#at least we don’t go to UT I would rip out my hair
probably bc it was less bothersome in ShB but the whole botanist/fisher studium quests are weird
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S.N.A.F.U- A Daniel Ricciardo FanFic CH33 ‘Viral’
Within twenty four hours the Deux Moi article about Daniel had gone viral within the Formula One community.  Having completely forgotten to ring his parents and let them know what had transpired he swore loudly the following evening when his mobile phone rang and the Caller I.D flashed up as ‘Female Parental”
“Shit I forgot to ring Mum and Dad!” he exclaimed.
“You better answer it, you know how much your Mum worries,” Eadaoin said as she effortlessly prepared a charcuterie board for the guests they were expecting later that night.
“Point taken,” Daniel replied as he swiped the screen of his phone “hey Mum.”
“Hi sweetheart,” Grace said in a soft voice “how are you?”
“Pretty shit if I’m being honest,” Daniel replied with a sigh “you saw the article didn’t you?”
“Yeah I did,” Grace replied “I know you don’t spend your life on social media but it’s gone viral and some of the responses from the public haven’t been....well very complimentary.”
“Yeah I know,” Daniel responded “I was getting a bit worked up about it but Eadie made me log off and turn my phone off for twenty four hours.  If work or my friends and family need to get in contact with me they can ring Eadie’s phone.  I don’t need the head fuck of the constant notifications.”
“You’ve got a very wise girl there sweetheart don’t be afraid to lean on her if you’re struggling,” Grace informed her son “I know what you’re like when you’re in a low spot, you tend to keep to yourself and push those close to you away.  Eadaoin loves you and she would want you to come to her if you’re feeling crummy.”
Daniel sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his perpetually messy hair.
“I know,” he said “she said as such last night when we were in bed, I’ve already been keeping to myself since that article went online.  Wherever I’ve gone today she’s been close by, she’s been working from home today and we’ve pretty much just been hanging out in her study or the lounge room.”
“Well that’s a good thing,” Grace told her son “its best to keep those you love close in troubling times.”
“”Has Dad read the article?” Daniel asked.
Grace sighed.
“He has,” she replied delicately “and he’s ropeable, I’ve never seen your father so full of rage before.  He wanted to get in the ute, drive to Duncraig and rip John and Margaret a new one.”
“Duncraig’s over three hours away from the farm!” Daniel exclaimed “he was that mad?”
“Uh huh,” Grace replied “but I managed to reason with him that it was Jemma that made the accusations not her parents then I made him go outside and chop some wood for next winter. In the interim Margaret rang me and told me everything you two talked about last night that was an interesting conversation to say the least.”
“Yeah I bet it was,” Daniel said with a humourless laugh “you know Jem’s been stalking Eadie and I don’t you Mum?  The videos at the end of that article were from date nights at Whelan’s special nights for us that’s one of the most galling things about this whole thing. She intruded on Eadie and me on the intimacy of having a good night out together.  I hate that we both feel so violated.  Edie serenading me was a private moment that was very special to me and something only those there on the night knew of and now the whole fucking world knows because my jealous and petty ex can’t get over the colossal fuck up she made!”
“Not that I condone what she did but jealously is a funny emotion darling it can make people do stupid things,” Grace reasoned “I suspect that’s why Jem did what she did.”
“Hmm well I suppose so,” Daniel groused “this whole thing is just s fucking stupid though!  I literally haven’t been in contact with Jem since I dumped her in Abu Dhabi why now?”
“Well she’s probably only just discovered you’ve moved on with someone else because you and Eadaoin are pretty private and decided to wait til one of the biggest GP’s on the calendar to maximize any damage,” Grace suggested “that’s the only reason I can think she’s waited til Silverstone week to do this.  I mean the Wimbledon final was last week and I suspect a lot of the world’s sporting journalists are still in town. I don’t think this whole thing would work as well if she waited til Monza or Austin for example.”
“That’s cold,” Daniel said “so god damn cold.  I honestly never thought Jem was like that, I didn’t ever think she was even in the ball park of being like that.”
“Yeah well neither did I honey but as I said jealousy is a funny emotion, it can be all consuming and when you’re consumed by something on such an obsessive level it can change you.”
“You sound like you’ve been binge watching Dr Phil,” Daniel said with a snort of laughter.
“Oh very funny,” Grace replied dryly “so what’s happening legally with this situation?  What has Eadie said?”
“Well I went to her as soon as I read the article but because she’s mentioned in the article she could be a possible plaintiff so ethically there’s a conflict of interest there so she passed me onto her friend and colleague Darren who’s specialty is civil litigation and he’s going to liaise with the McLaren legal department and together we’re all going to tackle this issue. In fact Darren is going to come over tonight and so is Zak, Charlotte and a couple of people from the McLaren legal department and we’re going to start the process of filing suits against Jem herself and Deux Moi for publishing the article.  Charlotte’s hopefully going to come up with an official statement on behalf of McLaren to dispute the claims of the article.  She’s a star at what she does so hopefully that’ll dampen any spot fires.”
“So what is this Darren’s early opinion about likelihood of success in winning your case?” Grace asked.
“He said it’s too early to say yet,” Daniel replied with a sigh “he said he wants to liaise with the McLaren legal people and do some investigation before he can give me that sort of info.  I’ve told him to go to town and do whatever he needs to do to make a good case. I don’t care how much it costs.”
“You know that could be tens of thousands don’t you?”
“Yeah I know but I can’t leave this be Mum, my reputation on a personal and professional level could be severely damaged.  If any of my sponsors take any of that Deux Moi shit seriously I could literally lose a stream of income and if any of McLaren’s sponsors take that shit seriously the team could financially suffer.”
“Yeah I know honey and that’s one of the many reasons your father and I fully support whatever action you take,” Grace informed her son “I have to admit if I was in your position I wouldn’t leave it by either.  You can’t get away with making the sort of baseless accusations Jem has without some sort of consequences.”
“Thanks Mum you’re a star,” Daniel said gratefully as the doorbell rang loudly “I better go, sounds like the first of our guests are here.  I’ll keep you and Dad up to date with what goes on okay?”
“Alright kiddo and if I don’t talk to you before the race on Sunday good luck and drive safe alright?”
“You got it Mum chat soon.”
“I better go get that,” Eadaoin said as Daniel pocketed his phone “how you feeling?”
“Like shit.” Daniel admitted “would now be a good time to get into the vodka?”
Eadaoin patted his backside and kissed him on the lips
“You’ll be fine,” she said softly “I’m here for you.”
Eadaoin squeezed his hand then made her way down to the front door and looked through the peephole.  She spied Zak and Charlotte McLaren’s media and communications PR guru and two unfamiliar men dressed in identical grey suits and ties.  She slid the security chain across and unlocked the deadbolt and opened the heavy wooden door.
“Zak Charlotte!” she said exclaimed greeting he familiar pair with a smile “come in come in,”
“Hello darling how you doing?” Zak asked sympathetically stepping into the hallway and kissing the redhead on each cheek.
“Eh been better to be honest,” Eadaoin replied “but better than Dan, he’s taken all this shit quite hard, hey Charlotte.
“Hey sweetie,” the older woman replied “wish we were catching up under better circumstances.”
“Same same.”
“Eadaoin this is Ralph Hamilton and Wills Russell,” Zak said introducing the two men “they’re from the McLaren legal department.”
“Hi, welcome to my home,” Eadaoin said addressing the two men with a firm handshake “I hope it’s a fruitful visit.”
“We’ll at least try and make it so,” Ralph replied.
Darren arrived a few minutes later and the meeting began.
“Okay lots of work to be done,” he said “Danny after our initial meeting yesterday I sent an email to Deux Moi asking them to withdraw the article from all of their platforms and predictably....”
“They told you to go fuck yourself?” Daniel said dryly.
“In a roundabout way yes,” Darren replied “essentially they said they stand by their “journalist” and are confident the source of information is good and reliable.  After that I responded with a notice of intention to proceed with litigation and they basically said “come at me bruh” so unfortunately I think this might be going to court which I know you weren’t keen on.”
“Well no I don’t but at minimum I want a public apology from Jem and a statement from Deux Moi that the article is a load of bullshit and they erred in publishing it,” Daniel said tiredly “I know they’re a gossip website but they just can’t get away with publishing that sort of shit. I could legit lose income from that shit.  I mean the people who really know me know that article is a crock of shit but the people who don’t know me will and believe it.  I was talking to Mum earlier and she said a lot of people online are believing Deux Moi.”
“I know, that’s what we’ve discovered in our early research for you,” Ralph said “but we’ve had some success having it removed from Facebook and Reddit but unfortunately social media has the capacity to be an endless vortex of doom so it keeps on popping up.”
Daniel let out a groan
“Danny don’t worry its early days we’ll all help you solve this problem,” Zak said in a serious tone “Anyone that knows you knows you’re not a violent drunk.  There are plenty of people who know you personally and professionally who can vouch for your good character.  We’ve got your back buddy.”
Daniel managed to give his boss a small smile.
Three hours later Zak, Charlotte, Wills, Ralph ad Darren left. Daniel poured himself a wine and went to sit on Eadaoin’s back porch.  Eadaoin let him stew for a bit then followed him and found him sitting at her outdoor setting his shoulders hunched over and his hands covering his handsome face.
“Hey,” she said leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of his head “how are you feeling?”
“Absolutely fucking shit,” he replied shortly “I just want this whole shit show over and done with.”
“Well unfortunately I don’t think it’s going away any time soon,” Eadaoin informed him delicately as she sat down next to him and placed a hand on his thigh.
Daniel stiffened and drew away from her.  She withdrew her hand hurt.
“Talk to me,” she said in a soft voice scooting her chair closer to him “I can’t help if I don’t know what you’re feeling.”
“I don’t want any fucking help!” Daniel snarled “leave me be, I just want to be alone.”
“What’s up your arse?” Eadaoin asked incredulously getting to her feet “babe I’ve done nothing to deserve your mood, I’m your girlfriend and I love you and I want to support you through this shit show we’re in it together you know.”
“Oh we are NOT!” Daniel bellowed “you aren’t the one that’s been shit on by their psycho ex, you’re not the one being accused of being a violent drunk you’re NOT the one who’s life is going down the literal TOILET!”
“No I’m not but I am named in that fucking article in a defamatory manner too!” Eadaoin exclaimed “the inference of physical violence is there!  I know I’m not being directly accused of shit like you are but I’m just as much likely to have my career affected as you are!  It’s not all about you Danny we’re supposed to be a team we’re supposed to be in this together!  Why do you think I asked you to stay here until you have to leave for Hungary?  Because I love you!  I want to be near you, I want to hug you at night and try and comfort you if you’re feeling down which you clearly are.  We need to stick close or Jem is going to succeed in what she clearly wants and that’s to break us up!”
“Well maybe I don’t want company!” Daniel groused “I knew not keeping my private life private would come back to bite me on the arse I knew it!  This shit didn’t happen when I was single!  I wish I still was, then I wouldn’t have this head fuck to deal with!”
Eadaoin felt like she had been punched in the gut.  She took a step back from him and her green eyes filled with tears. For his part Daniel knew immediately he had fucked up.  He got up and took a step toward her.
“No,” she said “don’t touch me! How could you say that?  How COULD you?”
“Babe I’m sorry I didn-.” Daniel began.
“Yeah you did,” Eadaoin replied in a thick voice, tears spilling down her cheeks “you did mean to say that, people don’t just say shit like that especially to their GIRLFRIEND!  Fucking hell Danny you’re the love of my life, the man I see being my future and you say shit like that to me?  Go fuck yourself!”
Daniel tried to apologise again but Eadaoin pushed him away.
“No!” she said “I don’t want to see you right now, get out.”
“Get out, pack your bags and go back to your place in Chelsea, I don’t want you here,” Eadaoin repeated “I don’t want to see you or speak to you right now.”
Daniel opened his mouth to protest but could see it was futile saying anything.  He closed his mouth then walked by her briefly touching her arm before disappearing into the house.  He swiftly packed all his belongings then ordered an uber wondering when, if ever he’d talk to Eadaoin again.
A/N:  My my Danny’s been a bit of a knob hasn’t he?
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dinfeanoriel · 5 years
Fourty-Two V
Another little fic I whipped up. Enjoy some Sky and Twi.These boys are not often given the spotlight together.  
It was Wind’s excruciatingly agonized cry that startled and alarmed the Heroes in the midst of a battle against revitalized Lizalfos and Bokoblins- courtesy of the loathsome Blood Moon. 
Lizalfos, Bokoblins, and Moblins alike came into existence. The Heroes had watched them unearth themselves or form from Malice. Wild had once given them a detailed description of the Blood Moon and all that was wrought from it, but to see it with their very eyes...to experience it first-hand...
It was unbelievable. 
Sky’s heart leaped into his throat, a sharp pang of terror lancing through him and choking him, 
“Wind!” He cried, unrestrained worry and a tremor of fear in his voice. 
“Wind, don’t-!” 
Sky watched Warrior viciously tear himself away from the Moblin he’d been facing, breaking into a run for the Sailor as the reckless Wind made a desperate lunge for a nearby cliff. 
They were hundreds of meters above the vast and open Lake Hylia, precariously battling along the gargantuan cliffs lining the glimmering waters below. Red and black calamity flakes fizzled in and out of existence. The world was bathed in crimson, the ripples and disturbances along the Lake’s waters reflecting the ominous light shining down from the Blood Moon as it rose higher in the sky. 
Clouds sped across the entirety of the heavens, casting menacing, ever-changing shadows along the ground. 
Sheer determination fed the adrenaline coursing through Warrior’s veins, pushing the Knight faster and granting him unnatural speed and dexterity needed to reach the Sailor just as Wind sprung forwards, arm extended, hand stretched, and fingers reaching. There was a look of anguish and despair contorting Wind’s youthful features. His eyes shone with genuinely raw emotion and intensity that it pierced Sky’s tender heart. 
He recognized that look. He’d seen it before. 
In a reflection once...
Wind had lost something. 
Something dear and precious to him. 
Something invaluable that he was willing to cast aside his thoughts, shed any sense of safety and preservation, risk his own life for this treasure he cherished and held close to his heart. 
For a split second, Sky sincerely believed Warrior would not reach the boy in time. His eyes widened, horror dawning on him, slowly stealing across his previously fierce and focused expression. 
He moved, although he knew he would never make it in time. His lips parted, his mouth moving on its accord, his mind and heart screaming, 
“Warrior, catch him!” 
Before he falls- 
Already, Wind was hovering in the air, past the cliff edge, grasping vainly at air and eyes shining. The Sailor didn’t appear to realize what was happening or what he’d done. All sense and reason had fled from him. 
Then gravity took its toll. 
Wind’s body was tugged downwards. 
He began to tumble to the depths of the Lake awaiting him far below. 
Sky’s world began to crumble. The unadulterated panic, unmitigated fear, and pooling dread swallowed him whole. 
Then, the impossible happened.  
Warrior leaped. 
He sailed across the distance separating him from the cliff and snatched at the falling youth. His fingers brushed along the fabric of his tunic and snatched at it with an unrelenting grip. Without determining whether or not his grasp was secure enough, Warrior yanked back mightily. 
Sky watched with unfathomable relief as Wind was violently jerked back into the safety of the Captain’s arms. Warrior wrapped them tightly around him, clutching the Sailor close to his chest. 
The Captain’s expression was unguarded- open for all to see. His eyes were dark and stormy, raging with a multitude of conflicting emotions, his chest heaving and monumental relief collapsing his shoulders. 
Wind fought desperately against his hold, legs kicking and hands struggling to free himself from the secure hold the older teen had on him. 
“My telescope!” Sky could hear Wind shakily whispering the closer he came to them. The Links finished off the rest of the wayward monsters around them. 
“Wind, stop struggling,” Warrior tried to soothe the distressed Sailor, speaking in low, calm, tones. Wind continued to unsuccessfully try and rip himself from him, but Warrior was stronger. 
“My telescope!” His voice shook, bordering on a sob. Sky’s heart shriveled up and died at the heartbreak he conveyed. “I-it fe-ell!” He collapsed against Warrior, allowing the Knight to draw him away from the cliff edge to safer grounds. There, Warrior tightened his hold and slowly rocked back and forth to comfort the distraught boy, “The m-monster kn-knocked it ou-ut and ki-kicked it!” 
Time came near, kneeling beside Warrior and placing a hand on Wind’s head, fingers threading through his disheveled hair. 
The other Links gathered round, offering their condolences with their presence alone. They knew how much the telescope meant to Wind. His little sister had given it to him for his birthday and Wind treasured it dearly. He took such good care of the gift. 
Wind curled up pitifully against Warrior, arms wrapped tightly around himself as he grieved over the loss of his telescope. 
Sky could take no more. If there was one thing he detested more in the world, it was watching others suffer and him being helpless to do anything! He turned to appraise the cliff thoughtfully, lips pursed in thought. 
If Wind’s telescope had clattered off into the Lake...
Sky’s head perked up. 
Then perhaps it was still retrievable! 
The Skyloftian was pulled from his thoughts by Twilight’s inquisitive voice and the Hero of the Skies turned to find the Ordonian curiously watching him.
“What do you think, Twi?” 
The words were out of his mouth before he’d even thought them, but he needed someone to reaffirm the possibility. 
Twilight quirked an eyebrow, “About what?” 
Sky could have smacked himself. Of course Twilight wouldn’t know what he was referring to! Unless he possessed the ability to read minds, but none of them did. 
At least...not that they knew of. 
“Come with me,” And with that, Sky promptly led Twilight to the cliff-side overlooking the grandeur that was Lake Hylia. Sky was not intimidated by the size, however. Having sailed the open ocean once before and seen for himself how voluminous it could be, Lake Hylia was nothing more than a small puddle in comparison, “Wind’s telescope. Do you think we could retrieve it?” 
Understanding dawned on Twilight and the Ordonian huffed out a small chuckle. 
There were none among them who were unaware of Sky’s compassionate and unselfish heart. 
Peering down the daunting stone face, Twilight estimated they were at most two hundred or so feet above the undulating waters. If Wind’s telescope had fallen into it...
“We might be able to,” Twilight answered after a long, contemplative, moment. He nodded curtly to himself, “It most likely sustained some damage from the impact of its fall, but I don’t think it’s completely broken.” 
Well, it was better than nothing. 
Sky would take it. 
“Alright,” Unhooking his pack and equipping his Water Dragon’s scale, Sky dropped his other belongings save for his bag of potions and fairies, then untied his sail cloth. 
A strong hand caught his arm, drawing Sky’s attention back to a stern Twilight, 
“You aren’t thinking about diving in there at this height, are you?” 
Sky gave Twilight a faintly amused, if pointed, look, “I’ve jumped from higher.” 
Twilight had to give him that. Sky had to have come from Skyloft to the Surface someway, somehow. 
“As have I,” Twilight inclined his head wryly, a grimace contorting his neutral features, “And it’s not an experience I’d like to repeat...” 
Sky could hear the ‘but’ in his tone and see it in his expression when the Ranch Hand turned back to look at Wind. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as the Sailor dragged a sleeve across his watering eyes. His breath hitched sharply, stuttering often as Warrior and the other Heroes attempted to console him. His small shoulders shook from the force of his sobs and Sky witnessed Twilight’s steely resolve wavering until it cracked and dissipated completely. 
With a sigh, Twilight looked back at Sky and the Hero knew he was more than willing to find Wind’s telescope and return it to him. 
“Let’s go.” 
Before the others could notice, Twilight had donned his Zora armor and Sky had discarded his sash and any extra weight that could prove to be a hassle later. 
It was Wild who happened to turn and see the two Heroes prepping for the jump. He frowned, starting towards them with a question, 
“What are you guys doing?” 
Time snapped his head up, the others following in suit. Wind stiffened, hope brewing in his expressive eyes when he took in the sight of Twilight with his extravagant Zora armor and Sky with his glittering scale. 
Twilight placed a hand on Sky’s shoulder, subtly shoving him forward in a pointed manner. Sky was quick to understand the not-so-discreet prompting, 
Hurry up and jump!
Time started to rise, about to call for them to stop whatever they were doing when Sky and Twilight simultaneously sprinted for the edge, the former cheerfully waving and calling-
“We’ll be back!” 
-before they leaped. 
They performed a graceful dive, straightening their bodies and bringing their arms past their heads and crossing their hands. 
Time reached the cliff edge the instant they disappeared into the depths of the Lake. His stern, brooding expression became thrice as intensive, developing into one of disapproval to fond exasperation at their kindness. 
Warrior did not look at all surprised, instead nodding and clasping his hands together with a crestfallen yet hopeful Wind beside him, 
“I take it we’re staying here for the night?” 
Sky’s world exploded into red as he and Twilight dove serenely into the Lake. The light from the Blood Moon bled further into the water’s depths and Sky found himself greatly unnerved by the unnatural and foreboding affect of it all. 
