#ayan is waiting for you in the middle
bocje-ce-ustu · 2 years
on another note, one has to appreciate the cruel irony of ep11′s reveal scene: thua’s outburst is a time-bomb unwittingly set by ayan. ayan told thua his voice matters and thua found his voice (in a kinda twisted way, but still). and if you think about it from thua’s perspective, the worst betrayal comes when ayan, the very same person who encouraged him to speak up, is the one trying to silence him.
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daydreamingmia · 5 months
Walker Scobell X Reader | Series | You Belong With Me🔱 Part 19
It was about 20 minutes after you woke up and everyone was very sleepy "Hey you guys hungry?" Dior asks "YES!" Everyone yells suddenly waking up "In n out sound good?" She asked
"YES!" Everyone yelled again
You put a hood on hoping nobody would recognize you "You wanna share the extra large milkshake?" Walker whispered in your ear "No! Get your own milkshake!" You whisper yelled "Fine" He said and rolled his eyes. Dior and Charlie just finished ordering and it was now your turn. "Can I get a y/o, a fry and a chocolate milkshake?" You ask "Of course anything else?" The nice lady asked "Yeah can I get a cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake? You don't have anything blue right?" Walker stepped up from behind you "No. I'm sorry. Anything else?" She asked "No. Thank you." He replied Thr lady went and got the milkshake and gave it to you You waited for your food and  sat down. "Can I have a sip of your milkshake y/n?" Dior asked "Yeah! Have as much as you want!" You say handing ut to her. You look at Walker and he looks shocked (with his hand on his chest and everything) "What?" You asked annoyed "Why when I asked is you wanted to share you said get your own but when Dior asks you say have as much as you want?!" He questioned "Because I like Dior" You say like it obvious "And you don't like me?" You pouted "No" You reply plainly "Order number 83 is ready!" You heard someone announce Everyone gets up and goes to get the food "Thank you!" You said with a smile taking the bags and putting them on the seat. You turn to grab your purse When you turn back around you see Walker eating your fries "Hey! Those are mine!" You say as you try to take it from him. He turns and holds the fry in the air so you can't reach it. "You're so annoying!" You yell at him "Too bad you're short" He laughs "Too bad I'm not" Charlie says and takes the fry and eats it "Thank you Charlie" You smile "But he just ate it! It's the same if I did!" He argues "But I hate you" You joke "Just for that…I'm gonna take another fry" He says reaching in your bag as you glare at him. You pull your phone out of your pocket to document his thievery.
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You got to the airport and everyone got out. "I'm so full." Walker whines "Because you ate all my food!" You yell at him "Don't be dramatic I took barely any" He replied And you give him a look
"Okay… maybe that's why I'm full" He says
We went through security when Aryan grabbed his phone and saw the time "OMG! IT'S ALMOST 8 O'CLOCK!" Aryan yells We all look at eachother and start running Walker and Aryan in the front and Charlie and Dior a few feet in front of you. You were in the back because…WELL IT WAS 8 AM AND YOU WERE TO TIRED TO RUN FAST! Walker looks back at you "Come on!" He yelled and ran towards you He grabbed your hand and started running full blast. "WALKER!" You scream "We are not missing plane because of you!" He yells You look around and see people staring some taking pictures of you "WALKER MY LEGS CANT MOVE THAT FAST!" You yell at him "Fine" He stops picks you up and starts to run again Well let's just say only a few people were taking pictures before and now A TON were. You caught up with the rest
"Ummm…Walker should I ask why you're carrying-…never mind" Ayan says
You made it! Dior looks at her phone "we made it with 2 minutes to spare!" She says gasping for air "Thanks to me" Walker says put of breath putting you down "Hey!! I'm not that slow!!" You say He just gives you a look…yeah you were "IN MY DEFENSE ITS 8 AM! IM NOT EVEN AT THIS TIME NORMALLY!" You point out "You die when you sleep?! That makes sense why you sleep like the dead!!" Walker says You just glare at him "You know I love you" He says sweetly and kisses you
"I love you too" You blush
Everyone were flying first class You get on the plane and Walker sits down "I wanted the window seat!" You pout He rolls his eyes and stands up and moves to the middles seat as Aryan sits next to him. "Thank you!" You smile Walker knew airplanes scared you a little bit so he held your hand. You smile and lay your head in his lap. He stroked your hair out of your face and admired your beauty. You fell asleep almost immediately after the plane took off which was good for your it had been about 20 minutes. "Can I get a blanket?" You heard Walker whisper "Of course!" A woman replied
A few minutes later you felt Walker put a blanket on you. Then he kissed the top of your head. He was so sweet.
After a few hours you woke up. You picked you head up off of Walker's shoulder "Shhh. Go back to sleep." He said quietly while gently pushing your head back down. "But I'm awake" You said groggy as you sat back up. "What time is it?" You said looking around trying to open your eyes "I think it's around 4" Walker replied You looked over at Aryan and he was intensly watching a movie. You looked over and it was Mission Impossible. "Good choice" you said to yourself. You look behind you to see Dior was asleep and Charlie was on his phone. "This girl in this movie is so pretty" Walker said to you looking at his screen You look over and see he was watching Thor. The girl was you. You blush. "Wow! She's stunning!" You say jokingly
You pull out your phone and start playing games you downloaded earlier. They were a little hard to play though because Walker was holding your hand the whole time.
It was an hour later and they were giving people their dinners. They handed it to you and it looked delicious. You ordered spaghetti (which came with some bread) and Strawberry lemonade Walker ordered some tacos and sprite "Can I have some?" You ask with puppy eyes "Only if I can have some spaghetti" He replys "Fine. One bite." You say "Same for you" He replies "Fine! But it'll cost kiss" you say as Walker kisses you
"You guys are weird" Aryan rolls his eyes
After dinner you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. When you came back out most of the other people were asleep. "Took ya long enough" Walker said "You could've went to sleep without me" You replied "Could I have?" Walker said and you thought it was so sweet until he continued "You would've woken me up to get past me" He said sarcastically You sat down and laid against him again. He put his arm around you and you could heart his heart beat. He kissed the top of your head as you nestled into him. He was so warm and cuddleable (I don't care if it's not a word that's what Walker is 😊)
A/n: Hiii everyone!! I know it doesn't take as long as am saying to fly to Canada. I'm sorry just pretend. XOXO LOVE YOU ALL 💕
Tags: @noajakah236482@the-tortured-poets-depxrtment@yeeteddemigod@walker-scobell-obsessed@callsignwidow@froggyflower264
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cryyelan · 11 months
𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 — 𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐲.
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expect bad/inconsistent writing — tws/cws: violence, gore, abuse/bullying, mahito, mc is a lil wack (but I love her) attempted suicide, death, LOTS of angst, also OOC!!
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canon divergence — some pov switches + a time skip.
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AS FAR as you can remember, you never exactly fit in with other people, you looked like any normal person at your school, however your social life was completely different.
it didn't help that loneliness digged its claws deep in your flesh, an agonizing sensation it was. Thousands and thousands of needles pricked at your heart as you watched your peers happily converse without a care in the world.
Every interaction you had with someone either ends awkwardly or the conversation just stops, making friends felt so foreign to you — friendship is like a forbidden fruit, but not like you wanted it anyway. The smell of your peers is disgusting, the scent of perfume, cologne and sweat mixing together as you sat down on the ground behind the school, leaning against the wall.
It was the only solace you had next to sitting on the rooftop benches, it's not often people go up there anyways — mostly because of such a turn off to stay around it is. The sight of dead leaves and litter didn't bother you.
But was it cruel for you to constantly think about your classmates as the trash that oh so nicely decorated the rooftop? Especially — wait what was her name again? oh wait..
Any mention of her name made your blood boil, why was it that Ayane of all people chose to target you? You followed every step there is to being a lonely middle school girl, as if there's an imaginary checklist.
No friends? Check.
Nonexistent social life? Check.
You were just like any normal person, why? why is she doing this to you? You did nothing that made her feel wronged, you stayed out everyone's way, yet like an apple on a head, you were bound to be an arrows target. You couldn't help but think about earlier.
Jeers and cruel words were exchanged as your body was pushed back against the wall as fluid met your face.
Ayane towering over your frail form, giggling maliciously as she watches you wipe her spit from your face.
"Jeez, [Y/N]! I didn't know you were such a loser!" The girl laughed as you get up, dusting off your uniform. "No need to speak the obvious, Ayane." The boy behind her piped up. "Shut up, Shigeru! Go back to smoking with your shitty ass friends, Let me deal with this freak first."
She hissed at him before turning her gaze back to you. "You better not forget my cigarettes next time, otherwise I'll get him to beat you half to death." Ayane snickered, staring at your bruised body. You struggled to stay up, leaning against the wall for support.
"Rotten bitch.." you muttered under your breath, wiping off blood off your mouth and chin.
"What was that?" She growled, eyebrows furrowing.
"Nothing." You spoke. "Hmph, that's what I thought."
"Whatever, don't forget what I said, pest." Ayane growled before leaving for the first floor, her companion following right behind.
You were now left alone again, but you couldn't help but wonder.. the names she called you. They stuck like gum on a shoes sole.
Is that what people thought of you? A pest? A freak?
Fatigue starts to course through your veins as you lie in your bed, just why are you letting yourself be treated like this? Where is your backbone, [Y/N]? Don't let her push you around like this. You don't have a shoulder to cry on— well, more like you do if talking to a picture of your long deceased friend and alongside a hospitalized mother and a father who's 'always' away for business, never paying attention to you.
It was the only comfort you had, if anything, But made you feel more isolated. But Ayane's words remained. Were you a freak for crying yourself to sleep every now and then? Were you a freak when you talked to the pictures like someone was there? Were you freak for pretty much existing?
You couldn't help but wonder before falling asleep. You could only hope for the best tomorrow.
APRIL 30TH, 2018 — TOKYO
SUNLIGHT peeked through the blinds as your eyes flutter open before squeezing them shut again.
"Today is a special day."
You gently sighed as you get up from bed, walking towards the bathroom to change out of your nightwear and into your uniform, well — it wasn't just a uniform you had on. You had a crimson hairpin that stood out in comparison to your black hair.
"Special Day.."
Despite it today being your first day of high school— well in Tokyo, your mind couldn't help but wonder about her.
You had witnessed her decomposing corpse first hand — Chunks of her face, torso, and right leg were gone, maggots and flies feasting on her already seemingly eaten body.
But it wasn't the fact she died that lingered in your mind, but how. You couldn't help but feel wonderfully disgusted with your fascination.
Was it a cannibal who killed her? A rabid animal perhaps? As far as you know, the bites appear as human nor animal.
You pondered as you applied crimson lipstick on your (l/c) lips.
You weren't bad looking any means, actually pretty good looking. You wonder if anyone would talk to you, unlike your 'unattractive' middle school self.
It was a new school therefore new people, it's not like anyone would recognize the same girl who was bullied to buying cigarettes for her classmates who have no business having them in the first place.
You leave the bathroom to sit on the couch. 'What is time is it' you thought for brief moment before getting up and leaving to the front door, stepping outside and sitting the porch. The air outside wasn't exactly the most pleasant. The scent of garbage and mildew next door was repulsive.
Your nose scrunches as you recognize where the scent is coming from, the house next door.
It was home to a man in his late 40s, he wasn't particularly well liked among his neighbors, primarily due to his 'strange' behavior.
You once heard him frantically speak to your neighbors about seeing creatures — devils, monsters at night, watching him sleep.
It wasn't like you didn't believe him, but you felt like he was blowing things way out of proportion, they're harmless!
You couldn't help but want to pat the old man on the back, what's going through his head? The creatures are perfectly normal, they make great company too.
Speaking of old people...
Oh, mom and dad.
You already guessed they weren't going to be home for a while, He often leaves for work, barely ever appearing home unless hes there to gather paperwork and run errands.
Although both of you are family, your father treats less like a daughter but more like an acquaintance, and of course, you sort of in your own words — return the favor. As in barely talking to him. It was the exact same with your mother, except you never actually see her as per shes hospitalized due to a disease.
You always found them to be quite an odd pair, sometimes you'd overhear your fathers conversations on the phone, something about debt..
If he was in debt then why'd he pay so much money to move into a city expensive as Tokyo?
Whatever kind of business he had, to you at least, it didn't make sense to you that a nearly middle aged man to always be away from home and pretty much never interact or gave a shit about his daughter. But it seems like the most forty-nine year old thing to do. Maybe you weren't raised right, or maybe you just suck.
