#axel's chaotic energy on instagram
shadowhuntersloving · 6 years
So a lot of people are probably gonna hate me for what I'm about to say. I'm actually a bit worried about how many, but we're gonna do this anyway because I need this off my chest now that s3 of Skam France is close to its end(it hurts just saying it). 
Actually Yann's "Episode 9, it's almost over" made me emotional enough to write all of this. So thank him for that. Yeah.
I don't even know my exactly point yet, but I'm gonna start ranting: I love s3 of Skam France. I will be honest, I haven't seen s1 and s2 yet. I have heard so many bad things about it, and to begin with, I was one of those people who didn't understand why we needed remakes of the same story. I was one of those people. But I realise I have been TOTALLY wrong. Skam France is the only remake I have really watched through, and then the OG. I have seen some of Skam Italia, but it didn't capture me the same way. As soon as I started Skam France s3, I was mesmerized. I didn't know it was possible to get THIS invested.
Back when I just started Skam OG, I also first found out about the show during s3. It was everywhere, and as someone who watched Eyewitness at the time, and is still a Shadowhunters fan, it popped up on tumblr. I believe that was where I saw it first. Then I went to youtube and started watching, and I was hooked like no other. The show had an earthi-ness to it(I don't think that's a word lol). I related to the characters. And I just generally really liked it. 
However, the difference between back then and now, was that I wasn't really 'a part of' the fandom as I feel like I am now. I wasn't reblogging stuff and commenting and all those things. I wasn't very active on social media, so I watched the show and...yeah. I didn't really have anyone to freak out over it with, or rather I did, I just didn't use it at the time, not thinking about it. But I don't know how many times I have rewatched scenes from s3.
S3 has a very special place in my heart. Not only do we have Evak, who are incredible, but as mentioned it is the first season where I discovered Skam, and my two best friends have MI. Even as MI too, so I could see that, like, feel it deeper than anything else, because of that. Therefore Even is also a very important character in the story for me. 
Then I came across Skam France, after long long time of not being involved with anything Skam, and I can't even remember how I found it, but I'm SO happy I did. I came in around right before episode 7, I believe, so I haven't been here from the beginning, sadly. I kind of hate that to be honest, because it feels like everything have gone faster because of that. But that's not my point. My point is that I found out how much I actually love Skam France s3. Yes, it's the same story overall, but the actors, the cinematography, how deep they are going into the characters, how filled with emotion it is, everything. I love the changes they made to Even and Isak's characters too. 
For example, the intensity of it all. You really feel everything. It's very emotion-filled, and I love when a series can do that to me. Also, how bold Lucas is and what a dork Eliott is, like, how can you not love them? Plus the chemistry Maxence and Axel has, both on screen and off screen. Their friendship is so pure. And Maxence's livestreams gives me life, seriously. The whole raccoon and hedgehog. Another big thing I love, which we have seen in this latest clip, is that there is not a division between the boy and girl squad. They are one big group. 
So I'm just gonna say it straight out: At a lot of points, I like Skam France's s3 more than the OG Skam's s3. Now, please don't get mad. I know what you're thinking, and I agree. All of the remakes have their own charm, their own ups and downs, none are better than the other. But taking in a personal opinion, in this case mine, I as a person likes Skam France s3 more in several ways. Like that Lucas hangs out with the boy AND girlsquad and supports them both. As I mentioned above, there is no division. This is one of the things that I have never liked about the OG. 
But it's not 'just' about the show to me, I think: It's also about watching the live streams, seeing the interviews, seeing gifs, reblogging and commenting with you guys, the fandom. I didn't do all of that when I saw the OG. I didn't have that 'bond' with the show. But I have that bond with Skam France. I go on here to find updates all the time, and I get so emotionally invested in the story, and can see others doing that as well. I don't know, it gives me a much different feeling than what I had with the OG. Somehow this bond is just stronger, and a lot of it is thanks to you guys. I feel like I'm actually a part of this, like many others. Which also means it's so hard for me to say goodbye to Lucas. I loved his season, and I still do. I have already rewatched the clips too many times for my own good. Axel is such an incredible actor, but so is Maxence, and if I hadn't found Skam France, I wouldn't have found out how amazing these two precious people are. And how much I could freak out over instagram posts ahaha xD. But it's the fact that I am that invested that it's so hard to say goodbye, and I have to remind myself that it's not a goodbye. You guys aren't going away. You're still gonna be there, and so is Lucas and Elliot, but this time they will be in the background. That is okay. I will miss them deeply because they hold a special place in my heart, as mentioned earlier s3 is the first season where I found out about Skam in the first place, and my two best friends have MI, so Eliott's character also have great meaning to me. But they won't go away. They will still be there. 
