#azu chan
azuxiv · 1 year
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070723 Pink Boudoir (Small)
an expansion of Pink Menagerie inspired by Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper! featuring a romantic dining balcony, makeup booth, and king-size bed ▼
"To be a princess is to know which spoon to use, to always look your best, and to never make your bed." ー Julian (2004)
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you can hit big fluffy pom-pom (don't tell the moogles)
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at night it turns into warm shade of pink which reflects the interior :)
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flower wreath on the door is actually built-in from Small Florist's Wall! painting of Fort Jobb goes really well with overall vibe of the room
makeup booth:
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filled with room amenities!
cosmetics toolbox → armoire
vanity mirror → aesthetician
gift boxes → retainer (they bring gifts :D)
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romantic dinner with view of Royal Menagerie
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fits 5 players! (it snaps)
closing notes:
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i think it's highly gpose-able as is /ᐠ .ᆺ. ᐟ\✧ i only use Witch's Moon For Screenshot shader, no additional lighting or extra edit!
feel free to afk/chill/sleep or take gposes here! [x]
➤ Kujata Lavender Beds W16 P17
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kirexa · 9 months
What if I gave all the twst characters nicknames like Haru in P5...
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fireflysprincess · 1 year
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oomfie doing how many times their yumes have visited them in rider atsume and I wanna do it too :D (poppy hasn't visited me at all yet :c)
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mymelodyisme · 2 years
My dad offered to buy me a blue hoodie so he can print the Joja cola logo on it. I’m trying so hard to be normal but the fixation is slipping through
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 14 - Tales of Our Travels
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*Door opens*
Izumi: We’re home.
Sakuya: Welcome home!
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Kazunari: Yawnnn~, we’re home.
Chikage: Someone’s looking sleepy.
Citron: I am sure you are all wet-ragged~.
Kazunari: Jet-lagged~. We slept a little on the plane.
Misumi: We brought you lotsa souvenirs~.
Banri: Did ya collect triangle stuff in the U.S.?
Misumi: Yeah! I got a triangle flag, a triangle chocolate bar, triangle cookies, a triangle hat, and a triangle mirror.
Misumi: I also got a triangle bag and a triangle keychain and…
Itaru: The more he pulls out the more they all start blurring together.
Yuki: I got some cosmetics for you, Azu-nee and Azami. They’re overseas limited edition. I also found the one you asked for.
Azami: Thanks. This is the one I wanted. I could’ve imported it, but that would’ve been crazy expensive.
Azuma: Thank you. I’ll make good use of it.
Muku: I got lots of chocolate and sweets for you, Ju-chan.
Juza: I’ll be set on sweets for months now.
Kumon: And I got this really good ranch dressing I had over there. It’s not just for salads, you can put it on potatoes and pizza too.
Omi: Huh, you don’t see something like this in Japan too often. I’ll use it for dinner tonight right away.
Kazunari: Frooch-san, I got some alcohol too. I got this whiskey that they don’t sell in Japan.
Sakyo: I look forward to drinking it.
Kumon: I got a musical pamphlet and some limited edition merch too~.
Tsumugi: I’d love for you to show me the pamphlet later.
Tasuku: How was it?
Kumon: It was the best! I wish I could’ve seen more of them!
Guy: I see. I would like to go see one again as well.
Homare: Shall Winter Troupe take a training trip too?
Tsumugi: If we did that, I’m sure plenty of performances daily.
Tsuzuru: Oh, Summer Troupe’s back. Perfect timing. The script’s done.
Kumon: Really!? I wanna read it!
Tenma: Let us see it.
Tsuzuru: Huh? No, shouldn’t you take some time to rest fir--?
Kazunari: We’re crazy motivated right now because of all the inspiration we got over there!
Misumi: We wanna act right away!
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Tsuzuru: I-Is that so? I guess I’ll pass out copies then.
Muku: Wahh, I can’t wait to read it!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: While taking in all of your requests this time, I made sure to keep in mind the idea that everyone was playing a lead role, just like with the debut performance.
Tsuzuru: Also, last time the characters were separated based on their original stories, but this time they’re all together like one single team.
Tsuzuru: So I think it’ll bring out the colors of Summer Troupe even more than before.
Kazunari: Sounds like a hella fun adventure for everyone~!
Kumon: My role’s the Genie of the Ring! I’m so happy I get to be friends with everyone!
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Tenma: We all need to get over our jet lag before rehearsals start for real, though.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Yuki drawing*
Yuki: …
Tenma: Drawing the rough drafts for your designs?
Yuki: Yeah. I need to get the ideas I got from our training trip out.
Tenma: Are our costumes gonna change from our debut performance like Spring Troupe’s did?