It was far deeper than he’d first expected. Then again, everything in Wild’s Hyrule was far bigger and wider than any of the other worlds they had traveled through. 
Sky twisted agilely in the water to find Twilight beside him, half the Ordonian’s face covered, leaving only his eyes visible. Sky dismissed the concern visible in those cobalt blues with a wave of his hand and reassuring smile, letting Twilight know that he would be fine. 
Twilight wasn’t convinced, but he took Sky’s word for it. He gestured to the abysmal darkness below them, suggesting they set to work. 
Finding Wind’s telescope would certainly be a challenge given the limited amount of light and expansive space they had to cover. They could only hope it hadn’t fallen too far. 
As of this moment, Sky and Twilight were merely floating in place and when Sky gave a nod, they plunged further down. They swam closer to the cliff face, hoping Wind’s telescope might have landed somewhere near there, but the currents told the Heroes it was possible the gift had been carried further in and deposited elsewhere. 
Sky risked diving deeper, intent on finding the telescope. He would not be leaving until he did. He knew Twilight shared the same sentiment. 
Twilight drifted past him, kicking lightly and propelling himself forward. The Ordonian made sure not to swim far and would often glance back at Sky to make sure he wasn’t drowning or running out of air. 
The discreet glimpses were not lost on the Hero and the Skyloftian inwardly shook his head at Twilight. His fellow companion’s presence did, however, give Sky a heightened sense of safety and security. He knew if he were in some kind of danger, be it monsters or lack of air, Twilight wouldn’t hesitate to get him to safety or drag him up to the surface to breathe. 
Twilight was undoubtedly the most protective of the Links. He was ever watchful of them- especially the younger and smaller of the bunch. He had a keen sense of knowing if one of them wasn’t feeling too well or wasn’t at their best. He was the kind to worry about others but hid it behind a skillfully constructed mask Sky wished he would drop. 
It was a protective measure- a barrier of sorts Twilight hid behind. The compassionate Hero often wondered what had pushed his companion to craft one and throw it up. Something had to have influenced him...It was rare for the mask to fall away and reveal the real Twilight beneath, but Sky cherished those moments where he could recognize the loosening tension and relaxation and ease. 
Before the Hero could delve too deep into his thoughts and observations, he noticed Twilight nimbly twisting in the water a short distance ahead of him and pointing downwards. His movements were slow and gradual, the water greatly decreasing their mobility, but Sky understood from the look in Twi’s eyes that he’d spotted something. 
Following his line of sight, Sky squinted in a pointless attempt of piercing through the veil of darkness below to see what Twilight had sighted.
He raked his gaze across the shadowed ridges of the cliff-side once...twice...
And that he saw it. 
A tell-tale sparkle. 
Sky’s eyes brightened and a triumphant smile lit his face. They had found Wind’s telescope!
Unfortunately, Sky was running out of air and the Skyloftian knew he wouldn’t last long enough to swim down, snatch Wind’s telescope, and surface in time. 
Blue clashed with blue as Sky gestured to himself with a wave of his hand, communicating,  
Losing air
Twilight turned sharply towards him with concern. Sky shook his head with a calming grin and pointed upwards then down to the telescope meaningfully, 
Need to surface- grab telescope
Twilight hesitated for an indecisive moment, torn between helping Sky and fetching Wind’s instrument. His sharp eyes appraised Sky intently, ensuring that he would be alright before giving in with a reluctant nod. 
Already, Sky could feel his lungs beginning to plead for air as his supply slowly but surely depleted. He lingered long enough to watch Twilight dive down with ease then propelled himself upwards. The breath he’d been holding would last only a few more seconds before the need to breathe would become too pressing for him to ignore. 
Summoning the skill the Dragon’s Water Scale provided, Sky spun rapidly and projected himself up out of the water. He inhaled quickly, deeply, taking in as much air as possible while still in rotation, before gracefully plunging back down into the lake to check on Twilight’s progress. 
Thank the Goddess for this scale! 
Sky paused only a few feet below the lake’s surface, floating whilst he waited for Twilight to emerge from the abysmal depths and join him so they could return to the others. 
The Ordonian never showed. 
Sky’s brow creased with worry. 
Twilight should have already gotten Wind’s telescope. It wouldn’t have taken him long. 
Then why wasn’t he here? 
A sudden, intense, flickering light caught the Hero’s attention and Sky snapped his head in the direction it had come. 
The crackling light came again. 
Bluish-white streaks that were short-lived and fluctuated rapidly. 
Sky’s heart thumped in his chest, the Hero recognizing the static bursts of light for what they were. 
Without thought or hesitation, Sky shot down towards the sparking lights, worry pushing him to go faster and glide further into the darkness. His eyes adjusted minutely, the light given off by the electricity allowing him to see the shadowy form of Twilight fending off what appeared to be this Hyrule’s version of Bari. 
Sky narrowed his eyes, a scowl fixating itself on his face as he quickly thought of a way to aid his friend. He kept swimming, driving himself to go faster and faster in order to reach Twilight as he was surrounded by three enormous Bari. 
Twilight remained outwardly calm and unaffected, drifting closer to the cliff face as the Bari closed in on him. Their tentacles sparked with another wave of electricity Sky knew would prove fatal if they were to touch the trapped Ordonian. He surveyed the Bari analytically, undoubtedly thinking up a way to kill them. 
Sky noted the electricity that enveloped their grotesque and gargantuan bodies lasted only a couple seconds with breaks in between. If he could get through their defenses, strike when the electricity was down and they were at their most vulnerable, he could help Twilight to escape. 
He called upon the scale, performing a spin attack just before one Bari could strike. He shot in between the enemies and Twilight, sending the Bari scattering in surprise. 
Blue-white light flashed brilliantly, blinding Sky momentarily. The Hero narrowed his eyes, baring his teeth and kicked fiercely. He forced another spin attack, his stamina depleting severely in doing so. The Bari propelled themselves back, warily and it was then Sky realized they had gargantuan eyes. 
He recoiled inwardly, disconcerted by this unsettling revelation. They were large and wide, boring into him. 
Twilight drifted alongside him, watching Sky worriedly when he saw the strain he was undergoing. Sky tread in place, valiantly striving not to think of his air expeditiously running out. Distress was making itself known as his lungs began to cry once again but he refused to leave without Twilight.
A tap on his shoulder made Sky glance to the right to the Ordonian beside him. When he looked, he saw Twilight cradling a live bombs in his hands. 
Sky stared, shocked to find the bomb was flashing despite being underwater. Then Twilight drew his arm back and threw the bomb with all his might. It propelled forward quickly enough, the water slowing its momentum drastically. It drifted close to the calculating Bari before detonating. The octopus-like creatures were thrown back by the blast and Sky felt something fasten on his arm and lug him upwards, away from their stunned enemies. 
Sky made a distressed sound, the pressing need to breathe becoming more than overbearing. He’d performed one two many spin attacks. 
Twilight effortlessly glided in the direction of the surface, hauling Sky with him. 
The seconds were ticking by, echoing ominously in their ears as Sky’s precious air gradually lessened. 
His lungs burned, his chest screaming. 
And then Sky saw it. 
A large, menacing, shape detaching itself from the rock face. All strain and distress was forgotten when Sky identified the Bari he and Twilight had obliviously swum past when they first dove into the lake. Twilight snapped his head towards it in stunned disbelief and Sky knew this hesitation would cost his friend dearly. 
The Bari lashed out- 
Sky’s mind went blank. He hardly realized he had yanked Twilight down with all his strength and moved to shield him. 
Excruciating, white-hot, agony exploded within Sky. Coursing through his veins and burning his very skin, the Skyloftian’s body was crippled by the harrowing pain that seeped deep into his bones. 
He didn’t know he was screaming until water rushed into his mouth, clogging his throat and choking him. All other sounds were drowned out by the roaring in his ears and the fire blazing across his skin. 
Hands were grabbing at him, taking fistfuls of his scorching tunic but Sky didn’t acknowledge them, too distracted by the intense burning sensations taking him captive. The lightning-level shocks surged throughout his body, his mind screeching for him to get away from the source of the electricity. He couldn’t move, however, frozen in agony. 
That was when he discovered he couldn’t breathe. 
His air supply was cut off. 
Panic intermingled with the immobilizing pain and Sky’s body contorted and convulsed violently. 
Black dots decorated his vision and Sky could have sworn he faintly felt something clutching him tightly and desperately hoisting his weight upwards. 
Consciousness started to slip from him and his eyes stung from unshed tears as Sky plead with the Goddess to steal him right then and there- to grant him mercy and spare him from this torment and state of wretchedness- 
-then he was drifting in darkness, floating listlessly, body limp and unburdened by any troubles. 
Serenity encompassed him, blanketing him and granting him warmth. A state of peace and comfort came over him and Sky dropped his head back in relief. He couldn’t recall anything that led up to this moment- only that he was grateful to finally be free of the agony and pain he’d once been captive too. 
Then an onslaught of sorrow and grief, regret and remorse, guilt and a heavy conscious struck him. His heart ached fiercely and loneliness chased away the tranquility that had been settling within his soul. 
A sizable chunk of his heart was chipped away, lost to the void it created and Sky found himself stuck in a state of misery and despair. 
Something was missing. 
Something had been taken from him. 
Fear struck his very core, growing and spreading until his stomach twisted and churned and his heart pounded frantically in his chest. 
This darkness was impenetrable. It no longer brought him comfort or freedom from pain. It scared him witless! It was endless- vast and bitter cold. 
He was beginning to slip into desolation and Sky was afraid he was moving past the point of no return. 
His light was fading and Sky wracked his mind for something- anything- he could do to save himself. Nothing came to mind. 
“Fi!” Sky cried, his voice shuddering and bordering on a crack. He curled into himself, arms wrapped tightly, protectively, around him. His fingers dug into his arms and he realized he could hardly feel them. 
His heart lurched painfully within, pulsing madly in his ears. 
His heart...
The beat was weak and arrhythmic, growing fainter and fainter with each passing second. 
Was he dying? Was this what it was like to die? 
Fingers digging into his scalp, clutching at his hair, Sky screwed his eyes shut and prayed like never before! Droplets of silver rain slipped down his cheeks and the Hero’s voice caught on a sob. 
He didn’t want to die! 
He couldn’t die! He still had so much to do, so many things yet to see, and a life to live! 
This couldn’t be how his tale ended! 
Sky’s breath caught and he froze momentarily, wavering between disbelief and hope. Had he heard a voice? Was there someone there? 
There it came again. So distant yet so strong. Sky jerked his head up when a brilliant green light shone from above, shining down on him and enveloping him with warmth and safety. 
“Don’t do this to me, Sky!” 
Sky’s chest tightened at the despairing grief and misery he could hear in that once quiet and reserved voice.
“Wake up!” 
But how? Sky so desperately wanted to know. 
“Come on! Breathe!” 
Breathe? But wasn’t he already breathing? 
A sudden weight pressed down on his chest and Sky wheezed. He snapped a hand up, fingers digging into the fabric of his tunic in confusion. 
“D-don’t die on me, Sky!” 
The voice Sky knew to be strong and unwavering shook and trembled, tone thick with emotion. 
“Twi...” Sky whispered, heart aching. The memories slammed into his mind at the same moment a crushing pressure forced his waterlogged throat to clear and he was violently ripped away from the darkness and thrown into the light. 
Sky’s eyes snapped open, body jerking as water spilled from his mouth and he coughed and hacked and retched. His hands scrabbled for purchase and strong arms lifted him just enough to turn him over, a welcome weight pounding his back to help him rid his lungs of the water congesting them. 
Sky weakly slumped against the ground once he was finished and his eyes slid shut in exhaustion. He was incredibly sore and so very tired. Completely drained of energy. He felt like a leaden weight, unable to move no matter how hard he tried. 
“Hey,” A sturdy, still shaken, voice broke through his lethargic mind and a hand purposefully tapped against his cheek, “Drink this,” 
“Twi...” Sky whispered weakly, cracking his eyes open to find a disheveled, drenched, and rattled Twilight hovering above him. Cobalt blues swam with a multitude of raging emotions, his carefully constructed mask cracked and broken, revealing the monumental relief bearing echoes of the heart-rending pain and grief he’d experienced. 
Sky could’ve sworn Twilight’s eyes were red but it could have been the light of the Blood Moon reflecting in them. 
A jar containing Red Potion was pressed to his lips and Sky took a couple of painful swallows, his throat suffering a couple of spasms when the liquid hit it. 
Twilight carefully lifted his head off the ground to grant him better leverage, and the potion soon served to soothe the aches and pangs, soreness, and aftershocks. 
Strength slowly began to return to him as the potion worked its magic. He felt a little revitalized and Sky shuddered when he thought about his close brush with death. 
After a few excruciating minutes, Sky had downed the red potion and was allowed some time to rest and regain his strength. 
Twilight never relinquished his hold. His hand remained on his shoulder, tightly grasping it in a way that told the Hero of the Skies the Ordonian was reassuring himself that Sky was there and, most importantly, alive. 
Twilight bent down afterwards and touched his forehead to Sky’s shoulder, quaking, 
“I’m sorry,” The hoarse whisper barely reached Sky’s ears, “I’m sorry,”
Compassion swelled within Sky and he forced his arm to move and curl comfortingly around those shaking shoulders, “I’m alright, Twi,” He murmured softly, his throat gritty, “I’m still here,” 
While he sought to comfort the Ordonian, Sky knew they were most likely empty reassurances. Links were difficult people to comfort and soothe afterall. 
“You weren’t breathing-!” Twilight’s voice was horribly muffled, but Sky heard him clearly, “I pulled you out- dragged you here- and you weren’t- you were-” His fingers dug into Sky’s tunic and the Skyloftian forced himself upright, drawing Twilight in close and trapping him in as tight a hug as he could muster in his weakened state. 
He cared little for the dull aches and pangs that protested against the movement. 
“I’m breathing now,” Sky calmly spoke. He couldn’t imagine what Twilight was going through- what he’d gone through- but he was a Link. They were infamous for many things. “I’m breathing, I’m speaking, and I’m living. I’m alive,” 
Sky exhaled deeply, giving his thanks that Twilight had brought him back before he could wander too far. 
For a long moment, neither of them moved until they could both collect themselves and Twilight pulled back to study Sky’s face intensely. Sky looked back, a small grin playing at his lips. 
Shoulders slumping and head hanging, Twilight raked a trembling hand through his soggy hair and gave a tremulous sigh of relief. 
He dropped his hand into his lap and turned to face Sky with a searching look, cobalt blues filled with worry, “You’re doing alright?” 
Sky chuckled faintly, clasping Twilight’s shoulder to give him the undeniable, physical, assurance he needed, 
“Sore and a bit drowsy, but other than that, I’m fine.” He answered truthfully. Twilight appeared content with the answer then his expression changed and became serious and earnest, 
“Sky, don’t ever do that again,” He urged, silently pleading for the other Hero to make him this promise and never break it, “Don’t ever risk your life for mine...You barely made it and if...” He looked away, unable to finish the sentence.  
Sky smiled wryly, 
“You know I can’t do that,” He told Twilight, causing the fur-pelt Hero to snap his gaze towards him, “Nor can you. Don’t expect me to make a promise when we both know you yourself can’t keep.” 
Twilight huffed but said nothing against him. 
“So,” Sky stretched, wincing a couple of times when a lance of pain shot through his back and shoulders, “I take it we’ll be waiting for the others to come and find us?” 
This earned him a stern look, “You aren’t moving for a day at least! You need time to recover and regain your strength. Red Potion or not, you aren’t at all capable of moving-” 
Sky dropped back with a laugh as he found himself on the receiving end of Twilight’s lecture. Truly, the Links thought him to be the mother hen of the group? If only they could see Twilight now... 
But, as Sky gazed up at the red hued sky, Twilight’s rumbling voice in the background, he smiled and crossed his arms beneath his head, finding himself fortunate to have such loyal and extraordinary companions to call family. 
Gravel and rocks crunched beneath the booted feet of the seven Heroes that meandered their way through a small grove of trees leading to the shoreline of the small island. 
Quiet whispers filled the air as the search for two missing Links continued on. The night of the Blood Moon had ended, the sun peeking over the horizon but there was still no sign of either of them. 
It wasn’t long until they came across the slumbering Sky and Twilight. Sky was lying on his back, his sailcloth precariously tucked around him and drawn up past his shoulders. 
His chest rattled faintly, breathing a little ragged but his expression was smoothed over in sleep. Twilight was close to him, exhaustion etched deep into his features and crescent rings under his eyes. He was curled up on his side a little above Sky, a hand outstretched and fingers lightly touching the younger Hero’s shoulder to regulate his breathing. He was positioned much like Wolfie was when the beast curled protectively around Wild or a Hero suffering through a difficult night. 
The eldest of the Heroes stealthily made his way to Twilight’s side where he knelt in the dewy grass and reached out to grasp his shoulder to give it a shake. 
“Twi?” A deep, rumbling voice called softly. 
Twilight’s ears twitched and his features contorted at the sound of Time’s voice. Before long, the Ordonian sleepily rolled his head back while owlishly blinking his eyes open. 
“Time..?” He mumbled tiredly, gaze drifting to Sky then back to his ancestor.
Someone whistled lowly in the background, as though genuinely impressed. It was clear Sky and Twilight had undergone some kind of excitement and were recovering from whatever it was. 
“What happened to you two?” Time inquired in low tones, surveying Sky and the pale pallor of his skin, the empty bottle of red potion and fairies, then the fatigued Twilight. 
Twilight managed a drowsy smile, weary eyes crinkling in a similar fashion as Time’s before he raised a hand to present the object of his and Sky’s search, 
“We found Wind’s telescope,” 
Then he promptly fell back to sleep. 
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An Inconvenient Flame (Part Six)
Series Summary: You’ve known Sam and Dean Winchester all your life. You find you have developed an attraction for the eldest Winchester, but Dean has never indicated he felt anything more for you than a little sister. A late night encounter causes Dean to question his own feelings for you, but with your age gap, he’s hesitant to let anything grow beyond attraction. Things come to a head when a case forces you together. Will these embers of attraction lay buried or will this inconvenient flame of desire become an inferno?
Word Count: 1718
Warnings: show level violence, swearing, death (not a main character)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Winchester Fantasies’ Masterlist
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     "Demons," you whispered tensely, and you could feel Dean's hand move away from your waist as he stood at attention. No one said anything. You looked to Dean, searching it for some kind of direction, when you saw the throng of meat suits begin to part. Light footsteps grew closer, and you saw a tall man make his way to the front of the crowd. He was dressed in a tuxedo and oxfords. His hair was fashioned into a pompadour and his face was clean-shaven, revealing the pronounced dimple in his chin. He was handsome, you thought. But your admiration soon turned to disgust as his charming brown eyes flashed black. 
     "Winchester," the demon said, his voice smooth.
     "Lowell, I'm guessing?" Dean asked, his voice clipped, his eyes hard.
     Lowell clapped his hands unceremoniously. "Very good," he replied, dragging out the words as if addressing a child. "A little birdie told me you'd be here tonight, and I just had to come see the legend myself. Although, no one told me Dean Winchester would be bringing along...eye candy," Lowell finished, raking his eyes over you, sending a shiver of revulsion down your spine.
     "Let's cut the bullshit," Dean said. "I want information about some demons, and...."
     "No, Dean, allow me to cut the bullshit," Lowell interrupted, his eyes unfeeling. "I'm not Crowley. I don't believe in all this...how should I put it? 'You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' mumbo jumbo bullshit.
     Let me make this very clear...very simple. You continue looking for me or any other demons, and I will personally kill each and every human being you have ever cared for," Lowell finished, his voice brusque and cruel. "Starting with this one," Lowell added, jerking his head in your direction. Uneasiness settled in the pit of your stomach at his threats. Dean's eyes darkened at Lowell's words, but he remained silent.
     "Well, then!" Lowell exclaimed. "It was a treat finally getting to meet Dean fucking Winchester." Lowell abruptly turned on his heel and started to make his way back through the crowd when he suddenly stopped and turned towards you and Dean once more. "Oh, and by the way...Amanda sends her love," he said, sending Dean a cocky smirk.
     Dean's jaw clenched and rage filled his eyes, turning them dark. "You son of a bitch!" Dean yelled as he started stalking towards the demon.
     "Dean!" you cautioned, grabbing at his arm. Dean stopped short, but his eyes never left the frame of the taller man. Lowell turned and nodded once to the demons around him, silently signaling to attack, before he weaved his way back through the crowd. The demons stood at attention, their eyes flashing black once more.
     You pulled your hand away from Dean's arm and slowly slid out of your heels, tossing them off your feet behind you. Your eyes scanned the crowd before landing on Windsor Drakefield. He stood in the far right corner silently, an angel blade gripped in each hand. 
     You glanced to Dean who stood rigidly surveying the group. Dean leaned down gingerly and raised his pant leg before pulling out a demon blade. He shot you a quick glance. "Left pocket," he said gruffly, motioning to his jacket still around your shoulders. You slowly slid your hand into the side and felt something hard and cold against your fingertips. 
