#avg service
hachikos · 11 months
it's insane to me how people in the US who supported an insurrection are living life but people who criticize israel for its occupation of palestine are losing their jobs, harrased, beaten, doxxed, etc.
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secure-your-pc · 2 months
Keep your identity secure while using internet and accessing E-mail, Online gaming, watching online movies and online banking.
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sully-s · 1 year
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Insomnia Late-Night Talks
So I've mentioned this before but I like the idea that Alfred is not ExMI6 He's just a service worker your avg Joe who is good at his job and worked up the ranks in the household.
I also love the idea that Alfred isn't close to the Wyane family as it's normally shown. He's strictly always just been the help. He never saved Thomas in the war or even has a long history with the Wayne family.
it just makes the time after Martha's and Thomas's deaths even more jarring. Not only has Bruce lost his parents he's being left to a member of the staff? While Alfred is also equally a drift who never knew he was basically the godfather to his employer's kid.(Thomas and Martha die before they could tell him)
So now they both have to learn to deal with and live in a huge empty manor with only really each other to keep company. Two people who are not huge talkers lol.
I think when it's very late at night especially when Bruce has insomnia they both can open up and really get to know each other and ask some big questions.
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fish-shaped-mango · 5 months
I may have been a little bored
Bitb ≈ 11:43:12
Apotheosis ≈ 27:15:26
Suckening ≈ 39:58:43 up to 13
Convergence ≈ 18:35:59
Avg episode length ≈ 3:57:28
Convergence with average 3 missing episodes ≈ 30:28:23
Pd s1 ≈ 43:48:16
Pd s2 ≈ 71:58:15
All pd ≈ 115:46:31
Fated s1 ≈ 52:07:34 not including the recap
Fated s2 ≈ 97:36:07
All of fated ≈ 149:43:41 with out recap
All of fated ≈ 150:49:36 with recap
Riptide ≈ 197:41:08 with out origins
Riptide ≈ 199:31:54 with origins
The black rose pirates ≈ 4:28:19
Mythborne ≈ 6:05:34
Age of heros ≈ 4:24:05
Monster control services ≈ 4:02:11
All together ≈ 582:41:30
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cottonlemonade · 1 month
First Date
word count: 1157 || avg. reading time: 5 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Sakusa x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: implications of xenophobia
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When you finally said Yes to a date with Sakusa you had an inkling it would get fancy, but not “five star rooftop restaurant” kind of fancy. The sushi place was hidden, out of sight of tourist attractions and other major travel spots, giving it an air of “if you know, you know”. Sakusa was a regular.
His considerate gesture of sending you a link to the restaurant’s dress code a week before the date, only sent you into a panic spiral. You never owned a dress even close as fancy as was required and even if you had the money to afford one, Japan didn’t exactly cater to a foreigner’s chubby body type. Only after nearly losing your mind did you find a place at the other side of Tokyo that rented dresses that you could barely fit into and with half a month’s rent now clinging uncomfortably to your squishy tummy, you met Sakusa outside your apartment on a Friday night.
“You look gorgeous.”, he said with a small smile, opening the passenger door to his car. With your tongue tucked between your lips for concentration you accepted his hand to help you inside. The dress didn’t exactly allow for much movement.
You chatted about your day at work as he drove and he invited you to his next game before you even reached your destination. He handed his car keys to a valet and offered his arm to lead you inside.
In the elevator you made sure to smooth out any wrinkles in your dress, real or imagined, and gasped when the doors slid open.
The atmosphere was intimate and calm. Over the quiet hum of voices you could just make out the sounds of traditional Japanese music and smartly dressed waiters brought mouthwatering, jaw-droppingly beautiful designed plates of sushi to the tables. Floor to ceiling windows allowed the patrons an unobstructed view of the city lights.
“Sakusa-sama.”, the lady at the reception greeted him with a professional smile, “Welcome. Please follow me.”
You saw her hesitate for a moment when she finally noticed you, but led you to a table in the corner of the restaurant. You held your breath when you sat down, the ride was already a challenge for regular breathing and you had no idea how you were supposed to fit any food inside you with the restrictions of the dress. But you didn’t care when Sakusa smiled at you.
“Thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for inviting me.”, you beamed.
A waiter appeared at the table and said with deeply faked apologetic tones, “I’m very sorry, sir. But it seems we cannot serve you tonight.”
Sakusa raised an eyebrow, then glanced at you, then back to the waiter.
“This is not going to be an issue.”, he said coolly, then turned his attention back to you. But the waiter didn’t leave.
