yuvantech · 2 years
170 Ideas For Instagram Captions for Boys Attitude Simply
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starsnores · 1 month
Scrolling through twitter and i saw a popular tweet about how "if i wrote a popular story and people shipped the wrong thing i couldn't handle it i would try to kill the ship" and comments under it about "or the wrong character too" and man i just. Have thoughts just considering. My current obsession.
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crimsoncold · 3 months
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Hello fellow Jonsa fans + Jon Snow Fans in general...
I'm pretty confident in saying that the treatment/characterization in later seasons (as well as the overall show ending) for the Starks- specifically for Jon Snow- was in a number of ways a massive disappointment for many fans.
And over the years I've waffled back and forth between hope and pessimism on how accurate the show ending of several characters is for predicting what will/would happen to them in the books ...
So to organize my thoughts (and try to come to some conclusion) I've tried my best to formulate possible attitudes, reasonings, justifications, and supporting evidence for why fans might be anything from strongly opposed to the idea that the endings will be the same, to willing to believe the two endings may generally resemble one another, or for thinking/being resigned to the idea that they will essentially be the same in all the core aspects...
So I am curious, after having a couple years to ruminate on how the show handled its characters ...
What are your thoughts on Jon Snow's show character arc and ending, specifically on how it would (or will) compare to his book arc and ending?
... and which of the following opinions/attitudes on the subject do you identity with or agree with the most?
(Warning this post is kinda rambling and long - and im sure other people have phrased their thoughts on this issue much more eloquently/with more supporting evidence/or at least while being less admittedly biased- I really tried my best to be open minded and be non-critical for all the options but I think I failed for the last one lol - but its kinda cluttering up my head and I wanted to put it into words to clear things out a bit
...but I'm also curious about how others feel about this issue so I'll post this write up as is and then I will post a more succint follow up in the form of a poll to see how fans in general are leaning on this issue in a few days....)
Starting out strong with...
ATTITUDE #1: they will NOT be the same because the show choices and ending don't actually fucking make any sense?
His name being ... aegon?...because he is "the prince that was promised"?....ummmm Rheagar already had a child that was his "prince aegon"...who (other than the showrunners) would think it a good choice to name the next son the same thing...also why would Lyanna who has been kept from her family and left to bleed out alone after childbirth give a shit about "Targaryen" prophecy nonsense and choose this name? Her father and eldest brother have been murdered, she presumably wasn't allowed to contact or leave to go back to her family, and she was left by the prince to endure pregnancy and childbirth with improper care, and as a result she is now bleeding to death without knowing what will become of her son... but sure if she names her son something it would be Aegon and not after her deceased father or brother or just literally any other a name that is not from house Targaryen (you know the people responsible for her family's brutal deaths and her own likely impending death).
And if despite book! Lyanna's apparent wisdom shown in her appraisal of Robert's flaws we are supposed to accept uncritically the show idea that she went willingly (or at least that she stayed willingly) with a prince who was being unfaithful to his wife and had abandoned his children in kingslanding and who ran and left his mad King father behind in power who would then go on to gruesomely murder her family... even if we ignore this and the fact that she should rightfully hate Rheagar at this point (or at least see this prophecy nonsense as Rheagar's own brand of madness) why would she choose this name if she needs her son to be protected (i.e. be hidden by his uncle from everyone who would like to wipe out all remaining Targaryens)?
(Tyrion = known kin slayer/presumed king slayer/a fucking lannister the house who had been complicit in invading and slaughtering nobles and peasants alike in the north and riverlands in support of their rule through a false king/accomplice to a Targaryen lead invasion and the mass slaughter of KL= righteous dude and new Hand to the King?)
(Jaime Lannister= sworn member of the kingsguard/infamously breaks his vows and murders the mad king/his reputation is permanently ruined/for years never tells anyone his motive for killing the king was to prevent him from wiping out the entirety of kingslanding with wildfire/yet still gets to maintain his position and isn't executed or sent to the wall or even stripped of his position because his dad is scary, his family is powerful, and now they have direct ties to the new King?)
(Jon Snow= is a stark both through his mother and the man who raised him as a father/ from a house that is respected even loved in the north- the family that is the heart of the story/he works to make peace with former enemies and band people together against a massive threat beyond the wall that could kill everyone in westeros/kills a known violent and a mass murdering invader who had control over a creature that is the narrative equivalent of a weapon of mass destruction/consequently a queen slayer and kin slayer/is related to both the new King of Westeros and the QITN who were raised with him and presumably love him and want to protect him = is punished for his actions through exile to the Night's watch?
