#avram rozenfeld
jewishsimming · 11 months
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I was looking through some portraits of my founders and thought I'd repost some. How cute are they?
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jewishsimming · 1 year
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Avram Rozenfeld, June 30 1870 - October 1 1914
Zichronah lebracha, may his memory be a blessing.
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jewishsimming · 1 year
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Looking distinguished there, Avram :3
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jewishsimming · 1 year
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Summer brought with it the news that there was to be a war, following the assassination of a Windenburg duke.
Jacob was the first to carry the news, already having attained the rank of second lieutenant - he had joined up shortly before his and Sarah’s wedding.
Benjamin was the second to express his wish to join up.
Aaron was not nearly as enthusiastic. "I began my studies only a year ago," he said, reluctantly, when Ben asked him if he was going to enlist.
It devolved into an argument - the ugliest fight they've had in years, and certainly the closest the brothers have ever come to blows.
Avram listened quietly while Jacob explained what the news meant for them. It didn't escape his notice that the young man studiously avoided expressing his wish one way or another. Avram, of course, knew he was far too old to enlist. With his lumbago and his stiff knees, he would be a liability rather than an asset.
In reality, Jacob knew he had no choice but to go. The only other way was a dishonourable discharge, and what would that mean for his young family? His wife, his children... Rachel and Sam, and another on the way. He dreaded having to break the news to Sarah.
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jewishsimming · 1 year
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How adorable are the infants?!
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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And naturally I have one for Avram.
Avram is a farmer, so even if he wasn't already not inclined to fuss, he would mostly wear sensible, sturdy clothing anyway.
Check this page for genetics. If it's not in the list, it's in the game.
CC links under the cut.
@maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters @simshistoricalfinds
Look #1 - Everyday (Workwear) Outfit
Look #2 - Everyday (Casual Wear) Coat
Look #3 - Everyday (Going Out) Suit
Look #4 - Formal/Party (Everything here is in-game iirc)
Look #5 - Sleepwear Onesie
Look #6 - Underwear Outfit | Socks
Look #7 - Summer Outfit | Boater | Brogues
Look #8 - Winter (Everything bar the coat is in game)
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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1894 - 1895 family photos!
Top left: Esther, Avram, Sarah and baby Benjamin, taken 1894, just after Benny got his first trousers. Big boy clothes for him :O
Top right: Esther, Sarah and Benny, mid-1895. If you look closely you can see Esther is ~in the family way~
Bottom left: Sarah in her best dress, taken late 1894
Bottom right: A close-up!
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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No I never get tired of making these old photo-style edits
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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The farm had undergone somewhat of a transformation in the last four months. Avram had repaired the stone fence bordering their property, tidied the barn and cleared the overgrown weeds from the fields. The fields had been ploughed (courtesy of a loaned horse and plough from the Berkowitzes).
All afternoon they planted rows of crops—raspberries, pumpkin, lettuce, aubergine, blackberries, pears—Esther lost track after a while. It was sweaty, dirty work, and by the end of it her arms and legs ached, and she was nauseous from the smell of the horse manure they used for fertiliser. Since the smell had never bothered her before, she could only assume it was due to the beginnings of her pregnancy.
Still, it was worth it, and she hoped they would reap the benefits come summer.
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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Random gameplay pics! Sarah tried to play with the chickens and one of them pecked her, lmao
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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I have no prose to go along with it, I just think it’s a super cute screenshot.
Avram and Esther were childhood sweethearts. They grew up together—literally, as Esther’s family took Avram in after his parents died unexpectedly. Their parents had always hoped they would marry one day, and Esther’s parents were pretty chuffed when Avram approached them when he turned 18.
They married at 21, and at 22 decided to move to Henford-on-Bagley to begin their farm.
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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Photos found in the old Rozenfeld farmhouse, stashed away in a box in the attic.
Captions on the back of each photo reads -
"Mr and Mrs Avram Rozenfeld, and Lone Oak Farmhouse. June 1889."
"Mother and child. Esther and Sarah May 1891."
"Sarah meets Darling, guarded faithfully by Fishel. November 1891."
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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Life Stages CAS Challenge - Avram Rozenfeld
Again for my legacy founder, Avram! Men’s fashion hasn’t changed much in the last 20 - 30 years, oop.
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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"What do you think?" Avram asked. Esther leaned against the carriage with one hand and shielded her eyes with the other.
The first thing she saw was a crumbling stone wall and a gate hanging off its hinges. The second was the house. It wasn't hard to miss, after all—a two storey farmhouse with cream-coloured stone and a shingled roof. Sturdy windows with the most darling shutters, Esther thought, her heart full. A bay window to let the sunlight in. Flower boxes overflowing with pansies and marigolds—
She mustn't be taken in by a first impression, Esther reminded herself. When she looked closer, she could see other details that stood out: the faded paint on the door, the neglected garden. That wasn't to mention the other buildings. A run-down barn with holes in the roof. Some type of animal shed. Fields of wild grass long enough to graze against the hem of her bustle.
"It's lovely," she said, uncertainly. "But the farm..." "Ah, the farm!" Avram said. He grinned, dark brown curls falling into his eyes, and she couldn't help but smile at his boyish enthusiasm. "Look at this land! The fields are in need of tidying, but I'm told the soil here is rich. We can plant many crops. Strawberries! Pumpkins! Potatoes!" He beckoned her down the rough cobblestone path, past the house, pointing out the stone buildings she had spotted. "A barn, in need of repair, but otherwise serviceable. A shed for animals. A cow, perhaps?" "A cow?" "Also, some chickens. There is room for a coop out back, by the well." It did not surprise Esther to learn the farm had been abandoned for some time.
The interior was not much better. Inside a thick layer of dust coated each surface, and spiders had taken up residence in most corners. The walls were tinged black from dirt and soot. Still, she could see what had drawn Avram to such a place. They were both country folk at heart, although her family had grown only what they needed to survive. Old as it was, the house had a charm to it. All it needed was a bit of attention: and the kitchen was much larger than the other places they had viewed.
"What do you think, Esti?" Avram asked again, once they had finished their tour. "I have made a deposit, but I would not sign a contract without your opinion."
Esther considered. It would take work, yes, and many repairs would be required—likely more than what they could see. She would be able to do some, until... well, she wasn't sure about that yet. The doctor would confirm at her appointment tomorrow. "Yes, darling," Esther said, and Avram lifted her hands to his lips.
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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“I have a new appreciation for Mam’s hard work,” Esther said.
Avram glanced up, pausing with his bagel half-way to his mouth, and gave her a quizzical look.
His confusion could perhaps be explained by being a man. The fields, the sheds; work of axe, shovel and chisel were his domain—where he felt most comfortable. ‘Women’s work’, Esther was used to—she had been doing it all her life. Carrying water, laundry, making and mending clothes, cooking and cleaning were not thought of as ‘real work’, but the sore muscles, chapped hands and stiff back were real enough. Mam had done all of that on her own for years, often while carrying the extra load of an unborn child inside her. Now that Esther was the same way, she didn’t know how her mother did it.
“Never mind, dearest,” Esther added, and Avram shrugged, then ate his bagel in two bites.
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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I retook a wedding photo of the two of them and they look so cute~
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