pc7ooo · 3 months
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Независимые разработчики создадут приложения для российского электромобиля Атом
Разработчики Атома совместно с академией творческих индустрий Меганом и арт-кластером Таврида запускают бесплатный образовательный проект для ИТ-специалистов. Участники создадут игровые приложения для цифрового маркетплейса Atomverse, доступного на борту электромобиля Атом.
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/27/196-nezavisimye-razrabotchiki-sozdadut-prilozheniya-dlya-rossiyskogo-elektromobilya-atom-grss-320046968.html
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labmem002 · 2 years
sigh i missed on three robot brackets !! and none of them had characters from the Atomverse :/
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virovac · 4 years
Kaiju ideas so far for my Austrailian Atom spinoff (if TT does host a story compilation some day like he hopes)
So far
My girl Bajingis and my boy Artilleron
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Other than that:
Koala (most developed)
Inhuman shaggy haired humanoid that’s possibly not even a mammal (feels too out there actually now that I think about it, since even I don’t have a plausible origin)
Cane Toad kept captive and poison harvested for use against other kaiju
Several ideas for cattle herding dogs and sheep dogs, could be bad if they end up still protecting herbivore kaiju damaging the environment, but others could be good boys...[maybe an elderly dog could feel reinvigorated by yamaneon]
A minor-scale plant-based kaiju that is a terrifying hivemind that while it doesn’t eat humans, has no problem attacking them if they dare interfere with its growth and can be cunning in making use of human transportation networks to spread its seeds...
edit Another idea
Emu version of King Ghidorah crossed with the Giant Claw
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peejayand33 · 5 years
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Welcome to the Atomverse...
The Hall Of Justice
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starkdirewolflove · 5 years
Team meeting in the bunker and they’re trying to figure out how to destroy the anti monitor for good.
Ryan and Ray are going to shrink him and send him to the “atomverse” Nash keeps calling Sara Scrappy.
“This can work Sara”
“If we’re gonna go down, we’re going down fighting”
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tyrantisterror · 6 years
So in ATOMverse what filled the niche of ocean predators after the permian extinction? Would it still be the ancestors what would be the icthyosaurs and plesiosaurs in our timeline, only to be outcompeted by the retrosaurs at a later date? (Though that could be awkward if transitional tyrants hadn't evolved yet in timeline). Or maybe an aquatic offshoot of the primitive carnivores that later got outcompeted by transitional tyrants descendants...
I’m not going to give a definitive answer to that, since the only two options both seem unnecessarily cruel to the icthyosaurs.  Either they never evolved in this timeline (sad), or they were driven to extinction when the retrosaurs took over the seas (which feels too close to a “my monster is cooler than yours” sort of thing for my liking).
So take your pick I guess.  Which is less awful?
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sailorramoon · 8 years
What was your opinions on the school thing when Astro Boy/Pluto did it?
Something stupid on the meta, real-world level can still be readable if it makes sense in-universe.
To take a Rockman example, see Classic Wily. Completely bonkers and makes no sense, right? Now compare Classic Wily with Ariga Wily, or even better, with Protomen Wily. Ariga Wily and Protomen Wily are what happens when Classic Wily is given continuity and made to make sense in-universe (Ariga being the take of an optimist, Protomen the take of a pessimist). Both of them still make one want to shake them by the lab coat while screaming “Why would you do that?!” on a meta level – but both are believable. Their actions, in-universe, make sense in light of their personality, the technology they have access to, the society they live in, and what is happening around them.
Atom being sent to school is like that. While on a meta level one has to wonder what everyone in that universe is smoking to believe robots would work this way, in the story itself, it makes sense. Atomverse, having been created ages ago (1952) by someone who was very much not a computer scientist, does not handle robots like actual AIs. The author had no idea how things like the internet would develop, or how social psychology worked, and so on – and all of Atomverse reflects that. So on top of sending a robot to school therefore being in-universe believable, it’s also something Ochanomizu himself would absolutely do, and that might actually have a chance of working. It’d be laughable in real life, but it does work in the world portrayed by the story, the “Future as imagined by someone in the 50s.”
Modern stories don’t have that – they keep the idealistic ideas of the fifties such as robots mentally behaving like humans and sending robots to school, but do it while basing their world on current known tech, which itself works on principles that make this view of robots obsolete. So you get your kid robots at school while the internet exists, and adorable innocent AIs all over the internet despite the existence of social media, ads everywhere, porn hubs, etc. It just doesn’t work.
In short, Tetsuwan Atom falls under Zeerust – it’s dated, but the things it depicts were believable at the time they were written, and behave consistently with one another. The new Rockman cartoon however, unless it proves to tackle the issue in-universe, falls under Did Not Do The Research.
