#at ease and motivated n less anxious for the rest of the day
truthundressing · 1 year
oh my god everything in life is cyclic...
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kung-laos-hat · 3 years
Kung Lao x Fem!Reader
Warning: Contains major spoilers from Mortal Kombat 9, including quotes from the actual script. :) kinda follows the canon but also doesn’t considering this is an x reader ‼️Not Proof read yet‼️
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AN: words of affirmation and acts of service love language goes brrrrr
Summary: Kung Lao is devastated that his best friend and the girl he loves get to complete in the tournament without him, so he does what any sane person does: sneaks his way onto the island and challenges Scorpion in an attempt to impress the reader :D
“We’ll be back before you know it, Lao.” (Y/n) said, placing a hand on Kung Lao’s shoulder.
He chuckled nervously and nodded, trying his best to seem at ease but the uncertainty in his eyes gave it all away. It didn’t matter how long they trained or how prepared the elder monks thought (Y/n) and Liu Kang were. (Y/n)’s attempts at comforting the young man were fruitless.
It wasn’t just that he was worried for his childhood friends’ safety. There was no denying that was definitely one of the reasons he was reluctant to see them off, but aside from that he was envious. And how could he not be? The two of them were chosen by the elder monks to represent their section in the tournament where some the greatest fighters would be present.
Sure, he always knew the elder monks would choose (Y/n). She was the perfect fighter in his eyes. (Y/n) was clever, cunning, and quick on her feet. It just made sense that she’d be the first choice.
However, that left that second slot open for debate, and the primary candidates were Liu and Lao. Now Kung Lao promised himself that no matter what the elder monks decided, he wouldn’t let that drive a wedge in his relationship with his cousin, and he’d been fairly true to his word so far. He was proud of Liu, really.
But time went on and Raiden suggested that it’d be best for Liu and (Y/n) to train together in private, allowing them to grow accustomed to each other’s moves, strengths, and weaknesses. This would come in handy if the two of them should ever find themselves in a position in which they had to fight opponents together. Of course, Liu and (Y/n) already had established a close friendship, but there was nothing wrong with a little refining.
Lao had no problem with this, that is, until the tournament grew closer, and he began to see less and less of the duo. (Y/n) in particular almost seemed to be avoiding him, but Kung Lao knew her better than to assume that was the case. Yes, Liu Kang and (Y/n) were close, but not as close as Kung Lao and (Y/n). The three of them were the best of friends since childhood, but Lao always felt like there was something special between him and (Y/n) that just wasn’t present in her relationship with Liu.
(Y/n) had her fair share of sneaking out, having midnight conversations, and causing mischief amongst the other pupils, with Liu, sure, but it was Kung Lao she always turned to when in need of comfort. Somehow (Y/n) preferred to talk about her problems with Lao, and boy did he love it when she did. It was like seeing a completely gentler, more authentic side of her.
Because of this, Lao simply noticed things about (Y/n) no one else did. He knew what made her happy, and when one night she expressed how anxious training made her, he began to go out of his way to do some of her daily chores along with his own or do little things such as make her a snack. Of course, his pride would never allow his to flat out tell her he’d be doing all of this just because.
No, it was always,
“I just happened to make too much to eat by myself.”
“Don’t look too deep into it. If I didn’t do your laundry for you, you’d probably let it lay around your room. Then you’d have nothing clean to wear and you’d start stealing my clothes.”
Soon enough, Lao’s thoughts were flooded with nothing but (Y/n), and everyday he was forced to remember that she and Liu Kang were spending more and more time together, and eventually would be sent off to potentially die. This not only rubbed salt in the wound of not being chosen, but created a new fear for the poor young man.
God, what if (Y/n)’s opponent didn’t spare her? Would Liu Kang or Raiden interject? Kung Lao knew he would. He’d do anything to keep her safe. Hell, he’d throw away his pride and get on his hands and knees to beg if it meant saving (Y/n).
Was that why Liu Kang was chosen and not him? Because he was a better match for (Y/n)? Did the elder monks think he was more capable than him than much? Or was it (Y/n) who chose Liu Kang to fight beside her?
Now here he stood before her, soaking in her presence potentially for the last time. (Y/n)’s hand lingered on his shoulder a little longer, then she signed and took both of his hands in her own.
“What is it?” She asked, looking up expectantly.
Lao blinked, “What?”
“You’ve got that look on your face. Y’know the one that screams ‘I’ve got something to say, but I’m a wuss so instead I’m going to dwell in my room immediately after you leave,’” (Y/n) teased.
Lao half smiled and pulled his arms away. “It’s nothing, I’m just worried for you two.”
(Y/n)’s face softened and she offered him a small smile. “Hey, don’t worry about me. Liu Kang’s bad temper, maybe, but I’m sure I’ll be okay out there.” She opened her arms and embraced Lao, which he quickly accepted.
“After all,” (Y/n) said pulling away slightly and flicking the tip of Kung Lao’s hat, “I trained with the best.”
“We’ve got to get going!” Liu called out from a few feet away at the enterance of the temple.
With that, she placed a small kiss on Lao’s cheek and ran off to join him and Raiden.
“You better return in one piece!” Kung Lao called out jokingly.
“If I don’t, you better build me a cooler body!” (Y/n) laughed, waving her hand over her head.
With a flash of light, the three of them were gone.
So far the introduction to the tournament was running smoothly. (Y/n) had managed to hold pleasant conversations with a few other competitors, including one by the name Johnny Cage. (much to Liu Kang’s distain. Apparently Johnny had accidentally disrespected Raiden and was under the impression that everyone there was just really into roleplay. But aside from being a little arrogant, (Y/n) didn’t mind him.)
(Y/n) had been selected to do a quick demonstration fight against none other than Princess Kitana, who put up a good fight but in the end didn’t stand a chance against her. While the princess laid half on the ground, (Y/n) was given the option to either finish her off or spare her. Despite (Y/n) choosing mercy, Kitana didn’t take this defeat well, but did her best to maintain her composure as the two retreated inside to tend to their wounds.
“...Why did you—,” Kitana began in a low whisper. (Y/n) turned to her and helped her hand, palm out, in front of her chest.
“You’re an excellent fighter. One with true talent, princess, believe me.” (Y/n) chuckled, “To take a life such as yours would be a waste. Don’t let one little defeat become a deterrence.”
The ghost of a smile graced Kitana’s lips. “You know, you’re a fool to be so kind to your enemies. The next time we meet might not be under such pleasant circumstances.”
(Y/n) huffed, “A fool, yes, but at the very least I’ll be remembered for it.”
The fighting continued on without the two girls for a while until Shang Tsung granted an intercession. (Y/n) made her way to Liu Kang’s side and nodded at him. He glanced down at her neatly bandaged hands and huffed in amusement, knowing damn well that when they returned home, his companion planned on showing off her “battle scars” to Kung Lao in an attempt to impress him. As they waited for the next match to begin, Liu Kang filled her in on what she’d missed during the Johnny Cage versus Reptile fight.
“I wish you could of been here to see it, (Y/n). I got second hand embarrassment from how arrogant he sounded.” Liu rolled his eyes.
(Y/n) stifled a giggle and covered her smile with her hand, but as she did this, she noticed one particular bodyguard’s eyes watching her intently from behind his helmet.
He was a bit of a distance away, but somehow it felt like his stare was burning through (Y/n)’s skull, and the very thought of that sent a chill down her spine. She awkwardly cleared her throat and turned to face the other direction, her fingers slightly latching onto Liu Kang’s arm defensively.
The rest of the day was nothing short of eventful. Raiden had requested that she accompanied him into the underground sections of the island, where she became acquainted with Sonya Blade and Jax, and even got to witness Sonya fight a man named Kano. Johnny Cage and Liu Kang eventually joined them, and there they established a sort of team while Raiden explained the severity of losing the tournament.
Afterwards Sonya and (Y/n) parted ways with the men and accompanied each other to their designated bedrooms, which, luckily, were located across from each other. As they walked, the two women got to know each other a little better. Sonya told (Y/n) more about how she came to meet Jax, her life in the army, and how she eventually ended up on the island. In turn, (Y/n) told her about her life with the White Lotus Society and Raiden. They went back and forth, trading silly childhood and training tales until they came across a certain mural in one of the main hallways.
(Y/n) paused in front of it and smiled fondly at the depiction of a man standing victoriously over his enemy on a great cliff or something of the sort.
She turned to Sonya and smiled excitedly. “The Great Kung Lao,” she explained, “He’s a legend back home. Truly one of the greatest fighters the White Lotus ever produced.”
She proceeded to retell the story of Kung Lao’s victories back in the day, and Sonya listened intently.
“So that’s your motive then, huh?” Sonya chuckled.
(Y/n) raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”
“Well I’ve got my mission to save Jax, Cage wants his fame... what about you? What’s your motive? Aside from the monks selecting you, that is.”
(Y/n) glanced back up at the mural, then back to Sonya. “A descendent of his— the great Kung Lao, I mean.” Suddenly (Y/n) felt incredibly shy and began to fiddle with her hands.
“Liu Kang?” Sonya tilted her head.
“No!” (Y/n) exclaimed, laughing slightly, “A friend of ours, actually.” As she spoke, her tone was laced with a certain fondness.
Sonya smiled, “A friend?”
“Yes, Miss Blade. A friend. Anyways, he helped me create all of my best moves. I hate to admit it, but I basically modeled my fighting style after what he taught me when we were kids.” (Y/n) faintly blushed and smiled to herself.
“So... that’s it then? You want to impress him?”
“I mean— I just—,” (Y/n) struggled to find words, “I mean of course that’s not all of it. Of course I’m here to protect the Earthrealm first, but...”
She glanced up at the mural once more.
“I don’t know, I want him to see how much I’ve improved recently.”
Truth be told, (Y/n) had always admired Kung Lao growing up, but it wasn’t until around their late teens or early twenties that she’d began to admire him a little more than usual. And because of that she’d begun to lose her focus around him. Sure, he had always been terribly strong, smart, and witty beyond compare, but as they grew (Y/n) began to notice how charming he was or how nice he looked without his gear on.
Or even how differently he treated her compared to everyone else.
The next day the fighters returned to the island’s arena. Shang Tsung and the monks took to their spots while Quan Chi stood at the foot of the throne.
Liu Kang and (Y/n) exchanged anxious glances At eachother. After the events of last night, (Y/n) could tell her friend’s nerves were a little shaken, despite how composed he seemed. She silently patted his back as a masked guard crossed his arms and moved a little closer to where they stood with Raiden.
“Kombatants! the next match will now begin!”
In a burst of flames, Scorpion teleported into the center of the arena. Everyone gasped in awe, and (Y/n) and Liu Kang shared looks of pure admiration.
“Scorpion!” Shang Tsung called out, “Specter of the Netherrealm! Resurrected by the sorcerer Quan Chi! Who among you is worthy of this challenge?”
“Where is the Lin Kuei Sub-Zero? He killed my family and clan. I will have his head!” The masked man snarled.
Without order, the mask guard standing closest to Raiden promptly walked to the center with Scorpion, discarding his mask and armor as he went.
“I accept the challenge!”
(Y/n)’s face fell. She knew that voice, and it definitely wasn’t Sub-Zero. She looked up at Liu with a worried expression, and he returned her stare with his own.
“Kung Lao?” He whispered as he turned back to the two men standing before them.
“Nevermind the Lin Kuei. Now you face a Shaolin.” He announced.
“Kung Lao, what are you doing here?” (Y/n) muttered under her breath.
The man ran two fingers over the brim of his razor sharp hat and turned his vision toward where (Y/n) stood with Raiden and Liu Kang. He pointed directly at the girl.
Oh god.
“I dedicate my soon to be victory to you, my most prized companion.” He said firmly.
She looked around the arena at the other fighters with a mortified expression and caught Sonya and Johnny hiding their smiles under their hands.
“Please don’t do this, Kung Lao.” (Y/n) begged, sweat beginning to form on her temple from the sudden embarrassment she was feeling.
“It has to be done.” He said, assuming a fighting stance.
“All this nonesense to impress (Y/n) (L/n),” Scorpion huffed, “You will regret your impulsiveness.”
The fight commences, and although Kung Lao is a master of the Shaolin arts and a great fighter, his attempt at overpowering someone who’s spent years trapped in the Neatherrealm soon proved to be futile. (Y/n) could feel herself cringe at every severe blow Scorpion landed to Lao’s torso until he ultimately beat him into an unconscious state on the floor.
(Y/n) tore away from the crowd and rushed to Lao’s side, swiftly but gently lifting his torso onto her lap, cradling his head in her arms as his hat laid in the dirt beside them. Scorpion looked down at her, the pity in his eyes seemed almost unbearable to (Y/n).
“He is not yet a warrior. I apologize, (L/n), I did not mean to cause you embarrassment.” He nodded.
(Y/n) shook her head and let out a small laugh. “Don’t be sorry, Scorpion. There’s no bad blood between us.”
“Kung Lao!” Liu cried out shortly after as he jogged over to aid them.
He thre Kung Lao’s arm over his shoulder and housed him up, carrying him out of the arena as Lao came to. Raiden and (Y/n) followed shortly behind.
“Listen when your elders speak!” He scolded, “You could not win this fight! And lost it at the expense of both you and dear (Y/n)’s expense!”
“Master, please, that’s enough. He meant no harm.” (Y/n) defended as they entered the main hall.
Raiden sighed angrily, “Take him to the nursery and get him cleaned up.” With that, he turned back around.
“Are you sure you want to tend to his wounds by yourself? It’d go a lot faster with my help...” Liu Kang said as he stood in the doorway.