     You barely had time to pull out the other blade before the demons charged. Dean took the first wave, taking down three demons in a matter of seconds. You ran toward one, jumping up slightly as your bodies crashed into one another. You drove the blade through the demon's chest, his face and eyes lighting up in amber electricity. His body was heavier than yours, and his dead weight brought you down to the marble floor hard, knocking the breath from your lungs. 
     Dean shot you a concerned expression as you gasped for air. Finally, you regained your composure, heaving the large body away from your own and jumping up deftly. Dean's face hardened again when he realized you were all right and continued his battle, threading his way through the sea of demons, a line of bodies falling behind him. 
     You swung your fist, plunging the demon blade into the chest of a jewel-decked older woman before you turned sharply as a heavily overweight man came stumbling toward you, a snarl on his fat lips. You veered to the left as his fist tried to make contact with your head. You straightened quickly and pivoted your leg up sharply, feeling your dress rip up the side of your thigh. Your heel landed squarely on his chubby jaw, sending him reeling to the ground with a heavy thud. You straddled his large girth, sinking the knife into his heart.
     Suddenly, Windsor's voice came through the speakers, clear and distinct. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus...." You struggled to your feet, swiping the back of your hand across your sweaty brow. You glanced over to the speakers to see Windsor standing in front of them as wave after wave of demons charged at him, attempting to shut up the voice that was still chanting. He dropped one after another with ease, his moves still fluid despite his age. 
     "Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis...." Some of the demons began convulsing, the words eating away at their blackened souls. You used this to your advantage and managed to snag three more demons before the last of the exorcism came through the speakers. "Ab insidiis, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!"
     With the last of the words spoken, every demon-possessed body stopped and leaned their heads back as darkness escaped their mouths. The darkness rose to the ceiling for a moment, a black mass swirling above, then just as suddenly, it plummeted to the ground with a loud whirl of power before disappearing altogether.
     The ballroom fell silent as you glanced to Windsor who still stood in front of the speakers, leaning heavily on his thighs as he tried to catch his breath. He finally stood and stretched his back as he made his way to your side. "Not as limber as I used to be," he chuckled.
     "Smart move with the exorcism," Dean commented, walking over, his breathing labored and sweat dripping down his face.
     Windsor grinned. "I knew there was a reason why I recorded it," he said. "I apologize that your plans didn't work out the way you'd hoped," the older man said, suddenly sobering.
     Dean shook his head, shrugging off the man's words. "No worries. The one good thing about this clusterfuck is we know he's connected to the demons we're searching for."
     Windsor sent Dean a thin-lipped smile and nodded his agreement. He sighed, his shoulders slumping as he surveyed the room. Shards of glass littered the floor, tables were overturned, and bodies were strewn across the floor. "It's a shame," he said sadly. "So many of these people were my dear friends and acquaintances."
     You glanced at the bodies. At least a hundred were dead, bloodied and battered, while another two hundred or so lay unconscious. "I'm so sorry, Windsor. We'll help clean up," you offered empathetically.
     Windsor gave you a grateful smile. "Thank you for the offer, my dear, but that won't be necessary," he said before glancing back to the bodies. "I'll figure something out...perhaps cast a spell on the unconscious few to make them forget what happened.... The other bodies...well, I'll take care of them," he said quietly, his voice cracking slightly.
     "Okay," you said softly, your heart heavy with sympathy for the older man. You had lost both your parents and it was nearly more than you could handle. You couldn't imagine losing so many loved ones in a matter of a single night. You couldn't bear to think of what Windsor must be feeling.
     Windsor sighed heavily again as he turned away from the carnage and looked back to you and Dean. He extended his hand to Dean. "Thank you, sir, for everything," Dean said gruffly, shaking the older man's hand. 
     "It's Windsor," Drakefield corrected. "And you're very welcome. If you need any further assistance in the future, don't hesitate to contact me."
     Dean nodded. "Will do."
     Windsor held out his palm to you also and clasped your hand in both of his. "Thank you for being so kind and considerate, my dear," he said with a smile. You nodded and smiled in return. "Please send my greetings to Bobby," Windsor finished, pulling away from you. Dean nodded while you turned to retrieve your heels and Dean's suit jacket that had fallen to the floor when the fight had started.
     When you turned back around, Windsor had made his way over to the crumpled bodies near the speakers. His shoulders moved up and down as he stooped to turn over one of them, and sadness pricked at your heart to see him cry. Windsor was a good man, and he didn't deserve this kind of loss.
     You slowly made your way back to Dean, gingerly stepping over glass and debris. "You ready?" Dean questioned quietly as you stepped near him. You nodded and gave him a weak smile. "Let's go," he directed, steering you towards the door, his hand on the small of your back once more.
     The cold night air hit you and sent a shiver through your body as it mingled with the sweat clinging to your dress. You climbed in and Dean started the Impala, the engine roaring to life in the quiet night. Led Zeppelin's "Ramble On" played softly in the background as the Impala's headlights illuminated the curving road ahead of you.
     You stole a glance at Dean. Even in the low light of the headlights, you could see his jaw tense, the muscles flexing, while his eyes were hard and dark. You knew Lowell's comment about Amanda had triggered Dean's rage once more. He had come a long way since everything that had gone down a year before, but despite Dean's earlier assertion that he would be fine, you knew he wasn't. What you had feared most if you got involved again had happened. And now you were back to square one.
Thank you for reading! If you liked what you read, let me know!! ❤❤
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Dean Girls:
An Inconvenient Flame:
@tranquility-or-chaos​ @parinarain​ @carryon-doctor-lock​
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jamkookies · 5 years
Sweater Weather
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Description :  A trip to Malta for the shooting of Bon Voyage seems peaceful enough until the moment things take an unexpected turn...
Word count : 2.4k
People kept gathering like bees after honey, trying to sneak a peak at the mysterious young man with the melodious voice.
It hadn't taken too long for the little crowd to assemble around the both of you, observing the modest performance with an unexpected eagerness.
You were quite good at singing, but no match for Jungkook, so you'd let him take the lead, subtly harmonising with his beautiful voice instead.
This had only attracted more curious eyes, stumbling their way towards thesight of the two overgrown teenagers sitting cross legged on the sand.
You'd seen their interest and used it in your own advantage, going through every song you thought would please the audience.
From Euphoria to Begin to Ending scene.
He'd sang them all with the same heartfelt passion he showed in a concert.
Then, a tug at your sleeve from him had been enough to make you join him. His lips had stretched into a wide smile when hearing you sing Dimple after a very long time.
It had went the same for other songs as well.
Spring Day, The Truth Untold...
You'd intentionally chosen these soft-sounding songs to match the mood settled around you and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't enjoyed it at least one bit. Reminiscing the old songs had made you feel at home once again, letting you experience the nostalgia of good old times.
After having to perform a number of them, you'd expected to get a little tired, but the never-ending clinking of coins being thrown into the hat only encouraged you to go harder, louder, and every time you both stopped to catch your breath the crowd would protest, urging you to continue.
Aktar, they would cheer.
If you kept at this pace, those 200 Euros would be a closed case by tonight.
At least, you hoped so.
But I still want youuuuu.....
You both finish at the same time, finally putting an end to the song and the crowd bursts into applause.
Your face hurts from smiling too much and when you turn your head to the side, you see that the exact same expression rests on Jungkook's too.
Even in the pitch darkness, the glinting of the coins filling the hat to the brim can be seen clearly and you definitely don't miss the folded edges of the occasional banknote.
That was easier than you expected.
You'd worked your butt off all day at the hotel, struggling to get at least half of what you'd earned right now.
A sudden feeling of greediness takes over you and without even realizing, you're sticking your hand into Jungkook's pocket, retrieving the phone inside.
He looks flabbergasted by your sudden action, but you pay him no mind, swiping left and right till you've found what you were looking for.
Just when he thought it couldn't get stranger than this you lean in and whisper into his ear.
His eyes go wide as saucers.
"A-are you sure?" he stutters, but there's a hint of anticipation in his eyes.
Instead of answering you grab a handful of his shirt and pull him up to his feet.
The crowd parts for the both of you as you stand in the middle of the small clearing and as soon as the first sounds of Fake Love fill the silence, your limbs start moving.
Jungkook's body moves rhythmically to the beat of the song you'd performed hundreds of times in so many concerts, now more familiar than the back of your hand.
You mirror his movements with deadly accuracy, careful not to miss anything.
It was hard dancing to such a challenging choreography with only the two of you and no kind of formation whatsoever, but that didn't stop you from putting every ounce of effort into it.
People oooh and aaah every time they see a particularly difficult move and at the corner of your vision you notice some phones recording.
The song comes to its climax, the highlight of the whole performance and when you signal Jungkook with a wink, he seems more than ready. With a fluid movement, his hand slides down to grab at the hem of his shirt and he  quickly lifts it up, flashing the crowd his rippling abs.
You almost go deaf at the screeches of young girls fanning themselves fervently when they catch a glimpse of his toned body.
They were practically drooling, and if you were completely honest, you didn't blame them.
Your handsome companion was a sight for sore eyes.
Ripping your stare off of him, you try and focus on accomplishing your last moves successfully.
The song finally comes to an end.
The crowd's loud clapping and whistling bring a smile to your face and even though you're both panting, sweat sticking to your hair and clothes, you  link your hands with Jungkook and bow down to the audience.
You're bursting with joy, the adrenaline still restlessly flowing into your veins after keeping your body into a lethargic state for so long.
That excitement, however, crumbles into pieces when you see the group of girls from earlier approaching the both of you. One of them has a piece of paper in her hands with something scribbled in it.
Her number, apparently.
With a coy smile, she holds it out to him and to your surprise, a deep red hue falls across Jungkook's cheeks. He looks between you and the girl, hands hovering mid-air.
Weak human.
The girl probably thought she stood a chance to get him to himself.
Yeah, right. Over your dead body.
"Hu għandu ħabiba." You clear your throat and look at her down your nose.
She sweeps an intentionally long look at you from head to toe but you don't blink an eye.
Come on, you spoiled brat. Get the message already.
Jungkook seems as if he's trying to say something to ease the tension but you're both too busy having a staring competition with each other to bother acknowledging him.
It is only when one of the girl's friends tugs at her shirt that she breaks the stare, dragged along out of your reach and the sight of hidden fists by your sides.
At least, someone was smart enough not to face your wrath.
After you're certain they've turned into tiny moving specs, you uncurl your fists and flash Jungkook a grin as if nothing had happened.
"Come on." you say and take his hand into yours but only after you've tucked his shirt in, eliminating any chance for him to show more skin.
He opens his mouth.
"Don't bother." you interrupt.
You raise your eyebrow.
"I was gonna reject her, I swear. I just didn't know how to say it. Different from you, I don't speak Maltese." he says in a breath.
The words immediately soften your features, any attempts at making fun of him now utterly forgotten.
"I already knew that, Kooks. I just didn't want her to make you uncomfortable." you smile. "And it's not like I know Maltese. Liena taught me some words, that's all."
"Well, she sure looks like she taught you the most important ones." he mumbles. "What did you say to her, anyway?"
"I told her you had a girlfriend but the message didn't quite reach her braincells."
He puffs out his chest in smug satisfaction and a wolfish grin appears on his face.
"Posessive, aren't you?"
"That, I am. Now let's go."
Trudging through the sand, you go back to where you'd been sitting a while ago and it feels like everything is going to be okay again.
Except for one minor detail.
The hat is missing.
It's impossible to contain the screech of anger and terror that rips out of your chest. Jungkook's eyes follow your line of vision and when he understands the situation he gasps loudly.
"My hat!" he exclaims.
"My money!" you echo.
"Your money?"
"This is not the time, Jungkook."
"Where the hell did it go?" he asks, turning his head in all directions, in hopes of detecting it.
Indeed, it was like his infamous lucky charm had disappeared into thin air.
Or something else that was thin had taken it.
"Why, that prissy little–"
"Whoah, whoah, where are you going?"
Jungkook stops you right as you're about to stomp off to God knows where.
"She took it." you grit between your teeth.
"The girl that gave you her number. She took the hat."
"Okay, now you're overreacting." Jungkook says. "Why would she do that? Someone else must've taken it while we weren't looking."
"She did it to spite me, obviously." you state, as if it was the clearest thing in the universe.
He sighs and leans heavily on you.
"We shouldn't have relied on easy money in the first place."
"Easy money?" you cry. "That was exhausting."
"You worked for fifteen hours at the hotel and didn't even say a word. Now, singing and dancing for a couple of songs is exhausting?"
You bite your tongue and swallow whatever words were about to come out of your mouth.
He had a point.
"What are we gonna do now?" he sighs once again.
The bones of your shoulders crack loudly when you stretch up to your toes.
"I don't know, but I'm really tired to worry about it right now. We should find somewhere to sleep. And no hotels."
You turn to Jungkook, cutting him off before he could even say anything.
"We lost whatever money we earned a while ago and we're definitely not gonna touch anything from the ones we already have."
"Guess we've gotten used to sleeping outdoors, huh?" Jungkook laughs humorlessly.
"I told you from the beginning you were gonna suffer if you followed me, Kook."
"I've been suffering because of you for a long time now." he says in a low voice and there's nothing you can do to stop the fluttering in your chest.
He did things like this quite often.
Blurting out whatever thought was lurking into his mind.
No filters.
No nothing.
He said he was the one suffering but he had no idea what kind of mess he'd made out of you. You were torn to pieces, utterly devastated and it was all because of him.
A slight smile hangs on your lips and you twirl a finger into one of his soft curls. As if pushed by your action, he slings an arm across your shoulders and pulls you close to him.
"Let's go."
Dragging both of your suitcases behind you, you opt for a bench looking out into the sea. It wasn't the most comfortable looking thing but it was better than nothing. Sleeping into some dark corner would only attract muggers to rob you of whatever you'd had left.
At least the beach was out in the open.
You sit down on the bench for a moment and when a wind breezes past you, Jungkook shivers. You silently reach into the suitcase and take out one of his baggy sweaters.
"Here." you say and offer it to him. "I know that shirt is uncomfortable."
His eyes unconsciously flick left and right.
"In here?"
"Go ahead, I won't look."
He chuckles when you turn your back on him but finally takes the sweater.
You hear the swish of clothes as he changes and keep your eyes straight ahead, not daring to move a muscle.
It was not something you'd never seen before, but just the thought of him being undressed made a flaring heat warm your ears.
"Okay, you can turn around now."
You do and almost melt into a puddle at the sight of his soft fluffy hair sticking out in all directions. The sweater is really loose on him but it looks so comfortable and inviting.
You almost felt like–
"Wanna join me?" he say and opens his arms wide.
"You look like you're cold."
"No, I'm fine." you say but as the wind flutters against your hair, you involuntarily shudder.
Jungkook tsks and without warning pulls you to himself, wrapping his arms around you. You almost hum in satisfaction, when suddenly he pulls the sweater over his head only to tuck you in it.
Lord, pray for my soul.
You're both sticking out your heads at the same collar, the piece of clothing now snugly wrapped around two bodies. Having nothing to support you, you're left with the option of putting a hand onto his torso.
Big mistake.
The hard muscles of his abdomen are burning hot under your fingertips and you curl your hands into fists, not knowing what else to do.
He squirms and giggles.
"That tickles."
"It's not my fault! Why did you put me into this thing?"
"I wanted to."
"Stop whining then. And by the way, why are you so hot?"
"I don't know. Guess I was born like this." he simply answers.
"I meant your skin, dumbass. Do you have a fever or something?"
"Oh." he smiles cheekily when he realizes his mistake. "It's probably because of the dance earlier."
"Probably." you echo.
"You don't have to be so stiff, you know. It's not like we're strangers." he says.
In response, you link your arms behind his back, your own T-shirt now the only barrier between the two of you. To say that the level of your confidence had boosted was an understatement. You slide your hand to the small of his back and tickle him. He twists and wriggles but to no avail. There's nowhere to go with the sweater trapping you in.
You cackle delightedly.
"You said not to be stiff, didn't you?"
He mirrors the position you're in and puts his own hands behind your back.
"I did. Now go to sleep."
If someone would have told you that you'd be sharing a sweater with Jungkook on a beach in Malta one month ago, you would've slapped them unconscious.
Yet here you were, nothing keeping you apart but bare skin.
And a T-shirt.
You're grateful, nonetheless.
Grateful for the way he has offered you his heart on a silver plate.
You don't break apart.
Not even when the ceaseless nightmares make his face scrunch in pain and he whines in his sleep. You hug him even tighter, caressing his skin and whispering sweet nothings into his ear until he's finally calm and peaceful.
Nothing can scare you as long as you have him.
You expect everything now.
The dark sky turning into a deep purple.
The sun rays slowly sneaking their way into your face, declaring a new day's beginning.
You expect all of that.
But you most certainly do not expect to see looming over you the good ol' bodyguard flanked by two other men.
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toothpastecanyon · 4 years
Noie’s Brother, Chapter 19
Thank you so much to @feferipeixes for betaing this story!!
Fate sometimes rhymed, but Alcor felt like this one was a little on the  nose. A newborn Mizar fading away in the hospital and a loving father  pleading to him from behind a circle of candles.
Fate sometimes  rhymed, but Naomi Argenta just wants this stupid vampire to stop  harassing her brother. It’s making him go… weird.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
              Noie was lost. Her thoughts were on fire. She stood in the hall, trembling with the need to run, to scream, to do anything to escape this.
                 What was she going to do? What the fuck was she going to do? Oh, stars, oh stars, oh, stars…
                 Noise filtered through her ears. She stood, frozen, as Dipper’s quiet sobbing leaked through the door behind her. Down the hall, David and Allie were talking - it sounded like they were still having dinner.
                 “Oh, this pasta is, is lovely, David. Do we have to go shopping today?”
                 “You don’t think it’s to do with me, do you?”
                 “You don’t think she’s mad at me?” Cutlery clinked against the plate. “Is it still because of that movie thing? I don’t understand…”
                 “Who’s mad at you?”
                 “Naomi who?”
                “N- what? Oh, for god’s sakes, Allie!”
                 “David? Why are you angry at me?”
                 “It’s… don’t worry about it.”
                  “Don’t worry about it. Just eat your st- just eat your dinner.”
                 Naomi found herself backing away from the kitchen, ears buzzing, throat tightening. She needed somewhere quiet. Somewhere to clear her head.
                 She glanced at the living room where the TV was still on, playing an advert. Not there.
                 She backed up a little more, then set her jaw, whirled around, and shut herself into Allie’s study.
                 Noie breathed. She breathed. She breathed. She pressed her face against the door, and stared into the darkness.
                 Her thoughts wouldn’t stop racing. It was like… like a bomb had been set off in her mind.
                 She didn’t know what to think. She’d been putting off thinking about this so long that her only thought was      what now?  
                 Dipper was a demon. Dipper killed their dad - her dad.
                 What now?
                 What was she supposed to do now? Carry on like it didn’t happen?
                  Noie gulped. She… she      really     wanted to do that, but she couldn’t, could she? Dipper      killed     somebody, and not just anybody, her dad! Her actual dad! You gotta hate somebody for that!
                 So… she hated him, maybe? Then why did her gut still drop at the thought of him leaving forever? Did she really want to hang around some kind of murderous, demonic, angry, violent… Dipper?
                 Noie banged her head against the door. She didn’t want that. She couldn’t want that. With everything Dipper confessed to her, how the fuck could she call herself a good person if she knowingly hung out with a murderer!  
                 A gasping sob escaped her mouth, and she covered it. Her shoulders shuddered, and she just slid down the wall, shaking her head. Through blurry eyes, she turned to look at Allie’s desk, and found herself in its looming shadow. It stood tall, so much taller than her, and the shining pictures of Leon and his happy fucking family glared down from on high, watching her, judging her. She curled up into a ball, but she couldn’t escape them, couldn’t stop thinking about the terror she felt as Alcor pinned him down, claws digging into his shoulders, teeth bared, voice bellowing… like a monster.  
               Your brother is a monster. He killed me. He killed this.  
                What now?  
                 Noie gripped her head until it hurt. “I… don’t… know! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t know!”
                 She sobbed into her hands, and the air was filled with guilty silence. She sobbed, and she sobbed, and she sobbed, until those sobs turned to sniffles, turned to stillness.
                 In the darkness, curled up with her forehead pressed to her knees, Noie’s thoughts were finally still. She took in a breath, and let it out, slow.
                 She needed that.
                 She still didn’t know what to do about Dipper, but she could at least think about it without the very notion of his true nature sending her into a panic.
                 Slowly, she lifted her head. Her eyes had finally adjusted to the dark, and she looked around and saw everything in shades of grey. The carpet was brighter than the walls. The desk still loomed, but she could pick out the detail in the wood; it wasn’t featureless. A slit of moonlight fell just short of her feet, and she moved her leg to catch it.
