#at the grocery store a woman ran her cart into me while I was looking at eggs and then called me retrasada 👹🤡
myokk · 5 months
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I scribbled these up during my breaks today, hope you like them🥰🙏😘
(also I was too lazy to print out the template & no way I was going to figure out how to put my drawings in the template using technology👹 so I drew it myself jajajajajaaj)
Honestly this was difficult because I’m still getting used to drawing in this style & figuring out how I want to do things, but it was an amazing way to practice so thank you for lending me your characters for a bit😇🥹 I hope I did them justice!! 🙏💓
Also to anyone who didn’t get the chance to send me their character - this filled up in 10 min 😭😭 I won’t do it again right away but I want to soon! So keep your eyes out🥰
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violetbeauregut · 11 months
Violet's Big Misunderstanding
It's been a while but I was inspired to write another feedee fantasy ❤️❤️❤️
Violet was browsing the ice cream section at the grocery store with her feeder at her back, absentmindedly rubbing her belly, when she heard the question. 
“When are you due?” The middle aged woman asked, her cart skidding to a halt. She gestured to Violet’s big, swollen belly and gave her a hopeful smile. Violet could see the barest hint of uncertainty in that smile. This woman knew it was impolite to make such an assumption, but was making the gamble because Violet’s feeder was worshiping her gut in a way that was almost always reserved for pregnancy. 
She felt her feeder press closer to her. He used the hands on her belly to gently steer her to face the woman. He ran a hand along the curve of her belly and said, “She looks ready to pop, doesn’t she?”
The woman chuckled goodnaturedly. “Any day now, then?”
Violet could almost feel his mischievous grin. He patted the side of her belly lovingly. “I swear she’s getting bigger by the hour.” 
“Well that’s perfectly natural, dear,” the woman said to Violet, reassuringly. “I was as big as a house by the time I had my first.”
Violet blushed deeply. Because her feeder had so readily played along, she was too ashamed to admit that she was actually just obese and not on the verge of giving birth. It was moments like these where she wondered if she had let things go too far–if she had let her gluttony and lust take her past the point of no return. It certainly felt that way, as her embarrassment at being so fat she was mistaken for pregnant warred with her arousal. 
Her feeder peered down at her, assessing her red cheeks and quickened breath. He moved around to her side and put a hand over her shoulders before making a show of squeezing her against him and rubbing her thick upper arm. “Aww, honey. There’s no need to get embarrassed; you are eating for two.”
The older lady nodded enthusiastically, saying, “He’s right. You’re pregnant, sweetheart, not fat. You just focus on growing that baby and you can always lose the weight later.” She turned her attention to Violet’s feeder. “Now you get that beautiful girl home and get her whatever she wants to eat. Make sure she stays off her feet too. Carrying around that belly is hard work.” 
Once the woman had given her fill of advice and walked away, Violet turned to him. “I can’t believe that just happened.”
He laughed again, reaching down and giving her gut a quick slap. “With how good you’ve been lately, piggy, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.” 
She blushed again, looking down at her distended belly. It was hanging heavily between her hips– a testament to how much fatter she had gotten recently. “I feel bad about lying to that woman though.” 
He pinched her chin and tipped her face back up to look at him. “Nothing we said was a lie. You are eating for two– for you and me. She made the assumption. And don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that. I know how wet you must be right now.” When she didn’t respond, he continued, “In fact, I know you enjoyed it so much that we are going to keep going. Okay, piggy?”
She nodded. She couldn’t help herself. If he gave her a choice, she would always surrender to him like the obedient sow she was. 
Violet waddled around the store holding an open bag of mini powdered donuts. The white sugar dusted her lips, fingers, and shirt (which had gotten so tight that it was riding up, exposing a strip of belly). The shopping cart was always in reach and trailing beside her. In addition to the fattening foods that were a regular part of their grocery runs, open wrappers and containers were littered inside. She had already eaten what would be a week’s worth of snacks for most people. 
It was frowned upon to eat in the store and then pay for the items during check out, but anytime an employee looked at her disapprovingly, her feeder would shrug dramatically and say, “cravings,” in an apologetic tone. She was left to gorge in peace after that. 
Violet was getting increasingly out of breath. Not only was she stuffed so full that her stomach was compressing her lungs, her walk through the aisles was more exercise than she was now used to. Not to mention that her heart rate would pick up everytime her feeder would make loud, teasing comments down the busiest aisles like, “pick up two, baby, I know that you’re going to gobble one up on the car ride home,” “let’s get the one with less sugar, the doctor said a forty pound gain was average, but you’re getting close to seventy,” and “careful, I know you feel like you have free reign to eat as much as you want right now, but remember that the weight has to come off eventually.” 
“I need to sit soon,” she panted. 
“Poor baby, I know that big belly is getting hard for you to carry,” he said. “Let me help you.”
He stepped behind her and let his hands trail over her wide hips until they snaked underneath her gut. He lifted her belly up with a quiet grunt that made Violet smile. 
Before she could even let him know what a relief it was to have him take some of the heft off of her lower back, a young woman popped up in front of her, excitedly holding her own swollen belly. Her’s, Violet could tell, really was a baby bump–and Violet could also tell by the way that only her belly was round while everything else looked tight and toned, that this woman was naturally thin and fit. She looked down at her stuffed, barely clothed pork belly that was covered in crumbs and sugar. She was immediately flooded with embarrassment. 
“Oh my gosh, we’re like twins!” The woman exclaimed. “I'm thirty-four weeks, but you look so much bigger than me! How far along are you?” 
“Any day now,” Violet mumbled, unwilling to lie so blatantly. 
“Oh how exciting! I’m sure you are both so ready. I know I can’t wait for my due date. I’m so sick of being this big and waddling around everywhere.” 
Her feeder laughed softly. “I bet! I’m sure you aren’t used to having to carry all that extra weight in your belly. You’re lucky though,” Violet’s feeder said, moving his hands to the side of her belly. “You’re all baby, but my Violet is swelling up everywhere.” 
After a few more pleasantries and the other woman’s sympathies that poor Violet’s fat distribution might mistakenly be seen as obesity rather than pregnancy, they finally got to the checkout line. 
“Have you finally gotten enough to eat, piggy?” He whispered in her ear. She nodded, rubbing the top of her tight belly. 
“I don’t think so,” He said with a smirk. He pointed to the rows of candy bars lining the top of the conveyor belt. He grabbed a handful of her lardy lower belly and gave it a little shake. “Go grab about six of them. You are eating for two after all.” 
She shuffled around to the front of their car and grabbed handfuls of chocolate, realizing too late that lifting her arms to reach the candy left her belly largely exposed and her deep red stretch marks on full display. She quickly scanned the faces of the shoppers around her as she desperately tugged her top down, but no one was staring at her or giving her the usual disapproving looks. Just when she thought she was in the clear, a hand that did not belong to her feeder landed squarely on the most round part of her belly. 
A large, strange man was now groping her stuffed gut. He rubbed hard circles into her belly and turned his head to speak to Violet’s feeder as if she were not even there. She was furious– were pregnant people really supposed to be okay with being touched without permission? Her feeder eyed her without responding to the man, ready to jump in at the first sign of her distress, but she gave him a look that kept him in his place. Violet let out a tremendous burp and giggled. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I guess I ate too much.” 
“Oh, it’s alright,” he said, patting her belly again gently. “That’s to be expected with mothers-to-be.”
She feigned a look of surprise. “What? I’m not pregnant.”
The man looked at her and then back at her feeder as if waiting for him to contradict her. Her feeder just shook his head and Violet could tell he was trying to hold back a laugh. 
“No baby, I’m afraid,” he said to the horrified stranger. “Just a lardy pig belly.” 
The man released her and stumbled back, offering apologies as he fled. Her feeder hugged her from behind, his hands wrapped around her middle. He smiled into her hair and gently squeezed her fat, testing the softness with his large hands. “You sure are proud of this huge blubbery gut, aren’t you?”
“Aren’t you?” She challenged. 
“Oh yes, greedy girl,” he said, rubbing the swollen curve of her belly that had started their little rouse in the first place. “Now open that box of snack cakes and make it bigger for me. Next time I want someone to ask if you’re carrying twins.”
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Apple Pie
hi my angels!!! Apple pie part 2???!!! Now listen… there’s no smut PLEASE don’t be upset. I really wanna make this a series i have a lot of stuff planned out especially for the next chapter </3 i hope you guys like it.
Warnings: Panic attack, mentions of cleaning and bandaging wounds, accidental injury and mentions of blood. Leon is lowkey obsessed but hates it, so he shut it down.
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Word count: 2,444
Nine o’clock.
Does he show up early? Does he come a minute late?
Leon stares at himself in his mirror, sighing when he feels he doesn’t look.. acceptable.
Was he a creep?
Like, hey, you made me a really fantastic pie, and you watered my lawn while I was out of town, and now I watch you from my living room while you’re in your kitchen.
It’s weird. Yet he found so much comfort in you living this ordinary life, baking pies and watering plants and checking on your strawberry bush daily as if they’d grow overnight. You were simple, and oh, how he craved simple.
His arms tugged at the t-shirt he slipped on, just a plain blue one. But he couldn’t help but run his fingers over the forming scabs on his wrist and arms; with you a distraction he had forgotten he had come home from a mission. He groaned in frustration as he tugged the t-shirt off, slipping on a black long sleeve. It was going to have to do.
Shit, he had no flowers to give you? Nothing? He leaned himself back, peering out his bedroom window to see you in your kitchen still, swinging open the oven door and the smoke piling out, making your glasses fog up as you attempted to reach for the dish inside without sight. He couldn’t help but laugh to himself as he grabbed his keys; just a quick trip to the grocery store for some flowers for you.
White roses? No red, pink? Tulips? No..
He stood clueless in front of the flower cart, looking at all the neatly wrapped bouquets before him as he rubbed the back of his neck in confusion.
“What’s she like?”
An older woman asks Leon, leaning heavily on her cart for support as she looks at him. Leon cleared his throat as he looked at the tiny woman, shrugging as he laughed defenselessly.
“That’s the thing, she’s my neighbor. I hardly know her.”
The older woman couldn’t help but smile cheerfully at Leon as she walked over to the cart, handing him the mix of yellow roses and white daisies. She nodded her head as she tapped his hands
“She will love those, trust me. I was young once being given roses by a handsome man.”
Leon watched the woman walk away, tapping the flowers against his arm before he walked to the register, the teenager giving him a dead-tired stare as he scanned the code for the flowers.
“Twenty-four seventy-nine.”
His monotone voice almost caused Leon to convulse as he reached into his pocket, pulling out the one hundred dollar bill and a fifty. He hands the money to the young man, who stares at him, confused
“An older woman is walking around here; you’ll notice her, you’re the only register open. Please pay for her groceries with that money.”
The teenager sighed as he slipped the bills under the register, looking back to Leon’s
And before Leon could even respond with his quick no thanks the kid cut him off, sighing as he started scanning the following customer's items
“Great. Have a good one.”
Leon’s hands were so overly sweaty, and why? He cracked his neck as he parked in his driveway, his eyes shifting to his dashboard to see it was nine ten. Shit. He practically ran to your door, his fist colliding with the white door. He squeezed the flowers in his hands before the door opened, your apron around your waist as you smiled at him. You were a mess, but he couldn’t help but admire it.
As he walked into the house, the instant smell of food hit him. He saw your eyes shifting back and forth to the flowers as you untied the apron from your waist before he awkwardly handed you the flowers.
How did he know? You held the flowers in your hands as he followed you into the kitchen, where you had dirty dishes thrown around, but all the food was prepared and ready.
“It’s funny because I tried to grow daisies for almost three years and I gave up because I stopped having the time for them.
You laugh as you grab the slim glass container, leaning over your sink and turning it on for the water.
Leon asked as he leaned against the door frame, his eyes tracing your every feature as he looked you up and down as you were so distracted with the flowers.
You set the vase on your window seal, smiling at the gorgeous flowers.
“Well, thank you Leon, they're beautiful.”
Leon nodded his head as a you’re welcome as you pointed to the table
“Please sit, let me serve you.”
Leon stared at you, confused as you pulled the pretty white plates from your cabinet.
Serve him?
Leon walked towards your dining room, how cute you set up all the glasses and silverware.
He pulled his chair out to sit down, noticing the slight creak of the chair as he scooted himself closer to the table. His ears pick up the sound of you hissing, your feet tapping against the floor from burning yourself. His head leaned back in concern before you walked out of the kitchen, two plates in your hand. He never really noticed what you wore, the light denim jeans and the baby blue t-shirt, that gorgeous gold necklace around your neck that he would surely ask about later. He didn’t mean to stare, you leaned over the table and placed the plate in front of him before you walked to the other side of the table, sitting down. Your foot brushed against his leg- did you mean to do that?
“Do you cook like this every night?”
Leon was shocked at your cooking capability just by the apple pie alone, but the plate in front of him was set so perfectly with mashed potatoes, chicken and a mix of fresh vegetables, it’s probably from the garden you mentioned.
“I usually eat at work, actually. A lot of my vegetables were just harvested today, so you just got lucky.”
You always eat leftover noodles from work, always too focused on other things to prepare yourself dinner most of the time. You don’t know what came over you but you knew you had to cook Leon dinner. Maybe he looked too tired, or perhaps you just felt bad for him, you didn’t know.
The silence between you two was slightly awkward, your eyes occasionally glancing up at Leon who seemed to really be enjoying his food.
“What do you do for work?”
The question made Leon’s chest hurt as he swallowed the chicken in his mouth, wiping his mouth with the napkin. How does he answer? Yeah, I work for the D.S.O. against counter-terrorism. Did I mention I've fought literal zombies?
“I’m an agent for the local police department.”
Good save.
“Oh wow, really? Guess that explains your wrist?”
Leon frowned in confusion before he looked down, seeing that his injuries were just past his wrist.
“Right, I never feel them so thanks for pointing them out.”
Leon chuckled as he followed your actions, sipping his wine. He almost choked on the red liquid as you reached forward, grabbing his hand, your soft fingers tugging up his sleeve.
“It’s swollen around the area, see?”
His eyes follow your finger as you trace the red around the wounds, the cool air finally hitting them made them hurt worse than he thought it would. Leon just nodded his head as you stood, grabbing his plate and walking to the sink putting the dishes back.
“Don’t move!”
You call out from down the hallway. You opened the closet door, clicking your tongue before you hummed in satisfaction at the sight of your first aid kit. Your body turned the hall and walked into the dining room, smiling at Leon as you sat down the first aid kid, clicking it open.
Leon wasn’t a man who bandaged his wounds unless it was vital. A little road burn or a small burn wouldn’t kill him, just wash it with soap and it should be good. You stood beside him, your glasses resting against the very tip of your nose as you poured alcohol onto the small wipes. You gave him a friendly glance before you began wiping at the red skin, Leon clearing his throat in discomfort as you continued to wipe at his skin. You placed the wipe down onto the table and grabbed at the antibiotic ointment, squeezing some onto your pointer finger and rubbing it against the edges of his burn. You hummed a soft tune to yourself as you began wrapping his arm in the white bandage, smiling as you finished, pushing your glasses up your nose.
“All done.”
Leon’s fist clenched and unclenched as he looked at the bandage, he couldn’t help but let a slight smirk grow on his face as he looked at you.
“What, you’re a doctor now?”
Your eyes rolled as you shoved everything back into its container and shut it, your body turning to walk away.
Why did he suddenly feel so angry? His chest bubbling with an unnerving pain as he pressed his fist into the table, the noise of you rambling on about something filled his ears and it became muffled as he stared down at the table, he stood up, pushing his chair in before he stormed down your entryway and clear out the door.
You shut the closet door the same time Leon slammed the front door, the pictures on your wall shaking causing you to run down the long hallway, looking into the dining room to see Leon not in the dining chair. You took a few long strides to your kitchen, peering out to the window to see Leon walk into his house, his window shaking as he slammed his door too.
You stared at all the dishes in the kitchen, scattered everywhere. Your hands were shaking, why? Just clean up. Don’t cry, you don’t even know him? Why would you cry, You don’t even know Leon and he didn’t know you. You stared out your front window, stuck in your own mind as you scrubbed viciously at the dishes, a hiss leaving your lips as you looked down at your white sink, now painted with your blood.
You whispered as your shaking hand dropped the knife, running towards the bathroom.
Leon’s door slamming made even him flinch. He couldn’t even pinpoint his anger, his fingers ripping off the bandage on his arm, throwing it into the small trash can in his bathroom as he turned his shower on, his breath heavy as he tugged his shirt over his head, dragging his pants down his legs. His face was flushed a deep red, he briefly caught a look at himself in the mirror. His arm glistened slightly from the medication you rubbed into his skin. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he still struggled to catch his breath, stepping himself into the shower, an instant sigh of relief poured from him as the hot water trickled down his skin.
His mind was racing, his head dipping into the water and wetting his hair. He stared at the water swirling down the drain, he was too scared to close his eyes. He was always afraid to close his eyes. Leon never sleeps and when he does he wakes up angry, and frustrated.
Leon slipped on the plaid pajama pants, his hand combing through his hair as he looked up in the mirror. His eyes scanned the scars on his chest and torso. His footsteps were slow as he walked toward his living room. He can sit on the couch forever, his eyes hooded as he watches the random news channel. No matter what was on the TV, he couldn’t help but look over at your window. His throat felt like it was closing as he watched you staring out your window, he almost jumped up when he watched you wince and run off out of his view. If he knocked on your door right now, you’d slam it in his face. And somehow out of all the things invading his mind, you were again the main focus.
Waking up the following day was more challenging than usual, the deep gash in your hand wrapped tightly. It’s already nine, you were thankful you had the day off. You somehow pulled yourself out of bed, still in your pajamas. You never really were your own first priority. You opened your front door, hair still messy as you filled your watering pot to the brim. You set it down carefully by your bushes, dragging your hose towards Leon’s lawn. You were still half asleep so you were just stuck in your habits, your finger pressing into the hole of the hose as you watered his bushes, your other hand coming up to rub your eyes.
Leon grumbled incoherently as he sat up, that sore pain in his spine making itself well aware as he did so. The noise of running water made his brows frown as he walked into the kitchen, turning his sink on. He kneeled down and rubbed his face with the cool water, a quick breath of sudden adrenaline leaving his lips as he held at his sink. His eyes squinting as he sees you, standing in your pajama shorts on his lawn, rubbing at your tired eyes. You did cut your hand, the bandage getting a bit wet as you moved your hose around his yard.
“Jesus Christ.”