... which doesnt even have a purpose anymore now that wall is destroyed, the dead have been destroyed, and the north has since allied with their former enemies who they were previously using the wall and the Night's Watch to defend against
... and this is upheld in the north and by his family despite the fact that the stark kids held the fervent desire/wish to return to their home but more importantly to be reunited with their remaining family in any way possible... despite the fact that the north is independent and should give absolutely no fucks what the rulings and demands are from armies and lords who previously were you know fucking invading them, fighting against them, or at least were in no way the north's supportive allies?)
This does not track at all... terrible and inconsistent writing/world building..."one million years dungeon" to whoever thought this would be well recieved or an impressive ending... book end and arc for Jon will not be like this at all.
ATTITUDE #2: Not the same (*beyond perhaps a few superficial aspects*) because narratively and thematically it doesn't make for an effective or engrossing story?
Jon's identity, his desire to know who his mother was, his deep underlying wish to live up to the expectations of his father and be the type of son that through his actions reflects well on his father rather than one who brings shame simply through his birth, the curiosity secrets and rumours surrounding his mother and birth that that are shown to reach far beyond the borders and nobles of the north, and the truth around his biological mother and father.... All of these things should have more of an impact emotionally for the character as well as more consequences and impact plot-wise or politically speaking than it ever did in the show!!!
e.g. Jon's identity issues have generally centered around the desire to know about his mother and a desire to be a son that makes his father proud/reflects well on Ned Stark's memory despite his bastard status... an "oooh look at his Trueborn Targaryen Prince name" moment is not a satisfying closure to this question/conflict... yes knowing the identity of his mother is important to him... but so will the fact that Ned (his uncle/foster father) chose to raise him as his own to protect him... and chose to name him Jon after the man who fostered Ned, loved Ned like a son, and who revolted against a king when he called for Jon to execute his two wards Ned and Robert... emotionally speaking it's Jon's stark half (and the fact that Ned isnt his bio father) that should matter to him the most to jon... far more than the "Secret Targaryen prince" thing... there is little catharsis available for Jon in his Targaryen ancetry-with the exception perhaps of what it might mean for his future/his dreams of marriage and children (more on this later)...
Jon's internal conflict should matter (his dreams of being a father/husband and recreating the family he has lost, his desire for lordship over winterfell, his devotion and love of his trueborn siblings, his shame around his birth and the ambitious dreams that he rejects but still holds, his struggle against all these in taking the black/rejecting the offer of lordship of winterfell/and supporting his "sister's" claim, the potential issues caused by the conflict between Jon's determination to protect the rights of his trueborn "siblings", Robb's will that goes against this wish, and the question of who the Notheners will wish to crown when Jon reunites with Sansa or perhaps one of his surviving "brothers", these things need to be adressed with nuance rather than written off as if they never existed like they did in the show
The Stark kids deserve better, they are essentially the heart of the story, they are constantly thinking about/ longing for their dead kin as well as their lost but surviving siblings, some (i.e. Jon and Sansa) are both literally dreaming about recreating their lost family through their own potential marriages...so all of their reunions need to be important emotionally for the characters and should be more meaningful in terms of narrative... anything rather than the nonsensical, unnecessary, and poorly justified or resolved conflict and mistrust the show gave us between the stark kids....anything other than all the Starks (willingly) being separated once again at the end (which writers thought this made for a powerful or emotional end for the starks...and what on earth is wrong with you?)
The many parallels, shared dreams, and increasingly apparent foreshadowing that point towards Jonsa/a Jon and Sansa marriage in the books (too numerous for me to list here) will need to pay off - (Arguably even the show hinted towards a Jonsa romance with the tension, intimacy, longing stares, jealousy and love triangle-esque framing in later seasons. All of this takes more than just actor chemistry... as in writing directing setting framing lighting etc.) and GRRM won't chicken out over some foster sibling/cousin incest like (presumably) the showrunners did.
The book (and show even) established clearly that people who choose to burn other people alive during battle/as a method of execution/or for human sacrifice purposes are being set up as distinct flavour of villain in the story (Stannis and Melisandre, Tyrion and Cersei, Aerys and Daenerys)... Jon himself is shown to unequivocally be against using this sort of inhumane execution on ones enemies in both the book and the show (i.e. recall his plotline with Mance Rayder/Mance Rayder's son) ... why on earth would he ever trust or be emotionally or willingly romantically involved with someone who does this at a large scale (and who comes from a family that previously murdered his own kin in this horrific manner)... this makes no sense for his character or his arc.