                 Noie spread her toes, then clenched them. She flattened out her foot, and dragged it slowly through the carpet. She watched this for a while, and then she drew herself back, and rose to her feet.
                 She walked to the desk. Her eyes were trained on the shutters, and the moonlight streaming through them, and she didn’t look down at the desk when she reached it. She didn’t look at the picture frames that crowded around her.
                 She clasped her arms before her, and hesitated.
                 Her voice sounded remarkably clear; she expected it to wobble. After a moment of silence, she opened her mouth again.
                 “Dipper. Please come here.”
                 Nothing and no one answered her. She waited, and waited, and waited… and then she sighed. Dipped her head. One of her hands wrapped around an empty ring finger, and she closed her eyes.
                 “Dipper…” Naomi took a deep breath. “Stella splendida, vos invoco. Vos invoco ut faciatis voluntatem meam. Dico nomen vestrum: Alcor.”  
                 The chant rolled off her tongue… surprisingly easily. There felt like there should be some kind of change in the air, some kind of difference after the words left her lips, but nothing happened. Nothing happened.
                 Then, there was a sound from behind her. She turned around, and came face to face with her brother, Alcor the Dreambender.
                 Her heart still stopped at the sight of him. Wow, he towered over her, and the pitch black wings folded behind his back ate the moonlight; she could only make out a void. His suit, and bowtie, and black gloves - they looked nothing like what Dipper would normally wear, and his face…
                 His face was bowed. It was hard to make out, but it may have been a little blotchy, too. His eyes were closed, and if she looked at nothing else but them, she could maybe see something of Dipper in him.
                 But she couldn’t help but look at everything else. After everything that had happened, it was all too much, and maybe she didn’t want to talk to him, maybe she was making a mistake-
                 “Hi…” Noie struggled to name him, then gave up. “Hi.”
                 “Hello, Naomi.”
                 His voice: it rang out with a faint, but noticeable echo. It also shuddered a little, like Dipper’s always did just after he finished crying. Noie didn’t know what to say to that.
                 “Uh…” she pressed herself against the desk, staring down at his shoes. “Do they sell those?”
                 He paused, at that. Then he looked up at her with the strangest expression. “Wh-what?”
                 “Demon shoes.” She tried not to shudder at his gold-on-black eyes. “Do you, like, go into a store and try a bunch of those on, or-”
                 “No, no. they’re part of my form.”
                 “Part of your…?”
                 “It’s- um, complicated. Basically, I just… imagine what kind of shoes I want and then they’re, uh, there. They’re just there.”
                 “So you’re wearing imaginary shoes.”
                 Alcor rubbed his neck. “I… guess? Heh, uh, I hadn’t really thought about it that way, but yeah? My whole form’s kind of…” He looked over at her, and his voice dropped to a mumble: “imaginary…”  
                 Noie just stared at him.
                 “Uh, Noie?”
                 There was something so strange about seeing her brother’s nervous mannerisms on the demon that pinned her down and reached inside of her…
                 She was laughing, now. Or maybe she was crying - it was hard to tell.
                 “Wh-what’s wrong? Naomi?” He tried to reach for her, then drew back. “I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll just-”
                 “No, wait!” Noie tried to get a hold of herself. “I’m sorry, it’s just…      stars, this is so messed up. This is so messed up.”
                 Dipper flinched back at this. “I know. It’s my fault, it’s all my fault-”
                 “No, not you!” She hesitated, then broke out into a giggle. “I-I mean, yeah, you, kind of? Actually, a lot… yeah, you, uh, did some weird shit, my dude! Kinda, kinda dropped the ball there! Screwed the pooch. Killed the dad.”
                 Dipper stared at her like she’d grown a second head. “Uh-?”
                 “But if you’re so messed up, what the fuck am I doing?” She gave him an angry shrug. “Why the fuck am I talking to you? That’s the real question here!”
                 “I-I don’t know, why are you-”
                     “I’m asking you that!”  Naomi snapped. “I’m asking you that because I don’t fucking know!”
                 He jumped back like she’d struck him. She stared down at him, and felt something break in her chest, and all of a sudden she couldn’t stop yelling.
                 “You told me all these things about Leon, and how you killed him, and you showed me - you put me inside his fucking head while you were slamming it against the ground!” She pulled at her hair like she wanted to rip it out. “You show me all of that, all of that, but you’re not gonna tell me what you think I should do about that?!”
                     “I know you, Dipper! Maybe not as well as I thought I did, but I can see you putting yourself down, trying to get me to hate you! You’re really feeling bad about this whole Leon thing, aren’t you? You just want to drive everyone away so you can go off and feel sorry about yourself, don’t you!”
                 Dipper was crumpling under her glare. “Noie, I-”
                     “Well you can’t!” She slammed a fist down on the desk.      “Dammit, Dipper, I can’t… I can’t lose you.”
                 Noie paused, for a moment. She swallowed hard.
                 “Dipper… I’m not a good person.” She stared down at the picture frames on the desk. “I’m not. You told me all this stuff about how you’re a demon, how you acted like a monster, how you killed Leon… like you think I care.” A lump formed in her throat. “But I don’t care, not as much as I probably should. Dipper Argenta… he’s been my twin brother for as long as I can remember. He’s the only person who talks to me at school. He’s the only person who actually listens to me. He’s… probably the only actual friend I’ve ever made.” She snorted, mirthlessly. “And maybe that says something about me, that I can’t make friends. I dunno.”
                 She closed her eyes. She just sighed.
                 “All I know is that I need Dipper Argenta. I don’t care what he is under all that, I… I can’t lose him, I just can’t.”
                 Silence. Awful, awful silence. After a long pause, Naomi forced herself to look back up at her brother. She watched him look away, and she set her jaw.
                 “So you need to tell me what you’re going to do.”
                 She stared at Dipper, and waited for his reply. He struggled to meet her eyes; his ear twitched, and he shot only glances at her before taking a deep, shaky breath.
                 (Did demons need to breathe? The thought struck her as she watched.)
                 He met her gaze with those strange, golden eyes, hesitated once more, then opened his mouth…
                 And then closed it. Frowned. Noie frowned with him.
                 “What?” She watched his ears prick up. “What are you doing? Dipper?”
                 He glanced at her, almost started. “H-hold on a second, Noie,” he said, and then he turned and waved a hand. The terrible silence that had descended around them seemed to lift, and all of a sudden Noie could hear beyond the room. It seemed like only ambient noise - the hum of the air conditioner, the chatter of the television - but then Noie heard a voice.
                 David’s voice.
                 Something was wrong; she could hear it.
                 “Allie, are you there?” A door slammed. Her stomach dropped. “No no no no, where’d you go?”
                 Noie and Dipper found themselves looking at each other, seeing each other’s panic reflected in their widening eyes.
                 Noie had no idea what was going to happen with her brother. She had no idea how they were going to fix the great rift that had formed between them, how they’d even begin to patch up the hurtful things they’d said and done to each other…
                 But for one, terrible moment, it was like none of that even mattered. Dipper threw open the door, and the two of them rushed as one into the living room.
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Freaky Friday For the Feathered Brothers
@bekindplsrewind requested a body switch prompt! (Please, PLEASE don’t kill me for the Latin translation. Google apparently doesn’t speak it very well)
The entire bunker shook, the angels name resonating throughout it.
Deans head whipped up, his eyes darting to his brother who was already looking at him with confusion.
They stood in unison, their chairs scraping across the floor. They ran towards the yelling that seemed to be coming from Castiels room.
“What have you done!”
Dean pushed the door open to find the two angles in a heated argument.
“You think I did this? Are you nuts?” Castiel squeaked. Dean cocked his head to the side. Something seemed off about him.
“Who. Else. Would do this?” Gabriel stomped forward and gripped Castiel’s tench coat, slightly lifting him off the floor.
“Hey! Hey hey, whoa! Let’s all calm down,” Dean lunged forward and pushed Gabriel aside. He turned to Castiel and cupped his face gently. “Y’ok, angel?”
“Aww, Dean-o, now I see why my brother likes ya so much,” Castiel held Deans hand closer to his cheek and nuzzled it, “soft hands.” His eyes twinkled as he smirked.
“Gabriel! Enough!”
Dean ripped his hand away and frowned.
“Gabe?” Sam’s voice came as a whisper.
Castiel turned around and smiled. “Heya, Samsquatch.”
Dean shook his head. “What---what the hell is going on?”
Gabriel sighed. “Apparently, my brother is playing a joke on us. He’s switched our bodies.”
Dean glanced back and forth between the angels. “Fix it. NOW, Gabriel,” he demanded, poking a finger towards the blue eyed angel.
“I didn’t do this! I swear!” Castiel let his hands flop to his sides. “Don’t you idiots, no offence Sammy-boy, have any idea what today is?”
Everyone in the room was staring at him.
“Well? Obviously not! What day is it?” Dean boomed.
“Dies autem quod asinus,” Gabriel sighed, shaking his head and running his hand down his face. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he sighed.
Sam scowled. “You’re kidding.”
Dean threw his arms up in the air and let them fall with a *slap*. “Will someone PLEASE tell me what the hell is going on?!”
Gabriel turned to Dean. “It’s Heavens version of ‘April fools day’.” Seeing the blonde haired angel using air quotes was enough to make Sam giggle.
Dean, who was finally starting to calm down, pointed at Castiel. “You swear you didn’t have anything to do with this?”
Castiel raised his hands in defense and made and X over his heart.
Sam groaned and turned to leave. “I’ll check---,” he shrugged and shook his head, “every book we have.”
Gabriel walked over to Dean and slipped his arms around his waist. “We’ll figure it out,” he whispered, leaning in for a kiss.
“Whoa! whoawhoawhoa, hang on there, buddy,” Dean backed away quickly, stumbling into a dresser. “I, uh--I think we should hold off on the,” he flitted a hand in both the angels direction, “touchin’ and stuff, y’know, till this figured out. No offence.” He gathered himself and walked out of the room quickly.
“Your man is such a baby,” Castiel laughed.
They worked through the night, reading through almost every book in the library to no avail.
“Neither of you know a spell? Anything that might undo this,” Sam waved his hand towards the two angels.
“Sam, if we knew, we would have done something already,” Gabriel scowled, looking entirely too much like his brother.
Yawning, Sam stood up from his chair, stretching his arms above his head. “I’m taking a break. Give me at least an hour of sleep and I’ll get back at it.”
Castiel stood and sauntered over to Sam, reaching up and running his fingers down the mans broad chest. “Want some company?”
Sams eyes widened as he stepped backwards. “N-no. Sorry, I’m uh--,” he hooked his finger over his shoulder and turned around, walking briskly towards his room.
Dean laughed and sat back in his chair, closing his eyes. “A break sounds like a good idea.” He stood and walked towards the door before turning around. “Um, maybe you should stay here, Cas,” he said, pointing at Gabriel. “Keep lookin’. There’s gotta be something.”
The two angels looked at each other and sighed.
Dean stretched and yawned, rolling over in his bed. In his sleepy haze, he snuggled the warm body next to him. Soft lips grazed his jaw while an arm tightened around his waist.
“Mornin’ Cas,” Dean drawled.
“Good morning, Dean,” Gabriel whispered, nuzzling the other mans chest.
Dean shrieked and jumped out of bed. “Whoa! Not cool, man!”
“Dean,” Gabriel sighed, sitting up in bed, “it’s still me. I’m just,” he gestured towards his vessel, “in different body.”
“Yeah! A body that has sex with my brother, dude!” Dean clutched the blanket to his groin and covered his face with one hand. “Can you---can you leave while I get dressed?” Blush crept up his neck and into his cheeks.
“Very well,” Gabriel sighed. With a flap and a whoosh of wind, the angel was gone. Just when Dean thought it was safe, there was a knock at his door. He pulled the door open slightly to see Sam, eyes bulging out of his head.
“Dean, we need to fix this. NOW. I woke up to Castiel---”
“I know, I know,” Dean sighed, opening the door further.
Sam looked down to the blanket around his brothers waist. “You---you didn’t---”
“NO!” Jesus, no, Sammy!” He tightened his grip on the blanket. “Woke up to your blonde angel cuddling me and I kicked him out.”
“Um, yeah about that,” Sam rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I may have, and it was totally by accident, made out with Cas a little.”
Dean stepped forward, his eyes fuming.
Sam raised his hands defensively. “I didn’t mean it! Same thing happened with me! I was barely awake and felt him next to me, thought it was Gabe and---it was like, two seconds ok? I’m sorry!”
Dean groaned. “I’ll be out in a minute.” He slammed the door and swore under his breath.
Joining everyone in the war room, Dean slammed his coffee cup down on the table. “Alright, listen up. Until we figure this shit out, you two--” he pointed a sharp finger at the angels, “stay out of our rooms. And no touching.”
Sam bit his lips and looked towards Castiel who winked at him.
Gabriel cleared his throat. “I found something last night while you were sleeping.” He pushed a book across the table towards Dean. “There’s a spell to reverse souls that are inhabiting a body. It seems pretty straight forward, but it’s not specifically for angels. Seeing as how we are just vessels with no human souls, I think it will work.”
“It’s worth a shot,” Sam shrugged.
“This is just a few lines of Latin and some....donkey blood? Why--”
“April fools. Fool. Ass. Donkey,” Gabriel explained.
Dean rolled his eyes and looked to Sam. “See if we got any.”
“Renovare haec anima mea ut eius propriis vasa pretiosa,” Sam sprinkled herbs into a bowl filled with blood.
“Renovare quod naturalis ordo!” The blood caught on fire, flaming blue and yellow. Silver smoke curled from the flames and shot into the air above them. Gabriel and Castiel looked up as the smoke split into two foggy lines. It shot down, engulfing them in smoke.
Gabriel coughed.
Castiel waved a hand in front of his face.
“Cas?” Dean whispered.
Castiel smiled. “Hello, Dean.”
Gabriel skipped over to Sam and whispered something in his ear.
Clearing his throat, Sam blushed. “It worked.” He let Gabriel lead him out of the room towards their bedroom.
“It’s good to have you back, Cas,” Dean said, pulling the angel in for a hug.
“Agreed. Being in Gabriels body was---uncomfortable.”
“Speaking of which,” Dean mumbled, “you may have kissed my brother.”
Castiels eyes widened. “I need to--” he hooked his thumb over his shoulder, “I’m going to shower.”
Dean snaked his arm through the angels trench coat. “I’ll join you.”
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Fulfilled Lives (3)
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Summary: Dean betrays the reader in more than one way. There’s only thing for her to do…leave.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Jack Kline, Castiel
Warnings: angst, demons, violence, fighting, pregnant reader, fluff, comforting
<< Part 2
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Ready to attack anyone coming through the door Dean shoves you behind his back. Meeting worried blue eyes Dean’s body relaxes.
“We got outnumbered,” Cas says out of breath dragging Sam with him.
“Cas. You scared the shit out of me.” Dean mutters.
“You okay?” You ask looking at Sam.
“Just a scratch. Should see the others.”
“What now? Why don’t they give up?” You whisper.
“As you are pregnant with my baby. Dammit. Son of bitch! I will rip them apart.”
“Maybe I should just…”
“Don’t say it! You will stay here. We all came to protect you.” Dean warns.
“I’m not worth it. Not like Lisa…”
“It’s true. I saw the looks you gave her. You never looked at me like that. I was only a gap filler for you until you find someone better.”
“That’s how I made you feel?”
“I was only fun for a while.”
“No, Baby. Come on. That’s not true. I do love you and the baby. Let us kills those bastards and then we bring you home.”
“I got no home. You were my home but now I know you never wanted me.”
“Y/N stop saying things like that. I’m an idiot. Stupid. Selfish and beyond dumb sometimes but one thing I know for sure. I love you and my baby. We will wait for Donna and Jody. They are close by.”
“I called them on our way. Around half an hour. We should prepare to move out fast. We need to get to the bunker. It’s the only safe place for Y/N and her baby.” Sam gasps.
Blood is dripping down his arm and he looks pale. Before you can offer help Jack is already healing Sam with a simple touch of his fingers.
“I got enough of waiting. We should strike.” Jack says and you shake your head.
“I won’t let anyone die for me. I’m not…”
“Shh…Come here.” Arms wrapped around you Dean tries to make you stop trembling. You are close to giving up. The demons won’t give up and even if you can make it out of the room how far will you come?
“I got a plan!” Sam says.
“Spill it, Sammy.”
“They are too far away to hear the words. We can’t do it that way.” Castiel says.
“Then one of us has to go out and do it.”
“No, Sam! This isn’t a plan. That’s suicide and you know it.” You protest.
“I’ll do it. I got my phone. I can use the recorded exorcism and keep them at bay.” Dean says and you shake your head. Clinging to his shirt you look up at him with watering eyes.
“No, no. You won’t go out there and sacrifice yourself.”
“I need to protect you and our baby. I can handle a few demons.”
“Dean. Please don’t go. I…please.”
“Baby you are safe here. Sammy and Castiel will protect you. Don’t worry.”
“You don’t get it. I love you. You can’t just go out there and die for me or the baby.”
“I won’t die. I play the exorcism and keep the demons away until they leave.”
“Please. Sam tell him that’s insane.”
“It’s the only way, I guess. There are at least 25 demons outside. We can’t kill them all. Jack is still too weak. Cas has seen better times and even with Dean by my side…we have to risk it.”
“Sammy? You should talk him out of this insanity. Please.”
Softly kissing your forehead Dean holds you close for a moment. “I love you.” He whispers before storming out of the room phone already in his hands he starts to play the exorcism while demons start attacking the hunter.
When you try to run after Dean his younger brother must hold you back. Struggling against Sam’s strength you desperately try to break free. Ignoring your pregnancy, you want to help Dean fighting the demons.
Not letting his friend down Castiel runs after the hunter to help him fight the demons. Angel blade in his hands he stands back to back with Dean.
“Watch her. Don’t let Y/N leave the room.” Sam orders. Leaving the room, he joins his brother and Castiel to buy him some time while Jack is blocking your path to not let you run after the others.
"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus,
omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii,
omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.
Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te...
cessa decipere humanas creaturas,
eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...
Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ,
hostis humanæ salutis...
Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei;
contremisce et effuge,
invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine... quem inferi tremunt...
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.
Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire,
te rogamus, audi nos.
Before the last line of the exorcism echoes through the air you see Dean falling to his knees. Clutching his blood-stained chest, he looks into your direction to make sure you are safe.
Pushing the Nephilim aside you run out of the room. Completely lost in fear you just storm toward Dean ignoring anything else.
“He’s okay. Calm down, Y/N.” Sam tries to soothe you, but you can’t hear him. Looking at Dean you check on his wound. It’s not a deep cut but it’s bleeding heavily.
Jack is already by your side to heal Dean before you can break down in the tall hunters’ arms. Too much stress, fear, and emotions let you faint.
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“Is she okay?” Jack asks worriedly.
“I checked on her and the baby. Y/N needs some rest. We should let her sleep for a while.” Castiel says smiling at the young Nephilim.
“I’ll take care of her. Don’t worry.”
“We leave her in your hands then, Dean. Don’t mess up again. We had to handle those demons as you made her leave.” Sam warns.
“Do you think I don’t know that? I hate myself for hurting her. I’m not a good boyfriend. I’m afraid I will not be a good father either, Sammy. Maybe she should find someone better.”
“You were ready to sacrifice yourself to save Y/N and your unborn child. No other man would’ve done that. Okay. You are a good man and you will be a great father. Just get your shit together and win her over again. She needs you.” Sam says turning to leave Dean’s room.
“Thank you. All of you. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
“It’s okay Dean. Now take care of Y/N. That’s enough.”
Nodding at his brother Dean sits down onto the bed to gently stroke your cheek. Slowly opening your eyes, you look up at Dean.
“Hey. How do you feel?”
“A bit weak. Dizzy. Scared.”
“No need to be scared. You are safe. We are back at the bunker. Donna and Jody are taking care of the dead demons. No one will hurt you or our baby.” Dean says.
“Safe. Are the others unharmed? You were bleeding. Are you hurt, Dean?”
“I’m fine. Jack healed the little scratch.”
“That was not just a little scratch, Dean. It was bleeding heavily. You almost got yourself killed for me.”
“I would do it again, anytime to make sure you and my baby are safe. I can’t let anything happen to you or our baby.”
“I don’t want you to die for me. Please. Dean.”
“Shhh…just relax. The baby is alright. Cas checked on you.”
“Will you stay with me?”
“Always. For the rest of my life, I want to stay with you.”
“I want to stay with you too, Dean.”
“Then let’s rest and tomorrow we can talk about the rest of our lives.”
