#aynisah sultan daughter of bayezid ii
ottomanladies · 3 years
What kind of lives and careers would the nephews of Sultans live out? By that I mean the sons of princesses. Who would they usually marry? While their children weren’t considered official royal family members, could they expect any special esteem among the Ottoman aristocracy? There were so many of them lol.
Sultanzades usually pursued either a military career (several of Suleyman I's nephew and uncles were army generals) or a career in the provinces as governors.
We don't have much information about the wives of sultanzades. There are exceptions, of course:
Ayşe Hümâ-Şâh's grandson Mahmud Paşa — who is not technically a sultanzade but just a descendant — married a daughter of Mehmed III, therefore becoming a damad
Sultân-zâde Dâmâd Mehmed Çelebî (son Fatma Sultan, daughter of Bayezid II) married his cousin, Ayşe Sultan (daughter of Şehzâde Alem-şâh)
Sultân-zâde Mehmed Paşa (son of Gevher-mülük sultan, daughter of Bayezid II) married his cousin, Ayşe Hân-zâde Mihr-i Hân Hanım-Sultân (daughter of Ayşe Sultan, daughter of Bayezid II)
Sultân-zâde Yahyâpaşa-zâde Gaazî Küçük Balı Paşa (yes, MC!Bali Bey) (son of Şâh-zâde sultân, daughter of Bayezid II) married his cousin Hân-zâde Hanım-Sultân (daughter of Aynişâh sultân, daughter of Bayezid II)— not only that, but Aynişâh sultân herself was married to a Sultanzade, Göde Ahmed Bey, the son of Mehmed II's daughter Gevherhan
Sultân-zâde Mehmed Bey (son of a daughter of Bayezid II's) married one of Selim I's daughters, Gevherhan Sultan
Hümâ-Şâh Sultân's son Sultân-zâde Sokollu-zâde ‘Abdülbâkî Bey married Safiyye Hanım-Sultân, the daughter of Ismihan Sultan and Sokollu Mehmed Paşa
Sultanzades could also have married daughters of pashas, though if they didn't contract a dynastic marriage we don't have a record of their wives. Sultân-zâde İbrâhîm Hân /Paşa (another son of Ismihan Sultan) had descendants until the XX century and one of his descendants married a daughter of Mehmed V's but that's the only wife we know about for four centuries.
By the way, yes, sultanzades' offspring weren't titled but were considered part of the élite anyway and a marriage with them was advantageous.
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ottomanladies · 5 years
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Ottoman Princesses named: Hanzade
Hanzade is a name of Persian origin, meaning descendant (-zade) of the ruler (han-)
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ottomanladies · 6 years
Sultan Bayezid II + harem and children
Ayşe Hatun (?? - 1512?): daughter of Alâüddevle Bozkurt Bey of the Dulkadir dynasty and possibly niece of Sitti Mukrime Hatun (consort of Mehmed II). She is usually given as mother of Selim I, but she was not. According to Alderson, she died in 1512.
Bülbül Hatun (?? - 1515): mother of Şehzade Ahmed and Hundi Sultan. She was a very charitable person, building a mosque complex in Ladik, another mosque, school and fountain in Amasya and a school in Bursa. When her son was executed by Selim I, she retired to Bursa where she built a tomb for him. She is buried next to her son.
Ferahşad Hatun (?? - after 1521): Şehzade Mehmed’s mother, she is variously called Ferruhşad or Muhterem. It is possible that her whole name was Muhterem Ferruhşad. Upon the death of her son in 1505, she retired to Bursa like it was customary for the mother of a deceased prince. She established a foundation in Silivri n 1521, so she must have died later.
Hüsnüşah Hatun (?? - after 1511): mother of Şehzade Şehinşah and Sultanzade. She followed her son first to Manisa and then to Konya. After Şehzade Şehinşah died, she settled in Bursa where she eventually died. She had built the Hatuniye Mosque in 1490 in Manisa during her son’s governorship there. She wrote to Selim I on behalf of Mevlana Pir Ahmed Celebi, one of Şehzade Şehinşah’s men who had not received a new post after the prince’s death.
(Ayşe) Gülbahar Hatun (?? - 1505): mother of Selim I, she was a slave concubine and not a highborn princess as tradition maintains. She died in Trabzon during her son’s princely post and she was buried in the Hatuniye Tomb there.
Gülruh Hatun (?? - after 1520): mother of Şehzade Alemşah and Kamer Sultan. During the reign of Bayezid II, she used to correspond with him about their son: “My fortune-favored padishah, heed my cry for help, … rid us of [my son’s] tutor, teacher, and doctor. They are masters of corruption…. Send us good Muslims because our situation has been pitiful since these persons arrived. They have deprived me of my mother’s rights…. If these seven do not go, they will utterly destroy the household of my son, your servant”. Alemşah would die because of heavy drinking, and Gülruh Hatun retired to Bursa. She died in the early days of Süleyman the Magnificent’s reign and was buried in the Gülruh Hatun Tomb in the Muradiye Mosque.