“Sir, we will have to ask you to come back another time.”
“Please explain it to me. We are right on time, we are appropriately dressed and I made reservations.”
Sakusa glared at him. “Please tell the chef that if he has any issues tonight to come tell me himself.”
And with that the waiter poured some water into the empty glasses before you, bowed and left.
You looked after him thoughtfully and took a sip. It happened before that you were turned away from restaurants due to a “no foreigners” rule, but you didn’t think that such an issue could arise at a place like this.
Sakusa smiled again and steered the conversation back to lighter topics, making you feel at ease within seconds. You were about to inch your hand closer to his when another person came to the table. He was undoubtedly the chef, dressed as he was. The waiter stood a little behind him.
“Sakusa-sama.”, the man in the spotless black uniform began.
“You’re not serious.”, Sakusa couldn’t help but scoff.
“Please understand that we are not able to provide the full service to foreigners.”
“She speaks Japanese.”, Sakusa informed them, “And even if she didn’t, I would translate for her.”
The chef shifted a little, throwing some kind of glance in your direction that you couldn’t quite interpret.
“We won’t be able to accommodate any dietary restrictions, Sakusa-sama.”
“I don’t have any.”, you said with a strained smile.
The chef was quiet and looked at your date imploringly. He held his gaze, then Sakusa quietly pushed back his chair and stood up.
He offered his hand to you.
“Thank you. The water was delicious.”, you said sweetly to the waiter who avoided your eyes.
“I can’t wait to tell everyone about your hospitality at my family’s next gala.”, Sakusa added with a cold smile and gently pulled you along, past a few gawking people to the elevator.
When the doors closed and the sounds of the restaurant disappeared, Sakusa let out a long sigh.
“I’m sorry.”, he said, leaning his back against the paneling, crossing his arms.
“Don’t worry about it. I think that’s about as much exposure as I would ever need to a five star restaurant.”
He chuckled. “The next one will be better, I promise.”
You smiled and went to stand next to him, lightly brushing your shoulder against his to cheer him up. The elevator began its slow descent.
“Bet you can’t wait to get out of that dress.”, he noted, then his eyes widened a moment later, “Wait, I didn’t mean it like that.”
You laughed. “You’re not wrong actually. Breathing does not come as a standard with this one.”
He considered you for a moment.
“Turn around.” He said it gently. More as a question than a demand.
You blinked in confusion, then did as he requested.
“Don’t be alarmed.” He stepped closer, his breath brushing against your neck.
You felt his hands work on the zipper on your back.
“What are you-“, you began feebly, your voice not quite having the grasp on your vocal chords like you would have wished.
He slowly ran the zipper down, the buttons by your nape holding the dress together but you felt the immediate relief around your tummy.
He shrugged off his suit jacket and draped it over your shoulders.
“There. Better?”, he asked. You nodded, your heart still beating too fast to turn around without revealing the intense blush on your cheeks.
The elevator came to a stop and the automatic voice announced you arrived at the lobby.
“Your bra is pretty.”, he said quietly, almost whispering it into your ear as the doors opened.
“You still hungry?”, he asked when the cool night air brushed your faces as you waited for the valet to get his car.
“Starving.”, you admitted.
He grinned. “I know just the place.”
People stared but Sakusa couldn’t care less.
He rolled up the sleeves of his black button down and offered to trade you a chicken nugget for some French fries.
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art: @qyhssss on Twitter
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ilovedthestars · 1 year
Murderbot Fic Rec List: Ghosts
October is approaching, and it seems like a good time of year for some ghost stories!! (These are not all horror, and some aren’t even scary—if you’re looking for actual chills I’m not the person to go to, lol. These are just stories with ghosts.)
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday by TheSteelChimera 638 words, Teen And Up, Creator Chose Not To Warn
Ghosts aren't real, all evidence points to the fact that human superstition is just that, superstition.But wormholes are strange places, and the MNTS Perihelion knows that ghost ships are very real.
A ghost story featuring ART, and the last echoes of lost ships. The mysteries of wormhole physics are a perfect explanation for hearing voices in the void. I also highly, highly recommend the podfic by DevilWithABirdDress, which has some echoes and effects that absolutely enhance the spooky atmosphere.
Ill Omen by avg 5,511 words, General Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Warn & No Archive Warnings Apply
Despite the positive attributes of a ship ghost, there is one omen associated with its presence: no member of a ship blessed by its presence shall ever set eyes on it. It only ever becomes visible to the crew of a doomed ship.