Yuki: RomiJuli’s costumes were changed like that because I had the passage of time and the change in the characters’ situations in mind while doing them, but I’m not so sure for this…
Yuki: They’re still a work in progress. I’ve still gotta talk to Azami too.
*Phone buzzes*
Tenma: --.
Yuki: If you’re gonna yap on the phone, do it outside. It’s distracting.
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Tenma: Yeah, yeah.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Cat: Nya~.
Misumi: Yeah, the moon is perfectly round tonight~. It’s the perfect night for a walk.
Tenma: No, but, that’s not--.
Tenma: …Got it.
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Misumi: ?
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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hotvinimon · 1 year
Can you fit me in your luggage ?
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(A/N : Images are not mine. Credits to the owner. Likes, Comments and re-blogs are appreciated. Please don't steal my work. Enjoy ;)
Asahi Azumane x Female reader
Warnings - English is my second language )
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Being the girl friend of a volleyball player is all fun until he has to get set go.
"Yeah, darling?"
"Think you can squeeze me into that duffle bag?"
"Doubt it, babe. It's more of a baguette than a suitcase."
"But whhyyyy? Are those training camps more exciting than me??"
Like, every year, the Karasuno volleyball gang sets off to their training camps. Y/n was legit whining, trying to stop Asahi while packing.
"It's not about fun, babe, it's all about the team's quest for glory."
"But I'm gonna mmmiiisssss you."
"I'll miss you too, babe. And it's just three days. I'll be back faster than a TikTok trend."
"Three days feel like an eternity. That's like 72 hours, 4320 minutes, 259-"
"Alright, alright, I get it. You don't want me to go? Should I fake an injury?"
"Nah, it's not that. I'll just miss you, and I can't stand being away from your radiant charm."
"So, any bright ideas?"
"Can I borrow one of your hoodies?"
"How's that gonna help?" Asahi looked more lost than a volleyball in a grocery store.
"It'll smell like you, so I'll miss you less."
A crimson blush painted Asahi's face as he dashed to his closet to retrieve a hoodie.
"O-Okay, let's find you one."
"Can I choose?"
"Yayyyy… I love you, Azu."
"I love you too, babe."
Three days later, the training camp wrapped up, and everyone returned to school.
"Why's Asahi looking like a tomato?" Nishinoya asked Tanaka.
"I think he caught a sudden case of 'Y/n Fever," Tanaka snickered.
Little did Asahi know that they had spotted him looking ogling at Y/n sleeping soundly in class, donning the very same hoodie he'd handed her, and his face was redder than a lobster at a beachside barbecue.
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V-Chan's Dilly Dally
You can skip this part.
After 1 whole week this drabble is finally out. And I think, this is a nice way maybe. Tuesday posts for yanderes and wednesday posts for haikyuu chars. As I'm a CA student, I need time for study also.
What do you guys think of this ? Let me know in the comment section (This line is literally so cliche).
Requests are open for for any character or prompt, other that NSFW.
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Nanao Taichi - Translation [SR] Purple Fiancée (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
*door opens*
Taichi: Do you have a minute, Azuma-san?
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Azuma: My, it’s puppy-kun.
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Taichi: Ah, Yuki-chan’s here too.
Yuki: Azu-nee let me try out the skin care products he bought.
Taichi: Ooh, gotcha. I’ll come back again in that case!
Yuki: No, it’s fine. We were just chatting.
Azuma: Did you need something from me, puppy-kun?
Taichi: So the thing is, the role I’m gonna play in Autumn troupe’s next play is Olivia who’s a mature and sexy woman. I came here since I thought it’d be nice if you could give me some acting advice or other tips.
Azuma: I see. Well, I do know someone among my acquaintances who’s mature and sexy just like you’re looking for… I think I could offer you some tips on how to act. If you’re alright with me, I’ll teach you.
Yuki: Perfect timing. I’ll help out too. I was just thinking I’d like to make a sexy costume.
Taichi: Are you sure! Thanks, you two! I’ll do my best. I’m counting on you!
Taichi: (It's been a few days since I first got their advice, but thanks to Azuma-san's gentle guidance and Yuki-chan’s slightly strict coaching…) (I think I'm gradually getting better at acting mature and sexy!) (I wonder what they’re gonna teach me today? Hehe, I’m actually kinda excited~.)
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Taichi: Thanks for waiting!
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Yuki: He’s finally here.
Azuma: We’re ready over here.
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Taichi: Woah, you’ve placed so many shoes out! What are we doin’ today?
Yuki: I’m thinking of giving Olivia boots with heels for her outfit.
Taichi: Heels! That sounds mature and sexy alright!
Yuki: Doesn’t it? While ease of movement is important, I also want to consider how it looks. So, I’d like to test out how high we can make your heels.
