#augh it's so weird and frustrating
moonbittern · 1 year
in network effect murderbot is starting to get the hang of talking about its feelings for mensah (with mensah herself but also with amena!! love that) but not in a human ritualized way, just like. using its own words to describe its own feelings instead of using someone else’s words to approximate them. it’s good
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seagullcharmer · 9 months
been a loooong day. very sleepy. but! making progress on fi
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o-wyrmlight · 1 year
One of the squash plants stems split really badly and I wasn't sure about how to fix it. In the process of examining it, I ended up breaking the stem, so it doesn't matter now, anyway. So guess that plant's trashed now, huh.
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harpysongs · 1 month
I shouldn’t be doing all this bullshit. I should be wandering some arid landscape in the distant past
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foldingfittedsheets · 9 months
When I was young I was dating this absolute cocknob right as I graduated high school. More on that later.
As a present ostensibly to me (but mostly my folks) I was whisked away after graduation to spend two weeks in Europe with my parents. The plan was to see London, Paris, and Heidelberg.
I was moody and a teenager and was largely disgruntled by this fabulous adventure. I went along with sullen foot dragging and black looks. I commandeered my reprehensible boyfriends enormous black hoodie and wore it on the trip. At the start of our jaunt into London I mentioned offhandedly to my mom that it was burning when I peed.
“You’re just dehydrated, and your period is about to start.”
She was right on both counts. I upped my water content, and had my period (which may have contributed to my overall ill humors.)
So we found ourselves in a tiny hotel in Paris, a week into our jaunt, when I repeated, “Man, it just really burns when I pee.”
“What?!” my mom demanded.
“I told you like a week ago that it was burning.”
“Augh! Now we have to go to the hospital!” she proclaimed.
“What?! Why?”
“Because,” she snapped, “You have a bladder infection.”
More bickering ensued, and my temperament was not improved by knowing I’d told her I was having an issue a week ago and been ignored.
My dad heard about the itinerary shift with resignation and we trooped down the narrow stairs as a family to ask the concierge where the nearest hospital was.
The absolutely lovely man at the desk was immediately so concerned when we asked for directions. “Is everything okay?” he asked with very genuine sympathy and I muttered that everything was fine, we just needed a quick visit.
Lucky for us the hospital was only a few blocks away. We walked there and the building was massive, home to what appeared to be several separate wings but no obvious main entrance.
We wandered inside and it was like a weird dream. There was no one around. Huge echoing corridors met us as we peered in vain for a front desk or possibly signs. We searched with increasing frustration for anyone to talk to and somehow found ourselves in some tiny back offices.
A woman sat at her desk and looked bewildered to see three lost Americans approaching her. She greeted us and as a family we all simultaneously realized the massive flaw in our current course.
You see, dear reader, we did not speak French. My dad and I both spoke German. I inquired politely if she also spoke German and she shook her head looking increasingly cornered. We asked if she spoke English.
“Leetle…?” she replied.
“My daughter has a bladder infection! Blad-der?” My mother declared this at a high volume as if volume alone could bridge the communication gap, while simultaneously miming over my stomach, circling where she presumed my pelvis was under the gigantic black sweatshirt.
The woman’s expression turned extremely skeptical and she slowly repeated “Bladder…” She scrutinized me for a moment then said, “You go…. This?” And pointed to something purple on her desk.
“The purple signs?” my dad asked.
She nodded and we set off. I was stewing with resentment at my mom for having ignored my first complaint when we were in a country that spoke English. And also generalized hostility about being on the trip and the object of miming. Now here we were in a French hospital, lost and unable to communicate. I also was under no illusions that someone who didn’t know the word for purple would have any clue what bladder meant.
And slowly I realized what had actually happened as I peered at the purple signs. My mother circling my stomach with her hands, gesturing to my middle. The woman’s skeptical face.
“Hey mom,” I chirped, syrupy and smug. “I don’t speak French. But I do know that it’s a Latin based language. And wouldn’t you know, but that purple sign looks an awful lot like it says ‘maternity’ to me.”
“Shut up!” she snapped.
A few minutes later we stood surrounded by the moans of pregnant people and the cries of fresh new lungs wailing at their first taste of cold air.
I smiled sweetly at my disgruntled mother.
Luck was with us however. A nearby father noticed us and came over to ask if we needed help. With perfect English he gave us clear directions.
As we finally approached the right area for walk in services it was clear how we’d missed it the first time. A large swathe of the front of the building was covered in tarps. A huge wall sized window was broken, and construction was taking place, but at least it had a bustle of people and a clear line. We sat down in the queue of chairs.
While we sat some police officers came in. They walked up to a man ahead of us in line and with few words exchanged they handcuffed and led him politely away.
I was genuinely so out of reality. Every new thing that happened was like a bizarre dream from the empty hallways to the maternity ward and now this tarp strewn waiting room in which people could just be calmly arrested.
It was a shock to me then when we reached the front and the nurse spoke with perfectly unaccented English to assess me. Not only did she know bladder but a whole slew of other medical words I couldn’t guess at. I peed on a stick and we waited.
When we got the results she told me it was good because they could give me antibiotics today for my now confirmed infection, but bad because I’d need the doctor to sign off. I nodded and my mom and I were escorted to yet another small room to wait.
When the doctor arrived I felt suddenly gangly and awkward. I’m not tall but I towered over this tiny French woman who radiated calm composure. She seemed to be around my grandmothers age. She looked up at my blushing face and said, “Bladder infection?” Her English had a much stronger accent than the nurse but with the same medical competence.
I nodded.
She nodded too and we sat in a still contemplative moment on my UTI.
“Do you have… boyfriend?”
My face was on fire, every cell of me wanting to flee from this tiny perfect old woman. I nodded.
She nodded too. We sat still in the knowledge that I had a boyfriend and a UTI.
“Do you and your boyfriend do… it?” Her delicate accent stretched it into “eet.”
I don’t know if she didn’t know the word for sex or if she thought saying “it” was kinder but I wanted to melt into the floor and cease to exist to escape my increasing mortification and her meaningful pause. I nodded.
“Okay,” she said kindly. “When you and your boyfriend do… it… you must make pee pee.”
I writhed slightly under the psychic damage of this elegant medical professional saying “pee pee” and I nodded more emphatically hoping she’d desist this torture.
She continued. “If you and your boyfriend do… it… five times? You make five pee pees. If you do it ten times, you make ten pee pees.”
My face had never been hotter, all the blood in my body had volcanoed to my head, pounding in my ears and valiantly attempting to give me an aneurism to end my suffering. There is no mortification as acute to a teenager as an adult talking about sex and here was this medical professional telling me about… it.
Meanwhile, my mother. Who should have been regretting her poor parenting and reflecting on her neglect in failing impart this vital part piece of sex ed to her kid. Alas, she was laughing herself sick the corner. She added to my embarrassment by quietly repeating “pee pee” and “it” under her breath as she wheezed and chortled.
The doctor patted my hand kindly and handed me the antibiotics. I got to spend the rest of my trip in Europe avoiding direct sunlight and listening to my mother parrot “Do you do… eet?”
