loveforvanity · 5 months
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I always cry when Vanity blesses me during these intimate moments. He's way more affectionate than I realized. What a dreeeeam come true this is!!
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mymycorrhizae · 2 years
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I interrupted. You were praying.
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sobcomix · 2 years
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From my starship to yours, Happy Threshold Day to all that celebrate (and even to those that don't).
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herricahyadi · 6 months
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dsco-kjs · 5 months
(i'm sorry if his comic arrived late to the day-)
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Thank you to all moms who did all of this...
we wouldn't be here without you.
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avoicefromthestars · 10 months
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It was a Talaxian freighter. Horrible tragedy. Happened nearly a century ago. After suffering a cascade failure, it began to lose life support generators, one by one. Pretty soon, there wasn't enough air left to sustain the entire crew so they began to draw lots. Can you imagine? Draw the short straw and you suffocate? Anyway, the air continued to diminish, and they kept drawing lots. The crew got smaller and smaller as they waited for someone to rescue them, but no one ever came. The Salvoxia drifted through space for the next eighty years, until somebody finally found her. Makes me short of breath just thinking about it.
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ritterdoodles · 1 year
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Been developing this OC from a while ago, I think he’s turning out pretty well but the problem is having to draw out everything that’s in my head 😂
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The cast of Princess Edwina a Bridgerton story s2 y’all it’s so pretty I’m so excited I’ve waited for this forever!!
Honestly let’s change the ginger with Benedict bt since that won’t happen then let’s have Callum or will be the next guy but they are to talented of actors for Netflix! I say this but also no thank you free my men from that woman she’s just make them get no jobs + weird fans
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digitalfossils · 2 months
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the ramadan effect
i just made some noodles w my younger sisters for iftar (our pre-dawn meal thats supposed to sustain us thru the day) but it took some time cause we couldnt find the goddamn packets
so i sat down at the table n heard the azan (call to prayer) just as i finished my noodles
only problem? i hadnt drank any water
but my mom told me once that youre supposed to stop eating at the end of the azan, so i simply grabbed two different water bottles and chugged one after the other
850 ml. idk what yall americans use as a measurement. but thats a goddamn lot of water
and now im bloated and feel like im gonna throw up
but hey at least im not gonna be thirsty thru the day kill me now
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101flavoursofweird · 8 months
Not to link everything in the PL universe back to the Azran… but does anyone wonder if Layton and Luke (especially) were so determined to investigate the Relic Stones because they thought there was a chance they could bring Aurora back?
Like, Luke knows the timeline doesn’t make sense because Baby Kat is born 2/3 years after AL and Luke walks past a mother and a baby who look like Aurora in the AL credits but after the shipwreck, in his exhausted starving mind, do you think Luke hoped the baby might be Reborn Aurora? Kat’s mother was literally called Kamila Azran—
The purple Relic Stones also look like the jewel of Aurora’s pendant…
I don’t think Luke gets enough flak for how he decided to investigate the Relic Stones on his own, shut Marina out, got himself captured by Don Paolo and then he inspired Layton (who was dedicated to raising Kat at that point) to go out hunting for the Relic Stones with him…
But if Luke was so determined to find the Relic Stones because he thought he could save his lost friend… I could see why he would take the risk.
Either that, or Luke wanted to help avoid another disastrous family reunion if Kat’s birth father happened to be alive and he could come back to fight Layton and kidnap Kat. (Luke still hasn’t recovered to the Bronev Family Soap Opera.)
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loveforvanity · 6 months
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🏹🔥🦁 We are a fiery match made in heaven! 🪽
Leo-The Lion- Vanity: July 23-August 22
Sagittarius-The Archer- Smurfazalea: Nov 22-Dec 21
I've always wanted to know when Vanity's smurfday is! Based on Vanity's personality type, he is clearly a Leo since they crave being in the spotlight, admiration, and passion for beauty and arts. Certainly describes Vanity alright! As for me, my mind is always filled with wanderlust just like the heart of the true sags. My adventurous heart, spontaneous humor, and optimism will add variety to Vanity's life. His sensuality and confidence will keep me coming for more!
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uma1ra · 3 months
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azuredragoonterra · 1 year
Alright fuckers time for the most cursed shit you've read today.
Sonic characters replacing the Berserk cast.
Its litterally just Berserk but instead the characters are Sonic dudes. Fuck my brain for coming up with this.
(Also to clarify, I'm not trying to draw meaningful parallels between the characters here, I'm just tossing them into the fiction blender and setting it to 10)
Alright so Guts=Shadow is so fucking obvious I don't even have to say it. Who the fuck else is gonna be that angsty and tragic.