Taichi: I see…!
Yuki: By the way, Azu-nee prepared all theses shoes for us. Thanks, Azu-nee.
Taichi: That’s Azuma-san for you…! I appreciate it!
Azuma: Fufu, you’re very welcome. I’m glad to help.
Yuki: Now then, try putting on the shoes with the shortest heels first.
Azuma: We’ll start from 1cm.
Taichi: You got it.
Yuki: Also, walk like you did during “Last Runway”.
Taichi: Like this? This one’s a piece of cake!
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Yuki: Ok. Wear the 2cm heels next.
Taichi: Like this, right? This one’s no sweat either!
Azuma: Both his walk and posture look nice.
Yuki: Let’s keep going. These are up next.
Yuki: Alright, next are the 6.5cm heels.
Taichi: Woah. These are pretty high… Here goes…
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Azuma: The way he stands is a bit unstable compared to the previous shoes.
Yuki: Strut your stuff.
*walks and wobbles*
Taichi: Oh god…!
Yuki: He started shaking after just a few steps.
Azuma: These might be tough, hm?
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Taichi: I-I’m gonna do it! I can do it if I practice…! No matter how much it takes for Yuki-chan’s vision of Olivia’s costume…!
Yuki: We’re not going further than this. It’s not going to look good.
Taichi: No way…
Azuma: I know how you feel, but you'll be in trouble if you force yourself to wear them and get hurt.
Yuki: I’ll go with 5cm. Olivia’s boots will be easy to move in while also looking nice.
Azuma: I also think that height looks the most flattering when you stand and walk.
Taichi: …You think so?
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Azuma: Your posture is going to deteriorate if it doesn’t suit you or if you’re not used to the height of the heel. I think this height is just right for you, puppy-kun.
Yuki: These fit the best for Taichi’s Olivia.
Taichi: I see… I agree. Thanks so much, you two! I'm gonna wear the 5cm heels to look more presentable, pretty, and feminine… I’m gonna do my best to practice how I move!
previous |
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seaoflove07 · 1 year
~ Ballroom Event ~
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🔪Azusa & Rose🌹
Oc x Canon.
Characters: Azusa Mukami & Christine Melendez. (Rose)
Fan Fiction Written by Me.
Word Count: 1460.
Fandom: Diabolik Lovers.
• Note: Since Yui is in Azusa & Christine’s story. The Mukami brothers have a different nickname for Christine. •
Ruki at the beginning used to call her “Livestock” but ever since Azusa & Rose's relationship got serious and he saw how happy his brother is with Christine, he now just simply calls her, “Christine-san.”
Kou calls her “Kujaku-chan.” which means Peacock in English. (All credit to @cutelih for helping me choose this nickname)
Yuma calls her “Blondie”
Oc Introduction Here.
Event by @bluerosethornrp
⚠️A tiny bit of Nsfw near the end⚠️
• Photo Source: Picrew, Pinterest, IMVU and I edited Rejet Azusa’s CG •
- The Scene starts in Christine’s Bedroom -
Looking in the mirror, Christine is happy with her style choice for tonight’s ball. She has on a beautiful black gown dress with a pair of pearl stud earrings and a pearl necklace. Usually, she always wears her gold cross necklace, but for the ball, she wanted something more elegant. Last week, she and the Mukami brothers went to a boutique shop together. Azusa hasn't seen her in this dress yet. They were all busy trying out different outfits. It was a long night, once we all chose our outfits, we had dinner at a nice restaurant. The brothers told her that Karlheinz had done many ballroom events over the centuries, not only in the Demon World but also in the Human World as well. This particular ballroom event that they are going together will be in the Human World. Christine has never been to a ballroom before, this will be her first. The brothers told her that they had been to a lot of them. It was nice spending time with Azu and his brothers. For the final touch, she grabs her favorite perfume, Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel and sprays it on her neck, the insides of her wrists, inner elbows, and behind her earlobes. She puts the perfume bottle back on her vanity, then looks at herself one more time in the mirror.
Azusa: “Rose-san…”
She turns around, looking at him.
Christine: “Azu… I didn't hear you come in.” 
(He definitely teleported, He doesn't do that often, only when he wants to surprise her) 
Azusa: “Rose… You look so beautiful… in that dress… You always take… my breath away…with your beauty…”
Taking her hand, he bows down a little and kisses her hand.
Christine: “Thank you Azu, you look really handsome as well.” She said with a smile.
He is wearing an elegant black tuxedo with a nice purple shirt. She notices he is holding a small white box with a pretty red ribbon on it.
Azusa: “Rose… I have… a gift for you…”
- He gives her the small box -
She removes the ribbon and opens the box. There's a pretty small red rose inside.
