#augusto fernandez x reader
bestialopez · 9 months
christmas special
merry christmas babes! hope you spent an amazing time with your loved ones🎄❤️
christmas dinner
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liked by yourusername and 64 927 others
pecco63 dinner with very happy ending! she said yes❤️
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liked by yourusername and 10 283 others
bestia23 well spent time in the mountains✨
baking gingerbreads
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liked by yourusername and 21 893 others
marcobez72 gingerbreads are the best!
first snow
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liked by yourusername and 3 591 others
augustofernandez37 winter is coming☃️
decorating christmas tree
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liked by yourusername and 11 745 others
alexmarquez73 champagne and decorating? yes please!
christmas chill
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liked by yourusername and 327 918 others
marcmarquez93 calm and peace with my love❤️
ice skating
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liked by yourusername and 72 983 others
fabioquartararo20 ice skating with loved one🤍
hope you like it xx
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Augusto Fernandez- Set up
Wow what a season it has been. It has been a hard one for me as I am friends with so many of the riders that it was difficult to be able support them all at once when they are fighting with each other for the championship. That aside I'm still quite sad that its over as it means that I won't get to see as much of all of the guys as everyone has their own schedule so its hard for us all to get together which is what I love so much about the race weekends I go to. Before its all over though there is testing which usually I don't stay for but this year I had nothing else to do so thought I'd get a glimpse into what 2023 could be like.
When I came in I found Fabio right away and he dragged me off to his garage to see his new bike for next year which was cool but then as soon as we left Joan made me come and see his new Honda garage which led to me going to pretty much every garage to see the developments. It was fun to see what each team had brought to testing but at the same time I kind of just wanted to sit down and watch them all on track. Finally they stopped dragging me from garage to garage I got to just take a minute to myself which lasted all of two seconds when Fabio came back over to me to talk. We stood together and watched other people walk past until I saw someone I kind of recognised but not completely in the new gasgas team leathers. I am friends with so many of the motogp riders but I don't see much of the riders from other classes so I've not really seen this guy before.
"Who is that?" I asked Fabio
"Thats Augusto he's joining gasgas and he just won the moto2 title" he said
"Oh cool" I said
"Let me introduce you" he said dragging me away before I could object
Usually I wouldn't mind meeting someone new but something about Augusto made me nervous and I felt like I needed to prepare myself to be able to speak to him. Fabio dragged me over and started a conversation which gave me a little while to try and settle my nerves before I had to speak. There was absolutely no use in me trying to calm my nerves though as I only felt myself getting more anxious as I listened to Fabio speak and then introduce me in his usual way of making me seem like the best person to ever exist. Most of the time I find his introduction endearing as we have been friends for so long and I appreciate that he still values our friendship but today I wish he hadn't done that as I don't want Augusto to get the wrong image.
After my introduction I tried my best to talk to Augusto but I kept stumbling over my words and just generally not knowing what to say. The conversation was great but I kept embarrassing myself by saying or doing stupid things so I was really glad when it was over. Once Augusto walked away I went to go to the Yamaha garage with Fabio but he just stood still staring at me like I was an alien or something.
"What's up why aren't we going anywhere?" I asked
"You like Augusto don't you?" He questioned
"What no come on lets go" I said trying to change the subject
"Oh y/n I can read you like a book you never act like that around anyone you definitely like him" he said definitively
I just rolled my eyes at him and dragged him off towards his garage so he could get on with testing. In all honesty I did like Augusto I mean he's really cute and just from the short conversation we had I can tell that he's a really nice guy but I can't let anyone else find out that I like him. If I know one thing about my friends its that whenever I like a guy they go out of their way to get me to make a move. It has gotten so bad that I don't tell them when I like someone as the last time I mentioned a guy they all found his Instagram and messaged him to tell him how he should ask me out on a date which was just so embarrassing that I vowed never to let them do that again. The big problem with that is that all of them know me so well that they know exactly what I'm thinking at all times so I really have to try my best not to let them know how I feel.
