy habits too, I essentially became nocturnal and lived on like one meal a day + snacks and coffee 😭 fr, I would be writing my midterm from 11:30-1:30, go home to eat, sleep from 4-7pm, then wake up to study all night for the next one, and repeat,,,,, I’m like an actual mess tbh
Honestly as much as I’ve enjoyed the Aroha secret admirer thing (it was sooo nice getting to meet new people) rn I’m just so glad that post-reveal we don’t have to deal with tumblr ask limits and writing entire essay responses all in one go.
Honestly 3 shirts isn’t even THAT bad especially if they weren’t all like ordered from overseas so they wouldn’t have been that expensive. When I went to the Myeongdong underground shopping centre I went craaaazy with Kpop merch despite stanning (at that point, pretty much only) BTS for a whole 3 weeks, so I ended up coming back with 2 albums, a bunch of stickers, a photocard pack (also bonus: got an Astro one too) and like a BUNCH of bt21 stuff. Speaking of, my All Light album finally came in!! I ended up getting a Moonbin, MJ, Jinjin, and Sanha photocard plus the a Rocky lyric booklet and ik I basically got THE best set for someone who loves all of them w my whole heart 😩✊ but I’m still sad I didn’t get any Eunwoo cards since he was my first Astro bias 😭 it’s soooooo pretty I love it sm and like lowkey I’ll probably end up buying more of their albums anyway oopsss
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Speaking of Monsta X btw, I heard their new song and I thought it was really good! What did you think of it?
Regarding favourite songs, I swear my moods change so much, so it’s pretty common for me to not love a song at first and sort of rediscover it months later, and tbh that’s kind of what happened with Innocent Love, Baby, and Again. In this album though, I’d say my favourite Bsides are probably be Bloom, 1 in a Million, and Heart Brew Love.
And I toootally agree with the performance aspect of kpop being the thing to attract me it, even before I got really into it I’d sometime like to watch dance practices (and lowkey even learned a bunch of choreos a with my friend last term just bc we had access to a frequently empty dance studio). It’s just super impressive to see people singing and dancing at the same time mostly live, and for the same reasons I’m also super into musicals as well, which isn’t so say I think like lip syncing or just dancing/singing is bad, it’s just refreshing to see it done all at once, you know?
Also side story it turns out that I actually DO know another Astro fan irl!! Her older sister (who I’m closer to bc we’re closer in age) is the one who bought the million got7 albums. Even though she’s been a fan of Astro since before debut, her sister doesn’t even know she listens to kpop since she was afraid of getting roasted at first, but now she’s in too deep to say anything. I’d mentioned liking Astro to her before, but she didn’t say anything bc she didn’t want to expose herself in front of her sister but on Friday I saw her while her sister was out and she was like “oh btw here’s a secret I went to the Toronto fanmeet last year but my sister doesn’t know” I was SHOOK but tbh I’m just super glad now to have someone to talk about it and go to concerts with (I’m banking on the fact that they’re coming back)
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH for waiting 2747287482 million years for my response, and it was so great to finally (officially) meet you Kjersten!
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ts-autumns-world · 3 years
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As promised here are the rites of passage that Captain, Jinx, and Mikki wrote for the cast!
All of Jinx’s Messages: https://youtu.be/kbk2GI6nW-E
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Captain: hey khalid! its been a short 4 days with you but i know that ur such an amazing person and u have such a bubbly personality. i do wish we get to know each other more.. its a bit sucky that your schedule kinda prevented you from being a bit more active :((
Mikki: KHALID I DON’T KNOW IF YOU KNOW THIS BUT I DIDN’T WANT YOU TO BE FIRST BOOT. i really didn’t. You were so busy at the beginning and we didn’t talk a lot but the little time we did have talking to each other made me see how calm and good it felt to talk to you. I had such a good feeling and really wanted you to stay around longer but unfortunately it wasn’t anything i could do on my own. I hope we get another opportunity to get to know each other properly.
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Captain: we didn't meet each other in this game but i hope u had a fun time even though its short! and hopefully, we'll see each other around the community mwah!
Mikki: we never got to meet but you seem genuinely fun and i’m sad i never got to meet you!!!! I’m sorry we sent jinx to the outhouse during the tribal you were voted out on. Idk if them being there would have helped at all but ashjsajhasjh if it would have i’m sorry!!!!
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Captain: i've seen you around but we haven't rlly talked/met each other yet. u seem to be amazing and i hope we'll get to play together some day
. Mikki: i’m also sad we didn’t get to meet!!!!!! You really seemed super active and i’ve never seen you around before so i was hoping our paths would cross but unfortunately that never happened :(( 
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Captain: we haven't been able to meet so its such a missed opportunity to not get to play together. you seem to be very cool! hope u had fun in autumns world
Mikki: it was so nice to talk to you and i feel so bad about how unlucky you got in the tribe swap but i had to do what i needed to to keep my tribe and grey safe like i wanted.
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Captain: OMG BENJ sobs... urgh i wish you made the merge so that we could meet each other again and our trio of you/me/mikki would have streamrolled the season! i enjoyed every conversation we had and u rlly are such a dedicated player. and u deserved the BEST!! i wish you the best and i hope to see you around in the community and maybe we'll get to play together and go the end together WOOO! urgh.. ur so sweet sobs...
Mikki: *takes a deep breath* this is going to be the hardest one to write. And i don’t even know what to say because nothing i do say will properly express how fortunate i am that we got to actually properly meet and talk!!!!!! And become friends LIKE BENJ I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH and i’m so sad at how robbed you were. You were genuinely my number one and i looked forward to talking to you constantly every day. Talking to you was so easy and our plans for the future of the game MADE ME SO EXCITED and i was so ready to play with you and make moves and have fun and go far together. Your elimination made me really sad and i was in a big funk for a long time after and even at my worst in like f6 when i was ready to give up, autumn would ask me “what would benj say” and that one question made me snap out of it and fight further. When i found an idol at f5 and got to play it all i could think about was when you told me you wanted to find an idol to bring it to me to show me and i’m just :SOB: we really got robbed in getting to play together in merge and i really hope we get another chance to. I wish i did more to protect you. I should have done more and it was my biggest regret since. Thank you for being an incredible ally to me and reminding me what i love the most about games: making genuine friendships that mean more to me than the game itself. Ilysm <3
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Captain: i know we didn't end very well on cow and thats kinda the main thing that made me not fully trust you in this game. its probably my bad cause i think you really wanted to work with me but i mean in our short time here, we did work together! good luck with everything in your life blake!