Azusa: “I bought this…  rose hair clip… for you… I love placing… flowers in your hair… but the flowers… always die quickly… when I saw this hair clip… at the boutique display… I had to buy it… for you… the clip is 18k gold…”
Christine: “Azusa, I don't want you to spend a lot of money on me.”
Azusa: “Eh...? Rose… you are precious… to me… and I am happy… to buy nice things for you… please… I want you… to accept my gift…”
Christine: “Azu, I will accept your gift. I truly love it. Thank you so much.”
She kissed his cheek.
Smiling, he takes the rose clip out of the box and places it in her hair.
Azusa: “Roses really do suit you...” He said while stroking her hair.
*Knock Knock*
Yuma: “Oi Azusa and Blondie, I’m gonna open the door, and you better not be doing anything I don't want to see.”
He walks into the room.
“What is taking you guys so long? Our ride is here, Ruki sent me to get the two of you. We don't want to get him upset by being late to the ball. Move your asses and let's go!”
Azusa nods and takes Christine’s hand.
Azusa: “Come… Let's go, Rose…”
- They Arrive at the Ballroom -
Christine: (I'm so happy to be here. Everything looked stunning! Classy and fancy-looking. All the tables had a huge bouquet of red roses, and the ceilings had beautiful vintage paintings. Music is playing and people are dancing. Near the dance floor there's a nice fountain…)
Ruki: “Come everyone, let's sit at our assigned table.”
As they walk through the tables, Christine saw all the Sakamaki brothers and Yui sitting at their table. The brothers looked like they were arguing like always. Yui looked at her with a smile, she looked so pretty in her pink gown dress, Christine smiled back at her and gave her a small wave. She plans later to say hi and to talk to her for a bit.
- Azusa pulls Christine’s chair back, waiting for her to sit  - 
Christine: “Thank you, Azu.” She said smiling and sat on her chair.
- Azusa sits next to her -
Azusa: “Rose-san… would you… like a drink…?”
She saw there were bottles of champagne and wine at the table already for them.
Christine: “Yes please, I’ll have a red wine.”
Yuma: “Careful Blondie, don’t get drunk on us.”
Kou: “Fufu~ Let Kujaku-chan have fun Yuma, the night is young.”
Ruki: “You all better be on your best behavior, I don’t want any embarrassment.”
Looking at Kou.
Kou: “Ruki, you are no fun. Anyways, I see a few cute fan girls looking my way. I’m gonna go say hi. See you all later.”
He stands up and leaves.
Ruki and Yuma started talking to each other. Christine took a sip of her wine and noticed that Azusa was staring at her.
Christine: “What?” She asks with a smile.
-A Ballad Song Starts Playing -
The Night We Met by Lord Huron.
He smiles back at his blonde beauty.
Azusa: “I’m happy… to be here… with my precious rose…tonight…”
Christine: “I’m happy too.”
She takes his hand.
“Azusa, would you like to dance with me?” 
Azusa: “Yes…” 
They both stand up still holding hands, while walking to the dance floor that was near the fountain. Staring at each other’s eyes. Christine wraps her arms around his neck, while Azusa places his hands on her hips.
- They start slow dancing together -
Moving their bodies slowly from side to side. 
Christine: “Our dance practice back home paid off. Azu, you're doing so well.”
Azusa: “...Eh...? You think so...? I tried... my best for you… I didn't want… to embarrass you… this was the only dance… I was… able to learn… sorry for being so pathetic…”
She Frowns.
Christine: “Azusa, don't talk like that. You are never an embarrassment to me and you are not pathetic either. You know I don’t like it when you talk like that... because... you are my everything.”
(Azusa’s deep gaze is making my heart beat so fast!…)
Azusa: “... You know… I never forget…  the night we met… when the night was… full of terrors… and your eyes… were filled with tears… when you had not… touched me yet… Your beauty… your skin… your blood and floral scent… captivated me… my love for you … is stronger every day…”
Pressing her body closer to his while still dancing.
- Christine cups his cheek -
“Rose-san… are you happy… with me…?”
Christine: “Even though we had a rough beginning to our relationship... You make me happy, and my heart still beast fasts every time I’m with you.”
- Azusa pressed his forehead against hers -
“With you, I feel secure. I love you, Azusa.”
He smoothed her hair.
Azusa: “Rose…”
His fingers found the sensitive curve of her scalp, cradling her head as he kissed her, sucking her bottom lip. Then he took her mouth in a deep demanding kiss. His tongue moved against hers, exploring her, possessing her, making her moan in his mouth.
Her breathing becomes heavy, and she breaks the kiss, placing her hands on his chest.
Christine: “Azu…we are still on the dance floor.” She can feel her cheeks flushed.