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lorryicious · 1 month
do you perhaps have any more Loretta/Bill content I’m VERY curious about their dynamic now 👁️👁️
I HAVE. SO MUCH. CONTENT. Loretta has been an oc I have had for YEARS so I absolutely have SO much stuff on her! Shes definitely my favorite oc alongside Jack, my other gravity falls oc. The short of it is they are forced to work together out of inconvenience by the Axolotl.. The most recent development has been the change in Lorettas ability revolving her sight because I thought it would be so cool if Loretta had the same/similar kind of mutation to Bill. It didn't change much to her character, just another reason why they ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time (time police events. I seriously need to write fanfic of the whole story LMAO)
Their dynamic is SO FUN. They bicker ALL the time and usually are yapping about something. They live together, so I think they argue over the smallest things. When they first ended up needing to work together, Bill was not thrilled AT ALL. He was VERY closed off. Loretta, not knowing this creature at all, just decided to let him do his own thing. It's only after an event where Loretta protects Bill when he's at his weakest that Bill realizes Loretta is harmless and that it wouldn't hurt to try to get some enjoyment out of her company. That turns into an actual friendship, which turns into Bill finding out Loretta is like him. Through this, they open up and become closer because of their similar identities. They just ended up on different paths because of their own mutations AUGH. Bill wanted more, when in comparison Loretta was content with what her world was already like.
Loretta is a demon hunter. She takes bounties from individuals around town to get rid of weirdness. She naturally has a knack for attracting it, so the job is perfect for her. Bill helps her with her bounties; in exchange, Loretta lets Bill drain her energy so he can regain his physical form. I have a whole animatic on my tiktok that shows how the possession works-
They are silly. They fight over what to watch on the tv, they karaoke and drink together, it takes AGES for Bill to actually open up to Loretta, Whenever they decide to share the bed (even though Bill doesn't sleep) he kicks off Lorreta off of it anyway just to frustrate her, they do makeup together, They drive up to one of the hills in gravity falls via Loretta's motorcycle and watch the sunset together. Love them. I have SO many thoughts on their dynamic, but they are there for each other, and despite all their issues, they love each other. They NEVER say it to each other because Bill is deathly scared of that word.
They are an oc x canon ship so they are together as partners TECHNICALLY. Still, I also think they are so messed up via the canon story that an ACTUAL domestic relationship dynamic just doesn't work for the two. Plus, Bill needs help understanding labels and Loretta doesn't need them. Plus there's the Jack situation...Which is a WHOLE OTHER RANT. JACK. AUGH. The love triangle (literally) goes insane. In my happy au they are a polycule asf.
Literally ask ANY questions about them, I might even draw something up if its a fun scenario you guys send,,, I LOVE THAT PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED IN THE OCS BECAUSE !!!! I HAVE SO MUCH CONTENT FOR THEM.
Some of this is older art but it still works <33 and I STILL LOVE IT
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This one I did recently-
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Great side effect for being able to see outside your plane of reality AND being intertwined to a demon, you get to relive HIS trauma TOO!! (imagine how horrifying that was when Loretta told Bill the dreams shes been having) (double note: Bill played it off like they were random when he was FREAKING OUT ON THE INSIDE)
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Hey there! I saw ya post and uh wondered if I could request Tom smut.
A one shot where reader and Tom sorta hate eachother but always have this sexual tension, and one day when the group was bored and decided to host a "party" (it was js them watching movies and not really paying attention to it with junk food and soft drinks)
After Edd n Matt go to bed Reader and Tom are left Drunk outta their minds, so yknow they decided to start insulting each other but Tom accidentally lets his real feelings slip and called Reader Hot or smth and they start uh doin the thingy yknow. Sorry if this is long
Fem reader if that's alright! Also I'm sorry if this is too specific but can reader also be around Tom's height? Thanks!
| " Hate and lust are so similar "
AUGH I LOVE THIS??? Sorry it took me so long to see this-- been without a monitor for a little while. Hope you like this! NSFW ;; MDNI !! Tom x FEM!Reader ( P in v, switch!Tom + Switch!Reader, degrading + praise, hate sex(? Maybe?), hair pulling, drunk sex ) okay so this has been ROTTING IN MY DRAFTS FOREVER,,,, and i dont have the motivation to continue it so im posting it as is, if people like it i'll probably finish it
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Tom, with his weird black eyes, ugly brown hair, and a smile that made you weak in the knees with.. disgust. You hated him, really. Hated him so much. Though you didn't know much about Tord (you had moved in after the mysterious Norge left), you could understand why he supposedly hated him.
And Tom hated you, too! So it was justified.
"..Ugh, fine." You groaned at Matt, who was stood in front of you, bright eyes sparkling as he had been begging you to get out of your room to hangout with everyone. Including Tom. But, he had promised free drinks.
"Great!" Matt exclaimed, grabbing your hand and dragging you excitedly to the living room. Whoa, Matt and Edd had gone all out, huh? The table was filled to the brim with an assortment of snacks, and beverages, both alcoholic, and regular.
When your eyes settled on the familiar brunette, you felt a pang of annoyance hit you. To be honest, you had forgotten Tom would be here too.
"Oh, great," Tom's voice drawled out, "the local douche is here. Y'not gonna ruin this for all of us, right?" A sigh emerged from Edd, and Matt rolled his eyes. You weren't as amused as Tom seemed to be.
"I should be asking you that, fuckass," you countered in a huff, walking to the very opposite side of the couch and plopping down.
Despite the few quarrels between Tom and yourself, the night had been going surprisingly well! You and Tom had even agreed on something; choice of drink. Smirnoff. It was obvious, you two were clearly drunk off your asses.
"Shouldn't you.. slow down?" Matt offered meekly, brows furrowing. You scoffed loudly, flinging your arms up. "At least drink some water, Y/N!" he demanded, thrusting a bottle of water at you.
With some argument you took the water and downed around half of it. Then chased it with another shot. Matt, clearly frustrated, stormed off. He tended to get pissy when he wasn't listened to, after all. Edd called out to Matt, before following, leaving Tom and you alone. What would usually be your worst nightmare.
But tonight it seemed.. different.
"Ain't Matt such a buzz kill?" you asked Tom, laughing. A chuckle escaped the brit and he nodded, "Always and forever." The two of you cracked up in laughter.
Then, Tom's face turned sour, as if he had tasted something foul. "Shu-- shut up! Yer' laugh is so annoying." You were taken aback, your expression turning less than happy as well. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me, Y/N! Your voice is annoying, every'hing about you s'annoying!" He threw his arms up, as if to somehow make his point more convincing. "So I'm annoying? At least I don't look like a freak!"
The two of you shot back and fourth insults at each other.
"Well-- well YOU sound stupid, stuttering all the time!" You hissed, scowling at Tom, lips curled in a sneer. Did Tom tend to stutter? Not exactly, but sometimes when it was just you too, he'd slip up over his words.
"It's not my fault you're so hot!" He countered, before stopping, going bright red.
You weren't sure if it was the drinks getting to you, or the fact your heart skipped a beat when he had said that-- but you felt an odd feeling collecting at your core. "..You think m'hot?" You asked as carefully as you could.
Shamefully, Tom nodded.