You snap out of thought as you left the front yard, leaving for school.
You're still fairly new in this city, family moving from Sapporo, you could only hope to cross your fingers for things to go smoothly along the way.
Maybe things won't be so bad.
Not even an a few minutes in, you're feel like you've already lost your way.
You look like an idiot if anything, guess you could never beat the clueless allegations. You walked your way through city as you pass shop after shop, cafe after cafe, time seems to move slow as your mind remains empty.
But while you continued pretty much explore the city, an individual had caught your eye.
You didn't get to see him for too long, but as far you can remember, he had white hair, and a blindfold..? Can he even see through that? Not to mention you felt pretty uneasy around him. Man, Tokyo is full of weird shit.
'Did I forget something?'
Perhaps you did, as now you stand in an unfamiliar neighborhood, the area becoming dark as the sun sets, did you really skip school?
Yeah, you did.
You squinted your eyes as you spot something moving in the distance, what is it?
Your eyes widen as the creature got closer, only realize it was same creature you had first seen upon moving to Tokyo. It had dark yellowish green skin, dirty beige hair running along its back, and a serpent-esque body but had four, smalls nubs serving as legs, as its face contorts into a smile, baring its human— in appearance, teeth.
The slurred, feminine voice cried out as the it approached. You stare at creature practically wriggling its way towards you.
"Motherrr.. am I ugly..?!..."
It spoke again, the feminine voice sounded pained. As its body stops just a solid six feet away from you, close enough to get an even better view of it.
It had far to many eyes to keep count, they were at least as small as a cats. It was far, far uglier than the last time you saw it. A loud, piercing cry sounded out as the entity wriggled even closer. You couldn't help but sort of sympathize with it to some sorts..
"I know, I know. I'm ugly too."
You spoke blankly at the creature, blinking. "Not." You blew a raspberry as you lightly put on your lower eyelid playfully.
You decided to a take steps foward, closing the distance between you and the ugly thing.
You crouch down to its level as continues to wail. "You're not too bad looking, but wow— you're hideous~" You said in a sing-song voice, only to cover your ears as it suddenly screamed.
Your face twists into a scowl it was spoke as you were pushed down as the creature backed away, the sound of cracking and tearing of flesh fill the air as your face scrunches up in disgust at the sight before you. It's body contorts in uncomfortable positions as the nubs it had for legs stretched into long, human-like arms, flesh tearing in the process as purple blood splattered on the ground, some of getting on your uniform.
'Shit..that's going to leave a stain..'
it's many, many eyes gaze met yours as one, massive eye appears out of its sludgy skin.
It is a special day after all, right?
"You know, I've lived long enough to know I deserve far better than this!" You yelled out at the screaming creature. You thought these fuckers were normal! What the hell?!
You swore you just started to contemplate your entire life and your shitty choices.
Seriously [Y/N]? When was last time you ever learnt from something?
Last time you learnt something was the last time you saw her.
And this sure as hell wasn’t your first encounter with death, Joy and horror were the only things you felt that day.
"YOU SHOULD SMILE MORE, [N/N]!" Aina called out, roughly pinching my cheeks, in attempt to make me smile. "What do you want, Aina?" I responded, getting her hands off my cheeks.
"I just wanna see you! You're being a little distant lately." She said, almost scoldingly. "If you ever need something, tell me!"
I couldn't help but smile at her words, I'm glad somebody like her exists.
"And there shes goooes.. shes smiling!" Aina said teasingly. "Now let's get out of here, it's getting late and you wouldn't want your parents to worry!" She took my hand as we ran our way through the hallway and to the entrance where our lockers are at.
"And don't forget to change your shoes, silly!" She quipped.
I opened my locker and started to change my shoes until the comfortable silence was cut off by Aina.
"Hey, have you heard about Hashimoto going missing lately?"
My blood ran cold as she spoke those words. Hashimoto —missing?
"Hashimoto... She went missing..?" I uttered under my breath, but was loud enough for the taller girl to hear. What could've happened to her?
"Yeah, even that boy that always with her too." She responded, voice hushed. "You seem close to them, no?"
"We were close, but not anymore." I scowled and turnt towards her direction. "Okay, I don't know what happened between you both but I won't pry." She gave a soft smile as she waited by the open doors.
I put my indoor shoes in the locker and closed it before turning towards brown haired girls direction, her hazel eyes meet mine.
"Want me to walk you home? Just so you won't go missing?" The taller girl asked as she looked at me with almost pleading eyes.
"No thanks, I can handle myself." I turned down her offer.
"Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes, I am sure — I promise I'll be safe." I said.
"Alright then, you better pinky promise!" She said proudly, holding her pinky up. "No pinky promise — we're too old to be doing this." I responded. "You're never too old to make a pinky promise!" She beamed with stars in her eyes. Damn it, who am I to reject her?
"Fine, I pinky promise." I deadpanned, holding out my finger.
Our fingers joined together only for a few seconds and only to pull away as Aina giggled.
"Well then, I'll see you tomorrow! Stay safe [N/N]!" She waved off and ran off until I couldn't see her anymore.
I pulled out my phone and checked the time, my fingers against the cracked screen.
'Three-Forty Five? Should be barely anyone here..'
I put my phone in my book bag and exited the building, walking to the gate.
My home is rather far from the school, it was solid thirty minute walk at least.
As I walked home, I saw a couple of those creatures again, they were a variety murky and bright colors and strange features, big and small — and they didn't seem to stick around any longer as if they were scared of me. I kept on walking until I stopped on my tracks and scrunched my nose. The scent of iron filled the air I notice a trail of blood
I looked in the direction of where that scent was coming from.
'The forest? Did somebody get hurt?'
It didn’t help that my home was quite far from any public area outside of a bad neighborhood.
But how did somebody not notice this?
Something was begging me not to follow the trail, but the other in the back of head was beckoning.
But I was curious, far too curious.
I followed the trail, only to stop in my tracks again. I wanted to scream, I wanted to run away — But I couldn't.
It was none other but her body in front of me.
Ayane Hashimoto.
I was at a loss for words I saw her rotting body.
Who did this?
And why?
I took a step back and turned away from the sight of the body and began to walk away.
I lived long enough to know I deserve better.
I deserve so much better.
I am about to die, yet here I am thinking about the past. Why am I just remembering who my friend is? Why am I just remembering all those horrible things that have happened to me so long ago?
I wonder if anything I've done for anyone meant anything. I wonder what everything I've said meant anything. I wonder if I meant anything to anyone at all.
I suffer because my decisions, but why do I regret them? It's not like it'll happen again.
It's not like it'll happen again at all.
I closed my eyes as the creature attacked me, only to feel nothing at all.
I opened my eyes only to hear the sound of crunching and splattering.
There was something else present.
I looked at the creature being eaten and took a closer look.
It was a mantis..? A rather giant one.
It had black, splotch-like markings with red in the center, it looked far different than any other mantis I’ve seen, not to mention its size.
It continued to eat the serpent-like creature as pained wails sounded out before being completely drowned out by the sound of squelching flesh and the cracking of bones.
It wasn't too long until the carnage stopped, the remains of the being disintegrating as it let out one last cry before completely disappearing altogether.
I laid there in shock — just where did it come from?
I flinched as the mantis cocked its head in my direction, before approaching me.
Its bloodied body moved faster than I thought as its large massive eyes met mine.
It seemed to do a nodding motion before its body began to evaporate into steam.
Just what was that?
"Nice shikigami you got there." A deep, masculine voice spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence. I cocked my head to look back at the figure behind me.
He had spiky, white hair and a blindfold, but one thing that really made me wonder was his height, just how tall is this man?! How many times has he hit his head on doorways?
My eyes went as wide as saucers as I realized — this is the same man I saw earlier, passing by a bakery.
I glared at him, pointing a finger.
"Who are you?”
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@bridemiko — if you see any of my work published outside of tumblr, quotev, and wattpad — its most likely not me!
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Hello! 👋
I'm sure it's already in your drafts, but may I request some clarity on the colors in MLC?
I don't get a red rascal vibe from Jim, unless they meant something else putting him in all those reds and warm Earth tones (ha!). And Wen in blues/teals? A blue boy?
You're so good at this and I just can't wait to hear from you. 🤩 Also Infidelity Rooster the Series is fantastic so far, so thrilled that it's living up to the hype and everyone is Being So Normal about it 🤣
@abstractelysium - I’ve seen this show referred to as Gay Chicken, Infidelity Rooster, and Lunar Cock, so I love that all of y’all decided that Moonlight Chicken just wasn’t serving the juiciness we needed.
Now onto the COLORS!
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Let me apologize for the confusion. I do not think Wen and Jim are color-coded, at least not in the way many other shows code their leads. Instead, the colors are symbolic of the moon and the sun. The Eclipse and Big Dragon both incorporated the moon and the sun into the narrative of the story. Colors, in both, were used to symbolize the moon and sun.
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In my initial analysis for The Eclipse, I pinned Ayan as the moon (alone) and Akk as the sun (popular); however, Ayan was red and Akk was blue. Big Dragon did something similar by making Yai the moon and Mangkorn the sun, yet Yai’s safe spaces were during the day while Mangkorn’s were at night. These shows are demonstrating how the moon and sun need each other, and they must meet in the middle to to do so (during an eclipse or at dawn).
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The moon is represented by yin which is darkness, water, and feminine energy, and the sun is represented by yang which is light, fire, and masculine energy (ex. Ayan and Akk eating at night by the water on the blue chairs versus them fighting on the red mat). Both are opposites but compliment each other and are needed for the balance of life. We saw this to some degree as well in KinnPorsche with Kinn (water) and Porsche (fire).
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If Moonlight Chicken is doing the same, it is saying Wen is the moon and Jim is the sun, yet they exist in the opposite worlds. Wen’s apartment is full of cool tones and he wears blue in the first episode, while Jim’s house is full of warm tones and he wears red throughout the first episode.
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Even when they come together in Jim's living room, they align with their colors.
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Jim’s life is constantly full of people. Wen is alone most of the time. However, Jim naturally doesn’t start his day until much later because he works at night, while Wen has a day job. The visuals are showing us how they compliment each other. Night and Day. Dark and Light. Accessible and Isolated. Jim is not a red rascal. Jim is the sun and gives life to others through his warmth. Wen is not a blue boy. He is the moon and helps light the path for others in times of darkness.
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Heart and Li Ming also show this dynamic.
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Heart, the moon, is isolated and alone, but Li Ming’s life is full of interactions and conversations with others. Li Ming is the sun who gives Heart warmth and Heart will be the one to light Li Ming’s path during dark times.
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There will still be an exchange of colors. There always is (unless you are Sam on GAP who REFUSES to wear Mon’s pink! AHHHHHH!), but the exchange won’t be as much about feelings as it is about balance. As the pairs begin to harmonize, we will see them exchange colors (or hues of them).
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The moon only shines because it reflects the sun’s light, and the moon provides stability (the Earth would wobble without the pull of the moon, and it creates a rhythm through the tides). In order to have life, we need both the sun and the moon. We need their light. We need their love.
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sollucets · 1 year
Can I request some more AkkAyan? Maybe from the touch prompts list simple 10 and 12 if you want 💜
10 (spooning at night) + 12 (tucking hair behind their ear) from this list for my silly lil milestone thing. your other prompts are in the tank too, tiis, i just finished this first. ~800 words of sleepy fluff, rated g for gay
Aye wakes gently, to warmth and tentative movement and his own name in a whisper. He doesn't open his eyes.
"Aye," says Akk again, distant through the fog of sleepiness. "Aye, are you up?"
He responds with a mumble that used to be words and tightens his arms around the warm and soft thing he's hugging. For some reason, Akk responds to that with a cut-off little grunt. "What time is it," Aye manages after a moment, coherently enough to his own ears.
Aye scrunches up his face and whines, voice breaking in the middle.
"I know," says Akk, in the barest hint of a murmur, sounding fond. "But this is really your fault."
"How,” demands Aye blearily.
"It was you who insisted on this position. You have to let me go so I can go to work."
Aye opens his eyes. It isn't even light out yet; he can just almost see the shapes of Akk's bedroom through the faint moonlight that filters in the window, the spokes of that wheel outlined against the curtains. He can also make out the shape of Akk himself, seeing as he's barely a few inches away and held firmly in the circle of Aye's arms, back to chest and hair tickling Aye's cheek.