Mikki: blake!!! It was so fun to play with you while we could. I’m sorry you felt so left out in the tribal we had together before you went out but i hope you understand it wasn’t anything personal and i really did just assume you and raffy were close. I’m sorry for not trusting you more.
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Captain: awww Lily! i rlly enjoyed our conversation! like you were the one that i felt that our conversation just flew naturally and i loved how u tried to talk to me and ur just the sweetest!! i'm happy we met here cause ur literally so cool and so nice. u have this calming energy that i don't know how to explain dsfsdfsdfdsf. but YEA!! i hope u feel the same way as me and hope to see you around in the community!!
Mikki: ahhhhh right before you left you told me that we will see if i made the right choice with who i sided with and sahsajhjhjas i like to think i did??? and i hope you agree. You were so so so kind and i’m sad we didn’t get to know each other before merge, i had to make a gut instinct kind of choice and it sucked that i had to make it so soon. I wonder how differently things would have been if i voted with og llih instead and kept you safe. You fought til the very end and it inspired me so much
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Captain: RAFFY! we were such a perfect pair when u told me ur also tired of talking to ppl dfsdfsdfsdf thats a big mood! urgh.. i rlly wish u could've gone a bit further because ik u trusted me a lot and i also trusted you... in some way just because i had other alliances. i tried so hard to save you but yea it didn't succeed. i hope ur doing great and hopefully we'll meet again
Mikki: screams RAFFY I DON’T KNOW IF YOU KNOW OR NOT BUT this whole season i’ve had one burning question on my mind Does Raffy Remember Me? BECAUSE we played together in a game once before but i didn’t REALISE it was you at first so we both said it was nice to meet each other but then i realised it was you !!!!! from bb glass but i never knew if you knew it was me or not and i didn’t bring it up because HJASHJASJH I WAS WORRIED IDK IT WAS JUST an ongoing thing and became kind of a meme and i’m so excited to know the answer. But anyways ashjashjs i’m sorry for trying to vote you out but i really meant it when i said i wanted to play with you after. I wish we could have!!! I wanted us to have a redemption arc and be allies for real so badly. But my alliance with jinx and chris changed their votes to you and were so paranoid but i think they just didn’t want to vote out grey HJASJHASJH and i ended up caving out of fear. I had so much fun playing with you tho!!! And the superidol was one of the most exciting moments of this game even tho it did mean i lost one of my closest allies.
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Captain: I wish we talked more tbh because u were the first person to dm me in the swap and i was like lily o is so cool and i liked lily o a lot! but then we just didn't talk after that. I know its partially my faults but ur fun to talk to when we got to talk to each other! u may not know this but u were kinda the part that made me put more effort into this game when i lied to you about wanting to target jinx/mikki and u told mikki about that and she told me back hehe! hope we see each other around lily!
Mikki: LILY YOU WERE ONE OF THE FUNNEST PEOPLE TO TALK TO!!!!! I had such a blast in our dms. I feel like we could talk about anything and it was fun. Hell you even explained the history of pacman to me and i was INVESTED in every part of it!!! Voting you out was partly fuelled by how good you are at comps and partly because i got bitter about the timezone advantage comment ashsahjsahj but nevertheless i found you incredible to talk to and play with and i’m so happy we could meet and have fun with each other while we did!!!
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Captain: JOEYYYYYY! i still feel bad about that pyramid challenge because u shouldnt have gotten me as ur pair lmaoo. i literally didn't know anything americans!! anyways!! our time together is for sure interesting. cause like ik ur with me but then u told jinx and monty that they need to be careful about mikki/captain and thats the reason why i didnt fully trust you in game! like ur a good ally but sometimes, ur doing too much. also, i appreciated u trying to talk to me a lot. I  wish i did the same with you but life was so crazy that i could only reply with like short answers that didnt give anything much. At least we made it to jury together this time!
Mikki: joey joey joey joey JOEY sjhhjsahjasahj oh my god it was a time and a half with you i swear. I would talk to you and then go into my conf and rant about how JOEY KEEPS SAYING I’M A THREAT GRRR IM SO ANNOYED and then i would talk to you more and go back in there after 2 minutes and be like “nevermind i love joey again” ahjashjsahj you are such a great friend joey and you give me so much joy to talk to. One of the things i’m most proud of is winning that endurance comp and i would have never done that if it wasn’t for you shjashj YOU PUSHED ME TO PLAY BETTER AND GO HARDER and i’ll never forget that. Thank you for helping me see what i’m capable of and for being a genuinely kind and fun person to be around.
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Captain: oh monty DFSDFDSFDS we didn't really talk much privately but most of the times i talked to you, i was always honest with you and i think u were the same way with me too so it kinda raised my eyebrows a bit when u told me that we're gonna be worried about captain/mikki later in the game fdsfsdfsdfsd i didn't talk much game with you but ik u played a good game even though i think u might not know whats going on most of the times lmaoo!! anyways, its been a fun time with you and ofc, u can't get rid of me cause im gonna be haunting u as an intern in CoW forever!!!
Mikki: PLS ASHJASHJA we didn’t talk much at all in this game apart from when tribals were happening and that was extremely iconic of us ashjashjasjh i appreciate and love you so much monty!!!! You’re one of the best people i know and i’m glad we got to play together for a hot second even if it wasn’t for long and it was just these super rushed convos before tribal while i was awake at a ridiculous hour ashashjas
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Captain: okay so ur vote is literally the HARDEST vote ever in my org history but it has to be done because you and jude were such a tight duo and yes i knew about u having 2 idols and giving jude one since the beginning of the merge. i feel like that was the right time to, as autumn said, blindside. but you know i LOVE you so much. my grandpa! You are literally one of the nicest people in this community and your words have helped me a lot in this season. it hurt me so much to vote for you but thats how the game goes and i hope u understand because i value our relationship so much. we've played together for 4 times now and i love you more and more each time we play together. i just love ur puns and like ur old ways of saying things fsfsdfsdf that #chrisstyle and i just love everything that is YOU. i know we're gonna be fine after this and i hope ur proud of me and forgive me for voting you out. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Chris i LOVE YOUUUUU. sobs. im so happy we got to play together again ahhhhh
Mikki: chris you are literally the nicest human i’ve ever known. You exude such a genuine kindness i can’t even comprehend it. Your messages always put a smile on my face and voting you out was the hardest vote i ever did and i literally wrote in my conf that voting you out would be like blindsiding your grandpa after he helps you move in and has a cup of tea with you :sob: like you’re just one of the best guys i’ve ever met and have this pure wholesome kind energy i’ve never encountered with anyone else. Playing with you was amazing and i loved our alliance with captain and jinx. But i knew your game was incredible and to see myself and captain get any further we had to do the unthinkable. You had the magician in my tarot readings for a reason and it’s because you’re so powerful!!!!! I can’t wait to ask you so many questions when this is over.