While overall the story certainly makes for a remarkably dark/gritty fantasy tale...to end the entire series by just once again hammering home the idea that nothing we do matters, people dont get what they deserve, there are no happy endings in reality, etc. would leave things on a sour note and not be a particularly meaningful or thematically or emotionally satisfying end ...hell A dream of spring (Formerly A Time For Wolves !!!??!!!) implies a hopeful (though given the series perhaps a bittersweet) end that the show ending (particularly the Stark ending) absolutely did not deliver on
So ultimately to be a satisfying story the character arc/book ending for Jon Snow must, by default, be significantly different than that of the show.
ATTITUDE #3: the endings will not be very similar simply because the show already changed too much storywise/characterwise for it to match what happens/will happen in the books
(Almost too many examples to list for this so I'll only mention a couple of the more grevious ones)
They've written off too many hugely impactful characters (remember lady stoneheart?!!?!!!)
and changed plotlines in too many profound ways (e.g. remember when Dorne and House Martell characters mattered, made sense, were consistent? How Jeyne Poole's narrative was simply given to Sansa?? WTF!!!!! Absolutely the most grevious thing the Showrunners inflicted on her that had NO basis on her material from the novel)
or in general just handled plotlines just too poorly (The long night/invading dead gets a lot of build up- multiple books and seasons- and should be handled more effectively than they did in the show- where it was written off resolved rather quickly to get back to the dragons i mean political intrigue...There is no easily defeated big bad in the books... show!Night King does not have a counterpart or exist in the books!)
and they reduced, white washed, or generally dumbed down characters too much (look what they did to Varys and Tyrion... but also look at Jon!!!!!!
Jon Snow of the books is young but smart, he is sneakier and sassier, and under the right circumstances less beholden to "honour" and much more ruthless than Ned or his own show counterpart (ALSO he is notably against people who execute their enemies via burning alive -just putting that out there again)... so we shouldn't expect Book!Jon to have the exact same behavior/choices of show!jon.
... hell even show jon of early seasons was vastly different- more interesting and thought out and still you know treated as a main character- rather than a kowtowing 1 dimensional man they tried turning him into in order to prop up the Dragon Daenerys plotline)
.... and showrunners just made too many narratively unsupported choices (Bron as Lord Paramount of the Reach. Why? Are ALL the Tyrells dead? Are all other noble houses in the reach dead? What is even happening here?)
Based on all we know from comparing the completed show to the published books in an albeit unfinished series... and how obviously they have already been proven to differ significantly... as fans we shouldn't expect or resign ourselves to the idea that show ending = novel ending... because from what we know for a fact happens in the books has already shown to be massively changed in the tv series.
ATTITUDE #4 & #5:
The books will be similar to some (but not all) aspects of show Jon's later seasons plotlines/his overall ending...
the book will be similar to most aspects of later seasons of the tv seasons -in terms of Jon's arc and his overall ending...
BUT!!!!! crucially these things will be handled better or at least with far more nuance than the show
The showrunners had a general outline so one has to accept that at least some (or even all) of the major aspects of plot and character arcs will be consistent .... they will just be better built up to and justified through better writing and the sheer aspect of getting to read and understand a character's thought process rather than trying to decipher meaning through the scowls/stares/and increasingly poorly written dialog of later GOT seasons.
Specifically, for Jon's later seasons narratives... well perhaps he would be willing to work with people who are violent, unhinged, or dangerous in order to fight against the white walkers, he absolutely is willing to make allies with long standing enemies of the north in the interest of saving the north/all of westeros from the dead (i.e. the free folk), he definitely would be willing to lie to them about his loyalty and respond to their romantic or sexual advances if they pushed him... simply in order to stay alive and to fulfill whatever his mission is amongst his people's enemies (refer to his past interactions with Ygritte and the free folk), he is definitely ultimately willing to "betray" said "allies" and "lover" when their intentions and actions violate his own moral principles or are a threat to his people.
He would definitely sacrifice his own honour (through breaking vows, kinslaying, or queen-slaying) if it meant protecting his family and you know protecting the entire population of westeros from an invader pushed over the edge... who has just committed mass murder of innocent civilians (just look what he is willing to do/what vows he is willing to forsake for the saftey of his sisters/cousins in both book and tv show)...
So some of the show canon/plot/and choices would hold up in the books... so long as they are done with better motives/and while being able to look into Jon's thought process (political!Jon theorists rise! this is the only way this plotline makes sense without assassinating his character).
As for the the Stark/Jon Snow ending (Bran ruling the south, an independent North ruled by Sansa, Jon exiled beyond to wall, and Arya leaving westeros and her family behind)... well I can find satisfaction with and confidently stand by the idea of some of the general outcomes holding true (i.e. an independent north, Sansa reclaiming the north and her identity as a Stark, and that of Bran as king).
