#autism cure
No YOU can't cure Autism. I've personally sucked the autism out of hundreds of people and absorbed it all into myself. I've become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
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shadowwolf78336 · 3 months
Wanting a cure for Autism isn't Ableism
I have autism. I don't want to experience sensory overload, I don't want to have meltdowns, breakdowns, and shutdowns. I don't want to have higher support needs to the point where I cannot take care of myself, or that I have to work twice as hard to have half the quality of life as everyone else. This isn't about socializing, or people not understanding my emotions or just understanding me. I want the same quality of life as everyone else. It isn't ableism to not want to stim because I can't sleep when stimming. Having the whole world to not have too many sounds at once, such as at a park with my family, is never going to be possible, vehicles make noises, and asking children to never make too many noises is never going to work all day every day, especially when they are happy and excited (noise canceling headphones are another case of working harder for half the quality). I want to have the same quality of life as everyone else. I want an end to my problems without having to take extra steps and do extra work, spend extra money, or have everyone else walk on eggshells around me. This isn't about wanting to change me to fit in, this is about wanting my problems that have a huge negative impact on my mental health gone. If an amputee can say I wish I had both my legs without being called ableist, why can't I say I wish I had a normal brain without being called ableist?
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think4fkinonce · 2 years
Yes, as a matter of fact, I would give up something "special" about myself if it meant being able to function more how I'd like.
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brainnovation · 4 months
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Comprehensive Autism Treatment in Dubai
At Brainnovation, we provide comprehensive autism treatment in Dubai, offering tailored programs to support individuals on the autism spectrum. Our expert team specializes in personalized autism therapy and interventions, ensuring the best possible outcomes. Discover the most effective autism cure and support at Brainnovation. Visit us today at https://bit.ly/4ce6LGU
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own 2 cents about cure autism
autism cure research, generally not coming from point of, those with it wanting to improve life this way. but more so—people around them believe it what they want it what they need it improve life, and, uncured autism seen as … difficult for people around them, expensive for government to provide services, take up resources in medical places, etc.
majority autistic people *in actually autistic community, who understand this topic, & can talk about their opinion* don’t want whole cure
there not-small-group of autistic people who cannot reliably tell you what they think about this, or in way that easily understood (can’t communicate, can’t understand, etc). they need be remembered in this conversation (& arguably centered… bc they gonna be more affected. see below)
having said that. there exist autistic people of all types who would want cure for own autism. out of those have seen myself, majority of them [high support needs / nonverbal or level 2/3 or diagnosed severe or significant symptoms of some sort] whose life extremely different from peers because of it (& like majority of their problem not caused by “society” & won’t disappear if society & capitalism not exist anymore). it how they feel about their own autism, n feel counterproductive in “educating” them about their own (clearly personal and upset) feeling about what they want do with own disorder, especially since they not funding cure research or whatever. but—
autism, developmental disability that start in childhood, famous for be the “be treated as can understand and make own decisions” and “have autonomy respected” and “not ever forced coerced do anything” and “not force abusive therapy to make them appear ‘normal’ ” disorder. (sarcasm) — don’t really believe we as society are at place where we would actually respect “only for people who want it. won’t force it on people who not want it”.
aka. if cure is post-natal, AKA happen after birth… they will directly or indirectly force cure on autistic people
force post-natal autism cure will disproportionately impact those who… higher support needs, diagnosed level 2/3, diagnosed moderate severe, diagnosed low functioning, diagnosed comorbid intellectual disability or global developmental delay, diagnosed comorbid genetic developmental disability, nonverbal… diagnosed children, in conservatorship, ward of state, in prison, generally not fully legally allowed have final say in decision making… visibly autistic, have/said to have severe behavioral issues, BIPOC especially Black people… (incomplete list)
which. not to say autistic people who not any of these won’t be affected at all. because will. but as a whole, people on that list as a collective group, will be more impacted, more coerced, more forced, even won’t be given choice, to take cure (maybe won’t even be told was given cure), over people not on that list as a whole.
am going emphasize that autism is developmental disorder that start in childhood & children get diagnosed with it & children legally not final say in make decision & children very easily talked into agreeing without full informed decision & those diagnosed as children more likely be [higher support needs / nonverbal / more significant symptoms] (EDIT: at time of diagnosis) because those most noticeable earliest + global developmental delay then catch up later on happens (to vastly simply it to a fault, quoting someone, “no shit they high support needs, they children.”)