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Captain: bae- i still don't know why you had a crush on me but we had such a cute showmance arc in this series. i mean yes i targeted you for a few times just because we didn't talk before fsdfsdsdf like we communicated in the house chat but no one actually dm'ed each other first so im like i don't know where ur head is at and u seem to be dangerous to my game!! i mean u ended up not voting for me so thank you for that even though i can't do the same. i have to say that i enjoyed our convo a lot.. u always lit up my smile whenever u dm'ed me with tiktoks or like just ur random chit chat LMAO! the only downside was that we didn't rlly talk game much except for that one vote i think the lily o vote where we talked about getting joey out and ended up voting for lily o. but yes, i will miss our convo here a lot grey :(( u deserved BETTER!
Mikki: GREY OMG you’re one of the funniest people i’ve known. Our dms were so chaotic and you always broke the ice in the tribe chat by saying the randomest and funniest things. Thank you for making me laugh and for sharing your stories with me and chris and jinx on call. I really enjoyed getting to know you and i care so much for you. Also you appreciate captain and for that you have taste HJASHJSA
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Captain: JUDE!! you were such a powerhouse in this game like literally had u made the final 2, u would've won for sure and thats the reason why i fought so hard in the pressure cooker comp cause i couldn't risk you getting into the final 3 and potentially won the last IC. So i'm so sorry i had to vote you out. i had such a fun time getting to know you like just like i told you, i liked you since the premiere night when i watched ur intro vid and was like 'JUDE IS SO COOL' in my DR and i wanted to play with you.. then we got to play together and got to know each other. We didn't get to talk game much but like ik i could trust you in some ways! and again ur the coolest jude.. that pressure cooker will go down as one of the most iconic pressure cooker challenges in the tumblr survivor history for sure. hope to see u around the community
Mikki: JUDE i’m so sorry everything ended the way it did. I always meant what i said to you, that i would love to see you win. And you absolutely deserved to. Your game was amazing and i spent every second admiring you and everything you did. From the moment we played tic tac toe together i knew i was a jude stan and i’m so happy we got to have so much fun together and PLAYED PYRAMID TOO!!!! You’re absolutely remarkable and an easy person to love and want to protect, i can only dream of having your social game. You also never voted for me even when i thought you would BECAUSE I REALLY THOUGHT IT MADE THE MOST SENSE but you never did and i’m really emotional about that. I think so highly of you and i hope we can be friends after all of this <3
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Mikki: WE FINALLY GOT TO WASH AWAY OUR SAILOR MOON SINS CAN YOU BELIEVE ASHJHJASHJASAHJS we finally did it!!!!! YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!!!! I am so proud of the game you played and i know it wasn’t easy for you at all. You showed just how much you wanted this and you never took the easy route. I’m proud to have played alongside you and for all our nights watching survivor and 7th heaven YOU ARE ALSO ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS and i love you so much
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Mikki: you know how much you mean to me. I love you so much and i’m so happy we once again got to play together. I am SO proud of you and the game you played. You’re an under the radar genius who knows how to get your information and how to use it. YOU ARE CAPABLE OF LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO and i love seeing you constantly prove yourself wrong and show just how incredible you are. You always put me first and take care of me :pls: i am so lucky to have you as one of my best friends and i can’t tell you enough how much i love you. Thank you for being in my life <3
0 notes
franeridart · 7 years
I don't know if I like what the manga is doing with the eri story wise right now. Like, after the new chapter, if eri's quirk ends up doing what I think it does, it will probably be a huge loss for the manga story wise. (I love mirio and nighteye, but in this situation, to get them back this way, would probably feel like a huge cop out)
Ah, can’t say you find me on your side on this, anon - generally I’m a positive person! And I like bnha because it’s a positive story! So, yeah, if Eri’s gonna fix it and avoid deaths and permanent damages all around I’m not gonna mind it one bit. I understand your position on this tho, and I’m pretty sure you’re not alone on it. I guess it’s about what you’re looking for in a story, and what the point the story means to bring across is to begin with - you say that having an all around positive outcome to this arc is gonna be a loss for the manga, but bnha isn’t snk. It’s not Tokyo Ghoul, or D.Gray-man, or any other story made to drive across the point that life is sad and sad things happen and you just gotta deal with it as best as you can. The general point of HeroAca, since the very beginning, is that luck exists! Things can turn out for the best! Look at it, our protagonist didn’t even have a quirk and now he’s got the best one out there. Literally became the successor to the greatest hero alive without doing anything aside from being a nice guy
I mean. I get why you’d wish for a... more real story, I guess. I get that you might like the angst and the realness of life being shitty and bad things happening and all that jazz. But that’s never been bnha’s point? Since the very start? Deku’s whole arc is turning into a fight to show you that you should never lose hope and that even set futures can still be rewritten - and, about that, there’s also how big part of this arc is still about Nighteye and what he saw in All Might’s future, and about Deku wanting to prove that he doesn’t have to die, so a girl that can literally rewind said future to make it go some other way? That’s exactly what you need to counter Nighteye’s quirk. Deku might talk about twisting fate all he wants, but considering how Nighteye’s quirk works and how precise and definitive it is, without something that can make what Nighteye saw happen just to bring it back and change it there was no way Deku could have done much.
As I said, I get why you’d be disappointed in the possibility of a total fix-it, but as far as bnha’s plot goes I don’t think the story’s gonna lose anything with simply keeping up the positive-to-a-naive-point look on life it has always had, if that’s what it decides to do. You might end up finding the story less good then you’d been expecting, but that’s because you were seeing bnha as a genre it has never even tried to be. This is still a story in which at some point holding hands saved the day, after all haha
Anon said:you always thanks horikoshi for your life but seriously, thank you, for my life
sob you’re so sweet oh my GOD ;O; thank you so much, I’m so so happy you’re liking my stuff!!!