Azusa: “... I saw many men... looking at you tonight… my heart starts aching… just by thinking about it… so I needed… to show everyone… that you belong only to me… you are all mine… the thought of you… leaving me… for someone else… is a pain I will never… be able to handle… I love you… so much…” 
He hugs her tight.
“Rose… I want to suck... your blood...”
Christine: “Now!?”
Azusa: “Yes.. let’s go...”
- Azusa takes her outside to the Rose Garden -
Christine: “Azusa, someone might see us here.”
- He pins her down -
Azusa: “Sorry, Rose-san… I've been holding back… this whole time…”
- He kisses her neck and breaths on it, caressing her with his fangs -
She moans softly.
Christine: “Azu… I’m in love with you and I will never leave you for anyone, I am yours…”
Azusa: “My Rose…”
- Azusa bites her hard -
Azusa: “Hmmm… Rose-san’s blood is… flowing through me… It feels so good…”
He licks the bite mark and starts biting her deeper near the chest, making it hurt even more, slightly rubbing his body against hers, and groping her breast.
A flick of pain, her arms squeezed around him.
Christine: “Please… you must stop.”
She gasped.
“I can’t bear any more.” 
He looks at her with desire in his eyes.
Azusa: “Yes… you can…”
He pressed his lips to hers, letting her taste some of her own blood.
“I want your everything… till sunrise… I love you… my precious Rose… forever...”
He continues to bite her
Enjoying her lovely expressions and sounds
She is his rose, and only his
He will make that clear tonight… 
- End -
Thank you for reading. 📖🌹
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• Artwork by 46SnowFox •
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paniniichan · 1 month
Ballade of the Lost Child - Wandering / Chapter 2
Characters: Yuzuru, Tsumugi, Niki, Madara, Rei Proofreaders: Aru, Oli, Azu
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<Several Days After the Bag Thief Incident>
Yuzuru: Cleaning, cleaning, funfufufu~n♪
Moving the broom to a fixed rhythm is the most efficient way to sweep up the falling petals. My skills haven’t faltered either. 
Ah, meeting expectations as expected…♪
Oh, there seem to be more sakura petals falling over there. I’d like to clean those too if possible.
But I’m almost out of time, and in addition, I mustn’t completely take over someone else’s job. I must restrain myself.
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Tsumugi: ……
……? (Rubbing his eyes as if he’s hallucinating)
Yuzuru: Oh? Aoba-sama, a pleasure to see you. 
You seem to be in a state of shock, are you alright?
What is the reason for you staring at me with such bewilderment?
Tsumugi: …Ah, this is ES, right? My brain confused this place for Yumenosaki Academy for a moment there. 
Maybe I should instead be asking why you’re cleaning here, Fushimi-kun? ES has its own cleaning staff, after all.
Yuzuru: I am well aware. I believe a member of staff was cleaning here until a short while ago, but it seems they’ve been absent for a while now.
When my hand subconsciously reached for it, a strong yearning swept over me and I simply began to clean. 
Since I have been living in the dormitory and no longer need to clean the Himemiya Family’s estate, I’ve completely lost the opportunity to pick up a broom.  
Tsumugi: Ah. Now that you mention it, I can see what you mean.
You don’t need to use a broom in any of the dormitory rooms. And all the other spaces are cleaned by the janitorial staff. 
Yuzuru: It is as you say– Ah, it’s that time already…!
Thank you very much for your understanding, Aoba-sama. Anzu-san has called for me after this, so you’ll have to excuse me soon.  
Tsumugi: Eh? You too, Fushimi-kun?
Truthfully, I’ve been called by Anzu-chan as well. You’re heading to the “COCHI” Meeting Room, right?
I was also going to head over there in just a moment.
Yuzuru: You’re going as well, Aoba-sama? I was sure it was a task I had to take care of.
Judging by this situation, others may be assembled as well.
<30 Minutes Later. “COCHI”, a Coffee Shop Near ES Building>
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Niki: Huff, huff. Hiyaaaa~☆
Madara: Hi there! –Huh, wait? What’s up, Niki-san? You’re sweating like crazy.
Yuzuru: So it seems that Sakuma-sama, Mikejima-sama, Aoba-sama, Shiina-sama, and myself were all summoned to this place.
Niki: –Wha!? There’re way more people here than just me!?
What even is this? Anzu-neesan told me to come here so she could get my help with something, no doubt about it–
I thought I was gonna be taste-testing a new menu item, I even skipped all the way here from the dorms!?
I never once gave up, even when it felt like my legs were gonna break!!
Rei: So then, is that why you’re sweating so much? I can’t imagine you’d sweat that much naturally in early spring.  
Madara: Hahaha☆ Aren’t you just overflowing with energy?!