For the rest of the day I walked up and down the paddock going to all the different garages to see how everyone was doing and along the way I smiled at Augusto a few times when I happened to see him. Now that the day is over though me and all the guys are just chilling in the empty Suzuki garage as its a quiet place where all of us can talk. I was happily listening to their conversation when Fabio decided to bring up Augusto and I felt my cheeks heating up as I knew what he was going to say but I also know it's not going to help my case.
"Y/n has a crush on Augusto" Fabio said bluntly
"No I don't" I denied
"You so do I saw you smiling at him and getting all shy earlier" Jorge added
"And you were blushing when he walked past you earlier" Joan said
"I promise you guys I don't like him in that way" I said trying to save myself
"Sure you don't" they all said in unison
Winter break was long and tedious but having some testing in portimao before the first round helped as I decided to go down so that I could see everyone. As it was testing it meant all of the riders were there which meant seeing Augusto again which I thought would be fine seeing as its been a good few months since I last saw him but I was very wrong. I thought I might have got over the small crush I had but it was quite the opposite really when I saw him again for the first time right away I felt the nerves I had when meeting him last year. He smiled at me as he walked past and my body almost shut down as my knees buckled and I tripped slightly which was really embarrassed but I tried to play it off. I've never acted this way around a guy before so it is a complete surprise to me as well that my body would react this way just because of a little crush which probably isn't just a little crush.
As much as I tried to put Augusto out of my mind I couldn't help but think about him even as I was walking around the busy paddock on the first race day of the season which definitely wasn't smart as I nearly walked into quite a few people. I was so in my own world that I didn't even notice Jorge come over and start walking beside me until he put a hand on my shoulder and scared the life out of me. When I looked at him he had a mischievous smile on his face which had me a little worried as usually he only smiles like that when he has done something he knows I'm going to disagree with. There is an endless list of things he could have done to annoy me so I tried to read his expression to see if I could figure it out but he wasn't giving anything away. Before I could even ask what he'd done he dragged me off somewhere more private and just told me himself.
"Don't be mad but me and the guys have set up a blind date for you tonight" he admitted
"What" I exclaimed
"We know that we usually mess things up with the guys you like and we felt bad so we set up a blind date for you and don't worry we made sure that he's a good guy so you should have nothing to worry about" he explained
"Oh my you guys are a nightmare" I said
"What time is this date then?" I asked
"Its at 7 at a restaurant nearby I can send you the address" he said
"By the way if this goes badly I'm absolutely blaming you guys" I said walking away
I can't believe them I know my love life is pretty much non existent but a blind date really. As far as I know blind dates never go well so I'm looking forward to my evening being a complete and utter disaster. I would love to trust their judgement but based on the guys they have thought would be perfect for me in the past I'm really not sure. For some reason I also feel bad about going on a date when I like Augusto so much which is really stupid because I've barely spoken to him and he definitely doesn't know about my feelings towards him so wouldn't at all care but it feels wrong to ignore my feelings.
Augusto's POV
Usually I'm excited for the new season to get going after the long winter break but this year I'm more nervous that usual; one because it's my first year in motogp but also because I might see y/n again. Its so stupid that I'm nervous to see her as we only spoke once at end of season testing last year but she was just so sweet and so pretty that I have found myself thinking about her occasionally over the break. I have seen her a few times during testing and the race weekend and every time I find myself getting nervous and my cheeks blush every time which I hope isn't too obvious but it probably is. The worst part about it all is that I have no idea if she has a boyfriend I mean she is always hanging around with Fabio so I don't want to even think about asking her on a date if they are together but I just have no idea.
Over the break and during testing I have gotten closer with some of the other motogp riders as before I only really spoke with the moto2 riders as thats who I was with. One of the riders I have become closest to is Joan as he just happened to be one of the first to welcome me to the class and has been really helpful with learning how to adjust. I didn't expect him to speak to me too much during a race weekend as obviously he has his own things to do but he has been talking to me if we see each other around which has been really nice. So when I saw him this morning and he asked me to go with him somewhere I didn't really question it until he looked a little worried then I began to worry about what he was going to say.