Leon mumbled as he pushed himself off his counter and to the front door. You obviously didn’t hear him walking onto the porch, his arms crossing over his chest as he watched you.
“Good morning.”
Leon’s voice snapped you awake, the hose splashing up at you, misting your face. You pushed your finger back into the hole of the hose as you cleared your throat. Was he always this handsome? Leaning against the frame of his porch, his arms against his chest and his muscles being shined on perfectly by the sun.
Yet he could say the same about you, your hair tangled so slightly, the cute cat sweater lifted so slightly, your stomach showing.
“Hey, Leon. I’m sorry, I guess I’m into old habits.”
You laughed as you pressed your foot into the hose to cut the stream. Do you ask him about why he stormed out? The way he was looking at you made you want to just run back into your house, close all your blinds and just go back to sleep.
“Stop watering my lawn.”
Leon’s voice was stern, his hands dropping to his sides as he walked back into his house, your face yet again meeting the auburn door.
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dont-leafmealone · 4 months
What is UP? brand new Kazula/Azutara oneshot! G, no warnings except extreme pettiness <3 read on ao3 using the link above or under the cut below!
"Look, Katara, I'm just saying you could give it a chance."
Katara rolled her eyes, shifting her phone to her shoulder while she checked the price on a box of instant noodles and compared it to the quantity. "Jet, the last time you set me up with one of your exes, I ended up with food poisoning."
"Not my fault Jin can't make an omelet. She's good at everything that matters."
Katara wrinkled her nose. Not at Jet's crude implication — though that was a factor — but because it was nearly six dollars for two servings of noodles. She put the box back on the shelf. "Well, I'm not interested in a repeat of the incident."
"For the record, this one's not my ex. She's a friend from work, new to the area, and she's had a little trouble connecting with people. I think you'll like her." 
Katara let Jet dwell on her skeptical silence. After a moment, he said, "She's also my ex's sister."
"There it is." She rolled her eyes and looked over her grocery list. "I'll think about it, alright?"
"Alright, cool. 'Ru's gonna be home in a little bit, I oughta get started on dinner."
"Bye, say hi to Haru for me."
"Will do, sweetheart. Catch ya later."
She hung up the phone and started to push her shopping cart out of the aisle. As she rounded the corner, she nearly collided with a woman aggressively texting. Katara gasped and pulled the cart up short, and the woman looked up, glaring at her. 
"Watch it," she snapped, brushing her silky hair behind her ear with a manicured hand. "You very nearly ran me over."
Katara bristled. "Get your nose out of your phone. It's a crowded store."
The woman scowled. She pushed past Katara's cart, knocking it into the neighboring shelf. Boxes fell to the floor, and Katara tamped down a growl of frustration. 
What a bitch, she thought, putting the boxes back on the shelf. 
She wheeled her cart to the next aisle, the unpleasant interaction soon nearly forgotten as she compared prices on canned soups.
"Hey, Sokka?" 
"Yeah?" Sokka poked his head into the kitchen, raising his safety glasses. He set down the power drill he was using to re-hinge the door, since the landlord had yet to return any of the calls on the subject, the prick. 
"Which one of Jet's exes had a sister?" Katara asked, nose buried in a cookbook as she stirred a pan of sauce on the stove. Sokka frowned.
"Not another one of his blind dates," he said. 
"Double date this time," Katara confirmed without looking up, pursing her lips. "Him and Haru, with me and Mystery Girl."
Sokka frowned, thinking.  "I think Ty Lee had a few sisters," he said, pulling off his work gloves to examine the blister forming on his thumb. "And...Zuko has a half-sister, but she's in middle school."
"Huh." Katara put down the cookbook, rooting through a drawer. "I guess we'll find out."
Sokka shook his head. He didn't get at all why Katara kept trying — there were, in his opinion, better ways to meet people than through Jet. But did little sisters ever listen? 
No, he thought, pulling his gloves back on and adjusting his glasses. No, they do not.
"​​What do you think?"
"It's nice," Zuko said, not looking up from his phone. Azula scowled, crossing her arms in a way that wouldn't wrinkle the dress.
"You didn't even look."
Zuko glanced up. "It's a little dressy."
Azula frowned, looking down at her clothes; she'd picked an elegant, but understated, calf-length dress in a flattering burgundy, on the less flashy side of her wardrobe. It was even one she had worn in public before. "What do you mean?" 
"You look like you're going to an office meeting. Tone it down." 
"I'm meant to be making a first impression," she said. 
"It's Jet's ex. He's not really known for batting out of his league."
"What does that say about you?" she retorted, earning a middle finger raised in her direction. 
"I think you look nice," Kiyi piped up, taking off her headphones. 
"Great. Now I have to change." 
Kiyi stuck her tongue out, putting the headphones back on. Azula rolled her eyes; her siblings could be so immature. 
"Try that one with the blue on it," Zuko said. "Jet said the girl likes blue."
"That one with the blue on it," Azula quoted. "That narrows it down marvelously."
"The one that doesn't make you look like you're running for Congress," he added. 
She rolled her eyes, striding to her room. Her closet door stood ajar, her other options on display — moving into Mother's house had drastically limited her storage space, forcing her to downsize her wardrobe. She easily found the dress Zuko had referred to, a shorter, much more casual red dress with electric blue beading and embroidery around the neck and hemline. 
Azula hung the dress on the closet door, surveying her current outfit in the full-length mirror. Loath as she was to admit it, Zuko had a point. She did look somewhat political for a first date. Sighing, she picked out the heels that went with the red dress and set them at the end of her bed. 
This had better be worth the trouble, she thought as she changed into her pajamas. 
"Where is this place you're heading to?" Sokka asked as he dug through his backpack for Katara's bus pass. She took her eyes off the mirror for a second to check her phone. 
"The Thai place up the road, you know the one where you and Suki went on your anniversary?"
"Seems pricy for a blind date," Sokka said skeptically. Katara shrugged, checking that her mascara was dry. 
"Jet said he knows a guy."
"I do not trust that man any further than I could throw him," Sokka said. "Here's your bus pass," he added, putting it down on the table in front of her.
"Thanks, Sokka." Katara yanked on her brother's ponytail as he walked past, earning a startled yelp and a glare. 
"Go meet your stupid date," he grumbled, pulling her in for a hug. 
As the bus pulled up to the stop and Katara stepped off, her phone buzzed, a text coming in from Haru's number. 
- hey. not gonna make it tonight. flat tire. 
Katara frowned. As far as she knew, Jet didn't even have a car, and took the bus, like her. And Haru biked wherever he went. Something was fishy about this.
You guys don't even have a car. -
​​​​​​- all the buses. flat tires on all of them. sorry </3
Katara ground her teeth. Haru did not send analog emojis. Nor would he lie in such an obvious way just to get on her nerves.
Jet, give Haru's phone back to him. -
And cut the bullcrap. -
- Sorry, katara. Jet's sick and he refuses to admit it but we're pretty sure going out is a no-go tonight, sorry.  - You should go ahead though, let us know how your date goes. 
Katara bit her lip, stifling a groan of frustration. Half the reason she had agreed to the date was the expectation of having Jet and Haru there as a buffer. But at the same time, she knew it'd be totally rude to cancel just because they wouldn't be there. It occurred to her that she didn't have Mystery Girl's number, meaning she couldn't cancel even if she wanted to, except by standing her up — which was so not an option.
Great. Guess we're doing this. 
She squared her shoulders and marched up to the Thai restaurant. 
The reserved table for four was in the back of the restaurant, on a balcony overlooking the street below. It was a pretty view, lots of neon lights and window decor, if you could get past the light pollution. 
Katara had been sitting alone for the better part of ten minutes, sipping water and waiting for her date to show up, and was beginning to wonder if she had been stood up — Mystery Girl had to have gotten a text from Jet too. What if she'd decided not to risk meeting Katara without that buffer?
Katara was starting to consider cutting her losses and eating alone when the hostess approached the table, followed by a short, dark-haired young woman that Katara thought she recognized.
It wasn't until the woman had sat down, brushing her hair behind her ear with delicate, manicured nails that Katara realized why. 
"You," she said, at the same time the woman looked up and hissed, "You."
All Katara could think was that Jet was one twisted bastard. 
Azula couldn't believe Jet had set her up with this — this woman. It had to be a sick practical joke, right? Some stupid way of getting back at her for something. He'd orchestrated this simply because he knew it would piss her off, and —
Azula stopped. No, she told herself, cutting off that paranoid train of thought before it could derail. There is absolutely no way he could know about that. You're not under 24/7 surveillance, and especially not by Jet. You could kill him with a pinky nail. 
She took deep breaths, running through these affirmations until she had managed to clear her head. 
"This was obviously a mistake," Azula said, picking up her handbag as she stood.
"Obviously," the other woman said, an irritated edge to her voice. "I'm supposed to be meeting a date here."
"As am I." ​​​​​Azula looked the woman up and down; far from her more slovenly appearance in the grocery store earlier in the week, Azula had to admit she looked quite elegant, her midnight blue off-shoulder dress complementing her brown skin. She shook off the momentary distraction. "Clearly one of us was given the wrong table."
"Well, it wasn't me," the woman said testily. 
"You're dining alone at a table for four," Azula pointed out. 
"It was a double date, but — never mind, I don't have to explain to you," the woman said, pinching the bridge of her nose. Meanwhile, dread settled in Azula's stomach. She closed her eyes, sighing. 
"Is there any chance this was a blind date, organized by a certain Jet Andal?" she asked, hoping she was wrong. The woman's eyes widened. 
"You're kidding." 
"I'm afraid I'm not," Azula said. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, though."
The woman's gaze darkened. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Jet isn't particularly choosy about the company he keeps," Azula said. 
The woman stood up, scowling. "Obviously not," she snapped, picking up the purse and jacket that were hung over her seat.
She stormed off, the doors of the restaurant swinging shut behind her.
Azula scoffed and sat back down, picking up the menu the woman had left. She was going to kill Jet, but first she was going to at least get a meal out of this. 
It had been nearly an hour since Katara had left the restaurant, teary-eyed. Despite her skepticism, she had really hoped this date would work out; that hope went out the window, though, and she had comforted herself with dinner from the Mexican grill on the corner. Now, Katara's bus was delayed, and it was about to start raining. She huddled under the bus stop awning, watching the road. 
Somebody joined her on the bench. She looked up, and scowled. 
"What do you want?"
"I informed Jet that the arrangement went awry," the woman said, in a somewhat clipped tone. "He informed me that I was being rude and petty, and that I should apologize. Apparently you're a nice person, or something."
She looked down at her lap, picking at her nails, and it was then that Katara realized she was embarrassed. 
"So. I'm sorry," she went on. "I hope your next date goes better."
Katara swallowed. "Thanks," she managed to say. "I hope yours does, too."
There was a peal of thunder, and the forecasted rain began pouring down. 
The woman turned to Katara, offering her hand. "I'm Azula, by the way."
Katara looked up, shaking her hand after a moment. "Katara."
"Oh. Jet's ex with the brother." Azula's expression softened, and she nodded. "It's nice to meet you. I wish it had been under better circumstances."
"Yeah, you too."
The bus finally rolled up to the stop. Katara sighed and picked up her purse.
She turned back to Azula, who had her phone out of her purse. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to exchange numbers," Azula said. "You don't have to, but...well, I've had trouble getting to know people in the city. And I've only heard high praise from our mutual acquaintances."
Katara hesitated. A minute ago, she would have flat-out refused, but...
"I've been rude and petty too," Katara said. "I'm sorry. I'd be happy to get to know you better."
She took Azula's phone and entered her number, allowing Azula to enter her contact into Katara's phone.
"Azula Huo?" she asked when she took her phone back. "Are you related to Zuko?"
Azula gave a theatrically put-upon sigh, tucking her hair behind her ear. "By some insane luck on his part. I'm his sister."
"I didn't know he had another sister," Katara said.
Azula's eyes seemed to sadden a little, though her cool smile didn't waver. "Our family's complicated. I'm sure you've heard enough about it from him."
Katara really hadn't; Zuko wasn't forthcoming about a lot when it came to his family, except for bits and pieces, but it seemed like Azula didn't want to get into it, so Katara nodded and left it at that.
"Well, I won't keep you any longer," Azula said. "Enjoy the rest of your night."
"You too," Katara said, waving as she climbed on the bus.
She arrived home to silence, the lights already out in Sokka's room down the hall. She quietly toed off her shoes, creeping up to her bedroom.
Moments after she put her phone on the charger, there was a buzz as she received a text from Jet.
- did azula apologize? I told her she was being a petty bitch, but she never listens to me
Katara rolled her eyes and texted back.
Yes, she apologized. I did too. -
- any chance you'll agree to a double date next week then? - I might have already told azula you were going. she might have already agreed ;) - you must've made a real impression
Katara fought off a furious blush. The nerve he had.
I'd be happy to. - As long as you don't cancel last minute again! -
- like i'd miss that.
Azula took a deep breath, pausing to check in the window that her outfit was still in place before entering the restaurant. It was several thousand dollars below the price range she was accustomed to, but it was a change she would have to adapt to in her new life.
She followed the hostess to the table in the back. Haru and Jet were already seated across from one another — tragically underdressed for the venue — and looking so disgustingly in love that Azula briefly considered leaving. She instead slid into a seat beside Haru, picking up a menu.
"Has Katara not arrived yet?"
Jet looked up. "She said she'd be late. Buses are running slow tonight."
Azula nodded shortly, trying to hide her disappointment and worry — what if Katara had decided not to show up at all? She had been pleasant enough during their last text exchange, but what if Azula had said something off-putting, and Katara was too polite to point it out, so she instead decided to blow off the date and make an excuse, and it was all —
"Hi! Sorry I'm late, the bus got held up."
Azula looked up as Katara sat across from her, tossing her brown waves over her shoulder.
"You're just in time," she said, relief coursing through her. Take that, paranoia. Not everything is a catastrophe. "I only just got here."
"I'm glad I didn't keep you waiting too long, then." Katara smiled, and Azula was a little ashamed at how quick the butterflies took flight in her stomach.
"Shall we order drinks?" she suggested, louder than she meant, glaring when Jet smirked.
"Good idea," Katara agreed quickly, opening her menu with a smile.
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mal-urameshi · 1 year
hiii! literally love your work 🩵 I love reading about attuma with kids and I have a feeling I’ll die from cuteness if you write him with baby riri n mama okoye 🤭…
✨do your worst ✨
Ladies, Gents and everyone else, my worst .
Chronicles of Mama Okoye and Riri! XV
A Modern AU
Attuma almost scrambled his carton of eggs with the vice grip he had on them. He was taking his groceries out of the cart to cash them at the register, but the silhouette of a familiar form caught his attention at his peripherals. His body reacted faster than his brain and he snapped his head to observe the woman who was making her way out of the store.
Not just any woman. It was Okoye. 
Attuma’s heart thundered against his ribcage. He never thought he would have seen her again! He was just about to hail her out, but the cashier cleared their throat to catch his attention, “Don’t hold up the line, buddy.”
Attuma sheepishly smiled and quickly took out the rest of his groceries, praying to Chaac that the cashier would move faster in hopes he could catch Okoye in time.
Once he was given his receipt, he hustled out of the grocery store and desperately scanned the parking lot to see if he saw Okoye’s familiar frame once more. His eyes failed to locate her and he groaned irritation, “Dammit!”
“Look who finally came back! Look who's here, Riri!” Aneka bounced her niece in her lap as Okoye opened up the trunk to place the groceries inside.
“Finally! She could have killed us in this freezing car, then what? She would have been in jail.” Aneka pressed a thousand kisses to Riri’s cheeks which caused the child to giggle.
Okoye decided to ignore her sister’s teasing as she watched as Riri braced herself against the backseat to watch her unload her groceries.
“Mama!” Riri greeted with a smile and a wave, as though she didn’t just see her almost 15 minutes ago.
“Hello, my Pebble! I have snacks for you.” Okoye cooed and took a juice box and some fruit snacks out of one of the bags and stretched it over to Aneka. 
“What about my snacks, eh? Did you get me what I wanted? I’m starving, Koko!” 
Okoye smiled and rummaged through the bags again before handing Aneka a bar of chocolate and a bottle of water, “Here.”
“Yes!” Aneka snatched them up and settled Riri in her lap as she burst open their respective snacks to enjoy.
Okoye finished packing up the groceries and slammed down the trunk. She slid into the driver’s seat and readjusted her rearview mirror.
“Can you crack open a window or something? It’s so cold in here. Riri, you’re cold right? Umama wants to give you frostbite.” Aneka nibbled on her chocolate and looked down at Riri who didn’t acknowledge her, completely focused on her treats.
“Well excuse me for not wanting my child to suffer from heatstroke.”
“Well, you want me to suffer from hypothermia. Just crack open a window!” 
Okoye did what her whining sister asked of her and pulled out of the parking lot while she turned up the radio.
Attuma busied himself with putting his own groceries away in his car, lamenting not being able to make conversation with Okoye. He’d just finished closing down his trunk when he caught a glimpse of Okoye again, driving out of the parking lot.
“Okoye!” Attuma tried to get her attention, but he figured he couldn’t hear him through the music. Attuma kicked the tire of his car and ran a hand through his wavy tresses, “Dammit.”
Okoye made a face, “Did you hear something?”
Aneka bumped her head along to the music, “All I hear is the melody!! Oluwaburna! Yea, yea, yeah yea yea yeah yeah yeah!” 
Riri wiggled along to the beat of the music in Aneka’s lap, “See? Even Riri is feeling it!”
Attuma laid in bed with an arm over his face. He saw Okoye. He saw Okoye! How many years had it been? His mind went back to the last time they’d seen each other. How long has it been? Six years?
They were seventeen. She’d broken up with him. He was an absolute wreck when she broke the news to him. He was so confused, wondering what he’d done to make her want to end things. He wanted so hard to try to fix things. He wanted to make it work. But she assured him it wasn’t him.
She had to move. 
He gave a mirthless chuckle at the memory after that.
“I’ll come with you.”
Okoye looked at him like he was crazy, “Come with me? Attuma I’m moving half-way across the country!”
“I don’t care, Okoye. What about everything we talked about doing together? We’re supposed to go to college together. Buy a house. Settle down. I- I love you.” Attuma gently took Okoye’s hand but she quickly tugged it away. His heart immediately fractured at the gesture.
 Okoye hugged herself, “Don’t say that, Attuma.”
Attuma clenched his fist at his side, “I’m being serious, Okoye! Don’t you even want to try? I’ll save up and come for you. We don’t have to end things. Please.” He tried to close the distance again but Okoye stepped away from him.
