ivorycypher · 11 months
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Days 28 to 30!
Topics being alt fashion, hot villain (ft the antagonist from my first ever dm'd campaign) and Sephiroth himself
First pose reference by @adorkastock !
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slowburnreader · 1 year
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Stars: ★★★★★
This book was so well-balanced that it’s terrific. It felt like that time when I followed a recipe correctly and my dinner tasted soooo good. I felt good after reading it. Satisfied.
Read the full review here: https://slowburnreaderblog.wordpress.com/review-of-falling-kingdoms-1/
Have you read this book?
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cassnottiel · 2 years
When I remember cleos story started with her being driven by the love she has for her family and her need to save her sister and how alone she felt and how she was so angry and sad because because she hated Aron but she was trapped im betrothal to him and his actions started a war, and the story went on, her father and sister died, mira was killed, and she was forced into marrying Magnus. All the loss she suffered and turmoil she went through with losing almost every part of her home,
Cleos story ended with her pregnant at 17/18 and happily married to a guy who wanted to fuck his sister.
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lelelatta · 7 days
Lago Maggiore Zip Line, ad Aurano un weekend in volo #viaggiaescopri #travelwebtv #lelelatta
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viaggiaescopri · 5 months
Lago Maggiore Zip Line, ad Aurano un weekend in volo #viaggiaescopri #travelwebtv #lelelatta
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cafegraces · 1 year
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for @starlcved cont from here.
she's fully aware of the skeptical gaze of the gathered nobility, but it's no different than the way her father's advisers used to look at her; she's accustomed to people looking at her and seeing little more than a pretty face. in many cases, that mistake on their part is something she can use to her advantage. however, at the present moment, she will have to simply ignore such assumptions and allow her comportment to show them otherwise. the warning in the king's tone is clear, but she can't heed it for fear of the very real potential consequences. news from her home planet has been few and far between, but it has become clear that gaius damora has established himself as the ruler of not only limeros, but paelsia and auranos, as well. news of her family's deaths had spread widely through the galaxy despite the otherwise strained communications, no doubt meant to support gaius' claim to rule. it's likely that the only reason she remains alive is her father's attempts at dissolving kingdom tensions by sending her away. clearly, gaius had recognized her absence as one of the only remaining threats to his right to rule, and she's of the mind that the recent disturbances in selustria are evidence that he's finally learned of the planet to which she had been secreted away, likely from sifting through her father's communications.
spine straightening, she's careful to keep her tone as casual and controlled as his in her reply, " respectfully, your highness, in the wake of recent events, i am now auranos' queen. " regardless of the distance or lack of coronation, that responsibility now bears down upon her. " a fact which certain parties are well aware of, parties whom i believe to be responsible for the recent violence in your lands. " there's a delicate balance to maintain in ensuring that the most logical result of this discussion does not turn out to be turning her over to her enemies. though she believes mohandai to be a kinder person than the reputation and mantle his father left for him, she's well aware that their kingdoms must always come first. " as you already know, auranos has great amasses of wealth and resources that we would be glad to continue to offer our allies whilst a rightful ruler is upon the throne. if it is true that gaius damora is responsible for the pillaging of your villages, then he has, in his arrogance, already dismissed the value of a working relationship with selustria. a mistake in his quest to secure his rule, likely by ending my life and removing the question of his conquering of our planet. " cerulean eyes hold the king's, cool and collected as she concludes her case. " only arrogant fools desire war, but it has intruded on your lands all the same. doing nothing is untenable and tantamount to allowing the king of blood to lay claim to your lands too, so now, regrettably, you are faced with a choice, your highness. "
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visions-dreamers · 10 months
The Three Kings
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By LushDanielSon
January 27, 2018  5:19 pm
Pulses lit the sky beyond the mountain’s shape, growing ever closer. A repeating din shook through the trees and overpowered the gentile breaking waves of the lake. The luminous, terrific clouds churned, crashing like glowing waves of their own. Light bent and warped through them as if we were subsurface and surviving a typhoon from below ocean water. The cataclysm of the night sky raged with ungodly might! 
Then they seemed to be born; out of the clouds and flashes they dominated the air. Three Kings levitated over the water. Their shapes, ancient even to trees, were of domed and rounded bulk overtop with tendrils of reaching serpents underneath. Whirring and howling of mechanized operation reverberated over the water, overpowering the electromagnetic clashing beyond. They would themselves flare with luminous charge, yet also gather to collide, wrangle and morph. Nebulous, suspended fusion of repeated generations reborn the Three Kings further elaborate and unknown - a transmogrification of eon and species.