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Holding you into his harms Dean kisses your hair softly. For the first time in his life, he feels like his life is heading into the right direction…
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I Need Fire (Part 4)
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Previous Chapter       Next Chapter Summary: Rayne comforts an upset Jo before her best friend urges her to go out for the night and have fun.  What ensues is a hectic night that ends in Tommy comforting our resident red head, and a little more than that ;)
Authors Note:  Hey all!  Sorry for the delay I kept going back and tweaking little things in this chapter until I felt it was good enough to post.  Another chapter that kind of just kept pouring out of me, so it’s another long one!  I haven’t written smut in a very long time so I hope I don’t disappoint!  I’m also shit at writing chapter summaries, don’t hate me!!  Please let me know what you think, this is definitely out of my comfort zone<3
Warnings:  The smut is here!  Also unwanted advances on Rayne, not very detailed but it is in here.
Musical Inspiration: Van Halen-Everybody Wants Some Quiet Riot-Danger Zone Bruce Springsteen-For You (specifically the live version from Hammersmith Odeon) Motley Crue-Merry Go Round
Taglist: @triplehaitches @freddiessmallnipples send me an ask if you want to be added!
Word Count:  8,974  (I know, what the hell lol!)
Chapter 4
One Month Later
It had been a whirlwind since Motley got signed, the record company wanted to get them in the studio as soon as they possibly could something about “catching lightning in a bottle.”  As a result of that the band had been in the studio non stop for the past month, occasionally Rayne would stop by to see Tommy but she never wanted to bother him while he was working.  His dream was coming true and he shouldn’t have any distractions. Even though Tommy told Rayne countless times that she wasn’t a distraction at all, she was an inspiration (which of course made Rayne roll her eyes).
With all the chaos Rayne felt as if she hadn't had a moment to breathe and she had been craving a home cooked dinner for weeks. When she was got home from work that Thursday Rayne started making one of her favorite meals, spaghetti and meatballs. Rayne was straining spaghetti in the sink when Jo came through the door.  “Perfect timing, I made your favorite.”
“Oh my god you’re the perfect human being.”  Jo groaned before plopping herself down on the couch letting out a loud sigh.
“Ut oh, what’s wrong?”  Rayne asked pouring the spaghetti in a big bowl followed by some homemade sauce mixing it through.
“Ugh, it’s so stupid I don’t even want to talk about it.”  Jo closed her eyes brushing her blonde hair back off her face.  Rayne put the bowl on the table that already had salad and garlic bread ready to be eaten.
“Well too late, you brought it up.”  Rayne said simply pointing a kitchen utensil at her best friend. “Spill, or I’ll do what my grandma always threatened to do to me and smack you with a wooden spoon.”
“I failed my test today that’s twenty five percent of my final grade.  And… ugh,”  Jo paused getting up walking over to the kitchen table.  Rayne scooped up a nice portion of spaghetti and served it to Jo.  “Vince had another girl at the studio when I went over there before I came home.”
Rayne paused for a moment, before reaching for the salad bowl to give Jo a little bit in her side bowl.  “And I’m just so mad at myself because we weren’t serious and never ever exclusive.  I just didn’t think I’d be this upset about it.”
Rayne put a hand on Jo’s shoulder to comfort her.  “Well I’ll start with the easiest thing to tackle first, you eat.” Rayne pointed to the full plate in front of Jo, who followed her friends orders.  “You’ve done great on all your other tests so far this semester. So even if you did bomb this one there’s no way it’s going to keep you from graduating okay?”  Jo swallowed a mouthful of spaghetti and nodded slowly.  “And secondly that blows about Vince.  I know you guys were casual but I also know you really liked him.  Do you think you’ll be able to keep seeing him knowing it’s not just you?”
Rayne’s heart broke as she watched a tear slowly trickle down Jo’s cheek, the tear leaving a stain of black mascara in its wake.  Jo’s voice was so fragile as she replied, “I don’t want to lose him. God I’m so fuckin stupid.”
Rayne was on her knees wrapping Jo up in a big hug as soon as the words left Jo’s mouth. “Shh, it’s okay baby girl. It’s okay.”  The two stayed like that for a while.  Rayne had no problem letting Jo cry as long as she needed to, god knows Jo had given Rayne a shoulder to cry on many times. Eventually Jo lifted her head off of Rayne’s shoulder.  “You really are my best friend.”
“I know sweetie, I know.”  Rayne smiled softly wiping the stray tears from her friends cheeks.  “You do what feels right for you okay?  But only stay with him if you can truly deal with not being the only girl, and for the love of god make sure you’re using condoms so you don’t catch anything!”
Jo nodded, taking a deep breath.  “I’m so sorry about my meltdown, your amazing food is gonna be cold.”
Casually waving her hand in the air Rayne smiled, “That’s what we have a microwave for.”
Rayne felt for her friend she really did.  It was rare that Jo got this twisted up and upset over something, especially a guy.  Most of the time it was as is Jo was walking on air, free of all worries.  It was something Rayne admired most about her friend. She’d be lying if the sight of a broken down Jo in front of her didn’t shake her to the core a little bit though.  Rayne and Tommy hadn’t put a label on what was going on with them either.  She knew Tommy wasn’t seeing other women and vice versa but the fact that Rayne could be in the same place Jo was now was more than a big unsettling.
After dinner was finished the two began to clean up the mess, there really wasn’t much except plates and serving bowls to clean considering Rayne was a stickler for cleaning while she cooked.  That was one thing her Italian grandma passed down to her, that and a shit ton of great recipes. “Dinner was really good Ray, thank you.”
“Nothing like a bit of comfort food when you’re feeling down.”  Rayne smiled putting the dishes back in the cabinet.
“That’s the Italian in you.”  Jo pointed at her friend before laying down on the couch bringing her knees up to her chest.
“Don’t I know it?”  Rayne rolled her eyes before sighing.  “Jo what can I do to make you feel better?  I hate seeing you like this.”
“I’m in a funk, I think I’m just going to head to bed.”  Jo ran her fingers through her hair once more.
“Are you sure?  I was gonna head to the Starwood later.  Quiet Riot is playing.”  Rayne offered.  “Or I could happily stay in and we can drink violet gin and tonics until we pass out.  Your call.”
“No you go have fun, I won’t be a good wing man tonight feeling like this.”  Jo declined.  “I think I just need sleep.”
“Alright, well… promise me at least that you’ll do one thing for yourself tonight. Take a bath, do your nails, dye those roots…” Rayne trailed off seeing is Jo would notice the friendly insult.
“You bitch!” Jo laughed out loud throwing a box of tissues at Rayne before she looked into the mirror by the front door. “They do need touching up don’t they?  I’ll make an appointment this week.”
“I’m just saying, do something for yourself.  Promise?”
“I promise.” Jo assured as she hugged Rayne. “Go have a blast.”
A few hours later Rayne was getting ready to walk out the front door.  She knew she wouldn’t see Tommy tonight, he was laying down drum tracks for a song called “Merry Go Round” and she was pretty sure the album was almost done.  She simply wore an old Van Halen t-shirt, a leather jacket and ripped jeans. Her red hair was teased as ever, tonight she chose to take a curling iron to some areas making them even more defined.  
Quiet Riot was not a band Rayne was particularly head over heels for but they always put on a killer show and they’re guitar player Randy was the best guitar player in LA in Rayne’s opinion, even better than Eddie Van Halen.  The Starwood was a little bit further away from the apartment, but it was still only a fifteen minute walk.  That was one of Rayne’s favorite things about living in LA: walking the strip.  Once nine o’clock hit every night the streets were just littered with kids. Some not even able to get into the clubs yet but it was all about the atmosphere, the scene was magnetic and everyone wanted to be around it in their own way.  You could always hear heavy metal music the entire time you walked, either people blasting it in their cars with the windows down or pouring out onto the street from the clubs.  
Depending on the day of the week you would walk on either concrete or hundreds of flyers people handed out trying to get their band noticed.  Rayne couldn’t fault them for it, any way to get the word out about their bands they had to take.  Rayne and Jo had taken many flyers being passed out by bands in their time living in LA, sometimes the bands end up being great other times they’re total duds.  Musical Russian roulette: just another thing that came with the territory of the strip.  That and they always put the prettiest guy in the band out on the street because they knew the girls would be more likely to take the flyer.
Rayne got a few cat calls from cars as she walked down the street by herself.  Too bad Tommy’s not here, they wouldn’t say that shit then.  Last week some guy bought Tommy a drink after the show he complimented Rayne's, uh, assets and Tommy ended up breaking a glass over his head.  The two had been spending time together but not every waking moment.  It didn’t upset Rayne in any way because she knew this was Tommy’s dream, she didn’t fault him for having to be locked in a studio to get everything perfect.  It was going to be their introduction to the world after all and the record company had thrown a lot of money at the band.  They had new wardrobe, new stage props, a recording budget, they even had a drug budget.  Rayne was pretty sure Tommy was hiding his using from her all together since the night she saw Motley play live for the first time.  That was the last thing she wanted, if Tommy hid that from her he would undoubtedly hide other things from her, which would leave Rayne heartsick like Jo.  They would definitely have to talk about that eventually, and also the big question: What the fuck were they? Friends?  Friends with benefits?  Boyfriend and Girlfriend?
Rayne was so caught up in her thoughts she almost walked right past The Starwood, once again a line was wrapped around the building.  She knew she should’ve waited in it but how could she when Brandon was working the door?  “Hey beautiful.”  Brandon smiled at Rayne.  Brandon was your average bouncer, picture every one you’ve ever seen in your mind and that was him.  “Where’s your boy at?”
“Hi Honey.” Rayne smiled at him giving him a hug.  “And he’s not my boy, I’m all alone tonight Jo didn’t feel good.”
“That’s not what I heard.”  Brandon had a cocky smile on his face.  Now Rayne was intrigued.
“What have you heard, about what?”  Rayne questioned.
“Ray, he’s your boy.”  Brandon repeated.   “Now are you coming in or not?”
“Yeah I am.” Rayne sighed walking past him patting him on the shoulder.
The Starwood was a smaller venue, she didn’t really know why Quiet Riot was playing here, they usually played the Whiskey or the Roxy.  Rayne pulled her cigarettes from her purse and lit one up checking the stage to see if she knew who the opening band was.  No one looked familiar so she continued her way to the stairs to the upstairs balcony, it wasn’t huge but there was a less crowded bar up there.
“Is that Miss Sykes I see?”  Rayne heard a happy southern accent from behind the bar.  Gloria was another LA transplant, but she was more obvious then Rayne.  Gloria was from Louisiana and was sweet as could be, it was actually off putting for Rayne at first.
“It’s me.” Rayne smiled lifting herself up on the bar to give Gloria a kiss on the cheek.  “How have you been?”
“Oh you know, same ‘ol same ‘ol sugar.  What can I get you?  Oh actually, hang on, we just got a new whisky from Scotland behind the bar I want you to try it.”  Gloria said.  See, things like that were not something one experienced often in LA.
“Sounds good, you know how I feel about whisky’s from Scotland.”  Rayne took a seat on the barstool.
“If it’s not from Scotland it’s not worth drinking.”  Gloria and Rayne said at the same time, sharing a laugh. “So what’s this I’m hearing about you and that Tommy boy?”
“Jesus Christ, what was there a conference call that everyone had to spread this around like wild fire?  Nothing, we’re just friends.”  Rayne held her hands out at her sides, not believing what she was hearing. The two were nothing official and so many of Rayne’s friends spoke about it like they were together, what the fuck was going on?
“Mmmhmm,” Gloria slid the glass of whisky across the bar.  Rayne held the glass up to her nose and took a deep breath. “Oh my god that smells delicious.” Rayne took a sip letting the amber liquid slowly trickle down her throat, breathing out slowly to really taste the flavor.  “And it tastes even better.  What is that?”
“Royal Lochnagar.”  Gloria responded.
“I might have you order me a bottle or two of that.”  Rayne smiled taking another sip.
“Just say the word and it’s yours darlin’.”  Gloria smiled as Rayne threw down a couple bills down at the bar.
“I’m gonna pop down and before the band comes on.  I’ll stop back up before I leave.”  Rayne popped up from her stool whisky in hand.
“Have fun sugar.”
Rayne descended down the steps as the opening band finished their set and music began to fill the room from the PA, the primal drums and chants of “Everybody Wants Some” by Van Halen got a rise out of everyone in the crowd.  Before Rayne got down to the bottom step she saw an open spot right in front of the soundboard.  That was a peak viewing spot, and always the place to go for the best sound.  Rayne held her glass up above her head as to not spill it on anyone.  As she made her way over there she was pushed backward and felt her drink spill down her back despite her efforts. She looked up and saw a guy with long dirty blond hair that she didn’t recognize.  “Oh my god babe I’m so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.”
First he spilled her drink then he called her babe, yep two strikes against this asshole already.  “Don’t call me babe.” Rayne rolled her eyes making her way over to the spot she was trying to get to.
“Hey, come on!  I’m really sorry, let me buy you another one.”  He insisted once more, putting his hand on her stomach.
“Dude it’s fine, just piss off.”  Rayne turned towards the stage now that she’d gotten in front of the soundboard, brushing his hand off of her stomach and shaking the alcohol from her hair.
“So your personality matches your hair color, I like that.”  Wow, this guy just wouldn’t take no for an answer would he? Rayne just chose to ignore him. “Oh so it’s gonna be like that huh?”  This asshole stepped into Rayne’s personal space as he finished his sentence.
“Dude, can you back the fuck off?”  Rayne shot him her harshest look.  She was beginning to think, for whatever reason, that him spilling her drink was not an accident.  Without saying a word the guy turned and walked away, That’s weird.  What made him finally get the message?
When the houselights went down Rayne clapped and the band quickly kicked into Danger Zone, Randy wailing on his guitar and Frankie keeping the beat.  Usually she would’ve been more into it but that blond asshole put her on edge.  After the band played Slick Cadillac the guitar and drum solo kicked in. As cliché as it sounded Rayne chose that time to go to the bathroom as she felt like her bladder was about to explode.  She made her way through the crowd fairly easy, everyone was mesmerized by the talented virtuoso playing on stage.  The hallway to the bathroom was surprisingly not crowded, only one couple was making out back there.  Rayne pushed the door open and was surprised to see no one else was in there either, she chose a stall and quickly did what she had to do.  
Rayne walked out to the sink and began washing her hands when the bathroom door flew open, and her stomach dropped.  It was the blonde asshole from before.  “There she is!”
Now she was starting to get worried, there was no one else in here, just her and this guy. “What do you want?”
“Oh now she’ll speak to me.”  Asshole said patronizingly stalking Rayne.  “Things could have been so much easier before if you would’ve spoken.”
Rayne, on high alert began circling around him, hoping that would allow her to make a break for the door.  “I did speak to you, I told you to back off.  But someone must be hard of hearing.”
“Oh no I heard you loud and clear princess.”  He reached out and roughly grabbed Rayne’s arm and twisting causing her to let out a cry of pain.  He started clawing at her shirt with his other hand, Rayne fighting him every step of the way.  She was trying everything she could to knee him in the balls, scratch his eyes out, anything to get the upper hand.  “You think he’s gonna want you when he sees what I’ve done to you?  Not a chance Princess, I’m gonna ruin you.”
“I’m not your princess.”  Rayne said through gritted teeth pushing all of her weight down causing him to break his grip on her arm, while he was caught off guard Rayne also with every bit of strength she had in her kicked him right in the balls causing him to fall to his knees.
“Hey!” she suddenly heard another voice in the bathroom, it was Brandon. "Back the fuck up.”
Rayne watched as Brandon got down on the ground, grabbing the blonde by the collar getting a few punches in before throwing him out to another security guard at the door.  Brandon rushed over to Rayne who had collapsed onto the floor, the adrenaline coursing through her body causing her to do nothing but shake.  “Rayne, you okay?”
Rayne nodded her head, “He-he didn’t do anything.  Just grabbed my arm, but I got away.”  Her chest was rising and falling like it had never before in her life, it almost felt as if she couldn’t breathe.  Brandon wrapped Rayne up in his arms, “Shh it’s okay. I know you did.  It’s all gonna be fine.  Come on, can you stand?  I’ll take you to the office upstairs.”
Taking a deep breath Rayne pushed herself up, using Brandon as support to stand on her two feet.  She wasn’t hurt but she was fucking rattled that’s for sure.  “Come on lets get you upstairs.”
The two exited the bathroom turning to walk to the office.  Rayne had tunnel vision somewhat, everything was kind of a blur, she heard the faint sound of the band continuing to play, mixed with Brandon’s words of encouragement from beside her.  Before the two turned to walk up the steps Rayne’s eyes locked on someone that made her stomach turn.  The blonde woman from the night at the Whiskey what called her fat, the one that said she would pay for whatever offense she thought Rayne committed against her.  She had a smug smile on her face as she and Brandon approached her.  “Oh no, what happened to your shirt?  Looks like someone had a good time with you…”
For a moment Rayne actually thought she might throw up right there on the floor but with all the might she could muster forced herself not to.  At the top of the stairs she and Brandon approached a closed door, which once it was open revealed a red room with black furniture and carpet.  “Here Red, sit down.”
“What the fuck.  Rayne are you alright?”  asked the owner of the Starwood, Ken.
“Some asshole was about to assault her in the bathroom.”  Brandon answered.
“No some bitch wanted to hurt me and that guy was the vehicle to make it happen.  Or try to make it happen at least.” Rayne found her voice.  
“What? Who?”  Ken asked kneeling down in front of Rayne.
“It’s a long story.”  Rayne brushed it aside not even looking at the two men before addressing Brandon, “How did you even know to look for me?”
“We gotta call Tommy.”  Brandon said looking up at his boss causing Rayne’s head to snap up.
“No you absolutely do not have to call Tommy.  I’m a big girl and I’m okay.  I’m allowed to be shaken up okay!  Stop fussing over me.  Now answer my question, how did you even know to look for me?”  Rayne snapped a little bit, but who could blame her?  Emotions were running high and what could Tommy do now about the situation?  That’s right nothing!
“You’re one of our girls Rayne, and we protect our own.”  Ken softly said, placing a hand on her shoulder.  That was the moment Rayne started to cry.
“At least let me call you a cab, once you feel better.  I don’t want you walking home if that creep is still out there, or you can go to the police and press charges, we can pull the security footage.”  Ken offered and Rayne shook her head.  “I’ll just go home, as long as you’re paying for my fare.”
Ken and Brandon chuckled, “Yes I’ll pay the fare.”
Thirty minutes later Rayne exited the cab and made her way up to the steps of her apartment. What a fucking night: console Jo who was feeling insecure about her emotions, choose to go out and see a show, have maybe the best whisky she ever tasted, get assaulted by some fucking asshole that spilled said whisky on her, and come face to face with Satan herself who most likely orchestrated the entire thing.  She was absolutely calling out sick to her work tomorrow, it was just too much, Rayne didn’t even know if she’d be able to sleep. Pulling out her keys Rayne unlocked the door to her apartment, it was absolutely silent, Jo must have fell asleep hours ago.  Rayne took her shoes off and quietly made her way to her bedroom.  She turned a light on and went straight for her record player.  There was only one person that could be a soothing balm on her awful night: Bruce Springsteen. Bruce always reminded her of home, and on days or nights like this Rayne turned to his voice and his lyrics. She made sure the volume was turned down low and put the needle to the vinyl sighing when the piano began.
Rayne took off all her jewelry, necklace, bracelet, earrings and just as she was about to lay down on her bed she heard a knock at the door.  No one should be coming here especially this time of night, it was after 1AM and sadly Rayne’s first thought was could that guy have followed me home?  Rayne made her way back out to the front door, she looked through the peephole and was absolutely shocked to see Tommy standing outside. Unlocking the two locks she opened it up whispering to him, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Tommy didn’t even respond, he just walked in wrapping Rayne up in his arms and held on to her tightly.  Rayne quietly shut the front door once again.  “Tommy?  What are you doing here?  And how do you know where I live?”
Keeping his arms tightly around Rayne, Tommy kissed the top of Rayne’s head.  “Kenny called me and told me what happened… and then gave me the address he gave to the cab driver.”
“Motherfucker.”  Rayne would have screamed if Jo wasn’t sleeping down the hall.  “I told them not to call you!”
“Why wouldn’t you want them to call me?”  Tommy asked before Rayne shook her head.
“Let’s talk in my room.”  She locked the front doors once more and led Tommy to her bedroom down the hallway to the right. The two walked in and Rayne once again closed the door behind her.  “Jo had a shit day, I don’t want to wake her up.”
“Why didn’t you want them to call me?”  Tommy asked his question again as he sat down on Rayne’s bed on top of her mint green sheets.
“Because it’s not a big deal.  And what is the deal with all the sudden all eyes being on me since you and I have been spending time together?”
“Not a big deal?  Rayne some guy almost… he almost…" Tommy couldn't bring himself to say it, "and what’s wrong with people keeping an eye on you?”
“That’s not the problem Tommy.  The problem is that after I got into the office with Ken tonight one of the first things they said was ‘we have to call Tommy.’  What the fuck is that about?”  Rayne really wished she could be yelling this at him right now. “I’m an adult Tommy, I don’t need to feel like I’m being spied on whenever you’re not around.  What, you don’t trust me?”