I think what I have to get used to is the lack of Maxence and Axel. Livestreams, interviews and such. I hope they won’t go away completely because they make me so happy. They are like a walking sun for me lol.
Also, I am really hoping that we can get that s5, and that it will be about Eliott. I want to know more about MI, but not from reading on a website, I want to actually see it being represented in a good and healthy way on TV, which we sadly don't get a lot, if at all, and I don't want him to just be 'Lucas' bipolar boyfriend'. No, that man has SO much more to tell! Please David, Niels and Julie: Give him the chance to. So let's knock the views out of the park, and show them just how much we want it! :D
Yeah, that got a little side tracked I know, but that is honestly also a part of my point: Because if we get an Eliott season, a character that means so much to me, that would make me thrilled, and I will be so happy, also on behalf of my friends. Really, we need to have MI shown in a healthy way, and I feel like this is an opportunity we can't miss. Plus, it will be a season that hasn't been made before, because it's not part of the OG, and I find that really exciting!
So, short story told: I'm a mess, what a surprise, I love you guys, I love all of the cast, and I will miss Lucas' season way too much.
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Skam fandoms
SKAM OG: posts gifs and edits of fave characters, nostalgic AF, still follows all the actors on Instagram to keep up with what those beautiful humans are now doing. "We could've have Even for season 5 thooo", secretly still hopes for some kind of spin off episode/ years later episode.
SKAM ITA: ahestetic pics and shots of Rome, loves the boy squad to pieces, CAN'T WAIT FOR S4 LIKE THANK GOD IT'S HAPPENING, hates TimVision, Giovanni Garau is our lord and savior, Edoardo has rights. "A Zozzoni!"
DRUCK: sad cuz it's over, followed the ENTIRETY of the Davenzi roadtrip on insta and LOVED IT. Veteran discount because THREE WEEKS OF HELL WEEK WITHOUT DAVID LIKE WHOMST EVER? Crackhead energy above all else. Says "Ciao & Luigi" even though it's italian ???
WTFOCK: just pure clownery tbh 🤡🤡🤡🤡. Counts how many insta posts there are on the official page and we're slowly coming up with algorithms at this point. Senne is the Best William™. Every hour is missing Sander Hour. MaYonNnaiSe. Dosen't sleep or eat eVER in fear of missing a clip. (Also will be awarded Veteran discount because The Pain has been real guys)
SKAM FRANCE: just pics of Axel and Maxence that have big Are They Playing as Lucas and Elliot Or is This Just Them Being Close Friends Energy. HELLO? WE ARE GETTING SEASON FIVE?? Scared and Excited for it at the same time. Edits that show the Chaotic Energy of the actors.
These are the ones that i have watched feel free to add more :)
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skarsgard-daydreams · 4 years
Hello i read all of writings that you publish and the way that you write and describe them is just so great, i often find myself wanting to lift the character(s) off of the page and into real life. You are a phenomenal writer never stop writing amazing stories❤ if it wasn't too much trouble i was curious how Bill's characters would react if he has a s/o or met a girl who was like micarah tewers (youtuber) she's got insanely chaotically good energy?
Thank you for being so so sweet 😭❤️
I haven't seen Micarah before, but I did look her up just now. She seems to have similar energy as Safiya Nygaard. So let's just imagine some Bill characters becoming interested in a girl and discovering that she has a YouTube channel where she tries to blend every candle from Bath and Body works into a Franken-candle, or sews a wedding dress out of adult diapers, or decides to make a chair out of pants.
Roman would not like the idea of her putting this much of her out there on the internet. It would honestly be a major source of conflict if they had a relationship. The CEO of the Godfrey Institute's girlfriend needs to have a respectable social media profile in his mind, probably just consisting of Instagram photos of beautiful things he buys her or places they go together.
Mickey would not even question why she needed to make a chair out of pants or a wedding dress out of diapers. Of course she fucking does. And he's here for it. He would be in her videos with her, diligently scooping candles with a melon baller or acting as a mannequin for her sewing projects. He loves chaotic good girls.