With this new knowledge, Aye considers Akk's words for a second. Then, dropping his face to Akk's shoulder, he says, "No."
"What, you can't get out?" He knows Akk is stronger, could probably break even the strongest of Aye's attempts at holding him if he wanted to.
Akk snorts, wiggling a little in Aye's grip, and says, "Of course I can, but I was being nice to you. It would've woken you up either way. Let me go, I have to be out on the boat in twenty minutes."
The arm under Akk's waist is numb, probably has been numb since before Aye woke up; it tingles unpleasantly at the movement. "No," he says again. "Don't go."
And, even though he absolutely could break Aye's weakening hold if he wanted to, and even though Aye knows with the benefit of a few more minutes awake that he isn't at all lying about needing to work and his parents are probably waiting, Akk doesn't move. "See if I ever let you be the big spoon again," he mumbles petulantly. It's so cute. "You're not even the right size for it, Shortstop."
"Shut up, you like it just as much as me. You'd get sad if we didn't swap sometimes."
Akk shifts a little, a hand coming up to touch Aye's where it's hooked over his chest and very tellingly doesn't directly deny it. "Stop talking so much." In a softer tone, he says, "Aye, I really have to go."
With a groan, Aye presses his lips to Akk's shoulder in an uncoordinated kiss, then lets go all at once and flops onto his back. It's not at all cold, but it feels like it across his chest where Akk had been, and he lets his arm splay dramatically over the rest of the bed to accentuate his disappointment. "Fine, fine. I guess I'll allow it."
Aye can practically hear Akk's eyeroll as he gets up and swings his legs over the side of the bed. "Thank you ever so much."
"You're welcome, baby," Aye answers, and when he predictably isn't granted a response to that, he just listens to the soft noises of Akk shuffling around the closet. They're familiar. Akk genuinely doesn't often fully wake him when he leaves, usually very conscientious of their differing schedules and Aye's sleep problems. Even so, Aye's laid half-awake listening to Akk get ready enough times that he knows what it sounds like. It's comfortable for him. It's still five a.m., and Akk's bed is really very soft, and he'll be just fine getting back to sleep, and --
The bed dips next to him, and a hand touches his face. Aye opens eyes he doesn't remember closing again to see Akk braced over him with one hand, the fingers of the other very gently tucking some of Aye's hair behind his ear. "Sweet dreams," he says, sincere. His eyes are soft with the kind of tenderness Aye had never even thought to dream of before learning it could happen.
Aye wants to tell him something like that, something clever and romantic about sweetness and love, but the best he can manage is nuzzling into Akk's hand, eyes slipping closed again. He'll tell him again when he wakes.
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ecargmura · 2 months
Kimi Ni Todoke Season 3 Episode 5 Review + Final Thoughts
And this is why they shouldn’t release all the episodes at once because I’m sad that it’s already over. Why must you do this, Netflix? Now I’m here demanding a fourth season…
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While the miscommunication had been dragging since Episode 3, it actually gets resolved early in Episode 5. Sawako finally becomes more assertive as she finally breaks down and asks Kazehaya if he doesn’t love her anymore. Then we finally get the long awaited kiss between them! I love how there are similarities and differences between the confession scene back in Season 2 and the kiss scene here.
Unlike the confession, no music is played when they kiss. It’s complete silence. I think it that the lack of music makes the scene so powerful in a way. In just a flash, Kazehaya washes away all of her doubts. It’s only when Kazehaya pulls Sawako into a hug and says that he loves her three times that the music finally starts playing. If you recall Sawako’s confession back in Season 2, she confessed that she loved Kazehaya multiple times. Kazehaya does a rehash of it here in a sense. Maybe I’m a bit overthinking on this part, but that’s what it felt like to me. 
I do like that while Sawako has a curfew, she manages to rebel against it as she spends some time with Kazehaya at a cafe to talk things out with each other. It’s finally nice to see some communication with these two. Gosh, it took three long episodes to finally resolve this matter. It’s all Kazehaya’s fault this time around, though Sawako doesn’t seem to mind his flaws.
Afterwards, it’s pure cuteness as it’s officially Christmas in the story. Kazehaya gets an early Christmas present by listening to Kento ramble on about Ayane for hours. Dang, Kento, I didn’t know you have that much energy and throat power in the middle of the night.
Ayane and Chizuru come over and give each other a status update with their love life. Ayane is finally going out with Kento while Chizuru shows off the preserved flower she got from Ryu, but they’re not dating yet. Well, it makes sense given how awkward Chizuru is when it comes to love. I’m just amused that Chizuru is super shocked that Ayane is dating Kento because she thinks he’s a doofus.
The group go to another Christmas party at the Kuronumas. This time, the girls bring their boyfriends too. Poor Sawako’s dad. He finally learns that the hat he wears all the time and even bragged to Kazehaya about was actually made for Kazehaya and not him. Poor dad. He must have gotten so much emotional damage from that. I love how Ryu is just eating the food because he’s a whole mood right there. I’d just chilling and eating at a Christmas party too. I think having the group gather for the party is a nice way to end off the season. It’s sort of like a nice way to celebrate all the good things happening to them now.
Man, it’s so nice to finally see Sawako speaking her mind more often now. She chose to celebrate her birthday with her family because she wants to. It’s only fair that she should have some time with them as she spent Christmas Eve and Christmas with her friends. It’s also nice to see Sawako’s parents looking through her childhood photos and see how much their daughter has grown. I’m so proud of Sawako too!
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Final Thoughts
I’m sure that many people anticipating the new season of Kimi ni Todoke didn’t expect that all the episodes would drop in a day. I certainly didn’t expect that too. This is my first time watching an anime that has all of the episodes dropped all at once. It has both its good and bad sides.
A good side to having hour long episodes is the lack of waiting week by week to see how Sawakaze’s conflict would be resolved. I know for a fact that had these episodes been weekly, they would have the nastiest cliffhangers. The bad side to having all of the episodes at once is the fact that that because they’re all there at once, the momentum will die out in a few weeks. It’ll be gone like the wind soon and it’ll just be a memory engraved into our minds…
Regardless, I do appreciate the effort Production IG did to keep the anime looking the same as it did 13 years ago. The soundtrack feels like it’s from the same composer. The characters didn’t go through modernization. The scenery and setting are all like it’s still 2011. I think one massive change the animation studio made is improving the animation quality. If you see some water animations, they upped it. I’m sure for a fact that the aquarium scene in Episode 2 wouldn’t have looked that good had it been animated in the 2010s. It’s because technology advanced that they were able to improve the quality for minor details like water and movements.
Because this season is basically what happens after confession, seeing more sides to Sawako, Kazehaya and the others was nice to see. It gives them a more layered aspect to them, even if it did get frustrating. My favorite part was seeing Ryu and Chizuru’s flashbacks with how Ryu’s mother died and how the two dealt with it. I feel like seeing what sort of baggage optimistic characters like Ryu and Chizuru have really makes you like them even more. Heck, I also didn’t expect to be liking Kento now. This season really redeemed him. My only gripe is the lack of Kurumi, but if there is a season 4, she’ll probably show up.
Because it has been 13 years, I’d thought the voice acting would have changed a bit, but nope. The voice actors still maintain how they sound back then. That’s incredible. I did read a post about someone thinking Kazehaya got a new voice actor, but it’s still the same. Namikawa did sound a little different in Episode 1, but he managed to retain that softer tone in later episodes. Oh and Kimi Ni Todoke has an English dub where they’re all voiced by an all-star cast like the Japanese cast! I’ve listened to some of it and it’s really good! 
I feel like this season as a whole was a love letter to the fans that loved the previous two anime seasons. I certainly enjoyed my time watching all five episodes (six if you watched Episode 0 which is a recap). Now I demand a Season 4. I don’t care if it’s weekly or all at once. Give it to me now!
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feuqueerfire · 4 months
23.5 Eps 9 - 12 Live Blogging
well... I started watching an on-air show after a long time (February 2023 Never Let Me Go, I'm not counting Our Skyy 2) and I really just binged the first 8 episodes and fell off lol. Interestingly, I also had to binge the last 4 eps of NLMG because I stopped keeping up weekly after ep 8 (though I did watch eps 4 - 8 on a weekly basis before that).
Anyway, I wasn't feeling a Need to come back to this show because I found the resolution to Ongsa-Earth underwhelming and the reaction I've seen to these last few episodes has also been middling, so hmm idk. I'm also just not in the mood for high school shows right now (I Will Knock You is also on-hold rip), so it feels a bit unfair to this show to watch it when I'm not in the mood but what can you do? I don't want to leave it hanging even after the show ends.
Ep 9: When The Earth Tilts (May 22/23)
aughhh I really don't know if I should make myself just watch this or not because they're being cute but I just... kinda don't care. I'm indeed in the mood for something more dramatic but I also think I'm just apathetic toward them the way I became toward Akk and Ayan as soon as The Eclipse finished airing and also to Palm and Nueng toward the end of the show (although I loveeee Palm and Nueng now after some time has passed, so maybe that'll be the case here too?)
the introduction of the exchange program
Oh, dad and Ongsa just moved to Bangkok and they're getting to live as a full family, so I guess Alpha and mom lived here before
Aw, Aylin interacting with them and forcing her mouth to do smiles to try to fit in/communicate with human family
I... watched 10 mins the whole day, rip
am I being unnecessarily harsh on this show or does the conversation not seem... natural between Onsga and Sun like it's just a bike riding scene and it should be fine but why am I just like... this isn't how people talk.
at first I was like nooo Ayling shouldn't need to put on makeup to fit in the way she was trying at lunch with Alpha and Ongsa but it's cute if she wants to do it herself before meeting with Luna heh
khun faen hehe
pls not the two pairs competing
aw, Teacher Nida and Bambam helping an insecure Alpha
chef Alpha omg
no more P'Ton flirting, we have progressed past the need for P'Ton flirting
Aylin basically pieing his face was so deserved, idc that Ton helped Ongsa and Sun or whatever, he's annoying
oh nooo my poor overwhelmed Aylin
1 year scholarship to America
and now the guilt of Alpha telling Sun to not leave Ongsa, oh no
is this their first I love you? I can't remember
ahhhh the towel scene + kisses
lol I know how the scene ends because of spoilers but I would've lost my damn mind while waiting if I didn't know lol
I wasn't really into it at the start of this ep but I liked it again by the end!
I didn't mind Luna asking Aylin to socialize more with her family because it's a fairly small step since she already spends time with them and I think it'd be good for Aylin to push herself a bit out of her comfort zone and realize the benefits of maintaining relationships but the stuff at the end was too much, like why must Aylin sit at the table for lunch with a bunch of Luna's friends when she already struggles with people? I hope Luna thinks it through more next ep and apologizes but I'm nervous that that won't be the case based on some fan reactions, though idk if that was to ep 9 or ep 10.
Ep 10: (May 23/24)
plss Alpha with the knife truly is so funny
ah, Sun's out to her parents + they know Ongsa's her gf but Ongsa didn't know they knew everything
...not keeping secrets
and vaguely hypothetically asking about distance and time
secrets plaguing Aylin and Sun
oh, Sun's telling Ongsa. and she hasn't even taken the test yet and doesn't know if they'll make it. honestly a pretty good time to get Ongsa, no misunderstandings or really much secrecy yet
Teacher Bambam and Nida lmfaooo Bambam reading all the tarot cards correctly but not picking up on them being about HER!!
I feel like we've been finally learning more about Sun these past 2 eps through this scholarship and her desire for it
not even TESTING for the scholarship?!?! girl pls
I went to bed and was supposed to watch the last part before going to sleep but I didn't feel like watching Sun out Ongsa (maybe? based on a bit of the Next Part teaser at the end) so I'm here the next morning
my Aylin !!! :(
but also like... is it that big of a reveal that Aylin was bullied? feels like More should've been said or explored here?
I'm gonna smack Ton
the teachers confession!! hehe
Ongsa's right to tell Sun to pursue her exchange program dreams
okay Sun's outing of Aylin was accidental and I'll give it a pass because she's a teenager who has grown up in a very accepting home and they're all out at school, so she didn't think before mentioning the 3rd wheeling thing
but she should realize that Ongsa's trying to steer the conversation away and back off
instead of confronting Ongsa and outing her in front of her parents and wtf is "so you're never gonna tell them about me?" why is 'never' coming up here? you've barely been dating bruh and haven't discussed anything. like she could've been upset at Ongsa for keeping her a secret without feeling the need to declare it in front of her parents when Ongsa doesn't want to come out
and then just Leaving and riding away on P'Sunny after doing all that?!?!?