With rather quick movements, you found yourself on Tom's lap, peering down at him expectantly. "Holy fuck-!" He gasped, hands instinctively flying out to grab hold of your waist. "Did you really mean it? Or-- or was it the.. y'know," you nodded towards the empty cans lying around.
A small huff escaped Tom, and he leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours. Deciding that, 'what the hell, I've already come this far', you immediately kissed back, your hands resting themselves on Tom's face. You felt the brit's teeth nip at your lower lip- silently asking for permisson.
You hummed against his lips, not opening your mouth in the slightest. This seemed to annoy him, and his hand snaked around to your back, sliding down ever so slowly. He squeezed hard on the plush of your ass and it caused your breath to hitch, a small gasp escaping you as your back arched.
Tom took the opportunity and shoved his tongue into your mouth, his hands letting up their tight grip on you slightly. After a bit of tongue wrestling, you eventually began to feel something poke at you from underneath.
When you pulled away from Tom, a small string of saliva connected your lips, and the sight made the thing poking you become harder. A grin spread across your face, and you rolled your hips ever so slightly. "Y-- Y/N!" Tom gasped, his hips bucking up slightly, thrusting against you.
Feigning innocence, you cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "What?" Tom whined as you continued to roll your hips on him, his hips rutting up for any sort of friction on his aching member. He didn't care what stimulation or friction it was-- he just needed something. Anything.
"Quit teasing me, fuckin' whore.." he murmured, clenching onto your ass tightly. You chuckled, shaking your head. "I dunno, your pretty mean to me-- a lot."
Typically you assumed you'd be disgusted at the idea of doing anything like this with Tom of all people.. but the way he looked up at you, his boner rubbing up against you, expression glazed with need, and lust; it made you want him, badly. Feeling your resolve buckle, you swiftly made to unzipping Tom's pants- an action that clearly surprised the drunk.
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tezuze · 5 months
Hi I’m gonna rant about Ghost Game for a second
Not to meaning to add to the endless “What the hell happened to Ghost Game????” discourse but uh, yeah I guess I am contributing to that
I have quite a bit to say about my theories on what I think went wrong and what they could’ve done better and why I desperately do not want a season 2 (I know the irony of how that looks on me) but if I wrote all that in one space I think it would be so long that even I would start begging for me to shut up
So, I’m going to split these up into more digestible categories that I’ll write whenever I’m procrastinating
In case I never get around to anything else, I’m going to start with the biggest loss to me, how I think the Digimon were supposed to influence their tamer’s personal growth and visa-versa
I’ll put the rest below the cut before I get outta hand
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Hiro and Gammamon: Augh. These two frustrate me the most. So much lost potential in my book, but I would feel weird putting the mc anywhere but the top of the list, so I decided to put them in the order they join the cast and therefore you get my most passionate feelings first.
Almost one of the first things we learn about Hiro as a character is how self-sacrificing he is. He’s your stereotypical mc who wants to help everyone, but the narrative points out that he’s willing to be helpful at the expense of his own wellbeing, which paints his conventionally good trait as a flaw. And that’s about all they touch on in the base show, with a lot of reading between the lines. I would’ve loved to see the ramifications of his self-sacrificing nature and have the cast point out how he’s really harming himself and stretching himself thin just to appease others. I don’t think the “being helpful is good, but not at the expense of your health” moral is touched on enough so I always get excited when stories have that as one of their themes.
And then there’s his partner, Gammamon, the exact opposite of Hiro. He’s needy, dependent, wild, and selfish at the start. He doesn’t care about others (or their belongings). He’s demanding. He’s destructive. He proves to be a handful for our polite little Hiro, especially with his dad missing and this responsibility suddenly thrusted upon him.
I would’ve loved to see Gammamon teach Hiro to be a little more selfish (or at least, more self-preserving), while Hiro teaches Gammamon to be more considerate and tame. Of course, we see Gammamon grow in this way but the story doesn’t really make it clear that it was necessarily Hiro’s doing or give much of a catalyst at all for why Gammamon has personal growth other than it would be troublesome to have such a brat as the main creature. Now, I know that Guilmon’s arc was kinda similar in that they didn’t have direct events or anything that would make him mature, but it still felt more… realistic? Tended to? Idk I’m going to force myself to move on.
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Ruli and Angoramon: Honestly just kinda disappointed with the lack of attention these two got in general in comparison to the other pairs, but I digress.
We meet Ruli with the impression that she’s brash, headstrong, and charismatic. She does things her way on a whim. Especially in the first few and select episodes, but in my opinion, it seemed like they kinda pushed her to the background and her personality was very passive and mild at times (and I don’t think that was on purpose).
Similarly to Hiro and Gammamon, Angoramon has quite a few contrasting personality traits. He’s softspoken, knowledgeable, and introspective. When Hiro first meets Angoramon, he doesn’t want to reveal himself because he’s nervous and doesn’t want to be a bother.
I think these two were supposed to balance each other out. Ruli would learn to think about things more and not run in half-cocked, maybe start to appreciate the more slow and peaceful things in life like nature and reading (Yeah Ruli, don’t think I forgot about that scene where Angoramon wanted you to read one of his favorite books and you DIDN’T and never DID). Meanwhile, Angoramon would come out of his shell more from sticking around Ruli. Possibly learn not to be so overbearing? Idk, honestly I don’t think Angoramon has as much room for growth because he seems the most level-headed character in the cast.
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Kiyoshiro and Jellymon: Now, I know I have some bias toward these two so it might seem I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt but I’m going to try to come at them as objectively as I can.
They kinda half-executed what I think they were going for with these two, so they don’t offend me as much (which I think is part of the reason why I like them so much), but a full written out arc between them would’ve been a dream.
Kiyoshiro at the beginning of the series is, well, a sniveling inconsolable scaredy cat. On top of that, he’s kind of cocky and stuck up, obsessed with order and somewhat an introvert (to a lesser extent and differently than angoramon, in the “can’t relate to other humans” kinda way). Outside of his flaws, he is at least kind and pure of heart (I mean his name more or less means “pure white”) with a strong sense of justice and morals.
Jellymon, the devil creature, is so chaotic her intro episode goes right for the “everyone is going to die and it’s all Jellymon’s fault” thing. She has her moments of scheming and kinda like Gammamon, is pretty selfish and demanding with hints of Ruli’s recklessness as well.
As far as their canonic growth goes, Jellymon’s the only one that sees the bravery in her darling, which helps him nurture that courage and cast aside some of his fears (which, yay they actually kinda do in the series albeit pretty indirectly and kinda inconsistently). Also, the narrative never outright says Kiyo is lonely but he surely doesn’t have any companions, but we can see him grow on his partner and admit that it’s nice to have such a close friendship (pretty sure the whole “I like humans” thing was directed at Jellymon, even though she’s not human shhhhh it makes sense I promise)
Now for what they didn’t really touch on, I think these two were supposed to break each other’s stubbornness. I think Jellymon was supposed to show Kiyo how to relax more and not become so absorbed in studies/research and such. We meet him already knowing he has a love for anime, idols and the like so I’m not sure if he could really learn the lesson to appreciate more of the little things, but maybe she’d show him to love some more like, people-centered type things? (I mean she does love festivals). On the flip side, I think Kiyo was supposed to use not his classroom knowledge, but his personal knowledge to show Jellymon all there is to love about humanity outside of their monetary worth and give her a genuine love for the human world. Oh yeah, and teach her to stop scamming people.