Merkel would be confused. He would find her videos before they were even dating and watch a few of them, then close his laptop and possibly smoke several cigarettes. The next time he saw her, he would tell her that her sewing ability was quite impressive given her level of disorganization and suggest a dress from a Moschino show she should attempt.
Axel would 100% understand the vlogger life because I swear, he might be a cam boy. IDK. He gives off the vibe. He would probably wind up teaching her to edit videos and buy her mics and shit. He'd offer to show her the ropes if she wanted to set up an OnlyFans.
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lucasseliott · 5 years
Okay, so better late than never and I don’t know if anyone cares enough to read all this but I wanted all the cool things that happened to me and @saphy-supernova at EIL3 written down in one place so, here it goes.
-  We arrived in Paris the day before the con and once we had checked into the hotel we met up with our Tumblr Mecs GC ( @jebentnietalleen, @chelouelou, @chelou-mecs-in-love, @aspewofnonsense, @isakvaltrsen ) and we visited ‘Le Petite Ceinture’ ( after a few minutes of struggling to try and find the gate, but we won’t dwell on that ) it’s so pretty and all the art and things people have written on the pillars are so cool to look at. One of my fave things I spotted:
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- Then Saphron and I went back to the hotel and I spotted this at the correct moment on the clock #sickskamreference
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- Then it was convention time!
- We met @srodvlv and talked about our mutual love of Bastille!!
- Our first photoshoot was with the boy squad and when Robin, Paul and Leo saw our shirts they freaked out and said to Saphron that we '...have to show them to Axel!'
- We then had our photo duos with Axel and Maxence and they also freaked out over our shirts and Maxence was like let me take a photo so on his phone there is currently a picture of Saphron with Axel, and me looking derp in the background of the pic, and this moment was then immortalised by skamfrance.live on their instastory!
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- Our final photoshoots were with Rocco and Maxence and urghh, Rocco is so sweet and kind, we love.
- Saphron posted a couple of instastories of our shirts and stickers and DAVID SAW THEM AND SHARED THEM, which we then freaked out about!
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- The Skam France panel was a whole different experience all together, we got to see Axel being chaotic and getting the cast to sing Happy Birthday to David, as is the norm nowadays... Also, Axel being amazing and making sure everyone had their questions answered even though they were running overtime.
- Seeing Axel and Maxence interacting on the panel was also a sight to behold #friendshipgoals, I also got this rare occurrence on camera, the exchange of the chaotic energy braincell from Axel to Maxence:
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- We then met some of the Skam Italia cast and they were all sweet and cute af and Beatrice literally gushed over Saphron's name, and Saphron was slightly nervous when meeting Rocco and he told her not to be and pulled her into their selfie like the King™ he is, and then Rocco stared into my soul and said thank you so sincerely like four times I died.
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- At some point during the day we were sat on the floor and Thomas Hayes walked past us and Saphron got a crisp high five!
- Also got to see Ulrikke Falch in person at her panel and she's beautiful and amazing and I love her, her reactions when listening to the host translate her answers to French were priceless!
- After a veryyyy long wait in a queue we finally got to the signing lines, props too all the cast that stayed for over four more hours to see everyone, they really do the most for us. We got to meet Laïs!, Assa!, Phillipine!, Paul!, Robin!, Axel! and Maxence!
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- Assa saw my shirt and took a video of me with her freaking out about in the background and sent it straight to David while I watched on shook af 😂
- Paul and Robin recognised me from my shirt and I got compliments and an approving nod from both of them, also the both freaked out over the stickers I gave them and stuck them on the backs of their phones immediately.
- Oh. My. Gosh. talking to Axel one-on-one is An Experience™. What a legend, he was literally stood up behind the signing table the whole time I was in the area, like how did his legs not hurt? Calves of steel I say Calves. Of. Steel. I got the best selfies with him, he also freaked out over the stickers when I gave him a sheet and took a photo of them and texted it to David and was like look I texted him!! Urgh King. He also wrote a really nice message on the pic I had him sign 🥰.