... Arya's and Jon's endings are perhaps harder to support ...so maybe they will be different in the books?
Having the freedom to explore and go on adventures seems a long held dream of Arya's, and after the very traumatic and dangerous way this dream of her's came true perhaps her once again experiencing freedom from the expectations put on noble born girls and feeling actual inspiration to travel and discover new places (rather than it being based in necessity) will be a satisfying end... so long as it's not a permanent separation from her home and siblings.
As for Jon's exile... well it's perhaps the hardest to support? but it could potentially stand in the books as well- it could fit a more bittersweet tone that could suit the end of the series that was often quite dark...
Also there are potentially some supporting narrative paralells for Jon say marrying or having a child with Sansa before they are ultimately separated (e.g. Bael the bard, King-Beyond-the-Wall having a child with Lord Brandon Stark's only heir and daughter; or perhaps a reversed version of the historical Jonnel and Sansa Stark marriage... in this case a male relative marrying a female heir to protect her claim rather than to steal it... and this time its the wife who remains and keep rulership of winterfell after "losing" their spouse, instead of the reverse happening)... so this could unfold in a manner that simultaneously fulfills the heavy jonsa marriage + children foreshadowing while still in a way corresponding to the general jon snow ending of the show of exile/leaving with the free folk...
On the other hand if Jon and Arya's endings are the same in the book format perhaps these less satisfying fates could still serve to at least provide interesting narrative parallels to the previous stark generation
(Brandon & Lyanna-Robb & Rickon... beloved siblings who died tragically and live on through the love and terrible grief of their siblings,
Ned - Sansa... inheriting what would have gone to their older brother... but are left alone to carry the burden of ruling winterfell/the north and the only surving stark who will marry and have children to carry on the family line
Ned - Sansa & Bran... who survived a war that killed many family members, going on to inherit rulership (in some form) that would otherwise never have been theirs, and perhaps the most lonely aspect they are ultimately separated from their family by duty, vows, or the choices from their surviving sibling(s)....
Benjen- Arya & Jon, surviving non heir/non ruling starks? who ultimately - perhaps through some combination of grief over their losses, desire to find their own purpose beyond what is offered to them as a non heir member of a noble house, or due to vows they have sworn in the past- leave their surviving family and home behind to make their way in life somewhere else, returning to winterfell/their ruling siblings and surviving family only rarely (if at all), thus making for a slightly more bitter than sweet end for the starks who survived the would be annihilation of their house...
So for these reasons I believe some of these (or even all of these) perhaps controversial and unsatisfying show choices, plot points, and endings around the Starks or Jon Snow could also occur in the books... they will just be presented better.... more in character, with more thought out build up and justification, with more emotional nuance, and in a manner that does address or correspond with the foreshadowing in the books.
ATTITUDE #6: I have come to terms that it makes sense that book ending and show ending will essentially be the same for... various reasons?
...ummm because it just makes sense to me? i don't find it an unlikely or unsatisfying end so I'm fine with it and feel certain it will be the same in the books?
Or because the show ending was admittedly a trainwreck but since I am pessimistic I dont expect a happy or even simply a narratively or thematically satisfying ending to the book series at this point, so yes they will be the same?
....because I think that the showrunners despite how crappy they handled the plot/characters in the later seasons (or occasionally through out the entire series) have to be in the know about major plotpoints and overall series ending so fans must just accept that show ending (for the most part) = book ending?
... breaking the format here but im not sure why else Jon or Jonsa fans would feel this way?...
but I am genuinely curious though so i guess please feel free to share any compelling foreshadowing/hints/justifications in the novel series you've found that either
a. supports showrunners choices regarding both some of the questionable show!Jon Snow's actions...
Choosing to go to dragon stone himself to negotiate with an invader rather than sending a representative, bending the knee without better negotiation, clearer threats against his family, or without even listening to the advice of his northern advisors or family,
Willfully ignoring potential allies available to him (e.g. the vale) Instead of you know finding ways to negotiate and make use of them when he needs to or it is necessary for his survival and then choosing later on how to handle the people who are not strictly speaking trustworthy or are ultimately still an enemy (you know like he did in the past?)
Letting himself be crowned KITN without any meaningful internal struggle or backlash and without requiring much persuasion from his family or advisors...despite this occuring in the presence of one of his trueborn "siblings" - you know Sansa (anyone else remember Jon saying that winterfell belongs to her when he rejects Stannis' offer of ruling the winterfell? That feels like its significant)...and despite the fact that he loves and remained loyal to his trueborn "siblings" and had previously defended his "sister"'s claim to winterfell and the north at the expense of his own opportunity to gain rule over winterfell.