“It’s fine, Liu,” (Y/n) waved him off, “It’d look bad if both of us weren’t present during today’s fights.”
(Y/n) turned around and subtly motioned to Kung Lao, who was spread out on a bench, and shot Liu an expecting look that said, ‘Get out, dumbass, I want to speak with him in private.’
Liu Kang mouthed a silent ‘oh,’ in realization and nodded. “I’ll leave you to it, then. Take care of him, and I’ll be back later to check on the two of you.”
He eagerly left the room and shut the door behind him, leaving the two together in awkward silence.
(Y/n) sighed and turned to the cabinets to retrieve a towel and bandages.
Kung Lao sat up and huffed in annoyance, “Why must the two of you talk about me as if I’m not here, (Y/n)? I’m perfectly capable of tending to myself, you don’t have to stay.”
(Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows together but said nothing. She continued on gathering her materials and laid them out on the counter beside them.
“Are you upset with me? Is that what this is?”
Still nothing.
“What? Do you want me to apologize? Look, I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, (Y/n)—,”
“Why are you here, Lao!?” She interrupted sharply.
He scoffed, “Proving I’m equivalent to Liu Kang.”
(Y/n) shook her head angrily. “Why!?” She dipped her small towel in a bowl of water and squeezed it. “You don’t have to prove anything, I don’t understand.”
“Of course you don’t—,”
“Then help me here, Lao. Explain— Did Raiden... or the elder monks— did they say something to you?”
“That’s not it.” He glanced down.
“Did something happen? I don’t—,”
“It’s you, (Y/n). You’re the reason.” He blurted.
The room was silent again.
(Y/n) slowly turned around and made her way over to Kung Lao, beckoning for him to give her his arm. She avoided his gaze as she placed the damp towel over a large gash in his shoulder.
“I’m very sorry then... Whatever I did, I didn’t mean to make you feel this way.” The heartbreak in her tone was prominent.
Kung Lao sighed, “No— sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s my fault.”
(Y/n) paused, “What do you mean?”
Lao timidly placed a hand on her shoulder. (Y/n) looked up at him in confusion and scanned his face. He was giving her the same look he had on the morning she left for the tournament. The one that made it seem like he desperately wanted to say something but didn’t know how, or couldn’t muster up the courage to flat out say it.
Kung Lao groaned and burried his face in her other shoulder.
“I like you.” He mumbled, “There, I finally said it. It’s foolish, isn’t it? That I did all of this just because I wanted you to admire me back? I knew the elder monks didn’t choose me for a reason. I’m sure I couldn’t have handled the tournament, anyways—,”
“That’s not it at all!” (Y/n) cried, gingerly wrapping her arms around his torso, “It’s my fault you weren’t chosen, I’m sure of it.”
“I don’t understand,” He said, looking up.
(Y/n) sighed, “It was originally supposed to be us two. At the tournament, I mean. The elders said our fighting styles complimented eachother the most out of the three of us. But then I started to slip up during training whenever you were around. I’m sorry, I thought they’d replace me with Liu Kang, but—,”
“They replaced me instead...” Kung Lao finished.
“You are no lesser of a great fighter than Liu Kang. It truly is my fault, Lao.” (Y/n) confessed.
Kung Lao blinked and was silent for a moment. “So... you were slipping up because...?” A cheeky smile slowly made its way onto his face.
(Y/n) signed and hid her face in the crook of his neck.
“I like you too, you idiot monk. I always have.”
Kung Lao laughed, “Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“What didn’t you tell me!?” (Y/n) argued playfully.
“What? Was doing all your chores and things not enough of a sign for you?”
“Well, clearly they weren’t. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been so stressed over the matter.”
“Oh goodness...” Kung Lao chuckled.
They two sat there, holding each other, for a moment until (Y/n) pulled away.
“I have to finish cleaning your wounds, Lao.”
He nodded and sat up straight, removing his shirt so (Y/n) could clean the wounds on his chest.
As he looked down at her hands, gently pressing the towel to his wounds, applying the medicine where needed, and wrapping them up neatly, his eyes couldn’t help but trail over her lips. This wasn’t the first time, naturally, but know that he had confirmation that she was finally his...
He swooped down and captured her hips with his in a chaste but sweet kiss that lasted no more than a few seconds. (Y/n) stared up at him in surprise.
“Too soon?” He half laughed.
She shook her head, “Not at all.” (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back down for a real kiss.
Their lips locked softly once again, and the two of them could feel the sense of pure joy and excitement building up in their chests. (Y/n)’s eyes fluttered closed as Kung Lao deepened the kiss. As Lao moved his lips against hers, it tasted sort of metallic from the dried blood that remained on Lao’s lips beforehand, but (Y/n) didn’t seem to mind.
When they finally pulled away, Kung Lao rested chin on top of (Y/n)’s head.
“You’re a fool, Kung Lao,” (Y/n) said endearingly.
He kissed her hair and let out a small laugh.
“For you, perhaps.”
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murder-raven13 · 3 years
My Haikyuu Ships pt. 3
A/N: Part 3 because I am a hoe that procrastinates
Warning(s): cursing, not proofread, this has again become kind of relationship hcs, loooooooooooooooooooog, I added another ship because my memory sucks
Word Count: 3,401
Part 1 Part 2
Tanaka x Ennoshita
So, Ennoshita is calm and collected but also very insecure. Doesn’t trust in his own skill or ability to lead nor the relationships he’s built with the team. Tanaka, on the other hand, is loud and confident and dedicated. He also refuses to let people talk bad about themselves or let other people talk bad about the people he cares about. This really helps with Ennoshita’s insecurity because Tanaka is brutally honest and Ennoshita knows that, so he believes Tanaka. And Ennoshita can keep Tanaka in line and on track. Tanaka is the type that’s only truly dedicated to the things he cares about, so other things tend to fall behind. School is one of the things that gets left behind. But Ennoshita is there to keep Tanaka on track, making sure that he’s doing what he has to to ensure that he can continue participating in his passions. They’re both really good together, covering the other’s weaknesses with ease and letting themselves lean on the other when they need it. Very sweet boys with a very soft, fun relationship. 
Yachi x Kiyoko
Okay, Kiyoko is a bit of an outsider and she’s not good at expressing herself. But she is sure of herself. She knows her capabilities and has confidence in her looks and, after a while, in her relationships with those close to her. But she’s never had a relationship with a female that she’s been sure of. Then Yachi comes along, basically worshipping the ground Kiyoko walks on, and completely anxious about literally everything. Yachi is a big ball of stress and love, and she turns to Kiyoko first, for everything. She believes in Kiyoko, knows that Kiyoko will always fit with her, doesn’t mind that Kiyoko has flaws because Kiyoko is perfect to Yachi. And Kiyoko helps Yachi build her confidence. They’re a very domestic couple, I feel. The kind that would be able to just sit in silence while they did their homework or just watch TV together every night. Kiyoko makes sure that Yachi doesn’t overwork or overstress herself by giving her massages and calming baths. Yachi makes sure that Kiyoko is happy and sure of their relationship, completely free with her emotions and her words whenever they’re together, by ensuring that Kiyoko knows Yachi is there, always, the peaceful shadow in Kiyoko’s life. They’re just neat together. 
Yachi x Ushijima
Ushijima is a very simple man and very devoted man. His partner’s needs and feelings are a priority to him, even though he may struggle to pick up on body language. He’s big and strong, but very gentle, astoundingly so for someone so brutal on the court. Yachi is pretty much the opposite. She’s tiny and unsure and anxious. And Ushijima terrifies her at first. He’s giant and strong and stoic. This boy does not look welcoming, especially to someone as tiny and panicky as Yachi. So, it takes a while. Ushijima doesn’t think much of her at first because she doesn’t seem like much but he sees her struggling with a near panic attack after she gets separated from the team one day and he just really can’t stop himself from wanting to protect this tiny human. He becomes a kind of balm, a protector that makes Yachi feel safe because, no matter how scary the world it, Ushijima is there to keep the brunt of it away. And Yachi serves as a constant reminder of Ushijima’s strength, a reminder that he’s needed, loved, for all the qualities about himself that he’s spent his entire life strengthening. 
Atsumu x Hinata
Can I just say disaster? [that’s gonna describe quite of few of the remaining ships tbh] They’re a disaster but, like, a good disaster. Atsumu and Hinata have the same zeal for volleyball and Atsumu fell in the love the first time they played a game against each other. Hinata took a little longer to fall. Together, though, they’re good. They have a place to channel all their chaotic energy. They mess with each other a lot, perpetual state of war via prank. Sometimes, much to the chagrin of those that know them, they keep score of who can prank the most other people. But most of the times it’s kept between themselves. This is a very fun couple. The kind that goes on spontaneous beach trips at 2 in the morning and plays until they can’t physically move. So in love with each other they sometimes forget other people exist. They’re both absolutely blinding, all radiance and sunshine, burning with so much passion that other’s have struggled all their lives to deal with them. They get lost in each other, reverent and worshipping and all to pleasantly blinded by the other.
Atsumu x Sakusa
Sakusa is mean, a meanie. He’s so mean to Atsumu. Most of Atsumu’s time is spent just pouting at Sakusa until Sakusa has to desperately try and hide the blush on his face. That pout is his favorite of Atsumu’s expressions and Atsumu has a lot of them. Sakusa hates being the in public eye but that’s unavoidable with his career. But Atsumu, glorious, blinding Atsumu is there to keep the crowds and the germs and all of it focused on him. He keeps the world away from Sakusa when Sakusa can’t deal with it. He’s always, always making sure Sakusa is comfortable and clean and happy. And Sakusa is the motivation Atsumu needs to truly take care of himself. Atsumu gets so focused on volleyball and being the best that he forgets some things, like resting and self-care and showering, all things that Sakusa is religious about. They make such a good couple because Sakusa needs Atsumu to be the light and Atsumu needs Sakusa to be his guiding hand. 
Osamu x Suna
Chill babies. Osamu and Suna are both so chill, or at least they both seem that way. Osamu’s chill is kind of fake. It’s not that he’s not chill, it’s just that he’s surrounded by things that push his chill into a little corner and beat it up. And by “things” I mean Atsumu. Osamu loves his twin, no doubt, but his twin is also the most exhausting person alive a majority of the time. They’re constantly in competition. They have the same face and yet Osamu is constantly preferred less by fans besides the fact that he swore he would be more likable than Atsumu because he didn’t want to be alone like Atsumu. So, the team and those that know Atsumu all prefer Osamu, but everyone else doesn’t. In comes Suna, who captures everything on his phone, and I mean everything. Every fight, every argument, every moment, everything. This lets Osamu look back at how he and Atsumu interact and realize how tired he is of it all. And Suna is more than willing to just lay there, doing nothing, when Osamu needs somewhere quiet to be. Suna is Osamu’s refuge from Atsumu, whose passion and attitude make him too much sometimes. And Osamu lets Suna chill. He doesn’t expect emotion or passion or anything chaotic from Suna, he just wants Suna to be Suna, a lazy little shit that likes to cause trouble whenever it’s easy to do so. Osamu, to Suna, is a partner, someone that knows him and accepts his limits, respects how he is a person. 
Osamu x Hinata
Okay, Hinata is really just like a nicer, more likable version of Atsumu’s energy. Osamu would be one of very few able to keep up with Hinata’s energy in a relationship without getting swallowed up in it. Osamu would be so supportive of Hinata’s volleyball career, would undoubtedly practice when Hinata begged him. He doesn’t mind, he misses the game. But Hinata never tries to pull him back into volleyball, he understands what Osamu is passionate about and supports the fuck out of it. Loves Osamu’s food, constantly bragging about it. Osamu can go nowhere with Hinata without turning bright red at some point. Also constantly bringing people to Osamu’s restaurant. The team won a game? Onigiri Miya. Someone got engaged? Onigiri Miya. Man has no shame. And Hinata’s so cute and famous that this really does bring a bunch of people to the restaurant [Osamu is salty about it and so is Atsumu]. 
Ushijima x Hinata
So, I’m a whore to enemies to lovers and I’m a whore for height differences; what you gonna do about it? Nothing because nothing can be done. Hinata has similar energy to Tendou, except Hinata is much nicer than Tendou and a different kind of chaotic. Hinata is unfiltered passion and confidence. Ushijima is concentrated passion and confidence. The two of them together are constantly challenging each other because Hinata never stops striving to be the best, a trait Ushijima greatly admires. And Hinata is always so impressed with Ushijima’s skill and power and size, loves that he’s found another volleyball idiot to be with. Hinata drags Ushijima into life experiences and Ushijima brings Hinata home whenever he’s drifting too far. They’re a very strange couple to others because their energy is so different. Definitely the couple whose house is more plant and volleyball stuff than anything else. Hinata will definitely tuck himself into Ushijima’s side until he’s almost completely hidden, may have once gotten into Ushijima’s hoodie with him, because he’s a little shit and Ushijima cannot say no to him [and he doesn’t really mind have Hinata so close].
Yachi x Oikawa
Oikawa is used to girls fawning over him. But Yachi is too shy to do so. Literally will not admit she finds him pretty. She just kind of ignores him, which pisses Oikawa off because this small, adorable girl won’t even spare him a glance and that’s never fucking happened before. Honestly starts pursuing Yachi because she didn’t seem interested at first. The first time she calls him pretty, he blushes, which was not a reaction he was expecting from himself. Realized he liked this cute ball of nerves more than he was originally supposed to. Yachi helps Oikawa realize he doesn’t need to be fake all the time, that not everyone has to life him, because he has the people who matter. And Oikawa helps Yachi become more confident, more sure of herself, more comfortable with defending her ground [she has to in order to deal with his damn fangirls]. Oikawa is a clingy ass person, but he understands that that makes Yachi a little uncomfortable in public, so he cuts back on the PDA, until there is a guy talking to Yachi, then he’s all hands on deck. Will definitely save Yachi from stressful situations. Loves that Yachi brings him lunch every day. 