An alternate universe ASR where Murderbot is a ghost!! Binding souls to survey habitats as a security service is absolutely something the company would do if it had that capability. Supernatural suspense and haunting as protection—the fantasy/sci-fi flavor of this one is very cool.
The Stowaway by Masu_Trout 2,712 words, Teen And Up, No Archive Warnings Apply
I wasn't even worried. That, I think, was my first mistake. Far outside of Corporation Rim, Murderbot meets a cargo bot with a strange story to tell.
A gem from wayyy back in the archive, published in 2017 when only ASR was out, but still impressively consistent with the tone of where the series has gone! Murderbot hears a ghost story that it doesn’t really believe, but then again…. This one also has a podfic available. the past is no forgotten promise by lunaTactics 1,942 words, General Audience, No Archive Warnings Apply
"It should have been creepy. I had been in places like this that were really creepy. But this wasn't. Maybe because I knew where the humans and augmented humans who had last used this ship had gone, that their descendants were running around all over this system." How can the ghosts of the past be frightening when they love, and are loved?     Remember us. We are a promise to you that there will always be hope.     You are home. The ghosts of the Pressy speak to their successors. Or, Murderbot is empowered to pursue the ideal SecUnit's rescue because Preservation's ideals support it.
A heartwarming ghost story, to finish off the list. Sometimes ghosts aren’t trying to scare you or keep you away—they want to welcome you home. This one gives me emotions (enough that I made art about it) and also has a podfic available.
If you have any favorite ghost stories from the Murderbot fandom, or otherwise spooky/seasonally-appropriate ones, please feel free to add on other recommendations! There’s several that I haven’t read myself but have heard many good things about.
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specters · 8 months
the fact that nothing you do in food service will ever be good enough is wild like the other morning we had very low drive times meaning we got people through the drive-thru quickly but then the next day we were pressured to reach that same time or better, even though we still got them out very fast even if the avg was a few seconds off from the day before. like you do something they perceive as great once, so then the goalpost shifts and if you achieve anything lower then it's a disappointment. so basically the message is that giving it your all is worthless when you're being paid dirt & don't do more than you are required
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Beyond the cards: Iris's Readings
Hello friends! I am Lady Iris, I have been a reader for almost 10 years when it comes to scrying and casting things! I've been reading cartomancy for 5-6 years now! I have methods ranging from bibliomancy, candle scrying, auric readings, and more! Currently, I have hit a bit of a rough spot financially because of increasing health problems, family issues, and more. I currently work 3 jobs but I may have to take on a fourth SO I would rather it be something I love!!
With that said: I specialize in spiritual readings which can include Spirit and Deity Dossier, and shadow readings. I also am really good at real-world readings like spelling ideas, real-world guidance, relationship and love forecasts, and forecast readings! I also am willing to do the down-and-dirty readings however It's by consultation, I reserve the right to deny any reading I don't feel I would make a good match in, however, I can refer you to someone who will!
For paid readings, I am always open and ready to fit you into my books! I have Paypal, Zelle, and can accept gift cards as well if needed! Pricing is done via consultation because all spreads are handmade by me, but it avg about ~$2 USD a card and you get a paragraph per card as it relates to the question which averages between 6-8 sentences!
Divination Methods I offer
Playing Cards
Bibliomancy - Divination by Books
Ouija/Spirit Board
Physiognomy - Body/Face readings
Iridology - Iris Readings
Scrying (smoke, fire, water, and crystal)
Dream Interpretations
Automatic Writing/Channeling
Auric Readings
Astral Scans
Energy Center Readings
Tasseography - Tea Leaf readings
Botanomancy - Divination by Plants
Wax Readings
Internal Omen Casting
Cleromancy - Casting Lots/Crystal Casting
Abacomancy - Casting dust or soot
Shufflemancy - Divination through music
Xylomancy - Divination by wood
Astragalomancy - Divination by Dice
Ornithomancy - Divination by Birds
And many many more!
For more information:
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT) Divination specialties: Cartomancy of all types (Tarot, oracle, Lemerand, etc), Scrying and trance work, Numerology, Astral Scans, Nature based readings (Ornithomancy, Abacomancy, etc), Internal Omen Casting, Runes, list goes on so feel free to ask for a specific divination! I have most likely used it within 6 months Types of readings you prefer: Simple or complex, spiritual or non spiritual, its all good to me! Just see me for a consultation! Types of readings you won't do: Closed practices (I will send a list if needed of guidelines I follow), most of my guidelines will have to come from a consultation and I reserve the right to deny service under any grounds! So come ask me first, and we can make a plan, even if I wouldn't be a good fit as a reader! Experience level: I don't exactly like putting a label on it because some methods I've done for 15 years, some for only 1, In any case I do account this into the pricings of all my divination methods to insure you are getting a good deal! When are you open for readings?: For paid readings I will always be open, sometimes I will have flash sales, or open up my free offers when trying something new! Feel free to reach out whenever and I can see what I can do! :D Contacts: If you want to shoot me a Message on tumblr I can set up more ways to contact me! I have a discord handle that we can move too, or I can set up spaces to communicate! For my privacy I wont share any of my other social media's unless asked!