Anon said:Would you ever draw anything nsfw or at least a little bit steamy?? I would love to see some of that in you style
That’s actually answered in my faq! But yeah to keep it short the answer is nope, I try to keep my blogs as sfw as I can manage! Also why would you want to see that sorta thing in my style omfg hahaha I feel like it would just end up looking wrong lmao
Anon said:im legit crying over this kiribaku comic 😭😭😭 bless you
I’m super happy you liked it but please don’t cry omfg !!!!*hands you tissues* 
Anon said:......LISTen!! !! ! I LOVE U SO MUCH!!! !! ! and thank u for the super quality content b l e s s u p! ! !!!
Anon said:I rambled about it and I'm still blown away by it but that comic made my day so so so so so much I feel blessed. I was so excited when I saw how much there was and all of it!!! Was so good!!!! The art was consistently amazing and gosh u blow me away ur so good!!! I know it must've taken a lot and doing all that and SO WELL in 3 days??? I rlly appreciate the effort u put in and I wanted to let you know I think it was incredible C: I hope ur having as lovely as a day as that comic made mine
I’m gonna legit start sobbing, thank you so so so so much ;O; it did take a whole damn lot of work, but with how nice you’re being I feel like it was 100% worth it!!!
Anon said:your comic totally made my saturday, kiri is so cuuute wtf?? and baku so hella pretty? i mean, the way you draw him?? i cant rlly explain it but thank you for this beauty on my dashboard. i have all those warm mushy feelings when i see your stuff
Thank you!!!! and I’m happy I could make you feel the mushy feels hahaha feeling mushy mush is good I’m always glad when I’m told I managed to convey that !!!!
Anon said:your comics were so cute and so well drawn!! your art always puts a smile on my face :)
And your nice words put a smile on mine so now we’re both smiling and happy!!!!!! I love that!!!!!! :D
Anon said:bless you and thank you for the kiribaku content, you're making my day every time dude
You’re all!!!! so kind!!!!!!! aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you
That’s actually a nice idea, but can I maybe ask you to come around again with a “please” and “could you”? I’m sure you didn’t mean anything bad by it and I love the enthusiasm, but I prefer it when people are being polite when asking for stuff out of me
Anon said:Okay, how bout this? Bakushima Skyrim AU. This might be a little too close to the fantasy AU but hear me out. So Bakugoi Katsuki is a Breton Spellsword who is commanded by his lord (Aizawa) to go help the Empire with the Stormcloak Rebellion, he is then sent to Helgen by General Tullius to investigate its sudden communication silence. He then meets Kirishima (Eric the Slayer) at Rorikstead who is immediately fascinated by him, they end up traveling together and discover that Bakugo is dragonborn
I mean!!! That sounds like an incredible concept!!! But I’ve never played skyrim in my life before and I could barely manage to follow this ask all the way through, so I’m probably not the best person to suggest this to haha
Anon said:is momo your first option for our lil rocker lesbian or is it mina?
What a question! And one I don’t have a proper answer to, actually - I like both of them equally but for completely different reasons? MomoJirou is the type of ship I sorta see as more or less canon, like, they’re pretty damn obvious aren’t they? And they’re besties! And the aesthetics work so well! So generally I’m like, if I gotta pick one person for Jirou, basing the decision solely on canon stuff, I’m gonna pick Momo. They’re soft and warm too, have sort of a coffee-shop-AU feel to them, I love it
On the other hand Jirou and Mina don’t really have a significant relationship in canon yet - they’re friends and chill together now and again, but haven’t really interacted much in a proper way for me to say “yes, I can see it, this is a ship with some serious foundation” like I can with Momo. But. I understand this ship in a way I can’t seem to manage with MomoJirou. What Jirou would love in Mina and what Mina would love in Jirou, why they’d love each other, how they’d spend their time together and what the general feel of their story would be - the mood of it and the reasons behind it, I understand them, and I can’t seem to manage to do that with Momo yet.
So the actual answer is, if it’s about which of the two gives me more of a “this might actually be canon” feel, then it’s Momo. I do believe they love each other and their relationship is lovely. But if it’s about which of the two I have more fun thinking about, then Mina. It’s two very different ships with very different moods, after all haha
Anon said:your latest warm up my heart!!! man i love how you draw izuku and eri and mirio and well all of them but you dont often draw izuku especially congrats i never want to look away from it
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED THAT ONE I’m actually weirdly proud of how that Izuku came out since usually I can barely manage to make him look like himself, so!!!! thank you!!!!!!
Anon said:Fran, hi! I saw some drawings of you (like, YOU) and I got under the impression that you're really tall??? Would you mind telling us your height? If it's too weird and it gets you uncomfortable, please, just ignore!
I decieved you, anon lmao I’m ~160cm, more or less like my girl Mina! Still the tallest girl in my family, but a small bean none the less in the grand scheme of things haha
Anon said:Looking at your art reminds me that there still are good things to look forward to. Thank you.
This is such a soft ask??? Oh my god???? Thank you so much for the kind feeling!!!
Anon said:you did!! A background on the momojirou!! And I LOVE IT!!
I’M HAPPY YOU LIKED IT!!!!! It’s just flowers, tho haha
Anon said:Your art is so nice to look at, it's really soft and pretty and looking at it makes me really happy!! I fell in love with your style the moment I saw it. Thank you for making such lovely art and posting it here, I really appreciate getting to see it ♡♡♡
;O; thank you so much oh my god!!!! I still feel like it’s sort of all over the place, but this ask makes me feel so much better about it aaah!!!!!!
Anon said:minajirou!! i never thought about so thank you fran bcause its so cute!! and soft!! and bright!! my best girls yess
THEY’RE GOOD AREN’T THEY bright beautiful ladies they make me so happy hahaha
Anon said:Your blog has changed my life for the better. thank you
I’m sure that’s an exaggeration omfg but I’m happy I can make you happy!!!
Anon said:Gosh Fran, I just wait for Kirishima with his hair down to be animated. Thank god you indulge us with your doodles of his fluffy hair down while we wait! On another note... I love how you add some random details in your drawings (like Kiri's tag sticking out lol).
THANK YOU for noticing even the small things like that hahaha some details like that are more for my personal amusement than anything else, but it’s nice to know some people pick up on them too hahaha
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darrycurtises · 7 years
for the 'send me a character' thing - Darry, Evie, Cherry, Mark Jennings and BJ Jackson (if you haven't read all the SE books, don't worry. and tag/send this to changesxnight when you're done cause she loves you)
(wow i wonder who couldve sent this cryptic anon) i love u too britt
First impressions? 
listen,,, i was such a bab when i first read this book,, and i 100% sided w pony and so my first impression of darry was just >:(
Impression now? 
if i was to write down my full impression of darry i honestly think i’d give yall like a 50000 word essay in chicago style but suffice it to say that DARRY IS AMAZING and a million percent hes the most selfless person in the whole world and honestly the only NORMAL ONE like y’all can stan soda all u want but he still eats jelly and eggs im not About it
Favorite Moment? im gonna pick three because im an actual trash can,,, 
There was an uneasy silence: Who was going to start it? Darry solved the problem. He stepped forward under the circle of light made by the street lamp. For a minute, everything looked unreal, like a scene out of a JD movie or something. Then Darry said, “I’ll take on anyone.”
