#aunt bracelet
bigfatbreak · 2 years
Birds of a Feather previous / next tw: anxiety attack
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soadscrawl · 2 years
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thinking very hard abt angus mcdonald boy detective on this fine thursday
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north-noire · 7 months
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the emily siblings! felt like drawing them after writing Chapter 1 :] aunt jen = jennifer in my AU, but henry still calls her jen sometimes (she's also the older sibling)
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vinceaddams · 1 year
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I recently learned that bracelets made with elastic thread are a bad idea if you have arm hair because owww.
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476b · 4 months
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clothes im bring with vs what im wearing out bc it is 55 god damn degrees outside. IN JUNE.
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godblooded · 8 months
gale has a blue μάτι (evil eye) embroidered by his mother on the left sleeve of his robe. when he was a baby, he was gifted a gold bracelet with a simple μάτι in white enamel by his godfather. it’s traditional for the godparents to buy a μάτι baby bracelet for their godchild and it must always be worn on your left wrist. it’s not to be taken off, and if it breaks it means it protected you from ill intent and must be replaced. the μάτι wards off all evil and must be a gift bought by someone else. the reasoning for this is the μάτι is imbued with the good energy and love of the giver (this goes for all jewelry too) and therefore cannot be acquired by you, as is also tradition for any μάτι one purchases or acquires. his baby bracelet no longer fits him, and he’s never acquired an ‘adult’ μάτι, as he hasn’t yet found the perfect one that’s caught his eye.
all the trouble and crisis and mystra took him away from the possibility of such a mundanity, the simple promise of an imperative touch of memory, self. he wants his mother to buy him his adult μάτι, the one he will always wear on his left wrist. she embroidered the one in his robe. when he can, when it’s right, he wants to find her one fitting of one so spectacular as herself to craft for her. by his own hands or the meticulous hands of another, any mastery will do, but the beauty must be immaculate. perhaps an enchantment.
he still has his baby bracelet, which he cherishes as it has never broken. gale often makes sure to keep it tucked away on his person (always in the left pocket of a rucksack, always in the left inseam of his robe). he keeps it close, as its enchantment is all its own. he thinks of it as a talisman, a shield, as a boon to his courage; the strength of his family and all that came before them remembered in a trinket.
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evermoredeluxe · 2 months
i never thought i’d be a regular-daily-jewelery-wear person, but im realizing i am. i wear my diamond studs, my gold chain, my bracelet, and now my i’ve started wearing an anklet. like im still not a “wears 10 rings” person, but even this is a lot for me
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dullahandyke · 5 months
final note on kh fashion, lea's kh3 ending outfit has a sleeveless hoodie like kairi's and thats rlly cute. matching outfits w the bestie from the time cube
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[ID: two screenshots from Kingdom Hearts 3, showing Lea during the ending cutscene, and Kairi. Both are wearing sleeveless tops with hoods.]
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ftvs-cm45 · 2 years
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Happy Anniversary, Turning Red!
On this day, the panda-powered Pixar film was released on Disney+.
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All the cool outfits I could wear if I wasn't afraid of judgment </3
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axewchao · 1 year
Bro, we need more Dalex and Darkrai moments, like, YESTERDAY
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In which the runaway god receives his very first gift.
"Kurai! I'm back!"
The excited voice and hurried footsteps made Darkrai turn his head away from the clouds he'd been watching for the last few hours. The little human, who called himself Dalex, was running up to him with an unusual glint in his eyes. A strange rattling could be heard, though the god couldn't tell how the boy was making such a sound.
Sitting up with a stretch, Darkrai acknowledged Dalex with a nod and leaned back against their 'special' tree. "So you are. How was 'camp' today, little human?"
"It was good! We learned about bug Pokémon today! The other kids were too scared to hold this really big Wurmple, but I wasn't!" Dalex puffed out his chest in pride, making his eldritch companion chuckle.
"Very brave of you, little human. Bugs are a common fear amongst mortals, from what I have gathered. Though, such a fear is not without reason."
"'Cause, uh..." Dalex kicked his foot as he tried to remember the camp counselor's words, "'Cause Wurmple knows Poison Sting, right?"
"That's one reason, yes."
Dalex hummed, then shrugged, "But that Wurmple wasn't scary! She was really nice! She let me pet her and walk around with her and even sat on my head for a while!" The boy giggled to himself and bounced in place, the rattling sound hitting Darkrai's ears once more.
Now the god's curiosity was piqued. "What was that?"
The boy stopped, the noise stopping along with him. He titlted his head, "Huh?"
"That sound. Were you collecting river rocks again, little human?" Mortals and their urge to collect shiny things... Darkrai doubted he would ever understand the appeal.
Dalex gasped, eyes widening. "Oh, right! I almost forgot!" The boy suddenly grinned, reaching into his pocket. "I have a surprise for you!"
Darkrai raised a brow. "A... surprise? What do you mean, little human?"
"I made you something! Hold out your hand!"