“Don’t you care about us?” Attuma didn’t understand why she was being so closed off right now. Usually she was more open.
“Of course I care about us, that’s why I’m breaking things off.” Her arms fell at her side, before she crossed them and uncrossed them, not knowing what to do with herself. 
“You’re not making any damn sense! Then let’s try to make it work. We won’t know unless we try.”
 “What if we try to make it work but it fails? What then, Attuma? I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to break up, but…it makes the most logical sense. We can’t see each other every day. We can’t meet up. Who knows how long it’d take you to come see me. And in that time, what if you meet someone new and…” She shrugged.
Attuma ran a hand through his hair in frustration. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be real life right now, “There won’t be anybody else. All I want is you! I love you! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!”
“How do you know that! You’re fricken 17 years old, Attuma! People change! You- you want something one moment and something else the next! That’s just life! Stop making bold statements like that when you don’t know what you want out of life yet.” Okoye tried her best to keep herself from trembling, but she found herself failing. The back of her eyes stuck and her throat felt raw.
“Okoye please, please, please...” Attuma found his voice shrinking until it broke, he brought his interlocked fingers over his eyes to shield the tears that were inevitably about to fall, “Don’t do this to me.”
Okoye silently shook her head, feeling completely overwhelmed by the entire ordeal, “Goodbye, Attuma.”
The last thing he saw was Okoye running away from him. 
Attuma rubbed his eyes as he took a deep breath once he roused from the painful memory. He didn’t expect to run into Okoye when he’d moved out here. Of course he knew she was living out here…well he couldn’t be too sure as she could have possibly moved from here too, but actually seeing her in the flesh again…
He rubbed his eyes again and sat up from the bed. He needed a shower.
“Ooouu you can’t catch me! Come catch me!” Aneka walked backward while Riri tried to catch up to her, “I’m going to drink all your nasty orange juice!” She pretended to sip from Riri’s sippy cup which caused the child to giggle. Riri tripped on the grass, but that didn’t stop her as she trailed behind her Aunt by crawling at hyper speed.
“Hahaha! Clumsy!” Aneka tripped over a rock which had her landing on her backside which in turn had Riri laughing at her misfortune, “Ahh! It’s not funny!”
Riri sat up on her knees and smirked at Aneka, “Clumsy.” She repeated.
Aneka squinted and pointed at Riri, “You wished that upon me, didn’t you?”
Riri stood up and ran the rest of the way to Aneka, squeezing her neck in a hug, “Yes.”
Aneka fake sobbed, “I’ll pretend to think you didn’t understand what I meant.”
Aneka grabbed her up and walked back to the tree her sister was lounging at, “Here is your spawn.” She dropped Riri into Okoye’s lap and Okoye kissed her cheeks.
“Your backside is green, Aneka.”
“It’s Riri’s fault! She made me trip.”
“Is that true, Riri?” Okoye held up Riri and pressed a kiss to her nose, “Did you make your Aunty fall?”
Riri cupped her mother’s cheeks and smiled, “Titi clumsy.”
“Yes she is.” She pressed a kiss to her forehead, “The biggest klutz ever.” She kissed one of her cheeks.
Riri decided that she didn’t want to feed herself, so Okoye and Aneka found themselves taking turns feeding her some broccoli.
“Mm. Yum yum. Look at you, eating all your veggies because you don’t know any better.” Aneka hummed, “Mama depriving you of chicken nuggets and everything!”
Okoye chewed a spoonful of her rice before answering, “Yes. So that her brain will be able to function at full capacity, unlike her Aunty.”
Aneka glared at Okoye, “I’ll have you know that most of my screws are intact, thank you.” Aneka then fed Riri a strip of chicken. “Mmm, num num, it’s good, ne?”
Riri stood up and walked around as she played with the food in her mouth. Her curious gaze took in all the park-goers and she walked at the side of the tree, a few feet away from her mother. Okoye looked at Riri who seemed to be off in her own world before her attention was caught by her sister.
“There’s this girl in my class. Her name is Ayo, and I think she likes me!” Aneka giddily clapped her hands and covered her face.
“What? How do you know? Did you talk to her?” Okoye silently pushed for details, always entertained by her sister’s teenage ramblings.
“We never really exchanged words before now. But she stares at me when she thinks I’m not looking. Oh! She’s from Wakanda too! Don’t you think that’s a sign?” Aneka got a far away look in her eyes, “I tried talking to her yesterday and she couldn’t stop smiling at me. But she kept breaking eye contact and blushing. She’s super nice and so cute. People would assume she’s mean from the jump, because she has a resting bitch face, like you. But she’s so…swoon.”
Okoye smiled at her sister’s rambling, “So are you thinking about making a move on her? Or are you waiting for her to do it?”
“I’ll make the move. She wants me. And I want her! But she’s too shy to do anything.”
“Make sure not to do anything to scare the poor girl off, now. You know how excitable you get.”
Aneka waved her off, “I’m very much suave- Riri get back here!”
Okoye’s head snapped over to her daughter who took off running onto the busy pathway of park-goers. She quickly put down her bowl and sped after her daughter.
Attuma had found himself jogging in the park to blow off some steam from his hectic morning. He looked at his smart watch and saw that he’d taken a little over 15000 steps, “Huh. I don’t feel like I took that many.”
He contemplated taking a break when he heard a frantic shout. His eyes caught a child running onto the path and was narrowly missed by a cyclist. He broke into a sprint and caught up to the child, scooping her up into his arms with a smile.
“Hello there. What you’re doing is really dangerous.”
“Riri!” Okoye shouted as she rushed up to Attuma with tears in her eyes. She quickly took her from his hold and inspected her for signs of distress.
“Don’t run off like that!” She hugged Riri and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
Attuma’s mouth went agape as he saw Okoye right before him. His eyes went between the child and Okoye. Was this her kid? His eyes immediately dropped to her hands to see if he saw a ring.
Okoye rubbed a knuckle on Riri’s cheek, “Thank you so much, sir.” She finally turned to properly look at the man after making sure Riri was okay. But her countenance mirrored shock when she realized who stood before her.
Attuma couldn’t help the smile that fashed on his face when she acknowledged him, “Hello Okoye.”
“Hi.” She breathed. She couldn’t get over the shock. She gave him a once over. It looked like he’d gotten taller from the last time she saw him. And definitely more muscular too. Wow.
Attuma definitely noticed the not-so-subtle way Okoye was openly ogling at him and he got a little ego-boost from it.
Riri waved at Attuma with a bright smile on her face and he smiled while waving back, “Is this little one yours?”
Okoye smiled and looked at Riri before pressing a loving kiss to her cheek, “Yes she is.. This is Riri, my daughter. Riri, this is Attuma. An old friend of mine.”
Riri looked at Attuma and pointed at him, “A’ Tuna.”
Attuma gave a hearty laugh at the pronunciation of his name, “It’s nice to meet you, Riri.” He held out his hand to shake and Riri grabbed one of his fingers, tugging on it.
“Thank you for catching Riri in time, I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to her.”
Riri wrapped her arms around her mother’s neck while still eyeing Attuma.
“It’s no problem. I would have done the same for any kid, but I’m glad it was yours. I didn’t think I would have seen you again. I’m glad I got to see you again.” Attuma couldn’t help but stare at Okoye’s figure.
She definitely filled out since the last time he saw her. Her hips got wider and her chest…got more volume. He wiped his brow from sweat and licked his lips. He tried to regulate his breathing and hoped to Chaac she didn’t notice why he was reacting that way..
“Do you want something to drink?”
“Sure. That’d be great, if you don’t mind!”
Attuma slowly trailed behind Okoye as they walked back to her blanket. He couldn’t help the way his eyes fell to observe the way her ass was hugged nicely in her pants. Eyes up, ‘Tuma!
She has a daughter now. Does that mean she’s married? He didn’t see a ring. Did she not wear it this time or is she not married at all?
Okoye kneeled down and passed Riri over to Aneka whose mouth hung open, “Okoye! Is that your ex?” She whispered as her sister rummaged through the cooler.
“What are the odds! Maybe this is fate! You both are brought back together by chance. It is written in the stars! By the way did you see how he was checking you out? He wanted to eat you up!”
Okoye shushed her up, “Aneka, hush!”
Attuma stood off to the side as Okoye was being bombarded by whisperings from her sister.
“Hey Attuma! Long time no see!” Aneka grinned and waved while wiggling her eyebrows at Okoye.
“Hi, Aneka. It has been a while. How are you?”
Aneka patted the blanket, “You’re making me shout, come down my level so we can make decent conversation.”
Attuma looked over at Okoye, "Is that okay with you?”
Okoye nodded, “Sure. Sit and get comfortable.”
Attuma sat down while Okoye handed over a bottle of juice to which he greatly accepted. He cracked the seal and guzzled down half the bottle.
“Dang, you’re thirsty.” Aneka smirked while very-obviously looking between both Attuma and Okoye.
Attuma chuckled, some things never change. He remembered Aneka’s vicious teasing back when he and Okoye were still together. It was never ending.
Riri had busied herself with pulling one of her snacks from one of the bags and walked over to Attuma, handing it to him.
“Oh, you want me to open it for you?” He looked over at Okoye to see if it was okay with her. After getting the okay, he opened the snack for Riri and handed it back to her.
Riri poured some of it into her hand and offered it to Attuma who accepted it, “You’re so nice, Riri! Thank you!” He gobbled the snacks up from his hand, “Nom nom nom! Yummy!”
Riri’s eyes widened in amusement and the force of her laughter threw her off balance, causing her to fall on her backside before standing up again to share more of her snacks.
Attuma gobbled up the snacks again, “I’m the cookie monster! Nom nom nom! All your snacks are mine!”
Aneka threw herself back onto the blanket and looked up at her sister while mouthing, “And he’s good with kiddies.”
This wasn’t news to her, she always knew Attuma loved kids. He expressed wanting to have a few of his own one day. And she… Okoye took a silent deep breath to rid herself of those thoughts. 
“So Attuma, what brought you here?”
Attuma looked over at Okoye, “I got a job offer out here so I took it. I figured a change of scenery would have been nice. Expand my horizons.” I knew you’d be out here, was his unspoken thought.
Attuma fished his cellphone out of his pocket and handed it over to Okoye, “If you don’t mind, can I get your number? Maybe you can show me around since you’re a seasoned local?” He gave her one of his dimpled smiles.
Okoye grinned and took his phone from him, “Sure. I can do that.” She typed in her number while Riri found herself fascinated by Attuma’s long tresses.
“I’ve been growing it out since I was seven.” He explained to the child.
“Princess A’Tuna.” Riri smiled as she petted his hair.
Aneka cackled at the dubbing Riri gave him and slapped her knee.
“I would much prefer Prince, but I’ll take it.” He chuckled.
“Here you go.” Okoye handed back his phone and he immediately rang Okoye’s phone.
She picked it up and swiftly saved his number.
“Bast, you were anticipating it, huh Usisi?” Aneka snickered from her place on the blanket again.
Riri pressed a kiss to Attuma’s cheek and hugged him to which he hugged her back.
“What!” Aneka sat up at the gesture, “Riri showing affection to strangers? She’s usually mean-mugging and side-eying people that aren’t family.” She laughed at the display of affection, “I did hear that little kids are good judges of character.” 
Attuma held Riri by her underarms and lightly threw her into the air before catching her again. Riri wiggled in Attuma’s hold, kicking her feet in excitement, “Again!”
Attuma delivered on Riri’s request and threw her up again.
Aneka hummed and looked over to Okoye and muttered, “He’s already doing better than you-know-who.” 
Attuma couldn’t help but catch that part. Was that Okoye’s boyfriend? Husband? Riri’s father?
Attuma’s phone chimed and he put Riri down, much to the child’s displeasure, to check the message.
“Sorry ladies, but I have to go. But I’ll text you later. Is that okay, Okoye?”
Okoye smiled and nodded, “It was nice running into you Attuma.”
“Same here, Koko.” He let the nickname slip, but he didn’t beat himself up when he saw Okoye blush. That was a good sign!
“Bye Riri!” He waved the child who waved him goodbye as well as Aneka.
Aneka watched as Attuma walked off, “Why the heck didn’t you try to make more conversation with him?”
“I was shocked, okay?”
“Shocked? Okoye when you saw him it looked like you were ready to drop down to your knees and give him the best suck-”
Okoye covered Aneka’s mouth, “There are little ears around.”
Aneka looked over to Riri who was now fiddling on her mother’s tablet, ”She doesn’t even know what I’m talking about.” Aneka’s eyes then widened, “Wait! You didn’t deny wanting to suck-”
Okoye slapped her hand over Aneka’s mouth again.
Aneka pried Okoye’s hand from over her mouth, “You guys should get back together.”
Okoye shook her head, “No, I broke his heart before I left.”
“His heart doesn’t look broken now! He wants you!”
Okoye looked over at Riri.
“What are you looking at Riri for? I’m sure he’d love to play step-daddy.” Aneka hummed, “Bet he won’t mind since she’s yours.”
“Are you hearing yourself, Aneka?”
“Loud and clear, actually.”
Okoye sighed, “What we had is gone. He probably has a girlfriend.”
“Then he’s a very shitty boyfriend, openly ogling your ass the way he did.”
“He was checking out my ass?”
Aneka screamed, “You still like him!”
Okoye relaxed against the tree bark, “Yes, but our time has passed. He perhaps just wants to rekindle our friendship.”
“No, he wants to fan the embers of the love you both still have for each other, turning it into a raging bushfire.”
“Why don’t you take this energy and put it into getting with that Ayo girl?”
Aneka watched as Riri walked over to Okoye and snuggled on her lap, “I don’t have to worry about Ayo since I practically have her in the bag. You on the other hand need to get back with Attuma.”
“I don’t need to do anything.” She caressed Riri’s head and kissed the crown of it.
Aneka closed the distance between herself and her niece, “No offense Riri, but after Attuma, your Umama’s taste in men went to shit.” She pressed a loving kiss to her cheek. “He may have helped conceived you, but it’s Okoye's genes that saved you.”
Okoye swatted at Aneka, “What! It’s true! Isn’t your Aunty right, Riri? I’m right, yes?”
Riri smiled and nodded along with what Aneka was saying.
Okoye rolled her eyes, “I just know you’ll be a bad influence on her when she’s older.
“Me? I’ll be the most perfect Aunty in the world! And I currently am, actually. That’s a fact.”
Okoye took a deep breath and sighed. She wished things had been different back then, but they weren’t. And she couldn’t find it within herself to think about what could have been because she was currently in the now. And regardless of what led her to the now, she wouldn’t change it to the world.
Okoye lightly tickled Riri’s sides which caused her to giggle. Riri tickled back her mother with far less force but it caused her to laugh nonetheless.
“So if he asks you out on a date you’re telling me you won’t go?”
Okoye closed her eyes, “I never said that.”
“Good, because with that little display I saw today, Step-Daddy definitely looks good on him.”
Taggies: @somethingcleaverandwhitty @karimwillia @neptoons1998 @pantherheart @pilesofpillows
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Lt. Natasha “Phoenix” Trace — Fluffy Headcanons ❤️‍🔥 | Top Gun Maverick Headcanon
Link to my TGM masterlist
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Dancing is weekly occurrence when in a relationship w/ Phoenix. She loves dancing and its better when she gets to hold you in her arms or spin you around. You two are the main attraction when you go to dance clubs. Sometimes when you’re home Phoenix will play music just to sway you side to side.
Whenever Phoenix lets her hair down you automatically love to run your fingers through it. She’s always keeping it up per regulation but you relish when its down in its natural wave. You especially love when its hair washing day and she needs your assistance. “Babe, can you help me with—.” “YES!”
Phoenix loves to cook and is always trying new recipes. You’ll be her taste tester and when its your turn in the kitchen she can’t help but stand to the side and watch you. You are that couple who plan your week’s worth of meals and go to the commissary or grocery store together to get the stuff. But never go on an empty stomach—cause then you leave with your cart overflowing with shit you didn’t come for in the first place.
Y’all are the ones who would host a Friendsgiving w/ the other members of the Dagger Squad. It became a tradition with y’all having a specific theme each year. One year it was everyone had to make a dish that started with the first letter of their name, then another you all dressed up ad Maverick. This past year involved going around the table and unpacking celebrity scandals.
You and Nat are not just partners, but each other’s best friend & cheerleader. In the gym you are pushing each other to get another rep in. When it comes to your jobs you’re both there to listen when the other needs to rant about the rough day they had. “Today the Gs were just too much and it gave me a headache. I was off target by five seconds.” You two are always going out of your way to make sure the other knows they are loved. Even if it small & simple gestures. “I ran you a bath if you’re feeling up to it. I went out yesterday to get those bath salts you love.”
Date night is a weekly ritual. They mostly consist of walks on the beach, dinner and movie night, of going to the arcade since you two are competitive. You’ll go to the fair when its in town or splurge on a concert every once and a while. It’s something you always look forward to at the end of the week when you’re free from nights nose deep in work where you can enjoy time with your lover.
Phoenix is a total book worm, in fact, the reason y’all met was because she saw you reading a favorite book if hers in a cafe. She was on her lunch break and needed a quick coffee to keep her going when she spotted you in the corner table completely invested in the book you had. When she saw the title —and how absolutely gorgeous you were—Nat walked up to you saying, “that’s a great book you’ve got there. One of my favorite reads this year. What part are you at?” You, completely speechless by the beautiful woman in front of you, stuttered out a response. Before Nat knew it she was well over her lunch break after you two fell deep into discussion over the main character. Once y’all became official, you guys would have nights where you cuddled up to Nat just to listen to her read aloud.
If you’re an artist of some form—photographer, musician, painter, writer, poet, etc—Nat would be your muse. Anything that came to your creative mind often involved her in some way, shape, or form. Your memory card would be filled with images of her doing candid things like reading, cooking, working on her car, or simply walking down the street ahead of you. The song book with pages upon pages of lyrics referenced her doe eyes and gorgeous smile. The protagonist/love interest of your novel would be based around her personality. Paintings often depicted Nat or drew inspiration from your relationship.
Rooster and Bob are your closest friends in the squad. Bob because he wad Nats backseater and best friend, and Rooster because not only did he know Nat the longest but also was the first to welcome you to their little family. He’d be the first person you’d go to when asking for advice on what to get Nat for birthday, anniversary, promotion and what not. You and Bob often have deep discussions where he gives wonderful advice whenever you’re seeking a third party opinion.