“I’ll be okay,” I said wearily. “How come you never worry about Sodapop as much? I don’t see you lecturin’ him.“ 
“Man,”- Darry grinned and put his arm across Soda’s shoulders - “this is one kid brother I don’t have to worry about." 
Soda punched him in the ribs affectionately. 
"This kiddo can use his head." Sodapop looked down at me with mock superiority, but Darry went on: "You can see he uses it for one thing - to grow hair on.” He ducked Soda’s swing and took off for the door. 
Two-Bit stuck his head in the door just as Darry went flying out of it. Leaping as he went off the steps, Darry turned a somersault in mid-air, hit the ground, and bounced up before Soda could catch him.
“Darry, do you think they’ll split us up? Put me in a home or something?" 
He was silent. "I don’t know, baby. I just don’t know.”
what a Dad™
Idea for a story?
ok so i would die for any story that fleshes out the relationship darry had w his dad like im living for happy, stress-free, younger darry
Unpopular opinion? 
i don’t really know that there are any opinions i have about him that would be considered unpopular? r there still people who claim he’s abusive or are they like a cryptid now 
Favorite relationship? 
darry x happiness
Favorite headcanon? 
it’s one of mine it’s that his fave music is swing he is the ultimate Dad™
First impression? 
“what’s evie short for? evelyn? evangeline? e v a n e s c e n c e.”
Impression now?
*banging pots and pans together* AN EVIE NOVEL!!!! EVIE NOVEL!!! BLEASE
Favorite moment?
Did they cry when their boys were arrested, like Evie did when Steve got hauled in, or did they run out on them the way Sylvia did Dallas?
this is the only line in the book where it talks about her doing something? like the only other lines are “we’re going to a game” and “she, along with the other rarely mentioned females in the book, are greasy like us, and the only girls we have a chance with.” so, se hinton, step up ur girl-writing game, it weak
Idea for a story?
i feel like she and sylvia would be rlly interesting together id love to see them like as tag-team scammers
Unpopular opinion?
evie is soft,,,, she is not like wild child sylvia (that’s why i feel like they’d be a good team,like sylvia gets her out on the town, evie stops her from stealing a stop sign or something)
Favorite relationship?
i believe in evie x steve i really do,,
Favorite headcanon?
First impression? 
an actual literal goddess come to Earth, better than we deserve, needs a solo trip to the beach
Impression now?
an actual literal goddess come to Earth, so much better than we will ever deserve, needs 30 solo trips to the beach
Favorite moment?
Dally came striding back with an armful of Cokes. He handed one to each of the girls and sat down beside Cherry. “This might cool you off." 
She gave him an incredulous look; and then she threw her Coke in his face. "That might cool you off, greaser. After you wash your mouth and learn to talk and act decent, I might cool off, too.”
i mean how could i pick any other moment,,,
Idea for a story? 
literally any story where she isn’t shipped with anyone let her and marcia go on a crosscountry roadtrip where they take pictures at the grand canyon where they’re like “falling off the cliff lol scared u!”
Unpopular opinion?
i’m not sure if this opinion is actually unpopular or not but she was well within her rights to refuse seeing johnny at the hospital?? like i know this is debated a lot but she didnt owe him anything, no matter how much we love him, she doesnt have to 
Favorite relationship? 
cherry x being true to herself (also a version of bob where he respects that she doesn’t like him drinking around her)
Favorite headcanon? 
i honestly haven’t seen that many cherry headcanons? where are they? im just gonna say i totally believe in her as a beach lady
Mark Jennings
First impression?
i loved this boy so much like you dont even understand. the only person in the book i liked more than mark was charlie (im still angry)
Impression now?
*ugly sobbing* hhe wa sjuust truin gto helpp oit brryonss momm,,.,,,
Favorite moment?
“How goes it?” I managed finally. “What’s the action like in here?”
“If I told you how it was in here,” he said, “you’d be sick.” There was a silence. Then, he continued. “I didn’t have to see you. I wanted to, though. I had to make sure.” 
“Make sure of what?”
“Make sure I hated you.”
Idea for a story?
An entire overhaul of the whole book where he doesn’t end up in jail, full of hate.
Unpopular opinion?
so i’m not 100% on what the general agreement is on mark, but my unpopular opinion is i understand where he was coming from. he was trying to make money for the household that took him in when his life fell apart, and bryon’s minimum wage job wasn’t cutting it, and he knew desperate times call for desperate measures. i don’t agree with it, but i get it, and for the 213537356623465752676th time, bryon could have talked to mark. they were close, and he might’ve been able to influence him, but he didn’t try. 
Favorite relationship?
hhhhh i appreciated the mother/son bond between him and bryon’s mom? i can’t remember a lot about the nuances of this book, but whatever.
Favorite headcanon?
i honestly don’t know. im just v sad about him and i want him to grow up to have as normal and happy a life as he can manage when he got out of prison.
BJ Jackson
i know nothing about this “”””bj jackson”””””. sounds like fake news to me.
i’m gonna let @changesxnight weigh in on this one, so sorry my love
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survivor-hosts · 7 years
Ep. #7: “C’mon Rat, Follow the Cheese” - Jessy
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The tribes merged and all of the pre-mergers were added to the merge tribe as the Karma Island twist was revealed.  The players started campaigning to get back in and Cat, Austin, and Drew chose to drop out and become voters.  After a whole day of scrambling and a messy voting situation, Connor was voted back into the game.  The tribe was given their first immunity challenge and Matt was able to solve it and win immunity quite quickly.  After no one talked the day before the vote, the players started scrambling last minute with one side trying to decide whether to vote off Sam or MJ while the opposing side was trying to decide between Allison or Connor.  In the end, MJ and Sam's alliance threw their votes on Andrew to thwart any posisble idol play.  Sam also used her vote negator to cancel Allison's vote for MJ.  Andrew was sent home in a 5-4 vote.