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virovac · 3 years
Why at least one mad scientist in the ATOMverse will be convinced the reanimation viruses are linked to origin of life on earth
The connection to humanity in only known “natural” samples only infecting humans will fit into religious ideas of humanity’s importance and something like EVAngelion idea of an origin of life.
The ability to make dead tissue animate (while still connected to a body with an inner pulp of living tissue) brings to mind primordial slime forming into the first life forms.
The sheer tenacity of fish , and their muscles frequent ability to move when dead duet to sodium can be linked to zombies by a madman. And the ocean is the cradle of life!
image below hidden for real-life body horror of a fish that apparently doesn’t realize its dead yet.
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virovac · 4 years
so Round up of ATOMverse monsters canonically, semicanonically and I headcanon as being created as a result of the USSR attempt to nuke kaiju
(All art and models by author of the series, tumblr user Tyrantisterror /author William Cope)
Lets’ look at the two canon ones first
The Writhing Flesh
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Turns out nuking a kaiju point-blank pulps them, but the regenerative abilities will be raised to sea-sponge levels...the parts of several kaiju twitching remains merged together to create The Writhing Flesh (also known as “Cuddles”)
Their fellow abomination, Gorale, was from the remains of a yeti-descended kaiju farther from the blast fusing with a dying whale caught in the blast.
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(I chose the author’s homemade puppet incarnation for visual aid, as the dorsal fin’s position in artwork bothers me)
More below. Links to sources in next post.
The semi-canonical Dreg, 
from the create a contest entry by tumblr user bugcthulhu
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Dreg’s kaiju mother was rendered all but dead by the nuke and her dying body redirected all resources to her altered child. He emerged from her corpse
Dreg is what happens when a kaiju’s powers are destabilized.  He grows far faster than is normal for a kaiju, and his metabolism is even more exaggerated, giving him an insatiable lust for flesh.  His growth spurts result in a body that is bursting with energy but lacks any stability, making him a frenetic and violent creature by default.  When he satisfies his uncontrollable hunger, Dreg can reach a massive size and develop into a vicious fighting machine.  However, he cannot recover from damage in the reliable way most kaiju do, and ultimately reverts to his fetal form when combat takes its toll on him.
of note is that Tyrantisterror headcanons that his mother was the same species (or close relative) as my own semi-canonical entry: Bajingis
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Others I just headcanon existing in-universe as they are designs author created in the past
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Conquerverm I’m almost postivie was in a previous outline of the story on TT’s now gone devianart account (back when it was meant to be a futuristic sequel to B-movies and kaiju films called the Second Age of Monsters rather than a period piece), being one of an honestly bloated list of monsters set to appear in the Siberian monster zone.
TT redrew them for  30 Day Kaiju Challenge Round 2
 I think accidentally turning the intestinal parasites of a kaiju into kaiju themselves by way of dropping a couple of atom bombs on one 
In the previous 30 day challenge he came upwith another kaijufied parasite which I headcanon came from the same incident:
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I headcanon Titantick as another parasite on one of the mammalian kaiju, a overachiever barely hanging on against their powerful immune system, until they got a second chance at a new life with the drop of a bomb.
Given these two parasitoids would came into existance in Siberia, I imagine they quickly burrowed underground (or into a huge kaiju) to get warm and might be existing without Russia’s knowledge.
Other possible parasite kaiju include barnacles and whale lice lurking in the Siberian sea unnoticed, kaijufied at the same time as Gorale’s whale half.
Also a word from the author on the moral here.
Yeah, sure, scientifically an atom bomb would kill Godzilla.  Allegorically, however?  Allegorically, you don’t solve a problem made by the reckless use of nuclear weapons by recklessly using nuclear ******** weapons.  Allegorically, dropping an atom bomb on the product of an atom bomb makes MORE PRODUCT OF AN ATOM BOMB.
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virovac · 4 years
Reanimation viruses of Tyrantisterror’s universe
Given their ability to animate "nonliving matter" feels at least some whack job would hypothesize the reanimation virus are linked to the genesis of life itself somehow.
Would fit virus world hypothesis and the idea that “viruses are simpler so must have come first” [I prefer a nonunified origin of viruses combining multiple theories given their relative simplicity of structure, but I’m a layman]
Of course the fact that such viruses are connected to humans and strangely resistant to mutating to cross over to other species (and apparently they might have a huge number of human genes inside them like many viruses specific to a certain host sharing genetic material with that they are specialized against) 
would probably lead to an insanely humanocentric theory resembling the lore of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
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tyrantisterror · 7 years
EMELA-NTOUKA: as cryptid in Tyrantisverse: Really strange mammal or transitional tyrant?
When it comes to ATOMverse cryptids: if it can be interpreted as a retrosaur, it will most likely be a retrosaur.
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