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exitrowiron · 2 years
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2022 Trek Travel Cross-Country Bike Trip Epilogue
The stats
21 riders including 8 women, 42 riding days, 4 rest days, 14 states, My personal stats - 3,735 miles (avg 89 miles/day), 142K ft ascent, 232 hrs moving time, 16 mph avg speed, $0 prize money
For comparison, the stats of the 2022 Tour de France
176 male riders, 21 riding days, 3 rest days, 2,081 miles (avg 98 miles/day), 157K ft ascent, 80 hours moving time, 26 mph avg speed, $2.7M prize money
I'm guessing that the average age of the Trek group was approximately double the age of the average Tour rider - we were older and slower but went considerably farther.
In anticipation of your questions:
Most memorable part of the trip: The rides in the Western States brought stunning views and memorable climbs/descents. If I had to pick one segment, I would recommend the Columbia River Gorge.
Most difficult part of the trip:
Days of temps in the 90s/100's turned asphalt roads into broilers, cooking us from our cleats to our helmet. Also, cold rain is no fun but we only had a few days of this. I also had a stomach bug that caused me to DNF a day and suffer the next few days as I recovered, but fortunately it was relatively short lived. Due to the DNF I missed 54 miles/4k ft ascent of the trip.
Physical impact:
Yes, I lost weight, but not more than 10 lbs. My body composition changed though; I lost fat and gained muscle. I didn't grow giant quadriceps like a pro rider but my cycling V02 max improved by 15% to 60. I never got sore like I do when I run and my only injuries were saddle sores in weeks 2-3 and a mild case of cycling elbow (i.e. tennis elbow) the last few days of the ride.
Was it easier or more difficult than I expected:
I really had no idea what to expect. I got stronger and faster as the ride progressed and was less sore than I expected. The ride was challenging, but it wasn't torture and I'm proud of averaging 16 mph.
Would I do it again?
No. I wanted to see the country from the saddle of a bike and to physically challenge myself and I've accomplished those goals. As the guides attested at the closing dinner, we had an extraordinary group of riders (kind, fun, thoughtful, strong) and I can't imagine being able to repeat that good fortune. Lastly, 47 days is a long time to be away from Beth, family and friends.
Things I learned riding coast to coast across the northern US:
1. It is ridiculous to think that 21 people in their 50s and 60s (and one in his 70s!) can bike across the country in 46 days. But what if they were provided:
• A training plan 8 months in advance;
• The best road bikes available;
• A GPS attached to their bike with turn-by-turn directions of the carefully planned route;
• White glove service managing all the logistics (luggage, hotels, meals, etc.);
• Refueling stops with water, sugar, salt, and encouragement every 17 miles in addition to a fully catered lunch stop each day;
• The support of 5 of the best guides in the business?
If you do all of that, then a group of ordinary (albeit highly motivated) men and women can do the extraordinary.
2. We live in a truly beautiful country; the Columbia River Gorge and South Dakota badlands were breathtaking, but so too were the simple pastoral beauty of the Midwest and the charming towns and villages of New England.
3. The vastness of US agriculture production is astounding and difficult to comprehend. Given the amount of land devoted to producing corn, the rise of electric vehicles and decline of gasoline/ethanol consumption will be nearly as disruptive to the farming community as it is to petroleum producers.
4. If political signs, flags, and bumper stickers are to be believed, there is a deep and troubling political divide between rural and urban America. This divide is being stoked by selfish interests and must be reconciled.
5. Those thick black rubber bungee cords with metal hooks on the ends that people use to secure things to their car or truck? They don’t work. Beth and I have picked up tens of them in the two miles of I90 that we’ve adopted, and I dodged hundreds of them lying on road shoulders while riding across the country. They should be taken off the market.
