#ayano: oh my god it worked.
yuukei-yikes · 1 year
love takane enomoto. never enough to make me watch any of the godfather movies or a clockwork orange though
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kobedivision · 5 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Max Soukoku
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~~ April 17th ~~
“Right now, you’re the only reason I’m not letting go.”
Login Lines:
You feel a blade pressed against your neck. “Who….are you…and what…do you want…tell me now…or I’ll—“
“…What is this…?…A present…birthday…it’s my birthday…oh…thanks…”
Voice Lines:
“Ren and Kaiji said…that I would…be turning…19 today…I don’t know why…but they looked…excited…but they looked sad when…I said that…I never had…a birthday before…I still…don’t really get it…but as long as…I have them…I don’t mind…”
“When I woke up…this morning…I realized that…Hunter was gone…it wasn’t anything…bad…he just likes to…run around the house…for exercise…but this time…was different…he brought…something…a gift…he really is…a good boy…I’m glad to…have a brother like him…”
“The forest…seems alive today…it’s also…in good spirits…I’ve found lots…of nice things…when getting more resources…and stocking up…on food…I wonder…if this is its way…of saying…thank you…for protecting it…”
“Leader…and the others (except Ravage…that piece of shit…)…wished me a happy birthday…he even said that…I didn’t have…to work today…that’s…nice…I guess…but now…I don’t know…what to do for…tonight…”
“Hey Ren..thanks…I dunno, it’s not really…a big deal…for me…but I’m glad you’re…so happy…so yeah…I’m a little bit…excited…oh…a gift…thank you…”
“Oh…sick…I like it…thank you, Ren…I’m glad to…have met you too…you and everyone…you’re all…important to me…I promise…won’t let anything…happen to you all…”
“Hey Kaiji…hm? Oh…it’s someone’s birthday, today?…What are you…doing here then…Ohhh…right…keep forgetting that…great…can’t wait…I guess…hm? Oh…thanks…”
“Whoa…these are…really nice…not too flashy…thanks…this is…really thoughtful…I’m sure Hunter…would love these…thank you Kaiji…even though…you’re annoying sometimes…I’m really glad…to have you…in my life…”
Ren Lines:
“Max! Happy birthday, man! C’mon, aren’t you the least bit excited? After all, this is your first time spending your birthday with us!…And your first time spending your birthday in general…but nevermind that, all that matters is that you’re here with us and I got you a gift to celebrate.”
“Do you like it? I know you’ve been taking up woodcarving recently and I’m glad you’ve found a hobby to enjoy, so I figured I’d help you get a good start by getting you a woodcarving kit. I’m glad you like it, I meant what I said earlier, I know we didn’t get off on the right foot when we first met but I really couldn’t have asked for a better brother, I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me, Kaiji, Nagisa, Ayano, and Ryōhei. So, thanks, for coming into our lives.”
Kaiji Lines:
“Ohhhhhhh Maxiiiiiiiiii~! I heard that it was a certain special someone’s birthday today!…*sighs* It’s your birthday, dummy! God, you’d think after a year, you would understand verbal expression more…oh nevermind, look, Ren and I got the whole day planned out, it’s your first birthday since meeting us and we’re gonna give you the time of your life! But first, here you go!”
“Ta daaaa~! Neat, huh?! I had these collars custom made, I know you like the simple style so I didn’t go overboard with the designing process, gotta admit, they look good, right? Look, there’s two! So you and Hunter can match! Hehe, I knew you’d like them, putting all that aside, happy birthday, Max, even though you drive me up a fucking wall sometimes, I’m really glad that we met.”
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Here’s my view on the dynamics on this chaos I call YTTRP. Political ver.
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These 4 kind of. Rule this place. Everybody ends up splitting into one of these, or stay entirely neutral. It’s pretty obvious to tell who goes to each section. Kirigiris in the ASU-NARO, Onyx in the Laurier, Eleanora (no clue who the fuck that is) in the Raven, Deidre in the Royals… Etc etc etc.
You join the Ravens by fucking. Oathing. To god n shit. They honour… It’s in the comments.
You join the Lauriers by request. You have to receive admission from the Laurier family.
You join the Royals the same way, but you’re also let in by becoming a knight to the family. They honour their power, & seem to control the people.
ASU-NARO is just working for the fucking company. Only people at the higher ends of the clans actually know ASU-NARO is a clan. This clan is despised by all who know it.
“…Hey, something new was sprouting around. ‘Veritas Aurora’? You think they’re trying to get into the clan system? …Well, that depends. What do they take pride in? …Truth? Oh. They hate ASU-NARO. Makes sense.
You can look in the comments for the Laurier-Raven drama!!!
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This is how I imagine the place. Plus that one wall of corn Ayano burnt down. & the forest near the hospital. Yeah. Structure.
Nayeays I’ll update this relating to what information I get kdkvkskvkd.
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mekatrio · 10 months
extremely scattered ramble of me giving myself an aneurysm from thinking abt the manga's plot 👍 and also miscellaneous kgpr plot things 👍 its long 👍
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like. very long.
ow my head. i tried to think abt some of the manga's plot points but im so serious that if you question any of it's plot, you'll just end up with a bunch more questions. like i was thinking 'how does ayano receive favoring eyes and leave the daze? did she enter the daze by herself, did she enter with mary, did her parents enter with her??' bc this is never actually explained....... and also its super unlikely that kenjirou and ayaka entered the daze in mr2, since their bodies were still in the real world:
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but then that begs the question of how ayano was able to leave the daze...... and how does the kagerou daze even fucking work??! like the common understanding is that two people enter, and only one person leaves with a snake. but this doesnt seem to be the case with mr2 ayano (maybe). and in fact theres been several times where this isnt the case:
- like harutaka in every route. two people died but they both received snakes.... except it kinda?? follows the 'two in one out' rule?? except its more of a three in two out rule um something like this:
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with haruka's spirit staying behind in the daze. its important to note that takane's body never enters the daze, only her consciousness...... (I THINK.... cuz thats why her body still exists in the real world) but then that begs the question of why didnt hrtk have the same daze. cuz haruka's daze is an empty space with a hospital bed, and takane's daze is a crumbling city. but also hibihiyo has shown us that sharing a daze =/= experiencing the same events in the daze. hibiya sees hiyori dying countless of times, while hiyori sees hibiya dying countless of times. but at least theyre both in a city?? but also like in the novels kido had entered the daze with rin, but was alone when she met azami there. so... so its possible that harutaka shared a daze, but had completely different experiences. yes. that might be it...
- another exception of the 'two in one out' rule is hibihiyo. in the novels and songs (and maybe the anime but idk i havent rewatched it yet), konoha is shown to have entered hibihiyo's kagerou daze. another instance of three 'people' in the daze! what!! but whats interesting to note is that konoha is incapable of interfering with hibihiyo's daze. konoha also leaves the daze in these routes, which is.. hm... can a snake just jump in and out of the daze? can a snake even die... konoha cant die. how did he even get in there??? i guess he just got swallowed into the opening.. probably.. cuz thats also how saeru-possessing-konoha-possessing-haruka's body gets swallowed up into the daze in the novels and the manga. and maybe the anime.
and now that i think about it, in novel 3, there was a buildup towards exploring konoha's presence in hibihiyo's daze:
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and im just only realizing..... THIS PLOT POINT WAS COMPLETELY DROPPED?!???? FJDSKLFJAKL oh my god bro 😭 but yeah... aside from that, mr2 hibihiyo are also exceptions. both hibihiyo entered the daze, and both of them got out! what!!!!
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does this mean that the 'two in, one out' rule is bullshit? and you just need a snake to leave the daze? but if that's the case, then... why doesnt ayano ever leave the daze after mr2??? but before answering that, i have to point out that:
- the final exception to the 'two in, one out' rule is ayano. i mean mca shintaro is also an exception but ill get to him in a bit, plus his case is related to ayano. but yes anyways, ayano enters the daze on her own. the only other character to have done that is her and mca shintaro (i think. and maybe ayano entered the daze on her own in mr2??? ill come back to that) now back to why ayano doesnt leave the daze in routes excluding mr2.. at first glance, the reason for that seems to be tht ayano does obey the 'two in, one out' rule; bc she entered on her own, she cannot leave the daze. but as i just pointed out, mr2 hibihiyo had two people leaving when two people had entered. which makes it seem that the only prerequisite for leaving the daze is to obtain a snake. and in the novels, songs, and anime, ayano is shown to have received favoring eyes in the daze. which implies that she can leave the daze at any time... so why doesnt she leave?? and does this mean that the 'two in, one out' rule isnt even true??