Suga x Ushijima
Suga hates him at first. It’s so funny. Because Ushijima is just captivated because Suga is pretty and kind and caring and so observant, if not the greatest setter. He’s got a bond of trust with his teammates that Ushijima admires a lot. And Suga is willing to do whatever it takes to win, even if that means he has to step into the background. But Suga hates him because he thinks Ushijima is perfect. It’s not true hate, just irritation. But it’s enough to keep Suga away. And then Suga starts realizing all the ways Ushijima is far from perfect. He’s stoic and bad at talking and communicating and all together a disaster at social interaction because he’s so brutally honest without thought. And Suga starts to like him, how could he not. This man is a mess and handsome and Suga’s a little whipped. It’s Tendou that gets them together because Tendou notices that Suga’s feelings have changed and knows that Ushijima’s crush has not. So, he sticks them together and, true to character, Ushijima confesses without much thought [despite the fact that he blushes]. Together, they’re a very mature couple and I do not mean that Suga gets any less meddlesome. I just mean that they’re relationship is very domestic, very stable. Their relationship is a constant, a comfort, something to always come home to. And Suga has his school students and Ushijima has his volleyball career and then they have each other. Works very well. 
Bokuto x Hinata
Bright disaster bois. Can I just say good luck to their friends. These two are constantly feeding off each other’s energy. Hinata hypes Bokuto up and Bokuto pulls Hinata forward. All the time, constant movement with these two. They’re almost never home. Either at the gym practicing, out getting ice cream, at an amusement part, or trying to get themselves lost. They’re impossible to keep up with, but so fun to watch. They’re such a happy couple, always smiling, always laughing, always with a new story to tell. Little explorers. But always together. People can see it, too, how utterly bright the two of them get together. It’s actually ridiculous, Kageyama hates them [he thinks they’re cute but he would literally rather die than admit it]. 
Tanaka x Yamamoto
Chaos personified in a relationship. They’re both threatening appearance wise so whenever they go out together, they’re absolutely avoided by everyone. But they’re so nice all the time. Constantly giving out compliments, definitely the couple that will talk about attractive people they see on the street together. Also definitely the couple that is constantly hyping each other up, in everything they do, even like brushing their teeth. They’re stupid. Always having fun together. 
Matsukawa x Hanamaki
These two both have resting facial expressions that aren’t actually indicative of what they’re feeling. This, on top of their personalities, means that these two are the ultimate pranksters. They can keep a poker face like nobody’s business. Absolutely impossible to read. And, unlike some of the other prankster couples, these two do not prank each other often. No, no, no. They team up on other people. Like demons. No one is safe. If you are around, you are a potential target. And they love it. It makes them laugh and its something they can unfailingly do with the other. It’s a bonding thing for them, would definitely make pranking people a date. Other than that, though, they play a lot of video games together. Plus, the lack of emotional expression of the other’s face has never thrown either of them off because they rely on body language and other cues because they themselves understand that the face isn’t always reliable. Very understanding and super in tune with each other. 
Aran x Kita
So, y’all remember when Aran got onto Kita for questioning if it was okay or normal for him to feel happy? That was the Moment. Aran lives in Japan, but he is black and his name is foreign. Because of this, he’s been an oddity his entire life. That doesn’t mean that people don’t like him or that they make fun of him for it, in fact, plenty of people react like the Miya twins. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s an oddity and that people react to it. Kita is also an oddity, not because of his name or his ethnicity, but because of his personality. He doesn’t act like a child and is super dedicated to a strict routine that includes keeping everything religiously clean. Not a lot of kids are like that. And Kita himself has said that he thinks more like an adult than a child, he’s aware of the fact that he’s not like his peers. This helps connect the two of them. They don’t react to each other for what makes them odd, they’re simply friends. Kita has never thought much of Aran’s name or the fact that he’s black and Aran doesn’t mind that Kita doesn’t exactly act like a child. They trust each other, they rely on each other. And they found their common ground at first in the fact that they’re both different in some way.  
Takeda x Ukai
I have shipped these two from the very first conversation I saw them have. Ukai was irritated by Takeda, but admired and acknowledged his unwavering persistence. And Takeda went full creep and learned everything he could about Ukai so that he could manipulate him into coaching the team. Like, this meanie does not give up. And Ukai both hates and loves this trait. Because this adorable teacher should not be able to make people bend to his will like this, dammit. And Takeda is adorable, Ukai knows [he pretends he doesn’t]. Takeda knows that Ukai is a big softie despite his appearance, that he cares a lot more than he lets on, and that he is, legit, a concerned parent half the time [what other kind of person gets onto children all the time to make sure they’re eating properly?]. He also knows that Ukai is smart and dedicated and cares a great deal about his family. So, once Takeda had his sights set on Ukai as a partner, Ukai really couldn’t [and didn’t want to] say no. They become Parents, no questions asked, but not like real parents, like the uncles the kids are always left with. [Ukai thinks he’s smooth-he is not, Takeda finds this adorable and won’t say anything about it].
Tsukishima x Yamaguchi
The only reason this ship made it to the third part is because I wanted a childhood friends to lovers in every part. It really is law. Please, Tsukki is such a grumpy baby and Yamaguchi is such a stressed out puppy. Tsukki is soft for this man and this man alone. Literally cannot actually be mean to him. Yamaguchi knows it to [whenever Tsukki tells him to shut up, Yamaguchi knows that it’s for one of two reasons: Tsukki is flustered or Yamaguchi is doing something Tsukki finds cute and is flustered]. Yamaguchi is a walking protector, will snap at people for attacking Tsukki even if he himself is terrified. And Tsukki has unwavering confidence in Yamaguchi’s abilities. They know each other. Yamaguchi knows that Tsukki is a big softies, that he’s insecure sometimes, that he loves anything strawberry flavored and anything to do with dinosaurs. He knows and he loves Tsukki for it all. And Tsukki knows that Yamaguchi is insecure and quiet and doubtful, but he also knows that Yamaguchi is dedicated and kind and everything he never thought he would find in another person. Yamaguchi is where Tsukki goes to feel safe being himself. And Tsukki is where Yamaguchi goes to feel secure. They’re safe together. 
Nishinoya x Yaku
Honestly, they’re both gremlin smols and I love them. They constantly learn from each other and push each other to be their best. Yaku is a team mom and Noya is team problem child. So, they work pretty well together. Noya gets Yaku to loosen up a bit and Yaku gets Noya to calm the fuck down. Noya lowkey makes him nervous sometimes but thats because Yaku is scared of his own feelings. Like, how can he like this wild mess so much? Please explain it to him, he would like to know. But he does love Noya, a whole damn lot, and he’s not doing anything to change it. 
Kyotani x Yahaba
I cannot believe I forgot to add their part. I’m mad at myself. Kyotani is a big scared asshole. He doesn’t want to let people close to him, he wants to be the best, and he definitely doesn’t want others to know enough about him to see him as anything but strong. So, being vulnerable isn’t his strong suit and he doesn’t let people in. His respect is hard earned, his affection even more so. But Yahaba is a pretty boy with a very strong center. He refuses to take any shit from any one. But he doesn’t act that way unless he needs to. And Kyotani needs him to act like that. And once he does, it gets much harder for Kyotani to believe that Yahaba is just a pretty boy. Yahaba can and will put Kyotani in his place. And Kyotani is constantly pushing Yahaba’s buttons, forcing him to reveal bit by bit how strong is personality actually is, how much he wants to be the best as well. Best bois. Mad dog and mad dog trainer. I love them. Probably my favorite Haikyuu ship, out of the 50 million I have.  
This is the last part, yay!!!
I have too many ships, some pls help me.
This post legit won’t save half of the tags. I’ve typed them twice and it won’t keep them on the damn post. So, I had to go with just one or two tags for each to make sure each ship was in the tags. 
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Painted Souls Part 4
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, several other ships throughout this series. 
Word Count: 2.4K
Warnings: My lack of knowledge in law (I looked up as much as I could!), but besides that, nothing I can think of. 
Author’s Note: Welcome to the next part! I know a lot of you guys have been waiting for this one. I apologize for the wait on that! But here it is! One of the reasons why I hadn’t updated this one is because I wasn’t sure where I saw this one going. My original idea didn’t include an end. But thankfully now it has a course and I can’t wait for you guys to see what I’ve got planned. Thank you guys for reading! ♥♥♥
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<< Part 3 || Part 5 >>
"Does she do that often?" Klaus asked as he watched Y/N bite on the nail of her thumb and paced the open space of their dorm. 
Caroline's head tilted as she watched Y/N. "No this is new. She usually paints when she's freaking out. This, I've never seen before."
"Come on, Y/N found out so much last night. I wouldn't expect anything less." Elena said as she plopped down on her bed. 
"Can we stop speaking as if I'm not here?" Y/N asked as she looked at the others. She hadn't stopped pacing though. Her mind was reeling and she wasn't sure how to process it. Everything played on an endless loop and it just wouldn't stop. 
"Your brother?!" Y/N asked with wide eyes as she looked at Klaus. 
Destiny had a strange way of doing this. It took Caroline meeting Klaus in person for her to even learn anything about her soulmate. 
"Here I'll prove it to you." He said as he pulled out his phone and began typing away. As soon as he placed it on the table for them to read the message, the girls and Marcel leaned in quickly to take a look.
So Katherine tried giving you her number again
Instinctively, Y/N looked at her palm. It was the very name that had been written on her palm along with the number. Was it really that small of a world?
The sound of the phone vibrating on the table pulled her eyes back to the phone, her eyes scanning over the message just as the others did. 
How do you know that? I thought you were in Richmond.
Klaus smirked at the message. "Does he know about your showing?" He asked looking at Y/N.
She nodded her head slowly. "He said that he wouldn't miss it. That is what he signed with E." 
He nodded as he picked up the phone and quickly typed out a few more messages before putting it down, allowing the others to see it. 
Because I watched as Katherine's name and number appeared on a new friend of mine. 
A lovely artist who is excited about her showing at Richmond Gallery Next week and that you'll be attending.
Y/N's heartbeat picked up at reading the messages. While only seconds had passed since the messages had been sent, she was anxious to see whatever the next message would be. 
After a minute, the new text appeared on the screen. 
You are with her?
Caroline chuckled. "He seems a bit skeptical about it."
"I don't blame him." Marcel said. "Especially with what happened with his ex, even I'd- ouch."
Klaus rolled his eyes. He had smacked the back of Marcel's head. That wasn't exactly something that Y/N needed to hear at that moment. He turned his attention back to Y/N who had been biting down on her bottom lip. 
"May I?" He asked as he reached for her hand.
Y/N raised her eyebrow, but lifted her hand up for Klaus to take. Klaus took her hand and turned it over. As he did, he pulled the pen out of Marcel's shirt pocket and began drawing on Y/N's wrist. 
"Love, can you text him back and tell him to check his wrist." He said to Caroline while never taking his eyes off what he was doing. 
Y/N watched as she quickly typed out the message before placing it back down. Her eyes moved back to the drawing Klaus had been doing. It was something she knew she had never seen before in her life. But for some reason that she couldn't explain, it had felt familiar.
"What is that?" She asked. 
Klaus looked up at her for a moment with a grin. "It's our family's crest."
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Elena asked watching as Y/N shook her head to try and remove the memory from being at the front of her runaway thoughts. 
“Yeah.” She said with a sigh. “I'm just nervous."
"He asked you out to dinner, not to elope." Caroline noted as if it had been no big deal.
"Coming from someone who has had constant contact with your soulmate.” Y/N said shaking her head before giving Klaus a small smile. “I get that we have just met and that he is your brother, but my head is spinning in a way I didn’t think possible.”
Even after the initial shock of the night before, It seemed that Elijah was now making the effort to get to know her. There were a few questions here and there on her skin that she’d happily answer. At least that was until she had fallen asleep and woke up with his number on her wrist. 
At first she was hesitant to text him. After all that time of wondering who was on the other side of the connection, she finally knew. But there she was with her thumbs hovering over the keyboard to her phone as she debated on what she should say. 
It took her almost an hour to even type out her message. A simple one of stating that it was even her. From there the messages had quickly picked up. Most of it carrying on from their conversation the night before. At least that was until Elijah had told her he needed to attend a series of meetings at work, but would love to meet her for dinner tomorrow night. 
It’s been two hours and she still hasn’t responded to the message. Anxiety was filling her with every passing minute and she didn’t know how to respond. Her roommates and Klaus had come back with breakfast and found Y/N just as she was. 
“I don’t blame you. My brother has had a rough go of things.” Klaus noted. “Though he is an idiot for taking this long to actually speak with you. My sisters must be having a field day."
"I take it your sisters have been pushing him to this?" There was worry in Y/N's words. The thoughts that followed the simple question had played through her head like a never ending parade. 
What if he didn't really want to do this? What if he had only been doing this to please his siblings? What if she wasn't what he wanted or needed for that matter?
"Elijah doesn't do anything he doesn't want to. You have nothing to worry about." Klaus said, hoping to ease Y/N in some way. He could practically see the runaway train. 
"Look, Y/N." Elena said as she got up from her seat and walked over to her. "You two are meant to be together. Tomorrow night will be good for the both of you. It doesn't hurt to have one dinner date. 
“Elena’s right.” Caroline added. “From what Klaus has told me, you both need this. And it wouldn’t hurt to get to know the man before your Gallery showing.”