- Maxence was also sweet af, but are we surprised? He was sitting cross legged on the signing table, and also got mega excited when I gave him a sticker sheet and was like 'oh wow, thank you! Wait, these STICKERS! Then proceeded to shout over to Axel across the signing line like ‘AXEL AXEL LOOK STICKERS! *some more excited French* and then thanked me again, definitely didn't think he had that much energy left in him at 10pm. I LOVE HIM! 😍
- Also, quick sidenote, a miracle occurred and I didn't have my eyes shut in any of my selfies, which I’m shook about, cause it's normally a common occurrence with me and pictures 😂
- THEN, on the way back from McDonald's after the con we were walking along the pavement back to the hotel and there was a group of girls heading towards us and they saw our David shirts and started singing happy birthday, it was amazing and we loled v hard!
- Heading into the hotel we saw Robin, Paul and Axel just chilling by the entrance talking to a couple of the convention organisers, and Paul legit recognised us with our shirts and gave us a smile!
- The next morning I woke up early and had a quick look through some instastories from the con and saw that skamfrance.live had posted that pic and then over breakfast they had seen that I had posted their story onto mine and they messaged me, and I nearly choked on my pain au chocolat not gonna lie, they told us how they thought the shirts were 'so damn cool!' and I told them they were amazing and a god send, we love wholesome interaction! Saphron was also messaged by them and they got Maxence to send the pics he took on!!! his!!! phone!!! over to her and we silently freaked out some more over our breakfasts.
- And finally ( if you've made it this far you are the true troopers in this fandom ), today Saphron posted our selfie with our t-shirts on her Instagram feed and David liked! and commented! twice! More acknowledgement from the king himself 😍.
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- Finally finally, just wanted to say thanks to everyone I met and thanks to all the actors for being even more cool and amazing than I already knew them to be, and thanks to Saphron for making it the best trip, I’m looking forward to EIL4 with you already!
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wiitkii · 5 years
Oh I have to say that I can’t look at “Axel” and take him seriously anymore thanks to Chris Veres thanks to Instagram cuz he’s an icon now and has so much of chaotic energy and I love that
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asdkjgej axel on his instagram story is radiating peak chaotic dumbass energy i love it
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izzydigicom · 3 years
Week 5: Digital Citizenship
“A good digital citizen is a person with the skills and knowledge to effectively use digital technologies in a positive way to participate in society, communicate with others, and create and consume digital content” –Office of the eSafety Commissioner, NSW Department of Education
Digital citizenship, in basic terms, refers to an individual’s public participation online. In the way that a traditional citizenship grants its holder to contribute to society, digital citizens make use of the web to build communities, contribute to social change, and even climb social ladders.
Political engagement is increasingly enabled via these dynamics- almost like in physical society, it’s widely seen as shameful, to take up digital space without putting energy towards your beliefs and social justice values.
With over 26k posts, the Instagram hashtag SilenceIsCompliance is an example of how popular this rhetoric is among users. This message was pushed greatly in the recent resurgence of the Black Lives Mattermovement in 2020.
The following post is an example of the kinds of things I saw on my feed daily, in the period closely following the murder of George Floyd:
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Alex Tran via Instagram
During this time, I also noticed a huge increase in the amount of people I follow, posting political content. My feed was flooded with information passed down from activism accounts, organisations, and popular black public figures. Whilst this helped me find my way to reliable resources to educate myself on important topics, and sent me to trustworthy organisations, the same methods of sharing can have harmful effects.
The pressure to break one’s silence affected many inadequately educated public figures and microcelebrities, resulting in huge sections of the internet participating in an insidious spread of misinformation, harmful advice, or offensive ‘trends’ designed to show support, which ended up neutralising important black voices. Not to mention how one wrong click could lead millions to donate to a fake fundraiser, or sign a petition they do not know enough about.
Vromen observes that ad hoc involvement in politics has increased as a result of digital engagement (2017). Scrolling through newsfeeds where we are overloaded with information from all sides, it’s easier for many, particularly younger users, to engage in politics in individualised ways rather than as ‘committed members of formal groups’ (Vromen, 2017).
A shift to this individualised approach facilitates populous and enthusiastic action towards single campaigns, from people with varied levels of political involvement. Pressing issues (especially for young people), find a sound platform via social media, its fast-acting participants spreading anything from educational texts to fundraising efforts. Take Greta Thunberg, whose trending hashtag spread so far to strike back up conversation among world leaders regarding climate change.
