#atom create a kaiju contest
tyrantisterror · 2 years
What’s this?  A Create a Kaiju Contest entry is finished?  Yes!  YES!  I’m getting them done! Like I said I would!
Dragonzilla’s entry is the third of our five winners, and a unique combination of kaiju and mecha that I don’t think anyone has ever done before to my knowledge.  Check them out, won’t you?
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polygonfighter · 3 years
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my Entry for @tyrantisterror ‘s new ATOM Create a kaiju contest! i was struggling with ideas when this one great, ominous and mysterous idea came to me, so heres my entry and double homage to the Monolith monsters from the 50′s monster movie of the same name; The Yamaneolith
More info under the Cut!
The Yamaneolith
Aliases: The Spire, The Source, The Glowing Hymn
Location: Originated on the Moon, manifests in random locations after periods of dormancy 
Size: Variable, though never shorter than 100ft
the Yamaneolith was identified as a phenomena first before recognized as a kaiju, appearing first on the Moon when it was discovered. It appeared to be a massive spire of crystalline yamaneon that would grow without limits. It continued to grow somewhere in the sea of tranquility for nearly a decade before it suddenly erupted into a pillar of light, connecting the surface of the Moon with that of the earth, and when the smoke cleared the Spire was nothing more than a pile of dust, theorized to have been destroyed during the still unexplained event. That was, until a similar spire of yamaneon crystal began to grow on the surface of the earth where the light touched.
 This spire was immobile, naturally, and while it radiated Yamaneon energy, revitalizing all the life around it, Kaiju avoided it, almost instinctively. intelligent kaiju capable of communication stated that it 'whispered' to them in unsettling ways, ways they were at a loss to describe.
this was before it began to move
it appeared as if the spire simply collapsed into yamaneon dust one day, before an exact replica appeared again nearby, showing that this phenomena was actually mobile in a sense.
not exactly fast, but hardy and formidable, the Yamaneolith seems to 'whisper' and 'hum' into the minds and bodies of kaiju themselves, or any being who's body contains a considerable amount of yamaneon.
its hard to describe whatever this intelligence (if it even is intelligent) wants or what it's goals are, intelligent beings with a high yamaneon saturation describe the sensation of ‘someone else’ being ‘inside’ their mind while it is around, theyre aware this seems to be some form of communication but its far too alien to comprehend. 
additionally the Yamaneolith has been known to bestow greater power upon nearby kaiju with another one of it's 'refraction beams' or just as easily Drain the yamaneon from the Bodies of Kaiju directly through smaller spires spawned beneath, seemingly without rhyme or reason and in the scenario that a Kaiju overcomes this mental invasion and begins to attack it, the Yamaneolith rebuffs them with its destructive light beams.
the spire seems to loathe direct combat, having been completely destroyed before remanifesting at least 4 documented times, and instead seems to prefer to sit and observe other kaiju as they do battle, interact and communicate, whether with each other or the smaller beings underfoot.
samples taken from the Yamaneolith indicated that it is composed of 90% yamaneon and 10% of entirely unknown materials.
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ATOM: revenge of the kaiju
Name: Iron-Mouth Menace/Munchy/City Muncher
Date discovered: September 1st 1964 by Reina Kawaguchi
Place of origin: Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai Japan
Notable Stomping Grounds: Sendai, it’s outskirts and cave systems, and the Sendai bay
Width: 50 feet
Length: 250 feet
Biology: Silkworm, (Wakabayashi Landrace, which is a local species bred specifically from stock from one area) 
Notable abilities/features:
Mandibles able to chew through concrete and similar materials
Production of massive amounts of silk
Iron-Grip™ Claws/true legs
Increased healing factor
Disastrous appetite
Immunity to radiation
    Munchy resembles the wakabayashi landrace of silkworm caterpillars, if only superficially, with black-tipped spines and a wider, more robust body compared to the average silkworm, as well as having more brightly colored true legs. Munchy’s first pair of prolegs are  much larger, and having multiple segments, allowing a bipedal stance. However, most prominently, Munchy’s head, mandibles, and true legs are a matte-black consisting of some kind of carbon-steel alloy. While the rest of Munchy’s body is covered in large plates, or scales of various materials, some reaching 5 feet in diameter. 
    Munchy exhibits little emotion beyond hunger, however, it does have notable quirks, such as preferring not to eat living beings, and stripping entire neighborhoods down to the foundations, sometimes even eating those. Munchy is however seen as an unambiguously good caterpillar, due to being the lesser of evils, so to speak. With its slow, methodical approach to feeding. Munchy has a lesser body count when compared to other Kaiju of its size, and even contributes to tourism, when not destroying precious monuments.
    Munchy, as nicknamed by it’s original caretaker, before being turned over to the Japanese government for development, was a silkworm caterpillar. The original caretaker, Reina Kawaguchi, a Yamaneon-enhanced individual herself, credits her obsession with the mineral and its effects with the development of Munchy. She reports that she had been given silkworms to care for, so decided to fill their tank with stuff she found in a cave, which she visited with her parents the week before. Reina left Munchy and some of its siblings on top of a radiator, and when she woke up the next day, munchy had grown to “maybe three or four times its previous size” and had “eaten everything but the glass” of it’s tank. This growth continued up until Reina had to turn in the silkworms. At which point her teacher contacted the authorities, and munchy was turned over to the government. Reina still has visitation rights over the weekend, though they are limited to no contact. 
The Japanese Government, under the purview of yamaneon researchers, decided to enhance Munchy further for testing. It is unclear what happened after this point, but sources claim that due to improper handling of specimens, Munchy and numerous other proto-kaiju were disposed of improperly. After a quiet period spanning from when the government took over Munchy to 1970, Munchy emerged as a 50 foot long menace to society. Munchy then ate its way into the city proper, slowly following the roads from the cave systems north of Sendai. 