"Of course I trust you.  I don't trust other people.  I know enough people in this city what's wrong with making sure you're looked after?"
"Tommy I'm 23 and I just met you a month and a half ago.  I've gotten this far in life on my own with no one protecting me. I once told you I'm not your mother and would never tell you what to do.  I expect the same from you, do you want to be someone I'm seeing or my father?  I'll wait." Rayne ranted.
"Of course I don't want to be your father." Tommy looked down at the floor.  "But I can still want you to be taken care of when you go out. If it were up to me you'd never have to worry about anything when you went out at night or for the rest of your life for that matter."
“It's not in me to rely on other people Tommy. If this is going to work you have to understand that.  And we’re a long way away from never worrying about anything for the rest of my life.”  Rayne grabbed his hand kneeling in front of him, “And I’m okay, see?  Not a scratch.”
Tommy held her hand but turned it so that her palm was facing up towards him, when he did that Rayne could see the bruise that was beginning to form on her arm.  “No just bruised.”
“Hey, look at me,” Rayne instructed and Tommy looked up at her before repeating. She knew she had to tell Tommy about who she thought was behind it all. “I’m fine okay?”
Tommy nodded his head silently.  It was a strange conversation to have, if anyone should be concerned about what the other was doing when they weren't around Rayne thought it would be her worried about what Tommy got up to without her.
"But there is something I should tell you that you haven't heard about." Rayne look a deep breath.
"Well do you remember at the Whiskey I told you after you left that first night some girl called me fat.  And it was someone you had previously been with?"  Rayne started softly, she didn't want this to be a big bomb shell.  Tommy nodded and Rayne continued, "Well I didn't tell you that she told me I was going to pay for whatever it is she thought I did to her that night."  Rayne could see Tommy's fist clinching, instinctively she put a hand over it to try and calm him.  "Well when I was in the bathroom with that creep he said something to me about ruining me and how you wouldn't want me after he was through. Then when I left with Brandon that blonde woman was there with a smile on her face.  When I walked passed her she said 'it looks like someone had fun with you' before she turned and walked away.  I think she was behind everything.”
"I'm gonna fucking kill her."  Tommy seethed, quickly shooting to his feet.
"No you're not."  Rayne warned grabbing hold of his arm and bringing him back down to the bed. "You're not going to do anything of the sort.  Don't put fuel on the fire.  Hopefully she’s content with her actions and thinks she got the desired result.  Maybe we shouldn’t go out as much for a while."
“Fuck that dude!  There’s no way we’re doing that.  You’re my girl. And if anyone has an issue with it, they can fuck off.”  Tommy spoke passionately while Rayne sighed, nodding her head in agreement. He was right, that was a drastic move to not be seen out with each other, and why should they suffer because someone didn’t like that they couldn’t have Tommy?
“It's late. Do you want to stay the night?” Rayne questioned softly, still holding his hand.  She could see him perk up which caused her to laugh, “To sleep Tommy, just sleep.”
Rayne at that moment noticed what we was wearing, the tight jeans and hot pink halter top did not look comfortable.  She tried to contain her laughter but failed.  He looked silly.  “I have some clothes that’ll probably fit you.”
“Aren’t I supposed to be letting you borrow my clothes?”  Tommy questioned as Rayne opened one of her drawers shuffling items around until she found what she was looking for.
“Probably but until you live somewhere that is not infested with roaches I won’t be sleeping over at your apartment.  Sorry.”  Rayne smiled throwing him an oversized Led Zeppelin shirt and a pair of sweatpants.  “You know you better be happy that I have long legs, those should fit you for the most part.”
Tommy looked down at the clothes Rayne threw him with a smile on his face, but soon an awkward silence descended upon them in the room.  In the month that they’d been seeing each other off and on they somehow hadn’t done anything intimate yet.  Tommy was in and out of the studio, playing tons of shows, Rayne was at the office every weekday and occasionally visiting Tommy in the studio or going out.  Sure there was some heavy petting that happened but Tommy would always stop them (being a hopeless romantic and all) saying that he didn’t want it to happen in a studio bathroom, or the hallway of a club.  To say both of them probably had a case of blue balls at this point was an overstatement.  It actually made Rayne a bit nervous, she didn’t want him thinking she was a prude that wouldn’t put out.
“I’ll go change in the bathroom.”  Rayne fiddled with her pajamas.  Tommy quickly stood up, “You don’t have to.  I mean we’re both adults.”
Tommy started by taking his shirt off.  He was a string bean, that was the only way to put it, he was so thin there was an in dented line from his chest leading down to his belly button to the little patch of hair that disappeared into his jeans.  It was almost intimidating how thin he was; he had zero muscle on his body.  Tommy’s eyes softened looking over at Rayne.  Rayne hooked her thumbs on the bottom of her Van Halen t-shirt which was even more ripped than it was when she left and lifted it over her head. Rayne watched as Tommy turned sheepish, “I-uh-I’m not wearing underwear.”
“I mean we’re both adults Tommy.”  Rayne threw his words back at him.  "Or you could always wear a pair of mine."  Rayne said cheekily.  Tommy gave Rayne a small smile as he unbuttoned his jeans, lowering the zipper.  Rayne swallowed as she effortlessly slid the jeans down his legs, she tried to mask her surprise when she saw him naked.  Tommy was big, like really big, like Rayne only had toys that size and had never seen one out in the wild big.  Taking her eyes off his dick Rayne snapped her gaze up to his eyes. “Well I think we can safely say the codpiece could have been bigger.”
To say Tommy had a shit eating grin on his face was the understatement of the year.  He put his hands on his hips, “If you’re done staring, it’s your turn gorgeous.”
“I wish I could say I was half as confident as you.”  Rayne said nervously.
“Well I am letting you keep your bra on.  This time.”  Tommy winked at Rayne across the room.  He was trying to ease her nerves, it wasn’t really working. Standing across from her was the body of a God, a skinny God, but Godlike none the less.  Rayne took a deep breath, hoping it would fill her with courage as she unbuttoned her jeans, sliding the zipper down and eventually slipping them off of her legs.  Luckily Rayne was wearing underwear but to her she might as well have stood stark naked in front of him.  “You’re perfect baby.”
Rayne smiled at the compliment before throwing her shirt over her head and pulling a pair of shorts up her legs.  Tommy followed suit, but she had an aching suspicion he would’ve stayed naked if he could have.  Tommy sat back down on Rayne’s bed, pulling the covers down.  “I do have to wash my face before I go to bed. I’ll be right back.  Um-if you need to use the bathroom at any point it’s down this hall on the left.”
Rayne quickly went to the bathroom turning on the water to warm up.  She opened the cabinet grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste.  Once her teeth were fresh and clean she reached for the mouthwash to swish around her mouth. Then came the face wash to wipe away the nights makeup.  Skincare was the one thing Rayne treated herself to, she wanted to keep her skin looking as good as possible for as long as she could.  Once her face was washed, toned, and her serums were put on Rayne placed all her skincare products back in the cabinet. The last thing for Rayne do was to take her birth control pill.  Rayne took a deep breath before walking back to her bedroom where Tommy was waiting for her in bed.  
“There’s my beautiful girl.”  Tommy turned his head on the pillow.
“God you have a silver tongue sometimes.”  Rayne laughed before she walked over to the bed sliding in next to Tommy. Rayne sighed, it felt good to finally lay down, and she curled into Tommy.  
“What are you listening to?”  Tommy asked like she was listening to music created on the moon, which only made her laugh.
“Tommy it’s Bruce fucking Springsteen!”  She proudly said.
“Are you serious right now?  Bruce Springsteen, as in Bruce Springsteen & The E-Street Band.”
“I know who he is babe, but why are you listening to him?”  Tommy asked still utterly confused.
“Because he reminds me of home, this is what you sign up for when you’re hanging out with a Jersey girl.  His music soothes my soul.”  Rayne knew he was far from metal, but the man's music always soothed any feelings of home sickness.  His words expressed emotion beautifully and his passion on stage was undeniable.
“You’re from Jersey?”  Tommy questioned.
“Didn't you notice the accent?  Jo tells me she hears it all the time.”  Rayne looked over at Tommy from her pillow.
“You smell a lot better than I would expect someone from Jersey to smell like, that's all.” She could actually hear the smile in Tommy's voice as he said that.
“Oh fuck you.”  Rayne laughed. “I’ll throw you out of this bed right now.  Is that what you want?”
“That’s the last thing I want.  I love how you smell by the way.”  Tommy complimented.  She always smelled sweet with a hint of smoke, it was intoxicating.
"Do you now?"  Rayne teased him.
"Mmhmm whatever you wash with or wear as perfume is incredible."  
Rayne reached over to Tommy gently caressing his face with her index finger, drifting over his cheekbones, his chin, his forehead.  Having him this close Rayne wanted to commit each bit of him to memory.  Rayne soon closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of him as she started to fall asleep. "Just listen to the lyrics and how passionately he sings them.  Then maybe, just maybe you'll understand my love for The Boss."
Crawl into my ambulance, your pulse is getting weak Oh reveal yourself all now to me, girl, while you've got the strength to speak 'Cause they're waiting for you at Bellevue with their oxygen masks But I could give it all to you now, if only you could ask
Rayne felt Tommy’s hand playing with her hair, massaging her scalp gently, moving back down to her back before repeating his motions.  In the silence and darkness of her bedroom the lyrics caressed them like a gentle breeze.
Oh, and don't call for your surgeon, even he says it's too late It's not your lungs this time, it's your heart that holds your fate Don't give me my money, honey, I don't want it back You and your pony face and your Union Jack Well, take your local joker and teach him how to act I swear I was never that way, even when I really cracked Didn't you think I knew that you were born with the power of a locomotive Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? And your Chelsea suicide with no apparent motive You could laugh and cry in a single sound
“Rayne?”  Tommy whispered in the dark.  He was taken aback by how descript the lyrics were and on some level he could relate to them, but he could also see how they spoke to Rayne.  Music was obviously very important to her, and it was to him as well but on a different level.  In the month that he'd spent time with Rayne she had used music to describe how she was feeling multiple times, sometimes even quoting lyrics to Tommy. Music allowed him to see past any walls she put up, she allowed herself to be vulnerable when she expressed herself this way.  Tommy had no problems expressing how he was feeling, all that came from growing up in such a tight knit family.  For him music was an escape and release.  He had so much energy all the time music allowed a place for him to channel that.  It also allowed him a mask, Tommy was a product of high school marching band and always felt like a bit of a dork on the inside, sometimes even quiet and shy. But no one would ever guess that by the music he played and the look he presented while playing it.
It's not the way you're stretched out on the floor 'Cause I've broken all your windows and I've rammed through all your doors And who am I to ask you to lick my sores? And you should know that's true I came for you, for you, I came for you
“Yeah Tommy?”  Rayne asked in a sleep laden voice a single tear falling down her cheek, this particular song very much striking a chord with her tonight.
“I think I get it.”  Which caused Rayne to smile as she fell into a peaceful sleep with her favorite drummers arms wrapped around her.
The next morning Rayne woke up to banging on her bedroom door, her eyes shot open at the sound of her best friends voice,  “Ray, you okay?  You’re usually at work by now.”
Rayne sat up still groggy and noticed that Tommy was still sleeping next to her, but beginning to stir.  “Ugh god who is-“ He started to complain before Rayne slapped her hand over his mouth to shut him up.
“I’m okay Jo, I called out today I’m not feeling good at all.”  Rayne shouted back.  "Are you feeling any better today?"
“I'm feeling better I took a bubble bath after you left then fell asleep. Do you need me to grab you anything before I come back home tonight?”  Jo offered.
“No thanks Jo, you’re sweet.  I’m just gonna rest.  I'm glad you're feeling better.”  Rayne replied looking down at Tommy who had begun kissing Rayne's fingers as she covered his mouth.  “Have a good day.”
“Feel better chick.”  Jo said.  Rayne kept Tommy’s mouth covered while she still heard shuffling around the apartment, only removing it once she finally heard the front door close.  Rayne fell back onto the bed, her red hair spread out all over her pillow.
“That was close.”  Rayne sighed before looking over at Tommy and smiling.  “Good morning.”
“Good morning.”  Tommy smiled sleepily tightening his grip around Rayne.  “Are you ashamed of me?  Hiding me from your best friend.”
“No, but be happy the door was locked, because she would’ve come in here, seen you and she never would have left.  The questioning would have been endless, you would've felt like your mother just caught you in bed with me.”  Rayne replied honestly.  “Sorry she woke you up though.”
“It’s okay.”  Tommy replied leaning in to kiss Rayne softly on the lips.  Rayne sighed in response, burying her hands in his hair.  Tommy pulled away nuzzling Rayne’s nose with his.  “You know, since you’re playing hooky today I could think of one thing we could do.”
“Oh yeah?  What is that?” Rayne smiled over at him. Tommy didn’t respond, well verbally at least.  He leaned back in and kissed Rayne again, placing his hand at the small of her back to arch her against him.  She could feel Tommy was already hard.  Rayne couldn’t help the moans that fell from her mouth as she and Tommy grinded against each other.  Tommy smiled against her lips before he rolled the two of them over so Rayne was underneath him.  Rayne sat up when she felt Tommy’s fingers hook at the bottom of her shirt to allow him to lift it off of her.  Tommy put all his weight on his left arm to support him so he could admire Rayne’s body beneath him.  Rayne watched him closely trying to get a read on any emotion crossing his face other than desire, she couldn’t identify any.
“Sit up baby.”  Tommy spoke in a husky voice and Rayne was all too happy to comply.  She grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him in for another heated kiss.  Rayne slipped her tongue into Tommy’s mouth when she felt his hands around the back of her bra.  Tommy quickly popped the clasps open, obviously experienced at the task. The two continued to kiss Tommy slid the black bra straps down her arms.  Rayne pulled away moving to slip Tommy’s shirt up and over his head. Tommy kept his eyes locked with Rayne as he pulled her bra away from her breasts.  Rayne could feel her chest rising and falling from sheer excitement and Tommy finally looked down, his breath hitching as he took in her naked upper half.  Her tits were fantastic, he thought instantly they were big but still perky with pink nipples that were begging for his attention.  
Rayne laid back on her pillows and Tommy followed suit peppering kisses all over her chest.  “Oh fuck.”  Rayne gave a strained cry as Tommy wrapped his lips around one of her nipples and began to gently suck on it, soon after switching to tenderly flattening his tongue against her nipple, giving it long languid strokes to give it some relief from his mouth.
She couldn’t help how she squirmed underneath him, it had been so long since anyone touched her like this.  She was wanton and eager and Rayne didn’t give a shit, his mouth and hands were heaven and she wasn’t about to give that up for anything.  Rayne reached down to try and slide the sweatpants Tommy was wearing off but he quickly stopped her.  “Ut uh, you gotta have patience Cherry.”
“Haven’t I been patient enough?”  Rayne questioned breathily smiling at his nickname for her.  “It’s been a month!”  Tommy leaned in to kiss Rayne in hopes to keep her from protesting, which it did.  He began to kiss all the way down her body, between her luscious breasts, down her stomach until he placed a wet kiss on top of the waistband of Rayne’s pajama pants.  Tommy took a moment to look up to Rayne, her right hand was thrown behind her head and her head turned to the side, lips panting against her tricep.  To say seeing her like that gave him a sense of pride was an understatement, he felt powerful that he could make such a woman lose herself. After he discarded her pajama pants Tommy hooked one of Rayne’s legs over his shoulder.  He brought his hands up to her panties and began to caress her over the silky fabric which caused Rayne to almost shoot off the bed. “Oh my god Tommy!”
“That’s a good girl.  So wet for me.”  Tommy smiled continuing to tease her through her panties.  “Tell me what you want.”
“Fuck I want you…” Rayne cried as his fingers grazed over her clit before moving her panties down her legs discarding them to the side.
“My what?”  Tommy teasingly drug his fingers anywhere except the one place that would give her the most relief.
“Your mouth.”  Rayne whimpered begging to be touched.  Tommy didn’t make her wait long until his tongue was pressed flat against her pussy moving in long languid strokes.  Rayne spread her legs as wide as they could go, bringing her hand to her mouth to bite on her finger, “Oh my fucking god.”
“You taste so fucking good baby.”  Tommy grinned before exposing Rayne’s clit sucking on it just like he had her nipples earlier.  The sounds of her pleasure making him hard as a rock.  He continued to lick and suck on her until she buried her fingers in his hair urging him on.
“Tommy don’t stop, please!  I’m gonna-“
“That’s it baby.  Let go.”  Tommy said before his mouth went back to working her clit which sent her over the edge.
“Oh my god Tommy!  Fuck!”  Rayne screamed as she felt her orgasm wash over her in waves, it was like a time bomb went off inside of her, her legs were trembling and she was completely out of breath. Tommy gave one last long lick against Rayne to get any little bit of her cum that he could, which only made Rayne shake again before making his way up her body.  Tommy placed his hands on either side of Rayne’s head leaning down kissing her passionately.  Rayne could taste herself on Tommy’s tongue, which only made her feel even more drunk on him.
“Fuck someone is sensitive.”  Tommy grinned down at the red head beauty who was finally able to catch her breath.
“Oh my god Tommy, that was amazing.”  Rayne spoke with her eyes closed, a smile plastered on her face.  She didn't think she'd ever stop smiling after that.
“It was amazing.  You make the sexiest noises when you're about to cum.”  Tommy ran his fingers through Rayne’s silky soft red hair.  Tommy rolled onto Rayne’s side, the position making Rayne utterly aware of Tommy’s hard on. She lazily turned her head to face Tommy, still smiling, “My turn.”
“No baby, you don’t have to.  I just wanted to help you forget about last night and make you feel good.” Tommy replied genuinely.
“Well mission accomplished.”  Rayne grinned before rolling over so she was on top of Tommy repeating, Tommy's hands immediately went to her breasts caressing them in his hands making Rayne moan before snapping out of her own pleasure.  Tommy was certain he could see two devil horns springing out of her head.
Rayne repeated Tommy’s movements, kissing him all down his lean torso.  Now it was her turn to make him squirm.  Rayne effortlessly slid the sweatpants down Tommy’s leg, smiling as his erection happily stood up at attention.  She threw the sweatpants in the discarded pile of clothes on her bedroom floor.  Tommy had propped himself up on his elbows to be able to watch Rayne. Rayne locked eyes with Tommy and softly dragged her nails up and down Tommy’s thighs.  She couldn’t help feeling good as she watched him throw his head back.  The head of Tommy’s cock was already slick, glistening with precum, Rayne couldn’t help herself she leaned her head down and gave one long lick around the head of his cock. “Fuck baby.”
Rayne happily placed her tongue at the base of his dick, slowly working it all the way back up to the tip.  She did so again, this time her tongue starting at his balls and working her way up to his tip.  She was trying to drive him crazy, and it appeared she was doing a good job. Tommy’s hands were clenching the sheets below in attempt to, she assumed, not push her mouth down onto his dick.  “Mmm, yummy.”
“Fuck Rayne I- argh” Tommy’s statement was quickly hushed as Rayne took as much of Tommy’s length as she could into her mouth.  As she had seen last night Tommy was extremely large, larger than anyone Rayne had been with before.  She brought her mouth down as far as it could comfortably go and she slowly dragged back up.  Rayne reached his head and pulled off with an audible pop.  Rayne dove back to the task on hand, this time when she reached her comfort level, she relaxed her throat and slowly inched her head down until she had Tommy all the way inside her mouth.  “That’s right baby take all of it. Take mmph-“ Tommy was once again cut off as Rayne began moaning appreciatively, the vibrations of her throat driving Tommy mad with lust.  When she pulled back she began to bob her head up and down at a slightly faster pace, occasionally slowing down to deep throat him.  While she did that her hands gently massaged Tommy’s balls.  “Fuck Rayne. I’m gonna cum.”
If her mouth wasn’t full she would have smiled, instead she kept working her head up and down sucking and licking as she went.  She appreciated the warning, but she didn’t have any issue with swallowing for Tommy, his cum wasn’t going anywhere but down her throat.  “Oh fuck.”  Tommy said one final time before he fiercely came in Rayne’s mouth. She could feel his hot cum going down her throat as she swallowed any last bit he had to offer.  Soon Tommy was finished and Rayne pulled away from Tommy’s dick.  Tommy was flat on his back, his hands covering his eyes, Rayne laid next to him satisfied with herself she kissed his neck.  “That was the best blow job I’ve ever gotten in my life.”
“Oh please, you would say that even if I was shit at it.”  Rayne laughed at him, licking her lips still able to taste him.
“I’m not kidding.  I… I can’t even think straight.  My heart feels like it’s about to explode.”  Tommy said turning his head to look at Rayne.  Tommy brought his thumb up to Rayne’s lips rubbing it along her bottom lip, moaning when Rayne took his thumb into her mouth and began sucking on it.  “I want you.” Rayne whispered against his finger.