"Is everything alright you seem worried" I said
"Everything is fine I just wanted to say that I happened to meet this girl and she was very sweet and I thought you two would really get along so I kind of set up a date for you both this evening" he explained
"Oh wait tonight as in after the race" I questioned trying to make sense of the whole situation
"Yes tonight it is at 7 at a restaurant nearby" he said
"Ok well if you give me the address then I will definitely go" I said
"Brilliant I'll text you the address and have fun" he smiled running off back to his garage
What a weird interaction. A date with someone I don't know isn't top of the list of things I want to do this evening but I guess it wouldn't hurt to meet someone new as who knows I could really like them. This date will also hopefully be a good way for me to get over the stupid crush I have on y/n as the likelihood of anything happening between us is very slim so I may as well see what else is out there. It doesn't still feel a little wrong to be going on a date with someone else when I have such strong feelings for y/n but she doesn't know how I feel so I guess it doesn't actually matter.
The first race was such a whirlwind that I almost forgot I had a date tonight until Joan text me the address of the restaurant we were going to which was when I remembered the weird situation I have found myself in. No matter how weird the situation is I still looked up the restaurant to know what I should wear and to know how far away it was. The place wasn't fancy but it was a bit further out so I decided to just get ready and go straight away so that I was on time because even if I don't know this girl I wouldn't want her to think I've stood her up. On the drive all I was thinking about was what it would be like to go on a date with y/n but when I realised what I was doing I snapped myself out of it as there is no point daydreaming about her when going to meet someone else.
Pulling up to the restaurant I realised I didn't know what this girl looked like nor did I have her number so I would have no idea if she was there or not. I thought about just going inside and waiting to see if a girl turned up on her own then I realised that it would be a good idea to text Joan to get a bit more information. To my surprise he answered pretty much straight away and told me a bit more so with that information I went inside to look around. I scanned the room quickly until I found a girl who matched the description sat alone at a table. She was facing the other way so I didn't get to see her face but I decided to just go over and see if she was waiting for someone as otherwise I will just be stood there looking like an idiot for ages.
My jaw almost hit the floor when I got closer and the girl turned around as it was y/n. She seemed just as shocked at I did for a second before that beautiful smile of hers spread across her face and she welcomed me to sit down.
Your POV
I was sat at the restaurant Jorge told me to go to for a good 15 minutes just waiting for my supposed date to show up and I was beginning to think I should just leave when I felt someone's presence behind me so I turned around. When I turned around I was surprised to see Augusto stood there and by the looks of it he wasn't expecting me to be there either. Although I was waiting for someone else I invited him to sit down as I would much rather talk to him. As we got talking I told him about the date I was set up on and then he said that we was also set up on a date. It seemed to dawn on us at the same time that our friends had set us up without telling us so that we would actually go. I was so mad that they would lie to me but at the same time I was kind of glad as I would never have actually asked Augusto on my own so having them do it takes out the embarrassment of possibly being rejected.
We both talked about how ridiculous our friends are before I kind of got a bit insecure realising that it wasn't me Augusto had agreed to come on a date with and he could still not like me as more than a friend. I tried my best to keep the conversation going and getting to know him but it was hard to shake the thought that I wasn't the one he was expecting to go out with tonight. Getting to know him better was actually really fun as we have a lot more in common than I thought we would plus we got to share stories from around the paddock as I definitely have some good ones from over the years.
Despite my worries I had a really good time with Augusto as we chatted while eating dinner so I was a bit sad when it came to an end. Augusto paid despite my protests and then walked me back to my car which was parked a bit further out as when I arrived there was nowhere to park. As we walked our hands brushed against each other a few times which sent shivers down my spine which I tried my best not to show but I imagine the blush on my cheeks definitely gave it away. When we stopped by my car I turned to Augusto and we just smiled at each other for a few seconds before I broke the silence.
"I've really enjoyed tonight thank you for actually showing up" I laughed
"It's no problem I'm glad I did show up" he said
"Look I have to say that since we met last year I have really been hoping to see more of you and I would be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you" he admitted
"And I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same" I replied
"Well then how about a second date whenever you are next at a race or during a weeks break" he offered
"I would love that" I said
With that he kissed my cheek and left me to get in my car. Only once I was in my car did I realise what had just happened and how crazy it all was. At the time I was mad but now I think I need to thank the guys for setting me up with Augusto as I think things between us could really go somewhere and its all thanks to them that we actually went on a date.