Nat loved dogs so expect to have multiple in your home. You guys are always fostering to help the local animal shelter—which sometimes makes you regret it since you always cry when an animal you’ve attached to has to leave. You guys have adopted four fur babies and must live off base since on base residents are only required two pets. And there’s no way in hell you’re surrendering/re-homing your fur children. “Wait Nat, they’ve all bonded—we can’t separate them!!” “Then we’re gonna need a bigger house, baby….one with a giant yard.”
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sebastianstansqueen · 2 years
Cheer Up Love 3
A/N: I've decided that I am going to update this series on Tusedays, if you want to be Tagged, either send an ask or comment on this or click on Taglist open.
Wordcount: 1,347 
Warnings:  Angst, Suicide, Fighting, I think that is all actually
Chapter Name: Valkyrie
Masterlist // Series Masterlist // Taglist open// Spotify Playlist
Tags: @cherryblossomskyposts-blog - @babylooneytoonz - @wonderlandfandomkingdom - @miraclesoflove - @amelia-song-pond - @leyannrae - @avengerlex - @pineprincess - @cjand10 - @ria132love
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 The next day Y/n did all of her regular cleaning, she was wiping at one of the large windows of her house, as she was cleaning there looked to be a smudge that wasn’t coming off, as she started to scrub at it it looked as though the window was moving closer as it did she got pressed to the wall, and eventually she ‘came to’ she was just pressed up against the window she looked around her house in confusion. “What the hell?” She mumbled, then her phone started to ring. “Hello?” She asked 
“You went out there didn’t you?” Valkyrie claimed on the other end. “You saw it, they are lying to all of us.”
“Val, I-I can’t talk to you-your not feeling well.” Y/n stuttered.
It sounded as though the woman on the other end was crying. “No one asks me questions, We can’t stay here anymore Y/n, I’m not crazy.” 
“You need to stop this.” Y/n said in a very serious tone, then hung up the phone. 
Y/n then got ready for the day changing out of her nightgown, into a yellow dress with black heels and a small matching purse. Y/n made her way into town to do some grocery shopping as she walked through the aisles of the store where she walked into a mirror section by mistake as she walked through she looked at one seeing Valkyrie she stood in a light blue nightgown as she started to pound her head against the glass making it crack it looked as though it broke and she had died, Y/n let out a loud ear piercing scream, she outwardly apologize, and left her cart in the middle of the isle before running back home a feeling of dread in her stomach. 
She pushed through the laundry she had strung up to dry as she moved it out of her way, she ran up the small hill, seeing Valkyrie stand on top of the roof of her and Carol's house. “Val?” The other woman looked at her. “Get down from there!” Valkyrie took a knife and slid it across her throat, and blood poured from her now open throat, she fell from the roof to the grass Y/n ran up to help her friend but people came from behind to stop her and pull her away and took her friend away. “Get off me!” Y/n yelled. “Val, what happened to Val?” 
The men locked Y/n in her house until Bucky got home. “No, I saw her, I saw her slit her throat and fall to the grass, Bucky, and then they took me away. Why would they do that?” 
“Y/n, you have to stop.” Bucky demanded. “She is fine.”
She whipped her head to look at him. “No she is not, I know what I saw.”
“I don’t know what to tell you Y/n, Carol is in the hospital with her right now.” He told her. “She called me up to calm you down telling me she only needed a few stitches.” Y/n denied her husband's accusations. 
“I don’t fucking believe it.” Y/n hissed. 
“She slipped while cleaning the window. It was an accident Y/n.” Bucky continued. 
Y/n shook her head. “Bucky, I know what I saw, she cut herself.” 
“You had a bad night last night Sophi, maybe lack of sleep is getting to you.” He said with a shrug.
“No uh-uh you're not doing that.” Y/n shook her head. “She slit her throat.” She sat on the bed. “Bucky, I know what I saw, there was blood everywhere, it wasn’t just a few stitches.” 
“Please don’t get hysterical.” Bucky said passively as he started to take off his socks. 
Y/n huffed. “Bucky…” She closed her eyes trying to hold back the tears. “She was my friend, and I can’t help but think this is my fault she called me earlier today for help and I-I didn’t help her.” She said shakily. 
Bucky came over and hugged his wife. “Shh, it’s not your fault Y/n-”
“Why are they lying about what's happening, why are they hiding everything?” She cut him off, her voice still shaky. 
“Stop it.” He whispered. 
“Come on, you have to admit something's off.” She begged. 
Bucky pulled away walking into the bathroom. “Stop.” He said a bit more aggressively. 
Y/n combed her hair out of her face. “What are you doing at the victory project?” 
“You know what I do Y/n.” Bucky huffed. “You know we can’t talk about it.” 
“What does that mean?” She asked over and over as Bucky ignored her. “What if this place is dangerous what if-”
“Stop It!” Bucky yelled. “Not everybody gets this opportunity Y/n! And if you keep talking like this you're going to put it at risk…us at risk, is that what you what?” 
“You're worried about a demotion, is that what you're worried about?” Y/n asked with irritation. 
“Our life is what I am worried about.” He told her. “Please just get a hold of yourself please.” Then he walked out of the room leaving Y/n stunned in silence. 
Y/n stayed up in the living room watching random television ads and shows, one popped up about how Westview had a swimming pool in every backyard, suddenly she fell asleep but she felt as though she was drowning. Then suddenly she started to float back up and she woke up slamming her body against the window. 
The next day Y/n did all of her regular getting ready, breakfast, and stuff, and after Bucky left for work she was working on packing away some meet with plastic wrap, and as she did she just started to wrap it around her head constricting her breathing and then she started to try and rip at it but she couldn’t get it apart until the last second she leaned over the counter gasping for air.
Soon after that Doctor Banner and Bucky both came to the house, and the doctor was taking your blood pressure. “Is there a bug goin’ around?” Bucky asked. 
Bruce looked up and shook his head. “Not that I know of, It’s just regular plaine exhaustion.” He told Bucky to calm him down. “All you’ll need is this prescription.” He wrote one out. “Just take a pill a day and you’ll be good as new.” 
“What happened to Valkyrie?” Y/n asked the doctor.
Bruce sighed. “Y/n how would you feel if I were to give out your medical information?”
Y/n shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind, especially if I slit my throat open and fall from the top of my house.” 
“Y/n.” Bucky hissed. 
“No, Mr. Barnes, She is just imagining things, it's her mind making the trauma worse.” Y/n looked at the open briefcase of Dr. Banners that he now closed, but it had a bright pink file with Val’s name on it. “The prescription I gave her should fix it, I think it’s best we both be going.” 
Both men had left and the briefcase sat next to her she ran up and started trying to pull it open, trying to pry pull, then the door opened, she grabbed it and held it for them to grab. “Oh thank you.” Bruce said as she gave it to him. 
They both left and she grabbed the file, she got out from under the couch, looking through it all of the information crossed out with a thick black marker. “No, No.” She cried, then she did what she had to and threw it into the fire, she thought back to when she last saw her friend alive, which was at the party, and how distraught she looked and what she meant now Y/n knew but everyone around her made her seem crazy like all of what has gone on is all in her head, and like she hadn’t seen what she has seen, drank some whisky before she got up.
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coulsonlives · 10 months
Omg everyone, I found this woman's reviews on yelp and I can't stop laughing at them, most of them are one star and they're pure comedy gold. Every single food purchase has something wrong with it and is described in insane detail, and every person is rude or doesn't care about their customers
Here are some of my faves:
"P.S. The splinter from the wooden fork hurt my sister's finger as she used the fork. They obviously do not care about customers."
"The black sesame cheesecake had minimal cheese taste. There was only black sesame taste and it was surprisingly crustless. The texture was thawed."
'Minimal cheese taste'
"Also, the shelves were not fully stocked up and thus the store looked pathetic."
"Also, they should indicate that the Hershey pie was a s'more pie and not a "chocolate pie.""
Is this real life
"They were tricky. Also, she did not thank us and this was rude."
"In addition, the young male blonde hairstylist pushed the small cart close to my sister without saying 'excuse me.' That was rude."
"She laughed and said, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you." This could have been prevented if she was competent."
"Watch out for the pigeons by the entrance from the street. They shouted loudly and abruptly when a man passed them and said something to them while we were standing there wearing our masks. This was the first time that I heard the pigeons sounded so loud. I did not know if that man did something to trigger the pigeons to do that because it was quite unusual."
Look out for the screaming pigeons I guess
"When the barista apologized, she smiled with her eyes closed. What did that mean?"
What does it MEAN?!
“In addition, the wooden take-out spoon was not a spoon (it was flat). This was useless and shocking.”
Omg the mass-produced disposable wooden spoon isn't flat, we need to call someone
"The hostess brought us to a table without asking us if the table is okay for us (she ran away quickly). We did not like the table so we asked the server who came by if we could take the table across from it. Then she said 'yes of course' and she said she thought we wanted the other table instead. She kept talking happily to the point that I did not have a chance to tell her that the hostess brought us to an undesirable table. I finally had a chance to tell her after we sat down. Then she apologized while smiling. They made it seem like it was my idea to sit at an undesirable table when it was actually the hostess's idea."
'Our hostess brought us to a table and it's her fault'
"Also, the sign in front of the cake said $6.5 while it showed $7 on the board. When we asked them about the price, they said they had not change the sign so it would be $7. Then they just left the wrong sign there. They should change the sign (which is simple and easy to do) instead of misleading customers."
The fifty-cent difference is an affront to me and everything I stand for
"When the hostess passed by our table later, she glared at me rudely. How can you glare at customers?"
"Why would they mistreat customers that way?"
"I took the shampoo from the shelf into the basket and went to pay. After I got home, I realized the shampoo was a 2-in1 instead. Only I and the cashier had handled the purchase; I had never put down the basket in the store or put down the grocery bag on our way home. So I did not know what happened when the cashier scanned my purchases. But the shampoo became a 2-in-1 after we paid. There must be something wrong with the cashier."
The minimum wage cashier is totally plotting against me I'm certain of it
"T&T obviously does not care about customers; they always want customers to yield to them."
"P.S. Another indication of his unprofessionalism was that his name tag was upside down."
"I chose this restaurant because I had thought highly of it. Never would I expect a manager defend his staff unjustifiably. Never mind my kindness in the gratuity. Both the staff and management were degrading towards me, a woman dining alone. There was not one fact to justify how I was treated as an unworthy human being. Did I intend to spend $150 during the pandemic, hoping to enjoy a meal, only to be publicly humiliated and bullied by the staff and management?"
"Furthermore, they did not tie the bag of the individual rice cake for me until I asked them to do it, and they kept opening the loud till unnecessarily when I tried to ask them questions. It was rude. That means they did not want customers to talk."
This store is trying to silence customers everyone steer clear
"The parents should not leave the kid alone in the store; there were people trying to pay, to get a basket, or to pick the produce around the kid. The kid could make the produce fall from the baskets and hurt others if he moves around. "
"When we tried to go to the self check-out area, the female employee walked towards me very quickly from that area while looking at the ceiling. She kept walking towards me with her breasts close to me without stopping."
Y'all WHAT
"That means they forced customers to buy a whole box so they could get more money."
Yeah that's generally how products are packaged
Also, her favourite word is apparently 'deterred'
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And every other employee either glares at her, or stands too close to her
That's not even the best part. She gave T&T Supermarket a one-star review in 2023, and since then, she's gone back 24 more times to keep giving em bad reviews
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This is like a master class in bad reviews. Or maybe grifting, I'm not even sure lmao
0 notes
deserts-and-diatribes · 10 months
Rainbow Puddles
(TW: implied abuse)
The rainbow puddles make any long walk through the parking lot at least a bit more fun. I let the sweet perfume of diesel exhaust flutter around inside my head as I trot alongside Mommy, led along by her vice grip on my wrist. We left our coats at home, there was no need for them when we left but the heavy clouds left the air to give a bit more bite. On the breeze, you could feel the pinpricks of water droplets but I wasn’t sure if it was rain or just water being blown off of something upwind. I opened my mouth to ask Mama but didn’t dare to actually say the words, her gaze was fixed straight ahead as we approached the market, I knew better than to break her focus as we trudged on. 
We reached the cart stall and she tugged the one with the squeaky wheel out. The rest of the flock rattled in protest as she freed it, her eyes locking with the attendant as she stooped down to grab me under the arms and place me in the basket. 
Looking down the aisles, I see the end caps blur beneath the fluorescent lights with a long low hum. Mommy keeps her eyes straight ahead, mouth fixed shut. I ask her “Do we need to wipe off our shoes in the store Momma?”
“No, baby.” She breathes, darting around like a hunter through the aisles. She grabs cans with blue labels and blurs of green. “I like green beans momma.” 
She doesn’t break her concentration, looking over her shoulder from time to time. 
Green beans, canned chicken, peanut butter and jelly, new socks, baby wipes, a can opener, new toothbrushes, liquid ibuprofen, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. 
We waited in the checkout line for ages. I had my hands in my lap while I played with my fingers. Mommy bounced her foot on the ground before she placed her hands over mine and kissed them. When we got to the front of the line she pulled out a crinkled wad of cash from a plastic bag and rushed out of the automatic doors. It was raining for real now. 
 We waited by the cart stall until a little gray car peeled through the lot, splashing water onto the sidewalk. A woman popped her head out and looked to Momma. 
“Doreen!” Momma yanked me out of the basket and dropped me to the ground. She hugged the woman tightly before wordlessly emptying the cart into the trunk and clicking me into a red car seat. This one was only a booster seat, mine had two buckles. The car was cold to the touch but held warm air. The seats had a funny crusted plush feeling when I ran my hand across it. I sat closest to the window on the right, with both seats to the left covered with junk. Winter coats, duffle bags, tennis shoes with worn laces, and plastic grocery bags tied shut. 
Mommy sat down hard and slammed the door while Doreen looked behind her before opening her door. We motored away while I sat quiet. 
“So there’s no kind of check-in process?” Momma asked. 
“No, she already knows we’re coming.” Doreen said.
“And it’s okay we’re staying long-term?”
“Tawny won’t care, she has tons of old tenants anyways,” Doreen looked over her shoulder as she merged into traffic, “and besides, she loves kids.” She smiled at me and winked. 
Momma held her head in her hands before she pulled down the little mirror above the dashboard, poking the brilliant purple skin around her eye. 
Doreen looked at her out of the corner of her eye, turning on her blinker. “You already have one police report?”
“Yeah, from a few weeks ago,” Momma sighed.
“As soon as we get to the apartments we gotta call and make another or this constitutes kidnapping.” Doreen’s eyes shifted around in the rearview mirror, following passing taillights.
“I don’t even know what to do next.”
“Tawny knows how to get an attorney, but even if we don’t find one, we need to petition for emergency custody and a restraining order first thing in the morning.” 
“What then?” 
“We’ll play it by ear I guess.”
I look out the window at the gliding raindrops, watching them race. I crane my neck backward to rest on the seat, watching the world whiz by the window. Maybe when we get there we’ll find more rainbow puddles.
0 notes
The midnight walk
just a little one-shot I wrote while working my Encanto wip, hope you enjoy.
  “That’ll be twenty-seven ninety-nine” the cashier replied, bagging her groceries and sitting them on the counter “will there be anything else Mrs.?”
  Charlotte looked away from the sunglasses stand and shook her head. Handing the man, a large wad of cash from her purse, “no” she replied, setting the wad of cash on the counter and grabbing the bag, “that's all. Thank you for your help” 
  The man was a bit stunned at the amount of cash the beautiful young woman had given. He just kept Looking at the money with wide eyes and mouth slightly agape. 
  That had to be at least a hundred dollars on its own! She had handed him a wad of a hundred or more dollar bills just for a bag of groceries?! 
  He wasn’t the only one looking at the money, his other coworkers, boss and customers behind her stared at the amount in surprise.
None that came in and out of that store ever carried wads of hundred-dollar bills. It just hadn’t been seen before.
  No one that was even close to being rich ever came to their store
  so they were naturally curious and shocked that she just handed the guy who nearly broke the eggs she bought three different times and almost tripped her when he tried to grab something for her, a wad of a hundred dollar bills. 
 “Mrs! This has to be at least a couple hundred bucks! There is no need to give me so much!” he sputtered, a bit jittery as he held the bills in his hands. 
   She stopped as her gloved hand touched the doorknob.  Adjusting her sunglasses and turning her head to look back at him. Her brown eyes hypnotizing him through her glasses.
 “I must insist” she replied, her silky voice music to the ears, “Consider it a tip for helping a clumsy lady like me out”
 With that finale note, Charlotte walked back out into the busy streets.
Leaving the people in the store to their thoughts. 
Despite it being dark and a bit chilly, The streets were still bustling with activity. 
 The night markets and vendors were opened for business. The scent of steaming food and smoke from opened restraunts filled the air.
 Men and women walked through the streets laughing and talking. Their voices fill the night air and drown out the quiet that was usually there most nights that she did go out. 
 Most were Coming from work, bars and shops that lined and filled in the old stone buildings and street corners
 The occasional family could be spotted shopping in some of the department stores that were busy preparing for the holidays coming up and children ran through the markets with screams and laughter.
   Charlotte usually ignored this. 
 She didn’t really care much for all the noise.
Much preferring the noises of the woods outside her cozy cottage than the noise that came from the city, and often chose to take a shortcut home. 
 however she kept her pace.
Walking through the crowd and quietly listening to their conversations and just enjoying the strings of flower themed lights being put up and the smells of fresh flowers being brought by the cart full. 
 The flower festival was one of her favorite times of year in brookcastle.
A time of fun and celebration of nature and the ways one could conserve it. 
 It warmed her heart to see their seaside town celebrating their home without having to damage it. to see that people could appreciate nature without finding some need to abuse it.
 So she would endure the drunk men and women gawking at her expensive attire and the expensive pearls that hung around her neck and the whispers that followed. 
 Charlotte would endure the men and women trying to make passes at her if it meant she got to witness preparations for her beloved festival on her daily trip back home. 
it was all worth it to see the community come together.
 Turning the corner, Charlotte spotted a paper boy just up the street from her calling out about today's newest article.
normally, she wouldn’t have been interested. had it not been for what he called out
 “Extra extra! Read all about it! His majesty seeks the aid to save the princess from the opposing side!’ he cried out, passing another set of papers. 
  Charlotte's interest piqued. Her curiosity about the capital taking over her urgency to get back to the comforts of her cottage. 
She would have to look into this more as a possible job opportunity. 
 “Good evening, ma'am!” he said cheerfully, shooing away a couple stray racoon dogs that tried to dig into his bag back over to an alleyway as she approached him, “would you like to buy today's paper?”   