As of present Munchy is making way for new beach front properties by following the coast. It’s hypothesized that somehow Munchy has adapted to consume salt-water, though these cannot be proven until it molts again. Which is the main way of tracking Munchy’s health and diet.
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quinnred · 3 years
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T H E - T H I N K E R - O . N . I . A. C . Lore Below!
Name: O.N.I.A.C. Aliases: The Thinker, The Box, Chrysalis, The Lamp, The Structure   Date Discovered: 1943 Place of Origin: UNKNOWN Notable Stomping Grounds: CLASSIFIED Height: 160 ft Width: 40ft Biology: The O.N.I.A.C. (Organic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) is a mysterious organic structure with no clear origin and appears to be a form of chrysalis constructed of yamaneon mineral. It's surface is wrinkled like a brain and of a deep near-black blue and gold iridescence, pulsing with a red energy. It is supported by silk covering it's chamber, though it acts strangely buoyant for it's size. Pale butterflies the size of horses cluster around the O.N.I.A.C., attracted by the yamaneon radiation and the vibrations singing from below the surface. Luckily they are mostly harmless, though attentive to any perceived ill acts towards the structure. Although the nature of its discovery has been kept under lock and key, it is known that a facility was built around it's chamber in order to conceal it from civilian witnesses and foreign powers, or other, stranger threats. It has been under constant observation and experimentation for years, yielding a curious result. When asked a question translated into higher frequencies, O.N.I.A.C. will reverberate and repeat the signal throughout it's shell until it transforms the signal into a direct and simple answer. This behaviour has made it a significant asset to those that keep it, using it as a super computer for calculating the most sophisticated equations they can  throw at it. Due to its yamaneon nature, the O.N.I.A.C. can passively emit high quantities of radiation, though it will control it's emissions depending on who enters it's chamber. If disturbed enough it will vibrate violently and disrupt molecular structures, causing a loss of solidity in some organic beings, or simply being irritating or painful to others. It may also flood the area in intense radiation and allow the pale wing butterflies to devour the fluids of an intruder. Additionally it's frequencies can harass the brain and harshly mulch memories and scramble functions.  It is theorized that the O.N.I.A.C. may be an ancient caterpillar mutated mid-pupation, but nothing can be truly confirmed until the chrysalis opens. Until then, it simply is endless potential and hypothesis.     Personality: O.N.I.A.C. is eager to answer questions, though seems monotonally coy about questions of the future or of it's exact nature, or simply dosent know and wont completely admit it. It seems to have picked up the likes and dislikes of its captors, enjoying the "smell" of coffee brewing while despising Mondays.
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glarnboudin · 3 years
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Tiratola, the Long-Tailed Terror!
Aliases: the Dragon of Etna, the Serpentine Savior, Our Lady of Flame
Date Discovered: May 20th, 1954
Place of Origin: Mt. Etna
Notable Stomping Grounds: Mt. Etna, Messina, Pisa, Stromboli Kaiju Reserve
Height: Generally holds head around 15 meters above the ground, but can rear up to tower at around 34 meters at her tallest.
Length: 115 meters
A prehistoric varanid of enormous size from the same lineage that produced Kraydi, Tiratola brings to mind the dragons of yore, slinking and serpentine and adorned with a crown of fearsome crests and horns. Indeed, her Mediterranean location closely matches with depictions of dragons from the ancient Greeks and Romans, although her demeanor is hardly that of a rapacious devourer of maidens and hoarder of gold.
Rather than her jaws, Tiratola’s primary weapon of choice is her tail - even for a reptile, hers is incredibly long and dexterous, making up more than half of her total body length and as flexible and powerful as the body of any snake. With it, she can lash at targets several hundred feet away, coil and constrict her opponents, and even pick up and hurl objects as big as buildings or handle very small objects with the very tip of the tail like an elephant’s trunk. Indeed, her style of combat is very similar to that of the American kaiju Gorgolisk, preferring to coil and constrict her opponents with her powerful body.
As a kaiju, Tiratola also sports a fairly standard powerset:
Super strength
An enhanced healing factor
Immunity to radiation
She also has one more trick up her sleeve - like many other prehistoric varanids as well as Tyrantis himself, the Terror of Italia sports venom glands within her jaws that she can either ‘chew’ into her opponents or spray like a spitting cobra, and like Tyrantis, this venom has further honed into a flammable compound like something out of the pages of myth and legend.
Of course, comparing Tiratola’s fire spitting with Tyrantis’ flaming breath would be akin to comparing a firecracker with a flamethrower - rather than napalm-like torrents of ignited venom, the enormous reptile’s sprayed venom ignites into a cloud of scalding sparks and embers that explodes outwards in a shotgun-like blast with a loud crack and a blinding flash. While it’s not the best at actually damaging opponents, it still stings and burns quite painfully for targets, especially if hit in the eyes and other sensitive areas, and the sharp rapport of the venom combusting can cause a few seconds of disorientation. Injecting the stuff into the bodies of opponents, however, produces rather more grisly results as it reacts with oxygen in the bloodstream, causing the wounds inflicted by her teeth to burst open a few seconds after she lets go. To a kaiju’s durability and regeneration, it’s not nearly as harmful as it looks unless Tiratola injects a truly immense amount of venom or her opponent is considerably smaller than herself, but it’s still quite painful to experience.
History & Personality:
When the Superquake of ‘54 rocked the world, the actual tremors weren’t the only force behind the resulting destruction - tidal waves lashed the coasts, avalanches and rockslides buried towns, and a number of already-rumbling volcanoes were roused to erupt once more, pushing up not only molten material but all manner of strange new landforms forged from the Yamaneon tunnels beneath the earth. Home to several volcanoes as they are, Greece and Italy were particularly subject to this, disgorging an assortment of subterranean environments alongside quite a number of kaiju. Among them was the great reptile Tiratola - emerging from the volcanic aftermath of Mt. Etna, the serpentine saurian made herself known to the public at large when she swept through the outskirts of Messina and smothered a major fire when she settled herself on top of it for warmth, inadvertently saving much of the city from burning to the ground. In the aftermath of the fire, she would go on to save even more lives as she nosed around the rubble, unearthing nearly two dozen people that had been trapped beneath fallen debris.
