consanguinitatum · 11 months
David Tennant in Golaschin! - A Guiser's Play For Hogmanay (1989)
Okay Oh My God I did it! I promised to feature an upcoming obscure David Tennant work, and here it is!
I've bitten the bullet and recorded (probably badly!) a minisode about an up-until-now unknown part of David Tennant's body of work as a young Scottish drama student. This information didn't really fit into my theatre-centric podcast, but I didn't want to see it get lost in obscurity because it wasn't a theatre production. Besides, it might've been his first foray as an actor on radio! Enjoy! (Click below to listen - critics welcome!)
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consanguinitatum · 8 months
A Tennantcy To Act comes to Substack!
OK fellow DT fans...here is a link to my Substack, where I will be posting all my writing on David Tennant's work - his early theatre, audio work, TV/film, shorts, obscure performances, trivia, etc.
There's also a podcast link for my one mini-sode on an early audio he did while still in drama school (Golaschin! - A Guiser's Play For Hogmanay)....and for any more podcast episodes to come. Subscribing is free (but you don't have to subscribe to read)! https://atennantcytoact.substack.com One more note - I'll still be posting my writing here, too. It's just easier for me to have a place to compile all of my threads in one location, rather than scattered out over long periods of time in separate posts which I have to search for to find.
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consanguinitatum · 7 months
David Tennant Audios: Classic FM One Hundred Favorite Humorous Poems (1998)
You know David as a multi-faceted performer: theatre, film, television...and audio. And it's audio we'll talk about today. In the summer of 1998, David was quite busy. He was on the back end of his run of double-billed plays, The Real Inspector Hound and Black Comedy (click this link to read my in-depth look at the two plays!) at the Comedy (now the Harold Pinter) Theatre in London. The two plays ran through 8 August 1998.
But he certainly had time to contribute a set of fourteen poem readings to the audio book Classic FM One Hundred Favourite Humorous Poems. So, are you wondering what the rest of the story is behind this obscure set of readings? Want to know what happened after they were published, and - most importantly - if you can listen to them? For the answers to all these questions, pop on over to this post on my Substack, which is called A Tennantcy To Act. Over there you'll find a ton of all things Tennant: rare, obscure, trivia-based....you name it!
Subscribing is free, but if you don't want to, you don't have to (just click on the "Nope, take me to the posts" below the subscribe button!)
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consanguinitatum · 3 months
Coming tomorrow at A Tennantcy To Act - the last chapter of Only Human!
Coming tomorrow is the final part of my exclusive, behind-the-scenes story of the making of David Tennant's 2002 unaired pilot, Only Human!
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We'll be talking about "what could've been"s - plot ideas, further series, and the bigger cast of characters - with author Jim McClellan.
Don't miss it!
After this?
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Well - Jim has kindly consented to answer some fan questions about the show! So as you read the final part tomorrow, keep in mind any questions you might want him about the show.
Of course I'll be happy to start taking your questions now - you can drop them below, comment on any of the Only Human posts in the series at:
...or just send them to me directly at [email protected]!
But you might want to wait to ask anything until after you've read the final part!
(And, you know....if you dig this, consider subscribing for free to read even more of the rare and obscure in David's rich catalogue of work.)
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consanguinitatum · 4 months
Got a question about Only Human? You could get it answered!
I wanted to pop in for a quick announcement, fellow David Tennant (and Only Human) fans….
I wanted everyone to know the author of Only Human, Jim McClellan, has kindly consented to answer some fan questions about the show!
So as you continue to read the series (we've done two parts out of the planned five so far) about the show, its documentary, and the just-now-revealed fact they did a second pilot (!!) you might want to keep in mind any questions that pop up that you'd like the author to answer.
You might very well get them answered!
Pt 1 is here:
and Part 2 is here:
He's also enjoying reading the comments y'all post under the parts I've already published. Matter of fact, he sent me this comment just this afternoon:
"Interesting to see the comments from people - I like the one about the music having a ‘James Bond’ feel - it’s definitely something that attracted me to the first Goldfrapp album - and Human in particular - it has the big John Barry melody but a futuristic undertow to it. Also, one of the other attractions of Human was that there were so many different remixes of it - including one acoustic one, which meant in the edit, we were able to use the catchy main melody of Human but in different ways, to suggest different moods. " So if getting stuff like this answered is your jam, here's the deal: I'll start now taking your questions (feel free to comment on any of the Only Human posts you read, send them in to me direct at [email protected], or hit me up in Substack's chat option). After that, I'll send them to Jim - when he goes through them and gives us all the information he can, I'll make a sixth and final post with the answers!
Happy reading, DT fans!
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