  Charlotte nodded, “Yes please, if it's not too much trouble?” Charlotte asked, digging through her purse to grab another bundle of cash.  
  The boy handed her paper and his gold eyes widened at the amount of money she placed in his hands. Which was way more than the single dollar that the paper was priced at.  that had to be a hundred dollars at least that he was holding in his hands. 
 “Thank you so much” she said to him with a gentle smile, “there's a little extra in there you can keep for yourself. You have a good night now”
  As she walked away from the completely flabbergasted boy, he couldn’t help but notice the raccoon dogs, who had scampered across the street to an alleyway, sudden change in behavior.
 The moment they spotted her they stopped rummaging through the garbage bin. All three of them stood frozen in the alley. 
  No longer focusing on digging through a diner's trash, but more focused on the young woman's presence. Their tiny brown beady eyes remained focused on her every move.
  Observing her and Remaining completely still until she started moving away. 
  The paper boy could only watch with curiosity and confusion as the racoons exited the alley to follow behind her. 
Confused as to why the racoons deemed a random young woman more interesting than a feast of diner scraps. 
  However what caught him off guard was the ladies shadow. 
  It was different compared to herself for just a brief glimpse. Almost if it was trying to glitch or morph into something else.
Like it was struggling to maintain its shape. 
  Charlotte continued through the streets. Passing people by as she returned her focus on getting home. Which meant getting to the train station and taking the hour-long ride back to barnecomb. 
 A stretch of wood land and farmland that was a neighborhood for miners, farmers, and artisans who enjoyed the comforts of the forest and mountains. 
 Checking her silver watch, she was pleasantly surprised how early she was. Shopping would usually take her another hour at most.
  However, since she only needed to restock a few things in her fridge and pantry, she would be home early enough to cook dinner and finish up that sewing project.
She was feeling pretty proud of herself and was quite confident that she could get home without another
 Turning into the alleyway and walking down the cobblestone steps under the archway, Charlotte couldn’t help but feel her confidence shrink a little when she spotted a familiar figure sitting on one of the train stations wooden benches. 
Fedora covered half his face as he leaned back in the bench whistling annoyingly familiar tune. 
God dammit it was Finn smith. 
 The mayor's son and a popular sea-pilot in the eastern seas of kirio. A rich and handsome young man with ebony hair, yellowish amber eyes, smooth onyx skin and a charming smile. 
 A bachelor who was quite popular with the ladies and gentlemen alike. Anybody would kill to have him, All except charlotte. 
 As a matter of fact, she couldn’t care less about him.
He seemed to have a particular interest in Charlotte, who wasn’t interested in him at all.  
 Charlotte thought of him as vain, arrogant, uncooperative, and bratty. He believed he could just win her over with gifts to hide the fact he was not at all loyal to his previous partners. 
 No matter what he did for her Charlotte refused to give him the time of day. She made it clear she wasn’t interested in him and to go bother someone else. Gifts and money wouldn’t disguise toxicity in her eyes. 
 Yet he persisted.
Much to Charlotte's displeasure.  
So she had no choice but to ignore and avoid him at all costs.
Even on her daily commutes to and from home, be it night or day.
 The feeling of something warm and fuzzy brushed up against her leg startled her. 
 The anger that was stewing in her was fading away when Charlotte looked down at her feet to find three little tanuki rubbing against her legs and pawing at her shoes. Each of them holding a small satchel of something in their mouths. 
 Charlotte smiled and bent down to them as a small sigh of relief escaped her. 
 “I was wondering where you little rascals ran off to!” she chuckled, rubbing them behind their ears “I'm glad you made it back safely. I was worried i would have to look all over town for you. thank gods i found you with the paper boy” 
 One of the raccoon dogs, the smallest of the three, dropped the petal patterned satchel in front of charlotte. Its fluffy tail wagged back and forth as it waited for her to inspect it. 
 The other two, the bigger two, dropped theirs as well. Standing back and waiting patiently for her to see their findings. 
Charlotte looked at the satchels. Picking them up, her brownish green eyes examining their shape before gently untying each of them. 
 The pink satchel that petals brought her contained a couple dozen charms, commonly used in necklaces as protection or to add a magical effect, from flowers to animals and even a few rare ones like runes.  
 The lavender satchel that Willow brought her contained herbs like moon wisp bells, chamomile, raspberry leaves and a couple dozen types of tea leaves. 
 Then the blue satchel that poko brought her contained crystals such as quartz, black tourmaline, fluorite, sodalite and even an opal.  
charlotte was quite pleased with what they had found.
 “Good job guys!” Charlotte praised, placing the items into the satchels and into her purse before pulling out a small bag of apple slices and berries “I’m very proud of you three, you did a good job tonight!”
 The three tanuki grew excited when they spotted the bag of treats. tails wagging and paws stamping the ground.
All three of them dug in on the small pile of fruits and berries the moment they hit the ground. 
  Charlotte always makes sure to carry her little friends treats whenever they would follow her into town. Not just as a snack, but as a reward for any little goodies they brought back to her. 
 She liked seeing them using and growing their skills and, as long as they didn’t put themselves in constant danger, she encouraged their exploring. it helped them a lot when they were in the wild.
  Once they had finished, Charlotte remembered the small problem that still sat at the train station. Just waiting to try and woo her with gifts and false promises. 
  God all she wanted to do was get home now. Now that all the wonderful preparations of the festival were out of sight, she was quickly reminded of how exhausted she was. 
 “I’m too tired for this shit…” she sighed, brushing a strand of curly black hair behind her ear as she dug through her purse, “I ain’t wasting my breath on this fool tonight” 
 She pulled out a small glass orange bottle from her purse. It was filled with a smokey substance that was red.  A little tool she carried on her and used if she wanted to avoid a small problem. 
 Hearing the sound of a train approaching in the distance, she quickly Twisted the cap to the right and popped the cap out of the bottle. 
 In the blink of an eye, the red smoke enveloped her and the tanuki. 
 Quickly carrying her over to the otherside of the train-station before Finn could even notice them. 
 Standing on the edge of the platform, her bags in hand and her little friends at her side. Charlotte noticed a young girl and her family sitting on one of the benches next to an old tree. 
The little girl seemed a bit upset that the tree had died, after some jackass had burnt it, and couldn’t make any more flowers. 
 “I know sweetheart, i’m sorry” the girls father said, trying to comfort her and give her a hug “i know that was your favorite tree”
  The train pulled into the station and the train doors opened up for her. Charlotte handed her tickets to the conductor, who greeted her with his usual tip of the hat and smile. 
 For a moment, the little one was distracted by the fluffy tanuki that climbed onto the train before charlotte. Curious as to why a bunch of fluffy racoon dogs were boarding the train with the woman. 
 Just before Charlotte boarded the train, she waved to the small girl before gesturing to look behind her. 
 When the little girl turned back to look at what Charlotte was pointing at, she was floored by what she saw. 
  The entire tree, which was once decayed and withered, was now covered in rainbow flowers. The same flowers she loved to collect. The bark was no longer burnt and the ground around it flourished with small white flowers. 
 When she gasped, her fathers turned and were amazed by what they saw as well. Neither of them bothered to pay attention to Charlotte, unlike their daughter. 
 She spotted Charlotte in one of the windows of the train.
  Except she looked just a little different this time
She sat in her chair, Smiling down at them. three black cat-like tails swaying behind her and her brown eyes replaced with piercing green ones. Eyes that were intimidating yet beautiful at the same time. 
 There was another reason why Charlotte was eager to get home.
A half demon couldn’t keep up a disguise forever. The glamor would fade away the more you got tired. so, it wasn't worth the risk to stick around long.
 The girl was left awe struck by the sight of her. Staring at Charlotte through the window as the train drove away. 
The tanuki all sat in the opposite seat across from her, staring out the window. watching the world go by with curiosity while Charlotte tried to get comfortable for the hour long ride. 
 Charlotte felt good about what she did. Leaning back in her seat as a sigh of relief left her. 
 Finally she could relax. She could finally take off the fancy white heels and sunglasses.
she could finally relax her shoulders and just enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet. 
 Just the sounds of a train echoing in her ears. 
 The only thoughts that now filled her head were dinner, the newspaper that now laid across the table, and the potential chance to travel out of town for the week. 
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rndyounghowze · 2 years
The Storm
By Ricky Young-Howze
An excerpt from “Margaret’s Daughter”: Stories About Disability, Loss, and Legacy.
**To see the rest of this story and other exclusive content subscribe to our Patreon or donate to our Venmo @rndyounghowze to subscribe to our secret blog RnD Vanity Project**
One of my biggest Intrusive thoughts is thinking that I don't have a legacy. I was raised by so many people growing up. My parents couldn't raise me and the state was about to take me away. I mainly lived with my grandparents but I was also shuffled around a lot when I was little. Because of that there was a lot of trauma. On top of that I'm trans and I've given up my religion. Because of that I've felt like I don't have roots and I've wondered what if anything I inherited from this woman. After countless hours of thinking I finally figured it out.
There was a time when I was about eight and Mom and I were at Kroger. We bundled all of our groceries together and now we just had to walk the quarter mile to my grandmother Pat’s house. It was a grey sky with looming black clouds on the west. When we walked outside we started to get that prickly feeling in our arms where you just know a big storm is coming. We knew that we had to move quickly to outrun this storm.
Now everyone that knows my mom Margaret Young knows that she could not move quickly, she couldn't see very well, and she was making decisions on a…higher plane…than the rest of us. She walked to the Dollar Store where she bought two ponchos and an umbrella. She wrapped me in one of them, threw our groceries in a borrowed shopping cart, and covered them with the second poncho. Off we went behind the Krogers and up the hill to Pat's house with me in a poncho that looks like a dress, pushing a cart full of groceries with my half blind limping mother leading the way.
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Of course it started storming immediately. We’re steadily trudging along. Our shoes are getting soaked, the road is getting slippery, and Momma’s umbrella turned upside down within two seconds. We crested the hill and I could see through the rain that Pat’s house was not that far away so I ran the cart down the last hundred yards. I stood on the porch and yelled back to her “run Mom, run”. My eight year old brain didn’t know that this was the most dangerous part for her. She can’t see and she’s walking down a slippery hill hoping that she doesn’t slip and slide the rest of the way. I have a feeling that all she was thinking was “I have to get to the house because I have the key to get in.”
We get in and Momma gets my wet clothes off and puts me in the bath. Eventually Pat comes home and she is treated to a sight that was all too common: a shopping cart in the middle of the yard, a soggy grandson, and a crazy tale from Mom. When she heard all this she asked the question that was probably on all of your minds as you read the story.
“Why didn’t you wait on a bench under the awning of the store and wait for the storm to clear?”
My mom, with a straight face, looked Pat dead in the eye and said, “What would be the fun in that?”
I think this is what I inherited from Momma: the ability to walk through a storm and laugh at it. No matter what that storm was: my own illness, homelessness, adversity, or healing I've been able to walk through it all with my wife Dana by my side while thumbing my nose at the thunder.
I flew back to Clarksville from New Jersey for Mom's funeral. I was such a bundle of emotions. I was mad, weary, distraught. This was my first time home since coming out as trans. This was my first time back in four years. We kept on saying that we were going to come home for Christmas but then the pandemic hit and we were so scared. We were also scarred both emotionally and physically. Three days before this I had my second therapy session talking about my trauma. I had been living my whole life in a storm. For the life of me I couldn't find my way out.
On my first morning in Clarksville I got in front of a group of family, friends, and people from the church I had fled from years ago. I started with a throwaway joke like "I don't think there will be another person like Margaret Young and that's great because I don't think the world was ready for her the first time." Then I heard the ripple of laughter cascade through the crowd. No matter what I thought about these people the one thing that bound us in that moment is that they had loved my mom. Then as I got through this story I heard more laughter. Most of the people in this room had their own Margaret Young story. It was our initiation ritual into this little club of people whose lives were affected by her life.
Then I said this: "For all of you that have been walking in life with Margaret these past years take this one truth to heart: her storm is over. She's safe now and free from pain and worry." My grandmother broke down. This person that I was harboring so much anger and animosity towards at the moment, the person I was so afraid of, was human. No matter how much she was the author of my trauma she and I both had been in this storm together with mom. I could feel the same burden fall off of her shoulders as it had mine. I now know that I hadn't been walking in this storm alone. We had both been in this together and somehow we are forever bonded by this trauma. Just like with Mom I can't walk this part of the journey with her. I just hope she can find her own rainbow on the other side.
To read more installments from this and other stories subscribe to our “Secret Blogs”. Either become a Patreon supporter at the $3 level or make a one time donation to our Venmo @rndyounghowze to get an all access pass to our blogs RnD Vanity Project and RnD Unfiltered. Each of these blogs have content that will never appear on the Journal or sneak peeks to upcoming content.
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mccnstruck · 2 years
you make me feel alive
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characters - kaeya x gn!reader
warnings - mentions of cursing
a/n - ok so that milk carton section,,,, was kind of inspired,,,, because i dropped a milk carton and it literally fucking exploded it was so funny BUT ALWAYS OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKES unlike me
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while dating kaeya, he is the definition of a guy best friend. it’s to the point you get shocked when he kisses you, but you realize that he’s allowed to kiss you whenever he wants. one moment, he could press his lips in the inside of your palm, but once you start talking about the rude woman when you both were grocery shopping….oh boy.
kaeya scoffed. “she could’ve walked herself out, but no.” kaeya rolled his eyes as his head dropped to your lap. “she decided to have the AUDACITY to start yelling at the poor employee. i swear, i would’ve bitch-slapped her.”
you couldn’t help yourself but to snicker at his story. both you and kaeya were heading to bed, with him sitting down next to you. “kaeya, that was two weeks ago.”
he mocked a hurt expression, as his hand landed on his heart. “excuse me? she still pisses me off, so who else am i going to tell?”
you dramatically sighed, and ran your hands over his bangs. “of course, because you don’t have anyone else to share the story of the evil lady in the grocery store.”
a minute of silence passed.
“kaeya, you’re staring.”
“well, why wouldn’t i stare at the sight of you?”
your face suddenly felt as if you dipped it into the depths of a volcano. you pretended to look at something to your side, but kaeya snickered, clearly aware of your burning face. he raised his hand to cup your jaw, and tilted it to force you to look at him.
“hello, lovely.”
he stared at you, the blues in his eyes memorizing your face. all of your so called “flaws”, he imprinted to his mind to kiss you in those same spots again.
“kaeya…what are you thinking?”
“how kissable you look.”
you scoffed and pushed him off the bed, smiling when you heard the thud and “ow!” that came after. he got up, rubbing his head.
“what the hell was that for?”
“nothing….suddenly, i want ice cream.” you smile innocently, and kaeya deadpanned.
“of course, the emperor of the house wants ice cream now.” he grabbed your hand and started his way to the kitchen. “let us eat ice cream in the middle of a night on a workday.”
on that note, he loves shopping with you. whether its clothes, food, or an emergency trip to go buy eggs, you just need to give him a minute before he walks out the door with the keys in his hand.
when kaeya suggested to go grocery shopping, you agreed quite easily. you needed a few items this week, and both of you were free. this could be a nice time to relax from the hectic week, you thought.
you were wrong.
kaeya looked down, horror etched on his face. “oh my god.”
“kaeya, what the hell did you- oh my god.”
both of you stared at the carton in the store freezer, milk everywhere on the cardboard.
“what the actual hell?? kaeya, can you not pick up a carton normally?”
he raised his hands in innocence. “it slipped because it was so cold! it’s not my fault!”
you looked at him and sneered. “no yea, the devil came out of hell and made you drop it.”
you looked up and saw a employee walking toward your side of the aisle.
“kaeya, we have to go.”
“what?! what do we do about this?”
“oh my god, just take two damn cartons!”
kaeya reached over the spilled milk and grabbed two cartons from the back. you quickly grabbed them and put it in your cart, the employee walking closer. you both sprinted off with the cart and two unharmed milk cartons, and never looked back.
reaching the check-out station, a burst of laughter came from kaeya, and you couldn’t help but join in, the adrenaline in your body slowly lowering.
“kaeya, i don’t think i can trust you with a milk carton again.”
“i wouldn’t trust myself either.”
he looked over to you, and smiled. if he was going to run from a “crime scene” who was better for the job than you?
when you looked back at the mischievous glint in his eyes, a thought ran in your mind.
i hope the employee who looked at the milk section wasn’t too mad at us.
one thing you both find comfort in was late night drives around the city, having different meanings with every trip. one day, you could be celebrating an anniversary while blasting music, but you also could be sitting in silence, finding comfort in the skyscrapers and the lights.
the surging headache was not helping your mood tonight. work was barely productive today, and honestly you couldn’t give a shit about the deadlines.
you opened the door to find the kitchen lights on, and kaeya handling the stove.
“hey, i made some pasta. are you hungry, or do you want to…long day?”
you nodded and rubbed the temple of your head. “yea, a bit tired.”
kaeya looked down in thought, before he walked away to the bedroom. you looked over to the stove to find one of the most delicious looking pasta you think you’ve seen.
you walked over to grab a fork and almost took a bite, until you heard keys dangling and footsteps come closer.
“going on to eat without me?” you turn around to see kaeya grab a plastic container and poured the pasta inside. “c’mon, we’re going for a drive.”
he held your hand, and walked to the driveway. reaching the car, he opened the door and gestured for you to enter.
“for you, sweetheart,” before winking. you softly laughed, before entering the car and taking your pasta. he walked to his side, opened the door, and started the car. within minutes, both of you drove away and into the city. and you couldn’t have asked for a greater moment than having the wind lull you in, pasta to warm your heart, and to be loved by someone you thought you would’ve never deserved.
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reposting or plagiarizing of my works is not allowed under any circumstances.
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The fic about the day that lady slapped Razputin's cheek.
Hey, I finally got around to write this. Enjoy!
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Setting: Around September-october, when Raz has just joined the Intern Program.
Even Psychonauts had to do grocery shoppings from time to time. Even super Agents like Milla Vodello. It brought a sense of ...normalcy to their incredible lives. So that's why she was at the local supermarket today, her son Razputin and Intern and surrogate sister Lizzie Natividad in tow. Lizzie was carrying her own grocery basket, filled with snacks and other stuff for herself and the Interns.
“Just need a few more things and we're done, darlings.” She said, going over her grocery list.
“Yup, I almost got everything too.” Lizzie said.
Raz let out a breath and tugged Milla's dress. “Mom, can I go walk in the shop before we go?” Raz said, a smile forming on his lips. “You know, in case you forgot something?”