6. This trip reminded me of a lesson I first learned when I began Ironman training. The average human body is capable of amazing things, much more than you imagine. I occasionally hear the advice, “Listen to your body.” I think it is important to clarify that advice. Remember that your body evolved to crave an afternoon on the couch with a bag of chips in one hand, a cookie in the other and a milkshake to wash them down. So, when you’re listening to your body, listen carefully. Distinguish between when your body doesn’t want to do something and when your body can’t do something. At mile 14 on day 19, sick with a stomach bug, my body said it couldn’t continue and I listened. On the other mornings when my body said it was tired, I ignored it.
7. Bicycling is much easier on your body than running. Over 47 days of riding I never felt sore (with the temporary exception of my butt); I never needed a massage or used my Theragun. As an older athlete I plan to incorporate biking more regularly into my training regime to give my body more time to recover from the impact of running.
8. It is a privilege to do this ride. It is a privilege to have the good health, time, resources, and support (thanks Beth and all of you) to pursue an odyssey like this for 47 days. It isn’t lost on me that there was no racial diversity on this ride; that’s likely a reflection of the privilege this ride requires and the work we have left to do as a society.
9. When riding a bike a long distance, nothing matters more than the wind. Depending on the wind, a 40-mile ride could either be a thrilling 2-hour sprint or a grinding 3-hour sufferfest and in this respect, this cross-country ride is a metaphor for life.
Riders are quick to complain about a headwind, but very few will acknowledge a strong tailwind; on those days riders are more likely to credit their pace to their fitness and fortitude. This is a natural human tendency, despite the profound and more importantly, invisible influence of the wind. Bikers likewise compare their segment times to the results of other riders on different days despite those comparisons having little meaning without an acknowledgment of the wind (which never happens). Some riders have lighter, faster bikes, but those differences are visible, more easily accounted for and generally have less impact the invisible wind.
Riding against the wind isn’t just a physical challenge, it is mentally and even emotionally draining. I have a power meter in my pedals, and it tells me how much power I am producing. 220 watts with a good tailwind can easily propel me at 20 mph. Conversely, when riding into a headwind those same 220 watts may not get me above 14 mph. Here’s the interesting thing; even though I’m working equally hard in each scenario, pedaling at 220 watts for an hour with a tailwind is easy and fun; I’m going fast and making great progress. By contrast, I can rarely keep up a 220 watt effort for more than 30 minutes when facing a headwind; the slow pace and drone of the wind whistling in my ears are simply too frustrating and discouraging. It’s the same amount of work, but one feels considerably more difficult than the other.
Of course, a headwind isn’t necessarily an inevitable, unavoidable obstacle. A rider may be able to alter his course to one which is protected from the wind but still reaches the same destination. Or a rider could pick an entirely new destination, one which turns the headwind into a tailwind but arrives at a different but equally suitable destination. These options are usually only available to riders who are familiar with the area, riders who have been there before or have seen other riders navigate the optional routes and destinations successfully. Rookie riders are unlikely to deviate their course or destination and will generally attempt to grind it out in the absence of knowledge of the alternatives.
Sometimes a headwind is simply unavoidable, however. On those days, riders can help each other by taking turns pulling at the front, shielding those behind from the wind and giving them a chance to rest and recover. On many occasions during my trip, stronger riders would pull weaker riders for hours to the destination simply because they could and they didn’t need the help of the weaker rider.
At the risk of being preachy here (probably too late) I had the tremendous good fortune to be born with a strong tailwind. I saw other riders (my parents and their friends) reach my intended destination and I followed their course. In addition to a tailwind, I had the benefit of being pulled by older, more experienced riders (work mentors and great bosses like Jack ONeill). And finally, Beth Koetting is a strong and capable teammate who is riding with me and sharing the work.
3,735 miles taught me to be appreciative of a tailwind and acknowledge it’s contribution. More importantly, it’s taught me to recognize when others are struggling with a headwind. Odds are good that these riders would be equally successful with the benefit of a tailwind. I am reminded to help them find a new route or destination, or better yet move to the front and give them a chance to rest and recover.
10. The love and support of family and friends can make even the most challenging journey more enjoyable and for that I thank all of you.
Thanks for following along.
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indiejones · 8 months
In the last few days of Dec 1929, M.K. Gandhi was appointed head of the Congress party's 'Poorna Swaraj' or 'Complete self rule' mission, charting a plan for 'Satyagraha' (force of truth & love) movement, also called the 'non-violent civil disobedience' movement, that began with breaking of the British 1882 Salt Act- that gave Britishers a monopoly over the collection & manufacture of salt, as also it's handling (only via govt depots) & finally a salt tax collected for providing this essential service.