I've seen that Ongsa's the one who has to apologize to Sun apparently and I don't want to watch that at all.
Ep 11: (May 24)
indeed you should've been mad at finding out Ongsa's Earth, would've made more sense than here.
do I care about Tin and Mawin? I cared more earlier on in the show but now idk
why is there so much Ton, he and Charoen better not end up together like she literally does not like that man
I don't really get the 'you don't understand me at all' thing tbh
parental acceptance
another series mention of worrying about disappointing the parents
the thing is I just feel like coming out isn't only about "you worry too much about what others think" like that's not the same category as Ongsa not telling anybody about Sun and her dating because Sun's popular while she's not. It has more to do with possible pushback and violence from her own family where she didn't feel safe enough to come out. and i just don't like that coming out and being publicly with a girl is treated as the same thing as 'caring too much about other people'
and like make your home and environment a very explicitly queer-accepting space so that your daughter isn't so afraid of coming out to you and doesn't know what reaction to expect wtf
losing my entire mind at the Luna/Aylin scene, they're soooo cute, I'm soooo giddy hehehehehehe
Sun's parents at least telling her to not change for the one she loves
and Sun says sorry too
long-distance incoming, i'm guessing we'll get some time skip next ep
So close to the finale, finally
Ongsa sending Sun Hundreds of texts and going to her home at night is why. at least Sun called her out on the texts + acting unhinged publicly about the sun, but why have her go to Sun's house at night while Sun's explicitly ignoring her and knock and text and stuff. at least Alpha was taking her away but still. I'll overlook it (kinda how I still was so into PaiSky in Love In The Sky despite Pai's endless SIMs and calling) but it's been noted.
Ep 12: Promise Me... Sun (May 24)
It's a shame that my feeling is glad that I'm almost done rather than being sad about reaching the end.
Aylin, I freaking love youuuuuu, cutieeeeeee
terrible cook Ongsa, so true, same girl
the merch alien hat
at least we're not getting Ton with Cheroen
Grade 11... were they in grade 10 before?
the separation being in the literal last part is later than I expected
Aylin putting the Luna love note in her mouth hehehe
Nida/Bambam plssss lmfaoo
no! Ton and Charoen are not in love, leave her aloneeeeeeeeee
Aylin is such a trickster when it comes to getting kisses hehehehehehhe
no more glasses for Ongsa, I saw this on a Tumblr post and was like ?! >:(
GMMTV's first GL and MilkLove's first full GL; I was super excited, especially after having watched MilkLove in Bad Buddy and the Magic of Zero special, which is why I started watching this on-air (thought I'd start it even earlier than ep 8 but didn't because of exams). So it's a shame that I feel so... nothing about the show, especially the main couple; I think Aylin/Luna is my fave ship in here. I think I also just wasn't much in the mood for a silly high school romance series right now, which isn't the show's fault but contributed to why I didn't feel the pull to continue watching the show. When I did watch it, it could get pretty cute though, I giggled/gushed a few times, especially about Luna and Aylin. The teachers' storyline was cute too, though barely there. Aylin was the MVP for sure.
Rating: 6/10
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weilongfu · 2 years
Ofc how but mention every single of of The Boys. All of your boys at once
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Gun sipped his soda and watched as Tinn fiddled with his poster tube for what was apparently a vital presentation for the both of them. His boyfriend's nerdiness had grown on him, to a near fatal degree, and Gun was wondering if he'd suddenly have a problem getting tutored by Tinn if he wore glasses during their sessions.
(Tinn did not need to know that it was bound to be a problem if Gun's recent search history was any indication.)
"Okay, okay, so we've been invited to a Party," Tinn said at last as he pulled out his rolled up poster. "Not just any party, but a Panitchayasawad Party."
"Yes," Gun said with a nod.
"Because some how, through crazy random happenstance, you have family connected to the Panitchayasawads."
"Which means we'll be exposed to a host of characters."
"Well, P'Can says they're all pretty cool..."
Tinn narrowed his eyes and Gun put on his most innocent face. "Regardless, we're being thrown into the tiger's den and I think we should both be prepared for all the potential conversations we might have."
"You're over-thinking it," Gun said as he held out his soda cup for Tinn to take a sip. "They said to just relax and have a good time."
"Mother would never forgive me if I ruined her reputation or father's at the party, Gun."
"Who's gonna tell her? Do any of them even know your mother?"
Tinn's eyes took on a surprisingly manic glint and Gun wondered just how far a simple party invitation from a friend of a cousin had driven him. "Oh just wait." Tinn unfurled his poster and Gun's eyes immediately lost focus. "To help us today, I made a non-exhaustive map to chart how all the guests know each other..."
"Tinn... Tinn..." Gun walked over and shook his boyfriend. "This looks like a conspiracy map."
"Well I'd contemplated doing the pinboard thing with yarn and pictures for you but that would have gotten too big and bulky."
Gun blinked. "Oh."
"Anyway..." Tinn stuck the poster up and retrieved a pointer. "We start right here in the middle, with you and me."
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Gun couldn't help his smile at Tinn's antics and pressed a small kiss to Tinn's cheek, making Tinn's cheeks turn pink. "Go on."
"Uhh..." Tinn blinked for a second before shaking himself. "Right, and from us, you have your cousins Ayan and Can."
"P'Can is from mom's side, P'Ayan is from dad's."
"And your cousin and my cousin are... dating."
"Who knew tackling an authoritatively oppressive and traditional private school would start a romance?"
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"P'Can is dating P'Tin, no relation, and P'Tin is from the Medthanan family."
"Yeah, but P'Can doesn't like it when P'Tin uses his money. Says he's too wasteful."
"P'Tin is friends with P'Pete Pitchaya and also goes to school with P'Kluen, Dao, Mork, Pi, and Ae."
"P'Tin always says P'Pete forces him to talk to the others, but I don't buy that."
"P'Can says he smiles when he says it these days."
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Tinn rolled his eyes. "P'Pete and P'Pi are cousins. P'Dao has an older half-brother named P'Fah who will also be attending with his boyfriend P'Prince who actually... is in the family of northern royals."
"Seven degrees of separation is real," Gun said as he traced the lines with a smile. "I'm within seven degrees of an actual Thai prince family line."
Tinn's expression went soft again and Gun pinched his cheek. "Keep going, na?"
"Ahem, right. P'Pete is actually a twin and his twin's name is P'Tutor. P'Tutor goes to school with the people in this box here..." Tinn said as he pointed to the next part of his chart.
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"Look, you drew a boot around these people."
"It's not a boot... okay it looks like a boot, but that's P'Bohn's gang of friends who are in the same year as P'Fighter who is dating P'Tutor..."
"Got it, got it, got it. Friends, friends, friends."
"Not only just friends, P'Fighter and P'Bohn's families occasionally do business."
"Tinn, so many of these have families that do business... Just P'Tin's family alone does business with most of them. It's like... half of your chart."
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"Regardless, don't forget to not mention webnovels around P'Zon, P'Pete and P'Tutor are identical twins that were separated at birth so be alert, P'Frong will love talking about flowers, P'Thara will love talking about his lizard-"
"Is that a euphemism?"
"No." Tinn frowned. "Where did you learn the word euphemism?"
"From you."
"Oh..." Tinn's expression turned dopey again and Gun flicked his forehead. "Um right. P'Ram likes dogs, P'King's been working on his dog phobia-"
"Did dating P'Ram help with that?"
"...I'm too scared to ask."
"Hmm... valid."
"You can definitely talk music with several of these seniors," Tinn pointed out. "P'Saifah and P'Boss are big ones in this part here. P'Sarawat up here is also good at music."
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"But P'Sarawat just goes to the same school. Why is he invited?"
"P'Pete and P'Yo apparently helped P'Tine with something once and P'Sarawat owes someone in there a favor so he keeps playing music for the parties. P'Kongpob says he probably likes to do it so he doesn't have to talk to anyone."
"Why are P'Pat and P'Pran invited?"
Tinn rubbed his eyes. "P'Kongpob invited them. Something about keeping an eye on P'Pat and potentially making him head hazer one day. Also P'Pat's dad and P'Kongpob's dad were in negotiations for some kind of business deal. Maybe that went through?"
"I think P'Ayan invited P'Pran because of art lessons."
"Since when does P'Ayan draw?"
"Since he felt like it. Something about art therapy."
Tinn nodded and scanned the chart for the next section to discuss. "Oh, I forgot to mention P'Solo and P'Kao Ashira. They're also really good at music. Talk to them. P'Kao is known for being able to play any instrument at his school."
"Huh... I think you're missing lines here," Gun said as he traced lines from Tin to Win. "I could have sworn P'Can said P'Dean and P'Win are friends with P'Pete."
"No one tells me anything," Tinn grumbled as he scribbled down a note in his notebook.
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"It's still a really good chart, Tinn."
"But now it's missing connections."
"Which you couldn't have known about because..." Gun scratched his head. "Hey, actually how did you get all this information?"
Tinn sighed. "They've all had a lot of stuff publicly posted on social media. And then I asked P'Akk and P'Kongpob to help fill in some gaps."
"You determined most of this from just social media?! Are you sure you want to do engineering at uni and not... data mining?"
"Engineering pays better," Tinn said with a shrug. "Even if it's an oversaturated field at this rate." Tinn then picked up his pointer again and continued. "So that's the gang at that school... Over here we have P'Prapai, Sky, Payu, and Rain. I'd say I should warn you about P'Prapai, but apparently P'Sky has him on lock. P'Tin also invited P'Payu as a favor to P'Pran since P'Payu works at a really big architecture firm."
"So this is how people get all those cool, high profile connections, huh?"
"Do you see now why I was nervous?"
"Okay, okay, you were right." Gun rubbed Tinn's back. "I'm sorry. Now keep going, you still have a whole half of the chart left."
"Uhh... let's do this easy part next." Tinn pointed down to a small section on the bottom. "Here's P'Kao Phanuwat, my tutor, and his boyfriend, P'Pete Phubodin. They go to school with P'Akk Itsara and P'Theo. P'Theo's mom also does business with P'Fighter, but don't bring it up too much since P'Theo's parents got a divorce. He almost moved to France with his mother actually."
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"Didn't you say you talk to a P'Theo about books sometimes too?"
"Yep, that's this P'Theo. He's a Lit major."
"So I have to thank him for all the English vocab you've tried to teach me lately?"
"More than you can imagine." Tinn took another sip of Gun's soda and pointed to the last section. "And now the last part over here. The Wild Doctors Gang. P'Pha, Kit, and Beam have been friends since childhood and they all decided to go to the same uni and become doctors. P'Pha and P'Yo have been chasing each other since high school... P'Ming has apparently liked P'Kit since high school... P'Lom and P'Pha are cousins..."
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"What's this over here?" Gun pointed at an orange line from Yo to Khai. "Mortal enemies?"
"Oh that... P'Yo says P'Khai broke his One Piece DVDs once and laughed about it. P'Yo has never forgiven him since and P'Third, P'Khai's boyfriend, is perpetually apologetic whenever they end up meeting up. Realistically, the line between P'Yo and P'Khai should be a green one since their dads do business occasionally, but uh... this is the more relevant connection."
"So if I'm reading this chart right... We both could have gotten invited to P'Yo's party several ways?"
Tinn rubbed his eyes again. "Yes."
"And we've only just gotten an invite now because?"
"Your cousins got invited and then you had to tell them we were graduating soon and now their friends want us to pick one of their schools to go to and so P'Yo decided to invite us so we could talk to them about their schools." Tinn pointed at Khai and Third again. "P'Yo says if we ever want to be invited again, we do not pick P'Khai's school."
"Do... do we want to be invited again?"
"Ask me after the party," Tinn said with a sigh as he finally slumped into a chair.
"Thank you for all your hard work," Gun said as he sat next to Tinn and ruffled his hair. "You are truly kind and considerate."
Tinn smiled. "It does feel nice to have you say that."
"I'd have said it more often if you just told me you were trying to help..."
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stardustbee · 2 years
The Kiss by @kimageddon
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This awsome piece was made by Kima. And I cannot express how much I love this. It is pictured so perfect. And I love this and those two with all my heart!
Thank you so much Kima for this!