Milla giggled. “You mean, 'go the candy aisle to get some candy that I have neglected to put in my cart'?” She asked with a knowing grin.
Raz looked to the floor with a blush.
Milla shook her head in amusement. “Go. But only one thing, okay?” She said sternly. “I don't want you having an upset stomach.”
Raz smiled brightly. “Yes mom, thanks mom.” He turned on his heels and started to run off.
“Hey, slow down, Pooter!” Lizzie shouted after him, catching up to him in a few steps. “I'll come with. Otherwise you might get lost.”
Raz rolled his eyes.“I have been to this store before, you know.”
Lizzie ruffled Raz's hair. “Yes, but I need to get something from the aisle in the same direction.” She said matter-of-factly. “So I'm coming with.”
“What are you getting?” Raz asked curiously.
A mischievous grin played on Lizzie lips. “Something from the 'girly aisle'.” She said. “You wanna come? You can help me pick out tam-”
“NO, I'm fine.” Raz said quickly, a blush spreading on his cheeks.
Lizzie cackled. She looked over her shoulder, making sure Milla couldn't hear her. “And while you pick out some candy, pick out something extra. My treat. A little something to celebrate you joining us in the Intern Program.”
“You already gave me a gift.” Raz said, shaking the dark aqua shoulder bag he was carrying.
Lizzie grinned. “Yeah, we did, as in the Interns gave you a gift we all pooled money for together. ” She leaned down and booped his nose. “This is a small gift from me, ya hear me? And no-one needs to know about it.”
Raz grinned. “You're a great big sister, Lizzie.”
“I'm the best.” Lizzie replied. She patted him on the back. “Now get going, Milla's waiting for us.”
Raz nodded and quickly ran to the candy aisle.
Raz was just looking over what he would get, when he felt a something, probably another person's shopping cart, painfully collide with his sides.
“Ouch!” Raz yelped. He turned around to the the owner of the cart. It was a big lady, dressed in what his mom would have called 'trashy, cheap clothes', whom didn't seem at all shocked that she just almost knocked over a child. Raz rubbed his aching side. “Hey, that hu-”
“Can't you look out where you're going?!” The lady suddenly shouted. “Honestly, kids these days don't even have the slightest bit of manners! You should be ashamed.”
Raz blinked in bewildered disbelief. “Me?” He asked. “It was y-”
The lady took a big step and was suddenly right in front of him. She leaned down and jabbed a finger hard into his chest. “Well, aren't you going to apologize?” Raz could smell something on her breath. He recognized the smell. He was sure it was the same beverage Sasha sometimes drinks. But lady seemed to have drank an entire bottle at once not too long before.
Razputin rubbed the place she jabbed her finger at. He was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by the lady's loud voice. Where was his mom? Why was Lizzie taking so long? He could hear people in the aisle next to him, who must have heard the commotion. He hoped they would visit this one soon. He cleared his throat. “But it was you th-” He began weakly, despite looking the woman straight in the eyes.
“Don't you dare take that tone of voice against me, brat.” She shouted. People had starting coming into the aisle. They were seeing what was happening, but seemed reluctant to step in.
“But it was YOU th-”
It all went so fast, Raz hardly registered what just happened. An impact. Pain. Something stung his cheek. He stood there, shocked, unable to say anything.
“There, that will teach you to respect your betters.” The lady said, sounding profoundly proud of herself.
Lizzie had heard the commotion while she was picking out her items, but only had ran back to the candy aisle when she heard that Raz's voice was part of the commotion. She was just back in time – to see the woman slapped Raz across the cheek.
“RAZ!” she shouted and ran to him. She knee slid in front of him, holding his face between two hands. She turned her head to the woman, eyes blazing anger. “What's your damage, lady?!” She angrily shouted.
The lady started justifying her action, but Lizzie immediately ignored her. She turned her attention back to Razputin, who hadn't said a word. He just looked up at Lizzie, his eyes watery and confused. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, like he wanted to say something, but was too shell-shocked to actually vocalize something.
“C'mon, say something, Poots.” She urged calmly. A red, hand-shaped mark was forming on his cheek. She noticed a small cut also, which was bleeding slightly. That woman must've hit him with her nails or a ring.
Lizzie had always felt that the expression 'making ones blood boil' never really applied to her. When she gets angry, like really furious, her blood doesn't boils. No, her veins fill with ice. She growled. Only one thought was going through her mind.
She has hurt my little brother!
Lizzie started to turn around, with every intention to introduce this lady to the pain that cryokinesis could cause filling her body. A hand on her shoulder stopped her murderous crusade. She looked up. Crud. It was Milla. She had her eyes locked on the woman, who was not impressed.
Lizzie anger vanished in an instant, replaced with guilt. “Milla, I swear I was just gone for a few moments and I tried to get back when I heard, but-”
“Miss Natividad, I asked you to do something, eu não?” Milla asked, still her eyes on the woman.
The woman scoffed. “Of course it's a foreigner that doesn't have control over their brats, why am I not surprised.”
Lizzie opened her mouth to pepper the bi ...woman with some harsh language of her own, when stopper her in her tracks. “Lizzie, I will not repeat myself a third time.”
A new sort of coldness filled Lizzie's veins. Not anger, this time. This time, it was pure dread. Despite the polite smile that was on Milla's lips, her stiff posture and aloof attitude betrayed otherwise. Lizzie could feel it, Milla absolutely radiated anger – no, fury, right now. She had experienced something like this before, after she accidentally gave an 8-year old Razputin a black eye with a Cryokinetic formed snowball, which had an unintentional frozen center. Milla wasn't the one for yelling or scolding – usually – but man, did she receive a guilt trip.
Lizzie didn't feel like wasting anymore time, lest she wanted to be at the end of Milla Vodello's wrath. She grabbed Raz and without uttering another word, ran out of the aisle, holding him close to her chest. She ran until she found a quiet place at the back of the store.
First checking no-one was around to bother them for a second, she then placed Raz on the ground. He hadn't said anything yet. This worried Lizzie. Normally he was so chatty. “Raz, you okay. Okay, dumb question.” She let out a forced chuckle. Raz still didn't answer, she just looked at the floor. Lizzie hoped this was just a reaction because of the slap and not because his basophobia got triggered.
She knelt down to his eye-level. “Raz?” She asked gently. “C'mon Poots, talk to me.” She gently placed a hand on his cheek, but quickly took it off when he hissed in pain. “Yeah, I guess it must sting a bit.” She looked around for something cold to put against his cheek. She didn't feel like going asking any of the employers or find the freezers. But …
“Hey Raz, wanna see a neat trick?” Lizzie asked, holding her hand up, wiggling her fingers. Raz gasped softly as he saw her hand pale a bit and vapor, like the ones from dry ice, flowing from her fingers. Lizzie chuckled. “Introducing: my Frost Hand. Cool huh? Been practicing that one. I wanted to use it to prank people – Y'know, putting my freezing hand against their neck when they aren't watching – but I guess practical applications have their uses too.”
She gently placed her freezing hand against his red cheek again. Raz flinched a bit, didn't seem to mind it as much.
“There, that should feel better soon.” She frowned when she heard him sniffle. She sighed and gave a sympathetic smile. “It's okay, let it out, Raz.”
Raz looked up at Lizzie, tears forming in her eyes. “W-why did she do that?” He asked softly.
Before Lizzie could form an answer, a gruff voice suddenly spoke up.“Egh, don't look too much into it, kiddo.”
Lizzie almost couldn't believe her eyes when she looked up. There was a old man with a cart approaching them and Lizzie could only describe him as 'if Santa was a biker and worked out 5 times a week'. The man had a snow-white big, bushy beard and was dressed in a green leather jacket, decorated with all sorts of pins and spikes. Lizzie would bet real money on it that he probably was covered in badass tattoos. Raz seemed impressed, and Lizzie would be lying if she'd deny she was too.
“I saw what happened.” He gave a grunt and nodded his head toward Raz. “Yer little brother doing okay, missy?”
Lizzie chuckled meekly – and had no idea why she was so shy all of the sudden. “He will be, but he is not my brother.” She rolled her eyes when Raz gave her a look. “Well, he kinda is, but not really. Uhm ...he-”
The man raised his hand with another low grunt. “Say no more, I get it.” He said. “It's a bond thing, amirite? A deeper connection than labels can give. Had a friend like that once.” He sighed, took out a cane out of his cart and approached the two with a slight limp. “Well, brother or not, like I said: don't worry too much about what that ...lady – not the word I'd use, but there's kids around – said. She'd the kind of woman that enjoys the smell of her own farts too much.”
Lizzie burst out in laughter and even Raz giggled. Lizzie couldn't deny she felt a bit better and she was sure Raz would too. “That's one way to put it.” Lizzie said between giggles. Didn't you just say something about 'kids being around'?”
The man made a dismissing grunt. “I'm an old man who only got a few good years on the earth left.” He said. He chuckled, a low, rumbling sound Lizzie could swear she felt resonate in her chest. “If I had'ta think about everything I said before I said it, things wouldn't be much fun.”
He grunted again. He turned to Raz. “Anyway kiddo, you got nothing to worry about. You did nothing wrong. I saw how that woman run her cart into you and then ...well, know. I would've had my hand around her throat and dangling in the air like a worm on a fishing hook, if it weren't for this leg o' mine.” He struck the end of his cane against right leg. It made a metallic sound. He gave another rumbling chuckle when he saw Raz's eyes widen as he stared at the leg.
Lizzie pinched his arm, making him yelp. “Don't stare.” she hissed at him. The old man was being nice, it would only be fair to be nice in return.
The man let out a single, barking laugh. “Don't worry about it.” He said, a smile forming behind his massive beard. “Anyway, ….” He knelt down with a grunt. “Open and close your mouth a few times?”
Raz did as asked.
“Anything hurting?”
Raz shook his head.
“Does speaking hurt?”
Raz chuckled a little. “No.”
The man grunted approvingly. “Wiggle your jaw side to side, carefully.”
Raz did as instructed. “Doesn't hurt ...much.”
The man grumbled. “Now, carefully clench your jaw.” He said. “But if it hurts, Stop, you hear me.”
Raz clenched his jaw a few time. There was no pain.
The man nodded approvingly and rose up again – with the necessary grunts and whispered curses. “Well, nothing seems to be broken.” He smiled behind his beard. “You're gonna be fine, son.”
He looked over his shoulder. “Seems someone did the sensible thing and called the boys in blue.” He said. Lizzie gazed over the man's enormous shoulders. A police car had pulled up and now a police officer was making his way to the entrance.
Lizzie made a sound. “Hope he's here to arrest the b-”
“Kids around.” The man grunted, a chuckle escaping his mouth nevertheless. He leaned on his cane for a few second and then walked to his cart again. “Well, I better get over there, since I saw the whole thing go down. You kids wait here, y'hear me?”
Lizzie saluted. “Yessir.” She chuckled as the man turned around.
“Wait, we never asked your name, sir.” Raz said.
The man looked over his shoulder. “My friends call me Rhino.”
“Well, Rhino....thanks” Lizzie said.
Rhino gave a friendly nod, took his cart and soon vanished out of view.
Lizzie placed her Frost Hand against Razputin's cheek again. She gave him a small, sisterly smile. “How is the cheek now? Feeling any better?”
Raz looked up with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “A little.” He said. He leaned into Lizzie's hand. “This is helping a lot though.”
Lizzie opened her mouth to say something, but then noticed that a man – an employee of the store, judging by his 'uniform' – approached them.
“You Lizzie and Razputin?” He asked. He smiled friendly when Lizzie nodded. “Your mother and the police are dealing with the ...incident. I have no idea how long that will take, but in the meantime, if you would follow me, I said to her that I would let you wait in our Break Room.”
Lizzie nodded, not even trying to correct the man about Milla being her mother, stood up and pulled Raz to his feet. “Lead the way, man.”
About three quarter of an hour had passed without much news. Lizzie and Raz had made themselves comfortable on the old couch of the break room, helping themselves to the drinks and unclaimed snacks in the fridge.
“You think it's going to take much longer?” Raz asked. As if on cue, the door opened and a tired-looking Milla entered. Her face lit up with a smile when she saw Raz. “Raz, querido!” In a few tall steps, she stood by the couch and knelt down. She took Raz's chin and gently turned his head to the side. She made a sound when she saw the light bruising on his cheek, but didn't comment. She turned his head again, making him look in her eyes. “Does it hurt, darling?”
Raz shook his head. “A little in the beginning, but it doesn't anymore.” A grin spread on his face. “Lizzie used a new trick to cool down my cheek.”
Milla smiled. “Did she now?” She turned to Lizzie. “Lizzie, I can't thank you enough for being her for Raz.”
Lizzie made a dismissive sound. “Forget about it.” She said, waving a hand. “How did that lady end up? We saw the police arriving. Did they take her to the slammer?”
Milla shook her head with a giggle. “Yes, the police have taken her to the station.” She said. “Yes, for ...the incident, but also for public intoxication, disturbing the peace, refusing to co-operate...” She let out a deep sigh. “She made the entire thing into a circus. That was not a pleasant experience, at all.”
She sighed again, before smiling. “Anyway, in the meantime, I have done the rest of the groceries and paid for everything. Including yours, Lizzie.”
Lizzie jumped up from the couch. “You did?” She asked. “But I brought my own money. You shouldn't ha-”
Milla lifted up Lizzie beanie, placed a kiss on her forehead and promptly pulled her into a hug. “I did an there is nothing you can say that would change my mind.” She said. “IF you weren't here for Raz ...” She kissed Lizzie cheek and rose up. “Thank you, darling. For being such a good big sister to Razputin. He is lucky to have you for one.”
Lizzie rested her hand on her cheek. “Y-yeah, no problem, Milla.” she managed to utter out.
Raz giggled. “Your cheeks are really getting red, Lizzie.”
“Shut up, Pooter.” she said, grinning despite herself.
Milla giggled. “Okay, I think we had more than enough excitement for one day.” She said. “Let's go back to the Motherlobe, shall we?”
“Yeah, I can't wait to tell this story to the others.” Lizzie said, holding out her hand for Raz to take it. “Norma's gonna throw a flipping fit.”
“I think she won't let me out of her sight for DAYS after hearing what happened.”
Milla shook her head with a smile. She sighed silently. Raz was truly lucky to have siblings like the Lizzie, Norma and the other Interns. She had been a bit worried about him joining the Intern Program, but after witnessing Lizzie today... She would have nothing to worry about. He was going to be fine with them.
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maybege · 3 years
Birthday Party Adventures
Summary: With his daughter’s birthday party approaching, Paz has many plans to make it all go right. What he didn’t expect was for Emily to invite her teacher and his crush – you.
Pairing: single dad!Paz Vizsla x fem!teacher!Reader
Wordcount: 4.0k | Rating: T
Warnings: Modern AU, fluffy fluff
Oh I feel like it has been ages since I initially wrote this (back in September actually!) but I love it just as much as on the first day and I hope that you will enjoy it too! This is dedicated to my Paz Gang @aerynwrites @datmando @hdlynnslibrary @princessbatears and @stubbychaos who came up with this wonderful AU idea. ❤
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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Paz was overwhelmed.
Paz was truly and utterly overwhelmed.
“Can I go and get my cereal?” Emily asked next to him, clearly bored with her father’s antics, “You will take ages to choose, Uncle Din was right.”
“All right, go ahead,” he mumbled, choosing to ignore the fact that Din had – once again – infiltrated his daughter’s thoughts with horrible lies. He did not take ages. Anybody would take as long as he was taking when the choices were so … vast.
Cake mix after cake mix was displayed in the aisle and how would he know which one he should get?
Emily’s birthday was this weekend – Saturday to be exact and he had promised her a cake. He always promised her a cake. And he always failed.
But not this time.
This time, he had listened to his best friend and would settle on a cake mix although he still felt like he was cutting corners. But at least it would not be store-bought. And, as Fennec had suggested, he could still buy some decorations to make the cake special.
Because that’s what Emily deserved – a special cake, made with love.
So, while his daughter was probably trying to find the sweetest cereal there was available, he tried to settle on a cake.
Deep down, Paz knew that Emily was probably eating way too much sugar. But to be honest, there were so many battles he could fight at once and he was more prepared to fight some judgmental soccer moms than the will of his own daughter.
Holding two cake mixes in his hands – birthday confetti and chocolate – Paz whipped around as he heard an all too familiar voice greet him. “Mr Vizsla, it is so nice to see you.”
There you were.
The woman of his dreams.
Emily’s teacher.
Stars, he knew he was probably acting absolutely ridiculous around you. No matter what kind of school event there was, as one of Emily’s main teachers you were always around he was never able to take his eyes off you.
Not only were you pretty and smart but you were kind. You kept all the kids in check with a calmness that he admired you for and he could see how you valued each and every student in your class. And now you were here, wrapped in an oversized cardigan and clutching a shopping basket in your hands.
But you beamed at him and he was sure he’d never seen anything prettier.
Forgotten were the cake mixes in his hands as he lowered them to the sides of his body. “Hi, um, Miss –“
“Emily was mentioning you were having trouble choosing.”
“Em saw you?”
You chuckled, avoiding your eyes as if you were embarrassed, “I came over to say hello and she mentioned you needed help to choose a cake?”
Speak, for maker’s sake, speak! A voice in his head screamed at him but his brain was still processing the fact that (a) this was not a school event and (b) you were speaking to him, leading to (c) you were speaking to him in your own free time.
“I would go with chocolate,” you gestured to the box in his right hand, biting your lip and stars, he wanted to hold your hand and kiss your cheek and take walks through the park with you. Instead, here he was, making a fool of himself.
“I will trust your judgment, then,” he nodded, carefully putting the other box back on the shelf. When that was done, you kept standing there in front of him looking up at him expectantly. Why – why? – couldn’t he speak? It should not be this hard to open his mouth.
He just needed to say I think you are wonderful and I would like to get to know you more. Would you be interested in having dinner with me?
“Um, would you like to …”, his voice trailed off.
You did that lip-biting thing again and your whole face lit up and stars, maybe you wanted him to ask you. “Yes?”
“I was wondering if you would like to –“
“I know you said I wasn’t allowed the sweet ones but it’s my birthday soon,” Em announced loudly, dropping a box in the already full shopping cart and pouting at him, “Can I have it as an early present, pretty please?”
Mission: Ask Pretty Teacher Out For Dinner was immediately aborted and he swore he saw a look of disappointment flash across your face. At least that was something to give him hope.
