#audition cut
lizardkingeliot · 3 months
sam and jacob like each other so much i honestly don't know what to do with myself every new video i watch is just bestie adventure tales and heart eyes to the extreme and i don't... i don't know... what i'm supposed to do...
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spacy-snail · 3 months
I’m just got done watching the DCC documentary and all I have to say is if I was one of the girls that made it, got uniformed, ultimately got cut, and then heard the shit the women in charge said about me the entire time behind my back… that would actually be my villain origin story I’m being so serious
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laundrybiscuits · 9 months
I had zero plans to continue this but @shdwsilk came in with the extremely good takes sooo…
If you don’t know Inception this is probably incomprehensible. Soz.
“Shouldn’t you be talking to the mark?”
Steve visibly startles as Eddie slides onto the barstool next to him. Steve’s in a suit, because the mark is the most boring person alive and thinks a fancy cocktail party in a hotel is the stuff dreams are made of; Henderson was extremely specific about the number of dashing rogues Eddie was allowed to drop in for passionate speeches and/or dueling purposes.*
“Eddie?” says Steve. 
“Mm, no, Johanna Berger.” Eddie tosses his head, letting ice-blonde hair cascade over his bare shoulders, and smirks up at Steve. “I am quite charmed to meet you, darling.”
Johanna is a young widow who may or may not have had something to do with her late husband’s untimely death, so she’s wearing a plunging black dress designed to show off some real bombshell curves. He’s pretty proud of her rack, honestly; it’s harder than you’d think to make sure everything looks realistic. 
“Are you doing an accent?”
Eddie scowls. Johanna went to an international school, so her accent’s subtle to the untrained American ear, but he spent two solid hours last weekend reviewing Austrian vowels with his dialect coach. 
“Are you not doing an accent?”
“Uh, no? Because I don’t need to? The mark’s from Connecticut.” 
“Perhaps the both of you could use a little more exposure to…foreign affairs.” Johanna leans in coyly, trailing one red nail up Steve’s arm. 
Steve lets out a snort that sounds completely unrehearsed. “Does that ever actually work for you, dude?”
Johanna tilts her head, gazing up at Steve. She’s not the type to get intimidated, but she is the type to be curious. She’ll take risks if it means getting a chance to pry someone open. 
“You don’t spend much time with other forgers, do you?” she says. 
Steve shrugs. “I don’t really do the whole, uh, dreamsharing community. I mean, I guess I’ve kinda been doing this a while, but like—not seriously, you know? It’s not really my thing. Wasn’t planning on any more jobs at all, but Henderson showed up, and you know what that kid’s like.”
Steve looks so openly fond just saying Henderson’s name that Johanna has the sudden urge to shield Steve’s face from the crowd somehow. The poor fool, she thinks in despair. He has yet to learn that a tenderness like that is to be protected.
Or—maybe Johanna would be contemptuous. Maybe she’d think: what a fool. Anyone could see how to break Steve Harrington’s heart.
“Yeah,” says Eddie. “I know what Henderson’s like. Biggest pain in my ass imaginable.”
The soft look on Steve’s face shifts into a real smile as he glances over. “Tell me about it,” he says. “Hey, you sound like you again.”
“What, no I don’t,” says Eddie. 
“No, it’s good. It’s better than whats-her-name.”
Eddie looks down at himself, thoroughly-researched curves straining at the satiny bodice and a manicured hand still resting on Steve’s arm. “Maybe you just need to get to know Johanna,” he says. “She’s a hell of a dame.”
“Sure.” Steve winks. “Tell her to give me a ring sometime.”
“Oh my god, why are you hanging out with projections,” says Mike freaking Wheeler, popping up like a bad penny in a cater waiter outfit. “Steve, go talk to the mark! We’re running out of time!”
“Okay, okay, sheesh,” says Steve, pushing away from the bar.
“Jesus, Wheeler, we’re two levels down. We got plenty of time,” says Eddie, pointedly not watching Steve weaving through his crowd. 
“Wait, is—are you—Eddie?” The kid is openly gawking at Johanna. 
“Eyes up here, champ,” says Eddie. “This is Johanna Berger, and she’s here to make sure everything goes according to plan. Also, she’s here to look appropriately and publicly devastated at the tragic death of her husband, because the yacht club wives are getting gossipy.” 
“Whoa,” says Wheeler. “That…wasn’t in the briefing.”
“Keep up, yeah? You’re in the dreamshare business, the briefing never covers everything.” Eddie puts a tray of champagne flutes in Wheeler’s hands and snags one for Johanna as Wheeler fumbles to keep from dropping the rest. 