Lending support/men to a Targaryen invader with a checkered past regarding her ... -having kept slaves and/or profiting off of slavery -utlizing "former" child soldier/slaves for her army or servants
(Recall slavery being a big no-no in westeros and particularly the north? Like execution or exile levels of bad?)
-her incredibly controversial and destructive past weilding of her weapons of mass destruction dragons and her questionable ability to control her child eating beasts
b. Supports Jon Snow's ultimate fate (of a sort of tragic hero, banished by his cousin/foster brother for doing what was right and necessary ... just because it went against the restrictive and high standards regarding the proper and honourable treatment of royalty and ones kin ....and because letting him free would upset the handful of allies that said late (and im sure so highly venerated) mass murdering invader/would be dictator had by the end of the story,
And Him not being given refuge in the independent north, by the people who supported/elected him king, or by the express invitation the cousin/foster sister who loves him and has both authority equivalent to that of her brother king while also not being beholden to said king's rulings... and instead being essentially in exile from both the southern kingdoms of westeros and from an independent north and thus the entirety of his surviving family.
Yes I'm totally against show Jon Snow's ending and much of his characterization/plotline in later seasons...and generally find it difficult to swallow/believe the idea that book!Jon's arc/end would be the exact same as that of the show!jon
...but i dont actually intend to just be judgemental of/argue with/try to disprove Stark/Jon fans who believe that what happens with book!Jon will be the same as what happend to show!jon.... I may personally find it hard to accept (both emotionally but also based on the ample available evidence of the significant changes the show had already made from the available published source material)
....but I am genuinely curious about how people feel about this idea if they do truly believe things will be the same for book! jon as it was for show!jon (Satisfaction? Happiness? Anger? Disappointment? Resignation? Acceptance? Indifference?)
.... and also about what evidence/foreshadowing they have found in the books that has persuaded them (and is maybe not discussed seriously enough by fandom) and could have rightfully been included in my reasonings for why people believe that the book ending and character arc for Jon Snow will/would be the same of that of the show.
So my closing thoughts...
Have i missed any notable reasons or evidence that you think would sway someone to one attitude/opinion or another?
... have you, like me, also occasionally been on the fence about how closely what happens in the books will resemble what happened in the show?
... has anything in this post (or another fandom post) changed your mind? Or served to further solidify your position/opinion on this topic?
...do you feel more or less certain about your own stance on the comparison between show and book Jon Snow's overall arc/ending?
... is anyone feeling less resigned/pessimistic about what will happen regarding Jon/Jonsa in the books now? (Because that was sort of my goal here in this thought exercise... thinking through arguments that either support or go against the idea that Jon- and Jonsa- will have a happier or more fulfilling arc and ending in the books than they did in the show... and hopefully finding and summarizing enough evidence to persuade myself- and other fans- that the book outcome will be a more positive one than the show, for characters and fans alike!)
- Crimson Cold
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dont-fear-thereaper · 4 months
My besty and I suddenly decided that Robin and Sunday are ottokevin children
They literally look like Otto Apocalypse and Kevin Kaslana had twins. You can't argue with the facts. You can't prove me wrong. They are the parents.
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bluebellhairpin · 7 months
I have to admit that I was still am a huge how to train your dragon fan.
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buck1eys · 10 months
"it's a comedy show about pirates!" I insist, as my worst and most traumatic memories flash before my eyes
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tularose · 2 years
I am not like a foremost expert on men and everything but I feel like when you start modeling your understanding of them based on the behavior of actual literal dogs in a way that isn't a furry way you've done wrong. you have made a mistake and need to do it better. it's just like so weirdly infantilizing to read stories where men don't really get treated like, adults capable of making decisions
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ratmans-notebooks · 11 months
todays topic in my gothic lit class is "insanity" boy oh boy i cant wait for the 2 allistic nonpsychotics to talk over me about how saneism doesnt exist anymore laalalala
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gallerypeice · 2 years
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sunny-ssunset · 1 month
Kenny with a girly rich popular fem reader💖
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dividers by a random website on google
♡Cute little headcanons about Kenny with a cute little regina george-ish reader (ALL AGED UP)
•Kenny is actually fucking obsessed with you lmao
•Following you around everywhere
•He just thinks you're perfect
•Like a little barbie doll
•He'd want to spoil you but you'd end up spoling him lmao
•Karen fucking loves you
•Everytime you see her you'll bring her a present
•You'll take her shopping on her birthday and stuff
•You and Kenny would play dolls with her
•Anyways back to Kenny
•As mentioned hes obsessed and flirts with you all the fucking time
• "Hey gorgeous, ya come here often??? He'll say with a stupid smug grin. "Ken we have been in the same class since we were kids."