Since her awakening, Tiratola has come to roam across Italy and Greece, frequently digging people out of rubble wherever she went and frequently engaging smaller mutants emerging from local Yamaneon tunnels as well as the occasional full-on kaiju - her most famous scuffles include preying upon a hoard of Paleozoic invertebrates that emerged from a Carboniferous swamp in the Greek Kassandra Peninsula and engaging a hulking one-eyed hominid kaiju that had been menacing the city of Taranto, dragging it down to its doom beneath the waves before it could do anything worse than superficial damage to buildings. Aside from an incident involving the Leaning Tower of Pisa, she’s been responsible for relatively little destruction, and has become somewhat of a local hero to the populace of the regions, something that Tiratola has come to notice.
Low to the ground as she is, the Whip-Tailed Terror is by her nature literally closer to human beings than many other kaiju, and is more aware of their activities as a result. She’s come to recognize how people react to her presence and realizes how easily she can reshape the tiny world that she now finds herself in. Were she a more malevolent sort, this awareness and her ability to easily wind through city streets could potentially make her an incredibly dangerous thrat to human beings, but the ultimate result of this is that Tiratola has come to realize that she quite enjoys the attention and praise she gets from acts of heroism. Being a reptile, she is by nature a very energy-efficient creature, conserving her strength when she does need to exert herself… but being a kaiju, acts of aid towards humans are trivially easy for her. A couple sweeps of her tail can smother a major fire beneath dirt and water and pulling people from danger can be easily accomplished by simply pushing her head into, say, a burning building and using her keen senses to locate survivors in the same way that modern varanids break into termite mounds and locate warm chambers to lay their eggs in or mother crocodiles dig out their young from nests. It costs little to the great reptile to lend her aid to others, and the reward for doing so is more than worth it - adoration and cheers whenever she enters a populated area, occasional offerings of fish and other treats, even occasional cleanings by teams of volunteers that scrub her down and aid in peeling off any lingering bits of unshed skin. The latter task has also provided another boon to the people of Greece and Italy - analysis of Tiratola’s shed skin has shed a lot of light on kaiju cellular biology, and the scales themselves are durable enough to be shaped and worked like metal or glass, fostering a small but lucrative industry of decorative items made from the kaiju’s scales.
However, there may also be another reason for her gentleness towards humans - while unearthing survivors from rubble, Tiratola frequently makes vocalizations not unlike those of crocodilian and alligator parents when unearthing their buried young, even scooping them up in her jaws in a similar fashion to carry them to safety. It may be that trapped survivors reminds the the whip-tailed dragon of her own offspring, buried in sand and soil - joint Reptodite-human expeditions into the collapsed tunnels where the kaiju emerged have even found the crystallized remains of ruined nests and cracked eggs, suggesting that she may have produced several clutches of offspring before via parthenogenesis in the same manner as some species of monitor lizard, although none seem to have survived. 
Behind the Scenes:
Behold, my entry to @tyrantisterror ’s ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest 3D, Tiratola! I’ve entered both of his previous contests, and I didn’t want to miss out here, although this is admittedly my first time posting one here to Tumblr; there’s a bunch of really creative kaiju already entered into the competition, and I highly recommend checking them out. My entry really isn’t the best by far (I wanted to make Tiratola a lot lengthier and more serpentine, but I didn’t have the space to do it, and I can’t really do detail work for shit), but I’m still reasonably happy with how my girl Tiratola came out!
Tiratola is meant to be an homage to that tried-and-true staple of the monster movie genre - movie companies from other countries trying to cash in on a trend! It’s how the world got creatures like Gorgo, Paleosaurus, and Reptilicus - creatures whose movies were far from the source material, but were packaged as being the same thing in their posters and translated titles overseas, leading to weirdness like Godzilla vs Mothra becoming ‘Watang and the Fabulous Kingdom of Monsters’ in its Italian release, the infamous cut of ‘The Volcano Monsters,’ and so on. As such, she takes the basic concept of Tyrantis - ‘giant green prehistoric reptilian monster with a long tail and horns that breathes fire’, and reconstructs it through that lens. To that end, she’s also somewhat based on slurpasaurs and on cheap rubber props, staples of Italian monster cinema.
Designwise, I based her quite heavily on, well, monitor lizards as well as the classic LEGO dragon model plus the movie poster design for Reptilicus - both are a nice combination of reptilian features that doesn’t really lend itself to any particular order, with Kraydi factoring in as another reference. Indeed, Tiratola’s meant to be a cousin to that kaiju, another of the varanid lizard lineage that would have lead to dragons and their kin in the Lost Epoch - she’s meant to be a bit farther down that evolutionary line than Kraydi is, but still not exactly a direct ancestor.
I was struggling to get a feel for Tiratola’s personality at first, but I managed to get something when I reread ATOM and the way that its reptilian stars think, plus some takes on protective dragons and why they defend humans so much smaller and weaker than they. A big part of this series is about how the kaiju are far more intelligent and empathetic than they let on - I thought it’d be neat to play off of that. While her motivations come from a very different place than they would in a human being or a similar creature, the end result is still the same: if it feels good to help others, and doing so is relatively easy, why not do so? I also added a good deal of Ogra and Reptisaurus as well - I figured it would be only fitting.
The thing about her visiting Pisa is a nod to Dinosaurs Attack, the card where the Rhedosaurus and Giant Behemoth teamed up to destroy the Leaning Tower, while her battle with the giant is taken from the battle between the dragon Taro and the Cyclops in The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad. The date of her discovery is also the date that Reptilicus was released in theaters, albeit moved back a few years.
