#at my workplace
jerswayman · 6 months
it's actually embarrassing how into freddy i am
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lover-praxis · 3 months
if i think about malakai mitchell for too long i start giggling and blushing and swinging my feet this is starting to become embarassing
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cloversugar · 7 months
a work interaction i think about daily is when we got these like little penguins in and a few days later this guy came in and was like “oh you guys must have just got these in huh” and i’m like “yeah they’re new we’re not sure what they are but they’re cute” and he says “oh they’re nfts!!” and continues to explain their like value or whatever it is with nfts while me and his girlfriend kind of just stared at each other until he stopped talking to which I replied “…..oh……cool…..lmk if you need any help…..”
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pomegranateruin · 5 months
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experimenting with giving gale a purple cataract in his left eye because i’ve been obsessed with the orb messing with it after some time
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evenlyevi · 1 year
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sentient-forest-boy · 2 years
As a young librarian, I started trying to figure out why more young people aren't ever coming in; 90% of our demographic are the elderly and parents of children, and the rest are a rough mix of the kids and teenagers who come in just for school projects. As a result, I've been attempting different ways to get the Youth TM to come into libraries, but first I wanted to see why they don't come in. Please reblog to get this poll out to more people! <3
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soupdwelling · 21 days
my favorite somewhat underrated jarchivist moments
“a COMPLAINT? i could just as easily COMPLAIN about her WASTING MY TIME”
“before i address the central point of this statement, namely the question of…. whether the sky can eat people .”
melanie: “i should have known this was a COMPLETE waste of my time” jon: “probably 🙄”
“you don’t seem like you’re in your fifties?? or- or burnt to a crisp”
“you’re serious? you’re going on a date with… the dullard of skull mountain just so you have an excuse to eat a shopska salad?”
“another startling insight from the piercing investigative mind of georgie barker”
“WHAT is my metaphorical pit???”
melanie: “i mean it’s not like you have any reason to kill me” jon: noncommittal sound
martin: “melanie seems okay but i get the feeling she’s planning something?” jon: “i- i got that feeling. Too.”
“so. kidnapped. Again.”
“like colors, but if colors hated me. got it. christ i need a cigarette.”
basira: “so would you say this was supposed to be churchill or alfred hitchcock?” jon: “jowls like that, could be either”
“coma! great! let’s rearrange his office! sleeping people don’t need. pens!”
“police brutality lawsuit? :)”
[picture of edwardian offense] “I what?”
daisy: “it’s a joke, jon.” jon: “oh! hAha! yes.”
“i mean you’re not suggesting that santa works for the people’s church..”
long-suffering sigh “fuck.”
“i’m starting to feel a little. Self Conscious being a post apocalyptic google !”
martin: “did it stir any feeling in you?” jon: “Yes! Nausea! Because of the Horrible Things In It!”
“Yes the Colossal Web stretching down into an Endless Pit is a Significant improvement😑”
“‘free will’ she says, as we stand in the middle of her FUCKING WEB”
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muttplatinum · 1 year
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mlavier · 8 months
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typical Chosen Three meeting (pre-tadpole)
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idolomantises · 1 year
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Nifty and Angel Dust Redesigns
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periwinxle · 2 years
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sorry i had to
edit: adding to this- A relationship between a superior and a subordinate CANNOT be consensual. Ned Fulmer was a Manager and should NOT have pursued a subordinate no matter how “consensual” it was. His relationship status only adds to this.
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mysticaf · 5 months
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Praying? Now? Are you serious? Get over yourself.
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enemyofwalnuts · 2 years
I love my old toilet bc it has a 𝔀𝓲𝓭𝓮 pipe which means that i can drop the phattest log without worrying about the consequences.
New toilets are stressful.
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rona-eser · 4 months
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It’s good to see you again too, boatman
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bigfatbreak · 5 months
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been a long week. we'll see if i overstepped at work and am gonna get myself shitmixed/scolded but in the very least, my girls at work should have a better foothold on things
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mel-kusanagi · 1 year
across the spiderverse deleted scene (real)
what happened during the events of gwen being a part of the spider society:
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