#autism harry potter
jackie4dinner · 9 months
Convinced all a neurodivergent person needs in life is a tumblr acc hardly anyone follows so they can freely spam about their hyperfixations without judgement
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chocoramo-cow · 8 months
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Pov: your only friend got sorted into a different house with the boys who were mean to you on the train
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kairos-in-space · 9 months
in awe of their 'tism
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robinssimp · 23 days
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gender-thief2 · 5 months
“so what are you hyperfixated on these days” my mom said to me in the car today, i sigh sadly, looking out the window and leaning on my hand.
“you don’t have to tell me but-“
“harry potter.” i cut her off sadly.
and then i proceeded to tell her about the marauders at 8 in the morning.
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blondwhxrewrites · 7 months
A/N: This is for all my autistic homies. I fucking love you guys 😘. Btw this is based on how autism shows itself in girls/women. Remember for all my autistic girlies, never ever feel sorry for being yourself ❤️
"Mattheo, I'm autistic." 
Mattheo looked at you, mouth agape. He raised an eyebrow, looking at you quizzically, obviously confused. "What's that?" he questioned, his head tilting slightly to the side. 
You stared at him, unblinking. "You don't know what autism is?" You asked, slowly processing his lack of information. Was wizard society really that far behind? Damn. You sighed, chewing on your lower lip. How was one supposed to explain autism to someone who has probably no idea what disabilities even are? 
"Well, Matty, to sum it up, I don't work like other people do," you tried to explain while sitting down next to him. "My mind works differently than yours and other people's." 
He watched you curiously, taking in your words and trying to make sense of them in his mind. "Is that supposed to scare me away because, darling, it isn't working? You're not getting rid of me." 
You laughed, shaking your head. "I mean, it might scare some people away, but no, that's not why I'm telling you this," you replied, your heart swelling with happiness at seeing his positive reaction. "I'm telling you this because I want you to know that being in a relationship with me will be different from other relationships you have been in before." 
Mattheo nodded, his foot repeatedly tapping the ground. "Well, I'm willing to learn. So lay it all on me, baby," he chuckled, his lips curling up in a smile as he looked at you. He watched as you wrung your hands together, and he reached out, grabbing one of your hands and squeezing it. "Darling, I'm being serious when I say I want to learn." 
Your shoulders went slack, and you let out a deep sigh. The nerves you felt slowly washed away with the assurance of his words. "Well," you began.
"I have a hard time with social cues and reading people. If someone is mad at me or annoyed, I won't be able to tell unless they specifically tell me that. While some people might be able to take hints, I can't really recognize them. I need you to be straightforward with me about your feelings." Your eyes darted to his, making sure he was listening before you continued.
"I can't handle loud and crowded places that well. They make me overwhelmed and overstimulated, and that can lead me to have a meltdown. Which is when my mind practically shuts down, or at least it feels like it, and I kind of regress during those. I can't speak or do anything, and I tend to hurt myself during those, like hitting myself. I also sometimes hurt others when they try to help me through my meltdowns. I don't mean to; I just can't really control what I do in those moments. Sometimes even the slightest of things can cause me to melt down or panic. If a change of plans happens, I can sometimes have extreme reactions to it that can derail my entire day. I'm not very good with change. I stim a lot, and sometimes it can look weird. Like, whenever I'm excited, you know how I jump up and down and flail my hands? That's me stimming. Repetitive motions, stuff like that. I also have a weird relationship with touch and intimacy. It depends on the person; for example, I feel comfortable touching you, but with Blaise, I don't. It changes a lot."
Mattheo listened intently to your words, nodding along and trying to make a mental checklist. All of this was important to you, and that meant it was important to him too. He didn't care how long this conversation would take, he was willing to hear everything you had about this.