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Sean Gallup for Getty Images
Whilst hashtag publics have proven to be beneficial to many movements (see above for the result of #schoolstrikeforclimatechange), the lack of boundaries within certain platforms make them chaotic places for engagement. Take #auspol, for example, described by Axel Bruns as a place “where there is a lot of very spirited debate ... which can sometimes be very strong in tone, possibly abusive."
media platforms are increasingly used as direct news sources, ‘bypassing the editorial media’ (Pew Report, 2016). Considering this, what effect will heated discussions on these same platforms, often with ill-informed or extreme biased opinions, have on digital speculators? Within a single hashtag like #Auspol, one may find anything from direct news reports to niche debates– so where can we draw the line on what is trustworthy, or beneficial, on such free-reign platforms?
Further, what does this mean for politicians? Will their campaigning over social media, designed to appeal to young people through digital literacy, authenticity, and personality, obscure our vision of their true intentions?
Bogle, A, 2018, #auspol: The Twitter tag that Australia can't do without, Mashable, https://mashable.com/2016/03/21/twitter-australia-auspol/#4tvfXtsZUEqV
Hockenos, P, 2019, The Kids Are Taking Charge of Climate Change, Foreign Policy, https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/04/10/the-kids-are-taking-charge-of-climate-change/
Tran A, 2021, Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/fucktheabuser/
Vromen, A, 2017, Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement The Challenge from Online Campaigning and Advocacy Organisations, London : Palgrave Macmillan
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nuestkings · 5 years
Monhyun Interview with Vogue Korea
( Trans: desertfoxhmh | Original Article: Vogue Korea )
The fashion editor was surprised by how you neatly folded and lay down all the clothes for the photoshoot.
Minhyun: I think it’s polite to tidy up at least the clothes I wore. I’m originally the neat type, so I like things being neat (laughs). Since debut, I’ve been accustomed to tidying things up. I think that other people would also like things to be tidier.
Your musical Marie Antoinette is coming up soon.
Minhyun: I debuted 8 years ago and gained an interest in musicals after doing various activities. Since you have to go in person to a theater to hear a musical live, I’ve gone to see shows of seniors I like. I’m especially a fan of Kim Junsu. He’s very cool when he’s immersed in his role while acting on stage. If you’re to say that an idol group shows themselves off in a 3-minute time span, for musicals you have to extend to 2-3 hours with just your voice and acting. I wanted to experience that aspect as well and learn from it.
You’re taking on the role of Axel von Ferson, who looks after Marie Antoinette. What kind of person do you feel he is?
What aspects are you focusing on the most?
Minhyun: Since I’m not the style that has a powerful voice and don’t typically reach high notes effortlessly, I’m practicing while focusing on those areas. In the past, I often sang sweet and gentle songs that I was good at, songs with lots of sweet vocals. I’m practicing combining the strengths of my vocals and the sounds that are necessary for musicals. It felt like I returned to being a trainee starting from the basics of vocalization again (laughs).
Through practicing using different exercises, you must have newly discovered skills.
Minhyun: I thought, ah, I can also sing songs with high notes (laughs). And so while showering, I’m now trying to sing songs I couldn’t even imagine singing in the past because they were too high, as well as songs I took out from practice, songs like senior Park Hyoshin’s “Wild Flower”. I timidly challenge it while thinking, “Is this working?” and I feel really good the times I’m successful. As I participate in this musical, I think it’s a good opportunity to exceed my own limits and be able to grow musically.
Is there something that you’re trying not to do in order to manage your condition?
Minhyun: I’m trying to sleep well. My lifestyle patter naturally changes often, so I’ve developed a habit of sleeping late and waking up late, but I’m trying hard to sleep early and wake up early. I’m trying to stop drinking carbonated drinks because my voice must come out well even if I’m not able to sleep well. I honestly really like cola. For now, I’m reducing my intake, but when the musical draws near, I plan to stop drinking it altogether. I also like eating snacks like jellies in between meals, but I’m trying to eat those less and eat foods good for the body in order to manage my stamina.
I think it must be considerably burdensome because it’s different from the stage that you’ve stood on as a singer. What are you worried about most right now?
Minhyun: Singing is my job and I really enjoy it because I like it, but I don’t have a lot of acting experience, so I feel a lot of pressure there. Especially in musicals, you can’t break your focus for a long time. There’s pressure of becoming trouble to your fellow actors and the audience if you make a mistake on stage. There’s no way to survive without practice.
What’s the area in music that you are most interested in these days?
