wyllapproves · 2 months
I love Donnic as a character.
He seems like the most normal guy in Kirkwall but he’s gotta be just a *little* off his rocker to hang out with all of Aveline’s rag tag, apostate, fugitive, mercenary friends. Bro literally saw Fenris squatting in high town and was like “yeah I’d like to drink and play cards and have guy time with that dude.”
Like he and Aveline are literally perfect. He knows that these people are the closest she has to family in Kirkwall and he’s happy to befriend them too, to accept her world, as crazy as it can be.
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mrgabel · 9 months
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Have we read the same book?
Want to know what I've been up to lately? Well, here it is!! This is my entry for the digital Dragon Age Fanzine "Love Across Thedas" @loveacrossthedaszine which you can get HERE (for free! yaaaay! - and with so many awesome contributions!! Check it out definitely!)
This was one of the biggest pieces I finished this year and it was a drag but also so much fun to create. And, honestly, who agrees with me that this is my best Varric I ever drew? I love these games so much!
Happy Holidays, dear people! ☃️
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truetealtears · 1 year
So many fic writers don’t acknowledge the fact that canonically Fenris hosts a game night with Donnic at the mansion WEEKLY
Like sure he probably put them on hold for a bit after his personal quests since oof those were not good times but past that he sees Donnic once a week!
So many of you guys are missing out on A - probably one of/the only friend Fenris consistently hangs out with OUTSIDE of Hawke and Co (even though he’s Aveline’s husband lmao). And B - the closeness and hilarity of their relationship, like they do this for years, they clearly talk to each other about a lot. To the point where Donnic tells him about maybe having children and stuff, which Fenris then asks Aveline about and she goes ‘you two talk too much’ LIKE??? ITS RIGHT THERE IN CANNON
The funny part comes in when you’re romancing Fenris because everyone depicts him as like brooding about it alone in his mansion for weeks (which he definitely did ngl) but then only confiding in either no one at all or like Varric WHEN DONNIC IS CANONICALLY RIGHT THERE
Like can you imagine that at one point during one of their game nights in Act 3 Fenris is like:
“So you are married…”
“Listen Fenris, buddy, you’re right. I am happily married and as your friend I would love to give you relationship advice but you were there for the absolute mess that was Aveline trying to court me. You know full well why I can’t really help you get with Hawke. The two of you combined are worse than even my dear wife.”
“We are not that bad”
“Fasta vaas, fine. So what now?”
“Well I can offer encouragement, Aveline is close with Hawke used to have tea with her mother a lot, so I can tell you with absolute certainty that Hawke is into you and Leandra wouldn’t have disapproved. You just have to make your move… and also never tell either of them that I told you this”
*Meanwhile in the Hawke estate*
“Aveline I need you to do me a favour and get Donnic to find out if Fenris is still into me”
“You told me they hang out a lot! And I can’t just ask him that myself so I need you to find out for me Please? I really need you to return the favour here!”
I think this would be an absolutely hilarious interpretation of canon events and a really funny and sweet dynamic between the four of them. The rest of the Hawke flock could joke about them going on double dates lmao
TLDR: Donnic and Fenris are canonically really good friends and this should be acknowledged more in fics and stuff
(Fenris and Aveline are also good friends fyi but that’s for a different post. As well as something I have actually seen a couple of people talk about on here so yeah another time)
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dragonageconfessions · 10 months
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I know this is sappy and I understand whey they didn't do it, but I always wished there was a brief cutscene of Aveline and Donnic getting married. There would not even have to be dialogue just some narration from Varric. I can even see Hawke standing for Aveline and Fenris standing for Donnic. 
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kiivg · 2 years
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.“...During the Kirkwall-Starkhaven peace talks; it is said that Champion Hawke was a great aide in calming down what could have been a Civil War within the Free Marches. They were, after all, as close as brothers during the Champion’s years in the city...” - Brother Luther, Official Scribe of the Kirkwall Chantry.
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pinayelf · 3 months
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lol donnic posing like this in the middle of being rescued is making me giggle
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Okay so imagine you're falling in love with this noble, strict woman who runs the city guard. She's known for her loyality and also for making your profession a bit less corrupt. She kinda fumbled through admitting she had feelings for you, but honestly that was kind of cute. She seems a perfect fit, the woman you were meant to marry! Sure, you know her friends have a reputation but it's probably not as bad as people make it out to be, right? They can't really be batshit insane, they're probably just a rowdy bunch.
And then like. 3 years later you're reading the best selling novel of the century, and it's one that her friend happened to write!! Exciting!! And then you get like. 2 pages in and you realise the gruff, almost retiring main character is based off you (and you're not even that OLD what the fuck?)
That's dragon age 2 from Donnics perspective.
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couslande · 1 year
post-donnic/aveline divorce is sooo funny because you know everyone hangs out with donnic instead of aveline now.