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bestialopez · 10 months
12 months | augusto fernandez
summary: you and augusto celebrate every month together
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yourusername 1 month✨
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augustofernandez37 2 months🔥
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yourusername 3 months🌙
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augustofernandez37 4 months🥰
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yourusername 5 months❤️‍🔥
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augustofernandez37 6 months💙
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yourusername 7 months😽
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augustofernandez37 8 months🤩
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yourusername 9 months😼
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augustofernandez37 10 months😍
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yourusername 11 months😻
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augustofernandez37 12 months of loving you❤️
hope you like it xx
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Augusto Fernandez- What a day
The last few days have been very busy with Augusto leaving for the last race of the season and me having to go to work and then pack to drive to the track to join him but finally we have reached the last race day of the season. I've never experienced a last race of the season before let alone a title decider so to been pretty overwhelming watching Saturdays track action and now getting ready for the race. With everything thats been going on I've not had much time to think about how this will be Augusto's last race in moto2 and possibly his chance of winning his first title. Its crazy to think that just a few months ago Augusto was trailing behind in the title fight and didn't see any hope of getting to motogp but here we are with him leading the championship and with a seat in motogp for next year. I couldn't be more proud of everything he's achieved this year as I've been here to watch everything and the amount of work and determination he's put into this season is like nothing I've ever seen before. As much as I would love to I can't get too ahead of myself as of course the championship isn't done as there is still a good chance that Ai could win but I have a good feelings about today.
On a normal race weekend we would have a bit more time together but since I got here I've barely seen Augusto as he's been so busy. The only time we got to spend together was in the evening but then we were both super tired so ended up just getting into bed. I guess overnight I didn't sleep so that kind of counts as spending time with Augusto as I spent most of the night staring at him to make sure that he was ok and sleeping while I worried about today. The busy schedule continued this morning as the alarm went off earlier than normal and I was dragged out of bed to go and get breakfast then left while the team had a meeting to talk about he race seeing as its an important one for the whole team. After the boring things were done it was time for warm up and I realised that I hadn't even got ready yet so I hid out the way during warmup just incase they had cameras as I didn't want to be on tv in my pyjamas.
Eventually we made it back to the motorhome and I got ready so that I looked a bit more presentable but then we had nothing to do until the start of the race. Seeing as we had some time I thought it might be a good idea to be doing something to take Augusto's mind off the race so I dragged him out of the motorhome to walk around the paddock. The paddock was very busy when we first went out as it was just before the moto3 race but after that began it was a bit quieter which made it a lot more enjoyable. As much as this walk was supposed to be to distract Augusto he seemed to be doing pretty ok and I was the one that was nervous about the race. I am always nervous before a race but I'm extra nervous for this race as I just know that if it doesn't go Augusto's way he will be so upset and will blame himself for all the mistakes he's made this season especially Australia.
Soon enough we had to head back to the motorhome for him to get ready which is when I noticed him getting a bit quieter and more nervous which was to be expected. I wanted to help him feel a bit calmer but I let him him go through his usual routine first as I know that he will be worse if he doesn't do everything like he usually does. Once he was ready I got up and grabbed hold of his hand to get his attention and once I had it I made him come sit down with me. I didn't say anything for a few minutes instead I just played with his hair running my hand through it as that often relaxes him. After playing with his hair for a few minutes he pulled me onto his lap and cuddled me into his chest.
"You've got this you know" I said
"You think so" he said
"Yeah I mean you like this track and the bike has been fast all weekend while Ai has been struggling you can do this you just need to believe in yourself" I said
"Thank you love" he said
"Now come on let's go so you can win the championship" I said pulling him up
We went into the garage and the whole team were busy getting things ready which meant it was a little chaotic but Augusto went straight to sit in his chair and I stood next to him while he got his helmet and gloves on. He put his gloves on and grabbed his helmet before getting up and giving me a kiss and getting on his bike and before I knew it he had left the garage and it was almost time for the race. Once he was gone I started to show my nerves a bit more as I was trying to hide them before but now that he's not here I can be as nervous as I like which is very nervous. You could sense that the whole team were starting to feel it as when everyone was back in the garage during the warm up lap no one said anything everyone just got in place to start watching the race. I was stood out the way to start with but Aki then got a chair for himself and allowed me to sit in Augusto's chair which I did as my legs were starting to shake from the nerves.