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cerothenull · 3 years
The ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest 3D
Name: Naeranti
Aliases: The Skyweaver, Zeppelin Queen, Mother of Webs, UFO Bane
Date Discovered: 1944
Place of Origin: New Zealand
Notable Stomping Grounds: Typhon Island, Stratosphere
Height: 90ft
Width: 160ft
Biology: This arachnid kaiju shares many similarities with both the mundane Spiny Orb Weaver Spiders and the Ogre-faced or Net-Casting Spiders. Her similar bodyplan and typically peaceful nature have caused many kaijuologists to speculate and theorize that Naeranti is a “relative” of the friendly Kaiju known as Bobo.
Much like Bobo, Naeranti is capable of producing vast amounts of silken webbing, but rather than spinning a web or creating a nest, Naeranti takes a more unique approach. With web strands that were stronger than steel cable and deceptively light the Skyweaver weaves herself a vast structure of interwoven threads that allows the spider kaiju to drift effortlessly upon the air currents and thermals of the atmosphere.
Beyond constructing her massive gliding structures, which can grow to several times her own size, she is known to create a variety of net, bolos, or even harpoon-like constructs that with her eyesight, she can aim and fire with frightening accuracy.
Her carapace sports large spines that arc out away from her body that, while intimidating, are actually used as supports to anchor Naeranti’s elaborate web constructions. Also present in her chitin is the presence of special super-reflective cells that give her a dazzling mirror ball appearance, the cells capable of deflecting or reflecting energy if Naeranti focuses.
One of her more striking features is her immense pair of central eyes. Kaijuologists theorize that the powerful eyes are capable of clearly perceiving events on the group while high in the stratosphere with more fantastical claims saying the spider is capable of reading a newspaper from near orbit. In fact Naeranti has been observed just as frequently observing the goings-on of the ground dwelling humans and kaiju as she did seeming to stare up at the night sky studying the stars. Some researchers believe that because of her powerful vision that Naeranti was quite possibly the first Earthling to spy the approach of the Beyonder invaders.
Super strength
An enhanced healing factor
Immunity to radiation
Super webbing and manipulation
Neurotoxic venom
Telescopic vision
Reflective chitin
Yamaneon powered flight
Personality: Naeranti is a reclusive kaiju most of the time. Seemingly content just to drift along the air currents high in the atmosphere Naeranti will tolerate and even socialize with flying Kaiju that find themselves peacefully flying with her but she will respond with seeming annoyance and spite if any attempt to disrupt her flight. A lesson that kaiju like the ill-tempered Ahuul had to learn several times of becoming webbed up before he learned better.
Rarely will she deign to land but when she does it has usually been to visit with kaiju she’s befriended upon the ground, her “cousin” Bobo and the massive Scutlgor among the number.
One of the more mellow kaiju she is not above a playful spar or even an aerial dogfight if her opponents intents are good-natured. Against aggressors or dangerous she is more likely to end the conflict as quickly as possibly by using her webbing to immobilize them long enough to inject them with her venom. Despite this, she is far from a frail spider and has shown to be deceptively strong in the more intense fights she’s been observed in.
History: It is not certain when the first true sighting of Naeranti but the first official sighting was recorded in New Zealand where she was recorded taking flight upon a massive, balloon-like web construct that lifted the arachnid into the air.
At first the sight of the massive spider was met with alarm and fear, especially after an encounter with the Air Force that caused the destruction of several aircraft, with reports claiming that all pilots had been killed in action. These reports were redacted several days later when the pilots were found alive and unharmed, if hungry, tangled in a mass of knotted webbing that Naeranti had dropped on a soccer field in southern China.
Deemed a potential flight hazard but non-aggressive Kaiju, Naeranti was continuously observed for some time before she suddenly disappeared. Her disappearance was nearly overlooked as shortly after the Beyonder Invasion was launched in full swing.
It was partway through the Invasion that reports of Beyonder starships crash landing tangled up in large amounts of webbing. Not long after Naeranti was spotted fighting with flying Beyonder kaiju, the spider often gaining the upperhand long enough to web up her foe and leaving them to drop to Earth, occasionally into the awaiting talons and fangs of allied terrestrial Kaiju.
Despite suffering numerous injuries Naeranti continued to fight throughout the Invasion, destroying and disabling many of the Invaders starships, her reflective carapace providing a significant defense against their energy weaponry. This earning her title as a formidable foe for any flying aliens that attempted to darken her skies.
It was during the height of the Invasion when Naeranti was observed utilizing a skill very few kaiju seem to realize or even attempt. The spiders web constructs mostly shredded from the battle and streaming from her spines like warbanners, Naeranti flew around the battlefield with a deadly grace she rarely demonstrated before.
In the relative calm of the invasions aftermath Naeranti recuperated on Typhon Island for a time but eventually returned to her usual routine of peacefully drifting among the atmopshere, her eyes now trained on the stars more often.
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downtofragglerock · 3 years
ATOM Kaiju contest submission
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Name: Saroguana
Alias: “The Shark of the Skies”
Date Discovered: December 26, 1956
Place of Origin: The Pacific Northwest
Stomping Grounds: The Pacific Northwest, Typhon Island
Height: 60 feet
Length: 90 feet
Wingspan: 110 Feet
Biology: Saroguana is a rather interesting look into the evolutionary process between the Tiny Tyrant and Flying Tyrant Retrosaur clades. Whereas evolution gradually transformed the arms of some species of Tiny Tyrants into wings, Saroguana seems to belong to an offshoot where the opposite occurred, their forelimbs remained relatively unchanged, but their hindlimbs became great sets of wings. Because of this, Saroguana’s center of gravity and the maintaining of that center is more complicated than that of most Flying Tyrants. Their bright orange body naturally leans forward more, on account for the fact that their forelimbs are being used for support. Saroguana has a rather flexible neck to compensate for this so they can still have a full field of vision. Saroguana also has various structures to help maintain balance, mainly their tail and backfins. The tail, while long, acts more like the short rudder tail seen on some Flying Tyrants, rather than the lizard like one seen on most long-tailed Flying Tyrants. The backfins are a more interesting case. They’re lime green, much like a lot of the accents on Saroguana’s body, and have an odd, hockey stick-like shape to them. They stand straight up on the kaiju’s back when grounded and during takeoff, but during flight, they collapse on top of one another, creating a fin-like shape that makes the body more aerodynamic, especially during Saroguana’s divebomb descents, the source for the creature’s moniker of “The Shark of the Skies”.