•He actually brags about you so much to his friends, that they probably know more about you then you do yourself
•Tbh i think he is very loyal and would never cheat on you despite his manwhore attitide
•And i think he acts like a manwhore out of insecurity if that makes sense???
•He thinks you can do way better
•And for him pretending to be something he isnt is a defense mechanism
•Kenny is obviously very poor so he stays at your place alot
•And your parents arent usually there so i guess you can both do whatever you want
•Im gonna be honest this man stinks so please bathe him lmao
•Anyways he is always holding or touching you
•Poor baby doesnt want to lose you
•He'll listen to all your popular gossip and he'll get really invested
•"Yeah so Caitlins just been broken up with by Jared because Caitlin was sleeping with his brother" "WHAT."
•He has no idea who those people are most of the time either lmao
•Hes also really good with his hands (you cheeky sod)
•He knows how to do your hair and cook and like craft stuff
•He had to learn for karen soo
•Hes actually really smart aswell, like he will be able to get a decently high score on a test without even studying
•I think its because he like doesnt really talk and he's a really good listener
•I also believe he is very shy, i dont think hes smooth and charismatic as alot of people say he is
•Hes shy and insecure unless you are close with him
•Anyways dating kenny is like dating your best friend
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dividers by @k1ssyoursister
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jangtaerang · 2 months
That mean!eunseok smut you made?!?? Has me on my knees and losing my mind 🫨🫨 meanie Eunseok just hits the spot right? I can see him being a rude to readers friends and his own friends are used to it by now (if he manages to keep any with that behavior) but he’s also the type to not give a shit about other people’s opinions on him and if he hears any rumors about him? Yeah he’ll just call it fan theories cause he don’t give a fuck!
Is he like the tsundere type? And how mean is he to the reader in general as well? Need to see what shade of the red flag he is hihi
he IS kind of the tsundere type! and you're right, he's generally a person who doesn't care about anything too much unlike you who cares about everything deeply, which is partly why he became interested in you in the first place
his blatant and straightforward attitide comes across as rude and he's aware of that, especially when he's talking to you and he sees your excitement deflate when he answers your questions rudely or simply doesn't return the energy you give. he likes it when you pout and get sad, and he doesn't apologize or offer his comfort because he knows that you'll come back later and cuddle to his side to feel better, one of his arms wrapping around your shoulder, but he doesn't even bother acknowledging your arrival as he scrolls on his phone. he has never declined your request for comfort, but he will never initiate it. but it's still one of his actions that shows he still loves you despite his uncaring behavior.
while eunseok definitely gets noticed due to his good looks, his personality is often a turn-off, and many people wonder how he came to be with someone the opposite of who he is. a lot of people believe eunseok is forcing you to be with him, but as they watch you cling to his arm and talk his ear off while his hands remain in his pockets, never once looking at you but purposely walking away from or around objects so you don't bump into them, they can see how it worked.
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 2 years
Okay this is the last D&D-critical post imma make in a while bc I don't wanna focus so much on negativity so I just wanna get it out of my system real quick.
The thing is. I would like to be all live-and-let-live with 5e-only people. Because the thing is like. If you want to never play anything other than 5e and just homebrew it for your Star Trek campaign or whatever else, that's your right as a player, or a GM. While on a wider cultural level I think that the fact that "why play anything else just homebrew everything into D&D" is becoming the default for people coming into the hobby plays into the way WotC is choking out the TTRPG market; but on an individual level it's like. If you wanna homebrew guns and cyberarms and play cyberpunk on 5e with your friends I'm nobody to tell you not to do it, and I hope you have fun doing it.
But the reason I'm so cynical about 5e is because of the way this attitide surrounding D&D has encroached on online TTRPG spaces.
In my personal experience with online TTRPG communities (and of course this might differ for y'all, you might have been a lot luckier than me) things have gotten to the point where, unless you're SPECIFICALLY in a no-D&D-allowed space, posting anything along the lines of "I wanna run a game of [not d&d] but I can't find any players, do you know anyone interested?" or "anyone got any recs for a game about x that does y and z?" is likely to get you a 5e fan trying to kindly enlighten you about the fact that you don't HAVE to use a Whole Other System to do X! and about how D&D is so versatile and you can totally use it to do X if you just reskin the classes and weapons and homebrew Y and Z! And how if you think about it and squint really hard this class is basically just a Barbarian and this other class is just a mix between Rogue and Wizard! And the stat block of a Beholder can be easily reskinned to fit this creature! As if the only reason to ever consider playing anything other than 5e is that you're a poor oblivious fool whose eyes haven't been opened to the wonders of putting superficial elements of the TTRPG you actually want to play into D&D and by telling you that homebrew exists they're freeing you from the shackles of "having" to play games not owned by WotC.