Y/N nodded and took a deep breath trying to calm herself a little more. "You guys are right.” 
She knew that if she had put it off any longer it would make her go crazy on the night of the showing. If she had met and gotten to know Elijah before then it would make for a night for them to enjoy. Not a night of possible awkward conversation in order to get to know each other. 
Without any other thought to make her back out, she pulled out her phone and sent Elijah a quick text. 
I’d love that. Anywhere specific in mind?
“I thought we were done with meetings for the day. “Finn said as he sat down in his normal chair in the conference room. Elijah sat on the left of Finn while Freya had been standing off to the side. 
“Apparently our father would like for us to take on a new case.” Freya clarified as she handed a copy of the file to each of her brothers. “It’s nowhere in our normal practice, but we’ve all handled a case or two like this.
As Elijah opened the file, his eyes widened as he took in the information. “Please tell me you’re joking.” He said as he looked up at his sister. 
“Afraid not.” She replied with a shrug. 
“Lucien Castle.” Finn said as he read from the file. “That’s one hell of a crime he is being convicted of.”
“It wouldn’t be an easy task, but we may be able to pull it off.” Elijah said as his eyes continued to scan over the file. “There is a lack of evidence in several spaces. We might be able to turn this in our favor.”
“There is another thing I should mention before you get completely excited about this being a possible win for us.” Freya said as she looked between the two. She sighed softly as she sat on the table across from them. “The District Attorney is Greta Sienna.”
Finn tossed the file on the table and leaned back in his seat. “I do hope the both of you don’t have plans for later this evening. If Greta is the DA, there is a lot of work we’ll have on our hands. She won’t take this lightly and if our father is asking us to take this on, it’s not just business, this is personal.”
“I’ll make some calls and get everything we need.” Freya said as she stood up and moved to leave the room. 
At that second, Elijah’s phone went off with a text message. A small smile pulled on his lips at the sight of the name on the screen. He hadn't even seen the message yet. 
I'd love that. Anywhere specific in mind? 
Elijah would have hardly believed it himself if he hadn't felt the way his heart sped up at the words. While he and Y/N had been texting for quite a while and he had been enjoying the conversation, he had been skeptical about how this was going to go. 
But reading the message had made the stress of the day fade so easily. His thumb hovered over the keyboard for a moment before typing out his message. 
I may have somewhere in mind. Though you won’t know until we get there. 
"I do believe that is the first time I've seen you grin like that while texting in a while." Finn said as he observed his brother. "I take it you've been speaking with Y/N."
It had been a while since Finn, or any of the other siblings, had seen Elijah smile as he had been at that moment. After Celeste left Elijah, Finn and the rest of his siblings had tried as much as they could to cheer up Elijah. But as Finn had expected after a break up such as what Elijah had experienced, he just wanted to be left alone and not for his siblings to mettle as they had been. 
Elijah chuckled and placed the phone down. “It’s strange. I’ve been fighting this for so long. I didn’t expect it to be so...easy.”
A small smirk pulled at Finn’s lips. “If I’m not mistaken, the point of the universe giving us a soulmate is to give us the best chance we have at love.”
Elijah rolled his eyes. He had heard that exact saying from his mother his whole life. The whole Mikaelson clan had heard their mother talk about how their soulmate connection worked. How they’d be able to find them easily, but it would be a lot of work in getting to know them and keeping them in their life.
Having Celeste in his life had clouded that from him. He truly believed that even though he had a soulmate out there in the world that he and Celeste would be able to make things work. Plenty of people had lived their life without ever meeting their soulmate. They loved someone else and things had worked out. Elijah had hoped that would be the case for them. But he had been proven wrong. 
“How is Sage?” Elijah asked, attempting to change the subject.
“She’s wonderful.” Finn said with a grin growing on his lips. “Even though the honeymoon has been over, it definitely doesn’t feel that way. She was definitely worth the wait.”
Elijah’s phone went off again and he had been quick to reach for it. It caused Finn to chuckle at the sight. “Say another word and I’ll leave you and Freya to do all the preliminary work.” Finn put his hands up in surrender before going back to the file in front of him. 
How is that fair?! 
Again the message had brought the smile back to his face. At least that was until the next message came in. 
Klaus said if you hate surprises you shouldn’t torment me with one. 
It had actually made Elijah wonder why Klaus was still around Y/N. Had Caroline and Y/N been that attached to the hip that his brother would be feeding her unnecessary things? 
If my brother knows what’s good for him, he’ll keep things to himself. Wouldn’t want me to spill secrets to Caroline. 
There had been an instant reply. 
Oh, do tell. Caroline would love all the secrets. 
I’ll take the surprise and I’ll be fine. Can I at least know how to dress?
He thought for a moment. He hadn’t even really thought of where he wanted to take her for dinner yet. He had a few places in mind, but he hadn’t picked where just yet. There were several restaurants that passed his mind in that second. But none of them had felt right.
At least that was until another place came into mind. He quickly typed out his message. Just as he hit send, Freya came back in with a stack of files and placed them on the table. 
“This isn’t even half of it.” She mentioned as she spread them out.
“We really are going to be here all night.” Elijah said as he ran his hand down his face. 
With that, the siblings began the process of going through the police reports and other things to find a way to ensure they could do their best to prove Lucien’s innocence and go up against their least favorite person, who was making the case against them. 
Always & Forever Tag:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @alka16555 @yaniiie
Painted Souls Tag:
@inmylifeilovedthemall @graciejunie  @this-is-mycrisis @une-lueur-dans-la-nuit @violentmommabear42 @ignorantly-apathatic  @carostar2020 @shanty-lol @generallyclumsy @gwenawesomeness @x-memi12 @misunderstood-shadows @krazykatkay456 @emilymarie105 @insertcooluser55 @firedancernix @tuliptx @kpoplover1306-depressedgirl315 @giraffelover2309 @fading-mentality-boquet  @sincerelykay12 @dpaccione @castofstrangerthings @twigstar18 @colors-for-theworld-please @foreverlostindreams @petraballins @sorrowfulfragmentation @tattoedraven @heartjoohoney @bitchingkeres @jemimah-b99 @athenamikaelson
Stag Tag:  
@elejah-wonderland @cheers-my-dears-16 @xxsovereignsarayaxx @asiaaisa77 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff
The Originals Tag:
@zillahvathek @obsessedwithvampires @alien-sida
Bold tags mean for one reason or another I couldn’t tag you in this. Let me know what is up so I can fix it! I’d hate for you guys to miss out on the upcoming chapters! If you would like to be added to, or taken off the tag list, please let me know ♥
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Third Year!Chubby!Reader x Kageyama Tobio
Wee woo I wrote the thiiiiiiiiing. it’s 4 am and I’m big sleepy so forgive any bad thiiiiiiings. Also there aint no smut smut in this but it is definitely crude sooooooooooooooo >:)
    Y/n was a casual friend of Daichi Sawamura's. They never really hung out, but they were friendly during school hours and often sitting in the same group during lunch. Once highschool kicked in and Daichi took into the boys volleyball team, what friendship they had had drifted. It didn't bother y/n, but what did bother her was that in this year, her final year of highschool, she was standing in front of the tall senior, asking for her to join as Karasuno's volleyball manager- almost half way through the school year.
   “Umm.. Y/n...” Daichi was hesitant, a little confused and almost concerned as to why now someone- this someone, was asking to be a manager for the team. “You can apply, talk to Takeda-Sensei, I guess... But why now? I-If you don't mind me asking! It's just.. We already have Shizumi, and she's training a first year to take over after we all graduate.”
   “Yeah, well. I... Want to do something.” Y/n swallowed hard, tapping the tips of her pointer fingers together. “This is hard to admit, okay? But I just haven't done like.. Anything.. Throughout highschool. I know it'll only be for less than a year, but I'm tired of being... Bored.” A deep breath made it's way out of Y/n's lips, her body relaxing ever so slightly. “That, and, all the other clubs rejected my late entry. For literally every position.”
   “Oh, oh.” Daichi rubbed the back of his neck, not really surprised that her late entry applications weren't accepted. He understood, and was mildly concerned, by what Y/n's motive was. Boredom can drive someone mad and extreme cases, can make someone feel completely empty. It was a sorrowful thought, that Y/n might be feeling that way when in only a couple months she'd be graduating and life would open up with so many new things to experience. But still, Daichi could understand the need for something in the now, rather than later.
   Y/n looked up at the captain, suddenly feeling flushed with shame.
   “I'm sorry if that's like... Not a good reason to want to join- or if it's wrong or, offensive.. Or something.”
   “No, no! It's fine. It's not usual, but I guess on a technicality, we're all just doing things to fight boredom, right?”
    While not exactly true, Y/n appreciated the effort her old friend had made to ease her discomfort.
    “I can take you to Takeda-Sensei, like I said, but I really can't promise anything, okay?”
    A bright, hopeful smile spread on the young girl's face, one Daichi recognized all too well.
    It was a miracle, and nothing less. Y/n was as aware of this fact as she was grateful that Daichi had managed to convince the volleyball team's Senseis to give her a shot. It was like new life was breathed into the girl, no more of that awkward, isolated unknown, but the girl Daichi had known before highschool had blossomed back larger than life itself.
   Y/n had settled into Karasuno's pack with ease. She was full of an uplifting spirit and cheerful demeanor, along with a mind full of snarky comments, that the underclassmen seemed to just eat up. Sugawara had never met Y/n personally, neither had Asahi, but both took to her almost as quickly as the second and first years.
   Now, Y/n was refilling the first year boy's water bottles, taking note on whose is whose. The first years, outside of Tsukishima Kei, had the same casual yet not durable style. Hinata's was orange, much like his hair, with it's brands logo on the front. It was plastic- as was Yamaguchi's, while Tsukishima and Kageyama had stainless steel ones. Yamaguchi's was simply green and black, Kageyama's was dark blue with a black stripe down it's front, and Tsukishima's was the odd one out- It had a whole ass dinosaur head on it's cap. Completely decorative, and totally out of left field in Y/n's mind.
   It was hard not to giggle when she was handling the tall middle blocker's cup, but she managed not to make a mess of the others and carry them all back in one piece. Now, she thought, comes her favorite time of the day. The boys were all taking a break, toweling of the sweat and grime from practice, the boys who had their water were already downing it, the first years awaiting their own.
   “Alright sugar-honeys, here's one round of water.” Passing around the bottles, Y/n was giving each of the youngest boys playful, loving winks, flustering up three of the four.
   “Here's one for you, Yamaguchi.” She fluttered around the freckled boy, who blushed and thanked the girl with a soft stutter. Yamaguchi was the easiest boy to truly fluster up. Part of Y/n knew it was because he wasn't used to female attention. Let alone having a third year be so sweet and touchy with him.
   “And here's yours, Hinata baby~” Ruffling the orangette's hair, Y/n dropped the bottle down beside him, which he snatched up instantly and began sucking it down, his face bright red from the chosen pet name the upperclassman gave him.
   With a swift movement from Tsukishima, who muttered a stoic “thanks” quicker than she could drop any lovey-dovey comments, Y/n's final bottle to give was to the raven haired setter who had stolen her heart.
   “Here we are, Kageyama.” Y/n leaned down, allowing her school uniform's top to show off her breasts. Her fuller frame complimented her uniform, from showing her plush cleavage to her ass peaking out ever so slightly from her skirt whenever she bends over. Knowing full well what was happening, she squished her arms together ever-so-slightly, pushing her breasts further out. She saw, immediately, Kageyama's eyes were bouncing from her chest to the bottle, back and forth, quick and panicky movements that gave Y/n all the information she needed.
   Kageyama's hand shakily moved to get his water bottle, when his whole body went frozen stiff. A sly smirk traveled Y/n's lips, and she looked down knowing full well what she'd see.
   “You okay, baby?” Y/n whispered softly, not moving from her position in front of the sitting boy.
   “I-, you- my-” Unable to form a sentence, Kageyama gulped, shutting his eyes tight and crossing his legs ever so slightly, pulling his volleyball bag onto his lap.
   “It's okay, I wont tell~” The setter's head jumped up, a blush spreading on his cheeks and along with it, a bead of sweat. Thankfully, the other boys were deep into a conversation- planning their next moves to practice, who'd be having what for dinner, and other things that Kageyama's head couldn't fit in his mind, when his body was laser-focused on the girl in front of him. Kageyama tried to fumble out an apology, embarrassed and ashamed at his body's reaction to his upperclassman manager, but the girl shushed him with a gentle coo.
   “You don't have to apologize to me honey, you're alright~ Besides.” The girl stood up, relief flooding over Kageyama instantly. “I think you're cute like this!~”
   Kageyama cringed, her comment brought attention from some of the others.
   “Huh??? Kageyama?? Cute?!!” Hinata jumped up into the space between the girl and boy. “Since when?!!?!” He demanded, puffing out his cheeks almost in a manor of jealousy. Kageyama wanted to kick the boy, shove and shout at him for insulting him, but found that he was still glued to his chair, afraid to move a muscle and have someone noticed his little problem trying to force its way up.
   “Since, like, ever! But don't worry, you're cute too pookie-pie~” Y/n brought out the worst of her attacks, the comment embarrasses anyone it reaches just from the sheer force of how aunty-at-a-family-reunion it is. From behind her, Tsukishima snickered. Hinata shrunk away from Y/n, smiling very shakily.
   “O-Oh..” Was all he could manage.
   Finally, Kageyama stood up, his problem tamed for the moment. He took the opportunity and bowed to his upperclassman crush.
   “Thank you for the compliments Y-Y/n-san.” With that, he excused himself and staggered off, making awkwardly cautious strides to the bathrooms. He didn't know until it was too late, but Y/n was following him.