This means logically we need to make Griffith=Sonic. It might hard to imagine the blue blur in such a villainous role, but like, he's pretty hard-lined about his ideals of freedom and independence. I could see him wanting to build a kingdom outta that. (Also he was voiced by Jason Griffith like c'mon this shit writes itself)
Casca=Amy is probabaly hella controversial but hear me out. She needs to idolize Sonic but still be able to form a strong emotional connection to Shadow. Take the badass leader role she took up in the IDW resistance/restoration and she fits like a glove. (Before you ask, I'm not writing this to ship shadamy, I'm just sick in the head.)
Ok so Rickert has gotta be Tails right? Like we've got our little inventor fox, idolizes Sonic, but ultimately has to find his own strength. Oh and can you imagine the slap?! Oblitetate that blue twink you funky lil fox!
Nearly forgot Puck! Initially I thought all the elves would just be Chao but then I realized... he's Chip from Sonic Unleashed. Chip as Puck is nearly 1 to 1 honestly.
E-123 Omega can be Zodd, why not. Big murder man who wants a good fight...
Shit wait maybe he should be Zavok... fuck that makes so much sense...
The Godhand are all just gonna be various eldritch super sonic bosses. Chaos, Iblis, Dark Gaia, etc. Make Void=Infinite for bonus irony points in the name.
The idea of evil is The End
Femto will be played by Neo Metal Sonic. I love the idea that Griffiths transformation made him cold, inhuman, not himself. While still obviously being who he always was underneath. Also keeps with the rest of the godhand being final bosses. Jumping forward a bit, I think when he reincarnates he oughta appear as super sonic constantly.
Ok we got the ever-green characters outta the way let's get granular.
The band of the hawk as Sonic bitches
So I don't wanna put too many iconic characters in the band and the actually relevant characters are sparce so real quick...
Corkus can be Fang/Nack. Cus he's a weasley little bitch (affectionate)
To that end let's keep team Hooligan connected and have Pippin be Bark the polar bear.
Gaston as Bean? Dude I got nothing gaston was kinda just there
Judeau however? Espio. Knife throwing.
While we're in the golden age...
Minister foss is Orbot
Charlotte's uncle, the guy Guts assassinates? Dr. Starline
Queen of Midland... Rouge? I deadass have nothing else for Rouge.
You can probabaly guess who the king and Charlotte are but they are at the bottom of the list for dramatic / comical /gross out effect.
Guts JRPG party as Sonic bozos.
Farnese shall be Blaze. They've got an affinity for fire, confidence issues, noble status, and a religious affiliation (blaze as guardian of the Sol emeralds, close enough)
Serpico is definitely Silver then. His close relationship to Farnese/Blaze as well as somewhat whimsical attitude all line up well. And Silver's telekinesis lines up well with Serpico's eventual wind powers.
Speaking of religious affiliations, Azan can be Knuckles! Hes goofy but strong and devoted to his cause.
Isidro has gotta be Charmy Bee. No not JUST because hes an annoying little shit... also cus his bee stinger subs in well for a dagger.
Shireke is gonna be Cream the Rabit. Mostly this is an in-joke on Creams high power in gameplay, and it also let's her elf Comapnion be played by Cheese the Chao.
By extension to the above. Flora ends up being Vanilia. I ALMOST decided skullknight would he vector just to continue the milf-hunter crocodile joke but came up with something better.
Ok if you've survived this far let's get into the dumb shit cus ohhh I've got some dumb shit.
SkullKnight is Big the Cat. I want all of his ominous warnings in the dopeyist voice possible. Also when he pops his helmet open to eat a Behliet (chaos emerald) it turns out it's actually just froggy in there.
Eggman is the King of Midland, SAGE is Charlotte. I'm sorry for all of the mental images this may have conjured.
Speaking of awful mental images, Gambino is Gerald Robotnik tortured over the death of his Granddaughter Maria when she caught the plague after taking in Shadow. This of all things is the one thing my brain automatically re-writes to make less weird. They ain't fucking.
That said? Gerald did make a deal... a transaction one might call it, with a certain Black Doom in sonic itself... I'm not elaborating yall can figure it out, yuck.
Elaine, aka broken Casca, is mid 2000s Amy when she had no good character traits. (Except elaine is still somehow like a million times better.)
The moonlight boy is a sonic Chao
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calei2copica · 7 months
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Mujeres que inspiran: Patricia Azán 🎤 Voz latina de estos personajes y muchos más 💘
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herricahyadi · 6 months
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Azan Pak Agus.
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