“Dad always makes me a cake and he fails every year, it’s a tradition by now,” his daughter explained and he groaned inwardly, but then she had her thinking face on – the same she had as a toddler – and suddenly added, “You should bring one.”
“Em, I don’t think your teacher has the time to …”
But Em, bless her soul, would not be deterred from her plan. By now he cursed the stubborn streak that ran through his family and had evidently taken root in his daughter as well.
“Dad always talks about how much he likes your raspberry chocolate crumble,” she shrugged, “And my classmates like it too.”
When would the ground open up and swallow him whole?
And the worst thing was: Em wasn’t even lying. She had her blunt honesty from him and the way he had gushed about that raspberry crumble had been unusual, especially for him. But it had also been unusually good. And the way you had smiled at him when he had taken a second serving had made his heart warm.
Now though, there were no words that could describe the embarrassment that flowed through him. He felt exposed in a way that he had not felt for a long time and being at anyone’s mercy – even if it was yours – was not something that he cherished.
“Well,” you started with a smile and looked at him, “If your dad won’t mind, I could certainly bring over a cake for your birthday party.”
“He won’t mind.”
“I won’t mind.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise and you smiled, genuinely smiled, at him. Paz’s breath caught in his throat. Stars, you were beautiful. Everything about you was just magnificent from the tips of your hair to your eyes, your nose, your lips, how you hugged your oversized cardigan closer to you.
“Great,” you nodded, “So … I will see you then?”
“My dad will text you the info,” Emily added, seemingly the only one who kept her cool at the situation.
You furrowed your brows in confusion, “Oh, but I don’t –“
“Dad, why don’t you give Miss Y/L/N your number?” Em brazenly suggested, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes that he knew all too well, “For adult stuff.”
He could feel his ears burn, could hear himself sputtering out words about how he did not want to be inappropriate and how this should be your decision and not Emily’s. And stars, he didn’t want to make advances towards you.
Well, he did.
He did want to flirt with you, wanted to compliment you on your kind eyes and your shining smile. But not like this. Not if it made you uncomfortable. And certainly not in the blaring lights of the grocery store aisle.
But before he could say anything more, before he could dig his hole deeper, you had your phone in your hands and were looking at him expectantly. And then he stumbled through his phone number, you nodding all the while and typing the numbers into a new contact.
“Great,” you smiled, “So – I will see you then?”
“Yes,” he murmured dumbly, “I will see you then.”
5:33 pm: Hi! This is Y/N 😊 Just wanted to say I’m really looking forward to Emily’s party this Saturday. Is there anything I should bring next to the crumble?
5:59 pm: Sorry, it just occurred to me that you probably only know me by my last name. I’m Emily’s teacher.
6:12 pm: Hello, this is Paz. Emily’s dad. You do not need to bring anything other than the cake and yourself.
7:43 pm: I am looking forward to seeing you too.
Saturday rolled around quicker than he had anticipated.
He had spent the week trying to make sure everything would be ready for Emily’s party (and your arrival) and that the apartment would be in tip-top shape to be destroyed by a bunch of kids.
He had spent almost all of Friday night wrapping presents when Emily was fast asleep only to be woken up at sunrise by his very energetic daughter who wanted to have some tasty pancakes from their favourite café around the corner.
He loved mornings like this.
Where it was just Em and him and they could enjoy their peace and quiet. Seeing her grow up was bliss and torture at the same time. He loved her, he was so proud of her and seeing her grow slowly but surely into a confident young woman was everything he’d ever wished for. But at the same time, it felt like time was slipping through his fingers. He wanted to catch these precious moments in his hands and never let them go.
This moment of calm did not last for long though, only for breakfast and until they were back in the apartment, preparing excitedly for the party that was to come.
Baking a cake was a disaster just like Emily had said it would be.
Maybe she had been right in saying that it was a tradition now. Maybe he really would not be able to bake a cake for her.
But now it was not only the cake. In less than an hour, 10 kids would swarm the way too small city apartment and he would need to prepare some food and why had he decided against ordering pizza and what if something went wrong?
And you would show up too, sometime, and he had wanted to change into something more appropriate for actually having a teacher (aka crush) over and being dressed in his flour-covered flannel shirt was certainly not it.
The doorbell rang just as the bowl of cake mix fell to the tiled floor. “Kriffing shit” he cursed trying to jump out of the cloud of grains just as he heard the tell-tale footsteps of Emily running to the door. “I got it!”
“No, Em, wait -!”
But it was too late. He had just caught himself on the doorframe when you stepped into the hallway, looking around curiously. You fit in so well, he thought instinctively, you could live here too.
“I’m a bit too early, I hope you don’t –“ you halted in your words, tilting your head at his flour-covered appearance, “mind.”
“I – I am so sorry,” he started, trying to dust off but only making it worse, “I was a bit in a hurry and I –“
“It’s all right,” you replied quickly, lifting the box in your hands lamely, “I brought cake.”
“I will take that,” Em decided, taking the cake off your hands and transporting it to the dinner table in the living room. But not without showing him the huge grin on her face.
“I’m sorry for the mess, I just …” he threw up his hands in defeat, desperation clear in his voice, as you followed him into the chaotic kitchen.
“No worries, we will manage that just fine.”
The way you said we made his heart beat faster and he stepped aside to make space for you.
The apartment Emily and he lived in was actually a miracle to find in such a big city and he still thanked the stars for the day when the landlord had decided to let him, a single father and his tiny daughter, move in. But for all its perks – the layout, the view, the small balcony that fit a small bench – the apartment had one single flaw: The kitchen.
It was a tiny kitchen with the counters wrapping around all three walls and leaving only the space free where the doorway was. And it was narrow. He had always cursed it, especially with his size, and more than once had he accidentally hit his head on a cabinet door that his daughter had left open.
And where it was small for one full-grown adult, it was a tight fit for two. Which made it even worse. Or better. Depending on how one viewed things.
You bumped against him constantly, his hands brushing accidentally against yours, one time almost smashing into you but only hitting your foreheads together. And you only ever giggled or smiled shyly at him, never ever stepping away from the closeness and it made his heart flutter in his chest.
Maybe – maybe you wanted that too.
While he was mixing the dough together under your careful eyes, you had started to slice some apples that he had found in the pantry. He threw a few glances your way, catching you looking at him too before smiling at you.
Stars, he really was behaving like a lovesick puppy, wasn’t he?
“You are pretty good at this,” he commented, nodding towards the cake that you had brought with you. You spooned a bit of cinnamon into the apple mix, before spreading the dough in the baking form he had found somewhere in a cabinet.
“It’s a hobby,” you shrugged your shoulders, “I was never good with finding new connections when I moved and I found that making good food helps people to talk to you.”
“I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to talk to you,” he blurted out, feeling his ears grow hot, “I mean because – you don’t need baking to be nice and I – fuck, wait, shit no, I don’t mean fuck, I – “
You laughed, full-on giggles escaping you as he sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. “I’m sorry, I imagined all of this differently.”
“How – how did you imagine it?” you asked quietly, stepping closer to him. Your eyes were so big now and you looked so hopeful and he could feel his heart skip a beat.
“Well, I wanted to look competent for once,” he stated, gesturing around the filled countertops, “And not forcing you to help me make up my mistakes.”
“You’re not forcing me to do anything,” you protested, biting your lip, “I – I like helping you and … spending time with you.”
“Dad, Alyssa is already on her way, are you sure want to cook? Is the cake even ready? I invited Isabelle and I don’t want her to think that I can’t –“
Apparently, he could not hide the misery on his face – when had he decided that it would be a good idea to not only bake a cake but cook for a hoard of hungry kids? – because you snorted next to him, clearly amused. Emily had crossed her arms in front of her chest, looking pleadingly up at him.
“Don’t worry, your father and I will make sure there will be enough cake to go around,” you reassured his daughter before looking at him, “Do you have a plan for dinner?”
“We could always order pizza,” Emily suggested, the hope in her eyes clear as she looked at him.
Stars, when would he ever be able to deny her anything?
“It’s true,” he chuckled, patting his daughter on her back, “We always end up with pizza anyway.”
So, while you and Em busied yourselves with putting the pie in the oven, he ordered pizza for everyone. (A few family-sized pizzas would be enough right?) And because he was feeling a little more confident, he also added a side of garlic bread and a bottle of wine to the order. Maybe you would like to stay if he could offer a glass of wine?
On his way back, he passed Emily on the way to the bathroom. “I will go get ready,” she announced loudly while also wildly gesturing towards the kitchen.
When he entered the small room, he could feel the heat of the oven already.
“It should be done soon if everything works as it should,” you announced and straightened up, “The kids definitely won’t starve.”
“I cannot thank you enough,” the relief in his voice was clear, “I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“Then it is a good thing we won’t have to know,” you teased him and the mirth in your eyes made him want to kiss you so badly. And there it was again. That silent tension between the two of you.
This would be a good moment, he thought to himself as he slowly lowered his face towards yours, Emily was occupied getting ready, the pie was in the oven, you were alone with him and he could hear your breath hitch in your throat.
Delicate fingers closed around his wrist, pulling him closer and he could feel your breath on his face and just a little bit more and then –
He flinched away from you, bashfully rubbing the back of his neck. “That’s probably Alyssa,” he whispered, avoiding your gaze.
Alyssa was dropped off by her mother. Her eyes fell to you, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, drying your hands on a towel and looking very much at home (he tried to ignore how warm that made him feel).
“Miss Y/L/N,” she greeted you, clearly caught off guard, “what a surprise to see you here, I didn’t know that Emily had invited you too.”
“Oh well you know …” you shrugged your shoulders and he could hear the wheels turning in your head, searching for a good excuse.
“My dad invited her,” Em announced smugly, her and Alyssa grinning from ear to ear.
The awkward silence between the adults would have been hilarious hadn’t he been a part of it. But what his brain decided to focus on the most was the fact that you had not denied it, you had simply smiled at Alyssa’s mom, made some small talk about the newest English project you had the kids working on, and remained standing next to him the whole time.
Paz was sure that his gazing at you was obvious to everyone present but he could not help himself.
One after another, the little guests trickled in, playing board games and eating your delicious cake in the living room. He helped Em set up the little karaoke game that she had gotten from Din last Christmas and excited cheers filled the room as they tried to look at the different song options.
Paz left them to their own devices, knowing that should anything go wrong, Em would come and get him.
But with the living room occupied, the only space left for him and you to be was the tiny kitchen.
“So … I, um, I helped you with the cake,” you started to shuffle, hands wringing in front of your belly, “I really don’t want to outstay my welcome and –“
“You could stay if you want,” he suggested, blood pumping in his veins, “I – I have ordered some wine and garlic bread if you’d like.”
And that’s how you ended up sitting next to him on the kitchen floor, your legs stretched out in front of you. He had to angle his legs a little, the space between the counters too small for him. But the closeness it provided to you was more than worth it. He fished two wine glasses from the shelf, handing them down to you before grabbing the bottle of wine.
There were no clean plates left so he spread the pizza carton out on both of your legs, the warmth of the food seeping into his thighs.
“To a successful birthday party,” you stated, carefully clinking your glass with his, “And to the very talented father who organized it all.”
“To the best baker out there,” he replied and the way you bit your lip made him smile.
He bit into the garlic bread heartily and his stomach grumbled satisfied.
“This is so good,” you moaned next to him, mouth still full and he grinned.
You ate in peaceful silence, munching on a few leftover slices of pizza that the kids had graciously left. With the warm glow from the kitchen lamps, he decided that birthday parties weren’t so bad when he had you there to enjoy it with.
When he looked at you, his gaze fell to a drop of red sauce that had found its place on the corner of your mouth. You tilted your head questioningly.
“You, uh,” he murmured, gesturing towards his face, “You got something there.”
When your hands missed it, his own rose up to your face. He swore he could hear your breath hitch as his thumb brushed over the tomato sauce, wiping it away.
But your face remained turned towards him, your lips slightly open and were you getting closer?
Was he reading the signs right? He didn’t even know. All he knew was he wanted to kiss you. Really. Truly. No matter how inappropriate it might be.
And with the karaoke in the background and a bunch of 10-year olds shrieking the lyrics to the newest chart, he bowed down his head and kissed you. Full on the mouth.
It was soft and gentle, both of you not moving an inch. But then his hand crept forward, gently framing your cheek and you gasped against him, your hands wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer and stars you were returning the kiss.
You tasted of wine and cake and you were soft, so soft, he loved every second of it.
Slowly, he started to move his lips, brushing his tongue on your bottom lip, pulling your closer and suddenly you were straddling him, his hands on your hips pulling your closer and his back against the counter and the screeching of some Jojo Siwa song in the background.
When he slowly pulled away, your bottom lip falling from his teeth, your chest was heaving from his kisses, your lips were swollen, and he wanted to pull you to him again. A smile tugged at his lips.
“Would you like to go out with me sometime?” he asked breathlessly, eyes searching for any indication that he had crossed a line. But you were still clinging to him, your hands wandering down to grasp at his forearms.
This. This would be what he dreamed about now. The smile on your lips, how your eyes shone in the low kitchen lights, how you kept touching him.
“I’d really like that,” you nodded, the small smile on your lips growing bigger by the seconds.
“Really?” he asked, his nose nudging against yours, “That’s – that’s great, how about tomorrow? We could go for a walk in the park?”
“A walk in the park sounds great,” you whispered against his lips and he dipped his head to kiss you again, just as slowly.
“Good,” he murmured.
“Good,” you repeated, your tongue mingling with his.
“Dad, do we have any more of that cake left, it’s actually really –“
In a panic, he almost threw you off him.
You were doing your best to right your cardigan as Emily entered the kitchen, eyeing both of you suspiciously.
“Sorry, what was that, Em?” he asked, swallowing hard and hoping to all the stars that she hadn’t seen him make out with you like a teenager.
“I was just wondering if you had any more cake left, I can’t believe it but it actually tastes good?!”
He laughed and gestured towards the counter, “there some more, you can take the tray to the living room, I – we will just clean up some more.”
“You know, I totally saw you two kissing, right?”
“Emily Vizsla!”
“What? It is not like I am going to scold you or anything,” and with her usual confidence, she swayed away, the cake in her hands.
“Well, you heard her,” he grinned, hands coming up to frame your face again, as he kneeled on the tiles, his lips descending yours, “It is not like she is going to scold us or anything …”
And with that, he kissed you again.
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raw-lesbian-energy · 2 years
The New Normal
Summary: Anne and the Plantars get transported to Earth, and try to adjust to a wild new environment.
Fandom: Amphibia (The Wild Soul AU)
Pairing: None
Features: Self-Insert Character (reference sheet here)
Word Count: 3,355
Warnings: None
[A/N: I chose to start the episode in the grocery store instead of at the very beginning since the only real appropriate time for Caroline to make an appearance was in the store. It also shortens it up a lot.]
Out of all the things Anne had expected to do when going to the grocery store, running from an invisible robot was not one of them.
She kept the Plantars close as they ran down the aisles, keeping her eyes peeled for both her parents and the bot in question. She couldn’t let anyone else get caught or hurt, and if her parents saw, she’d be in a lot more trouble than she already was.
“Anne, can you use your blue powers?” Hop Pop suggested. “Take it down easy-like?”
“Powers! Powers!” Polly chanted.
“I-I would if I knew how to use them.” Anne replied, an expression of worry crossing her face. “I’m not sure it’s just something I can do whenever.”
“Boo!” Polly called, clearly having wanted to see the violence.
“So, what do we do?” Sprig asked in panic. “Wouldn’t it draw a lot of attention if we fight a robot in the middle of a store?”
“Probably, but I have a plan.” Anne said, turning a corner. The Plantars followed as she ran over to a vacant desk labeled ‘customer service,’ checking that the coast was clear before sneaking behind it. Picking up a discarded mug, she placed it onto the desk’s microphone stand, keeping it on as she moved the radio close and turned up some loud rock music. Soon, the music was blaring throughout the store’s PA system, effectively filling the entire building with noise.
“Alright!” Anne said proudly. “That’ll cover up any noise that we might make. Now come on!”
“What?” Sprig called.
“Speak up!” Hop Pop exclaimed.
“This music is making me mad!” Polly shouted. Anne’s pride quickly turned to annoyance, and she grabbed hold of the Plantars’ clothes.
“Just come on!” She said, dragging them along. They moved into the next aisle, and seeing the same floating broth from when Sprig had hit the robot before, Anne stepped in and readied herself.
“Hey robot!” She called, hauling some bags off a nearby shelf. “I brought you some flour!” Spinning herself for momentum, she launched the bags at the robot, hitting it dead-on and effectively covering it in flour. The bot’s cloaking fell off at that point, and it glared angrily at the four who had just attacked it.
“Good thinking, Anne!” Sprig said. “Everyone, attack!” All at once, they charged at the robot, who did not hesitate to charge back. They clashed in the middle of the aisle, and Anne grabbed a frying pan off of one of the shelves to use as a weapon. The Plantars followed suit and grabbed their own weapons, smacking the robot with them while dodging its’ swiping claws. Anne ended up landing a hard blow that knocked it back, but before it could retaliate, it suddenly ducked into an opening in the shelves, curling up and hiding away.
“Wait, what?” Sprig blurted, but the group soon realized why it had hidden as an old woman with a shopping cart came rolling by. She glanced down the aisle at them, prompting Anne and the Plantars to quickly hide their makeshift weapons behind their backs.
“Huh, that’s weird.” Anne muttered. “It looks like the robot doesn’t wanna get caught either.”
The sudden voice caused all four of them to freeze, and Anne glanced over her shoulder to see who had spoken. Standing there was a young woman with short-cut brown hair, purple dyed bangs and lavender-framed glasses. She stared at the teen with wide eyes, almost as if she didn’t believe she was there.
“Caroline?” Anne exclaimed, mirroring the woman’s surprise as she turned to fully face her. The Plantars followed her movements, causing Caroline to look them over before returning her gaze to the teen.
“Okay, several questions.” She said, starting to walk closer. “One; where have you been? Two; where are Marcy and Sasha? Three; who the heck are these guys? Four; …why is there a giant robot hiding in the rice shelf?” There was a pause as Anne and the Plantars quickly gained panicked looks, glancing at one another nervously.
“Uhhh-” Anne started to speak when the sound of movement caught everyone’s attention, and they turned around to see the robot pulling itself out from its’ hiding spot.
“Identity compromised.” It spoke, its’ cold voice sending a chill up Anne’s spine. “Eliminate witness.” Caroline’s eyes widened as the bot flexed its long claws, its’ gaze locking onto her.