Personality: Saroguana is seemingly scatterbrained kaiju, never being able to focus on one thing at a time for very long. While the way they dance around in the air is oddly graceful, they’re quite clumsy when it comes to walking on the ground. Most of the time they waddle around wide-eyed like a confused toddler. They’re a bit of a kleptomaniac, taking seemingly random things either because said things are shiny or just interesting in the kaiju’s eyes. Researchers are still trying to figure out what qualifies as “interesting” to this kaiju, as there is almost no legitimate correlation between items. Saroguana is quite friendly, although they have a somewhat hard time befriending other kaiju due to their klutzy and slightly random nature, and despite being in the size range to get some sustenance out of human meat, has no record of actually eating humans strangely enough. And despite their scatterbrain-ed ness, Saroguana is quite curious, investigating even seemingly innocuous things. Of course, these fixations are quite sporadic, quickly moving from one thing to the next and back again, but the dedication seen in those periods is actually quite admirable.
History: It wasn’t too long after Christmas that reports came in about missing… well, just about everything past a certain size. Cars, cattle, roofs, even lampposts where there one moment and seemingly taken the next. A few years prior, this would had left authorities baffled, but the world was now firmly in an age of giant monsters, and the now-reasonable assumption that a kaiju was behind this was quickly assumed. But what kind of monster and where it was were questions still up in the air. A couple days later, a nearby thermal power plant reported disturbances, and several hunches where proven (as well as several bets won) when those assigned to investigate saw two large deep blue eyes staring right at them. The kaiju went on a brief rampage, surprising some with its leg-wings and besting various fighter jets with its dive-bombing prowess. However, during said scuffle, the creature spontaneously retreated and was later found resting in the same plant it was found in. The beast’s motives were realized when a crude cow carcass-ridden nest made up of wrecked cars, building pieces, and lampposts was discovered in one of the hotter areas of the plant, with the kaiju nestled in there like a bird. The creature (which would later be dubbed Saroguana for unknown reasons) was a large reptile in the height of winter, and simply trying to find a nice warm place to rest for the season, like a family during the holidays. Saroguana would later be shipped off to Typhon island where they have acclimated rather well to their new warmer surroundings.
At first it was a bit challenging trying to come up with an idea for a kaiju that fit within the parameters of ATOM’s fictional universe, since I’m more of a fan of the “ancient quasi mythical” aspect of kaiju rather than the “giant creature products of the atomic age” that ATOM’s kaiju are more inclined to. My original idea was a heavily mutated deranged crow, as sort of a reference to the infamous knife-wielding crow of Vancouver and the Giant Claw, but it didn’t really feel right. Considering a majority of ATOM’s kaiju are a reference to some distinct type of Mesozoic reptile, I decided to go from there. I wanted my kaiju to stand out, so I looked at the Triassic, and its menagerie of somewhat unappreciated reptilian oddities, for inspiration. I remember a majority of the dinosaur books I had as a kid, during the obligatory “before the dinosaurs” bit, had various stock species shown off, and two creatures that where often featured together where Longisquama and Sharovipteryx, mainly because of the outdated belief that they were connected in some way to pterosaur evolution. I had also been playing around with a speculative evolutionary concept involving the latter animal, wondering if the hind leg gliders could have evolved into full blown wings, said concept was also partly inspired by Sebulba from Star Wars. So, taking a page out of Toho’s notebook of prehistoric chimera kaiju, I decided to combine them, taking Longisquama’s quills and the main body plan of Sharovipteryx. The name is also a combination of the two as well, though I did change “guama” to “guana” to make it sound more like iguana, since the retrosaurs are tied to the old belief of dinosaurs being “big lizards”.
While the color scheme wasn’t featured on the illustration, (I’ve grown more confident in my drawing skills over the years, my coloring abilities, not so much) I decided to base Saroguana’s colors off of the Nui Rama from Bionicle. One was bright orange and the other was lime green, so much like with the design and name, I combined the color schemes into one.
The discovery date is the original Japanese release date for Rodan. It was the first kaiju film I ever saw, and seeing as how I was creating a flying monster, I decided to give it a little shoutout.
For @tyrantisterror​ and his kaiju contest
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crabdominalpain · 7 years
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my interpretation of @tyrantisterror ‘s Kaiju, Crustakra!
this was a weird design to work on, but informative! I think I’m gonna start commissions soon, based on how i could probably def sell this :3
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virovac · 3 years
Question on color scheme
Designing an alien monster that’s  [ info on my The ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest 3D entry in progress below. If have own entry idea, might not want to look in case idea similar to own, I don’t want to discourage anyone.]
kinda motorcycles what Rhian is to a helicopter
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What type of color scheme would one recommend for a sot of mix of triceratops, and dragonfly aesthetics? Along with fins similar to Kamen Rider Amazon Jungler?
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but organic so can be raised or folded.
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tyrantisterror · 2 years
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Ok, hey, remember that third ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest I held... over a year ago jesus christ?  Well, I was going to announce the winners as I normally do, i.e. by posting the files when they get done, but HAHA it’s been over a year and I’ve only got two done!  Two!  Haha!  Jesus Christ!
So, in addition to Yamaneolith by @polygonfighter and Kukulkuzana by @ariccio50, our winners are:
Fleagor by @evolutionsvoid
Argonautilus and Scuttlebutt by @dragonzzilla
And Jadeera by Sir K, who submitted his entry by google doc
THESE WILL GET FILES, I PROMISE!  And the grand prize winner WILL get their figure made.  Before the end of the year, in fact!  I’ll make it happen!  IT WILL HAPPEN!