Darkrai blinked, unsure if he should humor the boy or not. Whatever it was, it rattled, was made by the child, and was most likely small enough to fit in his claws. He tried to create a mental list of what the 'surprise' could be, but said list was left empty.
...Well, if the little human made it, then surely it was harmless, right?
"...Alright, little human. Let's see this 'surprise.'" He held out a claw, which Dalex steadied with his free hand.
"Oh, and close your eyes real quick!"
What. "What."
"Please?" Dalex's eyes were pleading, with a small hint of nervousness. Was he afraid that Darkrai wouldn't like this 'surprise'...?
"...Alright." Darkrai sighed, closing his eyes.
He could hear the rattling once more, and felt a number of small, round objects wrap around his fingers. The things were pushed down to his wrist, briefly tugged upward as if testing for something, then let go.
What was...?
"Okay, open 'em!"
A set of shiny, purple beads, strung together into a bracelet. The beads reminded him of gems, but the lack of any detectable essence made it clear to the god that they either lost their power long ago or, more likely, were fakes. 
Regardless of the answer, seeing them filled Darkrai's chest with... something. He wasn't sure what it was. He was so stunned by the feeling, he couldn't look away from them if he tried.
"You... You made this for me, little human...?"
Dalex nodded, "Uh-huh! The grownups taught us how to make 'em!"
"I see... And what purpose do these beads serve?"
The boy giggled, "It's a friendship bracelet, Kurai! I wanted to make you one 'cause you're my friend! I got the prettiest beads I could!"
Friend. The word left the god speechless.
It was an absurd thought, really. The child had no idea what Darkrai was truly capable of, the terror he could and would always wreak on mortals at their most vulnerable, whether he wanted to or not. It was this fact that made Darkrai insist that Dalex never take a nap in his presence, lest the innocent child suffer.
By every stretch of the imagination, Dalex shouldn't have taken such a liking to the god, let alone offer him a gift.
And yet... he did anyway.
Darkrai recalled the Wurmple Dalex mentioned a few minutes ago. Unlike with Darkrai, the boy knew that the bug could've poisoned him at any moment, yet was still the only one amongst the children willing to reach out to the creature. He found the experience enjoyable, even, which was saying something given that humans his age were often terrified of such things. They were often terrified of a lot of things.
If... If he knew what Darkrai truly was... would he still...?
"D'ya like it, Kurai?"
Kurai nearly jumped, but managed to gather himself at the last minute. He looked up from the bracelet to Dalex, hoping his lack of a mouth didn't keep the boy from seeing his smile.
"It's... lovely, little human. Thank you."
Key Item — Friendship Bracelet A bracelet made of shiny purple beads, symbolizing the friendship between you and your little human. It's the first gift you've ever received, and you vow to take care of it.
...Okay, I confess, from the moment I decided that Dal would mistakenly call Darkrai "Kurai," I knew, I knew that eventually I'd start calling the damn guy "Lord Kurai." Kinda like how the Nobles in Legends are called "Lord" or "Lady," basically.
Don't be surprised if I start doing that the next time we see him =w=
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sluttyten · 1 day
Of course for the past two days I haven’t been able to do any of the stuff I planned to in order to prepare for the concert tomorrow — like bracelets or really pinning down my outfit. Right now I have 5 bracelets for each member, and like 5 or 6 more that are just general nctzen bracelets, and I really wanted to make more (10 of each was my goal) but considering how I’m looking on time to make them I just don’t see it happening
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heystephen · 20 days
im watching my nieces overnight tomorrow and i can’t decide if i just wanna be lazy and do crafts and movies at home or if i want to take them to the street fair happening nearby 🫠
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polarfarina · 2 months
I think it would be real cool if I could make a living by spending all my time making crafts and artworks of all sorts that I really enjoy and then touring around as much as I can to events to sell those artworks. I think it would rock to be able to have a job where I sell things I make - but I'm so so invested in the physical I don't think I'll ever succeed doing digital art commissions. I really liked when back when I was growing up my mom had a jewelry business and we'd sell the stuff at booths at events. You get exposed to a lot of different artists that way, you get to listen to live music, you get to eat nice food. It's so enriching even if it's really just sitting at a table for hours and hours and maybe getting to walk around a bit. I honestly like the idea so much
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nervocat · 3 months
omg this day might turn out to be so good actually
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nicoscheer · 1 year
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I will forever love the Jacaranda for giving us that livestream 😭
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Also bless mama Rosie for diligently filming and taking flash pics of our darling in her one man band merch 🫶🏽😂
And like can we talk about how POWERFUL Miles’ voice is like my man has no mic and yet he’s louder than a singing along crowd, and always entertaining and involving the fans 🫶🏽🫶🏽🥹
All the hugs 🥹🫶🏽
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thank you for signing everything (including my friends shoe) youre a legend
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Via shavambacuk
See you on the water:
My death:
Time of your life:
Those three songs are the bonus tracks from One man Band
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