“Oh, that doesn’t sound good.” She murmured.
“Run!” Anne cried, grabbing Caroline’s arm as she took off. All five quickly raced to the back of the store, seeing a door that read ‘employees only’ and rushing through it. The narrow passage caused both Caroline and Anne to stumble, losing their holds of each other and separating them. The clunk of the robot’s footsteps made all five panic, and they scattered into hiding spots across the cold, dim room.
The door swung open, the robots’ claws scraping against the metal harshly as it pulled itself inside. It made its’ way through the freezer room, unbothered by the large fish and cuts of meat it bumped into as it searched for Anne and the others. The teen in question was tucked behind a stack of shrimp boxes with the Plantars, keeping her head low as to avoid being spotted.
“I’m getting real tired of this guy.” She said. “Anyone got any ideas?” She turned her gaze to the Plantars, only to find them frozen solid in blocks of ice.
“Right. Frogs.” She muttered. “Body temperature.” As soon as the words left her mouth, metal claws sank into the boxes behind her before tossing them to the side. The bot loomed over her menacingly, but the teen didn’t hesitate as she reeled around and threw a punch at it. The robot was quick to catch her hand, spinning its’ body around and tossing Anne across the room. Her back slammed into a stack of ice bags, stunning her for a moment as the bot approached and readied another attack.
“Come on powers-” she tried, clenching her fist in attempts to trigger them. Her body gave no response, but before the robot could strike, a sudden figure leapt out of the shadows and landed on its’ back.
“Leave her alone!” Caroline hollered, climbing up and grabbing its’ head. The robot reeled back in response, trying to shake off the attacker as the young woman kept a strong grip. She raised a fist to punch its’ eye, but froze as one of the bot’s arms grabbed her leg and harshly pulled her off. It threw her across the room and she hit the ground hard, sliding a few feet before bumping into the ice blocks that held the Plantars. She hardly had time to process them before the robot approached her, retracting one of its’ hands and changing it into a laser cannon.
“NO!” Anne cried, horror gripping her heart. Time slowed as the cannon charged, and a burning sensation filled the teen’s body, overtaking her horror and replacing it with rage. Her eyes and fists lit up with blue energy, and the sudden power caught both Caroline’s and the robot’s attention.
“If you think I’m just gonna sit here while you hurt my friends,” Anne spoke, her voice somewhat distorted now, “you’ve got another thing coming.” She suddenly moved with inhuman speed, rushing up to the bot and landing a punch that shattered half of its’ exoskeleton. The robot stumbled back into the wall, sparks flying from the impacted area as it tried to refocus, but it was clear the hit had done more than just surface damage. It hesitated for a moment before its’ cloaking turned on, making it invisible as it wrenched the cargo door open and escaped through the parking lot.
“Holy-…” Caroline trailed off as her gaze refocused on Anne, noticing the blue glow from earlier was gone and she looked weary. Her legs shook as she let out a small groan, and Caroline had barely been able to get to her feet as the teen collapsed.
“ANNE!” Caroline rushed forward, managing to catch Anne’s shoulders and head to keep her from hitting them. She was able to see that she was still breathing, and without entirely thinking, she scooped up the teen and started for the door. She only hesitated as she noticed the Plantars, and not wanting to leave them there, she lined herself up behind the blocks and kicked them with all the strength she could muster. The ice cracked slightly under her foot, but the two blocks slid across the freezer floor and back out the door the five had entered through. Just as she stepped out with Anne, the Plantars broke free of the ice blocks, swarming around the young woman in panic.
“Anne!” All three cried, which caused Caroline to notice Polly’s face in the jacket for the first time. She didn’t have time to question it as she focused back on Anne, kneeling down on the floor while still holding the unconscious teen in her arms.
“Is she okay?” Sprig asked, concern clear in his voice.
“She’s still breathing.” Caroline replied. “Whatever all that was really exhausted her.”
“Well, we gotta wake her up!” Polly blurted. “If her parents see her like this, they’ll freak!”
“Hang on, I’ve got an idea!” Hop Pop exclaimed. He rushed off before Caroline could ask, but he soon came back with half a durian in hand. He quickly held it in front of Anne’s face, to which the girl’s eyes shot open in panic.
“AHH! No, get it away!” She cried, shoving the nasty-smelling food away from her. As soon as the foul odour was gone, her eyes focused and she looked up at the people around her.
“Caroline..?” She managed.
“Anne!” Caroline’s voice was filled with relief as she hugged the teen close. “I’m so glad you’re alright.” The Plantars expressed their own relief as they joined in on the hug, and Anne couldn’t help but smile as she returned it. Not long after, though, Caroline pulled back and met the teen’s eyes, giving her a worried look.
“Okay, I hate to ask,” she started, “but after being nearly zapped by a giant robot and seeing you go all superhero on it, I really need to know. What happened while you were gone all those months?” Anne’s expression changed, her gaze turning to the Plantars for a moment before she took a breath and looked up again.
“Well, it’s a lot to explain.” She replied, trying to find the words.
“Oh hey, there you guys are.” A voice suddenly interrupted, and all five looked over to see Anne’s parents walking toward them.
“Wait, Caroline?” Mr. Boonchuy’s tone held both surprise and confusion, but neither seemed negative.
“M-Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy!” Caroline said quickly, getting to her feet. “Nice to see you both!”
“Oh, it’s nice to see you too!” Mrs. Boonchuy replied, smiling softly at the young woman. “What brings you here?”
“Oh, I had been in the area and just wanted snacks.” Caroline waved off the response casually. “I was actually on my way out when I ran into Anne, and well…” She trailed off as she looked back at the teen, registering the nervous expression on her face. Her brow furrowed slightly in confusion, but she chose not to say anything about it.
“…I might have gotten overexcited.” She finished, returning her gaze to Anne’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy exchanged looks, but their expressions softened as they looked back at Caroline.
“Well, I guess that’s fair.” Mrs. Boonchuy replied. “After all, you were just as worried as us.” Anne’s eyes widened at her mother’s words, glancing up at the young woman next to her. Caroline’s expression became somewhat sheepish, but the teen noticed a flicker of sorrow in her eyes.
“Heh, yeah.” Caroline managed, rubbing the back of her neck. “You know me; always been a worry-wart. But anyways, I should probably get going, I don’t want to hold you up.”
“Oh. You sure?” Mr. Boonchuy asked. Caroline nodded, putting her hands in her sweater pockets.
“Yeah, I got stuff I need to do.” She replied. “Cleaning, laundry…oh, and I’m expecting a phone call later tonight.” She glanced over her shoulder at Anne as she said this, keeping her actions subtle enough so her parents didn’t catch on.
“Ah, I see.” Mrs. Boonchuy spoke up. “Well, it was lovely seeing you again.”
“You too!” Caroline chirped, starting to walk off. “Don’t be strangers, okay?” Before anyone else could speak, she turned down another aisle, casting one last glance in Anne’s direction before disappearing from view.
“She…didn’t find out, did she?” Anne’s father asked, turning his gaze to his daughter. Anne didn’t respond right away, still staring at the spot where Caroline had just been.
“Nope.” She replied at last. “Not a clue.”
“Oh, well that’s good.” Anne’s mom said. “You know Anne, I have to admit, we’re actually very impressed.”
“You are?” Anne blurted, looking up at them in surprise.
“Yeah.” Mr. Boonchuy replied. “Honestly, your mother and I were a little skeptical, but it’s clear now that not only can you take care of yourself, but your friends as well. We’re sorry that we were so overprotective before.”
“Aw, you don’t have to apologize.” Anne said, waving him off with a smile. “You were just doing everything you could to keep me safe, and…” her gaze turned to the Plantars for a moment, a small gleam of fondness in her eyes, “…I get it.”
“Well then, in that case, who’s ready to head home and have some dinner?” Mrs. Boonchuy suggested. “I’ve got a brand new recipe I’ve been wanting to try.”
“Sounds great, mom.” Anne replied. With that, the six of them headed for the checkout and paid, with Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy taking the lead back to the car. Anne and the Plantars trailed behind slightly, with Anne staring blankly at the pavement.
“So, Anne…” Sprig finally piped up, “…who exactly is Caroline?”
“Huh? Oh.” Anne snapped back to reality, turning her gaze to the pink frog. “She’s Marcy’s old babysitter. She often watched me and Sasha too, since we hung out all the time as kids, but…she and Marcy were practically sisters.” There was a pause that followed, and a mutual understanding seemed to pass through the group.
“…How much are you gonna tell her?” Hop Pop spoke first. “I mean, she’s seen your powers and Andrias’ robot firsthand. Not like we can cover that up.” Anne hesitated for a moment, thinking over his question before she looked up at him.
“I’m gonna tell her the truth.” She said at last. “All of it.”
“You sure?” Sprig asked. Anne nodded once.
“If that robot’s after her now too, she needs to know.” She replied. “So yeah, I’m sure.”
“…and that’s the whole story.”
Anne sat cross-legged on her bedroom floor, her phone propped up against some books she had pulled off her shelf. The Plantars sat around her, no longer wearing their disguises and revealing their full froggy selves. On the screen in front of them, Caroline stared with a blank expression, though her eyes told that a million thoughts were racing through her head.
“Okay- let me make sure I have this right.” She said at last. “You three got sent to another dimension, one that is populated by sentient frogs, newts, and toads, and the king of that dimension is a colonialist tyrant that straight-up stabbed Marcy, who, turns out, was actually the reason you all got trapped there in the first place?” Anne blinked in surprise, not expecting Caroline to have remembered all of that so well.
“Yeah, that’s…basically the sum of it.” She replied. Caroline paused again, her gaze turning to something out of view before focusing back on her phone.
“Well, it’s…a lot to process.” She admitted. “Do your parents know all of this, too?”
“Uh,” Anne stuttered for a moment as her expression changed, “I may have left out the parts about Sasha’s betrayals, and Marcy getting us stuck there, and Andrias being evil…and my glowing blue powers.” By the time she finished speaking, she saw Caroline looking at her with a mix of deadpan and disappointment. The young woman took her glasses off for a moment and rubbed the bridge of her nose, letting out a long sigh before she put them back on.
“Right.” She said. “In that case, it looks like there’s only one option. I’m gonna help you find a way back to Amphibia and stop Andrias’ invasion.”
“What?” Anne blurted. “Caroline, no, it’s-”
“It’s what? Too dangerous?” Caroline interrupted. “Anne, not three hours ago, a giant frog-bot was pointing a laser cannon at my face. I’m well aware of the danger, and either way, I’m pretty sure I’m already involved in this whether you like it or not.”
“She does have a point, Anne.” Hop Pop chimed in. Anne hesitated for a moment, but realizing she wasn’t going to win this argument, she let out a small sigh.
“Okay, okay.” She said at last. “I guess we could use the help.” Caroline’s expression relaxed, and she gave the teen a soft smile.
“Thanks, Anne.” She said. “And hey…I’m proud of you. I know telling me all that wasn’t easy.”
“Yeah, I’ll be honest,” Anne replied, “I’m surprised you took it as well as you did.” At her words, Caroline ended up laughing, which caught all four off guard.
“Oh no, trust me, I am livid.” She told them, still smiling. “I don’t care how big or strong he is; when I see Andrias, I will make him regret everything he’s done to Marcy.” Her tone and expression sent a chill of fear down Anne’s spine, but in the blink of an eye, the young woman went back to her usual smile.
“Okay, that aside, it’s getting late.” She said in a much calmer tone. “I’m sure you could use some rest, Anne; we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Anne replied. Caroline chuckled softly.
“Not often I hear that from you.” She joked. “But I’ll leave my phone on in case you need me, okay? Call or text, doesn’t matter.” Anne nodded, a small smile making its’ way onto her face.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” She said. “Goodnight, Caroline.”
“G’night, kiddo.” Caroline replied. “Oh, and goodnight, Plantars.”
“Goodnight!” All three Plantars replied in unison. There was a small bit of laughter from Caroline’s end before she hung up, leaving the group of four alone in Anne’s room.
“So,” Sprig piped up, breaking the silence, “did anyone else find Caroline to be slightly terrifying?”
“Oh yeah.” Anne replied. “That woman is straight-up wild.”
“I like her.” Polly said, grinning.
“Well, she’s still right.” Anne spoke again. “It is getting pretty late. Come on, let’s get to bed.” The Plantars gave their agreements, and after a few minutes, all four of them were changed and ready for the night. Anne had helped them set up sleeping bags in her room, and despite some bickering between Sprig and Polly, they were soon settled in.
“Alright, goodnight guys.” Anne called..
“Goodnight, Anne.” The Plantars replied. A comfortable silence followed, but despite it, Anne found herself unable to sleep. She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, her mind still racing with thoughts of the day’s events.
‘I don’t care how big or strong he is.’ Caroline’s voice echoed in her head. ‘When I see Andrias, I’ll make him regret everything he’s done to Marcy.’
The teen knew full well it would be a lot harder than that, but she also knew Caroline was not one to back down, especially when it came to Marcy. She rolled onto her side, her gaze landing on the crescent moon that she could see shining through her bedroom window. It was much smaller than the moon in Amphibia, and was bright white in contrast to the dim red she had gotten used to over the months.
“Just hang on, guys.” She muttered. “We’re coming back for you. I promise.”
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dual1pa · 3 years
a road trip to remember (marcus moreno x f!reader)
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Warnings: fluff, smut at the end, cursing
Marcus surprised his favorite girls with a small road trip across the state to visit some landmarks, eat at some good restaurants and just spend time with his daughter and girlfriend.
Ever since his wife passed away, dating Marcus had been hard. He was doubtful he will ever find love again until he met her. He was very grateful he wasn’t paying attention to where he was going down the narrow aisle of the local grocery store when his cart ran into someone. The conversation started with a ton of apologies from Marcus to her giving him her number. Over the last 3 years, Marcus was falling in love again. He always will love his wife and think about her daily, he reminded his daughter, Missy, of this every day.
“I know, Dad. It’s like you’ve forgotten you’ve told me this a million times. I want you to be happy, Dad.” she got annoyed when he kept telling her this.
A couple months back, Marcus asked her to move in with them. Of course, she said yes. Waking up next to her every morning was something he looked forward to every night. He always woke up before her due to his hectic work schedule a the Heroics Headquarters. One night, working late, of course, he realized he needed a vacation desperately. He took off for two weeks to spend time with the ones he loved the most.
Forwarding to now, they were on the road, driving home from a wonderful trip. They already visited a ton of famous landmarks around the state, ate tons of incredible food along the way, and overall had a great time being in each other's company. Marcus let the girls choose the music. They had similar tastes despite the large age gap, it was probably because she always played her music while she was cooking dinner for Marcus and Missy. The current artist of the last 2 hours was Ariana Grande. She absolutely adored the pop singer, as did Missy. They knew the lyrics to every song. Marcus wasn’t the biggest Ariana fan but did sing along to the hits that he heard on the radio while driving Missy to school. As the girls sang God is a woman, she leaned her head back on the passenger seat and looked towards her beautiful boyfriend. His hands tapping the beat of the song on the steering wheel. She took her hand and rested it on his leg. His hand came down to rest it on hers and gave it a light squeeze, eventually taking it up and gave her hand a kiss. They stayed hand in hand for the rest of the trip.
“Finally. Places that I recognize.” Missy said with a sigh of relief.
“It sure is good to be home,” Marcus said, swerving into their neighborhood and soon, into the driveway.
“But, we had a good time. Right Missy?” she smiled at her boyfriend.
“Duh! I got two weeks off from summer camp.”
“Well, enjoy it now cause in two weeks after camp ends, school begins,” she said with a spooky voice.
“With that being said, I’m glad to go back to summer camp.” Missy laughed, not enjoying the thought of going back to school.
She was putting her hair up when Marcus walked into their room.
“Missy is already fast asleep. All that driving really tuckered her out, huh?” Marcus said, leaning on the bathroom door, watching her get ready for bed.
“It tuckered me out too, and we weren’t even driving,” she walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck, “but thank you for the trip, baby. It was the most fun vacation I’ve had in years. I’m glad I got to spend it with the two of you.”
He smiled and leaned down to kiss her, “I know Missy had the time of her life. I’m glad to hear that you also loved being with us.”
“I never want to not be with you guys. I love you.” she bit her lip.
He rubbed her hips, “I love you, too.”
She leaned up to kiss his soft lips, eventually moving into something more romantic. He moved her to the bathroom sink. Hopping up on the sink, she wrapped her legs around his, pulling him closer to his groin was touching her center. Even with all the layers between them, she could tell that he was already turned on. Her hands tangled through his hair. They both have been sex-deprived for weeks since they’ve been in the same room with his daughter.
“I love Missy and I had fun on the trip, but I’m so glad that we will be able to sleep in our own bed tonight.” she talked into his mouth, trying to kiss him at the same time.
He hummed in agreement, “I missed being able to fuck you.”
Her hands roamed his back as she spread her legs wider for him. He grinded himself into her sex until she couldn’t take it anymore. She needed to be bare to feel immense pleasure. Letting go of Marcus for a quick second, she discarded her thin pajama shorts and panties. Marcus grunted, picking her up and dropping her on the bed admiring her beautiful body laid out for him to devour.
He laid almost his entire weight on her once they both were fully undressed. Their grunts, quiet moans, and heavy breaths fill the room as he pounded into her. Her nails dig into his back as the pleasure became too much, her orgasm popped through her like a firework. Marcus’ orgasm is quick to follow. He collapsed onto her, his breaths heavy on her neck. Her hands snake up to massage his hair. Once he came down from his high, he rolled off her so she could go to the bathroom.
After she was finished, she found her discarded shorts and panties in the same place she kicked them off a while ago. When she returned to the bedroom, Marcus was on his side of the bed anxiously awaiting her return. After she turned out the majority of the lights in the room, she made her way back to bed. She snuggled into Marcus’ warmth. He laid on his stomach while holding onto her thigh that slung over his abdomen. Her fingers traced along his jaw, leaning up to kiss the small bald spot next to his chin.
“I took tomorrow off work so we can lounge and get ourselves back into our normal routine,” Marcus said, “I’ll let Missy decide if she wants to go to summer camp tomorrow.”
“You know she’s going to want to stay home with us. I’m just working from here anyways. Just let her sleep in. I know it’s what I’m going to do and you’re going to do the same Marcus Moreno.”
“Unless I want to wake you up another way.” he wiggles his eyebrows, causing her to lightly hit him in the chest, understanding what he meant by his action.
“Goodnight, lovebug.” she gave him one last kiss before closing her eyes, eventually drifting away to sleep.
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