Please go over to Kimas blog and support her by sending her a comission if you have the chance!
Oh and btw, not me being a total softcake to write something about this! If your interested you find it under the cut ♡
I recomend listening to this
She was standing on the cliff. The cliff she has known since her childhood. Here she had always waited for him. And even today she didn't wait for anyone else. The water of the sea rushed against the rock. It foamed and sloshed. Wild and unbridled. The tree she was leaning against was blooming with beautiful leaves. The wind was gentle, the grass and flowers around them still and full. New life filled the expanse and her gaze turned longingly towards the endless horizon. 
Her ravenblack hair hung loose on her body. The light blue dress with the fine pattern suited her well and it was one of the few in which she felt comfortable. Small strings of pearls were attached around the upper body and on the chest area was an amulet that her mother had once worn. A blue heart was depicted on it. Madea had often told her how much it reminded her of her daughter and how well it matched her icy blue eyes. Her mother gave it to her one night. The words she whispered still laid in her ears.
Her hands felt the amulet and yet her thoughts wandered to the bronze rings she had laid out in the manor. It was Madea and Gwydion Arinori's wedding ring. She had made up her mind that when he returned she would give him this ring as a present. And she would wear her mother's ring proudly. 
Her eyes closed, she took a deep breath of the sea breeze. It smelled salty and another scent mingled with it. A familiar scent. A familiar presence. It didn't take words to know who was behind her. She turned around and couldn't suppress a relieved smile when she saw him walking towards her in the middle of the field. Dressed all in black, hands clasped behind his back and golden eyes fixed on her. The horns placed like a crown on his head. His body language was proud and powerful. And at the same time, and that was something only she could notice, happy and open to this reunion.
When he finally reached her, he placed a hand on her cheek. The other ruffled her hair. They had waited a long time and they would never be apart again. As her hand rested gently on his, she turned her head into the touch of his palm. He held her like he was scared. Scared that she was about to slip out of his grasp. The vampire's other hand gently stroked his chest to his neck, where it finally rested. A kiss on her cheek. Her gaze met his. The moment when the endless expanse between them finally ended. The wind that carried her name when they finally kissed. "Ayane…"
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Tagging some of you! ♡
@eloquentmoon @eyecandyeoz @elledjarin @oh-three @justalittletomato @dinsverdika @moonstrider9904 @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @nxctuaryninetythree @fairytaleapple @literatureandqueen @by-the-primes @darthmaussy @corona-one @book-of-baba-fett @storm89 @botherbother-blog @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @inquisitorius-sin-bin
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solariswrites · 1 year
Reckless. Reckless. Reckless. 
Phayu’s replacement word for stupid. Instead of instilling determination and anger what Rain was feeling in the moment was pure disappointment and frankly resentment. He was confident that if Sky was in this seat right now there wouldn’t be a lack of trust going on. Just fear that Sky was pulling away from him. Rain? No he gets the distrust and belittling like he isn’t a grown ass adult in a relationship with these three men. He loathes his feelings right now which makes it worse. All he did was go with Aye, Thua, Kan, and Rain’s new friend, Zain. 
He knew it was going to be an adjustment for him, Sky, and Phayu when he changed majors; Prapai had been the most supportive of him switching to the Arts to focus on his writing degree. And to Rain, Prapai was the only one being supportive now because this was getting ridiculous. He had a right to spend time with his friends from his new faculty and old childhood friends too. They’d come here to get inspiration for their own projects and had accidently gotten stuck with Kan’s suv then walked back just as the storm started to roll in their direction. Akk had taken the other three as Rain had assured Zain that it was fine to leave with a brooding Phayu, annoyed Sky, and their ever peacemaker Prapai.
“This was beyond reckless. You should have called us before leaving town. This is what happens when you hang around Ayan and Zain. You do reckless things like this. Going out in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception and a trail till you hit the main road…” Phayu’s words cut through Rain’s thoughts and he’d had enough. He didn’t give two shits that they were stopping at the stop sign in the blistering rainstorm. He wasn’t going to sit here and take anymore of this criticism for another second. 
“Yu…” Prapai started but Rain cut in. It hit him the silence coming from Sky and Prapai as Phayu had scolded him. They agreed with him. 
“And what P’Phayu? Wait for my busy boyfriends to decide for me if it’s alright to take a day trip with a group of friends that wasn't even supposed to take half the day? When without hesitation all three of you just drop whatever you want to do into our calendar? Do you know how hard it is to plan something or do something with you all when you do that to me? I take one day, hell not even a day; I take one lousy couple of hours… ” Rain angrily spat back, reaching for the door. “I don’t know what I’ve done to make you think I’ve consented to being treated like a fucking child but I haven’t. I deserve the same trust and respect as you clearly give each other.” 
“Rain!” Sky struggled to stop him from getting out just as much as Prapai. Phayu was stunned for a moment before he rolled the window partially down. 
“Get back in the car!” Phayu ordered over the heavy downpour, not that Rain was listening. He just flipped him off and started walking his way towards the village so that he could stay at another hotel. He sure as hell wasn’t staying with them. 
Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around him but the self defense classes he took since the incident with Stop allowed him to easily twist and shove the owner of said arms away. He glared at Phayu as soon as their gazes locked. 
“Don’t touch me! Venus!” Rain yelled, Sky and Prapai joined Phayu across from him. Their eyes wide that he still wasn’t budging on letting them near him. “I am not getting back in that car. You all say you love me but this isn’t how you show it. Trust goes both ways. I am so sick and tired of having to prove myself.” 
“You don’t have to, but we need you to get back in the car. It’s…” 
“Reckless right?”
“No, Darling, not safe! I just want us all safe. So please get into the car.” Phayu tried to get the younger man to listen to him.
“Baby that’s not what we meant.” Prapai tried to apologize as he shared a look with his partners. 
“Yes it is! I said venus P’Pai!” Rain quickly dodged Prapai’s hand. He knew it was instinctual because of how Prapai was tactile. But it still felt like they weren’t listening. That he hadn’t earned a voice. 
“We do trust you Rain, we were just scared!” Sky gave back and the look in his eyes let him know that this was true for Sky. 
“Of what? What happened before with that asshole repeating? Well it’s not going to happen again…” Rain found himself trying to console him  but shook his head, “No, you refuse to actually believe me that I can take care of myself. I retook the classes and I checked in a lot.” Rain snapped as he flailed his hands. “But it’ll never be enough will it? No matter what I do I’ll just get to watch you three thrive off each other till you tire of me just standing there.” 
“You’re not standing still.” Phayu cut in, “And we do tru-“
“You don’t get to tell me how I feel.” Rain argued, “especially when I cause you to turn into this jealous monster!” Those words earned a sudden shiver to go down his spine at the look Phayu gave him. He for sure thought that the man was going to start chiding him for his language. 
“You don’t get to tell us either. But yes, I’m jealous. But it’s not because I don’t trust you, darling, it’s because I loathe that Zain gets to spend all this time with you that used to be ours. I love you…We love you, Rain, and if you need us to stand out here in this storm all night to tell you all the reasons why we do, then we will.” Phayu argued right back and like that it was like all three of them despite the storm were on the same page. The focus on him was a bit overwhelming.
He was about to respond when Sky spoke first, “I’ve always loved your determination. It’s beautiful, wild, and unique to you.” Sky slowly reached out to Rain. Just as carefully, Rain felt like he could handle them coming closer. When he did, Sky lifted their joined hands to press a kiss to Rain’s knuckles. 
“You’re my buttercup.” Prapai stepped closer next, his hand reaching up to cup Rain’s cheek. His thumb rubbing softly over rain soaked skin, “Our love is different and so open despite all the bites the world has taken. Your bravery and willingness to adapt are just some of the reasons I love you, buttercup.” He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Rain’s forehead then he stepped back to let Phayu come closer. 
“Verbena?” Phayu asked, knowing it was his fault the fight had sparked anyways. Rain nodded and this time they stepped towards each other. Phayu cupping Rain’s face gently. “I love that you trust me with all of you and that you inspire me to be a better lover to us. You’re amazing and so beautiful, darling.” He leaned, pressing the softest kiss to Rain’s lips. When Phayu went to pull back Rain, gripped the now soaked through v-neck to keep him from moving away as he chased the kiss. This one thought carried a different feel as they poured their apologies and love for one another into the kiss. 
“Oi! You were supposed to kiss his cheek, you jerk! Jealous and greedy is more like it. Where is ours?” Prapai’s voice pulled them from their moment. 
“How about we have this conversation in the car?” Sky shivered as Rain laughed, resting his forehead on Phayu’s shoulder. He didn’t need to look to know that Phayu was sending Prapai a look. 
“Okay.” Rain agreed. He reached out for Sky, the two of them squeezing their hands before Sky headed inside. 
“Well I am not going till I get my kiss.” Prapai continued to tease. Rain wiggled his fingers towards the older man to draw him into a kiss. Those dark eyes beamed as he stepped closer, kissing Rain softly. 
“Now you have one. Let’s get back in the car and to the hotel before we all get sick.” Phayu guided them back to the jeep. Prapai wrapped his arm around the other side of Rain as they walked then stole the younger man into the backseat where they could cuddle until they got to the hotel. 
Read More of my works on AO3 for LITA
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benefits1986 · 1 year
Belated Birthday Bash
So ayun na nga, mhie. Easter Sunday kagulo po tayo today and sakto kasi eto na rin ang finale ng mahaba-habang birthday ganaps ng dad ko. Since alam na niya ‘yung surprise dahil nga binasa niya ‘yung phone ko and nakita niya ‘yung 12 people na invited, syempre, nag-level up tayo para may shock factor pa rin siya. Dapat talaga chill celeb lang ‘to kasi nga pagod na pagod na pagod na akong makihalubilo sa mga tao at lalo sa mga bata, but, sige, challenge accepted. Nahihiya kasi akong makiabala ng Easter Sunday kasi usually, intimate din ang galawan ng family namin ‘pag ganito. Usually, uwi na kami sa Manila para chill na or extra gala day. Nagbakasakaling invite ako sa Team Panganay GC namin and poof. Naging mga 35 people kami. :D Sobrang daming wala pa niyan kasi biglaan nga.  But, wait. This Sunday, nag-Feast ulit kami kasi nga ‘di kami nakapag-attend ng Lenten recollection. Choice ko talaga ito kahit need ko mag-recalibrate kasi nakikita ko talaga ‘yung sadness ng dad ko as a boomer na ‘di niya ma-process pero gusto niya. Or baka, bumait na talaga ako. LOL. Hassle ng parking because hindi ko sure why hindi na-anticipate na marami talagang pupunta today. Jampacked ang line up kasi pati nearby Feast communities andun. Nice to see familiar faces na after all these years, andun pa rin sila. ‘Di kasi ako masyadong nag-focus sa ministry noon because, I have my OG community na pang-single lang. The Feast x Arun Gogna is actually for my dad and my brother since benta sa kanila dad and tito jokes. Kahit na smirk much ako, ‘pag nakikita ko silang focused sa teachings, parang nanalo na rin ako sa Color Game. Choz. :D ‘Di kami active, we don’t go lagi kasi malimit, weekends are spent outside Manila pero shemay lang ‘tong session na ‘to.  Solid na praise song pa lang, naiiyak na ako kahit pigil na pigil ako. LOL. Sapul ‘yung kanta for me. Huy, naman. Yoko na. Lels. Pero, sabi ko, good choice talaga ‘di muna ako nag-travel kahit babawi tayo sa May. LOLLOLLOL. In a nutshell, basta, go lang ng go and let things happen. Let it be. Ganern. https://open.spotify.com/track/6DCtHdNZJ1y4vmHBAKsAF3
Some of the highlights nung teaching today:  -Lahat ng stories ay unfinished. Kaya may comma, ellipsis, exclamation point, question mark, atbp.  -Death is the jump off point of new beginnings. Allow me to add na, we only have two tiny hands and we need to let go to be able to receive new beginnings and promises. LOL. Hala siya, mhie.  -Hurts and pasts are meant to give you lessons. Don’t turn them to hatred. Don’t deny them. Embrace them. Keep walking. HUY. Hahahaha.  -Healing together is good; but, you also need and want to heal from within to be a wounded healer. Ayan na siya. Lels.  -God is faithful to the brokenhearted. Isa ito sa mga pinanghawakan ko during the past decade. Andun lang siya. I can’t make sense of it noon talaga kasi ang sakit talaga, andaming trauma, andaming shit, andaming detour, andaming dead end. Pero, I fully believe that the perfect time is here and now. Waited so long pero, ganun talaga. Kapit lungs. 