“”””I’m gOinG tO tRy To LiMiT mY BiAs oN KiYoSHiRo aNd jElLyMoN”””””””” *Proceeds to spend half my rant talking about Kiyoshiro and Jellymon even though I think they did them pretty well*
Anyway, would love to hear other’s opinions on this as well as if it seems like I’m reaching and there weren’t supposed to be arcs like this. I just feel like the characters are too inherently flawed and contrast too perfectly with their Digimon for them not to have intended some more character-centered personal growth arcs.
I’m sorry and thank you for reading my dumb thoughts.
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rottenbrainstuff · 1 month
IWTV Season 2 ep 1+2: getting to the good stuff now!
I like that they expanded the events in Eastern Europe ep 1 and added in the mother character. As I keep saying, it's been something like 20 years since I read the book but I do remember that that part was brief and disappointing. I mean, it's supposed to be disappointing: Claudia and Louis desperately want to find others like them and they think vampire old country is the place to start, and all they manage to find is a filthy revenant barely better than an animal, and they leave. But as a reader generally it was disappointing to me. Anne Rice's vampires were so ridiculously eurocentric (I know there we got into ancient Egypt, but, and I know this sounds weird, ancient Egypt is actually part of eurocentrism, it's a whole thing) and I dunno, when I really think back on it it just seems so silly, the only vampires that matter were all in western Europe?
In this episode I didn't feel that frustration. It did a better job at showing, well, maybe there's not much here NOW, but you get a sense that there used to be something here, and Claudia and Louis have missed it.
I understand the logistics of why they couldn't have a younger actress for Claudia, but I will forever wish that it would somehow have been possible. I like the shifting of Claudia and Louis' relationship now and how now they're equals at least, and Claudia even often takes the lead and Louis relies on her, and this would have been even more interesting if the actress looked even younger. But! It's a small complaint and again, again, I do understand why it is the way it is.
Then episode 2: AUGH. The Paris vampires are just....... *chef's kiss* unbelievable. I loved Armand's demented coven in the books, they got the barest briefest little flat appearance in the movie, and now here they are, fleshed out and delicious and absolutely PERFECT. They're insufferable, they're interesting, they're dangerous and poor Claudia has absolutely no clue. Well. I think deep down she has a clue, she just doesn't care, because this is what she wants and she's convinced herself it will be ok. (sigh Claudia)
I do like they've established right away that Lestat was an important person to them. As much as I liked the Paris parts in the book, I remember feeling like the coven's persecution of Louis and Claudia didn't make a huge amount of sense to me at the time. These travellers, these outsiders, being held to these rules that they didn't know about, accused of a crime that didn't happen here, judged and punished by a group of people who have nothing to do with them and really no authority over them at all. Especially when the coven is behaving so hedonistically in every other way you can imagine. Ok whatever, suspension of disbelief, it shows, I guess, that the coven is dangerous and confusing and spiteful, ok whatever. I guess you could say as well it was all orchestrated by Armand as an elaborate plan to get rid of Claudia and have Louis to himself, ok whatever. I guess when you really think about it, book Claudia being only five years old is quite horrific and I could see why other vampires would totally and completely reject her and by extension Louis based on that on its own, sure.
But if you emphasize early on that Lestat has some history here and is an important person they looked up to, then it's not just "oops we might have broke some vague vampire law that we didn't know was a law up until now" but instead it's "oops we murdered the muse of this theater" and that just works better.
But speaking of changes from the book... I was trying to explain to my daughter that nothing that happens in this show actually happens in the book. (which surprised her a lot: no Dreamstat? No sister Grace and nieces and nephews? No masquerade ball? etc) I think Louis' meeting with Armand and the intro of the vampire theater is the first thing I've seen so far that actually sticks more or less to how it happened in the book (minus Santiago being at the initial meeting, minus Armand stepping in in the play) and I think that's really neat. Like, I think the changes they've made so far are all smart and I enjoy it, it keeps me on my back foot not knowing what exactly will happen next, I think this is a masterclass in how to adapt something for a different medium and context, but somehow I also think it's really really neat that this one section is almost exactly the same.
Every time they throw a little reference back to the movie, with recognizable camera shots, or with wardrobe, or even sometimes with lines, it makes me so weirdly happy, somehow. I'm not sure exactly why. I think it's a case of... I don't hold the old movie in very high regard these days, but I do remember it being important to me when I was younger, and these little references are almost like the show is reminding me, look, don't feel bad about enjoying that movie so much, there were good things there as well, let me show you. Or something?
Augh, perfection, perfection.
Coincidentally, my daughter visited Prague shortly after I watched this and found the outdoor location they shot the theatre entrance at and that was super neat.
I am just squealing with delight over how much I love Assad Zaman. I love how larger than life all the other vampires are that we've seen so far, Lestat, and Santiago, and all the other Paris vampires. And here's Armand, looks small, looks young, looks angelic, tiny little mouth that's too small for his face, quiet, calm, but his eyes are burning like a panther in a bush, watching you, and you know you're fucked.
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draininkiss · 11 months
What's a Blue Daisy Mean? (Sonic x Amy)
I saw this post by Junichi Kanemaru (voice of Sonic) where Taeko Kawata (voice of Amy) gifted him a blue daisy with a cute note in-character. Even though the roles are reversed, I just wrote it naturally as it came to my mind. It's not proofread, so there may be some mistakes in punctuation. I'm sorry in advance.
“Augh! Sonic, I just don’t get you sometimes!” “What’s there to get?” Amy couldn’t help but let out an exasperated sigh as she slapped him on his shoulder. “You not only called me out here in the middle of nowhere, but you rush by doing your boost thing once, twice, three times, hand me a flower – a blue daisy for that matter – and then you claim we aren’t on a date?” 
She looked away from him as they walked, trying to control her breathing so she wouldn’t crumple the flower’s stem in her hands from her frustration.
“What am I supposed to think about that? That we’re still just friends?” Sonic sniffed and rubbed his nose to soothe the itch, his blue quills jostling with the slight breeze. “Is there something wrong with being my friend?” He looked over at her, eyes half-lidded and a coquettish smile on his face, “I think you ought to be grateful I’m not running away from you like I used to.” “So you admit you did it on purpose?” “Yeah.” “Just to mess with me?” “Yep!” “And you somehow don’t think that’s a problem?” “Not in particular, no.” Crunch. The grass gave way to Sonic’s weight as he suddenly sat down, causing Amy to nearly jump out of her own skin from the unexpected shock. “Sonic!” She turned to look at him, “What is it now?” With a loud, toothy yawn, Sonic began to snore loudly in faux-sleep. His tan chest heaved up and down in an exaggerated manner, body so unnaturally stiff you’d think he was a corpse being reanimated by the forces of nature. “Sonic,” Amy said in a stern voice, her shadow blanketing over him as the sunlight hit her bare back, “I’m not in the mood to play around.” “Who said I was playing?” Sonic countered, “I’m trying to sleep – it’s exhausting having to deal with people all day, you know?” “You barely talk to anyone outside of PR speak!” “I talk to Tails!” “He’s your little brother! Of course you’re gonna talk to him! You live in the same house!” Opening one eye, he gave a toothy grin before sighing and rolling over onto his stomach dramatically, “Ah, and what an unfortunate circumstance that is!” Crunch crunch. So she was going to walk away and pout this time, huh? “You know, I’m surprised you’re not offering your house to me,” Sonic chided, holding himself up with his elbows, “The old Amy would have jumped at the opportunity to share a room with me.” “Not true,” She placed the daisy behind her ear, already tired of holding it, “Even back then, I would have had you sleep on the couch. I was infatuated with you, but not your wet fur smell.” “It’s gritty! It’s natural! If anything, you’re weird for smelling like strawberries all the time!”