Minhyun: I’ve consistently participated in NU’EST albums as a lyricist. If there’s something I want to say or content I want to put into lyrics after reading a book, I add a check time to time. Recently we’ve gone overseas frequently, and on the plane I would write down what comes to mind on my smart phone memo pad.
Could you share a bit of the lyrics you’ve written most recently?
Minhyun: I’ve written exactly one thing on my memo pad. It’s “we’re not far from the clouds.” When I was young, I felt that clouds were really far away. After seeing the clouds closely from plane recently, I wrote that down at my thoughts “ah, I’m in a plane that’s not far from the clouds.” From here, I add a little bit more and more then lyrics come out of it.
Is there a topic you want to write about in your lyrics one day?
Minhyun: Words like “color” often appear in NU’EST songs. I want to try writing about what color the color of happiness may be.
There’s the story of you were cast as you were eating chicken skewers. Did you have dreams of becoming a singer before that?
Minhyun: First of all, I think that the biggest factor is that I like to sing. I originally didn’t have much interest in dancing. When I was first cast, my dream was to be in a group like seniors 2AM. I really like their songs. I went in thinking, “I should become a singer and sing heart-warming songs for lots of people!” but then they made me practice dancing starting from the first day, and do things like splits (laughs). At first it was really difficult. I wouldn’t go to the practice room and would hide in front of the company building. But as I kept doing it, I looked better and better as I saw myself in the mirror. I started to anticipate how it would feel when dancing on stage, and gained a desire to try being a real singer.
Idol performances is an art that makes people extremely immersed in the moment and is achieved through a great balance of song, performance, wardrobe, etc. As a kpop musician, tell us about the stage philosophy you are pursuing.
Minhyun: The biggest reason that kpop artists have received love globally is because of their passion on stage. We shine because of the energy we pour out using our whole strength for the 3 minutes on stage and the 3 months of hard work in preparation for that stage. It’s also important to have songs that fans can identify with.
Perfect cooperation is also a main factor in completing an idol group stage. You’ve also personally grown through the NU’EST members.
Minhyun: The members are people who have been running towards the same dream. We’re close like friends, but we are different than friends. Including our trainee days, we’ve been together for about 10 years, and we’ve grown a lot musically through each other. More than anything else, as I lived with the members, should I call it duties as a person? I learned how to be considerate of people. First of all, the members all have strong personalities, and there are many things I can learn [from them] since we were different. Leader Jonghyun is a “true leader”. As I watched him guiding the members well as the leader, I also wanted to be like that. I don’t have the disposition of being a leader. Minki is a mood maker. He’s fun and kind. If I’m not feeling great, my mood gets better when I look at Minki. It would definitely have been a shame if I were alone on stage. Because of the fact that we were together as five, I’m happy and proud when I go home after practicing and sweating until the early morning. During those times, I’m really happy.
As a musician, when was your happiest moment?
Minhyun: Although I feel the heaviness of the term “musician”, as an idol singer when I’m singing music I enjoy in from of many people who like NU’EST, I feel like it was the right choice to become a singer. In my daily life, when I eat delicious foods and when I think about going on trips. I was originally a homebody, but after going on trips, I realized that I can see things I couldn’t normally because I was busy and am able to think about many things. I really want to go on trips, so I search whenever I have time. I take notes from watching vlogs on YouTube, and I go on travel sites and even look up hotels. I get excited even doing just this and I feel that I’m about to go on a trip.
What’s the meaning of your Instagram ID “optimus hwang”?
Minhyun: Optimus Prime is the main character of a movie (Transformers) and I like him. He’s a good character and seeing him always assist other robots looked so cool to me when I was young, and I felt like was like an idol to me. I had thought, “I should become a cool person like that.” As I was making my Instagram ID, I found out that “optimism” [in English] also had the meaning of optimism. I felt that it also matched my values of wanting to live positively.
What do you think is needed to continue doing what you want to do and move forward?
Minhyun: First, I’m an idol singer. I diligently take care of myself, and in terms of music, I must also continuously show a more improved side. Only then can fans also enjoy being fans. More important than anything is to have the same resolution from when you were a trainee to after debuting. I know that love from fans is not guaranteed, so I want to be thankful and work diligently. Truthfully, I’m not the type to set goals concretely, but I think it would be that I want to live happily as I make music I like.
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