Nigar Hatun (?? - 1503): according to Uluçay and Oztuna, she was the mother of Şehzade Korkut and Fatma Sultan. She followed her son first in Manisa and then in Antalya, where she died and was buried.
Şirin Hatun (?-?): mother of Şehzade Abdullah and Aynışah Sultan according to Uluçay. She is not present in Sicill-i Osmani among Bayezid II’s consorts. It is not known when she died but she was buried with her son and daughter in her son’s tomb. She had built a school in Bursa and a mosque in Trabzon.
Damad Şehzade Abdullah (1465? - 6.11.1483): eldest son of Bayezid II, he was governor of Trabzon, Manisa and Konya, where he died. He is called Damad as well because he had married his cousin Ferahşâd Sultan, daughter of Mehmed II’s son Şehzade Mustafa. With her she had: a son (1481 - 1489), Aynışah Sultan (1482 - ??) and Şâhnisâ Sultan (1484 - ??). Both princesses reached adulthood as they both got married.
Ayşe Sultan (1465? - after 1515): according to Uluçay she may have been sister to Şehzade Ahmed or to Şehzade Korkut. She married Dâmâd Güveği Sinân Paşa around 1480 and had 6 children with him: Sultanzade Ahmed Bey, Sultanzade Mustafa Bey, Hanzade Ayşe Mihrihan Hanımsultan (who later married Dukagin-zâde Sultanzade Mehmed Paşa), Kamer-Şâh Hanımsultan (who later married Ahmed Bey son of Grand Vizier Mesîh Paşa), Fatma Hanımsultan (who later married Ahmed Bey son of Grand Vizier Mesîh Paşa) and Gevherşah Hanımsultan (who later married İbrahim Bey son of Ömer Bey). Ayşe Sultan built a mosque and a school in Gallipoli and in 1505 she established a foundation. She was buried in Istanbul.
Hatice Sultan (1465? - 1500): the identity of her mother is unknown. She firstly married Dâmâd Müderris Kara Mustafa Paşa around 1479 and had two children with him: Sultanzade Ahmed Çelebî (1480?-1500) and Hânzâde Hanımsultân. She secondly married Dâmâd Fâik Paşa sometime after 1483. Hatice Sultan built a mosque, school and fountain in Edirnekapi in Istanbul. She was buried in Bursa in the Hatice Sultan Tomb, built by her son.
Şehzade Ahmed (1466? - 24.4.1513): Selim I’s biggest opponent during the fight for the throne, he was Bayezid II’s favourite son and the one he wanted to be succeeded by. His only known consort was called Bülbül like his mother. Ahmed had several children: Şehzade Murad (1495 - 1519), Şehzade Alaeddin (1496? - 1513), Şehzade Süleyman (1497? - 1513), Şehzade Osman (1498? - 1513), Şehzade Ali (1499? - 1513), Şehzade Mehmed (1500? - 1513), Şehzade Kasim (1501 - 1518), Kamer Sultan (later wife of Dâmâd Mehmed Çelebî), Fatma Sultan (later wife of Dâmâd Mehmed Bey), and an unnamed princess (later wife of Dâmâd Silahdar Süleyman Bey)
Şehzade Korkut (1467 - 10.3.1513): another of Selim I’s opponents, he thought that he could quietly take the throne while Selim was busy with their brother Ahmed. He paid the janissaries for their support but when Selim arrived in Istanbul, they switched to his side. Governor of Amasya and then Manisa, he was allowed to return there after Bayezid II’s death but eventually Selim I had him executed. He had four children: two sons who died in infancy and Fatma Sultan (later wife of Dâmâd ‘Alî Bey) and Ferahşad Sultan (later wife of Dâmâd Malkoçoğlu ‘Alî Bey and Dâmâd Mehmed Balı Efendi)
Gevherimülûk Sultan (1467? - 1550): the identity of her mother is unknown. She married Dukaginzâde Dâmâd Ahmed Paşa and had two children with him: Nesl-i Şâh Hanımsultan (who married İskender Paşa) and Sultân-zâde Mehmed Paşa (who married his cousin Hanzade Ayşe Mihrihan Hanımsultan daughter of Ayşe Sultan). Gevherimülûk Sultan built a school near the Zal Mahmud Paşa Mosque, and she was buried there when she died.