“You really don’t like strawberries, do you?”
“I ate one that was a slug motel when I was a kid,” An involuntary shiver caused him to jostle and assume a sitting position, “Been grossed out by them ever since.”
She turned suddenly on her heel, nearly slipping as the wet dirt shifted with her, “And you didn’t think to tell me?!?”
“You obviously like them, so no, I wasn’t gonna.”
“But that’s just terrible! I was here enjoying myself, thinking I smell great, and now you’re telling me I reminded you of when you ate slugs by accident as a kid! Why wouldn’t you just tell me to my face that I was gross!”
“Because you aren’t gross,” He corrected, “Strawberries are gross.”
She walked over to him and crouched down on the balls of her toes, wincing as she tried her hardest not to get her dress covered in dirt. Before she could think too hard about it, though, Sonic had sat her down by the trunk of a tree, disorienting her as she felt her back hit the tree with a sudden thud.
“You know, if I had known you were so clumsy, I wouldn’t have had your face printed on my bedroom rug.”
“Oh really?”
“...Okay, maybe I would have. What’s this about me not being gross then?”
“Every hero needs an admiring fan… I’ve got a natural charisma, so you chasing me around was never off-putting. The sudden back-breaking hugs were, yeah, but I never minded seeing you.”
“I’d mind seeing me! I was so insecure that you had forgotten me, after I got a makeover and everything…” She pursed her lips, flattening down her quills which had been unruly from the humid summer air.
“Forget you? Pssh, nah!” Subtly, he put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer so she was leaning on his chest, “I was a bit confused since I didn’t recognize you with the new look, but no one could ever forget a voice like yours going ‘SONIC!’”
He started laughing as she pulled away from him, the loud, raucous sounds dying down into snide chuckles as her peachy-pale muzzle glowed pink like the rest of her.
“You’re the worst person ever! You don’t deserve to be called a hero! Jerk! Creep!”
She began to punch him lightly on his head, his ears folding down as he quickly started to laugh again. A light huff signified the pink hedgehog was done with her onslaught of blows, and so she assumed her position next to him as she had, her arms crossed as she readjusted the blue daisy that was inches from Sonic’s nose.
“Do you know what a blue daisy means, by the way?”
“I know blue flowers usually mean something impossible. I’m just grateful you didn’t pick a rose.”
“So you read up on flower language too? Great! Then I guess I don’t have to explain what it means.”
With that, he took the flower from her hair and began to fan out its petals with his fingers, gloved cotton scratching against the delicate daisy as Amy looked over with an apprehensive glance.
“... This isn’t your way of rejecting me, is it? I’d rather you just tell me directly if I’m causing an issue.”
“Nope,” Sonic kept his gaze forward, his fingers still fanning out the petals, “I’m guessing you haven’t read about blue daisies in any of the books you bought from the department store.”
“Sonic, I…” She sighs, “No, they don’t have a chapter on blue flowers in any commonly sold book.”
“Figured. Well, if you need to know what this means, it means good health and a long life! If you ever stopped following me, I’d think the worst had happened to you, Amy.”
Shock. She didn’t really know how to reply to that, so she didn’t.
“I’ve never known you to be insecure about your feelings. I can’t really say everything that’s really on my mind – I’m very critical of my thoughts and my surroundings – so I’m surprised you’d think I’m bothered by you being around me.”
She bit her lip and looked away from him, placing her hands in her lap as she let him keep talking.
“Amy, I’m a pretty spontaneous person. Tails has always been living alone just like me, so I’m not too worried if Eggman shows up at his house, since it’s my house. But you? You’re just a regular girl. You live in an apartment and you buy groceries, for crying out loud! Tails buys groceries, yeah, but he does it in a mech-turned-race-car. Even Rouge doesn’t entirely adjust to human life like you do.”
“So you’re just saying you pity me because I’m just a city girl? Is that it, Sonic?”
“Hey, don’t get snappy! I’m not finished!” He chided her, one hand held up to act as a barrier from her grit teeth.
“I’m saying you’re really strong despite being a city girl, Amy. I don’t wanna disrupt your life any more than I already have. Little Planet, I just thought you were an annoying groupie - I’ve dealt with my fair share of those… but maybe I was wrong about it.”
She looked up at him as he began to rise from the tree trunk’s roots, carefully placing the daisy behind her ear as she felt her cheeks heat up all over again.
“Look, I’m not the type of guy to be in a relationship now,” She could only see his back as he began to walk away from her, “But that doesn’t mean I’m entirely opposed to the idea.”
Before she could get up or even say anything, he was gone. It was like she had just walked herself to this field alone, the only real indication he had been there being the blue daisy behind her ear.
She groaned in frustration as she balled her fists and began to stomp her feet in the dirt.
“Sonic, I really, really don’t understand you!”
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muses-morii · 1 year
Oh No, he's hot.
Fanfiction time with Soap! Yay! I'm writing SoRiku again! @bloodbondcd - not exactly a starter, it can be if you want! I just mainly wanted to post this cause I thought it was cute! Haha! <3
~ Sora~
What a weird thought. Sora blinked at the words on the pages of the book. Seeing them, but not reading them. He was sitting in one of the tower common rooms, elbow on the arm of the couch, propping his head up, legs crossed, book held in his other hand. He'd been reading it, because it had seemed interesting; some theory about some ancient dark creatures that were rumoured to have at one point, plagued the worlds; The Faceless. Then a thought slipped in between the words on the page, that had given the Keyblade Master pause. Giving his head a small shake, licking his lips and snuggling back further into the couch, Sora continued reading. Or, he tried to anyway, but the thought kept coming back. Riku's hot.
Grimacing, Sora narrowed his eyes and stared at the book, determined to get through the damn sentence. Like, actually though. Not like he's wearing too many clothes, but like hot, hot.
Eye twitching, he shifted on the couch, leaned forward and gripped the book with both hands, bringing it closer to his face, his eyes burning through the book. Actually, he does wear too many clothes. “Augh!” Making a sound of frustration, Sora threw himself back against the couch and slouching, pressed the book to his burning face as his mind supplied him with images of Riku naked. Which surprisingly, wasn't hard to do. He'd seen the man naked before. They'd been friends and comrades in arms long enough for that to have happened more than once.
So why did he look so damn attractive in his head!? He was his best friend for gods sake!