ive seen several fans argue that this is the case, that the 'two in, one out' rule is false, and these three exceptions exist bc that rule didnt exist in the first place. but i find this hard to believe in, bc kagepro goes out of its way to consistently show two people dying together to enter the daze. like in the case of mr2 harutaka, the manga made a point of showing that they both died in proximity of each other, and on the same day:
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^incorrect (or just confusing) pronoun usage btw and yes this is the official translation 😑😑😑 takane jumped out the window, not haruka
and as i pointed out in my silly diagram, someone does always get left behind: haruka's spirit. so the 'two in, one out' rule does kinda still apply to them. and as to why both hibiya and hiyori were able to receive snakes and leave the daze in mr2, saeru did state that he had manipulated hibiya into having a wish that would make him suitable for saeru to possess him:
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so that may have played a role of sorts in their exception. but as to why (non-mr2) ayano doesnt leave the daze after receiving favoring eyes... well, ive seen some fans say that 1.) ayano willingly stayed in the daze, 2.) ayano didnt know she could leave the daze, and 3.) ayano could only leave in mca after shintaro (in all his yakitsu-powered glory) had given her a reason to + showed her the way out. except i cant really agree with these points, bc;
1.) people say that ayano willingly stayed in the daze in order to prevent saeru from gathering all the snakes in the real world. thats fair, bc that is, after all, the reason why ayano had entered the daze to begin with. but this logic then kinda falls apart towards the end of the novel route. here, she reunites with shintaro in the daze, learns that her siblings are endangered, and eventually learns that her only surviving sibling is seto. if she was capable of leaving the daze, wouldnt she have wanted to? like this is the girl who killed herself and thought abt killing someone to keep her siblings safe. i dont think shes willingly keeping herself in the daze at this point. and that brings me to the next point;
2.) that ayano didnt know she could leave the daze. if this is true, that would mean that in the ending of the novels, the reason why she didnt leave is bc she didnt know she could leave. and thats a fair assumption, except... in both the anime and novels, ayano is the one who leads hibiya out of the daze:
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^ayano and hibiya chitchatting in the daze
.....so this kinda implies that, she does know how one can leave the daze. which then implies that in the novels' ending, she's not leaving bc she doesnt know how to, but instead bc she can't. which then nullifies the last point;
3.) that she only left in mca after shintaro had given her a reason to + showed her the way out. again, she already had reasons to leave in the novels, and she led hibiya out of the daze which implies that she knows how someone can leave the daze, its just that she herself cant leave. but why she's able to leave in mca...... man i dont fucking know 😭 does ANYTHING in mca's ending fucking make sense..... it probably has something to do with shintaro's presence. god maybe even the possibility that yakitsu needs to disappear for ayano to be able to leave the daze??? but thats just a guess but god who knows at this point, that might actually be the reason.
so yeah, i do feel like the 'two in, one out' rule does exist, but just not super rigidly. harutaka bent it a bit in their weird way, and saeru was able to manipulate it via mr2 hibiya. and it still applies to ayano hence why she couldnt just up and leave the daze.
but back to mr2 ayano... yes this post is about mr2 ayano in spite of that insane tangent. again, its not specified who ayano enters the daze with, whether she entered by herself, with mary, or with her parents, and how she was able to leave. i already ruled out her parents, and i just went over the whole 'two in, one out' rule, which implies that.... ayano shouldnt have been able to enter the daze and leave on her own. but just bc it shouldnt have happened doesnt mean it didnt happen. so its still possible that she had entered the daze on her own.
but its also possible that she had entered with mary. mary, in possession of azami's combining eyes, may have had a different set of rules applied to her there, similar to how konoha in hibihiyo's kagerou daze kinda had his own set of rules applied to himself, which is why he couldnt interact with hibihiyo.
and there's also this other observation i made which relates itself to mary, which is that in the novels, songs, and anime, ayano's kagerou daze is consistently a classroom:
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except in mr2, where instead, her daze very closely resembles mary's, azami's, and shion's kagerou daze.....???
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and this revelation brought up three points in my mind:
1.) maybe her daze isnt a classroom bc she isnt shown having school friends in mr2, so its likely that school isnt significant to her. after all, she isnt the only character shown to have had different kagerou dazes in different medias; in the novels, kido's daze is a empty black expanse, but in the anime, her daze is her still-burning mansion:
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but also, this then started to make me wonder, why didnt ayano have school friends in mr2? specifically, why didnt she become friends with shintaro in mr2?? shouldnt they have both been middle school classmates in this route? i specify middle school bc in the anime, novels, and songs, shintaro and ayano befriend one another in middle school. according to 'my little daze', its during their second year of middle school specifically. also shintaro doesnt attend highschool in mr2:
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but anyways yeah like harutaka were not initially classmates, but saeru, through kenjirou's body, manipulated their environment to have the two of them become classmates with one another. but i dont think he has any reason to make shintaro and ayano friends with each other, meaning i dont think saeru manipulated their friendship in any way. and theres like, no reason given as to why shinaya Wouldnt have been in the same middle school class. and yeah they dont recognize one another when they meet in mr2, but that doesnt mean they couldnt have been classmates. like who actually remembers all of their classmates? especially people like mr2 shinaya who have gone thru traumatic events.
so anyways with the theoretical possibility that mr2 shinaya were middle school classmates, the reasons i can think of on why they didnt befriend each other, could be that maybe ayano was too stressed about the mekatrio's + mary's predicament to go ahead and forge some meaningful friendships. after all, mr2 ayano learns that their eye powers are endangering them significantly earlier than she does in the other routes. in the novels, anime, and songs, she only learns this after ayaka's death. its not specified when exactly mr2 ayano learns this, but its right after mary starts living with them, which seems to be when she was very young.
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^(also i wanna say that i was robbed from having the CUTEST mekatrio sleeping on the floor picture ever like if satou mahiro wasnt going thru hell at this time then oh my god. this couldve been the cutest thing ever.... ok mekatrio tangent OVER)
another reason i can think of as to why shinaya dont befriend each other in mr2 while they do in other routes is maybe... what if... shintaro's acquisition of yakitsu is something that subconsciously attracts ayano towards shintaro O_O that sounds kinda crazy but also like??? azami's snakes do gather around mary, who possesses combining eyes. its how seto is always able to find mary in every timeline. yakitsu however is mary's snake, not azami's, meaning that its possible that she may behave differently, aka, ayano (technically.. a snake...) would instead be attracted towards shintaro rather than mary.
also yakitsu is fucking insanely weird in the way that yakitsu, who is tateyama ayano, exists, but also other tateyama ayanos from succeeding timelines also exists??? like theres an ayano in shintaro's head but there's also an ayano in shintaro's classroom. and maybe the ayano in shintaro's head is attracting the ayano in shintaro's classroom towards him. and MAYBE thats why ayano has an almost insane crush on him in every routes? bc good god dude this boy is belittling you and doesnt even remember your BIRTHDAY etc etc etc but yet she still likes him. and what if thats bc like... a part of her soul is fucking enshrined into shintaro. damn its crazy when i word it like that but that's essentially what their relationship is?! so i dont think its too much of a stretch to consider this possibility......
though of course im aware its just as possible that in mr2, maybe they were just never classmates. idk. this is just another criminally underexplored aspect of mr2 out of many. but moving on...
2.) does the fact that mr2 ayano's kagerou daze is some snake hellscape instead of a classroom have anything to do with the fact that she essentially loses her mind when she receives azami's memories in mr2, but in the novels shes completely cool with it??!?
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^novel pic is a convo between ayano and azami when ayano enters the daze. also this cracks me up lmfao like in the novels shes like 'omg azami 🥺 i'll do my best for you 🥺' meanwhile in the manga she's like I Went Through Hell And I'm Going To Kill Your Granddaughter Now
like this is something ive never seen other people point out but i feel so O_O by. so i do wonder whether the different kagerou daze environments was a factor on ayano's reaction. or maybe it has to do w the fact that this is the 'first' of the first times that ayano is receiving azami's memories. meaning that this is the first timeline which she receives favoring eyes, and that maybe subconsciously, on some spiritual level or something, she gets more accustomed to receiving azami's memories as more timelines begin to pile up, especially since the novels do strongly imply that the novel timeline takes place quite a while after mr2:
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and another thing that reminds me of this unexplained difference between ayano's reaction to receiving azami's memories, and the possibility of accumulating timelines affecting her ability, is this:
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^novel 5 fan translation by xpochama
in the novels, it never explained why kano was able to transform into ayano so easily after receiving his powers, when he had only met her very briefly. one theory i have is that maybe, bc ayano always becomes his big sister in every timeline, that kano is somehow intimately familiar with ayano on some deeper subconscious level. and that this accumulations of timelines, and this fact that ayano and kano are destined to become family, have made it so that ayano has became a person who kano will always be able to easily change into.
though ofc there may be other explanations. but im not going to explore them here bc jeez this post is long enough. and also im planning to make a long post abt kano's powers at some point anyways.
3.) and lastly, BACK TO THE ORIGINAL FUCKING POINT NO MORE TANGENTS......... does this mean that in mr2, ayano had shared a daze with mary??? cuz like mr2 ayano's daze does look awfully similar to the mary's daze. and if this was the case this would explain various things... like:
who did ayano enter the daze with? -> just mary, ayaka and kenjirou died outside of the daze
why isnt ayano's daze her usual classroom? -> bc she's sharing a daze with mary
if ayano entered the daze with mary, how were both ayano and mary able to leave the kagerou daze? -> mary has The Powers Of God, meaning its likely that the typical rules of the daze doesnt apply to her, similar to how the rules of the daze were different for konoha's presence in hibihiyo's kagerou daze. mary's presence may have warped the rules and allowed them both to leave the daze
and why does ayano react differently to receiving azami's memories in the manga vs in the novels? -> bc she was receiving them in mary's hellish kagerou daze, as opposed to her typical classroom daze
ok im done with this post. holy fuck
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hibihiiyo · 2 years
below the cut i will elaborate on both in case you are not sure
for touch tone telephone, the lines in particularly fixated on were:
“Oh, I'm crying now, authentic tears They flow out of me when I think about you 'Cause you're the only person in the world who'd understand 'Cause you're the only person in the world who'd understand the meaning of this Oh my god I try, and I try, and I try to make you listen to me
I try to call you every day I'm rehearsing what to say when the truth comes out (of my very own mouth) I've been working on a unified theory If I make it through tonight, everybody's gonna hear me out”
in my head, touch tone telephone MV will be about kano trying to save his family from their inevitable death by their fathers and the weight of being the only alive person who knows what will happen and not being able to tell anyone. also it’s very out of left field and i think it’s funny to surprise people with it.
for pork soda, it’s meant to be equally focused on all 4 quartet members but split into halves: shintaro and ene in real life and ayano and haruka in the daze. it’s about nostalgia and longing for the other person and being unable to see them again, being isolated on your own accord (since they all do this) and regretting their past mistakes because they all blame themselves for soemthing!!!
the lines i’m particularly obsessed with are actually the opening lines:
“Somewhere in South End when you were fun You took my hand and you made me run Up past the prison to the seafront You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge
Why can't we laugh now like we did then? How come I see you and ache instead? How come you only look pleased in bed? Let's climb the cliff edge and jump again”
but also “why don’t i say it then? // i want you all the time”!!!!!!!!
both of these options are ENTIRELY in my head and ENTIRELY me using literal lyrics as metaphors for other shit so i apologize if neither of these helped you choose.
thank you kagepro fandom
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stepswowdsen · 17 days
【KagePro】 KuroEne AU: Kuroha pretends to join the Mekakushi Dan
KuroEne AU scenario where Kuroha/Saeru pretends to join the Mekakushi Dan, while getting intimate with Ene. Shintaro gets worried for Ene's sake as her friend.