Listen to the full teaching here. Again, ‘di ako fan ng mass and please don’t fight me because I won’t fight you po. Promise. https://www.facebook.com/feastalabang/videos/892643598636074 More importantly, I’ve been checking out my dad from time to time and sana marealize niya na talaga from within na, through it all, God is with us especially during the darkest hours. Siguro kasi ‘yung experience namin with the loss of my mom continues sa loss ng ina ko. Noon kasi, kahit ako, lagi kong tinatanong, if ba may more funds kami, more resources, mas hahaba ba time namin kasama mom ko. 
The answer came when ina was in her deathbed. Now, mas able kami, walang debts, ready to help, ‘di man super daming funds, mas meron kami ngayong. Again, lower middle class kami, kaya, for us, achievement ito. The thing is... when we were as in negative sa funds, walang care team, stopped school, had to be a grantee para makapagtapos among other tipid things, never ever kaming nawalaan ng funds to fuel mom’s health expenses. 
I remember one time, dad was zoned out. Sabi niya, 0 na raw ATM niya to think na manager siya sa reputable bank for so many years. Then, after a few hours, may nag-message sa kanya. SMS that said ‘yung mga kasama sa community ng mom ko na from the Bronx, kesa raw pumunta sa hospital, nag-contribute na lang para sa munting help sa mom ko. Girllll. Mga labandera, walang permanent income, housewives, etc. sila. So for me, wala ‘yan sa laki ng funds mo, it’s all about intention. Since mom is well-rooted sa community niya saka cheerful giver with RBF that’s worse than mine, sobrang na-touch ako dito. Dad checked his ATM and it read P11K. Back in 2004, malaki na rin ito. Naiyak dad ko. Never did P11K hit so hard. Sabi niya, grabe noh? Ang galing. Sabi ko, mom moves in mysterious ways. LOLLOLLOL.  ‘Pag need ng dugo, full force security personnels sa office ni dad. Sa 2 1/2 months naming nasa ward na 16 ang patients, kami pa ‘yung nag-share ng food sa mga katabi namin. Pati mga visitors, laging meron. As in. And ‘pag may extra kaming gamit at gamot, pass on din sila.  Never kami nagmakaawa or humingi. We pay our debts like the Lannisters. Utang ang bayad ni dad sa utang noon pero sabi niya, kesa naman walang diapers and check ups and gamot mom ko. LOL. Tiis na lang muna kami sa kung anong natira. 4 years after mom died, dun kami nakabayad ng lahat ng utang in 8 years. No travels, no passport, no excess, bare essentials lang talaga at makapagtapos kami. Ganun lang. Kaya, alam ko anong ibig sabihin ng walang-wala. ‘Di rin ako takot kasi nalampasan ko na ‘yun. Napagdaanan ko ‘yun. At natawid ko ‘yun. Hence, I don’t get easily impressed talaga.  So, netong sa ina ko, ready kami to shell out. Sabi ko pa nga kay ina, ‘di na tuloy SoKor ko kasi shift ko na lang funds ko sa health funds niyang ‘di biro lalo sa hyperinflation season. Glad to have my tita and K na naka-full gear din pero lahat kami syempre, may limit. Walang kaming sky. LOL. ‘Yung iba naman naming relatives, sa pag-look after ni ina naman ‘pag wala ako kasi need ko na talagang bumalik sa Manila noon kahit iniisip kong mag-uwian pero sa layo ng side ng Laguna ng hometown ni ina, mhie, baka bumigay katawang-lupa ko. ‘Di ko rin naman puwedeng pabayaan work ko kasi paano po tayo magbabayad ng bills at magtatawid ng funds ng ina ko, ‘di ba? LELS. Hassle talaga maging hindi Team Laking-aircon at times. LOL. Choz lang.  Side Kwento about cash-rich bitches and gents. May isang pumunta sa ina ko na baby boomer and sabi niya na ‘di raw siya sure if lahat ng anak niya will be with her sa deathbed niya unlike my ina. Opak. Shala si lola and well off or nakakaluwag-luwag mga kids niya. Pero, for me, wala talaga ‘yan sa dami ng funds mo. Andaming families na nastress AF dahil lang sa dami ng funds na meron sila and with dami ng funds, ewan ko ba bakit damot, damot, damot is everywhere. Damot sa collaboration. Damot sa pagintindi, pag-adjust. Then, dun na lang papasok ang funds because, need din ‘yan pero ‘di ‘yan ang end-all, be-all. Again, ako lang ‘to ha. Ako lang. Sa experience ko lang. 
Sabi ko pa sa ina ko, kahit ‘di na ako mag Grab saka sa kanya na muna car, para ‘pag may emergency okay lang. LOL. But, ina knows that her fight is not merely about the funds. It’s a fight that’s going down, non-stop. Eto siguro ‘yung pivotal moment ko sa journey na ‘to. The answer na kung naging nurse ba ako then either nag-alaga ako sa mom ko or nag-fly to Europa na ako para todo kayod sa padala for her funds... the answer is, the choices I made are all aligned. Sobrang revelation ito sa akin since I’ve been really shittalking myself na I’m never ever ever good enough. Sakit aminin niyan, but true. And ina made me see that after a decade-long dark chapter, I may not have done it perfectly, pero I’ve done it well and sa abot ng kaya ko. Sinagad ko pero death is not something that we can run away from and cheat.  And soooo, balik tayo sa belated birthday bash ni dad. Bash mode ako sa kanya kasi ‘di niya inakalang lahat ng 5 kapatids niya, may represent. Tapos ‘yung tito ko na may flight pa-SG today, sumama rin. Syempre, dahil gusto ng tatay ko ng Jap food, punta kami sa South’s underrated Jap spot. Super oks niya kasi malapit talaga sa lasa ng actual Jap food. Saka, uhaw na me for my highball and sashimi. Bonus pa super cutie ng half-Jap chef. Hahahahahahaha. Sarap. Ng food. CHZ.  Sabi ng tatay ko, bakit pa raw ako nagsayang ng funds na sana pinang-SoKor ko na lang. Sabi ko naman is eto kasi ‘yung sinasabi ko sa kanya noong mamatay mom ko, make good and worthwhile memories together. Noon kasi, as in, naging super detached siya right after mamatay ni mommy. So ako, kahit adult na ako, ansaket, bhe. Tapos nagkaroon pa kami ng major rift because, ayoko na isplook that bit kasi tapos na rin naman ‘yun. Sabi ko pa nga, ‘yung pinagdaanan ko noon, ayokong pagdaanan niya lalo at his age and at this time. Kaloka lang kasi dati, sobrang gusto kong gantihan tatay ko in 4D kasi nga, bhe, ibang level ‘yung sakit. Walang-wala sa jowa pains kahit na ‘yung serious relationshits pa. As in. 
‘Di ko inakalang may pain levels palang ganun in this lifetime na kaya pang umabot sa next lifetime, kung meron man. Pero, nung nakita ko ‘yung patterns ng mom ko and ng lola ko, sabi ko, ‘di puwedeng ganun. ‘Di na dapat ganun and ayoko ng ganun. Kasi I don’t wish that kind of pain on anyone kahit sa dad kong ganun ginawa sa akin, noon. LOLLOLLOLLOLL. Mature roles na talaga tayo, mhie! Pak. Pero, kaya sinasabi kong I feel fine at 37 is because, kung bata pa ako at feisty much na mala-The Glory ang peg, leche, matindeng higanti season ‘yan. Not perfect kasi masungit talaga ako pero, gets? Mabait na ako. CHZ. Or bumabait na ako na minsan, ako mismo, nagugulat. Lorddeee, ‘wag mo muna ako kunin please. Hahahahaha. Akala mo naman apaka bait ko na talaga noh? 
While I will be putting time and effort in spending more time with myself because mhie, ngayong araw ko naramdaman ‘yung mega pagod since Feb. 20, I will also find more time with my dad and the big, big family. LOLOLLOLLL. Hassle lang kasi natampal ko si E kanina kasi ang arte-arte na kunwari iyak-iyak... proof na I don’t like kids talaga. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Akala ko kasi si Vici karga ko pero later, friends na kami ni E. Hahahahaha.  Gusto ko lang ‘tong post na ‘to as a reminder nitong araw na ‘to. Plus, girllll, my dream bike is coming soon. In the color that is my vibe. Hahahaha. Maka-dream bike naman noh? Akala mo talaga pangmalakasan. Pero super bait din ng seller and willing to wait siya kasi mag-focus muna ako sa mga ganaps pagbalik sa office because, ayoko na lang ulit isplook. Sana kayanin ko, mhie. Sana tama ang decisions ko in life because, road to adulting na talaga tayo with a heart. Charet. 
Thankful din talaga ako kasi dumating ito sa perfect timing. Mahirap? Super. Challenging? Yes na yes. Worthwhile? I’m betting my life on it. :D Akala mo naman Grey’s Anatomy or NA ang deliverables noh na life and death ang deadlines? Pero, darating din tayo sa part na masasabi kong I’m doing something for the greater good. Kapit lungs. Need ko lang talagang i-choose ang battles ko and remain true to my core and most importantly, my intentions. Ems.  Babu for now! Dami ko pang tambak na chores and tasks. 
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the-luminaries-ode · 2 years
one year with you
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Chenle's POV: Hi! My name is Chenle and I'm openly bisexual alam na ng parents ko na alam niyo na hehehe, I grew up in middle class family. You can say I'm 20 years old and I'm working in a BPO company and it's my first time going to work, my height is 5'4, my skin is so maputi naalala ko sabi ng grandmother ko kasing puti ko daw ang perlas.
"Ma alis nako" sabay beso sa nanay kong nagluluto sa kusina, "hindi ka ba muna mag ha-hapunan?" Tanong ni mama "Hindi na ma, kakain din kami sa labas ng mga friends ko eh" tugon ko, "sige nak mag ingat ka….. uwi ng maaga ha!".
Wala akong pasok ngayon because my coworker/friend and I took a day off. It's supposed to be that I have to work now but suddenly may papalit muna sakin kasi he needs to have training.
"Asan naba sila init na init nako dito sa waiting shed!" naiirita kong sabi. After 30 minutes* "hoy Chenle kanina kapa dito?" Tanong ni jessica.
(Si Jessica ay friend ko since we are grade 1 so yung ibang secret ni jessica alam ko hahaha 4'5 sakto lang katawan morena)
"Jusko bhe daig ko pa nag triathlon sa sobrang pawis!!… nakalimutan ko pa mag dala ng payong nakakainis!" Iritang sagot ko "pasensya na tagal kasi kumilos nito ni jacob hahaha"
(Si Jacob ay bago naming friend coworker ko s'ya actually…moreno 5'5, and medyo chubby)
"Tara na wag ka na umiyak chenle hahaha…..libre ka nalang namin milk tea" patawang sabi ni Jacob….."Ohh ayan na pala yung susundo satin" banggit ni Jessica, napalingon kaming lahat sa pulang jeep wrangler na sasakyan huminto sa harapan namin at ibinaba ang car window "ako ba hinihintay niyo??" Pabirong sabi ni Sky…."hii sa inyo!! Late kami kasi bagal mag drive ni Sky!" Patawang sabi at sisi ni tasha kay Sky.
(Ito naman si Sky ang rich naming barkada sakto lang yung katawan nya 5'10 and he likes basketball. Sya palagi bahala sayo san man kayo mapunta. Si Tasha naman ang girlfriend ni sky sobrang bait nya grabe maganda pa petite and morena)
"Hoyy sumakay na kayo ano pa hinihintay niyo!" Biglang sabi ni Jacob "sumakay na kami isa isa sa sasakyan. "so saan tayo pupunta?" Tanong ko "punta tayo sa bahay birthday ng pinsan ko makikain tayo hahaha" tawang sabi ni tasha…. Lahat kami ay sumang ayon.