I held my phone as steady as I could, for the importance of the clarity of these images could only be outdone by the priority of our safety. As Auranos* and I barreled back to where we were staying, I angled the camera towards my left as the video rolled, shaking with my movement and struggling to capture the dimness. The luminosity of the colliding beings fluctuated in irregularity. The lake’s breaking waves shone intensifying, and the grasses and trees of the mountainside were cast into light as the flashes in the sky cut through them. Intensity of din and score filled the air; the landscape’s colors and shapes manifested under the ruinous sky! This sky, the Three Kings possessed and became!
*Name changed for privacy
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rallytimeofficial · 11 months
Davide Caffoni e Massimo Minazzi vincono la 9^ edizione del Rally dei 2Laghi-Rally dell’Ossola
🔴🔴 Davide Caffoni e Massimo Minazzi vincono la 9^ edizione del Rally dei 2Laghi-Rally dell’Ossola 📸 Alquati
Davide Caffoni e Massimo Minazzi sono i vincitori del 9° Rally dei 2Laghi-Rally dell’Ossola. Settimo sigillo in nove edizioni e una vittoria mai in discussione; l’equipaggio della New Turbomark ha firmato tutte le sei prove tra Calasca, Panoramica ed Aurano prevalendo con apparente facilità. Nemmeno il meteo è riuscito a frenare l’arrembante corsa dei due della Skoda Balbosca che hanno saputo ben…
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featuringallie · 1 year
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nome: katerina romanova (pseudônimo), kira vassiliev (nome de nascença)
idade: 26 anos
naturalidade: lastrilha, mitica (ancestralidade de auranos, reincarnação de cleiona)
traços positivos: gentileza, paciência, coragem, resiliência, lealdade.
traços negativos: ceticismo, rancor, manipulação, desconfiança, ardilosidade.
Em um mundo onde o equilíbrio um dia fora tão celebrado, era quase irônico, mas dolorosamente concordante com a natureza humana, que a incarnação de uma deusa tivesse de viver em tamanha solitude. Com até mesmo sua própria origem baseada em mentiras e violência, Katerina foi moldada desde o berço para ser o trunfo perfeito, arquitetada milimetricamente para saber somente as partes convenientes da história. Arrancada dos braços de sua mãe tão logo que fora cortado seu cordão umbilical, passou sua vida toda confinada numa propriedade longínqua e isolada, cuidada por guardas feito a prisioneira que verdadeiramente era. A ela foi dito que era filha do rei daquela próspera e rica terra, que era mantida ali somente por sua própria proteção depois de ter sofrido um atentado quando recém-nascida. Porém, nunca sequer conheceu o homem que tantos diziam não poupar esforços para mantê-la segura e nem todos os discursos bem articulados do mundo podiam conter a revolta, ainda que velada, de ser privada de sair dali. 
Do mundo além conhecia apenas histórias, contadas por seu professor e por sua guardiã, os únicos que pareciam se importar verdadeiramente com a pequena Katerina. Longe do olhar imediato dos guardas, ensinavam a ela além do que lhes era emcubido; história, geografia, ciências, mapas, compadecidos com a curiosa garota dos olhos gentis que nunca conhecera o mundo lá fora, que merecia mais do que ser tratada apenas como uma prisioneira. Conforme crescia, Katerina manteve seu encanto ao mesmo passo que se revelava como uma jovem cada vez mais ardilosa, com talento para esgueirar-se por janelas e portas entreabertas, explorar o bosque que cercava a torre, tudo isso com atenção para retornar a tempo de ninguém sequer perceber sua ausência. Sempre testando sutilmente os limites daqueles ao seu redor, seus guardiões não pensaram nada demais quando ela começou a fazer perguntas mais específicas sobre o mar, o terreno, as matas que os cercavam. Sua falta de recursos era compensada por uma paciência inesgotável e resiliente, mesmo quando muitas vezes sentia seus dedos formigarem com uma energia exótica e seu peito apertar com uma estranha ansiedade. Passava seus dias estudando e as outras treinando e aprimorando qualquer habilidade que pudesse vir a ser útil. 
Mesmo eternamente paciente, Katerina sabia a hora de agir. Quando começou a perceber as movimentações agitadas pela propriedade e os sussurros que antecipavam a chegada de um comboio, ficava cada vez mais evidente que a areia de sua ampulheta vinha se esgotando. Quando revelou o plano de fuga para seus guardiões, virtualmente as únicas pessoas com quem se importava no mundo, tinha toda a intenção de levá-los junto consigo; aproveitariam a distração para se esgueirar pelo bosque circundante e escapar pelo litoral a alguns quilômetros adiante. Seria uma janela de oportunidade estreita, mas Katerina havia arquitetado a empreitada por tantos anos que estava confiante que conseguiriam. O que ela não contava, entretanto, é que os guardiões nunca estivessem planejando de fato acompanhá-la. Já idosos e desprovidos da agilidade que um dia já tiveram, o objetivo deles era claro e único: servir de distração suficiente para que a jovem pudesse escapar, ainda que isso lhes custasse a vida. Portanto, foi exatamente isso que transpassou, os acontecimentos se desenrolando de maneira tão apertada que Katerina pôde fazer pouco mais do que assistir o sacrifício das únicas pessoas que já haviam zelado por ela, do outro lado do bosque enquanto os dois atrasavam os guardas que a perseguiam. 