In the meantime, hopefully this alleviates the tension a bit
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iamthekaijuking · 7 years
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@tyrantisterror just a weird way of me saying thanks for making this contest and for giving everyone a Kaiju file of their own.
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bonelessnerd · 8 years
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Another entry for @tyrantisterror‘s kaiju contest, this one a bit more unorthodox...
Aliases- The Unliving Island, Numbskull Rock, Braindead Hill, The Cave of Flesh
Location- Unspecified rocky island of the coast of Polynesia
Size- just over 700 feet long upon initial discovery, and processes of decomposition and rampant cellular regeneration have since caused the kaiju’s body to expand to an extent not currently known. While technically the largest kaiju on record, most experts disqualify Nogad from that title due to its unusual “condition”
History- During the mass chain reaction event caused by nuclear testing, many yamaneon-rich Kaiju ecosystems were brought to the surface. One of the oddest events linked to this reaction is the mass beaching of roughly a dozen Kaiju-sized organisms within and around the Polynesian islands. Of these, all but one underwent what would become known as the typical process of kaiju decomposition, rapidly disintegrating into crystalline spires.
All except Nogad.
Amid the madness and frantic activity of the Atomic Age of Monsters, many budding kaijuologists lept at the opportunity to study a massive, inert specimen, as well as attempt to decipher the mystery of its lingering corpse. Wilhelmina Lerna notably abstained from the proposed expedition to observe the fallen titan, under the belief that more lives could be saved by studying the behavior of living kaiju than poking at the remains of a dead one.
Upon arrival, it became apparent that the kaiju was not truly dead- the occasional twitch and shudder of its massive body suggesting that Nogad was paralyzed in some way. A party was lead directly into the beasts massive maw by Dr. Jonah Gulliver, who discovered within what he described as “an entirely kaiju-based ecosystem”. 
Biology- Nogad’s body houses an entirely unique biome consisting of massive, highly evolved parasites. Species of massive tapeworms, roundworms, sea lice, flukes, parasitic barnacles and more crawl and squirm throughout its inert flesh, feeding off of it as well as one another.
Dr. Gulliver discovered that the body of a kaiju provided virtually the perfect environment for parasites- a massive, infinitely regenerating host allowing them to grow larger and more advanced than any other opportunity available. Gulliver went on to become the world’s only expert in kaiju parasitology, on one occasion even being called on to treat Tyrantis for an infestation of massive radioactive scale-lice.
Nogad’s brain has been almost 50% consumed by a massive parasitic worm, dubbed “Trichinos” by Gulliver and potentially considered a kaiju in its own right. It is believed that Trichinos has some degree of control over the rest of the parasites in Nogad’s body through a combination of telepathy and pheromonal control. This bizarre collection of organisms is paradoxically the reason Nogad hasn’t dissolved into yamaneon crystals, acting as a life-support system of sorts for the comatose kaiju, their biological processes fueling the action of its internal organs while its regenerative cells are in a constant battle with the mundane processes of decay.
More History- Despite its fascinating nature, Nogad soon faded into a mere curiosity in the wake of increasing kaiju activity in the following years, although several follow-up exhibitions to the “unliving island” were launched. 
Local youths and fishermen have mapped the beasts internal structures more intricately than any visiting scientist, and can be hired by wealthy thrill-seekers as guides. Many claim that the beast is “even larger on the inside”, although these claims have never been scientifically proven.
Photographs of Nogad’s inner body cavity were used as the cover art for The Thunder Lizard’s fifth album, Whalefall, featuring The Cashews.
Artist Notes
This one was really inspired by kaiju-style locations like Skull Island and the like, so I thought “what if the kaiju was the location”. The Atomic Fossilization thing short me down for a bit before i realized parasitic wasps and shit keep their victims alive as they feed of of them. There’s still a bit of a lovecraft vibe (and reference) but of a different sort than my last entry. Not gonna lie I got a bit of inspiration from modern kaiju films like Cloverfield and that one scene in Pacific Rim.
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ask-drakos · 8 years
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King Crustaceous
Aliases: King Crab, The Tuesday Special
Date Discovered: August 10th, 1955
Place of Origin: Unknown
Notable Stomping Grounds: Area 51
King Crustaceous: Height: 115 feet Head Crab; Mantis Shrimp: Claw Enforcement, Crab One Length: 70 feet
Legs Crab; Hermit Crab: Over Crabpacity, Crab Two Length: 85 feet, claws to shell tip
Right Arm Crab; King Crab: Overkrill, Crab Three Length: 60 feet, claws to shell tip
Left Arm Crab; Pistol Shrimp: High Shrimpact, Crab Four Length: 80 feet, claws to shell tip
Biology: Originally merely a collection of aquarium crustaceans, the amalgamate known as King Crustacean was conceived as an answer to Mecha-Tyrantis – unsatisfied by the ineffectiveness of robot mechs and also the unpredictability of a kaiju cyborg, a still-anonymous mad scientist from an unknown part of the United States set out to create a more integrated cyborg that didn’t rely on programming to be effective. After collecting a mantis shrimp, a hermit crab, a king crab, and a mantis shrimp, it was only some careful Yamaneon application before they had some low-intelligence bases for their superweapon.
         Through means currently unknown, the scientist acquired the details to creating a psychic interface between kaiju and humans otherwise only known to those at Area 51, and implanted them into the four crab kaiju. Matching implants were set into four helmets – helmets worn by psychically inclined youths recruited by the scientist and trained in the arts of mech-piloting. The helmets transmit the desired impulses to the crabs’ brains and muscles, allowing them to function as a coherent whole. When riding in the cockpits attached to each crab’s carapace, each of the pilots can also activate various other cybernetic enhancements, including the massive electromagnets that allow the crabs to assemble into their more formidable, humanoid form.