Nadatnan namin ang malaki at magarang bahay nila Tasha…. Sa loob ay mga may party na nagaganap. Grupo dito..grupo don…sayawan dito…sayawan don….with the loud noise of upbeat music. "Hi! So y'all are the friends of my lovely daughter huh?!" Tasha's mom says..we all answer at the same time we say "yes tita we are the friends of tasha~" "anak paupuin mo sila, give them food and drink" tita said…while we are walking towards our seat i saw this guys standing outside the patio and nakikipag kwentuhan sa iba pang mga kapwa nya lalaki….. di ko naman siya masyadong pinansin kasi i assuming that he's straight or whatever LOL. He's like 5'11 wearing black pants black plain shirt and just plain necklace, on my firstsight alam kona its either korean sya or Japanese based lang sa nakikita ko sa mga palabas hahaha) And parang nasa 25 something na sya.
"Girl!!! Did you see that guy??" Jessica whispered "bitch where?? The one na naka all black and necklace no??" I replied " yass girl same talaga tayo ng taste hahaha" she said while giggling "girl i need his number and name …..hindi ako aalis sa bahay nato without his number for real!" Sabi nya na sabik na sabik… "tasha!" Tinawag ko sya habang siya ay kumukuha ng pagkain sa kusina… "why?" nagmamadaling sabi ni tasha habang nakangiti " ano pangalan non nung naka black sa labas??" I whispered " huh?… ahhh yun… si jisung iyon friend ng cousin ko bakit??…….ahh alam kona bet mo no??" Pa kantyaw na sabi ni tasha sakin "gaga hindi ako si jessica nag sabi non! Hahaha" i replied " ahh sige ako bahala sayo" sabay thumbs up sa harapan namin.
Kinabukasan while I'm preparing for my work someone is calling me. ringg!! Ring!!… unknown number…." hello sino po sila??" I said
"ahh umm are you chenle from last night??" He said " huh how did you know my name and number??….Who are you??" Me being so confused " uhh i'm jisung i saw you last night and i got your number from tasha.. " uhh ok why are you calling me??" I said " uhh…kasi…. Actually wala lang…. sige bye!" He ended the call right away "walang hiyang yan marunong pala mag tagalog pinahirapan pako……binabaan pako juskong yan tsk" i said… pag katapos kong maghanda ay diretso na akong pumasok sa trabaho ko
"Hay nako buti naman break time na……wait bakit kaya siya tumawag sakin kanina?….. ahh OMG!! Kailangan kong tawagan si jessica! Gising pa kaya yun?" Nag mamadali kong sabi….. Ring!! Ring "bilis sagutin mo na" dagdag kopa "hoy hala bat ka napatawag chen?" Sagot ni jessica " ung sinasabi mo kagabi na na lalaki na naka black?….tumawag sya sakin." I replied " ahh….." sabi na na parang nag hihinayang. "Bakit?? Bat ganyan yung reaction mo?" Ang sabi ko " alam ko na na hindi niya ako gusto…last night kasi habang nasa cr ka tinanong ko number nya at sabi nya im not his type daw pero nung nakita ka nya tinanong nya sakin yung name mo…..but its ok kung may gusto ka sa kanya feel free na magpaligaw sa kanya hahaha…..makakahanap pa naman ako ng para sakin" said jessica happily " huh? Hindi ko sya gusto no…. I Mean yeah gwapo sya hahaha…. Pero hindi ko alam kung gusto ko sya" sagot ko "sus kunwari kapa sige na matutulog nako may pasok ako bukas" jessica replied "…..
Napapadalas na ang pagtawag ni ji sung sa akin at pag memessage sa akin….at first akala ko hindi ko sya magugustuhan pero nung katagalan gumaan narin ang loob ko sa kanya…. At hindi nag tagal naging kami na…..dumaan ang birthday, new year, Christmas and specially our first anniversary and we spend it together….hanggang umabot na kami ng second anniversary…..but i realize na parang may something sa family ko and friends na sobrang unusual……nagsimula yun nung aming first anniversary…. I feel like there is something wrong kaya ako nilalayuan ng aking mga friends…..and yung parents ko palagi na akong pinapainom ng creepy na gamot….may mali ba akong ginagawa?…..pero i don't mind bastat kasama ko si ji sung masaya na ako……
"Happy second anniversary saten!!" I said with a smile on my face "hahaha oo nga ehh parang dati lang ayaw mo sakin pero ngayon tignan mo second anniversary na natin" patawa na may kasamang lungkot na sabi ni jisung sakin….. "bat parang malungkot ka?" Tanong ko….. "gusto kona manahimik chenle….." sagot niya sabay iwas ng tingin sa akin…..nagtataka ako bakit niya sinabi iyon.. ngunit nabaling ang tingin ko sa kamay niya…." Jisung….asan yung singsing mo?… nawala mo?… yung akin hindi pa nawawala look ohh" masayang sabi ko habang pinapakita ko ang aking kamay "asan ung sing sing mo? Gusto kong makita"…. dag dag kopa….. Hinawakan nya ang aking dalawang kamay na para bang may sasabihin siyang hindi maganda…..tumingala ako at tumingin sa kanya…."hindi mo na makikita yung sing sing…..kase…… matagal……nakong ……wala hindi ba?"
"Salamat sa pag hatid sakin sobrang saya ko ngayon promise!! And again happy first anniversary!!..….im looking forward sa mga susunod pa nating anniversary….hahaha cringe sabihin pero sana hanggang sa pagtanda kasama kita!" Masayang sinabi ko "hahaha syempre naman we will live forever i promise that chen" …pababa na ako ng sasakyan ng bigla nyang inabot ang aking kamay at isinuot ang thin silver ring…. "Hahaha i hate you!… you give me a ring as if we're gonna get married hahaha " i said with teary eyes " haha sige na bumaba ka na binigay ko lang sayo yan tanda ng love ko sayo…" he replied "ito naman pinapalayas na ako sige na nga bye na i love you mag ingat sa pag drive ha…. Chat me if naka uwi kana…"
RING!! RING !! "wait lang kakatapos ko lang maligo eh…. Nakauwi na siguro iyon kaya ako tinatawagan….ahh kapatid pala ni jisung" " hello bakit ka napatawag? " i said " NAAKSIDENTE SI KUYA!" umiiyak na sinabi ng kapatid ni jisung"
……..ambulance siren…."Wait lang po tabi po dadaan po ang ambulansya"…..sigaw ng mga tao……" grabe may banggaan doon ang tindi" ………"hala kawawa naman parang bata pa yung naaksidente" people's murmur
" i guess …..you're just so scared to realize na wala na ako sa tabi mo… remember kinuha mo yung singsing sa kamay ko habang nasa morgue ako??….. you need to forget me……you need to move on chen….. you know how much i love you …….let me rest in peace…." ji sung said…….
Ngayon ko lang na realize na wala ka na pala sa tabi ko…..tama ka nga im just so scared na wala ka na sa piling ko….. alam mo hindi ko kayang mawala ka…..pero bakit kailangan mo akong iwan jisung mahal na mahal na mahal kita….. i guess this is the end…. I Love you Ji Sung……..
RIP Chenle Kim 2020-2043 Cause of Deat : Suic*de RIP Jisung Park 2018 - 2043 Cause of Death: Car crash
a chensung fanfiction, written by Alejandro Hizon Jr.
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tetsvhoe · 3 years
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#25 i almost love you
– oh ayan onting backstory chaka redemption arc kay aiko baka may maka relate
– omg finally chapter di ko na to hahabaan basta thank you so much for the support and the laughs! this was my first ever smau and series i hope you all enjoyed and i hope to see you in my future works!
– wag niyo kalimutan si anak ni imelda at anak ng mafia boss, ha? :(( <3
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iwaizumi shuts his phone off with a faint click, throws his head back against the headrest and shuts his eyes. he feels lightheaded, hands clam around his phone and the steering wheel subconsciously. was he always this nervous to talk to you? he can’t remember the last time he’s seen your face, the last time since he’s heard your voice. he misses it so much it makes his heart clench.
he lets out a long shaky breath as he wills himself to open his eyes, peer out the window. the club lights pulse faintly in the darkness of the night, he hears the faint music and clamor of club goers. the team’s last reply was from roughly an hour ago. he shivers thinking how he managed to cut the drive time in half and thanks the heavens for the mostly barren roads he drove through.
he can only imagine how everyone must be hammered by now. the “demonic hour” as they collectively dubbed 3:00am, is nearing. the demonic hour is when ushijima starts speaking in english considerably louder than his usual stern yet soft spoken voice. bokuto slouched against his seat, arms over his chest, passed out and snoring steadily. atsumu and sakusa may start swapping personalities soon, osamu and suna are talking about extraterrestrial life, and hinata is probably stumbling on the dancefloor holding in the urge to puke. iwaizumi also fondly recalls your friends, how kiyoko would be sleeping on top of the table, god forbid someone tries to wake her. alisa would be flirting with someone’s girlfriend, and tendou making everyone take “shots” of water, nearly falling off as he laughs at their muscle memory reactions as if they are still taking a slug of alcohol.
and of course, his mind wanders to you. how you slur your words and swear you’re not that drunk. you gauge each miniscule action and word carefully in an attempt to prove to everyone you’re sober, but it only gives you away so much more because you’re moving in x0.75 playback speed. he catches himself smiling at the mere thought and blushes though he’s alone in his car. the demonic hour turns you to an angel, quite ironically. you’re poutier than usual and throw a hissy fit at iwaizumi when he refuses to get you lugaw or mamiin the middle of the night out, not like he can resist your pleads for long anyway. you can’t keep up with the usual playful banter anymore and flirt terribly.
the thought of some other man finding you during your demonic hour flings iwaizumi out of the driver’s seat and he’s marching into the club before he knows it. it doesn’t take long for him to weave his way in and navigate your group, and the scene he finds is exactly as he imagines, but where are you?
“ten, ten, saan siya?” he shakes tendou into sobriety. he peers up at him with dazed eyes before grinning widely upon recognizing iwaizumi.
“oy, tangina mo! ano ginagawa mo dito?” the red head laughs. “‘di ko sure lumabas daw siya saglet.”
the rest of the group slowly registers iwaizumi’s presence, greeting him with clumsy high fives and fist bumps and “ba’t andito ka, kupal?”, “late na late na ba’t humabol ka pa?”, “akala namin di ka pwede ngayon?” and he returns each greeting half-heartedly as he constantly searches for your shadow in the crowd.
suna teases iwaizumi’s panicked state before pointing out you might have gone outside for a smoke. a sour feeling brews in his stomach; how could they have let you gone alone, why weren’t they sure where you went? but he saves the frustration in favor of finding you as soon as possible.
he all but runs outside through a back door near the bar which leads to a terrace overlooking the parking lot. his whole body stills as he sees your back turned to him, the heavy metal door creaks to a close, letting the loud pounding of the club music fade. he half expects to see you barely able to hold your weight with your own legs or with another guy, probably why he was so worked up in the first place, but you were alone. you seemed sober enough. it scared him even more.
as if feeling his presence, you look over your shoulder. iwaizumi debates turning on his heel and making a bee line for the exit, back to his car, and driving another hour or so to manila, but he’s frozen in his place.
you offer him a small smile, motioning for him to join you. “hayop ka anong ginagawa mo dito, ha? nag-drive ka pa, eh late na late na.”
iwaizumi is hit with the realization that in all that time he was driving alone with his thoughts, he didn’t even think of all the things he wanted to say to you. his head was simultaneously full and empty, there was just you.
“ikaw kasi kani-kanino ka nagpapa-picture. akala ko pag-papalit mo na ‘ko,” he manages to blurt out, yet you don’t miss the way his remark lacks the usual sass and playfulness.
“tama naman. ayoko na sa’yo eh,” you laugh, glancing over your shoulder to catch his scowl and an ad-libbed curse. your features soften when you notice the seriousness in his features as he stares into the nothingness ahead. you’re about to ask him if something was wrong when he sucks in a sharp breath.
“ako gusto ko sa’yo,” he says matter-of-factly, eyes meeting yours.
“what?” you laugh nervously, suddenly hyper aware of the way your heart hammers against your chest, of how you get a whiff of his usual perfume because you’re so close, the dark circles under his eyes, the distraught etched on his furrowed brows.
“i said i like you,” he repeats louder and firmer.
“i know what you said, i’m not sure i understand—”
“i like you, fuck i… i don’t know why it took me this long to say it to your face, but if i’m being honest, i was just afraid. i still am, but between being afraid of my own emotions and being afraid of fucking this up, i am actually quite fucking terrified of losing you more than anything else,” he rambles in one breath, words trembling but intense. it knocks the air out of your lungs, and you don’t know why tears start lining your eyes. “i might… even be falling in love with you fuck—”
“haji…” you whisper, body turning towards him like a magnet. he lets out a breath he didn’t know you were holding, oh how he missed you calling him that so soft and endearingly. “you have no idea how long i’ve waited for you to finally grow the balls to say that,” you chuckle, almost bitterly. “but i don’t know how to go about with this anymore.”