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HAHAHAHAHA so it's 9:58 and I should go to tribal and I was on call with Connah and then Lydia and MJ called and added Connah and MJ told me I might be getting votes so I might be getting voted out idk adios fuck this shit!
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Can't wait to be seventh boot
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[12:51:33 PM] mj ultra . _/: bih wtf. [12:51:39 PM] connah. i guess.: I didn't do anything. [12:51:40 PM] mj ultra . _/: oh you really wanna fight me tonight huh yes bitch i do. yes we are in a partnership but i'm not your bitch. i'm not gonna sit here and do everything you want but it's fine because people will hopefully see you as a bigger threat so if they gonna try take one of us out... can't say i'm too sorry about it. his ass wants to sit here and vote lydia back when we literally just voted her out? i see where he's coming from because we might be able to use lydia tbh but he's literally shutting down any ideas i had so i'm kinda angry rn.
mj's gameplay has really rubbed off on me... my ass just blindsided lydia and now i'm really down for voting her back in? i had my fun pre-merge but now it's time to really get this shit going
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http://prntscr.com/fn4qxy http://prntscr.com/fn4r1v At first I thought Connor would have the highest chance of returning but after hearing a few things I think REGAN has the best shot??? When and how did that happen?
Hmmmmm I'm feeling really weird in this tribe. It's as if I don't belong.....That's the vibe I'm getting. Whatever. I'm sticking to my strategy of not talking to people. Hey it worked TWICE and got me to the end twice. It works. People come to me with information at once. I hope I can pull it off again.
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so like I mighta just made a chat with myself Scott jessy Allison josh and Connor to save Connor bc David was a bust. Highkey still don't trust Scott and sam Matt mj and connah are trying for Lydia and I'm like no fuck off? When the phone battery goes down my chaotic gameplay goes up. Like idc whomstve is gonna be pissed i am GETTING Connor in this game. Drew and cat should have sacrificed themselves for him too so here's to fucking hoping. If Lydia comes in I'm dead straight up gay up!
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push me to the edge i wish i was dead why is scott a snake scott u little snake push me to the edge i wish i was dead lydia im the wrong connor please stop making my life harder push me to the edge mask off, task off back off, mask off i dont really care that im crying but i really care that youre lying edge dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun mask off, task off
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i have lost all my motivation. i am a shell of a man i used to be
i am fucked. if i somehow get out of this mess i got myself into it would be a miracle.
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Okay it's time for my second confessional because it's getting really hard dealing with these people and I need to vent. Like I really cannot.
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After the Lydia vote off succeeded I tried to do major damage control with Matt and Scott. They both seemed to understand but I know they don't trust me anymore. Iit's not like they even realistically did. Maybe Matt did, but his reaction really shows his game. Scott seems to think he can snake his way around the two alliances but I'll bring up that later in this confessional. Anyways, it's announced that Karma Island is in play and immediately I'm worried. I fell into a position where I had to lead on Connor, David and Regan all at once because I legitimately had no idea who I wanted to return. I received information from Scott that MJ was on call with Sam and Lydia. They were
[4:26:26 AM] Jessy: i have some tea ladies! [4:27:05 AM] Jessy: So Scott is playing both sides. [4:27:09 AM] Jessy: and MJ/Connah/Josh are too. [4:27:21 AM] Jessy: MJ wants me to stay so he can use me for next tribal to get Sam out.. [4:27:26 AM] Jessy: But sis he has another thing coming. [4:29:43 AM] Jessy: sam acts like a 4 year old [4:29:47 AM] Jessy: "jessy probs just wants all of us on jury bc we're the ppl who knew her pregame so we'd give her our jury votes" [4:29:52 AM] Jessy: she said this [4:29:57 AM] Jessy: like no i want u on prejury [4:29:58 AM] Jessy: zzksjksksks [4:42:41 AM] Jessy: mj and connah rlly think they're so smart huh [4:42:42 AM] Jessy: like ur not. [4:42:42 AM] Jessy: BKLMASDFMKLDSMKLA [4:42:46 AM] Jessy: i literally know what ur doing [4:43:03 AM] Jessy: this is ur mo mj... [4:43:05 AM] Jessy: ur forcing myself into a situation where i have to go w/ him b/c my numbers are cut. [4:44:25 AM] Jessy: Like I know he's pitting me against Samatthew by telling me this information [4:44:29 AM] Jessy: But like.. [4:44:37 AM] Jessy: Damn they're literally Spencer and Tasha [4:52:02 AM] Jessy: I'm reading their games to filth. [8:18:39 AM] Jessy: me again [8:21:05 AM] Jessy: God why'd i tell connor i heard his name [8:21:06 AM] Jessy: LSJLSSKKSKS [9:52:09 AM] Jessy: SCOTT IS SUCH A FUCKING LIAR [9:59:32 AM] Jessy: time to get reads [9:59:35 AM] Jessy: and intel! [9:59:41 AM] Jessy: im legit gonna interrogate him idc [10:01:03 AM] Jessy: Nancy Drew who???? [10:01:16 AM] Jessy: im GETTING the dirt. [10:01:24 AM] Jessy: spill the beans! [10:01:50 AM] Jessy: seeing Scott is typing... answering my questions is so funny [10:01:57 AM] Jessy: Like ur nervous huh sis [10:03:32 AM] Jessy: does scott really think ill eat the bullshit hes putting out for me on a platter rn? [10:03:37 AM] Jessy: Like bitch what the fuck LAKSKSKKSKS [10:08:25 AM] Jessy: OK SCOTT IS LYING OUT OF HIS ASS [10:08:29 AM] Jessy: IM SICK OF IT [10:08:35 AM] Jessy: HOW DOES MJ KNOW U WERE HIGH THEN [10:08:44 AM] Jessy: LIKE UGH !!! [10:09:53 AM] Jessy: ok sam could've told mj! [10:09:57 AM] Jessy: interesting! [10:14:37 AM] Jessy: mj and scott together ? conspiracy theory ? [10:18:18 AM] Jessy: Oh yeah, I also found out last night that josh did vote for Lydia, but Connah switched his vote from Lydia to Connor and Trevor wouldn't allow him to change it back [10:18:26 AM] Jessy: i thought sam was being distant huh scott [10:20:12 AM] Jessy: There's holes in this scheme. [10:22:32 AM] Jessy: "Same" [10:22:34 AM] Jessy: keh [10:22:51 AM] Jessy: guess i'm done here. [10:23:51 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: I'm samatthew [10:24:27 AM] Jessy: theyre literally spencer and tasha [10:24:32 AM] Jessy: mj is a cheap version of jeremy [10:26:00 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Who are you [10:26:45 AM] Jessy: i wanna say kelley but i don't wanna be cocky like matt