Not just in my head. Squeezing his eyes shut, Sora grit his teeth and tried to think of anything else, but his brain just wouldn't drop the image of Riku, with his rippling muscles, toned legs, big arms and buff chest coming closer to him and--- Whoa! Face burning, Sora pressed the book harder against his face and slunk down further on the couch. Biting his lip, he gave up all pretense of trying to read the book and let his brain look at that image again. The scene that was starting to play out in his mind. Maybe Riku was hot. Oh man, he totally is.
Sora sunk down a little further, hands tightly gripping the edges of the book. Riku coming closer. Riku taking him into his arms. Riku leaning down and lifting his chin... Wow. Wow was right. Nothing like the realization you're attracted to your best friend while reading a book about blood thirsty cryptids. Sora rolled his eyes. It wasn't a realization. It was hardly the first time he'd had these thoughts about Riku. He'd been having them for a long time. He couldn't say for sure when they started. When they were kids? When they were figuring out how to save the Worlds instead of worrying about homework? Honestly, there'd just never been any time to really sit down and think about it. Maybe it was when Riku became his Dream Eater that he started thinking about him that way. The door opened suddenly and Sora shot straight up, face blazing and fumbling the book. “I'm not thinking about, Riku!” He shouted, just to make sure the Broom knew he was actually thinking lewd thoughts about the man. He stared at the Broom and oddly enough, the Broom, unmoving, seemed to stare back. The silence stretched on for seconds, turning into minutes and then the Broom went about its cleaning and Sora huffed out a sigh of relief. Dropping his head to his chest and letting his hands (and the book) rest in his lap. He was going crazy. These thoughts kept cropping up lately. He always tried to shrug them off, or distract himself with something else, because who the hell thought about their best friend in that way? There was some cardinal rule against dating your number one, wasn't there? Aqua and Terra are a thing.
Okay but, that was different.
Is it though?
They had history.
So, what do Riku and I have? Water under the bridge? A bag full of gummies, but no blueprints?
Sighing again, Sora looked up, one hand coming to rest on the back of his neck. He'd been having these thoughts for years. Even when they were on the island as kids. Riku was always good looking and powerful and back then, he'd just decided it was envy.
Then, when Riku went missing with King Mickey, he'd put everything he had into finding him, because he was his best friend, right? Then there was Kairi. It hadn't worked out.
He'd broken her heart.
He just didn't feel about her, the way she wanted him to feel. Rubbing the back of his neck, Sora looked towards the bookshelf, wondering if there was something on it that would explain what was happening to him right now. He knew there wasn't. The very idea that Master Yensid would have books on sexual attractions was laughable. Maybe Romantic attractions too? No, not unpacking that one yet.
Standing up from the couch, Sora stepped over to the bookshelf and absently slid the book back into place, his eyes unfocused and looking at something beyond the room.
Riku was hot. Sora did want him to hold him in his arms and touch him and... And kiss him.
And as his brain supplied images of what all could happen, he put his newly blushing face into his hand, eyes closed, his other hand dropping away from the book. Despite his embarrassment, he didn't try to banish the thought this time, instead letting it play out in his mind until it became too raunchy and he looked up with a sharp breath, hands twitching before him as he wondered what he was supposed to do with them. “Oh man...” Where even was Riku? Unbidden, Sora moved away from the bookshelf, his mind stuck on that thought. Where was the man in question? The current object of his desires? Leaving the common room, he looked both ways down the hall and then headed for the stairs.
First, his feet took him to the kitchen, then the big dining hall, then Master Yensid's study - “Sorry sir! No, I don't need anything!”
But he did. He needed Riku's hands on him.
He quickly shut the door of the study, took a few breaths and then opened it back up. “Um, have you seen, Riku?” How many times, over his life had he asked that? How many times had he been chasing after him? “Yes, he was just here. I believe he went to his room.”
“His room? Okay! Thanks!”
Bidding Master Yensid goodbye, Sora pulled the door gently shut and then made his way through the tower to the dormitory wing. He remembered how much of a headache this place had first given him when he was trying to figure out how it worked. Now, he just knew where to go like it was second nature. Reaching Riku's room, Sora stood in front of his door. What am I doing? He raised his hand to knock.
What do I want to happen here? He let his hand drop and stared at the door, giving a soft sigh. I want him to want me.
“Yeah right...” Sora muttered quietly and shifted to the side ready to leave when a noise sounded behind him. “I want Riku!” He announced loudly, which was totally not what he wanted to say. Spinning around, he stared at the Boom carrying buckets of water, hands clapped over his mouth. The Broom, stared back and Sora wonder if it could douse him with one of the buckets while he drowned himself in the other.
Then Riku's door opened and Sora whipped around with a surprised look on his face.
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verdanturfwind · 1 year
Idk if anyone else here reads pokespe but I'm pretty emotional about this and I need a place to spill my feelings where people might understand so. Here I go! I love the RSE arc for the most part, it's easily my favorite pokespe arc. However, it's REALLY telling how Wally, the green-palleted character who works to summon rayquaza and could've been the perfect emerald of the trio, was shelved for some original character. I thought he might've died or something but no! He's alive and he even came back for the ORAS arc! This is the only time where a canon character was replaced with an original guy. It's so fucking weird and it feels targeted.
I can't help but see the only chronically ill rival in the series be shelved like this and think there were some weird motives. And when I complained about this people told me "oh he couldn't be a dexholder because of his illness!" when Norman literally created accessibility devices for him and he had so much support from the other dexholders. As someone who's chronically ill in the same way as Wally I'm just. Augh.
They basically set him up to be a dexholder in every way only for him to be replaced with some original guy that's the fandom's darling and if anyone discusses this they'll be attacked by his fans. EDIT: It’s come to my attention that Emerald is also a disabled character. I still think Wally should’ve been the dexholder instead of an original character. I also made an unintentionally ableist remark towards Emerald in my frustration and I profusely apologize for that. I’ll reread the emerald arc, but I still think it was not right for Wally to be shelved.
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i-spilled-my-soup · 1 year
could you explain your asklepios au ? genuinely curious and invested in the solangelo -> asklepios pipeline
alright this will be long. tl;dr it's a greek mythology au about mortality and righteousness and hubris and has like. no romance at all. if this is written i plan for no making out; hugs and kisses probably but romance lies only in interpretation. tw/cw for death, corpses
will centered and will pov where he takes the place of asklepios/asclepius/ophiucus(constellation was asklepios to the romans) in a sort of greek myth universe, like a camp half blood in 300 bce ish? in the relative time of the popular tales like homer's iliad and odyssey, virgil's aeneid. setting where songs and hymns are well known (let me imagine a place where everyone gets the obscure balls jokes i so adore). and important detail about worldbuilding, there are no powers. only gods can control the elements, and its only in threats/blessings that in modern times could be written off as delusions but in characters' minds is concrete evidence. nico is just some guy.