Johanna sips the champagne. It doesn’t taste like anything at all. 
“Darling,” she says. “If you learn to let dreams surprise you, I think you will have a better life, yes?” 
Across the room, Steve looks up from charming the mark. He smiles at Johanna, just a quick and completely unprofessional flash of teeth before turning his attention back to a Connecticut banker who probably wouldn’t have a hope in hell of catching Steve’s attention in the waking world.
Or maybe that’s Steve’s type. Maybe he’s got some smart, boring wife in a conservative pantsuit tucked away somewhere. Maybe she comes home every day like clockwork to a hot meal and freshly-bathed children and has absolutely no idea that her trophy husband inhabits dreamscapes in his spare time. 
No, he is better than that, thinks Johanna. In my soul I know that he deserves better. I would take him away from such a woman in an instant.
Which is just—
Okay, so Steve Harrington might be a slightly bigger problem than Eddie’d thought.
*“Zero, Eddie! Zero rogues, zero secret Cinderellas, whatever that means, zero drama. Just assume the answer is always going to be zero with this guy!”
“Then what’s the goddamn point, Henderson?”
“Uh, maybe the nice fat paycheck coming our way?”
At this point, Eddie can either admit that he isn’t actually in it for the money (gross, not an option) or subside into a sulky silence. So: zero dashing rogues. It’s fine. He’s not bitter at all.
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paula-in-dreamland · 2 months
Am I crazy or is acting seen and valued as a career in the UK so much more than the US?! Like, the amount of actors who not only started young in plays/theater companies then went onto specialized drama schools is astronomical? I feel like in the US, there are not a lot of theatre companies aside from major cities (and even then, its hard to get your foot in the door for these productions or you need $$$$). Other than that, you’re taking advantage of your school’s theater programs and hope they are good/well-funded. For example, my brother’s school also had acting as an elective, which he took as it was an easy A as a naturally talented actor. But, my school did not. Just had theatre tech. And yes, we had a strong theater program but I also was way too anxious to audition except for the Middle School musical twice and DramaFest my junior year. Also please note - both of these schools were prestigious private schools. ALL OF THIS TO SAY - Am I crazy? Do we devalue the arts more than the UK?
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lesbianboyfriend · 2 months
sitting in their room muttering mabel monologues to themself is the most fun a girl can have without taking their clothes off <3
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siena-sevenwits · 10 months
It’s play cutting day! Going to try to make sure every actor gets at least one cool moment.
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graysongraysoff · 3 months
why everything gotta cost money
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Oh god. Do I go back to the community theater that’s half an hour away that had a kinda shitty director this summer just because they’re doing Newsies and I genuinely think I have a shot at Davey and I REALLY want to play him?
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creaturefeaster · 2 years
i am so curious is twiddle australian or british
His original VA was Australian.
This is part of the original audition track for Twiddle Niddle, some 10 years old now or more, I think. I don't know where the VA ended up, I haven't been in contact with them for years now, but they had an amazingly deep voice for their age. 14 at the time of recording I believe. I'd like to hope they don't mind me sharing this snip of history :3.
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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They cut the carousel 🎠 part out from the theme park episode ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
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maybeimamuppet · 8 months
don’t suppose anyone happens to know how to like instantly undo massive vocal strain and or get a lost voice back lol
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thedeviljudges · 2 months
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belladonnafleur · 3 months
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thistaleisabloodyone · 6 months
Listening to Go on the Rampage and, honestly, if the recorded version is the same as the one they performed before final lineup - I think if they'd stopped and looked at the way this song is structured, they would've seen it's a song set up for three vocalists. Every verse, every chorus, Kazuma -> Hokuto -> Riku. It's three lines, one for each vocalist, you cannot take a vocalist away and still have a balanced song.
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
Tom: *tries to bully Carlos into singing something for the fans*
Carlos: *suggests Danielle sing something instead to draw attention away from himself*
Danielle: No one wants me to sing LESS than you do, Los!
Carlos: *dies laughing*
(from 17:55 of this video)
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thedevotionaltour · 10 months
i have to kill my school. what do you mean my sci fi class is falling into non applied coursework. i know it is art history but see that's still in fact liberal arts and also see i can't get my liberal arts elective with a specifically listed course if you have quite literally only one ~proper liberal arts~ elective listed. that is literally impossible for everyone. no one will get a credit that way. PUT MY SCI FI HISTORY CLASS INTO MY LIBERAL ARTS ELECTIVE CREDITS BOY.
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