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punkeropercyjackson · 15 days
As an alt Batfam autistic,the gender swag erasure y'all do to Jason and Stephanie CANNOT stand.Yes,Jason is a masc dude and Stephanie is a fem girl but they're goth punk and pastel punk about it.Read:Nonconformists!!!Jason is positively and healthily masculine and isn't pissy about 'childish'/feminine things because he's self-confident enough to not care about 'proving' his manhood and has too much street cred to be afraid to dive into gncness when it comes across his path and his masculinity is the accurately gothic kind.Homeboy is macabe and cryptid-esque asf PERSONALITY and lifestyle wise,not just in aesthetic(although that's absolute a part of it,all his Red Hood costumes are at least goth-y/punk-ish with his current one being the best potrayal of goth punk drips he's ever had)and Stephanie has the attitide and mannerisms that would get her branded as a tomboy by normies-She's loud,she's mean,she's snarky,she's unhingedishly goofy,she's sloppy,she's kiddy,she's got a temper and violent tendencies,she's a metalhead and tons of other things because she is everything BUT her gender is purely feminine.She's a y2k/90s pink girlypop but in purple flavor and she has typically girlish tastes and behavior like trashtalking boys for being stereotypical boys,emphasizing her girlhood at every chance as it's so important to her,wearing overtly feminine outfits and makeup,being a mom friend and TONS of other things.Jason and Stephanie are alt/punks.Their relathionships to gender aren't the same as normies and they shouldn't ever be potrayed as such because alt subcultures,ESPECIALLY punk,are heavily tied to transgenderism and queerness in general so it's a pipeline to erasing that.Please don't do that and consider headcanoning them as afropunks(afro-dominican Jason + jamaican/south korean Stephanie)with me instead for even more accuracy since punk was made by black people and Jason and Stephanie work perfectly as black characters
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karlachismylife · 1 day
I Need My Love To Be Here
Once again I couldn't help but do the second-most voted choice too. Why am I making my own life so much harder?
CW: fem!reader, reader and Price are married and have a daughter, long-distance relationship, my music taste projected once again, the tiniest bit of suggestive teasing, toothrotting fluff.
(Title from The Beatles' "Here, There and Everywhere")
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Dealing with an energized six-year old refusing to go to bed was a battle alright, especially when your trusted partner with his commanding presence and a true Captain's voice wasn't there to help. You couldn't blame your little one for behaving herself better when John was around: isn't a natural law that the one parent that's often away and always comes back with gifts is the favourite one? It's not daddy who's forcing you to eat healthy food every day and go to sleep when you want another batch of cartoons.
It's the strict, stern-looking mum with her hands on her hips as she scolds you gently for throwing a fit over putting your toys back like promised.
Still, you'd want a little more appreciation and cooperation from Princess Price, sulking in her frog pjs - everything was frog since recently, you even got daddy a froggy hat for when he comes back from deployment.
He was away for a long time. Not somewhere dangerous, he told you as he called and texted regilarly, but he was constantly held back by one or the other thing that just couldn't be resolved without Captain's expertise.
That's what made his new phone call just the sweeter, since the first words you heard after closing priness's door hastly and moving to the living room, were:
"Guess who's coming home tomorrow, darling."
A relieved, longing sigh escaped you as you leaned onto the couch and stared at the ceiling with a dreamy smile.
"Good. Someone here needs a reminder how to listen to what she's being told."
"Is princess being a bad girl?" John's hearty chuckle warmed you even through the phone. You bit your lip, trying to save your own face from splitting in two with the horribly wide smile - same was gracing Price's face for sure, you could hear it, his plump cheeks all big and round, almost hiding his happily narrowed eyes.
"Not necessarily bad. But we have attitide and no respect for mummy's authority. Maybe I should start calling myself Captain too, just for her to listen to me."
"I'm afraid, impersonating an officer is illegal, love," he huffed and chuckled again, gruff, big, bear-hugging sound. A pause. "Are you being a bad girl?"
You pressed your phone closer you your ear as a warm tingling flooded your cheeks and held your breath.
"I'd like to report I'm being perfectly good, sir," if only you could see the way his kind eyes twinkled in the dim lighting of wherever he was, sitting on a chair with knees wide apart, one hand holding the famous cigar.
"That's good to hear. I have a little something for you. A reward for being so good for me and waiting while I'm in this shithole."