They did the warm up lap and then the lights went out and straight away I was very stressed. Augusto dropped some places on the start and Ai made up some places which meant that it was just 0.5 points between them. My nerves weren't helped by Alonso Lopez who seemed to be pulling some strange moves but luckily for Augusto after he passed him he lost it and crashed. The next worry was that Ai was gaining on Tony in the lead and Cam was rapidly getting closer from behind. I just couldn't watch so I put my hands over my eyes so I was only peaking through my fingers but as soon as I did chaos ensued with Cam crashing and Ai doing the same in a very odd crash. None of that mattered though as it meant Augusto was champion which took a second to sink in for everyone in the garage but when it did they all congratulated each other and I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes in just pure joy.
The rest of the race almost didn't matter but Augusto still fought to the very last lap and ended up 2nd with Pedro in 1st which was a brilliant result for the team. Before the end of the race I joined a few team members to going to the side of the track to greet Augusto and give him his world champion helmet. Of course he took a while to get there but once he did the team members greeted him first before he got off his bike and came over to give me a hug which was the best hug I've had in a long time. The team then gave me his special helmet which I got to give to him which I really enjoyed as I actually helped in designing the helmet. He celebrated with the fans for a bit before getting back on his bike to head back to parc ferme so I did the same by getting on the back of a scooter so that I could watch the podium ceremony.
Somehow I got to parc ferme before Augusto but that was fine by me as it gave me the chance to congratulate the whole team including Pedro who gave me a hug after I congratulated him for winning rookie of the year and the race. Eventually Augusto made it back and everyone went crazy celebrating and congratulating him. The team then gathered to take pictures so I tried to get out the way but Augusto gently pulled me back and got me to stand next to him for all the pictures which made me a little nervous but ultimately no one will really notice me. Once all the pictures were taken everyone went up to the podium and of course Augusto did his best to spray the team with the champagne which included me so I ended up soaked but I also didn't care.
It was a while before I saw Augusto again as he had loads of media to do but eventually he came back to the motorhome and straight away joined me on the sofa as he was clearly exhausted. I felt bad as I could see that he just wanted a moment to chill but he had the awards to attend later tonight which he had to get ready for and then travel there which meant there wasn't much time for chilling. When it was time for Augusto to start getting ready he pulled me up with him and made me come into the bedroom with him even though I was under the impression that I was just going to sit there while he got ready. As I just sat there he looked at me puzzled like I was doing something wrong so I gave him the same look back to see if he would explain. Instead of explaining he just looked at me for a bit longer before then switching to a look of realisation.
"Oh I never actually asked you to come did I?" He questioned
"I have no idea what you're on about so no" I replied
"Well I was going to ask you to come to the awards with me and I thought I did but clearly I forgot so would you like to come?" He asked
"I would love to but I don't have anything to wear" I said
"I have that covered I prepared everything else I just forgot to ask you" he laughed
"Well then I'm in" I said
With that I got up and went straight to the bathroom to shower and wash my hair as I didn't do it this morning. I had to be quick because Augusto doesn't take long to get ready and he got up in enough time for him to be ready even though I would have started getting ready an hour ago. Once out the shower I quickly dried my hair and curled it before starting on my makeup which I decided to keep simple to save time and because I'm not that good at makeup so can't do much else. When I was done with everything else I asked Augusto where my outfit was and he opened the wardrobe to show me the prettiest dress I've ever seen. The dress was black and had a slit up the leg and an open back but also long sleeves so it had some coverage but also showed some skin. I put it on with some help as I couldn't reach the zip but once it was on I fixed my hair and added shoes and jewellery before I was completely ready to go.