   At the doors of the bathroom, he finally noticed the girl shadowing his footsteps. Kageyama looked at her like a deer in the headlights, and gulped.
   “U-Um, I'll be back in a minute Y/n, I just have to pee.”
   Y/n cracked an amused grin, this boy really doesn't know how to talk to girls.
   “One sec, Kageyama. I wanted to talk to you privately.”
   “I-if this is about-”
   “It's not, well it is, but not completely.” Y/n rested her back against the brick wall of the hallway, looking at Kageyama with an air of cool confidence, despite internally very anxious for what she was going to say next. “Listen, if... If I make you like, super uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I just think you, all you first years, are really cute and stuff..” Y/n palmed the back of her neck, feeling the heat off her own body. “Especially you. I like you a lot, Tobio. Haha.”
   When Y/n looked up at the first year, she wasn't expecting the deadpanned expression he was giving her. It gave her a moment of panic, but soon relaxed her body, knowing this was just... How he tended to look.
   “You like me?” Kageyama whispered, testing out the sentence quizzically.
   “Well, yeah. And trust me-” Y/n's arms went up in the air defensively. “I know you're super busy and focused on volleyball. I get that you aren't exactly super available for dating and stuff, and I'm okay with that. But like, I dunno... If you wanna... Maybe we could give it a shot-”
   A stark, sudden answer. Y/n needed only a few seconds to register the blunt honesty in his reply.
   “Wait, really?” She laughed, pleased but also amused by his sudden energy.
   “Yes. I'd like to date you, Y-Y/n-san.” Kageyama nodded his head quickly, blush covering his face to his ears.
   “Well, then.. I hope your gym shorts are ready, cause if we're gonna start dating, there's gonna be a looooot more action going on in there~!” Too casual. Kageyama thought, watching his now date skip swiftly back to the gym, leaving him there flustered up and processing everything that had just happened.
   When Y/n reached the gym doors, she placed her hands on them and gave one last glance at Kageyama, only to fight the urge to crack up laughing.
   He was staring down at his dick in absolute pure wonder.
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vminity21 · 5 years
First Time, All Mine
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warning: smut
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      Jeon Jungkook.
Mesmerizingly handsome- stealing your heart the moment he left a secret admirer note in your locker. One that you at first mistakenly thought was left by your former crush, Kim Taehyung, when in all reality, it was the one person who has remained by your side since the first day he befriended you. Kissing you passionately, Jungkook's hands on your waist, though you're walking backward, he directs you into his bedroom, the humidity from the summer drifting through the windows is the first thing you notice. Though right now you could care less. He kicks the door closed behind him, the clean atmosphere fitting with how well groomed he always is, yet the only focus you have right now is the tip of his tongue welcoming yours sending waves of desire tingling on your skin.
It's then the two of you pull away, the end of the bedframe touching your legs; Jungkook's breath sweeps along your chin, his dazed, brown eyes stare down at you with impetuous longing, your hands squeezing his shoulders, his large hands still gripping your waist. With wide eyes, you meet his- searching them to realize they mirror the same fear you have yet to reveal.
"I'm- I'm scared," you whisper. When his expression softens into an understanding, he nods.
"I am, too."
Between the two of you, this will be the first time. Something sacred both of you have held onto until you felt the time was right. And right here, interlocked in the arms of the one you are irrevocably in love with, you are ready. With a quick gesture, you capture his lips, your arms moving around his neck while he leans into you. The fast pace making you dizzy, especially when he moves his hands to squeeze your ass and thighs- lifting you suddenly, he crashes you onto the bed, not breaking from your kiss, gasps mingling with parting lips that are now buried in the crook of each other's necks- his hips slowly grinding along yours, the feel of him sending a gush of warmth within your core.
Feeling each other up is as far as the two of you have gone. Completely clothed- the innocence humorous in others' eyes, but the two of you are learning. And, the two of you are learning together and that's all that matters. Jungkook has never made you feel uncomfortable, and you know even now he's not wanting to overstep any boundaries, so to show him you want this. You want him. You break his kiss by trailing your fingers underneath his plaid shirt, his stare timorous whilst you lift it past his head exposing the rock-solid muscles toned along his arms and abdomen. Your mouth waters causing you to gulp- never in your life have you seen such a masterpiece, even from his jawline to his strands of brown hair- you can't believe how beautiful this man before you is. Tossing his shirt to the ground, he remains above you, kissing you hard while your fingertips soothe his back, his hand moving to cup your breast, tenderly squeezing it releasing a soft moan from your lips.
The feeling rising below isn't new- hence why it's been so hard for you to refrain from doing more with him. Just the feel underneath your fingertips of his warm skin is enough to crave the sensation of all of it molding into yours. You find his wrists, leading them to the end of your shirt, him lifting it off you- your nude bra staring back at his enlarging eyes which causes his breath to hitch in the back of his throat.
"Oh," he's in awe, "[Y/N], you're so beautiful," his words nearly bring you to tears, especially with the insecurities that have plagued you nearly your whole life. He's so entranced by your inner beauty which is something that he finds is the greatest gift about you; though now, he gets to savor and cherish every inch of you, loving you with all he is- giving you his all the same as you are for him. Your hands rest upon his cheeks, bringing him back to plant a soft kiss on his lips, him lowering to where his skin finally meets yours, the enticing move enveloping you all at once, you can hardly contain yourself, exhaling against his lips just for him to brush his tongue along yours once again. One by one the clothes come off until his bare legs are jumbled with yours, his erection rubbing along your dampened heat, his thumbs caressing your nipples- the ticklish feeling causing your fingers to dig into his back. Jungkook nips at your collarbone, leaving numerous kisses along your chest, moving backward to kiss along your stomach, the wetness lingering while your eyes close in utter paradise. He pecks along your hip bones, his hands never leaving your breasts until he makes it to your inner thighs. Slithering his fingers to cling onto your quivering limbs, he spreads your legs, his breath pants onto your folds, his eyes widening with the urge he's always wanted to fulfill, and only with you. You've never experienced this, and though you've heard of such thing echoing in the halls of the school, you are curious to know what it feels like. Your clit rhythms with your hyperventilating, him moving to kiss your inner thighs before returning to your vulva. Your toes curl along the bed sheets, your body tensing in preparation- and that's when he does it.
Gently licking his tongue along your slit, up and down, the motion emancipating a high-pitched moan from your throat which motivates him to continue. He brings his fingers to spread your folds, your core clenching while he speeds the movements of his tongue- licking and licking until your hips involuntarily begin to shift- your fingers gripping the bed sheets- sweat beading your forehead. For a few minutes, he continues to pleasure you, the tip of his tongue sliding against your clit before returning to hover above you. Though you're uncertain if what you're about to do will be done correctly, you move your hand to hold his erection, gliding up and down gradually, him hissing with how good it feels to have your hand wrapped around him. That gives you the inclination that everything is being done smoothly; Jungkook rests his lips to where your heart pounds, then moves to suck your nipple while your hand does its work, his hands squeezing at the mattress in response to the growing feeling of an orgasm.
He stops you, not wanting to come too soon, instead interlaces his fingers with yours and rests your intertwined hands against the pillows above your head. Your core still tightening from how aroused you are, both of you hold each other's gaze, you nod that you're ready. Ready for what you two have been longing for. He swallows nervously, jumping off the bed- his anxious hands search his pants pocket for a condom, returning to indent his bed, his knees resting on either side of your legs before opening the wrapper to retrieve the rubbery material- your eyes never leaving the sight of him pinching the tip and sliding it along his being.
Lips parted, Jungkook's eyes meet yours, him leaning forward to stay above you- your legs raising to spread in preparation- while his one hand rests beside your head, he takes the other to hold his erection to your heat, your shoulders tense from the butterflies swarming your stomach.
"Are you sure?" His whisper is nearly inaudible, but nothing in this world could change your mind.
"Yes," you nod, breathless, "I love you, Jungkook."
His brown eyes are loving igniting a small grin to cover his thin lips, "I love you more."
Your hands move to rest on his shoulders- slowly he begins to push within your walls- the pain nearly brings you to tears- but, you clench your teeth, forcing yourself to relax just enough for him to penetrate further, his heart thrumming beneath his chest, especially with the pain he doesn't want to inflict on you.
"[Y/N], I'm so sorry, are you sure about this, I don't want to hur-" he pauses immediately when he hears a muffled cry escape you.
"It's okay, keep going," your eyes are slammed shut, and you ease your body from the tension knowing he's halfway there. Steadily, he moves further until all of him is within you, the worst part finally being over, you calm yourself enough to stare into his eyes, your breaths increased, yet relief floods your countenance because now the pain is subsiding just enough for him to proceed. He thrusts slowly, his lips passionately syncing with yours as your fingers tangle with the soft tufts of his hair- with one hand, he rests his fingertips above your clit, rubbing affectionately whilst sexing you- the building of the fire below causing your muscles to tense. How something so powerful can bring such a wondrous escape you will never be able to equate,
"Mmm," you hum against his mouth- the sensation of the orgasm finally reaching its peak- him jolting backward, to finish pumping his spillage into the condom- tossing it off while he watches you unravel from the ecstasy released from your core. "Holy shit," you can barely find words- perspiration covers each of your bodies, the heat nearly smothering yet still wanting his skin upon yours lingers. He embraces you once the sensitivity dims- you nestle your face into the side of his neck.
"We did it," you whisper, finding it adorable how accomplished it feels, and Jungkook presses you tighter to him, his fingers running along the side of your arm- him moving to brush a gentle peck to the side of your forehead.
"We did it," he repeats, a large smile spreading across his face- a smile you have fallen in love with time and time again. You shift just enough to where your arms hug behind his neck- bare chests pressed together- your leg lacing around his waist, his hand rests on your hip. You kiss him one more time, letting every piece of him whisk you away- and nothing can ruin a moment as genuine as this.
With the flying feeling fluttering within your chest, you're certain of one thing-
he is all yours, and you are all his.
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raleigh-ocean · 6 years
white light
summary: set in the new timeline; Billie still is contacted by Iris and the Devil's Night still scare the shit out of her. However, when she comes home, she realize what's really important to her even more than a bunch of ghosts.
N/A: this is a very specific setting, mostly because of the other (original) character. Dara is also a medium of some sort, and she's been Billie's lover for the last nine years or so (they started ‘dating’ when Dara was 25 and Billie 35 (circa 2010, before Murder House), now 34 & 44). I'll write more about her during this fic and in some others so you can get to know her! ✨
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Billie felt her heart beating loudly in her throat, still with the nausea settled in her stomach and the uneasiness from the situation back at the hotel. It was like a never-ending pain in the back of her head and her eyes, maybe she strained herself past the line she drew for herself years ago.
Not even a cigarette could help her body feel at ease this time.
Maybe it was her conception of time or the absinthe messing with her brain, but it was taking too long to reach the apartment. Billie tried to focus in little things at first - like her fake nails, like the sound of her pearls with each bump of the road - and then she tried to hold her tears, a warm sensation pushing softly, to not spill them foolishly. 
How long she didn’t let herself cry for real? Not even when she broke her forearm a few years ago; not even when she had to stand in front of all those people at her mother’s funeral, judging her choices as if they knew her.
When her manager pulled over, Billie didn’t even bother in putting her heels on. She ran - and maybe waved goodbye, she doesn’t know - towards the front door as if someone was still chasing her. Her dress made her feel hot, her sweat making it stick to her back and her arms.
It took her four tries to open the door, each time making her more anxious and desperate to get inside. Once she was in, her anxiety skyrocketed so hard that she had to support herself in the countertop dividing the kitchen and the living room. At times other times, she used to ask herself how she felt comfortable in a tiny apartment instead of in a big house but in this specific situation she remembers.
Remembers how everything around her is at reach easily; how she could see what’s happening in almost every room from the living room, no surprises unless she was the one giving them; how being herself the one doing her chores anchored her vivid mind and powers to the ground.
As soon as she felt like being capable of moving again, she moved forward to the tiny master room. The bed took a good chunk of the room, not a single mirror there, clothes discarded in the floor from the day, the tiny ensuite bathroom’s door ajar...
...and the woman in the bed, sprawled like a big cat, stirring awake and reaching for the nightlight and filling the whole room with this orangish light, trying to get to her and make the cold go away.
“Bills?” her voice was tinted always with tenderness when she was speaking to her. Billie felt her face do this little pout, in the verge of tears again. “Sweetheart, why- Oh sweet God, you are drenched in sweat,” Billie didn’t let her finish that first sentence, throwing herself in the arms of her lover, clinging to her as if her life depended on it. “Hey, I’m here sugar...”
Billie felt bad, she always did when the breakdowns came, because she was too used to carry all burdens. She felt bad for putting her whole ‘bag of utilities’ in her lover’s arms, to let go everything without notice her first...but the younger woman always picked it up like it weighed not less than a feather. The medium let herself cry then, when she had her arms around her, cuddling in that strange sitting position with Billie’s head in her chest, her whole body cuddled against her body and the other woman’s back resting uncomfortably against the iron-bar headboard.
One thing that amazed Billie the most was that Dara Ann Lynch - the woman that was holding her tight, that was rocking her lightly and kissing the top of her head -, was still with her after almost ten years of the most bizarre shit she would ever imagine happen to her. Billie gave her a handful of motives to just walk away, forget about her, build her own life; but Dara was always there, smile in her face and what she needed to hear at the right moment. 
“Let’s get you out of this dress and get in the shower, okay?” still crying, she only nodded and let Dara to help her stand up. Her hands were warm against her skin, soothing the pulshing energy that was trying to get out of her body all at once. “I’ll make some tea while you are at it, and this time I promise I’ll let you put all the liquor you want.”