"I go non-verbal sometimes, and I can't speak or talk for hours up to days. I literally can't talk, even if I want to. That usually happens after meltdowns or when I'm feeling really intense emotions. I have sensory issues and can't wear some clothes because of how they feel on my body. My relationship with food is basically non-existent. I can't eat some things because of how it feels, and sometimes I go selective eating, and it's really hard to eat anything else besides my safe foods. I also just sometimes forget to eat because I don't really process that I feel hungry unless I'm starving. I mask my autism a lot, hence why people sometimes think I'm lying when I tell them I'm autistic. I tend to copy other people unconsciously. That's why you see me and Pansy having a lot of the same little habits. "
You finished, your voice faltering as you looked at him nervously, trying to gauge his reaction. "There's a lot of other things, but that's like a pretty surface-level breakdown of it." You added, looking away from him and at the ground. "Oh, and also, if you see me not looking at you during conversations, it's not because I'm not listening; it's because I'm just not good with eye contact."
It was a lot of new information for Mattheo. He'd never considered the fact that people could, how did you say it, work differently? He'd have to ask you more about it during a later conversation. "I can work with that," he shrugged. 
Your lips curled up into a smile, and your eyes slowly lit up. "Really?" you asked, genuinely worried that he was just playing with you. 
"Well, I mean, obviously, I have a lot to learn still, and I'm probably going to make a lot of mistakes."
"Everyone makes mistakes," you interrupted him. 
He shushed you, playfully pressing his finger to your lips to stop you from talking. "What I'm trying to say is that your being autistic changes nothing to me. It's who you are, and I love who you are. I promise you, I'm going to try my hardest." 
You felt tears prick your eyes, and you nodded. "You have no idea how much that means to me, Matty," you sniffled, and you squeezed his hand. 
"Like I said before, darling, you're not ever getting rid of me."
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theflikchic · 4 months
I was chatting with my mom about doing my super-close reading of HP for my big retrospective and we got on the topic of Snape. And I described how I noticed that Snape, of ALL characters, represented just about everything JK R*wling now despises as a character who defies labels even in the first book where you know NOTHING about him except that he's an asshole. And I was like "He feels like an accident." And my mom goes-
"He created himself,"
So I sat with that bombshell for a moment and then I mentioned he was based on a real person with autism and insomnia, so all of the "nastiness" R*wling put in (always being up at night to catch the kids, lack of hygiene, harsh sarcasm) was actually accidentally reflective of that. And my mom (also autistic and a teacher) flipped out with surprise and said-
"He's a person?! So she created a person. Who created himself."
And if that's not the most accurate description of that character, I dunno what is. Hot damn, I want it on a t-shirt.
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jane-not-rizzoli · 3 months
Sometimes I think the only authentic and positive representations of autism are written by accident. In this essay I will…
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cursedcricket · 2 years
My video on the changes that were added to re-establish Scorpius and Albus’ relationship as a romantic one. Additionally they removed any mention of Scorpius liking girls. I can provide any bonus information or context if needed :)
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this isn't even a Scorpius Malfoy variant, this just is Scorpius Malfoy
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heidi891 · 2 years
I believe Snape is autistic
(FYI: I’m autistic myself and I have autistic children.)
He’s lonely. He doesn’t really have friends. We know of Lily, we also hear about Lucius Malfoy, but we don’t really see their friendship which in my opinion is much less close than fans believe. As a student he’s so alone that no one but Lily tries to stop the bullying.
He doesn’t participate in any social meetings. He’s quite miserable during the Christmas in Harry’s third year. He patrols the corridors and the grounds instead of attending the Yule Ball. He doesn’t stay for dinner after the Order meetings. He only attends the DE meetings because he has to.
His peers at school think he’s weird. Lily’s friends from Gryffindor don’t understand why she’s friends with him. When Harry asks why the Marauders bullied him, Sirius says he was different, weird, he was an "oddball". Autistic children and teenagers are often bullied because they are perceived as not normal, awkward, weird.
He doesn’t make a normal eye contact, he stares a bit too much. It can be partly explained by Legillimency, but he stared too much even as a teenager.
There’s a difference between how he speaks as a teenager and as an adult. It doesn’t sound entirely natural, he definitely had to put effort into that. It’s partly because he doesn’t want to sound like a poor man with a northern (?) accent, but autistic struggle with fluent communication may also be a reason.