Gandhi began a march from his Sabarmati Ashram to the seashore of Dandi in Navsari district, Gujarat, where the symbolic making of salt, & breaking of British monopoly over salt happened. But the story of British counter & atrocity, is even more cruel & as yet untold till today. Apparently, as the Good Lord has right now informed me via meditation, more than a BILLION times more salt was produced by Indians across India, inspired by this very popular mass movement, only 3% of which that finally came to be sold to, & used by Indians themselves, remaining confiscated by British authorities, & 'God' alone knows where sent to thereafter. This never-before-&-after mass-production of salt continued for a full 3 months, each month resulting in the same record-breaking billion times greater produce of salt, 97% of which taken away by Britishers to 'God' knows where, again!
This then was followed by the 'Boycott Foreign Goods/Cloth' call by Gandhi, that resulted in popping up the indigenous Indian cloth manufacturing sector, for ages India's one big monopoly over, & source of enormous riches in, world trade!
The Good Lord right now informs me via meditation that 30 MILLION TIMES more Indian cloth was produced for ready wear as a result, for the next year atleast, only 3% of which again that came to be used by Indians themselves, the rest 97% confiscated by Britishers & sent to 'God' alone knows where, yet again!
Good Lord also informs me, how ~1,60,000 people were arrested by British authorities in this non-violent movement, ~830 suffered injuries in process, while ~300 or so sadly 'went away' in the process, also informed by Good Lord, how each of the ~1,60,000 arrested had 999,999 Million Billion….250 times mentioned Billion Governing Council members in their lineage, & an avg tally of 370 immediate elders & relatives in family carrying the exact same 'blessing as them. While tally of those 'gone away', being an avg 8,000 immediate elders & relatives in family, carrying the same 999,999 Million Billion…755 times mentioned Governing Council members in family lineage 'blessing' as them.
The full story of the most cruel regime, led by the British, over India, & many regions of the world, for long.
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widowshill · 1 year
sinday headcanons <3
like most other areas of his life, roger could be good at sex if he cared enough to try; usually, he doesn’t. 90% of the time he’s pretty terrible and selfish in bed, including in (especially in) his marriages ... the 10% is almost worth it. of the given options, he’s best with his hands — so if there’s the faintest hope of him getting his partner to orgasm, it’s that. ( and to get him to do it out of spite / wounded pride / jealousy / or some other unselfless reason ) convincing him to give oral is like pulling teeth and he’s bad at it, and will quit early. dick is mid at best (avg size but can he use it? no). he likes to assume he’s a top and he’ll tend to take that role out of some sense of pride / gender / class role but everyone’s happier when he bottoms.
v is contentedly a Good Girl that waits until marriage, and her wedding night was by all accounts disappointing, so she has an ambivalent verging on negative view of sex after Clark (that is, until someone shows her otherwise). as much as she agrees in theory about the ideals of the sexual revolution of the late 60's / early 70's, she tends to apply them elsewhere (i.e. to carolyn) and not to herself –– even self-pleasure is pretty rare, not out of shame, but practicality (and privacy is never guaranteed in a house full of ghosts and collinses) with a partner, errs towards a true submissive or a service top, and it's a tender line between how much she wants to be treated gently vs roughly. one thing that’s a hard no is anything involving bondage or a gag (too many bad memories), but she does enjoy a little bit of marking / possessiveness / "Mine." she wants to feel important in moments of intimacy, to Belong, and roughing up in service of that, delightful, but not to feel Used or casual in any way. corrupted ... maybe so.
liz has had a million times more experience with women than men ( namely, at school ) and her experiences with men are, generally, Poor, so she tends to recoil. men will tend to find her Frigid and Uninterested ; with women she's a very good lover, if generally still a little distant, almost to the point of self-effacement. she veers towards the ascetic and isolato, and there's always a little Shame attached to any act of pleasure in the post-war era that does not serve The Family. ( but this is always directed inward, not outward. ) that said she is very used to being in charge, and she'd be extremely reluctant to put herself at someone's mercy ... but it's far from impossible to do.
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your-gay-grandma · 1 year
I know this is supposed to be a queer blog, but I'm having a bit of an existential crisis relating to mental health and wanted to know if you have any advice or know where I can get advice?
So recently, I've been having a little "hey, I might be somewhere on the plurality spectrum that isn't singlet" realization, for a whole host of reasons I'm not gonna get into right now.
But I took a test that calculates your dissociation levels on a scale from 0 to 100. And on there they had a chart, listing the average levels for different disorders (so avg. adult population (5.4), anxiety (7), schizophrenia (15.4), ptsd (31), did (48), etc) and well,
I got a 47.86
I knew going in that this was not going to be 100% accurate, especially because I'm a teen and the one designed for adolescents the web page seems to have vanished, but still. I knew I was minorly dissociating almost all the time but that's a lot.