Sen's KuroEne AU: Summary
(Kagerou Daze Manga: Ch. 64)
Mary confronts Kuroha... but with a twist :)
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Credit: Feila
The credit for the KuroEne shitpost meme edit goes to Feila
They originally came up with the idea and made the shitpost meme edit, I just edited it over the JP scans (which are in high-res)
Since I haven't bought the Kagerou Daze Manga volumes in EN yet, only in JP
Ty for your service as always 🫡💞
Teamwork! 🎉
I'll put the summary of my rambles and my and Feila's discussion rambles under the cut!
Our discussion was really long so I'll just be pasting it here
9/07/2024 - 9/08/2024
Chats with Feila we had on 9/7 to 9/8
Original vs. Meme Versions
Original (JP)
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Shitpost (JP)
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Original (EN)
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Shitpost (EN)
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Text Version
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Bear with me y'all since I haven't bought the EN volumes yet
I only have a few of the JP volumes rn. I'm planning to buy the rest eventually
I found out the exact font that the EN Official TL uses to typeset the KagePro manga's main dialogue with
I'm still trying to find the exact font for the JP one, so it's just really similar (but similar enough to fool people LOL)
Close enough since it's REALLY similar
I also found out the exact font used for Magi's main dialogue in Viz's EN Official TL too :)
I'm gonna gaslight a few people into thinking this is the canon one
Me: IKR cuz now we have the exact same font as the official version LMAOOO 😂
Me: Power of teamwork, wahoo!!
F: Now time to fool people
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F: It'd be funnier if the panel below was Saeru smirking while saying "hell yeah"
I should edit another image from the KagePro manga (later)
Me: Like just take a panel of him smirking from somewhere else and then paste it instead of the bottom panel
But dang the last panel in the OG page overlaps with the 2nd panel
Maybe later but not rn
F: That's gonna take a lot of photoshopping
Tho it is possible
F: Pls focus on other things 🙏
F: Also isn't your birthday coming up?-
Me: Oooh yeah it is! I'm planning to draw something for it tho it might be late (which is fine)
September 12th ^^
F: Noted :3
Me: 6 days away from 9/6 Day and 6 is Ene's Mekakushi Dan code number. Ene we were made for each other wifey 💙💘💞💗
KuroEne AU: Kuroha/Saeru pretends to join the Mekakushi Dan
Continuation of these rambles.
Saeru's amassed power and resources
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Minor thing but wrong particle in the 1st image
I think whoever edited the Wiki page copy pasted from Ayano's Eye Ability, Favouring Eyes (目をかける, Me wo Kakeru) cuz there's a typo here
What it says:
目をか冴える蛇 (Me wo Ka Saeru Hebi)
What it should be:
目が冴える蛇 (Me ga Saeru Hebi)
Other than that, the KagePro wiki mods are doing God's work fr
F: Also Saeru sees 2 disabled kids (HaruTaka) and went "Hell yeah let's kill them"
Me: HWHDSHSDH not only that but he's actually the reason why they were put into a Special Needs classroom for just the two of them
Like Iirc his manipulation while possessing Kenjirou got Takane and Haruka into their own classroom in the first place
F: Just gotta beg the principal bro, as long as they got the budget they're fine
F: I still stand by my old statement
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Me: Oh yeah I just remembered. He's also the reason why Takane Haruka and Ayano's deaths don't get mass reported to the media cuz he makes sure it stays rather contained within the school
F: 3 kids died on the same day
"Nah bro, nothing going here"
Me: RIGHT like 3 kids dying on the same thing would be a massive thing but apparently cuz of him it gets suppressed
F: Damn Kenjirou's co-workers trusts him that much 😨
Me: I swear I read somewhere that it's cuz of Saeru that the deaths of 3 teens gets swept under the rug so it doesn't ger reported to the media but I can't find it
F: Wait why was Takane put into his lab again?-
Me: Oh yeah that actually does bring up a good point.
Like it's possible that Kenjirou (while under the influence of Saeru) administers a poison of some kind to possibly kill her after she collapses from her chronic illness. Then he takes her body to the lab
Me: The fact that Saeru takes both Takane (who turned into Ene) and Haruka (whose body turned into Konoha) into his lab…
F: Yeah, she became a digital virus and all, and her body completely lost all consciousness, I'm just wondering why she was kept in the lab
To prevent it from rotting? I guess that's reasonable, or it's just for the plot???
Me: Yeah I don't think there's much details other than that she was separated from her physical body. Like I noticed Takane's hair grows longer in Novel Route (her bangs grew after 2 years) once she's reunited with her body
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F: I'm gonna guess that it's to keep them from rotting
And perfect plot device for Ene to just suddenly "HELL YEAH I'M ALIVE AGAIN" in the anime
Me: Ooooh yeah true
The 2nd image
And this is exactly why I HC'ed that he'd get a nice real estate for him and Ene to stay in in my KuroEne AU~
Me: Tax evasion /jk
Ok I'm kidding he probably has ways to convince/manipulate people
F: I know humans are dumb, but this guy took it to another level
KuroEne Meme
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F: A very normal unedited panel (trust me)
Me: Someone should definitely ask him this in my KuroEne AU 😭😂
F: Go for Mary wwww
Me: Mary or Shintaro asking him this would honestly be funny LOL
F: He'd be frightened about them knowing it too
Me: I think in my AU, he'd certainly be a bit surprised/caught off guard by others knowing and/or catching onto their relationship, but doesn't mind. For most Routes, he goes along with Ene's wishes to keep their relationship a secret.
It's so funny to think about the perspective of an outsider (another MekaDan member) on their relationship. Plans of trying to rewind the world and whatever those two (KuroEne) are doing
"You're going to fuck her again, aren't you?" (Mary to Saeru)
"You're going to fuck him again, aren't you?" (Shintaro to Ene)
I've cracked the code 🔥
Shintaro: GOD, ENE!!! Don't make me witness your "games" with that guy!!!
F: Like yes he wants to rewind the world so he can keep living forever, but he also wants a gf :3
F: His jaw would drop so hard it de-attaches 😭
Me: Right cuz by causing the time loops he can live forever AND be with his lover for eternity ^^ It's a win-win for him
It'd be so embarrassing for him (Shintaro) like he never imagined the selfish cheeky Ene would get all flustered and embarrassed around that guy. Added with their relationship.
F: This trade is unfair man, Ene's friends gotta die and she can't continue to the future
Me: Yeah… he actively robs everyone of a future in order to serve his own selfish interests, and he knows it.
Me: It's so funny to think about how any MekaDan member who finds out about their r/s would be in disbelief.
Though some others would take it better.
Meanwhile Shintaro feels like a roof dropped on him
F: Momo is just supportive, not concerned about Saeru's background 😭
Me: Yeahh others like Seto and Momo are confused
And others would be confused but supportive
F: While Mary is all "😭😭???"
Ene with that "I can fix him" mindset is so funny
Kuroha: You can't fix me, but I can make you worse :)
I'll make you just like me -> I'll dye you in my colour
F: OH They both got worse indeed
Too freaky
Me: Let's just say that Kuroha seducing/enticing Ene and generally encouraging her to let go of her inhibitions/restraints causes them to indulge in their pleasures together.
While they play the game together, Kuroha decides to play nice… for now.
He knows he's just deciding to act tamer and finding something to entertain himself with (someone to play the game with) before he moves forward with his real plans.
Me: But yeah I do think a few members like Shintaro are kinda suspicious of Saeru's background.
Someone suddenly came and announced that they could make an android body for Ene, free of charge? Something doesn't feel right. He seems up to something...
Like Shintaro mostly dismisses it, but when he really starts thinking about it… It's too suspicious.
F: And Saeru's the only one who's good at keeping Ene under control as if he's playing with her mind
F: Ene has no filter around people unless she develops attachment towards them (kinnie moment-)
Me: YEAH cuz at first Shintaro's parading with Saeru's existence like "Wahoo! There's someone who can finally tease Ene and keep that pesky virus under control! Payback! I KNEW that life would finally reward me with good things eventually!!!"