They were entering the bathroom when Dara said that, making her feel this raw sensation coming from her stomach, more like the crippling fear of being alone.
“Don’t leave, please,” Billie tighten the grip in her hand and there was something in her voice, sheer panic, that made Dara destroy in her head the idea of leaving her side. 
“Okay,” Dara smiled and then helped her...girlfriend? partner? to undress fast, getting her under the hot water and letting her to adjust. “Do you want me to wash your hair?”
That was the cue. Dara always had this kind of domesticity to handle things as to ‘hey, sweetheart, I’m making your favourite dish tonight!’ when she was having a really rough day, even when she still didn’t know about it; as to ‘do you want me to wash your hair?’ when Dara knew Billie was in the edge of her anxiety, because it soothe her to have her hair washed; as to ‘come here you starlight, I’m doing your nails today’ when she was so tired from filming and Billie didn’t want to talk, leading Dara the conversation all the time.
Thinking about all the normal things made her realize that she wasn’t in a situation where she was in danger, but it wasn’t until she saw Dara letting fall her nightgown and her panties to the bathroom floor, stepping in the shower behind her, that she actually felt the bits of white light coming back to her.
All the ride from the hotel to that moment, she really thought the white light left her forever. There were times that, yes, she didn’t consider that was a thing that was real at the very beginning; but it for sure was now.
However, feeling Dara’s hands in her hair and her humming while she was at it felt like an energy charger. 
Dara was herself a kind of medium, but she wasn’t one that wanted to brag about her gift often. Tarot was the thing she did the most, having late night shifts from a very young age and even now - even if now she had the opportunity to choose when -, but Billie knew she had actually more power than she credit it. There was something about her aura that gave her this tickle inside, as if Dara was something more she wasn’t even close to discover.
“Never thought having three in the morning shower would feel this good,” Dara’s voice brought her back, now they two completely soaked and clean just because Billie seemed to have spaced out and then her partner also helped her wash her body. “How are you up there sugar?”
Billie turned around in Dara’s arms to hug her properly, water still running over them from the shower. The white light was surrounding them now, Billie’s worries resting somewhere while the only thing she was starting to care about was Dara’s hands caressing the small of her back and upper.
They had this thing between them going for so long and they never addressed it, why?
“I want a break,” were the only words that came from the medium’s mouth. “I need a break from all this.”
“Actually, that’s going to propose to you over nice breakfast,” Dara chuckled at that, lifting always the heavy weight in Billie’s chest. “Constance called me this morning, asking if we were going to visit soon because Nora was getting whi-”
“No,” it even shocked herself when the word came out a bit too harsh. “No ghosts, no Constance, no cameras; only us, the beach and some martinis,” Billie chuckled and let the last drop of panic go like that. “We deserve this. We need time, some healing time.”
“Nora is going to be so fucking pissed off,” Dara laughed at that and she turned off the water, reaching for a towel to wrap both of them with it. “I can hear her already, sweet God.”
And when Dara made a really good impersonation of their dearest ghost, Billie felt like she got a shot of white light right in her lungs and even her heart. The cobwebs the hotel left her went away just like that, the cold those spirits left her with actually going away just with her lover’s laugh.
“We’ll visit her for as long as she wants once we are back,” Billie wasn’t one to be clingy, but she let herself for that night and search for Dara’s embrace after they were on their pajamas. Dara never joked or laughed at that hidden part of her, receiving whatever she had to offer. “But I want to spend time just with you.”
“Wow that’s really sweet, Bills,” Dara looked moved, younger even, and Billie felt a soft pang of guilty in her heart because even when her lover was happy and overall okay, she wasn’t able to see that raw emotion in her that often. “Last time we went on vacation was...after Constance asked you to help the Harmon girl, I think?”
A very long time, how did you manage to put up with me for this long?
Billie hummed in agreement, making herself comfortable in Dara’s arms while the younger woman led them to bed. When they were settled, the ‘magic’ was still surrounding them in this protective way that she learned to appreciate as years passed by. Maybe when they were alone and far away from everything she could ask Dara about this kind of stuff, Billie said to herself; maybe getting her to talk more about that part of their lives they also shared.
“Are you going to tell me what happened to you there?” Dara’s fingers made their way up and down her arm, trying to still calm her down even when Billie was feeling much better. 
She closed her eyes, leaning towards the woman to keep being cuddled and kissed and held. Of course she was going to tell her, but not now. She now had a very clear goal in her mind and thinking about the Hotel Cortez wasn’t in the road to it.
“I will, but not now,” Dara smiled at the words knowingly, being used to that kind of response. She was patient overall, so it didn’t matter to her when she was getting the answer to her question. “Can you keep the white light coming however? I think I need some refillment, honey.”
“Sure miss Howard, I have an unlimited subscription to it,” Billie kissed Dara’s cheeks, nuzzling against her after that and being kissed in the forehead fondly by her. “I love you Bills, I really do.”
She didn’t answered right away, knowing that Dara would doze off in a matter of seconds - she had that gift too, light sleeper but quick dozing off. When that happened, she let herself focus in her heart beating steadily to try and get some rest too. Billie thought that maybe when they were on vacation, she would be able to give Dara something back too like all those ‘I love you’ that she was so afraid of give back. 
Actually have a talk about them sounded like the right thing after that night.
Nonetheless Billie let herself be cocooned in Dara’s warm arms, the true white light protecting her from what had happened, and soon the tiredness from all took her away too.
The only thought left in her head was that as long she had something to come back and call home, that would be her true meaning for the white light.
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ursoself-satisfying · 5 years
do you think eugene is maybe scared of long boat trips? i was thinking about it the other day, maybe he plans on going on holiday with his s/o and the only way to go abroad would be on a boat right? but maybe he would get a little (a lot? im not an expert on this) ptsd while being on the boat and his s/o supporting him but not fully understanding because lets be honest, no-one apart from the soldiers fully understand this sort of stuff, and maybe there's another veteran on-board who helps him?
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Before we get into it I wanna say I totally agree n that unless u actually have experienced that ur rly not gonna understand what the person is going thru n this applies to all kinds of trauma but just bc u dont understand doesnt mean u cant do ur best to or that u cant still love support n help them handle it n it doesnt mean they're not gr8tful for ur involvement even if u dont understand,, writing for post war eugene is always tricky cus I dont wanna assume ik how any of this goes or the extent of what it entails i havent done this I've barely done any research its heartbreaking tho n unfair n I just wanted to say all that before u get into this cus it's a combo of both asks but also more of a touchy subject than I feel like I've addressed here so that's just a heads up but enjoy!!
Omg eugene my bby
I def think hes still afraid of boats big time,, so when the two of u decide to go abroad for ur honeymoon it's a big decision for u two to make one w lots of beforehand discussions n considering all ur other options but in the end the push of ur families n the pull of the convenience of a boat eases u both into the decision, even tho nothing about it u kno is going to be easy,, Eugene is p nervous cus I mean the nightmares have lessened n u both have been learning how to handle his flashbacks n the like but u had never tried anything like this yet so on one hand it could be a good time to test the waters but on the other hand neither of u have any idea how itll actually go
Even just in the car on the way there he starts to get shakey n then on the dock it gets a bit worse but ur hands r on him somehow the whole time either locked in his or on his leg or arm or stuck in his pocket n that comforts him, ur touch anchors him n keeps him from drifting to worse thoughts it keeps him thinking about u instead,, its till hard tho just thinking about it being back on that boat forcing himself to remember hes going to France n it's not occupied n hes not alone n hes going to get to see the sights w his wonderful wife n thoroughly enjoy those bright French mornings n that it's going to be quiet, no more bombs or raids or alarms just u n him under thin sheets hot n sticky n just together n safe
But first,, the boat
On the boat? It was rough,, every bit of turbulence n every odd sway made him anxious n as much as u tried to entice him to enjoy more of the boats activities like a cabaret show or even just playing some chess out on the deck n tho u could get him out a few times n he did enjoy himself,, he spent most of his time in the cabin trying to ignore the fact he was on a boat at all,, the rest of his time not being coaxed out by u he spent napping in a deck chair w u often lounging beside him n watching over his sleep carefully, also making sure he didnt burn n lathering her exposed skin in sunblock as much as u could as he slept
U two kept busy in the cabin tho I mean it was ur honeymoon after all ;;;))) so he ravaged u as often as he could bc not only were u a comfort but also a distraction,, u did other things as well tho like laying n listening to ur favourite radio shows or playing guitar to him or sketching him or dancing together or once even doing a silly little fashion show where he def tripped after putting on ur heels
He did have a few attacks tho but u had prepared as best u could n even if some of ur cabin took a beating in an outburst u had always managed to talk him down n he spent a lot of time in ur arms
His breakdowns btw would come suddenly when something would trigger him like a sudden movement or a splash against ur window n then he would get angry n scared n become protective of u until his aggression bubbled over into hot tears drowned out by ur soft words of confirmation trying to tell him u were on a modest cruise liner n u were going to Europe n that the guns n the bombs n the tropical climate were all far away n u would pull him into a cold shower w u n he would often (fuck u hard first then) just cling to u n cry until he could calm down n fall asleep n if he stirred in his sleep u would repeat the process until he could sleep soundly
He was gr8tful to finally be off the boat n back on land tho n once in Paris the two of u could rly enjoy ur honeymoon beginning w breaking in ur hotel bed ;;;)))
But then the two of u got to see the Eiffel Tower n the Seine n the Louvre n Notre dame n it was all so amazing!!!! U spent half the time w ur head in ur sketchbook n he spent all his time taking photos of u w ur head in ur sketchbook lol
The photos were brilliant n sweet n excessive n there were def a few of u bare n freshly fucked (pardon my french) w the Parisian skyline out the window behind u, the morning like shining thru ur messy hair like a halo,, but there were also many of him from the perspective of u kneeling over him n many more of both of u playfully holding up the tower or picnicking in front of a cathedral w u plucking at ur guitar or him w a bottle of wine at his lips
It was all v picturesque n romantic n perfect n u thought he deserved nothing less n he thought the same for u ::""))
U spent about 4 weeks there together n he had throughly used his time to fuck u in every way possible n use every toy u brought with but then it was suddenly time to go home n u were concerned about eugene being back on the boat but he seemed less nervous when u got on n he admitted to feeling a lot better after the first trip n this time he actually went out w u n u played board games w other passengers n danced in the halls n sang w the cabaret n he still sunbathed n napped n made love to u n wrecked ur cabin n u still listened to all ur radio shows n drew n sang but ur lives felt more full somehow after this experience
Oh n u def showed off everything u had bought is Paris n as much as he loved that silk dress on u he loved peeling it off u even more ;;;)))
He rly did feel better when u were finally home to ur little cottage for the first time together as a globetrotting married couple ::"")) he felt better that he hadnt handled it nearly as bad as hed expected n urs n his trip abroad left u feeling loved n cultured n more experienced in life plus u both had taken a huge chance n now u were better for it n felt more capable n confident that he was getting better n it was an affirmation that u would take care of him n that u would always be there for him, just as u had said in ur vows ::""))
He was happy to consummate ur new marriage in ur own bed for the first time tho lol n on top of that gr8 feeling it was just gr8 that he felt less held back w u there w him especially after the boat experience
So yeah a quick note I rly do think he would be terrified of ever stepping foot on a boat again n would refuse it n be vvv adamant about not doing it again for a vvv long time but I think he could be worn down n would EVENTUALLY be ok w it but maybe not this fast n tho I dont feel like I go into much detail here he def has a hard time on the boat as well like hes just agitated the whole time n probably was prescribed some medication for it if just some motion or sea sickness meds n maybe anxiety but i would say it prolly makes him drowsy so hes kinda out of it which keeps him calm but doesnt stop certain flashbacks n maybe he lashes out n hurts someone once in a while cus it's incredibly traumatic returning to that environment but anyway yeah he would be v fidgety n not like it but in this scenario hes willing to take a chance given how well hes been recovering n how much he trusts u n how much u have helped him n the option had pull so that's why but rly I dont think irl he would have gone back on a boat anywhere near that soon but this is romantic fiction so ::))
Also I have a v specific image of who eugene is w if u cant tell lol so I'm sorry for that specificity but I'm so whipped for him n his gal I lov sm I hope u enjoy n guys I'm so motivated to finally write out the storyline I have for him I'm gonna finally get out his fic ok I promise
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xxbyimm · 6 years
THORIN OAKENSHIELD - 30 days writing challenge - Day 27 - The return of the queen part IV
Day 27 of @deepestfirefun awesome challenge! After this one only 3 pieces to go!!!!!
‘I need a cuddle,’ ‘I thought you left me!’ ‘I would go hell and back just to get to be with you,’
The return of the queen - part IV
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‘AND?’ Thorin pressed when his sister just stood there, grinning like a Cheshire cat. The sight was maddening and for a moment he wanted to push her aside and go check on his love himself. ‘What are you smiling at?’ Dís winked and moved aside to let Oín in. Thorin shot the healer an ominous glare, still mad at him for refusing him inside his own quarters. He wanted to know how his One was doing. Why she fainted. What was wrong with her? Was there something he could do? He was the one closest to you, and he felt like he had the right to be informed first about your wellbeing.