“I want you too, but not here.”  Tommy said softly.
“What? What’s wrong with here?” Rayne questioned starting to get scared.
“I want it to be perfect for you baby.  Do you trust me?”  Tommy asked nuzzling his nose against Rayne’s.
“I trust you. But you know I’m not a virgin Tommy, I don’t need a bed of roses.  That ship has long sailed.”  Rayne made sure he was aware.  
“That doesn’t mean it can’t be something to remember forever.”
“Oh you’re such a dork.”  Rayne smiled shaking her head.  “Do you want to hop into the shower with me?  Then afterwards we can make breakfast.”
“Mmmhmm, but hands off.”  Tommy pointed at Rayne.  “I know it’ll be hard for you but I’m gonna have to insist.”
“Yeah right.” Rayne chuckled pushing herself off the bed walking towards the door.  She turned to Tommy when she didn’t hear him behind her.  “You coming or not?”
“I just did.” Tommy grinned continuing before Rayne took back her offer.
“I’ve dreamt about your ass since the first night I watched you leave through the window of the apartment.  This is the first time I’m really seeing, I’m just taking it all in.” Tommy appreciated the view from the bed.  Rayne playfully shook her ass back and forth for him, surprising Tommy when she gave it a loud smack.  “Well how’s the reality?”
“Better than the dream.”  Tommy spoke sincerely before he pushed himself up off of Rayne’s bed and walked hand in hand with her to the bathroom.  He silently prayed that he had the strength to not make love to her until all his plans fell into place which he figured would be very soon.  One thing was certain though, what he said to Nikki the first night he saw Rayne was true.  He was, without a doubt, in love with her.
Take Me To The Next Chapter
Well there it is!  Please give me any feedback you have!  Like I said I haven’t written smut in ever!!  So if it was bad or good let me know!  Love you guys!!
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lotarclasspects · 6 years
Now this isn’t classpects but since it’s a very homestuck game by Toby Fox i thought i’d get my thoughts out
if you’ve played undertale and want to play the new game download it at deltarune.com
don’t read this if you haven’t finished DR
so first off... this game is interesting... to say the least. I believe an understanding of Undertale is needed before you play Deltarune because of its callbacks but also it’s themes. Undertale begins and has a huge theme of your choices mattering, shaping the game. However in Deltarune... it is stated at the very beginning that “your choices don’t matter”. The game begins with the text in the style of Chara or The Fallen Human who: in the Genocide Run, is shown to be a violent and “creepy” individual with selfish qualities: meant to exemplify the worst type of determination, the type wherein you go down every sluggish road and disregard characters to get every outcome of a game. Anyway... the game starts with the Red Soul and the text obviously to indicate Chara. At the end of the Genocide route... Chara is said to have taken your soul or you giving it to them. I haven’t played this only seen it. First off in Deltarune, after the speech from Chara it is said that your choices don’t matter. The Player then begins as “Kris” a human child of Toriel and Asgore. Just as Deltarune is an anagram of Undertale... Kris can be made of the letters of Frisk which is revealed to be the current humans real name in UT. Kris has yellow skin and dark hair same as frisk but wears the same outfit as Chara. Perhaps showing them to be a child of the Dreemurrs.
Their side of the room is blank and empty with just a cage in the corner upon a red wagon. The most notable thing however about this game is that it “appears” to take place after the pacifist ending wherein the monsters return to The Surface. You begin the game where UT pacifist ends... a bedroom in Toriels house. However through the game it becomes more and more obvious that this is not indeed the world you left behind. The characters are a bit different... Alphys and Undyne dont know each other... Asgore is said to be Kris’s father... but most notably: Asriel is Alive.
Asriel Dreemurr aka Flowey is absent in the whole game but is said to have gone to University. Asriel became a flower after the pacifist ending and even so vowed never to return.
So this is obviously a different place or time. Perhaps a world where monsters never had to go underground...
the main part of the game starts when Kris goes to the school where Toriel and Alphys work and they and their bully: Susie, fall down into a world ruled by card suits very Alice In Wonderland style. What’s interesting about this is that... the entire thing looks and feels like an Undertale AU. Or like an Undertale rip-off game. This isn’t just a sequel... it’s the same but instead of a single character driving the story it focuses on a team dynamic. The heroes are prophesied to close a “fountain” in a place where creatures have been imprisoned by their kind and befriend people along the way... wacky characters culminating in a fight with a King wielding a long red weapon... except instead of Humans and Monsters it’s Lightners and Darkers aka those that live in the light and those that live in the dark style. The human and monster meet up with a “Prince of This Realm” named Raseli which is an obvious anagram for Asriel. However Asriel already exists in this time. In UT: when flowey first introduced himself its as “The Prince of this worlds future” which is a fitting parallel but apparently this new friend says he’s a darkness prince. The new prophecy states that a human, a monster, and a prince of the dark will save the realm. this is assumed to be Raseli until we meet Prince Lancer, the son of the King of Spades. In the end it’s Lancer that unites people to take the King down. So if the prophecy is talking about him, susie, and Kris... who is Rasiel? My theory: Chara Dreemurr
Rasiel has a lot of parallels to Flowey. However in this game he actually gives you a decent tutorial... always encouraging you to finish fights peacefully as opposed to flowey saying “kill or be killed” and wanting you to murder. Raseli is always very cheery which sometimes honestly seems like a front. He always seems to know what the characters in the game are feeling such as when he says “the dog looks sad” in a narrating way when susie remarks “no it doesn’t” and it’s true... it doesn’t. So how could a simple darker know more than others who are seeing the same thing. Why does Raseli look and feel more like a self insert OC than all the others? Why is this game like a fan game of Undertale? Why does their shirt have a black heart upon it like there is a void in their outfit where a SOUL should be? Why are they smiling? Why is their primary colour green? Why are they the exact same height and build as Kris? Why is it shown they’re wearing a disguise under their first disguise? and why when they’re “unmasked” are they a Boss Monster like the dreemurrs? It’s Chara. It would also link back to the beginning of the game. The opposite of Asriel. In the end of the Genocide Route they remark they have full control over the world. If Asriel made himself powerful with wings why wouldn’t Chara make themself into a helpful guide? Not only that... it explains why the whole thing feels like a worse version of Undertale with some of the endings feeling purposefully forced like “everyone’s come to meet you” and every dark creature literally gathers in the last 3 room in tne end even when you haven’t befriended the darkness creatures nearly as much as the monsters in UT. Also when you meet Raseli they say they’re the last of their people but no other creatures like raseli are seen. Almost all dark creatures are based on cards and chess and other games but Raseli isn’t. They also have the Chara Smile which is hard to see under the glasses but once you see the silhouette...
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In any case... i believe Chara is behind all this and that somehow they’ve taken control of this timeline so the war never happened, in a bid to torment the player? in order to make their dream world where asriel and them grew up together happily on the surface and went to school? Who knows. This is my theory anyway. Food for thought i guess
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Princess Solaria: Fairy Lost
Princess Solaria: Fairy Lost (part 02) Winx Pilot Episode AU Bloom turns a corner and heads to the beach, Stella deals with the fall out.
Previously: 01-Clean/TW
Streets of your town
Gardenia : Earth
Stella was a princess, and she'd be the first to tell you that she was used to the finer things in life, and getting whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.
But being a princess also came with certain types of training, including how to deal with being kidnapped, and while Stella wasn't currently in the clutches of of abductors, she had certainly been kidnapped.
She had to prioritise, she needed to get in contact with her people, find a way to get home, or to Alfea, but all of those things would need magic.
So she needed to recharge, which would be easier if the sun was up, but for now, moonlight would have to do. She'd need food, hydration, somewhere to get a good nights rest.
She could rough it, but that wouldn't be safe, she needed to find somewhere safe.
She needed more information, and she needed to speak the language.
And she needed a map, because she was fairly certain she'd passed that road sign three times already. But the written language of this world was strange so she could have be wrong.
Roxy eyed the ginger haired girl sitting at the booth, she'd been there for almost an hour, people watching. The girl also hadn't ordered anything more than a water, though Roxy thought that might have been because the girl spoke very little English.
“Hey,” the girl's eyes darted to her, alarm written across her face, before being smoothed off for a friendly, somewhat air-headed look. “Look, I'm sorry but, you either need to order something or leave, I-”
A guilty look, followed by worry. At least the girl understood English well enough to understand what Roxy was telling her.
“I am... sorry.” The girl's accent was better than it had been when she arrived. Way better. “I am... not having money. I am... being lost.”
“Well, have you tired going to the police?” Another wave of confusion passed over the girl's face, then clarity and fear.
“Already it is tried, they calling of the bad men.” Roxy's brow scrunched, her mind turning over what she'd learned. Looking closer at the girl, Roxy could see a bruise peaking over the collar of her long-sleeved shirt.
She sighed deeply, “I'll tell you what, we have to throw out some of the desserts at set intervals, it a freshness-health and safety thing, they're actually good for a half hour after the limit. How about next time I clear the snack trays, I send a few your way. On me.”
The briefest flicker of distaste crossed the girl's face, but it was chased away by a look of such gratitude that Roxy couldn't find it in herself to be annoyed.
The girl took her hand delicately and smiled, “all gratitude... thank you.”
As Roxy neared the bar, she saw a pair of men in dark suits talking to her father. Grabbing one of the juice mixes behind the bar to get close enough to hear, Roxy dropped a few eaves. The guys dressed like they were in the MIB were looking for a young woman who'd disappeared from the nearby hospital. The girl was mentally unstable and posed a danger to others.
“Stella?” Stella froze, “stay casual, two suits at the bar, just act normal, they should leave soon. In the meantime, here are your eat-em-sooner-than-later desserts. And some more water.”
Stella watched the girl with the magenta and blonde ombré as she refilled the cup. The girl (Roxy according to her name badge... maybe?) genuinely seemed to want to help Stella out. But whether purely out of the goodness of her own heart, or some ulterior motive, remained to be seen.
Stella wanted to believe, but if the suits were here already...
“Thank you,” Roxy smiled at the thanks.
“No worries, if I thought you were what they said it might be a different story but... those guys are ringing all the alarms, you know?”
“Yes, I know.”
“I thought I was imagining it, but your accent gets better every time I come over here.”
Stella ducked her head at the praise, “I am learning,” she tapped her ear and gestured around the room, at the multitude of people and their conversations.
“Huh,” Roxy seemed shocked and impressed. “Well, you keep it up. I have to go wait a few more tables.”
Stella watched the girl walk away for a minute before turning to her food, it looked like fruit sundaes. The fructose would be a big help regenerating her power, but carbs would have been better. Still, beggars couldn't be choosers, and Stella was lucky to have gotten this much.
With food seen to for the time being Stella could focus on other things, she still needed a safe place to sleep, but she didn't want to impose on Roxy's good will much further.
In her travels thus far, Stella still hadn't been able to figure out what world she was on, but she had come to the disturbing conclusion this world had no magical beings. She'd yet to see anyone do anything that wasn't explainable by strictly technological capabilities, and she'd felt no traces of magic either. Granter her own abilities were currently very lacking, but she still should have been able to feel something.
At least she wouldn't have to worry too much about hygiene. The beach had several shower blocks for beach goers, Stella had enough power to pull out her her cases and toiletries bag a few times with out getting winded. By the time she'd need them, she estimated she would have regenerated enough to not have to worry about the magical cost.
Of course, she'd rather focus on healing, but as long as she focused her healing on the more prominent injuries, she could spare a little of her magic for other things.
She'd also need money, but she had an idea about that, she'd just need to ask Roxy if she knew of any pawn stores in the area. As much as it pained Stella to part with her things, she had plenty of gold jewellery in her jewellery box, and gold, being a heavy metal, was valuable on every planet.
Heaving a sigh, Stella slipped her fingers under the arms of her clear-lensed sunglasses, and rubbed her temples.
She'd spent so long denying this part of herself, drawing the identity of air-headed fashionista around herself like armour so people would like her, and stop teasing her, and it was her intellect and planning capabilities that were going to save her.
There was a word for this, Stella was sure.
Roxy had to check the computer in the backroom to find a pawn store that was open all night in Gardenia, and she'd printed off a map while she there for Stella to follow, for which the temporary ginger was very grateful.
Walking to the store had taken almost two hours, by which time the pre-dawn chill had begun, causing Stella to shiver, and duck into an alley to pull out a jacket from her stored suitcases. From what she'd learned from the helpful waitress, the city she was now in, Gardenia, was in the early stages of summer. If the day before, and the night which was nearing its end were any indication, summers on this world, or at least this part of it, were much cooler than summers on Solaria.
Walking through the dark city had set her paranoia to overdrive. Every shadow was a ghoul looking to pounce, every passing vehicle was the men in suits.
When she finally made it to the store, Stella was well and truly missing home.
Double checking the name on the storefront and the name on her paper, Stella knocked on the night hours window.
A moment later a man appeared on the other side of the glass.
“Hi, what can I do for you?” he gave her a friendly smile.
“Uhm, do you buy jewellery?”
“We do, have you got some for me?”
“I have a few pieces.” The man opened a tray slot at the bottom of the window and indicated for Stella to put her items in. She dropped three rings in the tray.
“Wow, these look great, do you know anything about them?”
“I do,” Stella smiled and gave the man the specifications of the rings, the gold, the stones, all the carats (and karats), internally sighing with relief as the Universal Translation Spell managed all the terms.
The man listened as he examined all the rings, finally he pulled out a notepad and a calculator and calculated some values. When he gave her the price he was willing to offer, she raised a brow and stared him dead in the eye.
“And is that the best offer you can give me based on the value of the rings.”
“Absolutely,” he gave her a nod, and Stella relaxed, he hadn't done the little thing she noticed people did when she gave them that look, so the man was either a better liar than anyone she had ever met, or he was telling the truth.
Or the locals were the biological exception and none of them did the thing.
“Well alright then, I'll trust you on this, because I know how much those are worth back home, but I'm still learning the local currency value.”
“Don't worry, I wouldn't try to rip off my customers, that's bad for business. Now, do you want to come inside and sign the paperwork?”
“Just to prove the transaction took place,” Stella hadn't thought of that, nodding, she moved to the door and waited to be let in, trying not to let her paranoia tell her it was a trap. “Do you want payment in cash or credit?”
“Cash,” Stella said, sitting at the table he showed her to. Filling out the paperwork was a little tricky, the UTS still having a little trouble with the written version of the language, but the man, who introduced himself as Rick, helped to walk her through it.
When it asked for a name of the seller, she paused. Roxy had known her name because the suits had known her name, likely because Stella had managed to swap names with one of the nurses at the hospital.
The suits would definitely be looking for her under her own name, plus she noticed people here seemed to have more than one name. She thought it might have been a bloodline thing, but she wasn't sure.
Picking two random queens of Solaria past, Stella signed the paper -
Elaine Thea
- and the sale was done.
Accepting the cash, Stella put almost all of it straight into a purse in carry space, leaving a hundred dollars in the purse in her physical pocket.
She just hoped the money would be enough to survive in this strange world until she could contact home.
As the sun rose over Gardenia, Stella sat at a cafe table, shovelling a forkful of eggs into her mouth with an appreciative hum. They were soft and buttery and warm.
As a princess, she'd never wanted for anything (material) in her life, and she knew that she'd only spent one night 'doing it rough,' but she had a new found appreciation for everything in her life. For several long hours, she'd had nothing, not even hope. She couldn't imagine (didn't want to imagine) what would have happened if not for the kindness of Roxy, or Meg, the nurse who'd blocked the men in suits, or Rick in the pawn shop.
She had food and drink and sunshine, her magic was replenishing itself, though it would take longer than normal, as most of the magic was being siphoned off to heal her injuries. All she needed now was somewhere to sleep safely, and work on getting in contact with her people.
How did non-royals go about securing housing? Her accommodations had always been acquired for her.
At a different table, plates clacked together as the waitress who'd brought Stella her breakfast plate, began clearing another diner's meal away.
'Well,' Stella thought, sipping her juice, 'can't hurt to ask.'
The Mall was still mostly deserted when Stella arrived, helpfully drawn map-on-a-napkin in hand. As Stella wandered through the mall, trying to find the Realtor the waitress, Sandra, had said was there, she began to feel nervous.
So far, barring the incident with the ogre, her luck had been good. But Stella was the Fairy of the Shining Sun and Radiant Moon, not the Fairy of Good Luck, her luck wasn't guaranteed to hold. She couldn't trust everyone on this world to be as compassionate as those that had helped her, the Men in Suits were proof of that.
Spotting the sign for Gardenia Realty, Stella shook off her gloom, telling herself she'd be fine, she headed in.
There was a single person inside, seated behind a neat desk.
“Good morning, how can I help you?” The woman grinned, white-white teeth behind shocking red lipstick. Stella plastered on a return smile before answering.
“Hi, um, bit embarrassing actually, I was supposed to move here for work, only I got here yesterday and: surprise! The apartment my work had, allegedly, rented for me was in use by someone else, so now I'm here and I have nowhere to stay, and not a lot of allowance for an apartment. Think you can help?”
The woman looked aghast, “I hope your company didn't rent the apartment through us?”
“NO, no, you were actually suggested by a local,” Stella said, waving her hand to dismiss the possibility.
“Oh good, I would hate for one of my team to be responsible for putting you out like that. Now, we have several apartments at the moment, we can start with the cheapest, unfortunately they are all per month contracts, so starting price is around eight hundred dollars per.”
“That... would work, but, uh, I was told to make a cash payment for my first rent when I got here, so my boss said to use the cash from that?”
“Cash payments are no problem, were you looking for any particular area of the city?”
“At the moment I'm ready to take what I can get, where ever I can get, as long as it's clean and secure.”
By early afternoon, Stella had a short list of three apartments of the seven she'd visited with the Realtor, Yvonne. As the two young women sat in Yvonne's car, Stella looked over the paperwork for the three on the short list.
“I think...” Stella put down one set of paper, eyes darting back and forth between the last two, “this one.” The one she'd chosen was not the cheapest on the list, nor the fanciest, or the best either, but it did have large windows that let in plenty of sunlight, and the price was on the lower end of the scale.
It also came partially furnished with a bed, a couch and a television. Also some electronic goods like an oven and a washing machine, which Stella doubted she'd use.
Plus it was nice and close to a shopping centre, which was always a bonus in Stella's book.
The sun was setting when Stella finally walked into her new apartment – or rather, Elaine Thea's new apartment – grocery bag in arms, loaded with 'instant' meals and a few toiletries.
She'd had to use an annoyingly large chunk of her annoyingly limited reservoir of recovered magic in order to cast a glamour over her old student ID. It had been a fake-ID spell she'd used a few times for the clubs in Magix, changing what was there into what needed to be there.
Tricky and tiring, but worth it.
Shoving most of her meals into the fridge, Stella began poking at the microwave, heating up the few meals she'd left out. It was kind of amazing to her in a way, how a world so cut off from the rest of the galaxy, had such similar (if archaic) technology.
While her heat-and-eats began heating, she wrestled with the remote control, turning the television on after only a minute of button pressing.
She flicked through channel after channel, but none of them seemed to be airing the news. With a frustrated huff, she threw the remote lightly onto the couch and stalked back to the kitchen to retrieve her food, the TV's audio filling the silent room.
'Honestly,' Stella opened her meal packet with more aggression than necessary, 'how am I supposed to gather information about my current environment if there's no news channel?!'
She speared a pathetic looking bean with her plastic fork, and then without reason, kept stabbing at the tray, a frustrated, strangled growl tearing itself from her throat. She slammed the fork down and rubbed at her eyes as hot tears began spilling down her cheeks.
Alone in the safety of her apartment, Stella finally allowed herself to feel the reality of her situation, and she wept.
Alfea : Magix
“Griselda, come in,” The headmistress resettled her glasses as her friend entered her office, “I know that look, who's already asking for expulsion?” the white haired fairy's lips twitched into a smile, a feeling of dread overshadowing her mirth when Griselda didn't immediately start ranting.
“Princess Stella of Solaria and Princess Varanda of Callisto didn't sign in, I can't find any sign of them and I made it very clear to princess Stella that she was to arrive on time. She's still in trouble from her escapades last year.”
“I see,” Faragonda frowned, reaching for her crystal ball, “I'll contact Solaria and find out whether there was any delay on their end.”
AO3   Part 03
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bfknj · 7 years
tags masterpost (?)
I was tagged in a few tag games over the past few days and instead of posting them all separately I decided to just put them all on one! If I tagged you feel free to do any or all of these (including people who tagged me!!) As always, don’t feel any pressure to do any, I just think these are fun and wanted to share :)
- - - - 11 questions tag - - - -
Rules: 1. Make sure to post the rules!! 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people
these questions are from @moonmyun !! michaela you had me stRUGGLIN OKAY YOUR QUESTIONS WERE HARD but ily still bless you for the tag you angel :”)
1 who is your bias group? why?