will keeps his canon mom and siblings and medical prowess, his frustration with death is amplified to an unhealthy amount. nico is still just some guy at this point
assuming this is a finite to be written work, the story starts after will and nico have gotten acquainted. nico does his thing, begins as a weird unfriendly guy but after being acquainted becomes a good friend. they bond over losing their siblings and feeling responsible for their deaths, less of a "you did nothing wrong" and more of a "yeah that sucks balls" kind of empathy. then will learns that nico is a child of hades(the guy) and (after an orphic hymn infertility joke) has to fight the urge to use nico to bring people from hades(the place)/keep them from ever going there
in typical nico fashion he disappears like fully. will is reasonably concerned and tries to look for him whenever he isn't practicing and teaching medicine in case of impending war with a neighboring state? this part is funny and i want to say war is the conflict because battle is the usual conflict in the myth and history i've read and also in riordan's series itself. turns out the guy is dead. yippee! (probably some scene where will sees nico but its actually just the ghost or nico visits in a dream or will actually just finds the body preserved in snow. the last one's a little too intense)
so will takes it upon himself to help give nico proper burial rites as a last favor. he gives nico a drug/ritual to aid in the burial process and accidentally brings him back to life. they both recognize that they have, unintentionally or otherwise, defied the will of the gods reigning and primordial. will is reluctant to let nico just straight up die again (for selfish reasons) and argues that nico could regain the favor of the gods if he did good stuff in his new life (supposedly selfless reasons). nico is skeptical but dude's love language is acts of service at the cost of his own health and comfort so he agrees
no one else had known he was actually dead and they pretend that he was always alive. nico gets himself mentally ready to die at any moment (cause psychopomp hermes could pull up at any moment) but will can't let go of how he actually resurrected someone. and the power before him is tempting him to fall into hubris
augh something something something. probably a battle and will saves more people and he is slowly going mad with power against his own conscience, defying the gods for his own goals of helping people
uh. eventually nico dies again. the feds(god) got him. will goes out into a storm to look for him, and to forage more of the drug that brought him back to life, and gets killed in the storm, supposedly by zeus(asklepios moment)
since will succumbed to hubris and consciously defied the gods he gets a punishment, and that's immortality. with his mortal person taken away he can no longer practice medicine. he cannot save anyone anymore, he has become the lost sibling and friend he had sought to rescue. he loses the solace(haha) of joining his family and friends in the underworld, instead he is separated from them for eternity. he will outlive everyone he knows, and will not be able to see them after they die
so here i imagine a dual bad ending. nico gets a bad lot cause he will lose his life at the peak of potential, at the exact point where he could find peace and help so many more people than before. will gets the same, where he can no longer achieve his aspirations in life, discontent with a self-serving existence, but now separated from everyone he holds dear, trapped in the realm of those he defied
potential happy closure ending? will escapes to the underworld and works under hades and sees nico once and even though he's torn away from the shades as per his punishment he is happy that in the forever he exists there he could see his friends again, that they could both be assured of another's existence and history and regain the selves they became in each other's company
fear of death prevails. but they won over it because so long as they could know each others' names it proves they had once lived? mutual immortality sculpted in the eternity of death?
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fairysylveon · 2 months
Favorite things/headcanons about jackothy and katarhys GO!!!
OH MAN it's so hard for me to put things into words but I'll try
I headcanon a lot of codependency over the years honestly, jack is the only person who knows who tim really is, and tim is the only one allowed to see past jack's mask (both literal and metaphorical) on account of "being an extension of jack", so they're driven together despite how much tim hates jack. BUT I also headcanon that they love each other in weird and complicated ways, jack's is initially driven by narcissism but eventually he grows to like tim for his differences too, especially as someone who's not afraid to mouth off to him because it's kinda refreshing, and also the aforementioned codependency. and tim, well, he still hates jack, but all that time with him and only him creeps up on him and he grows these strange but undeniable feelings of undying loyalty and love. because he's lonely, he'd always been lonely, even his own mom didn't love him, and as fucked up as this thing is with jack, it's filling a hole that desperately needed filling, and he's taking what he can get even if he can't stand himself for it. and maybe he's relieved when jack dies because he has an out that isn't betraying jack, because before jack dies he does think about it, he thinks about killing jack in his sleep, thinks about not letting go when they're fighting and he's got his hand around jack's throat, but he just can't ever seem to go through with it because his entire identity is so intertwined with this man and he's his only real "friend", and that's so sad and frustrating for him but it's true, too. I just love tim with very complicated feelings of attachment/devotion/love to jack that he HATES but he just can't shake it because he's kind of pathetic and very lonely
other headcanons I like: attack dog tim, being the tip of jack's spear. whether or not he likes that changes based on what I'm in the mood for LOL. also they fist fight regularly because they piss each other off, and sometimes (often) it becomes erotic as it continues. (tim pretty much always wins, because he's stronger & has more experience actually fighting for his life)
canon things I like: jack flirting with tim at every opportunity, also that LINE, the fucking line where he's like "you're making me anxious" because tim is so hot? that's good shit. tim being so attractive to him that he acts wildly ooc because he's just. so into him is SO FUN AND GOOD. tim being bound to him not only contractually but physically too, unable to separate himself from jack, seeing jack when he looks in the mirror, it's soooo sad and so good. jack making tim do porn is very toxic and good (which btw, "made him" could literally just mean "he paid me too much to refuse", I have always wanted more details about HOW he "made" tim do it). tim in the jackpot being surrounded by statues and holograms and posters of his dead lover/abuser? constantly unable to go even a day without the reminder of jack? hell yeah. also "I'm not you, jack" is SUCH a good line. AUGH. I love them.
I loooove rhys being begrudgingly into kat and kat's admiration for him, but in a way that he doesn't indulge until he's at a low point. like, calling him up when he's lonely, bored, drunk, etc. and he KNOWS it's a bad idea EVERY TIME but he does it anyway because it feels good to have someone SO into him, even if he's also kinda creeped out by it. I also love them indulging in guro shit because... I just love it, it's just FUN, and kat has at lines about stabbing/slicing rhys so it's just.... Good. I also like to play up how much of a stalker kat is by having him install cameras in places to keep tabs on rhys. I don't have a lot of actual headcanons I can think of right now because canon is so good LOL
canon things I like: I love kat seemingly knowing EVERYTHING there is to know about rhys, including his favorite froyo place. he's clearly been keeping tabs on rhys so it's fair to say that at least some degree of stalking (at least virtually) is in place in canon and that's sooo good. "DO YOU NEED ANOTHER LOVE TAP" "IF I STAB YOU, RHYS, YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT'LL BE RIGHT IN THE CHEST, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT BROS DO!" "who cares about them, I'm doing this for us." "I'm gonna slice you in haaa~aalf." kat disguising himself as zer0 to make rhys think he's been betrayed. KAT IS SUCH A FUN CHARACTER he's just so good and I love all his dialogue and I love how obsessed he is with rhys, THEY'RE SO GOOD I LOVE THEM!!!
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sable-skies · 2 months
TLDR: You are so right about Voltron. And my new understanding of the shows many shortcomings resulted in a stupidly long rant where I said nothing you didn’t say already.
The fact that they were supposed to be found family, but ended up being co-workers 😭
My memories are admittedly a bit blurry (I refuse to rewatch it for my own sanity!)
But I so clearly remember them all being so… mean(?) to one another, especially to Lance. Both the writers and the characters usually treated him as a joke. Ouch.
I just remember them snapping at eachother alot, and I don’t think there were all that many instances where they had proper heart-to-heart conversations (not counting Keith and Shiro)
There were only of handful of instances where they all felt like friends. The Swap Moon??? Trading Planet??? -episode being one of them.