"The only reward I need is you back home, John," you weren't even being coy, just honest. It was so long since you last felt his rough palms slide over your sides and lock together as he pulled you into a tight hug from behind, pressing ticklish kisses into your nape.
"I know, sweetpea. Consider this an apology gift then, for taking so long," he didn't let you argue a single word, clearly set on having you accept whatever he prepared, as if him being alive, well and home wasn't enough. "Got us tickets to that McCartney concert, love. For all three of us. Gotta start teaching our princess what good music is."
You gasped, jumping in your seat - your heart did a little flip, cheeks burning now, butterflies that never went away even after years of marriage flocking to your lungs.
"But it's so close, how did you even- oh, I just wanna kiss all hells out of you, John!" His laughter dripped through the phone like spicy honey, sweetening already increbibly sweet deal.
"Oh, I can tell, love. Hope you feel the same way tomorrow."
"Why is tomorrow so far away?" You allowed yourself to be just as sulky and pouty as your little one snoring softly in the other room. Of course you could wait another day, you've waited for months already. But now every minute felt like a whole month itself.
"That's so you can get enough sleep before I make you forget about it for several nights."
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riacte · 5 months
I genuenely think False likes whatever Ren and Martyn have going on, like remember how she ended her episode about the decked ot stream, with "you can t just not love those 2"? And in general her whole "oh god no there we go again but i ll stick around bc this is funny" attitide. In False Supremacy We Trust
Ohhhh I'm so sure she's having a good old time. She's a Tumblrina, she understands these kind of things.
Ren is basically her blorbo at this point. Loves annoying him. Loves killing him. Loves putting him into situations. Loves shipping him. She is very entertained lol
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rotten7rat · 8 months
Jason found the first strand of white in his hair when he was 15. He didn't bring it up to Bruce; he dyes his hair anyway, and Bruce was mad at him so why bring up something as stupid as grey hairs? He forgot about it. He goes to Ethiopia. And we all know the rest.
Talia is brushing his hair, wondering if he is even really aware of what she is doing, when she finds a few stands of white in his crown. Over the next few months, Jason makes very few improvements. He does little more than look out his window and fuss like a child younger than his years. But he seems to recognise some people: a couple of friendly servants who tend to him the most, Talia, and the little boy trailing silently behind her. His patch of white grows as he does. Slowly but steadily. Ra's tells Talia Jason is a waste of time, resources. But Talia has plans for the boy. She knows what to do, but she must act fast.
Jason looks at his face reflected in the river beneath him. Really looks at it. It had been 6 months since the Pit, nearly a year and a half since he came back from the dead. A year of puberty had changed him significantly, the Pit seemingly allowing him to grow past three years of desperate hunger and missed milestones. Despite the deep scars that warp and twist his face, marring his mouth into a permanent sneer, his teachers call him young and childish when referring to his appearance (and his attitide), but Jason sees how much he has changed. The shape of his nose, the width of his jaw, his once strawberry-blonde hair has darkened, the curls not as tight as they were. His shoulders are much more broad than he remembers, and he realised last week that he must be almost Dick's height tall for his age now. But what his eyes linger on is the patch of white pushed back from his sweaty forehead. He has a vague memory of a single white hair, of not wanting to tell Bruce finding it important at the time. The single strand has grown into a patch almost the width of his thumb, some strands spread further from the main streak, almost giving it a faded-out look. His teacher calls for him and he turns away from his reflection. What he looks like is unimportant, he has plans to enact.
Bruce looks at the child young man across him, helmet off and pain open to the cold Gotham air. The scars that run from chin to temple are deep, and Bruce remembers the way that part of his child's face hung on by a thread, soot settling into the no longer bleeding flesh and the crevices between his exposed teeth. He remembers what it looked like when it was sewn up; Bruce had opted for a closed-casket funeral in the end, unable to look at his boy's mutilated face, the way his freckles contrasted against his pale skin, never to flush or tan or sunburn again. What he also remembers is finding a lone strand of white hair in his son's curly bangs weeks prior, not wanting to bring it up lest he upset the boy. Willis was grey at the temples in his mugshot, and he was only 27, and Sheila bleached her hair to hide her own salt and pepper strands despite being only 35. His boy had earned a few premature grey hairs, after everything he had been through, but a 15 year old boy might not feel the same way, and Bruce did not want to damage Jason's confidence. The strand had grown into a glaring chunk in his absence, now bright and obvious in the dim lighting. Bruce's hands shook as he plucked a batarang from his belt. His hands never shook, and so he didn't notice when they shook as he took aim at the barrel of the gun. He should have noticed how they shook.
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