Me: It's honestly funny to imagine Shintaro accidentally walking in on glimpses of their intimacy (them kissing) and finding out that they're romantically involved. And then, when he really starts thinking about it... Saeru's whole deal seems suspicious.
F: Also he has no degree in engineering but can build a whole android body??? FOR FREE?? Actually he is the degree he doesn't need one, does he?
Me: With his accumulation of knowledge, yeah
Me: Yeahhh it'd be fun if Shintaro confronts Saeru alone about how suspicious he seems. He came out of nowhere and suddenly insists that he made a body for her.
(Well… technically the entire MekaDan did but they feel more earnest and genuine)
He tells Saeru that he doesn't know what's in it for him and that it's not his business, but he's worried for her (Ene) as a friend
Tho Saeru probably knows how to counter Shintaro's answers just due to his knowledge. Shintaro still feels suspicious but lets it slide for now
Me: Same with me omg I mildly relate to Takane/Ene in a lot of aspects
This is apart of what makes her a very important and personal character to me
F: So Kuroha yapping is real, got it
F: Seeing her in MCA is like looking at a mirror for me omfg 😭
Me: He seems talkative/chatty when he wants to be
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Me: I relate to Takane/Ene sm…
F: What if Shintaro questions Ene instead 🤔
Me: OH yeah Shintaro probably tries asking Ene first cuz Kuroha is honestly… unnerving/intimidating ngl
F: I mean, just look at him
Or is Shintaro mad he can't pull and Ene manage to pull a random ass emo guy that looks like her crush's game avatar under a day?
Me: (KagePro Manga: Ch. 9)
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(KagePro Manga: Ch. 17)
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But Ene obviously doesn't want to tell him about their r/s and goes like "Don't pry into a girl's secrets!!!"
Ene gets embarrassed when Shintaro asks her about her r/s with him. Ene just tells him that he is a mysterious stranger that came and proposed that he could give her a body after hearing about her current predicament of being trapped inside the cyber world.
MekaDan members are just so compassionate as well
Shintaro: What's your deal with that guy!? Well, look, look, I know it's not my business, but—!
Shintaro: See! That sounds even more suspicious when you put it like that! I mean—! What kind of guy would do this all for free!? You can't tell me he's doing all this out of the GOODNESS of his heart!
Ene doesn't tell Shintaro that he (Kuroha) resembles Konoha.
Because she wants to keep her past to himself and avoid reminding him (Shintaro) of the past)
Though I think Shintaro eventually does put two and two together that he looks like Haruka.
And that eventual realization hits him like a brick
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Shintaro: What if you get into trouble and something happens? That guy just looks like he's up to no good!
Ene: Awww~ Is Master worried about me?
Shintaro: Not!!! (-> He totally is)
Ene: But don't worry! He's been really nice to me! He always does what I ask~ Whenever I want something, he always finds a way to give it to me! Ene: He takes me places to go and sightsee, like the Amusement Park~ He gives me gifts, such as new clothes to wear~ Video games~ Unlike a certain someone who just stays cooped up in his room all day~
Shintaro: Heyyy! 💢
Shintaro: But isn't that suspicious?
Shintaro: (Why the sudden favouritism, though? He has a thing for her and wants to impress her, or something?)
Ene: I think you're just being a worryart, Master~
Me: Saeru fulfills his purpose as the "being that fulfills wishes" to an extent... He grants Ene's wishes and desires and pleasures.
But never completely grants his owner's wish
Ene isn't his owner tho so he can play along with her whims to appease her
F: Shintaro forgot genuinely nice people exists probably, but the fact that they're talking about Saeru in this context, he has the right to be suspicious
Me: Yeahhh like at this point I think Shintaro is still knee deep into his pessimism/cynicism, but slowly opening up cuz of the MekaDan
But with Saeru's context, showing up one day and building her a body? He finds it hard to believe. The situation is SO surreal to him.
F: Both Ene and Saeru are countering his arguments as much as possible lmao
Me: God Ik Shintaro gets super cowardly but he has some serious balls when he wants to 😭
Like when Kuroha goes on his killing spree at the end of Manga Route 1 (and starts killing everyone in the Mekakushi Dan after their Amusement Park trip).
Shintaro tries to shield Momo, his younger sister, from Kuroha when he points the gun at her and runs in front of her.
The adrenaline rushes in for him to protect a sibling/family member with his life
F: Bro hides his potential for plot duh
Me: OH yeah true
Me: And so, Shintaro realizes he has to confront Kuroha himself after he realized he's not getting any answers from Ene…
Shintaro: (Great...... Worst option. Ene wouldn't tell me anything when I tried asking, so now it looks like the only option is to ask HIM... He's frigging scary, though!)
F: And Saeru using reverse psychology on him 😭
Shintaro: (God, this is the worst kind of situation...! I mean, what am I doing? I know it's not my business, but… What the hell is this?)
Shintaro: (I mean, no matter how you look at it, it's just strange… He managed to accomplish something like transferring someone's consciousness to a robot...)
Shintaro: (How he'd manage to develop tech more advanced than this world's greatest scientists? It can't just be because he's some prodigy from a wealthy family or whatever. It doesn't make sense. And all for free? And I can't help but feel worried for her, too. What if she gets into trouble because of him?)
Shintaro: What are you up to, huh??? Why would you suddenly create a fully functioning Android Body specifically for her? You're not gonna hurt her, are you?
Kuroha: Are you projecting right now?
F: Reminding back the trauma of losing his friends just because he doesn't keep an eye on them for 1 sec…
Me: ;__;
Me: Also knowing Saeru, he can definitely spin up some lies to get away with it. He's good at twisting words. He knows what to say.
Me: OOO yeah I definitely imagine they'd say something like this
F: The fact that your canon-verse KuroEne AU reminds me of RuiNene (ProSeka)
(Genius mfs inventing shit that benefits their gfs)
Me: Reminds me my friend Aya was like "Him and his autistic wife" 💜💚
F: They're both autistic actually, Sega told me-
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I imagined a scenario like this
Shintaro: (Shintaro approaches Kuroha from behind and places a hand on his shoulder.)
Shintaro: Hey, hold it...!
Kuroha: (Kuroha raises an eyebrow with an amused smirk on his face when he turns around to face him.)
Kuroha: Hm? Oh, Shintaro? What is it?
Shintaro: I need to talk to you. In private.
Kuroha: Well? What did you want to talk to me about?
Shintaro: Ene said that you showed up one day and told her you could make a body for her. And all for free? It doesn't make sense! What's in it for you? You can't say you're doing this out of the KINDNESS of your heart.
Shintaro: Sometimes you guys disappear for days on end, too!
Shintaro: …Look. I don't trust you.
Kuroha: Oh? Are you really that suspicious of me?
Me: Shintaro's comment of "Sometimes you guys disappear for days on end" is in reference to Kuroha taking Ene to visit his real estates for them to be together during their trysts (games of intimacy)
F: And then he went on yapping about how much he banged Shin's digital malware, peak plot
Me: LMFAO 😭😂
Oh yeah I imagine that in Routes where Kuroha joins the Mekakushi Dan in Konoha's place, he knows that certain members will be more on guard around him than others
Thankfully he's good at talking his way around things (and he can see through Kano's Deceiving Eyes too)
F: Tbh, since he can easily manipulate Mary into resetting the time
Maybe he would play around like this
Me: Oooh yeah true
Like he's interested to see how much he can mess around (even when the others start to catch onto him).
He probably just thinks "You all can't stop me anyways"
Me: Mary would be confused but supportive. She's got the spirit. She'd still be like ❓
F: 8 (since Konoha is used as a vessel) red eyed teens vs. A snake demon with a glock
This is going to end badly.
F: Does she not have any suspicion about him being Clearing Eyes orrrr-
Me: It seems like everyone is unaware of the Clearing Snake's existence before the start of the present day plot except for Kano (and Ayano, who is in the Daze in most Routes) in the present plot
Me: But yeah I wonder if Mary or any others would start to catch onto him. Cuz technically Kuroha can fool the others by saying he's Awakening Eyes…
He can use Konoha's Eye Ability, Awakening Eyes, and his eyes turn red when he uses it
F: True and everyone thought that he might have another someone that got sucked into the Kagerou Daze and he was the one who got out alive
I feel like Shintaro will most likely find out
He's got the highest suspicion for him
Me: Yeah I think Shintaro is one of the members most likely to catch onto Saeru first. Plus he's worried about Ene for the sake of a friend
Shintaro's technically clever and was considered an academic prodigy. He always aced tests due to his photographic memory Iirc
Me: When Shintaro asks Ene, she just tells him she's decided not to delve too much into Kuroha'sbackground/past
Shintaro: But don't you find it suspicious? He just showed up one day and said he could do this for you. Something doesn't feel right...
F: Academically tho I don't think he can read people well
Me: It's cuz he's usually so pathetic /endearing
Oh yeah Shintaro has booksmarts he's not good at reading people emotionally
And obviously Shintaro is one of the only members aside from Ene to realize that he looks like Haruka
Like the realization probably hits him way later on
Ene: But look! I can change my clothes now!
F: He was trying to forget Haruka too… Are you trying to re-torture this guy but with a KuroEne love/hate-sex twist onto it???