Sozinha e anestesiada, a única coisa que permitiu com que Katerina seguisse em frente com o plano foi tê-lo memorizado de tal maneira que este se tornara automático. Assim que chegou à costa, depois de dois dias extremos na mata fechada, se esgueirou para dentro do primeiro grande navio que avistou no porto, com toda intenção de deixar aquela terra amaldiçoada para trás. 
Com a maioria das pessoas, Katerina é naturalmente reservada e um tanto cética – herança de sua criação em isolamento quase que completo –, embora não seja rude; pelo contrário, muitas vezes apresenta uma gentileza em desacordo com toda a dureza que viveu. Inteligente e perspicaz, possui um senso de justiça bastante apurado e frequentemente se faz ouvida quando pensa testemunhar algo equivocado. Valoriza liberdade acima de tudo, direito do qual sempre foi privada, e acredita que lealdade é uma virtude essencial; sua fidelidade, entretanto, não é dada livre ou levianamente, e só deposita esse tipo de fé em quem julga ser realmente bom. Por toda a sua natureza discreta e sóbria, honestidade é uma de suas falhas: é praticamente capaz de mentir diretamente, por isso tem de recorrer a outros métodos para conseguir se esgueirar por onde precisa.
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myhiraeth · 1 year
@starlightfreed sent: DANCE :  for one muse to ask the other to dance at a party. // consider a modern Cleo & Mbege 
He prefers the wall, honestly, at parties like this. He’s not necessarily opposed to dancing, and has definitely done so at the request of a pretty girl more than once; but his default is somewhere in a corner causing trouble alongside Murph. The advantage of the wall is a clear view of the dance floor, and a clear view of the princess of Auranos herself, moving her hips to the music like she’s trying to break the law. 
Or at least drive every person in the room crazy.
It’s working, at least on him, as evidenced by the sharp elbow Murphy digs into his side to draw his brown eyes away from the lithe body on the dance floor and back to his best friend. i’m going to find e. good luck. With a wink and ducking a smack from Mbege, Murphy’s gone and Mbege’s free to lean against the wall and watch Cleo do her thing. 
But then crystalline blue eyes catch his and she stops mid dance, a devious grin crossing her lips before she saunters toward him, right up into his space and he doesn’t stop her, only smirks as she nears him and practically presses herself against him, their bodies inches apart. dance with me. 
He lifts a brow, still not moving. But after a second she takes his hand and he lets her pull him toward the middle of the room where the dancing was. She’s trouble and she knows it, but he doesn’t stop himself from twirling her under his arm and pulling her against him so those sexy hips of hers can move against his to the beat of the music, from lowering his face to hers, close enough to kiss though they don’t, simply gyrating to the music as their noses brush. 
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inkedwaters · 1 year
*    ⟢   felix gaebras → @gracefallen : ❝ a wishing fountain, base lined with copper coins of past wishes. ❞
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a gentle sigh escapes her lips, fingertips tracing the worn lines of the face carved into the stone. fountains such as these were rare nowadays, since her kingdom had been conquered, the king of blood removing any lasting reminder that auranos was watched over by her sister's namesake. the earth beneath her knees felt cold, perhaps damp, but she cared little. this was what she had come here for, a reminder of all she had lost, and all she must retrieve. " you are not very good at lurking. " she muses gently, hearing the scuff of boots upon the ground. fingers drop from the carving to settle just above the water, eyes closing. " i wonder if this still gets used, despite the risk of it being found. if people risk discovery in the hopes that their goddess might still be listening. " she is not so much anticipating an answer, but the thought brings a spark of comfort and hope within her heart. finally tearing her gaze away from the sparkling waters, considering the tall blonde now at her side. " do you know what you might wish for ? " her own list was far too long, and mostly unobtainable.
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superlauri · 6 years
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My beautiful Golden princess <3
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runesandfaes · 6 years
Full offence, but I would 100% DIE for Magnus Damora
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hellisempty · 6 years
“ whatever the cost, I refuse to let that light be extinguished”
 ― Morgan Rhodes, Gathering Darkness
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limerianfrost-blog · 7 years
Falling Kingdoms Characters as Nathan Young Quotes
I was binge watching misfits the other day and well all I can say is Nathan Young has some of the best and somehow most relatable quotes ever.
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and finally
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BONUS: Kelsey and Catriona as Nathan Young quotes 
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viaggiaescopri · 8 months
Lago Maggiore Zip Line, ad Aurano un weekend in volo (...Leggi tutto)
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