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mammorus-maleficarum · 2 months
tbh we should've had the option to solve aveline's act 2 quest in the same way we could solve cammen and gheyna's quest in origins
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vigilskeep · 1 year
baffled and vexed by instalment 3 of this fic having an obvious title. does that mean i have to title the rest of them. good lord
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jacklyn-flynn · 2 years
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Isabela decides to leave an illustrated erotic book around each of her companions just to see what their reactions are. 
Merrill helpfully returns it to Aveline by leaving it on her desk. Because she’s married so it has to be hers, right? She swears she didn’t look at it. That would be rude. 
Aveline shoves it into a desk drawer, muttering about Donnic, and then pretends she didn’t see anything. 
Varric: “Oh, research!”
Fenris burns it. 
Sebastian spontaneously bursts into flames in the middle of the Chantry. 
Hawke very casually picks it up and puts it on their bookshelf. 
Anders pretends to be disgusted but looks at a few pages when he thinks no one is looking.
Bethany leaves it in the Tower library on one of the tables for the same reason Isabela left it. Later, they share the results. 
Carver rips out a few pages and then leaves it exactly where he found it.  
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flashhwing · 1 year
I would also have Donnic reject Aveline but we find out that between Act 2 and Act 3 she found a different boyfriend who isn’t one of her subordinates
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mrgabel · 9 months
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And you surely are interested in some close ups ;)
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breadedsinner · 2 years
I know I'm Biased, but like... having recently replayed Aveline's Act 2 Quest... Donnic is spaced out the whole time. I know "nice night for an evening" is a fondly remembered line, but damn Donnic didn't even chuckle. Whole quest he sounded like he just wanted to go home and take a nap. Like dang girl, this is the one, huh?
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perlen-gold · 1 year
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A fenhawke story
Chapter 2
Somewhen, somewhere, someone is clicking the door, embossed into the night, standing there, speaking from far away. The door clacks again.
He covers his maimed face, as if to shield, as if he can block the lyrium’s aching glow out. His voice is a distorted, cracked thing, disastrous and broken. He slips his right hand to his chest where his heart, tripping, blundering, beats its fractured agonizing beats. The weeps wreathing themselves from his split lips have his eyes shut against the sudden splendor of the bluish veins and their torturing power. It tethers him to life. It grinds life’s boundaries in his skin right over his heart.
His cries have shrunken to hoarse groans and he draws sharp, shallow breaths between them when a voice breaks into them.
“Fenris?” Aveline, alarmed.
He sees her not, hears not.
More words. The fire has long since drawn its last breath, leaving nothing but chillness in the old estate. The rustling of paper. Gasps.
More versions of his name, his unimportant name.  The only name which matters is falling, soundlessly, from his lips like winter’s hail.
A hesitating touch. Tentatively, Donnic tries to place both his hands on his shoulders. Fenris roars then like the sea waters rising to crash dykes and stonewalls, the red cloth still cradled against his heaving chest. He throws them from him, the lyrium growing teeth sharp and long, a white-hot thunderbolt in the biting-dark chamber. They retreat with fear. Donnic exhales, apprehensive and torn. Merrill flinches and recoils, her hand only inches from him before. Her face is a burial shroud white.
Their words mist around him as ghosts. Time and sound blur like melting watercolors into incomprehensibility. „Come, Fenris. You must not stay here.“ „Show … show me the letter.“ „Is it …?“ „It is Varric’s writing.“ „Come on. Up you get …“ „Listen to me –“ „Fenris …“ They kneel around him, Aveline standing behind them, near. His raucous voice still carries more power than Fenris would have expected as he roars again, teeth showing, the strained stream of their words lost with Hawke’s yelled name. Merrill tentatively tries to stroke his hair. She shrinks back from the lyrium-rivulets‘ renewed sudden flare. Tears wet the stone where she is kneeling like soft summer rain.
All of a sudden, Fenris stands.
Merrill and Donnic slightly back away from him. They stare at his ravaged features
„Where?“ He means to shout but his throat is only the inept rasping of leaves in a breeze, his chest blasted wide.
„We … we do not know, Fenris,“ Merrill whispers. Aveline steps toward him. Her face is gray, bloodless.  Wet. Light green eyes sharp with tears. Donnic tries again, standing next to him. „Listen, Fenris …“ Aveline looks at Fenris‘ contorted face. His convulsed features which she has known for so long. Almost appalled. He staggers. A deep, abyssal rumble like a beast’s growl forces itself out from someplace chasm-deep within him. „Where?“ he repeats. His voice has never sounded this low. It glints with the crimson stains in his hair from his fingertips. Each trembling breath a shudder.
Aveline’s eyes meet her husband’s only for a split second. There is something in those light green eyes he can understand but not see anymore. „No one,“ huskily, Aveline speaks, pale determination on her face, „knows for sure where they – “
A vicious, fierce scarlet rage comes and he nearly draws his sword. „Where?“ Aveline takes a step back. He has never seen her do something like it in all their years. But out of the corner of his eye he sees the scribble in the bottom left corner on the letter in Merrill’s shaking hand.
His sword in his hand.
Wild murder in his heart.
They dare not follow him.
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lothrilzul · 2 years
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It’s called dating, Merrill.
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