Ene: I'm not just stuck in your computer or phone anymore! I see it as a win! (⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡)
Oh god yeah I just realized the KuroEne AU routes where Kuroha joins the Mekakushi Dan ends up putting Shintaro through the wringer emotionally
Imagine having to deal with worrying over a friend and having to keep an eye on a guy you're really suspicious of cuz you don't know what he's really up to (and what his true intentions are)
F: I feel like making him notice that Ene looks like Takane and then realizing that she IS Takane
And witnessing her GETTING FUCKED BEFORE HE DOES is uh Idk cool plot but poor guy
Me: Yeah like he'd eventually put two and two together. And then it explains her infatuation with the Haruka lookalike guy (Kuroha)
F: You're making him relapse wow 😭😭😭
Me: Honestly sad for him cuz Ene wanted to avoid reminding him of the past but Kuroha's actions end up doing it anyways
F: So do I say fuck you, Author, or fuck you, Saeru???
Me: Didn't realize how much emotional baggage Shintaro would go through with this but it's interesting to think about from a writing standpoint
One of the things that Micchan pointed out to me is that apparently Haruka can see and hear whatever Konoha's body feels.
So when Black Konoha (Kuroha/Saeru) fucks Ene… Yeah.
F: It does make it interesting from Shintaro's perspective but my man just wanna stay inside
Me: Kuroha's actions end up causing everyone the worst kind of slow eating heartbreak oh my god
That was awkward 😨
M: Holy shit I’m loving that AU this is so angst fuel ⚰️🔥 I’m so sorry Haruka who’s in the Kagerou Daze watching all this unfold SHDJGHKAJSRGD
Me: Oh yeah KagePro LN 6 -over the dimension- canonized that Haruka can see and hear what Konoha's body experiences. So…
F: Haru and Shin are a victim here bro
For Ayano though, it depends if this Route takes place after Manga Route 2 (MR2) cuz that's when Shintaro gains an Eye Ability (Ayano as the Snake of Retaining Eyes)
So yeah Ayano is included as one of the people exposed to learning about KuroEne's intimacy if it's post-MR2 AND if Shintaro learns about it.
Cuz Iirc Ayano visits Haruka in the Kagerou Daze and can see what Shintaro sees
Me: I'm just imagining before KuroEne get intimate with each other again...
If Kuroha's truly fucking evil, he can make a side comment like, "We have an audience here, don't we?" In reference to Haruka and Konoha being forced to be spectators to his actions.
And Ene would just be confused by his one off comment like "But there's no one here in this room?"
And he just grins to himself and goes like "…It's nothing" (^-^)
Technically all of the MekaDan members are victims but some especially get put through the wringer
F: Bro's gonna make Mary commit mass murder just to reset the timeline so she didn't have to witness this
Me: Ngl 5 victims if we include Haruka and Konoha. Aren't they basically forced to just be a spectator to Kuroha's actions (including killing everyone, and KuroEne's intimacy)
Cuz Kuroha suppresses Konoha's consciousness while he possesses him but he's not fully gone
Technically, all of the MekaDan members are victims, but some ESPECIALLY get put through the wringer in this.
F: Oh shit an accidental threesome-
F: I'm taking off my glasses
That's enough of seeing privilege
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Me: I just mainly thought about and focused on the two of them (KuroEne) but then I realized the routes where Kuroha joins the MekaDan ends up causing the others sm pain
F: Positive thinking
He cooks for the Dan, does the laundry for the Dan, takes Ene to the amusement part, cuddles with Ene at night
He did enough nice things ✌️
Oh yeah he'd be great at doing the Dan's household chores
And he'd take Ene to the Amusement Park and Ene would come back holding plushies and stuff ^^
F: The only way to gain trust around here tbh
Me: One thing I thought about is that when Shintaro starts to catch onto Kuroha by sifting info, he starts to look into his background and sees how abnormal it is that this guy has money and real estates under his name
When Shintaro confronts Kuroha about this he just tells him (lies) that he gained the inheritance from his wealthy family
F: Pssst… check his taxes
Me: Also another factor that plays into this is that Ene is honestly… gullible and easily trusting. So she wants to believe in Saeru
F: Wait what if Shin asks for his last name, to y'know
Find his possible relatives on Facebook?
Me: OOOOH. I still think Kuroha can still lie his way outta this just fine but Shintaro's probably still suspicious of him (in his mind)
Cuz I imagine Saeru generally secludes himself
F: Ene's mind is all like "Damn, you changed a lot Haruka, what phase did you go through, holy shit"
Me: YEAH I think Ene knows he's different from Haruka but still feels a certain fondness for him
In this Route it means that he would've gained access to resources and amassed money and power through Kenjirou, and when Kenjirou dies after he leaves the body to possess Konoha, Kuroha probably has all his resources forwarded to him
F: Tateyama Saeru, yeah that sounds real stupid
Me: YEAH I don't think of it as adoption but rather like passing it on to a successor. Saeru SHOULD be smart enough to create fake names and identities too
Oh I also just realized.
He can use Awakening Eyes to change his appearance, so he can just change into Kenjirou's appearance even after his death
He can make as many fake identities as he wants to avoid drawing suspicion
He doesn't even need to be labeled as Kenjirou's successor, but he can do whatever he wants to avoid raising suspicion
F: Fooling the government into thinking they're relatives lololololol
Shintaro: Take a look at this, Ene…
Me: Oh yeah and apparently Konoha stays at Kenjirou's home at first after Saeru ensures his creation
Me: Oh I also just realized. He can use Awakening Eyes to change his appearance so he can just change into Kenjirou's appearance even after his death
He can make as many fake identities as he wants to avoid drawing suspicion
Shintaro: Are you funneling money or something? How the hell did you get the resources to make a fully functional android body?
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F: Ooohhh then… Kenjirou inviting both Hibiya and Hiyori into the city is also a setup…
F: So in Konoha's State Of The World…
Oh I get it now
The story is more complex than I thought
Me: People on the KagePro Wiki are doing god's work fr compiling all the lore
Me: Yeah it looks like Kenjirou (who's possessed by Saeru) inviting them (Hibiya and Hiyori) to the city at the start of KagePro's plot is a setup to orchestrate their deaths
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Self insert
Don't read this it's just me being a hoe for shuichi
Or do idc that much
M!ghost x Shuichi
It was the first trial that something seems slightly off, two extra stands. Something even more unnerving was the fact that there was a portrait on it, identity unknown.
Shuichi was lucky enough to be seated right next to the portrait, deciding to look at it a little more, he found there was a smug smile on it, along with it having a cracked and seeming painted on bleeding effect. A second and third one too, Rantaro Amami and two unknown people, One seemingly waving slightly, cracked and bleeding still, another with a line across their neck and a fan symbol, and Amami, with a X across his face.
The second incident occured when Shuichi found a note asking him to meet them in the library next to a bookshelf, a map attached to it.
"Don't make the same mistake I did."
He whipped his head around, that voice.. strange. He must be hearing things. Deciding to go to the bathroom to splash water on his face, he did so and when he looked up, there was another face behind him in the mirror.
"W-What the-?!" He turned around then back to the mirror.
"Oh finally! I've been waiting for you to notice me!"
"Who.. Who are you..?"
"I'm that portrait you saw. Cracked. Bleeding. My execution hurt.."
"Y-Your what-?!"
"Shut up dude shut up! People are gonna think your crazy!"
He chose to look at them some more.
Bright neon red hair, wild eyes and black mascara, Wearing jeans and a hoodie.
"Are you done-?"
"Ah yes, sorry."
"Nah your fine emo boy." He snickered.
"Your so much like Kokichi.."
" Oh him? I tried to get him to look in the mirror, did not work.."
"Why did you tell me not to go?"
"Obviously I'm not gonna let my connection to the living die!"
"Wha.. Wait hold on! Your dead-?!"
"Bingo! Well probably. Also I follow you around, so good luck trying to get that Angie girl to be your freind."
Third incident.
"Oh dear! Atua senses a disturbing force! I must calm him! Bye-onara!"
*Huh.. that.. mirror thing was right.. Apparently Angie hates me now.. Great..*
°I am not a thing asshat! I am Aoi Kagehara!°
*So that's your name.. Let's go before people get suspicious..*
The fourth incident was when a "reward" was being loaded out.
"Alrighty kids, let's see what happened on September 9th 2022 at another killing game!" Monokuma stated, before turning a video on.
The video shows a boy about to be executed or something similar, kicking his legs while sitting on a table, before looking up and smiling before being crushed, or something it seems.
It cuts to a video recording.
"Hiya! Its me again, Aoi Kagehara! Ultimate Theorist and Strategist! You can't get rid of me! I just got crushed after all! Now I'll let you in on a secret, I'm even better in person behind the scenes, I control everything aside from somebodys actions. I am The Ultimate Mastermind. Aoi Kagehara."
It cuts again to another recording.
"Oh my god, Aishi-san, you'll be okay! Just stick with the plan! You not the Ultimate Serial Killer for nothing!"
"This is extremely risky. I would prefer it if-"
A knife is drawn, the sharp sound ringing through thw air.
"Who has your family Ayano. Who controls everything? Me."
"Kagehara-kun, you wouldn't."
"I would, just stick to exactly what I said to do."
"Well give me another run-over so I can do it exactly."
"You'll dress up as Momikano-kun and go into the gym, from there you'll take that big weight thing like 50 pounds, and drop it before running away with it to the rooftop. You'll then hide it behind the air vents and run. Make sure to blame it on him. You'll then put the note in Ponzu Komeda's locker, telling him to meet you in the Plaza. You'll drop the weight on him and crush him. Make up an alibi or something."
"..As you wish."
It then cuts to the execution again, this time showing him reaching up to the sky before getting disnembered and crushed.