He insists on precise definitions: Legilimency is not mind-reading, ghosts are not transparent but they are imprints of departed souls. He’s irritated that Harry has "no subtlety" and he doesn’t "understand fine distinctions".
He’s quite rude. He might be just *evil*, but he may just not fully understand how cruel he actually sounds. From his point of view he’s just honest and doesn’t beat around the bush. OK, maybe he’s a little mean, but not cruel… right?
He uses sarcasm (a lot of autistics actually do), but he doesn’t really appreciate Harry’s and other people’s sass, he treats their words too seriously.
He usually speaks coldly / calmly / without much emotion.
He’s usually dispassionate, he has limited facial expressions. Many autistic people also have a "resting b!tch face" unless they try to look more "normal". Perhaps he isn’t always as hateful as Harry thinks, perhaps it’s just his face.
He seems a little oblivious to other people’s emotional state and seems to analyse their behavior more intellectually.
He has special interests: Dark Arts / DADA and Potions.
He has his own collection of Potions ingredients, including rare ones, collection of weird jars (I guess they may contain some Potions ingredients, but also he may like them because of visual stimming aspect) and vast collection of books at home.
His Potions ingredients must be very orderly, he knows immediately that something is missing and what it is.
He "loves" rules. Students are breaking the rules? He takes points or gives detention. The Marauders are bullying him? He wants them expelled. (While Harry deals with the bullies on his own.) He’s caught Sirius whom he believes to be responsible for Lily’s death? He’s going to hand him over to the Ministry and the Dementors. (While Sirius and Remus want to murder Peter themselves.)
Since Snape likes rules and order, Harry who is a bit wild and unpredictable annoys him.
He doesn’t wash his hair as often as he should. It could be partly because of his poor background (he was neglected, he wasn’t taught to take a proper care of his hair, he didn’t even have a real bathroom as a child), partly because he has no one to look nice for, partly because of the Potions fumes. Autism might make him care less about his appearance. (He does care about hygiene though. Apparently he shaves regularly and Harry would certainly notice if Snape was dirty or smelly. His sallow skin and teeth have nothing to do with hygiene, it’s a result of his poverty and malnutrition.)
He stimms: He’s shredding leaves as a child. He’s flexing his fingers after the Shrieking Shack incident. During the Occlumency lessons he’s touching his lips with his finger while he’s thinking.
He has some sensory issues. He wears the same, a little baggy robes (they flutter as he walks). He’s sensitive to light: his Potions classroom is dim (it’s in the dungeons, but he could brighten it up with magic); he makes his DADA classroom dim, even though it’s no longer in the dungeons; when Harry comes to his first Occlumency lesson, Snape waits for him in a dark room. (You know, people don’t do things like that because they’re evil, it doesn’t make sense).
As a teenager he walks "like a spider" and generally he isn’t good at sports (we see him on a broom three times: in a memory of his unsuccessful flying lesson at school, being very pale and probably frightened after refereeing the Quidditch match in PS and trying to curse a DE and missing during the Battle of Seven Harrys).
John Nettleship whom Snape was partly based on was probably autistic.
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guqslvr · 1 year
how to be hermione granger at school 💘
READ. i cannot stress this enough it’s so obviously hermione and it helps u get smarter i promise. (i’ve read my whole life A LOT and i get amazing grades in english 9 times out of 10). it doesn’t even have to be different books all the time, i have reread the harry potter books at least 6 times each, every time you read it again you realise bits you’ve missed, and a lot of the time you can expand your vocabulary by a lot, meaning you will know what a lot of big pointless words mean, just like hermione !
DO YOUR HOMEWORK THE DAY YOU GET IT. hermione always hands in her homework early and she is very organised, you don’t really have to do it the day you get it anyway if you’re busy, you might be better making some sort of schedule where you have different nights a week where you do homework for different classes. trust me, this also helps you so much mentally because you’ll be so much less stressed if it’s all out the way or planned.