King Crustaceous’ powers include:
·         Super strength
·         An enhanced healing factor
·         Immunity to radiation
·         Nigh-supernatural reflexes and razor-sharp claws; Claw Enforcement
·         EMP Pulse; Over Crabpacity
·         Vibro-blade claws; Overkrill
·         Cavitation blast; High Shrimpact
·         Personality: Being mind-controlled crabs, King Crustacean themself doesn’t really have much of a personality. However, the psychic connection between them and their pilots has lead to a few quirks being picked up when functioning autonomously in their off-hours – Claw Enforcement will assert itself over the others, High Shrimpact will keep its distance, Overkrill is flighty, and Over Crabpacity is stubborn. Beyond this, though, they all behave as normal examples of their respective species, if you exclude their tolerance of one another.
Their pilots, though, have much more personality. Though their real names and faces are unknown, likely for their own safety as they work with a high profile criminal on a daily basis, they will occasionally make public appearances as their (presumed) pilot personas, in full uniform and all. Though they will readily work with the government and others who need assistance fending off kaiju – occasionally including other kaiju themselves – these young pilots are largely independent and will act according to their own agendas and moralities when they conflict with those of their allies. As such, they are monitored carefully, in a sort of uneasy truce with more official kaiju prevention agents. An unfortunate side effect of this is that many field agents will draw straws to be the one who listens in to King Crustacean’s radio frequencies, and thus to listen to the frequent crab-themed one liners delivered during combat. Some have even begun to refer to this job as ‘crab duty’.
The leader, the mantis shrimp Claw Enforcement’s pilot, makes the overall combat decisions for the team, directing the cyborg as a whole. When in close combat, Claw Enforcement also can use its raptorial claws as weapons, their lightning-quick reflexes and razor sharp edges easily slicing through all but the toughest of kaiju armor. When on its own, Claw Enforcement is only lightly armored, but by far the fastest and most nimble of the crabs, especially when in the water.
The legs and main defense of the mech, the hermit crab Over Crabpacity and its pilot, are determined but stubborn, always willing to see the mission through to the end. Over Crabpacity balances the entire cyborg on its massive claws, their strength and flexibility giving an excellent platform for the rest of the team to base itself on. Both when assembled and when separated, an Electro-Magnetic pulse can be released from the cockpit, jamming electronics outside the cyborg and briefly stunning opposing kaiju. When separated, Over Crabpacity is the slowest crab, but by far the strongest and most durable.
The left arms of the cyborg, the king crab Overkrill, is the close-range combatant, along with their pilot, and are the main weapon when kaiju are within grappling range. The long limbs and dexterous pincers are invaluable when dealing with foes, easily able to grapple and still deal some hits. With the flick of a switch, Overkrill’s two pincer arms can begin vibrating at high speeds, allowing their claws to pierce deep into the hide or shell of a kaiju, or even deflect certain blows dealt. When separated from the others, both Overkrill and its pilot can be indecisive and hesitant to enter the fray, though they can be formidable when they work at it.
The final member and right arms of the cyborg are High Shrimpact, the pistol shrimp and its pilot. The specialized right claw of High Shrimpact can snap shut at extreme speeds, unleashing a blast of highly pressurized air or water that can blast through nearly anything up to two hundred feet away. This is an incredible asset when dealing with more dangerous or flying kaiju, as it allows King Crustacean to keep out of range of most damage, while still dealing damage. Somewhat appropriately, its pilot can also be distant, following orders readily but rarely showing initiative unless driven by extreme circumstances. When on its own, High Shrimpact can easily defend itself and others, but suffers from a lack of creative thinking and can get easily overwhelmed.
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polygonfighter · 8 years
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a kaiju for @tyrantisterror ‘s Create a kaiju contest
Aliases-  The Tar Ghoul, the Living Fossil, Mistake from the tarpits, the oozing phantom
Location- A location that was previously the los Angeles tar pits until a massive earthquake caused a fault to open up, now colloquially known as “The Pit”
Size- just around 150 to 190 feet in length but comes to around 75 feet at the full arch of their back
History- Index appeared mysteriously following the appearance of The Pit, flooding the surrounding area with even more tar and giving rise to this strange Kaiju. Initially noticed by oil companies for its habits of targeting and attacking anything containing petroleum, often putting it at odds with any company that makes use of it. 
Index often finds itself fighting its long time Rival Volcanus, forcing their battlegrounds to be evaluated and abandoned for extended amounts of time as the scorched land heals.
Biology- Oddly enough, Index in and of itself is a weak fighter, not hitting too powerfully or moving too fast and often seeming to collapse into a heap should it be hit just right. but its weakness is augmented by abilities which seem completely improbable even for the mysterious powers of yamaneon. index is capable of sustained, full levitation, intangibility and invisibility for short amounts of time, often giving them the reputation of being a spirit of both kaiju and creatures long since passed and extinct. 
Index Appears  to be incapable of being killed, or at least, possesses a method of ready reincarnation as each time Index looses they are killed outright, allowing their tarry flesh and fossilized bones to fully crystallize into yamaneon, though at most roughly a week later index can be seen prowling the earth again.
index has made another habit of stealing the corpses of other kaiju, absorbing their bodies (noted to be a completely different process as consumption) and return to their lair with them. for the most part it’s completely unknown what Index does with the corpses, but for the few who have braved the pit and returned to tell, spin tails of winding, massive tunnels with the massive yamaneon-crystallized bodies of kaiju embedded in their walls. 
More History-  Index has only come into the public eye recently, due to numerous coverups by petrol companies hoping to keep away the bad publicity. In their endeavors index has become a strangely positive public icon due to inadvertently protecting multiple cities from the assault of Volcanus.
despite their presence cause trees to wilt and animals to sicken, the yamaneon within the oil rejuvenates them after they recover, often leaving them twice as healthy as they ever were before.