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This is a recap on what happened before the Karma Vote. One reason is so that I can look back on it and the other is for Connor to read in the future. This is 100% what happened. Lydia made her pitch to me around noon yesterday and she had made valid points and I wouldn't mind her being back but my vote is locked to Connor at that point though I was still willing to listen to her so I can get info out of her. I messaged Connah a little later and he said he was going to vote Lydia back in so I had an inkling that something's up but shrugged it off because there's no way Lydia's coming back it's just not in the numbers. I went to bed and woke up at 6am with a bunch of messages and one of them was Lydia asking to call. I told her I only woke up randomly and was planning on sleeping a little bit more. I didn't know the vote was due at 8 and I woke up 30 minutes before the deadline. Jessy messaged me asking if MJ had come up to me and asked if Lydia's being voted back in and I said no because MJ and I haven't talked yet. A little while, Andrew messaged me asking who to vote and I said Connor and then I got added to the Saving Connor chat with Scott, Jessy, Allison and Connor. What surprised me the most is why Scott is there. I didn't understand. Next, MJ messaged me asking for my vote so that we can tie between Lydia and Connor. Now the thing is, I told them I would vote whatever they want to but my vote is locked to Connor unless they absolutely needed it because they're the two people I trusted the most in this game. And they really did need it. I went on call with Connor and told him that everyone's pulling my leg getting me to vote with them and then got on call with Connah making his case to me with Lydia and Lydia's on my pms making her case again and Scott and I were trying to figure out how we're going to go and mind you this is literally 5 minutes before the deadline and at that point everyone thought we could change votes. I was freaking out everyone was talking to me at the same time I felt very pressured that I just asked Scott to make a decision for me and he won't decide for me and Connah just started to tell me VOTE LYDIA VOTE LYDIA and without hesitation I changed. Now obviously that didn't fall through because Connor came back and he found out I changed my vote. Now he doesn't want to speak to me and probably burned my bridge with him and idk about the status of our friendship right now. I spilled so much critical information on Connor and if we went our separate ways and uses those against me then I'm fucked. I mentioned to Connor how I wanted to target Jessy because of how good she is and if that gets back to her than she's going to turn on me. My hope is that MJ, Sam, Scott, Connah and Matt form a 6 person alliance to get past this round. This game is taking a toll on me emotionally and I've been struggling to play since the first few days. I wasn't like this before. It isn't worth it. It's not worth it to lose a friendship over this. It's easy to say that you need to cut ties and turn the heart off but doing it for real is different. Connor, my explanation is probably something you did not want to hear and it's probably going to re-open wounds once this game is over because looking back on it now, the decision was stupid. It didn't have to be that way but I gave in because of pressure.
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Honestly.... I just feel so defeated. I don't see myself really doing as great as I would have wanted to in this game, which is such a pessimistic way to think but its true. Like if I were to be going home tomorrow I wouldn't even care that I didn't make the jury. A lot just went down these past few days that made me realize why I retired in the first place. So to really go back, Lydia was blindsided. Not surprised that it happened cause I knew something fishy was going on, but surprised that out of everyone I was the most left out of the loop. Like no one bothered to tell me that the vote was getting split between Allison and Andrew. Like when Lydia left Jessy and Andrew had me on call and explained everything to me and why they did what they did. And like I'm really not mad at them for doing so. I think it was amazing on their part that they pulled it off. They told me how MJ and Connah were really wanting to get Lydia out, which caught me by surprise cause I thought they were really close. Afterwards, Sam gets me on call and is worried about what could happen in the future and who we have with us. And to my surprise, Matt Summers actually talked strategy with me for the first time. The story I got from them was that Jessy approached them and got them involved with voting Lydia. To make matters worse, we have to vote someone back into this game thanks to Karma Island. And I feel like this is gonna make things so much worse cause I'm starting to realize I only have myself in this game. Idk like in Maluku flipping was easy cause I had Maria and Mattica who I trusted more than anyone. I don't really trust anyone in this game, so it makes everything 10x worse. Connor talked to me and told me he doesn't hold that against me, and idk part of me really thinks if he IS going to come back, I need to vote him so I can prove to him that I can be someone he can actually work with later on. Especially with MJ/Connah/Sam/Matt being a sinking ship, I just feel like I need to find other resources when I need to. Plus the only person I trust in that group is Sam, and after hearing that MJ has wanted me out of this game for awhile now I don't see why I need to stick my neck out for them. That whole voting process was such a mess because I really didn't know what to do with all of that. Like I voted for Connor cause I was sure he was getting in, then Josh comes to me and says he didn't know what to do. Which like RIP cause I thought he already voted, and to make matter worse he told lydia and lydia went off on me in the pms. And like, the fact that this all went down when I was out with friends just made me realize that I'm too invested in this game and that I left for a reason. Idk the only reason why Connor is back is because Connah changed his vote and wasnt allowed to switch back. I'm just annoyed cause I'm really fucked in this game to the point of no return. And like Sam and them are trying to make sure I'm gonna vote with them but with Lydia out and the only person on that side i actually consider an ally being Sam, it just makes sense for me to go through with what I've been wanting to do for awhile and flip with Jessy and Andrew.
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"fifth vote... lydia"
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what the fuck is going on why is no one talking to me. fucking hell man, and then im gonna wake up again and have a shit ton of messages waiting for me when i check my phone. everything's happening at the very last minute in this game omg.
you know how it'd be fun if i just go ghost the whole morning tomorrow lkfjskjdfhskjfs *deletes Skype*
OKA Y BUT S ERIOUSLY im sick and tired of waking up in the morning where a plan has already been made and i have no say in it. fuck it a guy needs his sleep its yalls fault for not making a plan during our off day ! btw if i get voted out tomorrow im gonna be salty af trevor why did you have to have the first merge boot not a jury member i dont want to miss out on JURY! !!!!!
everyone is getting on my god damn nerves TODAY !