It ends with a close up to his face, That iconic smug smile before he opens his eyes and his face briefly goes white, his eyes widen and tear up before he almost immediately dies.
To be continued because I am tired asf and I'm bored also asf
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mintedmousemoved · 4 years
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Novel VIII: Shintaro cringe compilation
94 notes · View notes
sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
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Fall in love with you again
‘Do not enter is written on the doorway. Why can’t everyone just go away? Except you— you can stay.’
a/n: maki writes something with proper grammar (shocking) it’s basically ayano aishi kin x dazai? i needed to s/i :broken_heart:
(cw: implied self harm, s/o is emo, i am emo, dazai tries to comfort someone, i wrote this at 2am in google docs on a tuesday)
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Nothing. Nothing can make you happy. no matter what you did; hobbies that used to make you smile; friends that made your day brighter; shows that could make you forget burdens— none of it could make you happy.
‘I’m tired..’. Your parents always suspected something was wrong with you, mentally ill—ADHD perhaps? They did not care enough to know. That always echoed in your head.
“I swear to God, there’s something wrong with you.”
Everything that used to make you happy, they were all just a phase, a fading memory. Even Osamu, loving him was… tiring.
‘How could I say this? Osamu has loved me no matter what. Why should I say I don't love him anymore?’ No— it's not that you’re tired of loving him, there is no reason in your heart to love him.
Something like this happened quite often. But now, it’s worse; it feels like a claw is wrapped around your beating heart and keeping it from what it desires.
Sitting in bed, the cold air coming through the window is chilling. Laying in bed is exhausting; living is exhausting. How do people cry so easily? How do they let their emotions take over their mind? How do people live like that?
Resentfully, you got up from the bed and opened the door. The living room was as quiet as ever— of course, you had been the only one here for a while, why would someone else be here?
Pretending to show emotions, pretending to be a carefree yet responsible friend was getting harder— people being so called friends treated you like a living joke.
But— those moments where you were genuinely happy, genuinely sad, genuinely passionate about something, anything.
“Oh my, you’re quite odd, aren’t you? I am Osamu Dazai, the most reliable man in the Armed Detective Agency!”
He was pretending too. Maybe you should thank God for that. He was the first person to understand what you felt your whole life and yet, did not have the courage to validate it— not caring for people, yet always thinking of what they thought of you; losing that one thing that could’ve made you happy— it’s almost like you were made for him.
The couch felt small and big at the same time. actually, it felt empty— just like everything else. curling up to your knees, you laid, soaking up everything that has happened so far.
On the coffee table— paper binders. You hadn’t used them in a while, the scars from them already fully recovered.
Everything felt hopeless— nothing would go further from here. Nothing would make you happy.
Dazai groaned as he threw his keys onto the bowl. “Ah, what are you doing up so late, love?” he put his loafers on the front step before walking over to you— your eyes hung low, avoiding eye contact.
“Nothing, really. I'm just a bit tired.” really, did you think a pathetic excuse like that would work on Osamu? “Hm, really? Tired from what?” he was trying to find an answer to comfort you, how sweet.
“Well… I've been pretty busy this week and I just want to not care what others think; I want to be happy again; I want to.. fall in love with you again.”
“Aww, so my dear s/o’s heart is too tired from caring too much? That's alright! Osamu is here to make you swoon, my love!” he was trying to humor the situation. Neither of you had the best relationships with empathy, he knew that.
He smiled gently at you. He, himself had numbed himself to the most basic human functions and here he was, throwing himself in to make you feel alive again.
“My nightshade, I'll never be tired of making you happy, I'll be here to make you fall in love with me every time— until you break up with me, I promise that I'll never stop trying to make you swoon.”
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iamfruitie · 2 years
In Too Deep Chapter 22
Secret Sale
“Childhood nickname,” Jackie said as an explanation as Mad crawled off of the table. “Long story.” 
“Did she stab someone? Please tell me she stabbed someone, that’d be so cool.” Phantom laughed, neither he nor Mare moving yet and Jackie and Mad left the kitchen. “No answer means yes~” He sang after them. 
“Does Jackie know about-” Mare used his first two fingers to gesture at his canines, his fangs tucked away to appear normal to humans. 
“Nope.” Phantom popped his lips. “He thinks I just have really long teeth.” 
“Oh my God, you fucked a himbo.” 
“The himbo is also very strong for a human and I plan on getting him again and seeing just how far he can go.” Phantom giggled. 
“Good, keep him distracted so then he can’t cut me off.” Mare started walking out of the kitchen as well. 
“Jackie told me about your jealousy.” Phantom teased as he followed.
“I am not jealous.” Mare looked over his shoulder and grumbled when Phantom made a face at him.
“Are you really going to try to lie to me?” Phantom skipped a little bit so he was ahead of Mare. “But you do remember the rules if you take on a mate, right?” 
“He’s not my mate,” Mare stated flatly. “So we don’t need to worry about that.”
“You treat him like one. I just don’t want-”
“He. Is. Not.” Mare had a growl in his voice. 
“Whatever you say.” Phantom threw in hands out in surrender and stepped aside, letting Mare take the lead again. 
“That asshole!” Mad’s shout was the first thing they heard as they came into the lobby. Mad was holding a sheet of paper and looked pissed. Jackie looked confused and the woman Mare recognized as Murdock’s other assistant was concerned. 
“Me and Stacy told him it was a bad idea.” Ayano, or Yandere, said. “But he insisted it would work out.” 
“When was he planning on telling me about this?” Mad held the paper out towards Yandere. “Was he going to wait until the buyers showed up at my home? How does he think this is going to work?” Jackie placed his hand on Mad’s arm and lowered it. 
“Breathe.” He said softly to Mad before looking at Yandere. “Thank you for telling us.” 
“I just couldn’t sit by and watch him try that.” Yandere said. 
“Thank you.” Mad cleared his throat. “We’ll take care of this.” 
“Sorry for ruining your evening.” Yandere rubbed her arm. Mare took a step back so he wasn’t seen by the others, disappeared for a few moments, and then came right back, walking himself over to Yandere with a smile. 
“Lovely to see you again.” 
“Oh! Was I interrupting work or something?” 
“Not at all, I actually have something for you to go out and see.” Mare kept his smile as he turned Yandere towards the door. “There’s a special fella in the garden that wants to talk to you. A Mr. Bim if you’ve heard of him.” 
“Bim?” Yandere held her own face with a hand at that. 
“Yes, yes, he’d love to have a chat. Head right down that path next to the roses and you’ll see him.” Mare gently nudged Yandere.
“Uh…s-sure.” Yandere had a tint of pink on her face.
“You won’t regret it.” Mare winked and then closed the door. He took a second to make sure she was leaving before turning on his heel. “Alright, happier note for her and now for us. What the fuck is going on?” 
“Murdock’s trying to claim Hawk as his and is trying to sell him.” Mad handed Mare the paper, showing that it was an advertisement of sorts for the ‘new way to live at home’ and ‘better than Alexa and Siri combined’. “Murdock can’t even respond to his own emails let alone code the complexity that is Hawk.” 
“Want us to kill him?” Phantom offered. 
“Let’s not joke about that right now.” Jackie sighed.
“Joke?” Phantom hissed in pain when Mare jabbed him in the side with an elbow. “Yeah, joke.” He glared at Mare as he rubbed that spot. 
“I’m calling him and letting him know what a dumb sack of shit he is.” Mad pulled his phone out and huffed when Jackie snatched it from his hand. 
“Diving into that when you’re pissed is just going to make you say things you regret and make things worse.” Jackie held the phone up when Mad tried to grab it, using his height to his advantage. 
“Jackie! Give me my phone! I’m not going to let him get away with this!” 
“We’re not going to let him get away with it, we need to think about it first and-” Jackie turned his head when Mare took the phone from him. “Don’t you get started-”
“You’re right.” Mare rolled his eyes. “I’d hate to agree with you, Jackie, but we shouldn’t go while the fire’s hot.” 
“Boring.” Phantom huffed.
“That’s how they get hurt.” Mare shot a look at Phantom and then gestured with his head towards Jackie. Phantom chuckled and took the hint, walking over to Jackie and looping his arm through his. 
“Do you know if there are extra bedrooms?” He asked as he walked Jackie away. 
“Yes? Why?” Jackie leaned down when Phantom tugged on his arm and whispered into his ear. “Oh!” That reaction got Phantom to chuckle and the two went off. 
“Can I have my phone?” Mad asked Mare when they were alone. 
“Nope.” Mare popped the ‘p’.
“You said you wanted to get some work done.” Mare started walking backward, smiling when Mad followed him. “Let’s suck some blood out of me and look at all that palm-sa stuff.”
“You mean plasma?” 
“Yes! That.” Mare grinned, not showing a hint that he had flubbed the word on purpose. “What even is that stuff anyway?” He changed the way he was walking so he was now next to Mad with an arm across his shoulder, knowing he had succeeded in distracting Mad when he saw him perk up at the question. 
“I have images in my lab I can use to help explain.” 
“I’d love to hear all about it.” Mare laughed when now Mad was the one taking off. He paused a second to smile at him before catching himself and easily beating Mad to the lab.   
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@dungeon-dragons-dragons @justyoursicanon @angst-anonn @damnthedead
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pmiller1 · 2 years
Had anyone ask about the Cap that Fret seem to have?
Rindo: You mean the one that be keep to the side? Not really, I haven't ask him about it, really.
Nagi: Nor had I.
Shoka: I did ask him about it one day, but he wasn't give me an answer, just saying that he keep it.