Niki: Noooo, I can’t do this anymore… I used up all my energy just getting here, I can’t move anymore. Goodbye, cruel world…!
Rei: Shiina-kun, what on earth are you doing? You’re being unexpectedly serious. 
Tsumugi: It would be fine if you ate something while waiting for Anzu-chan, wouldn’t it? There’s still some time until the meeting is supposed to start. 
Niki: Whoa! That’s a great idea!! Alrighty, I’ll take one “Seasonal Burger Plate”!
<About 10 Minutes Later>
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Niki: Nomnomnom…♪ 
Madara: Niki-san sure eats a lot. Since I’m a big eater myself, I feel a sort of connection with you ☆
Yuzuru: I do recall Mikejima-sama set up food and drink carts at the school gates relatively frequently. 
Madara: That really brings back the memories. I can remember how a furious Keito-san would rush in after a while like it was just yesterday. Hahaha!
Yuzuru: Please do not laugh about such matters. As I was not a member of the student council at that time, I could only watch and remain in my position–
Oh? It seems like Anzu-san arrived at some point during that exchange. In that case, let’s end the stories of reminiscence. 
Anzu-san, welcome. …Yes, there are five of us gathered here. 
Ah, now that everyone who Anzu-san called for is present, shall we begin?
For what important matter did you bring us here today?
Eh? There’s someone you want to introduce me to?
–Ah, you are…
Niki: Nomnom– Aaah~! Aren’t you that guy whose bag was snatched the other day!?
Rei: What on earth do you mean by snatched?
Yuzuru: Truthfully–
<Several Minutes Later>
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Rei: …Hm. So to summarise your story–
Fushimi-kun and Shiina-kun happened upon a scene of larceny, and this man they helped also happens to be a film director.
Madara: It seems that coincidences like these truly do exist.
Though I don’t think I’ve heard the story of “I met someone downtown who also happened to be a film director” before.
Rei: Well, there is a phrase that reality is often stranger than fiction.
 In any case, this director wanted to request for Fushimi-kun and Shiina-kun to star in his film and therefore made an offer to ES for a film production, however…
At the present moment, ES’ hands are full and he was pushed aside. 
Tsumugi: It’s a shame to say this, but as someone who is involved with office management I can give some insight.
Every department has its hands full with something this time of year, so it’s not easy to plan new projects. Therefore I think something like a movie that takes a lot more time is even more likely to be dismissed. 
Niki: Hm? Isn’t that strange though? Why did Director-san come here with Anzu-neesan if ES rejected it?
Yuzuru: I believe Anzu-san raised her hand to take on this plan as a part of “P Choice”.
Rei: Oh, I see. What a good idea.
After becoming an independent individual from the “P Association”, Ojou-chan has become responsible for the “P Choice” project.
Certainly, since this is the case, she can also take over projects that have been rejected from ES.  
Niki: So then the reason we were called here today is… Yuzuru: We will be appearing in this director’s film as a part of “P Choice”, correct?
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asordinaryppl · 3 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 14: Travel Tales
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Izumi: We’re home.
Sakuya: Welcome home!
Kazunari: *yawn*~ We’re back.
Chikage: You seem sleepy.
Citron: Must be wet lag~
Kazunari: Jet lag~ I did sleep a bit on the plane, tho.
Misumi: We brought lots of souvenirs~
Banri: You even gathered triangle goods from the US?
Misumi: Yup! A triangle flag, a triangle chocolate bar, a triangle cookie, a triangle hat and a triangle mirror.
Misumi: And also a triangle bag and a triangle keyholder…
Itaru: Status ailment: Gestaltzerfall…
Yuki: I bought cosmetics for Azu-nee and Azami. These items are limited to American stores, apparently. I also found the things you asked for.
Azami: Thanks. That's the stuff I wanted. They're expensive here, even more so 'cause they're imported.
Azuma: Thank you. I’ll use it carefully.
Muku: Ju-chan, we also bought lots of sweets, like chocolate.
Juza: Won’t have to worry about snacks for a while.
Kumon: Also, we bought that yummy ranch dressing we had. It can be used for salads, but also potatoes and pizza.
Omi: Oh, you don’t see that in Japan often. We should try it for dinner tonight.
Kazunari: Furuuche-san, we also brought alcohol. We don’t have this whiskey here in Japan yet.
Sakyo: Lookin’ forward to trying this.
Kumon: We also got pamphlets for the musical, and some limited edition merch~
Tsumugi: I want to look at the pamphlet later.
Tasuku: How was it?
Kumon: It was the best! I wish I could’ve seen even more!
Guy: Is that so? I would also like to see one again.
Homare: How does the Winter Troupe also going on an overseas training trip sound?
Tsumugi: Sounds like we’ll be going to watch some kind of play every day.