can also see welfare slowly not covering uncured autistic people, insurance decrease / deny / make harder coverage for autism related services other than cure, schools & esp special education less support for autism, etc. general official resources for autism decreasing (which. not much to begin with even pre-cure), which again impact all autistic people but especially list above… oh and poor people. can also see stuck in limbo of “will not get support & welfare if uncured autistic, but no money to cure” because this shit will be expensive
when this much at stake (aka if there no resource for keep be autistic, n resources locked away only able get after cure), when big percentage of autistic people cannot reliably show informed consent in some way (cannot reliably communicate, cannot reliably show they understand, or literally not allowed have decision capacity legally, etc)… if an autistic person say yes they agree. actual willing yes? not coerced? not misled? not forced into it?
autism & autistic people (& by extension, care people they depend on) don’t have enough support to begin with. in this current reality without cure lol. can we focus on that too pour as much money in that too — let’s not talk autism’s inherent quality of life until you give all autistic people as much care as they need & for it be freely n easily available
don’t really think current science have enough tech & resource cure autism like this. autism is complex disorder with complex sources & hard to say if current what called “autism” based on behaviors & internal reported symptom not actually group of different disorders.
if cure pre-natal (e.g genetic identification & abortion. anti choice unkindly DNI) - see: down syndrome
however: finding genetic cause =/= cure. find genetic cause can easily lead to find cure research. but should be clear that they not equal to eachother, not automatic mean eachother.
um. missing many things probably
TL;DR. don’t think right now society at place where… have widespread enough, nuanced enough, critical enough, & enough awareness/acceptance/understanding of ALL autism (and disability as a whole).
enough support for autistic people for autism-related needs & general needs (financial, food, etc).
world where autistic people who can make own decisions about self actual able make own decision about self, & world where autistic people who genuinely can’t (for now or ever) actually protected from harm
and honestly don’t think we have enough scientific and medical advancement/knowledge/ability
to actually make sure this won’t go haywire
idk if anyone can follow this
autism issue is disability justice is cross-movement justice. autism issue depends on liberation of so many groups of people (like welfare reform, prison reform) 👍
follow up
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dollpartprincess · 6 months
cant be normal about anything i fear. once i like something im hopelessly devoted to it
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 month
Hi everyone!
I found an article that I liked at first because it seemed very informative. But one excerpt really pissed me off:
More than 70 genes have been linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a developmental condition in which differences in the brain lead to a host of altered behaviors, including issues with language, social communication, hyperactivity, and repetitive movements. Scientists are attempting to tease out those specific associations gene by gene, neuron by neuron.
To me, this sounds like they’re trying to make a cure. Which is just inhumane in my opinion. They want to cure us? Why? There’s nothing wrong with us! We’re just different from other people/neurotypical people.
Anyway, that’s the end of my little rant.
Fun fact: scientists use mice in labs because their brain chemistry is similar to ours!
I’ll leave the article below in case anyone wants to read it:
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dardoom · 7 months
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catsaystrickortreat · 27 days
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Goth stimboard ⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
Requests open !
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
don't hug me i'm scared episode 6 electricity is really something when you're autistic, huh. yellow guy is made fun of all his life by his only friends and laughed at for being "stupid" when all he needed was a change of batteries but no one would listen to him and give him the accommodations he needed and deserved and when he finally did get new batteries and become more clearheaded his friends didn't like him any better. they stopped making fun of him, sure, but they didn't like that he was "smart" all of a sudden, because they'd gotten used to him being "the stupid one". and he looked in the mirror and saw his former self, and his reflection asked him, "have we gone wrong? they seem upset with us" because the truth is even if the way you are now is more comfortable for you, even if it doesn't hurt to think anymore, people will only ever like you if you're the Right Kind of autistic/adhd/traumatized/whatever. have we gone wrong? have we gone wrong? that's what you always ask yourself. "maybe they're not in charge of us anymore." "maybe they never were." and his reflection walks away, as if accepting that the others will think what they will think, and it won't matter, because yellow guy is his own person, no matter how difficult it is for him to articulate his thoughts, and he doesn't need their approval to think. "maybe they never were."
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peaches2217 · 7 months
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I made this for my gf, who affectionately compared Komugi to the autism creature, and she begged me to share it, so please enjoy my magnum opus.
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greghatecrimes · 8 months
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Amber looking cunty as always. and Thirteen in the middle there... hello autism
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eye-fest · 2 months
More art :3 This time NOT Anything with Pressure... but it's also based off a roblox screenshot we took of while playing The Mystery Of Duvall Drive !! Here he is, Bill Cipher !!!
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brainnovation · 2 years
Autism Therapy vs. Autism Cure: Understanding the Role of Occupational Therapy in Treating Autism
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Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a developmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. While there is currently no known cure for autism, there are various therapies and interventions available to help manage its symptoms and improve the quality of life for individuals with ASD.