Beat: Wait, wouldn't that cap mess with his hair?
Nagi: I believed it would, witch is why the question of why he possessed that Cap in the first please is the problem.
Rindo: Yeah, now that I think about all that time, I never see him wearing that Cap. He wear all other cap sure, back in the game even, but never that one.
Shoka: So he never wear it once...
Nagi: Lady Shoka, do you had something address?
Shoka: Yeah, the reason why I've ask him about that Cap it because it was familiar, in fact I remember someone wearing that Cap back in the Game.
Shoka: In the 1st Thirty weeks of Shinjuku Games.
Beat: Wait you mean that... when those Shinjuku punk just took over Shibuya's Games?
Shoka: Yep. He was one of the Player, can't remember his name or the team that he was leading, but I know he was one in the early games.
Rindo: I take it he and his team didn't go so far?
Shoka: Oh he was no push over, he and team work Heller goods, even if it was just a twelve player team, they able to hold it off for over Thirty weeks. Really, if it wasn't rigged, they would had won in the early week, maybe in the first week.
Beat: Man, that suck.
Shoka: It was there last week when they tried to take down the Ruinbringers. And they was close to beating Big Su and Tsugi's Army of Mr Mews.
Nagi: Take it it was the same outcome as us?
Rindo: Shiba showing up and stuff them out?
Shoka: More like breaking there hope right then and there. Never seen someone just lost the will the fight that fast.
Beat: What an ass.
Rindo: Guess that he thought there was a changed to come back to life once there beat the Ruinbringers and win top places.
Nagi: Tragic.
Shoka: Yep. And you know the worst thing. He said something that really shaken me up.
Shoka: He call Shiba a "Heartless God" for giving them fault hope, a empty promises to bring them back to life, that he could had told them that he couldn't bring them back to life instead of lying toward the player.
Beat: Woah. Really calling him for his BSing. Tricking people is not cool.
Shoka: And yet it what he after that it what set me in. "Imagination if your friends was in this stupid game, would you really let them suffer in this hopeless game?!"
Beat, Rindo and Nagi: O_O;
Shoka: Even if that wasn't address me to, I sure you guy guess what my answered was.
Rindo: Wow. I guess that was something.
Shoka: You had no idea how I fear the day that you would died and be stuck in the Game. I just never thought of that before that.
Shoka: It keep me out up all night. What am I gonna to do if that happen? I've talk to Ayano about it, but she said it nothing to worry about.
Shoka: Big Su said if that happen, if gonna make sure he ready. Shiba was out of question, Shibuya Reapers wasn't all high up to me.
Shoka: Only Kaie said that I have to prepared myself of that day.
Nagi: So you worry the day that Rindragon would end up in the Game.
Rindo: Would explained why you was being Cautious. I've lost count how many time Swallow texting with "be careful rin" and it was cute that you cure for my well being.
Shoka: Well yeah... it wasn't that big of the deal.
Rindo: Oh I remember that one day I was sick, they was would packed of medicine by front door, it wasn't addressed from anyone, well other then a sticker of a swallow. My mom was about to get some before she saw that.
Shoka: Well, yeah I had to, illness isn't good y'know.
Rindo: Or how my phone ring right before I've almost mindless walk into traffic, it was always silent. But the caller ID was Swallow.
Shoka: Yeah! You really need to keep your eyes on the road. I've panic every times I seeing your player icon going to traffic for some rare mods.
Nagi: Yeah, Lord Tosai told me how you tend to look at your phone when walking.
Rindo: Even still, I'm impress that you keep me alive in all that years.
Shoka: Yeah, you welcome by the way.
Beat: Man, she was like your guardian angel. Yo.
Nagi: Dissipated that she where a Reaper at the time.
Shoka: Well even still, that guy impact me to what led me betraying my fellow reaper and save Shibuya with you guys.
Nagi: I see. Should we inform Lord Tosai that old friend fought well trill the very end? I sure he would like to know.
Shoka: Well, I think he would find it worst that he played the Game and having it worst then we had.
Shoka: Beside he still uncomfortable talking about his old friend, if he wouldn't tell us about the cap that use to belong to him.
Nagi: He may had supped that we would know that Cap does indeed belong to his old friend.
Beat: Actually yo, I never knew that Cap would belong to his old pul.
Nagi: I did say "may" after all...
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
what are your thoughts on ayataka
as a ship i have to admit i dont care much for it because i am literally so insane abt harutaka i HAVE to work everything around it. i think ayanos psyche is too 😐🥴 to be in a relationship any time soon so forget abt a polycule. and takanes so into haruka its like anyone else would rly feel it and it wouldnt end up working out LOL unless theyre ok with being such a clear #2 but ayano specifically would be so self conscious abt it
i like the idea that maybe eventually they end up as qpp hehe but augh again. i think. haruka isnt into takane being in other relationships so itd kinda be drama lol. dont get me started on haruka She is so demi 🥴
the way i like it is not so much post str but baby sapphics in hs being close to another girl for the first time. they kissed ok. like theyve kissed
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kobedivision · 3 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Ren Nakashima
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~~ June 26th ~~
“I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive, now I only waste it dreaming of you.”
Login Lines:
“Thank you, Tokyo!! I adore each and every one of you and I couldn’t ask for a better audience, goodnight!!”
“Eh?…’Happy Birthday, Vox’…Ahaha, that’s right! Wow, you guys are so sweet, I should reward you all for such generosity, what’s one more encore?”
Voice Lines:
“Haah…I finally got some time off, my manger sure loves working me to my bone but thankfully he’s not so cruel to make me go out and perform on my birthday, he even sent me a few gifts and birthday wishes.”
“My phone has been blowing up all day, so many of my darling fans have been giving me birthday wishes and fan mail, I’m even trending on PROFILE, which believe it or not, is quite a feat. I’m very grateful, they’re the reason why I’m even at this point of my career.”
“Ayano and Ryōhei are so adorable, they surprised me with breakfast in bed and then we spent the morning together. It was peaceful for about 20 minutes until they started fighting for my attention when they wanted to give me their presents. *sigh* I love them dearly but sometimes I’m worried that they’re idolizing me a bit too much.”
“Hey dad…sorry I haven’t visited in a while, y’know how it is, the life of a musician, no rest for the wicked haha…I hope you’re resting well, you don’t need to worry, I’m doing okay, Ayano and Ryōhei are thriving and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way. I’ll become the kind of great man you were and more.”
“Hey Max! What? Are you surprised that I’m happy to see you? I don’t care what anyone says, man, you’re my brother and I’ll always make time for you, that’s what family is for, right? Haha, alright alright, I’ll lay off, you look kinda tense though, is everything alright?”
“Oh whoa! Are these real crystals?! Where’d you find these, dude? Your forest huh? I swear, there’s something mythical about that place. Anyways, these are really cool, thank you so much, Max, I’ll have to put these in a safe spot, no doubt Ayano would rob me blind of these if she were to get a glimpse.”
“What’s up, Kai? Haha, thank you, thank you! Yes, yes, I’m so happy to be the legal drinking age-note the sarcasm-despite having been drinking since 15. Moving on, glad you’re here, hope your fans don’t mind but then again, I’m sure they would love to see Japan’s biggest influencer with Japan’s hottest musician. Wow, you sure are excited to give me a gift, okay, okay, I’ll open it.”
“Good fucking god, Kaiji what THE FUCK-what is this?! Why would you give me this?! No, fuck that, WHERE did you get this?! You’re fucking with me, there’s no way this is the real…holy shit…gah, don’t give me that fucking look, shut up, I’m…going to put these away, you are so lucky that you’re my best friend I swear to god…also give Lola my thanks.”
Max Lines:
“Ren…happy birthday…why do you…look so happy…? Is it…because that…I’m here…? Mm…thank you…that makes me…very happy…I guess…still kinda weird…hm?…everything’s fine…but I have…a present…for you…”
“Do you…like it? I…thought of…you…when I…first found…them…yeah…they’re real…I found them…in a small…area…of the forest…I’m glad…you like them…I think…I have more…for Ayano…”
Kaiji Lines:
“Haaaaappy birthday, RenRen, my beloved! This is a time of celebration! I can finally take you with me to bars! You should be, fucker! We can now get plastered together without us having to bribe the fucking bartender! Of course, I wouldn’t miss this for the world, my fans can go one day without me-I think-and besides, I can always just post a photo of us and I’m sure it’ll go viral immediately. Anyways, enough about that, go on and open your gift, open it!!”
“HAHAHAHA! Do you like it?! Yeeeah, I bet you do, y’know I had to do a lot of work to get that little piece, thankfully Lola was more than understanding but now we expect for you to finally get your ass in gear and take your dark angel to bed and give her the dicking down she deserves. Hehe, I see that look in your eyes, look, just try to control yourself until the day is over, happy birthday, dear~”
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mewmewchann · 3 years
DFTH but it’s random SBI quotes
So I started watching SBI recently- (some of these are the members of SBI but with other people so please don’t come at me for it)
Jasper, pointing to 3 anchors: So you know the start of Pokémon? You gotta choose which one of these three you wanna have- Haruto: *immediately picks one up and gets launched upwards* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- Jasper: AHAHAHAHAHAHAH-
Rantaro: Unfortunately each hope fragment requires exponentially more resources than the last, so I did what any self-respecting Ultimate student would do, and sat in the rec room buying Monomono Machine pulls for 30 minutes. Rantaro: Rantaro:  I’m having fun. Rantaro: Rantaro:  I dropped out of college for this.