Sooo.... if you have advice for me or know of anywhere I can get advice, that would be much appreciated bc I am in a state of AH right now and it's not fun
hello my dear!
thank you for reaching out and please do not feel worried about approaching any topics on this blog!
my best advice, given i am not a medical or mental health professional, is to contact one. i know it can be really scary and you may face barriers depending on where you live, you age etc. but in most places, you can seek free mental health care that would certainly give you some piece of mind and provide you with an appropriate support plan.
while the internet is not a perfect diagnostic criteria, you know yourself best and if you have suspicions something is not typical, you should certainly seek the right support and guidance for that.
i recommend doing a search for services in your area.
i am so proud of you and your courage in trying to seek clarity and support and am always here if there’s anything i can do! mental health is so important and you are amazing for being proactive about it.
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cottonlemonade · 6 months
Hi there! could i get a medium to large mango with boba for tsukishima! i really love your work
Just A Dream
word count: 806 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip husband Tsukishima x chubby!Reader
genre: this has it all - for some reason, fluff, a pinch of angst and a dash of spice
warnings: mdni, nsfw
request: fluffy-spicy, clingy husband Tsukishima
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Kei woke with a start. Fumbling fingers reached for the glasses on his nightstand. It was absurd, of course you‘d lay next to him when he turned around. Right? He swallowed and looked over to the other side of the bed. Sure enough, in the dark he could just make out your soft curves under the blanket, gently rising and falling in a deep peaceful sleep. He let out a sigh. It was just a dream. You hadn‘t really fought, he hadn‘t made you cry, you hadn‘t been disappointed in him. You hadn‘t left. But nevertheless, the panic in his chest felt real. He should make sure to prevent his nightmare from ever becoming reality. What an absurd thought. Or was it?
He leaned over and, his eyes now accustomed to the night, admired your features. The cute chubby cheeks all smooshed together, making you look impossibly adorable. How he ever got you to fall in love with him he‘d never know. He felt like going down that road of thought was not exactly safe for him. Your husband brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear and with a touch light as a feather kissed your temple before getting out of bed.
First things first.
He headed to the kitchen to grab some water, emptying the cup in deep gulps, feeling his pulse settling down.
Quietly, he reached into the cupboards to set the table for breakfast the next morning and once he was satisfied with his work, grabbed his phone. He had used this service many times before but it had probably been months since the last time he even got you flowers. He bit his lips, scolding himself, as he selected a bouquet of your favorites to be sent to your office some time next week as a surprise. Then he stood in the dimly lit living room, looking around for inspiration. What else could he do? What would Tadashi or Akiteru do?
Didn‘t his friend just tell him last weekend that he always included a little love note in his wife‘s lunch box?
Now, Kei, as gifted of a man as he was, didn‘t cook that well. He was decent with ramen and could fry a mean egg but his skills were definitely not enough for a bento. Plus, technically it was Sunday tomorrow and it wouldn‘t make sense for the lunch box to sit around a whole day. But… he could do the love note. How cheesy. Would you even like it if he did? He sighed again. Only one way to find out. He rummaged around in his desk and found a little note pad you had gifted him as a joke last Valentine‘s day - two brachiosauruses forming a heart with their long necks. He cringed when he reached for a pen. But it had to be done. No stone should remain unturned in his endeavor to prove his love for you. With gritted teeth he wrote one note after another, but they all sounded too out there, too much, insincere.
So in the end after several crumpled dino post-its he wrote I love you, x K and, before he could change his mind, quickly stuck it into your day planner for you to find on Monday.
After another thorough check on the kitchen table to make sure he didn‘t forget any dishes, he made his way back to the bedroom. His feet, cold from the wooden floor, slipped underneath the blanket and he pulled you close to wipe away the very last remnants of panic clinging to his heart. You were right here in his arms, still asleep, still unbearably gorgeous. Kei buried his face in your hair and took a deep calming breath.
He supposed there was one more way he could show you his love tonight…
Kisses pressed to your shoulder and neck made you stir against him.
You turned around, sleepily rubbing your eyes. He brought his hand from your hips up to your breasts and squeezed them gently, just the way you liked, ghosting his fingertips over your hardening nipples.
“Mmh… Kei… what?“
“I need you, sweetheart.“, he muttered. You couldn‘t know that he meant it in more ways than one.
You let out a tiny sleepy giggle. “Is that so? Well, no complaints here.“
He kissed you, elated when you immediately opened your mouth for him to deepen his affection.