On 25/06/2017, at 8:30 PM, connor wrote: > hi background music plays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpLU8BI02wQ
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Okay so I just laid out all the info I got today. I talked to Scott this morning I said does he know for sure Sam has a vote negator or is it a hunch? He said it was a hunch and he doesn't really know, so I got sus. He was high last night so maybe he let it slip MJ told me that Scott was high last night so I wanted to find a way to vertify what he said about Scott/Sam/Matt/MJ/Connah being all on a group call [6/24/2017 10:09:30 AM] Jessy: did you tell anyone you were high LMAOOOOO i'd be so non functional if i was high and game talking [6/24/2017 10:09:40 AM] Scott: I mean I told sam It's possible that Scott is either lying about him telling Sam specifically, or Sam just told MJ that Scott was high and he happened to tell me this He said this when I asked him about the Sam call: [6/24/2017 9:51:38 AM] Jessy: did anything important come out of the sam call [6/24/2017 9:51:58 AM] Scott: Honestly it just made me realize that she doesn't trust me [6/24/2017 9:52:17 AM] Jessy: fuck! [6/24/2017 9:52:25 AM] Scott: She asked me what my relationship was with you [6/24/2017 9:53:05 AM] Scott: And if I actually trusted you cause you're known to be deceiving for "organizing the whole Lydia vote and misting MJ/Connah" [6/24/2017 9:53:48 AM] Jessy: :$ would be me if i actually did! [6/24/2017 9:54:07 AM] Jessy: r they voting me [6/24/2017 9:54:25 AM] Scott: I mean we never got around to actually talking about it [6/24/2017 9:54:32 AM] Jessy: oh okay [6/24/2017 9:54:39 AM] Jessy: who do you think she would go for [6/24/2017 9:55:32 AM] Scott: But I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they were wanting to do cause sam really just kept mentioning how I felt about you [6/24/2017 9:57:03 AM] Jessy: that's offputtig [6/24/2017 9:57:08 AM] Jessy: *offputting [6/24/2017 9:58:02 AM] Scott: Yeah, but it's just really clear that damage was done last night so I'm not even sure what's gonna be happening from here on out It made me think that I'm unsure if Scott is just lying about the call or if MJ is just trying to come up with a scenario for me to think is happening so I won't pull any moves. Then, I talked to MJ about the vote and he said that he was going to be on a road trip today so he's probably asleep by now. I talked to Connah about the game while MJ was online and while we were talking about the whole thing of us being on different sides, MJ pmed me. He said he pmed me because Connah sent him a funny quote about a joke I made. Then, I asked him if Connah sent him any game logs. The game logs were about us being on different sides in the Lydia/Connor returnee vote and then he kept on acting like he didn't know who was going to go because no one was talking to him. I asked him if Sam would be a vote he would want, and he said it depends if we have the numbers. He said I have to convince Allison+Andrew+Connor myself because he doesn't want to get himself involved in something controversial this tribal council after last round. I asked MJ about this, and he said Connah specifically said: "idk if I wanna stick with jessy or go with sam" "like I'm just confused" This made me paranoid, because I didn't know if Connah meant "stick with jessy" as a vote or "go with sam" as a vote. It's possible that MJ made it look like he meant regarding alliances and not a vote off, but it still made me paranoid. MJ then told me Connah went on call with Sam. MJ said he asked Connah what was going on and they were just talking about who they wanted to go. MJ said they both leaned towards Connor leaving. MJ then said Connah thought he should go with Sam (as in alliances). MJ said he would try to convince him to "string me along" next round and use me to vote Sam off. MJ then said if Sam convinced Connah to vote for me, he would try to convince him to go after Sam this round. MJ said he would prefer Connor to go now and Sam next round, but he's willing to consider it by starting it off with a conversation with Connah tomorrow. Our conversation ended, and I thought that I should try to message Sam in some way and let her know that I'm "flexible". I then said that people probably think we aren't together in the game and we could play that to our advantage. She said she was down if I was, but proceeding this she kept on saying she didn't know what she wanted to do and that "she has no power to throw out a name." This really annoyed me so I asked her who does and she said she doesn't know. Our conversation ended, but during it Connah messaged me asking me if I'm talking to anyone because it's really quiet. I was feeling a vibe that Sam told Connah she was talking to me, so I told him I was trying to resolve my issues with Sam. It got awkward so our conversation kinda died off. During all this, Andrew, Allison and Connor didn't have a lot to say about anything. Connor said he was at work all day and came back at 10 PM EDT and said sorry he was at work. I said it was okay then asked him if he talked to Josh recently. He never replied and then I asked him again an hour later and still received no reply. Now, Scott says he's back and is messaging my alliance chat with himself and Andrew. I haven't talked to Matt at all this vote. I said hey to Allison in pms but she never replied because I'm pretty sure she's been offline. I haven't talked to Josh either, but I have an opportunity to tonight because it's 2 PM for him in Phillippines.
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Decisions, decisions.... I hate my position in this game as the "middle man" Anyways, Jessy/Andrew I think are expecting me to flip and vote Sam with them this round, but tbh I don't think I can flip on Sam and vote her out. Like if she goes, I don't want to be apart of that just because she trusts me a lot with her game. However, if they can manage to get her out this round I'm all theirs. Sam/MJ and co. said they want to do Allison, and because I don't trust Allison i think it might be safest for me to just vote her out and only flip if they're wanting to vote out Jessy/Andrew. Also spoke on call with Connor and hes trying to convince me to flip. The only way I see myself voting with them is if they vote MJ. But I just don't think that is realistic since Jessy is set on voting Sam. Which I personally cannot do since she is the only one I trust on that other side. Idk its all very up in the air, hopefully it isnt me that goes
9wegwpirangwfj tribals in an hour and a half and I really don't know what I'm gonna do. Apparently Josh would be okay with voting out MJ but I'm not sure if he really would. Part of me is thinking I should just vote Allison and if it ties, then I flip cause I don't wanna be rocked out pre-jury, especially since the only person I trust on Sam and Co side is Sam. I just know this is gonna be one huge clusterfuck
So.... much.... stress.... Josh and I agreed on just voting with the separate blocks, but I forgot that Sam has a vote negator so now I have to decide if I'm actually gonna go through with that plan or just flip and vote MJ. hregehgoihiqrehie I HATE THIS GAME
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This game? Is crazy. I want to die. Somehow, through almost FIVE HOURS of acumalitive calls, I have managed to flip Josh and Scott so that we have majority. MJ SHOULD be going home. I literally did that. Like, i LITERALLY did THAT. Good god. Fingers crossed. It just makes sense? With MJ being a winner already and very good at flipping votes and winning challenges, we have the time to take him out so lets do it. Sam would be easier to vote out and I know Jessy wanted to, but with Matt having another idol and being immune, the two of them are too close for comfort. Actually, this entire game is too close for comfort. end my life.
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why am i in the middle. i mean i guess i should count my blessings because i'm not getting voted out but this is such a hard position to be in
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