‘How is she?’ he asked, keeping his voice low to make all the emotions that swirled around in his body unnoticed. ‘She’s fine now.’ Oín said. ‘It’s a miracle she survived such a wound in the first place, but I cleaned it and it shouldn’t be a problem anymore.’ ‘Wound?’ Thorin repeated, not knowing what the physician was talking about. His eyes widened. It was as he feared… Somehow during these months you had been injured, hurt, but even that didn’t give you the motivation to seek help at home… You didn’t want to be here and you just got back to deliver that message to him. Once you would have recovered enough and did what you had to do, he could imagine you probably would want to be on your way again. A way that led you far from Erebor…
‘It’s marvelous how resilient her body is.’ Oín went on, more or less ignoring the question. He seemed more interested in discussing the intriguing facts of healing of the body rather than tell Thorin what was actually going on. ‘Y/N told me it never fully healed, because she didn’t have the means to clean it thoroughly…’ ‘She should have come to you sooner…’ Dís nodded. ‘Especially in her condition.’ The healer agreed. ‘She took a great risk, and I dare to say that’s very much unlike her!’ ‘Which condition?’ Thorin broke in the conversation, anxious to learn more. They were speaking in riddles and he didn’t like it one bit. ‘Please tell me what is WRONG WITH MY WIFE!’ ‘The wound infected.’ Dís replied, her face unreadable. ‘Her body has been fighting against it for some time. We didn’t know who did it to her or when she was stabbed, just that she got back in time.’ ‘I’m going in.’ Thorin said as he clenched his jaw. ‘She’s asleep, my king.’ Oín objected. ‘I gave her something to ease her mind and let her rest. She needs it badly.’ ‘So you will permit my sister near her, but not your king?’ Thorin challenged, pointing at his sister. His blood was pumping through his veins and his breathing quickened. No one, not even the court’s finest healer or his sister, could stop him now. He wanted to see you. Needed to see you. Didn’t they understand that this could be the last time he was allowed in your presence? Oín eyed Thorin for a moment and then nodded shortly. ‘I’d rather not permit visitors, but something tells me you won’t value my expertise on this subject-’
By the time the poor dwarf finished his sentence, Thorin had stormed out the library and hurried through the empty corridors. You were back, that was all that mattered. He just had to see you, hold you. One last time.
Thorin tiptoed into the bedroom, careful to be as quiet as he could, which isn’t the most easy task when you’re a sturdy dwarf. Curled on your side you laid in the bed, your chest slowly rising and falling as you breathed. Oín had mentioned you were exhausted, but too anxious to sleep anyway, so he had persuaded you to take something to knock you out. You were so beautiful. Thorin swallowed hard. Your features were as stunning as ever, your full lips slightly opened as you slept soundly. Your long eyelashes brushed over the top of your cheekbones. You had your hands curled up under your chin For a moment Thorin stopped in his track and marveled at the beauty of his One. Then he kneeled next to the bed, softly brushing a lock of your H/C hair from your face. 
‘Y/N...’ he whispered softly. ‘I thought you left me… For good.’ You murmured something and Thorin watched your face for a sign. You were still vast asleep and he was relieved he didn’t wake you up yet. He just wanted to ‘I would go to hell and back just to get to be with you again.’ He told you. ‘I hope you’ll somehow find it in you to forgive me, but I would understand if you couldn’t.’ ‘Thorin.’ You mumbled.
His heart missed a beat.
‘Yes.’ He said quietly as he caressed your jawline with his hand. ‘I need a cuddle…’ you murmured, placing your tiny hand over his.
He obliged.
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abstractedthinking · 7 years
Meet my sides
What my sides look like
Ficlets: First day Sleepless Hold onto me (cause I'm a little unsteady) You Can Run Away With Me
I do not own deathnote or any of the content portrayed in the Anime. This is created by a fan in order to expound upon the love I have for it.
Now that we have copyright issues out of the way I do need to say that this has VERY MILD spoilers of episode 12: Love. Nothing beyond that. This is made because immediately after the *sterotypical dumb blonde* appeared and revealed their motives, I immediately started to pick them apart and try to understand them on a psychological basis.
If you are not up to episode 12, DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO HAVE IT MILDLY SPOILED!
With all that out of the way, let us begin. (Ps this also apparently takes place at a time after Sleepless)
Everything has started to finally relax after the attack from Salem on Parker and her sides, Parker went to a new doctor and got a new prescription for an antidepressant known as CeleXA, and after it kicked it Salem's clutches upon her loosened slightly, just enough for self-preservation to win out every time, and since Salem was much weaker, Katya's injuries got less and less severe but she still was just as exhausted each time.
Parker had decided that she wanted to take care of Katya's injuries as, 'it was the least I can do... you've saved my life how many times now?'
After a slightly more aggressive attack from Salem, Katya and Parker sit on the couch in the physical world watching Netflix together. More specifically Deathnote. A show that both of them had been wanting to watch for a long time. Originally they just planned to watch one episode as Parker cleaned and bandaged a scratch on Katya's wrist, but, Parker had pushed up her leather jacket and black flannel sleeves to see that all the old scars that littered her arm had reopened, "Katya! Why didn't you tell me it was this bad?"
The side simply shrugs, avoiding the host's eyes, "Take off your jacket. The flannel too."
"Not gonna happen, Park. It's really not that bad." She shoves down her sleeves and hunkers in, watching the anime intently. When the credits roll the anxious side unfolds herself and stands and readies herself to sink out, "If you let me take care of all of your injuries I'll marathon this with you."
The Anxious side slowly turns to look at her, the wheels in her head turning, ".... if we marathon it, it'll be available in the mindscape for me to watch whenever."
"I know."
"If I can watch it whenever I'll be able to see how popular culture of the time and even theories possibly influenced the anime."
A smirk, "I know."
Parker can feel Katya's own excitement buzzing under her skin, and can practically see the wheels turning as she weighs the pros of staying (Deathnote, psychological evals of the characters, Deathnote, conspiracy theories of the time period, Deathnote!!! Psychoses of the characters! DEATHNOTE) verses the cons (jacket gone. Flannel gone. Skin on display. She's going to touch me. She's going to see all her old scars. What if that causes her to relapse. Will I be able to save her again.) Katya turns her matching green eyes to the host's, taking Parker apart and seeing if her own her own desires could possibly be taken into consideration and fulfilled for once. After thorough examination of her consenting host's mental state, she sighs heavily, "Start up episode 2." She slowly begins to remove her jacket and carefully fold it up, followed by her flannel so she only has a soft black tank top on. The various marks on her arms are on full display, the reopened wounds stand out vibrantly against her pale skin. She lowers herself back to the couch and scrunches into a ball, resting her head on her knees, stiffly holding her arm out.
Parker gives her a grateful smile as she pushes play, making sure it's started before she begins to clean and bind Katya's wounds. Too focused to notice how some of tension leaves the other at her touch.
It takes her a bit to finish cleaning and covering the reopened wounds, but as soon as she says she's finished, the anxious side immediately pulls her flannel back on, "... you know you don't have to do this every time right?"
"What do you mean?"
"Parker. Come on," Katya leans forward and presses pause, stopping somewhere in the midst of episode 4, "I'm a side. I'm not an actual person so I can't die, I need a few of the things that humans need to survive, but at the end of the day... when I get hurts it's not a big deal."
Parker stares at the other open mouthed,"Okay. You're an aspect of my personality, yeah. But that doesn't mean that you or your hurt are any less important," she grabs the others hands, just slightly colder than her own, "You're physical. Right here, right now you're real flesh and blood and bones. Which makes you just as deserving of care. Hell, even when you sink out you're still deserving of care! You protect me so much that literally the least I can do is to is try to help ease your pain afterwards! I can't be there all the times and that sucks, but when I can be I'm going to try to fix you up as best I can and try to take care of you. If movies are included with that, then we're gonna watch movies!"
Katya looks down, a small rare smile crossing her features and reaching her eyes, "I forget how stubborn we all are sometimes...but thanks..." she clears her throat, a bit uncomfortable, "Back to the Anime for crying out loud!"
The credits for episode 12 start to roll, "WHAT?!" Katya pushes stop, and gets to her feet, "Okay no," she starts to walk a line in the floor, turning back and walking the same line, pacing. Her heavy platforms loudly thunking with every step she takes, "Nearly everyone in this show is real messed up. So, we've got L, Light, and this blonde bitch, Misa. L is the most normal, he's a genius, he might be a sociopath- no it's more likely he's on the autism spectrum with how he operates. He's also highly functioning with a strong sense of justice-"
"He must be protected."
A pause in the rhythmic thumps, "Shh." The thumps Resume as she continues, "I really want to pick him apart but... I don't know enough yet!"
"If he gets hurt I'm gonna cry."
The platforms once again pause, "Don't even say that," they resume their stride, "Light is a huge piece of work.. Light could 100% be a sociopath but-"
"-But he exhibited signs of distress when he realized the Deathnote was real and was actually killing people."
"Don't blame him for that," Katya chuckles, "so even though thus far he exhibits a lot of signs of sociopathy... he might not be one. It's more likely-"
"-or lightly!"
"Don't start that. You're not as clever as you think. Anyway, he could have antisocial personality disorder... he exhibits lots of those traits..."
"He is also really narcissistic, I mean 'I will be the god of this world' come on!"
Katya smirks, "Yeah. He's definitely a narcissist. But he's also detached... he didn't give a shit in one of the first episodes if Ryuk was gonna take his soul.... but again, sociopathy... he doesn't give a shit about what happens to people if it helps him create his perfect world."
"Hmm... he's also extremely detached with himself since he was able to stay cool under L examining him.... so he could have some aspects of psychopathy as well.. if the spaceland date was anything to go by he's also emotional abusive with the girls he interacts with, and he only interacts with people if it will benefit him."
"I bet he pulled wings off of butterflies as a kid," Katya states ceasing her pacing and staring at Parker.
"There's no doubt about it," Parker nods.
"... but he also treats Kira as a separate entity, so he could have multiple personality disorder."
"... that's true. But now what about Misa-"
"Don't get me started on blondie. She's stupid! And arrogant! And she gives up half of her lifespan so she can maybe help him out by killing L? Did the shinigami dying for her give her some sort of a god complex?! And she wants to meet Kira so badly?! She does what's called Monster Worship! UGH!" Katya flops back onto the couch, drawing her knees to her chest. Parker looks at her, snickering when she's reminded of L,"How do you know so much about psychology? I thought it was Athena that handled all my knowledge."
"I'm left brain too. I know stuff too, plus it's interesting cause it lets me see people's motives easier."
Parker slowly nods, "I gotcha."
"But this show is driving me crazy! The characters are just... GAH!!"
The two are quiet for a moment before Parker breaks the silence,
"So you wanna watch more?"
"Fuck yeah."
"Light needs lots of drugs. Lots of prescription drugs to fix all that," Parker says, leaning forward to start the next episode.
"No fucking joke."
sorry this took so long to get up! I've had it written but no time to edit it
Please leave feedback and let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list!
@parkersanders / @xaandiir @emo-space-trash @sunshinelollip0ps @gabe-killed-me-with-ace-cream @ssides @ashrain5 @sketchymel @theoneandonlyfangirlofpower
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delos-mio · 7 years
Six Months - Logan/Westworld AU - Part 2
Chris rolled to a stop in front of her brick building I remembered so well. There was the porch step where I first kissed her. She was wearing a kelly green dress and shoes she thought made her tall, but she was still half a head shorter than me. In the dirty stairwell was where I first heard her moan- that sweet sound that fell from her lips still filled my ears most nights. I got out of the car and rang her apartment number 308. She buzzed the front door unlocked and I bounded up the puke green carpeted stairs to her door, still careful not to crease my new suit picked just for the occasion. I knocked softly on her door, anxious to see her again. She finally opened the door, a breathtaking low-cut, navy dress hanging on her body.
“Hey,” I breathed out, handing her a bouquet of fresh peonies. She took them with a small smile, her eyes narrowing a little.
“What do you want?” she asked, putting the flowers in a vase on her kitchen table.
“Not sure what you mean.”
“You brought me my favorite flowers after six months of silence. You have to want something,” she quipped, picking up her clutch and walking out the door to join me.
“I want to have dinner with my favorite girl,” I smiled, motioning for her to walk in front of me down the stairs. Although it’s chivalrous to let a lady walk in front of you, I had to admit a big motivating factor was to watch her backside as she descended.
“Oh, are we going to be joined by another woman for dinner? I hope you got her flowers too,” she bit back as I opened the car door, allowing her to slide in to the other side.
“Still got that sharp tongue on ya, huh?” I laughed airily and slouched into my seat.
She looked out the window most of the way to dinner. The sun was just beginning to set and the colors painted in the sky had transfixed her. She was even more beautiful than I had remembered- just sitting here with her legs crossed was sexier than any pictures I had saved that she sent me. I wanted nothing more than to pull her in my lap and run my hands all over, but she had made it very clear that I had to tread lightly. Finally, we pulled to a stop at the dock, a confused expression crossing her face.
“What are we doing? I thought you said dinner. I agreed to dinner,” she stated, turning to face me.
“We are having dinner. But we’re having dinner on my boat,” I grinned before letting myself out and walking around to open her door. She was still hesitant, but I flashed her my best smile to let her know it wasn’t a trick. We walked down to the end of the pier and boarded the great white yacht, watching the city pass by slowly as we set off down the river. My staff had already set up a small table with several candles just under the overhang of the top deck; it was everything I had asked for. The wind was down as I pulled out her chair, her eyes still narrow in suspicion. I took my seat across from her and leaned back in my chair.
“So, you took me out on the river so I can’t walk out on you or what?” she finally asked after eating a forkful of salad. I laughed and smiled back at her. She’d always given me a hard time. Probably because I had made it my mission to be a perpetual pain in everyone’s ass.
“Of course not. I took you out here because I wanted to have a beautiful dinner with a beautiful woman,” I smirked before taking a drink of my wine.