“Can I … ah, y/n… can I be inside you?“
“As if I could ever say no to you…“
He raised your nightgown above your head, relishing in the sight before him - his beautiful naked wife smiling up at him.
When he entered you slowly a few moments later he felt beyond relieved. It had all just been a dream and yet, he still couldn‘t believe his luck.
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a/n: this one got away from me - I’m so sorry for the added angst! I hope it’s still fine. Thank you so much for your request and your kind words and I love your writing, too!! 🌱
for requests see here
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ceruleanpunch · 1 year
tagged by @dentondeathmetal (got an hour on this train so much appreciated)
name: casey
time: 5:40am
favorite band/artist: oingo boingo or marina
last movie: evil dead rise (I'm extremely casual w this franchise but I thought it was pretty solid?)
last show: the last of us!!!! (only 3 eps bc I was trying to sleep a bit on this flight but very much enjoying it)
when I created this blog: it was a remake nearly 7yrs ago but now that's outlasted my prior (5yrs)
what I post: mostly reblogs of what I like and then silly thoughts that feel right here
other blogs: nothing I use very actively
followers: 127
do I get asks: almost never but more recently
avg hours of sleep: 6~7hrs (know that should be more but it used to be more like 4~5 so small steps)
instruments: none
what I'm wearing: black pants I wear basically everyday (I have several pairs), the trans guy uniqlo t-shirt but in blue bc I'm special (I have multiple in black though. summer makes me have a cartoon character wardrobe) layered over a black turtleneck because I'm tired of waiting for summer to be over
dream trip: idk like. I have so many places I'd love to see (and see again), so it's more about who's with me
dream job: organizing things but where I have little to no customer service contact. or working w animals at a nice aquarium
favorite song atm: hot to go!-chappell roan; ride-sir mix-a-lot
tagging whoever'd like to!
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0ystercatcher · 10 months
yucatan/mexico is beautiful btw. also miles and miles ahead of peru socially and in terms of infraestructure (even if they still do listen to tiktoks wit no headphones on in the bus). theres so much construction and development happening around here and its not a huge city afaik. at least the area ive been staying in seems to be booming. also prices have risen since i last was here (2 years ago) but people dont seem miserable like back home. lots of sort of... "first job" places are hiring, mainly retail and service from what ive seen but its not like ive been looking exactly, but hiring signs are all around. the maya train (or at least one of its routes) will be inaugurated just a day before i leave whch is sad bc the orig plan was to take it to/from cancun but alas...either way thats an amazing feat. im an outsider so im not entirely privy to all the details abt its construction costs and the protests over environmental impact but im ngl even if those are true its such a huge cool project that im sure will bring so much development either way that..who cares. its really...eye opening? interesting? to see a place thats culturally and historically quite similar to my own country and yet doing so so so much better even if it has obvious flaws (cartels being a huge one but ive only been to this particular area and it seems its been left somewhat untouched by them thankfully). its nice. ive still got a couple days left here but ive really enjoyed this trip a lot. i will say, its mega unnerving to be so close to sea level at all times tho. its so flat here. i miss the mountains and the view from up on them the most so far. if only to get a good look of the marshes around here.
anyways. i could be talking out of my ass, i havent looked into specifics of how the avg mexican is faring rn and the economic situation of say, families, and ive only done a cursory check of the general econony of the region and its growing in maybe sus ways but from my perspective rn...things look good here. i hope they stay this way for a bit.
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hh0peful · 2 years
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if you want to commission me send me a private message here or a note on dA and pleaaase include a reference, whether it's a photograph, a piece of visual art, or a written description!
terms of service: - i retain the right to refuse a request on any grounds - you may use your commission for icons, banners, backgrounds, etc! - avg turnaround will be 1wk to a month - if you want me to work on a short deadline i can do that but will charge you a fast turnaround fee of £5-£10 - payment due upfront via invoicing - wips will be sent for a sketch, and once more before rendering.
WILL DO: - humans/humanoids, furries/anthros, animals, bugs and stuff, mythical creatures - any man or beast you can think of! - original characters - canon characters - gore, body horror - nudity ( must be 18+ ) - NSFW ( must be 18+ - ask, i have my own rules and limitations for what i will and won't do ) - forests, cityscapes - any kinda background you want 
WON'T DO: - extreme gore/fetish/kink art - any nasty shit like incest/zoo/pedo art, also will not accept your commission if you align with any of this. - anything hateful twrds marginalised communities/just in general its rly not my bag lol
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