(It‘s stupid, and small. But I still fondly remember that one scene where they make noises and argue about the sound a blaster makes)
And as you said- most of them barely felt like they had relationships. Lance was generally the most connected I think; Bff with Hunk, usually played off of Coran, became Keith‘s right hand man (I think they were one of my favorite duos if I remember correctly. And I enjoyed watching them balance eachother out. Even if the Lion swap sucked.), had some moments with Pidge, and he did end up with Allura. Zero connection to Shiro though, which is weird. He‘s their OG leader after all.
And Allura. ALLURA. She always felt sidelined to me, which??? Voltron is HER FATHERS legacy?! HELLO?! I wish we had seen more of her development on screen. Her hatred of Galra (Keith dipped so quickly after finding out what he is, I wish there had been more there), losing her people (how come that came only into play much later???) it‘s just so AUGH.
Let‘s stick Keith on a space whale for character development while we‘re here. Bye Bye I guess.
The fact that they fumbled the Ball so bad when it comes to these characters and their relationships is so wild. You can LITERALLY trace all their goals, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. back to 'wanting to find family/home'. Lover - Shiro. Parent - Pidge and Keith. Family - Hunk and Lance. Home - Allura and Coran
And the way the show was always advertised is so frustrating. Adam being the most egregious example course. But also 'Diplomat Hunk' for example. So often I remember them saying stuff like 'this character will have a bigger spotlight in future episodes'. And then they just. Didn‘t.
(The fact that they expanded the cast at the end was a horrible choice imo. They were already floundering with the core 7)
Also- I totally agree. "It doesn’t matter where I come from, who my parents are, or what they did. I am my own person! And I found my own home!" And then- half a season (?) later it‘s "I‘m going with the Blade to find out more about my mom."
Those are the kind of arcs that piss me off the most. I liked Keith before that scene, but I have to admit that this decision made me dislike him a little bit.
I get that this kind of stuff can be complicated irl, and that it isn‘t always easy to move past the 'never knew my parent' situation.
But just ONCE. I wanted a character to say that and STICK with it.
Piling onto all that the fact that they always stuck the paladins with clearly established relationships together obviously didn‘t help. You are so right for everything you said. I didn’t even realise how many thoughts I had about the show.
I can‘t wait for you to tear it into pieces sometime in the future. It‘ll be cathartic I‘m sure.
Honestly it would probably be better if I never did touch it again but alas, I'm a spiteful creature who loves getting angry so when I get the chance to I leap like a damn frog. Also I've never seen season 8, I was so completely out of the series by the time it came out that I never even bothered. One day I'm gonna watch it. One day.
YOURE RIGHT THO I'm gonna admit this: I disliked Pidge heavily for awhile because I thought she was so damn mean and given her history of not giving a shit about anyone other than her family i was like "yeah i hate you now" not anymore i think, she'd probably land a solid 5 on a 10 scale for me nowadays but man. Man.
THE BLASTER SCENE IS SO ICONIC BECAUSE IT FELT SO GENUINE!! I think they tried too hard to replicate some of that earlier magic in later seasons but it all just. fell flat on its face. like a pug with bad coordination. it's so embarrassing now looking back.
I THINK I REMEMBER DIPLOMAT HUNK OH MY GOD. smashing my head into a wall AHUAHGHGHAHH this show is gonna give me brain damage im so MAD. all of it is so. BLOWS UP BLOWS UP BLOWS UP!!!!!!!
oh dude i cannot even remember the human characters they introduced in season 7(?), which ever one it was. like i remember griffin because he got into a fight with keith but thats about it. the rest of them are literally cardboard cutouts of people. and i hate how the garrison was handled, i wish they were a bit more morally grey but shrugs yknow. whatever WRITERS. hnrn.
I understand the value of family, but man sometimes water is thicker than blood and I think its important to show that!! let these kids be friends with each other and find the home theyre missing in each other!!!! WRITERS WHEN I GET YOU-
i enjoy your thoughts about the show as well!! its rather nice to reflect back on it and spit some venom with others who also hate that damn thing. my therapist would be so happy with this i think. (i should email her)
One Day. One day its gonna happen.
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nonbinaryaubrey · 10 months
furmori anon here
to be honest, did not think of specific species, past, general type of animal..
so gonna go with, yes aubrey is a rosy maple moth
now gonna explain reasoning
basil is meant to be a lamb as like, sacrifice and innocence, bcus yeah basil is a character portrayed consistently as a sacrifice, weak, and innocent, particularly by Sunny
ram was really just, well basil is a lamb so, stranger had to be in that same general realm, maybe should be a goat instead in the way of a scapegoat but eh
sunny is a lizard bcus, okie he just has lizard vibes, and I think it'd be fun, no real thoughts put into it
omori is a dragon bcus sunny is a lizard, and well, dragons are just cool fantasy lizards, and also, much more powerful than lizards, which, fits the bill... Also... Cool cleansing and overtaking flame imagery, and also, hoarding, which... fits, probably
aubrey is a moth because... Well, my thought process was, metamorphosis symbolism, not as "wow I got better over the years" with a butterfly where they're seen as pretty things, but the less beloved moth, often seen as pests, and less useful (not really being known to pollinate as much), and connections made now, the connection to the spirit world, and how Aubrey is the one who seems most... connected, to Mari, after her passing, in the way of acknowledging her death still
dw aubrey is a larve/caterpillar mostly bcus Aubrey is a moth
mari is a butterfly because... well mainly read a line in a fanfic about how, butterflies, while pretty on the outside, when you look closer most would find rather ugly... in the way that Mari while being kind and definitely trying her best, DID harm Sunny, emotionally, and with the intensity of the violin from what I know, also physically, and was generally a perfectionist, also, a certain show made me really like butterflies as a symbol of trauma/adverse experiences, so yeah... imagine that Something shows up a LOT more, but in much more subtle ways, colored butterflies often flitting about in darker areas, and well... going darker, as the areas get even darker, and bug imagery used for horror, v gud, and would happen here
hero is an eagle literally just because I thought it'd be cool, and Idk, he seems like he'd like birds, didn't really put much thought past that, after checking symbolism on google some of it fits
Kel is a hyena, bcus, well it just made sense in my brain at the time, but, going deeper...
kel is associated with canines in official omori with hector and also just, being shown as one in the little creechur art of him, so, made sense with that aspect, and secondly... the laugh of a hyena, I've heard and have googled to confirm, hyenas don't laugh just out of joy, but also frustration and fear, which... looking at Kel's response to, that, being to keep positive, and still tries to be happy go lucky during the time in current omori, despite definitely facing a lot of very messed up stuff, just... fits, also, google says hyenas can symbolize escapism which... generally fits
okie hope u enjoy and this isn't too cringe <3
NOT CRIGNE AT ALL ANON DO NOT WORRYYY WEE!!! oohghghg I AM STARING AT ALL THIS SO HARD.. the symbolism.. ooouughggh 🥺staring with my big weird bug eyes I ENJOY THIS SO MUUUCH THE THOUGHT PUT INTO THESEE.. esp kel, aub, and MARII!! auugh augh wails in despair.. this is so good ..
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