Augusto came up behind me while I was looking in the mirror and put his arms around my waist before leaning down to kiss me. I looked at him through the mirror as we just stood there together doing nothing until he pulled out his phone and took some pictures of us together which I watched him put on his Instagram story before we actually left the motorhome. Luckily there was a car waiting for us to drive us to the venue of the awards as I didn't want to do it and I wasn't going to let Augusto after he's been celebrating for hours. It was a really nice car too much nicer than any car I've ever owned so I felt very important getting in the back with Augusto especially knowing that we were going to an award ceremony too.
During the drive we didn't speak too much as it started to sink in what we were doing and I got incredibly nervous all of a sudden. I mean I'm ok with being seen with Augusto at races and he will post pictures of us together on social media which I'm fine with but for some reason the thought of going to the awards has me nervous. Knowing that is live and that there will be people there filming and taking pictures specifically of me and Augusto is something I've not experienced before and it is outside of my comfort zone. As much as I know people are there to see the riders from past years I know that many also like to see what the wives and girlfriends wear so I'm nervous about being judged on my outfit and just generally how I look. Augusto must have noticed that I'd been extra quiet as I felt him put a hand on my thigh and squeeze it slightly to get my attention.
"Are you ok there love?" He asked
"Yeah just a bit nervous" I said
"You seem more than a bit nervous what's bothering you?" He questioned
"I'm just nervous about there being so many cameras and people judging how I look" I admitted
"I promise it will be ok I'll be with you the whole time and if you feel uncomfortable you can hide out the way" he said
"Thank you that makes me feel slightly better" I said
"Good now lets go we got this" he smiled
We got out the car and Augusto stood there to wait for me to sort my dress out and to be ready to walk down the red carpet they put out which felt a little over the top but I guess this only happens once a year. Once I was ready to go he grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it gently before we started to walk towards the red carpet. I took one last deep breath before we started to walk down together and right away there was cameras flashing and others coming to film us as we walked. Augusto kept a tight grip on my hand the entire time until we made it into the building where he had to go and do an interview so I stood off to the side just waiting for him. I actually really enjoyed hearing him talk about winning the championship and going to Motogp next year as it's not something we have talked too much about as of course other things have been going on.
After the interview we had to take a few more pictures but after that we were able to go properly inside and take our seats. A few people were in there already and Augusto being the way he is started a conversation with them and eventually I ended up joining in when I felt like I could say something worth while. I don't talk to too many people in the paddock as I'm not the most outgoing person but it was really nice to actually talk to some people and make some friends who I can talk to when at races. Weirdly after being so nervous earlier I was feeling relaxed and was really enjoying the evening so far.
Before long the awards started and they went through each of the classes in order so starting with motoE then moto3 and them finally to moto2. A bit before they started with moto2 Augusto had to go backstage so I had been sat alone just waiting to get to watch him be officially awarded the championship. Seeing the team get the awards and then Pedro get rookie of the year made me really happy as the team are really great and this year has been a bit of a rollercoaster. Finally Augusto walked out on stage and the smile on my face only got bigger and a few tears even welled up in my eyes as just seeing him up there made me so proud of what he has achieved this year. I loved watching him get given his medal and certificate (is that what they are called?) and then stand with the others to take pictures before giving his speech which he was worried about doing but I thought he did great.
Once the ceremony was over and we were able to get up Augusto brought me with him to the photo booth that they have and we took pictures together which perfectly captured the moment and put into a physical thing that I can keep forever the emotions of the day. We then went and talked to a few more people who I already knew so was happy to chat to to kill some time. Like he promised earlier Augusto didn't leave my side even though there wasn't cameras around anymore he stayed with me the whole time. He even just stood there happily as I talked to one of the riders girlfriends for a bit before we then went to talk to someone else. It was nice to have him there as when I wanted to have a break from talking to people he would happily go to a more quiet corner with me for a few minutes which I really appreciated.
The whole evening was really enjoyable and by the time we left although I was exhausted and definitely needed to just be with Augusto or by myself I was happy that I decided to go as its a special moment that hopefully I will get to experience again but if I don't this time will always be in my memories.
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