“Jesus Christ Logan, really? You think you can throw a couple lines at me and…”
“It’s not a line! Both you and the city are truly a sight,” I said happily. She rolled her eyes a little, but a small smile was tugging on the corners of her mouth. “So tell me, how was Barcelona?” Finally, a real grin was on her face. Her eyes did that little crinkle that I liked as I watched her collect her thoughts.
“It was…life changing. I learned a lot, saw a bunch of amazing sites, and ate way too much goat cheese,” she beamed.
For the first time since I’d knocked on her door, I felt like she was being herself with me. She was being that woman who made me duet in karaoke with her, the one who left behind bags of M&Ms when she left the condo. We continued talking about her travels, about my work- anything really. It felt like I was finally at ease and that I could breathe without a 10 pound weight laying on my chest. Dinner was over now and I watched her finish the last few drops of her wine.
“Refill and then take a little walk?” I asked, already tipping the bottle opening into her glass. She giggled and nodded her head. I could tell by the color of her cheeks that she was feeling buzzed, so I walked over and grabbed her hands, helping her out of her seat. We walked out to the edge of the deck and leaned on the metal railing. The wind gently blew her hair back, the light radiating from the city dancing on her face. I took a moment to drink her in from head to toe, maybe lingering a little long on the line connecting her thigh to her perfect ass. “I missed you a lot, Y/N,” I said finally, crossing my arms on top of the railing.
“No, you didn’t Logan,” she said definitively, shaking her head.
“Do you really think a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about you?” I asked into the river, not able to look at her straight on.
“Uh yeah, actually I do,” she huffed. “I think there were 6 months’ worth of days I was nowhere near your mind. Because I feel like if you really were missing me, you’d call. Or text. Or fucking email me- I don’t know.” She exhaled deeply and tapped at the inside corner of her eye with her ring finger. My insides felt like they were rotting; the last thing I ever wanted to see was her cry again because of me. She had asked me to let her go, to let her be and live her life. I saw now that I’d done a really shitty job of letting her know how I felt.
“Sweetheart,” I moved to stand behind her, my hands wrapped around the rail on either side of her, “I…I thought I was giving you what you wanted,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. That is what she wanted, right? When she left she had begged me to let her go, much to my contesting. She turned then to face me, her chin tucked down to her chest.
“Well you weren’t, ok?!” She wiped another stray tear. “You gave me exactly what I needed, but not at all what I wanted.” I stood silent around her as she took deep breaths, clearly trying to calm herself down. I knew she was trying to be cool for me. “When I told you I needed to go and that you should let me, I was only saying that to save myself, Logan. I didn’t want to fall even more in love with someone who could never love me.”
It cut like a knife. Every cell in my body was bleeding. Why had she never told me she loved me? Oh right, we both knew exactly why- because that would have been the kiss of death for us. My greatest talent was tricking good girls into loving me and then tossing them aside. She wanted to leave before I’d inevitably leave her. But…I don’t think I ever would have. No one drove me as absolutely crazy as she did.
“For the record,” I started, wrapping my finger under her chin to lift her face towards mine, “I think you’re pretty loveable.” I tested my luck and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. It took everything in me not to swipe my tongue over her bottom lip and beg for permission to enter. She gently kissed me back, allowing me to move my hand from under her chin to the back of her neck. I parted from her and rested my forehead on hers. “Is it terrible that all I can think about is how fucking good you’d look standing naked out here?” That earned me the smack on my arm I was fully anticipating, but we both laughed anyways.
“What are you trying to pull, Logan?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I told you, I missed you. I want to make up for lost time,” I crooned, running my fingers softly through her hair. “Stay with me tonight.”
“We don’t have to fuck.”
“Charming,” she laughed.
“You know I have a way with words. C’mon…just tonight.”
“No fucking,” she chided before grabbing my hand and walking back inside as the boat pulled back up to the dock.
Seeing her standing in front of the large windows of my place felt right. This was the image I had played over and over again in my head for the last six months. Of course, she was wearing a lot less the way I chose to remember it. She kicked off her heels and let her toes sink into the carpet, a small smile on her face. I could have watched her all night just reacquainting herself with being here.
“I’m sleepy, Logan.” Her admission snapped me out of my thoughts and I focused again on her. I walked over and took her by the hand, leading her up the small set of stairs to my bedroom. She let herself in and crawled over to her side of the bed. If I were being honest, it had become my side since she left. I’d never let another girl sleep on her side- it just felt wrong.
“So, what? You’re just going to sleep in a cocktail dress?” I teased, shrugging out of my blazer.
“Well, I don’t have anything else with me and I sure as hell won’t be sleeping naked. I know you better than that,” she quipped. She wasn’t wrong. That whole ‘no fucking’ thing would have been damn near impossible.
“Lucky for you,” I started, walking into my closet, “I still have a few of your favorite things.” I walked out with one of my old crew neck tees. This olive one had been one of her favorite things of mine to steal. Something about how worn and soft it was had drawn her to it. She smiled and leapt up the moment she saw it, rushing over to take it from my hands.
“Thanks, Lo,” she smiled. She turned her back to me and moved her hair over her shoulder, signaling me to unzip her dress. My fingers fumbled their way down her back, watching as it dropped to the floor around her ankles. Her ass was finally exposed to me, causing my cock to twitch right where I stood. But as soon as I had been reintroduced to a part of her I loved so much, it was being covered by my own goddamn shirt. I sighed and continued to disrobe until I was in just my boxers and tucking myself in next to her.
“Would it be ok if we cuddled a little?” I asked as we laid facing each other in the dark. She didn’t say anything, instead she rolled over so her back was to me and scooted so every inch of our skin was touching. I wrapped my arm around her waist and nuzzled into her soft hair, letting the gentle rise and fall of her breathing lull me to sleep.
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vminity21 · 5 years
First Time, All Mine
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warning: smut
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Jeon Jungkook.
Mesmerizingly handsome- stealing your heart the moment he left a secret admirer note in your locker. One that you at first mistakenly thought was left by your former crush, Kim Taehyung, when in all reality, it was the one person who has remained by your side since the first day he befriended you. Kissing you passionately, Jungkook’s hands on your waist, though you’re walking backward, he directs you into his bedroom, the humidity from the summer drifting through the windows is the first thing you notice. Though right now you could care less. He kicks the door closed behind him, the clean atmosphere fitting with how well groomed he always is, yet the only focus you have right now is the tip of his tongue welcoming yours sending waves of desire tingling on your skin.
It’s then the two of you pull away, the end of the bedframe touching your legs; Jungkook’s breath sweeps along your chin, his dazed, brown eyes stare down at you with impetuous longing, your hands squeezing his shoulders, his large hands still gripping your waist. With wide eyes, you meet his- searching them to realize they mirror the same fear you have yet to reveal.
“I’m- I’m scared,” you whisper. When his expression softens into an understanding, he nods.
“I am, too.”
Between the two of you, this will be the first time. Something sacred both of you have held onto until you felt the time was right. And right here, interlocked in the arms of the one you are irrevocably in love with, you are ready. With a quick gesture, you capture his lips, your arms moving around his neck while he leans into you. The fast pace making you dizzy, especially when he moves his hands to squeeze your ass and thighs- lifting you suddenly, he crashes you onto the bed, not breaking from your kiss, gasps mingling with parting lips that are now buried in the crook of each other’s necks- his hips slowly grinding along yours, the feel of him sending a gush of warmth within your core.
Feeling each other up is as far as the two of you have gone. Completely clothed- the innocence humorous in others’ eyes, but the two of you are learning. And, the two of you are learning together and that’s all that matters. Jungkook has never made you feel uncomfortable, and you know even now he’s not wanting to overstep any boundaries, so to show him you want this. You want him. You break his kiss by trailing your fingers underneath his plaid shirt, his stare timorous whilst you lift it past his head exposing the rock-solid muscles toned along his arms and abdomen. Your mouth waters causing you to gulp- never in your life have you seen such a masterpiece, even from his jawline to his strands of brown hair- you can’t believe how beautiful this man before you is. Tossing his shirt to the ground, he remains above you, kissing you hard while your fingertips soothe his back, his hand moving to cup your breast, tenderly squeezing it releasing a soft moan from your lips.
The feeling rising below isn’t new- hence why it’s been so hard for you to refrain from doing more with him. Just the feel underneath your fingertips of his warm skin is enough to crave the sensation of all of it molding into yours. You find his wrists, leading them to the end of your shirt, him lifting it off you- your nude bra staring back at his enlarging eyes which causes his breath to hitch in the back of his throat.
“Oh,” he’s in awe, “[Y/N], you’re so beautiful,” his words nearly bring you to tears, especially with the insecurities that have plagued you nearly your whole life. He’s so entranced by your inner beauty which is something that he finds is the greatest gift about you; though now, he gets to savor and cherish every inch of you, loving you with all he is- giving you his all the same as you are for him. Your hands rest upon his cheeks, bringing him back to plant a soft kiss on his lips, him lowering to where his skin finally meets yours, the enticing move enveloping you all at once, you can hardly contain yourself, exhaling against his lips just for him to brush his tongue along yours once again. One by one the clothes come off until his bare legs are jumbled with yours, his erection rubbing along your dampened heat, his thumbs caressing your nipples- the ticklish feeling causing your fingers to dig into his back. Jungkook nips at your collarbone, leaving numerous kisses along your chest, moving backward to kiss along your stomach, the wetness lingering while your eyes close in utter paradise. He pecks along your hip bones, his hands never leaving your breasts until he makes it to your inner thighs. Slithering his fingers to cling onto your quivering limbs, he spreads your legs, his breath pants onto your folds, his eyes widening with the urge he’s always wanted to fulfill, and only with you. You’ve never experienced this, and though you’ve heard of such thing echoing in the halls of the school, you are curious to know what it feels like. Your clit rhythms with your hyperventilating, him moving to kiss your inner thighs before returning to your vulva. Your toes curl along the bed sheets, your body tensing in preparation- and that’s when he does it.
Gently licking his tongue along your slit, up and down, the motion emancipating a high-pitched moan from your throat which motivates him to continue. He brings his fingers to spread your folds, your core clenching while he speeds the movements of his tongue- licking and licking until your hips involuntarily begin to shift- your fingers gripping the bed sheets- sweat beading your forehead. For a few minutes, he continues to pleasure you, the tip of his tongue sliding against your clit before returning to hover above you. Though you’re uncertain if what you’re about to do will be done correctly, you move your hand to hold his erection, gliding up and down gradually, him hissing with how good it feels to have your hand wrapped around him. That gives you the inclination that everything is being done smoothly; Jungkook rests his lips to where your heart pounds, then moves to suck your nipple while your hand does its work, his hands squeezing at the mattress in response to the growing feeling of an orgasm.
He stops you, not wanting to come too soon, instead interlaces his fingers with yours and rests your intertwined hands against the pillows above your head. Your core still tightening from how aroused you are, both of you hold each other’s gaze, you nod that you’re ready. Ready for what you two have been longing for. He swallows nervously, jumping off the bed- his anxious hands search his pants pocket for a condom, returning to indent his bed, his knees resting on either side of your legs before opening the wrapper to retrieve the rubbery material- your eyes never leaving the sight of him pinching the tip and sliding it along his being.
Lips parted, Jungkook’s eyes meet yours, him leaning forward to stay above you- your legs raising to spread in preparation- while his one hand rests beside your head, he takes the other to hold his erection to your heat, your shoulders tense from the butterflies swarming your stomach.
“Are you sure?” His whisper is nearly inaudible, but nothing in this world could change your mind.
“Yes,” you nod, breathless, “I love you, Jungkook.”
His brown eyes are loving igniting a small grin to cover his thin lips, “I love you more.”
Your hands move to rest on his shoulders- slowly he begins to push within your walls- the pain nearly brings you to tears- but, you clench your teeth, forcing yourself to relax just enough for him to penetrate further, his heart thrumming beneath his chest, especially with the pain he doesn’t want to inflict on you.
“[Y/N], I’m so sorry, are you sure about this, I don’t want to hur-” he pauses immediately when he hears a muffled cry escape you.
“It’s okay, keep going,” your eyes are slammed shut, and you ease your body from the tension knowing he’s halfway there. Steadily, he moves further until all of him is within you, the worst part finally being over, you calm yourself enough to stare into his eyes, your breaths increased, yet relief floods your countenance because now the pain is subsiding just enough for him to proceed. He thrusts slowly, his lips passionately syncing with yours as your fingers tangle with the soft tufts of his hair- with one hand, he rests his fingertips above your clit, rubbing affectionately whilst sexing you- the building of the fire below causing your muscles to tense. How something so powerful can bring such a wondrous escape you will never be able to equate,
“Mmm,” you hum against his mouth- the sensation of the orgasm finally reaching its peak- him jolting backward, to finish pumping his spillage into the condom- tossing it off while he watches you unravel from the ecstasy released from your core. “Holy shit,” you can barely find words- perspiration covers each of your bodies, the heat nearly smothering yet still wanting his skin upon yours lingers. He embraces you once the sensitivity dims- you nestle your face into the side of his neck.
“We did it,” you whisper, finding it adorable how accomplished it feels, and Jungkook presses you tighter to him, his fingers running along the side of your arm- him moving to brush a gentle peck to the side of your forehead.
“We did it,” he repeats, a large smile spreading across his face- a smile you have fallen in love with time and time again. You shift just enough to where your arms hug behind his neck- bare chests pressed together- your leg lacing around his waist, his hand rests on your hip. You kiss him one more time, letting every piece of him whisk you away- and nothing can ruin a moment as genuine as this.
With the flying feeling fluttering within your chest, you’re certain of one thing-
he is all yours, and you are all his.
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