Selçuk or Selçukşah Sultan (1469 - 1508): the identity of her mother is unknown. She firstly married Dâmâd Ferhâd Bey around 1484 and had two children with him: Nesl-i Şâh Hanımsultan (1486?-1550?) and Sultânzâde Gaazî Husrev Bey/Paşa (1484?-18.6.1541). She secondly married Dâmâd Mehmed Bey in 1486 and had three daughters with him: Hân-zâde Hanımsultan (who married her cousin, son of İlaldı Sultan), an unnamed daughter who married a son of Halil Paşa, and another unnamed daughter who later married Grand Vizier Yûnus Paşa. Selçuk Sultan died in 1508 and was buried in the Selçuk Sultan Mausoleum inside the Bayezid II Mosque in Istanbul.
Hundi Sultan (around 1470 - 1511): daughter of Bülbül Hatun and Şehzade Ahmed’s sister. She married Hersekzade Ahmed Paşa in 1484 and with him had: Sultânzâde Mûsâ Bey; Sultânzâde Mustafa Bey (governor of Bozok in 1533); Kamer-Şâh Hanım-Sultân; Hümâ-Şâh Hanım-Sultân (died after 1551)
Selim I (1470/1471 - 21 September 1520): 9th sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
Şehzade Şehinşah (1474 - 1511): governor of Manisa and then Konya, he died at 37 years old and was buried in Bursa in the Muradiye Mosque near the Şehzâde Mustafa Tomb. His only known consort was Mükrime Hatun, mother of his son Şehzade Mehmed-Şah, who later married his own cousin Şahnisa Sultan, daughter of Şehzade Abdullah.
Şehzade Mahmud (1475 - 1507?): governor of Kastamonu and later of Manisa, where he died at 32 years old. He had three sons and two daughters: Şehzade Orhan, Şehzade Musa, Şehzade Emir-Süleyman (all executed on Selim I’s orders in 1512), Ayşe Hundi Sultan (later wife of Damad Ferruh Bey), Hançerli Fatma Sultan (later wife of Damad Mehmed Bey)
Şehzade Mehmed (1476? - 12.1504): governor of Kefe, where he died. He was married to a princess of the Giray Dynasty, and had two children: Fatma Sultan (1500? - 1556) and Şehzade Mehmed (1505 - 1515, postumous)
Şehzade Alemşah (1477 - 1502): governor of Menteşe and then Manisa, where he died. He had a son and two daughters: Şehzade Osmanşah (1492 - 1512), Ayşe Sultan (later wife of Sultanzade Dâmâd Mehmed Çelebî, son of Bayezid II’s daughter Fatma Sultan) and Fatma Sultan (?? - after 1520)
Aynışah Sultan (?? - after 1512): daughter of Şirin Hatun and sister of Şehzade Abdullah, she married Akkoyunlu Damad Göde Ahmed Bey in 1490. She had two daughters with him: Hanzade Hanımsultan (who later married Sultanzade Yahyapaşazade Balı Paşa) and an unnamed daughter who married her cousin Şehzade Alaeddin, son of Şehzade Ahmed. Aynışah Sultan built a school in Istanbul and established a foundation in 1506. She was one of the princesses who sent letters of congratulations to Selim I when he became sultan. She died after 1512 and was buried next to her mother and brother in Bursa.
Hüma/Hümaşah Sultan (?? - after 1504): the identity of her mother is unknown. She married Dâmâd Antalyalı Balı Paşa around 1482, but seemed not to have had any children. She was buried in Bursa near the Muradiye Tomb.
İlaldı Sultan (?? - before 1518): the identity of her mother is unknown. She married Dâmâd Ahmed Ağa (later Hâin Ahmed Paşa), governor of Rumelia and later governor or Egypt and Second Vizier. With his she had two children: Şâh-zâde Ayn-i Şâh Hanımsultan (who later married Abdüsselâm Çelebî) and a son (who later married a daughter of Selçuk Sultan). İlaldı Sultan wrote a letter of congratulations to Selim I on his accession. It is not known when she died and where she was buried.
Kamer or Kamerşah Sultan (?? - ??): daughter of Gülruh Hatun, she was married to Damad Nişancı Kara Davud Paşa. She had a daughter who later married one Mesih Bey. She was buried in the tomb of her mother in Bursa.
Şah or Şehzade Şah Sultan (?? - after 1506): the identity of her mother is unknown. She married Dâmâd Nasûh Bey around 1490 and had a daughter with him. Both husband and wife were very involved in charity deeds, and Şah Sultan even built a mosque in 1506. When she died she was buried in her sister Hatice’s mausoleum in Bursa.