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ATOMIC TIME OF MONSTERS Create a Kaiju Contest Entry 3 Mk-II @tyrantisterror
Monster of the Mine -KING SOLOMON-
After discovering a document from the 19th century describing a cursed diamond mine in the Congo filled with brilliant emeralds, a multinational party of explorers voyaged to Africa to investigate what scientists believed to be an exposed vein of Yamaneon. 
After locating the mine, the expedition discovered a slew of mutant monsters had made the tunnels their home and were ruled by a titanic baboon, who the party christened King Solomon: the master of the mine. The monster had a brutish personality, a quick temper and a fascination with shiny objects. It’s own personal burrow within the mine was filled with crystal Yamaneon, diamonds, and gold. Other monsters craved King Solomon’s hoard and challenged the beast for it, but all were slain. The band of explorers knew the risks but the value of the data was too great. They probed deep into the mines, into Solomon’s very lair  and began collecting the samples of the crystals they had worked so hard to find. All was going well until the greed of one explored cause a small landslide of gold rousing the ape from its slumber. The adventurers ran as fast as they could from the titan and hid in the smallest places they could find, ut the ape was crafty and found them at every turn. All seemed lost until three savage monsters emerged from the depths of the cave system. All the craved Solomon’s glittering hoard and were ready to cooperate to take it from him. The tiny humans were no longer a threat to the ape and a titanic battle ensued.
King Solomon fought valiantly despite the uneven odds, but even a fighter as savage as he could not hold his own against three retrosaurs. Pity (and perhaps the fact that the four giants and their conflict blocked the tunnels that lead to the exit) made the explorers relent and devise a strategy to even the odds. They carefully scaled the tunnel walls and placed strategic explosives, retreated to a safe distance and detonated. Massive boulders and shards of crystal Yamaneon fell from the ceilings, burying one monster alive and distracting the other two long enough for King Solomon to rise to his feet and deal the finishing blows himself.
The expedition hoped to sneak past the victorious simian, but that was not to be. Solomon positioned himself between the league of spelunkers and their freedom, casting down a critical eye. Perhaps the beast was grateful for their assistance, perhaps the crystals that were dislodged by the explosives were enough to replace what the humans stole, but the vicious and greedy King Solomon relented and let the humans go.
The humans had survived their voyage into the world of monsters. They had successfully retrieved the samples of Yamaneon they had voyaged to Africa to find and they had all kept their lives in doing so. but their adventures were not quite over...
So first things first: I am not good at mammals. I’m not good at reptiles either, but mammals are even worse for me. So I’m sorry for that. I do like the face a bit though, he’s got kind of a Murasame mask thing going on. Still a pretty Japanese looking monster. I just wanted to make a monster from Africa for this one. I went through a lot of ideas. I though about a Lion or a hippo, which weren’t drawn, but i do have concept art of a crocodilian spinosaur, a retro spinosaur and a wildabeest kaiju, which i will post later., but i settled on going for an ape. It’s perhaps too King Kong, so i tried to obscure it’s species and do some new things with it. It’s hard to tell but the nose has some splashes of bright red and blue on it, to help craft an identity. 
The horns on its head and the plate armor on its wrists are basically hardened skin, or.. keratin, ,I think it’s called? Fingernails. or Rhino horn. They’re studded with Yamaneon, and are a mutation that resulted from the radioactivity.
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quinnred · 8 years
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My final entry for @tyrantisterror ‘s ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest.
Name: The Slickener Aliases: The Albertan Slick, Tar Spawn, Nope, Krudde, Canada's Abomination, A Monster eh’? Date of Discoverey: 1955, August 1st Place of Origin: Athabasca, Alberta Canada Height: 115 ft Notable Stomping Grounds: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan Abilities: Toxification, regeneration, mutation, colour shifting causing psychedelic and seizure like effects, sound mimicking, can twist limbs for new purpose, produces "slugs" Description: body very similar to that of a burrowing owl in anatomy, orifices resembling eyes, cloaked in thick oily ever shifting skin, long fingers with sparse webbing, two long worm like tails, one sprouting from the front the other the back, face, fingers, feet, and tails are flesh pink, surrounding skin resembles oil slick. 
Origin: With the shocking emergence of enormous beast in 1954, Canada was preparing itself for it's own monster troubles the following year. Oil resources were probed and immediatley dug into, the precious crude oil being funneled into the rapidly developing kaiju defense program. Environmental effects were considered, but ignored for an apparent "greater good". Unknown to the government funded oil companies, the oil they were digging up was not completely normal. Something resided within the oil, something old and curious. Over many weeks, the excavation crews grew more antsy, reporting a constant feeling of "being watched."Gradually things got stranger, missing persons, disappearing wild life, destruction of drilling equipment, and odd reports of "fleeing bigfoot families." This all reached a crescendo on the 1st of August as the oil screamed in colour and arose with a body of pseudo flesh and bone. What it exactly was is still unknown, the Yamaneon element is yet to be found in it's residue, leading some to believe that it is some sort of alien or supernatural force or a yet undiscovered mutative element. None of that really mattered as it terrorized Alberta, discovering it's shape and gazing upon the world with false eyes that sung unnatural hums. It's rampage was only stopped by a forest fire which seemed to frighten it extremley, its skin crackling dry upon contact. Currently large thermal devices have been placed in strategic locations to keep it at bay, but it still banes the country like a oily spectre. Personality: The Slickener is like an infant, inspecting it's world with no care other than itself. It's imperfect and still learning of it's world, learning of itself. It seems to be infatuated with living things, alive or dead, but no interest for objects. It mimics the sounds of other kaiju it's heard, but attempts for possible affection or whatever it's doing generally end with a sick or dead kaiju and a upset Slickster.
The tails appear to have minds of their own, wriggling around each other or probing the area as the Slickener walks. Some think these are either creatures attached to the entity, or remnants of a larval form, much like an umbilical cord.
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