BANGTAN SONYEONDAN AKA MEME SQUAD !!!!!!! honestly they just make me so beyond happy wow holly nobody ever says that about their favs ur original a LOOOT of music is centered around love these days and not to say bts doesn’t do that with a lot of their music but they also tackle a lot of societal issues and I really respect them for that. From 21st century girls w politics, spring day mv and the ferry sinking, suicide in the I need u mv and many other things I feel like they take risks for the sake of portraying what they hold true to their hearts/morals not necessarily what will sell best and I can’t name many other groups who do that as well :( also my boys cute af I love those dweebs IM SO WHIPPED HAH
2 which kpop video do you find the most aesthetically pleasing?
this is hard :(( idk my number one but I really like seventeen hip hop unit’s check in, red velvet’s one of these nights, ladies code’s galaxy, kim lip of loona’s eclipse and crush’s fall ! they don't all match my aesthetic but I feel like they match the songs really well!!! watch them okay 3/5 of them are hELLA UNDERRATED bye
3 if you could instantly learn one choreography, what would you pick?
something by either gfriend or bts?? love whisper or not today or blood sweat tears?? OOOH or red flavor by rv!! tbh though I’m really skinny so my limbs look weird af with a lot of dances rip
4 who do you look up to as a role model (in the kpop community or not)?
there’s no person in particular that really sticks out but I will say I’ve always admired jungkook, and really all trainees for that matter, who leave their families to start training really young because its a process thats hard physically, emotionally and mentally for late teen/early twenties trainees but there’s sO many kids who enter in their pre-teens and idk how they survive also I realized this doesn’t answer your question at all I'm sorry its 1:28 AM I’m just waiting for the DNA mv to drop
5 whose concert would you go to if you could and why?
DAY6 DAY6 DAY6 DAY6 !!!!! THEY INVENTED LIVE SHOWS DONT FIGHT ME ON THIS or shoot maybe dean or crush or heize?? I LOVE TOO MANY TALENTED PEOPLE also I would say bts but although there are countless amazing beautiful armys there are def some crazy scary ones that are known to be horrible at concerts so
6 if you could pick one idol to be best friends with, who would it be and why?
OK YALL IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS A LOT IN MY DAILY LIFE SO S/H TO MICHAELA FOR ASKING ILY either boo seungkwan or ahn heeyeon!! I feel like hani would be so fun to have girl time with bc I feel like we’re really similar in some ways ?? IDK I LOVE HER bUT overall I’d say boo seungkwan because istg we are 100000000% the same person only he has a weenie ok just trust me I am boo and boo is me
7 would you want to be a part of a kpop group if you had the opportunity to be?
I’d absolutely love to be in the entertainment industry and I think the staging, costuming, group dynamics and publicity (variety shows, fan service/interations) in the kpop industry are all really cool but I honestly don't think I have the mental strength to do it lmao idols go through so much and I don’t think I could handle it regardless of how much I enjoy singing/dancing/performing etc.
8 what languages do you speak, and which do you want to learn?
english and some spanish??? I understand a lot because quite a bit of my family speaks it but my conversational skills have gone downhill recently because I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to practice :( with that said, I’d like to be fluent in spanish and - BEFORE YOU COME FOR ME READ IT ALL OK - I’d like to learn korean BECAUSE!!!!! when I was little before I moved I would go to a farmers market by my house and a lot of the older ladies there spoke korean and little holly though it sounded so pretty and I always wanted to chat w them ok THATS WHY I’m not a creepy koreaboo this has been a thing since before I even knew what a kpop was ok bye 
9 what song cheers you up when you’re sad?
fire by bts bc I get hella turnt to that song its a pROBLEM also jackpot by block b, baby/puss in boots by astro, chained up by vixx, not today/bst by bts, knock knock by twice, i think I love you by sonamoo THE LIST GOES ON I HAVE A WHOLE PLAYLIST OK
10 what things do you associate with your bias?
dimples!! pretty hands, closing one eye in selcas, ootds, happiness so cheesy ik sORRY, ryan, studying, awkward dancing, open mouth laughs, second hand embarrassment, sentimental rants
11 what’s your favourite thing to do in your free time?
cry over namjoon tbh I’m one of those people who is constantly listening to music so I’m always doing that and singing along regardless of if its free time or not HAH then I really like reading and catching up on my youtube subscriptions
my questions!
what is your dream job?
favorite book of all time?
what is your current fashion like and what is your dream fashion?
if your best friend was cloned, how would you know which one of the two was your best friend?
what song got you into kpop?
which idol do you think is most similar to you?
favorite kpop lyrics?
if given the opportunity to collaborate with any group/soloist of your choice, who would you choose and why?
what is your favorite physical and character trait of your ult?
which underrated groups/soloists do you believe deserve more recognition? any song recs?
do you read fanfics? if so, what are your favorites?
- - - - song title game - - - -
I was tagged by @kihani, your song choices were 12/10 
rules: spell you your url with kpop songs and tag ten people! (all of these happen to by song recs too so listen nd be happy friends)
mysterious - hello venus
i think i love you? - sonamoo (a fav ok listen pls)
life in color - beenzino
knock - knk 
jelly - hotshot
only u - daze
out of sorts - vixx
night rather than day - exid
she’s a baby - zico
- - - - get to know me tag! - - - -
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true. tagged by @sleepysugarmoon, thank you friend!! APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses (or contact lenses) I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people  People tell me that I’m funny   Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument  I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion  I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
tagging some mutuals bc ily and why do you even follow me I'm a wreck tbh OK i tag: @kihani, @21jd, @lapatronakim, @94seulqi, @gayoongi, @springdqy, @medina-kim, @15minss, @je0n, @cottontae, @taebaeul, @booty-baekery, @lalisl, @babekhyun, @voidpjm and anyone else who wants to try any or all of these!! 
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chimericarchitect · 7 years
aestheticVirtuoso 5
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 20:17 --
[08:17] AV: Hey, g++d news.
[08:18] TS: DId you get the G
[08:18] TS: I know you wanted the G
[08:18] AV: My lusus g4<e b4ck my key 4fter gr++ming.
[08:18] TS: Excellent!
[08:19] AV: Ye4h. It w4s pretty nice +f him. E<en th+ugh he sh+uldn't h4<e ripped it +ff t+ begin with.
[08:19] TS: ^_^
[08:19] TS: I mean, yeah, but...
[08:19] TS: What can you really say?
[08:20] TS: At least he didn't GROUND you for fighting his love
[08:20] AV: H+w w+uld he gr+und me? Pecking my he4d? He 4lre4dy d+es th4t.
[08:20] TS: You've never been grounded?
[08:21] AV: I d+n't kn+w?
[08:21] AV: h+w d+ y+u tell?
[08:21] TS: Um... Well, I imagine he wouldn't let you go outside
[08:21] TS: Or he'd get in the way of your messages
[08:21] TS: Moreso than usual\
[08:22] AV: Huh. well, I d+n't think he h4s then.
[08:22] AV: It's h4rd t+ tell bec4use he 4lm+st 4lw4ys w4nts 4ttenti+n.
[08:23] TS: Wow. Nice guy. Or maybe you're just a goody two-shoes and he's never HAD to ground you? I don't think wanting attention counts as a punishment, technically, even if it's annoying.
[08:24] AV: Wh4t defines 4 "g++dy tw+-sh+es"?
[08:24] TS: I dunno. Following the rules all the time. Being nice and obedient. Having good manners.
[08:24] AV: +h.
[08:24] TS: Are you?
[08:25] AV: M4ybe?
[08:25] AV: I try n+t t+ get +n his b4d side.
[08:25] TS: Does he have a "bad side"?
[08:26] AV: There w4s this +ne time th4t he left f+r 4 few d4ys. I g+t re4lly w+rried th4t he w+uldn't c+me b4ck.
[08:27] TS: Has that happened more than once?
[08:27] TS: :/
[08:27] AV: N+. +nly the +ne time.
[08:28] TS: Was it recent?
[08:29] AV: It w4s 4 few sweeps 4g+. When I w4s 6 sweeps, I think.
[08:30] TS: That's odd. DId you look it up to see if it was related to your lusus directly? Maybe it's a peacock ting
[08:30] AV: I d+n't think s+. He w4s pretty m4d. Guess I ign+red him t++ much.
[08:32] TS: He left for a few days because you ignored him? That seems excessive
[08:32] AV: I think i m4de him feel unw4nted. I g+t re4lly m4d 4t him 4nd t+ld him t+ le4<e me 4l+ne.
[08:33] TS: Oh yikes
[08:33] AV: Ye4h. I d+n't w4nt th4t t+ h4ppen 4g4in.
[08:34] TS: What happened, exactly?
[08:34] AV: N+t much t+ s4y 4side f+rm wh4t I h4<e.
[08:35] TS: Yeah, okay. Sorry.
[08:35] TS: Let's see...
[08:35] TS: Well, it SOUNDS like things are good between you now
[08:35] TS: brb
[08:35] AV: Ye4h, it's been 4lright.
[08:39] TS: I'm back.
[08:39] TS: This is for you.
[08:39] TS: https://sanesspsuede.tumblr.com/image/165748299590
[08:41] AV: Why 4re the sh+es c+ming +ut +f my t+rs+?
[08:41] AV: Where 4re my legs?
[08:41] TS: I don't have a photo of you, so I've been using your icon.
[08:41] TS: I can fix it
[08:42] AV: Re4lly?
[08:42] AV: I ne<er sent y+u +ne?
[08:42] TS: nope
[08:43] AV: +h. Well, h+w 4b+ut we tr4de ph+t+s s+me time?
[08:45] TS: Sure
[08:46] TS: https://sanesspsuede.tumblr.com/image/165748497235
[08:46] TS: Better?
[08:47] AV: Y+u're 4wful.
[08:47] TS: You're welcome. ;)
[08:48] AV: S+, h+w h4<e y+u been?
[08:49] TS: Eh. I'm probably gonna have to relocate soon.
[08:49] AV: H+w c+me?
[08:56] TS: Eh, the usual. "It's not SAFE"
[08:58] AV: +h. I'm s+rry, my dude.
[08:59] AV: I h+pe e<erything g+es well f+r y+u.
[09:00] TS: I'm sure it will. It's never gone poorly before.
[09:00] AV: Well, I h+pe y+u find s+mewhere th4t y+ur restless s+ul enj+ys.
[09:02] TS: Maybe close to the water. THAT would annoy Teivel.
[09:03] AV: Ye4h. But isn't it d4nger+us? Like, +nly se4dwellers re4lly li<e 4r+und/in w4ter.
[09:03] AV: There might be s+me l4nddwellers 4r+und it, but I d+n't kn+w.
[09:04] TS: Mm, yeah, but... :/ It'd be kinda cool, right?
[09:04] TS: What's it like where you live?
[09:06] AV: I guess. 4nd it's re4lly gr4ssy here. S+rt +f f+rresty.
[09:07] TS: Are YOU near any water?
[09:08] AV: N+t re4lly. There might be 4 ri<er +r l4ke ne4rby, but n+t 4nything big.
[09:09] TS: Okay, thanks
[09:10] AV: 4re y+u thinking +f <isiting +r s+mething?
[09:10] TS: So you are NOWHERE near the sea?
[09:10] TS: That might be cool, but maybe not
[09:11] AV: The se4? N+, I'm pretty sure I'm n+t.
[09:12] TS: Okay. :/ How far away from the sea are you?
[09:15] AV: I'm pretty sure there's 4 l+t +f s+lid gr+und 4r+und me? H+w c+me y+u're s+ curi+us 4ll +f 4 sudden?
[09:16] TS: Oh, uh, no real reason.
[09:16] TS: I'm just moving, y'know?
[09:16] TS: Kinda curious if I'd be anywhere near you.
[09:16] TS: It've been cool
[09:17] AV: Ye4h. Well, if y+u e<er w4nn4 <isit, I'm sure my lusus w+uldn't mind.
[09:17] TS: I like having hair :P
[09:18] TS: But...
[09:18] TS: Thanks
[09:18] TS: Maybe we'll see each other someday
[09:19] AV: He w+uldn't e4t y+ur h4ir. he just might gi<e y+u 4 sm4ll peck.
[09:20] TS: That sounds kinda nice. Do you think he'd let me brush him?
[09:22] AV: Ye4h, pr+b4bly. He re4lly likes t+ be gr++med.
[09:22] TS: !!
[09:22] TS: ^_^
[09:23] TS: Hey, so do you get out very often?
[09:26] AV: D+es y+ur lusus n+t like 4ttenti+n? 4nd ye4h, I like y+u h4ng 4r+und this be4utiful p4rk ne4r my h+use. I think it's 4b4nd+ned bec4use it's just +ut here in the f+rrest. It's re4lly pretty th+ugh. H4s 4 f+unt4in 4nd i<y gr+wing +n s+me stuff.
[09:27] TS: That sounds pretty! I'd love to see a picture sometime
[09:27] TS: Do you have many friends?
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
[09:31] TS: Catch you later, then
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kynimdraws · 8 years
A little PSA: An explanation of Ovewatch Ana’s “Tal/탈” skin
I am getting tired of people hating on Ana’s Tal skin and while I have expressed my discontent over this unnecessary discourse on twitter I might as well crosspost on tumblr because of non-Koreans trying to spread misinformation about my home country’s culture.
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(Ana voice): SHHHHHHHHHHHH calm down kids it’s grandma
Disclaimer: I am Korean. My mother is a Korean teacher who has taught me Korean history/culture. My uncle teaches in a University about Korean history. Chinese cultural appropriation topics will not be mentioned here, because I am not Chinese. Someone with better knowledge about that than make their own posts elsewhere (please).
A quick googling of “tal” or “탈” will give you the following definition (lifted from the all-accessible wikipedia page). I bolded the most relevant parts of this excerpt since I will go into more detail about it in the next paragraphs:
Korean masks have a long tradition with the use in a variety of contexts. Masks are called tal (Hangul: 탈) in Korean, but they are also known by many others names such as gamyeon, gwangdae, chorani, talbak and talbagaji. Korean Mask come with black cloth attached to the sides of the mask designed to cover the back of the head and also to simulate black hair.
They were used in war, on both soldiers and their horses; ceremonially, for burial rites in jade and bronze and for shamanistic ceremonies to drive away evil spirits; to remember the faces of great historical figures in death masks; and in the arts, particularly in ritual dances, courtly, and theatrical plays. The present uses are as miniature masks for tourist souvenirs, or on cell-phones where they hang as good-luck talismans.
The one Ana is specifically wearing is a type of 하회탈 (hahoetal), which describes a type of mask used during theatre (하회별신굿탈놀이) and dance (탈춤) since the 12th century. These performances consist of a cast of character archetypes, which are depicted by the masks. Many of the features in the masks are exaggerated for humorous and dramatic effect. Here are a general list of masks that commonly seen.
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Fun fact, Ana’s mask is a hybrid of the Kaksi/각시 and Yangban/양반 mask. And maybe a little bit of the Halmo/할미 depending on the mask design.
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These mask plays were performed in villages to ward off evil spirits and to convince the local gods to protect them and bring prosperity. A certain aspect of these performances are also comedic, and a chance for performers to poke fun of the ruling class and taboo subjects like sex. While this is not tied to the Lunar New Year specifically, such performances were done during special occasions like those holidays.
Now you may be asking “this is part of a religious thing! Isn’t that disrespectful??” And trust me, this depiction is FAR from being offensive to most Koreans.
Yes the tal was used for shamanistic rituals, specifically associated with “muism” (무교/신교). However, muism is not a popular Korean religion. While there has a recent uprise in people practicing it/being interested in it, Muism has always faced discrimination in Korean history. Confucianism, Christianity, and even Japanese colonialism has demonized this religion and it was nearly forgotten/eradicated. The most known incident of this is called the misin tapa undong (미신 타파 운동) describes a period from 19th century to the 1980s where various parties (both outside and inside Korea) tried to eradicate muism through various means, including burning down local shrines and villages that were known to practice them. People had to be in hiding so avoid persecution.
Fortunately the Korean government has indirectly protected Muism by making several aspects of their religious traditions as national Korean treasures, including the 탈 among other things. But it is important to note that whole 탈 culture is secularized now. It does not have the religious connotations that it was known for. Hell, the masks are one of the most recognizable features of Korean culture (and seen in many souvenirs). There are places in Korea that preserve this tradition and perform it to the public to spread awareness of its history (the 안동 village every September has an arts festival for all traditional Korean performing arts). FYI, Koreans who appreciate this are not muists themselves, and no one requires you to be one. Lunar New Year is largely a secular holiday, after all.
Now, do you want to see some of the reactions KOREAN FANS had about the Ana skin? Here are few I got off from twitter, with translations from yours truly:
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BTW that Ana tal skin is my aesthetic - (x)
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That Ana skin is really good ㅇㅁㅇ....tal is really making my heart flutter* - (x)
*간지뿅뿅 is not a really easy thing to translate since it’s a combo of a sound effect and an emotion??? It’s a positive response either way
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Ana skin ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠtal is so good ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ - (x)
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OMG Ana’s skin is tal LOL that is exciting - (x)
Many of these really are happy their culture is seen! And it’s not depicted in a mocking manner and the overall design is quite lovely, with Korean-design motifs in her clothes. The few relatively negative tweets about her skin are how the cloth may be too bright/gaudy compared to the mask, which is sort of true. The mask is supposed to be seen clearly to show what character the performer is playing out. But the color scheme really looks like those worn for the Bongsan talchum (봉산탈춤), another variety of tal (they are all within the same province btw). And a lot of Korean traditional color schemes are pretty gaudy too.
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Alright, so I have told you all I can about the tal culture. Now the you may be asking the following question, summarized well by this tweet:
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I think Ana looks awesome in general but what was the concept behind her new skin ???? She’s Egyptian so why wear a Tal? - (x)
To be fair, I was also fairly surprised by the choice for having Ana have the Korean-style skin before I became super ecstatic to see my culture be represented. I do agree it is odd to see a Muslim/Egyptian/Arabic character (two groups that don’t really celebrate Lunar New Year from what I can gather) to be chosen for a Korean skin, but that matter sort of falls into the “Muslim/Egyptian/Arabic culture is underrepresented in Overwatch and gaming media in general” topic and I am not knowledgeable enough to discuss that in detail. A Muslim Overwatch fan has written about this matter here if you want to check it out.
But back on point, is this skin an example of YELLOW FACE or CULTURAL APPROPRIATION? No! When did being Muslim/Arabic/Egyptian =/= you can’t celebrate/appreciate other cultures and their traditions? Did you only want Koreans to get the skin? I am all for D.Va getting more skins (and MAYBE more KOREAN OVERWATCH HEROES) but why restrict the Korean theme onto just one character? Cultural appropriation is when people INAPPROPRIATELY disrespect a culture by mocking them and disregarding the traditions of said culture. Ana is not doing any of this. Besides, Korean tal culture is not closed off to non-Koreans, and there are Korean cultural socities that are willing to offer classes on this and will even teach you how to do the dance/plays (i.e. Sejong University has a site for it). 
FYI because I am Korean, I cannot say how Egyptian/Muslim/Arab fans feel about Ana wearing Korean attire for Lunar New Year. I have talked to a few Muslim OW fans/friends about this and given their differing opinions on the matter (including the OP of the muslim underrepresentation post I linked earlier), I cannot really make a confident assumption on how these people generally feel about the skin. On Korean fandom’s end though, we love the skin! It’s great Blizzard took the time to research Korean culture and make a skin that isn’t mocking Koreans. And Blizzard does have some ties with Korea itself due to its HUGE gaming culture/fanbase, so it is possible BlizzKorea has gotten input there for this event. Being between two BIG Asian countries (Japan and China), Korea is often left out and this event was a really nice breath of fresh air. We are represented!! We are not some invisible culture between the big two!!!
And if you are not part of this culture, just PLEASE let other people speak out about the matter before getting on your moral high horse to talk about appropriation. 
Now, does that mean the Korean fandom thinks Blizzard is a perfect company? NO! Honestly the entire event is MOSTLY about Chinese culture (with some Korean stuff squeezed in between). Other Asian countries that celebrate Lunar New Year have been ignored (i.e. Southeast Asian cultures and some Indian cultures celebrate Lunar New Year and they are not included despite Symmetra being Indian, etc). These discrepancies are good starting points to discuss underrepresentation in media that Blizzard can learn about and hopefully include in their future updates. From what I can see, the Overwatch developers have been receptive to this feedback so it would be good to have that convo in their official forums too.
FYI, I personally feel like there could have been more Korean stuff for this event period. In America at least, it really sucks that Lunar New Year is ALWAYS called Chinese New Year despite other countries also celebrating it...RIP. But I appreciate that this game has made Korean culture more visible. Here’s hope to more visible Korean stuff in gaming and elsewhere! Where is my “새해 복 많이 받으세요” voice line for D.Va? I demand answers Blizzard!!!
Anyway, hope that has taught you something new, and Happy Lunar New Year to everyone!
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