STUDY. try to study every night, for at least an hour. i know that hermione spends almost all of her time studying, but that’s not healthy so you shouldn’t do it, 1 - 2 hours a day plus whatever time you spend reading should be good, but if you feel you’re not improving like you want to, go for an extra 1 - 2 hours on SOME nights, do not do this every day as you’ll have no time to do anything else, and that’s unhealthy ! if this post does well i will make a study schedule based on when i would study <3
LISTEN AND TAKE NOTES IN CLASS. this is obvious but i feel like i should add it in. if you want to be like hermione you have to be smart, it’s just the truth, and maybe you don’t think you’re smart just now, but if you listen in class, take notes, and study them, i promise you it will make school so much easier and you’ll feel so much smarter. what i usually do, is in class i take quick notes in a jotter, ipad or notebook, and when i get home, i rewrite them so that i can make them neat, this is optional, but i cannot study messy notes. this is also helpful as it drills the information into your head more as you’re writing it twice.
ROMANTICISE SCHOOL. hermione enjoys school and studying, so if you want to be like her, you should too ! make a playlist of songs that you think hermione would like, do your hair like hermione, add little accessories that make you feel like you’d be in a harry potter film, buy pretty pens, get stationery that actually motivates you to do your work and studying and have fun with your friends ! just enjoy school banbecause it can be fun if you decide it is 💘
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 7 months
whenever I go to add tags the first three are always harrymort, Harry Potter, voldemort. if that gives you any indication of the brainrot levels going on. and I still have so many saved to my drafts
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maxyap5 · 9 months
When the hyperfixation starts to sound like changing my name to theirs
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 months
Please i need lily's list ranking her friends from most to least autistic
real. here is what i think lily think it looks like(and her reasoning) :
1) pandora: this is an obvious first choice. She has never met a social cue that she could read has incredibly specific special interests and is very literal. she also stims but the whole friend group stims so… that doesn’t mean much. easily over stimulated, and incredible pattern recognition.
2) dorcas: dorcas does not understand social cues either and she has expressed multiple times that she has no interest in figuring them out. she thinks they’re stupid and if someone want to express something they need to do it directly. dorcas has hyperfixations that could be considered special interests and she makes really intense eye contact constantly. she also has a strict moral code.
3) sirius: sirius is pretty good at masking in public spaces but privately he loses that touch. he likes people and has spent so much time analyzing their behavior to survive that he can sometimes read social cues but it does not come naturally to him. he has an incredibly strong and unchanging set of morals and he is very literal. also good pattern recognition 
4) lily: i love data and pattern recognitionand made this list. i’ve got some special interests, and miss social cues often (especially flirting unless it is blatant) i don’t understand sarcasm and often miss social subtext.
5) remus: remuss traits are probably more to do with anxiety and C-PTSD than autism but there is a lot of over lap there. he sometimes goes non verbal, get incredibly anxious in social situations, and is easily over stimulated.
6) james: most of the traits probably come from ADHD. also im pretty sure he can read social cues he just acts like that. has a strong sense of justice and stick to a routine
7) marlene: could be switched with james. she sometimes misses social cues but she mostly just is very fixated on quidditch and has a strong sense of justice.
8) peter: can read people well which puts him lower on this list, but he does get over stimulated and occasionally stims for comfort.
9) mary: SHE CAN READ SOCIAL CUES LIKE NO OTHER!! yes her pattern recognition skills are good, but she almost never gets overstimulated has hobbies, but not special interests/hyper fixations 
10) alice: that is a neurotypical.
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
If i may be honest: as a kid, I tended to hate other kids. I'm 19 now, and I'm only now getting over my hatred towards teenagers. I used to always find other kids immature brats. I just came to school to read and listen to the teacher! Was that so wrong!? Nowadays my opinion is moderating, and last year at school i could sometimes even find them tolerable when they made jokes. But I still insist school is for learning, and it shouldn't be a home for immaturity!
In any case, these opinions (which must have been exacerbated by me being bullied in fourth grade) made it weird that I liked teen fiction so much. Why did I love Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, even when I actively despised other kids in real life? I don't know. I guess it's just proof i'm full of internal contradictions, and probably always will be.
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