One such therapy is occupational therapy (OT), which focuses on helping individuals with autism develop the skills needed for daily living and improve their ability to engage in meaningful activities. In this blog, we will explore the role of occupational therapy in treating autism, as well as the differences between autism therapy and autism cure.
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
Before delving into the specifics of occupational therapy for autism, it is important to have a basic understanding of what autism is and how it affects individuals. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. The severity of symptoms varies from person to person, but some common signs of autism include:
Difficulty with social interactions
Delayed language development
Repetitive behaviors or routines
Sensory sensitivities
Difficulty with transitions or changes in routine
It is important to note that autism is not a disease, but rather a difference in brain development that affects how individuals process information and interact with the world around them. It is also a spectrum disorder, which means that the severity and manifestation of symptoms can vary widely from person to person.
Autism Therapy vs. Autism Cure
When it comes to treating autism, there are two main approaches: therapy and cure. Therapy focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life, while cure seeks to eliminate the disorder altogether.
While there is currently no known cure for autism, many therapies and interventions have been developed to help manage its symptoms and improve the functioning and quality of life for individuals with ASD. Some of the most common therapies for autism include:
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Speech therapy
Occupational therapy
Physical therapy
Social skills therapy
Play therapy
These therapies are aimed at helping individuals with autism develop the skills and strategies needed to navigate the challenges of daily life and achieve their full potential.
Occupational Therapy for Autism
Occupational therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on helping individuals develop the skills needed for daily living and improve their ability to engage in meaningful activities. For individuals with autism, occupational therapy can be particularly beneficial in helping them develop the skills and strategies needed to navigate the challenges of daily life and achieve their full potential.
Occupational therapy (OT) for individuals with autism is focused on developing and improving their ability to perform everyday activities and tasks independently. OT can be a valuable intervention for individuals with autism as it can help improve their motor skills, sensory processing abilities, social skills, and overall quality of life.
Here are some common areas that occupational therapy for autism may address:
Sensory Integration: Many individuals with autism have difficulty processing sensory information, such as touch, sound, and light. Occupational therapists can help individuals learn how to process sensory information in a more comfortable way.
Fine Motor Skills: Occupational therapists may work on developing fine motor skills, such as handwriting, typing, using scissors, and tying shoes. These skills are important for everyday activities such as self-care, school work, and leisure activities.
Gross Motor Skills: OT may also focus on developing gross motor skills, such as jumping, running, and throwing. These skills are important for physical health and can improve overall coordination and body awareness.
Social Skills: OT may work on developing social skills, such as communication, turn-taking, and perspective-taking. These skills are important for building relationships and navigating social situations.
Self-Care Skills: OT may help individuals with autism learn self-care skills such as dressing, bathing, and grooming themselves.
Environmental Adaptation: Occupational therapists may work with individuals with autism to adapt their environment to meet their sensory needs, such as reducing noise or bright lights.
Overall, occupational therapy for autism is tailored to each individual’s unique needs and goals, and may involve a variety of interventions and strategies to help them achieve their full potential. In addition, those on the spectrum are highly benefited by natural interventions such as Brain Training, Sports and Music.
Brain training offered by Brainnovation Mind Abilities in Dubai allows for re-wiring of behaviors and habits, instills confidence and helps improve social skills which are the fundamental areas that need to be addressed for those on the spectrum.
Original blog posted here - https://brainnovation.ae/autism-therapy-vs-autism-cure-understanding-the-role-of-occupational-therapy-in-treating-autism/
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extra follow up to that post abt autism cure conversation, like my focus/stance/whatever not even able summarized as “cure or no cure” but more of
in world with autism cure, in world with all support you need that easy get, you feel like you not satisfied with own life with autism n you make own decision of cure, not forced by people not forced by circumstances, you seriously thought abt it, like yeah get rid of yours it none of my business am shouldn’t even be in the conversation (unless you also say everyone should be cured)
basically if it your choice & not coerced forced in any way, you do you, glad you have choice, cheering you on for make own choice and world where able make own choice like that
issue come with well. this world not like that
have no issue with autistic people who want cure own autism
have all issue with people who think autism should be cured all autistic should take cure or [specific group autistic people] should be cured of autism bc difficult expensive disruptive waste of resource etc
have issue with world where autism cure comes before autistic people getting to live life to fullest with support (both in term of priority. and also sequence, like literally happen first)
have issue with autistic person get cured not because they want it but because literal everyone else want it
[don’t debate me unless read linked post thanks]
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
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