Şah-zade Sultan (?? - 1520): according to Oztuna, she was a different princess from Şah. She married Malkoçoğlu Dâmâd Yahyâ Pasha in 1501/1502 and had three sons with him: Sultanzade Yahyapaşazade Gaazî Küçük Balı Paşa (?? - 1543), who married his cousin Hanzade Hanımsultan (daughter of Aynışah Sultan); Sultanzade Gaazî Koca Mehmed Paşa (?? - 2.1548), and Sultanzade Gaazî Ahmed Bey (?? - after 1543)
Sofu Fatma Sultan (?? - after 1515): daughter of Nigâr Hatun and sister of Şehzade Korkut. She married Dâmâd Güzelce Hasan Bey around 1504 and had two children with him: Sultanzade Dâmâd Mehmed Çelebi (who later married Ayse Sultan daughter of Şehzade Alemşah) and an unnamed daughter, who later married Ahmed Bey, son of Ali Bey and Fatma Hanımsultan (daughter of her sister Ayse). She was a very charitable person and left all her possession to the poor when she died. She was buried in the tomb of her half-brother Şehzade Ahmed in Bursa.
Sultanzade Sultan (?? - ??): daughter of Hüsnüşah Hatun and sister of Şehzade Alemşah, nothing else is known about her.
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ottomanladies · 7 years
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Gevherhan Hatun is the only daughter of Mehmed The Conqueror whom we have information about. Her date of birth is unknown, but her mother was Gulbahar Hatun and thus she was Bayezid II's full-sister. 
She married Uğurlu Mehmed Mirza, son of Ak Koyunlu ruler Uzun Hasan Bey, in 1746, and had a son with him, Göde Ahmed Bey. Her husband was appointed governor of Sivas by Mehmed II but died only a year later, in 1477, assassinated. It is said that Sinan Paşa, who was very influential during Bayezid II's reign, was married to the sultan's own sister. It is possible that Gevherhan remarried after 1477 or that she had a sister.
Her date of death is unknown but she died in Istanbul and was buried in the mausoleum of her mother. 
Her son would later marry his cousin Aynışah Sultan, daughter of Bayezid II. -- requested by anon
sources: Necdet Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları, M. Çağatay Uluçay - Padişahların Kadınları ve Kızları
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ottomanladies · 4 years
Do we know anything about Selim I relationship with his sisters? I know Aynisah wrote him a letter of congratulations when he ascended the throne but that’s it really
Sorry for the wait, I’m still sick, unfortunately. 
Selçuk (or Selçukşah) Sultan: according to both Öztuna e Sakaoğlu (Alderson too), she died before Selim I's accession, either in 1508 or in 1512.
Hatice Sultan: she died in 1500 according to Öztuna. She was in Bursa and Selim I was governor of Trabzon at that time so I don't think they had much of a relationship.
İlaldi Sultan: when Selim I ascended the throne, she congratulated him with a letter but stated that "current affairs" prevented her from going to Istanbul. Uluçay says that she doesn't figure among the princesses receiving a stipend in 1518 so she must have died before that.
Gevherimülük Sultan: even though she died in 1550 at the age of 83-ish years old, I could not find anything linking her to Selim I. This is most probably due to the fact that, according to Öztuna, she was Şehzâde Ahmed's sister. Şehzâde Ahmed was Selim I's big challenger to the throne, also because he was supported by Bayezid II himself.
Ayşe Sultan: according to Sakaoğlu she died after 1512, Öztuna says instead that she was alive up until 1515. She may have been a sister of Şehzâde Ahmed or Şehzâde Korkut, which would explain why she didn't seem to have any link with Selim I.
Hundi Sultan: she was Şehzâde Ahmed and died in 1511.
Şâh-zâde Sultan: she died in 1520 but I couldn't find anything.
Şah Sultan: she died after 1506 and she may have been a sister of Şehzâde Ahmed
Hüma Sultan: she died in 1504 in Bursa.
Unnamed princess: no information about her, only that she married Dâmâd Muslih Bey
Unnamed princess [2]: no information about her, only that she married Dâmâd Gaazî Yâ'kub Paşa who had, apparently, been Sultan Cem's tutor.
Unnamed princess [3]: we do not have a date of death for her but I think it's interesting that her son married Şehzâde Ahmed's daughter Fatma Sultan.
Kamer Sultan: she was Şehzâde Alemşâh's sister but we do not have dates of birth or death. Sakaoğlu calls her Kamer-Şâh but Öztuna claims they are two different princesses.
Kamer-Şâh Sultan: no date of death but I think it's interesting that she married Dâmâd Mustafa Paşa, called by Öztuna "Şehzâde Ahmed's vizier". If she was truly that closely linked to Ahmed, I doubt that she was in high favour with Selim I (if she was alive when he became sultan, of course)
Sofu Fatma Sultan: sister of Şehzâde Korkut, she spent her days in Bursa mourning her brother after his execution. We don't have a date of death but she was buried in Şehzâde Ahmed's mausoleum in Bursa.
Fatma Sultan: according to Öztuna, she was a different princess from Sofu Fatma. She died before 1512 but her son married Selim I's daughter Gevherhan Sultan in 1509, so she and her husband must have been on his side.
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