“let me set things right. i know we did things out of order, but i want to make us work,” he pleads, rough hands coming up to softly stroke your cheek with his knuckles.
your lips form a tight-lipped smile. he knows you’re about to ramble and finds it adorable. “i’m… i’m not so sure anymore, this is more complicated than i initially thought. w-what about the distance? haji, i’m not built for long distance i—”
iwaizumi grabs your wrist and pulls you against his chest. a strong arm wraps around your waist, his other hand holds the back of your head. you can feel both your hearts beating harshly against your chests, your cheeks heating up while you relish his embrace.
he places soft kisses onto your temple, whispering. “don’t worry that pretty little head of yours too much, there’s no rush. i’ll wait for you for as long as it takes. maghihintay ako.”
your eyes flutter open, light seeps through your vision and iwaizumi’s blurred figure slowly becomes clearer. he’s sat on an office chair, pulled right next to your bed. he watches over you with a soft smile.
“good morning, tomador.”
“tangina mong manyak, kanina mo pa ako pinapanood matulog?” you yawn, stretching your arms and limbs. did he not sleep at all? If he did, that shabby office chair couldn’t have been comfortable in the least. “akala ko ba babalik ka rin agad sa manila, akala ko umalis ka na kagabi.” you sit up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. the clock reads 6:07am.
iwaizumi tilts his head to the side as he eyes you, a small smile tugs at his lips while you glare at him. “cute mo pala pag bagong gising,” he remarks. “gusto ko lang siguraduhin natatandaan mo pa ‘yung kagabi.” he stands up, pushing the chair back and walks over to cup your cheeks.
“oo naman, tanga. ‘di naman ako lasing kagabi—”
“ano sinabi ko?”
you blink back, stunned. you know what he means, but suddenly can’t get the words out of your mouth.
“hm? akala ko ba natatandaan mo, anong sinabi ko sayo kagabi?” he smirks, squishing your cheeks together in his hand.
“uh… s-sabi mo ano, gusto mo ako.”
“gusto lang?”
“baka… sabi mo baka mahal mo na rin ako,” your ears burn up as the words leave your mouth, you attempt to look away but iwaizumi jerks your face to look at him smirking menacingly at your flushed state. “chaka ano pa?”
“sabi mo mag hihintay ka, ‘yan okay na! tangina mo,”you pry his hands off and attempt to close in on yourself by hiding behind the strands of hair that fall over your face.
“good girl,” he chuckles. “una na ‘ko, ha? tawagan nalang kita mamaya, tulog ka ulit maaga pa.”
you nod wordlessly, still avoiding his gaze. you watch his retreating figure, but he halts right in front of the door. he looks over his shoulder, “bye, i almost love you,” and winks.
summer didn’t last a hundred and four days, not this time. iwaizumi came to visit you a few times over the course of barely a month and a half of vacation. you managed to make it work for until then. he was even more busy tending to documents and requirements for his fourth year on top of helping his mom and grandmother, but he made time for you. he always did.
you both made adjustments to accommodate the distance. regular phone calls, curt text updates, movie marathons on discord, sometimes with your squammy group of friends. some things stayed the same, the regular cussing each other out, the snide remarks, the usual roasts. except this time, days end on an “i almost love you” note.
as you’re running late for your first day of third year, you realize barely anything has changed. and when you run out of the house, hopping on one foot as you tried to stuff the other into your shoe, you see iwaizumi parked outside of your house, leaning against his car, and twirling his keys on his finger, he manages to make your world come to a standstill once again.
“good morning, anak ng mafia boss. late na po tayo, bilisan mo na dyan.”
just like that, you’ve come full circle.
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ugh-tsumu · 3 years
Conyo | Kuroo filo!smau
-> Being a freelance photographer is tough. So when Y/N's cousin, Kenma, gave her an offer to be the lead photographer for a friend's wedding, she did not turn it down. What she didn't know, though, is that she will be working with Kuroo Tetsuro - her jejemon ex-suitor. But Kuroo is anything but that! Why? Because he is so conyo na ngayon.
010. Putoshoot + written text
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"May I see the shots?"
"Kiss muna-CHAR Sure!"
Kuroo silently stared at the side. His lower body leaned on the wooden fence in the flower garden as he stared at Y/N lowering her cam for Akaashi's fiancé.
"Pare, your titig is so deliks. 'Wag mo naman patayin photographer ko."
Kuroo snapped from his stare with Akaashi's voice at his side. He smirked.
"Baliw," he said before looking back at Y/N's way.
"What's stopping you from going back to Y/N ba?" Akaashi asked bago sumandal din sa fence gaya ni Kuroo. Pasimpleng nakatitig sa direction nina Y/N. Pero tbh, kanina pa siya nakatitig sa mapapangasawa niya. Yieeee sana all.
Kuroo sighed as he remembered the painful past, "She ghosted me, Pare, eh."
"Oh?" Akaashi exclaimed softly, "You never made that clear sa gc natin, ah?"
"Because ayaw ko maalala ulit," Kuroo exhaled, "I don't know, man. I guess I'm the type who falls hard?" Kuroo rhetorically asked,
"Kasi hanggang ngayon, she still has a space in my heart."
Naks. Gwapo. Dao Ming Si pero make it crack.
"Space lang ba? Baka entire heart na," Akaashi joked, "But, here's my thoughts: try niyo kaya ulit? I mean, yes, you can be scared pero mas malakas ba ang takot mo na masaktan kesa sa umalis na naman si Y/N?"
Kuroo did not respond and Akaashi did not wait for one. Tinapik ni Akaashi ang friend sa balikat bago nilapitan ang fiancé.
Kuroo stood straight from his position at sinundan si Akaashi.
"Love, let's buy Y/N and Kuroo drinks muna?" Akaashi suggested in which his fiancé agreed, leaving Y/N and Kuroo in the middle of the flower garden.
"Y/N," Kuroo called for Y/N's attention.
"Yes?" Y/N responded nang pinatay na ang camera.
Kuroo inhaled nervously, "About sa offer mo yesterday? Maybe we should really go out some-"
"Sorry, Kuroo," Y/N interrupted, "But let's keep this professional."
Kuroo was taken aback with Y/N's response. Y/N did not wait for him to speak. She started walking towards the shed where the staff (at ang fuds) are placed.
Naiwan si Kuroo na nga-nga. Ayan kasi, na-reverse tuloy.
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A/N. To be truthful, I don't see Y/N wearing that. Cute lang yung clothes kaya ginamit ko HAHAHHAHAHAH sorry if hindi mag resonate sa inyo hehehe :> don't worry, hindi rin sa akin HAHAHAHAHA.
Edit. Long overdue! This has been sitting on my drafts for months now. My creative juices are running low so I want to finish this fast.
[ gen ] @nakizumie @kirakirasaku @mirakeul @gayerthanthee
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depressedcreature · 3 years
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So I just got my booster today. Kaninang 8:30 am ang sched ko and di ko naman expect na sobrang bilis lang pala. At dahil 1:00 pa ang usapan ng kitaan, I waited for 3 hours ata sa SM bago ako pumunta dun sa venue. 😅
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Tapos ayan na nga. Mga bandang 12:30, nagsimula na silang dumating. Of course, pinakauna si Roby. Hahaha! Sunod si Leyooow, sunod si Patatas. So ok na. Gora na kami sa loob. Gulat ko pa kay Patatas may dalang cake! 🥺❤️
Tas nagkakainan na kami, we're in the middle of difficulty in finishing our plates. HAHAHAHA! Nang biglang dumating si ateng crew at nagtanong kung sinong may birthday. So syempre ang dabarkads, tumuro sakin. Well, hindi ko pa naman talaga birthday. It's just an advance celebration lang. Nang biglang maya-maya, may dala nang piece of Brownies si ateng crew with ice cream on top and candle at nagpatugtog ng happy birthday song. At ang lahat sa kainan ay kumanta na nga. 🥲 Hiyang-hiya ako. 🥲
Pero sobrang saya ko lang talaga that I got to have these kind of people in my life. Na no matter what happens, they will never leave you or judge you. Sobrang blessed ko na sila ang naging kaibigan ko. 😭❤️✨
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reallybadfeeling · 3 years
Like I said, I need to stop listening to old music. In the meantime, have an Italian song that I can't help but relate to the Jedi Order in the middle of the Clone Wars.
Like, literally we have in order from the start of the song:
"C'è chi aspetta un miracolo" (There are those who wait for a miracle)
This is Qui-Gon. Like he's so convinced Anakin is the Chosen One! he wants him to be the cure-it-all miracle for the Galaxy.
"E chi invece l'amor" (Those who [wait for] love instead)
C'mon, that's Aayla Secura!
"Chi chiede pace a un sonnifero" (Those who ask for peace to a sleeping pill)
Bear with me, but this is Barriss Offee. Like, she's so tired of the War, she just wants it to stop. I can't help but think she must have issues with sleeping with everything that is going on. Especially with her doubts and her slowly falling to the Dark side.
"Chi dorme solo in metrò" (Those who sleep only on the subway)
This to me feels like Plo Koon. I can literally picture him being able to sleep well only when he's on a ship with his Clones, risking his life with them during every battle and always reluctant to leave them behind because they are people too, no matter what the republic thinks.
Then there's the first refrain, all about time and not waiting or you'll lose your chance... Very appropriate for how slowly but surely the Force got muddier and muddier during the war.
"Lento può passare il tempo (Time can go slow) Ma se perdi tempo (But if you waste time) Poi ti scappa il tempo, l'attimo (Time will run away, [You'll miss] the moment) Lento come il movimento (Slow like the movement) Che se fai distratto (Which if done unthinkingly) Perdi il tuo momento ([Makes you] miss your chance) Perdi l'attimo ([You'll miss] the moment)"
And then again with the verse and the specific Jedi:
"C'è chi guarda le nuvole" (There are those who cloud gaze)
This to me feels like Luminara Unduli. Like, she's so peaceful and steady in the Force despite everything going on. The cloud gazing is kind of a metaphor for how she can easily find peace in herself.
"C'è chi aspetta al telefono" (There are those who hold the line on the phone)
Yet again, more or a metaphor, but I like the idea of this being related to Quinlan Vos with his whole psychometric thing (and him being a Shadow, if I remember correctly?).
"Chi ti risponde sempre però Chi non sa dire di no" (Those who always answer but Those who don't know how to say no)
Well, THIS is Obi-Wan himself. Like, he's that one Jedi that always agrees with what the Council says, but at the same time doesn't know how to properly say no to Anakin either (which is why he always bends the rules for his Padawan).
Then a repeat of that first refrain, and a second one right after that, which yet again I relate to how they all wish for the war to end, for things to be simple and happy like they used to be.
"Tu non lo sai come vorrei Ridurre tutto ad un giorno di sole (You don't know how I wish To squash everything into a sunny day) Tu non lo sai come vorrei Saper guardare indietro Senza fare sul serio Senza fare sul serio (You don't know how much I wish [I knew] how to look backwards Without taking [things] seriously Without getting so serious) Come vorrei Distrarmi e ridere (How I wish [I could] take my mind off [this] and laugh)"
And then the last verse:
"C'è chi si sente in pericolo" (There are those who feel in danger)
Which could be anyone, really, but I relate this the most to Mace Windu, because of the whole ability to see shatterpoints.
"C'è chi si sente un eroe" (There are those who feel like heroes)
Do I really need to say this is Anakin?
"Chi invecchiando è più acido" (Those who get sourer with age)
This is obviously Dooku, which used to be a Jedi but with time got turned from the ways of the Jedi after all of his disagreements with the Council.
"Chi come il vino migliora" (Those who like wine get better [with age])
Of course this is none other than Master Yoda himself, because he's the one steady presence in the entire Order: always getting older, always getting wiser, better with age like wine.
And again with those perfect refrains! This is just chef kiss. I honestly wish I was able to make a video tribute or a series of manips with this song and all of these Jedi. But I'm just shit at technology, so you get this silly post instead.Feel free to take this and do whatever you want with it though.
[note: I picked a less literal translation and picked the words to try and fit the meaning behind the lyrics. If any italian thinks it could be translated differently, feel free to correct me.]
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