Tsuzuru: Oh, you guys are back. Great timing, I’m done with the script.
Kumon: Really!? I wanna read it!
Tenma: Hit us with it.
Tsuzuru: Eh? No, don’t you guys wanna take a break–
Kazunari: We got a bunch of inspo on our trip, and we’re super hyped and rearing to go right now!
Misumi: I wanna act as soon as possible!
Tsuzuru: R-Really? Then, I’ll hand ‘em out.
Muku: Wahhh, I can’t wait to read it!
Tsuzuru: While keeping everyone’s requests in mind, I tried writing it so everyone is a protagonist like in the first performance.
Tsuzuru: Also, while everyone was separated based on the original story before, they’ve now come together as one team.
Tsuzuru: I think that way we can bring out the Summer Troupe’s colors.
Kazunari: Everyone going on an adventure together sounds super fun~!
Kumon: My role is the Genie of the Ring! I’m so happy I get to be friends with everyone!
Tenma: We have to get over our jet lag before we start practicing for real.
[Loud erasing]
Yuki: …
Tenma: Are you drawing the rough designs?
Yuki: Yeah. I need to put results of our study trip into practice.
Tenma: Are our outfits also gonna change, like the Spring Troupe’s did?
Yuki: For RomiJuli, I had to keep in mind the passage of time and the changes in the characters’ positions as I created their outfits, but for the Summer Troupe’s sequel…
Yuki:  It’s still under consideration. I also have to talk it through with Azami.
[Phone buzzing]
Tenma: — —
Yuki: You’ll distract me if you talk on the phone, so go outside.
Tenma: Yeah, yeah.
Cat: Meow~
Misumi: Yup, the moon is a full circle tonight~ It’s perfect for a walk.
Tenma: No, but I can’t just–
Tenma: … I understand.
Misumi: ?
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anipast · 1 year
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You go first, Azus-chan!
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azuxiv · 1 year
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oc vs irl
azu is everything i wish i am
i want to wear colorful clothes, but it never mix well with my skin, or maybe cuz my gloomy aura
i don't wear accessories and constantly wish i do, but it never felt right when i wear one
i want to put on makeup, but i'm too lazy
it's a deep desire that just... exists. and i think it's okay as long as i don't condemn my reality! it is what it is and i still want me to be me :D
however, i still try to be more like azu sometimes. it happens subconsciously and it's frustrating, i want to snap out of it completely. so, what if: i think of myself as a new alt! :D a character with soft edgy aesthetics and i'm looking forward to glam myself irl from now on :3
created with Picrew
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activelyrottingbrain · 3 months
THANK YOU @emiko-chan-is-here FOR THIS AMAZING ART 😍
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fireflysprincess · 1 year
Using this post to make tags for the rest of my mains real quick so I can have links for it
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Lu relationship chart
Format: Character—What they call Lu—What Lu calls them—Relationship/Link skill/Mini chat title
Izumi—Lu, Lu-chan—Director-san, Izumi-san—Unnamed(for now)
Sakuya—Lu-chan, Lulu(when teasing)—Saku, The Boy(on occasion)—Acting Angels
Masumi—That girl, Lucille—Masu—Bickering Besties
Tsuzuru—Lu-chan—Tsuzu, Tsuzuroon—Nii-chan’s first sister
Itaru—Lu—Taru—Reformed shut-ins
Citron—Luu—Cito, Ronron—Normal?? We’re normal, yeah
Chikage—Lu-san, Lucille—Chika—Poking a sleeping bear
Tenma—Lu—Tenten—That is certainly a Guy I Have Met
Yuki—Lu, Bouncy ball, Energy concentrate the sequel—Yukki—Fashionistas (note that Saku eventually gets the nickname “Loverboy” after he and Lu get together)
Muku—Lu-chan(after a lot of telling him she doesn’t want to be called “-san”)—Mukkun—Shojo manga addicts
Misumi—Luu—Misu—Triangle dealer
Kazunari—Lulu—Kazu, bestie—Wild paripi
Kumon—Lu-chan—Kyuchan—Unnamed(for now)
Banri—Lu, Lulu, Sweetie(if teasing)—Banri, my love(if teasing)—Flirty fighters
Juza—Lu—Juchan—Lu why are you suddenly quiet
Taichi—Lu-kun—Taichan, Taitai—A puppy trio?
Omi—Lu—Mom, Omi—Distant mother-daughter
Sakyo—Lu-san(stop :()—Sakyo-san(fear ;;;)—you are my dad boogie woogie woogie Shojo manga enjoyers
Azami—Lu—Aza—Flirty vs Flustered
Tsumugi—Lu-chan—Tsumu, Mugi—Cafe hunters
Tasuku—Lu—Tax—Passionate actors
Hisoka—Lu—Hiso—Da eepies
Homare—Luu-kun—Alice—Ballroom dancers
Azuma—Lu, Darling(when teasing. Fear.)—Azu, Azu-nee—Love doctor Azuma
Guy—Hatano—Guysan—Mmmmmm Guy’s cooking….