Rikona: I went easy on you! Fine, I’m gonna be toxic next round! Rantaro: I don’t even think that was toxic. Everyone: Kokoro: Rantaro, you said you were gonna beat her with a belt.
Miko: This is...Bigger than I was expecting. Okay...How long have you spent here? Ayano: …Uuuuuh…I haven’t logged off. Miko: Miko: …Wait. You…You haven’t logged off the server since last night??? Ayano: Yeah I’ve just been here. Miko: Ayano: Miko: THAT’S FOURTEEN HOURS, AYANO!!! Ayano: Revolution waits for no man.
Rikona: I don’t like the coral. Rantaro: I know you don’t. But I do.  Yuuma: I quite like the coral Rantaro, I’ll be honest with you, it does have a really nice- Rikona: You’re such a- stop sucking up to dad! Yuuma: I’M NOT SUCKING UP, I LIKE THE CORAL! Rantaro: *dying laughing*
Saiko: It's gonna be scary, but it's only Haruto and Haruto’s never done anything good, so it's fine. Jasper: Exactly. Well y’know Saiko, I'm just saying, back up plan. Saiko: Yeah? Jasper: If we don't win but the idiot's team wins, you can just go to his house and steal his mail. Saiko: To be fair, I have a crowbar. [everyone laughs]
Jasper: You wanna be a hero, Hikari~? Jasper: THEN DIE LIKE ONE!!! *flicks a switch* Jasper: Jasper: wait why isn’t this working
Miko: A ZOMBIE JUST CRUSHED TWO EGGS!!! Ayano, not giving a shit: Oh yeah they do that. Miko, absolutely horrified: FOR FUN!?!?!?!?
Spoiler quotes under the cut
Jasper, as he’s taking over the KG script: YOU’RE ALL LOSING TO A DROPOUT! HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Jasper: It just seems so rude. Do I barge into your house and just start looking through your stuff and commenting on your suspicious to-do lists on your wall? Jasper: …Actually, do you even have a house? I’ve never seen you in a house. Tsumugi: Tsumugi: I do have a house. It’s very very far from here. Jasper: Jasper: Are you homeless? Tsumugi: NO, I’m not homeless! I do have a house-! Jasper: Do you sleep outside, Shirogane? Tsumugi: I HAVE A H- I don’t even sleep, but I do have a house. Jasper: Prove you have a house. Bring me to it. Tsumugi: Jasper: Tsumugi: I’m not gonna take you to my house- Jasper, turning to the camera: Guys she doesn’t have a house. Tsumugi: I HAVE A HOUSE! Jasper: SHE’S THE MASTERMIND OF THE KILLING GAME-  Tsumugi: I HAVE A HOUSE!!! Jasper: SHE’S THE MASTERMIND OF THE KILLING GAME AND SHE NEVER BUILT A HOUSE!!!
Haruto, as Jasper single-handedly solves the chapter 3 trial: …Sachiko? Sachiko: Yeah? Haruto: Haruto: Are we side characters, Sachiko? Sachiko: PffahAHAHAHA-
Jasper: Slade. Slade...! Slade: Yeah? Jasper: I gave you that book...THREE MONTHS AGO, SLADE!!! Slade: Slade: You said three months! Jasper: NO I DID NOT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA TAKE LIKE TWO DAYS TO READ THAT BOOK, SLADE! IT’S BEEN, LIKE...90 DAYS! I ALMOST DIED! Slade: YOU SAID THREE MONTHS! Jasper: I DID NOT SAY THREE MONTHS!!! Slade: Wait wait wait Slade: Slade: oh my god you said three days. Jasper: Bruuuh. Slade: Oh I- *dies laughing* Jasper: Bruuuuuuuuuuuuh.
Kokoro: WAIT. WAIT. MAIN CHARACTER QUESTION. Jasper: Hm? Kokoro: Do you know who your parents are? Jasper: Kokoro: Jasper: Jasper: Well they died so- Kokoro: OH GOD, HE’S THE MAIN CHARACTER! NOOOOOOOOO!
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mekatrio · 1 year
trying to watch the last mca episode to try and understand the one and only existing kagepro route with a good ending that is actually 'written out' and am trying so hard to not throw up from laughter like ohhhhhh myy god. oh my god. the animation is so janky. the budget is at its wit's end. I FORGOT KONOHA/KUROHA SOMETIMES GETS ON ALL FOURS.... FOR SOME REASON........ also everything is so fast im throwing up. cuz in like. 90 seconds, ayano randomly shows up, HARUKA IS ABLE TO COMMUNICATE.. FROM THE DAZE?, ayano projects the timelines onto mary, and mary swallows up the world. yes.
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^WHAT IM ALSO SAYING....... i dont think that ever gets fucking explained??? HOW DID THEY LEAVE THE DAZE???
anyways um. so it seems like at first the power of friendship stalled saeru (so weird to not refer to him as kuroha lol), power of friendship being mekakushi dan minus shintaro and konoha (duh) telling mary to not reset the timeline, even tho their snakes were taken away.... and that should kill them... but WHATEVER i guess. and then the whole ayano shebang happens uh.... let me toss the rest of this ruminating into a read more
ok so the ending is Somewhat Coherent if youre like me, aka already has context for how kagepro and it's routes work in general (which 14(?) year old me who first watched mca didnt possess hence did not understand it at all).
and so it seems like jin did write out a coherent ending, but that the pacing and visual language was so insane that it ended up being incomprehensible. pacing and visual language is likely like that bc a.) jin did not supervise it or b.) jin did not have the visual artistry skills to sufficiently supervise it. same outcome either way. you can tell this was written out by jin bc there are many jin-esque lines like there:
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anyways so the ending essentially is..... - shintaro is 'killed' earlier (just enters the daze, basically) (also i dont remember how he dies in this route. whatever lets ignore that) - he reunites w ayano yayyy - meanwhile mekakushi dan tries to stop saeru - mekakushi dan excluding mary gets fatally incapacitated by saeru - but they dont die. but their snakes gets absorbed by mary. but theyre still able to convey The Power Of Friendship to mary thru speech so like... eh whatever 🤷 - this stalls mary from resetting the timeline which allows ayano and shintaro to show up Out Of Nowhere. shintaro's power of Remembering Every Timeline and ayano's power of Projecting The Thoughts Of People Onto Other People combine so they can project the memory of every timeline onto mary. haruka is also able to shit talk on saeru during these 5 seconds somehow too bc uh...... idk? - with mary remembering every timeline, she decides to swallow the whole world (or maybe just the whole room) into the daze, and refuses to reset the world. so now all the dying mekakushi dan + kenjirou + shinaya + saeru are in the daze - with kenjirou in the daze, he is able to see ayaka one last time. this grants kenjirou's wish, and saeru, whose only able to manifest and exist when he is granting a person's wish, then begins to fade away. - begging to not disappear, he asks for anyone else to make a wish. konoha is some astral projection world then wishes to save hiyori. saeru is unable to think of some devious way to make saving a person into some convoluted timeloop, and so hiyori is rescued from the daze, and saeru disappears. - mary gets to see shion again (?!?!?) and they have heart-felt conversation.
and this all happens in like... FOUR MINUTES???? i wish i was exaggerating but no all this shit just happens rly quickly in 4-ish minutes. goddamn. anyways right after this is a cutaway to The Future where everybody is alive.... yeah...... how does ayano and haruka escape the daze? does everyone still have their snakes? if they dont, how did they survive? why did mary decide to conveniently swallow them all into the daze? WHAT HAPPENS TO AZAMI? well that never gets explained. anyways this is the ONE (1!!!!!!) and only "good" route we have that like. actually gets from point a to point b instead of just, randomly existing (looking at you summertime record song route and lost day hour one shot manga). yeahh..... what the hell 🤣😭
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maroonmii · 4 years
I was going trough my old playlist, and listened to "Ayano's Theory of Happiness", and my brain went, oh angst time boye. Italic points are the lyric of the song! Also, trigger warning for self-hatred.
Back in the Celestial Realm, he was already a doting brother. He was always there when his little brothers fight, when they're sad, when they need him.
Back in the CR, he would spent any riches he had for his siblings. (Remember when he bought Levi a gift, because he thought Levi didn't get Ruri's movie ticket? Old habit dies hard)
When the fall happened, it took quite a toll on the brothers, especially Lucifer (he blamed himself the most, for Lilith's death, betraying god, making his brothers fall with him) so Luci isolates himself for a long time.
And because of that, Mammon felt like he needed to be with his brothers the most. He's the second oldest afterall.
It was painful, mentally and physically. As they slowly manifest into a demon, Mammon saw how the brothers are slowly losing themself, accepting their Sin. And he desperatly trying to keep everything together when Luci's not there.
Things had gone crazy, the tears of loved ones, unnoticed by all. I couldn't tell anyone. "No, i dont want it to be destroyed.." And came a world where happiness ends.
Mammon would do anything for them to forget their pain. Cheering them up, talking to them, checking them up everyday, playing a fool just so they can forget the pain and find something to laugh at.
Including buying them gifts, and he will do anything for the money. He will do anything to get everything back to how it used to be. This is where the sin of greed, slowly manifest.
"If i had those red eyes, can i save their future?" Awkard and shameful, this are my lonely plan.
And it works. Slowly, the brothers banter again, Lucifer came back strong as ever. And Mammon continued to play the fool. As long as they can get along with each other again.
Until this day, he sometimes reminiscence their days at the Celestial Realm, the war, and their fall.
As the avatar of greed, wanting everything, is his best trait afterall.
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