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jujumin-translates · 9 months
Event | Xmas PARK CARNIVAL | EP: Christmas is Just Around the Corner
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Izumi: Ah, Sakuya-kun and Banri-kun, you’re finally back. Now everyone’s here.
Banri: Sorry for makin’ ya wait.
Sakuya: We got you a chocolate drink, Muku-kun.
Muku: Thank you! Uwaah, it smells so good and looks so delicious…!
Banri: Whoa, there’s a lot of stuff on the table.
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Banri: Roast chicken, meat pies, cakes… did y’all buy all of this…?
Tasuku: No, nothing like that. Some of the staff prepared it for us.
Izumi: It looks like they all went out of their way to get everything ready for us.
Sakuya: Seems like it! Thank you so much for preparing this all.
Sasaki: No, no, it’s nothing! Think of it as a thank you for all of your help this time.
Sasaki: We’ll be doing a few more performances of the show tomorrow, and we look forward to continuing to work with you.
Izumi: Likewise.
Guy: Shall we take a moment to have a toast then?
Tenma: Yeah. Plus I’m hungry.
Masumi: Here, a drink for you, Director.
Izumi: Thanks. Well then, good work on opening day, guys! Cheers!
Sakuya: Good work, everyone. Cheers!
Banri: Cheers.
Tenma: Mh, this meat pie is really good.
Muku: Uwaah, this chocolate drink is so sweet and yummy…!
Guy: This over here utilizes spices well and is delicious.
*Phone rings*
Masumi: …Who’s phone is ringing?
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Muku: Sorry, that’s mine! …Ah! Kazu-kun and the others are video-calling me!
Tenma: It’s around noon in Japan right now, isn’t it?
Tasuku: Yeah, that sounds about right.
Muku: Hi, Kazu-kun!
Kazunari: “Ah, good work today, Mukkun~! How are things over there?”
Muku: The opening day of the show went really well, and we’re having a Christmas party right now!
Kazunari: “For realsies!? That’s like totes awesome!”
Kazunari: “We miss you lots over here, Mukkun~.”
Citron: “Ooh, are you video-calling Muku and the others?”
Sakuya: Citron-san!
Citron: “I am missing you very much too, Sakuya. You have been gone forever and ever, uwaahh!”
Citron: “Tsuzuru also misses Masumi so much that he’s been sobbing for days.”
Masumi: Yeah, that’s a complete lie.
Sakuya: Fufu, we’re bringing lots of souvenirs back for you guys, so please wait a bit longer for them!
Citron: “Yaay~! Thank you, I’ll be a good boy and wait then ♪ Do your best with the show, Director, and everyone!”
Izumi: Yeah, thanks!
Kazunari: “BTDubs, TsumuTsumu and Azu went out for tea together since Tax and GuyGuy aren’t here.”
Tasuku: They do that whether we’re there or not.
Guy: Well, that’s okay then.
Kazunari: “Ah, Yukki and Hyodle, c’mere for a sec! We’re talking to the guys in America right now.”
Kazunari: “Here, aren’t you missing TenTen so much too, Yukki?”
Yuki: “Hah? I’m doing great. I can actually focus on my work for once.”
Tenma: Hey, what the hell…!
Yuki: “...What was with that reaction? Do you actually want me to say I miss you? Gross.”
Banri: He’s not gonna admit it~.
Tenma: It’s not funny!
Juza: “...Muku, it’s cold over there, ain’t it? Make sure you don’t catch a cold.”
Muku: Yeah, thanks, Ju-chan!
Izumi: (Muku-kun and Juza-kun’s conversation is heartwarming as usual…)
Banri: Ugh, why do I have to look at his face over the phone?
Juza: “Haah? You’re the one who looked in the first place.”
Banri: You’re the one who came into my view without me askin’.
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Sakuya: Ahwah, Banri-kun, Juza-kun, calm down.
Banri: You better not have made a mess on my side of the room just ‘cause I wasn’t there. I ain’t forgivin’ ya if I find candy wrappers ‘n shit all over the place.
Juza: “Stop draggin’ everyone over there down with ya.”
Banri: The fuck…!?
Tasuku: Ugh, here they go…
Masumi: Even across the ocean, they’re still the same.
Muku: Awahhwah…!
Izumi: How about you hang up now, Muku-kun!
Guy: That would be for the best.
Muku: R-Right! Bye, everyone!
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